
He was firmly sure that he had the full right to rest, in pleasure. Mr. San Francisco People to whom he believed he had a custom

I. Bunin is one of the few figures of Russian culture, rated abroad. In 1933, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature "For strict skill with which he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose." You can relate differently to the personality and the views of this writer, but his skill in the field of graceful literature is undoubtedly, therefore his works, at least worthy of our attention. One of them, it was "Mr. San Francisco," received such a high assessment of the jury, awarded the most prestigious premium of the world.

Important quality for the writer - observation, because of the most fleeting episodes and impressions you can create a whole work. Bunin accidentally saw in the store cover of the book of Thomas Mann "Death in Venice", and a few months later, having arrived at the cousin, remembered this name and tied up with an even more pressing memory: the death of the American on the island of Capri, where the author himself rested. So it turned out one of the best bunin stories, and not just a story, but a whole philosophical parable.

This literary work was enthusiastic about criticism, and an outstanding talent of the writer was compared with Dir L.N. Tolstoy and A.P. Chekhov. After that, Bunin stood with mastitis connoisseurs of words and human soul in one row. His work is so symbolic and forever, which will never lose its philosophical or relevance. And a century of power of money and market relations is doubly helpful to remember what life is leading, inspired by only the accumulation.

What a story?

The main character who does not have a name (he is just Mr. San Francisco), all his life engaged in the increase in his wealth, and in 58 he decided to pay the time to rest (and at the same time). They go on a steamer "Atlantis" in their entertainment journey. All passengers are immersed in idleness, but the service personnel is working, not in the hands to provide all these breakfasts, lunches, dinners, tea, cards, dancing, liqueurs and cognacs. Also monotonously staying tourists in Naples, museums and cathedrals are added to their program. However, the weather does not favor the tourists: the Naples December was rare. Therefore, Mr. Family in a hurry to the island of Capri, pleasing warmth, where they will settle in the same hotel and are already preparing for routine "entertainment" classes: yes, sleep, chat, seek the groom for daughter. But suddenly the death of the main character broke into this "idyll". He suddenly died, reading the newspaper.

And then it opens in front of the reader the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story that in the face of death everyone is equal: neither wealth, nor power saved from her. This gentleman who only recently slept money, contemptuously spoke with servants and took their respectful bows, lies in a close and cheap room, respect somewhere lost, the family is exposed from the hotel, because his wife and daughter will leave "trifles". And here his body is brought back to America in a box of soda, because even the coffin is not found on Capri. But he is going already in the hold hidden from high-ranking passengers. And no one will especially grieve, because no one can take advantage of the money of the dead man.

Meaning of the name

At first, Bunin wanted to call his story "Death to Capri" by analogy with the inspirational name "Death in Venice" (the book this writer read later and assessed as "unpleasant"). But after writing the first line, he burned it over and called the work on the "name" of the hero.

From the first page it is clear the attitude of the writer to the Lord, he is for him faceless, colorless and soulless, so he did not even receive a name. He is Mr., the top of the public hierarchy. But all this power is fleeting and changing, reminds the author. The hero who did not make a kind thing for the society for the society for 58 years and thinking only about himself, remains after death only by an unknown Mr., who only knows that he is a rich American.

Characteristic of heroes

Characters in the story Little: Mr. San Francisco as a symbol of eternal fussy storage, his spouse, depicting a sullen respectability, and their daughter, symbolizing the desire for this respectability.

  1. Mr. Life "worked not to twist hands," but these were the hands of the Chinese, who were hired by thousands and as abundantly died in the hardest service. Other people for him do not mean little for him, the main thing is the benefit, wealth, power, accumulation. It was they who gave him the opportunity to travel, live on the highest category and fellowship treat others who are less lucky in his life. However, he was not saved by the hero from death, the money for that light would not take. Yes, and respect, purchased and sold, quickly turns into dust: after his death, nothing, the celebration of life, money and idle continued, even about the last Dani, to disturb certain. The body travels on instances, this is nothing, just another point of baggage, which is thrown in the hold, hiding from the "decent society."
  2. The wife of the hero lived monotonously, along the philistine, but with Shikom: without any problems and difficulties, no excitement, only lazily stretching a string of idle days. Nothing impressed her, she was completely calm, probably who had learned to think in Routine idleness. She is worried about the future daughter: it is necessary to find a respectable and advantageous party to her, so that she also sailed all his life towards all his life.
  3. The daughter of all their forces depicted innocence and at the same time frankness, attracting the grooms. That is her and occupied the most. Meeting with a ugly, strange and uninteresting person, but the prince, threw a girl in excitement. Perhaps it was one of the last strong feelings in her life, and then her future was waiting for her. However, some emotions were still in the girl: she premonished Bed ("Her heart suddenly squeezed melancholy, a feeling of terrible loneliness on this alien, a dark island") and cried about the father.
  4. Main topics

    Life and death, everyday life and exclusivity, wealth and poverty, beauty and disgrace - these are the main topics of the story. They immediately reflect the philosophical direction of the copyright. He encourages readers to think about himself: Whether we will not chase with something frivolously small, do not be mired in Routine, losing genuine beauty? After all, the life in which there is no time to think about himself, in the universe, in which there is no time to look at the environment, people and notice something good in them, live in a gift. And you will not fix a long life in vain, but you can't buy a new one for any money. Death will still come, it's not to hide and not to pay off, so you need to have time to do something really worthwhile, something to remember you a good word, and not indifferent to the hold. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the ordinary, which makes the thought of banal, and feelings - faded and weak, about wealth, not worth the efforts, about beauty, in which the ugliness lies.

    The richness of the "hosts of life" is opposed to the poverty of people living as ordinaryly, but enduring poverty and humiliation. The servants that secretly oppose their Lords, but reptiles in front of them. The Lords who are treated with servants, as with lower beings, but reptiles in front of even richest and knowledgeable persons. Couple hired on a steamer to play passionate love. Daughter of Mr., depicting passion and trepacy to take the Prince. All this dirty, low pretense, although submitted in a luxurious wrapper, is opposed to the eternal and pure beauty of nature.

    Main problems

    The main problem of this story is to find the meaning of life. How to spend your short terrestrial burden not in vain, how to leave after yourself something important and valuable for others? Everyone sees its destination in its own way, but no one must forget that man's mental luggage is more important than material. Although at all times they said that in modern times, all eternal values \u200b\u200bare lost, every time it is not true. And Bunin, and other writers remind us, readers that life without harmony and inner beauty is not life, but a pitiful existence.

    The problem of the flow of life also rises by the author. After all, Mr. San Francisco spent his mental strength, she profited, laying out some simple joys, real emotions for later, but this "then" never started. This happens to many people, mired in life, routine, problems, affairs. Sometimes it is worth easy to stay, pay attention to loved ones, nature, friends, feel beautiful in the surrounding. After all, tomorrow may not come.

    Meaning of the story

    The story was not found about the proverbs: he has a very instructive promise and is designed to give a lesson to the reader. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is the injustice of the class society. Its most of it is interrupted from bread on the water, and the elite thoughtlessly burns life. The writer states the moral poverty of existing orders, because most of the "hosts of life" reached their wealth with a dishonest way. Such people only bring evil as Mr. San Francisco pays and ensures the death of Chinese workers. The death of the main character emphasizes the thoughts of the author. No one is interested in this recently such an influential person, because his money no longer gives him power, and he did not commit any deserving respect and outstanding actions.

    The idleness of these rich, their lotion, perversion, insensitive to something living and beautifully prove the accident and injustice of their high position. This fact is hidden following the description of leisure tourists on a steamer, their entertainment (most importantly of which dinner), costumes, relations between themselves (the origin of the prince, with whom the daughter met the main character, makesone to fall in love).

    Composition and genre

    "Mr. from San Francisco" can be viewed as a tale of parable. What is a story (a short work in prose, containing the plot, conflict and having one basic plot line) is known to the majority, but how can I characterize the parable? Parable is a small allegorical text that guides the reader on the right path. Therefore, the work in the storyline and in form is a story, and in a philosophical, meaningful - the parable.

    Composite story is divided into two large parts: the journey of Mr. from San Francisco from the new light and stay of the body in the trumpet on the way back. The climax of the work is the death of the hero. Before that, describing the steamer "Atlantis", tourist places, the author gives the story an alarming mood of waiting. In this part, there is a sharply negative attitude towards the Mr. But death deprived him of all the privileges and equalized his remains with luggage, so Bunin softens and even sympathizes him. Here is also described the island of Capri, its nature and locals, these lines are filled with beauty and understanding of the charms of nature.


    The work is replete with symbols confirming the thoughts of the Bunin. The first of them is a steamer "Atlantis", which reigns an infinite holiday of a luxurious life, but behind the storm, storm, even the ship himself trembles. So at the beginning of the twentieth century, all society was buried, surviving the social crisis, only to all the indifferent bourgeois continued the Pier during the plague.

    Capri Island symbolizes real beauty (therefore warm colors of the nature of its nature and residents): "Joyful, beautiful, sunny" country filled with "fabulous blue", majestic mountains, the charm of which cannot be conveyed by human language. The existence of our American family and people like them is a pathetic parody of life.

    Features of the work

    The figurative language, bright landscapes are inherent in the creative manner of Bunin, the skill of the artist's word was reflected in this story. At first he creates an alarming mood, the reader expects that, despite the magnificence of a rich situation around Mr., Something irreparable will happen soon. Later, the tension is erased by natural sketches written by soft strokes, reflecting love and worship before beauty.

    The second feature is philosophical and topical content. Bunin will beat the meaninglessness of the existence of the top of society, its spoil, disrespect for the rest of people. It is because of this bourgeoisie, torn off from the life of the people who having fun at his expense, in two years in the homeland of the writer broke out a bloody revolution. Everyone felt that you need to change something, but no one did anything, which is why so much blood sheds, so many tragedies happened in those difficult times. And the topic of finding the meaning of life does not lose relevance, which is why the story and after 100 years are still interested in the reader.

    Interesting? Save on your wall!

Bunins are leaving in Odessa. Second Pushkin Prize. Paris Cabinet I.A. Bunin. Literary merit writer. Anna Tsakni per year of marriage with and and bunin. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Voronezh. Lyudmila Alexandrovna Bunin. Paris. I.A. Bunin. Vera Muromtseva. Pushkin Prize. And the wind, and the rain, and the blades over the cold desert water. Ivan Bunin and Barbara Pashchenko. History of creating a poem. The poetic world of Bunin.

"Biography Ivan Bunin" - Prose and Poetry I.A. Bunin is a single text. Father, Alexey Nikolaevich Bunin. Bunin. The size of the Nobel Prize is 10 million Swedish crowns. Preservation of the best traditions of classical literature. Bunins moved to a small resort town. He and sister Masha ate fighter bread. Ivan Alekseevich returned to the literary creativity. I.A. Bunin - the last Russian classic. Ivan Alekseevich did his last diary record on May 2, 1953.

"Themes of Creativity Bunin" - the value of the Bunin. Bunin and Tolstoy. Tale "Village". Bunin and Zhukovsky. Magazine "Knowledge". Wednesday. Bunin and Shalamov. About creativity I.A. Bunin. I.A. Bunin. The word exile. Collection "List Falls". Traveled in Russia. The art diary "The Okayan Days". Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Childhood. Nobel Prize.

"Biography Bunina Ivan Alekseevich" - a trip to Germany. Rose Jericho. Odessa. The last days. South of Russia. Emigrant period. Alexey Nikolaevich Bunin. The gymnasium in which Bunin did not die. Dark alleys. Time of hard work. Lyudmila Alexandrovna Bunin. Purse Bunin. Vanya from birth differed from other children. Bunin became the first Russian laureate of the Nobel Prize. English. Nobel Prize. Bunin and Pashchenko.

"Gave the April bright evening" - in the morning of Spring will come into their own rights. Spring signs: Green - shoots. Bunin handed out natural changes on the verge of light and shadow. During the lesson, determine: human feelings, animation appear in personification. The image of nature in the poem. I.A. Bunin. "Gave the April bright evening ..." (1892). I.A. Bunin is considered an unsurpassed Word Master. Sounds of spring Bunin transmits using a special poetic intake of sound survey.

"Light breath" - Olya Meshcherskaya. Portrait. Critics about Novella. Conflict. Carelessness, courage, unrestrained happiness. Reckless behavior. Conclusions. "Light breath" Author Gavrilova Valentina Nikolaevna Teacher of the Higher Category. Lives without fear to be incomprehensible. Talent live beautifully, incorrectly, but interesting, little, but bright and easy !!! The problem of love is still not designed in my works. Now I am one way out ...

Mount to you, Babylon, city strong


Mr. San Francisco - His name in Naples, nobody remembered on Capri - I drove into the old light for half two years, with my wife and daughter, the only for fun.

He was firmly sure that he had a full right to rest, pleasure, on a journey a long and comfortable, and never know what. For such confidence, he had the reason that, first of all, he was rich, and secondly, he had just searched to life, despite his fifty-eight years. Until this time, he did not live, but only existed, the truth is very thorough, but still imposing all the hopes for the future. He worked not to give up his hands - the Chinese, whom he wrote out to himself on work with all thousands, knew well what it means! - And finally, I saw that there was already a lot of things that he was almost equal to those who once took himself for the sample, and decided to prew. People who belonged to he had the custom to start enjoying life from a trip to Europe, to India, to Egypt. Put and he do the same. Of course, he wanted to reward over the years of labor primarily himself; However, I was glad for my wife with my daughter. His wife has never been particularly impressionable, but after all, the elderly Americans are passionate travelers. And what about the daughter, the girls at age and slightly painful, then for her the journey was directly necessary - not to mention health benefits, does not happen in traveling happy meetings? There are sometimes sitting at the table or consider the frescoes next to the billionaire.

The route was developed by Mr. San Francisco extensive. In December and January, he hoped to enjoy the Southern Italy, the monuments of antiquity, Tarattella, serenades of stray singers and the fact that people in his years feel! Particularly subtle, - love of young neapolitanok, even if not quite disinterested, he thought to hold the carnival in Nice, in Monte Carlo, where the most selected society was dragging at this time, - the very thing from which the amount of civilization was dependent: , and the strength of the troops, and the announcement of wars, and the welfare of hotels, - where one with Azart indulge in car and sailing races, other roulette, the third thing is that they are called flirting, and the fourth - shooting in pigeons that are very beautiful from the cages over the emerald lawn, on the background of the sea color of forget-me-not, and immediately knock on white lumps about the Earth; He wanted to devote to Florence, to the passions of the Lord to Rome to the passions to listen to Miserere; It was included in his plans and Venice, and Paris, and the bull fight in Seville, and a bathing in the English islands, and Athens, and Constantinople, and Palestine, and Egypt, and even Japan, - of course, on the way back ... and everything went first excellent.

There was the end of November, before Gibraltar, it was necessary to swim in the ice mol, then among the storms with wet snow; But they sailed quite safely.

Passengers were a lot, the steamer - the famous Atlantis - was like a huge hotel with all the amenities, - with the night bar, with oriental baths, with her own newspaper, - and life on it proceeded very measured: got up early, with pipe sounds, sharply Dried across the corridors even in that gloomy hour when so slowly and unluckily light over the gray-green water desert, heavily worried in the fog; throwing flannel pajamas, drank coffee, chocolate, cocoa; Then he sat in marble baths, made gymnastics, exciting appetite and good health, made day toilets and walked to the first breakfast; Until eleven hours, it was thought to walk on the decks, breathing with the cold freshness of the ocean, or playing the Schifl-Bord and other games for the new excitement of appetite, and in eleven - to be supported with sandwiches with broth; Having robbed, gladly read the newspaper and calmly waited for the second breakfast, even more nutritious and diverse than the first; The next two hours were dedicated to rest; All the decks were forced by Longshaz, on which travelers lay, hiding with the rolls, looking at the cloudy sky and on foamy bumps, flashed overboard, or sweetly backwards; In the fifth hour of them, refreshed and have fun, they poured a strong fragrant tea with cookies; Seven were injured by pipe signals about what was the main goal of all this existence, the crown of him ... And then Mr. San Francisco, rubbing his hands, hurried in his rich luxury-cabin - dress up.

In the evenings, the floors of "Atlantis" were gaping in the dark, as if fiery irreparable eyes, and the great many servants worked in cooks, shifters and wine basements. The ocean, which went beyond the walls was terrible, but did not think about him, firmly believing in the power of a commander, a red man of monstrous magnitude and loading, always as if a sleepy, similar to his uniform, with wide gold stripes on a huge idol and very rare appeared on people from their mysterious chambers; At the tank, he swears with hellish gloomy and screamed with a fierce malice of siren, but few of the diners heard Sirena - she was drunk by the sounds of an excellent string orchestra, exquisitely and tirelessly played in the marble double room, eliminated by velvet carpets, festively flooded with lights filled with decolted ladies and men In frances and tuxedo, slim lackers and respectful metals, among which one, the one that took orders only on the fault, walked even with a chain on her neck as some Lord Mayor. Tuxedo and starch linen were very much Mr. Sanfrancisco. Dry, low, unbelieving, but firmly stitched, cleared to the gloss and moderately livenly, he sat in the golden-pearly radiance of this pacologist for the bottle of amber Ioganisberg, behind the glasses and godchiks of the finest glass, behind the curly bouquet of hyacinths. Something Mongolian was in his yellowish face with trimmed silver mustes, his large teeth, an old ivory, a strong bald head glittered gold fillings. Ornate, but by years his wife was dressed, a large woman, wide and calm; It is difficult, but easily and transparent, with innocent frankness - a daughter, high, thin, with magnificent hair, charming, with an aromatic squeezed pilestone with breathing and with gentle pink pimples near the lips and between the blades, slightly powdered ... Lunch lasted more than an hour, and After lunch, the dancing can be opened in the ballroom, during which men, including, of course, and Mr. From San Francisco, - Turning his legs, decided on the basis of the last exchange news of the fate of the peoples, to the raspberry redness, they were crushed by Havanque cigars and died with liquors in The bar, which served blacks in red camsoles, with squirrels similar to irradiated steep eggs.

Mr. From the San Francisco-named in Naples, none of Naples nobody remember - I was driving into the old light for half of two years, with my wife and daughter, the only for entertainment.

He was firmly sure that he had a full right to rest, pleasure, on a journey a long and comfortable, and never know what. For such confidence, he had the reason that, first of all, he was rich, and secondly, he had just searched to life, despite his fifty-eight years. Until this time, he did not live, but only existed, the truth is very thorough, but still imposing all the hopes for the future. He worked not to give up his hands - the Chinese, whom he wrote out to himself on work with all thousands, knew well what it means! - And finally, I saw that there was already a lot of things that he was almost equal to those who once took himself for the sample, and decided to prew. People who belonged to he had the custom to start enjoying life from a trip to Europe, to India, to Egypt. Put and he do the same. Of course, he wanted to reward over the years of labor primarily himself; However, I was glad for my wife with my daughter. His wife has never been particularly impressionable, but all the elderly American passionate travelers. And what about the daughter, the girls at age and slightly painful, then for her the journey was directly necessary - not to mention health benefits, does not happen in traveling happy meetings? There are sometimes sitting at the table or consider the frescoes next to the billionaire.

The route was developed by Mr. San Francisco extensive. In December and January, he hoped to enjoy the Southern Italy, the monuments of antiquity, Tarattella, serenades of stray singers and the fact that people in his years feel! Especially fine, - love of young neapolitanok, even if not quite disinterested, he thought to hold the carnival in Nice, in Monte Carlo, where at this time the most selected society was dragging, - the very thing that all the benefits of civilization are dependent: , and the strength of the troops, and the announcement of wars, and the welfare of hotels, - where one with Azart indulge in car and sailing races, other roulette, the third thing is that they are called flirting, and the fourth - shooting in pigeons that are very beautiful from the cages over the emerald lawn, on the background of the sea color of forget-me-not, and t


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Mr. San Francisco - His name in Naples, nobody remembered on Capri - I drove into the old light for half two years, with my wife and daughter, the only for fun.

He was firmly sure that he had a full right to rest, pleasure, on a journey a long and comfortable, and never know what. For such confidence, he had the reason that, first of all, he was rich, and secondly, he had just searched to life, despite his fifty-eight years. Until this time, he did not live, but only existed, the truth is very thorough, but still imposing all the hopes for the future. He worked not to give up his hands - the Chinese, whom he wrote out to himself on work with all thousands, knew well what it means! - And finally, I saw that there was already a lot of things that he was almost equal to those who once took himself for the sample, and decided to prew. People who belonged to he had the custom to start enjoying life from a trip to Europe, to India, to Egypt. Put and he do the same. Of course, he wanted to reward over the years of labor primarily himself; However, I was glad for my wife with my daughter. His wife has never been particularly impressionable, but after all, the elderly Americans are passionate travelers. And what about the daughter, the girls at age and slightly painful, then for her the journey was directly necessary - not to mention health benefits, does not happen in traveling happy meetings? There are sometimes sitting at the table or consider the frescoes next to the billionaire.

The route was developed by Mr. San Francisco extensive. In December and January, he hoped to enjoy the Southern Italy, the monuments of antiquity, Tarattella, serenades of stray singers and the fact that people in his years feel! Particularly subtle, - love of young neapolitanok, even if not quite disinterested, he thought to hold the carnival in Nice, in Monte Carlo, where the most selected society was dragging at this time, - the very thing from which the amount of civilization was dependent: and the Tuxhingov style , and the strength of the troops, and the announcement of wars, and the welfare of hotels, - where one with Azart indulge in car and sailing races, other roulette, the third thing is that they are called flirting, and the fourth - shooting in pigeons that are very beautiful from the cages over the emerald lawn, on the background of the sea color of forget-me-not, and immediately knock on white lumps about the Earth; He wanted to devote to Florence, to the passions of the Lord to Rome to the passions to listen to Miserere; It was included in his plans and Venice, and Paris, and the bull fight in Seville, and a bathing in the English islands, and Athens, and Constantinople, and Palestine, and Egypt, and even Japan, - of course, on the way back ... and everything went first excellent.

There was the end of November, before Gibraltar, it was necessary to swim in the ice mol, then among the storms with wet snow; But they sailed quite safely.

Passengers were a lot, the steamer - the famous Atlantis - was like a huge hotel with all the amenities, - with the night bar, with oriental baths, with her own newspaper, - and life on it proceeded very measured: got up early, with pipe sounds, sharply Dried across the corridors even in that gloomy hour when so slowly and unluckily light over the gray-green water desert, heavily worried in the fog; throwing flannel pajamas, drank coffee, chocolate, cocoa; Then he sat in marble baths, made gymnastics, exciting appetite and good health, made day toilets and walked to the first breakfast; Until eleven hours, it was thought to walk on the decks, breathing with the cold freshness of the ocean, or playing the Schifl-Bord and other games for the new excitement of appetite, and in eleven - to be supported with sandwiches with broth; Having robbed, gladly read the newspaper and calmly waited for the second breakfast, even more nutritious and diverse than the first; The next two hours were dedicated to rest; All the decks were forced by Longshaz, on which travelers lay, hiding with the rolls, looking at the cloudy sky and on foamy bumps, flashed overboard, or sweetly backwards; In the fifth hour of them, refreshed and have fun, they poured a strong fragrant tea with cookies; Seven were injured by pipe signals about what was the main goal of all this existence, the crown of him ... And then Mr. San Francisco, rubbing his hands, hurried in his rich luxury-cabin - dress up.

In the evenings, the floors of "Atlantis" were gaping in the dark, as if fiery irreparable eyes, and the great many servants worked in cooks, shifters and wine basements. The ocean, which went beyond the walls was terrible, but did not think about him, firmly believing in the power of a commander, a red man of monstrous magnitude and loading, always as if a sleepy, similar to his uniform, with wide gold stripes on a huge idol and very rare appeared on people from their mysterious chambers; At the tank, he swears with hellish gloomy and screamed with a fierce malice of siren, but few of the diners heard Sirena - she was drunk by the sounds of an excellent string orchestra, exquisitely and tirelessly played in the marble double room, eliminated by velvet carpets, festively flooded with lights filled with decolted ladies and men In frances and tuxedo, slim lackers and respectful metals, among which one, the one that took orders only on the fault, walked even with a chain on her neck as some Lord Mayor. Tuxedo and starch linen were very much Mr. Sanfrancisco. Dry, low, unbelieving, but firmly stitched, cleared to the gloss and moderately livenly, he sat in the golden-pearly radiance of this pacologist for the bottle of amber Ioganisberg, behind the glasses and godchiks of the finest glass, behind the curly bouquet of hyacinths. Something Mongolian was in his yellowish face with trimmed silver mustes, his large teeth, an old ivory, a strong bald head glittered gold fillings. Ornate, but by years his wife was dressed, a large woman, wide and calm; It is difficult, but easily and transparent, with innocent frankness - a daughter, high, thin, with magnificent hair, charming, with an aromatic squeezed pilestone with breathing and with gentle pink pimples near the lips and between the blades, slightly powdered ... Lunch lasted more than an hour, and After lunch, the dancing can be opened in the ballroom, during which men, including, of course, and Mr. From San Francisco, - Turning his legs, decided on the basis of the last exchange news of the fate of the peoples, to the raspberry redness, they were crushed by Havanque cigars and died with liquors in The bar, which served blacks in red camsoles, with squirrels similar to irradiated steep eggs.