
Synopsis of the lesson "Customs and traditions of the Russian people" (preparatory group). Traditions and customs of the Russian people Message about Russian traditions and customs

The culture of the peoples of Russia is one of the most diverse in the world. More than 190 peoples live on its territory, each of which individually has its own unique culture, and the larger the number, the more noticeable the contribution of this people to the culture of the whole country.

The most numerous in Russia is the Russian population - it is 111 million people. The three most numerous nationalities are closed by Tatars and Ukrainians.

Russian culture

Russian culture has a huge historical and cultural heritage and dominates the state.

Orthodoxy is the most widespread religion among the Russian people, which had a huge impact on the development of the moral culture of the peoples of Russia.

The second religion in terms of number, although incomparably losing to Orthodoxy, is Protestantism.

Russian housing

A log hut with a gable roof is considered a traditional Russian dwelling. The entrance was a porch, a stove and a cellar were built in the house.

There are still many huts in Russia, for example, in the town of Vyatka, Arbazhsky district of the Kirov region. There is an opportunity to visit unique Museum Russian hut in the village of Kochemirovo, Kadomsky district of Ryazan region, where you can see not only a real hut, but also household items, a stove, a loom and other elements of Russian culture.

Russian national costume

In general, men's folk costume consisted of a shirt with an embroidered collar, pants, bast shoes or boots. The shirt was worn outside and picked up with a belt made of fabric. A caftan was worn as outerwear.

Women's folk costume consisted of a long embroidered shirt with long sleeves, a sundress or a skirt with a frill, and a woolen skirt on top - a poneva. Married women wore a headdress - a warrior. The festive headdress was a kokoshnik.

IN everyday life Russian folk costumes are no longer worn. The best examples of this clothing can be seen in ethnographic museums, as well as at all kinds of dance competitions and festivals of Russian culture.

Traditional Russian cuisine

Russian cuisine is known for its first courses - cabbage soup, hodgepodge, fish soup, pickle, okroshka. Porridge was usually prepared as a second course. "Cabbage soup and porridge is our food," they said for a long time.

Very often, cottage cheese is used in dishes, especially when making pies, cheesecakes and cheesecakes.

The preparation of various pickles and marinades is popular.

You can try Russian dishes in numerous restaurants of Russian cuisine, which are found almost everywhere in Russia and abroad.

Family traditions and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the Russian people

The family has always been the main and unconditional value for the Russian people. Therefore, from ancient times it was important to remember your family. The connection with the ancestors was sacred. Children are often named after grandmothers or grandfathers, sons are named after fathers - in this way they show respect for relatives.

Previously, the profession was often passed from father to son, but now this tradition has practically died out.

An important tradition is the inheritance of things, family heirlooms. This is how things accompany the family from generation to generation and acquire their own history.

Both religious and secular holidays are celebrated.

The most massively celebrated public holiday in Russia is the New Year holiday. Many people also celebrate the Old New Year on January 14.

The following holidays are also celebrated: Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day, Victory Day, Workers' Solidarity Day ("May" holidays on May 1-2), Constitution Day.

The largest Orthodox holidays are Easter and Christmas.

Not so massively, but the following Orthodox holidays are also celebrated: Baptism of the Lord, Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Savior), Honey Savior, Trinity and others.

Russian folk culture and the Maslenitsa holiday, which lasts a whole week until Lent, are practically inseparable from each other. This holiday is rooted in paganism, but now it is celebrated everywhere by Orthodox people. Shrovetide also symbolizes the farewell to winter. The visiting card of the festive table is pancakes.

Ukrainian culture

The number of Ukrainians in the Russian Federation is approximately 1 million 928 thousand people - this is the third largest population among the general population, and therefore Ukrainian culture is an important component of the culture of the peoples of Russia.

Traditional Ukrainian housing

Ukrainian hut is an important component of Ukrainian traditional culture. A typical Ukrainian house was wooden, small in size, with a hipped roof made of thatched. The hut was whitewashed from the inside and outside.

There are such huts in Russia, for example, in the Orenburg region, in the western and central regions of Ukraine, in Kazakhstan, but almost always the thatched roof is replaced with slate or covered with roofing felt.

Ukrainian folk costume

The man's suit is made up of a linen shirt and wide trousers. The embroidered front slit is characteristic of the Ukrainian shirt; they wear it tucked into their pants and girded with a sash.

The basis for the women's outfit is a long shirt. The hem of the shirt and the sleeves were always embroidered. A corset, skirt or andarak was worn on top.

The most famous element of traditional Ukrainian clothing is embroidery - a men's or women's shirt, distinguished by complex and varied embroidery.

Ukrainian folk costumes are no longer worn, but they can be seen in museums and at festivals of Ukrainian folk culture. But embroidered shirts are still in use and are even gaining more and more popularity - Ukrainians of all ages love to wear them, both as a festive outfit and as an element of everyday wardrobe.

The most famous Ukrainian dish is red beet and cabbage borsch.

The most popular product in Ukrainian cuisine is lard - it is used to prepare many dishes, eaten separately, salted, fried and smoked.

Wheat flour products are widespread. The national dishes include dumplings, dumplings, verguns, lemishki.

Ukrainian cuisine is loved and popular not only among Ukrainians, but also among many other residents of Russia - it will not be difficult to find a restaurant of Ukrainian cuisine in large cities.

The family values \u200b\u200bof Ukrainians and Russians are largely identical. The same applies to religion - Orthodox Christianity occupies a large part of the confession of Ukrainians living in Russia; traditional holidays are almost the same.

Tatar culture

Representatives of the Tatar ethnos on the territory of Russia make up approximately 5 million 310 thousand people - this is 3.72% of the total population of the country.

Tatar religion

The main religion of the Tatars is Sunni Islam. Moreover, there is a small part of the Kryashen Tatars, whose religion is Orthodoxy.

Tatar mosques can be seen in many cities of Russia, for example, the Moscow Historical Mosque, the St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque, the Perm Cathedral Mosque, the Izhevsk Cathedral Mosque and others.

Traditional Tatar housing

The Tatar dwelling was a four-walled log house, fenced off from the facade and remote from the street, with a passage. Inside, the room was divided into a female and a male part, the female part was at the same time a kitchen. Houses were decorated with bright paintings, especially the gates.

In Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan, there are many such estates left, not only as architectural monuments, but also as residential buildings.

The costume may differ depending on the subgroup of Tatars, however, the clothing of the Volga Tatars had a great influence on the uniform image of the national costume. It consists of a shirt-dress and wide trousers for both women and men, and a robe was often used as outerwear. The headdress for men was a skullcap, for women - a velvet cap.

In their original form, such suits are no longer worn, but some elements of clothing are still in use, for example, scarves, ichigi. You can see traditional clothes in ethnographic museums and thematic exhibitions.

Traditional Tatar cuisine

A distinctive feature of this cuisine is that not only Tatar ethnic traditions influenced its development. From different cultures, Tatar cuisine has absorbed bal-may, dumplings, pilaf, baklava, tea and other various dishes.

Tatar cuisine boasts a variety of flour products, among them: echpochmak, kystyby, kabartma, sansa, kyimak.

Milk is often used, but most often it is processed - cottage cheese, katyk, sour cream, syzme, eremchek.

A lot of restaurants throughout Russia offer a menu of Tatar cuisine, and the best choice, of course, is in the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan.

Family traditions and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the Tatars

The creation of a family has always been the highest value of the Tatar people. Marriage is considered a sacred duty.

The moral and spiritual culture of the peoples of Russia is in one way or another connected with the religious culture, and the peculiarities of Muslim marriage are that it is inextricably linked with the religious culture of Muslims. For example, the Qur'an forbids marrying an atheist woman, an agnostic woman; marriage with a representative of another religion is not too approved.

Now Tatars get to know each other and marry mainly without the intervention of the family, but earlier the most common marriage was matchmaking - the groom's relatives went to the bride's parents and made an offer.

The Tatar family is a family of the patriarchal type; a married woman was completely in the power of her husband and on his support. The number of children in a family sometimes exceeded six. The spouses settled with the husband's parents; living with the bride's parents was a shame.

Unquestioning obedience and respect for elders is another major feature of the Tatar mentality.

Tatar holidays

The Tatar culture of the celebration includes both Islamic and original Tatar and all-Russian state holidays.

Major religious holidays are Uraza Bayram - the holiday of breaking the fast, in honor of the end of the month of fasting - Ramadan, and Eid al-Adha - the holiday of sacrifice.

Until now, the Tatars also celebrate Kargatuy, or Karga Butkasy, a folk holiday of spring, and Sabantuy, a holiday on the occasion of the completion of spring agricultural work.

The culture of each people of Russia is unique, and together they represent an amazing puzzle that will be inferior if you remove some part. Our task is to know and appreciate this cultural heritage.

The Russian people carefully honor the ancient traditions that appeared in the days of Russia. These customs reflected paganism and the worship of idols, which replaced them with Christianity, the ancient structure of life. Traditions arose in every household occupation of the inhabitants of Russia. The experience of older generations was passed on to young followers, children learned worldly wisdom from their parents.

In the old Russian traditions, such features of our people as love for nature, hospitality, respect for elders, cheerfulness and breadth of soul are clearly manifested. Such customs take root among people, it is easy and pleasant to follow them. They are a reflection of the history of the country and the people.

Main Russian traditions

Russian wedding

Wedding traditions of ancient Russia go back to pagan times. Weddings within and between tribes were accompanied by worship of pagan idols, themed chants and rituals. At that time, the customs of different villages were different. A single rite is born in Russia with the advent of Christianity.

Attention was paid to all stages of the event. Families meeting, bride and groom meeting, matchmaking and bridegroom - everything happened according to a strict scenario, with certain actors... Traditions touched upon baking a wedding loaf, preparing a dowry, wedding dresses, and a feast.

The central event in the wedding celebration was considered to be the wedding. It was this church sacrament that made marriage valid.

Russian family

From time immemorial, the Russian family has accepted and honored the traditions and family values \u200b\u200bof its people. And if in past centuries there were persistent patriarchal foundations in the family, then by XIX century such foundations were of a more restrained traditional character; in the 20th century and at present, the Russian family adheres to moderate, but familiar traditions of Russian life.

The head of the family is the father as well as older relatives. In modern Russian families, father and mother are in equal degrees of supremacy, equally engaged in the upbringing of children and the organization, conduct of family life.

Nevertheless, common traditional and Orthodox holidays, as well as national customs, are celebrated in Russian families to this day, such as Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, New Year and intra-family traditions of wedding, hospitality and even, in some cases, tea drinking.

Russian hospitality

Meeting guests in Russia has always been a joyful, kind event. The wanderer, tired from the road, was greeted with bread and salt, offered him a rest, led him to the bathhouse, paid attention to his horse, changed into clean clothes. The guest was sincerely interested in how he went, where he was following, whether his travel goals were good. This shows the generosity of the Russian people, their love for their neighbors.

Russian loaf

One of the most famous Russian flour dishes that were prepared for holidays (for example, for a wedding) exclusively by married women and put on the table by men is the loaf, considered a symbol of fertility, wealth and family well-being. The loaf is decorated with various dough figurines and baked in the oven; it is distinguished by its rich taste, attractive appearance, worthy of being considered a real work of culinary art.

Russian bath

Bath customs were created by our ancestors with special love. A visit to the bathhouse in ancient Russia pursued not only the goal of cleansing the body, but also the whole rite. We visited the bath before important events and holidays. It was decided to wash in the bath slowly, in good mood, with loved ones and friends. The habit of dousing with cold water after the steam room is another Russian tradition.

Russian tea drinking

The appearance in the seventeenth century in Russia of tea, not only made this drink a favorite among Russian people, but also laid the foundation for the classic Russian tea tradition. Such attributes of tea drinking as a samovar and its decorations make tea drinking at home and cozy. Drinking this aromatic drink from saucers, with bagels and pastries, with a bite of sawn sugar - traditions were passed down from generation to generation and were observed in every Russian home.

Russian fair

On traditional holidays of folk festivities, various fun fairs opened their doors in Russia. What could not be found at the fair: delicious gingerbread, painted handicrafts, folk toys. What could not be seen at the fair: buffoons, games and amusements, a carousel and dances with round dances, as well as a folk theater and its main regular host - the mischievous Petrushka.

The history of the Russian people has been going on for over 1500 years. And all this time, legends about the mysterious Russian soul and the incomprehensible nature of Russian culture, where modern trends are closely intertwined with the heritage of distant ancestors, have been formed in the world.

In Russia, national traditions are sacredly honored, passing them on from generation to generation for centuries. Some customs appeared only after the Revolution of 1917, and some originate from the times of Ancient Russia, which, oddly enough, does not prevent them from being present in the life of a modern Russian person.

The customs of the ancient Slavs that have survived to this day

Our ancient ancestors gave us the opportunity to wear not only the surname and name, but also patronymic .

During the time of the Slavic tribes, a person was not perceived as a separate person, but was part of a kind. When meeting each other, everyone had to give the name of their parent and grandparent. Because of the fame and reputation the father, grandfather and great-grandfather had, the attitude of those around them to their offspring depended. A person was evaluated according to the affairs of the whole family, which is why he himself felt a great responsibility for his family.

Coming from a decent family, there was no reason to hide the name of the parent, on the contrary, it was an honor to call him at every opportunity. That is why people were called, for example, like this: Gorislav is the son of Dragomir, Lyudmila is the daughter of Mechislav. Or even like this, with a mention of not only his father, but also his grandfather: Peresvet, son of Nekras, son of Vladimir. Subsequently, such forms were gradually transformed into modern patronymics.

Today, referring to a person by name and patronymic, we show him our special respect. Elderly, status, authoritative people to call them simply by name is considered bad form and the height of ill-manners.

Another amazing tradition was presented to us by the Slavs - this is whip yourself with a broom in the bath ... In the old days, people were treated for colds by applying plant leaves to their chest and back. The leaves of birch and oak seemed especially healing. For convenience, they were collected together with young branches, which were tied into brooms.

To get the greatest effect, the broom had to be applied to the body hot. And where is the easiest way to warm it up? Of course, in the bathhouse. In order not to get burned, the branches were then applied, then taken aside, as if patting themselves. At the same time, the effect of massage was also created. Until today, without this unique procedure, which is considered truly Russian fun, a real bath day for a lover of steam is not possible.

Another custom that came from antiquity is coaxing the brownie ... According to Slavic beliefs, in every home there is an invisible patron saint, a spirit that protects the house and its inhabitants. In order not to suddenly be out of favor with the brownie, the owners talked to him, asked for protection and help, and fed him. Milk with a salted edge of bread was placed behind the stove or dipped into the cellar. It was believed that it was these places that the spirit-lived for his vacation chose. When they moved out of the old hut, the owners called their kind grandfather-brownie with them to go with them to their new abode.

There is still a belief that one cannot shake hands, kiss, transmit anything through the threshold. And all because beyond the threshold the brownie's defense ended. Then he could no longer protect his wards from bad influence. It turned out that unclean forces could not enter the house, while on the doorstep a bad person had the opportunity to have a negative impact on the owner, to spoil him or a love spell, to transfer a bewitched thing.

Medieval traditions

After the baptism of Russia in the Middle Ages, a close interweaving of pagan and Christian customs took place. On the eve of major Christian holidays such as Christmas, Epiphany, Annunciation, the Intercession began to occur divination , caroling , feigning ... All these rituals have changed little to this day.

The peasants usually wondered fortune in the evenings, gathering in groups. Both old and small wanted to know their future, whether it promises love, prosperity, the birth of children. Various objects were used in the rituals: mirrors, dishes, jewelry, clothes, shoes and much more.

Companies in the villages went around the houses, sang carols songs under the windows with good wishes to the owners, for which they expected a reward in the form of a mash, gingerbread or a coin.

At festivities, weddings and fairs, those wishing to entertain the people dressed up in masks, costumes of animals and birds, clinging bells and bells, creating noise around themselves and depicting crazy dances.

In addition, there was a tradition sow in houses for Christmas and Vasilyev's Day. Groups of young people or children entered the huts without asking, threw grain on the floor, sang songs. The ceremony promised the owners of the houses a good harvest, prosperity and happiness, and the sowers were thanked, treated or presented with coins.

Before Great Lent on the last day of Shrovetide week at festivities burned a straw effigy of winter , thereby seeing off the cold until next year.

Customs of Tsarist Russia

The Russian monarchy gave us the tradition of celebrating the first day of the New Year.

Before the reign of Peter I, the New Year in Russia came on September 1, but the tsar, by his decree, approved a new date for the departure of the old and the arrival of the New Year, that is, January 1. In addition, Peter I ordered to decorate the gates of houses and churches with coniferous branches on this day, and to commemorate the onset of the New Year with a cannon salute. Passers-by were supposed to congratulate each other, wish each other happiness, health and well-being.

During the reign of Catherine II, the first New Year's masquerades were held at the court, accompanied by music, dances and congratulatory speeches. Unlike the peasant mummers, whose task was to scare or amuse, the nobility of the court wore beautiful masks, costumes and jewelry, trying to stand out and surprise others.

After the war with Napoleon, the Russian nobility got acquainted with such a French drink as champagne. It was he who preferred to drink at all social events, including New Year's masquerade balls.

It turns out that since the days of Tsarist Russia and up to now, Russian people, as usual, celebrate the New Year with congratulations, Christmas trees, champagne, fireworks, music and fancy-dress events.

The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year

Even the name of the holiday is surprising, speaks of its unusualness. Of course, the tradition of celebrating this day cannot be called age-old, but it is already quite close to its centenary.

It all started with the fact that after the Revolution of 1917, the new government made a transition from julian calendar into Gregorian, between which there was a thirteen-day difference.

However, people did not stop celebrating the New Year according to the familiar old style, which eventually led to the formation of a separate Old New Year holiday. Now this day is loved by many. It does not involve a lot of fuss and is most often celebrated in the circle of those closest to you.

In conclusion, I would like to note that we do not know what traditions the new time will bring into our life, whether they will be destined for a long life, or they will soon be forgotten. But there is no doubt that the customs of our distant ancestors will last for another century. Such is our Russian mentality. It is the strength of national memory and great patriotism.

The rituals, customs and traditions of the Russian people are rooted in ancient times. Many of them have significantly changed over time and have lost their sacred meaning. But there are some that still take place. Let's consider some of them.

The calendar rituals of the Russian people go back to the times of the ancient Slavs. At that time people cultivated the land and raised livestock, worshiped pagan idols.

Some of the rites are:

  1. Sacrificial rites to the god Veles. He patronized pastoralists and farmers. Before sowing the harvest, people went out into the field, wearing clean clothes. They decorated their heads with wreaths and held flowers in their hands. The oldest villager would start sowing and throw the first grain into the ground.
  2. The harvest was also timed to coincide with the festival. Absolutely all villagers gathered at the field and sacrificed the largest animal to Veles. Men began to plow the first strip of land, while women at this time were gathering grain and collecting it in sheaves. At the end of the harvest, the table was laid with a generous treat, decorated with flowers and ribbons.
  3. Shrovetide is a calendar rite that has survived to this day. The ancient Slavs turned to the sun god Yaril with a request to send a rich harvest. They baked pancakes, played round dances, burned the famous Maslenitsa effigy.
  4. Forgiveness Sunday is the most important day of Shrovetide. On this day, people asked for forgiveness from relatives and friends, and also forgave all insults themselves. After this day, Great Lent began.

Despite the fact that Shrovetide has lost its religious meaning, people are still happy to take part in mass celebrations, bake pancakes and rejoice at the coming spring.

Christmas traditions

It is impossible not to say about the Christmas rituals, which remain relevant to this day. They are traditionally held from January 7 to January 19 between Christmas and Epiphany.

The sacred rites are as follows:

  1. Kolyada. Young people and children go from house to house, mummers, and residents treat them to sweets. Nowadays caroling is rare, but the tradition has not yet outlived its usefulness.
  2. Christmas divination. Young girls and women gather in groups and arrange fortune-telling. Most often these are rituals that allow you to find out who will be the betrothed, how many children will be born in marriage, and so on.
  3. And on January 6, before Christmas in Russia, they cooked compote with rice, cooked delicious pastries and slaughtered livestock. It was believed that this tradition helps to attract a rich harvest in spring and provide the family with material well-being.

Now the Christmas-tide rites have lost their magical sacrament and are used mainly for entertainment. Another reason to have fun in the company of girlfriends and friends is to arrange a group fortune-telling for the betrothed, to dress up and make fun of the holidays.

Family rituals in Russia

Family rituals were of great importance. For matchmaking, weddings or the baptism of newborns, special rituals were used, which were sacredly honored and observed.

Weddings were usually scheduled after a successful harvest or baptism. Also, a favorable time for the ceremony was considered the week after the bright holiday of Easter. The newlyweds were married in several stages:

  • Matchmaking. In order to marry a bride to the groom, all close relatives from both sides gathered together. They discussed the dowry, where the young couple would live, agreed on gifts for the wedding.
  • After the parents' blessing was received, preparations for the celebration began. The bride and her bridesmaids gathered every evening and prepared a dowry: they sewed, knitted and weaved clothes, bed linen, tablecloths and other home textiles. They sang sad songs.
  • On the first day of the wedding, the bride said goodbye to girlhood. The girlfriends sang the sad ritual songs of the Russian people, farewell cries - after all, from that moment the girl found herself in complete submission to her husband, no one knew how her family life would turn out.
  • According to custom, on the second day of the wedding, the newly-made husband, along with friends, went to his mother-in-law for pancakes. They arranged a stormy feast, went to visit all the new relatives.

When a child appeared in a new family, he should be baptized. The baptism was performed immediately after birth. It was necessary to choose a reliable godfather - this person bore great responsibility, almost on a par with the parents, for the fate of the baby.

And when the baby was one year old, a cross was cut off his head. It was believed that this rite gives the child protection from evil spirits and the evil eye.

When the child grew up, he was obliged to visit the godparents with refreshments every year on Christmas Eve. And they, in turn, presented him with presents, treated him with sweets.

Watch a video about the rituals and customs of the Russian people:

Mixed rites

We should also talk about such interesting rituals:

  • Celebration of Ivan Kupala. It was believed that only from that day it was possible to swim. Fern also bloomed on this day - whoever finds a flowering plant will reveal all the innermost secrets. People made fires and jumped over them: it was believed that a couple who jumped holding hands over the fire would be together until their death.
  • The custom of commemorating the dead has also come from pagan times. At the memorial table, there must have been a rich treat and wine.

Whether or not to follow ancient traditions is everyone's business. But you can not build them into a cult, but pay tribute to your ancestors, their culture, the history of your country. This applies to religious practices. As for entertainment events such as Maslenitsa or the celebration of Ivan Kupala, this is another reason to have fun in the company of friends and soulmate.

Rybnikov Roman

We, the young generation, must join the national culture, because our today, as our past once was, also creates the traditions and customs of the future. Do we, the modern generation, need to know the customs that guided our distant ancestors? Yes, we need it. We must know well not only the history of the Russian state, but also the traditions and customs of the national culture; to be aware, understand and actively participate in the revival of national culture, self-actualize themselves as a person who loves their homeland, their people and everything related to folk culture, for example, Russian national customs.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Yartsevskaya secondary school №4

Hero's name Soviet Union O. A. Losika

Russian national customs

The work was prepared by: student of grade 4 "A"

Rybnikov Roman


What people do you live in

this custom and keep.



We, the young generation, must join the national culture, because our today, as once our past, also creates the traditions and customs of the future. Do we, the modern generation, need to know the customs that guided our distant ancestors? Yes, we need it. We must know well not only the history of the Russian state, but also the traditions and customs of the national culture; to be aware, understand and actively participate in the revival of national culture, self-actualize themselves as a person who loves their homeland, their people and everything related to folk culture, for example, Russian national customs.

Culture expresses the totality of knowledge, ideals, spiritual experience of the people on the centuries-old path of the formation of society.Throughout the millennia-long history of the development of the Russian people, on the basis of folk customs, an understanding of spirituality, reverence for the memory of ancestors, a sense of collectivism, love for the world and nature were formed. The moral roots of the Russian people go back to ancient times. Knowledge of their historical and cultural roots fosters pride in the past of their homeland, patriotism, a sense of responsibility, duty to the state and family in a person.

Topic of this work"Russian national customs". The appeal to the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof Russian culture is quite relevant in modern society. Rite, tradition, custom are the hallmarks of a particular people. They intersect and reflect all the main aspects of life. They are a powerful means of national education and rallying of the people into a single whole.

It often seems to us that the world of traditions and customs has irrevocably gone into the past, and least of all we are inclined to follow our grandfather's traditions and customs.

But norms of behavior, ethics, morality of interpersonal relations can neither be produced nor imported, and the loss of traditional culture in this area turns into lack of spirituality.

Relevance the topic under consideration is that society again and again turns to its origins. The country is experiencing a spiritual upsurge, a search for lost values \u200b\u200bbegins, attempts to remember the past, forgotten, and it turns out that the rite, the custom is aimed at preserving eternal human values:

Peace in the family

Love for your neighbor


Moral good

Modesty, beauty, truth,


Problem in the fact that depending on how we understand the values \u200b\u200bof our culture, how to preserve them, carefully passing them on from generation to generation, so is the well-being of our people. In this regard, my interest in the customs of the Russian people becomes clear.

goal of this work: to determine the basic customs of the Russian people and find out how they have survived in the modern world.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the followingtasks :

To get acquainted with Russian national customs and rituals as the most important block in the system of spiritual culture of the Russian people;

Get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main customs observed by the residents of my Novoborsky village;

Explore the modern knowledge of the customs of the Russian people among high school students;

Comprehend the role and significance of customs in the life of an ethnic group in our time.

Just in case - your custom.


Main part

In the life and culture of any nation there are many phenomena that are complex in their historical origin and functions. One of the most striking and indicative phenomena of this kind are folk customs and traditions. In order to understand their origins, it is necessary, first of all, to study the history of the people, its culture, get in touch with its life and way of life, try to understand its soul and character. Any customs and traditions basically reflect the life of one or another group of people, and they arise as a result of spiritual knowledge of the surrounding reality. In other words, customs and traditions are those precious pearls in the ocean of the life of the people, which they have collected over the centuries as a result of practical and spiritual comprehension of reality. Whatever tradition or custom we take, having examined its roots, we, as a rule, come to the conclusion that it is vitally justified and behind the form, which sometimes seems to us original and archaic, there is a living rational kernel. The customs and traditions of any nation are its "dowry" when joining the huge family of humanity living on planet Earth. Each ethnic group enriches and improves it by its existence.

In my small work, I want to touch upon the customs and traditions of the Russian people. To approach the disclosure of this topic through the history of the customs of the Russian people, since the historical approach makes it possible to reveal the layers in a complex complex of folk customs, to find in them the primary basis, to determine its material roots and its initial functions. It is thanks to the historical approach that one can determine the real place of religious beliefs and church rituals, the place of magic and superstition in folk customs and traditions. Generally speaking, the essence of any holiday as such can be understood only from a historical point of view.

The peculiarities of customs are that they are passed down from generation to generation. Many customs originate from "Domostroy": veneration for elders, righteous living, wedding customs, etc. Customs are associated with religious performances - a carol, the celebration of Easter, a wedding, the sacrament of baptism, and others.

The whole complex of customs and rituals can be divided into three groups:

Performed by the whole village or a number of settlements, the so-called rural;

Family and clan, i.e. home or family;

Committed by the individual or for his sake or individually, i.e. individual.

There are a lot of customs, it is impossible to list them all. I will only touch on a few that are also observed in our area.

Carols - an old Christmas rite of glorification of the feast of the Nativity of Christ with songs and the song itself. On the night of January 6-7, before orthodox Christmas people usually did not sleep: they went from house to house, treated themselves, caroling, that is, singing carols - old Christmas and New Year's ritual songs. In tsarist times, even tsars went to their subjects to congratulate and beat them. Children and young people began caroling, singing songs under the windows and receiving various treats for this. Going to carol, the rich, as a rule, disguised themselves in carnival, unusual clothes, while the poor simply turned their outerwear inside out and put on animal masks. Now this rite is being revived: people learn songs, dress up as in the old days, put on masks and go to neighbors, relatives, colleagues in cities and villages. Children especially like to participate in a carriage, who are always treated to songs. In our village, too, children go early in the morning on January 7 and sing Carols.

Baptism (January 19) It is believed that on the night of Epiphany, water is consecrated in all springs. Old people say: "Baptism is such a great holiday that a willow tree can even blossom on this day." Earlier on Epiphany everyone, regardless of age, both children and old people, played special games, which ended Christmastide. These games are called "Nuts" or "Draw". A lot of nuts were baked especially for the game. The game created an atmosphere of abundance: everyone without exception had a lot of nuts in their hands, as well as the mood of happy luck, profit. Now, on the eve of this holiday, many residents of our village: both old and young - go to church to defend the service; some go to Samarka to swim, according to popular beliefs, a person will not be sick all year, because water has healing properties.

Christmas divination. In this, you always want to look at least a little into the future, and Christmastide was considered the ideal time for fortune-telling - and people wondered. For fortune-telling, they chose "unclean" places where, as it was believed, the evil spirits, which became strongly activated during the Christmastide period, were chosen - non-residential and non-standard places: abandoned houses, baths, barns, cellars, canopy, attics, cemeteries, etc.

The fortune-tellers had to take off their body crosses and belts, untie all the knots on their clothes, the girls loosened their braids. They went to fortune-telling secretly: they left the house without crossing themselves, walked in silence, barefoot in one shirt, closing their eyes and covering their face with a handkerchief so as not to be recognized. In order not to disappear completely, they took "protective" measures against evil spirits - they drew a circle around themselves with a poker and put a clay pot on their heads.

Fortune-telling topics varied from questions of life, death and health to the offspring of livestock and the honey content of bees, but the bulk of fortune-telling was devoted to marriage issues - the girls tried to find out the most detailed information about their betrothed.

The technology of fortune-telling was based on the universal belief that, if certain conditions are met, "signs" of fate will be received, which, if correctly interpreted, will slightly open the veil of time and prompt the future.

Anything could be "signs" - dreams, random sounds and words, forms of molten wax and squirrel poured into water, animal behavior, number and odd and even objects, etc.

The barking of the dog indicated from which side the groom would arrive, the sound of the ax promised trouble and death, the music of a quick wedding, the stamping of a horse - a good road; they wondered not only by random sounds and provoked them: they knocked on the barn gate, on the fence, etc. And they wondered about the temper of the future husband by the behavior of cockroaches, spiders and ants.

To have a prophetic dream, the girl had to wash herself with water brought from nine wells, weave blades of grass into a braid, sweep the floor before going to bed in the direction from the threshold to the corner and run around the house in the nude. It also helped to put men's pants under the bed and under the pillow, a pillow of grain, a comb, or a cup of water.

Still, the central moment of the Christmas celebrations was a family meal. An odd number of dishes were prepared, the main of which was kutia - a type of steeply cooked porridge made from barley or wheat groats (and sometimes prepared from a mixture different kind grains), pancakes and oatmeal jelly were also prepared. Additional devices were placed on the table according to the number of family members who died in the past year.

In the evening and at night, mummers - carollers went to their homes, especially in order to receive ceremonial food from the owners and express their well-wishes in the coming year, the wealth of the family next year, it was believed, directly depended on the degree of talent of the carols. Modern fortune-telling is very different from ancient fortune-telling, but, nevertheless, this custom has been preserved: young girls fortune-telling by candlelight.

Pancake week. IN the time of transition from winter to spring is marked by Shrovetide Week. The first swings and merry-go-rounds were under construction for Shrove Week. Shrovetide is the time of pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, brushwood, pies, donuts, etc. All these delicacies were the first to be received by children. Sometimes the children who received the first pancake were entrusted with a particularly responsible ceremony: with the first pancake, spring cried out.

That banner was Maslenitsa with its fist fights. And again, before the daredevils from the adults converge wall to wall with the daredevils from the other team, the teenagers were the first to go to the middle of the circle and start hand-to-hand combat in full observance of the rules of the game (they don’t beat when lying down, you can beat them to bruises, but not to blood) ...

The culmination of the holiday is bonfires. While the fire was burning, they shouted: "The milk has burned out!" or "Maslenitsa burned down, flew to Rostov!" Bonfires were made closer to dusk. As soon as the sounds of the evening gospel were heard, the fun stopped. Ahead was the special evening that gave the name to this whole day - Forgiveness Sunday. According to custom, everyone said goodbye, that is, they asked each other for forgiveness. By this, people were, as it were, cleared of voluntary and involuntary offenses. On Forgiveness Sunday, the godchildren always visited the godfather and mother. It was customary to give each other gingerbread cookies, gingerbreads, honey lovers.

In Borskoye, Maslenitsa is also widely celebrated: in the center of the village a pillar is erected, where, according to tradition, daredevils go to get gifts; there is a performance, both adults and children ride horses, eat pancakes, and, of course, a scarecrow is burned. Teachers say that there was a time when Maslenitsa was also held at school and even Maslenitsa was held on traditional days: Monday - meeting, Tuesday - flirting, Wednesday - gourmet, Thursday - revelry, Friday - mother-in-law's evenings, Saturday - sister-in-law's gatherings, Sunday - Forgiveness Sunday. They baked pancakes, went buffoons, sold sweets, drank tea from samovars, played old games, molded snow figures, and dressed up in Russian folk costumes.

Easter. During the celebration of Easter, Russians remember the life, death and Sunday of Jesus Christ. The day before Easter, Russians bake cakes (sweet bread) and paint eggs that symbolize the body of Christ. In the morning, after all churches have passed hay vigils (they last all day) and processions around churches (starting at 12 o'clock at night), people gather to their relatives or friends to give a cake or a colored egg. Gifts are presented with the words: "Jesus is Risen!" To which the recipient must answer: "Indeed he is Risen!" and give in return either a cake or a colored egg. This custom is called "Christed". On the ninth day (Parent's Day) after Easter, it is customary for Russians to visit the graves of loved ones and commemorate them.

This custom is sacredly honored by our residents: they also go to church, bake cakes, paint eggs, and when they meet they say: "Christ is Risen!" and in response they receive: "Truly He is Risen!" Children go home to praise on Sunday.

What determines characteristics this or that area? Sights, monuments, history, lakes and mountains? Maybe, but still these are people and their way of life - that is what first of all creates the region, its image. People make every settlement special. And it is with a person and the land in which he was born that customs and traditions are associated. They in Borsky, as well as throughout Russia, are based on the way of life, climate, and ancestral history. Customs and traditions, like living organisms, are constantly changing, passing from people to people, from city to city, from village to village, "get sick" or are in the prime of life and at the peak of popularity. For this reason, many of the customs and traditions of our village intersect with the customs and traditions of all of Russia, and this is not surprising.

I would also like to dwell on some of the ceremonies, the so-called life cycle. These are the customs that accompany a person on all steps of his life pathstarting at birth. The birth of a child is a very big event in the life of people. It was considered so important that in the old days they believed: when a child is born, a new star is lit in the sky; the star appears over the place where he was born and goes out or falls at the moment of his death. It's not for nothing that people say when they see a shooting star: "Someone died."

The birth of a baby.Wealthy people approved birthing tables, and peasants prepared special beer. The mothers received gifts from the guests, usually in money. This was observed among the nobles, but only for the fulfillment of customs, for the puerpera in the boyar house was given gold each.

The Russians were in a hurry to baptize the baby, and most often the baptism took place on the eighth day, but sometimes also on the fortieth day, since these numbers reminded of the events of circumcision and meeting in the infant life of Jesus Christ. The name was uttered most often by chance, after the name of the saint, whose memory happened on the day of baptism. Baptism took place among all estates in churches, and in houses it was allowed only due to illness or extreme weakness of a newborn and certainly not in the room where he was born, since that room was considered desecrated for a long time. The choice of the recipient fell mostly on the spiritual father or relative. At baptism, a copper, silver or gold cross was put on the newborn, which remained on it for life. The receiver at the priest put a white scarf around his neck and tied it with both ends, and at the end of the ceremony, this scarf was removed and remained in the church. After the ceremony, on the same day, a christening table was established, and at the same time, in addition to guests, they also fed the beggars. On the day of baptism, the tsar made a solemn table for the patriarch, spiritual authorities and secular dignitaries; at the end of the meal, the clergy blessed the newborn, and the other guests offered him gifts. In the tsar's life, this was the only time when the tsar's child was shown to adulthood, since then it has long remained in the depths of the tsar's chorus. The baptism of the royal infant was not limited to one ordinary christening table. They traveled through the cities and monasteries with letters announcing the birth of the tsar's offspring, and all the monasteries rushed to take gifts to the newborn. In turn, on the occasion of the birth of a child, the king forgave the guilty and showed royal favors. The custom of baptizing a child has survived to this day. Now they try to give a name to a newborn in honor of the Saint, whose name day falls on the baby's birthday. Thus, any saint (saint) becomes the heavenly patron and intercessor of the baptized.

Wedding in Russia it is not just a marriage ceremony, it is a custom. Weddings always carry a lot of nationality. Weddings in Russia were held at a certain time of the year, usually in the fall or winter, in between large fasts. Today weddings are held all year round.

However, the Church wedding ceremony is becoming more and more frequent.Wedding - a very beautiful and touching ceremony, when, standing under the aisle, young people take vows to be faithful in sorrow and joy. It is believed that after the wedding, they are more acutely aware of their belonging to each other and are tuned in to a long life together, since, in general, divorces are prohibited by the Orthodox Church. L.N. Tolstoy conveyed this feeling in Anna Karenina, describing Levin's mood after his marriage to Kitty. Traditionally, the bridegroom buys rings, dress and shoes for the bride, and the bride's family provides "dowries" - bed linen, dishes and furniture. On the wedding table, there must be dishes from a bird, symbolizing a happy family life. "Kurnik" is a wedding cake. It is made from pancakes or sweet unleavened dough sandwiched with chicken, mushrooms, rice and other fillings. When a young husband and wife come to the house of their parents, the groom, his mother greets them, according to Russian tradition, with bread and salt. All guests are watching whoever breaks off the largest piece of bread: he will be the head of the house. Weddings in Russia are noisy and fun, with dances, songs and numerous "games - tests" for the groom.

Many traditions of the past have been preserved in the customs of weddings in our village: the bride is "ransomed", the young are welcomed with bread and salt, and they are blessed with the Icon. Many young people consolidate their marriage with a church wedding.

Memorial rituals.Funeral and memorial customs and rituals complete the life cycle. Farewell to the last journey has always had a collective character. They were escorted by everyone: the village, the street, the village, the whole clan-tribe. Going on here last goodbye with the deceased. In the old days, at this moment, everyone listened to women mourners who were shouting at the deceased. To vote on the deceased was considered so important that until recently women who knew the art of nakedness were invited to this sad event. Traditionally, mourning clothes were white... Now the mourning clothes are black. Relatives read prayers for the dead, commemorate the 9th and 40th days, and only then take off their mourning clothes.

In order to ensure the well-being of the deceased in the other world, alms are given and all memorial days are celebrated. Throughout their lives, Russians mark the ecumenical parental days according to the Orthodox calendar as funeral ones. There are several such days a year. At the end of winter there is a memorial day, marked on Saturday on the eve of Cheese (or Shrove) week - the one that ends with the wires of Shrovetide. On Tuesday after Easter week comes Radunitsa - a large spring commemoration. Sometimes large spring commemorations are celebrated on other days, for example, on Krasnaya Gorka or next Sunday, on the day of the Myrrh-Bearing Women. This time the cemetery is visited without fail with a red egg and a piece of cake.

Since we live in a small village where almost everyone knows each other, the deceased is seen off by almost the entire village. Before burial, the deceased is buried in a chapel built near the cemetery. The custom of the suicides not to perform the funeral service has been preserved.

Modern customs... Echoes of antiquity, the Slavic roots of the Russians make themselves felt in modern life. For more than one century, Russians continue to celebrate pagan holidays, they believe in numerous folk signs and legends. Wherein modern culture Russians also retained later traditions and customs that originated in the early 20th century.

On the Old New Year's Eve neighbors, relatives, children go from house to house disguised as "sowers", congratulate each other and wish everyone health and well, while throwing a handful of grain into the front corner and singing and shouting:

I sow, I sow,

Happy New Year!

So that they are healthy

Lived for many years!

Open the chest

Serve a piglet

At least damn it

Though fat wedge!

Each owner, taking care of well-being and health, considers it obligatory to treat the "sowers" well.

So, I got to know in general the customs and traditions of not only Russians in general, but also found out what customs were preserved and observed by our inhabitants. The main role, of course, in the preservation of Russian national customs is played by the family, because the children receive their initial knowledge about them from their parents. And as far as parents know these customs, they pass them on to their children. Only much later do children fully assimilate the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof Russian culture.

I have carried outquestioning among students, allowing to determine what they know about customs and rituals. According to the questionnaire, I got the following results:

Only 3% do not know any folk customs and rituals. The rest named the following:

Baptism (75%), wedding (80%), Easter (86%), Christmas (77%), farewell to the army (35%), commemoration (64%), Maslenitsa (82%), Trinity (43%), wedding (27%), Halloween (9%), Christmastide (29%), Christmas gifts (4%). Many families observe the following customs, rituals, holidays: Easter (67%), Christmas (59%), Maslenitsa (56%), New Year (98%), name day (not birthday) (12%), days commemoration (27%). Know Christmas customs (56%). Some respondents noted gastronomic abundance and special Christmas foods as holiday customs:“There should be 12 types of dishes on the table, including buckwheat porridge”; “There should be sausage on the table”; "They bake cheese cakes"; "Pancakes, baked pies"; "Roast a turkey or a Christmas goose ..." (3%). For others, festivities and fun are an obligatory attribute of this holiday:"Festive festivities"; "Walk with the whole world"; "Christmas festivities are coming"; "Songs, dances"; "Have fun."

In our area, such customs as Maslenitsa (78%), Easter (70%), Christmas carols (32%), wedding - (28%) are observed. When asked what kind of wedding you would like to arrange for yourself - 53% prefer a modern civil ceremony, 21% - a traditional ceremony with a religious design of marriage, 9% - a civil ceremony with elements of a folk wedding, 7% - without ceremonies. Pupils know both the customs and ceremonies associated with the birth of a child, such as baptism (73%), gathering guests on the occasion of the birth of a child (39%), not showing the child to strangers in the first month, because can jinx (15%). All folk customs are honored - 21%, go to church on holidays - 18%, go to the cemetery with their parents on memorial days - 34%, 2% do not honor any customs. They know about burial - 42%, that on these days it is necessary to wear mourning clothes - 40%, not to attend entertainment events - 41%, that the deceased is buried in church - 37%. It was difficult to enumerate modern customs, only 3% named

such as the custom of saying "hello" to adults, 5% - to give way to the elderly in transport, 3% - to listen to the advice of their elders, 2% - to throw coins for luck into the fountain.

The results of the survey showed that the majority of students know and observe folk customs and rituals in their families and that the customs and rituals have not lost their significance in life. modern man, despite the process of rapid transformations taking place in our country recently.

Custom is not a cage - you cannot rearrange.



We must carefully preserve Russian traditions and customs of antiquity, so as not to lose the connection between times and generations. For example, among them was and remains our ancient custom of living honest and useful labor, working not only for ourselves, but also for society, not only for the sake of money or fame, but also for the sake of victory and the revival of the Fatherland, showing dexterity and skill in the profession, to work , without fail sharing the fruits of his labor with his neighbors, that is, showing the best Russian qualities: patriotism, ingenuity, creative gift, comradeship, love for God and for Russia, collegiality ... Our people have missed such a nationwide atmosphere, and its revival depends, first of all, on the authorities, but not only on the authorities. Everyone in this business can make their own seemingly imperceptible contribution.

Or, for example, the ancient custom of hospitality for which the Russian people have always been famous. The quality is excellent, and we do not change it. Another useful and almost forgotten nowadays custom: chastity before marriage and in marriage, which allows a woman-mother to give birth and raise healthy offspring in physical and moral purity, thus strengthening the basis of the family and the entire clan. And it was a good custom in Russia to have as many children as God gives. This is how five, ten or more children were born and raised in our families! It is this kind and difficult, saving for the wife and husband business that allowed Russia to withstand the trials of the twentieth century, to create the great achievements of Russian civilization.

Orthodox customs are faith that transformed everyday life, these are customs that reflect the main aspects of life. We saw on the example of Russian national customs, revered today, that they help to unite the people into a single whole. True, we saw another thing, that the younger generation has a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe true values \u200b\u200bof Russian culture. In the modern world, shamelessness and impudence prevail, everything is bought and sold. And there is no place for conscience, honor, experience of ancestors, no mercy, no love, no duty, no high patriotic feelings ... Young people are well aware that such a country has no future, that it is doomed to conquest and plunder. In such a country with such "customs" a Russian person can only perish and it is impossible to feel either a master or a full-fledged citizen. And to prevent this from happening, one must sacredly honor the good Orthodox customs of our Motherland - Holy Russia, which for centuries have shaped the spiritual and spiritual way of the Russian people. A faithful custom is correct, consistent with the commandments of God and the rules of the Church, wise and moral deeds, which should become a habit and a norm of the life of the people. The Russian land will be famous for such customs and grow stronger. And you can always rely on such people in everything.

The Orthodox customs of the people are the way of life formed over the centuries, within the limits of which the path of the correct development of natural abilities, the path to success in life, opens up to each person.

The customs of the Russian people, which made it possible to survive in the most difficult circumstances, have always been based on patristic heritage, legends, epics and fairy tales of the Russian people, respect for the history of their ancestors, and the desire to live according to the Truth of God.

The folk custom is usually strict. How can we return the strict customs of our ancestors to our people?

The main task of a Russian person today is to make a spiritual choice: to unite with his people in its millennial destiny, in its grace-filled Orthodox customs and traditions, coming from the depths of the centuries, to find a saving faith that answers all the pressing questions of life, and to join forever the norms of life of our people.

Today, many of us understand that it is very important not to lose the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the Russian people (kindness, religiosity, patriotism, solidarity), to contribute to their transmission to future generations through familiarizing with the rich Russian national culture.

The historical customs of the Russian people are unique. Folk customs and rituals have been and remain an integral part of the spiritual culture of the people. Can we save them and pass them on? Yes. But only if we realize the lost values \u200b\u200bare vital in the future. It is folk customs that express the soul of the people, decorate its life, give it uniqueness, strengthen the bond between generations.

List of sources and literature:

  1. Domostroy / Comp., Entry. Art., per. and comments. V.V. Kolesova: Prepared. texts by V.V. Rozhdestvenskaya, V.V. Kolesov and M.V. Pimenova: Art. A.G. Tyurin. - M .: Sov. Russia, 1990 .-- 304 p.
  2. Life and customs of the Russian people in the XVI and XVII centuries / N. I. Kostomarov.Sketch of domestic life and customs of the Great Russian people in the 16th and 17th centuries/ I.E. Zabelin. Domestic life of Russian queens in the 16th and 17th centuries. - Smolensk: "Rusich", 2002. - 560 p.
  3. Russian holiday: Holidays and ceremonies of the national agricultural calendar. Illustrated Encyclopedia. / Author: O. G. Baranova, T. A. Zimina and others - St. Petersburg: Art - St. Petersburg, 2001 .-- 672 p.
  4. Russian people, their customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry... The reprint reproduction of the 1880 edition collected by M. Forgotten. M .: "Book-Print Shop" 1990 - 519 p.
  5. Folk holidays in Holy Russia... N.P. Stepanov. M .: Russian rarity. 1992.
  6. Complete encyclopedia of the life of the Russian people... I. A. Pankeev. TT. 1.2. Moscow: OLma-Press, 1998
  7. Christmas carols.

    You will give us -

    we will praise,

    but you will not give -

    we will reproach!

    Kolyada, kolyada!

    Serve the pie!

    Kolyada, Kolyada,

    Open the gate.

    Open the chests

    Get the snouts.

    Serve the pie

    Can you give me some pie?

    Serve the gingerbread!

    Can you give me some gingerbread?

    Serve candy.

    Christmas divination in the mirror

    One of the most famous and terrible Russian Christmas divination for the betrothed. It is difficult to say exactly when to guess in the mirrors - you can sit after midnight, or late at night. But usually they begin to guess at exactly midnight.

    For fortune-telling, you will need a mirror, a candle and a towel. Place a mirror in front of you, next to a candle. Only she should light up a dark room. Cast the spell: "The bridegroom-mummer, come to me for supper", and look in the mirror. The appearance of the groom foreshadows a slight waving of a candle and a fogged-up mirror. Once this happens, quickly dry the glass with a towel.

    The groom comes up from behind and looks in the mirror. Seeing his face, the girl must say: "Chur, this place." The groom immediately disappears. If the girl does not utter the necessary phrase, he sits down on the table and takes something out of his pocket. If the girl exclaims "chur", the thing will be hers.

    As Maslenitsa celebrates

    Monday - Meeting.On the first day of Shrovetide, the Russian people celebrated the meeting of the Pure Shrovetide - a broad boyar. In the old days, children went outside in the morning to build snowy mountains. They baked pancakes.

    Tuesday - Flirting.In the morning, the girls and fellows went to visit for flirting - to go for a ride on the mountains, to eat pancakes. Children rode down the mountains on all Shrovetide days - they rode down the mountains on a sleigh, on a sleigh, or on icy matting.

    Wednesday - Gourmet.On Gourmet, mother-in-law took the sons-in-law to pancakes, and for the fun of the sons-in-law they called all relatives. A huge number of proverbs, sayings, songs, mostly comic anecdotes are dedicated to this custom: Mother-in-law is milking about her son-in-law and a mortar. The son-in-law will come, where to get the sour cream?

    So Shrovetide was a ruinous holiday for those families with many daughters. This is where the proverb came from: Even though you can lay it all off yourself, spend Shrovetide! "

    Thursday - Revelry.Since Thursday, which was called "wide" for a reason, the Pancake week was unfolding in full swing. The whole world, as participants or active, interested spectators, went to fistfights, the construction and capture of a snowy city, horse races, riding along the streets.

    Friday - Mother-in-law's evening.The sons-in-law invited their mother-in-law to visit, treated them to pancakes.

    Saturday - Sisters-in-law's gatherings.Young daughters-in-law invited their sister-in-law to visit them. The newlywed daughter-in-law was supposed to give her sister-in-law some gift.

    Sunday - (Last day of Maslenitsa) - Forgiven Sunday

    In churches during the evening service, the rite of forgiveness is performed (the abbot asks for forgiveness from other clergy and parishioners). Then all the believers, bowing to each other, ask for forgiveness and, in response to the request, say "God will forgive."



    Keeps track of the years.

    This holiday again

    Comes to our yard

    And carries with him

    The joy of childhood

    And over all the land

    Shedding light

    Old age revives

    Protects youth.

    Bless you

    Christmas is coming!

    Archimandrite Isaac

    1970, Yelets

    Troparion, voice 4th

    Thy Christmas, Christ our God, ascend the world the light of reason, in it I learn to bow to the stars serving as a star, to the Sun of righteousness, and to guide You from the height of the East. Lord, glory to You!

    On the old new year they sang:

    I sow, I sow,

    Happy New Year!

    With cattle, with a belly,

    With little kids

    With youngsters!

    How many branches are there on a piece,

    You would have so many children!

    Happy New Year, host with hostess!

    Application form

    A few questions about customs and rituals.

    1. What folk customs and rituals do you know? ___________________________________

    2. Does anyone in your family observe ceremonies, customs, holidays? Indicate which __________________________________________________________________________

    3. Do you know Christmas customs? ____________________________________________


    4. Do you think there are any customs and rituals associated with the ancient faith observed in our area? If yes, which ones exactly __________________________________________________________________________

    5. What kind of wedding would you like to have for yourself?

    Without rituals _______________________________________________________________________

    Modern civil rite ____________________________________________________

    Civil ceremony with elements of a folk wedding ____________________________________

    Traditional ceremony with religious registration of marriage ________________________________

    6.What folk customs and ceremonies do you know associated with the birth of a child? __________________________________________________________________________

    7. What folk customs do you honor? __________________________________________________________________________________

    8. What do you know about burial? ______________________________________________________


    9. What modern customs are you familiar with? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________