
What is in me from Oblomov. Who is closer to you: gallez or bugs? (EEE in literature)

Natalia Altynbaeva

Bugs in me


Reading every work where there is the main characterI unwittingly catch yourself think that there is something that resembles the traits of your own character in the habits of this hero. Of course, - here is your love for strong long-term sleep, delicious food. We see in each particular product of the Hero history, we see what these habits lead in the final. Perhaps at the first moment of the self-identification process, we are afraid, then we calm themselves that I am not like that, I can correct, I will not ruin my life. And in general, it's not me! Why was I so worried about?

But nothing can be done with the truth! In each of us sits their bugs, part of the calculating gallery or, worse, is a quarter of some villain. In yourself, I recognize Oblomov. He firmly put roots in my soul, became part of (with a considerable) me. How many good ideas are swarming in my head: it is better to learn, go to the college every day for all couples (!), But these ideas are not destined to come true. The day comes when you want to sleep, go somewhere and with someone. A college for such a pastime does not fit. Then I find yourself before choosing. What do I choose? - Sleep and date.

Removal and flour of conscience will come later - at the end of the semester or, perhaps, at the end of life.

Oblomov - what sits in us are not against our will, we can get rid of it from it. But why should we part with him? Is it bad at least sometimes be shattered without movement, stupidly staring in the eternal satellite lonely "Oblomovtsy" - TV?

The image of Oblomov and the meaning of the concept of "Oblomovshchyna" deeply and fully explained the Dobrolyubs in the article "What is the broomstick-on?" The main features of Oblomov - apathy, laziness, inactivity. The hero is only 32 years old, and it is deprived of any interest in life. For all day, he lies on the sofa, contemplating walls and ceiling. But after all, I was not born so Ilya Ilyich! In childhood he had a living, inquisitive mind. Oblomov received an education, which opened him the way to life. Once he dreamed of the ambassador to live in Russia, believing that "the whole life is thought and work, the work is even obsessive, dark, but continuous." True, and in young people, he perceived as a feat.

Oblomom "Crystal, transparent soul", according to the expression of the gallery. He is honest, kind, hearted. He is loved by others. But the main thing, the all-restful quality of Oblomov, is too lazy. This laziness rushed on the soil of a fortress building. Ilya Ilyich got used to everything, without applying no effort, - for the work there were servants and fortress peasants. He is even proud that in all his life the stocking itself did not put on, coal in the fireplace did not prevent. "Either the cold nor hunger has never tolerated, I didn't know the needs, my bread did not have a shaft and didn't do it in general." "Black Case" - the lot of serfs. Bugs - Barin. He believes that one thing is already more than others. Such an opinion was brought up by the owners of the crushing, who were confident that the Ilyusha of Oblomov, a tomological nobleman and the heir to estate, should take a "special" position. But to take a "special" place, it was necessary to make efforts at the university, in the service. "Not worth it", the bugs did not want to work, to become similar to other St. Petersburg officials, did not consider it necessary. It was easier, lying on the sofa, to prove its exclusivity by the Caring Skharu.

Oblomov will think of categories learned from childhood in Oblovka, without revising them and not updating the alleviating life accordingly. Life and morals of the crushing is perceived as the norm, but the whole other life is like "eternal run-on-lands." Oblomov condemns the St. Petersburg vanity due to their own inertness, but objectively turns out to be right. "What is I-kat? Interests of the mind, hearts? You see where the center, about which all this rotates: there is no it, there is nothing deep, which is overwhelming. All this is the dead, sleeping people, worse than me these members of the world and society! ... Isn't that the dead? .. "Oblomov's words are echoing with the assessment of serfs (truth, in the course of memeters) Gogol in the" dead souls ".

Bakes begins to read, but reading tires him. He is trying to analyze his life and his character, but in the midst of this self-analysis "insensitively", imperceptibly for himself. Bakes do not want change, afraid to "his life did not touch him." He only lies on the sofa and sleeps, and he even wants to sleep in a dream. " Dreams, which he sometimes aroused, do not go beyond the full and quiet life. Material from site.

In Oblomov, Goncharov draws the idyll of the patriarchal fortress village. On the one hand, the epic character of such an existence is emphasized, but at the same time, the crushing is shown as a sleepy kingdom, and Oblomovtsy - like sleeping God-tyri. Goncharov speaks of those mighty deposits that were in Oblomov, but which forever "fell asleep" without developing. Oblomov turned out to be anywhere and unnecessary, even to myself. "It began to wear stockings with a sleeper, but it ended in aptive living," - under-lead the total gallets, and Zakhar exclaims: "Why are you born to the light?" Oblomov - and brewing, and victim of conditions, environment. As a victim, he objectively is a prosecutor of the modern society: "Or I did not understand this life, or she is not good anywhere."

In the Roman Goncharov was called the phenomenon - "Oblomovshchyna". In the article "What is the breakdown?" Dobrolyubov gave an explanation of this concept, showed its origins and character.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • i and brooms of brooms in me an essay
  • the image of the Oblomov and the meaning of the concept
  • how many serfs were Oblomov
  • the meaning of the concept of broomstation
  • concepts received by broom in childhood, youth

Essay "I - Oblomov"

Today is the last day of my work in the theater. Tomorrow begins long-awaited vacation. I am very tired for this fatal for me on the 22nd season. I am spoiled all. In other days, he took up to ten pills to take at least somehow to reassure my body. How many nights were during this season, during which I did not stand up for a minute from my body bursting on my part ... Why am I so sick? .. For myself, I have long defined the reason for my diseases and pain: "I - Oblomov" . I have been working for the sixth year in my very beloved by the Ulyanovsky Drama Theater. I.A. Goncharov. And today my favorite cultural institution made for me on my last day of my work the best gift about which only and can dream of such a person, like me: In the final of the 226th season, a conference dedicated to the celebrations held in honor of the day took place in the walls of our old building. My favorite classic of world literature Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov.
On June 18, 2012, he would have been 200 years since the birth. I, like all progressive humanity, I was looking forward to this great holiday. But when he came, I didn't even celebrate his strength. On the eve I went to the garden in the morning. As, I later understood, I did it in vain ... I wanted to cut a huge bouquet in my garden and impose it to the monument to I.A. Goncharova, which is located near the Ulyanovsk Regional scientific Library them. IN AND. Lenin. But I was distracted on the road of the berry. Huge strawberry glads met me on the way. I ate her, and gained into the bank, and so fascinated by the absorption of the berries, which, looking at the clock, I realized that I was late for work. Thus, without coming to your site and without cutting flowers with the flower for your favorite classics, I have not previously presented to him for the second time on the day of his birthday. The first case, when I did not lay a bouquet to his monument, described in detail in my story "Penometer of Goncharov or Bouquet of Iris". When I, Failure, came running home, I remembered that today for fifteen hours I don't need to go to work.
That bouquet of daisies, which I brought on Thursday from the garden, looked gorgeous, but to carry as a gift to the monument to Goncharov, it was already indecent. Upset I lay down on the sofa, fell asleep and slept up to ten o'clock in the morning.
Waking up, quickly dressed, ran behind candy, to remember Goncharov with their employees, and went to work.
Thus, I get to the "Opening of the V International Conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of I.A. Goncharov. "Opening ..." I almost failed to see: our administrator Valentina Ivanovna dustworthiness did not allow me to be in the auditorium and forced me to sit in the lobby of the second floor (which can be done first of all). She, of course, did not understand how I wanted to be in the hall, so I am without irritation, but with the annoyance I arrived outside the auditorium completely alone.
But at the "plenary session of the V International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of I.A. Goncharova »Our head Yaroslav Vladimirovich Andronov let me go, because I decided that in my arrival, the need disappeared in the empty foyer.
I returned to the auditorium and began to listen to speakers carefully. I especially liked two rapporteurs: the first and last, the fourth is the famous German translator Vera Bashitsky. I was so pleased that the Bashitsky faith is so close to the image of Oblomov that the bugs are so popular in Germany. Back in 2006, in the sketch "Germany", written by me for my Swhaha M.I. Armeva, after a three-week arrival in this country, I noted that the Russians and the Germans are very similar in many ways. And this opening literally shocked me. I even thought that, maybe, therefore, in the XX century, we all fought among themselves, exterminating our terrible bloody wars of their the best representatives The other nation, cultivating the gallets and exterminating the broom, forgetting that the violation of their quantity in the right proportions always leads to tragedies. Therefore, we: Russians and Germans, like no one in the world, we understand that life without broomstick is impossible ...
Throughout the novel, people go to the broom, and not he - to them. Oblomov - for a rarity self-sufficient personality. At the beginning of the novel in the morning, the bugs take one visit after another, and on whether he was not talking to anyone.
Volkov - France, discussed all the wardrobe with him, all the main Petersburg houses, all friends, all the upcoming visits, holidays, dinners, but he could not infect Ilya Ilyich with this rich variety in life. His wolves caused only pity and compassion: "Ten places in one day - unhappy! - Thought Oblomov. - And this is life! - He shrugged himself - where is the man here? What is it crushing and is absorbed? Of course, to look at the theater to the theater, and fall in love with some Lydia ... ( new Passia Volkov, approx. N.N.) She is nice! In the village with her flowers to tear, ride - Good: Yes, ten places in one day - unhappy! - He concluded, turning on his back and rejoicing that he had no empty desires and thoughts that he was not going, but lies here, while maintaining his human dignity and his peace.
The new call interrupted his reflection.
A new guest entered. "
A new guest - a careerist of the Sudybinsky, who was going to invite him "to Ekateringof to ride ... for a felling ...", whose invitation was politely rejected, and then also expected his comrade to leave the apartment, since this service was tired of his arguments about service. The conversation was only about posts, increasing in the rank, awards. Despite the fact that the Sudbinsky and his colleagues received sufficiently high amounts for the service, they did not envy the broom. He often sympathized with them and regretted ... After all, he married the poor, the unfortunate judge, too, by calculating the sake of his career and money ... The Sudbinsky speaks only about his, Oblomov he does not hear ...
"Alcohol, a kind of friend, on the ears stuck," thought, who wiring him with his eyes. - and blind, and deaf, and it is for everything else in the world. And it will be in people, will overcome the affairs and ranks with the days ... We also have a career too! And how little man here is needed: his mind, will, feelings - why is it? Luxury! And lives your age, and will not move in it a lot, much ... and meanwhile it works from twelve to five in the office, eight to twelve house - unhappy! "
He experienced a sense of peaceful joy that he was from nine to three, with eight to nine could stay at his sofa, and was proud that it was not necessary to go with the presentation, writing papers that there is a space of his feelings, imagination.
Oblomov philosophized and did not notice that his bed was very thin, the Black Mr., overgrown with the whole Benbankards, Usami in Espanyol. He was dressed with intentional carelessness. "
Bored breakdown with those who came after the Sudrinsky Pencois, a man with a lot of writing, innovator in journalistic and writing work. But there is no affection to the challenges to the problems of Oblomov: he is constantly busy, since "... the editorial office is all from Saint-George today, from there we will eat on the walk. And to write at night and, than the light, to send a printing house. " - Plenkin is justified.
Speaking up with him, Oblomov again comes in bewilderment.
"To write at night," said Oblomov, "when to sleep?" And some thousand five per year earn! This bread! Yes, everything, everything, spend the thought, my soul to the little things, change the beliefs, to trade with the mind and imagination, rape your nature, worry, boiled, burn, not to know peace and move somewhere ... and write everything, write everything like a wheel, like a car: Write tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the holiday will come, the summer will come - and he write everything? When to stay and relax? Unhappy!"
"But they call again.
- What is it for Rauta today? - said Oblomov and waited for who will come. "
And the person came to the bug, a very small, but not bad, but rather persistent and also persuaded Ilya Ilyich to go to a walk to Ekateringof. But the broom, which was very concerned about the content of the written old-age letter, as well as an unexpected relocation to another apartment, was clearly not up to the festivities ...
And inconspicuous Alekseev imperceptibly dissolved in the room, without giving any divided council to the upset breakdown.
He was replaced by Tarantyev, who galley, the closest friend of Oblomov, considered an animal, - "The man of the boyfriend and cunning; No one better than him to disappear by any common everyday question or a legal entangled business ... "
Micah Andreevich Taratiev took living participation in the problems of Oblomov.
He immediately determined that the headman Oblomov is a fraudster, and began to insist: "Tomorrow, move to the apartment to my kuma, to the elegant side ..."
Oblomov slightly moved away from the shock that happened after visiting Tarantyev, - again the call ... The doctor appeared ... He rushed about the broom and came himself, since he had not invited Barin for a long time.
But the reception ended the most pleasant way. The final visit was the most joyful and unexpected. Andrei Ivanovich Stolz !!! Stolz is trying to settle his friend, takes Ilya Ilyich to the light, introduces him with Olga Sergeyevna Ilinskaya, who will love Oblomov.
A sad letter from the headman, informing Ilya Ilyich about serious financial troubles, moving to the Vyborg side, Love Olga Sergeyevna Ilinskaya - all these unexpected events were perceived by the broken one as many Soviet people - restructuring.
In contrast to Ilya Ilyich, I did not live as my soul demanded. From three years, I realized that there is a very important human feeling - a sense of duty, which had a lot of moral concepts, which made me not to interfere with the surrounding live, and also demanded that they did not stand out from the crowd from the crowd. Already a teenager, I firmly knew that the concept of "want" is more important - there is even more important - "I need!"
And the obfomovskoy state of the spirit was destroyed by the concept of "necessary". I became galley! Not those Goncharovsky talented, an enterprising gallery, which is known to all the Goncharov "Oblomov", and the ordinary Soviet, mediocre gallery, which helped me survive the restructuring, postprokery, paying for this soul survival.
The only thing I could not destroy the Oblombovskoe is a desire to always be myself. And so far, if loving close people are trying to make me change my essence, they are encountered on my silent confrontation. I always wanted me to love me what I am. At the same time, I myself always accept people as they are, who do not require victims or changes in the inner and external state. This, of course, does not mean that herself is not trying to improve his body and soul, but I never get it in this matter to Mazzma ...
With each convenient case, I love to lie down with great pleasure on the sofa, to dream, sofylocopy, but most of all I love to fantasize. I do not tell anyone about your fantasies, they are so personal character that they are unlikely to be interested in others. Of course, as a creative person, I often compose fairy tales, tales, fantasy, story, novels, poems, poems. But these are not at all those plots that I enjoy alone with me. Probably, so I still have unusual, fabulously beautiful colored dreams, in which I fly in my sixty-four years in the golden rays of mysterious light. I often do not want to clean the apartment, wash the dishes, but I do it all, because it is necessary! I still go to work. And, probably, I will serve in the theater for a long time, because the life-affirming, energetic gallery constantly displaces Ozlomov, good, peaceful, mighty fighter for the purity of my soul ...
I will never give myself pleasure - to live as I want, without interfering with his way of life to other people, as it always opened Oblom ...
I have two daughters, two grandchildren, two granddaughters and sisters who almost do not need me. But they love me very much and take care of me, probably, in thanks for trying from the last forces to maintain a piece of cute and immortal Oblomov created by our great countryman ...


Hello, hope! Today I came across your opinion on the Zoya Orlova page, you commented on her article. And then I switched to your page and read all those related to Goncharov on it. This is my favorite writer. And from all the images of them created by me, like you, most likely sympathetic Ilya Oblomov. Sympathizing - I said? No, no, I ... I love it. And you know, before reading this novel, I did not believe that there could be love in literary heroBut I had to believe on my experience.
And because I am always very happy when I meet in the Internet of the Internet of a person who Ilya likes. (And I read many articles, even theses) True, there are not so many such. After all, many are still under the hypnosis of the opinion of Dobrolyubov, well, and the gallery. True, not all, unlike the latter, appreciate the pure soul in Ilya. Slist the novel so slightly. And to understand the novel, understand the main character, you need to read thoughtfully, carefully. And more than once, as actually any product of Russian classics. Although that I tell you that, you yourself wrote this in the "Bouquet of Iris" ...
Your essay is written in 2012. Seven years have passed. But I think you retain a warm feeling so far. I have a hope that you agree to communicate with me about this novel. Maybe you are in VC, and if not, then here, on prose.ru, there are private messages. It will be difficult to talk in life, I understand that you live in Ulyanovsk, but I'm under St. Petersburg ... although I was in Ulyanovsk this summer. Yes, it is because of Goncharov. And yet - because of the Volga. So, I hope for a favorable answer))) And if you do not answer - thanks for the good opinion about Ilya. Thank you.
And finally - a little about me. My name is Seraphim, I am 15 years old, Goncharov studied with 12. I live, as mentioned earlier, near St. Petersburg, the city of Vsevolozhsk with parents and five sisters. I'm in the 10th grade. You can answer here, or in private messages on this site. Also you can gain in VC (if you are there) "Seraphim Sunshushkina" - there are two, but the second from Moscow. Thanks again.

In the novel "Oblomov" Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov considers such a problem as the "Oblomovshchina", which arose during the period of economic change in the country. This phenomenon did not give to develop many talents and people's deposits. And people began to appear, whose character displays the protagonist, obcomments. But still there were still progressive figures such as gallery, completely opposite Ilya Ilyich. For me, the image of Andrei Ivanovich Stolz is closer than the image of Oblomov. Consider how the author reveals these characters on the examples.

First, the characters are different by origin. Oblomov - from the rich nobility. Everyone in his family got used to the fact that everyone always makes peasants for them. Especially brightly atmosphere in the house of broken shown in the "Obloma dream": "Everything is dead, only from all corners is a diverse snatching on all

us and frets. "

Gallery from a poor family, where everyone performed all the work themselves.

Secondly, the upbringing of characters is absolutely different. Labor for the Oblom family is flour and punishment. Parents laid the love of calm and sleep in Ilya. While the father of Andrei Ivanovich, taught the son of calculating and accuracy, as well as embellished the love of activities.

Thirdly, the heroes are distinguished by their lifestyle. Bakes spend their lives on the couch, nothing does anything, it is not interested in anything. Stolz, on the contrary, is constantly in motion. Thanks to his stubborn work, he became a rich man.

Thus, it can be concluded that the gallery is closer for me, because this is a real living person who is used to everything.

Updated: 2018-03-21

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