
Like Bolkonsky his wife loved. Block family. Updating the soul of Pierre Prog

Best Quotes about Prince Andrei Bolkonsky will be useful when writing essays on one of the main characters of Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The quotations presents the characteristic of Andrei Bolkonsky: its appearance, the inner world, spiritual quest, given a description of the main episodes of his life, the relationship between the Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova, Bolkonsky and Pierre Dzhukov, the thoughts of Bologkoe about the meaning of life, love and happiness, his opinion about War.

Quick transition to quotations on Tomam Book "War and Peace":

Volume 1 part 1

(Description of the appearance of Andrei Bolkonsky at the beginning of the novel. 1805)

At this time, a new face entered the living room. The new face was a young prince Andrei Bolkonsky, a young princess husband. Prince Bolkonsky was a small growth, a very handsome young man with certain and dry features. All in his figure, ranging from a tired, bored look to a quiet measuring step, represented the most sharp opposite with his little lively wife. He, apparently, all the former in the living room were not only familiar, but it was already tired of him so that he was very boring to listen to them. From all the face of his pretty wife bored with him, it seemed that he was tired of all. With a grimace, a stretch of his beautiful face, he turned away from her. He kissed the hand of Anna Pavlovna and, pouch, looked around the whole society.

(Quality characteristics of Andrei Bolkonsky)

Pierre considered Prince Andrew with a model of all perfections because the prince Andrei highly joined all the qualities that Pierre did not have and who could be closer to the concept - will of the will. Pierre was always surprised by the ability of Prince Andrei calm treatment from all kinds of people, his extraordinary memory, honoring (he read everything, he knew everything, he had a concept) and most of all his ability to work and learn. If often, Pierre struck in Andrei the absence of the ability of dreamy philosophizing (what Pierre was particularly inclined), then he saw no disadvantage, but in force.

(Dialogue Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Lamba about the war)

"If everything was fought only by their convictions, there would be no war," he said.
"It would be great," said Pierre.
Prince Andrei grinned.
- It may very much that it would be great, but it will never be ...
- Well, why do you go to war? - asked Pierre.
- For what? I dont know. So it is necessary. In addition, I go ... - He stopped. - I'm going because this life I lead here, this life is not for me!

(Andrei Bolkonsky in conversation with Pierre Bezukhov expresses his disappointment to marry, women and secular society)

Never, never marry my friend; here's my advice, do not marry until you tell you what you did everything that could, and until you stop loveing \u200b\u200bthe woman you chose, while you won't see her clearly, but then you will make a mistake brutally and irreparable. Marry an old man who is not suitable anywhere ... And it will disappear all that you have a good and high. Everything is spent on trifles.

My wife, - continued Prince Andrei, - a wonderful woman. This is one of those rare women with whom you can be deceased for your honor; But, my God, whatever I gave now, so as not to be married! This is me alone and tell you first, because I love you.

Living rooms, gossip, balls, vanity, nothingness - here is an enchanted circle from which I can't go out. I now go to war, for the greatest war, which only happened, and I do not know anything and no anywhere.<…> Egoism, vanity, stupidity, insignificance in everything - here are women when they are shown as they are. You look at them in the light, it seems that there is something, and nothing, nothing, nothing! Yes, do not marry my soul, do not marry.

(Conversation Andrei Bolkonsky with Prince Marya)

I can not blame in anything, I did not reproach and never reproach my wife, and I myself can not blame myself in relation to her, and it will always be so for any circumstances. But if you want to know the truth ... Do you want to know if I am happy? Not. Is it happy? Not. Why is it? I do not know...

(Bolkonsky is going to leave for the army)

In moments of departure and change of life on people who can think about their actions, it usually finds a serious mood of thoughts. At these moments, the past and plans are made, the future plans. Prince Andrew's face was very thoughtful and gently. He, having laid his hands, quickly walked around the room from an angle in an angle, looking forward to himself, and pensively swayed his head. Whether he was afraid to go to war, whether to throw his wife sadly, "he may be sad, just, apparently, not wanting him to see him in such a position, hearing the steps in the Seine, he hurried his hands, stopped at the table, As if linked the case of the casket, and accepted his most commonly calm and impermeable expression.

Volume 1 part 2

(Description of the appearance of Andrei Bolkonsky after he got into the army)

Despite the fact that not much time has passed since Prince Andrei left Russia, he changed a lot during this time. In the expression of his face, in movements, in the gait almost no noticeable presence, fatigue and laziness; He had the kind of a man who had no time to think about the impression of which he produces on others, and busy pleasant and interesting. His face expressed more content with himself and others; Smile and his eyes were more fun and more attractive.

(Bolkonsky - Adjutant Kutuzov. Attitude in the army to Prince Andrei)

Kutuzov, whom he caught up yet in Poland, accepted him very affectionately, promised him not to forget him, distinguished from other adjutants, took him to Vienna and gave more serious instructions. From Vienna Kutuzov wrote his old comrade, the father of Prince Andrew.
"Your son," he wrote, "the hope of being to be an officer, out of a number of knowledge, hardness and execution. I consider myself happy, having under the hand of such a subordinate. "

In the headquarters of Kutuzov between communal comrades and in general, Prince Andrei, as well as in St. Petersburg society, had two completely opposite reputations. Some, a smaller part, recognized the prince of Andrei with something special from themselves and from all other people, expected great success from him, listened to him, admired them and imitated him; And with these people, Prince Andrei was simple and pleasant. Others, most, did not love Prince Andrew, considered him an inflated, cold and unpleasant person. But with these people, Prince Andrei knew how to put himself so that he was respected and even afraid.

(Bolkonsky tends to glory)

This was sorely and at the same time prince Andrei. As soon as he learned that the Russian army is in such a hopeless situation, he occurred to him that he was exactly the right to bring the Russian army from this provision that he, that toulon, which would bring him out of the rows of unknown officers and will open him the first Path to glory! Listening to Bilibina, he already consumed, as, having arrived at the army, he will serve the opinion on the military council, which one will save the army, and how it will be charged with the execution of this plan.

"Stop joke, Bilibin," Bolkonsky said.
- I tell you sincere and friendly. Judge. Where and why do you go now when you can stay here? One of the two expects you (he collected the skin over the left blade): or you will not reach the army and the world will be concluded, or defeat and worm with all the Kutuzov army.
And Bilibin dissolved the skin, feeling that his dilemma is irrefutable.
"I can't judge this," said Prince Andrei, and thought: "Food in order to save the army."

(Battle in Schunghang, 1805 Bolkonsky hopes to show itself in the battle and find "his toulon")

Prince Andrei Rode stopped on the battery, looking at the smoke of the gun, from which the kernel flew out. His eyes scattered through an extensive space. He only saw that before the still masses of the French were swollen and what the left was really the battery. It has not been smoking yet. French two equestrian, probably adjutants, skipped in the mountain. Under the mountain, it is likely for strengthening the chain, a clearly visible small column of the enemy moved. Another smoke of the first shot did not dissipate, as another smoke appeared and shot. The battle began. Prince Andrei turned his horse and rowed back to the soil to find the prince of Bagration. He heard himself in rear how Canonada became more often louder. It can be seen, we started responding. Below, in the place where the parliamentarians were driving, rifle shots heard.

"Started! Here it is!" - thought Prince Andrew, feeling how the blood often began to stick to His heart. "But where is it? How will my toulon express? " - he thought.

Volume 1 part 3

(Dreams of Andrei Bolkonsky about military glory on the eve of the battle under Austerlitz)

The Military Council, at which the prince Andrei could not express his opinion, as he hoped, left a unclear and anxious impression in it. Who was right: Dolgorians with Weoter or Kutuzov with Langeron and others who did not approve the plan of attack, he did not know. "But really could not be Kutuzov to express his thoughts directly? Is it really possible otherwise to make? Is it really because of court and personal considerations should risk tens of thousands and mine, my life? " - he thought.

"Yes, it may be very possible, tomorrow will be killed," he thought. And suddenly, with this thought about death, a number of memories, the most distant and most implaced, rebelled in his imagination; He recalled the last farewell to his father and his wife; He remembered the first times of his love for her; He remembered her pregnancy, and he became sorry for him and her and himself, and he in the primary-softened and agitated state came out of the hut, in which he stood with Nesvitsky, and began to walk in front of the house.

The night was foggy, and the lunar light mysteriously made through the fog. "Yes, tomorrow, tomorrow! - he thought. - Tomorrow, maybe everything will be over for me, all these memories will not be more, all these memories will not have any more point for me. Tomorrow, maybe, even probably tomorrow, I am a presentiment, for the first time I will have to finally show everything that I can do. " And he was introduced to a battle, loss of him, focusing the battle at one point and confusion of all the bombings. And this is the happy minute, that toulon, which he was waiting for so long, finally seemed to him. He firmly and clearly says his opinion Kutuzov, and Weirotere, and emperors. Everyone is amazed by loyalty to his considerations, but no one is taken to fulfill him, and now he takes the regiment, division, speaks into a condition that no one has already interfere with his order, and leads his division to a decisive point and one wins. And death and suffering? - says another voice. But Prince Andrei does not respond to this voice and continues his successes. He carries the title of attendant on the army with Kutuzov, but he does all one. The next battle is won by one. Kutuzov replaces, he is assigned ... well, and then? - Says again another voice - and then, if you, ten times, before, you will not be wounded, killed or deceived; Well, and then what? "Well, and then ... - answers the prince Andrei himself, - I do not know what will happen later, I do not want and I can not know; But if I want this, I want fame, I want to be famous to people, I want to be loved by them, then I am not guilty that I want this that I really want this for this one. Yes, for one thing! I will never tell anyone, but, my God! What should I do, if I don't like anything as soon as the glory, human love. Death, wounds, family loss, nothing is scary to me. And no matter how the road nor my miles are many people - father, sister, wife, - the most expensive people me, - but, no matter how scary and unnatural it seems to me, I will give them all now for a minute of glory, celebrations on people, for love To yourself people whom I do not know and I will not know for the love of these people, "he thought, listening to the goves in the courtyard of Kutuzov. In the courtyard of Kutuzov, the voices of stacked twins were heard; One voice is probably a koucher who teased the old Kutuzov chef, who knew the prince Andrei and whom the title called, said: "Tit, and tit?"

"Well," the old man answered.

- Tit, go throw, - Joker said.

"And yet I love and rushing only the celebration over all them, rushing with this mysterious force and glory, which here it is necessary for me in this fog!"

(1805. Austerlitsky battle. Prince Andrei leads the battalion in the attack with the banner in his hands)

Kutuzov, accompanied by their adjutants, went with a step behind the carabineers.

Having droves with the pillar in the tail of the column, he stopped at a lonely abandoned house (probably formerly tavern) be branched two roads. Both roads descended under the mountain, and the troops walked.

The fog began to disperse, and vaguely, the versts at two distances, the enemy troops on opposite elevations were visible. Left at the bottom of the shooting became heard. Kutuzov stopped, talking to the Austrian General. Prince Andrei, standing a little behind, peered into them and, wanting to ask the visual tube at the adjutant, turned to him.

"Look, look," said this adjutant, looking at the long troops, and down the grief in front of him. - This is the French!

Two generals and adjutants began to grab the pipe, pulling it out by one of the other. All the faces suddenly changed, and horror expressed at all. The French were assumed for two versts from us, and they suddenly came unexpectedly before us.

- Is it an enemy? .. No! .. Yes, look, he ... probably ... What is it? - Voices heard.

Prince Andrei by a simple eye saw at the bottom right rising to meet the Absheronians a thick column of the French, not further than five hundred steps from the place where Kutuzov stood.

"So she came a decisive moment! It came to me, "thought Prince Andrei and, hitting the horse, drove up to Kutuzov.

- It is necessary to stop the Absheronians, he shouted, - Your High Stepper!

But in the same moment everything was stacking smoke, a close shooting rang out, and a naive frightened voice two steps from Prince Andrew shouted: "Well, brothers, Shabash!" And as if this voice was a team. On this voice, everyone rushed to run.

Mixed, all the increasing crowds fled back to the place where five minutes ago the troops passed by the emperors. It was not only difficult to stop this crowd, but it was impossible not to go back along with the crowd. Bolkonsky only tried to keep up with Kutuzov and looked around, bewildered and unable to understand what was done in front of him. Nesvitsky, with an embittered view, red and not like himself, shouted Kutuzov, that, if he won't leave now, he would be taken pronounced. Kutuzov stood in the same place and, not answering, I took a handkerchief. Blood flowed from his cheek. Prince Andrey protested him.

- Are you injured? He asked, barely holding the shake of the lower jaw.

- The wound is not here, but where! Said Kutuzov, pressing a handkerchief to the wounded cheek and pointing to the running.

- Stop them! - He shouted at the same time, probably, thinking that it was impossible to stop them, hit the horse and went to the right.

Outlooking the crowd of the runners captured him with him and led back.

The troops fled to such a gustly crowd, which, once in the middle of the crowd, was hard to get out of it. Who shouted: "Went, what was missing?" Who immediately turning around, shot in the air; Who beat the horse on which Kutuzov himself was driving. With the greatest effort to choose from the flow of the crowd to the left, the cutuzov with a retinue, reduced more than twice, drove on the sounds of close tool shots. Selling from the crowd of the runners, Prince Andrew, trying to keep up with Kutuzov, saw on the descent of the mountain, in smoke, who had yet shot the Russian battery and running to her the French. The Russian infantry was higher, without moving forward to help the battery, nor back in one direction with the running. The general rode separated from this infantry and drove to Kutuzov. Only four people remained from Kutuzov's Sweets. Everyone was pale and silently overdid.

- Stop these bastards! - choking, spoke Kutuzov to the regimental commander, pointing to the running; But at the same moment, as if he was punished for these words, like a swarm of birds, bullets flew over the shelf and Kutuzov's retinue.

The French attacked the battery and, seeing Kutuzov, shot it. With this volley, the regimental commander grabbed his leg; Several soldiers fell, and the subpenser, who was standing with the banner, released him out of her hands; The banner was stunned and fell, lingering on the guns of neighboring soldiers. Soldiers without a team began to shoot.

- Ohoh! - With an expression of despair, Kutuzov was washed and looked around. "Bolkonsky," he whispered from the consciousness of his senile powerless voice. "Bolkonsky," he whispered, pointing to an upset battalion and at the enemy, "what is it?"

But before he agreed, Prince Andrei, feeling the tears of shame and anger, who approached him to the throat, already scored from the horse and ran to the banner.

- Guys, ahead! - he shouted the childish piercingly.

"Here it is!" - thought Prince Andrei, grabbing the banner of the banner and with pleasure hearing whistle bullets, obviously directed against him. Several soldiers fell.

- Hooray! - shouted prince Andrei, barely holding a heavy banner in his hands, and ran ahead with undoubted confidence that the entire battalion would run behind him.

And indeed, he ran alone only a few steps. One, another soldier, and the entire battalion with a cry "Hurray!" ran ahead and overtake him. The battalion Officer, ranging, took herself from gravity in the hands of Prince Andrei Banner, but immediately was killed. Prince Andrei again grabbed the banner and, dragging him for the soda, ran with the battalion. He saw our artillery officers in front of them, of whom some fought, others threw guns and fled towards him; He saw the French infantry soldiers who have grabbed artillery horses and turned guns. Prince Andrei with a battalion was already twenty steps from guns. He heard over his mischievous whistling bullets, and it was indispensable to the right and to the left of him and soldiers fell. But he did not look at them; He peered only in what happened ahead of him - on the battery. He clearly saw one figure of a redhead artillery with a knocked kiver, pulling on one side of the banner, while the French soldier pulled a banner to himself over the other side. Prince Andrei saw an already clearly confused and together an embittered expression of people of these two people, apparently not understood what they did.

"What are they doing? - thought Prince Andrei, looking at them. "Why doesn't the red-haired artillery run, when he has no weapon?" Why doesn't it be his Frenchman? It will not have time to reach, as a Frenchman remembers the rifle and clutch it. "

Indeed, another Frenchman, with a gun of the vingo, ran up to the fighting, and the fate of the red artilleryman, who still did not understand what awaits him, and with the celebration of the junction, should have decided. But Prince Andrei did not see what it ended. As if with all the scope, someone from the nearest soldiers seemed to him, hit him in his head. A little bit was hurt, and most importantly, it's unpleasant, because the pain of this entertained him and prevented him from seeing what he watched.

"What is it? I'm falling! My legs are cut down, "he thought and fell on his back. He revealed his eyes, hoping to see what the fight against the French was over with artilleryrs, and wanting to know, killed or no red artillers, taken or saved cannons. But he did not see anything. There was nothing over him, except for the sky, is a high sky, not clear, but still immeasurably high, with a quietly creeping with gray clouds. "How quietly, calm and solemnly, not at all, as I fled, I thought Prince Andrei," not as we fled, shouted and fought; Not at all as the Frenchman and artilleryman trained with embittered and frightened persons, the Frenchman and Artillerist are not so crawling clouds on this high endless sky. How did I see before that of this high sky? And as I am happy, I finally found out. Yes! All empty, all deception, except for this endless sky. Nothing, there is nothing but it. But even no, there is nothing but silence, calm. And thank God!.."

(Sky of Austerlitz as an important episode on the path of the spiritual formation of Prince Andrei. 1805)

On the Pratsoman Mountain, at the very place where he fell with the banner in his hands, lay the prince Andrei Bolkonsky, expired by blood, and, not knowing himself, moaning a quiet, pitiful and children's moan.

By evening, he stopped moaning and completely sat down. He did not know how long his oblivion continued. Suddenly he again felt herself alive and suffering from burning and bursting something in his head.

"Where is it, this is a high sky, which I did not know so far and saw now? - It was the first thought. - And I didn't know this so far. But where am I? "

He began to listen and heard the sounds of the approaching horses of horses and sounds of votes that spoke French. He opened his eyes. Above it was again all the same high heaven with an even higher rising floating clouds, through which the blue infinity was seen. He did not turn his head and did not see those that, judging by the sound of hooves and votes, drove up to him and stopped.

Incoming the rides were Napoleon, accompanied by two adjutants. Bonaparte, circling the battlefield, gave the latest orders to strengthen batteries shifting on the car's dam, and considered killed and wounded remaining on the battlefield.

- De Beaux Hommes! (The nice people!) - said Napoleon, looking at the killed Russian Grenader, who, with a face duck in the ground and was lying on his stomach, throwing away the thumbnail.

- Les Munitions Des Pièces de Position Sont Épuisées, Sire! (There are no more batteries, Your Majesty!) - said at this time the adjutant, who came with the batteries, shot on the Agestost.

- FAITES AVANCER CELLES DE LA RÉSERVE (Meld to bring from reserves), "said Napoleon, and, having left a few steps, he stopped at Prince Andrey, who had fallen with the banner's abandoned him climb (the banner, as a trophy, was taken by the French).

"Voilà Une Belle Mort (here is a great death)," said Napoleon, looking at Blocks.

Prince Andrei realized that it was said about him and that Napoleon says. He heard how they called SIRE (Your Majesty) who said these words. But he heard these words, no matter how heard the buzz of flies. He not only did not interest them, but he did not notice, but immediately forgot them. He burned his head; He felt that he would feed blood, and he saw over his distant, high and eternal sky. He knew that this was Napoleon - his hero, but at that moment Napoleon seemed to him such a small, insignificant person in comparison with what was happening now between his soul and this high, endless sky with clouds running on it. He was completely different at that moment, whoever stood over him, whatever he spoke about him; He was glad only that people stopped over him, and wished only that these people would help him and returned him to life, which seemed to him so beautiful, because he otherwise understood her now. He collected all his strength to move and make some sound. He moved poorly and produced him the degraded, weak, painful moan.

- BUT! He is alive, "said Napoleon. - Raise this young man, CE Jeune Homme, and demolish on the dressing point!

Prince Andrei did not remember anything further: he lost consciousness from a terrible pain, which she hurt him on stretchers, jolts while driving and sought the wound on the dressing point. He woke up only at the end of the day when him, connecting with other Russian wounded and prisoner officers, suffered to the hospital. On this movement, he felt a little fresh and could look around and even talk.

The first words he heard when he woke up, - were the words of the French convoy officer, who hastily said:

- It is necessary to stop here: the emperor will pass now; He will take pleasure to see these prisoners of the Lord.

"Now there are so many prisoners, almost the whole Russian army, which is probably bored," another officer said.

- Well, however! This, say the commander of the entire guard of Emperor Alexander, said the first, pointing to the wounded Russian officer in the White Cavallerge Mundire.

Bolkonsky found out Prince Repnin, whom he met in the St. Petersburg light. Next to him stood another, a nineteen-year-old boy, also a wounded cavalry officer.

Bonaparte, driving a gallop, stopped the horse.

- Who is the eldest? - He said, seeing the prisoners.

Named Colonel, Prince Repnin.

- Are you the commander of the cavalry regiment of Emperor Alexander? - asked Napoleon.

"I commanded the squadron," repinn answered.

"Your regiment honestly performed his duty," said Napoleon.

"Praise the great commander there is the best reward of a soldier," repinn said.

"I am pleased to give it to you," said Napoleon. - Who is this young man beside you?

Prince Repnin called Lieutenant dryly.

Looking at him, Napoleon said, smiling:

- Il Est Venu Bien Jeune Se Frotter à Nous (he has jumped to fight us).

"The youth does not prevent you from being brave," the tender voice said with a tender voice.

"A wonderful answer," said Napoleon, "a young man, you will go far!"

Prince Andrei, for the completeness of the captive trophies, also forwarded, to the eyes of the emperor, could not but attract his attention. Napoleon, apparently, remembered that he saw him on the field, and, referring to him, consumed that the very name of a young man - Jeune Homme, under which Bolkonsky was reflected in his memory for the first time.

- Et Vous, Jeune Homme? Well, you, young man? - He turned to him. - How do you feel, Mon Brave?

Despite the fact that in five minutes before this, Prince Andrei could say a few words to the soldiers who transmitted him, he now, straight down his eyes on Napoleon, was silent ... he was so insignificant at this moment all the interests that occupied Napoleon, so little His hero himself seemed to him, with this small vanity and the joy of victory, in comparison with the highest, fair and good sky he saw and understood - that he could not answer him.

Yes, and everything seemed so useless and insignificantly in comparison with the strict and majestic buildings that caused the weakening of the strength from the past blood, suffering and closely waiting for death. Looking into the eyes of Napoleon, Prince Andrei thought about the insignificance of greatness, about the insignificance of life, which no one could understand the meanings, and about even greater insignificance of death, the meaning of which no one could understand and explain from the living.

The emperor, without waiting for the answer, turned away and, departing, turned to one of the bosses:

- Let them take care of these gentlemen and bring them to my bivouuck; Let my Dr. Larray examine their wounds. Goodbye, Prince Repnin. "And he, Tronow Horse, gallop drove further."

On his face it was the shine of complacency and happiness.

The soldiers who brought Prince Andrew and those who took him the golden samples that had fallen from him, hung on his brother with the same time, seeing his storm, with which the emperor turned out with the prisoners, hurried to return the samples.

Prince Andrei did not see who and how to put him again, but on his chest, over the mandir suddenly, the samples on a shallow gold chain.

"It would be nice," thought Prince Andrei, looking at this presentation, who with such a feeling and awe hung his sister to him, "it would be good, if everything was so clear and simply, as it seems to be a princess Mary. How nice it would be to know where to look for help in this life and what to wait after it there, behind the coffin! As be happy and calm, I was, if I could say now: Lord, hunt me! .. But who will I say it? Or the power is an indefinite, incomprehensible to which I not only can not contact, but which I can not express in words, - the great one or nothing, - he said himself, - or this is God who is sewn here, in this Laneka, Prince Marya? Nothing, nothing faithful, besides the insignificance of everything that I understand, and the greatness of something incomprehensible, but the most important! "

Stretpers have moved. With each push, he again felt unbearable pain; The feverish state was intensified, and he began to wander. Those dreams of father, wife, sister and the future son and tenderness, which he felt on the night before the battle, the figure of a small, insignificant Napoleon and above all this is a high sky - amounted to the main foundation of his hot ideas.

Silent life and calm family happiness in the Bald Mountains were presented to him. He had already enjoyed this happiness when he suddenly was a little Napoleon with his indifferent, limited and happy from the misfortune of others, and doubts began, flour, and only the sky promised to calm down. By the morning, all the dreams were mixed and merged into chaos and darkness of the infections and oblivion, which much more likely, according to Larrey himself, Dr. Napoleonov, had to resolve death than recovery.

- C "EST UN SUJET NERVEUX ET BILIEUX," said Larray, - Il N "En Réchappera Pas (this is a nervous and bile subject, - he does not recover).

Prince Andrei, among other hopeless wounded, was delivered to the care of the inhabitants.

Volume 2 part 1

(Family of Bolkonsky does not know whether Prince Andrei is alive or died in battle with Austerlice)

It took two months after receiving the news in the Bald Mountains about Austerlitsky Battle and the died of Prince Andrew. And despite all the letters through the embassy and despite all the wanted, his body was not found, and he was not among the prisoners. The worst for his relatives was that there was still hope that he was raised by the inhabitants on the battlefield and, maybe lay a recovering or dying somewhere alone, among others, and unable to give anyone . In the newspapers, from which the old prince for the first time learned about Austerlitsky defeat, it was written, as always, quite briefly and vaguely, that Russians after brilliant battles were to be bought and the Returada made in perfect order. The old prince realized from this official news that ours were broken. A week after the newspaper, which brought the news about the Austerlitsky battle, came the letter of Kutuzov, who informed the prince about the fate, comprehended by his son.

"Your son, in my eyes," wrote Kutuzov, "with the banner in his hands, ahead of the shelf fell a hero worthy of his father and her fatherland. To the general regret, my whole army is still unknown - whether he is alive or not. Himself and you are a hope that your son is alive, because otherwise, among those found on the field of battle of officers, about which I was filed with me through parliamentaries, and it would have been named. "

(March 1806 Prince Andrei returns home after injured. His wife Lisa dies, Rouching Son)

Princess Marya pounced the shawl and ran towards the eager. When she passed the front, she saw the window that some crew and lights stood at the entrance. She entered the stairs. On the railing column stood a silent candle and flowed from the wind. Waiter Philip, with a frightened face and with another candle in his hand, stood below, on the first place of the stairs. Even down, behind the turn, on the stairs, they were heard of the nasty steps in warm boots. And some familiar, as it seemed to the princess Marya, the voice said something.

Then she said something else, the Demyan answered something, and the steps in warm boots became faster to approach the unclear turn of the stairs. "This is Andrey! - thought the princess of Mary. - No, it can not be, it would be too unusual, "she thought, and at the same moment, as she thought it was on the site, on which the waiter stood with a candle, the face and figure of Prince Andrei in the fur coat with a collar Complete snow. Yes, it was he, but pale and thin and changed, strangely relaxed, but anxious facial expression. He entered the stairs and hugged his sister.

- You did not get my letter? - he asked, and, without waiting for a response, whom he did not receive, because the princess could not speak, he returned with an obstetrician who entered after him (he came down with him at the last station), quick steps again entered Ladder and hugged his sister again.

- What a fate! - he said. - Masha, honey! "And, throwing off a fur coat and boots, went half a princess."

The little princess was lying on the pillows, in a white cape (the sufferment just let her go), black hair strands came to her inflamed, sweaty cheeks; Ruddy, the adorable mouth, with a sponge, covered with black hair, was revealed, and she smiled happily. Prince Andrei entered the room and stopped in front of her, in the captain of the sofa on which she was lying. Brilliant eyes, looking frightened and excited about children, stopped on it without changing expressions. "I love you all, I did not do anyone, for what I suffer? Help me, "her expression said. She saw her husband, but did not understand the meaning of his appearance now before her. Prince Andrei walked around the sofa and kissed her forehead.

- My darling! He told the word that never told her. "God is merciful ... she is an inquiring, childishly looked at him ugly.

"I was waiting for help from you, and nothing, nothing, and you too!" - said her eyes. She was not surprised that he arrived; She did not understand what he came. His arrival had nothing to do before her suffering and relieve them. The flour began again, and Marya Bogdanovna advised the prince Andrei to get out of the room.

An obstetrician entered the room. Prince Andrei came out and, having met the princess Marree, again approached her. They started talking in a whisper, but there was a conversation with all a minute. They waited and listened.

"Allez, Mon Ami (Go, my friend)," said Princess Marya. Prince Andrei again went to his wife and sat down in the next room, waiting. Some woman came out of her room with a frightened face and embarrassed, seeing the prince Andrew. He closed his face with his hands and promoted so a few minutes. Sorry, helpless-animal moans were heard from the door. Prince Andrei stood up, went to the door and wanted to turn her. The door kept someone.

- It is impossible! - spoke from there a frightened voice. He began to walk around the room. Crys were silent, there were still a few seconds. Suddenly a terrible cry - not her cry - she could not shout like that - he ran away in the next room. Prince Andrei ran to her door; Creek is walked, but he was heard another cry, a cry of a child.

"Why did the child brought there? - I thought Prince Andrei in the first second. - Child? What? .. Why is there a child? Or was it born a child? "

When he suddenly understood all the joyful meaning of this cry, tears strangled him, and he, leaning around with both hands on the windowsill, sobbing, sharpened, as children cry. The door opened. The doctor, with a blurred shirt sleeved, without a surpetuka, pale and shaking jaw, left the room. Prince Andrei turned to him, but the doctor looked at him confused and, without saying a word, passed by. The woman ran out and, seeing the prince Andrew, jumped on the threshold. He entered his wife's room. She was dead in the same position in which he saw her five minutes ago, and the same expression, despite the stopped eyes and on the pallor of the cheek, was on this adorable children's timid face with a sponge covered with black hair.

"I loved you all and didn't do anything bad, and what did you do with me? Oh, what did you do with me? " - She said her adorable, miserable dead face. In the corner of the room grew and squeaks something small, red in white shaking hands Marya Bogdanovna.

Two hours after that, Prince Andrei, the quiet steps entered the office to his father. The old man has already knew. He stood at the door itself, and as soon as she opened, the old man was silent with elder, hard hands, as a vice, grabbed her son's neck and buried like a child.

After three days, a little princess fled, and, saying goodbye to her, Prince Andrei rose to the grain step. And in the coffin was the same face, although with closed eyes. "Ah, what did you do with me?" "It all said, and Prince Andrew felt that in his soul he was broken by something that he was to blame for the fault he did not fix and not forget. He could not cry. The old man also entered and kissed her wax handle, calmly and highly lying on the other, and her face said to him: "Oh, what and for what you did this with me?" And the old man turned angrily, seeing this face.

After another five days, the young prince Nikolai Andreic was baptized. Mother's chin held a diaper, while the priest's goose feathers smeared wrinkled red palms and boys steps.

The godfather - grandfather, fearing to drop, shuddering, wore a baby around a tiny foam foam and passed his godfather, Princess Mary. Prince Andrei, having fading from fear, so that the child was not drowned, sitting in another room, waiting for the end of the sacrament. He glanced happily at the child when his nyanyushka was taken out, and nodded his head approvingly when Nyanyushka told him that she didn't touch the tracks with a hairs with a hairs, but swam on the font.

Volume 2 Part 2

(The meeting of Prince Andrei and Pierre Dunzhanov in Bogucharovowho had great importance for both and largely determined their further path.1807)

In the very happy state of the Spirit, returning from his southern journey, Pierre fulfilled his long-standing intention - to come back to his friend Bolkonsky, whom he did not see two years.

At the last station, learning that Prince Andrei is not in the Bald Mountains, but in his new separated estate, Pierre went to him.

Pierre struck the modesty of a small, albeit a clean house after those brilliant conditions in which he was last seen his friend in St. Petersburg. He hurriedly entered the smelling still pine, an ineptive little hall and wanted to go further, but Anton on tiptoe ran ahead and knocked on the door.

- Well, what's there? - heard a sharp, unpleasant voice.

"Guest," Anton answered.

- ask you to wait, - and a stolen chair heard. Pierre quick steps approached the door and faced face to face with the frowny and aged prince, and then, Andrey. Pierre hugged him and, raising his glasses, kissed him in his cheek and looked at him closely.

"I didn't wait, very happy," said Prince Andrei. Pierre said nothing; He is surprised, not showering eyes, looked at his friend. He was struck by the change in the change in Prince Andrei. Words were gentle, the smile was on the lips and the face of Prince Andrew, but the glance was extinct, dead, which, despite the visible desire, Prince Andrei could not give a joyful and cheerful brilliance. Not that he lost, turned pale, matured his friend; But the view of this and wrinkle on the forehead, expressed a long focus on something one, was amazed and alienated Pierre, while he was not used to them.

When a date after a long separation, as it always happens, the conversation could not be established for a long time; They asked and answered briefly about such things that they themselves knew what had to say for a long time. Finally, the conversation began to stop at first fragmentary said, on questions about the last life, about the plans for the future, about the journey of Pierre, about his classes, about war, etc., the concentration and the glory, which Pierre noted in the view of Prince Andrei, now It was even stronger in a smile, with whom he listened to Pierre, especially when Pierre spoke with an animation of joy about the past or the future. As if Prince Andrew and would wish, but could not take part in what he spoke. Pierre began to feel that in front of the prince Andrey, the enthusiasm, dreams, hope for happiness and good. He was conscientious to express all his new, Masonic thoughts, especially reproduced and excited his last journey. He restrained himself, was afraid to be naive; At the same time, he wanted to see her friend uncontrollably, that he was now completely different, the best Pierre than the one that was in St. Petersburg.

- I can't tell you how much I survived during this time. I myself would not recognize myself.

"Yes, a lot, we have changed a lot since," said Prince Andrei.

- Well, and you? - asked Pierre. - What are your plans?

- Plans? - Ironically repeated Prince Andrei. - My plans? - He repeated, no matter how surprising the meaning of such a word. - Yes, you see, I build, I want to move to the future for the future ...

Pierre silently, stared at the Associated face of Andrei.

"No, I ask," said Pierre, but Prince Andrei interrupted him:

- What about me talk about me ... Tell me, tell about your journey, about everything you have done there in your estates?

Pierre began talking about what he did in his estates, trying to hide his participation as much as possible in the improvements made by him. Prince Andrei several times prompted Pierre ahead that he said, as if all that Pierre did, there was a long-known story, and he listened not only not with interest, but even as if she was having fun for what Pierre told.

Pierre became embarrassing and even hard in the society of his friend. He fell silent.

"Well, that's what my soul," said Prince Andrei, who, obviously, it was also hard and decisively with the guest, "I am here on Bivakov, I just came to see." And now I'm going to sister again. I will introduce you to them. Yes, you seem to be a sign, "he said, obviously occupying a guest with whom he did not feel anything in common. - We will go after lunch. And now you want to see my estate? - They came out and passed to lunch, talking about political news and common acquaintances, as people are little close to each other. With some revival and interest, Prince Andrei spoke only about the new estate comfortable by him and the construction, but here in the middle of the conversation, on the stage, when Prince Andrei described the future location of the house, he suddenly stopped. - However, there is nothing interesting, let's go dining And we will go. - At the dinner, a conversation about the marriage of Pierre.

"I was very surprised when I heard about it," said Prince Andrei.

Pierre blushed just like he always always, and hastily said:

- I'll tell you someday, as it all happened. But you know that all this is over, and forever.

- Forever and ever? Said Prince Andrei. - nothing happens forever.

- But you know how it all ended? Have you heard about duel?

- Yes, you passed and through it.

"One thing, for which I thank God, this is for the fact that I did not kill this man," said Pierre.

- From what? Said Prince Andrei. - Kill the evil dog even very well.

- No, killing a person is not good, unfair ...

- Why not unfair? - repeated Prince Andrei. - What is right and unfair is not given to judge people. People are always mistaken and will be mistaken, and no more as in the fact that they consider fair and unfair.

"It is unfair that there is evil for another person," said Pierre, gladly feeling that the Prince Andrei brought himself with his arrival and began to speak and wanted to express everything that he made him as he was now.

- And who told you what evil is for another person? - he asked.

- Evil? Evil? - said Pierre. - We all know what evil is for yourself.

- Yes, we know, but the evil that I know for myself, I can not make another person, "Andrei said more and more, said, apparently wanting to express Pierre his new look at things. He spoke French. - Je ne Connais Dans La Vie Que Maux Bien Réels: C "EST Le Remord et la Maladie. Il N" Est De Bien Que L "Absence De Ces Maux (I know only two real misfortunes in life: A remorse of conscience and illness. And Happiness is only the absence of these two angry.). To live for yourself, avoiding only these two angry, that's all my wisdom is now.

- And love for neighbor, and self-sacrifice? - Pierre spoke. - No, I can't agree with you! To live only in such a way as not to do evil, so as not to repent, this is not enough. I lived so, I lived for myself and destroy my life. And only now, when I live, at least I try (Pierre recovered from modesty) to live for others, only now I understood all the happiness of life. No, I do not agree with you, and you do not think what you are saying. "Prince Andrei silently looked at Pierre and smiled mockingly."

- Here you will see sister, Princess Marho. With her you will go away, "he said. "Maybe you are the right to ourselves," he continued, having silent a little, "but everyone lives in his own way: you lived for yourself and say that I almost destroyed your life, but I found out when I began to live for others. And I experienced the anti-fallen. I lived for fame. (After all, what is the glory? The same love for others, the desire to make something for them, the desire of their praise.) So I lived for others and not almost, but completely destroyed my life. And since then has become calm, as I live for one yourself.

- Yes, how to live for one yourself? - Fasting, asked Pierre. - And son, sister, father?

- Yes, this is all the same, this is not the others, "said Prince Andrei, and others, near, Le Prochain, as you with Prince Marya call, is the main source of delusion and evil. Le Prochain is those who are your Kiev men who want to do good.

And he looked at Pierre mockingly causing a look. He apparently called Pierre.

"You are joking," Pierre said more and more liven up. - What a delusion and evil is that I wished (very little and badly performed), but wished to do good, and I did though something? What an evil may be that unfortunate people, our men, people just as we grow and dying without another concept about God and the truth, as an image and meaningless prayer, will be able to go to the consolation beliefs of the future life, retaliation, rewards, consolation ? What evil and delusion is that people die from illness without help, when they are so easily able to help them, and I will give him Lekary, and the hospital, and shelter an old man? And is not a noticeable, not undoubtedly the benefit that a man, a woman with a child does not have the days and nights of peace, and I will give them rest and leisure? .. - said Pierre, in a hurry and whispered. - And I did it, even badly, at least a little, but I did something for it, and you not only disappear me in the fact that what I did is good, but also do not disappear so that you don't think that . And most importantly, "continued Pierre," I know what I know, and I know that the pleasure of doing this good is the only true happiness of life.

"Yes, if you put a question like that, then this is another thing," said Prince Andrei. - I am building a house, launches the garden, and you are hospitals. Both can serve as a transmitting time. But what is fair that good - give to judge the one who knows everything, and not to us. Well, you want to argue, - he added, - well, come on. - They came out due to the table and sat on the porch, replacing the balcony.

"Well, let's argue," said Prince Andrei. - You are talking to the school, "he continued, bending the finger, - the teachings and so on, that is, you want to withdraw him, - he said, pointing to the man who took the hat and passing by them, - from his animal state and give it moral needs . And it seems to me that the only possible happiness is the animal happiness, and you want to deprive him. I envy him, and you want to do it with me, but not giving him any mind, nor my feelings or my means. Other - You say: make it easier for his work. And in my opinion, the physical work for him is the same need, the same condition for its existence, as for you and for me the work is mental. You can't do not think. I go to bed in the third hour, my thoughts come, and I can't fall asleep, I will not sleep until the morning because I think and I can not think about how he can not plow, do not mow, otherwise he will go to the cabin or Made sick. As I will not suffer from his terrible physical work, and die in a week, so he will not transfer my physical idleness, he grinds and die. Third, - What do you still say?

Prince Andrei swept the third finger.

- Oh yes. Hospitals, medicines. He has a blow, he dies, and you will let him down, cure him, he will walk ten years old, everyone in a burden. It is much more fading and easier for him to die. Others Rail, and so many of them. If you would regret that you have an extra worker disappeared, - as I look at him, otherwise you want to treat him from love. And he does not need it. And then, that for imagination, that medicine has cured someone ... kill! - So! - He said, frowning viciously and turning away from Pierre.

Prince Andrei expressed his thoughts so clearly and distinctly, which was visible, he repeatedly thought about it, and he spoke willingly and quickly, as a person who did not speak long. The look he was revived the more than hopelessly his judgments.

- Oh, it's terrible, terrible! - said Pierre. - I do not understand only how you can live with such thoughts. I found the same minutes, it was recently, in Moscow and expensive, but then I go down to such an extent that I did not live, all I gadko, most importantly, I myself. Then I do not eat, I'm not sinking ... Well, how do you ...

"Why not wash, this is not clean," said Prince Andrei. - On the contrary, you must try to make your life as pleasant as possible. I live and is not to blame for that, it became necessary to somehow better, I do not interfere with anyone, live to death.

- But what does it encourage live? With such thoughts you will sit without moving, without taking anything.

- Life and does not leave so alone. I would not do anything to do anything, but, on the one hand, the nobility was mostly honored by the election of elections to the leaders; I got off the nation. They could not understand that in me there is no one, there is no this well-known good-natured and concerned vulgarity that is needed for this. Then this house that had to be built to have a corner where you can be calm. Now the militia.

- Why don't you serve in the army?

- After Austerlitz! Prince Andrei said gloomily. "No," I thank you, I gave myself a word that I will not serve in the current Russian army. And I will not. If Bonaparte stood here, Smolensk, threatening the mountains, and then I would not serve in the Russian army. Well, so I told you, "Soothing, continued Prince Andrei," Now the militia, the Father Commander-in-Chief of the Third District, and the only remedy for me to get rid of the service - to be with it.

- Would you, you serve?

- serve. - He paused a little.

- So why do you serve?

- But why. My father is one of the wonderful people of his age. But he gets old, and he is not the fact that he is cruel, but he is too active. He is terrible as a habit of unlimited power and now this power given to the state-in-chief of the commander-in-chief over the militia. If I lost two hours two weeks ago, he was hung up the protocolist in Yukhnov, "said Prince Andrei with a smile. "So I serve because, besides me, no one has influence on the Father and I am something else from the act, from whom he would be after suffering.

- A, well, you see!

- Yes, MAIS CE N "EST PAS Comme Vous L" Entendez (but not the way you think), "continued Prince Andrei. - I did not want the slightest good and I do not want this overall protocolist, who stole some boots in militia; I would even be very pleased to see him hanged, but I feel sorry for my father, that is, again.

Prince Andrei more and more revived. His eyes His feverishly glistened while he tried to prove to Pierre that he had never been the desire of good neighbor in his act.

"Well, you want to free the peasants," he continued. - It is very good; But not for you (you, I think, did not kill anyone and did not send to Siberia) and even less for the peasants. If they are beaten, the semis and send to Siberia, then I think that they are not worse from this. In Siberia, he leads the same his tire life, and the scars on the body will heal, and he is as happy as before. And it is necessary for those people who are dieting morally, make up remorse, suppress it repentance and tear off because they have the opportunity to execute the right and wrong. That is what I feel sorry for whom I would want to free the peasants. You may not see, and I have seen good people who are brought up in these legends of unlimited power, over the years, when they are made irritable, cruel, rude, know it, can not resist and all are made unhappy and unhappy.

Prince Andrei spoke it with such enthusiasm that Pierre involuntarily thought that these thoughts were hooked by Andrei his father. He did not answer him.

"So someone and what is a pity - human dignity, tranquility of conscience, purity, and not their spin and forehead, which, how much they are, how many Bray, everything will remain the same backs and foreheads.

- No, no and there is no thousand times! I never agree with you, "said Pierre.

In the evening, Prince Andrei and Pierre sat in the stroller and went to the bald mountains. Prince Andrei, glancing on Pierre, interrupted occasionally silence with speeches, arguing that he was in a good spirit.

He told him, pointing to the fields, about his economic improvements.

Pierre was silent gloomily, responding one-way, and seemed immersed in his thoughts.

Pierre thought that the prince Andrew was unhappy that he was mistaken that he did not know the true light and that Pierre had to help him enlighten and raise him. But as soon as Pierre invented, how and that he would say, he anticipated that the prince Andrei in one word, one argument would drop all his learning, and he was afraid to start, was afraid to put on the possibility of ridiculous his beloved shrine.

"No, why do you think," said Pierre, lowering his head and taking a kind of bodie, "Why do you think so?" You should not think so.

- What am I thinking? - asked Prince Andrei with surprise.

- About life, about the appointment of man. It can not be. I also thought, and I was saved, you know what? Masonry. No, you do not smile. Freemasonry is not a religious, not a ritual sect, as I thought, and Masonry is the best, the only expression of the best, eternal sides of mankind. "And he began to give the prince Andrei Freemason, as he understood him."

He said that Masonry is the teaching of Christianity, freed from state and religious shacks; The teaching of equality, fraternity and love.

- Only our holy fraternity has a valid meaning in life; Everything else is a dream, "said Pierre. "You understand, my friend, that outside of this union, everything is fulfilled by lying and untrue, and I agree with you that there is nothing smart and kind person, as soon as you, to live your life, trying just not to interfere with others. But we grab our main beliefs, enter our fraternity, give us yourself, allow you to lead yourself, and you will feel yourself, as I felt, part of this huge, invisible chain, which the beginning is hiding in heaven, "said Pierre.

Prince Andrei silently, looking in front of him, listened to Pierre's speech. Several times he, without hearing from the noise of the stroller, asked the Pierre-free words from Pierre. According to the special brilliance, tanned in the eyes of Prince Andrew, and by his silence, Pierre saw that his words were not in vain, that Prince Andrei would not overcome him and would not laugh at his words.

They drove up to the flooded river, which they needed to move on the ferry. While they installed the stroller and horses, they went to the ferry.

Prince Andrei, leaning around the railing, silently looked along the brilliant from the setting sun.

- Well, what do you think about it? - asked Pierre. - Why are you silent?

- What I think? I listened to you. All this is, - said Prince Andrei. - But you say: enter our fraternity, and we will point you the goal of the life and purpose of man and the laws that manage the world. Yes, who are we? - People. Why do you all know? Why am I alone I see what you see? You see the kingdom of good and truth on earth, and I do not see it.

Pierre interrupted him.

- Do you believe in a future life? - he asked.

- In future life? - repeated Prince Andrei, but Pierre did not give him time to answer and accepted this repetition for the denial, especially since he knew the former atheistic beliefs of Prince Andrew.

- You say that you can not see the kingdom of good and truth on earth. And I did not see it; And it cannot be seen, if you look at our life as an end of everything. On Earth, it was on this land (Pierre pointed in the field), no truth - all lies and evil; But in the world, around the world there is a kingdom of truth and we are now the children of the earth, but forever - the children of the whole world. Do I don't feel in my soul that I make part of this huge, harmonious whole? Do I don't feel that I am in this countless number of creatures in which the deity is manifested - the highest strength - as you wish, - that I make one link, one step from the lower beings to the higher? If I see, I see this staircase, which leads from the plant to a person, then why I assume that this staircase, which I do not see the end below, it is lost in plants. Why do I assume that this staircase is interrupted with me, and not leads further to higher beings? I feel that I not only can not disappear, as nothing disappears in the world, but that I will always be and always. I feel that, besides me, spirits you need and that there is truth in this world.

"Yes, this is the teachings of Gerder," said Prince Andrei, "but my soul, my soul, convince me, and life and death, that's what convinces." It is convinced that you see the most expensive creature that you are connected with you, before which you were to blame and hoped to justify (Prince Andrei trembled his voice and turned away), and suddenly this creature suffers, suffer and ceases to be ... Why? It may not be that there is no answer! And I believe that he is ... That's what convinces, this is what he convinced me, "said Prince Andrei.

- Well, yes, well, yes, "said Pierre, - isn't the same thing and I say!

- Not. I only say that you are convinced of the need for a future life not argued, but when you go in my life hand in hand with a man, and suddenly this person will disappear there in anywhere, and you yourself stay in front of this precipice and look there. And I looked ...

- Well, so well! Do you know what is there and what is someone? There is - a future life. Someone is there - God.

Prince Andrei did not answer. The stroller and horses have long been bred to the other coast and laid and the sun was hidden up to half and evening frost covered the stars of the puddles from a pass, and Pierre and Andrei, to the surprise of Laces, Kucher, and carriers, still stood on the ferry and said.

- if there is God and there is a future life, that is, the truth is virtue; And the Higher happiness of a person is to strive to achieve them. We must live, you have to love, you have to believe, "said Pierre, - that we live now only on this block of land, but lived and we will live forever there, in everything (he pointed to heaven). "Prince Andrei stood, leaning on the railing of the ferry, and, listening to Pierre, not a launching eye, looked at the Red Sun Globes on the Blue Spill. Pierre Savor. It was completely quiet. The ferry has long been pinned, and only waves of currents with a weak sound hit the bottom of the ferry. Prince Andrei seemed that this rinse of the waves to the words of Pierre sentenced: "True, believe it."

Prince Andrei sighed and gladly, a children's, gentle glance looked into the painted enthusiastic, but all timid before the primary friend, Pierre's face.

- Yes, if it were so it was! - he said. "But let's go to sit down," Prince Andrei added, and, leaving the ferry, he looked at the sky, on which Pierre pointed him, and for the first time after Austerlitz he saw that high, the eternal sky he saw, lying on the Austerlitsky field, And something long ago fell asleep, something is the best thing in him, suddenly joyfully and young woke up in his soul. This feeling disappeared how soon the prince Andrew came again into the usual living conditions, but he knew that this feeling he did not know how to develop, lived in him. A date with Pierre was for Prince Andrei Epoch, which began although in appearance and the same, but in the inner world of his new life.

Volume 2 part 3

(Life of Prince Andrei in the village, transformation in his estates. 1807-1809)

Prince Andrei could no longer live two years in the village. All those enterprises for the estates who started Pierre and did not bring any result, constantly moving away from one thing to another, all these enterprises, without expressing them to anyone and without noticeable work, were fulfilled by Prince Andrey.

He had a prerequisitive tightness that had disaggable to Pierre, which without disclaims and efforts from his part gave a movement.

One of his array in three hundred peasants souls was listed in free blades (it was one of the first examples in Russia), in other born replaced by the lifting. In Bogucharovo, a scientist student was discharged on his account for helping maternity hospitals, and the priest for a salary taught children of peasant and courtyard literacy.

One half of his time, Prince Andrei spent in the Bald Mountains with his father and son, who was still at Nyanka; Other half of the time in the Bogucharovsky monastery, as his father called his village. Despite the indifference to all the external events of the People, he was diluted with them, he received a lot of books and, to his surprise, noticed, when people came to him or to his father, fresh from St. Petersburg came to him, from the very high life of life that these people In the knowledge of all the internal and domestic politics performed in foreign and domestic politics, sitting asleepy in the village.

In addition to class classes, except for general practices reading a wide variety of books, Prince Andrei was engaged at this time with a critical analysis of our last two unfortunate campaigns and drawing up a project to change our military charters and regulations.

(Description of old oak)

On the edge of the road stood oak. Probably ten times older Berez, who made up the forest, he was ten times thicker and two times higher than each birch. It was a huge oak twirl with broken, long-seeked, bitches and with a broken bark, overgrown with old sores. With his huge clumsy, asymmetrically estimated, poring hands and fingers, he was an old, angry and contemptuous freak standing between smiling birchings. Only he one did not want to obey the charm of spring and did not want to see neither spring, nor the sun.
"Spring, and love, and happiness!" - As if he spoke this oak, "and how not all the same stupid and meaningless deception. All the same thing, and all the deception! There is neither spring, no sun, nor happiness. Won look, they are sitting crushed dead ate, always the same, and won and I spread my broken, encouraged fingers, where they grew - out of the back, from the sides; As grown - it stands, and I do not believe your hopes and deceptions. "
Prince Andrei looked at this oak several times, driving through the forest, as if he was waiting for something from him. Flowers and grass were under oak, but he is still still frowning, motionless, ugly and stubbornly, stood in the midst of them.
"Yes, he is right, a thousand times right this oak, thought Prince Andrew, let others, young, again givend to this deception, and we know life - our life is over!" A whole new series of thoughts of hopeless, but sad and pleasant in connection with this oak, arose in the soul of Prince Andrew. During this trip, he as if he again thought of all his life, and he also came to the same soothing and hopeless conclusion that he had nothing to start, that he had to live her life without making evil, was not disturbing and wishing anything.

(Spring 1809, the trip of Bolkonsky in cases of Otradnaya to Count Rostov. The first meeting with Natasha)

According to the guardian affairs of the Ryazan Venia, Andrei had to see the county leader. The leader was the Count Ilya Andreevich Rostov, and Prince Andrei in the middle of May went to him.

There was a hot spring period. The forest was already all dressed, there was dust and it was so hot that, driving past the water, I wanted to swim.

Prince Andrei, weighty and concerned about the considerations that and what he needs to ask the leader's business about the business, approached the Alley of the Garden to the Otradena House of Rostova. Right because of the trees, he heard a female cheerful cry and saw running around his stroller crowd of girls. Ahead of others, closer, ran up to the stroller with a black-haired, very thin, strange-thin, black-eyed girl in a yellow scented dress tied by a white nose scarf, from which strands of combing hair were knocked out. The girl screamed something, but, having learned someone else, without glancing at him, running back with a laugh back.

Prince Andrey suddenly became someone painful. The day was so good, the sun is so bright, everything is so fun; And this thin and pretty girl did not know and did not want to know about his existence and was satisfied and happy some kind of separate - right, stupid, - but a fun and happy life. "What is she so glad? What does she think about? Not about the statute of military, not about the device of Ryazan workers. What does she think about? And how is it happy? " - involuntarily asked himself Prince Andrei.

Count Ilya Andreich in 1809 lived in Otradnaya, everything is the same as before, that is, taking almost the entire province, with hunting, theaters, lunches and musicians. He, as every new guest, was once the prince Andrei and almost forcibly left him to spend the night.

In continuation of a boring day, during which Prince Andrew was occupied by the older owners and the honored of the guests who were on the occasion of the name of the name was full of the house of the old graph, Bolkonsky, a few times looking at Natasha, something dumbfounded, having fun between another, young half society, Everything asked himself: "What does she think about? What is she so glad? "

In the evening, remaining alone in a new place, he could not fall asleep for a long time. He read, then put out the candle and he lit her again. In the room with closed from the inside, shutters were hot. He jerked on this stupid old man (so he called Rostov), \u200b\u200bwho delayed him, assuring that the necessary papers in the city were not taken yet, jerked for themselves for being left.

Prince Andrei got up and went to the window to turn him down. As soon as he opened the shutters, the lunar light, as if he was on the window for a long time waiting for this, burst into the room. He opened the window. The night was fresh and motionless. Before the window, there was a series of trimmed trees, black with one and silver-illuminated on the other side. Under the trees there was some kind of juicy, wet, curly vegetation with silver sowed-where leaves and stems. Next, the black wood was some shiny roof dew, the right is a big curly tree with a bright white barrel and bunches, and above his almost full moon on a light, almost the nearby spring sky. Prince Andrei leaned over the window, and his eyes stopped in this sky.

Room Prince Andrew was on the middle floor; In the rooms above it, too, lived and did not sleep. He heard from above female talk.

"Only one more time," said the female voice from above, which Prince Andrei now learned.

- Yes, when will you go to sleep? - answered another voice.

- I will not, I can't sleep, what should I do! Well, the last time ...

- Oh, what a charm! Well, now sleep, and the end.

"You sleep, and I can't," the first voice answered, approaching the window. She, apparently, was completely leaned out into the window, because the Burshana had heard her dresses and even the breath. Everything calmed down and petrified, like the moon and her light and shadow. Prince Andrei was also afraid to move, so as not to issue his involuntary presence.

Sonya reluctantly answered something.

- No, you see what the moon! .. oh, what a charm! You look here. Downturn, Golubushka, come here. Well, you see? It would have been squatting here, like that, she would have picked up his knees - the tightly, as possible, it was necessary to fit, "and flew. Like this!

- Full, you will fall.

- After all, the second hour.

- Oh, you only spoil me. Well, go, go.

Again, everything was swallowed, but Prince Andrew knew that she was still sitting here, he heard a quiet chapel, sometimes sighs.

- Oh my god! Oh my God! What is it! She suddenly screamed. - sleep so sleep! - And slammed the window.

"And there is no case to my existence!" - thought Prince Andrei while he listened to her govor, for some reason, waiting and fearing that she would say something about him. "And she again! And as purpose! " - he thought. In his soul, he suddenly rose such an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes, contrary to his whole life, that he, feeling unable to clarify his condition, immediately fell asleep.

(Updated old oak. Block's thoughts that life is not over 31 years old)

Another day, by giving up with only one graph, without waiting for the release of the ladies, Prince Andrei went home.

It was already the beginning of June, when Prince Andrei, returning home, drove again into the birch grove, in which this old, clouded oak so strange and memorially struck him. Bubakers still ranked in the forest than a month ago; Everything was full, shady and thick; And young ate, scattered in the forest, did not violate the general beauty and, forged under general, gently green fluffy young escapes.

The whole day was hot, a thunderstorm gathered somewhere, but only a small tucker splashed to the dust of the road and on the juicy leaves. The left side of the forest was dark, in the shadow; Right, wet, glossy, glitter in the sun, slightly silent from the wind. Everything was in bloom; The nightingales crackled and rolled it closely, then far.

"Yes, here, in this forest, this oak was, with whom we have agreed, I thought Prince Andrei. - But where is he? "I thought again prince Andrei, looking at the left side of the road and, without knowing it, without recognizing him, admired the oak that he was looking for. Old oak, the whole transfigured, spreading the tent of the juicy, dark green, meld, slightly silent in the rays of the evening sun. Neither the root fingers nor sores, nor old grief and distrust - nothing was visible. Through the centenary rigid bark made his way without bitch juicy, young leaves, so it was impossible to believe that this old man made them. "Yes, this is the same oak," said Prince Andrei, and suddenly found a unfortunate spring feeling of joy and updates. All the best minutes of his life suddenly at the same time remembered him. And the austerlitz with a high sky, and the dead crown of his wife, and Pierre on the ferry, and the girl who excited the beauty of the night, and this night, and the moon - and all this suddenly remembered him.

"No, life is not conquered and thirty-one," said Prince Andrei completely uninterrupted. - Not only I know everything that is in me, it is necessary, so that everyone knows this: both Pierre, and this girl who wanted to fly into the sky, you need everyone to know me so that I walked my Life, so that they do not live like this girl, regardless of my life, so that it reflects on all and that they all live with me together! "

Returning from his trip, Prince Andrei decided to go to St. Petersburg in the fall and invented different reasons for this decide. A number of intelligent, logical arguments, why he needs to go to St. Petersburg and even serve, every minute was ready for its services. He even did not understand how he could ever doubt the need to take an active part in his life, just as a month ago he did not understand how he could feel the thought of leaving the village. It seemed clear to him that all his experiences should have been the abyss of the gift and be a nonsense, if he would not have attached them to business and did not accept any active participation in life. He did not even understand how, on the basis of the same poor reasonable arguments, it was previously obvious that he would humiliate, if now after his lessons of life, would again believe in the opportunity to benefit and in the possibility of happiness and love. Now the mind suggested quite another. After this trip, Prince Andrew began to miss the village, the former classes did not interest him, and often, sitting in her office, he got up, approached the mirror and looked at his face for a long time. Then he turned away and looked at the portrait of the late man, which with whipped a la Grecque letters gently and had fun at him from the gold frame. She no longer spoke to her husband for the same scary words, she just looked at him with curiosity. And the prince Andrei, having laid his hands back, went around the room for a long time, then frowning, then smiling, having twisted those unreasonable, in words, secret as a crime of thought, associated with Pierre, with glory, with a girl on the window, with an oak, with female beauty and love that changed all his life. And in these moments, when someone came to him, he was especially dry, strictly decisive and especially unpleasantly logical.

(Prince Andrei comes to Petersburg. The reputation of Bolkonsky in society)

Prince Andrei was in one of the most profitable provisions in order to be well adopted into all the most diverse and higher circles of the then St. Petersburg society. The parties of the converters became welcoming and lured him, firstly, because he had a reputation as the mind and a big readiness, secondly, because he was already a reputation between the liberal on his liberty to the will. The party of old men is dissatisfied, right as the son of his father, turned to him for sympathy, condemning the transformations. Women's society, the light was welcoming him, because he was a groom, rich and notable, and almost a new face with a halo of a romantic history about his imaginary death and the tragic death of his wife. In addition, the overall voice about him of all who knew him before was the one that he changed a lot to the better in these five years, softened and matured that there was no former pretending, pride and mockery in him, which was acquired years. They spoke about him, they were interested, and everyone wanted to see him.

(Block's attitude to Speransky)

Speransky, as in the first date with him, at the Kochubey, and then in Head House, where Speransky, with an eye on the eye, taking Bolkonsky, long and trustfully spoke to him, made a strong impression on Prince Andrew.

Prince Andrei Such a huge number of people considered converging and insignificant creatures, so he wanted to find a living ideal of that perfection in another, to which he sought that he was easily believed that in Speransky, he found this ideal of a good and virtuous person. If Speransky was from the same society, from which he was Prince Andrei, the same upbringing and moral habits, the Bolkonsky would soon find his weak, human, not the heroic sides, but now this strange logical mindset of the mind, all the more convicted of him that he did not fully understand him. In addition, Speransky, because he appreciated the ability of Prince Andrei, or because I found it necessary to bring it to himself, the Speransky Koxer in front of the prince Andrey my impartial, calm mind and shined the prince Andrei that subtle flatter connected to the arrogance, which consists in The silent recognition of his interlocutor with himself together with the only person who can understand all the stupidity of everyone else, the rationality and the depth of their thoughts.

During their long conversation in Head in the evening, Speranssky has repeatedly said: "We look at everything that comes out of the overall level of the harmonious habit ..." - or with a smile: "But we want and wolves were fed and sheep. .. "- or:" They can't understand this ... "- and everything with such an expression that said:" We, you, yes, we understand that they are and who we are. "

This first long conversation with Speransky was only strengthened by Andrei in Prince, the feeling with whom he for the first time saw Speransky. He saw in him a reasonable, strictly thoughtful, a huge mind of a person, energy and persistence of the authorities and consumed only for the benefit of Russia. Speransky, in the eyes of Prince Andrew, there was exactly the person who wisely explaining all the phenomena of life, which recognizes valid only what is reasonable, and to all know how to make the measure of rationality, which he himself so wanted. Everything seemed so simple, clearly in the statement of Speranssky, that Prince Andrei involuntarily agreed with him in everything. If he objected and argued, it was only because he wanted to work independently and not completely obey the opinions of the Speransky. Everything was so, everything was fine, but one embarrassed Prince Andrew: it was a cold, mirror, who does not miss the Speransky's soul, and his white, tender hand that was involuntarily watched Prince Andrei, as they look at the hands of people, having power. A mirror look and a tender hand for some reason annoyed Prince Andrew. Unpleasantly the prince of Andrei was even too much contempt for people, which he noticed in Speransky, and the diversity of techniques in the evidence, which he led to the confirmation of his opinion. He used all possible tools of thought, excluding comparisons, and too boldly, as it seemed to the prince Andrei, passed from one to another. That he became on the soil of a practical figure and condemned the dreamers, then at the soil of satiri and ironically frowning over the opponents, it became strictly logical, then suddenly climbed into the area of \u200b\u200bmetaphysics. (This is the last instrument of evidence, he especially used.) He transferred a question for metaphysical heights, passed into the definition of space, time, thoughts, and, pulling out of the refutation from there, again descended to the soil of the dispute.

In general, the main feature of the mind of Speransky, striking Prince Andrew, was undoubted, unshakable faith into force and the legality of the mind. It was seen that he never could come to the head of that ordinary for Prince Andrei thought that it was still not to express all the things that you think, and never had to doubt that not something was all that I think, and All that I believe? And this particular warehouse of the Speransky's mind most attracted Prince Andrew.

The first time of his acquaintance with the Speransky Prince Andrei Putal Putal for him is a passionate feeling of admiration, similar to that he once experienced to Bonaparte. The fact that Speransky was the son of a priest, who could have been stupid people, as many did, went to despise as a cochik and Popovich, forced Prince Andrew especially carefully with his feeling towards Speransky and unconsciously strengthen him in herself.

At that first evening, which Bolkonsky spent from him, talking about the commission of the compilation of laws, Speransky with Ironia told Prince Andrei that the Commission of the laws exists a hundred and fifty years, it costs millions and did nothing that Rosencampf had labels for all articles of comparative legislation .

- And that's all that the state paid millions! - he said. - We want to give a new judicial power to Senate, and we have no laws. Therefore, in such people as you, the prince, the sin is not to serve now.

Prince Andrei said that this is necessary for this, which he does not have.

- Yes, no one has it, so what do you want? This is a Circulus Viciosus (enchanted circle), from which you need to exit.

A week later, Prince Andrei was a member of the Commission for the compilation of military charter and, which he did not expect anyone, the head of the Commission's branch of the Commission. At the request of the Speransky, he took the first part of the Civil Capture Consignment and, with the help of Code Napoléon and Justiniani (Napoleonic Code and the Justinian Code), worked on the preparation of the department: the rights of persons.

(December 31, 1809. Bal from Ekaterininsky Velmazby. New meeting of Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova)

Natasha gladly looked at the familiar face of Pierre, this is the jester of the pea, as Pearon called him, and knew that Pierre them, and in particular her, I found out in the crowd. Pierre promised her to be on the ball and introduce her cavaliers.

But, without reaching them, Nukhov stopped beside a low, very beautiful brunet in white uniform, which, standing by the window, spoke with some high man in the stars and ribe. Natasha immediately recognized a low young man in white uniform: it was Bolkonsky, who seemed very rapid, who had fun and had fun.

- Here is another friend, Bolkonsky, you see, Mom? - Natasha said, pointing to Prince Andrew. - Remember, he spent the night in Otradnaya.

- A, you know him? - said Perona. - Hate. Il Fait à Présent La Pluie et Le Beau Tempps (on it now everything is crazy.). And pride such that no boundaries! Papey went. And contacted Speransky, some projects write. See how the ladies drawn! She says with him, and he turned away, "she said, pointing to him. "I would finish him, if he did it with me like that with these ladies."

Prince Andrei in his Coloring White Unifeder (by cavalry), in stockings and shoes, lively and cheerful, stood in the first rows of a circle, not far from the growth. Baron firgoph spoke with him about tomorrow, alleged the first meeting of the State Council. Prince Andrei, as a person close to Speransky and participating in the work of the Legislative Commission, could give faithful information about the meeting of tomorrow, which various senses went. But he did not listen to what the firgof said him, and she looked at the sovereign, then to dance the cavaliers who did not decide to enter the circle.

Prince Andrei watched these retaenties with the sovereign of the cavaliers and the ladies who were coming from the desire to be invited.

Pierre approached the prince Andrew and grabbed his hand.

- You always dance. There is my protégée, Rostov is young, inviting her, "he said.

- Where? - asked Bolkonsky. "It's guilty," he said, turning to the baron, "we will bring this conversation in another place to the end, and you need to dance on the ball. - He came forward, in the direction that Pierre pointed him. The desperate, the fading face of Natasha rushed into the eyes of the prince Andrei. He recognized her, guess her feeling, realized that she was a beginner, remembered her conversation on the window and with a fun expression of the face approached the Countess Rostova.

"Let me acquaint you with my daughter," said Countess, blushing.

- I have the pleasure of being familiar, if the Countess remembers me, "said Prince Andrei with a tricky and low bow, completely contrary to the remarks of Perona about his rudeness, coming to Natasha and enters the hand to hug her waist before he agreed to invite her dance . He suggested her Waltz Tour. That fading expression of the face of Natasha, ready for despair and delight, suddenly lit a happy, thankful, children's smile.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time," as if I said this frightened and happy girl with his seeking because of a ready-made smile, raising her hand on the shoulder of Prince Andrew. They were the second couple entering the circle. Prince Andrei was one of the best dancers of his time. Natasha danced perfectly. Her legs in ball satin shoes quickly, easily and independently did their job, and her face was shining with delight of happiness. Her bare neck and hands were thin and ugly in comparison with the shoulders of Helen. Her shoulders were thin, chest is uncertain, hands thin; But at Helen, it was already as if Varnish from all thousands of views, sliding according to her body, and Natasha seemed to be a girl who was scolded for the first time and whom it was very embarrassing it was, if it were not assured that it was necessary.

Prince Andrei loved to dance and, wanting to get rid of political and smart conversations, with whom everyone treated him, and wishing to break this annoying circle of embarrassment, formed from the presence of the sovereign, went to dance and chose Natasha because Pierre pointed him And because she first came from her pretty women; But barely hugged this thin, movable, trembling station and she moved so close from him and smiled so close to him, her charms hit him in his head: he felt a revived and rarely, when, translating her breath and leaving her, stopped and stopped Began to look at the dancing.

After the prince of Andrei, Boris approached Natasha, inviting her to dance, and that dancer-adjutant, who began his ball, and still young people, and Natasha, passing their unnecessary cavaliers of Sona, happy and painted, did not stop dancing the whole evening. She did not notice anything and did not see what she took everyone on this ball. She not only did not notice how the sovereign spoke with the French messenger for a long time, as he was especially graciously spoke with such a lady, as a prince did such a thing and said and said that Helen was greatly successful and wondered such something; She did not see even the sovereign and noticed that he left, just because after his departure, the ball was more revived. One of the fun quotions, before dinner, Prince Andrey again danced with Natasha. He reminded her about their first date in the Otradnenna Alley and how she could not fall asleep on the lunar night and how he involuntarily heard her. Natasha blushed at the same time reminder and tried to justify himself, as if something was shameful in that feeling, in which she involuntarily overheard her prince Andrei.

Prince Andrei, like all the people who grew up in the world loved to meet in the light of what was not on himself a common secular imprint. And such was Natasha, with her surprise, joy, and timidity, and even mistakes in French. He especially gently and carefully addressed and spoke with her. Sitting beside her, talking to her about the simplest and insignificant subjects, Prince Andrei admired the joyful brilliance of her eyes and a smile, relating to the spelling speeches, but to her inner happiness. While Natasha was chosen and she got up with a smile and danced around the hall, Prince Andrei admired it in particular on her timid grace. In the middle of the Natasha Cotillion, graduating from the figure, breathing heavily, approached his place. New cavalier invited her again. She was tired and soared and, apparently, thought to refuse, but immediately raised his hand again on the shoulder of Cavaler and smiled by Prince Andrew.

"I would be glad to relax and sit with you, I'm tired; But you see how they choose me, and I am glad to him, and I am happy, and I love everyone, and we understand all this, "and a lot more and a lot said this smile. When Cavalier left her, Natasha ran through the hall to take two ladies for figures.

"If she is suitable before her cousin, and then to another lady, she will be my wife," said Andrei himself completely unexpectedly, looking at her. She came up before to the cousin.

"What nonsense sometimes comes to mind! - thought Prince Andrei. "But only the fact that this girl is so sweet, so it is especially true that she will not take a month here and marry ... it's a rarity here," he thought, when Natasha, correcting the rose behind the bouncer, sat down beside him.

At the end of the Cotillion, the old Graf approached his blue crane to the dancing. He invited Prince Andrew to himself and asked her daughter, was it having fun? Natasha did not answer and just smiled at such a smile, which he said with reproach: "How could I ask about it?"

- So funny, more than ever in life! She said, and Prince Andrei noticed how quickly her thin hands were raised to hug her father, and immediately dropped. Natasha was so happy as never else in life. She was on the highest step of happiness, when a person is doing quite kind and good and does not believe in the possibility of evil, misfortune and grief.

(Bolkonsky visiting growth. New feelings and new plans for the future)

Prince Andrei felt the presence of a completely alien to him in Natasha, a special world, filled with some unknown joys, that alien world, who was even then, in the Otradnenna Alley and on the window on the lunar night, so teased him. Now this world has no longer teased him, there was no alien world; But he himself, joining him, found a new pleasure for himself.

After dinner, Natasha, at the request of Prince Andrew, went to the leaf and began to sing. Prince Andrei stood by the window, talking to the ladies, and listened to her. In the middle of the phrase, Prince Andrew fell silent and felt unexpectedly, tears approach his throch, whose opportunity he did not know. He looked at the singing Natasha, and in his soul there was something new and happy. He was happy, and he was sad at the same time. He is resolutely nothing to cry, but he was ready to cry? About what? About former love? About the little princess? About your disappointments? .. About your hopes for the future? Yes and no. The main thing that he wanted to cry was suddenly a strongly strongly strong opposite of them between something endlessly great and indefinable, formerly in him, and something narrow and bodily, which he himself was and even she was. This opposite of Tomila and pleased him during her singing.

Prince Andrew late in the evening came from growth. He lay down in a habit of falling down, but he saw soon that he could not sleep. He burned to the candle, sat in bed, then got up, then he left, not at all with insomnia: so happily and new it was in his soul, as if he was out of the stuffy room to be fed into the free Light of God. He never occurred to him so that he was in love with Rostov; He did not think about her; He only imagined her, and as a result of this, his whole life was presented to him in the new world. "What I beat, what I'm a cotton in this narrow, closed frame, when life, all life with all her joys is open to me?" - He spoke herself. And he for the first time after a long time began to make happy plans for the future. He decided by himself that he had to make up the upbringing of his son, finding his teacher and commissioning him; Then you need to resign and go abroad, see England, Switzerland, Italy. "I need to use my freedom, while so much in yourself I feel strength and youth," he said himself. "Pierre was right, saying that you need to believe in the possibility of happiness to be happy, and I now believe in him." Let's leave the dead to bury the dead, but still alive, you need to live and be happy, "he thought.

(Bologna tells Pierre about his love for Natasha Rostova)

Prince Andrei with shining, enthusiastic and updated to life, the face stopped in front of Pierre and, without noticing his sad face, he smiled happily with egoism.
"Well, my soul," he said, "I wanted to tell you yesterday and today I came to you." Never experienced anything like that. I'm in love, my friend.
Pierre suddenly sighed heavily and fell his heavy body on the sofa to Prince Andrew.
- In Natasha Rostov, yes? - he said.
- Yes, yes, in whom? I would never believe, but this feeling is stronger than me. Yesterday I suffered, suffered, but also the torment of this I will not give anything in the world. I did not live before. Now only I live, but I can't live without her. But can she love me? .. I am old for her ... What are you not saying? ..
- I? I? What I told you - suddenly said Pierre, getting up and starting to walk around the room. - I always thought it ... This girl is such a treasure, that ... it's a rare girl ... a cute friend, I ask you, you do not mind, do not doubt, marry, marry and marry ... and I'm sure that Honally you will not be a person.
- But she?
- She loves you.
"Don't talk to the peel ..." said Prince Andrei, smiling and looking into the eyes of Pierra.
"Loves, I know," Pierre shouted angrily.
"No, listen," said Prince Andrei, stopping him by the hand.
- Do you know whether I am? I need to say anyone.
"Well, well, say, I am very happy," said Pierre, and really his face changed, the wrist was smoothed, and he joyfully listened to Prince Andrew. Prince Andrei seemed to be a completely different, new man. Where was his longing, his contempt for life, his disappointment? Pierre was the only person in front of which he decided to speak; But for him he already expressed everything he had in the soul. Then he easily and boldly made plans for a prolonged future, said how he could not sacrifice his happiness for the whim of his father, as he would force her father to agree to this marriage and love her or would cost him without his consent, he was wondering how Something strange, alien, is independent of him, to the feeling that owned them.
"I would not believe those who would tell me that I could love so," said Prince Andrei. - This is not at all the feeling that I had before. The whole world is divided into two halves for me: one - she, and there all happiness, hope, light; Another half is all where it is not, there is all the despondency and darkness ...
- Darkness and darkness, - repeated Pierre, - Yes, yes, I understand it.
"I can't not love light, I'm not to blame for this." And I am very happy. You understand me? I know you are happy for me.
"Yes, yes," Pierre confirmed, silent and sad eyes looking at his friend. The little of the fate of Prince Andrei, the fate of Prince Andrei, the greately appeared his own.

(Relationship between Andrei Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova after the offer of the hand and heart)

The engagement was not and no one was announced by the engagement of Bolkonsky with Natasha; This was insisted by Prince Andrei. He said that since he is the cause of a deferment, he must bear all the severity of her. He said that he was forever connected himself to his word, but that he does not want to associate Natasha and gives her complete freedom. If she felt after six months that she did not like him, she would be in his right, if he would refuse him. Self itself, of course, that neither parents nor Natasha wanted to hear about it; But Prince Andrei insisted on his. Prince Andrei was every day in growth, but not as the groom turned with Natasha: he told her you and kissed only her hand. Between the prince Andrey and Natasha after the day the offer was established very different than before, close, simple relationships. They as if they still did not know each other. And he and she loved to remember how they looked at each other, when they were still nothing, now both of them felt at all other beings: then pretend, now simple and sincere.

The old Graph was sometimes approached by Andrei, kissed him, he asked him advice on the account of the education of Petit or the service of Nicholas. Old Countess Sugaded, looking at them. Sonya was afraid of every minute to be superfluous and tried to find the pretexts to leave them alone when they did not need it. When Prince Andrei spoke (he told him very well), Natasha listened to him with pride; When she said, with fear and joy noticed that he carefully and looking at her. She asked himself with a bewilderment: "What is he looking for me? Something he seeks his gaze! What, how is it not in me what he is looking for this look?" Sometimes she entered into her inequiously cheerful arrangement of the Spirit, and then she especially loved to listen and look like Prince Andrei laughed. He rarely laughed, but when he laughed, he was given all his laugh, and every time she felt closer to him. Natasha would be completely happy, if the thought of the upcoming and approaching separation was not frightened, because he was pale and colded at one thought about that.

(From the letter of the princed Marya to Julia Karagina)

"Our family life is in the old way, with the exception of the presence of Brother Andrei. He, as I wrote to you, has changed very much lately. After his grief, he now only, this year, quite morally came to life. He became the way I knew him by the child: good, gentle, with the golden heart, to whom I do not know equal. He understood how it seems to me that life for him is not over. But together with this moral change, he physically looked very much. He became thin, than before, nervous. I am afraid for him and glad that he took this trip abroad, which the Doctor has long prescribed to him. I hope that it will correct it. You write me that in St. Petersburg they are talking about him as one of the most active, educated and smart young people. Sorry for the pride of kinship - I have never doubted this. It is impossible to consider good, which he made everything here, ranging from his men to the nobility. Having arrived in St. Petersburg, he took only what he should have followed. "

Volume 3 Part 2

(Conversation of Bolkonsky and Bezuhov about Natasha Rostova after the case with Prince Kuragin. Andrei can't forgive Natasha)

- Forgive me, if I drove you ... - Pierre realized that Prince Andrei wanted to talk about Natasha, and his wide face expressed regret and sympathy. This expression of Pierre's face angry Prince Andrew; He resolutely continued, sounded and unpleasantly continued: "I received a refusal to Countess Rostova, and a rumor reached me about the search for her hands with your shurin or the like. Is it true?
- And the truth is not true, - Pierre began; But Prince Andrei interrupted him.
"Here is her letters," he said, "and a portrait. - He took a bundle from the table and passed the pierra.
- Give the Countess ... If you see her.
"She is very sick," said Pierre.
- So she's still here? Said Prince Andrei. - And Prince Kuragin? He asked quickly.
- He long left. She was at death ...
"I am very sorry about her illness," said Prince Andrei. He is cold, evil, unpleasant, like his father, grinned.
"But Mr. Kuragin, it became, did not admire his hand to Rostov? - said Andrei. - He snorted his nose several times.
"He could not marry, because he was married," said Pierre.
Prince Andrei laughed unpleasantly, recalling his father again.
- And where is he now, your Shurin, can I find out? - he said.
"He went to Peter ... However, I don't know," said Pierre.
"Well, yes it doesn't care," said Prince Andrei. - Tell the growth of Rostova that it was and is completely free and what I wish her all the best.
Pierre picked up a bunch of securities. Prince Andrei, as if recalling whether he should not say anything else, or waiting for anything Pierre, who stopped her gaze looked at him.
- Listen, remember you are our dispute in St. Petersburg, "said Pierre," Remember ...
"I remember," Prince Andrei was hastily answered, "I said that the fallen woman needs to forgive, but I did not say that I could forgive. I can not.
- Is it possible to compare it? .. - said Pierre. Prince Andrei interrupted him. He shouted sharply:
- Yes, again, ask her hands, be generous and the like? .. Yes, it is very noble, but I am not able to go Sur Les Brisées de Monsieur (in the footsteps of this Mr.). If you want to be my friend, do not talk to me about this ... about all this. Well, farewell.

(Conversation of Bolkonsky and Bezukhov about the war, victory and loss in the battle)

Pierre looked at him with surprise.
"However," he said, "after all, they say that the war is like a chess game.
- Yes, "said Prince Andrei," only with a little difference that in chess over each step you can think of how much you like that you are there outside the conditions of time, and with the difference that the horse is always stronger than pawns and two pawns are always stronger One, and in war one battalion is sometimes stronger than the division, and sometimes weaker than the company. The relative force of the troops cannot be known to anyone. Believe me, - he said, - that if he would depend on the headquarters orders, I would have been there and did orders, but instead I have the honor to serve here in the regiment, here with these gentlemen, and I think that from us It will indeed depend tomorrow, and not from them ... success never depended and will not depend on the position, nor from weapons or even from the number; And the least from the position.
- And what about?
"From that feeling that is in me, in him," he pointed to Timokhin, "in every soldier.

- The battle will win the one who firmly decided to win it. Why did we lose the battle under Austerlitz? We had a loss almost equal to the French, but we told themselves very early that we lost the battle, and lost. And we said this because we did not need to fight there: I wanted to leave the battlefield as soon as possible. "Lost - well, so run!" - We ran. If we were before the evening we did not say that, God knows what it would be.

(The opinion of Andrei Bolkonsky about the war in conversation with Pierre Bezukhov on the eve of the Borodino battle)

The war is not courtesy, but the most appropriate thing in life, and it is necessary to understand this and not to play the war. It is necessary to take strictly and seriously this terrible necessity. All this: Fail off a lie, and the war is so war, not a toy. And then the war is the favorite fun of idle and frivolous people ... Military estate is the most honorable. And what is war, what is needed for success in military business, what morals of the military society? The purpose of the war is the murder, the war rights of the war - spying, treason and encouraging it, the ruin of residents, the robbery of their or theft for the food of the army; Cheating and lies called military hectares; The morals of the military estate are the lack of freedom, that is, discipline, idleness, ignorance, cruelty, debauchery, drunkenness. And despite this is the highest estate, revered by everyone. All the kings, except for Chinese, wear a military uniform, and to the one who killed the people more, give a big award ... It will meet, like tomorrow, to kill each other, they will switch, persecute tens of thousands of people, and then you will serve thank youth for What a lot of people broke (whom the number is still added), and proclaim the victory, believing that the more people beaten, the more merit.

(About love and compassion)

In the unfortunate, sobbing, exhausted man, who had just taken away his leg, he recognized Anatol Kuragin. Anatoly was kept in her arms and offered it water in a glass, the edges of which he could not catch trembling, swollen lips. Anatole sobssed hard. "Yes, this is he; Yes, this person is something close and hardly connected with me, "said Prince Andrei, without understanding it is still clear what was before him. - What is the connection of this person with my childhood, with my life? " He asked himself, not finding an answer. And suddenly a new, unexpected memory from the world of children, pure and love, presented himself by Prince Andrei. He remembered Natasha like that he saw her for the first time on the ball 1810, with a thin neck and subtle hands, with a ready-made delight, frightened, happy face, and love and tenderness to her, even more and more and stronger than ever , woke up in his soul. He now remembered this connection, which existed between them and this man, through the tears, filled with swollen eyes, who wagely looked at him. Prince Andrei remembered everything, and enthusiastic pity and the love of this man filled his happy heart.
Prince Andrei could not be held more and cried with gentle, love tears over people, over himself and over them and his misconceptions.
"Compassionation, love for brothers, to loving, love for hate us, love for enemies - yes, the love that God preached on Earth, which was taught by Princess Marya and which I did not understand; That's why I was sorry for life, here it is what else remained me, if I would be alive. But now it's too late. I know it!"

Volume 3 part 3

(About happiness)

"Yes, I have revealed new happiness, an integral person.<…> Happiness is out of the material forces, outside the material external influences on a person, the happiness of one soul, the happiness of love! He could understand him anyone, but aware of him and to prescribe him could only God. "

(About love and hatred)

"Yes, love (he thought again with perfect clarity), but not the love that loves for something, for something or for some reason, but the love I experienced for the first time, when, dying, I She saw his enemy and still loved him. I experienced that sense of love that is the most essence of the soul and for which it is not necessary for the subject. I am now experiencing this blissful feeling. Love your neighbor, love your enemies. Love everything - love God in all manifestations. Love a person dear can human love; But only the enemy can love with the Love of God. And from this, I experienced such joy when I felt that I love the person. What about him? He is alive ... Loving human love, you can go to hatred from love; But God's love cannot change. Nothing, nor death, nothing can destroy it. She is the essence of the soul. And how many people I hated in my life. And of all people no longer loved anyone, I did not hate, like her. " And he vividly introduced himself to Natasha not as he imagined her before, with her lovely the charm, joyful for himself; But for the first time I presented her soul. And he understood her feeling, her suffering, shame, repentance. He now first understood all the cruelty of his refusal, saw the cruelty of his gap with her. "If I could only see her once again. Once, looking into these eyes, say ... "

Volume 4 Part 1

(Thoughts of Bologkoe about love, life and death)

Prince Andrei not only knew that he would die, but he felt that he was dying that he had already died half. He experienced a consciousness of alienation from the whole earthly and joyful and strange lightness of being. He, not in a hurry and not disturbing, expected what he had to do. That terrible, eternal, unknown and distant, the presence of which he did not cease to feel in continuation of his whole life, now it was close to him and - for the strange ease of being, which he experienced is almost clear and experienced.

Before he was afraid of the end. He twice has experienced this terrible painful feeling of fear of death, end, and now I have not understood it.
The first time he experienced this feeling when the pomegranate with a wolf spoiled in front of him and he looked at the stall, on the bushes, on the sky and knew that he had death before him. When he woke up after the wound and in his soul, it instantly, as if liberated from his opposite life, this flower of love, eternal, free, independent of this life, was no longer afraid of death and did not think about her. The more he, in those hours of suffering privacy and the half-breed, which he spent after his wound, was thoughtful to the new, the beginning of the beginning of eternal love, the more he himself, who did not feel that, renounced earthly life. Everything, to love everyone, always sacrificed for love, there was no one to love anyone, it meant not to live it in life. And the more he penetrated with this beginning of love, the more he renounced from life and the more perfectly destroyed that terrible barrier, which stands between life and death without love. When he, this is the first time, recalled that he had to die, he spoke to himself: Well, the better.
But after that night in Mytishchi, when the one he wanted to half-breed in front of him, and when he, pressed her hand to his lips, I cried with quiet, joyful tears, the love of one woman quickened in his heart and again tied him to Life. And joyful and disturbing thoughts began to come to him. Remembering the minute at the dressing point, when he saw Kuragin, he could now not return to that feeling: he was tormented by the question of whether he live? And he did not dare to ask it.

Falling asleep, he thought everything about the same thing he thought all this time, - about life and death. And more about death. He felt closer to her.
"Love? What is love? - he thought. - Love interferes with death. Love is life. All, all I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is there, everything exists only because I love. Everything is connected with one thing. Love is God, and die - it means me, a particle of love, return to the general and eternal source. "

But at the same moment, as he died, Prince Andrei remembered that he was sleeping, and at the same moment, as he died, he, having made an effort over his way, woke up.
"Yes, it was death. I died - I woke up. Yes, death - awakening! " - Suddenly hen brightened in his soul, and the curtain who hid it still unknown, was raised before his spiritual gaze. He felt the release of the forces before the strengthened in him and the strange ease, which since then did not leave him.

For the first time we are confronted with the Block's family at the end of the first part of the first volume, when everything in the Bald Mountains, in the main estate of Bolkonsky, are waiting for the arrival of Prince Andrei with his wife. From now on, it becomes a lot, and it can be said that almost everything is clear about this family, about all their members. Starting with the old prince, and ending with M-Lle Bourienne. Before you begin a description of family members, it should be said that each in the family of Bolkonsky is something special in its own way. If you hold a parallel with Rostov, then you can immediately say: these are completely different people. Rostov - Simple nobles, good-natured father, good mother, generous son, carefree children. Here everything is completely different. Father dictator, submissive daughter, fearing daughter-in-law, and an independent son. This is an overview of the whole family that gives some idea of \u200b\u200bBolkon. It is imperative that you can imagine Bologkoe as a triangle, on the top of which Father, Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, on the other vertex Andrei, and not the third princess Marya Bolkonskaya with Liza, the wife of Prince Andrew. These are three fronts, three completely opposite groupings (if you can name one or two people) in the family.

Nikolai Bolkonsky

Most of the old prince appreciated in people "two virtues: activity and mind." "He himself was engaged in the upbringing of his daughter and to develop both the main virtues in it, gave her the lessons of algebra and geometry and distributed all her life in continuous classes. He himself was constantly engaged in the Scripture of his memoirs," then "by the calculations of the highest mathematics, That the sharpening of tobaccook on the machine, then work in the garden and observation of buildings that did not stop in his estate. " Living in the village, Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky reads a lot, he is aware of the events. Unlike the inhabitants of the secular living rooms, he is deeply experiencing everything that is performed in Russia, and believes that the debt of nobleman is to serve his homeland. True love for the Motherland and the consciousness of his debt in front of her sound in his part -ile words Son: "Remember one, Prince Andrei: If you kill you, I will hurt me, I will hurt ... And if I find out that you have not like my son" Nikolai Bolkonsky, I will ... I am ashamed! "When in 1806, the theater of military action approached the Russian borders, Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, despite his respectable age, took the appointment by one of the eight commander-in-chief on the militia." He was constantly in the roads in three entrusted to him by provinces; It was executable to Pedantism in his duties, strict before cruelty with his subordinates and reached the slightest details of the case. "In 1812, having learned about the capture of Smolensk by the French, the old prince Bolkonsky decides to" stay in the Bald Mountains to the last extreme and defend. "Thoughts About his homeland, about her fate, about the defeat of the Russian army do not leave him and in the suicide hours. Nikolai Andreevich was Russian Barin, sometimes samotor and despotism appeared in it, but when he was a man of a huge moral power of high spiritual developed. The features of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky inherited his children - Prince Andrei and Princess Marya. The old prince Bolkonsky did not want his daughter to be like secular women. He did not like the idleness, worked himself and demanded that the life of the princes was filled with useful classes.

Andrey Bolkonsky

In the artistic world of Tolstoy there are heroes, persistently and purposefully seeking the meaning of life, seeking complete harmony with the world. They do not occupy secular intrigues, mercenary interests, empty conversations in the Great Salons. They are easy to learn among the arrogant, smug faces. To them, of course, applies to one of the brightest images of the "War and Peace" - Andrei Bolkonsky. True, the first acquaintance with this hero does not cause a special sympathy, because his beautiful face "with certain and dry features" spoils the expression of boredom and discontent. But it, as Tolstoy writes, caused by the fact that "all the former in the living room were not only familiar, but he was already tired so that he was very boring to listen to them." The detailed author's comment suggests that the brilliant and idle, empty life does not satisfy the hero, aspiring to break the vicious circle in which it is located. Prince Andrei, possessing, in addition to the mind and education, strong will, resolutely changes his life, enrolling in the headquarters of the commander-in-chief. Bolkonsky dreams of a feat and glory, but his desires are far from vanity, for they are caused by the desire for the victory of Russian weapons, to the general benefit. Possessing hereditary pride, Andrey unconsciously separates himself from the world of ordinary people. In the soul of the hero, the gap between his elevated dreams and the earthly weekdays becomes deeper. A pretty wife Lisa, once the most seeming perfection, turned out to be an ordinary, ordinary woman. Andrei undeserves insulted her with his dismissive attitude. And the kipheny life of the headquarters of the commander-in-chief, which is represented by the Block's brain of the army, also turns out to be very far from the ideal. Andrei holy believes that his thoughts on the salvation of the army will attract attention and interest will serve as a good benefit. But instead of salvation of the army, he has to save a healthy wife from the claims of the Ossetian officer. This one, in general, the noble act seems to be too small and insignificant compared to his heroic dream. The feat, perfect by him during Austerlitsky battle, when he runs ahead of all with the banner in his hands is filled with an external effect: he noted and appreciated even Napoleon. But why, having committed a heroic act, Andrei does not have any delight and mental lifting? Probably because at that moment he fell, heavily wounded, he opened a new high truth together with a high endless sky, spread over him a blue arch. On his background, all former dreams and desires showed Andrei small and insignificant, the same as the former idol. In his soul there was a revaluation of values. What seemed to him beautiful and sublime, turned out to be empty and vain. And then, from what he was so diligently, a simple and quiet family life - now it seems despicable, full of happiness and harmony. It is not known how the life of Bolkonsky would have arisen with his wife. But when, having resurrected from the dead, he returned home more kind and soft, a new blow hit him - the death of his wife, in front of which he could not tolerate his guilt. Andrei is trying to live a simple, calm life, touchingly worrying about the son, engaged in improving the life of his fortress: three hundred people he made free blades, the rest replaced the barbecue. These humane measures, testifying to the advanced views of Bolkonsky, for some reason still do not convince his love for the people. Too often slip in it disregard for a man or a soldier who can regret, but cannot be respected. In addition, the state of depression, the feeling of the impossibility of happiness suggests that all transformations cannot completely take his mind and heart. Changes in the serious mental state of Andrei begin with the arrival of Pierre, who, seeing the oppressed mood of a friend, tries to inspire him to the existence of the kingdom of good and truth, which should exist on Earth. The final revival of Andrei to life is due to his meeting with Natasha Rostova. By poetic, the beauty of the moon night and the first Bala Natasha. Communication with her opens Andrey a new sphere of life - love, beauty, poetry. But it was with Natasha that he was not destined to be happy, because there is no complete mutual understanding between them. Natasha loves Andrei, but does not understand and does not know him. And she also remains a mystery to him with his own, special inner world. If Natasha lives every moment, unable to wait and postpone the moment of happiness, then Andrei is able to love at a distance, finding a special charm in anticipation of the upcoming wedding with his beloved girl. The separation was too difficult for Natasha, for it, unlike Andrei, is not able to think about something else, take himself in some reason. History with Anatola Kuragin destroys the possible happiness of these heroes. Proud and proud Andrei is not able to forgive Natasha her mistake. And she, experiencing agile removal of conscience, considers himself unworthy of such a noble, ideal person. Fate disconnects loving people, leaving in their souls bitterness and frustration pain. But she will connect them before the death of Andrei, because the Patriotic War of 1812 will change much in their characters. When Napoleon entered into the limits of Russia and began to move rapidly, Andrei Bolkonsky, who hated war after heavily wounded under Austerlitz, goes to the current army, refusing a safe and promising service at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief. Commander of the regiment, the proud aristocrat Bolkonsky comes closer with the soldiers and peasant mass, learns to appreciate and respect the simple people. If first the prince Andrei tried to excite the courage of soldiers, walking under the bullets, then seeing them in battle, realized that he had to teach them. He begins to look at the men in Soldier's Schinles as heroes-patriots, courageously and persistently defended their fatherland. Andrei Bolkonsky comes to the idea that the success of the army depends not on the position, weapons or the number of troops, but from that feeling that is in it, and in every soldier. It means that he believes that the mood of soldiers, the total combat spirit of the troops are a decisive factor for the outcome of the battle. But still, the complete unity of Prince Andrew with a simple people did not happen. No wonder Tolstoy introduces a minor episode about how the prince on a hot day wanted to swim, but because of a squeamish attitude towards the soldiers, climbing in the pond, he could not fulfill his intention. Andrei himself shakes his feeling, but can not overpower him. It is symbolic that at the time of death, Andrei is experiencing a huge craving for a simple earthly life, but immediately thinks about why he so sighs to part with her. This struggle between earthly passions and perfect cold love for people is especially sharpened before his death. Having met Natasha and ate her, he feels a tide of vitality, but this tremble and warm feeling is replaced by some kind of unearthly absence, which is incompatible with life and means death. Thus, the discontinuity in Andrei Bolkonsky many wonderful features of the nobleman-patriot. Tolstoy breaks his way of looking for the heroic death for the sake of rescue. And continue these searches of higher spiritual values, which remained unattainable for Andrei, destined in the novel to his friend and the like-minded-minded person Pierre Bezuhov.

Maria Bolkonskaya

Princess slowly lives in the estate of the bald mountains with his father, the rocking Ekaterininian noble, causing with Pavel and since then does not go anywhere. Her father, Nikolai Andreevich, - a person is not pleasant: often obese and rude, scolding the princess to fool, the notebooks pops up and to top it all the pedant. But the portrait of the princess: "The mirror reflected a ugly weak body and a thin face." And then Tolstoy as if she was amazed seen: "The eyes of Princess, big, deep and radiant (as if the rays of warm light sometimes came out of them from them), were so good that very often, despite the urgency of the whole face, these eyes were attractive than beauty *. Together with the prince, Andrey Princess Marya is shown to us in the novel as the perfect, absolutely whole psychologically, physically and morally human type. At the same time, like any woman, according to Tolstoy, she lives in a constant, unconscious waiting for love and family happiness. What eyes - Soul mirror, a common place. But the soul is really beautiful, good and gentle. And this is her light the eyes of Marya. Princess Marya intelligently, romantic and religious Love him very much. She loves "Little Princess," loves his nephew of Nicholas, loves her companion-French fan, loves his brother of his Andrey, loves , without knowing how to shoot it, Natasha loves the vicious Anatol Kuragin. Her love is such that all those located nearby are subordinate to her rhythms and movements and dissolve in it. Tolstoy gives the princess to Marrees amazing fate. It sells for her any, the most bold romantic sings of the provincial young lady. She is experiencing treason and death of loved ones, it saves from the hands of the hands of Brava Gusar Nikolinka Rostov, her future husband (how not to remember the Kozma Prutkova: "If you want to be beautiful - go to the hussars"). Long Tomorrow of Mutual Love and Care, and at the end - a wedding and a happy family life. Sometimes it seems that the author is elegantly and cleverly parods countless French novels, which were an integral part of the "Women's World" and had a significant impact on the formation of the spiritual world of the Russian young lady of the early XIX century. Of course, this is not a direct parody. Tolstoy is too large for this. In a special literary reception, he dismisses the princess to Mary beyond the plot. Whenever sound and logical, it comprehends any "romantic" or close to this combination of events. (Recall her reaction to Ambulter Anatoly Kuragin and French Frenchwoman.) Her mind allows her to stand with both legs on Earth. Its developed novels with novels allows her to think some parallel, the second "romantic" reality. Her religiosity stems from her moral feeling, and it is kind and open to the world. Undoubtedly, in this context, its literary predecessor attracts attention. This, of course, Lizonka from the "peak lady" Pushkin. In some cases, the drawing of their destinies coincides to the smallest detail. "Lizaveta Ivanovna was a homemade martyr," Pushkin writes, "she spilled out tea and received reprimands for an extra piece of sugar; she read novels out loud and was to blame for all the author's mistakes." How not to remember the life of the Princess Mary with her father in the Bald Mountains and in Moscow! In the image of the Princess Maryia, much less literary typical and much more lively trembling soul and human attractiveness than other female characters of the novel. In her fate, together with the author, we accept live participation and we, readers. In any case, real pleasure delivers a description of its cozy family happiness with a limited, but deeply loved husband among children, relatives and loved ones.

Lisa Bolkonskaya

Prince Andrew's wife. She is a favorite of all the world, an attractive young woman, whom everyone is called a "little princess". "It's pretty, with a slightly inxicious assholes, the upper sponge was short on the teeth, but that nail she opened up and the more Mile was pulled out sometimes and went down to the bottom. How it always happens in quite attractive women, the lack of her - the shortness of the lip and the half-open mouth seemed She is especially especially her beauty. Everyone had fun to look at this complete health and lively, a pretty future mother, so easily transported their position. " Lisa was a universal favorite thanks to his always lively liveliness and courtesy of a secular woman, she did not think her life without a higher world. But Prince Andrei did not like his wife and felt unhappy in marriage. Lisa does not understand her husband, his aspirations and ideals. After the departure of Andrei to the war, Lisa lives in the Bald Mountains at the Old Prince Bolkonsky, to which fear and hostility is experiencing. Lisa anticipates his ambulance and really dies during childbirth.

Nikolek Bolkonsky

To continue the ideas of your father will be another Nikolai Bolkonsky - Nikolyka. In the "epilogue" he is 15 years old. Six years he stayed without his father. Yes, and under the six years, the boy spent a little time with him. In the first seven years of life, Nikoles, his father participated in two wars, longly stayed abroad due to illness, a lot of strength gave conversion activities in the Speransky Commission (what was the proud of the old prince, it would certainly be understood, find out about the disappointment of Prince Andrew in state activities) . A dying Bolkonsky leaves his son something like an old encrypted testament about the "birds of heaven." He does not utter these evangelical words out loud, but Tolstoy says that the son of Prince understood everything, even more than an adult, magician life experience could understand. As the "bird of heavenly", which in the gospel there is a symbol of the soul, without having "images and shapes", but constituting one entity - love, - comes, as promised, Prince Andrei to Nikolenka after his death. The boy dreams of a father - love for people, and Nikolyka gives an oath to bring himself sacrificing (no wonder the Muitions of the scene) on the command of the Father (father - the word written, of course, is not by chance with a capital letter).


L. N. Tolstoy


"War and Peace"

Floor: Nationality: Age: Date of death:

autumn 1812.

A family:

Father - Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky; sister - Princess Marya Bolkonskaya


Nikolai Bolkonsky.

The role performs:

Andrey Nikolayevich Bolkonsky - Hero of the novel of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". The son of Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky.

Biography of the main character

Appearance: "Prince Bolkonsky was a small growth, a very handsome young man with certain and dry features. Everything in his figure, ranging from a tired, bored look to a quiet measuring step, represented the most sharp opposite with his little, lively wife. Apparently, all the former in the living room were not only familiar, but they were already tired so that he was very boring to listen to them. Of all the people bored with him, his face pretty wife seemed to be tired of him. With a grimace, pulling his beautiful face, he turned away from her ... "

The first time the reader meets this hero in St. Petersburg in the living room Anna Pavlovna Sherso with a pregnant wife Lisa. After the dinner, he rides his father to the village. Leaves his wife there in the care of the father and the youngest sister Marya. Departs to the war of 1805 against Napoleon as an adjutant of Kutuzov. Participates in Austerlitsky battle in which he was injured. Fit the French hospital, but returns to his homeland. Upon arrival home Andrei cares of his wife Lisa.

Righting Son Nikolek, Lisa dies. Prince Andrei vinit himself in that he was cold with his wife, did not give her due attention. After a long depression, Bolkonsky falls in love with Natasha Rostov. Offers her hand and heart, but postponing at the insistence of their father to marry for a year and leaves abroad. Shortly before the return, Prince Andrei receives a letter from the bride with refusal. Cause of failure - Natasha's novel with Anatola Kuragin. Such a turn of events becomes a heavy blow to Bolkonsky. He dreams of calling Kuragin on a duel, but it does not cause. To drown out pain from frustration in your beloved woman, Prince Andrei is completely devoted to the service.

Participates in the war of 1812 against Napoleon. During the Borodino battle, a fragmentary wound in the stomach receives. Among other seriously edged Bolkonsky sees And Anatol, who lost his legs. When moving, the deadly wounded prince Andrei accidentally meets the family of growth, and they take it under their custody. Natasha, without ceasing to blame himself in treason, and realizing that he still loves him, asks for forgiveness from Andrei. Despite the temporary improvement, Prince Andrei dies on the hands of Natasha and Princess Marya.

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An excerpt characterizing Andrei Bolkonsky

"Where to? Asked Pierre. Where can I go now? Is it really to the club or guests? " All people seemed so pitiful, so poor in comparison with the feeling of death and love he experienced; In comparison with the softened, thankful look, with which she was the last time because of the tears looked at him.
"To go home," said Pierre, despite the ten degrees of frost swallowing the fur coat on his broad, happily breathing his chest.
It was frosty and clear. Over dirty, hawk streets, over black roofs stood dark, starry sky. Pierre, just looking at the sky, did not feel offensive it all the earthly in comparison with his height on which his soul was located. At the entrance to the Arbat area, the huge space of the Star Dark Sky opened the eyes of Pierre. Almost in the middle of this sky over the Prechistensky boulevard, surrounded by the stars, ranging from all sides, but differing from all proximity to the ground, white light, and the long, raised tails, stood a huge bright comet of 1812 year, the same comet that foreshadowed As they said, all sorts of horrors and the end of the world. But in Pierre, the bright star, this with a long radiant tail did not excite any terrible feeling. Opposite Pierre joyfully, wet away from tears, looked at this bright star, which, as if, with an inexpressible speed of flights of immeasurable spaces along a parabolic line, suddenly, as an altered arrow in the ground, it was closed here to one place favorites, in the Black Sky, And he stopped, vigorously raising the tail up, lighting and playing with its white light between countless other flickering stars. Pierre seemed that this star fully responded to what was in his bloomed to a new life, softened and encouraged soul.

Since the end of 1811, increased weapons and concentration of the forces of Western Europe began, and in 1812 these forces are millions of people (counting those who transported and fed the army) moved from the West to the East, to the borders of Russia, to which exactly the same since 1811 Year of year, Russia was tightened. On June 12, the forces of Western Europe crossed the borders of Russia, and the war began, that is, the event was made against the human mind and the whole human nature. Millions of people committed each other against a friend such an innumerable amount of atrocities, deceptions, betrayal, theft, fakes and the issue of fake appliances, robbery, arson and murders, which in whole centuries will not collect the chronicle of all vessels of the world and which, during this period, people who committed them did not look like crimes.
What made this extraordinary event? What were the reasons for him? Historians with naive confidence say that the reasons for this event were resentment caused by the Duke of Oldenburg, non-compliance with the continental system, the power of Napoleon, the hardness of Alexander, the mistakes of diplomats, etc.
Consequently, it was worth only mettern, Rumyantsev or Talleran, between access and rout, it's good to try and write a view of a piece of paper or Napoleon to write to Alexander: Monsieur Mon Frere, Je Consens a Rendre Le Duche Au Duc D "Oldenbourg, [My brother's brother, I agree Return the Duke of the Oldenburg Duke.] - And the war would not have.
It is clear that this was the case of contemporaries. It is clear that Napoleon seemed that the cause of the war was the intrigue of England (as he said it on the island of St. Helena); It is clear that the members of the British Chamber seemed that the cause of the war was the dominance of Napoleon; that the prince of Oldenburg seemed that the cause of the war was the violence committed against him; that the merchants seemed that the cause of the war was the continental system that ruined Europe that the old soldiers and generals seemed to ensure that the main reason was the need to consult them into business; The legitimists of that time is that it was necessary to restore Les Bons Principles [good principles], and the diplomats of that time is that everything happened because the Union of Russia with Austria in 1809 was not skillfully hidden from Napoleon and that uncomfortable was written by Memorandum for No. 178. It is clear that these and even countless, infinite number of reasons, the number of which depends on the countless difference of points of view, was presented to contemporaries; But for us - descendants contemplating in all its volume the enforcement of the events and oppressing in his simple and terrible meaning, the reasons for these are insufficient. It is not clear to us that millions of people Christians kill and torment each other, because Napoleon was dominated by Alexander, the politics of England Hitra and Duke of Oldenburg offended. It is impossible to understand what communication these circumstances are with the very fact of killing and violence; Why, due to the fact that the duke is offended, thousands of people from the other edge of Europe were killed and ruined people of Smolensk and Moscow provinces and were killed by them.

Andrey Bolkonsky inherited from the Father Love for the order, to the activities and "pride of thought". But, as a representative of a new generation, Prince Andrei softened many fatherly sprues. For example, a genealogy tree causes a smile from him: along with others he freed himself and from this superstition of aristocracy. He loved to meet people who do not have a "general secular imprint".

Marriage Bolkonsky. Savor.

Roman forcing Andrei Bolkonsky just at the moment of his spiritual life, when the superstition of secular relationship it became especially painful. He is a young spouse, but in his richly trimmed dining room, where all the silver, faience and table underwear glitter the novelty, he gives the Pierre's Tips to never marry. He married, because everyone gets married, on a good, very pretty girl, Andrei was supposed to get like everything, in the "enchanted cool of living rooms, gossip, balls, vanity, insignificance."

Bolkonsky in war.

He comprehends that this life is "not on it" - and to only break with her, decides to go to war. War, he thinks, like everything, there is something bright, special, not vulgar, the more war with such a commander, like Bonaparte.

But Bolkonsky is not destined to go beyond. The first victory, about which he, by the post of Adjutant Kutuzov, reported to the military minister, brought him to the thoughts who have tormented him in the Great Living Rooms. A sting, preliminary smile of the minister, the offensive behavior of the duty outlet-adjutant, the rudeness of the ordinary officers, the stupidity of the "cute Orthodox military" - all this quickly drowned interest in the war and the happiness of new, joyful impressions.

Prince Andrei opponent was leaving for war, Andrei opponent of any distracted reasoning. The family feature, practical businesslike, connected with a mockery-contemptuous attitude to everything that wore a metaphysics imprint. When the sister put on his samples on the neck, suffering from his jokes over the shrine, Andrei took this gift to not only disappear sister, and "his face at the same time was gentle and mockingly." Under Austerlitz, Andrei wounded hard. Then, exhausted from the loss of blood, knocked out of the rows of his comrades, who was closer in the face of death, Andrei was somehow closer to the religious world of sister. When Napoleon was stopped over him with his retinue, he all suddenly introduced himself in a different light than until then.

The death of his wife and the first rebirth of Bolkonsky

On the eve of the battle, after the Military Council, who left a very confused impression, and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe aimless of the victims occurred for a minute for a minute. But this thought was muffled by others, habitual thoughts of fame; It seemed to him that he would give him the most expensive people in a minute of glory, celebrations over people. But seeing about himself covered by the glory of the winner, Napoleon, whom he considered his hero, wounded Prince Andrei could not withdraw to the question addressed him. "He seemed so insignificant at this moment all the interests that occupied Napoleon, so the hero himself seemed to him." He just wanted to comprehend the Divine, the deceiving and soothing, about whom the sister spoke. Not yet fully recovered from the wound, Prince Andrei comes home just at the time of the birth of the son and the death of his wife, who could not withstand childbirth.

The dying childish-ukriznarly looked at her husband, and "in his soul, the axis broke out something." So recently it seemed indisputable that this woman, "Little Princess," binds him to the vulgar life, stands on his way to glory and celebration; And now he is a hero, crowned with glory, awarded Napoleon's attention and the most flattering reviews of Kutuzov, is as powerless, chalk and to blame for a dying woman, like there, on the Austerlitsky field, in front of him lying in the blood, was powerless, chalk and his hero is guilty Napoleon. And after the death of his wife, he is all mounted unspoken reproach: "Oh, what and for what you did this with me?"

With his unusual to distracts, Prince Andrei is not able to reconcile contradictions caused in his soul. It seems to him that they need to leave all social activities at all, and he is two years old leads a closed life in his village, slowly recovered from the consequences of the wound. It seems to him that the mistake of the former life was in a striving for glory. But glory, he thinks, it is love for others, the desire to make something for them, the desire for their praise. So he lived for others and therefore destroyed his life. It is necessary to live only for yourself, for your family, and not for the so-called neighbors. Therefore, in a conversation with Pierre, he is hot and convinced against all his plans to voland the peasants. The men are also "closest", "this is the main source of delusion and evil."

He does not want to serve in the army, refuses from the elective noble office, he is trying to completely go into care only about himself, about his father, about his house. Do not hurt and not feel remorse - here is the basis of happiness. But without a mocking smile, as it were before, Prince Andrei listens to Pierre, when he sets out to him the Teaching of Freemasonry: to live for others, but not despising them, as the prince of Andrei, who should glorify him, need to see themselves with a link, part of the huge , harmonious whole, you need to live for truth, for virtue, for love for people.

Slowly and hard, as in a strong nature, it developed this grain of a new life in the soul of Andrei. He sometimes wanted to even assure himself that his life was over. It seems to him that he, protecting his father, only for his tranquility takes care of the militia cases, that only from material interests drives around the guardian affairs of his long-range estate, which only from idleness monitors developing political events and studies the causes of the failures of the missing military campaigns . In fact, it is born in it a new attitude to life: "No, life is not over the thirty-one ... Not only that I know everything. What is in me, ... it is necessary that everyone knew me so that my life was not for one thing! ". The decision from the fall to move to Petersburg to take an active part in social activities was a natural way out of this mood.

Bolkonsky in the service of the Speransky.

In 1809, Prince Andrew appears in the capital with a liberal reputation created by his rehabilitation to the will of the peasants. In the circle of the younger generation, adjacent to the reformation activities of the Speransky, Prince Andrei immediately occupies a prominent place. Former familiar find that in five years he has changed for the better, softened, Matzhal, got rid of the former pretending, pride and mockery. Andrei himself is unpleasantly affecting the contempt of one people to others, which he sees, for example, in Speransky. Meanwhile, the Speransky for him is almost the same as Napoleon to Austerlitz, and the prince Andrei seems to be that he again as if before the battle, but only already civil. He was enthusiastically began to work on a part of civilian deposits, grinned, having fun, looked, but lost all decrease to handle with secular ladies, very dissatisfied that he "contacted Speransky."

Love for Natasha, who in his simplicity was so not like the rigorous opponents of the Speransky, grows in the heart of Bolkonsky, but
At the same time, he wants again something endlessly great as Austerlitsky Sky, and the Aurell of the Speransky for him fade. "... He was visited by Bogucarovo, his classes in the village, his trip to Ryazan, remembered the men, Drona - Strenda, and, putting the right of those who distributed in paragraphs to them, he became surprising how he could do such a long time idle work. "

Bolkonsky in war of 1812.

The gap with the Speransky was simply accomplished and easy; But the hardest was Bolkonsky, not enthusiastic, to transfer
Unexpected treason of Natasha, who has already been tested with him relative to the wedding period. Only from the desire to meet his opponent in the army and bring him to a duel. He enters the operating army just before the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812. Glory, public benefit, love for a woman, the very Fatherland - Everything is now presented by the prince Andrei "Roughly Namalian Figures." The war is "the most appreciated thing in life" and at the same time "Favorite fun of idle and frivolous people." "The goal of the war is the murder ... Complete each other's murder, tens of thousands of people as God looks from there and listens to them!" So the prince of Andrei in conversation with Pierre on the eve of the Borodino battle on the eve of the Borodino battle and concludes: "Oh, my soul, my last time it became hard for me to live ... and it's not good to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil ... well, yes for a long time!"

Fastro, frown and pale, he first walked for the ranks of soldiers for a long time, considering it necessary for the excitement of their courage, "then
He was convinced that he had nothing to teach them. "

There is a clock and minutes, when all the forces of the soul are aimed at not thinking about the danger ... Among the day, Andrei broke the core.

Reconciliation with the life and death of Bolkonsky.

And the first thought of the wounded was the unwillingness to die and the question is why it sorry to part with life. On the dressing point, when it was stripped, in front of him, childhood flashed - nanny, laid in the crib and lulling it. He somehow went down - and here he suddenly recognized Kuragin in scary man. What broke his happiness with Natasha. I remembered and Natasha. And he. Look at once hated, now a pathetic face with tears swollen eyes, he himself "cried with gentle, love tears over people, over himself and over them and his delusions." He understood what she used to do before, - love to everyone, even to enemies. "... Enthusiastic pity for the love of this man filled his happy heart."

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Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in his famous novel "War and Peace" as the main thought alliaded the "Folk Thought". This topic is most multifaceted and brightly reflected in excerpts from the work, which describes the war. As for the "World", "Family's thought" prevails in his image. She also plays a very important role in the work of interest to us. The topic of love in the novel "War and Peace" largely helps the author to reveal this thought.

Love in the life of the characters of the novel

Almost all the characters of the work are subject to love with love. Not all of them come to moral beauty, mutual understanding and true feeling. In addition, it does not happen immediately. Heroes have to go through mistakes and suffering that reckoned them, cleansing and developing soul.

Life Andrei Bolkonsky with Liza

The topic of love in the novel "War and Peace" is revealed by the example of several heroes, one of which is Andrei Bolkonsky. His way to happiness was thorny. At the age of 20, being inexperienced young men, blinded by external beauty, he decides to marry Lisa. But Andrei very quickly comes the oppressive and painful understanding that he was mistaken brutally and uniquely. In a conversation with his friend, Pierre Bezuhov, he utters in almost despair the words that should not be married before everything he could. Andrei says a lot would give now not to be bound by family bonds.

Bolkonsky with his wife did not bring peace and happiness. Moreover, he has been painful. The spouse did not love his Andrei. He, rather, despised, belonging to her as a child from a stupid empty light. Bolkonsky oppressed the feeling that his life was useless, that he became an idiot and court lacquer.

Soul fracture of Andrey

This hero has the death of Lisa, a mental fracture, longing, fatigue, disappointment, contempt for life. At that time, Bolkonsky reminded Oak, who stood a contemptuous, angry and old freak between smiling birchings. This tree did not want to obey the charm of spring. However, suddenly in the soul of Andrei rose the confusion of young hopes and thoughts, unexpected for him. As you probably guessed, the topic of love in the novel "War and Peace" is further developed. The hero leaves the estate by transfiguration. Again in front of him on the road Oak, but now he is not an ugly and old, but covered with greens.

Feeling Bolkonsky to Natasha

The theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" is very important for the author. According to the thoughts, this feeling is a miracle that revives us to a new life. To Natasha, a girl, such a non-disroxant on faded and empty women of light, did not appear at Bolkonsky immediately. It updated his soul, turned her with an incredible force. Andrei now became a completely different person. He seemed to be released from a stuffy room. True, even the feeling towards Natasha did not help Bolkonsky to humble their pride. He was never able to forgive Natasha her "treason." Only after he received a deadly wound, he rethought his life. The Bolkonsky after the soul fracture understood the suffering, repentance and shame of Natasha. He realized that he was cruel, breaking the relationship with her. The hero admitted that she loved her even more than before. However, nothing could keep Bologkoe in this world, even the flame feeling of Natasha.

Love Pierre to Helen

The theme of love in the novel of the Tolstoy "War and Peace" is also disclosed on the example of Pierre. The fate of Pierre Dzuhova is something similar to the fate of Andrei, his best friend. Like him, carried away in his youth Liza, Pierre, who had just returned from Paris, fell in love with Helen, who was pupperating beautiful. With the disclosure of the topic of love and friendship in the Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" it should be noted that the feeling towards Helen was at Pierre in a childish enthusiastic. The example of Andrei did not teach him anything. Bezukhov had to make sure that the external beauty was not always inner, mental.

Unhappy marriage

This hero felt that between him and Helen there is no barrier that this girl was terribly close to him. Above Pierre had power to her marble beautiful body. And although the hero understood that it was not good, he still succumbed to the feeling that this depraved woman inspired him. As a result, Lyuhov became her husband. However, marriage was not happy. The feeling of gloomy sadness, frustration, contempt for life, to himself and to his wife embraced Pierre after a while after his life with Helen. Her mysteriousness turned out to be stupid, spiritual void and debauchery. This is worth mentioning if you write an essay. The theme of love in the novel of the Tolstoy "War and the World" is illuminated from the new side in the relationship between Pierre and Natasha. About how these heroes finally gained their happiness, we will talk now.

New love Pierre

Lyuhov, having met Natasha, like Andrei, was struck by her naturalness and purity. In his soul, the feeling for this girl began to grow timidly when Natasha and Bolkonsky fell in love with each other. Pierre was happy for them, but this joy was mixed with sadness. The good heart of the Bezuhova, unlike Andrei, understood Natasha and forgave her in case of anatolem Kuragin. Despite the fact that Pierre tried to despise her, he was able to see how exhausted. And then the soul of Lyuhov first overflowing a feeling of pity. He understood Natasha, perhaps, because her passion for Anatolem reminded his own passion for Helen. The girl believed that Kuragin possessed inner beauty. In communicating with Anatola, she, like Pierre and Helen, felt that there was no obstacle between them.

Updating the soul of Pierre Prog

The path of life quests of the Bezuhova continues after taking place with his wife. He is fond of free, then participates in the war. Bezuhova visits a semi-tech idea to kill Napoleon. He sees how Moscow burns. Next, he is treated with a difficult minute of waiting for their death, and then captivity.

Pierre's soul, cleaned, updated, passed through suffering, retains love for Natasha. Repeat again, he discovers that this girl has also changed a lot. Lyuhov did not recognize the former Natasha in her. Love woke up in the hearts of heroes, suddenly returned "long forgotten happiness." They took possession, according to the expression of Tolstoy, "joyful madness."

Favorite happiness

Life woke up in them with love. The power of the feeling returned Natasha for life after a long soul apathy, which was caused by the death of Prince Andrei. The girl thought that with his death her life was over. However, love for the mother, which arose in it with a new force showed Natasha that love is still alive in it. The strength of this feeling constituting the essence of Natasha was capable of calling the lives of people who loved this girl.

Destiny Princess Marya and Nikolai Rostov

The theme of love in the novel of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" is also disclosed on the example of the relationship between the Princess Marya and Nikolai Rostov. The fate of these heroes was not easy. Unscrying outwardly, meek, quiet princess possessed an excellent soul. Under the lifetime of his father, she did not even hope ever married, raise children. Anatole Kuragin was the only one who was woven to her, and even that is just for the sake of dowry. Of course, he could not understand the moral beauty and the high spirituality of this heroine. It was possible to make only Nikolay Rostov.

Tolstoy in the epilogue of his novel speaks of the spiritual union of people, which is the basis of familyhood. At the end of the work, a new family appeared, where they were connected so different, it would seem, the beginning - Bolkonsky and growth. Leva Nikolayevich's reading novel is very interesting. Eternal themes in the novel "War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy make this product relevant and nowadays.