
Modern monarchs of the world. Countries with an absolute monarchy Which countries are ruled by a monarchy?

IN modern world There are just over 230 states and self-governing territories with international status. Of these, only 41 states have a monarchical form of government, not counting several dozen territories under the authority of the British Crown.

It would seem that in the modern world there is a clear advantage on the side of republican states. But upon closer examination, it turns out that these countries mostly belong to the third world and were formed as a result of the collapse of the colonial system.

Often created along colonial administrative boundaries, these states are very unstable entities. They can fragment and change, as can be seen, for example, in Iraq. They are engulfed in ongoing conflicts, like a significant number of countries in Africa. And it is absolutely obvious that they do not belong to the category of advanced states.

Today monarchy- This is an extremely flexible and diverse system ranging from the tribal form, successfully operating in the Arab states of the Middle East, to the monarchical version of the democratic state in many European countries.

Here is a list of states with a monarchical system and the territories under their crown:


    Andorra - co-princes Nicolas Sarkozy (since 2007) and Joan Enric Vives i Sicilha (since 2003)

    Belgium - King Albert II (since 1993)

    Vatican - Pope Benedict XVI (since 2005)

    Great Britain - Queen Elizabeth II (since 1952)

    Denmark - Queen Margrethe II (since 1972)

    Spain - King Juan Carlos I (since 1975)

    Liechtenstein - Prince Hans-Adam II (since 1989)

    Luxembourg - Grand Duke Henri (since 2000)

    Monaco - Prince Albert II (since 2005)

    Netherlands - Queen Beatrix (since 1980)

    Norway - King Harald V (since 1991)

    Sweden - King Carl XVI Gustaf (since 1973)


    Bahrain - King Hamad ibn Isa al-Khalifa (since 2002, emir 1999-2002)

    Brunei - Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (since 1967)

    Bhutan - King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk (since 2006)

    Jordan - King Abdullah II (since 1999)

    Cambodia - King Norodom Sihamoni (since 2004)

    Qatar - Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani (since 1995)

    Kuwait - Emir Sabah al-Ahmed al-Jaber al-Sabah (since 2006)

    Malaysia - King Mizan Zainal Abidin (since 2006)

    United Arab Emirates UAE- President Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan (since 2004)

    Oman - Sultan Qaboos bin Said (since 1970)

    Saudi Arabia- King Abdullah ibn Abdulaziz al-Saud (since 2005)

    Thailand - King Bhumibol Adulyadej (since 1946)

    Japan - Emperor Akihito (since 1989)


    Lesotho - King Letsie III (since 1996, first time 1990-1995)

    Morocco - King Mohammed VI (since 1999)

    Swaziland - King Mswati III (since 1986)


    Tonga - King George Tupou V (since 2006)


In the dominions, or Commonwealth kingdoms, the head is the monarch of Great Britain, represented by the governor-general.


    Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda

    Bahamas Bahamas


  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

    Saint Kitts and Nevis

    Saint Lucia



    New Zealand

    Papua New Guinea

    Solomon Islands

Asia holds first place in the number of countries with monarchical statehood. This is a progressive and democratic Japan. Leaders of the Muslim world - Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, Bahrain, Oman. Two monarchical confederations - Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates. And also Thailand, Cambodia, Bhutan.

Second place belongs to Europe. Monarchy here is represented not only in a limited form - in countries occupying leading positions in the EEC (Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, etc.). But also the absolute form of government is in “dwarf” states: Monaco, Liechtenstein, Vatican.

Third place goes to the countries of Polynesia, and fourth to Africa, where currently only three full-fledged monarchies remain: Morocco, Lesotho, Swaziland, plus several hundred “tourist” ones.

However, a number of republican countries are forced to put up with the presence of traditional local monarchical or tribal formations on their territory, and even enshrine their rights in the constitution. These include: Uganda, Nigeria, Indonesia, Chad and others. Even countries such as India and Pakistan, which abolished the sovereign rights of local monarchs (khans, sultans, rajas, maharajas) in the early 70s of the 20th century, are often forced to accept the existence of these rights, which is called de facto. Governments turn to the authority of holders of monarchical rights when resolving regional religious, ethnic, cultural disputes and other conflict situations.


Of course, the monarchy does not automatically solve all social, economic and political problems. But, nevertheless, it can provide a certain amount of stability and balance in political, social and national structure society. That is why even those countries where it exists only nominally, say, Canada or Australia, are in no hurry to get rid of the monarchy.

The political elite of these countries for the most part understands how important it is for the balance in society that the supreme power is a priori consolidated in the same hands and that political circles do not fight for it, but work in the name of the interests of the entire nation.

Moreover, historical experience shows that the best social security systems in the world were built in monarchical states. And we are talking not only about the monarchies of Scandinavia, where even Soviet agitprop in monarchical Sweden managed to find a version of “socialism with a human face.” Such a system is built in modern countries ah of the Persian Gulf, where oil is often much less than in some fields of the Russian Federation.

Despite this, in the 40-60 years since the Gulf countries gained independence, without revolutions and civil wars, liberalization of everything and everyone, without utopian social experiments, in conditions of a rigid, sometimes absolutist, political system, in the absence of parliamentarism and a constitution, when all the mineral resources of the country belong to one ruling family, from poor Bedouins herding camels, the majority of citizens of the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other neighboring states turned into quite wealthy citizens.

Without delving into the endless enumeration of the advantages of the Arab social system, just a few points can be given. Any citizen of the country has the right to free medical care, including that provided in any, even the most expensive, clinic located in any country in the world.

Also, any citizen of the country has the right to free education, coupled with free maintenance, at any higher educational institution in the world (Cambridge, Oxford, Yale, Sorbonne). Young families are provided with housing at the expense of the state. The monarchies of the Persian Gulf are truly social states in which all conditions have been created for the progressive growth of the well-being of the population.

Turning from flourishing Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar to their neighbors in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, who for a number of reasons abandoned the monarchy (Yemen, Iraq, Iran), we will see a striking difference in the internal climate of these states.


As historical experience shows, in multinational states the integrity of the country is primarily associated with the monarchy. We see this in the past, for example Russian Empire, Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia, Iraq. The monarchical regime that comes to replace it, as was the case, for example, in Yugoslavia and Iraq, no longer has the same authority and is forced to resort to cruelties that were not characteristic of the monarchical system of government.

At the slightest weakening of this regime, the state, as a rule, is doomed to collapse. This happened with Russia (USSR), we see this in Yugoslavia and Iraq. The abolition of the monarchy in a number of modern countries would inevitably lead to the cessation of their existence as multinational, united states. This primarily applies to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia.

Thus, the year 2007 clearly showed that in the conditions of the parliamentary crisis that arose due to national contradictions between Flemish and Walloon politicians, only the authority of King Albert II of the Belgians kept Belgium from disintegrating into two or even more independent state entities. In multilingual Belgium, a joke was even born that the unity of its people is held together by only three things - beer, chocolate and the king. Whereas the abolition of the monarchical system in 2008 in Nepal plunged this state into a chain of political crises and permanent civil confrontation.

The second half of the 20th century gives us several successful examples of the return of peoples who experienced an era of instability, civil wars and other conflicts to a monarchical form of government. The most famous and, undoubtedly, in many ways successful example is Spain. Having gone through the civil war, economic crisis and right-wing dictatorship, it returned to the monarchical form of government, taking its rightful place among the family of European nations.

Another example is Cambodia. Also, monarchical regimes at the local level were restored in Uganda, after the fall of the dictatorship of Marshal Idi Amin (1928-2003), and in Indonesia, which, after the departure of General Mohammed Hoxha Sukarto (1921-2008), is experiencing a true monarchical renaissance. One of the local sultanates was restored in this country two centuries after it was destroyed by the Dutch.

Restoration ideas are quite strong in Europe, first of all, this applies to the Balkan countries (Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Bulgaria), where many politicians, public and spiritual figures constantly have to speak out on this issue, and in some cases, provide support to the heads of the Royal Houses, formerly in exile.

This is proven by the experience of King Leki of Albania, who almost carried out an armed coup in his country, and the stunning successes of King Simeon II of Bulgaria, who created his own national movement named after him, managed to become the prime minister of the country and is currently the leader of the largest opposition party in the parliament of Bulgaria, which was part of the coalition government.

Among the currently existing monarchies, there are many that are openly absolutist in essence, although they are forced, as a tribute to the times, to dress up in the garb of popular representation and democracy. European monarchs in most cases do not even use the rights given to them by the constitution.

And here the Principality of Liechtenstein occupies a special place on the map of Europe. Just sixty years ago it was a large village, which by an absurd accident gained independence. However, now, thanks to the activities of Prince Franz Joseph II and his son and successor Prince Hans Adam II, this is one of the largest business and financial centers, which has managed not to succumb to promises of creating a “single European house”, to defend its sovereignty and an independent view of its own state device.

Stability of political and economic systems Most monarchical countries make them not only not outdated, but progressive and attractive, forcing them to be equal to them in a number of parameters.

So the monarchy is not an addition to stability and prosperity, but an additional resource that makes it easier to endure illness and recover faster from political and economic adversity.


There is a fairly common situation in the world when there is no monarchy in a country, but there are monarchs (sometimes they are located outside the country). The heirs of royal families either lay claim (even formally) to the throne lost by their ancestors, or, having lost official power, retain real influence on the life of the country. Here is a list of such states.

    Austria. The monarchy ceased to exist in 1918 after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The contender for the throne is Archduke Otto von Habsburg, son of the deposed Emperor Charles.

    Albania. The monarchy ceased to exist in 1944 after the communists came to power. The pretender to the throne is Leka, son of the deposed king Zog I.

    Andorra Principality. The nominal co-rulers of which are considered to be the President of France and the Bishop of Urgell (Spain); some observers consider it necessary to classify Andorra as a monarchy.

    Afghanistan. The monarchy ceased to exist in 1973 after the overthrow of King Mohammed Zahir Shah, who returned to the country in 2002 after many years in Italy, but did not actively participate in political life.

    Benin Republic. Traditional kings (Ahosu) and tribal leaders play an important role in life. The most famous is the current reigning king (ahosu) of Abomey - Agoli Agbo III, the 17th representative of his dynasty.

    Bulgaria. The monarchy ceased to exist after the overthrow of Tsar Simeon II in 1946. The decree on the nationalization of lands belonging to the royal family was canceled in 1997. Since 2001 former king holds the post of Prime Minister of Bulgaria under the name of Simeon of Saxe-Coburg Gotha.

    Botswana. Republic since independence in 1966. The deputies of one of the chambers of the country's parliament - the House of Chiefs - include the chiefs (Kgosi) of the eight largest tribes in the country.

    Brazil. Republic since the abdication of Emperor Don Pedro II in 1889. The contender for the throne is the great-great-grandson of the abdicated emperor, Prince Luis Gastao.

    Burkina Faso. Republic since independence in 1960. On the territory of the country there is large number traditional states, the most significant of which is Vogodogo (in the territory of the capital of the country Ouagudougu), where the ruler (moogo-naaba) Baongo II is currently on the throne.

    Vatican. Theocracy (some analysts consider it one of the forms of monarchy - an absolute theocratic monarchy - however, it should be borne in mind that it is not and cannot be hereditary).

    Hungary. The republic has been a nominal monarchy since 1946; before that, since 1918, the regent ruled in the absence of the king. Until 1918, it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (the emperors of Austria were also kings of Hungary), so the potential contender for the Hungarian royal throne is the same as in Austria.

    East Timor. Republic since independence in 2002. There are a number of traditional states on the territory of the country, the rulers of which have the titles of rajas.

    Vietnam. The monarchy in the country finally ceased to exist in 1955, when, following a referendum, a republic was proclaimed in South Vietnam. Previously, in 1945, the last Emperor Bao Dai had already abdicated the throne, but the French authorities returned him to the country in 1949 and gave him the post of head of state. The contender for the throne is the emperor's son, Prince Bao Long.

    Gambia. Republic since 1970 (from independence in 1965 until the proclamation of the republic, the head of state was the Queen of Great Britain). In 1995, Yvonne Prior, a Dutch woman from Suriname, was recognized as the reincarnation of one of the ancient kings and was proclaimed queen of the Mandingo people.

    Ghana. Republic since 1960 (from independence in 1957 until the proclamation of the republic, the head of state was the Queen of Great Britain). The Constitution of Ghana guarantees the right of traditional rulers (sometimes called kings, sometimes chiefs) to participate in the management of the affairs of the state.

    Germany. Republic since the overthrow of the monarchy in 1918. The contender for the throne is Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia, great-great-grandson of Kaiser Wilhelm II.

    Greece. The monarchy officially ended as a result of a referendum in 1974. King Constantine of Greece, who fled the country after the military coup in 1967, currently lives in the UK. In 1994, the Greek government stripped the king of his citizenship and confiscated his property in Greece. The royal family is currently challenging this decision at the International Court of Human Rights.

    Georgia. Republic since independence in 1991. A contender for the throne of the Georgian kingdom, which lost its independence as a result of annexation to Russia in 1801 year, - Georgiy Iraklievich Bagration-Mukhransky, Prince of Georgia.

    Egypt. The monarchy existed until the overthrow of King Ahmad Fuad II of Egypt and Sudan in 1953. Currently former king, who was just over a year old at the time of the loss of the throne, lives in France.

    Iraq. The monarchy ended in 1958 as a result of a revolution in which King Faisal II was killed. Claims to the Iraqi throne are made by Prince Raad bin Zeid, brother of King Faisal I of Iraq, and Prince Sharif Ali bin Ali Hussein, grandnephew of the same king.

    Iran. The monarchy ceased to exist in 1979 after the revolution that overthrew Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The contender for the throne is the son of the deposed Shah, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi.

    Italy. The monarchy ceased to exist in 1946 as a result of a referendum, King Umberto II was forced to leave the country. The contender for the throne is the son of the last king, Crown Prince Victor Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy.

    Yemen. The republic emerged from the unification of North and South Yemen in 1990. In North Yemen, the monarchy ceased to exist in 1962. The sultanates and principalities in South Yemen were abolished after the declaration of independence in 1967. The contender for the throne is Prince Akhmat al-Ghani bin Mohammed al-Mutawakkil.

    Cameroon. Republic since independence in 1960. The country is home to a large number of traditional sultanates, the heads of which often occupy high government positions. Among the most famous traditional rulers is Sultan Bamuna Ibrahim Mbombo Njoya, Sultan (baba) of the kingdom of Rey Buba Buba Abdoulaye.

    Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo, former Zaire). Republic since independence in 1960. There are a number of traditional kingdoms throughout the country. The most famous are: the kingdom of Cuba (on the throne is King Kwete Mboke); the kingdom of Luba (king, sometimes also called emperor, Kabongo Jacques); the state of Ruund (Lunda), headed by the ruler (mwaant yaav) Mbumb II Muteb.

    Congo (Republic of Congo). Republic since independence in 1960. In 1991, the country's authorities restored the institution of traditional leaders (reconsidering their decision 20 years ago). The most famous of the leaders is the head of the traditional Teke kingdom - King (UNKO) Makoko XI.

    Korea. (DPRK and the Republic of Korea) The monarchy ceased to exist in 1945 due to the surrender of Japan, in 1945-1948 the country was under the control of the Allied powers that won the Second World War, in 1948 two republics were proclaimed on the territory of the Korean Peninsula. Due to the fact that from 1910 to 1945 the rulers of Korea were vassals of Japan, they are usually classified as part of the Japanese imperial family. The contender for the Korean throne is the representative of this family, Prince Kyu Ri (sometimes his last name is written as Lee). On the territory of the DPRK, there is a de facto hereditary form of government, but de jure it is not stipulated in the country’s legislation.

    Cote d'Ivoire. Republic since independence in 1960. On the territory of the country (and partly on the territory of neighboring Ghana) is the traditional kingdom of Abrons (ruled by King Nanan Adjumani Kuassi Adingra).

    Laos. The monarchy ended in 1975 as a result of the communist revolution. In 1977, all members of the royal family were sent to a concentration camp (“re-education camp”). The king's two sons - Prince Sulivong Savang and Prince Danyavong Savang - were able to escape from Laos in 1981-1982. There is no official information about the fate of the king, queen, crown prince and other family members. According to unofficial reports, they all died of starvation in a concentration camp. Prince Sulivong Sawang, as the eldest surviving male of the clan, is the formal contender for the throne.

    Libya. The monarchy ceased to exist in 1969. After the coup organized by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, King Idris I, who was abroad during the coup, was forced to abdicate. The contender for the throne is the official heir of the king (the adopted son of his cousin), Prince Mohammed al-Hasan al-Rida.

    Malawi. Republic since 1966 (from the declaration of independence in 1964 until the proclamation of the republic, the head of state was the Queen of Great Britain). An important role in the political life of the country is played by the paramount leader (inkosi ya makosi) Mmbelwa IV of the Ngoni dynasty.

    Maldives. The monarchy ceased to exist after a referendum in 1968 (during the period of British rule, that is, before the declaration of independence in 1965, the country had already become a republic once for a short time). The formal contender for the throne, although he has never declared his claims, is Prince Mohammed Nureddin, the son of Sultan Hassan Nureddin II of the Maldives (reigned 1935-1943).

    Mexico. The monarchy ceased to exist in 1867 after the execution by revolutionaries of the ruler of the empire proclaimed in 1864, Archduke Maximilian of Austria. Earlier, in 1821-1823, the country had already been independent state with a monarchical form of structure. Representatives of the Iturbide dynasty, whose ancestor was the Mexican emperor during this period, are pretenders to the Mexican throne. The head of the Iturbide family is Baroness Maria (II) Anna Tankle Iturbide.

    Mozambique. Republic since independence in 1975. The country is home to the traditional state of Manyika, whose ruler (mambo) is Mutasa Paphiwa.

    Myanmar (pre-1989 Burma). Republic since independence in 1948. The monarchy ceased to exist in 1885 after the annexation of Burma to British India. The contender for the throne is Prince Hteiktin Taw Paya, grandson of the last king Thibaw Min.

    Namibia. Republic since independence in 1990. A number of tribes are governed by traditional rulers. The role of traditional leaders is evidenced by the fact that Hendrik Witbooi served as deputy head of government for several years.

    Niger. Republic since independence in 1960. There are a number of traditional states on the territory of the country. Their rulers and tribal elders choose their political and religious leader, who bears the title of Sultan of Zinder (the title is not hereditary). Currently, the title of the 20th Sultan of Zinder is held by Haji Mamadou Mustafa.

    Nigeria. Republic since 1963 (from independence in 1960 until the proclamation of the republic, the head of state was the Queen of Great Britain). There are about 100 traditional states on the territory of the country, the rulers of which bear both the familiar-sounding titles of Sultan or Emir, as well as more exotic ones: Aku Uka, Olu, Igwe, Amanyanabo, Tor Tiv, Alafin, Oba, Obi, Ataoja, Oroje, Olubaka, Ohimege (most often this means “leader” or “supreme leader”).

    Palau (Belau). Republic since independence in 1994. Legislative power is exercised by the House of Delegates (Council of Chiefs), which consists of the traditional rulers of Palau's 16 provinces. The greatest authority is enjoyed by Yutaka Gibbons, the paramount chief (ibedul) of Koror, the main city of the country.

    Portugal. The monarchy ceased to exist in 1910 as a result of the escape from the country of King Manuel II, who feared for his life due to an armed uprising. The pretender to the throne is Dom Duarte III Pio, Duke of Braganza.

    Russia . The monarchy ceased to exist after the February Revolution of 1917. Although there are several contenders for the Russian throne, most monarchists recognize Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, the great-great-granddaughter of Emperor Alexander II, as the legal heir.

    Romania. The monarchy ceased to exist after the abdication of King Michael I in 1947. After the collapse of communism, the former king visited his native country several times. In 2001, the Romanian parliament granted him the rights of a former head of state - a residence, a personal car with a driver and a salary of 50% of the salary of the country's president.

    Serbia. Along with Montenegro, it was part of Yugoslavia until 2002 (the remaining republics left Yugoslavia in 1991). In Yugoslavia, the monarchy finally ceased to exist in 1945 (since 1941, King Peter II was outside the country). After his death, his son, the heir to the throne, Prince Alexander (Karageorgievich), became the head of the royal house.

    United States of America. Republic since independence in 1776. The Hawaiian Islands (annexed to the United States in 1898, gained statehood in 1959) had a monarchy until 1893. The contender for the Hawaiian throne is Prince Quentin Kuhio Kawananakoa, a direct descendant of the last Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani.

    Tanzania. The republic was formed in 1964 as a result of the unification of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. On the island of Zanzibar, shortly before the unification, the monarchy was overthrown. The 10th Sultan of Zanzibar, Jamshid bin Abdullah, was forced to leave the country. In 2000, the Tanzanian authorities announced the rehabilitation of the monarch and that he had the right to return to his homeland as an ordinary citizen.

    Tunisia. The monarchy ended in 1957, the year after independence was declared. The contender for the throne is Crown Prince Sidi Ali Ibrahim.

    Türkiye. Proclaimed a republic in 1923 (the sultanate was abolished a year earlier, and the caliphate a year later). The contender for the throne is Prince Osman VI.

    Uganda. Republic since 1963 (from independence in 1962 until the proclamation of the republic, the head of state was the Queen of Great Britain). Some traditional kingdoms in the country were eliminated in 1966-1967 and almost all were restored in 1993-1994. Others managed to avoid liquidation.

    Philippines. Republic since independence in 1946. There are many traditional sultanates in the country. 28 of them are concentrated in the area of ​​Lake Lanao (Mindanao Island). The Philippine government officially recognizes the confederation of Sultans of Lanao (Ranao) as a political force representing the interests of certain segments of the island's population. At least six people representing two clans claim the throne of the Sultanate of Sulu (located on the archipelago of the same name), which is explained by various political and financial benefits.

    France. The monarchy was abolished in 1871. The heirs of various families claim the French throne: Prince Henry of Orleans, Count of Paris and Duke of France (Orléanist pretender); Louis Alphonse de Bourbon, Duke of Anjou (legitimist pretender) and Prince Charles Bonaparte, Prince Napoleon (Bonapartist pretender).

    Central African Republic. After gaining independence from France in 1960, a republic was proclaimed. Colonel Jean-Bedel Bokassa, who came to power in 1966 as a result of a military coup, proclaimed the country an empire and himself emperor in 1976. In 1979, Bokassa was overthrown and the Central African Empire once again became the Central African Republic. The contender for the throne is Bokassa's son, Crown Prince Jean-Bedel Georges Bokassa.

    Chad. Republic since independence in 1960. Among the numerous traditional states in Chad, two should be highlighted: the Bagirmi and Wadari sultanates (both were formally liquidated after the declaration of independence and restored in 1970). Sultan (mbang) Bagirmi - Muhammad Yusuf, Sultan (kolak) Vadari - Ibrahim ibn-Muhammad Urada.

    Montenegro. See Serbia

    Ethiopia. The monarchy ceased to exist in 1975 after the abolition of the post of emperor. The last of the reigning emperors was Haile Selassie I, who belonged to the dynasty, the founders of which are considered to be Menelik I, the son of Solomon, king of Israel, by the Queen of Sheba. In 1988, Haile Selassie's son, Amha Selassie I, was proclaimed the new Emperor of Ethiopia (in exile) in a private ceremony in London.

    South Africa. Since 1961 (from independence in 1910 until the proclamation of the republic, the head of state was the Queen of Great Britain). In the life of the country important role played by tribal chiefs (amakosi) as well as the ruler of the traditional kingdom of KwaZulu, Goodwill Zwelithini KaBekuzulu. Separately, it is worth highlighting the supreme leader of the Tembu tribe, Baelekhai Dalindyebo a Sabata, who, in accordance with the customs of the tribe, is considered the nephew of former South African President Nelson Mandela. The leader of the tribe is also a well-known politician, leader of the Inkatha Freedom Party, Mangosuthu Gatshi Buthelezi from the Buthelezi tribe. During the apartheid period, the South African authorities created ten “autonomous” tribal entities called Bantustans (homelands).

In some countries, the monarchy still flourishes, and the royal families have untold wealth. They own land, buildings, various enterprises - this is, so to speak, a family business. There is no exact way to calculate the value of royal property and estimate income, because monarchs do not pay taxes and are not accountable to anyone. Well, approximately the list of the richest monarchs in the world looks like this.

1. Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Net worth: $35 - $75 billion +

Elizabeth II Alexandra Mary Windsor, known as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, and as the formal head of state of the Commonwealth (former British colonies - Canada, Australia, New Zealand), has a huge fortune that can be valued in various ways. Elizabeth II is perhaps the richest living monarch. She was born in 1926, ascended the throne in 1952, and since then the British Empire has lost 12 colonies that gained independence. However, the loss of territories does not mean a decrease in the fortune of the reigning British queen, although estimates of it depend on what is included. Although the Queen's personal fortune is estimated at $365 million, her long list of hereditary holdings includes the lands and properties of the Duchy of Lancaster, all the royal palaces and castles, including Buckingham, Kensington and Windsor, the Tower of London, the British Crown Jewels, family investments, and the Royal Art Collection arts and other property of the royal family.

2. Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia. Net worth: $50 billion +

Born in 1935, a member of the Saudi royal family. This is a huge clan consisting of thousands of people. King Salman began his career as deputy governor, then became governor of the capital Riyadh and continued to be so for 48 years - from 1963 to 2011, when he was appointed minister of defense. He was then appointed crown prince and became king of Saudi Arabia in 2015 following the death of King Abdullah. King Salman's wealth naturally rests on the liquid gold hidden beneath the sands of the Arabian Desert - that is, oil - and thanks to it, the Saudis are able to make huge investments in real estate around the world.

3. Bhumibol Adulyadej, former king of Thailand. Net worth: $30 - 35 billion +

Bhumibol Adulyadej was the king of Thailand and set a world record for the length of his reign - he was on the throne for almost 70 years. He was also one of the most beloved rulers of his people and is remembered as a kind and wise king who tried to make life better for the people. For example, he financed and personally supervised irrigation projects in poor rural areas of the country. His fortune included, among other things, more than 3,000 acres of land in central Bangkok, shares in major companies and banks, and the magnificent 545-carat Golden Jubilee Diamond, the largest cut diamond in the world.

4. Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Emir of Abu Dhabi and President of the UAE. Net worth: $15 - $35 billion +

Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, being the Emir of Abu Dhabi, is automatically the President of the United Arab Emirates, as well as the Supreme Commander. He is the second President of the UAE and the 16th Emir, and has been on the throne for about 12 years. The power of the emir is inherited. As you can easily guess, most of his wealth is the result of the huge oil reserves (about 98 billion barrels) in his emirate. He also personally manages the largest investment fund, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, whose task is to profitably invest oil money. The emir is known for his charitable activities- He spent more than $460 million out of his own pocket to finance medical institutions. The net worth of all members of the al-Nahyan royal family is estimated at approximately $150 billion.

5. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Emir of Dubai, Prime Minister and Vice President of the UAE. Net worth: $4 - $30 billion

Sheikh Mohammed's net worth is estimated very differently. In 2011, Forbes put him at the very bottom of the list, and today's estimates take him almost to the very top - from $30 billion. These figures change depending on the fall/rise in world oil prices. Sheikh Mohammed, however, builds his wealth not only on oil: he invests in real estate abroad, invests in large companies, and is very successful in this. He is also involved in charity work - in 2007 he donated $10 billion to create a foundation named after him. This charitable foundation funds a huge number of humanitarian projects in different areas around the world. In addition, the sheikh is the largest horse breeder, as he loves horses very much.

6. Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei. Net worth: $30 billion

When Haji Hassanal Bolkiah became Sultan of Brunei in October 1967, he continued six centuries family tradition as the 29th ruler of one ruling dynasty. In 2006, he amended the constitution to place him above the law. This ruler is known not only for his enormous wealth, but also for his love of luxury and enormous spending. His royal residence has 1,788 rooms (and 257 bathrooms). The residence area is 200,000 sq. m. meters. This is the largest royal palace in the world, and its construction cost the Sultan $350 million. Hassanal Bolkiah is a car enthusiast. He has several thousand of them - the coolest, most expensive and rare models. Well, the Sultan of Brunei also really likes private jets built especially for him.

7. Willem-Alexander, King of the Netherlands. Net worth: $12 billion

Willem-Alexander Klaus Georg Ferdinand is a newcomer to the royal club, as he joined it relatively recently - in April 2013. He is the first man to occupy the Dutch throne since 1890. As King of the Netherlands, he is also the monarch of the island states of Curacao, Aruba and Sint Maarten. Willem-Alexander's fortune is effectively merged with that of his mother, former Queen Beatrix, and the rest of the Dutch royal family, who together hold approximately 25% of the world's largest oil and gas company, the Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company. In addition to this, the king has other assets as well as priceless works of art, jewelry collections, etc.

8. Sabah al-Ahmed al-Jaber al-Sabah, emir of Kuwait. Net worth: $9 billion

Sheikh Sabah became the Emir of Kuwait in 2006 at the already very respectable age of 77 years. His fortune is a credit to previous generations and, of course, to Kuwait's large oil reserves. Today, the sheikh has to be content with an annual “scholarship” of about $190 million.

9. Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar. Net worth: $8.5 billion

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani became the 4th Emir of Qatar when his father abdicated power in favor of his son in 2013. Unlike many princes of the Arab world, after studying in Europe (in Great Britain), he immediately returned to his homeland and began to help his father in governing the state. Sheikh Tamim was born in 1980 and is the youngest monarch in the world, the youngest emir of Qatar since the country's independence and one of the youngest heads of state in the world in general. His fortune is based on a solid oil basis, and the money is successfully invested in various projects around the world through the Qatar Investment Authority investment fund, headed by the sheikh himself.

10. Qaboos bin Said Al Said, Sultan and Prime Minister of Oman. Net worth: $700 million - $7.5 billion

Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said came to power in 1970, ousting his father in a palace coup. He is the longest reigning monarch in the Arab world. However, his subjects are concerned that the Sultan has no heirs and is not married. In 1976, he was briefly married to his cousin, but this union quickly fell apart and since then the Sultan has been single. This gave rise to many rumors about his homosexuality, which in Oman, by the way, is a great sin. But the people of Oman have something to thank their ruler for: during the time he has been in power, oil money has not only ended up in someone’s pockets, but has also led to the modernization of the healthcare sector and the development of the country’s infrastructure. The sheikh also holds the positions of Oman's foreign minister, defense minister, finance minister and central bank president, so assessing how much money he actually has is no easy task. It is known that he personally paid for the restoration of several mosques in the country, but not all of his spending is so altruistic: the Sultan lives in a luxurious palace and owns one of the largest yachts in the world.

11. Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein. Net worth: $3.5 - $6 billion

Tiny Liechtenstein, a country in Central Europe, located between Austria and Switzerland, is only 24 km long and covers an area of ​​approximately 155 square meters. km. In general, you can get around the country on foot, simply walking from village to village. But as for the wealth of the ruling royal dynasty, this is the case when the size of the country does not matter... This monarch owns almost 50,000 acres of land in Austria, palaces in Vienna (because they simply do not fit in Liechtenstein), collections of works art and... bank.

12. HRH Henri - Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Net worth: $3 - $4 billion

Henri Albert Gabriel Félix Marie Guillaume has served as Acting Grand Duke of Luxembourg since 2000 after his father fell from power. This small duchy borders France, Belgium and Germany and covers an area of ​​approximately 2600 square meters. km. The country may be small, but it is very rich and has legal loopholes that are pleasant for business. The royal family amassed a large fortune back in the 1800s while ruling over another duchy, Nassau-Wiesbaden, which is today part of Germany, and which allowed gambling- which filled the royal treasury to the very top. These days they own mostly real estate.

13. Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain. Net worth: $3.5 billion

In 1999, he became Emir of Bahrain following the death of his father, Sheikh Hamad bin Iza bin Salman Al Khalifa, and declared himself king in 2002. In principle, the name does not play a special role here, because one way or another the Al-Khalifa dynasty has ruled in Bahrain since 1783. The king has 4 wives and 12 children, but he can definitely afford to support them. Bahrain's rulers legally received a third of all oil revenues until 1973, when the law was changed so that they simply receive a fixed amount each year. What's interesting is that between 1926 and 1970, there appears to have been no accounting of exactly what amounts went to the royal family.

In our modern world, 41 states have a monarchical form of government. All these countries mostly belong to the 3rd world and were formed as a result of the collapse of the colonial system. Often created along colonial administrative boundaries, these states are very unstable entities. They can fragment and change, as can be seen, for example, in Iraq. They are engulfed in ongoing conflicts, like a significant number of countries in Africa. And it is absolutely obvious that they do not belong to the category of advanced states. However, I would like to note that the monarchical system has many faces: from tribal forms of government that are used in Arab states to monarchical forms in many European countries.

List of states with a monarchical system:

Andorra - co-princes Nicolas Sarkozy (since 2007) and Joan Enric Vives i Sicilha (since 2003)

Belgium - King Albert II (since 1993)

Vatican - Pope Benedict XVI (since 2005)

Great Britain - Queen Elizabeth II (since 1952)

Denmark - Queen Margrethe II (since 1972)

Spain - King Juan Carlos I (since 1975)

Liechtenstein - Prince Hans-Adam II (since 1989)

Luxembourg - Grand Duke Henri (since 2000)

Monaco - Prince Albert II (since 2005)

Netherlands - Queen Beatrix (since 1980)

Norway - King Harald V (since 1991)

Sweden - King Carl XVI Gustaf (since 1973)

Bahrain - King Hamad ibn Isa al-Khalifa (since 2002, emir 1999-2002)

Brunei - Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (since 1967)

Bhutan - King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk (since 2006)

Jordan - King Abdullah II (since 1999)

Cambodia - King Norodom Sihamoni (since 2004)

Qatar - Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani (since 1995)

Kuwait - Emir Sabah al-Ahmed al-Jaber al-Sabah (since 2006)

Malaysia - King Mizan Zainal Abidin (since 2006)

United Arab Emirates UAE - President Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan (since 2004)

Oman - Sultan Qaboos bin Said (since 1970)

Saudi Arabia - King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud (since 2005)

Thailand - King Bhumibol Adulyadej (since 1946)

Japan - Emperor Akihito (since 1989)

Lesotho - King Letsie III (since 1996, first time 1990-1995)

Morocco - King Mohammed VI (since 1999)

Swaziland - King Mswati III (since 1986)

Tonga - King George Tupou V (since 2006)

A number of republican countries are forced to put up with the presence of local monarchical or tribal formations on their territory. Such countries include: Uganda, Nigeria, Indonesia, Chad and others. The government turns to authoritative monarchs when it comes to resolving religious, ethnic and cultural disputes.

However, the monarchy is not an addition to stability and prosperity, but an additional resource, thanks to which the country can overcome or endure one or another crisis. They are created from time immemorial, their title is passed down from generation to generation.

African autocrats

Benin. Joseph Langanfen, representative of the Abomi dynasty

Nigeria. Igwe Kenneth Nnaji Onimeke Orizu III. Obi (king) of the Nnewi tribe.

Benin. Agboli-Agbo Dejlani. King of Abomi. A former policeman, he had to wait six years for retirement before finally being proclaimed in a secret ceremony the head of one of the Abomi clans.

Nigeria. In 1980, Sijuwade became the 50th oni (king) of Ilfa, one of the oldest African dynasties. Today he is a wealthy businessman, owning extensive property in Nigeria and England.

Cameroon. Fon (king) Banjuna is the brother of brave and powerful animals. At night, he can turn into a panther and hunt in a shroud.

Ghana. Ocediyo ado Danqua III. A graduate of the University of London and an economic adviser to the Ghanaian government.

Congo. Nyimi Kok Mabintsh III, King of Cuba. Now he is 50.

South Africa. Goodwill Zwelethini, King of the Zulu.

Nigeria. Oba Joseph Adekola Ogunoye. Olovo (king) of the Ovo tribe.

Yuri Kim

Exist in the modern world? Where on the planet are countries still ruled by kings and sultans? Find answers to these questions in our article. In addition, you will learn what a constitutional monarchy is. You will also find examples of countries with this form of government in this publication.

Basic forms of government in the modern world

Today, there are two main models of government known: monarchical and republican. Monarchy means a form of government in which power belongs to one person. This could be a king, emperor, emir, prince, sultan, etc. The second distinctive feature of the monarchical system is the process of transferring this power by inheritance (and not by the results of popular elections).

Today there are absolute, theocratic and constitutional monarchies. Republics (the second form of government) are more common in the modern world: there are about 70% of them. The republican model of government assumes the election of the supreme authorities - parliament and (or) the president.

The most famous monarchies on the planet: Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Japan, Kuwait, United Arab Republics. Examples of republic countries: Poland, Russia, France, Mexico, Ukraine. However, in this article we are only interested in countries with a constitutional monarchy (you will find a list of these states below).

Monarchy: absolute, theocratic, constitutional

Monarchical countries (there are about 40 of them in the world) are of three types. It can be a theocratic, absolute or constitutional monarchy. Let us briefly consider the features of each of them, and dwell in more detail on the last one.

In absolute monarchies, all power is concentrated in the hands of one person. He makes absolutely all decisions, implementing internal and foreign policy of your country. The most striking example of such a monarchy is Saudi Arabia.

In a theocratic monarchy, power belongs to the highest church (spiritual) minister. The only example of such a country is the Vatican, where the Pope is the absolute authority for the population. True, some researchers classify Brunei and even Great Britain as theocratic monarchies. It is no secret that the Queen of England is also the head of the church.

A constitutional monarchy is...

A constitutional monarchy is a model of government in which the power of the monarch is significantly limited.

Sometimes he may be completely deprived of supreme powers. In this case, the monarch is only a formal figure, a kind of symbol of the state (as, for example, in Great Britain).

All these legal restrictions on the power of the monarch, as a rule, are reflected in the constitution of a particular state (hence the name of this form of government).

Types of constitutional monarchy

Modern constitutional monarchies can be parliamentary or dualistic. In the first, the government is formed by the country's parliament, to which it reports. In dualistic constitutional monarchies, ministers are appointed (and removed) by the monarch himself. Parliament retains only the right of some veto.

It is worth noting that the division of countries into republics and monarchies sometimes turns out to be somewhat arbitrary. Indeed, even in the most, certain aspects of continuity of power can be observed (the appointment of relatives and friends to important government posts). This applies to Russia, Ukraine and even the USA.

Constitutional monarchy: examples of countries

Today, 31 states in the world can be classified as constitutional monarchies. A third of them are located in Western and Northern Europe. About 80% of all constitutional monarchies in the modern world are parliamentary, and only seven are dualistic.

Below are all countries with a constitutional monarchy (list). The region in which the state is located is indicated in brackets:

  1. Luxembourg (Western Europe).
  2. Liechtenstein (Western Europe).
  3. Principality of Monaco (Western Europe).
  4. Great Britain (Western Europe).
  5. Netherlands (Western Europe).
  6. Belgium (Western Europe).
  7. Denmark (Western Europe).
  8. Norway (Western Europe).
  9. Sweden (Western Europe).
  10. Spain (Western Europe).
  11. Andorra (Western Europe).
  12. Kuwait (Middle East).
  13. UAE (Middle East).
  14. Jordan (Middle East).
  15. Japan (East Asia).
  16. Cambodia (Southeast Asia).
  17. Thailand (Southeast Asia).
  18. Bhutan (Southeast Asia).
  19. Australia (Australia and Oceania).
  20. New Zealand (Australia and Oceania).
  21. Papua New Guinea (Australia and Oceania).
  22. Tonga (Australia and Oceania).
  23. Solomon Islands (Australia and Oceania).
  24. Canada (North America).
  25. Morocco (North Africa).
  26. Lesotho (South Africa).
  27. Grenada (Caribbean region).
  28. Jamaica (Caribbean region).
  29. Saint Lucia (Caribbean region).
  30. Saint Kitts and Nevis (Caribbean region).
  31. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Caribbean region).

On the map below, all these countries are marked in green.

Is constitutional monarchy the ideal form of government?

There is an opinion that a constitutional monarchy is the key to the stability and well-being of the country. Is this true?

Of course, a constitutional monarchy is not able to automatically solve all the problems that arise before the state. However, it is ready to offer society a certain political stability. Indeed, in such countries there is no constant struggle for power (imaginary or real) a priori.

The constitutional-monarchical model has a number of other advantages. As practice shows, it is in such states that it was possible to build the best social security systems in the world for citizens. And we are talking here not only about the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

You can take, for example, the same countries of the Persian Gulf (UAE, Kuwait). They have much less oil than in Russia. However, over several decades, from poor countries whose population was exclusively engaged in grazing livestock in oases, they were able to turn into successful, prosperous and fully established states.

The most famous constitutional monarchies in the world: Great Britain, Norway, Kuwait

Great Britain is one of the most famous parliamentary monarchies on the planet. (as well as formally 15 other Commonwealth countries) is Queen Elizabeth II. However, one should not think that she is a purely symbolic figure. The British Queen has a strong right to dissolve Parliament. In addition, she is the commander-in-chief of the British troops.

The Norwegian king is also the head of his state, according to the Constitution, which has been in force since 1814. To quote this document, Norway is “a free monarchical state with a limited and hereditary form of government.” Moreover, initially the king had broader powers, which were gradually narrowed.

Another parliamentary monarchy since 1962 is Kuwait. The role of the head of state here is played by the emir, who has broad powers: he dissolves parliament, signs laws, appoints the head of government; he also commands the Kuwaiti troops. It is curious that in this amazing country, women are absolutely equal in their political rights with men, which is not at all typical for the states of the Arab world.

In conclusion

Now you know what a constitutional monarchy is. Examples of this country are present on all continents of the planet, except Antarctica. These are the gray-haired wealthy states of old Europe, and the young richest

Can we say that the most optimal form of government in the world is a constitutional monarchy? Examples of countries - successful and highly developed - fully confirm this assumption.

The list of countries where kings still rule is quite small, but many representatives of the royal nobility have been in power for a long time

Among the august persons you can meet real centenarians. We have selected the oldest monarchs in the world who still maintain the status of majestic rulers.

Akihito, Japan

Japan is the only state headed by an emperor. Akihito was born in 1933, and he received the crown in 1990. The Japanese believe that he is a descendant of the Sun Goddess and a symbol of statehood. He takes part in diplomatic meetings, but does not make decisions himself, but only carries out instructions from the Cabinet of Ministers.

The monarch breaks the traditions by which emperors in his country have lived for centuries. For example, he took as his wife an ordinary girl from an intelligent family, and not a well-known aristocrat, as all the emperors before him had done. The emperor's popularity is so great that many Japanese specifically bought their first television in 1956 to watch his wedding broadcast.

Beatrix, Netherlands

The Queen of the Netherlands resigned as monarch in favor of her eldest son. She did this on Queen's Day - April 30, 2013. Until this time, she served as queen for 33 years. In the last century, only ladies sat on the throne of the Netherlands, and only in this century this tradition was interrupted.

The former queen turned 79 in 2017 and now bears the title of Princess. Beatrix has a doctorate in law and raised three children in her marriage to German diplomat Klaus Amsberg.

Hassanal Bolkiah, Brunei

The Sultan of Brunei took the helm of the country in August 1968. In 2017 he turned 79 years old. Hassanal is the owner of one of the longest names in the world, consisting of 16 words: Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizz ud-Din Waddaulahibni al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saif ud-Din Saad ul-Khair wa ud-Din .. The Sultan is also a minister Finance, Minister of Defense and Prime Minister of the country.

The future Sultan graduated from the Royal military academy UK. He is a polygamist, but he divorced his second and third wives, so at official receptions the role of wife is performed by wife No. 1. The Sultan is a big fan of cars: he even has Formula 1 racing cars in his collection.

Juan Carlos I de Borbon, Spain

Juan Carlos I ascended the Spanish throne in November 1975 and only removed his crown in 2014. His abdication was not related to age or illness: he handed over the reins of government to a more energetic and younger man - Philip VI.

The king is married to the Greek princess Sophia from the Glucksburg dynasty, with whom he has two daughters and a son. During his reign, the king legalized same-sex marriage in Spain. Juan Carlos has been interested in sports all his life, was a fan of Real Madrid FC, and met his wife during a sailing competition. A long name among royals means belonging to the highest nobility. Read about the longest names in the world in our article.

Elizabeth II, UK

Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary of the Windsor dynasty ascended the throne in February 1952. In 2017, she turned 91 years old, and she is still a symbol of Great Britain and one of the oldest representatives of high society. In her country, she is considered the oldest monarch in its entire history.

She ascended the throne after the abdication of her uncle Edward VIII. She married Philip Mountbatten in 1947, who at that time was an ordinary lieutenant, although the son of a Greek prince. Elizabeth has four children, the oldest and most famous of whom is Prince Charles.

The oldest monarch in the world is Bernard VII, Lord of Lippe

This monarch ruled the state of Lippe as part of the Holy Roman Empire. He is still considered a record holder for government. He was monarch for 81 years! Bernard received the reins of government of the country as soon as he took his first steps - at the age of 1 year.

He ruled the state from 1429: he is one of those rulers who never limited himself to sitting on the throne in his castle. He actively participated in military campaigns, because it was a time of internecine wars, for which he was nicknamed “The Warlike One.” Only death in 1511 freed him from the post of head of state. Interestingly, the former Queen of the Netherlands, Beatrix, is his direct descendant.

We bring to your attention an article about 10 political figures of the 20th century who changed the course of history.
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