
The effect of art on the life of a person - the arguments of the exam. The problem of comprehending the works of art in Lviv (EGE in Russian) Individual perception of art Arguments

Long occupy artists, philosophers, psychologists. Experiments of this study were carried out in the era of antiquity by ancient philosophers, in particular, Plato1, which studied as a process perception Colors and value for the viewer works Fine art generally.
Plato. Fedon, Pier, Fedr, Parmeyid. - M.: Publishing House "Thought", 1999. - 528c.
Aristotle has a link between the pleasure that arises with the audience perception and activities, including "activities of feelings" 2. For perception The beautiful impression of feelings first arises, and then the mind, agreeing with him, helps to make wonderful things. In the era of the Middle Ages, the light has acquired a special sacred value as one of the few ways, with which a person can see God3. Color and light have received a special symbolic meaning, and their use in works of art Regulated by church canons. Color perception becomes a process perception specific religious information. However, Already Thomas Aquinas recognizes that the contemplation of light does not allow the God directly "to see" the God, but serves only a subsidiary tool, which improves the mind for the knowledge of God4. Revival artists discover "beautiful as such" 5, emotional power of paints and forms outside the religious context. It gives "the opportunity to express in work Fine art Including with the help of paints, intellectual, high moral content of the creator works of art As a person's idea - the Creator, superior to his art Narget itself, and, therefore, equal to God5.
In the XVII century in the philosophical concepts of many thinkers
the role of sensual is increasing perception. So, according to Bacon,
Aristotle. Ethics. - M.: Publishing house ACT, 2002. - 492 p.
z Augustin Blessed. Creation. - SPb.: Aletiaya, 1998. - 742 p.
Thomas Akvinsky. The amount of theology. - M.: Elcor - MK, 2002. - Part 1,559 p.
Fairbach L. History of philosophy. Collected Works in 3 volumes. - M.: Thought, 1976. - T3.544S.-S.73.
Leonardo da Vinci. Judgments: - M.: CJSC Publishing House Eksmo-Press, 1999. -416 s, Durer. Treatises. Diaries. Letters. - SPb.: ABC, 2000. - 662 p.
The sensations serve as if the "intellect gates" 1, based on the concept of Hobbes, human thoughts are directly related to sensations and are the result of the reverse pressure generated by the pressure of the object on the part of our body. Descartes studied perception Colors in the context of the overall work of the eyes, nerves and brain. According to the "experiments about the human understanding" of Locke, perception The colors concludes the features inherent in two types of knowledge - demonstrative and intuitive, and the latter, is the most reliable. With visual perception Generally, I. perception Colors, in particular, there may be a whole range of sensations, compiled not only from visual, but also tangible and other sensations - this is the concept of Berkley5. According to YUU, sensual impressions are the most powerful and are the cause of active human activity. Artwork images art perceived not only visually, but also a certain "sixth sense", and when perception Colors, that is, color works According to Duyub, the characteristics of the emotional and physiological state of the viewer7 are important.
Based on the "criticism of the" ability of judgment "of Kant, the process perception Colors can be represented in two ways: how
Bacon F. Works in 2 volumes. - M.: Thought, 1971. - T.1.590 C, T.2.582 p. 2 Gobbs T. Leviafan. - M.: Thought, 2001. -478c.
Descartes. (Euvres Philosophiques. - Paris: Classiques Garnier, 1997. - 856p.
Locke J. Writing in 3 volumes. - M.: Thought, 1985. - T.2.560 p.
Berkeley J. Works. - M.: Thought, 1972. - 554 p.
YUM D. about human nature. - SPb.: ABC, 2004. - 320c.
Dubo Zh.-B. Critical reflections on poetry and painting. - M.: Art, 1976. 766С.
Kant I. Collected Works in eight volumes. - M.: Choro, 1994. - T.5.414C.
An objective sensation perceived by the senses and as aesthetic act, which causes a subjective feeling at which a tendency to an object deprived of any interest is excited.
According to the "Teaching about the color" Goethe, perception Colors is a process characteristic of which, contrary to Kant, is its integrity, because through perception The feeling of vision opens all nature in its unity1.
{!LANG-466dbb8d70e72f46efcf81af6987016e!} art{!LANG-693d831a7c6ae4a59a21be074824e173!} perception of works of art There is a unity of the sensual, representing an object in shape, with a clean thought, and the acquisition of unity with the Absolute. Schopenhauer in the book "Peace as a Will and as a view" proclaims the thesis: "The world has my idea" 3, defining everything as an object of contemplation relative to the subject - the viewer. Schopenhauer owns a separate study perception Colors according to which color in the eye arises as a result of the excited nervous activity of the mesh shell.

The feeling of the wonderful must be present at each person. After all, without this, people will not be able to enjoy the beauty of nature, nor to admire the works of art to love. Human values \u200b\u200bchange under the influence of new trends, in connection with this, the problem of the perception of the art and the upset of the aesthetic taste is sharply in society.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov well and wrote a lot about this problem. In the works of "Man in a case" and "gooseberry" The problem of the perception of art and education of aesthetic taste is lit more

Detailed. Many writers, poets and philosophers reasoned on this topic. About what life is worthy of man, argued Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in his works.

He strongly expressed his protest against "ordinaryness" and always believed that each of us was created for bright, fruitful work and a happy life. That is why he showed his heroes in opposite paints. Belikov from the story "Man in the case" and Chimsha from the "gooseberry" try to protect themselves from the surrounding world. But Anton Pavlovich is convinced that a person is not created for such a lifetime and convinces readers to avoid this lifestyle.


Perceptions of art got up at all times. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is one of the first to show the commonness of it, what it is, without embellishment. The truthful image of reality shows us how you do not need to live.
A. M. Gorky in the play "At the bottom" also affects the problem of perception of the art and education of aesthetic taste. All heroes of this work are people who fell to the bottom of life. Many of them do not want to change their lives for the better, do not appreciate happiness, love, beauty and art.

Heroes morally and spiritually poor. Recall at least the death of Anna, most of the residents of the nights reached her death indifferently, did not sympathize with her even when she was sick. Understanding and sympathy is absent in people who are not able to appreciate the beauty and understand art.

But it does not change the essence of man. Each of us wants to be heard, understood.
The play "At the bottom" is a great work, because in her Anton Pavlovich so skillfully teaches us a lesson. The importance and relevance of this problem, in my opinion, always do not decrease, even on the contrary. Is there any modern cinema and the best theaters are increasingly returning to the production of this play?!

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Essay on the topic: "The problem of perception of art. Difficulties in the education of aesthetic taste of a person "

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1.U G. I. Uspensky there is a wonderful story "straightened". He is about what the wonderful sculpture of Venus Milos, exhibited in the Louvre had an impact on the narrator. The hero was struck by the great moral force, which proceeded from the ancient statue. "Stone mystery", as its author calls, made a person better: he began to behave immaculately, felt happiness to be a man.

2. Different people ambiguously perceive artwork. One with the delight of the castle in front of the wizard, and the other will be indifferent by. The reasons for such a different approach argues in the "letters about the good and beautiful" D.S. Likhachev. He believes that the aesthetic passivity of some people is generated by the lack of proper admission to art in childhood. Only then will grow a real viewer, a reader, a connoisseur of paintings, when he will see and hear everything that is displayed in the works of art, tolerated by the power of imagination into the world, clothed into images.

The problem of appointment of genuine art (what kind of art is it necessary for society?)

Can the art change human life? The actress Vera Alentova recalls such a case. Once she received a letter from an unknown woman, which described that she was left alone and she did not want to live. But, looking at the film "Moscow, I don't believe in tears", the woman became another person: "You will not believe, I suddenly saw that people smile and not so much they are bad, as it seemed to me all these years. And the grass, it turns out, green, and the sun shines ... I recovered for what you have so much. "

The problem of the perception of music by man

1. In a number of works of Russian writers, heroes are experiencing strong emotions under the influence of harmonious music. One of the characters of Roman-epic L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Nikolai Rostov, losing a large amount of money to maps, is in confusion, but, having heard the excellent execution of the Aria with his sister of Natasha, encouraged. The accident ceased to be so tragic for him.

2. In the story of A.I. Kuprina "Pomegranate bracelet" under the sounds of the Sonatas Beethoven Heroine Vera Shein is experiencing peaceful cleansing after it experienced hard minutes of life. The magic sounds of the piano helped her to gain an internal balance, find strength, to gain the meaning of further life.

Human attitude to the world of nature

The problem of the soulless, consumer, ruthless human relation to the world of nature

A bright example of a barbarian attitude to nature is the lines from the poem M. Dudina:

We did not do it - under the stick,

And zealy your own grief,

From pure oceans - landfills,

Restarted the sea.

In my opinion, it is better not to say!

35. Problem susceptibility or persistence of a person to the beauty of nature

Differently refer to the nature of the heroine of Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". In the soul of Natasha Rostova there is something uniquely Russian. It delicately feels the beauty of the Russian landscape. It is difficult to imagine Helene Bezukhov at the site of Natasha. There is neither feeling nor poetry, nor patriotism. She does not sing, does not understand music, does not notice nature. Natasha sings heartfelt, with a soul, forgetting everything. And how inspired she admires the beauty of the summer moon night!

The problem of the influence of the beauty of nature on the mood and the image of man's thoughts

In the story of Vasily Makarovich Shukshina "Old man, sun and girl" We see an amazing example of attitudes towards the native nature surrounding us. The old man, the hero of the work, comes every night in the same place and looks like the sun comes. The next to the girl-artist, he comments on every minute-changing sunset paints. How unexpected will be for us, readers, and the heroine discovery that grandfather, turns out to be blind! For more than 10 years! How to love your native land to remember its beauty for decades !!!

The problem of the negative impact of the scientific and technical process on the relationship between man and nature (what does the negative impact of civilization on human life, his relationship with nature?)

On the Internet, I read the article from the "Crimean News" newspaper about the fate of the famous Saksky Lake, from the depths of which a unique dirt is mined, capable of raising thousands of sick people to their feet. But in 1980, the miraculous reservoir was divided by dams and jumpers into two parts: one "treasured" people, the other "produced" soda ... After 3 years, the soda part of the lake turned into a fettered water surface that kills everything around himself ... After years, I would like to exclaim: "Really It was not in a huge power named the USSR of another less significant lake, on the shores of which could there be a soda plant?! " Did we not call a man to the Barbar in relation to the native nature for such atrocities?!

38.Belest homeless animals (whether a person is obliged to help homeless animals?)

In the story of Konstantin Powesty "disheveled sparrow" it was shown that people are not indifferent to the problems of our smaller brothers. At first, the policeman saves a little sparrow Pasha, who fell from the roof of the stall, then gives it to the "education" of the good girl Masha, who brings a bird home, cares for her, feeds her. After recovering the bird, Masha releases her to the will. The girl is happy that helped the sparrow.

Miguel de Cervantes once noticed that "beauty has a strength and gift to make peace in the heart." It seems that the author "Don Quixote" was absolutely right in this statement. Human heart unusually responds to all manifestations of the beautiful - in nature, in painting, in music, in architecture. But how to comprehend all this is not a mind, but the soul itself? That is, it reflects in his text V. Soloohin. The main problem, supplied by the writer, is the problem of comprehension by the man of the beautiful.

This problem is very relevant for our modern life with its irrepressible rhythm, bustle, domestic concerns. Sometimes we simply do not have time to admire the beautiful sunset or night stars, experience joy from the first snow that fell.

V. Soloohin in his text reflects on the perception by man of art. He writes that, running around the art gallery, you can see only external stories of paintings. But to discover the soul of the artist and completely immerse yourself in this atmosphere, you need time, calm, contemplation. Only in this case, works of art - paintings, ancient cathedrals and churches - become a part of our soul, help us to look at the world in a new way.

This text is very bright, shaped, emotional. The writer uses a variety of artistic expressive means: rhetorical issues ("What can I see that you can comprehend? Pattern names? Frames? External plot?"), Rows of homogeneous members ("In the end I felt the rising wave of anxiety, love, Deployment, scoreless readiness for any accomplishment "), phraseologism (" put a tick in mind ").

I fully divide the point of view of the writer. The perception of a person is beautiful - this is a special process, thin, lightweight, requiring special concentration from a person. Only in this case, we are able to experience moral enlightenment, cleansing, catharsis. And then we change, becoming kinder, tolerant to others, we sometimes look at our own life. Once, our ingenious poet wrote: "Music service does not tolerate the fuss; Great should be great ... ". Here, it seems, there must be the same to comprehend the world of beauty - leisurely, peaceful.

This is thinking about S. Lviv in his journalistic collection "to be or sought?". He tells about the exhibition of masterpieces from the famous Madrid Museum Prado. And with bitterness notes that many came to this exhibition, because it is prestigious and fashionable for a tick. However, the author hopes that someday the habit of visiting prestigious exhibitions will go to people in a true interest in art. And he is able to arise only with a special comprehension of this world, the absence of a person from the fuss.

About the perception of music writes B.Sh. Okudzhava in the poem "Musician". "Violin's Piercing" instructs the hero on the path, he instills hope in him, gives him the highest joy. The brilliant musician at Okudzhava is happy because he could penetrate the human soul:

Happy one whose way of underworner, evil fingers, oster bow,
The musician, built from the soul of my bonfire.
And the soul, it is for sure, if buried,
Fair, more than and righteous.

Thus, the process of comprehending the beauty is a mystery, a sacred, the sacrament. It is always a new discovery of yourself and the world around.