
Learning to win in a street fight - effective techniques. Sneaky techniques of the hooligan style of survival fighting

Realities modern world are such that we risk encountering danger simply by going outside. Sometimes we can't avoid dark alleys and deserted areas, so we need to know self-defense techniques that will help us protect ourselves in case of danger. And if a conflict arises and the alleged offender crosses a certain line, then the most correct thing on your part would be to launch an active attack in order to deprive him of the opportunity to continue his actions.

Of course, it is worth remembering that assault is not the only way to resolve a conflict - in some cases it is better to flee, forgetting about pride, even if you know self-defense techniques. But there are also situations when the only way to protect your life is self-defense. Most fights in the streets are started by a physically strong person, sometimes there may even be several attackers. In such cases, prohibited self-defense techniques will be the most effective. This technique is quite simple, but at the same time its techniques are very traumatic.

Features of prohibited techniques

The specificity of this technique lies in striking the enemy’s most vulnerable spots. And there is no need to apply great force to injure a weak spot. Therefore, such techniques are suitable for people of any gender, age and build. There are many particularly vulnerable places on the human body that cannot be pumped up with muscles or accustomed to pain.

For prohibited self-defense techniques to be effective, strikes must be struck quickly and spontaneously. In self-defense, not only technique is important, but also cunning. That is, if you are unexpectedly attacked, you don’t need to immediately get into a fighting pose - it’s better to pretend to be scared and then hit the enemy swipe.

The most vulnerable areas of the human body

So, the main areas that do not have dense muscle cover are: collarbones, spine, shins, ankles, temples, instep, internal organs, joints, the back of the skull and the most sensitive places (eyes, carotid artery, groin, lower abdomen, nose and throat). The most effective self-defense techniques for girls and children are hitting the enemy in the ear area, bridge of the nose, and at the base of the jaw. As well as painful holds and grips on fingers, hands, collarbones and elbows.

There are quite a lot of techniques for protecting yourself during an attack. And in order to master them perfectly, it is better to enroll in special courses; such skills will certainly not be superfluous.

Techniques that will help deprive the offender of his legal capacity

As a rule, weak attempts at resistance will only provoke the aggressor, and he will move on to more terrible actions. Therefore, it is worth considering useful self-defense techniques on the street that will help you buy time and partially incapacitate the offender.

Knee to the groin

This technique, in its classical form, is either a grab of the scrotum, since this area is the most vulnerable in men. If you hit the attacker hard in this place, he will reflexively release his hands, as a result, you will have the opportunity to free yourself from the grip. Please note: you need to hit as hard as possible, since weak attempts will only anger your opponent.

Punch to the groin

The blow can be applied from the bottom up with a hand clenched into a fist. Need to hit the surface thumb like a knife strike from bottom to top. If the enemy grabs you from the back and holds you by the hair or throat, then you need to hit with the edge of your palm or with your fist, directing the blow back. If it allows, you can use it with a half-turn of the body - this technique will be even more effective.

Throat hit

Simple self-defense techniques for women always include such an important blow as a poke in the throat.

You need to fold your fingers in a pinch, pressing the pads tightly against each other and apply it to the enemy’s throat. This solution will be the most optimal way of defense, but only if the aggressor’s throat is open. The blow is applied to the depression above the collarbones from top to bottom or from bottom to top at an acute angle. This technique is very painful and can lead to difficulty breathing in the attacker, coughing or even fainting.

Hit the nose with the edge of the palm

This blow should be applied with the edge of the palm to the nose or upper lip area. This is a great way to protect yourself from attack. It must be applied in a horizontal plane with an open palm and a drawbar. The most effective use is a hidden strike, that is, you seem to beg for mercy by folding your arms in front of your chest. The palms should be offset relative to each other, so that the little finger of the right hand is on the thumb of the left. He performs it as if you want to sharply clean dirt from your left palm with your right palm. If this technique is performed correctly, the opponent will experience strong

A blow to the ears

This famous blow is delivered with open palms, folded slightly in a boat, simultaneously on the enemy’s two ears. The main requirement is that it must be sharp and strong. It is necessary to use the inertia and weight of your body, and then this technique can lead to rupture of the eardrum or severe painful shock.

Slash to the face

This technique is considered typically feminine. To use it, you need to turn your body a little and throw your arm forward: shoulder, then elbow and hand, which shoots a whip from the bottom up. You can use your knuckles, the edge of your palm, or the back of your hand as a striking surface.

How to free yourself from strangulation and capture?

Effective self-defense techniques are not just about using strikes to incapacitate an attacker. With their help you can get rid of, for example, a frontal grab by the throat. To do this, you need to strike the enemy in the face using any of the above methods, this will give you the opportunity to loosen your grip. And in order to wriggle out of the grip, you need to lean on the aggressor’s hand with your shoulder or forearm from top to bottom using the weight of your body.

If you need hands, you can do this by twisting your hand towards your opponent's thumb. Next, you need to move the weight of the body through the front leg onto the grabbed hand and hang on it. At this time, you can strike the attacker’s thigh with your unloaded leg. You can also effectively use the energy of a turn and use your free hand to throw a backhand punch at the opponent's face.

These are the simplest self-defense techniques, but do not forget that a damaged opponent is even more dangerous. And even if you managed to neutralize and immobilize him, do not lose your vigilance and do not turn your back on him.

Useful self-defense techniques

You can knock the enemy's breath away and even deprive him of consciousness with a strong blow. The blow can be delivered with both the hand and the foot. A strong hit to the attacker's nose can temporarily throw him off balance. If you carry out a direct blow to the nose with your knee or elbow, this will result in a deep knockout or a broken bridge of the nose for the aggressor. An uppercut to the chin can also knock out an opponent. But remember that performing a blow incorrectly can result in broken fingers or broken bones.

Self-defense techniques in pictures will help you determine which places human body are the most vulnerable. Joints are among such weak areas. If you deliver a directed blow to your opponent from the side or perform a sweep with reverse side knee, he will lose his balance. Strikes to the knee joints are also effective in short-range combat.

What is the role of balance in combat?

The effectiveness of self-defense techniques depends on many factors: the physical characteristics of the enemy, their number, the characteristics of the surrounding space, and so on. There are no universal ways to protect against attack. Therefore, the main goal that you must achieve is to learn to remain calm and balanced in any situation. After all, very often the outcome of a fight is determined by a person’s physical and mental balance.

Learning to maintain calm and balance during a fight is quite difficult. This process includes the development and strengthening of the vestibular system, as well as the formation and strengthening of muscles.

Effective use of self-defense techniques

Self-defense fighting techniques are techniques that involve violating an opponent's personal space in order to strike him. Simple punches and kicks will not bring the desired effect, since they will only anger the attacker, and you need to neutralize him. In addition, when delivering such blows, you lose your balance, and your opponent will take advantage of this.

Throwing is a good technique for defending against attack, but street fight they are ineffective, since many throws have some restrictions on their use. For example, freestyle wrestling throws require good physical shape and serious preparation. Self-defense usually involves physical pressure on the attacker's painful spots, areas, or points. The main thing you must remember is that self-defense on the street does not tolerate ceremony. Your strikes should be aimed at effectively and quickly unbalancing your opponent, and then you need to neutralize him on the ground. You need to throw the attacker off balance using your own body weight and mistakes in his tactics. Of course, not in all cases it makes sense to use self-defense techniques, and there are situations in which the most the right decision there will be flight. However, having studied at least the most basic techniques, you will learn to correctly navigate in unusual situations and be able to protect yourself if attacked on the street.

Never use force to solve problems with strangers on the street. First of all, you need to try to resolve all issues or defuse the situation with words. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to defend yourself, then it is important to understand the basic tactics of street fighting in order to avoid getting hurt and emerge victorious from the fight. Try not to get into fights, but also learn to defend yourself. Use the right martial arts techniques and tactics to defeat your opponent and feel confident in your abilities if the person is hot-tempered and does not give in to reason.


How to protect yourself

    Remember safety. It is not always possible to choose the place where a fight will start, but certain actions reduce the level of danger in self-defense. Avoid getting into fights in the middle of the street or on paved sidewalks, concrete, or areas with sharp or hard edges such as concrete steps.

    Try to target your opponent's weak points. Strike the face, temples, throat, kidneys and solar plexus to immobilize the enemy. You can also scratch, bite, spit, grab hair and aim at the eyes. In such a situation, a person defends himself from a cruel aggressor, and does not fight according to the rules in the ring. Any means that will help you stand up for yourself are good. Press on the eyes and hit the throat area.

    • If you hit your opponent in the nose, his vision will be temporarily blurred and the person will experience pain, as a result of which you will have time to hide as far as possible.
  1. Hit the legs. Try to hit the shins, ankles, calves, thighs and kneecaps (if the opponent is standing on straight legs). Don't aim above the knee or waist level to prevent your opponent from grabbing your leg. If you have a bat or pipe in your hands, then also hit your legs. It is much easier to run away from the aggressor and not continue the fight if he cannot move and pursue you.

    Attack your opponent from behind. Attacks from the back are more difficult to notice and dodge, and in street combat there is not an ounce of cowardice in such actions. Control everything that happens behind you, and also attack the aggressor from behind. Go around your opponent and move to the sides of him. Aim for the legs or grab the opponent's arms from behind to twist him and wait for help.

    Attack the aggressor with your head quickly and hard. Aim the top of your forehead at your opponent's nose and face. A headbutt can knock out an opponent or break their facial bones. Remember to tuck your chin in and hit with the top of your forehead. Aim for the enemy's eyes, nose and mouth.

    Learn the grips. A successful grab allows you to control the situation even in the case of a stronger or faster opponent. Popular types of holds are represented in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, sambo and wrestling. If you want to finish the fight as quickly as possible, then learn how to grab, throw or choke your opponent. Positional control is extremely important when transitioning to a ground confrontation.

How to think strategically

    Assess your surroundings. In addition to the location of various items that can be used as weapons, it is important to know the escape routes if the enemy outnumbers you. Engage all your senses. There is no need to look around aimlessly. Focus on potential opportunities.

    Keep a safe distance. Keep a safe distance from your opponent if you have not yet decided to strike. The enemy will need to get close to hit you, so stay out of range to avoid getting hit. Stand slightly to the side of your opponent, but not face to face. The aggressor may be a hindrance to himself. Be on your guard. For example, cross your arms to raise them and protect your face if your opponent lunges.

    Find a weapon. According to the rules of "acceptable defense", a person can use any force necessary to ensure his own safety. If you take out a knife (or other weapon), but the aggressor does not retreat, then he forces you to defend yourself. Your life is of utmost importance, so you need to intimidate or incapacitate your opponent in order to escape from him.

    • Use any object that could pass for a weapon, be it a broom handle, a bat, or a trash can lid.
  1. Get close to strike. Most people feel uncomfortable and don't expect the victim of an assault to approach them. Another advantage of getting close is that the aggressor will not be able to fully extend his arms and strike with maximum force. Try to knock your opponent to the ground and perform a grab. When the opponent is lying on his back, he cannot strike as powerfully as from a standing position.

    Relax and breathe deeply. The more relaxed you are, the stronger your punches and the less likely you are to get injured. Watch your breathing: inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Jerky, shallow breathing will quickly exhaust you and can tip the scales in favor of the aggressor.

    • The more excited or depressed you are, the faster fatigue sets in during a fight.
  2. Maintain your balance to stay on your feet. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees. A poorly prepared person should not go down to the ground, especially if the opponent has any weapons, support or experience in fighting on the ground. If you are being held on the ground, try to break free as quickly as possible.

How to avoid a fight

    Walk away from the fight. It is quite obvious that the best way to win a street fight is to simply avoid the fight itself. In most cases, the opponent will resort to a warning before displaying physical aggression. Try to come to an agreement and not get into a fight. In the event of a disagreement, remain calm and take a firm but conciliatory position. You should remain neutral and not engage in confrontation. Try to apologize to your opponent and explain that there was a misunderstanding.

    When and how to run away. If the enemy is superior to you in strength or numbers, or you do not want to get into a fight, then at the first opportunity try to run away to a crowded place in a well-lit area. If you escape in the middle of a skirmish, try to prevent your opponent from catching up with you and block the path with obstacles.

    • Try to ensure that there is a trash can, car, bus or other obstacle in the aggressor's path.
    • Run away through tight spaces - between cars, along narrow stairs or corridors. It will be more difficult for opponents to catch up with you if there are several of them.
    • Don't try to escape if you can't outrun the aggressor. If you get caught (especially by multiple opponents), you will lose the fight simply due to fatigue. In this situation, it is better to turn to face your opponents and prepare to defend.
  1. Make some noise. Don't be afraid to scream or call for help. Try to find representatives of law enforcement agencies - the police or security service. Screams and noise will attract unwanted attention from the aggressor, and will also distract the enemy and may contribute to panic, making him less of a threat. If the fight attracts the attention of eyewitnesses, then your opponents may refrain from violence.

    • Shout “Help, he’s attacking and wants to hit me!” or “Help, call the police!”
    • Look at a specific person and start calling for help.
    • If you attract the attention of strangers, the aggressor may change his mind and leave.
  2. Run away as soon as you incapacitate the aggressor. Call the police or notify other law enforcement agencies immediately. Report your location, describe the location of the attack, as well as the appearance of the attackers. Don't try to stay in place and defeat all opponents. Run away as soon as possible.

  3. Apologize for your actions. If a person becomes very angry while interacting with you, then it is likely that you may have provoked such a situation. Think about your actions, apologize and try to leave. Look at the situation through your opponent's eyes and try to offer a sincere apology. It is better to show sympathy and not escalate the situation, even if you do not understand the very reason for the anger.

    • For example, if the person is yelling and being aggressive, say, "I'm sorry I spilled your coffee. It's very crowded here, so I accidentally hit you. I didn't mean to. No offense?"
    • If a person is offended by your words, then say: “I didn’t want to offend you. I understand that I said something stupid. I’m very sorry. Can you forgive me?”
  4. Assess the severity of the fight. Various cases of assault may be regarded as hooliganism or a serious crime. If you provoke a fight and seriously injure your opponent, you may be sent to prison. In different situations, penalties for assault can range from probation to life in prison. Any fight poses a threat to health, life and well-being. Always try to avoid a street fight at all costs.

    • If you are looking for an outlet for aggression and love to fight, take a mixed martial arts class.
    • You can also practice Muay Thai and other martial arts.
  • If you are facing more than one opponent, attack the closest opponent first. If you manage to knock down one or more opponents, then try to run away from them. So, sometimes it is enough to defeat one aggressor to scare away the rest.
  • Count and remember the number of opponents so that they do not take you by surprise if they decide to split up.
  • If there is a person nearby who is better prepared for the situation, then let him solve the problem. Don't try to intervene to avoid causing more trouble. Follow reasonable commands.
  • Martial arts techniques will help you emerge victorious from a fight if you are backed into a corner. Choose a martial art that allows you to learn proper striking, hand-to-hand combat, and ground fighting so you can stand up for yourself. We should not forget that even long training does not guarantee safety on the streets.


  • Do not attempt to fight while under the influence of alcohol or drugs unless your life is in danger or you are unarmed.
  • Be careful when hitting the face. It is easy to break fingers or get cuts if hit on the forehead, teeth or nose.
  • This article contains only general instructions on how to act in difficult situations and does not replace real self-defense training. If you want to learn self-defense methods, it is better to enroll in special courses. Contact the police department for a recommendation.
  • “Acceptable force” is the most important aspect in self-defense. In general, the law allows actions that allow you to protect yourself in the event of an attack by an aggressor, but nothing more. Knock down your opponent and run away to contact the police as soon as possible. In a number of countries, striking a prone opponent is considered beating, even in the context of self-defense.
  • A street fight can result in injury, death or jail time.


If you think that the most important thing in victory is strength, combat, and self-defense skills, then you are mistaken. Of course, all this is important, but the first most important condition is the strength of spirit and psychological preparedness of the fighter. The fighter’s psychological level provides 85%.
How to develop the psychological abilities of a fighter:

Develop the ability to intuitively sense the threat of attack. Observe who is in your field of vision, whether a threat can be expected, and what kind of threat it is. If an attack occurs, it will not be sudden, and you will have time to take control of the situation.

If someone may pose a threat, immediately replay in your imagination your actions during an attack (which ones to use, how you avoid attacks, what handy means you can use for self-defense, etc.).

Learn to assess the situation as a whole. Is it possible to avoid a fight - for example, to get the attackers to talk and resolve the situation peacefully. Or even escape. (In fact, the best self-defense is a failed attack!)

If your intuition tells you that things are really bad for you, attack first. The goal is to incapacitate the enemy with 1-2 hits.

Principles of winning in a street fight:
- The best protection– attack.
- The attack must be sudden and as painful as possible for the enemy. Therefore, you need to attack as hard as possible.
- Use the most effective techniques for self-defense, aimed at vulnerable parts of the enemy’s body. Or use handy means for self-defense.
- From the first or second, your opponent should be out of action. You have 1-2 seconds to deliver 1-2 more crushing blows.
- There are no rules of honor in street fighting. Your opponent will not feel sorry for you if you lose. On the contrary, he will become even more cruel. Therefore, the enemy must be neutralized.

When an attack occurs, the enemy always surpasses you (in strength, weight, height, number of attackers). Your opponent may be armed. In any case, he feels his advantage. Otherwise he would be afraid to attack you. Therefore, you can win in a street fight only with appropriate preparation. A well-planned plan will help you with this. Moreover, training should be regular, at least 2-3 times a day.

Please note

Do not exceed self-defense!
We must act within the framework of the law.

Useful advice

If you want to learn how to defend yourself, you need a well-designed combination training:
- practicing techniques 2-3 times a week
(5-6 techniques to start with, but they need to be worked out until they become automatic and have crushing impact power);
- use chained strikes;
- the techniques should be simple, but effective, suitable for you personally;
- train on simulators that simulate opponents;
- also include physical training for endurance and reaction speed in the training;
- train with your friends or take part in sparring in the sports section, or sign up for the hand-to-hand combat section.


  • A little about psychological preparation for hand-to-hand combat

Some athletes, even with impeccable technique, cannot find their way to victory. Maybe it's a psychological thing. Character traits that ensure victory are cultivated from childhood. These are not the most positive qualities for life - aggressiveness, cruelty, perseverance. But they are indispensable for victory in battle.


Work on your ability to enter a state of aggression. To do this, use the “grin” exercise. Have you ever noticed how two cats fight? Yes, they don’t fight at all, they just hiss at each other for a long time, showing their bared mouth. The one who loses his grin first gives way. Your task is to learn how to reproduce an animal grin on your face with all the emotions attached to it in your soul. This grin should appear on your face as soon as you see enemy. Along with your grin comes aggression, and it gives you extra strength.

The next quality required for unconditional is cruelty. It can be characterized as the inability to feel pity for painful sensations enemy. Your task is to learn to include this quality in yourself at the moment when it is necessary. For example, . The best way to develop cruelty in yourself is through self-coding. Remember more often those life situations when you showed cruelty. Try to experience this state again.

And finally, perseverance. It is impossible without him. Perseverance must be understood as intransigence. You were offended and you couldn’t fight back? It's okay, you're not defeated yet. Victory over you can be recorded when you come to terms with the fact that you have been insulted. Repeat to yourself several times a day: “I am a superman. I always achieve my goal. I can do anything. Everything obeys me.” In the ring, try not to allow even small ones above you. It relaxes and gradually deprives you of self-confidence. Persist and you are invincible.

Video on the topic

You should know that conflict is a normal situation. It’s not for nothing that they say: “How many people, so many opinions.” Therefore, disputes and conflicts occur both in the family and at work. But a protracted, insoluble conflict threatens to develop into enmity and hatred, which should never be allowed. We need to learn how to get out of conflict situations, since you happen to fall into it.


You can end a conflict by force if one of the parties is higher on the hierarchical ladder. This makes it possible to quickly end the conflict, but leaves the very cause of the conflict unresolved. The one who stopped the conflict by acting will have to constantly be on combat readiness and confirm his right to use force.

If you separate the conflicting parties, the conflict will also end, but both parties will remain in a post-conflict situations without any satisfaction, which can have a most painful effect and leave a mark on your entire future existence.

The conflict can be ended when both sides make concessions and come to some kind of compromise solution that partially takes into account the interests of both sides. This could be a completely new solution that will suit both parties and completely reconcile them. This is the most constructive form of situations, it is used even after a military confrontation.

Sometimes resolved with the help of a third party. And it is not a fact that in the case of using a violent method, last word will remain with the party to the conflict who is stronger. A striking example of such a conflict resolution is participation in covering up the weaker.

With the participation of a third party, conflicts are resolved in court and in arbitration, where the correctness of each participant in the conflict is considered from the point of view of the system of law and public authority.

It is wrong to think that a conflict always presupposes that one side has won and the other has lost. Of course there is situations, which can be attributed to the “lose-win” option, but there are others. There is a “lose-lose” scenario where the losing side prevents the other from winning and acts in such a way that no one wins.

The most effective option will be the “win-win” option, which allows the two sides to use their differences not as a reason for a battle, but as a reason for finding the most optimal solution that can satisfy both sides. Which option to choose is up to you.

Video on the topic


  • Children's ability to resolve conflict situations

It turns out that no two people are alike physical sense and sometimes you have to deal with more serious and strong opponent.
Moreover, the issue here is not even about sports. There are people who are simply psychologically stronger, they have stronger nerves.
So, what can a weaker opponent do?

You will need

  • Constant training


Every athlete and not only progresses only if he competes with a stronger opponent, such is the pattern. There is no escape from this. This is necessary, first of all, for progress in some direction and not only.
There are several effective advice, which can be applied to various situations: be it sparring, racing on the track, or a street fight. Knowing and applying these strategies, you can count on success in a particular fight, even if your opponent is obviously stronger.
1. First, just think and analyze: your opponent cannot be superior to you in all respects, he must have an “Achilles heel” - his weak point. This is what you should focus on. If, for example, he outweighs you, then his reaction is slower. Also, he may not be as hardy as you - use this in a certain situation.

2. To defeat a stronger person on the street or, you just need to really want it! This statement may be cliche or sound strange. But that's not true! Very often you see an absolute passive attitude or ordinary people, which does not bode well. You win only when you have an inner fuse, the core of a winner is the absolute truth.

3. Defeating a larger opponent will not be so difficult if you use the element of surprise in your actions. Just attack the unprotected area quickly and mercilessly. And do it with all your might! Then he will not have time to take reverse action. As the popular saying goes: “The bigger the closet, the louder it falls!” This applies precisely to moments of surprise.

4. Never, never, never lose faith in yourself! This indirectly coincides with the psychological state of the champion, but it is a deeper and more long-term concept. You must live with this faith constantly, and even in difficult situations it will come to your aid. Even when others no longer believe in you.

5. Get stronger. Yes. It's simple. To defeat a more serious opponent, you need to become one yourself. It's in your best interest. Becoming stronger means developing. Train every day, be better than you were yesterday. If you don't do this, no one will help you! The main victory is victory over yourself. Take action and everything will work out for you!

Please note

On your physical fitness and mental attitude

Useful advice

Get stronger
Train every day
Don't lose faith in yourself
Attack quickly and suddenly


  • how to gain mental strength
  • how to defeat an opponent stronger than me

Brad Pitt's character from the movie "Fight Club" said: "You don't know anything about yourself if you've never fought." How true this is is not worth judging. Another thing is that a street fight can lie in wait for you not only in a dark gateway, but also in the shining lights of the hall of a high-class restaurant. Therefore, you need to know how to win in a fight.


Try to get rid of excess clothing that might catch you. Take off your jacket, scarf, stay in just a shirt or sweater. Try to stay away from objects such as steps or curbs - they can cause you to trip or cause a serious head injury if you fall.

To cope with the anxiety that arises before a fight, do not remain silent. Speak and breathe actively. Do not grow into the ground in front of the enemy, move, shake, jump. This will prevent the attacker from grabbing your breasts.

If you see that it is inevitable, strike first. Yes, it’s not gentlemanly, but you’re not in the ring. But you get a certain advantage, since you hit a stationary target. Such a blow will be more effective and, perhaps, after it the fight will end altogether.

Don't be limited. A few quick, sharp blows cause much more damage and cause serious psychological pressure. Strike in series of two or three hits and immediately retreat to a safe distance.

Forget about the rules of decency. Strike with your head, knees, elbows, bite, spit in your opponent's face. Your task is not to win on points, but to remain as undamaged as possible.

Headbutts to the face at close range, otherwise they are useless. A strong blow to the bridge of the nose can knock out your opponent for a long time.

Do not necessarily try to hit the body or head. Kicks to the legs are no less effective, as they allow you to stop the opponent's movement. And a sharp blow to the shin is one of the most painful. Hit the groin only if you are confident in the strength of your blow, otherwise you will only enrage your enemy.

Move constantly. Don't give your opponent the opportunity to land a powerful blow. Avoid direct blows to the head. Don't let yourself be driven into a corner - it will be impossible to get out of there without severe damage.

The main task is to always remain. If you are nevertheless knocked to the ground and kicked, do not lie still. Move, try to crawl, spin - this will make it harder for you to get hit and you will get fewer hits. Strive to get back on your feet faster. You can pretend to have an epileptic seizure - this will confuse your opponent and give you a chance to return to a fighting position.

Having stopped the attacker, do not try to finish him off. Leave the battlefield. There is no guarantee that a well-armed company will not rush to the aid of your enemy. It is better to leave the scene of the fight in one piece than to prove your fighting worth to a company of aggressive individuals.

Victories in the life of every person depend on his knowledge and skills. Therefore, in order to have more victories, you need to work a lot and carefully on yourself. Moreover, psychologists helped and developed a number of recommendations on how to achieve success in all your endeavors as often as possible.


First, analyze yourself. Your task is to identify your strengths and weaknesses. This determines which goals you should pursue and which ones you should give up. This way, you can minimize the number of “not your” tasks and direct more energy to completing truly important tasks.

Throw away feelings of guilt or shame - they only pull you back. You should not feel bad for your actions in achieving your goals. This means that you need to think very carefully about the tactics of your behavior in order to complete all tasks with dignity and benefit. You need to defend your beliefs and goals calmly, without raising your voice or trying to humiliate your interlocutor. In this case, they will respect you, which means they will listen to your opinion and advice more often.

To become successful in everything, you need to change your attitude towards yourself. You should not use negative words and words with the prefix no in relation to yourself. If you often say that you are old, ugly, lazy, lacking initiative, and other equally “nice” things, you run the risk of ending up like that person. Have you ever heard of successful people who are uninitiated, lazy and stupid? successful people?

Don't be discouraged if you fail. Remember that this is also an experience, albeit a negative one. After all, everything that does not kill makes a person stronger. The main thing is to correctly draw conclusions from what happened. If you have offended someone as a result of your actions, do not hesitate to apologize to them. If you mess up something in a project or other task, spend some free time to correct the mistake.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. A person can endure a lot. And troubles and failures only harden you. In addition, by analyzing your mistakes, you learn something new and find other options for getting out of the current situation.

Don't live in the past. We analyzed, corrected errors and moved forward to new achievements, taking into account existing achievements.

Don't rush things, feel environment. It is she who will tell you the best moment to perform this or that task. This way you can develop your intuition.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

If you feel that there are some invisible barriers in front of you that are preventing you from moving forward and becoming a winner in life, contact a professional. A psychologist will be able to understand what the reason is and help you get rid of it.

Negotiations are an integral part of any work process. These may relate to hiring employees, communicating with clients or suppliers, etc. Victory in negotiations can only be achieved with experience and the ability to correctly move towards your goal.


Prepare for negotiations in advance. To emerge victorious, you need to know as much as possible about your opponent’s position. Gather as much information as possible about the issue that will be discussed. You must have strong arguments that can turn the tide of negotiations in your favor.

If you want to emerge victorious from negotiations, never reveal all your intentions to your interlocutor. The main mistake you can make during a conversation is revealing your actions that will follow if events unfold against you. By telling your partner in advance what you intend to do, you give him the opportunity to prepare for the consequences. Thus, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to use new trump cards to protect your position. Try to be prepared for any actions of your interlocutor, but never warn him about possible retaliatory actions.

Good way to win negotiations is to expose oneself as incompetent in the issue under discussion. Make your interlocutor believe that you have absolutely no understanding of the topic. Let him believe that your loss in the upcoming negotiations is inevitable. During these negotiations, you will need to appear as a completely different person, possessing a whole set of tools that can easily destroy any of your opponent’s arguments. This tactic will help you make your opponent lose his guard. He will not be ready to communicate with you and, most likely, will lose the negotiations.

Make your interlocutor speak first, extract as much information as possible, let him say as much as possible. Negotiation is a verbal duel during which the parties exchange arguments in an attempt to weaken the opponent’s position. How more people says, the more he reveals his cards. Remember that your interlocutor may be an experienced negotiator. He most likely knows these tricks. If you fail to stick to your line, try to put pressure on emotions and become a certain irritant for your opponent. Make him make emotional decisions.

Act like you have nothing to lose. Do not show your interlocutor that the results of the negotiations are very important to you. Experience shows that a person who has nothing to lose almost always wins. A good example would be communication with a supplier of any product who is ready to give discounts, does not do this, and at the same time has many competitors in his field of activity. If you cannot negotiate with him on terms acceptable to you, show him that he is not a monopolist, and you are ready to turn to other suppliers.

There is always a chance to get into a situation where you have to use physical force. At the same time, even a trained person with a set shot sometimes gives up, forgetting about his skills, falling into panic.

It has long been noted that the strongest fighters participating in fights without rules come from disadvantaged neighborhoods, where they have to constantly defend their rights with their fists. Such fighters have a reflexive instinct to fight without fear of receiving a painful blow. Their every movement is perfected, although it does not look as beautiful as shown in films or in martial arts demonstrations.

The psychology of a winner

In order to win everyone in a fight, you must have the psychology of a winner, that is, be confident in your abilities. How is such confidence acquired? In practice - when there is a contact battle and victory is won. But in a calmer world, spartan training conditions are not suitable for everyone. You can increase your self-confidence by sparring in the gym, striking your opponent lightly so as not to cause or sustain injury. Gradually, skills are developed that are deposited at the level of reflexes.

Before a fight, even if it is against five or ten opponents, there is no need to think about defeat or consequences. If a fight cannot be avoided, you need to relax and try to use all your skills for the benefit of future victory. The city takes courage.

Inner peace

Famous champion fighters say that you cannot hate your opponent. Emotions overwhelm and cloud the mind. Only cold reason and clear calculation can bring victory. You need to imagine that in front of you is a simple person, a reflection of yourself, who simply needs to be defeated.

When maintaining inner peace, it is best to look into the eyes. You can tell about an upcoming attack by your opponent's eyes, as they reflect intent. Even if you missed an attack, don't despair. There is not a single fighter who has not been hit in the body or face at least once.

Against a group of people. Choose a leader

If you have to confront a group of people, you can resolve the conflict very quickly by incapacitating only one person. To do this, you need to determine who the leader is and knock him out. When the “clingers” see that the leader is knocked out, the herd instinct will tell them to run wherever they look. They will forget about their intentions, since they are dictated by the will of the defeated leader.

Victory over any opponent is good. But you need to remember that your main opponent is yourself. Having conquered yourself, your laziness, cowardice, indecision, you can compete with others. At the same time, there is no need to attack first - this is a sign of a low level of development and inner cowardice.

Very often, a conflict begins because an unfounded claim or accusation is made to you. This can happen at work, in the family, in transport, when communicating with friends or acquaintances, and in general, a conflict can arise simply out of the blue. I sincerely hope that by following my instructions, you will come out of any conflict situation with honor.

Summary: in a conflict situation, never make excuses, do not ask counter questions and immediately move on to the first stage of your counterattack!

It is necessary to counterattack immediately, without allowing the opponent to come to his senses. However, determine the direction of the attack not on the personality of the conflicter, but on his statements, paraphrasing the latter exactly the opposite. For example:

You: “This is a superficial and, I would say, amateurish statement”!

Thus, through a counter-statement (rather than a question), we destroy a conflict attack at its very beginning, like, for example, you swat a mosquito that has not yet managed to sting you.

The next stage is aimed at consolidating its dominant position in the conflict. Again we speak immediately, not allowing our opponent to get a word in. Let's expand our dialogue:

Conflict: “You are bad at your responsibilities”!
You: “This is a superficial and, I would say, amateurish statement! In fact, I take my responsibilities extremely seriously, and I always do my work correctly and efficiently!”

Summary: Never explain anything to the aggressor, but instead of making excuses, formulate a confident statement that is the opposite of the conflicter’s statement.

Now we proceed to the main stage of the counterattack. Attack the aggressor with a whole set of arguments confirming that you are right. Let's return to the dialogue:

Conflict: “You are bad at your responsibilities”!

1. This month I was repeatedly awarded by management for excellent work.

3. Managers set me as an example to other employees and so on...

Summary: you need to clearly remember or have at hand facts confirming your positive qualities or merits.

And the last stage - we emphasize the incompetence or immaturity of the opponent, indirectly classifying him as people with limited knowledge and bearers of malicious intent. Let's return to the dialogue:

Conflict: “You are bad at your responsibilities”!
You: “This is a superficial and, I would say, amateurish statement! In fact, I take my responsibilities extremely seriously, and I always do my work correctly and efficiently! The following facts speak about this:

1. This month I was repeatedly awarded by management for excellent work.
2. I regularly meet and exceed my personal plan.
3. Managers set me as an example to other employees and so on...”

Again you: “I have always been surprised and at the same time amused by people who make such stupid, categorical and amateurish statements. A reasonable person would have provided logical reasons rather than stoop to such cheap provocation. And why do people love to show off their incompetence so much?!”

Summary: be sure to perform the third, finishing blow! In 10 seconds, the conflicter will forever be discouraged from doing business with you.

Video on the topic

Please note

Be careful. This technique should not be applied to your boss or to the person on whom your comfortable existence depends in the future. This is a cannon, and you shouldn’t shoot sparrows with it.

Useful advice

Don't ask counter questions. Never make excuses.

This article will talk about self-defense without the use of weapons, hand-to-hand combat techniques, and also how to get out of a street fight with minimal losses.

Every day, leaving the house, or, conversely, returning home along a dark street, people are at risk of attack by criminals.

Some of the antisocial elements are even capable of killing a person just because he liked the jacket or expensive phone of a late citizen.

How to protect yourself from them? Yes, you can buy , or . But you still need to get the shocker, and it’s not easy to do this with shaking hands, the same goes for a pistol, but a spray can cannot be used in a headwind, or in a closed room.

There is a second option to ensure your own safety - learn basic hand-to-hand combat techniques. You don’t need to be a titled boxer or have a black belt in karate; it’s enough to master two or three simple techniques to fight off one or even two gopniks.

Features of self-defense on the street

First of all, you need to remember that the street is not a sports section, no one will follow any sports and moral rules. A street fight, in general, is devoid of any rules.

In addition, the factor of surprise is triggered: a person returning through a dark park does not know from behind which bush a criminal will jump out at him, and when this happens, the strong fear experienced at the moment of the attack prevents him from taking adequate actions. All this leaves its mark on the possibilities of self-defense from attacks.

Best shots

To learn these techniques and strikes, you don’t need to go to a specialized section, just have a little time and a friend with whom you can train.
Strikes for self-defense must be effective and aimed at quickly incapacitating the enemy. Considered traditional direct blow.

You should hit the enemy's nose, eyes or jaw; it is much better if the blow is delivered not with a fist, but with an open palm.

Attention: If an unprepared person strikes with a fist, then a strong blow can tear the joint capsule of the fingers and even crush the knuckles.

A palm strike is less traumatic for the defender, and causes more powerful damage to the enemy, since a very wide area is affected.

Another effective strike for self-defense is uppercut - punch from bottom to top to the jaw enemy.

Uppercut - blow from below to the jaw

For effective self-defense on the street, you can use not only punches from the boxing arsenal, but also “forbidden” techniques. Banned in sports, because everything is allowed on the street.

The most famous "mean" blow is kick to the groin. Works flawlessly. You can hit with either your foot or your knee. To strike with a knee, you need to grab the opponent's chest with your hands and pull towards yourself, simultaneously striking.

Or you can not make a grab, but simply take a step forward and strike below the belt. This technique also works excellently if the enemy is grabbed by the throat.

Please note: You need to hit with your feet when the distance to the enemy is too great to use your knee.

You don’t need to bend your leg at the knee and then shoot your shin like in taekwondo, you just need to throw an oak kick with your foot, sharply raising it up.

The next effective technique in a real street fight is kick under the kneecap with your toe.

This is very painful and immediately discourages the criminal from continuing his actions. A blow delivered from the side can knock a person down, but if you hit it directly, and even with great force, you can break the shin bone.

Another extremely effective fighting technique is a sharp blow to the solar plexus. You can hit with either a fist or an open palm.

It takes your breath away and causes severe pain, which neutralizes the attacker for a long time.

If the enemy begins to choke you, you can try poke his eyes out with your fingers. To do this, clasp the enemy's head with your palms from the sides, and place your thumbs in the eyes. You need to press with all your might; if the enemy does not want to remain blind, he will stop strangling.

Self-defense in confined spaces

Quite often, attacks occur in a confined space: on a landing, elevator or entrance, where there is nowhere to turn around, there is no room to swing. Strikes for self-defense in a cramped room must be sharp, accurate, and very, very effective. In addition to kicking the groin, you can punch in the throat criminal.

Good to know: The throat is not as strong as the head or face, so there is no need to be afraid of breaking your fingers.

It can be called very effective and spectacular side elbow strike. You should hit the temple or jaw. The blow is delivered suddenly and very sharply, and it is advisable to turn the body, but even without this turn the enemy will receive severe injuries.

Light blows, like clapping your palms, are strictly contraindicated in a street fight; if you hit them, then for sure.


Every person has the right to self-defense from attacks on his life and health, but with the right comes responsibility.

If the attacker has lost consciousness as a result of your actions or is clearly unable to continue aggression, under no circumstances should you finish him off.

Finishing off a defeated enemy is punishable.

You should leave the scene of the fight as quickly as possible and call the police; you can also tie up the enemy and wait at the scene of the fight for the arrival of law enforcement officers. The only thing you can't do is finish off. And lastly, if the criminal has a knife or any other weapon, you should not engage in battle, it is better to run away, or give him what he demands. Health is more valuable.

Watch a video about how wrestling techniques can be used effectively in a street fight:

The subject of our conversation is as old and primitive as the method of destroying snowmen. Figuratively speaking, we will talk about eliminating the problem in the form of a single individual by damaging the latter with minimal physical effort on your part. F-phew! In more understandable language, we will help you quickly and without straining to force a person who is physically superior to you to abandon the idea of ​​​​suppressing you.

Let's start with the fact that, although we will present below the methods by which you can quickly disable the human body, you will still have to make some efforts. Let's take for granted the fact that your opponent is a physically more developed / armed person / not alone in his desire to inflict physical violence on you (underline as appropriate). Taking into account the difference in the physical preparation of readers, we present options for influencing an opponent in increasing order of muscle work required to achieve the desired effect. Simply put, if you already know how to fight at least, press Page Down 3 times; if it’s very good and mean, then 7 at once.


The most vulnerable area of ​​most living creatures is the eyes. Man is no exception. One of the best ways to plunge him into the abyss of suffering, abundantly washed with tears, is to strike him in the eyes. However, incorrect execution of this combat step can lead to the failure of the entire enterprise, on the one hand, and to the loss of your opponent’s eye, on the other. Agree, neither one nor the other is your goal. The best option for striking is diagonally from the bottom up, with the palm facing you. In this situation, the upper covers of the eyeball and eyelids are guaranteed to suffer, but the eyes will not receive serious injuries.

Your target may also be your enemy’s nose. A direct hit to a person in this respiratory organ will in any case lead to short-term shock. However, if you strike from the bottom up with the heel of your palm, aiming for the point directly under the bridge of your nose, the shock will be much stronger. Our nose is designed in such a way that shock absorption occurs in a plane parallel to the ground, and it is extremely sensitive to impacts perpendicular to the ground. The popular headbutt to the nose in cinema should not be ignored. If a trained person hits an enemy on the bridge of the nose with the seat of his thoughts, this will lead to profuse bleeding, a possible broken nose, and in some cases, knockout. However, we recommend that you strike such a blow only if your hands are occupied with some important artifacts, and your feet are wearing snow-white slippers with Vladimir lace, which you under no circumstances want to get dirty on this scoundrel. That is, it’s better to forget about it, unless, of course, your goal is a self-knockout, which will allow you to erase the shameful moments of your defeat from your memory. As an attentive reader, you have already noticed that the phrase “bottom up” has been repeated twice already. And this is not at all accidental. The vast majority of blows designed to instantly kill a person are delivered precisely along this vector, since it allows you to strike unnoticed and with force sufficient to achieve your misanthropic goal. This is why we are afraid of children and petite women.

When we started talking about vulnerable parts of the human body, you certainly immediately thought about this. Groin area and the testicles in it have always been a target for blows precisely because of their paradoxical sensitivity to meeting the shoes of other people. Oddly enough, one of the most important organs is the only one that is not protected by either bones or muscles. Due to the need for special storage conditions, the male gonads are forced to be in a vulnerable position. A precise kick with your toe into the treasured area will give you an undeniable advantage in the emerging discussion. In principle, this way of eliminating a person is the simplest and most effective. Its only drawback is its ethical side. We are of the opinion that you should resort to this secret weapon only in extreme cases, when you are truly in danger.


Continuing our bloodthirsty narrative, let’s move on to the next cluster of areas of the human body (we’ve been wanting to write the word “cluster” for a long time). Impact on these organs will require a higher level from you physical training and general skill in this matter. Remembering all the people you have seen, you will undoubtedly notice that in addition to the nose and eyes, which we have already written about, ears grow on the head of any self-respecting person, which can also be a target for your crushing blows. A correct, accurate and strong blow to both ears at the same time can lead to rupture of the eardrums, bleeding in the ear, throat and nose, and loss of consciousness.

In his book “Secrets of the Martial Arts of the World,” J. Gilbey talks about the Soviet wrestler Slimansky, who for a long time was an employee of the state security agencies, but after the Hungarian events of 1956 he emigrated to the United States. This person describes hitting the ears with cupped palms, all fingers pressed tightly together. As a result of such a blow, a person receives injuries to the middle ear and becomes disoriented in space. The creator of the famous combat dagger, William Ewart Fairbairn, also studied similar blows during World War II. It was considered the height of skill to sneak up on a sentry from behind and hit him on the ears, causing damage and stunning him. Returning from the legends about super-intelligence officers to harsh reality, we can say that a blow to the ear, even just one, in any case will give a person a lot of sensations. You must try to strike in such a way that your palm rests on the auricle. In this situation, even if you fail to stun the enemy or incapacitate him, the severe pain from the bruised ear cartilage and the blow itself to the sensitive area will give you two ways of developing events: finishing off your opponent by all means known to you, or hastily disappearing from the scene . To maintain your optimistic mood, option number three, when a two-meter aggressor looks at you in bewilderment, scratching your ear, and proceeds to your gradual destruction, is not considered.

As you continue to study the human head, you suddenly learn that the thickness of the skull is different in all its parts. On average it is 5 millimeters, and in the most protected place, in the frontal part - up to a centimeter. In the temples, the bone is only 1–2 millimeters thick. Also located under the temple is the artery of the brain membrane. As you have already understood, this area is extremely vulnerable to attacks. If something happens in life that you decide to knock out the enemy with a blow to the temple, you need to do it wisely, if you don’t want to hear the phrases “exceeding the necessary self-defense measures” and “sushi crackers” addressed to you. The smart thing to do in this situation is to strike with the palm of your hand rather than the bones of your fist. You should not be zealous with the heel of your palm: this option can also become fatal, because even if you fail to knock out a person, your palm will land in such a way that the blow will spread to the eye, and this is already a double blow. Combo!

Truly, the head is a unique collection of points at which you can direct your rage, manifesting it in the form of merciless fists. Just when you thought you knew everything about the impact of force on the human skull, we pull out another trump card from our sleeve - the jaw. Bottom. No, not inserted. Hitting your opponent's jaw will require sharpness, accuracy, correct trajectory and a clenched fist. With the right combination of all factors, you will get a knockout. That is, your opponent will get a knockout, and you will get incredibly increased confidence in your abilities. Your blow doesn't have to be super strong. A knockout occurs not so much from the force of the blow, but from its speed and sharpness. The brain, located in the cranium in fluid, is very sensitive to contact with the walls of the skull. A blow to the jaw, delivered from the bottom up, directly or diagonally to the vertical axis, will cause the head to make a sharp jerk. The brain, obeying the laws of physics, will hit the walls of the skull, which will cause its partial short-term shutdown, that is, knockout. It is extremely undesirable to carry out a direct blow to the jaw, since the person has teeth. It would seem that this fact does not relate to the subject of our conversation, but your opinion will change the moment you miss the jaw and hit your teeth with your fist. Injuries to the hand received in such a situation are very dangerous, since, being in places of bend, they take an extremely long time to heal. Damage to the periosteum is also possible. Such injuries are often accompanied by inflammation, infections that try to get into the bone, suppuration, gangrene, amputation, apocalypse... In general, there is no need to hit people in the teeth. And the bottom-up vector, as you already know, has undeniable advantages.

So that you don’t stare with open bloodthirstiness at the heads of all the citizens around you, let’s turn your attention to your feet. Although blows to the legs will not knock out the enemy, they may well force him to reconsider his attitude towards you or, at least, shock the enemy, giving time for reflection and further action. Some craftsmen advise mercilessly trampling your opponent's toes, putting him in a state of indescribable painful shock. The undoubted advantage of this option is that in case of failure, you can refer to peculiar national dances and gracefully parade somewhere far away with an elegant paso doble. If you want to inflict a more or less effective blow on your opponent, you just need to remember the last time you played football. You are required to make a simple “football” kick with the toe of your boot into the shin of an ill-wisher. The blow should be applied to the inside of the leg, where the bone is located, not protected by the muscle. To achieve this condition, it is enough to kick with your right foot on the right, and with your left, respectively, on the left limb of the adversary. The requirements for such a strike are accuracy, strength and preferably hard shoes. The nerve endings in the periosteum will immediately transmit your positive mental impulse to the owner of the lower leg. An unpleasant surprise for you may come from athletes with a sore shin (although a strong blow will hit even such a trained leg) and people who cannot feel their legs. Hit them in the eyes with your fingers! Or just leave - they won’t catch up with you anyway.

One should not lose sight of such an object for kicks as knee joint. Of course, there is a risk of causing serious injury to a person. However, if the villain is not hit, there is a risk of injury himself. The blow is completely identical to the previous one, the only difference is the target of the blow and its effectiveness. Much less force is required to injure a person in the knee. The knee joint, being one of the most complex joints of the human body, will respond even to a moderate blow delivered by the toe of a boot under the kneecap.

Advanced user

Having examined your head and legs for vulnerable points, you will involuntarily ask yourself the question of what to do if you think that poking a person in the eyes with your fingers is undignified, kicking him in the legs is somehow girlish, and pounding him in the groin is generally unacceptable. It is at this moment that an inconspicuous torso at first glance will appear before your eyes! This receptacle for the respiratory, digestive and circulatory organs cannot but arouse interest in you as a bloodthirsty nature. However, the internal organs are perfectly protected by bones and muscles. Although, as you understand, if everything were so hopeless, we would not even write about it. In the course of experiments and simulations of life situations, we found several points on the human body that you could easily influence to resolve disagreements with anyone.

For some, the phrase “blow to the liver” is associated exclusively with holidays, fatty foods, alcohol and other options for having a good time. But for you, street fighter, the liver is primarily a target for a blow that brings unbearable suffering to the victim, and to you the primal joy of an alpha male who defeats an opponent. This organ performs a number of important functions in the body: removing harmful substances from the blood, converting various substances into energy (glucose), hematopoiesis, etc. The liver is located on the right side abdominal cavity and is protected only by the muscle frame, and in some – by the fat frame. A blow to the liver leads to sharp, severe pain, the inability to straighten up and often move the limbs. Simply put, having received it in the liver, a person immediately assumes the fetal position and remains in this state for several minutes. To defeat this organ, you will need the simplest knowledge of anatomy and more or less developed impact force. If you're in the habit of punching concrete blocks, be careful. Liver rupture leads to serious consequences, and in some cases, immediate death.

The human body can respond very expressively to a blow to the solar plexus- a nerve node located in the very center of the human torso and controls the muscular diaphragm of the lungs and the muscles of most abdominal organs. When this point is hit, a spasm of the diaphragm occurs, which almost deprives the person of the ability to breathe. Short-term disturbances in the functioning of the heart also occur, which cannot but affect the general well-being of your opponent. Just like a liver punch, you will need to invest in the punch to achieve the desired result.

Of course, there are many more ways to disable the human body. We decided that if we give you a little more information on this topic, then in the next issue we will have to write an article-guide for those who want to protect themselves from an aggressive madman who, with enviable stubbornness, attacks people, pokes his fingers in their eyes, hits their ears , kicks the knees and hits the crotch.

It remains only to say that the main factor that can hinder you is your own civilized consciousness, which will for a long time resist the decision you made to end the conflict in such a primitive but effective way as a fight.