
Griboedov Mountain from the mind Performance of the Small Theater. Tickets for the performance of the grief from the mind. "Woe from Wit" Sergey Genovacha on the scene of the Small Theater

In a certain extent, the history of the performances of the comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" on the scene of the Small Theater is the history of the Russian theater. For the first time in his benefit, M.S. Shchepkin played Famusov. The great tragic of the Moscow scene Pavel Stepanovich Mochalov played here Chatsky, as in the twentieth century A. A. Ostyzhev, A.I. Sumbatov-Yazzhin. A. Lensky played first Chatsky, and then Famusov. Mikhail Tsarev, like his great predecessor, also played by Chatsky, and the Elder-Famusov.

Each generation contributed his contribution, in his own way assigned the text of the immortal comedy of Griboyedov.

When a premiere in the Small Theater took place in 1975, the discussion turned around not around Famousov, who played Mikhail Tsarev, and around Chatsky Vitaly Solven. The actor was charged in the guilt that the public theme went to the background, won the personal drama, which is not a tribune, not an accuse.

Vitaly Solomin, really, was playing Chatsky, who was happy to return to the Mizhdom house to meet with Sofia. Book, enthusiastic, cheerful young man in round glasses. From the road, he appeared, despite the frost, in open Tulup, from which the shirt was visible - Apache. He was in a hurry to see Sophia. V. Solomin confessed in an interview that he had previously been interested in the meaning of the monologists of Chatsky, now - the meaning of his behavior. "

This archive young man, repulcing the servant, was rushed into the house and unexpectedly falling from all over the scope. But the fall did not stop his lucky state, the feelings overwhelmed the laughing Chatsky. At that moment, he as if his whole childhood life was swept in this house. "A little light - on the legs! And I have your feet, "Calamburil is sitting on the floor, turning to Sofhe (Nelli Kornienko).

V. Solomin played this condition of unrestrained joy - Chatsky again at home, everything is expensive to him. Leaning against the tiles of the oven, he stuck, he looked around the room, every thing in her I was familiar with him, lovingly stroked the memorable since childhood wallpaper. Chatsky initially did not notice the indifference of Sofia, the increasing hostility of Famousov, the irony of silence.

Explaining his interpretation, Vitaly Mefodievich Solomin said: "My Chatsky understood perfectly, which was Magazov and the like. But in the house of Famusov he kept his deep and strong love for Sofye, he could not put her beloved on one board with the surrounding. Hence his monologues. They are addressed to Sophia, and anyone else. "

And the monologue of Chatsky about a Frenchman from Bordeaux, who heed the guests, was actually addressed to Sofhe, who was just removed, without hearing Alexander Andreevich, and he continued, as the head, throw his stratum observations. In this scene, for the first time at the meeting, the idea was born that he was crazy.

Vitaly Solomin avoided playing the school chap, the accuser and prosecutor of the "Famovsky society" with a proudly thrown his head. The actor was more important to solve the image, show in the process, step by step, rejection by Chatsky Uklade of the Baroic House. The love boat broke up on life, foundations. In the house of Famusov, Chatsky beat young, and left the bitterly crowded forever. Deceived in love, he turned off why he was deceived. Before leaving from the house of Famusov, Chatsky rushed up the stairs, turning his angry monologue to where Sophia was standing in order to inspire her eyes. And only then, coming to the door very close to the doors, ordered: "Careet me, carriage!"

Antagonist Chatsky - Mikhail Tsarev Antagonist is equal to the Moscow Barin, and an important surname official. Smartish, always in shape. For many years, he has developed a steady habit of dressing with a needle.

In the house he controls life as in the Department. It grows his anxiety when he goes with the morning bypass and hears how the flute sounds of the sofya are inflicted. He even notices the pickle parsley elbow in his instructions. Shows the diplomatic tact on the ball, bypassing everyone with secular courtesy. When the gossip about Chatsky's madness reaches apogee, he supports it with his authority. However, a respectable gloss will be lost at the Famusov in the final. At first, Moscow Barin did not listen very, more precisely, listened to the condescendingly dangerous speeches of Chatsky. It was not there, when there was a threat over the house of Famusov to be compromised his daughter and himself. In Mikhail Tsarev, the will of Mikhail Tsarev was wanted to cruelty. He hated directly, without the Ovyakov of Chatsky and attacked him with all possible rage. At the same time, Mikhail Tsarev did not raise the tone and the stronger achieved the effect of indignation.

It is worth noting other roles of this performance. Sophia Nelli Kornienko from the first scenes showed her indifference to Chatsky. She was not inspired by the public temperament of his former friend. She was a daughter of Famusov and she wanted to stay. Molchanin Boris Klyuev kept himself on an equal footing with Chatsky, not to say, with hidden indulgence. Roman Filippov's scalosub was a good-natured non-smile military man, even though he did not understand all the Satyric navigosts of Chatsky, but rather sympathized with him. Looking at Lisa Evgenia Glushchenko, it was not difficult to notice that this girl is taken from the village. Even recently, it seems to run bass in the meadows and fields. Much in the house of Famusov it seems wonderful, but nothing to do was adversely. Nikita Podgorny reheetles turned out to be unnecessary, so he had a desire at least to join someone.

Uzdorany and the power was Hogoleva Hogolev.

The coherence of the game, the study of characters, the ability to organically assign poetic text, an outstanding acting work, conscientious attitude towards the text, - everything that is characteristic of the best play of the small theater, and in the production of "Woe from Wit" in 1975.


Director - Laureate of the State Prize of Russia, Honored Artist of Russia S.V. Zhenovach

Artist - Honored Artist of Russia, Winner of State Prizes of Russia A.D. Borovsky

Costume artist - O.P. Yarmolnik

Music design - People's Artist of Russia G.Y.Gobernik

Director - Honored Artist of Russia Z.Endreev

Suffler - Honored Worker of Culture of Russia L.I. Merkulova

Music was used in the play, M.I. Glinki, A.S. Kargomyzhsky, S.V. Rakhmaninova

"Woe from the mind" - the performance that was created "on the evil of the day" and, after almost two centuries, did not lose the relevance and novelty.

The prediction of Alexander Pushkin came true, who appreciated the comedy in verses A. S. Griboyedov, that "half of the verses should be included in the proverb." Now "grief from the mind" is the most quoted work. "The houses of the new, but prejudice of the old", "the ranks are given by people, and people can deceive", "evil tongues of a terrible pistol", "Now they love wordless", "I will go to the wilderness, in Saratov" - these and many other expressions are so firmly included In use, which is difficult to imagine your speech without them.

The Small Theater puts the classics in the frame of modern motifs, complementing the already familiar plot of the unique gloss, which allows for the "grief from the mind" to one of the most valuable "diamels" of the repertoire.

Critics refer to the formulation not by the chief of the "Famovsky Society", but rather the story about "fathers and children." The plot director Sergey Zamovach has retained unchanged, but the main characters have acquired more "human" faces that the public can not only learn, but also to understand.

The story of Chatsky is familiar from school. The nobleman returned from St. Petersburg to the Moscow society to the one that he considered his bride. But Sophia, the daughter of Famusov, has already chosen another spouse - silence. The hero can not understand how she went to such a betrayal, preferring to his imperceptible podhalima?

Gradually, he realizes the causes of her behavior and is disappointed in the former beloved, since this is to expose the vices of the "metropolitan society."

So it was at Griboedov. On the stage of the Small Theater, the story does not lose its "sociality", but also acquires a different shade. Here the right of the "first violin" is given to family unts, personal aspirations, thoughts.

Spectators, appreciating the virtuoso game, understand that Famusov (Yuri Solomin), albeit a rich official, but he is also a father who wants a good party for his daughter. As for Sophia (Olga Milkom, Polina Dolinskaya), then this is an ordinary girl who took offense at the cavalor left her, and then, as it was typical of her young and fervently, fell in love with another ... and Molchanin (Alexander Vershinin) looks here As much like rushed, and a person seeking to settle in this life ...

Yapik and the main character is ambiguous. Chatsky plays Gleb Podgorodsky, turning his character to the young man, who has all the hopes and dreams crashed about the stone protrusions of reality. He may be aware of the first time in his life that the girl from whom he was friends in childhood grew up and changed. And therefore the bitterness of disappointment and the pain of loss and insults drive it by monologues more than the desire to simply open the "corn of society".

"Woe from the mind" on the scene of the Small Theater acquires complete features that are inherent in every person, each family, every home. Troupe, relying on the immortal work of Griboedov, showed how far the personal deliberations, self-deception and illusions could be made ...

Open for yourself new facets of such a familiar work can and you, if right now, order tickets on our website. And it is better not to postpone the design, since the full hall is always going to show "grief from mind". Remember, the earlier you get tickets, the more likely to take the best places.

The performance of the "grief from the mind" in the formulation of the Small Theater is the wonderful work of Sergey Genivly, who submitted to the audience to the court of the original reading of the hostels of Griboedov. In theatrical circles, this director is famous for its excellent works on performances by classic works. He directs his theatrical troupe and teaches in Rati, and his teacher at his time was an outstanding Peter Fomenko.

Griboedov in Malom

On the scene of the Small Theater, the performance "grief from the mind" was already seven times. In this theatrical formulation, the classics amazingly comes into contact with an innovative approach. The work of the woman did not just gave a brilliant work to the second life, she seemed to bring a fresh wind with him, symbolizing changes for the better.

The action carries the audience at the beginning of the nineteenth century, so all the characters are dressed in elegant suits, the corresponding time. Unlike most of the "grief from the mind", which can be seen in Moscow theaters, there is no excessive pompousness and abundance of scenery. On the scene everything is arranged in the spirit of minimalism. Here are only some furniture and multicolored squares that serve doors. This kaleidoscope is a wonderful find of the famous artist Alexander Burhin.

The formulation is characterized by its dynamism. The main emphasis in the performance is not placed on the topical themes of that time: bureaucracy, chase of the ranks and worship before all foreign, but on the problem of love and human relationship.

All the heroes of the play are depicted with warmth and tenderness, so the audience is tested to them sympathy and understanding. Even the Chatsky in this performance appears rather cute and charming young man. Although Griboedov himself was depicted without special sentimentality and attractiveness. The feminine believes that Chatsky is not just an amazer of "Famovsky society", but a living person with his feelings and experiences. After a three year old absence, he returns to Moscow and rushes to the House of Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, a representative of the Moscow Aristocratic Society to meet with his beloved Sofia. But it turns out that during his journey there were big changes, the girl's heart is now busy.


Once the role of Chatsky was brilliantly played Vitaly Solomin. Today in this image viewers can see Gleb Podgorodinsky. Famusov unsurpassedly plays talented Yuri Solomin. His hero appears to be an edible elderly Lovelace, but, in addition, he is still a caring father and a peeling owner. For the entire acting career, Yuri Solven was many wonderful roles, but it was working on the way Phamousov, rightfully, is considered one of the most successful.

Other brilliant actors are involved in the production:

  • Polina Dolinskaya;
  • Yuri Cayurov;
  • Alexander Vershinin et al.

On the stage, both real masters of theatrical art are published, and the artists, whose names only recently appeared on the posters.

The magnificent acting and an amazing theater atmosphere will not leave anyone indifferent, will give positive emotions and a great mood. To buy tickets for "Mount from Wit" in the Small Theater, you can place an order on the website www ..

Ticket price:
Balcony 1000-2400 rubles
BELECHATE 2400-3100 rubles
Amphitheater 2800-4000 rubles
Benoop 3600-4000 rubles
Parter 4000-6500 rubles

Director-Director - Winner of the State Prize of Russia, Honored Artist of Russia S.V. Woman
Artist - Honored Artist of Russia, Winner of State Prizes of Russia A.D. Borovsky
Costume artist - O.P. Yarmolnik
Music design - People's Artist of Russia G.Y.Gobernik
Director - Honored Artist of Russia Z.Endreev
Suffler - Honored Worker of Culture of Russia L.I. Merkulova
Music was used in the play, M.I. Glinki, A.S. Kargomyzhsky, S.V. Rakhmaninova

Existing persons and performers:
Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, Senator, employee with archives - Winner of state premiums of Russia, People's Artist of the USSR Yuri Solomin
Sophia Pavlovna, his daughter - Polina Dolinskaya, Ekaterina Vasilyeva
Lisa, Maid Sofia Pavlovna - Honored Artist of Russia Inna Ivanova, Olga Zhevakina
Alexey Stepanovich Molchanin, Secretary of Famusov, who lives in his house - Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Vershinin, Alexander Driven
Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, a young man raised in the House of Famusov - Winner of the State Prize of Russia, Honored Artist of Russia Gleb Podgorodsky
Colonel Skalozub Sergei Sergeevich - Honored Artist of Russia Victor Low
Herustov Anfisa Nilovna, aunt Sofia Pavlovna - Winner of the State Prize of Russia, People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Polyakova
Prince Toguhovsky - Winner of State Prizes of the USSR and Russia, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Cayurov, Winner of the State Prize of Russia, Honored Artist of Russia Yuri Ilyin
Princess Tugukhovskaya, his wife - Honored Artist of Russia Olga Chuvayeva, Natalia Boronina
Their daughters, Princess - Anna Zharova, Natalia Boronina, Honored Artist of Russia Tatiana Korotkov, Honored Artist of Russia Irina Telpugova, Daria Podgorny, Natalia Vereshenko, Ekaterina Vubain, Alyona Kolesnikova, Olga Pleshkova, Apollinaria Muravyova
Countess Hrumina, Grandma - Honored Artist of Russia Zinaida Andreeva
Grandman-granddaughter - People's Artist of Russia Alena Okhlupina
Platon Mikhailovich Gorich, Chatsky's colleague - Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Koznov, Honored Artist of Russia Oleg Martyanov, Igor Grigoriev
Natalia Dmitrievna, his wife - People's Artist of Russia Svetlana Amanova, Laureate of the Government of Russia Prize, People's Artist of Russia Olga Pashkov
Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky - People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Dubrovsky
Mr. N - Honored Artist of Russia Sergey Tesov, Honored Artist of Russia Sergey Plishev, Dmitry Marin
Mr. D - Honored Artist of Russia Vasily Dakhnenko, Laureate of the Government of Russia Prize, Dmitry Solodovnik
Reetales, Moscow resident - Dmitry Zenichev
Petrushka, servant in the house of Famusov - Honored Artist of Russia Peter Folders
The servants in the house of Famusov - Peter Zhikharev, Mikhail Fomenko, Igor Grigoriev, Alexey Anhin, Alexander Naumov, Evgeny Sorokin

The performance of "grief from mind" has acquired new paints, freshness and simplicity thanks to the directorial interpretation in the Small Theater. The scenery of the performance is minimalistic - minimum of furniture and yellow, white and blue squares depicting doors. The characters almost nowhere to sit down, so they are in motion for almost the entire stage time, they constantly communicate with each other. The curnt work, linaked to the holes by school textbooks and theaters, receives the second birth on the stage of the Small Theater. Key definition of production - liveliness and life.

Having learned that for the production "" in the Small Theater, a famous director Sergey Zelebovach was invited, in theatrical circles immediately dubbed the play with high hopes. And these hopes were justified. Women's unrivaled specialist in the field of work on classical works. He managed not to marry in Routine, find sincerity in every plot, replay genre and style. Therefore, "grief from the mind" in a small theater can be called traditional and innovative performance at the same time.

There is not so much social topics in the formulation of the formulation as a lyrical sound of a love line. And in the center of the performance is no longer a Chatsky, but rather an impressive migrant, which brilliantly embodies Solomin. Pharmuses are here - father and head of the family, an indigestion owner. The role of Famusov in the theater career of Yuri Solkin, of course, one of the best. His character constantly runs and fussing, his gestures and facial expressions are unmatched comical. It can be said that the Famuses in this formulation of "grief from the mind" reminds the characters who embodied Louis de Fühnes - the kind of foolish dad. Griboyedov, the hero of the attractive hero. It is not too clear who he is - or a revolutionary and an accusable, or a boring resonant. However, Sergey Genovaches knows how to love all his characters and transmit this love to the audience, he with warmth and tenderness refers to each hero of the play. As a result, it turns out that Chatsky in the play of the Small Theater "Mount from Wit" - a charming character, simple and funny. Viewers are penetrated with sympathy.