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From Fergie to Jessica Bill: All the Girls of Justin Timberlake. Justin Timberlake - biography and personal life Who did Justin Timberlake date

Justin Randall Timberlake is a name known to many pop music fans. Justin is an outstanding performer with a unique appeal and charisma. The idol of millions and the conqueror of girls' hearts, he is endowed with other talents, such as acting, composing and producing.

During the journey to fame, he did a great job, and never stopped half way. Learned new things and sought to conquer the next peaks.
Lovelace in the past, now Justin Timberlake is an exemplary husband and father, which is not particularly pleasing to the fans.

Height, weight, age. How old is Justin Timberlake

The singer's personal life has always been the subject of research and study. It is known that the singer's family included Englishmen, Circassians and even Indians. Justin Timberlake: photos in his youth and now his fans are very fond of looking at. The girls dreamed of knowing everything about their idol: height, weight, age. How old is Justin Timberlake, they easily calculated by date of birth.

It's hard to hide anything when you are written about in the tabloids every day, and journalists watch every step.

Everyone knows that Justin's height is 181 cm, weight is 76 kg. Timberlake will turn 37 in January 2018. According to the horoscope, Justin is Aquarius. Representatives of this sign strive for great victories, thrills, unknown horizons and new friends.

Biography and personal life of Justin Timberlake

On January 31, 1981, the biography and personal life of Justin Timberlake began. He was born in the USA, in the city of Memphis.

Father - Randall was a conductor in the church choir. Mother - Lynn owned a small business. From his father, the boy inherited a love of music and excellent hearing. He could listen to Michael Jackson and Elton John for hours. He loved to dance and he did it well.

As a child, Justin Timberlake loved to watch the children's series about Mickey Mouse. A few years later he was invited to play in this series. After the end of the show, Justin formed a band called 'N Sync with 4 friends. The young musician was then 14 years old.

After 2 years, the guys released their first disc, which instantly became popular. The sales of the album exceeded all expectations.

One after another, the second and third discs came out. The group's last disc was sold in the amount of 15 million pieces.

Justin Timberlake started his solo career in 2002. Already in 2006, the new album took first place in the charts. The singer was recognized as one of the sexiest men on the planet. It would seem: what else do you want? He had worldwide recognition, a large number of awards and prizes, but Justin decided to plunge into the world of cinema.

Justin Timberlake's first film did not bring him success, but after only 5 years, the film " Social network"With his participation, received 3 Oscars and 4 Golden Globes.

The following year, viewers saw Justin in several films at once, where the artist had prominent roles. These are: "Friendship", "Very Bad Teacher" and action movie "Time". Timberlake proved that he had reached the top in this case too.

The return of Justin Timberlake to music happened in 2013. He recorded new albums, video. Conducted a large concert tour to support his albums.

The voice of the artist and musician can often be heard in animated films. Justin willingly agrees to voice cartoon characters. At first it was in Shrek, and in 2016 the hero of the film Trolls spoke in his voice, and even sang songs.

Timberlake's personal life has always been turbulent. In his youth, his girlfriend long time was Britney Spears. After breaking up with her, Justin recorded a song that became world famous.

For the next 4 years, Justin Timberlake dated Hollywood actress Cameron Diaz. The girl was older than the singer, but Justin did not notice this. The couple wanted to get married, but fate wanted to do everything differently.

Perhaps the acquaintance with Jessica Biel was the reason for the break in relations with Cameron. Already at the beginning of 2007, Timberlake was seen in the company of a new beauty.

The relationship between Jessica and Timberlake was not perfect. After 3 years, the couple broke up, but not forever. The test showed that love did not pass.

In 2012, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel got married in Italy. Young people did not disclose the date of the wedding until the last moment. Even the guests had no idea why they were invited to the south of Italy.
In April 2015, a son was born in a family of actors. The boy was named Silas.

The young years of the actor were stormy. The family and children of Justin Timberlake changed everything. True, there is only one child in the family, but recently it became known that the couple is waiting for the birth of their second baby.

According to Justin, the birth of a son is the most amazing and incredible event that changed him, made him a different person. He realized how much he loves his wife and his boy. They also help you understand yourself, what you are really worth. They help you look at yourself from the outside.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are a very beautiful and sincere couple. Their relationship is charming, glowing with love. They don't hide it at all.

Justin Timberlake's son Silas

Little son of Justin Timberlake - Silas, full name Silas Randall Timberlake, very similar to his father in childhood, especially curly hair gives a resemblance. Silas' first word was "dad", which is very flattering for the child's father.

After the birth of the baby, the parents themselves showed his photo to subscribers on Instagram, without waiting for the "hunt" of journalists.

The parents of the baby love to joke. They often post photos of Silas in clothes with funny slogans online.
We hope that a sense of humor and a cheerful parental disposition will pass to the boy, and in the future he will delight us with his own cheerful images.

Justin Timberlake's wife Jessica Biel

Justin Timberlake's wife is Jessica Biel. Real name Jessica Claire Timberlake. After her marriage, Jessica added her husband's last name to hers, which is very rare in celebrity circles.

Jessica is one year younger than her husband, born in 1982. As a child, she took up singing. Once at one of the performances on beautiful girl attracted the attention of representatives of the modeling business. From that moment on, Jessica began acting in commercials.

At the same time, Jessica is trying out for roles in films. At the age of 14, she is filmed in the TV series 7th Heaven, where she plays the daughter of a priest. The film was on the screens for 11 years. To get out of a boring image, the girl is removed topless on the cover of a magazine. Subsequently, Jessica will say that she regrets this act.

During her creative career, the actress has played with such celebrities as: Edward Norton, Nicolas Cage, Kristin Scott Thomas and Colin Firth. Received several prestigious awards.

Jessica Biel also tries her hand as a producer and director, but so far she has achieved more success in her main profession.

Jessica lived in Los Angeles before marriage. This is her favorite city. She and Justin still continue to live there.

Before meeting Timberlake, Biel had several long-term romances. After meeting Justin, she forgot all the fans.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel. Wedding, photos - such headlines did not leave the pages of newspapers and magazines after the marriage of the famous couple.

Relations in the family were sometimes overshadowed by quarrels. Journalists were in a hurry to say that the couple were getting divorced. Rumors have always turned out to be just another "duck". Now little Silas is growing up and everything is fine in the family.

Instagram and Wikipedia Justin Timberlake

Instagram and Wikipedia Justin Timberlake are available with the onset of popularity, that is, for a long time. The number of subscribers is steadily growing, now their number has exceeded 48 million people.

In anticipation of the release of new albums, Justin communicates more actively with fans on Instagram. Can post dozens of photos at once. The reaction of the fans is predictable - they are delighted!

Interest in celebrities will never dry up. There will always be those who want to know the details of life, find articles on the Internet or go to a page on social networks.

Justin Timberlake (middle name Randall) is the most famous former member of the youth group 'N Sync. One of the most successful pop singers in the world.

He successfully created a solo musical career and played several iconic film roles. Owner of his own label Tennman Records.

Childhood and early years

The singer and actor was born in the southern US city of Memphis on 01/31/1981. His father, Randall Timberlake, was from a Baptist family. He served in the church as a choir conductor.

From an early age, they tried to instill faith in Baptism in the boy. Every Sunday he attended the main service at the local church.

When the child was 4 years old, the family broke up. A year later, mother Lynn Harless remarried. Justin has a stepfather, Paul Harless.

The father also created a new family. Soon the boy had stepbrothers and sisters. Mom actively participated in the upbringing of her son. They still have a very close relationship to this day.

He spent some time in Canada. This happened after the death of her father's sister, Laura.

As a child, he stared at the entertainment show The Mickey Mouse Club. Tried to imitate Michael Jackson and Al Green.

The idol of young Justin Timberlake among musicians was Elton John. Much later, in the video for the song "This Train Don't Stop Here Anymore", he will play the role of Elton John in his youth.

Due to Attention Deficit Disorder in the 5th grade, he moves to homeschooling. In addition, at the age of 12, he made his debut in his favorite TV show, The Mickey Mouse Club.

There is an acquaintance with Christina Aguilera, Jaycee Chasez and first love -.

However, the show was canceled after 2 years. Justin, thanks to the support of his mother, decides to create his own group. He invites a friend and colleague in children's performances - J. Chase.

Start musical career: 'N Sync group

The history of the American boy group began in 1995 in Orlando. The name itself was created from the capital letters of the names of the performers: Justin, Lansten, JC. Chris and Joey.

When determining musical direction, the group made a bet on teenagers and did not lose.

There were not many youth, boy groups on the stage at that time. 'N Sync begins to win the love of the public with fun and uncomplicated compositions.

In 1996, the song "I Want You Back" from their debut album was officially presented. In Germany, she led the hit parade for several weeks.

After there was a release of 2 more singles, which instantly received public recognition. Their first album went on sale in the spring of 1997.

'N Sync's greatest success came in 2000 with the introduction of 'N Sync's next CD "No Strings Attached". In the first week, it sold over 2 million copies.

The leader and young vocalist was Justin Timberlake. In 2002, a tour was carried out in support of the new album.

After the end of the tour, Justin decides to go on a free voyage and become a solo singer.

Musical career

In 2002, the young man released his first album as a solo vocalist - Justified. He received 2 prestigious Grammy awards at once.

A year later, he became one of the leading winners at the annual MTV Europe Awards. In 2004, as befits a rising star, he was at the center of a scandal.

Performing a duet on the same stage with Janet Jackson (sister of childhood idol Michael Jackson), he casually dance move tore off part of the singer's top.

As a result of the incident, Janet's bare chest was seen by the entire multi-million audience in the hall and in front of the TV screens.

Justin Timberlake called it an accident, but went into the shadows for a while. During this forced break, the singer gained experience from American rappers Snoop Dogg and Nelly.

The next disc "FutureSex/LoveSounds" also won a Grammy in 2 nominations. In 2006, Justin Timberlake opened his own record company.

For several years, there was a lull in the singer's musical career, as Justin was actively engaged in a film career.

The return to music took place in 2013. For this, he recorded a duet with Jay-Z. In the spring of this year, he presented to the public his 3rd album "The 20/20 Experience".

It was well received by fans and critics. Interesting fact that the singer writes the text for almost all his songs himself. And he never writes it down on paper.

In the fall, the second part of the previous disc was released, with a more danceable arrangement. In order to support his new albums, the singer organizes a big tour in 2014.

In the spring of the same year, Justin shoots a video for the composition of the pop king of the USA - M. Jackson "Love Never Felt So Good".

Film career

In parallel with the first steps towards conquering the musical Olympus, Justin began to play small roles in films.

In the inconspicuous films "In Touch" and "They Changed Places," he gained the necessary experience on the set.

In 2005, he plays a journalist in the film Edison. This was his first major role, but the picture was not a success with the public.

A year later, the aspiring actor takes part in the film Alpha Dog. His performance in a positive way was noticed by critics.

In 2010, Hollywood also submits to Justin. He plays the main role of the founder of Facebook in the film "The Social Network".

This film was nominated for several Oscar nominations. In addition, the picture took 4 Golden Globe film awards.

In 2011, he was busy in 3 films at once: "Friendship", "Very Bad Teacher" and "Time".

However, his last film work in the thriller "Va-bank" was somewhat coolly received by the public.

Personal life

Justin's first love happened at the age of 12. Then he saw Britney, and was delighted with her at first sight.

With Britney Spears

However, they had a romantic relationship only in 1997. The couple met for almost 4 years. For Justin, it was a painful breakup.

About this period, he even composed the song "Cry Me a River", which would later become world famous.

Trying to get away from the personal drama, he starts dating a girl, Jenna. This relationship continued for a couple of months.

In 2002, Justin Timberlake began to be noticed in the company of the star of the series "Charmed" - Alyssa Milano.

Their romance lasted only six months. It ended in connection with the betrayal of the young singer. In 2003, at an official event, Justin met Cameron Diaz.

With Cameron Diaz

Despite the fact that the singer was much younger than his new lover, their romance lasted several years.

Having survived several major quarrels and partings, the couple in 2007 officially and finally puts an end to their turbulent relationship.

In 2007, fate brings Justin to his future wife, Jessica Biel. The path to marriage was also thorny.

With Jessica Biel

Justin Timberlake was born on January 31, 1981 in Memphis, USA. By origin, English, Indian and even Circassian blood flows in Timberlake's veins.

From the very early years Justin knew what his future calling was. His love for music and dance already knew no bounds. He persistently imitated his idols, which were Al Green, Michael Jackson and Elton John.

First steps towards the music world Justin did at the age of 11 on the television show Star Search, where he performed country songs. A year later, he took part in another, more popular television project Mickey Mouse Club, where he met such future famous singers as JC Chase and Britney Spears.

Star Trek singer and actor

The real ascent to the heights of glory Justin Timberlake began in 1995, when the Mickey Mouse Club show was over. Then the young Timberlake decided to create his own group, which as a result was called N Sync (an abbreviation made up of the last letters of the names of the participants, Timberlake's mother came up with). In addition to Justin, this boy band included Chavez, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone and Lance Bass.

By the way, Timberlake was the youngest member in the team. At that time, Justin was only 16 years old. Therefore, the young Timberlake had to combine his work with his studies at school, which, nevertheless, he successfully coped with.

Mine creative way The group started in Germany, where their debut album N Sync appeared in 1997. Despite the German origin, the songs of the boy band became hits not only in Germany, but also became widely known in the USA.

And already the second album No Strings Attached, released in 2000, makes N Sync one of the most popular American bands in the world of show business, and also brings the guys three awards at the MTV Video Music Awards. The next album, Celebrity, was in no way inferior to the first two. Songs such as Pop, Gone and Girlfriend were written by Justin himself and became major hits in 2001.

Despite this success, in 2002 Timberlake left N Sync and decided to go his own way, starting his solo career. His first album, Justified, made Justin the main winner at the MTV Europe Awards, and his second, FutureSex/LoveSounds, not only became the most popular release of the year, but gave its creator many awards and the status of one of the sexiest men of the year. Since then, Timberlake has rightfully established himself as a talented solo artist.

In addition to his musical career, Justin also created his own clothing line William Rast, opened a chain of restaurants and proved himself as an actor. His beginnings in the world of cinema were evaluated very positively - back in 2006, he played one of the main roles in the film Alpha Dog, and then continued his acting career in 2010. Justin has appeared in such tapes as The Social Network and Time, and in the film Friends With Benefits, he played one of the leading roles together.

Justin Timberlake Personal Life

Not only the creative career, but also the personal life of Justin Timberlake has always been under the scrutiny of the press. His first serious romance was with singer Britney Spears, whom he knew from the Mickey Mouse Club show. According to them, it was love at first sight. For several years, the whole world watched with interest the development of the relationship of the star couple, but in 2002 Justin and Britney broke up, while remaining on good terms.

In 2003, another interesting romance of a talented musician began - with the American actress Cameron Diaz, who was 8 years older than him. Their relationship lasted for three years, but in 2006 Justin and Cameron broke up. In February 2008, at the closing party of the Golden Globe, Timberlake met, with whom he is still together. In early 2012, it became known that they were planning to get married. Their wedding took place in the summer of that year, but the ceremony was held in secret. April 11, 2015 the couple had a son, whom they named Silas Randall Timberlake.

Photo by Justin Timberlake: Rex Features/

Every week HELLO.RU talks about the most stylish celebrity kids. Last time we got acquainted with the style of Noah and Bodhi - the sons of actors Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green, who are expecting the birth of their third common child, and today the hero of our column is Silas Randall - the son of singer Justin Timberlake and actress Jessica Biel.

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Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake's first child was born on April 10, 2015. Journalists started talking about Biel's pregnancy in the fall of 2014, when they noticed changes in her figure, but the couple made an official statement only in January, when Justin posted a photo on a social network in which he kisses his wife's rounded belly.

Justin Timberlake and pregnant Jessica Biel

Unlike many celebrities, the couple decided not to sell the first picture of their son to glossy publications, but showed it to the public themselves. Just two weeks after the birth of Silas, Randall appeared with his mother in front of Justin's followers on Instagram.

The Timberlake family is ready! Go Grizzlies!

Signed photo of Justine, in which Bill posed with her son in her arms. It's funny that Silas Randall is already a fan of his father's favorite team, the Memphis Grizzlies. By at least, for the first photo shoot, he was dressed in the blue and white uniform of this particular basketball team. On that day, by the way, the Timberlake family had something to rejoice at - the Memphis Grizzlies beat the Portland Trail Blazers 100-86.

Justin Timberlake and Silas

He is wonderful, our real joy. It allows us to have an amazing experience. Motherhood is an incredibly difficult task, the most hard work in the world. I have never been so grateful and grateful to my mother in my life as I am now. When Silas was born, I immediately called my mom and just said "Thank you." What you have to do every day for your children is a huge responsibility and a great joy that cannot be compared with anything,

Jessica said in an interview with NBC's Today after Timberlake took part in Jimmy Fallon's The Tonight Show, where he not only showed pictures of the grown-up Silas, but also talked about how his father's everyday life goes.

This is the most crazy, amazing, beautiful, amazing and incredible event that has ever happened in my life. My son already said his first word and, to my delight, it was "dad"... Never in my life have I slept so little and dealt with so many "waste products". But I'm still very happy with it all!

After the handover of Jimmy Fallon, an even more desperate "hunt" began for the Timberlake family. The paparazzi followed every step of the stars, and their efforts were crowned with success: in November 2015, Jessica Biel was photographed for the first time on a walk with her son. Even then it became clear: Silas is growing up as a real fashionista and has every chance of becoming a thunderstorm of girlish hearts.

Justin Timberlake and SilasJessica Biel with son SilasJessica Biel and SilasJessica Biel and SilasSilas Randall Timberlake

Silas's parents dress discreetly, but not boringly, incorporating elements that they themselves love into his images. For example, both Justin and Jessica love striped and plaid clothes, so their son's wardrobe great amount checkered and striped clothes - overalls, bodysuits, shorts and shirts. Printed outfits at Silas are combined with solid colors so that the look is not overloaded: for example, a bright tank top or a colorful sweatshirt can be combined with neutral sweatpants, and a patterned jumpsuit with a knitted nude sweater or gray jacket.

Since Silas' parents are people with a great sense of humor, he has quite a few "fun" things. What is worth only one collection of bodysuits with the inscription "I love mommy" and "I love daddy" made on the fifth point. Let's hope that the baby will inherit their positive attitude from their parents and, when he dresses on his own, will delight us with new images with a touch of humor.

Justin Timberlake and Silas
Jessica Biel with son SilasJustin Timberlake and SilasJessica Biel with son SilasJessica Biel with son Silas and his nanny

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Justin Timberlake is a popular American pop, r&b, soul singer, songwriter, and actor. Having started his musical career in the boy band N'Sync, the musician managed to successfully go to solo work, becoming one of the most famous and respected American performers.

Childhood and youth

Justin was born January 31, 1981 in southern Tennessee, in a religious and incredibly musical family. In his hometown Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis began their journey to fame in Memphis. Justin's father, Randall Timberlake, played guitar in the band and conducted the Baptist church choir on holidays and weekends. His grandfather was also an excellent guitarist and even had a friendship with Elvis Presley in his youth.

Justin's parents got married very young and divorced when their son was not yet five years old. Soon his mother remarried, and his father also got a second family, in which two more sons appeared. Justin's parents managed to maintain friendly relations, so he never felt left out and got along well with his half-brothers.

The boy's musical abilities began to manifest themselves in early childhood. Grandfather taught Justin to play the guitar, and his father often took him to his concerts. From an early age, his idol was Michael Jackson, and often, just hearing the sounds of one of his songs, the boy started dancing, imitating the famous "moonwalk" of the pop king.

Not surprisingly, at the age of 12, Justin got on television: first in the StarSearch program (“In Search of a Star”), where he performed simple country songs, and then in the children's entertainment show “Mickey Mouse Club”. There he met Britney Spears, who became his girlfriend a few years later, and Jaycee Chases, a future colleague in the N "Sync group.


Justin was invited to the N "Sync group when he was barely sixteen years old. Despite his mother's fears, the guy was perfectly able to combine performances in a team with school and acting classes.

Very soon, the boy band became extremely popular, and its members became the favorites of millions of fans in all corners of the planet. N "Sync performed at the most prestigious world venues, and their discs sold in huge numbers.

The next album of the N "Sync group called "Celebrity" was released in the summer of 2001 and became a big event in the world of pop music. The success of the record came thanks to the hits "Pop", "Girlfriend" and "Gone", written by Justin Timberlake.

It was in the second album that Justin's writing talent manifested itself. The single "Pop" received four MTV VMA awards and was recognized as the most successful hit of the year.

Solo career

But in 2002, at the peak of his popularity, Justin decided to leave the group and start a solo career. At that time, this act seemed reckless to many, except for his mother, who always believed in her son.

Indeed, the success of the young singer's debut album Justified, released in the same year, exceeded Justin's expectations, and his fans were able to make sure that their idol has his own original musical style. Everyone especially liked the tracks "Cry Me a River" and "Rock Your Body". For the year, Justin won two Grammy awards and was among the twenty richest and most successful world performers.

Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River

His second album "FutureSex/LoveSounds", released in 2006, was even more successful than his debut - the r&b style was then at the peak of popularity and largely thanks to Justin. On this album, Timberlake collaborated with successful songwriter, rapper and producer Timbaland, which left a mark on the entire content of the original record.

With several Grammys, 10 million CD sales and a video with Scarlett Johansson, the singer could have considered this the most successful year of his career, but after a short break and duets with Beyoncé, Madonna and Lonely Island, in 2013 Timberlake released his most concept album. – The 20/20 Experience.

Madonna feat Justin Timberlake - 4 Minutes

This record stands out against the background of the artist's entire work by changing the musical style - here you can hear many measured and long compositions in the neo-soul style, various experiments with sound. The single "Suit & Tie" Timberlake recorded with Jay-Z, and the video for this track was shot by David Fincher himself (director of "Fight Club" and "The Social Network").

Actor career

Justin Timberlake is a very versatile artist, in addition to a brilliant musical career, he also distinguished himself with film roles. The fame of a pop singer absolutely does not prevent Justin from transforming into his characters. He skillfully combines filming with success in music, for some time he even wanted to devote himself entirely to this art.

He made his debut in the crime drama Edison (2005), where he played the young journalist Pollock, and the main roles were played by Kevin Spacey and Morgan Freeman. In the same year, the aspiring actor starred in Nick Cassavetes' sensational drug-dealing crime thriller Alfa Dog. The film brought together actors such as Anton Yelchin, Bruce Willis and Sharon Stone.

In 2006, Timberlake starred in the musical drama The Black Snake Moan with Samuel L. Jackson and Christina Ricci. Another major role for him was the participation in David Fincher's biopic about the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg "The Social Network" (2010), which also starred Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield. Later, Timberlake decided to open up even more and began acting in comedies - many liked his funny roles in The Very Bad Teacher with Cameron Diaz and Friendship with Mila Kunis in 2011. His work in the action-dystopia Time (2011) with Amanda Seyfried and the musical drama of the Coen brothers Inside Llewyn Davis with Oscar Isaac and Carey Mulligan became more serious.

In 2016, Timberlake voiced one of the characters in the popular cartoon "Trolls", and his song for this animation "Can't Stop The Feeling" was nominated for an Oscar.

Personal life of Justin Timberlake

At the beginning of the 2000s, Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears' romance was not discussed only by the lazy. Their love story lasted four years and ended, to the great disappointment of the fans, not with a beautiful wedding ceremony, but with the betrayal of the bride with their mutual friend. The singer was worried about Britney's act for a long time and even wrote the song "Cry Me a River" dedicated to this, which became a super hit.

Justin Timberlake now

In 2018, Justin Timberlake presented his fourth album, Man of the Woods, to the audience, in which he again showed himself as a pop artist who is not afraid to experiment with style. For the record, the singer recorded joint tracks with