
Paleo pancakes. Originally from the stone age or paleo diet. During pregnancy and lactation

A long time ago, when there was no agriculture yet, and food was not produced in factories and combines, a person ate what he could get from nature and what he could cook on his own. Based on historical data, it can be argued that most of the world's population did not know what obesity is. The problem of excess weight was simply not on the agenda.

Nutrition experts have a natural question: why not go back to the roots and try to eat exactly the same as our ancestors? Stop using what the industry produces: pasta and confectionery, cereals, chips and fast food. Thus was born the Paleo diet - the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors.

The paleo diet can be said more simply - this is the nutrition of the ancients. Everything that can be collected from trees, everything that has grown on the ground, and that can be obtained by hunting, should be eaten. The Paleo diet was invented in America. Its founder is Lauren Cordain, professor, a major specialist in the field of nutrition. It was he who explored the ways of nutrition of the ancients.

The paleo diet, which is based on natural products, seemed to American nutritionists the most natural. It is based on the following statement: the human body is saturated with everything that nature itself gives.

What to eat on a diet

What are the benefits of the paleo diet? First of all, it does not provide for a certain number of calories consumed per day. Everything is possible products that are not made by man:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • natural oils;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • roots;
  • greenery;
  • herbal collections.

paleo diet excludes foods that our ancestors did not eat:

  • sugar;
  • flour;
  • pasta;
  • bread;
  • cereals;
  • legumes and cereals;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, ready-made sauces;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • dairy products;
  • artificial fats;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • coffee and any tea, except green and herbal;
  • confectionery;
  • chips and any snacks.

The paleo diet does not call for severe restrictions or starvation. On the contrary - you can eat as much as you like and until full saturation.

What is the use

  • The list of products allowed for consumption under this program excludes sugar, flour and chemical additives that have a harmful effect on the human body. That is, a person will have to choose not a sausage, but a piece of meat that he will cook on his own. And for dessert, he would prefer fruit, not cakes.
  • The peculiarity of the paleo diet is to eat many foods raw. Vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which are destroyed during heat treatment.
  • Foods allowed for consumption are rich in proteins and fats, which the body usually needs.

Features of the paleo diet

Of course, many adherents of a healthy diet are interested in the question: paleo diet - what is it? What are its features and how is it different from other weight loss programs?

  1. First of all, following the rules of this program, you rid your body of such harmful substances as gluten, simple carbohydrates, gluten, chemical food additives, sweeteners and many others.
  2. Sweet carbonated drinks are being replaced with pure drinking and mineral water, which is extremely beneficial for the human body, which is 70% water.
  3. Foods included in the list of allowed on the paleo diet are available and do not require large financial investments.
  4. Diet promotes muscle building.
  5. Fractional meals - small portions of food several times a day - are welcome.

A similar weight loss program is indicated for people suffering from diabetes, hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Distribution of food throughout the day

Menu for three days

To get the results you want, you need to create the right menu for each day and think over recipes that meet the requirements of the Paleo diet.

Breakfast Fried eggs from 2-3 eggs with herbs, fruit salad, green tea.
Lunch Boiled cauliflower fried in butter.
Dinner Oven-baked fish, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper and onion salad, mineral water.
afternoon tea Nuts, apple.
Dinner Vegetable stew, chicken chop, herbal tea.
Breakfast 2 boiled eggs, bacon, fruit salad, green tea.
Lunch Boiled potatoes with herbs, mineral water.
Dinner Chicken breast baked in the oven with onions.
afternoon tea Berry jelly, nuts.
Dinner Minced meat cutlet, green salad, herbal tea.
Breakfast Boiled tongue, salad of cucumbers, herbs and boiled eggs, green tea.
Lunch Mushroom caviar.
Dinner Baked potato, salmon steak, mineral water.
afternoon tea Pear, nuts.
Dinner Chicken cutlet, vegetable salad, herbal tea.

We should not forget that a glass of drinking water half an hour before each meal with a paleo diet activates metabolic processes and promotes weight loss.

Harm to the body

  • A diet based on the principles of the Paleo diet includes too few carbohydrate foods. Carbohydrates are the basis of metabolic processes. Therefore, people suffering from anemia, diseases of the vascular system, kidney failure and other diseases that cause apathy and weakness, this diet is contraindicated.
  • A minimum of fat is also not very good for health. From such a deficiency, first of all, connective tissue suffers, which means skin, hair, nails. If you decide to try this program, include more fatty foods in your diet: lard, chicken, bacon.
  • Many nutritionists have a negative opinion of the paleo diet due to its lack of legumes, grains and dairy products, which are important sources of nutrients.
  • This weight loss program is quite expensive. Farm products, organic fruits and vegetables require a significant financial investment. The way out is to build your diet on the usual "store" vegetables, fruits and meat products.

If it is not possible to use high-quality foods for food, you will have to add vitamin-mineral complexes to your usual diet, since with the restrictions provided for by this diet, you can seriously weaken an unprepared body.

Diet of the ancients and sports

Physical activity with a paleo diet is shown. You just need to find the best option that will fit your individual lifestyle. If for a person with no experience in sports, ordinary gymnastics, jogging or walking is suitable, then an athlete needs a whole program that will be combined with fractional meals.

Usually, the Paleo diet is chosen by those who are fond of crossfit - a special workout for building muscle mass. Even within the framework of this weight loss program, one or another group of products can be preferred.

CrossFit involves the consumption of a large amount of carbohydrates. Therefore, those who want to correct the figure will have to prefer vegetable dishes, salads, berries and fruits, as well as herbs, mushrooms and nuts. Proteins and fats for this type of load should be consumed equally.

You should eat according to the following scheme: 30% protein - 30% fat - 40% carbohydrates.

Paleo recipes are easy to find online.

How to adapt to the food system

Understand what a paleo diet is. It's living food for health. Therefore, you should simply evaluate your strengths - do you need such a program? Can you forget about your favorite buns or pasta with mayonnaise and sausages? If this is a serious stress for your body, give up this system and choose some other one for yourself. But keep in mind that with any long-term diet, the body is forced to rebuild.

In addition, you can give up your usual and favorite dishes gradually. By reducing portions, excluding one or the other product from the diet, you will eventually adjust and get used to a new type of food.

What is the paleo diet? This is a system aimed at the general improvement of the body. The paleo diet has some pretty effective results. So it is suitable for those who have been struggling with excess weight for a long time. And also for those to whom the concept of "healthy lifestyle" is not alien. Many adherents of proper nutrition easily get used to such a program, since they prefer fresh, raw foods.

Results and reviews

If we consider such a weight loss method as a paleo diet, then reviews about it will be very different. Not everyone is happy with this program. However, rapid weight loss is guaranteed if all the nuances that are indicated in the description of this system are strictly observed.

In a month I managed to lose 5 kg. This despite the fact that she could not refuse dairy products: she allowed herself to drink a glass of kefir in the evenings or eat dietary cottage cheese, to which she was accustomed, and in the morning she sometimes allowed herself a piece of cheese. Despite this liberty, I still lost weight and noticed it. I must say that the loads that I give my body 2 times a week in the gym helped. The paleo diet works, I have seen this from my own experience.

Evgenia, 37 years old

I've been practicing CrossFit recently. The trainer advised the paleo diet, because there was excess weight. Surprisingly, it suited me very well. I was not strained by the rejection of cereals - I never liked them. He began to lean on meat and vegetables. Lost 6 kg in a month. Good result.

Fedor, 40 years old

I didn't know how the paleo diet worked. I made up a menu for the week, bought organic products and started the program. I must say - I did not expect that the body would be so actively cleansed. The rashes on my face and body scared me a little. But my experience didn't end there. My stomach started hurting like I've never had before. The skin became dull. In general, I refused. Not ready to torture yourself for the sake of losing 2-3 kilograms.

Maria, 29 years old

If you find the benefits of the paleo diet appealing, you can easily create a menu for the week using simple cooking recipes. But it is still worth consulting with a specialist. A professional nutritionist will draw up an individual nutrition program for you, offer a course of physical exercises that will allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of excess weight. It is quite possible that the paleo diet will become your lifestyle later on.

The paleo diet is based on the natural historical development of mankind. Ancient people ate what they obtained through hunting and gathering. They did not eat sweets, pastries, milk, cereals. Their diet was as close as possible to the biological genetic essence. Today, many people believe that returning to such a diet will help avoid health problems and alleviate autoimmune disorders.

Who and when developed

The Stone Age Diet was developed by American nutritionists Oz Garcia and Lauren Cordain. Their idea is based on the belief that problems in the functioning of the body and extra pounds appear from the use of foods that are not genetically suitable. If you switch to a primitive diet, this will positively affect the state of the body, appearance, and will allow you to cope with extra pounds.

What is

The main part of such nutrition is animal protein, which helps to speed up metabolic processes. It is more satisfying than fats and carbohydrates, since the process of its digestion is 3-5 hours.

The principles of the diet are based on the use of products that grow in the wild. You need to eat small portions of food and increase physical activity. Simple carbohydrates should also be avoided. Instead, natural honey is allowed.

But when switching to such a diet, it is important to remember that the body needs time to rebuild, so you should count on quick results.

The paleo diet is an autoimmune protocol, as in some cases it allows you to transfer diseases associated with a disorder of the immune system into remission.

It is believed that such food is suitable:

  • if the process of digestion of food is disturbed;
  • for people with type 2 diabetes;
  • with multiple sclerosis;
  • with bowel diseases.

It also allows you to normalize hormonal imbalance and is recommended for people in the complex of infertility treatment.

Menu planning

While following a paleo diet, you will have to give up many foods, but this does not mean that you need to starve.

Approved Products

Those who decide to follow the principles of nutrition of their ancestors should make up a diet of:

  1. Lean meats, fish and shellfish. Animal proteins are the main part of the diet. It is important to use natural and organic meat. Wild game is ideal, but it is difficult to obtain, so free-range livestock and poultry should be preferred. During the care of animals should not use antibiotics, hormonal agents, compound feeds. It is better to eat homemade chicken and pork. It is better to buy fish that is caught in local reservoirs, and not grown artificially.
  2. Non-starchy vegetables and fruits. They contribute to the alkalization of the body, neutralization of the acid obtained from meat and fish products. This allows you to maintain a normal balance of acids and alkalis in the body, avoid calcium leaching and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It is necessary to give preference to vegetables and fruits that have a low glycemic index. They also provide the body with fiber.
  3. The right fats. When on a paleo diet, avoid unhealthy fats and replace them with healthy ones. They will help to avoid excessive levels of cholesterol in the blood. To do this, give preference to nuts, avocados, salmon meat, linseed oil.
  4. Berries. They are eaten raw and used to make cocktails and smoothies. But it is important to eat berries in season.
  5. Nuts and seeds. They must be in the diet.
  6. Greenery. From spinach, arugula, lollo rosso, you can get a lot of vitamins and fiber.

What needs to be limited

With primitive nutrition, it is allowed to use a little:

  1. eggs. No more than two per day.
  2. Alcoholic drinks. It is very rare to treat yourself to a glass of good wine or beer.
  3. Coffee and drinks containing caffeine.
  4. White potatoes. It is allowed in moderate portions.
  5. Seasonal fruits. They need to be consumed in limited quantities to close the carbohydrate window. Avoid tropical fruits.
  6. Sunflower or sesame seeds.

Prohibited Products

The menu for a paleo diet should exclude the use of:

  1. Cereals and legumes. Cereals, cereals, bread, were not among the ancient people. These products appeared after the development of agriculture. The abuse of vegetable oils, cereals leads to a violation of the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  2. Milk and dairy products. Whole milk is high in saturated fats, which increase cholesterol levels. Some scientists believe that such foods lead to an increase in acid load. This upsets the balance of acids and alkalis and a lot of calcium leaves the body.
  3. Salt, pickles, canned food, smoked meats.
  4. Trans fat, lard, fast food.
  5. Any semi-finished products.
  6. Soda.

All these foods have a negative effect on the state of the body, so they should be avoided, even if you are not following a paleo diet.

Menu example

The diet should be lean, dishes without salt, spices. Food should be prepared by boiling, steaming or baking in the oven. As for seeds and nuts, they are best eaten raw rather than fried and salted, as heat treatment reduces their value.

The autoimmune menu protocol for the week consists of the following dishes:


  • you can have breakfast with an omelette of two eggs and half a sweet pepper;
  • use pear cream pudding as a second breakfast;
  • lunch should be a salad of lettuce, tuna, tomato and cucumber. You can dress the salad with olive oil;
  • afternoon snack consists of almonds;
  • for dinner, boil broccoli and bake one chicken breast.


  • you can have breakfast with a tomato, lettuce, avocado and bran bread;
  • as a second breakfast, use 150 g of watermelon;
  • dine should be creamy broccoli soup, meatballs;
  • afternoon tea consists of one peach;
  • for dinner, bake fish with celery and an apple.


  • you can have breakfast with beef meatballs and pumpkin spaghetti, cucumber;
  • use one kiwi as a second breakfast;
  • lunch should be stewed cabbage with meat and leafy greens;
  • afternoon tea consists of one orange;
  • for dinner, make a salad with apple, avocado, tangerine and shrimp.


  • you can have breakfast with pumpkin cream soup, a slice of whole grain bread;
  • as a second breakfast, use 150 ml of coconut milk;
  • dine should be borscht and boiled veal;
  • afternoon snack consists of pumpkin seeds;
  • for dinner, bake salmon with champignons.


  • you can have breakfast with cucumber and tomato salad, soft-boiled eggs;
  • use one pear as a second breakfast;
  • lunch should be steamed chicken cutlets, boiled cauliflower and lettuce;
  • afternoon snack consists of 100 g of strawberries;
  • for dinner, boil chicken fillet and make childbirth from zucchini with soft cheese.


  • you can have breakfast with oatmeal and a fruit cocktail;
  • as a second breakfast, use one fresh or baked apple;
  • lunch should be vegetarian vegetable soup, shrimp;
  • afternoon tea consists of 100 g of blackcurrant;
  • for dinner, boil veal and make a salad with radish and cucumber.


  • you can have breakfast with coconut pancakes with berries and green tea;
  • use coconut curd as a second breakfast;
  • dine should be steamed fish with zucchini and tomatoes;
  • an afternoon snack consists of juice, for the preparation of which carrots, apples and celery are used;
  • for dinner, make steamed chicken chops. They can be eaten with salad.

After dinner, you should not go to bed immediately. It should take several hours after eating food, and before going to bed, you should drink a glass of water.

Dish recipes

Do not use spices, sweeteners, sauces and other industrial products for cooking.

Coconut pancakes are a healthy breakfast. They are made with coconut milk and flour, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, eggs, sugar-free applesauce and baking soda. All components are mixed and cooked in a cast iron skillet. Serve with raspberries or blueberries.

Coconut curd is also popular, as dairy products are banned on the paleo diet. To prepare it, you need to take half a liter of coconut milk and gelatin. First, 50 ml of milk is added to the gelatin. Everything else is heated and poured in, stirring slowly so that the gelatin is completely dissolved. The dish is placed in the refrigerator for 5 hours. When the product hardens, it is beaten with a mixer to get a curd consistency. Pairs well with nuts, berries and honey.

What to order in a restaurant

The paleo diet does not allow you to eat in cafes and restaurants. This is due to the fact that you need to eat only organic food, and you should not count on the use of natural products and meat grown without additives in catering places.

How to transition to a paleo diet

Any change in diet is a strong stress for the body. You need to gradually switch to a primitive diet. Prohibited foods are not refused immediately, but are excluded several times a day.

It is better to start a diet during periods of good mood and well-being. Motivation also plays an important role. It will help you stay on track with your diet.

Before you get used to such a diet, you will have to gather all your perseverance and patience. But later it will be possible to notice positive changes in the form of a decrease in the load on the liver and pancreas, elimination of chronic diseases.

Snacks on a paleo diet

If it is difficult to wait for the next meal, then you can have a snack. To do this, you should eat some cold baked beef, a boiled egg, a handful of nuts or raisins, a piece of cold salmon or a carrot stick.

Getting out of the diet

Those who decide to return to their previous diet should follow these rules:

  • increase the calorie content of food gradually, and not immediately pounce on forbidden food;
  • drink more liquid;
  • gradually expand the diet. You should return to heavy foods slowly, using them in small portions;
  • to avoid digestive disorders and indigestion, a gradual increase in portions should be carried out;
  • in the early days it is better to eat cereals and soups with the addition of meat and sauces.


Not everyone is allowed to follow the Paleo diet. It is worth refraining from:

  1. With diseases of the kidneys and liver.
  2. If the stomach and intestines do not perform their functions.
  3. During periods of exacerbations of chronic pathologies.

During pregnancy and lactation

It is not advisable to change the usual diet so dramatically for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The body at this moment is already suffering from an increased load, so the situation should not be aggravated even more.

For children

The paleo diet is an unusual option for solving children's health problems. With allergies, autoimmune diseases, psoriasis, lupus, digestive disorders, hormonal disruptions, it is recommended to resort to such a diet. To captivate a child with this idea, you should:

  1. Replace confectionery with sugar-free sweets. So that the child does not experience stress, you should first allow ice cream or sweets on the weekends.
  2. Minimize the amount of grains in your diet. It is advisable to switch to whole grain bread instead of buns and bread.
  3. Introduce animal proteins.
  4. Go for pastries with fruit and honey.
  5. Get out once a week to nature, pick berries and mushrooms, children use such products with pleasure.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many positive aspects of such a diet:

  1. Thanks to a balanced diet, you can saturate the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.
  2. Reduces the risk of high blood sugar.
  3. Such a diet helps people cope with chronic fatigue, depression, and stress.
  4. Gives vitality and energy, increases endurance.
  5. Blood pressure indicators return to normal due to the lack of salt in the diet.
  6. Metabolic processes are accelerated, as a person begins to consume foods with a high protein content.
  7. Increased bone density and joint mobility.
  8. Autoimmune diseases go into remission.
  9. Improves the condition of the intestines.
  10. The skin becomes clean, hair, nails and teeth look much better.

But there are also some downsides:

  1. Incorrect dieting leads to fatigue.
  2. Paleo foods are very expensive.
  3. It is impossible to find suitable food in catering establishments.

Diet price

For quality fish, meat, fruits and vegetables, you will have to pay much more than for ordinary products from the supermarket. Therefore, not everyone can afford to follow such a diet.

The opinion of doctors and nutritionists

Paleo diet reviews are different. Some doctors and nutritionists support this dietary option, but not everyone has this opinion.

Thus, the British Dietetic Association has put forward the claim that the Paleo diet is the worst celebrity-approved diet. Also, many experts argue that there is very little evidence confirming the health benefits of such a diet.


Many argue that returning to the diet of our ancestors is an excellent solution to many health problems. A paleo diet should be based on natural organic foods without salt, sugar and spices. You will have to exclude all the usual dishes and focus on fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, fish and meat.

(4 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The Paleo Diet is a food system that is close to the diet of primitive man. The full name of the diet is Paleolithic (from the word Paleolithic - the historical era of cavemen, which ended more than 10 thousand years ago). The nutrition system finds fans among lovers of a healthy lifestyle.

The opinions of nutritionists are divided, some consider the diet to be correct, strengthening human health. Others deny the positive impact of the paleo diet. Numerous reviews convince us that for many people the new nutrition system has helped to lose weight and improve well-being.

What is the essence of the diet

The diet of the Paleolithic diet is close to the menu of a caveman. Our ancestors ate foods of natural origin, without flavorings. They did not use sugar, salt, bread, cereals, pasta, did not eat canned food, convenience foods and fast food. Their diet was simple, but at the same time balanced and healthy. Primitive people hunted, fished, gathered berries, fruits, mushrooms, nuts.

The essence of the paleo diet is to return to the origins of human nutrition.

Modern people have simplified the diet, often they buy ready-made products, with a lot of preservatives and other flavorings. This negatively affects health, increases appetite and increases.


  1. The main advantage is that the new diet allows you to quickly restore blood sugar levels. This reduces the risk of developing diabetes to a minimum.
  2. Improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, lowering cholesterol. In people who adhere to this diet, blood pressure normalizes. The fact is that the allowed foods include unsaturated fats that are safe for the heart muscle.
  3. A person ceases to experience a constant feeling of hunger, the state of depression and increased anxiety gradually disappears. People feel energized.
  4. After a few weeks, the overall appearance and condition of the skin improves, the hormonal background normalizes.
  5. The menu of the primitive man helps in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. The autoimmune protocol successfully suppresses lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, vitiligo, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
  6. In one week, you can throw off to excess weight, subject to strict adherence to the principles of Paleolithic nutrition.

Disadvantages and contraindications

Despite the positive aspects, there are also disadvantages. These include the following:

  • the diet is contraindicated in people who have been diagnosed with diseases of the kidneys and digestive system;
  • the Paleolithic diet is expensive, not everyone can afford it. In addition, it is difficult to find organic vegetables and fruits, fish and meat grown in natural conditions, without the addition of antibiotics;
  • diet, but this can be solved by introducing sweet fruits into the menu - bananas, cherries, grapes.

A number of nutritionists believe that a large amount of meat products adversely affects health. They explain this by the fact that in primitive times people hunted game, the meat of wild animals was tough and low-fat.

In addition, people moved a lot, and the hunt often ended unsuccessfully. On modern farms, animals are raised on antibiotics and supplements. The composition of such meat is far from the game of the Paleolithic era.

How to go on a diet

The transition to a new diet should be gradual. This will prevent breakdowns and help to abandon all harmful products. Initially, you should abandon processed foods, canned food, fast food, refined foods and all products containing sugar.

List of allowed products

The paleo diet includes foods that primitive people ate. These include proteins, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts.

The menu may include the following ingredients:

  • lean meat - veal, beef, horse meat, venison. It is desirable to give preference to game, but its cost is very high. In addition, it is difficult to find on the market. Buy farm-grown meat (make sure the animals have not been raised with antibiotics or other growth promoters). For poultry, opt for chicken and turkey;
  • fish and seafood: shrimps, mussels, clams, crabs, any kind of sea fish (but not grown under artificial conditions) is allowed for consumption;
  • fruits and citrus fruits are expected to be the main source of carbohydrates. When choosing fruits, be careful with bananas and grapes, do not consume them in large quantities;
  • any vegetables, with the exception of potatoes and corn, greens;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs (it is not recommended to consume more than two eggs a day);
  • olive oil;
  • nuts - almonds, walnuts, cashews, pecans, hazelnuts, pine nuts, etc.

A number of nutritionists admit the possibility of using some prohibited foods. This introduction has made the paleo diet more accessible and has gained more adherents.

These products include: natural coffee, dark chocolate, hard cheese, red wine, dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, butter), bacon, lard.

Prohibited Products

First of all, semi-finished products, canned food, pastries, pastries made from white flour, carbonated drinks, salt and seasonings that include it, as well as sugar and other sweet foods should be removed from the diet.

  • legumes - they contain antinutrients that block the absorption of minerals;
  • any cereals and derivatives of cereals (pasta, spaghetti, etc.);
  • wheat and all products prepared on its basis;
  • and fermented milk products - it is believed that adults lack the enzymes responsible for the processing and assimilation of lactose;
  • fatty meat - bacon, sausage, pork, lard.

Approximate diet

The menu for the week can be varied, focusing on your own taste. The main rule: the diet should include products only from the permitted list.


  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with herbs
  • Lunch: Meat broth soup with tomatoes, boiled meat, broccoli
  • Dinner: Vegetable salad and boiled fish
  • Breakfast: boiled eggs
  • Lunch: Chicken broth with breast, vegetable salad
  • Dinner: Mushroom-based vegetable casserole
  • Breakfast: Assorted berries
  • Lunch: Soup with celery and nuts, boiled meat and vegetable salad
  • Dinner: Baked vegetables, boiled eggs
  • Breakfast: Beef jerky, nuts
  • Lunch: 150 - 200 grams of boiled salmon, fresh vegetable salad
  • Dinner: 400 grams of steamed broccoli and cauliflower
  • Breakfast: Fried eggs with spinach
  • Lunch: Soup cooked in fish broth, vegetables with baked lean meat
  • Dinner: Salted fish (herring or mackerel), boiled vegetables
  • Breakfast: Boiled eggs, fresh peppers and tomatoes
  • Lunch: Borscht in meat broth, boiled liver with vegetable salad
  • Dinner: Mushroom stew


  • Breakfast: Low-fat boiled or stewed meat
  • Lunch: Boiled chicken and 200 - 300 grams of vegetable stew
  • Dinner: Fried lean fish, broccoli

! Drink clean water between meals. The total amount of water consumed per day should be at least 1.5 - 2 liters. Snacks are required between all meals.

The advantage of the paleo diet is that second breakfast and lunch can be heavy. Any fruits (apples, oranges, grapefruits), nuts (hazelnuts, almonds), dried meat or fresh vegetables are used as permitted products.

If you follow a simplified paleo diet, then hard cheese, cottage cheese and other sour-milk products are suitable for snacking.

What can be cooked

Complicates allowed recipes. But on a paleo diet, anyone will love standing by the stove. The wide variety of products used makes it possible to prepare delicious and healthy meals.

  1. Chicken liver pate: mix in a blender half a kilogram of liver and bacon, a few raisins. Beat six chicken yolks and 400 grams of cream substitute. Mix all ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until fully cooked (usually 60 - 70 minutes). The pate is served chilled.
  2. Cauliflower: take half a kilogram of vegetables, disassemble into inflorescences, wash and boil for 15 minutes. Place the prepared cabbage in a blender, add a little broth in which it was cooked and mustard to taste. Twist the ingredients, put salt, pepper, chopped herbs and a piece of butter. Vegetable puree is served with fish or meat.
  3. Braised rabbit: take a kilogram of rabbit fillet, cut into small pieces and fry in oil. Add some minced onion and garlic to the meat. Stew the rabbit in meat broth for half an hour over low heat (if desired, you can add a glass of dry red wine). Separately fry the zucchini and carrots in olive oil. Combine vegetables with meat and simmer for another 5 to 10 minutes. Add salt, pepper and other spices to taste.

Many people dream of losing weight and getting in shape. Recently, the paleo diet has received widespread and good reviews. This type of nutrition includes simple recipes that help to heal the body, lose weight, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. From the products allowed in the diet, you can make a simple and convenient menu for the week, which does not require a lot of expenses and time for cooking. This will help control nutrition to improve the figure. Read on to find out what the paleo diet is and how it works.

What it is?

The Paleo Diet is an abbreviation for the term Paleo diet. It is also called the "diet of the ancients". This unusual way of eating got such a name for a reason. American nutritionists, Oz Garcia and Lauren Cordain, came up with the paleo diet, based on knowledge of how our ancestors ate during the Paleolithic era. Experts believe that since then the human genetic code has not changed much, and nutrition based on natural products is best suited for the body.

Ready-made food, semi-finished products, foods rich in emulsifiers and flavor enhancers have a negative impact on health. The creators of the paleo diet recommend abandoning them for a while in order to improve the body. The main goal of Paleolithic nutrition is to restore health, but people successfully use this diet to get rid of extra pounds. Rich in vitamins, trace elements, the paleo diet menu has many advantages:

  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Preventive action against diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, other pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • Increasing stress resistance and improving mood;
  • Loss of excess weight;
  • Normalization of blood pressure;
  • Decrease in cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood.

Menu principles

What are the main foods on the paleo diet menu? These are vegetables, fruits, roots, lean meat, nuts, eggs, dairy products. Be sure to take vitamins with such a diet in order to maintain their balance in the body. The paleo diet saturates the body with useful substances, but with the lifestyle that a modern person leads, they will not be enough. Basic principles for compiling a paleo diet menu:

  1. Give preference to natural products that grow in the wild. Completely give up semi-finished products, flavor enhancers, unhealthy snacks.
  2. Fibrous vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds are the basis of your diet. This is an excellent support for the heart muscle and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Berries, fruits with antioxidant effects, introduced into the paleo diet menu, will help improve mood, tone the body, and normalize the immune system.
  4. Eat nuts, such as hazelnuts, almonds, which are a source of non-animal protein.
  5. Avoid white sugar during the paleo diet, as well as foods and drinks that contain it. This product provokes increased production of insulin, which contributes to weight gain. Replace it with honey, coconut sugar.
  6. Stop drinking coffee. The drink raises the pressure, unbalances the metabolism, causes irritability. It is also better to refuse tea, but if it is difficult, drink green or herbal tea.
  7. Drink pure non-carbonated water. The creators of the paleo diet recommend giving up all other drinks.
  8. Eat animal proteins in the form of lean meat and fish, dairy products, eggs.
  9. Refuse flour products and cereals from cereals, dairy products, legumes, large amounts of salt.

In addition to following a new diet, you should change your lifestyle. Nutritionists advise eating a little, in small portions and playing sports - then the results from the paleo diet will be more noticeable. In addition, you should eat only when there is a feeling of hunger. An active lifestyle will help you burn stored fat faster along with a paleo diet.

Menu for the week

From the list of products presented above, you can create an interesting and varied menu of the paleo diet, which does not require much time for cooking, allows you to control the intake of necessary substances into the body. It is advisable not to subject natural food to excessive heat treatment so that the beneficial components in its composition do not disappear. Every day of the paleo diet, immediately after waking up, it is recommended to drink a glass of plain water at room temperature, as well as a quarter of an hour before lunch and dinner. Sample Paleo diet menu for a week:


  • Breakfast - omelet from 2 eggs in olive oil.
  • Lunch - candied pineapple (30 grams).
  • Lunch - baked lean fish, 1 jacket potato, carrot juice.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, 200 grams of boiled chicken fillet.


  • Breakfast - fruit platter, 100 grams of cottage cheese.
  • Lunch - carrot sticks (no more than 90 grams).
  • Lunch - boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, hazelnuts (50 grams).
  • Dinner - boiled broccoli (100 grams), steamed fish (200 grams).


  • Breakfast - fruit platter, scrambled eggs from two eggs.
  • Lunch - an apple, some nuts.
  • Lunch - green salad with olive oil, 150 grams of boiled seafood, fruit.
  • Dinner - boiled or steamed cauliflower with broccoli, 100 grams of boiled chicken.


  • Breakfast - Assorted berries (up to 400 g), scrambled eggs with two eggs.
  • Lunch - A small piece of lean meat, an apple.
  • Lunch - Steamed red fish steak, vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice or olive oil.
  • Dinner - 150 grams of steamed chicken fillet, green salad.


  • Breakfast - a handful of almonds, fruit platter.
  • Lunch - banana, some nuts.
  • Lunch - Chinese cabbage salad with olive oil (up to 260 g), chicken fillet (up to 150 g), 1 boiled egg.
  • Dinner - 3 tomatoes, a small piece of steamed fish.


  • Breakfast - 1 poached egg, a handful of berries.
  • Lunch - a small portion of salad with grated apples and pieces of avocado.
  • Lunch - chicken breast in the oven, salad with cucumbers and celery.
  • Dinner - steamed red fish steak, vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast - assorted berries (a handful), an omelet with two eggs and herbs.
  • Lunch - a handful of nuts, celery stalks (2 pieces).
  • Lunch - a plate of gazpacho, boiled chicken breast.
  • Dinner - boiled turkey (up to 200 g), broccoli (up to 100 g).

A low-calorie paleo diet will help you feel great. If you are an active sports person, you can increase your carb intake with fruit and add more protein foods. In a simplified version of the paleo diet, it is allowed to fry meat and fish products instead of boiling and steaming.

Dish recipes

For those who love to cook, experienced chefs have come up with some interesting recipes with allowed paleo foods. They will help to significantly diversify the menu. You can use step-by-step instructions or create some unique recipes for your Paleolithic diet yourself.

Broccoli cream soup with nuts

You will need:

  • 1 onion;
  • 3 cups broccoli;
  • 1/4 cup pine nuts;
  • olive oil;
  • vegetable broth.


  1. Wash the onion, chop, fry.
  2. Add stock and broccoli to skillet.
  3. Boil for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Whisk in a blender.

spinach pkhali

You will need:

  • half a kilo of spinach;
  • walnuts (145 g);
  • a quarter of hot green pepper;
  • cilantro (100 g);
  • garlic (clove).


  1. Wash vegetables and herbs.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan, boil spinach for 10 minutes. Press carefully. Pour into a blender.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients to the spinach, beat until smooth.
  4. It can be eaten with pomegranate seeds and a drop of olive oil.

Sweet potato casserole

You will need:

  • bulb;
  • sweet potato (200 g);
  • 100 g minced chicken;
  • 1 egg;
  • pepper;
  • lemon juice.


  1. Grate the sweet potato.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes.
  3. In a baking dish, mix the egg, minced meat, onion, sweet potato, pepper. Spray with juice.
  4. Bake - half an hour at 200 degrees.
  5. Garnish with basil when serving.

Doctors' opinion

Given the spread of the Paleolithic type of nutrition, doctors managed to form an opinion and make reviews about the Paleo diet. Experts agree that a natural diet really helps to lose weight and improve health, and serves as a prevention of many diseases. Food on the Paleolithic menu is suitable for almost all people, except for those who suffer from kidney and stomach pathologies. Doctors recommend monitoring your condition when switching to a paleo diet and adjusting it according to the characteristics of your body.

It turns out that history is a very healthy science. It can teach humanity not only to accept the right ones, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle, and even effectively deal with excess weight. How?

The fact is that a deep study of the nutrition of primitive people formed the basis of an interesting and effective diet - the "paleolithic". Compliance with this diet will help not only to remove extra pounds, but also to improve health, improve appearance and find a good mood.

What is the Paleo diet? Menu for the week, recipes, reviews and results will be described in this article.

But first, let's briefly talk about the history of its occurrence, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages.

Chronicle from the past

For the first time, the idea of ​​a primitive Paleolithic diet was promulgated about fifty years ago by an American gastroenterologist, Walter Vogtlin. However, his work "The Stone Age Diet" was sharply criticized and forgotten.

And yet, a quarter of a century later, progressive US nutritionist Lauren Cordain revived this technique, making some changes and adjustments. Since then, the Paleo diet has become quite a popular program not only for weight loss, but also as a permanent way of eating.

What is the purpose of this diet? Let's figure it out.

Briefly about the main

The main feature of the menu of the Paleolithic diet is a return to the principle of nutrition, which was guided by the ancient inhabitants of the Stone Age.

They were not at all familiar with some of the ingredients and components that are now widely used by modern people (for example, milk and dairy products, sausages, cereals and flour). Despite such restrictions, the inhabitants of antiquity were healthy and hardy. What prevents us from becoming the same, adopting their point of view on our own nutrition?!

General rules of methodology

The following are the main requirements of the Paleolithic:

As you can see, everything is very simple. No need to weigh food and keep a strict calorie count. There is no need for fasting and other strict restrictions. Listen to your body, eat and lose weight.

The benefits of a diet

We have already touched a little on the positive aspects of the technique. First of all, it is the availability and variety of products, as well as the benefits of such nutrition for human health. How?

It has been proven for certain that the rejection of sugar, the use of lean meat, fruits and vegetables cleanses the blood and blood vessels of cholesterol, which means that the risk of diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart failure and others is reduced.

Other advantages of the technique include the impressive results of the Paleolithic. If you follow all the rules and requirements correctly, lead an active lifestyle and eat small portions, you can lose at least five kilograms in a couple of weeks! And this is not the limit.

Moreover, the effective results of the Paleo diet should not be short-term. According to some studies, there is a minimal chance of regaining lost weight within a few months after the end of the diet. And if you adhere to the principles of Paleolithic nutrition for a long period of time, then the lost kilograms will forever sink into oblivion.

What are the negative aspects of the Paleo diet menu? We will talk about this below.

Disadvantages of Diet

First of all, it should be noted that it is strictly forbidden to adhere to this technique for people who have a history of chronic kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

An important negative factor is that the Paleolithic diet is unacceptable for vegetarians.

In addition, compliance with all the rules of this method for losing weight will significantly affect your wallet. This is because the products included in the diet menu are distinguished by their high cost.

And now let's find out which specific ingredients are allowed by the creators of the technique, and which ones are prohibited.

Here is a list of allowed foods that can be used in the preparation of Paleo diet dishes (recipes and recommendations will be given below):

  1. Meat (lean pork, beef, chicken, venison, horse meat, and so on), as well as the liver and kidneys. It is desirable that the animals were raised in natural conditions. Such meat can be purchased at collective farm markets.
  2. Fish and seafood (herring, perch, tuna, mackerel, sardines, pike, oysters, mussels, caviar).
  3. Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, spinach, onions, mushrooms, lettuce and others). Preference is given to vegetables grown not in greenhouses, but in natural conditions.
  4. Fruits (apples, apricots, grapes, dates, citrus fruits, peaches, coconuts, pears and all kinds of berries).
  5. Nuts. Almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, chestnuts. You can not - peanuts, as it belongs to the legumes.
  6. Oil (linseed, olive, coconut). Preferably first and cold pressed.
  7. Spices and seasonings should be natural, without the use of salt (garlic, coriander, onion, paprika).
  8. Beverages. First of all, you should drink purified water. You can also drink green and herbal tea (from mint or chamomile).

Prohibited Products

During the Paleolithic diet, it is strictly forbidden to use:

  1. Sugar (both in pure form and in sweets and other sweets).
  2. Cereals (cereals, cereals, pasta, bread, pastries).
  3. Dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, butter, whey, yogurt).
  4. Legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, peanuts).
  5. Potato.
  6. Seasonings (salt, yeast, vinegar, and any store-bought spices).
  7. Beverages: Alcohol, tea, coffee, soda, fruit or vegetable juices, freshly squeezed or store-bought.
  8. Semi-finished products and fast food.
  9. Dried fruits (due to high sugar content).

And now let's get acquainted with the menu for the week of the Paleo diet.

List of dishes

If you have chosen this technique as a system for healing or losing weight, then over the next seven days you can please yourself with delicious, varied and nutritious dishes.

Below is a rough outline of the menu for the Paleolithic diet.

DayMeal typesRecommended meals
FirstBreakfastOmelet (two eggs, a teaspoon of olive oil), half a bell pepper
DinnerFish baked in the oven, one boiled potato ("in uniform"), lettuce
percusSeveral nuts, tea
DinnerTwo hundred grams of boiled chicken, fresh vegetable salad
SecondBreakfastVegetable Salad
DinnerSoup puree
SnackOne fruit (optional)
DinnerSteamed or baked fish (two hundred grams), boiled broccoli or green beans
ThirdBreakfastTwo eggs (scrambled eggs), fruit
DinnerOne hundred and fifty grams of boiled seafood, salad dressed with olive oil
SnackAn apple and a few walnuts
DinnerOne hundred grams of boiled chicken, stewed cabbage
FourthBreakfastTwo eggs, about three hundred grams of berries
DinnerBorscht or vegetable soup
percusFruit or some vegetable salad
DinnerFish with champignons, cooked in the oven in foil, salad of vegetables and herbs
FifthBreakfastOne hundred grams of almonds and fruit
DinnerOne egg, one hundred and fifty grams of chicken fillet, two hundred grams of Chinese cabbage salad
DinnerSteamed fish (two hundred grams), three tomatoes
SixthBreakfastOne egg, one hundred and fifty grams of berries
DinnerVegetable soup
Snackgrated apples
DinnerSteamed veal, salad
SeventhBreakfastOmelet from two eggs, berries
DinnerBaked chicken breast, one hundred grams of light soup
SnackNuts, two stalks of celery
DinnerMeat chop, lettuce

The above are only approximate dishes that can be consumed during the diet. It is noteworthy that during the day you can change the time of snacks, the main thing is that they are not plentiful and frequent. It is also allowed to use not only boiled or steamed meat, but also stewed, baked, and fried (with a small amount of olive oil).

Yes, you can and should fantasize with the choice of dishes and recommended ingredients. Therefore, do not be lazy to use your imagination and fantasy, and then there will always be dietary, tasty and healthy dishes on your table.

Are there specific recipes for the Paleo diet? Yes, below are some of them.

Cooking options

Here are some recipes to make for lunch.

Chicken vegetable soup

Ingredients for the first course:

  • one bulb;
  • two carrots;
  • two celery;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • three to four tomatoes;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • one chicken breast.

The cooking method is simple and uncomplicated:

  1. Finely chop and lightly fry the onion, garlic and meat fillet.
  2. Add carrots, celery, tomatoes and simmer for three minutes.
  3. Transfer to a saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for twenty-five minutes.
  4. You can add seasonings recommended by nutritionists.

This recipe is for four servings.

Broccoli cream soup.

Suggested Ingredients:

  • one bulb;
  • three hundred grams of broccoli;
  • a quarter cup of nuts;
  • one and a half liters of vegetable broth.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Chop and fry the onion.
  2. Add broth and broccoli to skillet.
  3. Boil for fifteen minutes.
  4. Beat with a blender.

Chicken meat with citrus fruits

This is an equally interesting dish that can be prepared for breakfast or dinner.

  • eight chicken legs or thighs;
  • one bulb;
  • one lemon;
  • one orange;
  • five tablespoons of olive oil;
  • four large cloves of garlic;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • juice of one orange.

And now the cooking method:

  1. Mix olive oil, garlic and citrus juices, pour marinade over chicken and leave for several hours in a cold place.
  2. Cut onions and fruits into rings.
  3. Place the chicken in a baking dish, put onions and citrus fruits on top, cover with foil and put in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees.
  4. Bake for thirty minutes, then remove the foil and cook for another twenty minutes.

Since the Paleolithic method involves eating a moderate amount of meat, the diet menu is replete with varied, tasty and healthy meat dishes.

Recipe for juicy and appetizing veal

To prepare it for several servings, you should take:

  • half a kilogram of veal pulp;
  • five hundred grams of mushrooms;
  • some olive oil.

Cooking method:

An equally important ingredient in the Paleo diet is fish. Here is the approximate recipe for baked fish:

  • carcass or fillet of a sea beauty, marinate for fifteen minutes in a few tablespoons of olive oil and lemon (taken in equal proportions). Then wrap in foil, put on a baking sheet and bake for about half an hour.

Steamed fish is considered a very tasty and healthy dish. To do this, take a few juicy steaks of any kind of fish, rub with cumin and ginger, put lemon slices inside.

Then place the product in a double boiler or put it on a steam bath and simmer for forty to fifty minutes. Can be served with herbs, boiled or raw vegetables.

But what about without sweets?! Vitamin sweets can be prepared as a healthy treat. For this you will need:

  • two glasses of several types of nuts;
  • half a glass of coconut;
  • five pieces of prunes;
  • six pieces of dates.

Grind nuts and dried fruits through a meat grinder, roll in coconut flakes and refrigerate for a couple of hours. Honey can be added if desired.

As you can see, this recipe deviates a little from the classic type of the Paleolithic diet, as it involves the use of non-recommended dried fruits and honey. However, if you really want sweets, then you can close your eyes to some of the nuances and enjoy a nutritious and healthy treat.

In addition, instead of the usual sweets, you can use fruit salads, which are rich in natural sucrose and glucose. To do this, you can take one apple, orange and banana, cut into cubes and season with berry juice. Honey can be added if desired.

As you can see, during the Paleolithic diet, you will not starve or severely restrict yourself in foods. Favorite meat and fish, vegetables and fruits will always be with you.

Is this technique really that effective?

Real Feedback

According to numerous reviews, the Paleo diet is indeed an effective method of losing weight. Many note a gradual weight loss by the end of the first week!

However, not everything is so smooth. The most difficult and unpleasant in this technique is that the dishes are prepared without salt and spices, so familiar to our diet.

And yet, giving up these and other minor goodies is worth it. You can not only lose extra pounds, but also acquire a pleasant complexion and a healthy appearance.