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Weight loss according to the method of Dr. Bormental. Weight loss rules according to Dr. Bormental Weight loss according to Dr. Bormental

Dr. Bormenthal's author's diet was developed by specialists and based on numerous studies. She explains the process of losing weight scientifically. This and the guaranteed result, which is usually calculated in dozens of dropped kilograms, makes it very popular. It is one of the few methods built on the elimination of the psychological factors of excess weight, where nutrition plays a secondary role.

Scientific background

In 1992, psychotherapists M. A. Gavrilov and A. V. Bobrovsky began an active study of the psychology of overweight people. For several years, they tested various techniques for correcting eating habits, conducted scientific research and eventually developed a system of education on how to maintain the achieved results after losing weight.

In 2001, they patented and began to conduct sessions of psycho-correction of excess weight, published the book “How to Conquer Appetite”, opened the first in Russia stationary center “Doctor Bormental” (this is the main character of M. A. Bulgakov’s story “Heart of a Dog”).

In 2003, Gavrilov, Bobrovsky and another psychotherapist, V. V. Romatsky, developed a diet called the center and described in detail in the books “An Effective Weight Loss Program in 7 Days” and “How to Lose Weight and Maintain Slimness”. Its main principle of action is getting rid of and correcting food habits and diet. The new power system was approved by the St. Petersburg NIPI. V. M. Bekhtereva.

Since then, the Bormental diet has been constantly adjusted based on the results of ongoing research and in accordance with the realities of modern reality. All innovations are presented in additional books: A. Bobrovsky "Modern methods of weight loss" (2004), A. V. Kondrashov "Diet Doctor Bormental - the best modern method of losing weight in Russia", "Surrender and become slim" (2008), etc.

Today, training centers in large cities train specialists for the psycho-correction of excess weight with the help of a nutrition system.

Basic principles

According to the developers of the methodology, a person must first of all realize the reason for overeating and understand that it has nothing to do with food. It can be fear, worries, stresses with which you need to go to a psychotherapist and get rid of them. In parallel, it is recommended to start compiling a new diet. The basic principles of the Bormental diet boil down to the following points.

calorie counting

With a sedentary lifestyle, the daily calorie intake is reduced to 800-1,000 kcal, with moderate activity - up to 1,200, with intensive sports - up to 1,500. During illness, the bar rises by 200 kcal.

Everything that is eaten is recorded daily in a diary with calorie counting to correct the diet and work on mistakes.

For convenience, the specialists of the center have developed the most commonly used products. It is advisable to print them and keep them in sight when compiling the menu.


A feature of the diet is the permission to eat absolutely any food. The main rule is not to exceed the daily caloric intake. And here everyone chooses for himself: eat half a kilo of beef brisket or more than one and a half kilograms of bananas per day for his thousand calories.

This approach eliminates breakdowns and constant thoughts about the forbidden. Wanted a cake or french fries - satisfy the desire. True, the portion sizes will be minimal, but the taste buds will get their own, the production of endorphins will increase, which will make you not think about hunger.

  1. Nutrition should be fractional: often, but not enough.
  2. The intervals between meals are at least 3 hours and no more than 5.
  3. Breakfast - half an hour after waking up; dinner - 4 hours before bedtime.
  4. The distribution of daily calories: breakfast - 30%, lunch - 10%, lunch - 40%, afternoon tea - 10%, dinner - 10%.
  5. Protein foods () must be present at every meal.
  6. Be sure to eat hot meals to prolong saturation.
  7. Sweets are best for breakfast.
  8. The basis of the diet is natural vegetables and fruits.


Dr. Bormental's diet is a long-term method of losing weight. It is observed until the weight returns to normal. Therefore, it is useless to sit on it for those who need to lose only 5-6 kg. It was originally developed for those who are on the verge of obesity or are already suffering from it.

The minimum course is 14 days, for which it is realistic to lose 10 kg. The best option is a month, and then, if the results are achieved, the daily calorie bar is increased by 200 kcal every month to stabilize and maintain weight. Throughout the weight loss, active work is carried out with psychotherapists.


Too low daily calorie content does not allow everyone to use the weight loss diet. Contraindications are:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • age up to 18 and after 60;
  • infections;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • diabetes;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • mental disorders;
  • heart problems, condition after a heart attack or stroke;
  • oncology;
  • professional sports.

It is not recommended to switch to Dr. Bormental's nutrition system without consulting with specialists.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • an integrated approach to eliminating excess weight;
  • impressive results: minus 1-3 kg for each week of the diet;
  • variety and balance of the diet: no food bans;
  • development of correct eating behavior;
  • comfortable psychological mood;
  • minimal risk of failure.


  • individual are not taken into account;
  • difficult to combine with intense sports training;
  • constant calorie counting requires eating mostly at home;
  • too low a daily calorie intake of 800-1000 kcal can be harmful to health: with such a diet, dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, a general decrease in efficiency, weakened immunity, anemia and other side effects are not uncommon;
  • intensive weight loss threatens with sagging skin, muscle flaccidity and loss of physical tone;
  • it is difficult to control appetite - especially on holidays;
  • with prolonged dieting, weight may at some point stand in one place and not decrease.

During the day you need to drink plain water (from one and a half liters or more). But psychotherapists of the Doctor Bormental center do not recommend replacing meals with it and drowning out hunger. After eating, it is allowed to drink hot tea to prolong the feeling of satiety.

It is better to abandon high-calorie foods in favor of low-calorie ones in order to make the diet more varied. And minimize the use of hot spices, sweeteners, alcoholic and carbonated drinks that stimulate the appetite. You only need to eat what you like, otherwise there will be no benefit.

To get faster results, it is recommended to arrange other fasting days a couple of times a week.

Hunger is the signals of the stomach to the brain, physiology. There is only a need for these "calls". Appetite is born in thoughts, under the influence of mood. He cannot be succumbed.

There will be no benefit from exhausting workouts. It is better to replace morning jogging with walking in the evenings, and simulators with 15-minute exercises. Otherwise, due to a low-calorie diet, exhaustion cannot be avoided.

If you are planning, take care in advance to prevent skin flabbiness. Use anti-cellulite creams, do wraps, sign up for a massage.

The Bormental diet involves mandatory consultations with a psychotherapist who will help determine the causes of excess weight and find motivation. The risk of relapse can be reduced by enlisting the understanding of friends, family and like-minded people. Moral support within the framework of this technique is of great importance for the process of losing weight.

Great, if you have the opportunity to contact one of the Doctor Bormental clinics. They will provide information assistance, orient in the preparation of the menu. You can use Internet resources where training for a special program is conducted online. The course is paid and is designed for six months.


Specialists of the Doctor Bormental Center offer their patients ready-made menus scheduled for each day, indicating the calories of dishes in order to save time on calculations.

The proposed option is designed for only a week, but using its example, you can easily make a diet for a longer period, focusing on personal taste preferences. Sample menu and help.


The calorie content of each recipe is indicated per 100 g of the dish.

Stew with vegetables and mushrooms (100 kcal)

  • 300 g cabbage (preferably white cabbage);
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 3 sweet peppers;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 200 g boiled white mushrooms;
  • 15 g 10% sour cream;
  • 2 garlic cloves;

Cut the tomatoes into slices, saute with mushrooms in a pan for 5-6 minutes. Chop cabbage, finely grate carrots, send to tomatoes and mushrooms. Simmer covered for half an hour. Cut onion and pepper into rings. Add to bulk. Cook another 15 min. Salt. Leave for half an hour. Before serving, season with sour cream with chopped garlic.

Boyar meat (117 kcal)

  • 20 ml of olive oil;
  • 4 bulbs;
  • 300 g chicken breast;
  • 150 g of mushrooms (an excellent option is champignons);
  • 200 g of tomatoes;
  • 70 g low-calorie mayonnaise;
  • 150 g low-calorie cheese.

Pour the oil on a baking sheet, put the chopped onion in the bottom layer. On it - thin plates of breast, then champignons. The last are tomatoes, cut into circles. Top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 45 minutes.

Eggplant soup (60 kcal)

  • One and a half liters of water;
  • 150 g eggplant;
  • 100 g canned red beans;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • olive oil for passivation.

Cut the potatoes into bars, lower simultaneously with the beans in boiling water. Boil for half an hour. Grind carrots, onions and eggplant, sauté until soft. Pour into a saucepan. Cook for another half hour.

Salad "Uganda" (128 kcal)

  • 4 bananas;
  • 100 ml of 20% cream;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 50 g iceberg lettuce;
  • 50 g of ham;
  • 30 g raisins;
  • 30 g oatmeal.

Soak raisins overnight. Cut bananas into circles, mix with cereal, raisins and chopped ham. Whip cream with lemon zest in a blender. Pour dressing over salad, leave for half an hour. Serve on Iceberg.


After you lose the required number of kilograms, another task is set - to stabilize the weight so that it does not return. For this you need:

  • monthly increase the daily calorie content of the diet by 200 kcal, bringing it to the desired level (calculated individually);
  • continue to eat according to the rules of the Bormental diet (fractionally, without prohibitions, but in small portions);
  • to not allow ;
  • cope with the psychological causes that can lead to weight gain;
  • exercise.

To start the process of losing weight and lose extra pounds, you can resort to a variety of methods. An excellent option is psychological training for weight loss, the passage of which is a pleasure - a well-organized course will help you lose weight and make your body attractive. Regardless of whether these weight loss courses are held in Moscow, St. Petersburg or some other city, their content will help you get in the right mood.

Psychology and weight loss

Psychological help in losing weight is almost the only way out of a situation where there is neither the strength nor the right mood to cope with excess weight. Very often, people who direct all their efforts to weight loss despair at a certain stage of their long journey and, due to moral fatigue, simply stray from it. This is followed by a new weight gain. We must not forget that the main thing in losing weight is not diets, fasting, sports or some kind of “miracle” pill, but the head! The body is completely subordinate to the commands of the brain.

Attending special trainings will help to change the way of thinking and get rid of stereotypes. It is necessary to understand that hunger is a relative concept, especially for the normal functioning of the body of food, not very much is needed. To make the body slim, you need to give up diets and listen to your body, the main thing is not to overeat when satisfying your hunger! Try not to think too much about food - more walks, hikes, socializing, etc.

What is psychological training

The psychology of losing weight will allow you to achieve the desired result by attending special trainings. With a competent attitude, with their help, you can set your body in a positive way and achieve the previously set goal - to get rid of excess weight and stop constantly opening the refrigerator. Even a simple diet with a varied menu after a course of lectures will bring you excellent success. At psycho-training sessions, clients learn to overcome the fear of losing weight and perceive low-calorie nutrition in the form of a festive menu.

The basis of any psychological training is positive thinking, which can help launch all the mechanisms that are needed to improve the absorption of food and normalize metabolism. It turns out that, simply by being in a positive psychological mood, people change their physical shell. You can even tune in to the necessary thoughts with the help of visual aids.

System-vector psychology has gained some distribution, which will explain that there is a category of people who, by nature, can naturally limit themselves in nutrition, giving preference to healthy products. To enjoy the diet, you need to agree to the training of your choice. Only if it is available, lectures with practice will bring the desired result, and you will increase your psychological level.


Before you start attending psycho-trainings for men and women, you will need to prepare for them. Be sure to set a goal. In order not to uselessly torture yourself by attending sessions, keep in mind that without a strong desire to lose weight, this technique will become a waste of time for you. In addition, if the problem lies in the so-called. problem areas, then the thought of weight loss and a positive psychological attitude will not help to cope with it. In this case, you can not do without physical activity.

How does group training work?

Psychological training is a special form of training aimed at acquiring attitudes and skills with their subsequent consolidation in practice. It involves the active inclusion of everyone who wants to lose weight in the overall process. Since a person is a social being, the process of losing weight and setting the right thought together with other people with similar problems is easier. In group training, the presence of a psychologist is important, under whose guidance the participants open up for communication and overcome constraints and complexes.

Weight loss settings

The purpose of psychological training is to free a person from food addiction and set him up in a positive way for effective weight loss with a lasting weight loss effect. For harmony, you need to create a mental setting “Are you ready to lose weight today? Let's start?" Be sure to mentally cleanse yourself of any negative attitudes and beliefs about your body. Meditations are very successfully used in psychological trainings, for which there are requirements:

  • Clothing should have a free cut and be made of natural material.
  • The room should be bright with fresh air, large windows, and the atmosphere should be calm and conducive to self-immersion.
  • The stomach should not be weighed down by a recent meal, and in the blood - there should be no nicotine, alcohol and other toxic substances.
  • A person must necessarily have the desire to go through the procedure of meditation.

You can achieve victory over extra pounds by making your figure beautiful with the help of a diet, learn to control your weight and join healthy nutrition, with the help of the right motivation. Thanks to her, you will enjoy the diet, and together with the training room, you will achieve the desired result much easier. You can change your behavior, diet by finding motivation, guided by the advice of psychologists:

  • Think through your dream in vivid detail, imagine how interesting and happy you will live after losing weight.
  • In the morning and/or evening, tell yourself how good a slim life will be.
  • Visualize yourself with a slim figure, or just imagine yourself losing weight.
  • Looking in the mirror, convince yourself that you deserve a bright life full of pleasure.

Training for weight loss from Galina Grossman

The promotion of a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) has firmly entered the modern reality. The knowledge and ideas that can be gained by reading books or attending special lectures can help you cope with those extra pounds. If you are looking for any well-known weight loss training, then pay attention to the method of Galina Grossman. She offers energy sessions that trigger complex hormonal processes. The sensory organs that transmit signals to the brain are considered to be the receiver of such influences.

If the signals are purposeful, then the body begins to switch to internal nutrition, due to which the feeling of hunger disappears, weight begins to decrease. This is the purpose of Galina Grossmann's sessions. Weight loss begins to occur due to a decrease in fat stores - it is clear that there are mechanisms in the body that help support further weight loss. To maintain the energy of losing weight, you need to maintain an optimistic mindset.

Books for weight loss psychological

Before joining a group with psychological training, check out a few useful books. Treatises on various diets and weight loss have been written in abundance, so you can easily open a thematic library. There are not so many books on the psychology of a slender person yet, among them the following popular options can be distinguished:

  • Allen Carr "Easy way to lose weight."
  • M. Gavrilov, S. Dremov, A. Bobrovsky "An effective weight loss program in 7 days."
  • Lee Janogly "Only Fat Men Don't Eat Breakfast"
  • Mireille Guiliano Why don't French women get fat?
  • Lissy Moussa "Let's make a figure out of a carcass."

Results after training

Psychological training for weight loss brings different results, because. it all depends on the willpower, desire and perseverance of each course participant. Training according to some methods helps to lose an average of 10 kg in 2 months without exhausting diets and training, according to others - weight loss is within 4-10 kg per month. In any case, psychological measures will help:

  • get motivated;
  • reduce food addiction;
  • activate processes that reduce weight;
  • normalize eating behavior.


Developing a new weight correction system, a team of scientists set themselves the goal of finding a way to comfortable weight loss without prohibitions. The solution was found due to a non - standard approach to the problem .

Instead of directly fighting the visible result - body fat, the authors of the method of Dr. Bormenthal directed their efforts to eradicate the causes of excess weight, embedded in the human subconscious.

Today, Dr. Bormenthal's clinic has offices in more than a hundred cities in all regions of Russia and neighboring countries. Patented specialists work in weight loss centers, and not only in the field of nutrition, but also in cosmetology, physiotherapy, endocrinology, who invariably deserve positive feedback from patients of the “Dr. Bormental” method.

Dr. Bormental: weight loss in three stages

Preparation period. The first visit of a client to the clinic of Dr. Bormenthal is no less important than the subsequent treatment. Already when meeting with a future patient, work begins on his weight.

First of all, the specialists of the Doctor Bormental center provide him with all the necessary information about the essence of the method, answer questions and conduct preliminary studies. Their goal is not only to find out the degree of obesity, but also to determine the general health of the client, because for some diseases the use of the Bormental method is contraindicated.

Also, at the initial consultation, the causes of overweight are determined, the main of which, according to the specialists of the Bormental centers, are:

  • overeating caused by psychological factors;
  • long-term errors in nutrition and unhealthy habits;
  • pathological causes caused by certain diseases.

Stepping on the weight. The weight loss cycle according to the method of Dr. Bormenthal includes both individual and group classes, in which more than two dozen psychological techniques and trainings are consistently applied, aimed at:

  • painless elimination of the causes of excess weight;
  • reinforcing the patient's new eating habits;
  • teaching a healthy diet;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • decreased appetite and reduced stomach capacity.

Counting kilocalories. Limiting the total number of calories from food helps to speed up the process of getting rid of extra pounds and keep the result achieved for a long time.

Dr. Bormenthal bases weight loss on strict adherence to the so-called calorie corridor, equal to 1000-1200 kcal. Going beyond these limits is not recommended. At the same time, Bormental's diet does not provide for any restrictions regarding the range of products included in the daily menu.

Psychocorrection against excess weight

The main feature of the Bormental method is the use of unique psychological techniques that have repeatedly proven their effectiveness over 19 years of experience in weight loss centers.

The specialists of Dr. Bormental's clinic conduct a complex attack on weight using neurolinguistic developments, breathing exercises, and meditation practice. At the same time, Bormental does not use either hypnosis or coding. Weight loss is achieved by carefully working with the patient's mind and awakening his willpower in the process of group trainings and individual consultations.

After the first lesson, from 2 to 5 kg of excess weight goes away. In the future, the rate of weight loss slows down somewhat, but continues to be about 10 kg per month.

Dr. Bormental recommends completing a mandatory course of five sessions, including 25 hours of work with qualified specialists, supplementing them with various physiotherapy, wellness and cosmetic sessions that will help consolidate the result and maintain optimal shape.

  • First lesson. On it, psychotherapists teach the patient how to control appetite, carry out work aimed at activating his metabolic processes and, as a result, initiate the transition to the stage of weight loss.
  • Second lesson. It is dedicated to the discussion of the difficulties that arise in the process of losing weight, and the joint search for ways to resolve them. Those who are systematically losing weight are led to the idea that they themselves are able to manage their needs and they are able to keep from overeating. The specialists of Dr. Bormenthal's clinic teach patients the techniques of relaxation and proper breathing.
  • Third lesson. Its purpose is to work with the leading self-esteem of the members of the group, the formation of their strong motivation to lose weight. Great importance in the training is given to the correct diet, both on ordinary days and during various celebrations.
  • Fourth lesson. Dr. Bormenthal dedicates it to developing the skills of self-supporting weight maintenance in patients on a given bar. Getting rid of the psychological dependence on food, the specialists of the center teach those who are losing weight to look for other ways to get positive emotions.
  • Fifth lesson. After a month of communication with the psychologists of the Doctor Bormental clinic, weight loss is steadily gaining momentum, and patients can evaluate the visible result of psychocorrection. At this time, a final lesson is held, at which the results are summed up and recommendations are given on the future lifestyle and nutrition.

In the future, Bormental's client can apply to the center for support and advice an unlimited number of times, and the clinic's specialists continue to monitor his achievements in the fight against excess weight. If necessary, they also make changes to the individual weight loss plan.

Dr. Bormental's diet: basic rules

  1. , filling out a food diary, carefully weighing products should become a daily habit.
  2. On the day, Dr. Bormental allows you to consume from 1000 to 1200 (when doing physical labor 1600) kcal.
  3. In the daily menu, one third of the diet must necessarily fall on protein foods: meat, fish, cheese, eggs, etc.
  4. Drink a glass of clean water 30 minutes before meals.
  5. Stop fasting completely.
  6. Eat often and in small portions at any time of the day.
  7. Take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  8. Do not use artificial sugar substitutes.
  9. You can eat whatever you want, provided that the daily diet will fit into the calorie corridor.
  10. Bormental advises to give preference to hot food and not to forget about soups.

Dr. Bormenthal about sports

Unlike many methods of losing weight, Bormenthal does not place excessive importance on physical activity and does not recommend his patients torturing themselves for hours in gyms and fitness workouts.

The authors of the system are confident that when following Dr. Bormenthal's low-calorie diet, intense strength and cardio loads only stimulate appetite and raise the calorie bar, increasing the body's need for energy.

In addition, patients who are unaccustomed to sports may experience negative emotions and even stress when trying to switch to a new training regimen for themselves.

This fact completely contradicts the main doctrine of Dr. Bormenthal - "weight loss with comfort and without restrictions." Therefore, the best option for those who lose weight according to this system is gentle physical activity, for example, leisurely walks, supplemented by regular sessions of anti-cellulite massage and general strengthening physiotherapy.

Dr. Bormental: reviews of losing weight

The high popularity of the Bormental technique can be judged at least by the number of branches of this clinic, which every year master new cities in Russia. These modern weight loss centers do not lack clients, in addition, the authors of Bormental publish books about their methodology for those who wish to lose weight on their own. Many of those who, with the help of Bormental, were able to adjust their weight are happy to share their impressions on forums and in print media, and appear on television programs.

Most of the good reviews come down to the following:

  • the weight actually goes away, and in tens of kilograms, and does not come back;
  • weight loss occurs without any violence against the body in the form of hunger strikes, taking special drugs and exhausting workouts;
  • on the diet of Dr. Bormental, you can eat any food, subject to the calorie corridor;
  • of great importance is the psychological support of the specialists of the center, their constant monitoring of the process of losing weight, the state of health and the emotional background of the patient;
  • losing weight for the company is more fun and easier, which is proved by Bormental's group trainings.

Dr. Bormental also has opponents, citing as an example the objective disadvantages of the method:

  • a full-fledged weight loss course at Dr. Bormental's clinic cannot be called cheap, so not everyone can afford such expenses;
  • a severe restriction in the number of calories in the diet makes the diet unbalanced, and for a certain category of people even dangerous;
  • the Bormental method is designed for a narrow circle of potential clients, consisting mostly of overweight middle-aged women leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • regular calorie counting and keeping a food diary for many becomes a burdensome duty, fraught with breakdowns and refusal to diet;
  • Bormenthal's low assessment of the role of physical education in terms of losing weight and maintaining health is not welcomed by sports fans.

The Bormental method is a psycho-correction of excess weight, in which 25 special techniques are involved. Thanks to them, there is a decrease in appetite, a stable motivation for losing weight is formed, food addiction is eliminated, metabolic processes are activated, and the volume of the stomach decreases.

Turning to the clinic, a person is tested, where the causes of overweight and general health are clarified. Then he receives a special instruction and begins to attend group, individual training sessions.

All activities for the development of eating behavior function in a complex and complement each other. Moreover, each subsequent technique enhances the result of the previous one.

Losing weight fast doesn't mean it's hard

Training sessions based on the Bormenthal method teach the skills of a balanced diet, focus on breathing exercises and focus on an independent desire to lose weight.

Initially, specialists calculate the calorie corridor, then all difficulties are fixed and discussed. At the end of the course, the person continues to be under the supervision of a psychologist who controls his motivation and helps to deal with breakdowns.

Thus, the main task of the clinic is:

  • discovery of hidden psychological problems that prevent a person from feeling relaxed;
  • determining the causes of overweight.

Weight loss according to the Bormental method

The course of weight correction according to the Bormental method includes 25 hours of training, which are divided into several types of classes:

Lessons of the 1st type.

At the first stage, the psychologist tries to "transfer" a person from the mode of accumulation of fat to the mode of spending it. This is how the foundations of proper eating behavior are formed, metabolism improves, and an imaginary feeling of hunger is suppressed.

Classes 2 types.

The basics of breathing exercises are involved, and the ability to distinguish between a real feeling of hunger and an imaginary one is also instilled.

Classes 3 types.

There is a transition to a different mode of nutrition due to:

  • the formation of the belief that pleasure is not only about eating food;
  • muscle clamps are removed.

Classes 4 types.

At this stage, the formation and development of independence in human actions takes place.

Subsequent lessons.

Assume the consolidation of previously formed skills of rational, balanced nutrition and a certain system of thinking.

Nutrition principles of Dr. Bormenthal

  • daily it is necessary to take a multivitamin complex;
  • 1/3 of the daily food intake should be protein;
  • it is forbidden to starve and skip meals;
  • before eating (about 30 minutes) you need to drink a glass of water;
  • every day you should use hepatoprotectors that protect the liver and are the prevention of fatty cirrhosis;
  • for normal digestion, it is necessary to ensure the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (30 ml of unrefined olive oil, 20 g of oily fish, etc.);
  • the use of alcohol is prohibited;
  • physical activity in moderation is useful;
  • sweeteners are not recommended for use;
  • one should strive for one meal to combine 4 taste sensations: sour, bitter, salty, sweet;
  • careful calculation of the calorie content of products is necessary;
  • fruits should be treated as a treat and eat them half an hour before a meal;
  • carbohydrates that are easily digested, it is better to eat in the morning;
  • it is advisable to always have a glucose tablet or a piece of sugar with you to prevent fainting;
  • it is better to eat, "jumping" along the corridor, namely 2-3 days along the lower border, 2-3 days along the upper one;
  • Dr. Bormenthal's method allows daily intake of 800-1000 kcal - it all depends on lifestyle. At the same time, you can eat everything, the only condition is the presence of animal lean protein in the diet;
  • foods that have a "ballast" calorie content (fruits, yogurts, juices, kefir, etc.) saturate the body very weakly, so it is better to eat a sandwich, and not juice with an apple;
  • eat hot food as often as possible;
  • in the process of losing weight, it is appropriate to use massage and physiotherapy procedures;
  • with a long step in reducing body weight, you can try to make a protein zigzag, namely, add 200 kcal to the upper limit of the corridor due to poultry meat, fish and cottage cheese. It is necessary to eat like this for 2-3 days, then go along the lower border for 2-3 days. Continue in normal mode.

Effective Bormental diet or how to just lose weight

The result of weight correction according to the Bormental method largely depends on the motivation and desire of the client himself. So, it is easier to cope with this problem for those who went to the clinic at an early stage of psychological dependence on food.


  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • breastfeeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases;
  • persons under 18 years old, old age from 60 and more;
  • this technique is not recommended for athletes.

Dr. Bormenthal's Method: Advantages and Disadvantages

  • sometimes it is permissible to feast on your favorite ingredients;
  • literacy of specialists working with each patient;
  • effective result.
  • the diet is not balanced;
  • individual features of exchange processes are not taken into account;
  • can lead to bulimia and anorexia.

And remember that you are not on a temporary diet - you are changing your own lifestyle and developing a new system of eating behavior.

If you indulge yourself with delicious, when sad or anxious, you can gain weight. Bormental's diet teaches you to eat right and cope with stress without consequences for the figure. Find out how and lose weight forever!

The Bormental diet was created back in 2001 by a group of nutritionists and psychotherapists led by Valery Romatsky, Candidate of Medical Sciences. And Dr. Bormental is just a character in Bulgakov's play Heart of a Dog. In honor of him, this method of losing weight got its name.


As a result of the diet, many useful skills are acquired:

  1. Motivation to lose weight is formed and strengthened.
  2. The patient begins to distinguish when he really feels hungry, and when he just wants to chew something because there is nothing to do or "for the company", or to drown out negative emotions.
  3. Metabolic processes are normalized.
  4. A person gets acquainted with the concept of "calorie content corridor". Learns the basics of rational nutrition. What foods and how much to eat in order to avoid oversaturation.
  5. It comes to understanding that positiveness depends not only on food, you can enjoy it in a lot of other ways. The patient literally begins a new life.
  6. Unique breathing exercises will help you relax in stressful situations.
  7. You can discuss with a nutritionist possible difficulties and breakdowns, as well as ways to overcome them.

What is a calorie corridor

The calorie band is the upper and lower bounds for the number of energy units that you need to consume per day to lose weight or just maintain body weight. In this case, you should not make the daily calorie content below the minimum value. Otherwise, the body will begin to accumulate body fat in reserve. We don't need this at all.

To get rid of just 1 extra kilo, you need to spend 9,000 calories more than you consumed. This is usually achieved through exercise.

To calculate the lower limit of the caloric content corridor, subtract 100 from your height in centimeters and multiply by 10. So if your height is 170 cm, then your daily allowance should not be less than 700 conventional units. However, if you are very short - say, 150 cm, remember that eating less than 600 calories per day threatens with negative consequences for the body.

The upper limit is calculated by adding 300 calories to the lower limit. Or 400 if you lead an active lifestyle. Thus, for a person with a height of 170 cm, leading a sedentary lifestyle, the upper limit will be 1000 units per day.

In order not to get fat, it is enough to consume the optimal amount of calories daily. We multiply our ideal weight by 24. So, if your ideal weight is 60 kg, the normal number of calories for you is 1440 units.

The ideal weight for a woman is calculated using the Brocca formula:

(Height in centimeters -110) * 1.15.

Through simple manipulations, it turns out that for a woman with a height of 170 cm, the ideal weight will be 69 kg, and the optimal number of calories to maintain weight in the normal state is 1656. If this woman wants to lose weight, we reduce the figure by 20%. As a result, she needs to reduce the caloric content of the diet to 1300 units.


  1. The need to keep a diary, weigh portions and scrupulously calculate the calorie content of dishes.
  2. It will not be possible to follow such a diet completely on your own: consultations and supervision of several specialists are required.
  3. The Bormental diet is not suitable for weight loss for athletes or people with heavy physical work.
  4. The diet is low in calories, so weakness and bad mood may accompany you throughout it.
  5. Immunity is reduced, and a weakened body is very susceptible to colds and other diseases. So take care of your health more closely than usual.
  6. There is a threat of anemia and hormonal disorders. Be sure to take vitamin and mineral preparations.
  7. When losing weight, the physical tone decreases, the skin can become flabby, and the muscles are sluggish. Therefore, do not forget about physio and spa treatments. And also about not burdensome physical activity. For example, about walking before going to bed.


  • The diet is prohibited for lactating and pregnant women;
  • children under 18 and the elderly over 60;
  • patients suffering from diabetes;
  • people who have suffered heart attacks and strokes;
  • persons with mental illness.

Bormental calorie table

Name of products kcal per 100 grams Kcal per 1 gram
lamb thigh 157 1.57
fat lamb 316 3.16
lamb shoulder 165 1.65
lamb ribs 182 1.82
lamb fillet 121 1.21
udder 169 1.69
beef brisket 202 2.02
fatty beef 261 2.61
beef shoulder 182 1.82
lean beef 139 1.39
beef lung 69 0.69
beef brains 121 1.21
fat goose 300 3
lean goose 257 2.57
chicken stomachs 95 0.95
hare 124 1.24
turkey 139 1.39
turkey thigh 104 1.04
turkey drumstick 100 1
turkey breast 84 0.84
turkey wings 147 1.47
horse meat fillet 106 1.06
roe 106 1.06
rabbit 152 1.52
chicken 116 1.16
chicken breast 91 0.91
partridge 96 0.96
venison 123 1.23
beef liver 96 0.96
chicken liver 92 0.92
pork liver 114 1.14
veal liver 96 0.96
beef kidneys 94 0.94
pork kidneys 102 1.02
fatty pork 366 3.66
pork chop 124 1.24
pork shoulder 257 2.57
lean pork 137 1.37
pork ribs 291 2.91
pork neck 234 2.34
beef heart 87 0.87
chicken heart 94 0.94
pork heart 101 1.01
veal thigh 108 1.08
veal tenderloin 97 0.97
veal shoulder 105 1.05
lean duck 128 1.28
pheasant 143 1.43
chicken thigh 209 2.09
broiler chicken 173 1.73
chicken drumstick 200 2
chicken breast 130 1.3
chicken wing 212 2.12
chicken leg 206 2.06
chicken fillet 113 1.13
beef tongue 112 1.12
pork tongue 115 1.15
beluga 131 1.31
gobies 59 0.59
vobla 238 2.38
pink salmon 90 0.9
catfish 107 1.07
flounder 60 0.6
crucian carp 56 0.56
carp 59 59
chum salmon 110 1.1
mullet 124 1.24
Baltic sprat 95 0.95
smelt 91 0.91
bream 72 0.72
salmon 144 1.44
mackerel 156 1.56
grenadier 60 0.6
lamprey 166 1.66
pollock 45 0.45
capelin 115 1.15
navaga 77 0.77
burbot 86 0.86
notothenia marble 124 1.24
sea ​​bass 108 1.08
river perch 71 0.71
Baikal omul 78 0.78
sturgeon 140 1.4
halibut 74 0.74
haddock 80 0.8
roach 60 0.6
blue whiting 72 0.72
carp 58 0.58
saury 81 0.81
herring 99 0.99
sardine 144 1.44
stellate sturgeon 102 1.02
Atlantic herring 154 1.54
lean herring 68 0.68
salmon 186 1.86
whitefish 102 1.02
mackerel 120 1.2
catfish 80 0.8
horse mackerel 90 0.9
sterlet 101 1.01
zander 64 0.64
greenling 75 0.75
cod 48 0.48
tuna 99 0.99
acne 140 1.4
sea ​​trout 164 1.64
river trout 97 0.97
hake 54 0.54
pike 85 0.85
ide 73 0.73
Red caviar 251 2.51
pollock caviar 131 1.31
pressed caviar 236 2.36
cod roe 115 1.15
black caviar 203 2.03
squid 75 0.75
cuttlefish 81 0.81
crabs 140 1.4
shrimps 74 0.74
lobsters 87 0.87
mussels 51 0.51
shellfish 83 0.83
sea ​​kale 5 0.05
lobster 82 0.82
octopus 73 0.73
crayfish 79 0.79
oysters 66 0.66
white 23 0.23
dried white 152 1.52
milk mushrooms 16 0.16
chanterelles 20 0.2
boletus 9 0.09
honey mushrooms 17 0.17
boletus 23 0.23
dry boletus 231 2.31
boletus 22 0.22
dry boletus 239 2.39
mushrooms 17 0.17
morels 16 0.16
russula 15 0.15
Champignon 27 0.27
banana 260 2.6
cherry 291 2.91
pear 246 2.46
raisin 277 2.77
figs 264 2.64
dried apricots 285 2.85
peach 275 2.75
dried apricots 284 2.84
dates 272 2.72
prunes 227 2.27
rose hip 247 2.47
apple 238 2.38
apricot 44 0.44
quince 30 0.3
cherry plum 38 0.38
a pineapple 40 0.4
orange 33 0.33
watermelon 21 0.21
banana 60 0.6
cowberry 41 0.41
grape 42 0.42
cherry 63 0.63
blueberry 41 0.41
pomegranate 52 0.52
grapefruit 35 0.35
pear 31 0.31
melon 25 0.25
blackberry 44 0.44
strawberries 33 0.33
figs 62 0.62
viburnum 32 0.32
kiwi 46 0.46
dogwood 41 0.41
strawberry 31 0.31
cranberry 35 0.35
gooseberry 40 0.4
lemon 21 0.21
lychee 74 0.74
raspberries 29 0.29
mango 56 0.56
mandarin 32 0.32
cloudberry 28 0.28
sea ​​​​buckthorn 52 0.52
papaya 41 0.41
peach 44 0.44
rowan garden 55 0.55
chokeberry 54 0.54
plum 45 0.45
white currant 31 0.31
Red currants 32 0.32
black currant 34 0.34
turn 45 0.45
feijoa 62 0.62
fennel 49 0.49
dates 272 2.72
persimmon 69 0.69
cherries 57 0.57
blueberry 85 0.85
mulberry 53 0.53
rose hip 82 0.82
apples 44 0.44
yogurt 1.5% 51 0.51
kefir 1% 38 0.38
kefir 2% 51 0.51
fat kefir 67 0.67
acidophilic milk 83 0.83
goat milk 68 0.68
cow's milk 0.5% 39 0.39
cow 1.0% 41 0.41
cow 1.5% 43 0.43
cow 1.8% 47 0.47
cow 2.5% 53 0.53
cow 3.5% 64 0.6
skimmed milk 33 0.3
sheep's milk 107 1.1
milk powder. dezzh. 360 3.6
milk powder. whole 479 4.8
condensed milk sugarless 131 1.3
condensed milk with sugar 315 3.2
baked milk 6% 84 0.8
dairy ice cream 114 1.1
ice cream sundae 223 2.2
creamy ice cream 187 1.9
acidophilus buttermilk 43 0.4
food buttermilk 0.5% 37 0.4
fruit buttermilk 72 0.7
curdled milk 58 0.6
fermented baked milk 6% 85 0.9
cream 10% 118 1.2
cream 20% 205 2.1
cream 30% 287 2.9
coffee creamer 9% 107 1.1
sour cream 10% 116 1.2
sour cream 15% 160 1.6
sour cream 20% 210 2.1
sour cream 40% 311 3.1
milk whey 25 0.3
glazed curds 407 4.1
cheese mass fat. 351 3.5
curd mass dezzh. 114 1.1
diet cottage cheese 170 1.7
fat cottage cheese 18% 253 2.5
low-fat cottage cheese 86 0.86
semi-fat cottage cheese 9% 156 1.6
chocolate milk 81 0.8
appenzeller 50% 346 3.5
athlete 342 3.4
brie whole 329 3.3
cheese 50% 298 3
Dutch 357 3.6
gouda 45% 365 3.7
dana blue 284 2.8
dor blue 298 3
whole camembert 291 2.9
smoked sausage 352 3.5
Kostroma 345 3.5
Lithuanian 258 2.6
maasdam 314 3.1
Mozzarella 299 3
parmesan 45% 375 3.8
melted 40% 268 2.7
melted 60% 366 3.7
Poshekhonskiy 354 3.5
Roquefort whole 363 3.6
Russian 360 3.6
dump 315 3.2
creamy soft 60% 330 3.3
Tilsit 45% 334 3.3
whole cheddar 391 3.9
Swiss 335 3.4
edam 40% 315 3.2
emmental whole 383 3.8
goose fat 930 9.3
melted lamb fat 897 9
melted beef fat 871 8.7
goose fat 891 8.9
culinary fat 897 9
melted pork fat 871 8.7
high-calorie mayonnaise. 627 6.3
low calorie mayonnaise 235 235
mayonnaise medium calorie. 424 4.2
creamy margarine 766 7.7
peanut butter 895 9
coconut oil 894 8.9
corn oil 884 8.8
olive oil 780 7.8
palm oil 898 9
sunflower oil 889 8.9
rapeseed oil 878 8.8
drain oil. melted 897 9
butter 781 7.8
soybean oil 884 8.8
baked pork fat 880 8.8
lard 821 8.2
chicken egg 1 pc. (50 g) 60 0.6
rev. egg 1 pc. (20 g) 35 0.4
egg protein 1pc. (30 g) 15 0.2
egg yolk 1 pc. (20 g) 45 0.5
egg powder (100 g) 542 5.4
buckwheat flour 367 3.67
diet corn flour. 330 3.3
wheat 1-grade 300 3
wheat 2-grade 292 2.92
premium wheat 340 3.4
flour wallpaper 296 2.96
peeled rye flour 298 2.98
wholemeal rye flour 293 2.93
flour rice diets. 371 3.71
beans 160 1.6
air corn (popcorn) 382 382
Hercules 355 3.55
peas 293 2.93
buckwheat 347 3.47
corn grits 325 3.25
semolina 354 3.54
oatmeal 374 3.74
pearl barley 345 3.45
wheat groats 352 3.52
barley groats 343 3.43
millet 335 3.35
rice 346 3.46
brown rice 331 3.31
polished rice 330 3.3
crispy rice 362 3.62
soy 200 2
oatmeal 357 3.57
beans 288 2.88
lentils 284 2.84
waffles in chocolate 435 4.35
stuffed waffles 421 4.21
biscuits 355 3.55
gelatin 220 2.2
marshmallow 304 3.04
iris 429 4.29
cocoa powder (16%) 373 3.73
caramel 241 2.41
cake with raisins 302 3.02
starch cards. 190 1.9
poppy seed roll 288 2.88
marmalade 229 2.29
honey 335 3.35
paste 352 3.52
cookie 417 4.17
cake "Biscuit" 344 3.44
cake "Custard" 329 3.29
Cake "Napoleon" 313 3.13
cake "Sand" 422 4.22
puff pastry with cream 555 5.55
gingerbread 356 3.56
rafinated sugar 398 3.98
cane sugar 384 3.84
soda 0 0
salt 0 0
sunflower halva 546 5.46
eclair 284 2.84
apricot juice 46 0.46
pineapple 48 0.48
orange 43 0.43
banana 60 0.6
grape 44 0.44
cherry 45 0.45
pomegranate 52 0.52
grapefruit 40 0.4
pear 33 0.33
quince juice 30 0.3
citric 30 0.3
mango juice 55 0.55
tangerine 35 0.35
carrot 43 0.43
peach 48 0.48
beetroot 44 0.44
plum 48 0.48
tomato 13 0.13
cherry juice 59 0.59
black currant 53 0.53
apple 42 0.42
peanut 443 4.43
Walnut 425 4.25
roasted chestnuts 182 1.82
pine nut 475 4.75
cashew 572 5.72
coconut 363 3.63
almond 452 4.52
sesame seeds 492 4.92
poppy seeds 478 4.78
sunflower seeds 390 3.9
sunflower seeds. dry 610 6.1
pumpkin seeds 270 2.7
pistachios 477 4.77
hazelnut 488 4.88
Armavir 423 4.2
amateur ham 183 1.8
pork ham 279 2.8
dietary 158 1.6
doctoral 257 2.6
diner 366 3.7
granular 608 6.1
Krakow p/c 382 3.8
Kuban 448 4.5
amateur 310 3.1
Maikop 467 4.7
Minsk 287 2.9
dairy 252 2.5
Moscow s/c 463 4.6
Odessa 402 4
Ostankino 244 2.4
hunting sausages 463 4.6
Poltava 417 4.2
salami 485 4.9
beef sausages 124 1.2
beef sausages 215 2.2
pork sausages 332 3.3
pork sausages 332 3.3
pork 568 5.7
cervelat 360 3.6
Soviet 515 5.2
beef sausages 215 2.2
grilled sausages 182 1.8
doctor's sausages 221 2.2
amateur sausages 304 3
dairy sausages 241 2.4
sausages special 270 2.7
Russian sausages 215 2.2
sausages with cheese 256 2.6
creamy sausages 277 2.8
metropolitan 487 4.9
Tallinn p/c 373 3.7
veal 298 3
Ukrainian 376 3.8
tea room 216 2.2
baguette 283 2.8
bagels 317 3.2
loaf homemade 235 2.4
loaf with bran 224 2.2
belyashi 223 2.2
pancakes 186 1.9
bagels 320 3.2
milk bun 313 3.1
oatmeal bun 304 3.04
wheat bun 272 2.72
sweet bun 300 3
soy bun 328 3.28
hot dog bun 339 3.39
cheesecake 318 3.18
waffles 539 5.39
moscow kalach 249 2.49
pita 277 2.77
pasta 1st grade 335 3.35
pasta 337 3.37
egg pasta 345 3.45
pancakes 225 2.25
wheat bran 154 1.54
biscuit cookies 300 3
butter cookies 437 4.37
bun 336 3.36
donuts 296 2.96
gingerbread 356 3.56
bagel 326 3.26
sprinkled horns 314 3.14
muffin with poppy 304 3.04
pastry with jam 293 2.93
sweet straw 373 3.73
sweet crackers 380 3.8
bread crumbs 340 3.4
drying simple 335 3.35
yeast dough 244 2.44
yeast dough. rich 283 2.83
fresh puff pastry 344 3.44
toast bread 305 3.05
bran protein bread 216 2.16
crispy white bread 369 3.69
Borodino 201 2.01
Darnitsky 206 2.06
rustic 263 2.63
bread health 203 2.03
grain bread 199 1.99
wheat 1 grade 226 2.26
wheat grade 2 220 2.2
bread psh. higher grade 233 2.33
bread psh. with bran 188 1.88
bread rzh. whole grain 237 2.37
Rye bread 214 2.14
Moscow rye 195 1.95
rye hearth 206 2.06
rye pan 181 1.81
avocado 160 1.6
artichokes 45 0.45
eggplant 30 0.3
fresh beans 66 0.66
beet tops 17 0.17
swede 31 0.31
green peas 75 0.75
vegetable marrow 17 0.17
White cabbage 24 0.24
broccoli 27 0.27
Brussels sprouts 37 3.7
red cabbage 21 0.21
cauliflower 18 0.18
mature potatoes 90 0.9
young potatoes 36 0.36
kohlrabi 25 0.25
corn 90 0.9
green onion 25 0.25
leek 24 0.24
bulb onions 43 0.43
shallot 25 0.25
olives 348 3.48
carrot 41 0.41
fresh cucumbers 13 0.13
olive 334 3.34
parsnip 38 0.38
yellow pepper 27 0.27
green pepper 22 0.22
Red pepper 30 0.3
green parsley 41 0.41
tomatoes 30 0.3
rhubarb 18 0.18
radish 16 0.16
radish 25 0.25
turnip 23 0.23
salad 11 0.11
beet 30 0.3
soybean sprouts 65 0.65
asparagus 14 0.14
pumpkin 30 0.3
dill green 30 0.3
horseradish 49 0.49
chicory 21 0.21
wild garlic 34 0.34
garlic 89 0.89
lentil sprouts 120 1.2
spinach 16 0.16
sorrel 27 0.27
mushroom broth 10 0.1
meat broth 20 0.2
vegetable broth 0 0
fish broth 15 0.15
whiskey 220 2.2
water 0 0
vodka 235 2.35
gin 220 2.2
kvass 25 0.25
cognac 220 2.2
tea/coffee (no sugar) 0 0
mineral water 0 0
pepsi cola 42 0.42
pepsi-cola light 0 0

sample menu

Here are some food samples for you. They can be used if there is no time for self-compilation.

For 1 day

Note: in parentheses are the calorie content of the dish for this serving.

  • Breakfast. 80 g boiled buckwheat (70), 100 g chicken breast (91), one medium tomato (17), 1 tbsp. unsweetened tea and one shortbread cookie (35).
  • Lunch. 100 g baked pike perch (70), two loaves (26), 1 tbsp. unsweetened tea and one marshmallow (60).
  • Dinner. 250 g of pea soup (165), 100 g of boiled turkey (84), 100 g of beetroot salad (67), sweet tea with a slice of lemon (30).
  • afternoon tea. 200 g apple and pear salad (70).
  • We have dinner with one stuffed rice and minced bell pepper (140), 100 g of pickles (22), a glass of unsweetened tea with two squares from a chocolate bar (68).
  • Second dinner. 200 g of sour cream cabbage soup (71), two slices of rye bread (16), a glass of fat-free kefir (45).

In this case, your daily diet will be 1138 energy units.

For 7 days

First day

  • Breakfast. Two boiled eggs (130), 100 g seaweed (16), 1 tbsp. unsweetened tea (2), 50 g of cake (153).
  • Lunch. A glass of unsweetened tea (2), two squares of chocolate bar (68).
  • Dinner. 200 g of mushroom soup (52), cabbage salad with a spoonful of vegetable oil (83), 100 g of boiled potatoes with a piece of butter (126), 50 g of boiled fish (35), 1 tbsp. unsweetened tea (2).
  • afternoon tea. 100 g vinaigrette (128 kcal).
  • We have dinner 100 g of buckwheat porridge with pieces of stewed beef 30 g (257), 1 tbsp. unsweetened tea (2).
  • Late dinner. A glass of zero-fat kefir (60).

Daily calories: 1116 units.

Second day

  • Breakfast. Boiled egg (63), 100 g barley porridge (137), green apple (45), a glass of unsweetened tea (2).
  • Lunch. 150 g cherries (75), a glass of drinking yogurt (102).
  • Dinner. Soup with vegetables (28), 100 g of rice porridge (152), 50 g of stewed beef (90), tea with sugar (29).
  • afternoon tea. 100 g cod fillet (60), 50 g tomato (15), a slice of rye bread (8), unsweetened tea (2).
  • We have dinner with 100 g of stewed white cabbage (90) and sweet tea (29).
  • Late dinner. A glass of curdled milk (116).

Daily calories: 1043 units.

The third day

  • Breakfast. 80g steamed chicken breast (70), one tomato (17), unsweetened black coffee (0).
  • Lunch. Tea without sugar and one marshmallow (100).
  • Dinner. 150 g stewed pollock (68), one red pepper (30), 100 g rice porridge (346), green tea.
  • afternoon tea. Apricot (44) or grapefruit (35), 100 g of beef baked with herbs (200).
  • We have dinner with a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes - 150 g (25), 100 g of 2% kefir (102).
  • Late dinner. Apple 100 g (44).

Daily calorie content: 1042 calories.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast. 100 g of buckwheat porridge with milk (167), black coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Lunch. One pancake (200), one red pepper (30).
  • Dinner. Shchi with fresh cabbage 200 g (96), whole grain bread (23), 200 g grated carrots (64).
  • We have dinner with chicken breast baked with cheese and tomatoes 200 g (256), 200 g of kefir 1% (76).
  • Late dinner. Two slices of rye bread (16) and 200 g of yogurt (102).

Daily value: 1030 calories.

Fifth day

  • Breakfast. Low-fat cottage cheese 100 g (86), bagel tea (150).
  • Lunch. Mandarin (32) or pear (31); walnuts 50 g (200).
  • Dinner. Fish baked under egg and carrots 200 g (120), a glass of kefir (76), 100 g of Darnitsky bread (103).
  • afternoon tea. A glass of tomato juice (13) and boiled chicken leg 100 g (116).
  • We have dinner with cabbage salad (200 g) with the addition of green peas and cucumber (170).
  • Late dinner. Milk ice cream (114).

Daily calorie: 1178 kcal.

Sixth day

  • Breakfast. Boiled buckwheat porridge 80 g (130), soy sauce - two teaspoons (8), half a meringue cake with unsweetened tea (34).
  • Lunch. Shchi with fresh cabbage 300 g (63), a teaspoon of sour cream (8), two slices of rye bread (26), unsweetened coffee and two marmalades (38).
  • Dinner. Boiled potatoes 200 g (80), baked flounder 100 g (60), sauerkraut 150 g (22), unsweetened green tea and two marmalades (38).
  • We have dinner with boiled beef 100 g (254), steamed rice 80 g (80), 100 pickles (11), tea without sugar.
  • Late dinner. Banana (60) and low-fat kefir 100 g (31).

Total calories: 943 units.

Seventh day

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with milk 150 g (147), banana (60), coffee with milk (58).
  • Lunch. A glass of low-fat drinking yogurt (144).
  • Dinner. 300 g cauliflower soup (99).
  • afternoon tea. 150 g fresh strawberries (61).
  • We have dinner 50 g of chicken breast baked with cheese (169), 200 g of boiled buckwheat (264).
  • Late dinner. Apple (47) and tea with lemon (41).

Daily calorie content: 1090 calories.

For 14 days

If everything suits you, you can extend the weight loss for another week. The total duration of the diet is calculated individually, depending on the initial weight and health of the patient. However, at home, it is not recommended to adhere to the Bormental method for more than one month.

The first week we eat according to the menu above. If you don't need a second dinner, cancel it. Sample menu for the second week:

  • Breakfast. Omelet from two eggs (118), a glass of orange juice (72).
  • Lunch. 50 g almonds (287).
  • Dinner. 300 g of okroshka (225).
  • afternoon tea. Small cheese sandwich (201).
  • Dinner. 200 g fruit salad (220).

Daily calories: 1123 units.

  • Breakfast. 150 g of rice porridge (145), a teaspoon of honey (30) and 50 g of raisins (132).
  • Lunch. Coffee with milk (58) and three slices of chocolate bar (134).
  • Dinner. 150 g mashed potatoes (130), 200 g chicken goulash (240).
  • afternoon tea. 250 g watermelon (68).
  • Dinner. 250 g sole (220).

Daily calorie content: 1157 kcal.

  • Breakfast. 150 g of millet porridge (135), 50 g of cottage cheese casserole (84).
  • Lunch. 250 g Caesar salad (165).
  • Dinner. 300 g beetroot (108), apple compote 250 g (212).
  • afternoon tea. Fruit salad dressed with berry juice 200 g (220).
  • Dinner. A glass of kefir (100) and a slice of whole grain bread (115).

Daily total: 1139 kcal.

  • Breakfast. 200 g boiled buckwheat (220), a glass of milk (160).
  • Lunch. 200 g cottage cheese (310).
  • Dinner. 200 g boiled cod (156), 150 stewed cabbage with rice (90).
  • afternoon tea. 20 g cheese (72).
  • Dinner. Fruit salad 100 g (110).

Only 1118 calories.

  • Breakfast. 150g chicken roll with mushrooms (432).
  • Lunch. 100 g cheesecakes (183).
  • Dinner. 300 g of saltwort (414).
  • afternoon tea. 140 g grapes (103).
  • Dinner. 100 g chicken breast (113).

Total 1245 kcal.

  • Breakfast. 100 g of corn porridge (328).
  • Lunch. One grapefruit (70).
  • Dinner. 150 g pasta (168) and a slice of cheese (72).
  • afternoon tea. A glass of fermented baked milk (114).
  • Dinner. 200 g beef cabbage rolls (274).

Only 1026 calories.

  • Breakfast. Pancakes with jam 100 g (250).
  • Lunch. Green apple and a glass of orange juice (121).
  • Dinner. Pickle 200 g (80) and chicken cutlet (130).
  • afternoon tea. A glass of milk (128) and a pear (47).
  • Dinner. Butter bun 100 g (300) and tea with sugar (29).

Total for the day 1005 kcal.

How to reduce the calorie content of the menu

On the Bormental diet, do not deny yourself pleasure, eat your favorite dishes, just do not forget to follow some simple tips:

  1. Forget about mayonnaise (600 kcal per 100 g). As a dressing for food, use a mixture of a teaspoon of olive oil, lemon juice, Provencal herbs and spices. Or make your own tomato, black pepper and basil sauce in a blender.
  2. Do not drink sugary drinks: store-bought juices, sodas and kvass, they are very high in calories. It is better to add cream to coffee. Sweeteners don't work either.
  3. Avoid dishes that combine dough and meat. They do not combine well with each other, which entails an increased burden on the digestive tract. Dumplings, ravioli, naval pasta, lasagna - all these foods are poorly digested in the stomach. Instead of dumplings, cook cabbage rolls or stuffed peppers, and instead of ravioli, cook spaghetti with vegetables.
  4. Red vegetables and fruits are the most delicious and healthy. Eat as many of them as possible.
  5. Change your cooking methods. Do not fry, but boil, stew and bake. A double boiler, multicooker and convection oven will help you a lot.
  6. If you are a fan of sweets - do not despair: many desserts are low-calorie! These are marshmallows, marshmallows, homemade jelly, sugar-free marmalade and dark chocolate.
  7. Use dishes of dark and cold shades. These colors have been proven to reduce appetite.

Dish recipes

Create and experiment on a diet, cooking and diet food is a huge scope for creativity.

Vegetable stew

The calorie content of the food is only 26 kcal per 100 g. You will need 300 g of tomatoes, eggplant and zucchini, a small head of onion, medium-sized green bell pepper, a spoonful of flour and two tablespoons of olive oil. Wash vegetables thoroughly, peel and cut. Heat the oil in a thick-walled frying pan. First, fry the onion, cut into quarters of half rings, until golden brown. Then add the diced tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes. Add all remaining ingredients and cook again for five minutes. In a separate bowl, make a sauce of flour, water and salt. Shake it well and pour it into the pan. There, mix with vegetables and cook until cooked.

oatmeal pancakes

95 kcal per 100 g Boil half a liter of water and mix with the same amount of milk. Pour a glass of oatmeal into it and boil a liquid porridge. When it cools, grind it in a blender to the consistency of sour cream, add an egg, two teaspoons of sugar and a little salt to the resulting mass. Stir and bake like regular pancakes.

Salad "Vitamin explosion"

66 kcal per 100 g. Take two green apples and one large carrot. Rinse, peel and grate. Remove the peel from half an orange and cut the flesh into small pieces. Mix with apple and carrot mixture. As a dressing, put 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil and 2-3 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. Warm the dressing slightly to dissolve the honey. Pour over the salad and leave for 20 minutes to soak well.

Beef goulash

148 kcal per 100 g. Cut the beef flesh into small pieces (approximately 3 cm). Grind the onion head, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Put the onion in a thick-walled pan or cauldron and fry lightly. Add meat and bay leaf, pour in half a liter of water and simmer for 30 minutes. Add carrots, pour in another half liter of water and simmer for 40 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Getting out of the diet

The correct completion of the Bormental diet and the exit from it goes smoothly. During the first 2-3 days, add 50-100 calories to the daily allowance. That is, for example, on Monday your diet contained 1100 calories, on Tuesday 1200, and on Wednesday 1300. In the future, stick to your calorie corridor so that extra pounds never return.

In no case do not sharply increase daily caloric content. This can lead to disruption of metabolic processes in the body. So, you run the risk of quickly gaining fat mass.