
Why is the gmiya (State Museum of Fine Arts) now named after Pushkin? are they going to bring back one of the older, fairer names? Gmiya them. Pushkin. the history of the creation of one of the best museums in the world The State Pushkin Museum on Pre

In 1863, a transit prison was established here. And in 1881-1882 it was broken, and in the center of Moscow there was a wasteland for a long time, on which they wanted to build a real school.

As a result of a long struggle, Moscow University managed to obtain this land for the construction of the Museum of Fine Arts. We owe this to Professor Ivan Tsvetaev (the poet's father). He understood that students did not have the means to travel to Europe to study works. classical art... Therefore, the professor decided to create a training museum, where copies of the most significant works world sculpture.

In the competition for the construction of an art museum, G.D. Grimm, the second - L. Ya. Urlaub, the third - P.S. Fighters. But the project was given to R.I. Klein.

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The building was laid in 1898. Construction took 12 years with interruptions. The best materials delivered not only from Russia, but also from Finland, Sweden, Poland, Italy, Hungary.

The museum was built according to the last word engineering thought: a glass roof designed by Vladimir Shukhov let in enough light in the halls of the second floor, a ventilation system was installed in the building and electricity was installed. The work was carried out under the direct supervision of Tsvetaev, who required exact reproduction of details. greek architecture... Involved in the decoration of the halls famous artists, and Tsvetaev personally chose the material and exhibits.

But the museum fine arts would not have been without the help of numerous donors, the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and the support of the patron Yu.S. Nechaev-Maltsev (owner of the crystal factory in Gus-Khrustalny). For the facing of the building alone, the "crystal king" donated 300,000 rubles, and in total donated about 2.5 million rubles to the art museum, while the treasury allocated only 200,000 rubles. Gradually, the partnership grew into friendship, and in the society the creator of the museum and its main patron were called under the same name - Tsvetaev-Maltsev. But, giving huge funds, Nechaev-Maltsev did not always approve of spending.

You are complaining about me for making acquisitions of art monuments for the museum. In my defense, I can say that searching for them all over Europe cost me a lot of self-sacrifice and great work, which I brought to the benefit of the museum. God knows who and when would have done this long-term journey free of charge for our institution. I endured a lot of hardships and all sorts of inconveniences for the sake of this lofty goal and found a lot for the museum that would not go there for a long, long time. Without love, without enthusiasm, without striving for this special knowledge, in today's world it would be impossible to collect collections. We'll get out of debt somehow. And the acquired will forever adorn the museum.

The construction of the Museum of Fine Arts fell on a difficult time for its creator: a fire in 1904, a revolution in 1905, the death of his wife in 1906. Nevertheless, on May 31, 1912, the museum was opened. A year later, Tsvetaev died of a heart attack, and 40 days later, Yuri Stepanovich Nechaev-Maltsev died. It would be fair to give the Museum of Fine Arts the name of Ivan Tsvetaev, because he devoted his whole life to its creation (even in the family they spoke of the museum as a younger brother). But the Museum of Fine Arts was named after Alexander III. And in 1937 it was renamed into the A.S. Pushkin, although the poet has nothing to do with the museum or its collections.

The building of the Pushkin Museum also became an educational exhibit.

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On the outer portico there is a frieze of the sculptor G.R. Zaleman "Olympic Games", behind the colonnade - the frieze "Panathenaian procession", repeating the frieze of the Parthenon. The "Italian courtyard" where the statue of David stands is copied from the courtyard of the Palazzo Bargello in Florence, the frieze of the balustrade of the Temple of Nika Apteros in Athens is reproduced in the White Hall, and the floor is made after the floor of the church S. Paolo fuori le mura in Rome.

During the Soviet era, the A.S. Pushkin has multiplied its collections and became a museum of world significance. At the same time, Priam's unique treasure, found by Heinrich Schliemann during excavations of ancient Troy, came here. Gold was considered lost, but in fact, after the Second World War, it was exported from Germany to Soviet Union and was kept in the strictest secrecy in the museum's storerooms. Only in 1993 was it officially announced that the treasures were in Moscow, and in 1996 the legendary treasure began to be exhibited in the Pushkin Museum.

It is easy to imagine how valuable the museum exhibits are: Egyptian figurines, Fayum portraits, Western European painting, impressionists, Dutch, Flemings. Therefore, from 1941 to 1944 museum funds were evacuated to Novosibirsk and Solikamsk. True, after that, the exposition was held in the open air for another 3 years, since the bombing broke part of the glass of the ceilings. To this day, potholes from fragments of German bombs can be seen in the upper part of the western facade of the museum.

In 1987, the Pushkin Museum received building No. 14 for exhibiting personal collections. The initiative to create this museum belongs to the researcher of the history of Russian culture I.S. Silberstein. He personally collected over 2,300 works of art Western Europe and Russia. Earlier this place was occupied by the hotel "Knyazhy Dvor" (built in 1892 by the architect V.G. Zalessky).

By 2023, the Pushkin Museum will become the center of the museum quarter. The idea belongs to Ivan Tsvetaev, but only now there is an opportunity to realize it.

From the conceived "museum town" 2 buildings have been commissioned so far: in 1994 - the former estate of the Golitsyn (Impressionists are exhibited here), in 2006 - the Museum of Private Collections.

Since 2009 the famous British architect Norman Foster has been working on the project of the museum quarter. But in the end the museum town will be built by our compatriots - Yuri Grigoryan's Project Meganom architectural bureau.
The quarter in the center of Moscow from Volkhonka to Bolshoy Znamensky Lane will become the first museum territory in Russia, which will house several permanent exhibitions, a park bushes from paintings by Claude Monet and Paul Signac) and the necessary infrastructure.

They say that... ... in "Knyazhyi Dvor" in 1913, artists and writers gathered to greet I.Ye. Repin. The artist arrived in Moscow after the news that a madman had cut his painting "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan on November 16, 1581".
Several events inspired Ilya Repin to create the painting: the assassination of Tsar Alexander II from a bomb explosion and a visit to a concert by Rimsky-Korsakov, where the Antar symphonic suite was performed. The final incentive was visiting a bullfight in Spain.

Misfortune, living death, murder, and blood constitute an enticing force ... And I, probably infected with this bloodiness, upon arriving home, immediately set to work on a bloody scene.

... when the bells were ringing for the deceased Emperor Alexander III, one Moscow old woman also left. Listening to the bells, she said: "I want the fortune left after me to go to the charitable institution in memory of the deceased sovereign." It was with these old women twenty thousand rubles that the Museum of Fine Arts began.
... in fact, it was not planned to supply electricity to the Pushkin Museum, since it was believed that the best way to inspect the sculptures was in natural light. Therefore, glass roofs appeared.

The Pushkin Museum and its expositions in photographs from different years:

The address: Moscow, st. Volkhonka, 12

“To be in Moscow and not to visit the Pushkin Museum is a crime against art!” Many connoisseurs will tell you. Indeed, every literate and educated person should see this collection of artistic treasures at least once.

Why the Museum Pushkin?

Alexander Sergeevich was perhaps the most significant person not only in Russian literature and poetry. This is a majestic figure who played a role in shaping the art of an entire state. Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin collected exhibits from the times before our era to almost modern exhibition material of the twentieth century. In principle, the Museum of Western European Art (as it is also called) has nothing to do directly with the great writer. Is it just the fact that Alexander Sergeevich himself was part of the art of the Russian Empire in the 19th century. However, this name of the exhibition hall does not cause any complaints or indignation from anyone.

History of the creation of the museum

  • Building the grand gallery was not quick and easy. The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts owes its foundation to the professor of Moscow University Tsvetaev Ivan Vladimirovich (at the same time he was known as a historian, doctor of Roman literature and art theorist). The construction of a gallery of this level was the work of a scientist's entire life. It was Ivan Vladimirovich who became the first head of the institution, but he died very quickly after the discovery of his brainchild.

It was according to Tsvetaev's idea that such a gorgeous exposition was assembled. It all began with the conversations and dreams of the enlightened intelligentsia and the poor Russian aristocracy. Everyone understood that finding a room and collecting an exhibition fund was a very difficult matter, requiring a lot of effort, including a financial one. That is why it was decided to ask for help from the Moscow business stratum. Indeed, it was in their hands at the beginning of the twentieth century that sufficient funds were concentrated for the construction of the premises of the museum. But the idea was grandiose in scale and required the use of the talent of the most refined and refined master architects of that time.

Tsvetaev's great merit is that it was thanks to his diplomatic talent that it was possible to collect the financial flows of industrialists, the talent of architects and the experienced hands of builders on one site. The construction of the gallery took as long as 14 years.

Museum exhibition fund

The Pushkin Museum has announced the collection of exhibits since the beginning of the construction of the main buildings. Later, the collection of already rebuilt exhibition halls was replenished:

  • copies of antique sculptures from plaster created by Russian masters;
  • similarly created architectural fragments;
  • canvases of post-impressionists and impressionists from France, which were transferred to the museum from the collections of Morozov, Shchukin;
  • exhibition funds of the Hermitage, which were passed on during the Soviet era;
  • exhibits from private collections of the Russian aristocracy.

Nowadays, the Pushkin Museum in Moscow near the metro station "Kropotkinskaya" on Volkhonka Street, at 12, accepts exhibitions for exchange from other countries of the world. Needless to say, locals and city guests are queuing up to visit this famous gallery. And the point is not in the name of the institution, not even in the number of exhibits. The point is in the spirit and atmosphere that reign in the museum, in the desire to join the beauty at least for a few hours.

Photo: State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin, Moscow

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The address: Moscow, Red Square, 1 Each museum is interesting and very important in its own way, because it presents people with a piece of the past of our great country. The number of exhibits on display in all corners ...

There are many paradoxes in our world, and one of them is that the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow bears the name of the great poet A.S. Pushkin. This situation raises a lot of questions. Why exactly in honor of the poet, and not one of the artists, because the Russian land is not deprived of them either? Did it happen by chance, or was it intentional? Are you going to change the name of this establishment in the future?

State Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin's name is exactly that. It has been featured since the end of the 19th century, and has been renamed several times during its existence.

The history of the creation of the Pushkin Museum

Scientist - historian I. V. Tsvetaev

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating this museum belongs to Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev, the father of Marina Tsvetaeva. And the idea was implemented, Russia received a new educational-type museum accessible to the people, the base for which was the Cabinet of Fine Arts and Antiquities, which was previously present at Moscow University. A separate building was built, its first collections were collected for the museum - this was done with funds from private donations and with the personal money of the founders.

Many people willingly donated funds for the creation of this museum - 150 thousand rubles were received from executors of Varvara Alekseeva, the widow of one of the merchants. In return, she only asked to name the museum in honor of Alexander III, so that the institution must bear his name. This request was not a condition, it came from the donor orally. The museum was opened in 1912, and a celebration was held in honor of this. The institution received its original name in honor of Alexander III, and the imperial family, headed by Nicholas II, came to the opening.

How did the modern name of the museum come about?

During the revolution and after it, the museum could not keep its former name. It was renamed in 1923 for ideological reasons. This year the museum loses its affiliation with the university and becomes the State Museum of Fine Arts. He became Pushkin in 1937, then was the anniversary of the death of the poet. The cultural and social policy of that time, as well as the opinion of individual officials, contributed to the establishment of this name.

The name of the museum has survived to this day, most Russians, and even foreign tourists know that the institution is called the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin. It is not even necessary to specify - if they say that an exhibition has opened in Pushkin, it means that it is about this institution that is involved. Despite all the paradox, and even the inappropriateness of this name, it has taken root and has become generally accepted at the moment. And even if a renaming occurs, the people will probably retain the original name, the new one risks not taking root.

Why not the Tsvetaev Museum?

Many people believe that it would be reasonable to name the museum Tsvetaevsky, in honor of its founder. This is a completely natural statement, but for the sake of truth it is worth noting that this person was not forgotten here. In addition to the idea of \u200b\u200bfounding the museum itself, he contemplated the possibility of creating an entire "musy town", and these days they began to implement the conceived project on Volkhonka.

Interesting fact: the name of Tsvetaev is the building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin called Educational art Museum... You can visit it by going to Chayanova Street, 15. And the Museum issues the Tsvetaev Prize. There is also a bust of the founder on the territory of the museum, and every excursion begins with it. The founder of the institution is by no means forgotten.

Will the museum be renamed?

Of course, in the early Soviet era, the museum could not bear the names of tsars, but also it could not bear the name of Tsvetaev. It was necessary to emphasize that it had become a national property, so it was renamed. Today, more and more often there are disputes about whether it is worth leaving the institution its former name, or it would be wiser to restore historical justice, to name the museum Tsvetaevsky in honor of the founder. But also many people insist on the need to preserve the well-established name, to which everyone has become accustomed over the decades. In the end, the museum spent most of its history under the name of Pushkin. The question is still under discussion, and what the result will be is unknown.

Thus, the museum did not bear the name of the great poet initially, modern name came to him with a renaming in the early Soviet period due to the politics and worldviews that then dominated. Today everyone is accustomed to calling this museum Pushkin's, and very few people note the paradox of this name out of habit. Perhaps in the future the museum will really be renamed. Maybe it won't. After all, it makes no sense to rename it, people in Russia and abroad are accustomed to the name that has been established for decades.

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Let's start with the fact that the Museum was renamed several times.

At the end of the 19th century, the Museum of Fine Arts was conceived by Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev as an educational, educational and public museum, created on the basis of the Cabinet of Fine Arts and Antiquities of Moscow University.

The construction of the building and the collection of the collection were mainly funded by the founders of the Museum and private donors. So, 150 thousand rubles were allocated from the capital of the merchant widow Varvara Alekseeva by her executors, who sympathized with Tsvetaev and his undertaking. The only condition for the donation was to assign the name of Emperor Alexander III to the future museum - in this they referred to the oral request of their trustee.

In 1912, the inauguration of the Alexander III Museum of Fine Arts took place in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II and members of the royal family.

In November 1923, the Museum was removed from the subordination of the university and became the State Museum of Fine Arts. The name of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was given to the Museum in 1937, on the anniversary of the tragic death of the poet. The reasons for the renaming were historical events, features of the cultural and public policy pursued at that time, as well as the opinions of individual officials.

Today the name of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin is fully entrenched in the memory of museum visitors, both in Russia and abroad. If you hear or read the phrases “I was in Pushkin”, “An exhibition has opened in Pushkin…”, you immediately understand what kind of museum we are talking about.

The name of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin was long established, it was accepted by society and today is perceived by it as a whole. The Pushkin Museum is a brand, a historical reality that would be very difficult to destroy by violent intervention.

However, the founder of the museum is by no means forgotten. It was Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev who came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a “Musey town”. Now in the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin is implementing a project to create a Museum town in the Volkhonka area.

In addition, one of the buildings of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin - Educational Art Museum (Chayanova Street, 15) - bears the name of Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev. Also, the Tsvetaev Prize has been established in our museum. Well, and, probably, it is worth mentioning that each sightseeing tour of the Main Building begins near the bust of Tsvetaev and short story about the origin of the museum.

Probably, in many respects, those who believe that, in fairness, the Museum should bear the name of I.V. Tsvetaev, its founder. At the same time, there are opposite opinions. Perhaps in the future, when conducting a survey public opinion, with the collective decision of the cultural community to rename the Museum, it can be named after Ivan Vladimirovich.