
Hot heart read online. Alexander Ostrovsky - Hot Heart Other Retells and Reviews for Reading Diary

Warm heart

First action

Peacock Pavlinich Kurosalovov, the famous merchant.

Matrena Kharitonovna, his wife.

Parasha, daughter him from the first wife.

Narcis, Karosleppov's order (at home).

Gabrilo, Clap (along the shop).

Vasya Shuster, the son of the recently ruined merchant.

Sylan, far relative Kurosleppov, lives in janitor.

Yard: to the right from the audience the porch of the master's house, near the door to the room where the clarists live; Left Flygenec, in front of him the link of the fence, in front of the filtiel bushes, a large tree, table and bench, in the background of the gate.

Summer evening, eighth hour.

The action takes place 30 years ago in the county city of Kalinov.

Phenomenon first

Gaburo (sits on a guitar bench), Silan (with a broom worth a bit).

Sylan. Did you hear the loss of us?

Gavrilo. I heard.

Sylan. Here it is where I sit, this breakdown. On this occasion, now, my brothers - gentlemen Colds, I have carefully: in the ninth hour to keep the house, and the gate to constipation. And so, so that at night through the fence to climb, - this institution must be quitting you; And now for the gate, yes to the owner.

Gavrilo. Chudak You are a man, if you need.

Sylan. My business: it was said, and there, as you know! I am now unnecessarily angry, that's how angry, trouble!

Gavrilo brands on the guitar. Silan silently looks into his arms.


Gavrilo. I droop the little. (Sings and accompanied yourself):

Neither dad, nor milf,

There is no one at home,

There is no one at home,

Frames, cute, window.

Sylan. Song important.

Gavrilo. Song swoused, in what company do you want to sing; Only here are a bust ... Look prey! See? Does not leave, and like!

Sylan. I think this is a friend of kind, it is better for you to quit it.

Gavrilo. Why should I throw him, Uncle Silantine? What I knew, you think!

Sylan. Many of you torment Martynets for him.

Gavrilo. Flour is nothing, but a lot of loss, it is true; Because the guitar is broken.

Sylan. If she was with Mahu yes about the stove, there is her and the end.

Gavrilo. End, brother you are my, end, cried money.

Sylan. About the stove? BUT? Invented the master of the echo; How to see this very guitar and now her about the stove! Wonderful!

Gavrilo (with a sigh). Not all about the stove, Uncle Silantine, two about the head of my pray.

Sylan. And it should be ridiculous; Because the buzz is around the house.

Gavrilo. Who is funny, and me ...

Sylan. Painfully? By itself, if the edge ...

Gavrilo. Well, although not the edge ... Yes, I don't chase it, I have my own head, not bought; And for the guitars, I cry money.

Forces. And that is true. The head will fight, will fight, and he will heal; And the guitar can not cure.

Gavrilo. And what, not to be removed to me! As if the owner did not see.

Sylan. Not! Where! He sleeps on stunt. Night sleeps, sleeping day; I slept at all, there is no idea, no matter what; Under his nose does not see. Decons with the fact that in reality it was that he sees in a dream, all this together confuses; And the conversation will be not privatic, only miracle; Well, and then it will cost anything.

Gavrilo (sings loud):

Neither dad, nor milf,

There is no one at home,

Sylan. Watch! Night left! And that! Go away from sin! Or stand! Hurt here; He will not follow the porch further, because lazy.

Gaburo hides.

Second phenomenon

Karosalov and Silan.

Kurosalov (sits on the porch and yaws for several times). And why is this sky poured? So here it falls, so it rolls. Or is it in a dream, what about Here guess look, what is it now in the world, morning or evening? And no one, the dust of them ... Mattress! Neither at home, nor in the courtyard, so that they! .. Mattress! This is how it is scary when you do not know that in the world ... terribly somehow. And dream I saw Ali what? Firing as if Muurina was prepared a lot. Why, say, firewood? They say: sinners to fry. Is it really me in hell? Yes, where did it all fail? And what is me for me today! But the sky again falls again? And that falls ... Batyushka! And now here is a spark. And what, if suddenly now the light-consumption! There is nothing wisdom! It is all possible that it can happen, because ... Here is a resin from somewhere and sang someone with a wild voice and the sound of a string or tube, or something ... you can't understand.

Beat the clock urban.

One, two, three, four, five (considers not listening), six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.

Watch, breaking eight, cease.

Only? Fifteen! .. My God, my God! Loaded! Fifteen! How to live! Fifteen. Yes, there is still little sins of our! Even either! If you go to drink for every occasion? Yes, they say, so much worse, and it is necessary for a person with a clean conscience ... (Screaming.) Syntine, hey! ..

Sylan. Do not shout, I hear.

Kurosalov. Where do you disappear? This case begins ...

Sylan. Nowhere to disappear, it stands here, here you are shore.

Kurosalov. I heard the clock?

Sylan. Well, so what?

Kurosalov. That's right! Lives still all late?

Sylan. Who!

Kurosalov. Households and all Orthodox Christians?

Sylan. You are thinking! Wearing!

Kurosalov. Water sources have not yet dried up?

Sylan. Not. Why are they?

Kurosalov. And where is the wife now?

Sylan. Guests left.

Kurosalov. Here is a certain case; She must do with her husband.

Sylan. Well, this is her business.

Kurosalov. What guests! Found time! Fear is sick.

Sylan. What?

Kurosalov. Everyone in hear fifteen hours beat.

Sylan. Well, fifteen, not fifteen, and the ninth hour is for sure ... I'd hardly have dinner, and again to sleep.

Kurosalov. Are you saying, dinner?

Sylan. Yes, it's just. If it is not that it is impossible.

Kurosalov. So it means that we are in the evening?

Sylan. In the evening.

Kurosalov. And all, as it happens ever? Nothing?

Sylan. What?

Kurosalov. And I was like frightened! I never know here, sitting, what changed my mind. I presented to me that the last end begins. Yes, because it is still a long time.

Sylan. What to tolerate.

Kurosalov. In the cathedral moved away?

Sylan. Now only.

Kurosalov (Sens). But, yako ... are you gate locked?

Sylan. Locked.

Kurosalov. Go to see you.

Sylan. Purchase a little, better than you ...

Kurosalov. Yes, "Pass the little!" All your survey. Everywhere you need your eyes. I have two thousand rubles gone. Joke! Nazhiud's appearance!

Sylan. And you will sleep more, and all will be braid.

Kurosalov. Do you really feel sorry! I'm with you ... Wait.

Sylan. Well, yes, how! Scared! With me to take nothing. I do my job, I walk all night, again the dogs ... I even at least to the oath. Not a current that thief, fly, does not fly, it seems. Where did you have money?

Kurosalov. I did not have time to remove in the chest, there were under the pillow, in stockings were hidden.

Forces. Well, to whom it is possible, HDD himself! In stockings hiding, - so you are stockings and interrogation carefully!

Kurosalov. Tell me. But take you by the hair, yes, like women underwear, we have ...

Sylan. Hands short!

Kurosalov. Again, the wines are not preparing, the whole bottles disappears.

Sylan. Since you are looking for, who drinks, and God has fallen.

Kurosalov. Who would stole it?

Forces. Dick!

Kurosalov. It seems to be ...

Forces. Well, yes, I would ...

Kurosalov (Naraspov). But, yako ... so dinner you say?

Sylan. One thing.

Kurosalov. Go order.

Sylan. And what's the gate?

Kurosalov. After. You are in my house… (Threatens.) Listen! I, brother, because no need for you uncle. And I have everything, doors, locks, so that everything is intelligible! Pushcha is an eye as Zenitsa Oka, take care. I'm not going to raise me because of you.

Sylan. Well, yes, and quite! Said, and will be.

Kurosalov. Where are the clerks?

Sylan. And who knows them.

Kurosalov. If not, do not unpain, let him spend the goal; Only the hostess let them. And if foreign to them, at least a familiar-rapid, nor under what kind of view. I also have a bride's daughter. (Goes to the house.)

Phenomenon third

Sylan, Gabrilo and then Vasya shuster.

Sylan (Suitable for Gavrile). Get out of nothing!

Gavrilo. Gone?

Sylan. Gone. Now he dines, but again sleep. And why is it sleeping like that? Because capital! And here are Maizya all night here. Around the money, and I decert him! Two thousand rubles! Easy to say! From yours, speaks, not on! What do I like to listen to the old age before! It seems to me to me this thief! I b him! .. That is, it seems, the teeth would throw! Well, here are now, that's so broom right to him ... (Seeing Vasya, which is shown on the fence.) Wait, wait! Here it is! Wait, let him get to the fence. (Rushes on it with a broom.) Guard!

Vasya. What are you, what are you! Do not shout, I am yours!

Sylan (grabbed him at the gate). And that, in no way, your own! Oh, so that you! Stamped. Why are you through the fence? Kara ...

Vasya. Do not shout, make mercy. I sit down to you, hurts dull home.

Sylan. If you are honored to us, that is, the gate.

Vasya. The gate is locked, and pounding - perhaps the owner will hear.

Sylan (holds him per gate). And where is it shown to be through the fence? Ka ... ka ...

Vasya. Make such mercy! After all, you know me; Is I for the first time?

Sylan. I know that you lazil lazil before the fence, and it does not come at times; There was no first to write, and now there are two thousand rubles gone. Here it is what it means to indulge!

Vasya. After all, I did not stole, you yourself know, what I feel about it!

Sylan (shakes it for the gate). You are not doing! - You are not doing! It became, I am one of all answers! You have no business. All I! Here you have now dug! Guard!

Gavrilo. Yes, you are full of you to wash it.

Sylan (VASE). Bow to your feet!

Vasya is bowed.

Like this! (Takes him out of the gate.)

Vasya. Why did you take me again for the gate?

Sylan. For any caution. What, father is healthy?

Vasya. Thank God!

Sylan. I know because I, why did you come; Yes, she is not at home, the guests left.

Vasya. Yes, let them.

Sylan (Holding it for the gate). I went to visit, friend is kind. Here, wait, will come. That will come, so see what!

Vasya. Yes, you fully have to wisely. What do you keep me for the gate?

Sylan. But what: Do you not reduce you to the owner of Rudis?

Vasya. Silantine Ivanovich, is there a cross on you?

Sylan (let go). Well, God is with you. Sit here! Only to honest and noble; And if that, now the hands back and to the owner. Understood?

Vasya. What do I understand something?

Sylan. Well, the same. I was said. (He moves and knocks on the board.)

Gavrilo. What do not see you for a long time?

Vasya. It was not possible. Well, Gavrik, what miracles I saw, so, it seems, you will not see all my life!

Gavrilo. Where is it?

Vasya. Halyna was.

Gavrilo. Do contractor?

Vasya. Yes. He already threw contracts now.

Gavrilo. Do you really have any things?

Vasya. What are things! All apart crawling, hands fall off. In the people of ITTi do not want from such a capital; I am also a man balobozhny ...

Gavrilo. But it will be unavailable, as there is nothing there will be.

Vasya. Well, there that God will give, but as long as we take a walk.

Gavrilo. What are you, what Dikovna saw from Hlynova?

Vasya. Wonders! He now lives at the cottage, in his grove. And why he does not have! B Garde arbors, fountains endowed; Sobelniki their own; every holiday regal music plays; The boats are different starting and rowing into velvet caftans dressed up. It sits everything on the balcony without a ditch, and all are inspired all the medals, and in the morning I drink champagne. The circle of home the people crowds, the weight is surprised at him. And when the people in the garden tells to start, look all the wonderful, and then in the garden of the track champagne watered. Paradise, not live!

Gavrilo. But from the peasants recently.

Vasya. The mind is so in myself. I somehow, he does not fulfill their whims! Punch bought. What else! You just say! BUT? Put! What else to wish in the world? What now does he have? Everything.

Gavrilo. Yes, what's the gun?

Vasya. Like what, Crank! According to his capital, this thing is necessary. How a glass drinks, now shoot, drinking another - shoot everyone to know what honor to him in front of everyone. Another dying, that is not waiting for honor. At least the day eagerly lived.

Gavrilo. Where can we! You moth of God, so that the work of the work was to be full.

Vasya. More Barin with him. He brought him out of Moscow, he took it to himself and takes with him everywhere for importance. Barin does not do anything and is still silent, only drinking champagne. And a big salary for him, it is necessary for the appearance only for one that is very unusual mustache. Here, too, it is not necessary to live this Barina.

Gavrilo. Eh, brother Vasya! To whom you envy! Now, he will sew this barina champagne, and tomorrow, maybe he will turn off. Well, like the birthdays there, and then go on foot to Moscow. And you, at least with a penny in your pocket, yes my lord himself.

Vasya. And then he still has another aircraft there is a local tradesman, Alistarh.

Gavrilo. I know.

Vasya. This only on the fiction: what to do what towhery, drink more fun, so that not all the same thing. Machines hlyunov makes, flaks colors, fountains in the garden conducts, colored lanterns glue; Swan made him on the boat on the braid, just like alive; Clock over the stables at the tower set with music. This does not drink and takes a little money; But he and respect less. "You have, saying, golden hands, make capital from me!" "I don't want, says Listarch, and your capital is all unfair." "How you, says, dare to rush, I run you." Alistarh him right so: "Gony, says, I will not pay, for my life you, fools, enough." And as if it was clear. Only Alistarh is not afraid of him, rude him and scolds in his eyes. And his hlyops even loves him; Yes, and then I must say a lot of money, and there is a lot of money, and it's boring, therefore he doesn't know anything, how to spend this money to him, so that it was fun. "If, he says, I will not have a loyarchy, I will become so simple to throw them." Here is an alistarh and need to think for him. And if he fits himself, everything is incompare. I recently invented in the summer in the sleigh ride the field. Here near the village; Gathered twelve girls and harnessed them in Sani. Well, what pleasure! Each girl gave gold. And then suddenly the Handra attacks him: "I do not want, says, drunk, I want to execute about my sins." Cleans the clergy will put everyone in the living room in order, circle, on the chair and starts to sweeten; All in the legs bow; Then it will force, and he sits one in the middle of the room and bitter tears crying.

Gavrilo. What did you do with him?

Vasya. I called Alistarh. They now have been alone this game boat all in their own way. The boat is real and drive around the pond around the island, and the island of a snack and wine is prepared, and the owner's alistarh, dresses the Turk. Three days in a row this game was played, tired.

Narkis is suitable.

Fourth phenomenon

The same and Narcis.

Narkis. I am, I, perhaps, with you to sit down, no need for me that you are not a company. (Sits down.)

Vasya (not paying attention to him). How the robbers turn two times around the islands, and all Ataman looks into the tube, and suddenly hesitates not with his voice, and now they are moored, and rob, and the owner stands and hits everyone.

Narkis. What kind of robbers appeared and scooped? I think now it was known.

Vasya (without listening). And the owner says in Turkish, so it looks like it should be.

Narkis. There are also, who do not want to talk, but also beat them for it pretty much.

Vasya. And dressed all in velvet, real, brochure.

Narkis (takes out a red fulyar handkerchief, squeezed, and waving them). Maybe the other who knows how to dress, so the merchant in the nose will be rushed.

Gavrilo. Look you with your spirits!

Narkis (Showing the ring). And the supires can also have that that, which are merchant children, maybe, and they could not. And everything is found about the robbers about your robbers, therefore they are not shown to cover them.

Vasya. Yes, maybe you are a robber yourself, who knows you!

Narkis. And for those left, too, the court with your brother is short.

Vasya. When I was in Moscow, the Dzhemuzhiyitsi saw, so there from the boat right so from the rifle and shoot. What is better for.

Narkis. I will go to Moscow, I will see, I will see if you say.

Vasya. So the actor was trepal, trembled in your hands, - passion!

Narkis. You wait to lie something, I'll see, I also, maybe your penalty will come.

Vasya. And this is a merchant, not an actor, and more on the robber looks like.

Narkis (rises). You have a clever conversation, I see, no, I have nothing to listen. And by the way, it is necessary to say necessary, I myself am soon in merchants. (Enters the outhouse.)

Gavrilo. And you listen to what I have established a song.

Vasya. Valya!

Gavrilo (sings with a guitar).

Neither dad, nor milf,

There is no one at home,

There is no one at home,

Frames, cute, window!

Sylan (issued). You are quieter, no owner ...

Kurosalov comes out on the porch.

Gavrilo (not listening, with big azart).

There is no one at home,

Frames, cute, window!

Cute handle stretched out

Cossack weak drove.

On the Seni, on the door,

That's new gates.

Kurosalov (comes off the porch). Gavryushka! Here who is buzzing something. What kind of pussy are you getting on the yard!

Gavrilo (VASE). Batyushki! Take the speed guitar da fun in the bushes.

Vasya takes a guitar from him and climbs into the bushes.

Kurosalov. To whom I say! Deaf you, or what! Go now on the eyes and with Bandura!

Gavrilo. There are no guitars, Peacock Pavlinich, fall on the spot, no, s, it is me ...

Kurosalov. How so? How so, a fraudster!

Gavrilo. I, Peacock Pavlinich, on the lips, right, on the lips.

Kurosalov. Look here, come here, tell you!

Vasya runs away with a guitar in the outhouse.

Sylan. You, brother, go, if they are veyd; To do, therefore, there has nothing to do.

Gavrilo. What is! I go-with!

Sylan. Well, sweeping a little, it is impossible, it is impossible, then he is the owner.

Gavrilo is walking down his leg. Karoslepov bypassing him and wants to come to him. Gavrilo retreats, then runs to the porch, kroicalleps behind him in the house. Knock in the gate. Silan unlocks. Mature and parsham. Sylan, letting them, leaves for the gate.

Phenomenon fifth

Matrena, Parasha, then Gavrillo.

Matrena (goes to the porch, the house runs out gaburlo, disheveled, and faces it). Oh! Urchin! Under the edge! Under the very - under the heart! I'm loved by! (Catches his hand.)

Paras laughs.

What are you laughing, what?

Parasha. I wanted to laugh and laugh.

Matrena. Eco potion! Eco potion! (Goes to the pache and leads Gabril behind him, he rests on.)

Parasha. Do not come better, it will not be good for you.

Matrena. Refrigeration to you, in a closer to the constraint, that's all time talk.

Parasha. No, not all, a lot of us with you will be conversation. (Goes out.)

Matrena. Eco potion initiated! (Gavrile.) And where did you come from? Already you have become rushing! You are what you are intense! Trepied you, yes, it should be not enough.

Gavrilo. Well, it's good that it is to tremble people! There is something braggard! After all, this is all why people do it?

Matrena. From what? Well, say why?

Gavrilo. From non-formation.

Matrena. From uneducation? You can see little? Let's go, I am still to the owner satel.

Gavrilo. What are you really! Stick! (Breaks out.) I really want to rush from you.

Matrena. And wonderful! Won and Parash wants to dry, so you are together, and we will unleash.

Gavrilo. Well, I'm really Takovsky, and for what you are on my daughter? No live live from you. It is even quite suitable on your part.

Matrena. Oh, you, creature crawling! Do you dare so the hostess?

Gavrilo. After all, it is in you ignorance yours so firmly.

Matrena. Sickie! Now I am all your rights to you.

Gavrilo. What rights? I have no. What should I be silent? I will scream throughout the city that you are over the Padder Tirant. Here you know! (Goes out.)

There is a Narcis.

Phenomenon of sixth

Matrones and Narcis.

Matrena. Are you, Narcis?

Narkis (rough). No, not me.

Matrena. How can you be so unacceptable with me! The hostess wishes gently talking to you - there is her such a desire ...

Narkis. Imagine! And what else will be?

Matrena. You are, as it is, a man is uglued.

Narkis. And then the man, I do not put myself Barine. What you made me from Kucher's crooks, economy - you think that I am now Barine and became for you, how! You will resign me such a sheet so that I was, as it is, a natural nobleman, and then courtesy of me and ask me.

Matrena. What are you inventing something that is impossible!

Narkis. And it is impossible, I live so much. As was Nevezh, a bummer and Grubian, so, it means, and remained. And I'm not worried about it, because I am so very good.

Matrena. What are you nelaskova today?

Narkis. But nelaskaya and nonlaskova.

Matrena. Why?

Narkis. So, neither of what. I heard a lot about the robbers.

Matrena. What about what?

Narkis. Appeated in our places ... a man of the one and a half. Washers in the forests and water by boats.

Matrena. Yes, they lie, tea, appear.

Narkis. Who knows them; Maybe they lie.

Matrena. Well, are you afraid, or what?

Narkis. Well, I still invented! I will be afraid, very necessary!

Matrena. What did you get out? You do not need something?

Narkis. Yes, Terecherica is very necessary for me ...

Matrena. What?

Narkis. Money.

Matrena. What money you are!

Narkis. Such money, - ordinary, state, and you thought toy? So I'm not small, I do not play them. Come on a thousand rubles!

Matrena. Yes, come up! Lives long ago ...

Narkis. It is exactly what recently; Only, if I demand, so it became necessary. Because I want to go to the merchants to go out and simultaneously, so, it means that I was a thousand rubles.

Matrena. Barbarian You, Barbarian!

Narkis. It's for sure, I'm a barbarian; This is the truth. There are no pity for me.

Matrena. Why, you rob me.

Narkis. And for what I do not rob you, if I can. What am I Terecherich for the fool, that I will give up my happiness!

Matrena. Yes, an insatiable your soul, you really have little else?

Narkis. Not enough is not enough, but if there is my such desire, so, it means that there is nothing to talk. If yes, I do not take money with you, it will be quite funny.

Matrena. Oh, you ... my gaze is merciful ... what should I do with you!

Narkis. Now Sabbath, nothing can be done! You would be about it before ...

Matrena. Where will I take you money?

Narkis. And this is not my mind business.

Matrena. Yes, you yourself, the oak ball, think it yourself!

Narkis. Here is still very necessary! I'm business! I will become a head for you, how! Those who are thought of Indian roosters. I lived the whole century without thinking; And as now that the head comes, that's the end.

Matrena. Bloodvets you, ancient! (Wants to go.)

Narkis. Wait, wait. I do not need money. Joked.

Matrena. That's much better.

Narkis. And to marry me, Parash.

Matrena. Well, not the dog you after that?

Narkis. And money, and dowry, everything should be.

Matrena. Wow! Damn! To buy you thinly your envious.

Narkis. And make such mercy, the wedding so that it was rather. And then I made such business things that you do not pay. What my soul wants it to be! And please, you do not delay me. Here you and the tale. I am no longer talking to you now in the location. (Goes out.)

Matrena. Sailing me, oh, attached! I threw myself a loop on the neck! He won all my dover from Bela. Scoothes are not moving from place. For sure I was stupid! Kaba this chad where the log imparted, it would seem to go to Kiev in a promise.

Parsach comes out.

Seventh phenomenon

Matrena and Parasha.

Matrena. Where are you, where to jump?

Parasha. Go soon, the father is called.

Matrena. Go before, I'm yours.

Parasha. I'm not a drummer, go ahead to go. (Comes off the porch.)

Matrena. Where do you like? We don't have it in your opinion, I do not go out, I'll hide you at night in the yard.

Parasha. Well, after all, I'll go outside, if you began to talk. And I do not need to leave, and go. Go home, customs, tell you.

Matrena. Running in half, and put on your own.

Parasha. Delivered all my heart from me, took out. What do you want from me? (It becomes right against her.)

Matrena. What you need, how do you need? My first duty, I must observe you!

Parasha. Observe yourself!

Matrena. You are not a decree.

Parasha. And you are not a decree.

Matrena. To me for you, for rubbish, yes before the Father answer ...

Parasha. There is nothing to invent something to be. Not what you answer, you yourself know; Only hatred in the hatred. What, I interfere with you, what is that we take a walk in the yard. After all, I am a girl! Only and the years have a summer case to take a walk in the evening, breathe on the will. Do you understand, in the wild, in your will, as I want.

Matrena. I know why you went out; No wonder Narki said something.

Parasha. You would be ashamed about Narki and remember.

Matrena. So here is not ...

ABOUT! So that you were empty! I am writing me! In the coffin you tend me!

Parasha. Why do you need to be called me? At the beast of the forest, and there is a feeling. There are a lot of volley in our life in the girl! How much time I myself my own? And then I am all someone else's, all alien. Young - so the father with the mother of a female worker, and even grew up and gave, so man, the man's slave is unquestioned. So if I give you this vyolyushka, dear, short. All, all take away from me, and I will not give will ... I'll go for a knife for her!

Matrena. Ah, she kills me! Ah, kill!

Kurosaloves goes to the porch, silane into the gate.

Eighth phenomenon

Matrena, Parasha, Kurosalov, Silan.

Kurosalov. Mattress! What you do not get used!

Matrena. Uyi daughter, yui! Singing me wants.

Parasha. I have nothing to take me, I'm so smirch.

Matrena. I got into the family, in a religious. I wish I had a parent in the greatness of the presence.

Kurosalov. Ec, had enough!

Matrena. There I loved me, they were nehooted, there and on the day they are killed about me.

Sylan. You shout shikch! And so read the whole city at the gate, did not fire, they say.

Kurosalov. And you broke it!

Matrena (Silane). And save you Lord! What am I with you ... (Kurosleppov.) You spoiled your daughter, you! You have one intent, you want to destroy me. Led daughters to conquer! From place not to go away.

Kurosalov. Praskovya, conquer!

Parasha. Yes, what to submit something? I went through the yard around, and she drives me. What does she think about me? Why does she flock me? I am honest! I am insult. Bitter offense!

Matrena. Speak, shaggy jester ...

Kurosalov. Blunt is her!

Matrena. You are broken! Speak, Suspended Your Bunked: My business take her?

Parasha. There is nothing to take care of who saves himself! Do not tell me of such words!

Kurosalov. Well, what else is there! What a bazaar! Conquer, tell you.

Parasha. And you say: conquer? Well, please ... I conquer. (Matrene.) I will conquer, just here I tell you with a father - this is the last time - you remember my words! Forward, I, when I want and where, I want to go there and go. And if you will stop me, so I will prove to you, which means the girl will take away the will. Listen you, father! I do not often have to talk to you, so I'll tell you. You, a girl, offended. My conscience to be sought with you, but there is no power to be silent; After a year I will be silent after a year, I'll tell you what. You do not take away my will dear, do not make my honor by Maiden, do not put the watchmen after me! If I wanted myself good, - I will save myself, and if you take me to take me ... Do not save me to you! (Goes out.)

Kurosalov leaves for her, through the head. Matrena behind him, grieves and marry himself.

Sylan (knocks on the board). Look!

On Forzac: a banner - awards to the Polevsky urban branch of the OGPU from the workers of the cryolite plant (1932).

The 70th anniversary of the AGC of the KGB is dedicated


Any revolution is only then worth something if she knows how to defend themselves.

From the SNK Protocol number 21 on the creation of the PC

Listened: the report of Dzerzhinsky about the organization and composition of the Commission to combat sabotage.

Decutive: to name the Commission of the All-Russian Emergency Commission at the Council of People's Commissars for Combating Counter-revolution and Sabotage and approve it.

The composition of the Commission (not yet complete): xenophon, Zhidlev, Averin, Peterson, Peters, Evseev, Trifonov V., Dzerzhinsky, Sergo, Vasilevsky.

Commission's tasks:

1. Preserve and eliminate all counter-revolutionary and sabotage attempts and actions throughout Russia, from whom they would proceed.

2. Tradition to the court of the revolutionary tribunal of all sabotues and counter-revolutionaries and the development of measures to combat them.

3. The Commission is only a preliminary investigation, since it is necessary to prevent.

4. The Commission is divided into departments:



Department of struggle


A chekist can only be a person with a cold head, a hot heart and clean hands.

From the memo to employees of the CC 1918

What should each commissioner, investigator, intelligence officer, is looking for a search:

Be always correct, polite, modest, resourceful.

Do not shout, be soft, but, however, you need to know where to exercise hardness.

Before talking, you need to think.

On searches to be more prudent, skillfully warned the misfortune.

Every employee must remember that he is designed to protect the Soviet revolutionary order and not allow him to disrupt; If he does it himself, he has no good man anywhere and should be deceived from the rows of the Commission.

Be clean and incorruptible, because mercenary attractions are treason to the working and peasant state and in general people.

Be a weathered, persistent, be able to quickly navigate, take wise measures.

Khrand, as the Zenitsa Oka, these instructions to you.

Yu. I. Kornilov,
Head of the Department of the KGB of the USSR in the Sverdlovsk region
K. Naumov,
Employee Department
On the protection of the revolution
Historical essay

The victory of the October Socialist Revolution in Russia has led the exploitative classes both within the country and beyond. Military intervention and whitewardian-kulatsky uprising, spying and sabotage, terror, speculation and sabotage - did not disappear the enemies of the young Soviet state in their attempts to strangle the dictatorship of the proletariat, prevent the workers and peasants to build a new life.


"Bourgeoisie, landowners and all rich classes," wrote in the December 1917 days in the December 1917, - the desperate efforts strain to undermine the revolution, which should ensure the interests of workers, workers and the exploited masses. "

To the Soviet state, for the purpose of self-defense, had to resort to decisive measures to reflect the onslaught of counter-revolution. Such a forced response was the creation of 7 (20) December 1917 by the All-Russian emergency commission to combat counter-revolution and sabotage (HCC). She was headed by Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, Iron Felix, one of the nearest associates V. I. Lenin.

To successfully combat counter-revolution, a network of local emergency commissions was needed. The PKC began their organization.

The main tasks of the commissions were, on the one hand, the identification and suppression of the secret subversive activities of the enemies, on the other, the direct struggle with the open counter-revolutionary and gangster performances.

The first emergency commission in the Urals was established on February 24, 1918 in Yekaterinburg. In May 1918, by the Resolution of the Regional Council, she received the name of the Ural Regional Emergency Commission to Combat Council and Speculation.

Almost at the same time emergency commissions to combat counter-revolution arise in all provincial centers of the Urals. On March 7, 1918, the Orenburg Military Revolutionary Committee created a department for combating counter-revolution. In June, the department was reorganized into the provincial emergency commission. On March 15, 1918, the Perm District Emergency Committee for the Committee for Combating Counter-revolution, Speculation and Sabotage, renamed in June 1918 to the Perm Provincial Emergency Commission. On March 17, 1918, the Ufa Gubernsky Revda, renamed the provincial Council of People's Commissar, formed an emergency commission to combat counter-revolution and predatoryness. The ruling was recorded that the Commission is provided with the right "if necessary, to declare military or siege and take the most decisive measures to combat counter-revolution and predatoryness."

During the summer and autumn of 1918, the revolution protection organs were created in all major cities of the Urals (Nizhny Tagil, Verkhoturia, Nevyansk, Krasnoufimsk, Izhevsk, Votkinsk, Kamyshlov, etc.), as well as in most county centers. In the fall of 1918, only 30 emergency commissions were numbered in the Perm province.

As well as everywhere in the country, the Ural Emergency Commissions in full compliance with the decisions of the Soviet government and the regulations of the Chechen Republic were broader rights to apply decisive measures against counter-revolutionaries. So, in the certificate of the Acting Chairman of the Ural Regional Emergency Commission, N. A. Bobylev, signed in May 1918, it was said that the Bobylev had the right to produce searches, arrests, removing, confiscation and requisition, to make decisions on custody , to produce inquiry to transfer to the Investigation Commission of the Tribunal.

At the head of the Emergency Commissions, party committees put active, persistent communists who have experience of underground work in the conditions of royal autocracy.

The first Chairman of the Ekaterinburg CC was appointed a member of the Bolsheviks Party since 1905 M. I. Efremov (Party Number of Finn), who in the years of tsarism for underground party activities was sentenced to the highest punishment replaced by a lifetime carriage, the Delegate of the VI Congress of the RSDLP. Pavel Hohryakov became the Deputy Chairman of the Yekaterinburg Emergency Commission.

(Excerpt of the essay "From Pieces A. N. Ostrovsky" - part of the "literary collection", written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.)

"Hot Heart" (1869)

Returned [Ostrovsky] to comedies - returned to the merchant-mesh house, a circle of characters, topics and plots. The richest merchant is a domineering, peep, bored by idleness; His tricky wife, the second one; Daughter from the first wife, moving into the female will. Rich, Joint, Radish Contractor, Wide Kutyl ("I have been kuraza a cellar"); Frequent traded, he has services; more merchant son, slacker; clerk-extortionist; CRADER ORDERS; Rule wistra with character. Many characters are sleepy and catchy. At all, the representative of the authorities is the Gingerbile, in the past army officer. It is depicted sharply-caricature (in obvious faults to public opinion?) - And however, and quite a possible type.

Warm heart. The film-performance of 1953 on Drama A. Ostrovsky. 1st series

The action does not go beyond the scope of life (there is a mass urban walking); Many scenes, even to bustle. (Other incidents or actions are communicated to us by absentee retelling.) Multi-unified dialogues, many extra (but language is always alive), and many scenes are already watering, without the same author's restraint, it is already lost by the measure, there are a completely renal unworthy water-free water, just for fun at the audience; And the bust of humor comes to the undesteky, and before Sumbur. Anecdotal characters (but space for the acting game). The entire mud and perceived as a deliberate performance, such (with changing in the robbers) and is built-in adding. By the end of the passage, his daughter takes himself a free choice in the grooms of a comprehensive clerk.

And the name is the plays inappropriate, unless with a big stretch.

Warm heart. The film-performance of 1953 on Drama A. Ostrovsky. 2nd series

Note. The first settings of the comedy - January 15, 1869 in the Small Theater, January 29 in Alexandrinsky (the latter was unsuccessful; but then raised on this stage repeatedly, with b about success). In Soviet times, it was put in Mkate (1926) and in many provincial theaters. It is also placed in the post-Soviet: Small Theater (1992), theater on a small armor (2007), contemporary (2013). There is a film-performance (1953, setting the Leningrad Drama Theater them. A.S. Pushkin).

Kat Martin

Warm heart

Children of the whole land.

Let them all find love, joy and peace

England London

January 1844

In the air above the graveyard hung misty hoarflash. Even the inscriptions on the grave stones in the shadow of the stone wall of the Church of St. Michael could not be read. Coralie Whitmore in a dress made of heavy black crepe and a broad-breasted black hat with a veil stood next to her parents, a vicon and Vicontess of Selcoque, listening to the monotonous voice of the bishop, but not delight in the meaning of prayer.

In the coffin, near the bunch of wet earth, there was a body of her sister, which was discovered a few days ago in the waters of the Avon River. Laurel, according to the examination, committed suicide. Without standing with shame, she decided to commit suicide and rushed into the river.

You will tremble all, - I noticed my father. The wind fastened his copper-red hair of the same shade as the coasta. He was a low growth and not at all of the Bogatyan physique, but it was so important that it seemed much larger. - Bishop finished. Time to go home.

Corali looked at the coffin, then on a white rose on a long stem, which kept in his hand, covered with a black glove. She approached closer, although her legs did not obey her, and put a rose on the coffin made of pink wood.

I do not believe it, "she whispered. - Goodbye, sweet sister. I will miss you very much. - She turned and went to the parents. She and her sister had a common father, and his mother was native only for Corrie.

Mother Laurel died at childbirth. Viscount married the second paz, and soon Kori was born. They grew together and were always very close, except for the past few years, when Kori began to work in the editorial office of the London Ladon magazine called "from the heart to Heart," where he led the secular chronic column. This work had its own specifics, and she was constantly busy.

Laurel, who always preferred to live in the village, settled with his aunt Agnes in Wiltshire - the family estate in Selcoque Hall. At first, girls often wrote each other, then letters began to come more and less.

"If you could reverse time, I thought Corrie, who was stood from grief from grief. "If only I was here, when you needed in me ..." But she was too busy with her life, he constantly visited balls and parties, which then wrote articles for their column of secular chronic. She was too absorbed by the work to notice that Lorel got into trouble.

And now her sisters are not.

Are you all right, coral? - While in the Blue Living Room of the Wemitor Residences to Grosvenor Square, heard the Voice of his best friend. Crista Hart Dugren approached her on the other side of the living room, where gentle blue damask curtains and a brocade sofa and armchairs were tightened with black crepe.

Corri, putting his hand under the veil, brushed a tear from the cheek.

Everything will be fine with me. But I really miss her and feel myself ... guilty.

Most of those who were present at the funeral - and their, taking into account the circumstances of the death of Lorel, was not so much, - gathered in the yellow living room. It was a luxurious salon in golden and amber tones, with two marble fireplaces located in different ends. There were also a table for guests, but Kori did not want to eat at all.

Do not blame yourself, Corrie. How could you know that my sister got into trouble? - said a friend, trying to somehow calm her.

Crista was blonde beauty. Her nature was not offended by her, and she was above many men, not counting her husband Leif, a very high blond, next to which she seemed miniature and fragile.

Leif was one of the most beautiful men who ever had to meet Kori. Now he was talking to his brother in the other end of the living room with his brother, who, unlike him, was a brunette, but he did not infuriate him in growth and was also very interesting.

I should be alened when she almost completely stopped writing, "Kori said. - I should have understood what happened something wrong.

She was twenty-three years old, Corali. She was just two years older than you and very independent. In addition, if I do not change my memory, she wrote to you from Norfolk.

Last summer Laurel moved to Norfolk and settled in another aunt, Gladis. In addition to the two aunt, there are still cousins \u200b\u200bEllison, about one age with Corrie, Laurel relatives on the motherboard did not have. With a stepmother, the mother of Kori, her relationship did not work out, but the aunt, both old maids, loved her as her daughter, and Lorel answered them the same.

Peacock Pavlinich Kurosalpov, eminent merchant.

Matrena Kharitonovna, his wife.

Parasha, daughter him from the first wife.

Narkis, cricarle Support (at home).

Gavrilo, customer (along the shop).

Vasya Shustery, son recently broken merchant.


Sylan, far relative Kurosleppov, lives in janitor.

Yard: to the right from the audience the porch of the master's house, near the door to the room where the clarists live; Left Flygenec, in front of him the link of the fence, in front of the filtiel bushes, a large tree, table and bench, in the background of the gate.

Summer evening, eighth hour.

The action takes place 30 years ago in the county city of Kalinov.

Phenomenon first

Gavrilo(sits on a guitar bench), Silan. (with a broom cost).

Sylan. Did you hear the loss of us?

Gavrilo. I heard.

Sylan. Here it is where I sit, this breakdown. On this occasion, now, my brothers - gentlemen Colds, I have carefully: in the ninth hour to keep the house, and the gate to constipation. And so, so that at night through the fence to climb, - this institution must be quitting you; And now for the gate, yes to the owner.

Gavrilo. Chudak You are a man, if you need.

Sylan. My business: it was said, and there, as you know! I am now unnecessarily angry, that's how angry, trouble!

Gavrilo brands on the guitar. Silan silently looks into his arms. Reach?

Gavrilo. I droop the little. (Sings and accompanied yourself):

Neither dad, nor milf,

There is no one at home,

There is no one at home,

Frames, cute, window.

Sylan. Song important.

Gavrilo. Song swoused, in what company do you want to sing; Only here are a bust ... Look prey! See? Does not leave, and like!

Sylan. I think this is a friend of kind, it is better for you to quit it.

Gavrilo. Why should I throw him, Uncle Silantine? What I knew, you think!

Sylan. Many of you torment Martynets for him.

Gavrilo. Flour is nothing, but a lot of loss, it is true; Because the guitar is broken.

Sylan. If she was with Mahu yes about the stove, there is her and the end.

Gavrilo. End, brother you are my, end, cried money.

Sylan. About the stove? BUT? Invented the master of the echo; How to see this very guitar and now her about the stove! Wonderful!

Gavrilo(with a sigh). Not all about the stove, Uncle Silantine, two about the head of my pray.

Sylan. And it should be ridiculous; Because the buzz is around the house.

Gavrilo. Who is funny, and me ...

Sylan. Painfully? By itself, if the edge ...

Gavrilo. Well, although not the edge ... Yes, I don't chase it, I have my own head, not bought; And for the guitars, I cry money.

Forces. And that is true. The head will fight, will fight, and he will heal; And the guitar can not cure.

Gavrilo. And what, not to be removed to me! As if the owner did not see.

Sylan. Not! Where! He sleeps on stunt. Night sleeps, sleeping day; I slept at all, there is no idea, no matter what; Under his nose does not see. Decons with the fact that in reality it was that he sees in a dream, all this together confuses; And the conversation will be not privatic, only miracle; Well, and then it will cost anything.

Gavrilo(sings loud):

Neither dad, nor milf,

There is no one at home,

Kurosalov comes out on the porch.

Sylan. Watch! Night left! And that! Go away from sin! Or stand! Hurt here; He will not follow the porch further, because lazy.

Gaburo hides.

Second phenomenon

Karosalov and Silan.

Kurosalov(sits on the porch and yaws for several times). And why is this sky poured? So here it falls, so it rolls. Or is it in a dream, what about Here guess look, what is it now in the world, morning or evening? And no one, the dust of them ... Mattress! Neither at home, nor in the yard, so that they! ... Matrena! This is how it is scary when you do not know that in the world ... terribly somehow. And dream I saw Ali what? Firing as if Muurina was prepared a lot. Why, say, firewood? They say: sinners to fry. Is it really me in hell? Yes, where did it all fail? And what is me for me today! But the sky again falls again? And that falls ... Batyushka! And now here is a spark. And what, if suddenly now the light-consumption! There is nothing wisdom! It is all possible that it can happen, because ... Here is a resin from somewhere and sang someone with a wild voice and the sound of a string or tube, or something ... you can't understand.

Beat the clock urban.

One, two, three, four, five (considers not listening), six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.

Watch, breaking eight, cease.

Only? Fifteen! ... my God, my God! Loaded! Fifteen! How to live! Fifteen. Yes, there is still little sins of our! Even either! If you go to drink for every occasion? Yes, they say, so much worse, and it is necessary for a person with a clean conscience ... (Screaming.) Silantine, Hey! ...

Sylan. Do not shout, I hear.

Karosleps. Where do you disappear? This case begins ...

Sylan. Nowhere to disappear, it stands here, here you are shore.

Karosleps. I heard the clock?

Sylan. Well, so what?

Karosleps. That's right! Lives still all late?

Sylan. Who!

Karosleps. Households and all Orthodox Christians?

Sylan. You are thinking! Wearing!

Karosleps. Water sources have not yet dried up?

Sylan. Not. Why are they?

Karosleps. And where is the wife now?

Sylan. Guests left.

Karosleps. Here is a certain case; She must do with her husband.

Sylan. Well, this is her business.

Karosleps. What guests! Found time! Fear is sick.

Sylan. What?

Karosleps. Everyone in hear fifteen hours beat.

Sylan. Well, fifteen, not fifteen, and the ninth hour is for sure ... I'd hardly have dinner, and again to sleep.

Karosleps. Are you saying, dinner?

Sylan. Yes, it's just. If it is not that it is impossible.

Karosleps. So it means that we are in the evening?

Sylan. In the evening.

Karosleps. And all, as it happens ever? Nothing?

Sylan. What?

Karosleps. And I was like frightened! I never know here, sitting, what changed my mind. I presented to me that the last end begins. Yes, because it is still a long time.

Sylan. What to tolerate.

Karosleps. In the cathedral moved away?

Sylan. Now only.

Kurosalov(Sens). But, yako ... are you gate locked?

Sylan. Locked.

Karosleps. Go to see you.

Sylan. Purchase a little, better than you ...

Karosleps. Yes, "Pass the little!" All your survey. Everywhere you need your eyes. I have two thousand rubles gone. Joke! Nazhiud's appearance!

Sylan. And you will sleep more, and all will be braid.

Karosleps. Do you really feel sorry! I'm with you ... Wait.