
Bulgakov comparison of the ball and the ball. "Heart of a dog" characterization of heroes. The transformation of a dog into a human

In the course of studying the work of Mikhail Bulgakov, schoolchildren go through the story “ dog's heart". One of the key characters in this work is Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. All the ideological and plot content of the story is concentrated on this image. So, we have before us the characteristics of Sharikov. "Dog's heart". Composition by a 9th grade student.

Mikhail Bulgakov wrote his story "Heart of a Dog" in 1925. But readers were able to get to know her only after more than 60 years - in 1987. And this is not surprising - after all, the author makes fun of Soviet reality in this work, which he, like many representatives of the intelligentsia of that time, was very displeasing.

The main characters of the story are Professor Preobrazhensky and Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. The first image evokes sympathy and respect. Preobrazhensky is a very intelligent, educated, well-mannered and decent person. But the characterization of Sharikov in the story "Heart of a Dog" is extremely negative.

Polygraph Poligrafovich was born as a result of an experiment of a professor who conducted experiments in the field of rejuvenation of the human body. Preobrazhensky performed a unique operation, transplanting the brain of the deceased man to the yard dog Sharik. As a result, the dog turns into a human. He was named Polygraph Poligrafovich.

Sharikov took the worst from his "donors". From mongrels - the property of snarling, running after cats, catching fleas, etc. From a convicted thief, bully and alcoholic - the corresponding traits: laziness, arrogance, stupidity, cruelty. The result was an explosive mixture that horrified Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant, Dr. Bormental. They were shocked and upset about their creation. And no matter how much they tried to instill in him the features of a normal person, they did not succeed.

But society accepted Sharikov quite calmly. He even received a responsible position and enjoyed authority in his circle. This made Polygraph Poligrafovich more and more insolent and cruel. Seeing that his behavior does not evoke public condemnation, but on the contrary, Sharikov became an even greater moral monster than he was initially.

As a result, Preobrazhensky could not stand it and returned the unbelted monster to the dog's body. But what did Bulgakov want to say to all these readers? In my opinion, the image of Sharikov in the work symbolizes all those who came to power through the revolution. Uneducated, limited, lazy and arrogant people imagined themselves to be the masters of life, and turned a normal country into a ruin. In a fantastic story, the professor managed to "drive the genie back into the bottle."

But in real life this, alas, is impossible. Therefore, each person should think over their actions very well. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Measure seven times, cut once”. Otherwise, such monsters as Sharikov may appear. And it's really scary!

Consider the image of Sharikov from the story "Heart of a Dog". Bulgakov in this work does not just talk about an unnatural experiment he had carried out. Mikhail Afanasyevich describes a new type of person who appeared not in the laboratory of a scientist, but in the Soviet reality of the post-revolutionary years. An allegory of this type is the image of Sharikov in the story "Heart of a Dog". The plot is based on the relationship between a prominent scientist and Sharikov, a man artificially created from a dog.

Life assessment by the dog Sharik

The first part of this story is based largely on the inner monologue of a stray, half-starved dog. He evaluates street life in his own way, gives a description of the characters, morals, and everyday life in Moscow during the NEP era with many tea houses, shops, taverns on Myasnitskaya with clerks who hate dogs. The ball is able to appreciate affection and kindness, to sympathize. Strange as it may seem, he understands well the social structure of the new country. The ball condemns the newly minted masters of life, but about Preobrazhensky, an old intellectual from Moscow, he knows that he will not "kick" a hungry dog.

Implementation of the Preobrazhensky experiment

In the life of this dog, a happy, in her opinion, accident happens - the professor takes her to his luxurious apartment. It has everything, even a few "extra rooms". However, the professor does not need a dog for fun. He wants to carry out a fantastic experiment: the dog will have to turn into a human after transplanting some part. If Preobrazhensky becomes Faust, creating a person in a test tube, then Chugunkin Klim Petrovich is his second father, who gave Sharik his pituitary gland. Bulgakov gives a very brief description of this person. His profession is playing the balalaika in taverns. It is poorly built, the liver is enlarged as a result of alcohol consumption. Chunugkin died in a pub from a stab in the heart. The postoperative creature inherited the essence of its second father. Sharikov is aggressive, arrogant, arrogant.

Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov

Mikhail Afanasevich created a vivid image of Sharikov in the story "Heart of a Dog". This hero is devoid of ideas about culture, about how to behave with other people. After some time, a conflict is brewing between the creation and the creator, Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov, who calls himself "homunculus", and Preobrazhensky. The tragedy lies in the fact that a “man” who has barely learned to walk finds reliable allies in his life. They fail the revolutionary theoretical basis under all his actions. One of them is Shvonder. Sharikov learns from this hero what privileges he, a proletarian, have in comparison with Preobrazhensky, a professor. In addition, he begins to understand that the scientist who gave him a second life is a class enemy.

Sharikov's behavior

Let's supplement the image of Sharikov in Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" with a few more strokes. This hero clearly understands the main credo of the newly-minted masters of life: steal, rob, take away what others have created, and most importantly - strive for equalization. And the dog, once grateful to Preobrazhensky, no longer wants to put up with the fact that the professor has settled "alone in seven rooms." Sharikov brings a piece of paper, according to which he should allocate an area of \u200b\u200b16 square meters in the apartment. m. The polygraph is alien to morality, shame, conscience. All others are absent in him except anger, hatred, meanness. He looses his girdle more and more every day. Polygraph Poligrafovich rampages, steals, drinks, sticks to women. This is the image of Sharikov in the story "Heart of a Dog".

The finest hour of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov

A new job becomes for Sharikov his finest hour... The former stray dog \u200b\u200bmakes a dizzying leap. She turns into the head of the department for cleaning Moscow from homeless animals. Sharikov's choice of a profession is not surprising: those like them always want to destroy their own. However, the Polygraph does not stop there. New details complement the image of Sharikov in the story "Heart of a Dog". Short description his further actions are as follows.

The story with the typist, reverse transformation

Sharikov appears some time later in Preobrazhensky's apartment with a young girl and says that he is signing with her. This is a typist from his subdivision. Sharikov declares that Bormental will need to be evicted. In the end, it turns out that he deceived this girl, wrote many stories about himself. The last thing Sharikov does is inform about Preobrazhensky. The sorcerer-professor from the story of interest to us manages to turn a man back into a dog. It's good that Preobrazhensky realized that the nature of violence against himself does not tolerate.

Sharikovs in real life

In real life, alas, balls are much more tenacious. Arrogant, self-confident, not doubting that everything is allowed for them, these semi-literate lumpen have brought our country to a deep crisis. This is not surprising: violence over the move historical events, disregard for the laws of development of society could only give rise to the Sharikovs. The polygraph in the story turned into a dog again. But in life he managed to go a long and, as it seemed to him and inspired others, a glorious path. He hunted people in the 30-50s, as a kind of service once homeless animals. He carried through his whole life suspicion and doggy anger, replacing them with dog loyalty, which became unnecessary. This hero, having entered an intelligent life, remained at the level of instincts. And he wanted to change the country, the world, the universe in order to make it easier to satisfy these animal instincts. He conducts all these ideas into Sharikov, who created the image in the story "Heart of a Dog".

Human or animal: what distinguishes ballpoint from other people?

Sharikov is proud of his low birth, his ignorance. In general, he is proud of everything that is low in him, because only this raises him high above those who stand out in reason, spirit. People like Preobrazhensky need to be trampled into the mud so that Sharikov can rise above them. The Sharikovs outwardly do not differ in any way from other people, but their non-human essence is waiting for the right moment. When it comes, such creatures turn into monsters, waiting for the first opportunity in order to grab their prey. This is their true face. The Sharikovs are ready to betray their own. With them, everything that is sacred and high turns into its opposite when they touch it. The worst thing is that such people managed to achieve considerable power. Having come to her, the non-human seeks to dehumanize everyone around, so that it becomes easier to manage the herd. All human feelings are displaced from them

Sharikovs today

One cannot but turn to the present, analyzing the image of Sharikov in the story "Heart of a Dog". Short essay on the work should contain in the final part a few words about today's ballpoint. The fact is that after the revolution in our country, all conditions were created for a large number of such people to arise. The totalitarian system greatly contributes to this. They have penetrated into all areas of social life, and they still live among us. The Sharikovs are able to exist no matter what. The main threat to humanity today is the heart of a dog along with the human mind. Therefore, the story, written at the beginning of the last century, remains relevant today. It is a warning to future generations. It sometimes seems that Russia has become different during this time. But the way of thinking, stereotypes, will not change in 10 or 20 years. More than one generation will change before the balls disappear from our life, and people become others, devoid of animal instincts.

So, we examined the image of Sharikov in the story "Heart of a Dog". Summary works will help you get to know this hero better. And after reading the original story, you will discover some of the details of this image that we have omitted. The image of Sharikov in the story of M.A. Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog" is a great artistic achievement of Mikhail Afanasyevich, like the entire work as a whole.

The image of Sharikov and the phenomenon of Sharikovism in the story of M.A.Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"

"Heart of a Dog" is one of the most famous works of Mikhail Bulgakov. This story became a milestone in the creative evolution of the writer. The importance of the "Heart of a Dog" for Bulgakov is also evidenced by the fact that he sought the return of the arrested manuscript along with his personal diaries.

Together with "Fatal Eggs", "Heart of a Dog" opens many themes that have found their embodiment in subsequent works of the writer - evolution and revolution, the desire to understand the world around and the danger of unforeseen results of scientific experiments, the moral responsibility of man for committed actions, the inseparability of the real and the mystical ... In the story we also find sharp satire on contemporary writer reality, and elements of fantasy, and mysticism, and psychological certainty, and the philosophical views of the writer. It is in "Heart of a Dog" that the process of M. A. Bulgakov's transition from feuilletonism to " high creativity».

In this work, the writer rises to the pinnacle of satirical fiction. If satire states, then satirical fiction warns society about impending dangers and cataclysms. Bulgakov embodies his belief in the preference of normal evolution over the violent method of invading life. He speaks of the terrible destructive power of smug aggressive innovation. These themes are eternal, and they have not lost their significance now.

Most researchers of M. A. Bulgakov's work are inclined to believe that the source of the plot for the story "Heart of a Dog" was a real historical fact - social revolution in Russia. Indeed, many Russian writers and philosophers called the revolution and the social reconstruction that followed it "experiment" and "experience". However, Bulgakov thought much more broadly: his hero Professor FF Preobrazhensky is not a copy of the "leader of the world proletariat", but one of those "eternal" images of "scientists-creators" who risked encroaching on the secrets of the universe.

The basis of the narration is the inner monologue of Sharik, always hungry, unhappy street dog... He is very intelligent, in his own way evaluates the life of the street, everyday life, customs, characters of Moscow during the NEP. Every day before his eyes, numerous shops, teahouses, taverns on Myasnitskaya "with sawdust on the floor, evil clerks who hate dogs", "where they played the accordion and smelled of sausages" flashed before his eyes.

The whole chilled, hungry dog, besides scalded, observes the life of the street and draws conclusions: "The janitors of all proletarians are the most disgusting scum", "The cook comes across a different one. For example, the late Vlas from Prechistenka. He saved many lives."

Sharik sympathizes with the poor young lady typist, who is frozen, "running into the gateway in her lover's paramedic stockings": "She doesn't have enough money for the cinema, they've been deducted from her in the service, they fed him rotten meat in the dining room, and the manager stole half of her table forty kopecks ..." ... In his thoughts and ideas, Sharik contrasts the poor girl with the image of a triumphant boor - the new master of life: "I am now the chairman, and no matter how much I cheat, everything is female body, on cancer necks, on Abrau-Dyurso. "" I'm sorry for her, sorry. And I feel even more sorry for myself, "Sharik complains.

Seeing Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky, Sharik understands: "he is a man of mental labor ...", "this one will not kick."

And now Sharik lives in a luxurious professor's apartment. One of the leading, cross-cutting themes of Bulgakov's work begins to sound - the theme of the House as the focus of human life. The Bolsheviks destroyed the House as the basis of the family, as the basis of society. To the inhabited, warm, seemingly eternally beautiful house of the Turbins ("Days of the Turbins"), the writer contrasts Zoyka's decaying apartment (the comedy "Zoyka's Apartment"), where there is a fierce struggle for housing, for square meters.

But now the professor performs the main work of his life - a unique operation: he transplants the human pituitary gland to the dog Sharik from a 28-year-old man who died a few hours before the operation.

This man, Klim Petrovich Chugunkin, was convicted three times: "Profession - playing the balalaika in taverns. Small in stature, poorly built. The liver is dilated (alcohol). The cause of death is a stab in the heart in a pub".

As a result of a most complicated operation, an ugly, primitive creature appeared - an inhuman, who completely inherited the "proletarian" essence of his "ancestor". The first words he uttered were swearing, the first distinct word: "bourgeois". And then - street words: "Don't push!" "scoundrel", "get off the step", etc. He was a disgusting "man of small stature and unsympathetic appearance. The hair on his head grew hard ... The forehead was striking with its low height. Almost immediately above the black threads of eyebrows, a thick head brush began." He “dressed up” in the same ugly and vulgar way.

A monstrous homunculus, a dog-like man whose "basis" was Klim Chugunkin, feels himself the master of life. He is arrogant, arrogant, aggressive. The conflict between Professor Preobrazhensky, Bormenthal and the humanoid Shirikov is absolutely inevitable. The life of the professor and the inhabitants of his apartment becomes a living hell.

The grin of life is that, barely standing on his hind limbs, Sharikov is ready to oppress, drive into a corner the professor who gave birth to him. And now this humanoid creature demands from the professor a residence permit, confident that the house committee, which "protects interests", will help him in this.

Sharikov grows impudent every day. In addition, he finds an ally - Shvonder. It is he, Shvonder, who demands the issuance of the document to Sharikov, claiming that the document is the most important thing in the world. By the way, formalism and bureaucracy of the 1930s haunt our country to this day.

The scary thing is that the bureaucratic system does not need a professor's science. It costs her nothing to appoint anyone as a person. Any insignificance, even an empty place - to take and appoint a person. Well, of course, having formalized it accordingly and reflecting it, as it should be, in the documents.

It should be noted that Shvonder, the chairman of the house committee, bears no less responsibility than the professor for the humanoid monster. Shvonder supported Sharikov's social status, armed him with an ideological phrase, he is his ideologist, his "spiritual shepherd."

The paradox is that, helping to establish a creature with a "dog's heart", Shvonder is digging a hole for himself. Pitting Sharikov against the professor, the house committee does not understand that someone else can easily set Sharikov against Shvonder himself. It is enough for a man with a dog's heart to point out anyone, to say that he is an enemy, and Sharikov will humiliate him, destroy him, etc.

Shvonder, the allegorical "black man," supplies Sharikov with "scientific" literature, and gives him the correspondence between Engels and Kautsky for "study." The bestial creature does not approve of either one or the other author: "Otherwise they write, write ... Congress, some Germans ..." He draws only one conclusion: "We must share everything."

So Sharikov instinctively “sensed” the main credo of the new masters of life, all the Sharikovs: rob, steal, take away everything created, as well as the main principle of the so-called socialist society - universal equalization, called equality.

Sharikov, supported by Shvonder, is getting more and more loose and openly hooligan. To the words of the exhausted professor that he would find a room for Sharikov so that he could move out, he replies: "Well, yes, I am such a fool to move out of here," Sharikov answered very clearly. " living area of \u200b\u200b16 meters.

Soon "Sharikov appropriated 2 ducats in the professor's office, disappeared from the apartment and returned late, completely drunk."

The finest hour for Polygraph Poligrafovich was his "service". Disappearing from home, he appears before the amazed professor and Bormenthal as a kind of fellow, full of dignity and respect for himself, “in a leather jacket from someone else's shoulder, in worn leather pants and high English boots.” The terrible, incredible smell of cats immediately spread throughout To the dumbfounded professor, he presents a paper, which says that Comrade Sharikov is the head of the subdivision for cleaning the city from stray animals.

So, Bulgakov's Sharik made a dizzying career: from stray dogs - to orderlies to cleanse the city of stray dogs / and cats, of course /. Well, chasing your own - characteristic all Sharikovs. They destroy their own, as if covering up traces of their own origin ...

Sharikov's next move is a visit to the Prechista apartment together with a young girl. “I am signing with her, this is our typist. Bormental will have to be evicted ... - Sharikov explained extremely hostilely and gloomily. Of course, the scoundrel deceived the girl by telling stories about himself. He behaved with her so ugly that a grandiose scandal flared up in the pre-purest apartment: the professor and his assistant, driven to white heat, began to defend the girl ...

The last, final chord of Sharikov's activity is the denunciation-libel against Professor Preobrazhensky.

It should be noted that it was then, in the thirties, that denunciation became one of the foundations of a "socialist" society, which would be more correct to call totalitarian.

Sharikov is alien to conscience, shame, morality. He lacks all human qualities, except meanness, hatred, anger ...

It is good that on the pages of the story the sorcerer-professor managed to reverse the transformation of a man-monster into an animal, into a dog. It is good that the professor understood that nature does not tolerate violence against itself.

Alas, in real life the Sharikovs turned out to be more tenacious, crawling out of all the cracks. Self-confident, arrogant, semi-literate, they brought the country to the deepest crisis, for the "Shvonder" theory of the "great leap forward in the socialist revolution", mocking disregard for the laws of evolution, could only give rise to the Sharikovs.

Outwardly, the ball is no different from people, they are always among us. Their non-human nature is just waiting to manifest. And then the judge, in the interests of his career and the fulfillment of the plan for solving crimes, condemns the innocent, the doctor turns away from the patient, the mother abandons her child. All the highest and most sacred turns into its opposite, because the "non-human" has woken up in them and tramples them into the mud. Coming to power, the “non-human” tries to deprive the human of everyone around him, because it is easier to control non-humans, they have all human feelings replaced by the instinct of self-preservation.

The heart of a dog in alliance with the human mind is the main threat of our time. That is why the story, written at the beginning of the century, remains relevant today. It serves as a warning to future generations. Today is so close to yesterday ...

At first glance, it seems that outwardly everything has changed, that the country has become different. But consciousness, stereotypes, the way of thinking of people will not change either in ten or twenty years. More than one generation will pass before the Sharikovs disappear from our life, before people become different, before the vices described by Bulgakov in his immortal work.

Showing how Sharikov's evolution takes place, how he gradually becomes more insolent and more aggressive, Bulgakov makes the reader, laughing merrily at comic situations and witty remarks, feel the terrible danger of Sharikovism, this new social phenomenon, which began to emerge in the 20s. The revolutionary government encourages snitching and denunciations, releasing the basest instincts of uncultured and uneducated people. It gives them a sense of power over smart, cultured, intelligent people. The Sharikovs, who have seized power, pose a terrible threat to society.

Bulgakov touches in his story and the reasons for their appearance. If Sharikov arose as a result of the scientific experience of Professor Preobrazhensky, then such people with a dog's heart may appear as a result of that risky experiment, which in our country was called the building of socialism, an experiment of enormous scale and very dangerous.

An attempt to create a new just society, to educate a free and conscientious person by revolutionary, that is, violent methods, according to the writer, was initially doomed to failure. After all, the desire "to the ground" to destroy the old world with its eternal universal human moral values \u200b\u200band build life on a principled new basis - it means forcibly interfering with the natural course of things. The consequences of this intervention will be dire. Philip Philipovich understands this when he sadly reflects on why his brilliant scientific experiment gave rise to a real monster, which began to pose a mortal danger to everyone around him. This happened because the researcher violated the laws of nature, and in no case should this be done.

In the story "Heart of a Dog" M.A. Bulgakov does not just describe the unnatural experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky. The writer shows a new type of person who arose not in the laboratory of a talented scientist, but in the new, Soviet reality of the first post-revolutionary years. The plot of the story is based on the relationship between a prominent Russian scientist and Sharik, Sharikov, a dog and an artificially created person. The first part of the story is based mainly on the inner monologue of a half-starved street dog. He in his own way evaluates the life of the street, everyday life, customs, characters of Moscow during the NEP, with its many shops, teahouses, taverns on Myasnitskaya "with sawdust on the floor, evil clerks who hate dogs." Sharik knows how to sympathize, appreciate kindness and affection and, oddly enough, perfectly understands the social structure of new Russia: he condemns the new masters of life (“I am now the chairman, and no matter how much I cheat - everything is on a woman's body, on cancerous necks, to Abrau-Dyurso "), but about the old Moscow intellectual, Preobrazhensky, knows that "this one will not kick."

In Sharik's life, in his opinion, a happy accident happens - he finds himself in a luxurious professor's apartment, which, despite the widespread devastation, has everything and even "extra rooms". But the professor doesn't need a dog for fun. A fantastic experiment is conceived over him: by transplanting a part of the human brain, the dog must turn into a human. But if the Faust who creates a man in a test tube becomes Professor Preobrazhensky, then the second father - a man who gives a dog its pituitary gland - is Klim Petrovich Chugunkin, whose characteristics are given extremely briefly: “Profession - playing the balalaika in taverns. Small in stature, poorly built. The liver is enlarged (alcohol). The cause of death is a stab in the heart in a pub. " And the creature that emerged as a result of the operation completely inherited the proletarian essence of its ancestor. He is arrogant, arrogant, aggressive.

He is completely devoid of ideas about human culture, about the rules of relationships with other people, he is absolutely immoral. The inevitable conflict between the creator and creation, Preobrazhensky and Sharik, or, more precisely, Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov, as “homunculus” calls itself, is gradually brewing. And the tragedy is that a “man” who has barely learned to walk finds reliable allies in life who provide a revolutionary theoretical basis for all his actions. From Shvonder, Sharikov learns what privileges he, a proletarian, have in comparison with a professor, and, moreover, begins to realize that the scientist who gave him human life is a class enemy. Sharikov clearly understands the main credo of the new masters of life: rob, steal, take away everything created by other people, and most importantly - strive for universal equalization. And the dog, once grateful to the professor, can no longer come to terms with the fact that he “settled in seven rooms alone,” and brings a paper, according to which he is supposed to have an area of \u200b\u200b16 meters in his apartment. Sharikov is alien to conscience, shame, morality. He lacks human qualities, except for meanness, hatred, anger ... Every day he loses his girdle more and more. He steals, drinks, rampages in Preobrazhensky's apartment, sticks to women.

But Sharikov's finest hour is his new job. The ball makes a dizzying leap: from a stray dog, he turns into the head of the subdivision of cleaning the city from stray animals.

And it is precisely this choice of profession that is not surprising: the Sharikovs always strive to destroy their own. But Sharikov does not stop on the achieved. After a while, he appears in an apartment on Prechistenka with a young girl and declares: “I am signing with her, this is our typist. Bormental will have to be evicted ... ”Of course, it turns out that Sharikov deceived the girl, composed many stories about himself. And the last chord of Sharikov's activity is the denunciation of Professor Preobrazhensky. In the story, the sorcerer-professor succeeds in the reverse transformation human monster into an animal, into a dog. It is good that the professor realized that nature does not tolerate violence against itself. But, alas, in real life the Sharikovs turned out to be much more tenacious. Self-confident, arrogant, no doubters in their sacred rights to everything, the semi-literate lumpen brought our country to the deepest crisis, because violence over the course of history, neglect of the laws of its development could only give rise to the Sharikovs. In the story, Sharikov again turned into a dog, but in life he walked a long and, as it seemed to him, and others were inspired, a glorious path, and in the thirties and fifties he poisoned people, as he once did in the service of stray cats and dogs. Throughout his life he carried a dog's anger and suspicion, replacing them with unnecessary dog \u200b\u200bloyalty. Having entered into intelligent life, he remained at the level of instincts and was ready to change the whole country, the whole world, the entire universe so that these animal instincts would be easier to satisfy.

He is proud of his low birth. He is proud of his low education. In general, he is proud of everything low, because only this raises him high above those who are high in spirit and reason. People like Preobrazhensky must be trampled into the mud so that Sharikov can rise above them. Outwardly, the balls are no different from people, but their non-human essence is just waiting for the moment to manifest. And then they turn into monsters, which at the first opportunity to grab a tidbit, throw off the mask and show their true nature. They are ready to betray their own. All the highest and most sacred turns into its opposite as soon as they touch it. And the worst thing is that the Sharikovs managed to achieve tremendous power, and when they came to power, the non-human tries to dehumanize everyone around, because it is easier to control non-humans, they have all human feelings replaced by the instinct of self-preservation. In our country, after the revolution, all conditions were created for the emergence of a huge number of ball-balls with dog hearts. The totalitarian system greatly contributes to this. Probably due to the fact that these monsters have penetrated into all areas of life, that they are still among us, Russia is now experiencing hard times... It is scary that aggressive balls with their truly canine survivability, no matter what, can survive. The heart of a dog in alliance with the human mind is the main threat of our time. That is why the story, written at the beginning of the century, remains relevant today, serves as a warning to future generations. Sometimes it seems that our country has changed. But consciousness, stereotypes, the way of thinking of people will not change in ten or twenty years - more than one generation will change before the balls disappear from our life, before people become different, before the vices described by M.A. Bulgakov in his immortal work. How I want to believe that this time will come! ..

One of the significant works in the work of M. Bulgakov is the story "Heart of a Dog". It was completed in 1925, but became available to the reader only in 1987.
The plot is based on the semi-fantastic story of the transformation of a dog into a human. An eminent scientist, a world-renowned luminary, Professor Preobrazhensky has been dealing with the problems of body rejuvenation all his life. The final result of the experiment was to be the creation of a new, perfect person. Together with Dr. Bormenthal, Philip Philipovich performs a unique operation - he replaces the dog's brain with the cerebral pituitary gland of a deceased man.
The eternally hungry, homeless dog Sharik after the operation takes on a human form and becomes Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. But this experiment cannot be called successful. The professor wanted to see the result at all.
And here the social and moral issues of the story come to the fore. Revolutionary reality destroys the "human", humane in man. All the worst qualities passed from the dog to Sharikov: he snarls, catches fleas, bites, runs after cats. From the man, the same inclinations remained.
What kind of person was he? “Klim Grigorievich Chugunkin, 25 years old, single. Non-partisan, sympathetic ... Sued three times and acquitted ... Theft. Profession playing the balalaika in taverns ... ". That is, the genes of a rowdy, a criminal and a drunkard were passed on to Sharikov.
This is just one side of the problem. The second, more serious, is the environment in which Sharikov was formed, the revolutionary reality of those years. Preobrazhensky tried to educate the "new man" in the spirit of the intelligentsia, to instill in him his own way of life. But Shvonder, the chairman of the house committee, took a greater part in the "formation" of Sharikov's personality. Preobrazhensky had just thought of suggesting to his ward to read Robinson Crusoe, when he was already outstripped by the “red agitator, who suggested“ this… How her… Engels's correspondence with this… how his - the devil - with Kautsky ”.
According to these words of Sharikov, one can already judge about his narrow-minded mind. The response was extraordinary: “Bormental stopped a fork with a piece of white meat halfway through, and Philip Philipovich spilled the wine. At that time Sharikov contrived and swallowed the vodka. " The amazement of the heroes is understandable: an underdeveloped person speaks of such a serious political document as the Correspondence of Engels with Kautsky. What Preobrazhensky as an educator cannot achieve, Shvonder could easily do, occupying the same level with Sharikov. Therefore, short command slogans and quotations from Engels are dearer to the "newborn".
Sharikov is a narrow-minded, rude, selfish creature. It is disgusting for normal people not only externally, but also internally. Instead of gratitude to his "parent", he claims a living space, grossly insults and reports to the appropriate authorities.
Sharikov cannot be called completely stupid and narrow-minded. He perfectly feels the benefits of living with Preobrazhensky, since here you can "eat" for free. And when they tried to expel Sharikov from the apartment, he showed "three papers": green, yellow and white, issued by a housing association, confirming the right to live in apartment number five. It turns out that Sharikov arranged everything in advance, which speaks of his vitality.
Polygraph Poligrafovich is not as simple as it might seem at first. He never misses his benefit. Sharikov got a job not as a simple worker, but as the head of the subdivision for clearing the city of stray cats. I wonder his opinion about military service: "I will not go to fight anywhere! .. I will take on the account, and to fight - a shish with butter." It is surprising how quickly he found the reason for his refusal to serve in the army: “I was seriously wounded during the operation,” Sharikov whined gloomily, “you see how they beat me up,” and he pointed to his head. There was a very fresh operating scar running across his forehead. " Elsewhere, the hero explains the reason for the appearance of the scar in another way, as a wound received during the civil war on the "Kolchak fronts".
Every day the subject becomes more insolent and impudent. Scientists have no choice but to return it to its former appearance.
The story "Heart of a Dog" is tragicomic. Fantasy, reality and satire are intertwined in it. Sharikov's appearance reflects the shortcomings of the new social order, which M. Bulgakov did not accept.