
The problem of modern youth arguments of the exam. Arguments for the composition on the nature of human genius. A.P.Chekhov in the story "Death of the official"

Love to motherland

1) hot love for homeland We feel pride for her beauty in the works of classics.
The theme of the heroic attack in the fight against the enemies of the Motherland also sounds in the poem of M. Yu. Lermontov "Borodino", dedicated to one of the glorious pages of the historical past of our country.

2) the topic of the Motherland rises In the works of S.Senin. Whatever Yesenin wrote: On experiences, about historical fractures, about the fate of Russia in the "harsh terrible years", - every Yesensky image and a row of warming with a sense of limitless love for homeland: but most. Love for the native edge

3) Famous writer He told the story of the Decembrist Sukhinov, who after the defeat of the uprising was able to hide from police societies and after the painful sketeering, finally, got out to the border. Another minute - and he will find freedom. But the fugitive looked at the field, the forest, the sky and realized that he could not live in a foreign land, away from their homeland. He surrendered to the polynation, he was stolen into the shackles and sent to the cautious.

4) outstanding Russian Singer Fedor Shalyapin, forced to leave Russia, all the time he had some box with him. No one guess what is in it. Only many years later, the closest learned that Shalyapin kept the handful of his native land in this box. It is not for nothing that the native land and in the handstone of Mila. Obviously, a great singer, he had a hot schismo, it was necessary to feel the proximity and warmth of his native land.

5) Fascists, occupying France, suggested General Denikin, who fought against the Red Army during the Country War, to cooperate with them in the struggle against the Soviet Union. But the general responded with a sharp refusal, because his homeland was more expensive than political disagreements.

6) African slavesTransported to America, Tos-koval about their native land. In desperation, they killed themselves, hoping that the soul, throwing the body, would be able to be a bird, carry home.

7) the most terriblethe punishment in antiquity was considered the expulsion of a person from a tribe, city or country. Outside of your house - Alien: Alien Earth, someone else's sky, someone else's language ... There you're quite alone, there are no one, creature without rights and without behalf. That is why to leave the homeland meant to lose everything for a person.

8) outstanding Russian Hockey player V. Tretyakov suggested to move to Canada. We promised to buy him a house, pay a big salary. Tretyak showed her hand on the sky, the earth and asked: "Do you also buy it for me?". The answer of the famous athlete led everyone to confusion, and no one else returned to this proposal.

9) when in the middle The 19th century, the English squadron was siege to Turkey Stambul, the entire population feared to defend his city. The townspeople destroyed their own homes if they met the Turkish cannons to lead aiming fire on enemy-kim ships.

10) Once the wind I decided to fall asleep mighty oak, which grew on the hill. But the oak just bent under wind blows. The wind asked the wind at the majestic oak: "Why can't I beat you?"

11) Oak answeredthat it does not hold it. His strength is that he is in the land in the land, rooted for her. In this frequency history, the idea is expressed that love for the Motherland, the depth-cast connection with the national history, with the cultural experience of ancestors makes people invincible.

12) when over England The threat of a terrible and devastating war with Spain, then the entire population, they have a breakdown of a speech, rammed by an axis around his queen. The merchants and nobles for their money were equipped with an army, people of a simple name were recorded in the militia. Even pirates remembered their homeland and led their ships to save her from the enemy. And "invincible Armada" of the Spaniards was defeated.

13) Turks during Captured boys and boys captured their military hikes. Children were forcibly paid to Islam, turned into soldiers, who were called Janchars. The Turks hoped that deprived of spiritual roots who had forgotten their homeland, brought up in fear and submission, new VOI would become a reliable stronghold of the state.

Writing the exam in the text:"Once upon a time there was some conversation for a long time, a random summer conversation on the seashore. I no longer remember exactly phrases " (according to D.A. Grannor).

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(1) Once upon a time I was bored with some conversation, a random summer conversation on the seashore. (2) I no longer remember exactly phrases, but argued about who Salieri for Pushkin. (3) The enemy, the villain, whom he hates, or is this embodiment of a different attitude to art? (4) Is it possible to bind art and science in this sense? (5) And what if for Pushkin Mozart and Salieri is Pushkin and Pushkin, that is, the breast of two started? (6) The feeling of surprise remained from this random hot dispute. (7) The villain was always obvious and undoubtedly for me. (8) Villais was a fascist motorcyclist. (9) In shiny black leather, in a black helmet, he rushed on a black motorcycle on the sunny country. (10) We lay in Kuvette. (11) We were in front of us warm yellowing fields, a blue sky, away the low shores of our meadow, the crumbling village, and from there was a rumbleing black motorcycle. (12) The rifle was trembling in my hands. (13) Of course, I did not think about Pushkin or about Salieri. (14) It came much later - then, in war, it was necessary to shoot. (15) Can the geniuses to perform evils? (16) Can Salieri's villain-killer remain a genius? (17) Because he is a poisoner, didn't the music be worse? (18) What, the evils proves that Salieri is not a genius? (19) For Pushkin, the genius retains the creative pot of the soul. (20) genius is not so much a degree of talent as a property of a certain moral beginning, good spirit. (21) The word "genius" is now usually associated with great inventions, discoveries. (22) Of course, in the law of relativity there is nothing neither moral nor immoral. (23) Probably, it should be divided here: the discovery can be ingenious, but the genius is not only opening. (24) In Pushkin Mozart, the genius of his music is connected to a person, with his kindness, gloominess, generosity. (25) Mozart enthusiasm to all good, which is Salieri. (26) The genius of Mozart is exceptional: he is not all the work, but an insight, he is a symbol of that mysterious nate, which is fluent in absolute perfection. (27) The easiest way to explain the hate envy, which Salieri himself says. (28) But does Salieri - only envious? (29) He recognizes someone else's genius, he learns from the great, bowing to them. (30) The question of genius and villain is questioned the task that Salieri solved all his life. (31) Can a person become a genius? (32) to achieve difficulty, the strength of his mind of what is considered to be a divine gift? (33) Salieri believed that, yes, maybe. (34) Salieri youth, maturity, his whole life arose for me as purposeful, in some sense the perfect straight line. (35) I had the ideal of the scientist. (36) perseverance and clear understanding of what you want. (37) Salieri obsessed. (38) But his idea is special - to become a creator. (39) The ability to create him was not given, he mined her, produced. (40) This is not a blind riot, it is a rebellion of the mind, or rather, the calculation. (41) Nowadays, setting such a goal, he could become an outstanding cybernetic. (42) But he became an outstanding composer. (43) The music of him found recognition. (44) Mozart himself says in the lucky minutes one of his motives. (45) What is the difference between the Genius of Mozart from the nozzles of Salieri? (46) The edge here is elusive. (47) A voice that dictates Mozart Divine consonance is not heard around. (48) For them and Mozart, and Salieri are the same: both of their own creature feel the power of harmony, both priests are beautiful, elected to serve their work. (49) to the minute, as Mozart raised a glass with poison, both - and Mozart, and Salieri were equal sons of harmony. (50) But now the genius separated, the poison divided them. (51) The latter tool separate the genuine genius from imaginary is a moral test. (52) The evils opened the true, Dark Essence of Salieri. (53) Mask is thorough. (54) Entity opens and Salieri himself. (55) A logical scheme begins to act with poison: a genius for Mozart can not be a villain, and since the Mozart of the genius itself, the undisputed genius, then, hence he has the right to judge, and, it means Salieri is not a genius. (56) The moral beginning becomes a breakdown of genius. (57) And humanity is selected for themselves only those who carry this moral beginning. (58) Pushkin leaves Salieri to live and suffer. (59) The villain remains, but the genius triumphs.

What is talent? Genius? This is something given more than, or what we can achieve themselves. It is this problem that Pushkin called "genius and villainism", and is dedicated to the text of D. Gorbon. The author back dispute on the beach concerning Mozart and Salieri from the "Little Tragedies" Pushkin. Is the poet exactly convicts Salieri? And if so, why? The author leads his reasoning at first about the villain (recalling the war years), and then - about genius.

The position of the author is clear and understandable. The genius is not so much the degree of talent as the property of it, good spirit. The author is confident that the genius can be inherent in any person, but the genius can only become a decent, light creator, the one for whom the concept of morality is important. Granin is convinced that the only means to distinguish genuine genius from imaginary is a moral test. An immoral person cannot become a genius.

I agree with the author's opinion of the article. Can not be a brilliant Creator who obsessed with bad thoughts. After all, the soul of the composer or poet is reflected in his works. The genius is endowed with nature by talent: he creates in whim, as a result of a mysterious insight, "which is fluently poured by absolute perfection."

A classic example to confirm this thought is the poem A.S. Pushkin "I am a monument to myself erected." The poet directly puts his merits as the poet, dependence on the morality: "Goodness of good I am awakened", "I raised freedom and grace to the fallen". Pushkin does not doubt that genius and evils are two things incompatible.

In confirmation, it is also possible to recall the Roman "Master and Margarita" M. Bulgakov. The author of this work tells us about the master who first began to do what he had long dreamed of. He began writing a novel. But writers and critics unanimously condemned the masters for his work. So it was because people were afraid and envied. A truthless genius is not visible nor envy. It is much higher than these lowesty feelings, and, despite numerous condemns, he still continued to create.

Truly the right poet. As far as the talented person would have been, but if he missed the faithful, righteous way, then he was not destined to develop to genius. For any creator, it is very important to have high moral principles, because only then a person can be in harmony with its inner world.

The question of the goal and means of achieving ancient times, humanity was worried. Many writers, philosophers and public figures pondered over it and led historical, life and literary arguments to prove their point of view. In Russian classics, there were also many answers and examples proving, as a rule, the statement that the achievement paths should continue to be achieved, otherwise it loses any meaning. In this selection, we listed the brightest and indicative examples from Russian literature for the final essay in the direction of "goals and funds".

  1. In the novel, Pushkin "Captain's daughter", the main character always chose the right paths to achieve goals, however, no less noble. Due to this, from an inconspicuous noble inexpressible Grinove turns into an officer, sincere, ready to sacrifice life in the name of debt. Swirling to the loyalty to the sovereign, he honestly carries the service, defending the fortress, and even death from the hand of robbers-robbers does not scare him. Also honestly he sought the favor of Masha, and achieved. Antipode Petra Greens in the novel - Schvabrin - on the contrary, uses any means to achieve the goal, choosing the most silent of them. Hollowing on the path of betrayal, he pursues his personal benefit, requires reciprocity from Masha, who does not fit into the eyes of it in the eyes of Peter. In the choice of goals and funds, Alexey moves spiritual cowardice and corpuscia, because it is devoid of ideas about honor and conscience. Maria rejects him for this reason, because the good goal is not achieving deception.
  2. What should be the ultimate goal, if the means to achieving it becomes cruelty, deception and human life? In the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" The goals of Grigory Pechorin are sympathetic, enclosed in the desire of the second victories, to achieve which he chooses complex, and sometimes cruel funds. In his victories, the stubborn search of the life sense is hidden, which hero is unable to find. In this search, he ruins not only himself, but everyone who surrounds him is, is the princess of Mary, Baulu, Grushnitsky. To revive your own soul, he plays the feelings of others, involuntarily becoming the cause of their misfortunes. But in the game with her own life, Gregory loans hopelessly, loses those few people who were his roads. "I realized that she was chanting for the fallen happiness of recklessly," he says, and the goal, to achieve so much strength and alien grief, turns out to be a ghostly and unattainable.
  3. In Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" society, in which Chatsky is forced to be, lives on market laws, where everything is bought and sold, and the person is valuable not spiritual qualities, but the size of the wallet and the success in his career. Nobility and debt is nothing here before the importance of rank and rank. That is why Alexander Chatsky turns out to be incomprehensible and incomprehensible to the circle, where mercantile goals are dominant, justifying any means.
    He enters the fight against the Famovskogo society, challenges the silence, coming to deception and hypocrisy to get a high position. Even in love, Alexander turns out to be a loser, because it does not defile the goal with informal means, refuses to squeeze the breadth and nobility of his heart into a narrow framework of generally accepted and vulnerable concepts that Pttit Mizhov's house.
  4. Man is valuable by his business. But it is not always the matter of him, even if the subordinates of a high goal turn out to be kind. In the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Rodion Raskolnikov Decides important from the point of view of morality: Does the purpose of the fund justifies? Can he, according to his theory, dispose of people's lives at their discretion?
    The answer lies in the name of the novel: Skolnikov's spiritual flour, after the atrocities committed by him, prove that its calculation was incorrect, and the theory is erroneous. The goal, which is based on unrighteous and anti-human means, depreciates itself, becomes a crime for which sooner or later to suffer punishment.
  5. In the novel MA Sholokhov "Quiet Don" of the fate of the heroes are rented by the revolutionary element. Grigory Melekhov, sincerely believing in a happy and excellent communist future, ready to give life for the well-being and prosperity of his native land. But in the context of life, bright revolutionary ideas are not consistent, dead. Gregory understands that the struggle between white and red, aimed, it would seem that the "beautiful tomorrow", in fact, is violence and violence over helpless and disagree. Brilliant slogans are deception, and for the high purpose is hidden cruelty and arbitrariness. The nobility of the soul does not allow him to accept the evil and injustice that he watches around. Tormented by doubts and contradictions, Grigory is trying to find the only right path that will allow him to live honestly. He is not able to justify numerous killings committed in the name of a ghost idea, which no longer believes.
  6. Roman A. Solzhenitsyn "Archipelago GULAG" - a study related to the Political Status of the USSR, according to Solzhenitsyn - "Experience of Art Research", in which the author analyzes the history of the country - Utopia, an ideal world on the wreckage of human lives, numerous sacrifices and lies, disguised Under humane goals. The price for the illusion of happiness and peace, in which there is no place of individuality and dissent, turns out to be too high. Problems of Roman Dzheplana, since it includes many issues of moral nature: can I justify evil in the name of good? What unites the victims and their executioners? Who is responsible for the perfect mistakes? Supported by rich biographical, research material, the book leads the reader to the problem of the goal and means, convincing it in the fact that one thing does not justify.
  7. A person is peculiar to the search for happiness as the main point of life, its highest goal. For her, he is ready to apply any means, but does not understand that it is too unclear. The main hero of the story of V.M. Shukshina "boots" - Sergey Dukhanina - manifestations of gentle feelings are not just not just, because he is not used to unjustified tenderness and even shakes her. But the desire to please his native man, the desire of happiness, pushes him to a big waste. The funds spent on the purchase of an expensive gift are unnecessary sacrifice, because his spouse has only needed attention. The generosity and the desire to give warmth and care is filled with a somewhat hardened, but still a sensitive soul of the hero of the happiness, which, as it turned out, is not so difficult to find.
  8. In Roman V.A. Kaverina "Two Captain" The problem of the goal and means is revealed in the confrontation of two characters - Sani and chamomile. Each of them move their own goals, everyone decides that it is really important for him. In the search for solutions, their path diverges, fate faces them in a fight, which determines the moral landmarks of each, proves the noble power of one, and the sublighten of the lowestness of the other. Sanya is moving honest sincere aspirations, he is ready for a difficult, but direct path to learn the truth and prove it to others. Chamomile persecutes small goals, seeking them for no less small ways: lie, betrayal and hypocrisy. Each of them is experiencing an agonizing problem of choice in which it is so easy to lose myself and those who truly love you.
  9. A person does not always clearly realize his goal. In the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky is in the search for himself and his place in life. Its shaky life referenceries are affected by fashion, society, opinions of friends and loved ones. He deliberates glory and military feats, dreams of making a career in the service, but not just to reach high ranks, but to decline the eternal fame of the winner and hero. He goes to war, the cruelty and the horrors of which IMG showed him all the absurdity and the ghostity of his dreams. He is not ready, like Napoleon, to go to the glory of the bones of soldiers. The desire to live and make the wonderful life of other people set new goals before Bolkonsky. Meeting with Natasha makes love in his soul. However, in a moment, requiring durability and understanding from him, he gives up under the severity of circumstances and refuses his love. He again torments doubts about the correctness of his own goals, and only before death, Andrei understands that the best moments of life, her great gifts are imprisoned in love, forgiveness and compassion.
  10. Man makes character. It defines its life goals and landmarks. In the "letters of good and beautiful" D.S. Likhacheva The problem of the goal and means of its achievement is considered by the author, as one of the most important forming the concept of the concept of honor, and the truth. "The goal justifies the funds" - the formula, unacceptable for the author. On the contrary, the goal in life should be every person, but, no less important are the methods that he uses to achieve the desired one. In order to be happy and is in harmony with his own conscience, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of spiritual values, giving preference to good deeds and wonderful thoughts.
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The comprehensive requirements for the EGE in recent years have changed repeatedly, but one remained unchanged - the need to prove the rightness of their judgments. And for this you need to choose the right arguments.

The problem of repentance will be interested in us first. In this article we will present several options for arguments selected from the school list of literature. From it you can choose those that are best suited for your work.

What are the arguments for?

When writing an essay for part C, you need to express your opinion on a given topic. But your thesis needs evidence. That is, it is necessary not only to express your position, but also to confirm it.

Very often, the examinations of repentance come across the exams, the arguments for her pick up quite simply, if the student is familiar with the school literary program. However, not everyone can immediately remember the necessary work, so it is better to choose several arguments in advance to the most common topics.

What are the arguments

In order to fully disclose the problem of repentance, the arguments need to be selected, based on the main requirements of the exam in the Russian language. According to them, all evidence is divided into three types:

  • Personal experience, that is, the facts taken from their lives. They do not have to be reliable, since no one will check whether it really happened.
  • The information that was received by the student from the school program. For example, from the lessons of geography, history, etc.
  • Literary arguments that will be interested in us first. This is a reader's experience that the examiner must acquire during the training.

Arguments from literature

So, we are interested in the problem of repentance. Arguments from literature will be needed, if you want to get a high score for an essay. At the same time, selecting the arguments, it is necessary to prioritize the works that are included in the school curriculum or are considered a classic. You should not take the texts of little-known authors or popular literature (fantasy, detectives, etc.), as they can be unfamiliar. Therefore, it is necessary to refresh the basic works that were studied in school years in advance. Usually in one novel or story you can find examples of almost all themes found in the exam. The optimal option will immediately choose several works that are well familiar to you. So, let's look at the classics in which the problem of repentance rises.

"Captain's daughter" (Pushkin)

In Russian literature, the problem of repentance is very common. Arguments Therefore, it's pretty simple. Let's start with the most famous of our writer A. S. Pushkin and his novel "Captain's daughter".

In the center of the work is the love of the main character of Peter Greeneva. This feeling is wide and thoroughly like life. We are interested in this feeling that it is thanks to him that the hero realized that evil that caused his loved ones, realized his mistakes and was able to repent. Due to the fact that Grinev revised his views on life and attitude towards others, he was able to change the future for himself and his beloved.

Thanks to repentance, in Peter the best of its qualities - generosity, honesty, selflessness, courage, etc. It can be said that it changed it and made another person.

"Sotnik" (bulls)

Now let's talk about the work of Bykov, which presents a completely different side of the problem of repentance. Arguments from literature can be different, and you need to choose them depending on your approval, therefore it is worth stocking a variety of examples.

So, the topic of repentance in the "Centroop" is not at all like Pushkinskaya. First of all, because the heroes themselves differ. The guerrilla fisherman is captured to survive, he needs to give the Germans to the Germans. And he makes this act. But the years pass, and the thought of betrayal does not leave him. Rasskowning overtakes it too late, this feeling can no longer fix anything. Moreover, it does not give a fisherman to live quietly.

In this work, repentance did not become an opportunity to get out of the vicious circle and get rid of suffering. Bulls did not consider fisherman worthy of forgiveness. On the other hand, a person must answer all his life for such crimes, as he betrayed not only his friend, but also his loved ones.

"Dark Alleys" (Bunin)

May appear in the other light the problem of repentance. The arguments for writing on the exam should be diverse, so take for example the story of the Bunin "Dark Alleys". In this work, the hero did not have enough strength to recognize his mistakes and repent, but the retribution overtook him. Once in his youth, Nikolai seduced and threw the girl, sincerely his loved. Time passed, but she never could forget the first love, so he refused the courting of other men and chose a privacy. But Nikolay did not gain happiness. Life cruelly punished him for misconduct. The Hero's wife constantly changes him, and the Son became a real scoundrel. However, all this does not lead it to thoughts about repentance. Here repentance appears in front of the reader as an act, requiring incredible spiritual efforts and courage, which may not be found in itself. It is for indecisiveness and bravery pays Nikolai.

As an argument, an example from the "Dark Alley" is suitable only for those who in their thesis turned to the problem of paying and retribution for those who have not repented in their atrocities. Only then the mention of this work will be appropriate.

"Boris Godunov" (Pushkin)

Now let's talk about the problem of late repentance. Arguments for this topic will be slightly different, since there will be only one of the aspects of repentance. So, it is excellent this problem is disclosed in the tragedy of Pushkin "Boris Godunov". This example is not only a literary, but also in part historical, since the writer appeals to the description of the epochal events that occurred in our country.

The problem of late repentance is very brightly represented in Boris Godunov. Arguments for written work on this topic must be required, taking into account the Pushkin tragedy. In the center of the work, the story of Godunova, who climbed the royal throne. However, he had to pay a terrible price for power - to kill the baby, a real heir, Tsarevich Dmitry. Several years have passed, and now it's time to repent. The hero is no longer able to fix the deed, he can only suffer and suffer. The conscience does not give him peace, Godunov begins to have a bloody boys everywhere. Approximate to the king understand that he fools and go crazy. The boyars decide to throw off the unlawful lord and kill him. Thus, Godunov dies for the same reason as Dmitry. Such is the payroll of the hero for a bloody crime, repentance for which it overtakes it only after several years.

The problem of human repentance. Arguments from the novel Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

The theme of repentance has become the basis for another great work that has gained considerable popularity and love of readers.

The main character commits a crime to prove its inhuman theory of lower and higher people. Raskolnikov makes murder and begins to suffer, but in every way trying to drown out the voice of his conscience. He does not want to recognize his wrongness. Rasskowning becomes a turning point in the life and fate of Raskolnikov. It opens to him the road to faith and true values, makes you reconsider my views and realize that is truly expensive in this world.

Dostoevsky throughout the novel led his hero to repentance, recognizing his guilt. This feeling caused the best features of the character of Skolnikov and made it much more attractive. Although the penalty for his crime is still suffered, and it turned out to be very severe.

Relasking problem: arguments from life

Now let's talk about another type of arguments. Similar examples are very simple. If anything like this did not happen in your life, it can be invented. However, such arguments are assessed lower than literary. So, for a good book example, you will receive 2 points, and for life - only one.

Arguments based on personal experience are based on observations of their lives, the life of parents, relatives, friends and acquaintances.

It must be remembered

There are several common requirements for any writings, including those that reveal the problem of guilt and repentance. Arguments must necessarily confirm the thesis expressed by you and in no case contradict him. It is also necessary to take into account the following points:

  • Checking take into account and evaluate only the first two arguments, therefore it makes no sense to bring more examples. It is better to pay attention not to quantity, but quality.
  • Remember that literary arguments are assessed above, so try to include at least one such example.
  • Do not forget about the examples taken from folklore or folk fairy tales. Such arguments are also taken into account, but are evaluated with only one point.
  • Remember that for all arguments you can score 3 points. Therefore, it is best to follow the following scheme: one example of folklore or personal experience, the second one from the literature.

Now a few words about how to properly write a literary argument:

  • Be sure to point out the name and initials of the author and the full name of the work.
  • A little to name the writer and the name, you need to describe the main characters, their words, deeds, thoughts, but only those that are associated with the theme of the composition and your thesis.
  • An approximate volume of text on the argument is one or two sentences. But these numbers depend on a specific topic.
  • Start bringing examples only after you express your position.

Summing up

Thus, the problem of repentance in the literature is widely represented. Arguments for the exam in the Russian language Therefore, it is not difficult to choose. The main thing is that all your examples confirm the thesis and looked concisely and harmoniously. Often the main problem of examiners becomes not the choice of work, but its description. Express in several sentences thought is not always easy. In order to avoid a similar problem, you need to practice in advance. Take a sheet of paper and try to concisely and clearly describe your judgments, without knocking out of the stated volumes.

The main thing is not to lose confidence and how best to prepare as possible, then it will be easy to get.

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