
How is the character of Bazarov revealed in relations with his parents? How does Bazarov feel about his parents? Does he love them? How bazaars are revealed in relations with parents

In the novel Fathers and Sons, Bazarov's parents are bright representatives of the older generation. Despite the fact that the author does not pay as much attention to them as, say, to the Kirsanov brothers, the images of Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vasilievna are not given by chance. With their help, the author most fully shows the relationship between generations.

Bazarov's parents

Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov is the father of the main character of the novel. This is a man of the old school, brought up in strict rules. His desire to appear modern and progressive is endearing, but the reader realizes that he is more of a conservative than a liberal. Even in his profession as a healer, he adheres to traditional methods, not trusting modern medicine. He believes in God, but tries not to show his faith, especially in front of his wife.

Arina Vasilievna Bazarova - Eugene's mother, a simple Russian woman. She is poorly educated, strongly believes in God. The image of a fussy old woman created by the author looks old-fashioned even for that time. Turgenev writes in the novel that she should have been born two hundred years ago.
She causes only a pleasant impression, which does not spoil either her piety and superstition, or her good nature and complaisance.

The relationship between parents and Bazarov

The characterization of Bazarov's parents clearly shows that for these two people there is nothing more important than their only son. It is in it that the meaning of their life lies. And it doesn’t matter at all whether Eugene is nearby or far away, all thoughts and conversations are only about a dearly beloved and beloved child. From every word emanates care and tenderness. The old people speak very tenderly about their son. They love him with blind love, which cannot be said about Evgeny himself: it is difficult to call Bazarov’s attitude towards his parents love.

At first glance, it is difficult to call Bazarov's relationship with his parents warm and affectionate. You can even say that he does not appreciate parental warmth and care at all. But this is far from true. He sees and notices everything, even experiences reciprocal feelings. But to show them openly, he doesn’t know how, he just doesn’t consider it necessary to do it. And others do not allow it.

Bazarov is negative about any attempts by parents to show joy from his presence. The Bazarov family knows this, and the parents try to hide their true feelings from him, do not show increased attention to him and do not show their love.

But all these qualities of Eugene are ostentatious. But the hero realizes this too late, only when he is already dying. Nothing can be changed or returned. Bazarov understands this, and therefore asks Odintsova not to forget his old people: “People like them cannot be found in your big world during the day with fire.” These words from his mouth can be compared with a declaration of love for his parents, he just does not know how to express it in another way.

But the absence or manifestation of love is not the cause of misunderstanding between generations, and the upbringing of Bazarov is a vivid confirmation of this.
He does not abandon his parents, on the contrary, he dreams that they understand him and share his convictions. Parents try to do this, but still remain true to their traditional views. It is this discrepancy that leads to the problem of the eternal misunderstanding of children and fathers.

Bazarov's meeting with his parents is one of the most difficult conflicts that new people had to enter into - a conflict with their own parents - "fathers" in the truest sense of the word. The task of our lesson is to understand what kind of relationship Bazarov has with his parents and why.


How do his father and mother treat Eugene? To answer this question, let us turn to the beginning of the XX chapter of the novel.


“Arkady stretched his head out from behind his comrade and saw on the porch of the master's house a tall, thin man, with disheveled hair and a thin aquiline nose, dressed in an old military frock coat unbuttoned. He stood with his legs spread, smoking a long pipe and squinting in the sun.
The horses stopped.
“Finally, he’s welcome,” said Bazarov’s father, still continuing to smoke, although the chubuk jumped between his fingers. - Well, get out, get out, let's cheer. He began to hug his son ... "Enyusha, Enyusha," the trembling female voice. The door swung open, and a round, short old woman in a white cap and a short motley blouse appeared on the threshold. She gasped, staggered and probably would have fallen if Bazarov had not supported her. Her chubby arms instantly wrapped around his neck, head pressed against his chest, and all was silent. Only her intermittent sobs were heard". (Ch. XX)

"Your son is one of the most wonderful people with whom I have ever met, - Arkady answered with liveliness.
Vassily Ivanovich's eyes suddenly opened, and his cheeks flushed faintly. The shovel fell out of his hands.
“So you think—” he began.
- I'm sure, - Arkady picked up, - that your son will have a great future, that he will glorify your name. I was convinced of this from our first meeting. was it? - Vasily Ivanovich barely said. An enthusiastic smile parted his wide lips and never left them..
- Do you want to know how we met?
- Yes... and in general...
Arkady began to talk and talk about Bazarov with even more fervor, with more enthusiasm than on the evening when he danced the mazurka with Odintsova.
Vasily Ivanovich listened to him, listened, blew his nose, rolled a handkerchief in both hands, coughed, ruffled his hair - and finally could not stand it: he bent down to Arkady and kissed him on the shoulder.
- You made me completely happy.
- he said, smiling without ceasing, - I must tell you that i... idolize my son; I'm not talking about my old woman anymore: it's known - mother! but I dare not show my feelings in front of him, because he does not like it. He is the enemy of all outpourings; many even condemn him for such firmness of his character and see in it a sign of pride or insensitivity; But people like him do not have to be measured with an ordinary arshin, is not it? Why, for example: another in his place would pull and pull from his parents; and we, believe me? he never took an extra penny, by God!
“He is a disinterested, honest man,” remarked Arkady.
- Precisely disinterested. And I, Arkady Nikolaevich, I not only idolize him, I'm proud of him, and all my ambition is that, over time, the following words would appear in his biography: “The son of a simple staff doctor, who, however, knew how to solve it early and spared nothing for his education ...” The old man’s voice broke off. (Ch. XXI)

The mental state of the characters is shown by laconic, but extremely expressive details of external behavior.


What are these people?


Vasily Ivanovich is not a nobleman, but a commoner, the son of a deacon who became a doctor. He was a military doctor for General Kirsanov, apparently very good, since he was awarded the Order of Vladimir for his work during the plague epidemic in Bessarabia. He was proud that he knew the Decembrists from the Southern Society.

“After all, what am I? Retired Medical Officer, volatu; now I got into agronomists. I served in your grandfather's brigade, - he turned again to Arkady, - yes, yes, yes; I have seen many species in my lifetime. And in what societies I have not been, with whom I have not respected! I, the same I that you deign to see now before you, I felt the pulse of Prince Wittgenstein and Zhukovsky! Those in the southern army, according to the fourteenth, you understand (and here Vasily Ivanovich pursed his lips significantly), he knew everyone without exception. Well, why, my business is a party; know your lancet, and that's it! And your grandfather was a very respectable man, a real military man. (Ch. XX)

“It reminds me of your present bed, my lords,” he began, “my military, bivouac life, dressing stations, also somewhere near the haystack, and that’s still the glory of God. He sighed. - I have experienced many, many things in my lifetime. For example, if I may, I will tell you a curious episode of the plague in Bessarabia.
- For which you got Vladimir? - picked up Bazarov. - We know, we know... By the way, why don't you wear it?
“After all, I told you that I have no prejudices,” muttered Vasily Ivanovich (only the day before he ordered to tear the red ribbon from his coat) and began to tell the episode of the plague. (Ch. XXI)

Now he is a small landowner (there are 22 souls in the name of his wife) and a working man in his own way. The garden was cultivated by his hands, and he is still engaged in medical practice: he treats peasants, and moreover, for free. He is a very kind, gentle person. He is ready to love everything related to his son.

“How many souls does your father have? asked Arkady suddenly.
- The estate is not his, but his mother's; souls, I remember, fifteen.
“And twenty-two in all,” Timofeich remarked with displeasure. (Ch. XX)

“- There is a peasant here, he suffers from icterus ...
- You mean jaundice?
- Yes, chronic and very persistent icterus. I prescribed him centaury and St. John's wort, made him eat carrots, gave him soda; but that's all palliative facilities; something more decisive is needed. Although you laugh at medicine, I'm sure you can give me good advice. (Ch. XXI)


In the field of science, Vasily Ivanovich tries not to lag behind, to keep pace with the century. Does he succeed?


“... I try, if possible, not to overgrow, as they say, with moss, to keep up with the century.
Vassily Ivanovich pulled out of his pocket a new yellow foulard, which he managed to grab while running to Arkadiev's room, and continued, waving it in the air:
- I'm not talking about the fact that I, for example, not without significant donations for myself, put the peasants on quitrent and gave them my land to the full. I considered it my duty, the very prudence in this case commands, although other owners do not even think about it: I'm talking about the sciences, about education.
- Yes; I see you have a “Friend of Health” for one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five years, ”Bazarov remarked.
“An old comrade sends it to me through an acquaintance,” Vasily Ivanovich said hastily, “but we, for example, have an idea about phrenology,” he added, addressing, however, more to Arkady and pointing to a small plaster head standing on the cabinet, broken into numbered quadrangles - we did not remain unknown to both Schonlein and Rademacher.
- Do they still believe in Rademacher in *** provinces? asked Bazarov.
Vasily Ivanovich coughed.
- In the province ... Of course, you, gentlemen, know better; where can we keep up with you? After all, you have come to replace us. And in my time, some humorist Hoffman, some Brown with his vitalism seemed very funny, but they also thundered once. Someone new has replaced Rademacher among you, you worship him, and in twenty years, perhaps, they will laugh at that too. “I’ll tell you as a consolation,” Bazarov said, “that we now laugh at medicine in general and bow down to no one.” (Ch. XX)

Everything that they talk about with their son is far from modern science to Bazarov, the newspaper “Friend of Health” has turned black from old dust - it is four years old (1855).
Vasily Ivanovich is proud that he understands something in phrenology, and this is a false science, and then it was already infinitely outdated.
Vasily Ivanovich considers Rademacher, a follower of a scientist who lived in the 16th century, to be the highest authority.
And what seems to be progressive, and really progressive, in comparison with the activities of others, is nothing but a "palliative"* measure. And Bazarov is a supporter of not half-hearted, but abrupt, revolutionary measures.

* "Palliative" (half) measure - something that gives only a temporary effect.

Arina Vlasyevna is a person of a different time, a different way of life than her son. But in the novel, she is shown mainly as an infinitely loving mother.

“Arina Vlasyevna was a real Russian noblewoman of the past; she should have lived two hundred years, in old Moscow times. She was very pious and sensitive, believed in all sorts of signs, divination, conspiracies, dreams; she believed in holy fools, in brownies, in goblin, in bad meetings, in spoilage, in folk medicines, in Thursday salt, in the imminent end of the world; she believed that if the candles did not go out at the vigil on Easter Sunday, then the buckwheat would be well harvested, and that the mushroom would no longer grow if the human eye saw it; believed that the devil loves to be where there is water, and that every Jew has a bloody spot on his chest; was afraid of mice, snakes, frogs, sparrows, leeches, thunder, cold water, through the wind, horses, goats, red people and black cats and revered crickets and dogs as unclean animals; she ate no veal, no pigeons, no crayfish, no cheese, no asparagus, no earthen pears, no hare, no watermelons, because a sliced ​​watermelon resembles the head of John the Baptist; and she spoke of oysters only with a shudder; she loved to eat - and strictly fasted; she slept ten hours a day - and did not go to bed at all if Vasily Ivanovich had a headache; she didn’t read a single book except Alexis, or The Cabin in the Forest, she wrote one, many two letters a year, and she knew a lot about the household, drying and jam, although she didn’t touch anything with her hands and generally reluctantly moved from her place. Arina Vlasyevna was very kind and, in her own way, not stupid at all. She knew that there are gentlemen in the world who must command, and simple people who must serve, and therefore did not disdain either servility or bows to the earth; but she treated her subordinates affectionately and meekly, did not let a single beggar through without a handout, and never condemned anyone, although she sometimes gossiped. In her youth she was very pretty, played the clavichord, and spoke a little French; but during many years of wandering with her husband, whom she married against her will, she became blurry and forgot music and French. She loved her son and was indescribably afraid; she left the management of the estate to Vasily Ivanovich - and no longer entered into anything: she groaned, waved her handkerchief and raised her eyebrows higher and higher in fright, as soon as her old man began to talk about the upcoming transformations and about his plans. She was suspicious, constantly waiting for some great misfortune and immediately wept as soon as she remembered something sad ... Such women are now being translated. God knows if we should rejoice in this!” (Ch. XX)


What role did parents play in raising their son? How do they look at his work now?


The parents did everything they could. Vasily Ivanovich is proud that "he spared nothing for his upbringing." “The son of a simple staff doctor, who, however, knew how to solve it early and spared nothing for his upbringing ...”

They helped their son as much as they could, although they themselves did not live well. To Bazarov's credit, it should be noted that he "had never taken an extra penny" from them (Ch. XXI). Vasily Ivanovich says that he knew how to unravel his son early, to understand that he was a very smart person, and to give him a path to science (Chapter XXI).


What hopes does Vasily Ivanovich place on his son?


“... after all, he will not achieve the fame that you prophesy to him in the medical field?” "He will be famous!" (Ch. XXI).

Vasily Ivanovich understands that Bazarov is an extraordinary person, and at the same time very disinterested and not insensitive. The father even guesses that his son will not achieve his fame in the medical field, but what worries him most of all is not what his Eugene will do, but the fact that he will be famous. Vasily Ivanovich is proud of his son, although he hardly understands his goals.


How does Bazarov treat his parents?


Bazarov deeply loves his parents. He simply tells Arkady about this: “I love you, Arkady!” And this is a lot in his mouth. In the first moments of meeting with his father, he looks at him with love: “Aha, ge! How he, however, turned gray, poor fellow! “... Better sit right here on the sofa and let me look at you.” (Ch. XX)


Do the parents share the views of their son? Does Bazarov suit the lifestyle of her parents?


With all their love, they do not have unity: Bazarov cannot turn a blind eye to the difference in views and goals in life. “Deaf life, life in itself”, according to established laws, enlivened only by “generosity” with the peasants - Bazarov cannot accept such a life.

It is noteworthy that Bazarov not only does not argue with his father, but does not even support his father’s conversations about politics: “about the grave fears inspired by Napoleon’s politics and the complexity of the Italian question”, about the upcoming reform. He even accuses himself of having once “taunted” (his expression) his father, embarrassing him with the fact that he knows how he ordered the flogging of a quitrent peasant. Bazarov's task is to remake the foundations of life: "correct society, and there will be no diseases." And it is impossible to remake the foundations of life with parents.


Is it easy for Bazarov to endure such a situation?


You can't talk about his insensitivity. Bazarov does not want to upset his parents. Having decided to leave, he could not tell his father about this all day and, only saying goodbye to him, he said "with a strained yawn." He is upset that he embarrassed his father before leaving, he is "ashamed" to lock himself away from him during work, he tries to talk to his mother, but ... "you go out to her - and she has nothing to say." It's complex and hopeless, in its own way tragic conflict with parents, loved ones and loving people. The best way out in this situation is to “determine the territories”, one’s own and the parent’s, and meet only on the “no man’s land”. Bazarov is forced to do just that.


How does Turgenev himself look at this conflict, does he condemn Bazarov or not, and what feeling will the reader who has read this chapter have?


Turgenev does not condemn Bazarov, he explains why it happened, but at the same time Turgenev sympathizes with his parents in their great sadness, since the feeling parental love- "holy, devoted feeling."

"Honor thy father and mother." Even if the views on life are different, this should not interfere with mutual respect and friendship between parents and children.


Vladimir Korovin. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. // Encyclopedia for children "Avanta +". Volume 9. Russian literature. Part one. M., 1999
N.I. Yakushin. I.S. Turgenev in life and work. M.: Russian word, 1998
L.M. Lotman. I.S. Turgenev. History of Russian literature. Volume three. Leningrad: Science, 1982. S. 120 - 160

Lesson topic: Bazarov and his parents.

The purpose of the lesson: consider the images of the father and mother, identify the relationship between Bazarov and his parents, expand the psychological portrait of the main character; develop students' reading interest, communication skills; instill a sense of duty in children towards their parents.

Equipment: epigraphs for the lesson, illustrations for the novel, presentation for the lesson.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Guys, tell me, how often do you say words of love, confess your love? To whom do you most often say "I love you"? Of course, first of all, to your favorite girls. Think about the last time you told your parents, “I love you. Thank you for having me." But they, no less than your girls, need our words of love, our support. They need us.

    Writing an epigraph for the lesson.

You probably guessed it, today in the lesson we will talk about relationships with parents, about the attitude of our hero Yevgeny Bazarov towards his parents. Let's turn to our first epigraph.

“People like them cannot be found in our big world during the day with fire.” ( Bazarov about parents).

Every child can say the same about their parents.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

1) Let's first remember who Bazarov is and what you learned about him.Working with portraits Bazarov. Turgenev gives a small description of the appearance of his hero. We learn more about him from other heroes. (Bazarov is a nihilist. Bazarov is a future doctor, he studies at a medical university. After a three-year absence from home, he comes to his homeland, where his parents are looking forward to him.) And what can you say, looking at the portraits of Bazarov? How does he appear to you?

2) Yes, Bazarov is a nihilist. Who is a nihilist? How does Bazarov characterize himself? (We deny everything!) This means that nihilists also deny love, romanticism, sentimentalism. When others don't think so. Therefore, we can say that Bazarov is lonely.

3) Let's remember when Bazarov comes to his parents. Straightaway? (No, almost a month after his arrival from St. Petersburg. He comes to his parents after a difficult conversation with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. He, a nihilist who denies all life, fell in love with this woman. And she rejected his feeling. It was unbearable for him. And for in order to forget Odintsova, Bazarov tries to distract himself, goes to his parents).

4) Tell us how Bazarov was met by his parents.

5) Who are they, what do they do? (Vasily Ivanovich is a very kind person. He treats peasants for free, although he has already refused to work as a doctor. He seeks to replenish his knowledge. Vasily Ivanovich is a hospitable host, he meets Arkady with pleasure, offers him a comfortable room, although in an outbuilding. Vasily Ivanovich she likes to talk a lot. Arina Vlasyevna is superstitious and ignorant, she was afraid of frogs, she didn’t read books. She loved to eat, sleep and “knew a lot about housekeeping.” She didn’t understand politics. She is very kind and caring: she won’t go to bed if her husband has a headache; loves her son more than anything in the world. Arina Vlasyevna is a person of a different way of life than her son.)

6) How do father and mother treat Eugene? (Mother affectionately calls him Enyushka; they were afraid to disturb him once again)

7) Can Bazarov be called a good son? (Yes, you can. He takes care of their financial condition, during his studies he did not ask them for a penny. Being at his death, he asks Odintsova to take care of his parents: “After all, people like them cannot be found in your big world during the day with fire ...”)

8) What is the reason for his “dry” communication with his parents? (With a break with Odintsova)

9) Can we say that Bazarov is insensitive towards his parents? (No, he does not want to upset his parents, so he decides to tell about his departure only in the evening.)

10) Why does Bazarov's parents' life seem "deaf"?

11) How does Bazarov feel about his parents? (Bazarov loves his parents, directly says to Arkady: “I love you, Arkady.” And this is a lot on his lips. In the first moments of meeting with his father, he looks at him with love and understands how he, poor fellow, turned gray. due assessment. But Bazarov cannot close his eyes to the difference in views and goals of life. Bazarov cannot accept such a deaf life. Bazarov does not want to fight the little things of life, his task is to remake the foundations of life: there will be no correction of society and diseases. But to remake the foundations of life parents are not allowed, any attempt to scold them would at least upset them, would not bring any benefit).

12) Death of Bazarov. Why does Bazarov die? How does Bazarov feel about his death? (An experienced and understanding doctor, Bazarov knows perfectly well what needs to be done in case of infection, but does not do it.)

13) Tell us about the experiences of Bazarov's parents during his illness.

    Painting work. In 1874, the artist V. Perov painted a painting based on the novel "Fathers and Sons" "Old parents at the grave of their son."

    Work with text. What feelings does this picture evoke in you? (For parents, there is nothing more painful than the loss of their child.)

    I want to read you a parable.One young man was unlucky in Love. Somehow he came across girls “not the ones” in his life. Some he considered ugly, others stupid, others grumpy. Tired of searching for the ideal, the young man decided to seek wise advice from the elder of the tribe.

After carefully listening to the young man, the elder said:

I see that your trouble is great. But tell me, how do you feel about your mother?

The young man was very surprised.

And why is my mother here? Well, I don’t know… She often irritates me: with her stupid questions, annoying concern, complaints and requests. But I can say that I love her.

The elder paused, shook his head, and continued the conversation:

Well, I will reveal to you the most main secret Love. Happiness is there, and it lies in your precious heart. And the seed of your well-being in Love planted very important person in your life. Your mother. And as you treat her, so you will treat all the women of the world. After all, mom is the first Love that took you into her caring arms. This is your first image of a woman. If you love and honor your mother, you will learn to appreciate and respect all women. And then you will see that one day the girl you like will answer your attention with a gentle look, a gentle smile and wise speeches. You will not be prejudiced against women. You will see them as True. Our attitude to the Family is the measure of our happiness.

The young man bowed with gratitude to the wise old man. On his way back, he heard the following behind him:

Yes, and do not forget: look for that girl for Life who will love and honor her father!

What is this parable about? What conclusion can be drawn?

We, children, are indebted to our parents, we are obliged to protect them in old age, to be a support and hope. They should not worry about our terrible deeds, bad grades, bad behavior. It is in our power to make the life of parents happier. The poet M. Ryabinin has the following lines (the epigraph of the lesson):

Bow down to your mother's earth

And bow to the ground to the father ...

We are indebted to them unpaid -

Keep this in mind for the rest of your life.

I asked you to write an essay about your parents. What do they mean to you. You began to ask what to write, how to write. What they do for us cannot be described in words. And everyone said that they mean EVERYTHING to you!

“I love and appreciate my parents very much. Sometimes we have disagreements, but we still make up. My dad taught me how to play hockey and now I'm on the team. And mom will always help in difficult times. In any difficult situation, parents will give advice and are always there.

"I love my parents very much. I owe them my life. They raised me and taught me everything they know themselves.

“I often think that my mother can and knows everything in the world, from motorcycle repair, delicious pies, to the ability to communicate with me sincerely and understand me. My mother has good friends, because it cannot be otherwise, she is the best. I really love, appreciate, proud and respect my mom.”

“It so happened in my life that I live with my father. Dad is strict with me. He always says: "In any situation, remain human." My father wants me to do everything myself. Thanks to him I fell in love with sports. I am very grateful to my father for his care and love.”

“About two years ago I had an unbearable character, very often I quarreled with my parents. I am very grateful to my parents for putting up with my evil temper. And today I have warm relations with them. I want everything to continue like this, it only gets better.”

“Parents are the most precious thing in our life. Each person must and must respect, love, appreciate and cherish them. I have a large and very friendly family. It so happened that my brothers and sister and I were left without parents, but we still do not stop loving and remembering them. They are also alive to us. They are always next to us. I have a brother on whom I can rely. In difficult times, we always help each other, we will lend a helping hand. Our beloved grandmother also lives with us, who partly replaced our parents. She does not have a soul in us, protects us from life's adversities, always side by side with us, both in sorrow and in joy. We sincerely wish her good health and patience in raising us. My brothers and sister and I understand what a hard, titanic work it is. For our part, we also help her with the housework, to nurse her sister. I am sure that we all will overcome all the difficulties and hardships of life that fate has prepared for us. Take care of your parents and your loved ones during life. Give them your warmth and love while your hearts are beating."

“My mother was the best, most caring. She was a good housewife, a good mother and a good wife. My parents always gave me free time. Every Sunday we went to church for services, she sang in the kliros, baked prosphora. Every morning she took me to the garden. I will never forget her!!! I love her very much and often feel her presence next to me.”

    Presentation (photo with parents). Look at the happy faces of your parents. They are happy that we are with them. So don't make your parents sad. Support them, talk to them, be silent with them, always be with them. It was not in vain that I finished the presentation with a photo with your master. After all, here, in the Lyceum, she is your mother. Therefore, do not upset her with your bad behavior, your bad marks. Guys, when you come home, don't forget to hug your parents and say that you love them very much. Don't forget to wish your dear moms a Happy Mother's Day.

What could be more precious than a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love,

And escorted on the road with good!

Love! And value happiness!

It is born in the family

What could be more precious

In this fabulous land

8. Summing up. Grading.

"Fathers and Sons" was a landmark for its time. Written in the second half of the 19th century, it fully reflected the problems of the era and the conflict between the older and younger generations that has been relevant in all centuries. Bright representatives of the older generation in it are Bazarov's parents - Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna Bazarov. These are the only people who accepted their son for who he is, because they sincerely loved him.

Despite the fact that the author did not pay as much attention to them as to the Kirsanov family, we understand that these are people of the old school, brought up in accordance with strict rules and traditional dogmas. Vasily Ivanovich, as well as his son, is a doctor. In the eyes of others, he tries to appear progressive, but he is betrayed by distrust of modern methods medicine. Arina Vlasyevna is a real Russian woman. She is illiterate and very devout. In general, it makes a good impression on the reader. The author notes that she should have been born two hundred years ago.

Both father and mother treat their son with reverence. They do not have a soul in him, despite his sharply liberal views. For them, it doesn’t matter whether Eugene is close or far, the main thing is that everything is fine with him. The attitude of Bazarov himself towards his parents can hardly be called love. Sometimes they frankly annoy him. It cannot be said that he appreciates the parental warmth with which they diligently surrounded him. He is not happy with their attempts to show joy in his presence. That's why he calls himself a "nihilist" in order to deny all the rules that have developed in society.

Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna know about the views of their son and his rejection of increased attention, so they try to hide their true feelings. Perhaps Bazarov himself loves his parents in his heart, but he doesn’t know how to openly show any emotions. Take, for example, his attitude towards Anna Sergeevna, whom he seriously liked and with whom he was really in love. Eugene never told her the most important thing, but only deliberately drowned out his feelings. Only, being already at death, he wrote her a letter with a reminder of his love and with a request to come.

As it became clear at the end of the piece, all his reactions were ostentatious. He was completely normal, loving and good man, just to stand out from the crowd, chose such an extraordinary way. Moreover, in a letter to Odintsova, he did not forget to mention his old people, begging her to look after them. The following lines testify precisely to his love for his parents: “People like them cannot be found in your great light during the day with fire.”

Climax of the novel- not a duel, not even an explanation. The arrival of Bazarov to his parents begins the process of rethinking many of the previous postulates. During the meeting, Odintsova turned to him with a request, traditional for such moments: "Tell me something about yourself ... what is happening in you now." For several evenings, Bazarov stubbornly avoids this question. Not out of "modesty", not out of fear that the "aristocrat" would not understand him. He has driven his inner life so deeply that it is now difficult to understand "what is going on in you." “It happens,” the wounded Bazarov is indignant, “it’s like I’m some kind of state or society!” But the process of self-realization has already begun. First time seeing home the hero is overcome by a feeling of nostalgia: “That aspen<..>reminds me of my childhood ... I was sure at that time that this pit and aspen had a special talisman ... Well, now I'm an adult, the talisman does not work. For the first time, consciousness of the uniqueness and value of one's personality comes to mind: “The narrow place that I occupy is so tiny in comparison with the rest of the space where I am not and where I am not cared for; and the part of the time that I will be able to live is so insignificant before eternity, where I was not and will not be ... And in this atom<...>the blood circulates, the brain works, it wants something too.”

For the first time, Bazarov realized that by placing himself above everyone, he doomed himself to loneliness. The great goal set him against the rest of the people - simple, ordinary, but happy: “It’s good for my parents to live in the world!”, after a moment he returns to the same thought: “As you look ... at the deaf life that the “fathers” lead here, it seems that better?" And the goal itself now seems not so unconditional. Why is one person (an intrinsically valuable person) obliged to sacrifice himself for the sake of another (the same person)? Why is he worse? “... You said today, passing by the hut of our elder Philip,” he reflects, turning to Arkady, “... Russia will then reach perfection when the last peasant has the same room ...” Arkady, of course, repeated the words of the teacher that “ each of us owes it the happiness of the people) contribute". But Bazarov's reaction turns out to be for him complete surprise: "And I hated this last man<…>, for which I have to climb out of my skin and which won’t even thank me for it ... Well, he will live in a white hut. And burdock will grow out of me<…>? “And no matter how frightening bitterness emanates from such a confession, this is also a symptom of the addition of humanity in Bazarov. Of course, hatred is a terrible feeling, but it is precisely a feeling, and just feelings were not in the former Bazarov attitude towards people. Now “Philip or Sidor” is hated and, therefore, palpable: for Bazarov, for the first time, he is a living person, and not<…>abstract question mark.

“Yes, the truth is, where, on which side?” - achieves the simple-hearted Arkady. The new Bazarov no longer knows the answer to all the questions: “Where? I will answer you like an echo: where? It cannot be said that the new Bazarov liked himself. The discovery of your own soul leads to a sad conclusion: you are the same as everyone else; just as vulnerable, just as involved in death. "What a disgrace!" Sometimes Bazarov even envies ... an ant. "Drag her ( fly), brother, drag! Take advantage of the fact that you, as an animal, have the right not to recognize feelings of compassion! .. ”To challenge .. but to whom? Who is his enemy now?

Hence the casual attitude towards Arkady. The younger Kirsanov this time appears not as a friend, but as a double. Or rather, a double of the former Bazarov. For whom it was so easy to live and whom he painfully tries to resurrect in himself. Bazarov envies him, and hates him, and provokes: “Enough, please, Eugene, we will finally quarrel.” But Bazarov just wants a quarrel - "until extermination." Again, to the horror of Arkady, an animal-conceited beginning awakened in Bazarov: “... The face of his friend seemed so sinister to him, such a serious threat seemed to him in the crooked smile of his lips, in his burning eyes ...” Bazarov wants with all his might to remain the same Bazarov. “When I meet a person who would not give in to me ... then I will change my mind about myself.”

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