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What is the reason for the arbitrariness of the wild. Is petty tyranny bad or very bad? Tyrants in literature. Excessive greed of the landlord

Petty tyranny and petty tyranny in A. Ostrovsky's drama "The Thunderstorm"

The drama "The Thunderstorm" (1859) was a significant event in the social life of the country in the 60s of the XIX century. Ostrovsky made a play about a thunderstorm bringing renewal to the natural world and to the world human soul, about a thunderstorm destroying the foundations of the "dark kingdom" throughout Russia. The purpose of creating the images of tyrant merchants in the play was to condemn their wild arbitrariness, despotism, and cruel violence, which then prevailed in modern Ostrovsky Russia. And the fictional city of Kalinov, as in a mirror, reflected these " cruel manners».

Immediately after the opening of the curtain, the viewer sees the high bank of the Volga, the city garden and the strolling inhabitants of the small town of Kalinov. The beauty of the landscape at first closes from prying eyes real life cities.

It turns out that in a wonderful town on the Volga, everything is not so great as it seems at first glance. The only educated person in the city, a self-taught mechanic, Kuligin, calls the customs of the city of Kalinov cruel. The main thing that causes his indignation is social inequality, enslavement of the poor by the rich, the power of money and the thirst for profit, but there is no harmony in economic relations between merchants. They write "malicious slander" at each other and seek to undermine trade.

Rich merchants have no government whatsoever. Nobody can tell them. Even the head of the city cannot make a remark to the Wild. Money gives them the right to rule over the inhabitants of Kalinov. Therefore, no one can object to rich merchants.

Family relationships are built on the cruelty and despotism of tyrants. The word "tyrant" has become synonymous with rude self-confidence, rudeness, arbitrariness and impunity. Everyone knows that Dikoy is an influential merchant of the city. He can humiliate and scold a person for nothing. He is self-willed, as he is sure of his own impunity. He knows that he will never meet resistance anywhere, Dikoy freely controls the fate of his nephew Boris, who is financially dependent on him. Wild with his rudeness, rudeness, ignorance and greed embodies the main features of the tyrants of the city of Kalinov. He doesn't even know how to speak calmly, rushes at people like a chain dog, He is constantly dissatisfied with everything. But how his anger grows when he has to part with money. That is why he so scolds and oppresses Boris, whose inheritance he must give him by will. Diy is also angry if he meets something inaccessible to his understanding. Indicative is the scene when he pounces on Kuligin, who is trying to tell him about the lightning rod.

Being a wild and ignorant person, he, like all Kalinovites, is convinced that a thunderstorm is not electricity, but God's punishment sent to people as punishment for their sins. Superstition and fear of the unknown determine the consciousness of the Wild.

The rich merchant's wife Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova is even more inclined towards fanatical religiosity. At first glance, she does seem to be pious at all: she accepts pilgrims, goes to church, honors the commandments of God. Unlike Wild, she does not raise her voice, does not yell or swear. But no matter how Kabanikha hides behind pious phrases, residents of the city know the truth about her. So, for example, Kuligin speaks of her hypocrisy to Boris: "She clothe the beggars, but she ate the family altogether." True, it must be said that her tyranny is limited by the framework of her own family, but here she gives herself free rein. Kabanikha mercilessly oppresses her son. Under her influence, he turned into a miserable, downtrodden, weak-willed person who does not decide anything on his own and all the time is forced to make excuses to his mother for some non-existent sins. Tikhon is free from the power of his mother only during business trips. And when he is at home, he tends to drink in order to forget.

Of course, Kabanikha is not so smart, you can adapt to her. Therefore, her daughter Varvara - a brave and cunning girl - easily finds a way out. She prefers to live according to the principle "do what you want, if only it was sewn and covered."

The cruel and despotic Kabanikha, using a mask of piety, turned into hell the life of not only her own children, but also the life of her daughter-in-law. Katerina and Tikhon could not be happy, because their mother interferes in their affairs. Tikhon cannot show any independence even in relations with his wife. It is his mother who dictates to him what to say, how to behave with Katerina. She also arranges the scene of Tikhon's farewell according to her own understanding, assigning her son and daughter-in-law to the performance of her assigned roles. Tikhon, stammering, pronounces the teachings under the dictation of his mother. And Katerina, by order of her mother-in-law, is obliged to howl on the porch after her husband's departure. Yes, that's really, really, wild manners in the city of Kalinov.

The power of the Wild and Kabanovs is formidable, but, apparently, it is coming to an end. With bitterness, Kabanikha is forced to admit that the old man is being brought out: “I don’t want to go to another house. And if you come up, you will spit and get out soon. What will happen, how the old people will die, how the light will stand, I really don't know. ”

Despite her unlimited power in the family, Kabanikha feels an inner anxiety. She feels that things are not going the way she wants. Even her uncomplaining son, she cannot instill that the family should hold on with fear, and not with feelings. That is why, in the scene of Katerina's repentance, she triumphantly speaks to Tikhon, trying to convince him that she is right: “What, son! This is where the will leads! "

The pillars on which the tyrants in Kalinov are held have shaken. Katerina prefers death to the bitter life in captivity and throws down an open challenge to the "dark kingdom." Varvara runs away from home altogether. And even the timid Tikhon dared to blame his mother for the death of his wife: "Mamma, you ruined her."

"The Thunderstorm" is, without a doubt, Ostrovsky's most decisive work, "wrote Dobrolyubov. The need for changes in the country's social life is the main idea of ​​the play. Under tyranny, the revolutionary democrat Dobrolyubov understood not only family despotism, but the entire system public relations in tsarist Russia, taken to the extreme. Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm" was supposed to bring renewal to the world of human relations in order to save people forever from cruelty, despotism, rudeness and hypocrisy.

In "Storm" there is a typical image of tyrant in the face of the Wild. The rich merchant Dikoy, like Kabanova, does not tolerate any contradictions. Dikoy is very rude to strangers and members of his family.

The self-taught mechanic Kuligin offers Dikiy to arrange a sundial on the boulevard and asks for ten rubles. Dikoy is angry and suspects Kuligin of deception and calls him a robber. “I want to think so of you, so I think so. For others, you are an honest person, but I think that you are a robber, that's all! " The Savage's greed for money is so great that he either does not pay the workers at all, or he cheats them. “Nobody dares to utter a word about the salary,” says Kudryash, who lives with him. How do you know what I'm thinking, he says? Can't you know my soul? Or maybe I will come to such an arrangement that I will give you five thousand. " Dikoy himself admits to Kabanova that he cannot give money to anyone with good, although he understands that he must pay. “Just give me a hint of money,” he says. well, in those days I will never swear at a person. "

Dikoy is a complete type of tyrant merchant.
In one of his comedies ["A hangover in someone else's feast"] Ostrovsky defines the meaning of the word "tyrant" as follows: "Tyrant is called, if a person does not listen to anyone; You give him at least a stake on his head, but he is all his own. He will stamp his foot and say: who am I? At this point, all the household should be at his feet, and they lie, otherwise it's a disaster ... This is a wild, domineering man, with a tough heart. "

Savel Prokofich Dikoy is such a tyrant, whose behavior is based on unbridled arbitrariness and stupid obstinacy. He was accustomed to the unquestioning obedience of those around him, who would do anything in order not to somehow anger him. It is especially hard for the family: at home, Dikoy loses his girdle without any restraint, and family members, fleeing from his rage, hide all day in attics and in closets. He finally hunted down Dikoy's nephew, Boris Grigorievich, knowing that he was completely financially dependent on him.
Dikoy is not at all shy about with strangers, over whom one can "play around" with impunity. Thanks to money, he holds in his hands the entire mass of powerless inhabitants and mocks them. The features of petty tyranny are especially clearly manifested in his conversation with Kuligin. Kuligin once turned to Dikiy with a request to give ten rubles for the construction of a sundial for the city.
“Wild. Or maybe you want to steal; who knows you! ..
Kuligin. Why, sir, Savel Prokofich, would you please to offend an honest man?
Wild. Should I give you a report? I don't give any account to anyone more important than you. I want to think so of you, and I think so. For others, you are an honest person, but I think that you are a robber, that's all. Would you like to hear it from me? So listen! I say that a robber, and the end! What are you, to sue, or what, you will be with me! So you know that you are a worm. If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush ”.

Dikoy feels his strength and power, the power of capital. "Fat bags" were then revered by "eminent people", before whom the poor were forced to curry favor and grovel. To become people meant to "put together" capital for oneself. Any means were good, just to get rich. The same Kuligin says about it this way: "And whoever has money, sir, is trying to enslave the poor so that he can earn even more money from his free labors."

For the sake of money, Dikoy is ready to go to any fraud and deception. Here is one of his tricks: "I have a lot of people a year ... I will not pay them extra for a penny per person, but I make thousands of this, so it is good for me!" The complaints of the offended do not reach the goal. And what can the poor do with a tyrant, when he even pats the mayor familiarly on the shoulder?
Money is his passion. Parting with them, if they got into his pocket, is painful for the Wild. "In his house, no one dares to utter a word about the salary: they scold what the world is worth." Dikoy himself speaks about this best of all: “... but what are you going to order me to do with yourself when I have such a heart! After all, I already know that I must give it back, but I can't do everything good! You are my friend, and I must give you back, but if you come and ask me, I will scold you. I will give, I will give, but I will scold. Therefore, just give me a hint of money, I will start to kindle all my insides; he kindles all the insides, and that's all; well, and in those days I will never swear at a person. " "A piercing man" - this is how Kudryash characterizes Dikiy for his rudeness and curses.

Dikoy passes only in front of those who are able to repulse him. Once on the ferry, on the Volga, he did not dare to contact the passing hussar, and then again he took out his resentment at home, dispersed everyone in the attics and closets. He also restrains his temper in front of the Kabanikha, seeing her as his equal.
The power of money was, however, not the only reason that created the basis for unbridled arbitrariness. Another reason that helped petty tyranny flourish was ignorance.
The Dikiy's speech is replete with rude, offensive expressions and epithets (robber, worm, fool, damned parasite, etc.).

Despotism, unbridled arbitrariness, ignorance, rudeness - these are the features of "cruel manners" that characterize the image of the tyrant Wild, typical representative"Dark kingdom".

1.What is the tyranny of the Wild one manifested in? which gives us reason to say about Dick in the words of the Russian proverb "Well done against and got the best answer

Answer from GERA [guru]
The play features two groups of city dwellers. One of them personifies the oppressive power " dark kingdom". These are Dikoy and Kabanikha, oppressors and enemies of all living and new. Another group includes Katerina, Kuligin. Tikhon, Boris, Kudryash and Varvara. These are the victims of the “dark kingdom”, the oppressed, equally feeling the brute force of the “dark kingdom”, but expressing their protest against this force in different ways. The image of the Wild: Hangover in someone else's feast "this is how the meaning of the word tyrant is defined:" Tyrant is called, if a person does not listen to anyone: you have at least a stake on his head, but he is all his own ... This is a wild, domineering person, with a tough heart. " ...
Savel Prokofich Dikoy is such a tyrant, whose behavior is governed only by unbridled arbitrariness and stupid obstinacy. Dikoy demands the unquestioning obedience of those around him, who go to any lengths to somehow not anger him. It is especially hard for his family: at home, Dikoy loses his girdle without any restraint, and family members, fleeing from his rage, hide all day in attics and in closets. Has completely hunted down the Wild nephew! Boris Grigorievich, knowing that he is completely financially dependent on him.
Dikoy is not at all shy with strangers, over whom one can "play around" with impunity. Thanks to money, he holds in his hands the entire mass of powerless inhabitants and mocks them. The features of petty tyranny are especially clearly manifested in his quarrel with Kuligin.
Dikoy feels his strength and power - the power of capital. "Fat bags" were then revered as "eminent people", before whom the poor were forced to curry favor and grovel. Money is his passion. Parting with them, if they got into his pocket, is painful for the Wild.
Dikoy passes only in front of those who are able to repulse him. Once on the ferry, on the Volga, he did not dare to contact the passing hussar, and then again he took out his resentment at home, dispersed everyone in the attics and closets. He also restrains his temper in front of the Kabanikha, seeing her as his equal.
The power of money was, however, not the only reason that created the basis for unbridled arbitrariness. Another reason that helped petty tyranny flourish was ignorance. The Dikiy's ignorance is especially evident in the scene of his conversation with Kuligin regarding the lightning rod device.
A person's language, manner of speaking and the very intonation of speech usually correspond to the character of the person. This is fully confirmed in the language of the Wild. His speech is always rude and full of abusive, offensive expressions and epithets: robber, worm, parasite, fool, damned, etc. foreign words(Jesuit, electricity) only emphasizes his ignorance.
Despotism, unbridled arbitrariness, ignorance, rudeness - these are the features that characterize the image of the tyrant Wild, a typical representative of the "dark kingdom".

Answer from Christina Demidova[newbie]
In order to understand what gives us the basis to say about Dick in the words of the Russian proverb: "Well done against the sheep, against the good fellow the sheep itself", it is necessary to find out the meaning of the saying itself. It talks about a person who behaves self-confidently among the weak, but in reality is not at all strong. In other words, this proverb characterizes someone who is impudent, courageous and self-confident only among those who are weaker than him in something. Here he is "well done" and demonstrates his strength and vigor. But as soon as the enemy surpasses him in strength or something else, then such a "fellow" turns into a frightened "sheep".
Now that we have figured out the meaning of the proverb, let's turn to the hero himself. Savel Prokofievich Dikoy is one of the negative characters the play "The Thunderstorm" by A. N. Ostrovsky. From the work we know that this is a wealthy merchant and influential person in the city of Kalinov. Everyone is afraid of the wild. He constantly scolds and scolds relatives, acquaintances, workers: "Oh, such and such a scolder, like Savel Prokofich, look for another! curse? .. "," And what was it like at home! After that, for two weeks everyone hid in the attics and in the closets ... ". However, Savel Prokofievich never swears with more strong people... He always offends only the weak. To prove this statement, the following quotes from the text can be cited: "But the trouble is when he is offended by such a person whom he does not dare to scold;
"And the honor is not great, because you have been fighting with women all your life ...".

Homework to the lesson

1. Select the citation material for the characterization of Wild and Kabanova.
2. What impression did the central figures of "Storm" - Dikoy and Kabanov make on you? What brings them together? Why do they manage to "tyrannize"? What does their power rest on?

Dikoy and Kabanova

From the very first scenes of "The Thunderstorm" we find ourselves in a gloomy and stifling atmosphere of a special world, which, with the light hand of N.A. Dobrolyubov, was named " dark kingdom". This phraseological unit is of fabulous origin, but the merchant world of Storms is devoid of that poetic, mysterious and captivating, which is usually characteristic of a fairy tale. Here "cruel manners" reign, the characteristics of which are developed by Kuligin in the third phenomenon of the first act.


Let's turn to the text. Using material prepared at home, characterize Dikiy and Kabanova. What assessment was given to them already on the first pages of the play?


The names of Dikiy and Kabanova are already being heard at the exhibition.

"Look for such and such a scolder like ours Savel Prokofich!" - says Shapkin. And then he adds: "Kabanikha is also good."

Kudryash clarifies: "Well, yes, even though, at least, everything is under the guise of piety, but this one has fallen off the chain."

KULIGIN (pointing to the side). Look, brother Kudryash, who is waving his arms like that there?

Curly. It? It scolds the Wild nephew.

Kul and g and n. Found a place!

Curly. He belongs everywhere. Afraid that he is who! He got him as a sacrifice Boris Grigorich, so he drives it.

Sh and p to and n. Look for such-and-such a scolder like ours Savel Prokofich! No way will he cut off a man.

Curly. Piercing man!

Sh and p to and n. Kabanikha is also good.

Already the first appearance of the Wild on stage reveals his nature.


Read how Dikoy talks to Boris.



Wild. Did you come here to beat me? The parasite! Go to waste!

Boris. Holiday; what to do at home.

Wild. You will find a case as you want. Once I told you, I told you twice: "Don't you dare to meet me halfway"; you are itching to do everything! A little space for you, then? Wherever you go, there you are! Ugh, damn you! Why are you standing like a pillar? Are you told al no?

Boris. I listen, what else can I do!

Dikoy (looking at Boris). You failed! I don’t want to talk to you, with a Jesuit. (Leaving.) That's imposed!


How does Dikiy characterize his speech?


Rude and unceremonious. His speech cannot be confused with the language of the rest of The Storms characters. She characterizes the Wild as an extremely rude and ignorant person. He doesn't want to know anything about science, culture, inventions that improve life.


Find the place in the text where Kuligin asks for money for a lightning rod.


C.267 d. IV, yavl. II

Kuligin's proposal to install a lightning rod infuriates him. By his behavior, he fully justifies the surname given to him. "How to break loose from the chain!" - Kudryash characterizes him.


Does Dikoy behave rudely with everyone? Let's watch how he talks to Kabanova?


S.253 d.III, yavl. II

Dikoy behaves differently with Kabanova, although out of habit she is rude to her: "What else is there! What a hell of a water!" me! And I'm dear to you! " Let's pay attention to how they call each other: godfather, godfather. This is how the people usually turned to well-known people. There are almost no directions in this scene, the dialogue is calm, peaceful.


Can any of the characters in "The Thunderstorm" stand up to the Wild?


Yes, Curly.

Sh and p to and n. There is no one to calm him down, so he is fighting!

Curly. We don't have enough guys to take my position, otherwise we would have disaccustomed him to mischief.

Sh and p to and n. What would you do?

Curly. They would suffer well.

Sh and p to and n. Like this?

Curly. The four of them, five of them in an alley somewhere would have talked to him face to face, so he would have made a squeak to anyone, if only he would walk and look around.

Sh and p to and n. No wonder he wanted to give you up as a soldier.

Curly. I wanted to, but did not give it away, it’s all one thing, that nothing. He will not give me up: he can smell with his nose that I will not sell my head cheaply. He's the one who's scary to you, but I can talk to him.

Sh and p to and n. Oh, is it?

Curly. What's here: oh whether! I am considered rude; why is he holding me? Therefore, he needs me. Well, that means I'm not afraid of him, but let him be afraid of me.

Sh and p to and n. As if he doesn't scold you?

Curly. How not to scold! He cannot breathe without it. Yes, I do not let go either: he is the word, and I am ten; will spit, and will go. No, I will not become a slave to him.


Dikoy swaggers in front of his nephew, in front of his family, does not retreat in front of those who are able to repulse him. It turns out that the limit of the tyrant's power depends on the degree of obedience of those around him.

Teacher comment

The behavior of Dikoy and Kabanova can be characterized by the word that Ostrovsky introduced into literature - "tyrants". In one of the plays, he gave an explanation for this concept: "Tyrant is called, if a person does not listen to anyone, you have at least a stake on his head, but he is all his own."

Ostrovsky not only introduced the word "tyrant" into literature, but also artistically developed the very phenomenon of tyranny, revealed on what basis it arises and develops. What does this word mean? Tyrants are usually called those who act on their own whim, arbitrarily, regardless of others.

Dikoy is depicted in only three scenes, but the playwright created a complete image, a type of tyrant.

In many scenes of the play, Kabanova is present, she is much more than Diky in the work of time: she is one of those who actively move the action, bringing it closer to a tragic denouement.


Describe Kabanova.


Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova is perceived as a strong and domineering character. She is outwardly calm, in control of herself. But measuredly, monotonously, without raising her voice, she exhausts the household with her endless moralizing.

The boar is very rich. This can be judged by the fact that her commercial affairs go beyond Kalinov (on her behalf, Tikhon traveled to Moscow). Dikoy respects her. But this does not interest the playwright.


What do you think is her role in the play?


Kabanikha is the spokesman for the ideas and principles of the "dark kingdom". She understands that some money is not yet given to the authorities, another indispensable condition is the obedience of those who have no money. And she sees her concern in preventing any possibility of disobedience.


How does Kabanikha treat her children? Can we say that Kabanova loves her children?


She declares her love for children. Perhaps she herself even believes that she loves them. She speaks to Varvara affectionately. Knowing how unsweetened the fate of a married woman allows her to walk up to her heart's content.

She feels maternal jealousy towards Tikhon. She doesn't like the way Tikhon treats Katerina. It seems to her that Katerina took her son away from her.

The "love" of a boar for their children is just a hypocritical mask for the assertion of personal power. From her "care" comes Tikhon to complete stupidity, flees from the house of Varvara.


How does Kabanova affect others?


She skillfully uses various techniques to assert her will. Kabanikha knows how to speak and kindly and instructively ("I know, I know that my words are not to your liking, but what can I do, I am not a stranger to you, my heart hurts about you"), and hypocritically pity ("Mother is old , stupid; well, and you, young people, smart, should not exact from us, fools, "), and command powerfully (" Look, remember! Cut your nose on your nose! "," Bow down at your feet! "). Kabanikha's hypocrisy is manifested in the frequent use of church phrases: "Oh, grave sin! How long will it take to sin!"; "Only one sin!"


How can you describe the nature of Kabanova in one word?


Domineering, despotic.


Is Dikoy arbitrary?


The image of the Wild looks comical at times: the contradiction of his behavior to reason looks too ridiculous, the unwillingness to part with money is painful.


Who is truly oppressive in the play?


The boar, with her cunning, hypocrisy, cold cruelty, is truly terrible.


What do you think is more dangerous for public morality: tyranny or despotism? Why?


Despotism. The play shows stagnation, standing still. The consequences of this are dire and sometimes unpredictable. First of all, he hits a person, either dulling him, turning him into a thoughtless performer, or forcing him to trick, adapt, or arousing in him a feeling of protest. Stagnation is then possible when it is supported by people in power. Those in Kalinov are Dikoy and Kabanova.


The power of the Wild and Kabanova is based on the uncomplaining obedience of their loved ones and money. No one can answer the tyrants. The inhabitants of the city of Kalinov do not want to change the existing state of affairs, so Dikoy and Kabanova continue to tyrannize with impunity. If the situation in Kalinov remains the same, the tyranny will continue for a long time. Dikoy and Kabanova are the rulers of the "dark kingdom": They cannot live otherwise, so their efforts are directed towards one goal. This goal is to maintain your power.


1. Collect material for characterizing Barbara, Kudryash, Boris, Tikhon, Kuligin.
2. In a few words, give brief description to each of them.

Ozhegov's dictionary says that a tyrant is a person who acts on a whim and according to personal arbitrariness, humiliating and insulting to others. Thus, tyranny as a phenomenon presupposes the arbitrariness of some people in relation to others. Characters of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm", written in 1859 during the period revolutionary situation in Russia, are divided into tyrants and their victims. The action takes place in the fictional city of Kalinov on the banks of the Volga.

The absence of an exact geographical name emphasizes that we are faced with a typical provincial town, in which, as in a mirror, all of Russia will be reflected in the pre-reform period, when the old still has strength and tenaciously holds on to power, and the new arises in the still unclear aspirations for freedom.

The tyrants in the play include “ significant persons»Cities: the wealthy merchant Saul Prokofievich the Wild and the merchant widow Martha Ignatievna Kabanova, in common parlance Kabanikha. The names of the heroes indicate the presence in them of the "animal" principle and the lack of humanity: kindness, pity, mercy, compassion. The name "Saul" is associated with the Apostle Paul, who before his conversion to Christianity bore the name Saul and was a fierce persecutor of Christians. With Dikim moral transformation did not happen, he remained the oppressor of the poor. The patronymic "Prokofievich" is translated as "prosperous", indicating those "earthly" benefits that the merchant has accumulated by robbing the peasants for a penny. The name "Martha" means "mistress", emphasizing the imperious nature of this keeper of the Domostroy foundations. The surname "Wild" characterizes its owner as a hot-tempered and unbalanced person who quickly becomes angry. The surname "Kabanova" conveys the rudeness and cruelty of Marfa Ignatievna's disposition. Thus, we were convinced that A. N. Ostrovsky endowed his heroes with bright "speaking" names that accurately and very meaningfully reveal the moral essence of these tyrants.

In characterizing these wealthy residents of Kalinovka, their first appearance on the stage, the so-called "visiting card", is of great importance. Dikoy has not yet appeared on the stage, but Kuligin and Kudryash report about him that he is "waving his arms" and "scolding his nephew." "Found where the place is!" - the mechanic - self-taught Kuligin, who has just admired the beauty of the Volga landscape, notes with disapproval. Indeed, the behavior of the Wild, sharply waving his arms, inflamed in anger, against the background of the free Volga, a wonderful rural view, opening from the high bank of the river, seems ugly. The beauty of nature and the ugliness in human relationships - this is the contrast from which the play begins. People do not understand "what kind of beauty is spilled in nature." If the residents of Kalinovka saw this beauty, they would feel the delight that the "antique" Kuligin has experienced for fifty years, looking beyond the Volga, they would learn peace, silence and harmony from nature. But in the patriarchal world of the town there is no "splendor": tyrants tyrannize their victims, and they meekly endure.

Why is Dikoy scolding Boris? Seeing his nephew, every time he recalls the trouble: according to the will of his mother and grandmother Boris, he must pass young man part of the inheritance, provided that they are respectful to him. It's a pity for money. On the other hand, who will forbid Dikiy to say that Boris is disrespectful, even if it’s not true? After all, Dikoy feels like a full-fledged owner, and the law is not written to him. The mayor himself can easily, in a friendly way, pat on the shoulder when he calls to order. When asked to count the peasants well, Savel Prokofievich replies to the governor: “Is it worth it, your honor, for us to talk about such trifles! I have a lot of people every year; You must understand: I will not pay them a penny per person, but I make thousands of this, so it is good for me! "

Kabanikha appears on stage surrounded by his family: son Tikhon, daughter-in-law Katerina and daughter Varvara. Communication of Marfa Ignatievna with close people leaves a painful impression. she has a presentiment that the “children” want to live by their own will, she is afraid that they will leave her power. “The elders are not respected very much now,” Kabanikha grumbles and reproaches Tikhon that his wife is dearer to him than his mother.

We see that Dikoy and Kabanikha are two different socio-psychological types. The tyranny of the Wild one is based on the power of money and lawlessness. One has only to start talking about money, as this "swearing man" and "shrill man" becomes uncontrollable, offends defenseless people, "as he fell off the chain", it costs him nothing "to cut off a man for nothing." His actions are governed by self-will. “If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush,” he says to Kuligin when he asks for only ten rubles for public benefit to install a sundial on the boulevard.

Kabanikha embodies the patriarchal type of merchant class, but she only requires formal execution of the traditional way of life. For example, a wife must be afraid of her husband. “Another good wife, after seeing her husband off, howls for an hour and a half, lies on the porch; and you, apparently, nothing, ”she reproaches Katerina. She does "everything under the guise of godliness." Observing the "letter" of the housebuilding law, choosing the most severe rules from it, she forgets about the basic Christian law - mercy and forgiveness. This shows her sanctimonious nature. “Prude, sir! She clothe the beggars, but she ate the family altogether, ”says Kuligin about Kabanikha.

Kabanova is always confident in her righteousness, always firm and adamant, explains her grumbling and severity with her love for children. Feelings of remorse and pity are unfamiliar to this guardian of patriarchal foundations. The dim light of moral truth still dawns in Dick, sometimes gleams of the consciousness of sin appear, and he is able to ask for forgiveness. In Kabanikha, the consciousness of his sinfulness is completely absent.

What is the basis of the power of these masters of the city? The complete helplessness and irresponsibility of the victims, their humility and humility, the inability to defend their human dignity allow the Wild and Kabanikha to commit atrocities with impunity, because they do not meet with resistance. Once on a ferry, a hussar cursed Dikiy. Due to the impossibility of responding to the offender, Savel Prokofievich took out his evil on his family.