English language

A people belonging to the Indo-European language group. The origin of the Indo-Europeans and their settlement in the light of archaeological data. Linguistic contacts of Proto-Indo-Europeans

The largest unit of classification of peoples (ethnic groups) on the basis of their linguistic kinship, the common origin of their languages ​​from the presumed base language. Language families are divided into language groups. The largest in number is... ... Financial Dictionary

The largest unit of classification of peoples based on linguistic proximity. The biggest I" p. Indo-European, the languages ​​of this family are used by 2.5 billion people. It includes Romance, Germanic, Slavic and other language groups. In the second... ... Geographical encyclopedia

Indo-Germanic language family- 1. name, previously used instead of the international term “Indo-European family of languages”; sometimes still used in it. linguistics. 2. In addition to approximately 15 languages ​​and groups of languages, it also includes Greek. and lat... Dictionary of Antiquity

Indo-European Taxon: family Homeland: Indo-European areas Centum (blue) and Satem (red). The presumed source area of ​​satemization is shown in bright red. Habitat: the whole world... Wikipedia

Indo-European Taxon: family Homeland: Indo-European areas Centum (blue) and Satem (red). The presumed source area of ​​satemization is shown in bright red. Habitat: the whole world... Wikipedia

Linguistic taxonomy is an auxiliary discipline that helps to organize the objects studied by linguistics: languages, dialects and groups of languages. The result of this ordering is also called the taxonomy of languages. The basis of taxonomy... ... Wikipedia

Linguistic taxonomy is an auxiliary discipline that helps to organize the objects studied by linguistics: languages, dialects and groups of languages. The result of this ordering is also called the taxonomy of languages. The taxonomy of languages ​​is based on... ... Wikipedia

Linguistic taxonomy is an auxiliary discipline that helps to organize the objects studied by linguistics: languages, dialects and groups of languages. The result of this ordering is also called the taxonomy of languages. The taxonomy of languages ​​is based on... ... Wikipedia

As you can see, this includes both European and Asian ethnic groups. The widespread kurgan hypothesis suggests that in the 5th-4th millennia BC, the ancestors of the Indo-Europeans inhabited the territory of the Northern Black Sea region between the Dnieper and Volga rivers - the steppe regions of modern eastern Ukraine and southern Russia. They led a semi-nomadic lifestyle and belonged to the so-called Sredny Stog, Samara and Yamnaya cultures. In the Bronze Age, Indo-European tribes began to migrate intensively to various regions, which led to linguistic assimilation with the indigenous population of these regions. This is why modern speakers of Indo-European languages ​​differ so much in their racial and anthropological type.

There is also the so-called Anatolian hypothesis. In 1977, archaeologist A. Colin Renfrew from Cambridge suggested that the proto-language was spoken by the first farmers who lived in Anatolia (the territory of modern Turkey). Sometime around the 6th century BC they moved northwest into Greece and the Balkans, and from there to Romania, Ukraine and Russia, where they first established settlements. This explains why some Indo-European words sound similar to words from the Semitic languages ​​of the Middle East (Arabic, Hebrew, etc.) and non-Indo-European languages ​​of the Caucasus (for example, Chechen and Georgian).

Thus, the Indo-Europeans are exclusively a linguistic, and not an ethnic community. A study of DNA markers has shown that peoples speaking similar languages ​​do not always have many genes in common.

Civilization arose in the 81st century. back.

Civilization stopped in the 30th century. back.

All peoples whose languages ​​originate from the single language of the Aryans are called Indo-European civilization. The Indo-European community begins to take shape in the era of the New Stone Age, the Neolithic (VI - IV millennium BC). It was a community of tribes with related roots and similar languages. Indo-European peoples formed in an area covering the South Caucasus, Upper Mesopotamia and Eastern Anatolia.

After the completion of migration movements to the south and west, due to the shift in favorable climatic zones for farming, the Indo-European civilizational community was torn into local components, which continued their civilizational path on the basis of symbiosis with preserved local sociocults, waiting for the next surge in migration dynamics.


PThe problem of the ancestral homeland of the Indo-Europeans has not been resolved to this day. The most convincing hypothesis is that the Indo-European peoples formed in the area covering the South Caucasus, Upper Mesopotamia and Eastern Anatolia. In the 4th millennium BC. Some of these peoples (including the Hittites) advanced into Asia Minor, while others moved through the Caucasus into the steppes from the Volga region to the Northern Black Sea region.

ABOUTFrom there these tribes moved to the Iranian plateau and (the Aryans themselves) further to India. A small group may have split off westward and apparently provided the Mitanni kingdom with a ruling dynasty and war chariot technology. Modern scientists view the migration of Indo-Europeans not as a total expansion (except, perhaps, the conquest of India), but as the movement of languages, the speakers of which influenced the local population.

Linguists believe that the Indo-European linguistic and cultural community was formed in the region of Western Asia and the Mediterranean no later than the 4th millennium BC.

ABOUTLinguists assign a special role in the formation of the reconstructed protoculture to the Anatolian tribes that lived on the territory of Asia Minor during the era of the Hittite kingdom (i.e. before the fall of Troy). At the same time, they do not deny that before this, Indo-Europeans could have lived in other regions.

INoutstanding linguist and ideologist of Eurasianism, Prince. N. Trubetskoy, who was critical of the theory of a single proto-language, used the concept of “Indo-Europeans” (it was born in the offices of scientists of the 19th century) exclusively in a linguistic sense. By him he did not mean some abstract or historical community of tribes, but people of different times and peoples speaking different languages ​​of the so-called “Indo-European family.”

IN.A. Safronov believes that it is hardly possible to talk about a single source of origin of the white race. Indo-European civilization, in his opinion, developed simultaneously in at least three regions: Asia Minor, the Balkans and Central Europe. Based on archaeological discoveries of recent decades, Safronov traces the ancient migrations of the Indo-Aryans, Indo-Iranians, Proto-Hittites and Proto-Greeks, starting from the 7th millennium BC.

PThe entry of Indo-Europeans into Eastern Europe occurred at the end. IV - beginning III millennium BC, the identification of the Slavs themselves is unlikely earlier than the II millennium BC: nothing is known about any contacts of the Slavs with the Achaean peoples. The first reliable information about the Slavs came to us from Tacitus in the 1st century. AD (attempts to discover the Slavs among the Scythian tribes named by Herodotus are unconvincing).

TOIndo-Europeans include many ancient and modern peoples: Armenians, Balts, Germans, Greeks, Illyrians, Indians, Iranians, Italics, Celts, Slavs, Tocharians, Thracians, Phrygians, Hittites.

PAt the same time, the Balts include modern Latvians and Lithuanians, as well as the disappeared Prussians and some other ethnic groups, modern Germanic peoples are the Austrians, English, Danes, Dutch, Icelanders, Germans, Norwegians, Frisians, Swedes, Faroese, extinct Goths and other disappeared ancient Germanic tribes.

ANDPersians, Mazandarans, Gilyans, Kurds, Baluchis, Ossetians, Tajiks, Pamir Tajiks (Yazgulyam, Rushany, Bartang, Shugnan, Sarykolt, Yazgulyam, Wakhan, Ishkashim, Munjan and Yidga), Talysh are of Ran origin.

TOThe Italians included the Latins (part of which were the Romans, from whose language the Romance languages ​​come, including Italian, French, Provençal, Romansh, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian, Moldavian), Osci and Umbrians.

PThe descendants of the Celts are the Scots, Irish, Bretons, Welsh, etc.

TOSlavs include modern Belarusians, Bulgarians, Sorbians, Macedonians, Poles, Russians, Serbs, Slovenes, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Croats, Czechs, as well as the currently Germanized and Polonized Polabian and Pomeranian Slavs.

PThe descendants of the Illyrians or Thracians may be the modern Albanians.

Pabout the theory, which, in particular, was supported by S. Starostin, Indo-European languages ​​belong to the macrofamily of Nostratic languages.

MThe models of origin of the Indo-Europeans can be divided into European and Asian. Among the European ones, the Kurgan hypothesis, the most widespread among linguists and archaeologists, suggests that the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans was the territory of the Northern Black Sea region between the Dnieper and Volga rivers, and they themselves were a semi-nomadic population of the steppe regions of modern eastern Ukraine and southern Russia, who lived in these places in the 5th-4th millennium BC e. The populations belonging to the Sredny Stog, Samara and Yamnaya cultures are usually identified with the ancestors of the Indo-Europeans. Subsequently, in connection with the transition of these tribes to the Bronze Age and the domestication of the horse, intensive migrations of Indo-European tribes began in various directions. At the same time, linguistic assimilation by the Indo-Europeans of the local pre-Indo-European population took place (see Old Europe), which led to the fact that modern speakers of Indo-European languages ​​differ significantly in racial and anthropological type.

INera of the Greats geographical discoveries and the subsequent massive European colonization, Indo-European languages ​​spread to America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and other areas, and, due to Russian colonization, significantly expanded their range in Asia (in which they were quite widely represented before this era).

Dother hypotheses are:

Anatolian (Russell Gray and Quentin Atkinson),

Armenian (Anatolian variant: Vyach. Vs. Ivanov and T. V. Gamkrelidze),

Balkanskaya (V. A. Safronov),

Indian (supporters of Indian nationalism).

XAlthough nowadays the Indo-Europeans are classified on the basis of language, 5 thousand years ago they were a group of genetically related peoples. A marker of Indo-European origin may be the R1a haplogroup on the Y chromosome in men (however, there are serious doubts about this, since according to the mutation rate of the Y chromosomes, the R1a mutation arose more than 10 thousand years ago, which is much earlier than the spread of the proto-European origin). Indo-Europeans).

NThe greatest variability of the R1a marker is found in Eastern Ukraine and Southern Russia, which may indicate the greatest antiquity of its distribution in this region.


INDO-EUROPEANS, Indo-Europeans, units. Indo-European, Indo-European, husband. Nationalities, nations speaking Indo-European languages. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

INDO-EUROPEANS, ev, units. eets, eitsa, husband. Common name ancestral tribes modern peoples speaking languages ​​of the Indo-European family. | adj. Indo-European, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Indo-Europeans- INDO-EUROPEANS, ev, pl (ed Indo-European, eytsa, m). The general name of the tribes of the ancestors of peoples speaking languages ​​of the Indo-European family of languages; people belonging to this group of tribes. The Indo-Europeans spoke the ancient languages ​​of Asia and Europe, to which... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

Mn. The peoples of Europe, Western Asia, and Hindustan, speaking related languages. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

Indo-Europeans- Indo-Europeans, ev, units. h. eets, eitsa, creation. p. eyets... Russian spelling dictionary

Indo-Europeans- (English Indo Europeans), language family, the origin of which is apparently connected with the steppes. Indo-European languages ​​spread widely during the migration of peoples of the 2nd millennium BC. in Europe, as well as in Iran, India, temporarily also... Archaeological Dictionary

Indo-Europeans Indo-European languages ​​Anatolian · Albanian Armenian · Baltic · Venetian Germanic · Illyrian Aryan: Nuristanian, Iranian, Indo-Aryan... Wikipedia

Indo-Europeans Indo-European languages ​​Albanian · Armenian Baltic · Celtic Germanic · Greek Indo-Iranian · Romance Italic · Slavic Dead: Anatolian · Paleo-Balkan ... Wikipedia

Indo-Europeans Indo-European languages ​​Anatolian · Albanian Armenian · Baltic · Venetian Germanic · Illyrian Aryan: Nuristanian, Iranian, Indo-Aryan... Wikipedia


  • Indo-Europeans, O. Schrader. We present to the attention of readers a book by the famous German linguist and historian Otto Schrader, the purpose of which the author saw was to bring together all the scientific information in the field...
  • Indo-Europeans, Schrader O.. Readers are invited to a book by the famous German linguist and historian Otto Schrader (1855-1919), the purpose of which the author saw was to bring together all the scientific information in the field...