
Likhachev is the honor of True and false. Letters to young readers. Eleventh Careerism Letter

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"In my letters, I imagine friends. Letters to friends let me write simply. At first I am writing about the purpose and sense of life, about the beauty of behavior, and then I turn to the beauty of the world around us, to the beauty, which opens in works of art. I do it because to perceive the beauty of the surrounding person himself should be mentally beautiful, deep, stand on the right life positions. Try to keep binoculars in trembling hands - you will not see anything "(D. S. Likhachev).

Letter tenth

Honor True and False

I do not like definitions and is often not ready for them. But I can point out some differences between conscience and honor.

There is one significant difference between conscience and honor. Conscience always comes from the depths of the soul, and conscience in one way or another is cleaned. Conscience "gnawing." Conscience is not false. It happens muffled or exaggerated (extremely rare). But ideas about honor are perfectly false, and these false ideas cause enormous damage to society. I mean what is called "Honor Mundir". We disappeared such an unusual phenomenon, as the concept of noble honor, but the "honor of the Mundir" remains a heavy cargo. Similarly, a person died, but only a uniform with which the Order was removed. And within which a conscientious heart is no longer beating.

"Honor of Mundir" makes the managers to defend false or vicious projects, insist on the continuation of obviously unsuccessful buildings, fighting protecting monuments with societies ("Our construction is more important"), etc. An examples of such settling "Honor of Mundir" can be given a lot.

The honor of True is always in accordance with conscience. The honor is false - the mirage in the desert, in the moral desert of human (or rather, the "official") soul.

It should be offended only when they want to offend you. If they do not want, and the reason for the resentment is an accident, then why take offense?

Not angry, find out the misunderstanding - and that's it.

Well, if they want to offend? Before answering offense, it is worth thinking: should it be descended before the insult? After all, the insult usually lies somewhere low and before it should be leaning to raise it.

If they decided to be offended, then first make a kind of mathematical action - subtraction, division, etc. Suppose you were insulted for what you are only partly to blame. Remove from your feeling offense all that does not apply to you. Suppose you were offended from the motivations of noble, - make the division of your feeling on the impulse noble, who caused an offensive remark, etc. Arranged in the mind of a certain necessary mathematical operation, you can respond with great dignity that will be no longer Less value you give offense. Until known limits, of course.

In general, excessive syradiability - a sign of a lack of a mind or some kind of commissionality. Be smart.

There is a good English rule: offended only when you want offend intention offend. On simple inattention, forgetfulness (sometimes inherent in this person by age, for any psychological flaws) is not necessary to be offended. On the contrary, they will show special care to such a "forgetful" person - it will be beautiful and noble.

This is if they "offend" you, but what about when you yourself can offend another? With regard to touchy people, it is necessary to be especially attentive. Sensibility After all, a very painful character trait.

Letter Tenth Honor True and False

I do not like definitions and is often not ready for them. But I can point out some differences between conscience and honor.

There is one significant difference between conscience and honor. Conscience always comes from the depths of the soul, and conscience in one way or another is cleaned. Conscience "gnawing." Conscience is not false. It happens muffled or too exaggerated (extremely rare). But ideas about honor are perfectly false, and these false ideas cause enormous damage to society. I mean what is called "Honor Mundir". We disappeared such an unusual phenomenon, as the concept of noble honor, but the "honor of the Mundir" remains a heavy cargo. Similarly, a person died, but only a uniform with which the Order was removed. And within which a conscientious heart is no longer beating.

"Honor of Mundir" makes the managers to defend false or vicious projects, insist on the continuation of obviously unsuccessful buildings, fighting protecting monuments with societies ("Our construction is more important"), etc. An examples of such settling "Honor of Mundir" can be given a lot.

The honor of True is always in accordance with conscience. The honor is false - the mirage in the desert, in the moral desert of human (or rather, the "official") soul.

Eleventh Careerism Letter

Man from the first day of his birth is developing. He is directed to the future. He learns, learns to put new challenges, not even understanding. And how quickly he mastering his position in life. Already a spoon can hold, and the first words to say.

Then he learns to the tails and young men.

And the time comes to apply your knowledge, to achieve what it strives. Maturity. We must live real ...

But overclocking is preserved, and this instead of exercise comes for many times of mastering position in life. Movement goes on inertia. Man all the time aspiring to the future, and the future is no longer in real knowledge, not in mastering skill, but in the device itself in a profitable position. Content, genuine content is lost. Currently does not occur, an empty aspiration in the future remains. This is a careerism. Inner anxiety making man unhappy personally and unbearable to others.

Objectives lesson:

  • introduce students with the facts of the biography of the literary criticism, a public figure D.S. Likhachev and his book "Letters of good and beautiful";
  • compare the life views of the outstanding scientist of modernity with their views;
  • get a positive emotional experience from communicating with the heritage of the great publicist;
  • determine your attitude to moral values;
  • evaluate the ecology of his own soul;
  • get the skill of the selection of arguments to part with the exam in the Russian language;
  • prepare for writing ESE ESE on social studies.


I. Entrance word of the teacher of the Russian language.

The soul of a person ... Some she is with a pea, and others are inclusive, ready to accommodate the whole world. Compassion, mercy, conscience, and nearby - cruelty, envy, violence, thirst for power. And the person comes out, then spiritual, then indifferent, at the same time he and the keeper of nature, but he is also her destroyer. Every year on our planet celebrate three special calendar holidays:

These days are a reminder of the problems of nature of nature, because to protect nature not from some mythical aliens, but from their fellow citizens with a deformed soul. The soul of man should be raised carefully, carefully and with love. There is no other way in humanity, if it wants to live in human.

Today we will talk about, it means to live by human, but will help us in this book Dmitry Sergeevich Likhacheva "Letters of Good and Beautiful."

II. The word teacher history.

He introduces students with the identity of D.S. Likhacheva.

On the slide screen:

  • Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev;
  • Milestones of life path;
  • Legacy of Likhacheva (Cover book about "letters of good and beautiful";
  • Recognition (awards);
  • Personality and power.

The teacher commented on each slide and tells about three aspects of the confrontation of Academician Likhachev with the authorities: the conflict is professional, moral and conflict of class origin.

III. Teacher of Russian language.

But by virtue of its intelligence and decency, Dmitry Sergeevich did not get out and continued the work of a philosopher, educator, journalist. The book "Letters of Good and Beautiful" was written in 1985.

Remember what is called journalism? What are her tasks?

The student responds: - This is a generation of works devoted to current issues and phenomena of current life. The main task of the journalistic style is the impact on the reader, the listener, the conviction of it in something, the suggestion of certain ideas, views, implies to certain actions, actions.

- What genres of journalistic style do you know?

On the screen slide with genres: essays, articles, reports, interviews, letters.

- The book of Likhacheva consists of forty-six letters addressed to the young reader.

- What is a letter?

On the Slide screen: the letter is written text sent to messages of anything (from the dictionary S.I. Ozhegov).

We have four working groups. Each has its own letter. Think about what I wanted to inform the reader Dmitry Sergeevich?

- I as a teacher who preparing you for the exam in the Russian language, please define the problem raised by the author in the letter, give an answer, what is the position of the author. Consent or disagreement argue, leading examples from literature or history.

- And as a teacher of social studies, I ask for each of the letters to formulate a rule of morality, which will be both your life credo. Record it on the board after discussion.

IV. Reflecting on letters ...

So, thoughts out loud about the read.

Letter Tenth: Honor True and False

1st group: - The tenth letter in the book of Likhachev "Letters of Good and Beautiful" is entitled "Honor True and False", which indicates the problem raised by the author. The true honor comes from the depths of the soul, she does not give a man to calm down, as if "gnawing" him from the inside. Synonym for such a conscience - a conscience that cannot be false because it is in the subconscious and is completely not subject to a person. On the true path withdraws precisely conscience. The false honor is the "Honor of the Mundar", forcing it to speak and do what society is waiting for you, even when it contradicts your own beliefs. For example, in the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Rodion Raskolnikov overpowers those moral boundaries that a person if he wants to remain a person, under no circumstances to cross it. Rodion did not provide for remorse, he forgot that the one who

shed blood, hoof himself on terrible flour. Having committed a crime, he says: "I didn't kill the old woman, but myself!" In the novel. In the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is simple people to help the wounded, fights for the freedom of native land. The same Tikhon Shcherbaty goes to war not by some kind of political reasons (because "so necessary"), but because it feels the inner need, the need. This is, in my opinion, the manifestation of the honor of the truth. The false honor remains heavy cargo, empties the soul, while the true honor does not give a person to calm down, demands to make deeds worthy of respect. I think people need to remember that conscience - measured purity of thoughts and actions.

The members of the group are complemented by their arguments and conclusions.

- Youth tend to seek to understand these eternal truths to find their place in society, to determine their moral position. Turning to the classic literature, analyze the behavior of the heroes from the point of view of their life credo, regard their actions, attitude towards people and events through the prism of honor and dishonor. In my opinion, the behavior of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky is a worthy example of honor of honor. This is a knight without fear and reproach, who decided to serve the Motherland without a residue, to be together with the simple people to the end (a deadly injury scene). It's sad that a person's woven honor is to suffer. He is an advanced warrior, he is a winner, and he is a victim!

- Duel Lensky and Onegin. What is this: the protection of the honor of the true or "honor of the uniform"?

The conversation on the content of the letter number 10 is completed by the record on the board of the moral rule formulated by the Group based on the above:

On the Slide screenwith text letter.

Letter twenty fifth: at the order of conscience

2nd group: - There is a mental need to act on the settlement of conscience, to create good and there is the most valuable in man, that is, what makes him live in humans - this is, in my opinion, the position of the author in the letter "on the settlement of conscience" . Each intuitive manifestation can in themselves. We just want to want. Live, indeed, it will become easier and more interesting, and faithful decisions will come to your consciousness, without giving calm down and scurry. The person is not thinking about what and how he does to breathe, walk, see. So the path of good should be without effort and flour.

- A vivid example of the actions of people at the field of conscience can serve as the feats of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Nikolay Gastello is a pilot, in battle directed his plane to the enemy column, the price of his own life did not allow the enemy to win. Alexander Matrosov died, closing the embassy of the enemy dot's bosch, opening the way to the desired height. These people acted intuitively, at the expense of conscience.

- Honor and conscience did not allow the heroes of the story "And the dawns here are quiet ..." Do not fulfill the task. Retreat. They knew that they would die, but believed that the time would benefit. So it turned out. All five girls died, and the foreman of Vaskov suffered due to the fact that he could not protect them. We are grateful to people who defended the honor of the country, received at the venue of conscience on the battlefields and survived.

- I want to believe that people with a clean conscience and honor will not disappear and that they will finally appreciate them. They will be equal, they will be glorified. But honor and conscience is needed by a person not for glory and honors. In everyday life, it is also important to behave adequately, that is, to live in human. It comes to the mind of the lines from the "Captain's Daughter" Pushkin, Father Peter Greenoava: "Take care of the honor of the Smalod!" Apparently, this is the most important wishes for a person.

- And I think that it is necessary to live at the field of conscience from early childhood, so I will give the story Arkady Gaidar as an argument "Timur and his team." After all, it is in childhood that the foundations of moral purity are laid.

The conversation on the content of the letter number 23 is completed by the record on the board of the moral rule formulated by the Group on the basis of the above:

Create good, without seeing merit.

On the screen slide with the text of the letter.

Letter thirtieth: moral vertices and attitude to them

On the screen slide with the text of the letter.

3rd group:

- "... The most important thing is the most important thing - his ideals," D.Likhachyov's thirtieth letter ends. The basis of this text is the argument of the author about the moral vertices of the people and the attitude towards them. A scientist argues that in solving this issue it is necessary to rely on the best, great, highly moral. In this letter, the author calls for a benevolent attitude towards any people, even the most small. The people should be judged by the best that there is in it. Old fairy tales are created by a simple people, but they already laid the idea that good always wins evil. And what helped the Russian people to stand in harsh historical tests: in the Patriotic War of 1812 and in the Great Patriotic War? In the novel "War and Peace", Lion Tolstoy speaks about the role of a person in history and comes to the conclusion that the success of the case does not solve the will of one person, and the Spirit, the moral takeoff of the people, based on patriotism. Defenders of the Fatherland, Military and Civilians, Making Large and Small Feats, rose to moral vertices: Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Duchev, Nikolay Rostov, Plato Karataev, Natasha Rostov ... This text made me think about the fact that I am a particle of the Great and Great People . So that my plane does not fall, I should strive for moral vertices, should be worthy of his people.

- Each person should make a choice between morality and immorality, between the external well-being in the inner god and the wealth of nature with a modest existence. It can be assumed that in the life of every person there will come such a period when he has to solve the problem of choice: how to live on. I think the life of Matrius from the story of Solzhenitsyn "Matrein Dvor" is a good confirmation of that. All people and nothing for themselves.

- Ideal is an idea of \u200b\u200bperfection, the highest goal and a sample, which determine the method of thinking and human activity. The moral ideal is an idea of \u200b\u200bmoral perfection, the highest moral sample of behavior. In the books of V.M. Shukshina brightly sounds the subject of the meaning of life. The hero of the story "Chudik" seeks to comprehend the movement of his own soul. He sees a fifty-handed paper at the store's adjustment: raise or pass by, secretly assign or declare a find? His mind is that he chooses the second way, that is, comes as a minority would come. And as a result, it turned out that he did not bended to raise his own money. "It went to the store, I wanted to look at the piece of paper, stood at the entrance ... and did not entered. It will be very painful. Heart may not withstand. " The act shows that he lives the hero in human, pupil and thoughts.

- The Russian language teacher reads the passage from the story of Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich", drawing an episode of brickwork: in the inhuman conditions of the Stalinist camp, a morally clean man retains the ability to receive joy and pleasure from their hands.

The conversation on the content of the letter number 30 is completed by the record on the board of the moral rule formulated by the group based on the above:

Remember! You are a grain of your people. Your actions are the fate of your country.

On the screen slide with the text of the letter.

Letter Forty Fifth: Space Hermitage

4th group: -In a fortieth letter, the author asks us, what can be opposed to such human vices, like revenge, evil quarrels and distribution? And he answers him: the solution of everything is a culture. Likhachev was convinced of this completely, and his affairs can serve as evidence. For example, he helped save the nature of the Volga reserve, prevented the opening of a sandy career, did not destroy the library in Myshkin, founded the culture fund, the magazine "Our Heritage", 20 years old headed the publication of the book "Literary Monuments". Thanks to his efforts, dozens of national cultural monuments were preserved and renovated. In the letter, the author shares with the reader emotions about the incredit value of our earthly civilization. Speaks about the unifying power of culture.

- in the story L.N. Tolstoy "Lucerne" depicts a scene when all its noble and concerned in the hotel for very rich people came to a balcony for very rich people to listen to the play of a poor stray musician. Listening to excellent music, people experienced the same emotions, thought about the same and even seemed to breathe in unison.

- I agree with the author: there are much more common between earthlings than different. From historical linguistics, it is known that once there was a single language for all - the Pyranceo European Basic Language. Thus, it is proved that the languages \u200b\u200bthat exist on Earth are relatives. We all speak in the same language, so we can not not understand each other.

The conversation on the content of the letter No. 45 is completed by the record on the board of the moral rule formulated by the Group based on the above:

While there is a culture, there are people!

V. Final part of the lesson - reflections.

- So our conversation came to the end about "good." I as a teacher of Russian language and literature satisfied and I think that there will be no problems with searching for arguments about morality and cleanliness in the exam.

- A history teacher demonstrates a slide with the moral code created by Lihachev and proposes to compare his items with those that were born from groups during the lesson. The class is convinced of the coincidence of its conclusions on the issue under discussion with the findings of D.S. Likhacheva ..

God of every person is his conscience.
Create good, without seeing merit.
Remember! You are a grain of your people. Your actions are the fate of your country.
While there is a culture, there are people!

The Russian language teacher ends the lesson with words from the 46th letter of the book "Letters of Good". At this time, the class sees on the screen without sounding an excerpt from the film about Likhachev:

- Letters could be more, but it's time to summarize. We walked today, rising through the steps of experience - the experience of moral and aesthetic. Life requires complications. So, what is the most important thing in life? The main thing for everyone has its own, unique, but it is. And whatever it is an individual, should be kind and significant. In life, the values \u200b\u200bof all kindness, and the kindness is smart, purposeful. Happiness reaches only one who seeks to make happy others and is able to forget about their interests, about himself. This is a "unmanned ruble". Today we learned to follow the paths of kindness. In my opinion, it is very and very important. Believe me!

The history teacher completes the lesson by execution under the guitar of the song "Hurry to live!"

At first glance, the approval of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, a famous scientist, writer and a public figure, about the existence of the so-called false honor seems somewhat strange and incomprehensible: there may be an honor, understood as the highest dignity of a person, to be false. In this case, it is likely that it can be called dishonor. But the great Russian thinker of the 20th century exactly so interprets the concept of honor, denoting the two possible components - the truth and lies. Let's try to follow the scientists to understand that there is the honor of True and false.

Let us turn to the letter "Honor True and False" from the well-known collection of letters for the younger "Good Letters." D.S. Likhachev writes: "... the ideas about honor are perfectly false, and these false ideas cause tremendous harm to society." How to understand this statement of the author? He talks about the so-called "honor of the uniform", which lies with heavy cargo on the shoulders of officials. However, the writer makes you think: is it really possible to comply with modern officials and power to comply with unwritten laws of honor? It turns out, almost impossible! And when it requires circumstances, understood by the author as their own mercenary interests, then the expression "Honor of Mundir" appears, appears distorted by modern bureaucrats. It is she who forces officials to defend false projects, insist on the continuation of obviously unsuccessful buildings, demolish cultural monuments. There are quite a lot of examples of such a break. It is impossible to disagree with Likhachev: for modern officials there is no concept of honor, for them there is only a huge desire to hide their shortcomings and failures, to defend the right and continue to live and work exclusively in their own interests, and not for the good of the benefits of people. It is the honor of the false, which should be called and recognized by dishonor.

And what about the understanding of Likhachev a true honor? Answer Author gives simple and unequivocal. Honor is a conscience of man, the inner measure of all the best and bad, which will not allow to stumble and make something bad, immoral. And then there will be no noticeable "honor of the official uniform", but just an honor - the universal concept and the principle, in accordance with which the life of a decent person should be built.

Thus, we can conclude: the honor of True is a conscience. Today in the undeporting world, this concept is so important and significantly that everyone who considers themselves to realize him. A false honor is unwritten rules for the solidarity of officials acting in the interests of the state and people, but only from the considerations of their own benefits and aspirations. It is impossible not to admire the conclusions of the Russian thinker, at the turn of the centuries warned about the consequences of a true and false understanding of honor.

Here were looking for:

  • what is a true honor and imaginary analysis of the miniature