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The episode in the church is the fate of man every character. About Pussy Riot & Male, but not Putin's tear! Life before the war

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov - the author of the famous stories on the Cossacks, the Civil, Great Patriotic War. In his works, the author tells not only about the events that took place in the country, but also about people, very much describing them. Such and the famous story of Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". It will help the reader to imbued with respect for the chief hero of the book, to know the depths of his soul.

A little about the writer

M. A. Sholokhov - Soviet Writer who lived in 1905-1984. He witnessed many historical events that took place at this time in the country.

He started his creative activity writer from Fakenov, then the author creates more serious works: "Quiet Don", "raised virgin". Among his works, war can be allocated: "They fought for their homeland," "light and darkness", "the struggle continues." On the same topics and the story of Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Analysis of the first lines will help the reader to mentally move into the situation.

Acquaintance with Andrei Sokolov, who had a real prototype

The work begins with a meeting with a storyteller. He was driving on a Brychka in the village of Bukhanovskaya. Together with the chauffeur overwhelmed the river. The storytellor was to wait 2 hours until the driver returns. It is located near the car brand "Willis" and wanted to smoke, but the cigarettes were raw.

The narrator saw a man with a child and approached him. It was the protagonist of the narrative - Andrei Sokolov. He thought that a man trying to smoke, like he - the driver, so came together with a colleague.

This begins a small story of Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". An analysis of the dating scene will tell the reader that the story is based on real events. Mikhail Alexandrovich in the spring of 1946 was on the hunt and there it was so talked with a man who told him his fate. After 10 years, remembering this meeting, Sholokhov wrote a story in a week. Now it is clear that the story is conducted on behalf of the author.

Biography Sokolova

After Andrei treated with dry cigarettes, they talked. Rather, Sokolov began to tell about himself. He was born in 1900 in the time of the civil war fought in the Red Army.

In 1922, he went to Kuban to at least somehow come down in this hungry time. But his whole family died - father, sister and mother died of hunger. When Andrei returned from Kuban to his homeland, sold the house and went to the city of Voronezh. At first he worked here a carpenter, and then a mechanic.

Next tells about a significant event in the life of his hero M. A. Sholokhov. "The Fate of Man" continues the fact that the young man marries a good girlfriend. She had no relatives, and she was brought up in an orphanage. As Andrei himself tells, Irina's special beauty was not, but it seemed to him that she was better than all the girls in the world.

Marriage and children

The character of Irina was beautiful. When the young got married, sometimes the husband came from work angry from fatigue, so he broke on his wife. But the smart girl did not answer offensive words, and she was friendly and affectionate with her husband. Irina tried to feed him better, to meet well. Having been in such a favorable atmosphere, Andrei understood his wrong, asked for forgiveness from his wife for his incontinence.

The woman was very good, did not scold her husband for the fact that he sometimes drank with his friends too much. But soon he stopped even sometimes abuse alcohol, as children appeared in young people. At first, the son was born, and in a year two twin girls appeared. My husband began to bring all the salary, only occasionally allowed himself a bottle of beer.

Andrei learned to the chauffeur, began to drive a truck, to earn a good - the life of the family was mild.


So 10 years have passed. Sokolov set themselves a new home, Irina bought two goats. Everything was fine, but war began. It is her who will bring a lot of burning family, will make a single chief hero again. This was told in his almost documentary work M. A. Sholokhov. "The Fate of Man" continues with the sad moment - Andrei called on the front. Irina seemed to feel that a big trouble would happen. Conducting a loved one, she cried on her husband's chest and said that they would not see anymore.

In captivity

After some time, 6 German car guns approached it, they captured, but not one. First, the prisoners led west, then they ordered to stay for the night in the church. Here, Andrei was lucky - the doctor fits the doctor. He walked between the soldiers, asked if was wounded and helped them. These were among the Soviet soldiers and officers. But there were others. Sokolov heard one man in the surname of Kryzhnev threatens with another, saying that he would give him to the Germans. The traitor said that he would tell in the morning opponents that the Communists were among the prisoners, and they were shot by the members of the CPSU. What else did Mikhail Sholokhov told? "The fate of a person" helps to understand how not Andrey Sokolov was even for someone else's misfortune.

Such an injustice could not bear such injustice, he said to the communist who was inclusive so that he holds the leggown legs and strangled the traitor.

But the next morning, when the Germans built prisoners and asked if there were commanders among them, the communists, the commissioners, no one had given anyone, since more traitors did not turn out. But the fascists shot four, very similar to the Jews. People of this nation they ruthlessly destroyed in those heavily times. Mikhail Sholokhov knew about it. "The Fate of Man" continues to stories about the two prisoners of Sokolov. During this time, the main character was in many regions of Germany, he had to work on the Germans. He worked in the mine, at a silicate plant and other places.

Sholokhov, "The Fate of Man." Excerpt showing the heroism of the soldier

When not far from Dresden, along with other prisoners, Sokolov got stones on a career, coming to his Barack, he said that the production was equal to three cubes, and everyone was just one to the grave.

These words someone passed the Germans, and they decided to shoot a soldier. He was called to the command, but here Sokolov showed himself a real hero. This is clearly visible when you read about a busy moment in the story of Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Analysis of the next episode shows the fearless of a simple Russian person.

When the commandant of the camp Muller said that Sokolov personally shoots, he was not afraid. Muller offered Andrei to have a drink for the victory of the German weapons, the Red Army did not become, and for his death agreed. The stroke drank a glass of vodka for two sings, did not bounce than surprised the Germans. He drank the second glass as well, the third one - no bit of bread and bit off.

Amazed Muller said that she gives such a brave soldier life and rewarded him with loaf and lard. The treats of Andrei took the Barack to make food divided equally. Sholokhov wrote in detail in detail.

"The Fate of Man": the feat of the soldier and irreplaceable losses

Since 1944, Sokolov began working as a driver - he took German Major. When a convenient case has introduced himself, Andrei rushed to his by car and brought as a Trophy of Major with valuable documents.

The hero was sent to the hospital. From there he wrote a letter to his wife, but received an answer from the neighbor, that Irina and daughters died back in 1942 - a bomb hit the house.

One now just warmed the head of the family - his son Anatoly. He graduated with honors from the artillery school and fought in the rank of captain. But fate was pleased with the soldier and son, Anatoly died on Victory Day - May 9, 1945.

Named son

After the end of the war, Andrei Sokolov went to Uryupinsk - his comrade lived here. Accidentally in the teahouse met the Chumasian Hungry Boy-orpotion Vanya, whose mother died. Thinking, after some time Sokolov told the child that he was his dad. It very touchingly talks about this in his work Sholokhov ("The Fate of Man").

The heroism of a simple soldier the author described, told about his military exploits, about fearlessness, courage with whom he met to lead about the death of his native people. He will certainly make a foster son as increasing, as he himself, so that Ivan is able to endure everything and overcome in its path.

1 What are the features of the composition and the plot of this work? Composition - story in the story. The plot is the story of Andrei Sokolov about his fate, confession a courageous man. 2 What are the main milestones of the fate of Andrei Sokolov? 1 - 2 - 3 ...... What helps the hero will stand out? How does he be hero in all trials? (List personality quality, character)

In the episode "in the Church" Sholokhov reveals the possible types of human behavior in inhuman circumstances. Different characters embody different life positions here. A Christian soldier prefers to die, rather than, conquering circumstances, retreat from his convictions. However, at the same time, he becomes the culprit of the death of four people. The roof is trying to buy a right to life by paying someone else's life for him. Voice of his fate awaits badly. Only the position of the doctor, "which and in captivity, and in the dotmocks did his great business," causes Sokolov sincere respect and admiration.

In any conditions, to remain ourselves - the position of Sokolov. He does not accept no humility, nor opposition to his lives of the lives of others. Therefore, it is decided to kill Kryzhneva to save the excommunication. It is not easy for Sokolov murder, especially, the murder of "his". But he can not allow injustice. The episode "in the church" shows how severely checked the character of a person. Life sometimes puts before choosing. The hero comes up as he tells him conscience.

How expressed in the story of the author's position? Sholokhov in the image of his hero reveals the tragedy of all of our people, his disasters and suffering. The author's pain, sympathy is felt in the tone of the narration, in the choice of the hero - a simple person. The main method of building a story - antithesis - also serves as an expression of the author's position: a peaceful life is a destructive war; Good and justice --racy, cruelty, inhumanity; Loyalty - betrayal; Light - darkness ... Clearly on which side the author.

Non-profit of soldiers, when he holds the answer to the commandant of Muller, who sentenced him to the shooting for agitation in a camp against hard labor. Muller offers a drink to drink a glass of Schnaps for the victory of the German weapon, whipped allegedly in Stalingrad. Sokolov refuses. Muller offered the other: "Do you want to drink for our victory? In this case, I drink for your death. "

All this scene is not only an example of fearlessness Sokolov, but also his challenge to those rapists who wanted to humiliate the Soviet man. Drinking a glass of Schnaps, Sokolov thanks for the treat and adds: "I am ready, Herr Commandant, let's go, shed me." And the fact that he refuses to eat and after the first glass, and after the second it is the item, in another case, not playing any role, it emphasizes the moral resistance of the Russian person. Sokolov holds with the fascists as it should be a Soviet citizen, a representative of the working class. It is not by chance that many researchers spend the parallel between this episode and the event, in honor of which the Germans are so self-administratively, - by the Stalingrad battle, noting that in both cases it was the Russian soldier turned out to be the winner.

Now he found himself joy. He loved his abandoned guy, "Summary Little Wheel: Lichyo Everything in Watermelon Juice, Covered Dust, Dirty, Like Dust, Negota, and Greeting - As Stars at night after the rain!" - tells Sokolov, and in the very tone of his story we feel like it is not indifferent to human destiny. "Cooked here in me a fuel tear ..." he says. The soul of Sokolova became easier and lighter. Life acquires high human meaning. There were touching concerns about to wear and feed the boy waiting for the Father: "At night, you will miss the sleepy, then you smell the hair on the swirls, and the heart moves, it becomes easier, and then I have gotten from burning ..."

Why did the writer in the work of the narrator? Allows you to give portrait characteristic Andrei Sokolov: 274 - 275. And ensure the epic volume of the story. The narrator turns out to be an intermediary between the hero and the reader. The point of view of Andrei is refracted in the perception of the author, thus objectivity is born from the aggregate of views on the reality of individuals. Finally, the author here is not opposed to his hero, he himself turns out to be a person from the people, no wonder Andrei Sokolov takes him for his brother-shofera.

Compositionally, Sokolova's story is a number of novel, each of which is talking about some episode of his life. The fate of Andrei Sokolov is painful. There are two contrast paintings in the story: the family escorts him to the front - the wife of Irina, the Son, two daughters. By the end of the war, when Sokolov arrived at the place of vacation, saw another: a deep funnel, poured rusty water, on the belly belt ... Direct German bomb hit - and did not become at home, wives, daughters. No trace.

What directions of the Russian national nature embodies Andrei Sokolov? A simple man, soldier, father acts as a defender of life, its foundations, moral laws. Hero Sholokhov protects the meaning and the truth of the human existence itself. Andrei Sokolov fought on the field of Brahi, fought, as he could, and captured human dignity, honor his homeland. Each turn of his fate is simultaneously projected by the story, on the fate of his native people, an integral part of which he is.

Name of the story. "Fate" matters: a coincidence that does not depend on the will of the person, the course of life events on superstitious ideas, "otherworldly power, predetermining everything that happens in life." - What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fate of the hero?

But a person, no matter how hard the circumstances emerged, can act as it requires human dignity. A person may relate to circumstances actively. "I had to rush hard," "I have to slip, and Basta!" 282/4. "And I need not to run to me", "I had to deliver him to me" - about shooting from captivity; "I wanted them, damned, show" - about a fight with Muller.

Not the "life" of man - called the story of Sholokhov, and chose other words "fate." - The most beautiful in life (and she is indestructible) - man, worker, people. "Man" can also be understood as specifically (Andrei Sokolov) and generalized (the person who is set by the war in the conditions of the authorities over him; and only a strong spirit can oppose these circumstances their will, its ideas about debt and freedom). Andrei Sokolov's fate is the fate of the whole Russian people who passed a terrible war, the fascist camps, the loss of the closest people, but not broken finally.

Analyze the speech of the hero. As a peculiarity of the speech, Andrei Sokolov helps to penetrate the work of the work? 1 Sholokhov reproached that the speech of Andrei Sokolov little resembles a speech of an ordinary driver, although it is saturated with shofirsts professionalism .... 2 With the help of people's engines, he acts as if on behalf of the whole Russian people. Because it is saturated with spacious: ("Yes, my heart was swinging, the piston must be changed." "Oddrogli like dogs", "I don't get to the tooth", "But I got my full bark", "Rodney - at least a ball" , "Basta", "Dui",

For Sholokhov, it is not important that Sokolov is a driver, and not that he is Voronezh. The nature generated by historical circumstances is important. The poet Sholokhov does not stop the professional and dialectful in the speech of his hero. But the writer can also do without these verbal paints, since he is a realist, it needs to create a reliable image. Sholokhov creates an image of a living person, developing into a symbol.

Mikhail Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man" tells about the life of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, Andrei Sokolov. The gifted war took everything from a man: a family, a house, faith in a bright future. The volitional character and the hardness of the Spirit did not allow Andrei to break. Meeting with the orphaned boy Vanyushka brought a new meaning to Sokolov.

This raskaz enters the class 9 class literature curriculum. Before you get acquainted with the full version of the work, you can read the online "Fate of Man" Sholokhov, who will introduce the reader with the most important episodes of the "Fate of Man".

main characters

Andrey Sokolov. - The main character of the story. He worked for a driver in wartime, while Fritz did not capture him, where he spent 2 years. Captive was set at number 331.

Anatoly - Son of Andrei and Irina, who went to the front during the war. Battery becomes commander. Anatoly died on Victory Day, he killed his German sniper.

Vanyushka - Orphan, Reception Son Andrei.

Other characters

Irina - wife Andrey

Kryzhnev - Traitor

Ivan Timofeevich - Sorry Andrey

Nastya and Olyshka - Daughters Sokolov

The first spring after the war came on the top don. The guarding sun touched the ice on the river and the flood began, the turning road into the blurred is not a pass.

The author of the story at this incoud-road police was to get to the station Bukanovskaya, which was about 60 km. He got before crossing the Elanca River and, together with his accompanying chauffeur swam on a hole with an old-age boat on the other side. The driver again sailed, and the story remains to wait. Since the shofer promised to return only after 2 hours, the narrator decided to make a cross. He pulled out the cigarettes who got wet during the crossing, and laid them to dry in the sun. The narrator sat down on the woven and thought.

Soon, from thoughts, his disagreement is a man with a boy who moved towards the crossing. The man came up to the storytellor, greeted him and asked: how long to wait for a boat for a long time. We decided to smoke together. The narrator wanted to ask the interlocutor, where he is in such a road off-road with a little son. But his man was ahead and spoke about the past war.
So the narrator and met a brief retelling of a man's life story, whose name was Andrey Sokolov.

Life before the war

Having ever made Andrei still in pre-war time. Being a young boy, he left for Kuban to work on fists (wealthy peasants). It was a stern period for the country: She went 1922, hungry time. So the mother, father and sister Andrei with hunger died. He remained very alone. He returned to his homeland only a year later, sold the parental house and married Syrote Irina. A good wife came across Andrei, obedient and without grilling. Irina loved and respected her husband.

Soon, the young couple had children: at the beginning, the son of Anatoly, and then daughters Olyushka and Nastya. The family has been equipped well: they lived in sufficient, the house was rebuilt. If before Sokolov drank with friends after work, now hurried home to his beloved wife and children. In the 29th, Andrei went from the plant and began to work the driver. Flying for Andrei for another 10 years unnoticed.

The war came out unexpectedly. Andrei Sokolova came the agenda from the military registration and enlistment office, and he goes to the front.

War time

Conducted Sokolov to the front of the whole family. Poor premonition tormented Irina: as if she was seen with her husband for the last time.

During the distribution, I received Andrei military truck and went for his ram to the front. But he did not have to play for a long time. During the onset of Germans, the task was given to: put ammunition to soldiers in a hot point. But I could not bring the shells to your own - the fascists undermined the truck.

When Miraculously survived Andrei woke up, he saw an inverted truck and undermined ammunition. And the battle was already somewhere behind. Here Andrei realized that he got straight in the environment to the Germans. The Russian soldier fascists immediately noticed, but did not have to kill - labor is needed. So it turned out to be falcons in captivity along with one-sex.

Prisoners drove to the local church to spend the night. Among the arrested were a military doctor who made his way in the dark and interviewed every soldier about the presence of injuries. Sokolova was very disturbed by a hand dislocated during the incident explosion when he was thrown out of the truck. The doctor fired Andrei the limb, for which the soldier was very grateful to him.

The night was restless. Soon, one of the prisoners began to ask Germans to release him to fix it. But the eldest convoy banned someone from the church. The plated could not stand and cried: "I can not, - says, - to desecrate the holy temple! I am a believer, I am a Christian! " . The Germans shot the annoying Bogomol and a few more prisoners.

After that, the arrested fell silent for a while. Then the conversations began with a whisper: they began to ask each other who was coming from and how to capture.

Sokolov heard a quiet conversation next to him: one of the soldiers threatened with a pleasant, which will tell the Germans that he is not a simple ordinary, but a communist. Threatened, as it turned out, the name of the roof. The pleasant begging the Kryzhnev could not give it to the Germans, but he stood on his, arguing, "that his own shirt is closer to the body."

After the heard Andrei shook from rage. He decided to help the weld and kill the sealing party. For the first time in the life of Sokolov killed a man, and so disgusting to him, as if he was "some kind of shrouded smoking."

Camp work

In the morning, the fascists began to find out which of the prisoners belongs to the Communists, Commissars and Jews to shoot them in place. But these were not, as well as traitors who could have issued.

When the arrested drove into the camp, Sokolov began to think how he was to escape. One day, a prisoner was presented with such a case, it was possible to escape and tear off from the camp 40 km. Only in the footsteps of Andrei went dogs, and soon it was caught. Undecated dogs broke all the clothes and shed into blood. Placed Sokolov to the Cake for a month. After Karzer followed 2 years of grave work, hunger, bullying.

Sokolov went to work in a stone quarry, where the prisoners "manually looked, cut, crumbled German stone." More than half of the workers died of hard work. I could not stand somehow Andrei, and said rashwords toward the brutal Germans: "They need four cubic meters to work out, and for each of us and one cubic meter is enough for each of us."

There was a traitor among his, and reported on this Fit. The next day, Sokolova asked for a German authorities. But before moving the soldier to the execution, the commandant of the Muller bloc offered him to drink and eat for the victory of the Germans.

Practically looking into the death of death, the brave fighter refused such a sentence. Muller just smiled and ordered to drink Andrei for his death. There was nothing to lose the prisoner, and he drank to get rid of his torment. Despite the fact that the fighter was very hungry, he never touched the fascist snack. The Germans poured the second glass of the arrested and again offer him to eat, what Andrei replied to German: "Sorry, Herr Commandant, I am not used to climb after the second glass." The fascists laughed, poured the Sokolov Third Glass and decided not to kill him, because he showed himself as a real, faithful soldiers. He was released in the camp, and for the manifest abnormality gave loaf of bread and a piece of Sala. In the block we divided the provisions equally.

The escape

Soon Andrei falls on the mine in the Ruhr region. In 1944, Germany began to pass his position.

By chance, the Germans find out that Sokolov is a former driver, and he enters the service of the German office "Todte". There he becomes a personal driver of a thick Fritz, Major Army. After some time, the German Major is sent to the front-line strip, and with him Andrei.

Again the prisoner began to attend thoughts on the shoot to her. Once he notified the falcons of drunk Untera, started his corner withdrawing all uniforms from him. The form Andrei hid under the seat in the car, and also planted the weight and telephone wire. To implement the plan, everything was ready.

Somehow in the morning orders Major Andrey to carry him out of town, where he led the construction. On the road, the German was herticle, and as soon as they left for the city, Sokolov pulled out the girlet and stunned German. After the hero pulled a planted shape, quickly changed her clothes and drove into full support towards the front.

This time, he managed to get a brave soldier to his German "Hotel". They met him as a real hero and promised to submit to the state award.
They gave the fighter a month of ferred: to get, relax, with their relatives to see.

Sokolov sent to start in the hospital, from where he immediately wrote a letter to his wife. 2 weeks have passed. The answer comes from the motherland, but not from Irina. The letter wrote their neighbor, Ivan Timofeevich. This message was not joyful: Andrei's wife and daughters were killed in 42nd. The Germans undermined the house where they lived. It remained from their Chatinka only a deep pit. Survived only the eldest son, Anatoly, who after the death of relatives asked the front.

Andrei came to Voronezh, looked at the place where his house was stood, and now the pit filled with Rusty Water, and on the same day went to the division back.

Waiting for a meeting with her son

For a long time I did not believe Sokolov my misfortune, burned. Andrey lived only with the hope of Son. A correspondence from the front began between them and his father learns that Anatoly became the commander of the Division and received many awards. Pride overwhelmed Andrei for her son, and in his thoughts he had already become drawing, as they heal with her son after the war, as he would become grandchildly and would nurse grandchildren, having met a quiet old age.

At this time, the Russian troops rapidly occurred and moved fascists to the German border. Now the correspondence was not possible, and only by the end of the spring father received a news from Anatoly. The soldiers approached the German border - the end of the war came on May 9.

Excited, happy Andrei waited with a look at the meeting with his son. But there was no shortness of his joy: Sokolov reported that the battery commander shot the German Sniper on May 9, 1945, on Victory Day. He spent Anatoly Father on the last journey, burying the Son on German Earth.


Soon Sokolova was demobilized, but he did not want to return to Voronezh because of heavy memories. Then he remembered the military friend from Uryupinsk, who invited him to himself. Veteran there and headed.

A friend lived with his wife on the outskirts of the city, they did not have children. Attached a friend of Andrei to work the driver. After the work of Sokolov, he often went to the tea room to skip the cup-other. Near the tea falcons noticed an awesome boy of 5-6 years. Andrei found out that the streets called Vanyushka. The child remained without parents: the mother died during the bombing, and the father was killed at the front. Andrei decided to adopt the child.

He led Sokolov Vanya to the house, where he lived with a married couple. The boy was washed, fed and dressed. Became the child of his father at every flight to accompany and never agreed to stay at home without him.

So there would be a son with his father for a long time in Uryupinsk, if not for one incident. I rode somehow Andrei on the truck in bad weather, the car was listed, and he knocked down a cow with his feet. The animal remains unharmed, and Sokolov deprived the driver's license. The man also led the man with another colleague from Cashara. He invited him to work to himself and promised that he would help get new rights. So they keep the way with her son in Kashhar district. He admitted Andrei teller who would still not stand in Uryupinsk: no longer allowed him to be hushed up in one place.

All would be good, but Andrei's heart began to fiercely, it would not stand afraid, and the son will remain. Every day his deceased relatives became a man seeing his name to him: "I speak about everything with Irina, and with kids, but only I want to push the wire with my hands, - they leave me, as if they are melting ... And here is an amazing thing: In the afternoon I always keep myself firmly, I don't burn out of me, I'm not buried, and I woke up at night, and the whole pillow wet from tears ... "

The boat appeared here. On this ended the story of Andrei Sokolova. He said goodbye to the author, and they moved to the boat. With sadness, the narrator looked with these two close, orphaned people following. He wanted to believe in the best, for the best fate of these strangers to him people who have become close to him for him.

Vanyushka turned and waved the narrator for farewell.


In the work of Sholokhov raises the problem of humanity, loyalty and betrayal, courage and cowardice in the war. The conditions in which the life of Andrei Sokolov put, did not break it as a person. And the meeting with Vanya gave him hope and purpose in life.

Having become acquainted with the story of the "Fate of Man" in reducing, we recommend that you read the full version of the work.

Test story

Pass the test - and learn how they remembered the summary of the story of Sholokhov well.

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Literature lesson in the 9th grade

The topic "Russian national character" in the story of M.Solokhova "The Fate of Man"

The purpose of the lesson: Help students to comprehend the ideological and artistic content of the story, his deep moral essence; To feel the emotional atmosphere of the story, think about eternal moral values.

Tasks lesson: Improve the skills of self-analyzing work, the ability to allocate the main thing, develop speech.

Methodical equipment: Portrait of M. Sholokhov, Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova, audio recording of a fragment of a story, the text of the work, the record of the film S. Bondarchuk "The Fate of Man", illustrations to the story B. Alimova and O. Veresky.

Advanced task : The story "The Fate of Man", know the abstract of the lesson, prepare a message about the speech of the main character.

Teaching methods : verbal (analytical conversation), visual (reproductions, video films, audio recordings), ICT (presentation to the lesson), practical (work with text).


1. Sholokhov at school: book for teacher! Avt.-Sost.m. A. 1-Yenkovsky. - M.: Drop, 2001.

2. Sholokhovskaya Spring: Educational and Methodology. Manual / Sost. L. I. Pugachenko, V.V. Vasilyev, N. I. Ivashchenko.-Voronezh-2006.

Z. M. A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" - Moscow, 1986.

During the classes

I. Teacher's Introductory Word

We can say that the whole generation lives without war. No longer every year, but every day, it becomes more and fewer people who participated in hostilities who have seen war.

Interest in this period of the history of our country does not fuss, on the contrary, young people are trying to understand that it helped these people to survive and win, why cruel, bloody, deaths of war Many participants remember her bright feeling?

Apparently, because they were young, the war was the time of genuine and unconditional values, where love was checked, unconditional friendship. People were united, united by one common goal - to destroy the enemy, courageously defended each soldier of his native land, at any moment ready to give the most expensive - life for the freedom of their homeland, showing the wonders of the heroism and durability, courage and incontestability of the Russian spirit, Russian character.

What the character should have to have a Russian man to overcome the moral tests sent by the fate. What could save in his soul? Michael Sholokhov told about it in the story of the "Fate of Man", about this and our conversation in the lesson.

Topics: Russian national character in the story of M.Sholokhova "The Fate of Man" (1 slide)

II Motivation of training activities (2 slides)

(On the choice of students, record in diaries).

Write a review for a read work in the diary.ru

Answer the question written: "Can I consider the identity of Sokolov heroic?"

III. Message Topics, Lesson Objectives, Epigraph (Slide 3)

The Russian character is light, open, good-natured, lubricant, when life does not require him to a severe victim. But when the trouble comes - the Russian man of harshs, dodded in labor and merciless to the enemy, - without sparing herself, does not gentle and the enemy ...A.N. Tolstoy "Russian character" (write on the board)

IV. Reproduction of students' knowledge

    Tell us about the history of the story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man".(Post Post.)

(Message prepared by the student).

In the first post-war year, such a case occurred on the hunt with Sholokhov. There was a big spring flood. Sholokhov sat near the shoulder at the river crossing, rested. A man came to him with a boy, took it on clothes and his hands in fuel oil for "his brother-shofera," spoke about painful fate. She excited Sholokhov. Then he conceived to write a story. But after 10 years, he turned to this plot and wrote the fate of man in a week. " In 1956, under the new year, "True" printed the beginning of the story. And on January 1, 1957 - his ending. It became an event in the life of the country. The flow of reader letters to the editor, on the radio, in the village of Veshinskaya. Sholokhov himself said about his work: "I would like my books to help people become better, to become cleaner to the soul, awakened the love of a person, the desire to actively fight for the ideals of humanism and the progress of mankind. If I managed it to some extent, I am happy. "

2) What is the originality of the story composition?

(Student message)

The story has an annular composition: it begins with the author meeting with random fellow travelers - Andrei Sokolov and Vanyushka - and ends with parting with these people who have become the author close and expensive. In the story you can allocate several culminating moments: the commandant of Muller, the adoption of Vanya.

V. Wise work (slide 4)

Select synonyms for the Word Fate.(Fate, lot, rock, Fatum, share, predestination, purpose.)

What is the lexical meaning of this word in the explanatory dictionary of S. Ozhegova?("The life path passed by one or another person or the whole people, the state.")

It was in this meaning that M. Sholokhov used this word. A person should always be the master of his fate, whatever heavy, sometimes the tragic circumstances raised his life. The owner of his fate was Andrei Sokolov.

Character - a set of mental, spiritual properties of a person who are found in his behavior; man with character, strong character (Ozhegov S.I. . Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language).

- What positive character features can we call?(slide 6)

(Written on the word board: Resistance, generosity, self-confidence, honesty, courage, loyalty, ability to love, patriotism, compassion, hardworking, kindness, dedication. )

- Can we say that Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the story, has those traits of character, what did we call?

Old truth reads: Singing the habit - get married, lay in character - get fate.

Vi. Work on the text of the story

(short retelling)

We learn that a man goes with a boy. What is interested in the author in this pair? (In the boy's clothes, everything gives maternal care, and the man looks negleous).

Eyes. "Eyes as if sprinkled with ashes filled with such an inecilious longing that it is even difficult to look in them."

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. What can be said about our hero? Why does he have such eyes?

(The author "was not in itself" from such eyes. They clearly talked about the hardest, the tragic life of his interlocutor, who decided to tell his "brother's shofor". Let's and we will follow the fate of Andrei Sokolov after Sholokhov).

1. How many parts can be divided by the story of Andrei Sokolov about his life?

(For three parts: before the war, war, after the war).

(Retelling an episode with the conditional name "Peaceful Life" - from words: "At first, my life was ordinary ..." before: "What is more needed? Children porridge eat with milk, the roof above the head is, dressed, shod".)

Twenty-ninth yearwrapped Me cars. He studied autodo, sat downper
branca on freight
. Laterdrawn up And no longer wanted to return to the plant.
Behind the wheel seemed more fun. So lived ten years and did not notice how
they passed. Passed as if in a dream. What is ten years! Ask anyone
an elderly man - he noticed, how did life live?
Not a hell he noted !
I worked for these ten years and day and night. Earned well, and we lived
no worse than people . And the children pleased: all three studied on "excellent", and
senior, Anatoly, turned out to be so capable of mathematics, what about him
even in the central newspaper wrote. Where did he manifest itself
talent for this science, I myself,
brother , I do not know. Only very me it was
forest, and I was proud of them,
passion as proud !
For ten years we copied a little
mantle And before the war set
domishko about two rooms , with storage room and corondrist. Irina bought two
goats What is even more necessary? Children porridge eaten with milk, roof over the head is,
dressed, shod, it became, everything is in order.

- What does Andrei Sokolov sees happiness?

We notice that he does not say the hero of the story about wealth, about the jewels, it is rejoiced with a small one, it would seem. But this is the most valuable on Earth: the house, the paw in the family, the health of children, respect for each other. Andrei Sokolov concludes his story with the words: "What is even more necessary?" In his life, everything is harmonious, the future seems clear.

How does the hero characterize his speech?

- What changes the established order in the family?

To the world, built carefully and lovingly, the war bursts. Life of people is inseparable from historical events. So the story interferes in the fate of a person.

- Why does the story about the war Andrei Sokolov begins with the memories of peaceful life?

He passed through many tests, and what seemed ordinary, it became more expensive.

(Commented reading episode with the conditional name "Farewell scene" - from words: "All four of my scenes were accomplished: Irina, Anatoly and daughter - Nastya and Olyushka" before: "Such she and in memory I was left for all my life: hands, pressed To chest, white lips and wide open eyes, full of tears. ") (Slide 7)

Pupils pay attention to the fact that Andrei's memories are full of bitterness for the discontent, which he manifested towards his wife. "Evil took me here! I squeezed her hands and pushed it softly in my shoulders ... "And he pushed himself to behave not like other women, for the words of her:" My relatives ... Andryusha ... I will not see you ... We are with you. .. more ... on this ... light ... "perhaps something premonitioned ...(Slide 8)

2. How is the fate of Sokolov at the front?

For a short time I had to make a soldier. He was captured in May 1942 under Lochovenkov. I wanted to stand attending my death, but did not shoot him, but captured. And here showed the character of the falcons. "You see what business, my brother, and since the first day I decided to go to my. But I wanted to leave for sure. "(slide 9)

Sholokhov introduced a description of the captivity into the story, which was not characteristic of the Soviet literature of the pore. He showed how heroically, the Russian people were in captivity, how many were overcome. "It's hard to me, my brother, remember, and even harder to talk about what happened in captivity. How to remember the nonhuman flour, which I had to bear there, in Germany, how to remember all friends-comrades, what died, tortured there, in camps, the heart is no longer in the chest, and in the throat beats, and it becomes difficult to breathe ... "(Slide 12)

How did you get in captivity?
- Episode in church, case with a traitor.
- The commandant of the camp Muller.
- "Hate" (captive).

- What features of the character of Andrei Sokolov helped to survive the difficulties of captivity? What episodes did they show up most brightly?

Analysis of the episode in the church.

What variants of human behavior depicts Sholokhov in this scene (Soldier - Christian, Kryzhnev, Voice, Doctor)? What is the position closer to Sokolov?

(In the episode in the Church of Sholokhov, reveals the possible types of human behavior in inhuman circumstances. Different characters here are embodied by different life positions. But only the position of the doctor, "who did his great dear thing in captivity," causes sincere respect and admiration for Sokolov. In any conditions, to remain ourselves, not to change your debt - this is the position of Sokolov himself. Neither humility nor the opposition of your life is not a stranger hero of the hero. Therefore, he decides to kill the gogende to save the excommunication. It is not easy to save the murder, especially the killing of his . He has hard on his soul. But he can not allow one person to save himself a life at the price of the death of another, for only in the union of people he sees salvation).

- As Sholokhov showed that unfortunately, durability, stamina is inherent in many Russian people? Who do we notice the same character traits?

Students remember how tired, barely walking Russian prisoners of war were supported by Andrei Sokolov, so that he did not fall and did not kill him. Also remembered a doctor who, under heavy rain, in the dark, passed and searched for the wounded among the prisoners and disinterestedly helped them without thinking about her life. "That's what a real doctor mean! He and in captivity, and did his great deal in the dotmakes! "

1. Submissions of circumstances, cowardice, meanness, hypocrisy influenced the fate of this person.

2. He took death from the hands of those whose life wanted to give the enemy in the name of his salvation.

3. An ordinary act of the doctor turns out to be a feat against the background of betrayal.

View episode with the conditional name "Call to Muller" (video) and (slide 13)

- Why did the commandant Muller "generously" gave Andrei Sokolov's life?

Muller is a very ruthless person, "right hand in his leather glove, and in the glove lead gasket, so that fingers do not damage." It goes and beats every second in the nose, the blood is letting. Such a person does not put human life in anything, considers himself the strongest, confident in his impunity, even in some election. In such people right in the eye the truth to speak scary. But Andrei Sokolov was not afraid to tell Muller personally what he spoke in the barrack. Despite the fact that completely depended on the commandant, he led himself with great dignity. This is the dignity and appreciated the commandant Muller, calling Andrei Sokolova "This Russian Soldier".

- Did you know his words?

Yes very. This acknowledged the enemy, one who always belongs to others, sees the best only in himself.

From the heroic side, the character of Andrei Sokolova is revealed. We emphasize durability, dedication, courage. Pupils ask me to add a positive characteristic trait and generosity. (Come to Barack, the story hero shared the "gifts of Muller" with everyone.)

What does Sokolov think, preparing for death?

Why Muller needed to personally execute the Russian soldier during

solemn dinner?

Why, before shooting a prisoner, he suits the ritual with drinking?

Why does he agree to drink, but refuses to snack?

Who and at what momentas wins in this fight? What is the meaning of this victory?

How expands due to this parallel, the content of the image of the chief hero?

In which words, Sokolov's look is expressed on a human debt. Men. Soldier?

(Dialogue with Muller is not an armed battle of two enemies, but a psychological duel, from which Sokolov goes to the winner, which is forced to recognize Muller himself. The campman wanted to repeat Stalingrad, he received it to fully. The victory of Soviet troops on the Volga and the victory of Sokolova - Events of one order, as the victory over fascism is, above all, the victory is moral. So an ordinary person becomes Sholokhov by the embodiment of a folk nature. Fascism is opposed to the hero and the great power of patience, so characterized by the Russian people. Readiness to stand, "hang out". Ready to survive Credo Sokolova: "You and a man, you and the soldiers, to endure everything, to demolish everything if the need called for this.")

(Slide 14) - Gymnastics for Eye

Resistance, chain in the struggle for life, the spirit of courage, the partnership - these qualities go along the tradition from the Suvorov soldier, they were sick of M. Lermontov in the poem "Borodino", Gogol in the story "Taras Bulba", they admired L. Tolstoy in "Sevastopol Stories "and" War and the World ". All these qualities have A. Sokolov, the hero of the story of Sholokhov "The Fate of Man".

11. How is the fate of Sokolov after the war?

What had to survive Sokolov after flight from captivity?


Brutally cost fate with a soldier. The house is the center, the keeper of family happiness, comfort, protection against "winds" of fate. Along with the house, hope, meaning of life, happiness is lost. Raisted focus brought in his life grief, disappointment, emptiness. He stayed one on one with all the vagintages of fate.(Slide 15)

Only for a moment "Joy flashed him like a sun from behind Tuchi: Anatoly found." And again there was hope for the revival of the family, "Starikovsky dreams" appeared about the future of the Son, grandchildren. A person must live by the future. But this was not destined to come true. Anatoly died. Roe again collapsed on a person, again, as they say, fate turned away from him.

(The most terrible has become the loss of loved ones for Sokolov. Twice it interrupts his story, and both times - when I remembers the dead wife and children. In these places, Sholokhov gives expressive portrait details and remarks: "I looked at the storytellor, but a single tear I saw in him, as if in the dead, extinct eyes. He sat, ponuro bowed his head, only big, litterlessly squeezed hands finely, trembled his chin, trembled her lips ";" The storytellor was silent for a minute, and then said another, intermittent voice : "Come on, my brittle, smoking, and then I'll crush something with something." How great, should be the pain that this person is experiencing, if he, more than once, who looked into the face of death, never posed before the enemy, says: " For what you, life, so crippled? For what I missed? "The hero's heart" fired from grief "for so much that he was not capable of crying, although heels maybe he would bring him relief (" ... My non-chosen tears, you can see, dried on the heart. ")

- How can a person fall into such a difficult situation?

A person can work out, having to wave all, especially children who would remind him of their own. At such moments, a person can deprive himself to life, losing faith in her meaning.

- Did it happen to Andrei Sokolov?

No, he was not broken by the hero of the story of the circumstances. He continued to live. Skapor writes Sholokhov about this period of life of his hero. He worked, began to drink, until he met the boy.

Meeting Sokolova with Vanyushka.

(Analysis of the episode). (Slide 16)

Andrei Sokolov drew attention to the "Obrass". And the descriptions of Sholokhov became brighter, more colorful. What comparisons are: "Greeting - like stars at night after the rain!" Direct Assessment: "And before you loved that I was already, a wonderful thing, I began to miss it ..." "I boiled a fuel tears in me here, and immediately I decided:" There is no way to disappear! I will take it to my children! ""

Andrei Sokolov's heart did not cross, he was able to find the strength to give happiness and love to another person. Life goes on. Life continues in the hero. This manifests itself a strong character of a person.

9. Listening to the passage from the story of the "Fate of Man". (Slide 17)

- Is it like this to everyone like that, just can the little child be trusting?

No, not to everyone. The baby did not turn away, did not ran away from Sokolov, admitted his father in him. Vanyusha felt the human involvement of this man, his kindness, love, warmly, realized that he had a defender. (We emphasize the marked features of Andrei Sokolov.)

Why is Sokolov decides to adopt vanyushka? What is common in their fate?

After meeting with the boy, who has "glazers - like a star after the rain", Sokolova "the heart moves, becomes softer", "in the soul it became easy and somehow light" As you can see, you have stopped. Vanya's heart of Andrei Sokolova, his life has repeatedly gained meaning. "

So. Vanya found his father, and Andrei Sokolov found his son. Both have found a family. Where do they go and why? (They go to Kashhar district. There Sokolova is waiting for work, and Vanyuchka is a school).

10. The word of the teacher.

There remains doubt that it is waiting for our heroes ahead. What do you think? Will Andrei Sokolov? What is waiting for them ahead?(Slide 20)

("Yes, it will cope. Ahead is life, family, grandchildren. Because he has proved his life to Sokolov, that he is an inflexible person. And Wanta will help him.")

16. What do you think, what is the feature of all listed most important? (Patriotism, love for homeland).

17. What do you invest in this concept? (The very concept of the Motherland, in the name of the debt in front of which the hero is ready for the greatest self-sacrifice, in the story of M. Sholokhov appears as a very capacious concept. The Russian man passed through all the horrors of war imposed on him and the price of huge, no indispensable personal losses and tragic deprivities defended his homeland. , approved the great right to eternal life on Earth, on the bright future of his country.)

18. Appeal to the words L. Tolstoy(Slide 21)

Through the physical and moral tests of the falcons carried clean, wide, open everything in good soul, Russian soul. A person becomes truly beautiful, in a truly man, when he is able to defeat his own weakness, gain courage, cross them through the fear of the evil at the moment, before the inevitability of life fate.

And at the end of our reasoning, I would like to put a lot, because it is impossible to realize to the end, which is the beauty of the soul of the Russian man, his character. The Russian character, like the Russian soul, has always been and remain a mystery for world culture.

VII. The results of the lesson V. Summing up.

Love for the Motherland is not an abstract concept, this love has a foundation: family, house, school, place where you were born. That is where the homeland begins. And even if fate takes away the most expensive, dignity and love for their people will help to find everything again.

If you have brought up human dignity, it will help you in any situations to keep a person. And then after the world's cataclysms on the spring Russian land, the future will be held by the future, the Russian man of inflexible will and a little boy with a symbolic Russian name Ivan. And the whole Russian people will go after them, all of Russia.

Rate estimates, justification.

Evgenia Grigorievna Levitskaya

cPSU member since 1903

The first post-war spring was on the top Don on rarity friendly and assertive. At the end of March, warm winds looked from the Azov region, and after two days, the sands of the left bank of the Don, in the steppes bought out the logged log and beams, hacking the ice, madly possessed steppe rivers, and the roads became almost completely unrestrained.

In this ugly, off-road, I had to go to the village Bukanovskaya. And the distance is slightly - just about sixty kilometers, - but it was not so easy to overcome them. My friend and I left the sunrise. A pair of filled horses, pulling into the string in the string, barely dragged a heavy barn. The wheels on the hub fell into the sand twisted, mixed with snow and ice, and an hour later on horse-sides and stews, under thin straps of the splits, the white lush flakes of the soap appeared, and in the morning fresh air, sharply and drunk smelled the horse and heated generously blurred horseback.

Where it was especially difficult to horses, we got off the bright, went on foot. Under the boots, the splashing snow was swung, it was hard to go, but on the roads of the road, I still kept crying crystal on the sun, and it was even harder to wade there. Only watches across six covered the distance of thirty kilometers, drove up to the ferry of Elanca.

A small, places drying in the summer of a river against the Mokhovsky farm in a wetland, which crumpled alder spilled on a whole kilometer. It was necessary to transfer on the subtle flatline, raising no more than three people. We let go horses. On the other side in the collective farm shed, we were expected to be an old, who saw the types of "Willis", left there in winter. Along with the driver, we were not without fear of the dietary boat. Comrade with things remained on the shore. Barely despair, as from the rotten bottoms in different places the fountains scored water. Heavenly cavities were caught by unreliable vessel and painted water out of it until they reached. An hour later we were on the same side of Elanca. The driver drove the car from the farm, went to the boat and said, taking the paddle:

If this damned trough does not fall apart on the water, - we will arrive in two hours, do not wait before.

The farm stretches far away, and near the berth stood such silence, which happens in deserted places only deaf autumn and at the very beginning of spring. From the water pulled the dampness, the tart of bitterness of the rotting alder, and from the distant riding steppes, drowning in the lilac cheese fog, the light breeze was worn with an eternal one, barely calmed the scent of the recently released from the snow.

Nearby, on the coastal sand, lay the povered woven. I sat down at him, I wanted to smoke, but, putting my hand in the right pocket of cotton steganka, to a great chagrin, discovered that the pack of "Whiteor" completely spacious. During the ferry, the wave was tightly through the side of the lowered boat, the waistly drunk me with muddy water. Then I had no time to think about cigarettes, I had to throw the paddle, to quickly pull the water so that the boat would not sink, and now, bitterly on my oversight, I carefully removed from my pocket a riskey pack, squatted and began to put on one Wet, toured cigarettes.

There was noon. The sun shone hotly as in May. I hoped for cigarettes soon dried. The sun shone so hot that I already regretted that the soldiers' cotton pants and steganca put on the road. It was the first after winter a truly warm day. It was good to sit on a parasite like that, alone, completely conquering silence and loneliness, and, removing the old soldier's soldier, to dry on the breeze wet after heavy rowing hair, mindlessly follows the white busty clouds in faded blue.

Soon I saw, because of the extreme yards, the farm went on the road man. He led by the hand of a small boy, judging by the growth of five and six years, no more. They were tired of the direction towards the crossing, but, having gone with the car, turned to me. High, stubborn man, approaching close, told a muted basket:

Great, marriage!

Hello. - I shook my larger hand outstretched.

A man leaned toward the boy, said:

Just say hello to Uncle, Son. He, see, the same driver, like your papanka. Only we went to the cargo with you, and he chases this little car.

Looking straight into the eyes of a bright, like nebushko, eyes, a little bit smiling, the boy boldly handed me a pink cold hand. I lightly shook her, asked:

What is your old man, the hand is so cold? In the courtyard warm, and you freeze?

With touching childhood gullibility, the kid pressed against my knees, raised whitish brings in surprise.

What is I old man, uncle? I am at all a boy, and I do not freeze at all, but the hands are cold - snowballs are counted because.

Having removed from the back a skinny bag, tiredly straight next to me, father said:

Bed to me with this passenger! Through it and I got bought. Widely step - he is already lynx, so I have been expelled to such a infantry. Where I need to step up, - I walk three times, and we go with him to practice, like a horse with a turtle. And then after all, behind him, yes the eye is needed. We will turn around a little, and he is already on a nuddle wandering or leather leaves and sucks instead of candy. No, not a men's business with such passengers to travel, and even a hiking order. - He paused a little, then asked: - And what are you waiting for my bosses?

I was inconvenient to convert him to the fact that I am not a chauffeur, and I replied:

You have to wait.

From that side will come to?

Do not know whether the boat is suitable soon?

Two hours later.

Order. Well, so far a rest, hurry to me nowhere. And I go past, I look: my brother driver sunbatches. Give me, I think, come, smoke together. One thing and smoke and die sick. And you live richly, you smoke cigriers. Used them, began to be? Well, brother, tobacco uroiced, that the horse is treated, it is not good anywhere. Let's be better than my creak snatch.

He pulled out protective summer pants from the pocket of the Raspberry Silk Shabby Brisket, turned it out, and I managed to read the inscription embroidered on the corner: "The dear fighter from the student of the 6th grade Lebedean High School."

We lit the hardest samosad and were silent for a long time. I wanted to ask where he goes with a child, what kind of need he drives him to such a dissolve, but he was ahead of me:

What are you all the war behind the ram?

Almost all.

At the front?

Well, and I had to have a brother, a bump in the nostrils and above.

He put on his knees a big dark arms, hazardous. I glanced at him on the side, and I was not something for myself ... Have you ever seen eyes, like sprinkled ashes, filled with such an inequate death, which is difficult to look in them? That eyes were at my random interlocutor.

Broken out from the shoulder dry twig, he drove it from a minute in the sand, drawing some intricate figures, and then spoke:

Sometimes you won't sleep at night, you look into the dark empty eyes and think: "For what you, life, I so crushed? What did I disaccustomer? " There is no answer to me in the dark, nor with a clear sun ... no and I will not wait! "And suddenly she said: gently pushing the son, said:" Go, Milok, play around the water, a big water for the kids always some kind of mining. " Only, looked, the legs are not bushed!

Another when we smoked in silence, I, looking at my father and a son, and a surprise noted one, strange in my opinion, the circumstance. The boy was wearing simply, but well: and in how a long-headed jacket hit him, and in the fact that tiny boots were sewn with the expectation to wear them on a woolen sock, and very skillful seams on a broken one Sleeve jackets - all gave female care, skillful maternal hands. And his father looked differently: the jacket burned in several places was casually and rudely, the wolk on renewed protective pants is not sewn as it should, but rather grease wide, male stitches; It had almost new soldiers' shoes, but tight woolen socks were withdrawn with moth, they did not touch the female hand ... Even then I thought: "Or a widower, or lives not in Ladakh with his wife."

But here he, having poured her son with his eyes, plowed deeply, spoke again, and I became all over with a rumor.

At first my life was ordinary. I myself am a native of the Voronezh province, from a thousand nine hundred years of birth. In the civil war was in the Red Army, in Division, Kivija. In the hungry twenty-second year, they came to Kuban, to shake on the fists, therefore survived. And the father with his mother and sister died from hunger. One left. Rodney - at least a ball to shake, - nowhere, no one, not one soul. Well, in a year I returned from Kuban, I sold it, I went to Voronezh. At first, he worked in a carpentry artel, then he went to the plant, learned on a locksmith. Cause married. The wife was brought up in an orphanage. Sita. Good girl came across! Smirny, cheerful, ash and clever, not me. Since childhood she has learned since the pound of Liha stands, maybe it affected her character. From the side to look - not so she was prominent, but after all, I did not look from her, but in the focus. And there was no beautiful and welcome for me and it was not in the world and there will be no!

You will come from work tired, and sometimes angry, like damn. No, for the rude word, she will not be reduced to you in response. Affectionate, quiet, does not know where you sit down, beats, so that with a small enough sweet piece you will prepare. You look at her and move it with a heart, and after you raise it a little, say, "I'm sorry, cute Irinka, I have nahamil. You see, I have not done now with work. " And again we have the world, and I have peace about my soul. And you know, my brother, th

I had to do-when after paying and drinking out with comrades. Some happened and so that you go home and such a pretzel should write down that from the side, I suppose, to look scary. Tesne you street, and the Shabash, not to mention the alleys. The guy I was then a healthy and strong as the devil, could have a lot of drink, and the house always traveled on my feet. But it happened other times and so that the latter was walking in the first speed, that is, on all fours, however, it traveled. And again, neither you strusting nor a cry, nor a scandal. Only my Irinka dares, and then carefully, so that I am not offended by Spy. He will break me and whispers: "lie down to the wall, Andryusha, and then sleepy will fall from the bed." Well, I, like a crust with oats, fall, and everything floats before your eyes. Only hear through the dream, that she is quietly stroking me on his head and whispers something affectionate, so ...

In the morning, she is about two hours to work on his feet so that I will sink. He knows that I will not eat anything on the hangover, well, I will get a salty salty or something else, naples a faceted glass of vodka. "Miscelled, Andryusha, only no longer need, my dear." May you really not justify such trust? I will drink, thank her without words, in my eyes, a kiss and went to work, like a nice. And I tell me a cross word across, crying, or wrap, and I would like God holy, and on the second day I got drunk. So it happens in other families, where the wife of the fool; I saw it on such Salava, I know.

Causes of our children went. At first, the son was born, a year later

On the twenty-ninth year, the cars were set up. He studied autodo, sat down at the ramp on the cargo. Then it was drawn up and no longer wanted to return to the plant. Behind the wheel seemed more fun. So lived ten years and did not notice how they passed. Passed as if in a dream. What is ten years! Ask any elderly person, he noticed, how did life live? Neither the hell he noted! The past is like that far steppe in the haze. In the morning, I walked on it, everything was clear, and I hunched twenty kilometers, and now the steppe of the haze was already tightened, and from here no longer distinguish the forest from Byriana, a lot of herbos ...

I worked for these ten years and day and night. I earned well, and we lived no worse than people. And the children were pleased: all three studied at the "excellent", and the senior, Anatoly, turned out to be so capable of mathematics that he even wrote about him in the central newspaper. Where he manifested itself such a huge talent for this science, I myself, my brother, I do not know. Only very me it was flattering, and I was proud of him, the passion how was proud!

For ten years, we copied a little money and before the war set themselves Domishko about two rooms, with storage room and a corridor. Irina bought two goats. What is even more necessary? Children porridge eaten with milk, the roof over the head is, dressed, shods, it became, everything is in order. I just built awkwardly. We took me a plot of six acres near the aircraft factory. Whether my hubarka elsewhere may, and life would have formed otherwise ...

And here is she, war. On the second day, the agenda from the military registration and enlistment office, and on the third - please in the echelon. All four of my resorts were accomplished: Irina, Anatoly and daughter - Nastya and Olyushka. All the guys kept well done. Well, the daughters have no reason, the tears have twisted. Anatoly only shrugged, as from the cold, by that time he was already seventeenth, and Irina is mine ... I have never seen it for all seventeen years old. At night, I had a tears on my shoulder on my shoulder and on my chest of a shirt, and in the morning the same story ... I came to the station, but I can't look at her pity: the lips from the tears were swollen, the hair from under the handkerchief was crowded, and the eyes of muddy Inceptious, like a man's touched mind. The commanders declare landing, and she fell me on her chest, his hands on my neck climbed and the whole trembling, as if a bubbled tree ... and the kids persuade her and I, - nothing helps! Other women with husbands, with sons talk, and mine pressed to me, like a leaf to the branch, and only all trembles, and the words can not express. I tell her: "Take yourself in my hands, my nice Irinka! Tell me though the word for a farewell. " She says and sobs every word: "My relatives ... Andryusha ... I will not see ... We are with you ... more ... on this ... light" ...

Here, from pity for her, the heart is broken, and here it is with such words. It should understand that it is also not easy for me to part with them, not the mother-in-law gathered for the pancakes. Evil I took me here! By force, I spread her hands and pushed lightly in my shoulders. Pushed it seems lightly, and I had a fool's strength; She backed up, the step three fell back and again go to me with small chambers, his arms stretches, and I scream to her: "Doesn't they say goodbye? What do you beat me ahead of time?! " Well, again hugged her, I see that she is not in himself ...

He sharply cut the story on the half-story, and in the coming silence I heard something bubbles and bouffers in my throat. Alien excitement passed to me. I looked at the storyteller, but I didn't see a single tears in his as if dead, extinct eyes. He sat, ponuro bouncing his head, only big, litterly lowered hands finely trembled, trembled his chin, trembled solid lips ...

Do not, friend, do not remember! - I said softly, but he probably did not hear my words and, somehow a huge effort of the will of defeats, the excitement suddenly said the hoarse, strangely changed by the voice:

Before death, until the last of my hour, I will die, and I will not forgive myself that she pushed it out! ..

He fell back and longer. I tried to roll a cigarette, but the newspaper paper rushed, the tobacco was laid on his knees. Finally, he nevertheless made a circuit, he jeaded himself several times and swallowing, continued:

I broke away from Irina, took her face in the palm of her face, and she had lips like ice. With the kids I said goodbye, run to the car, already on the move jumped up. The train took the scene quietly; Pass me - by my own. I look, my children orphaned kids knocked out in a handful, they make my hands, they want to smile, and it does not come out. And Irina pressed his hands to his chest; White lips like chalk, something she whispers, looks at me, will not smorn, and the whole forward goes on, as if she wants to step against a strong wind ... Such she and in memory I was left for all my life: hands pressed against chest, white Lips and widely opened eyes, full of tears ... For the most part, I always see her in a dream ... Why did I pushed it then? Heart still, as I remember, as if a stupid knife is cut ...

Formed us under the White Church, in Ukraine. Gave me ZIS-5. On him and went to the front. Well, about the war you have nothing to tell, I saw and you know how it was at first. I often received from my letters, and the wolted itself sent rarely. It happened, you will write that, they say, everything is in order, I spend the little ones and although it is now retreating, but soon we will get together with the forces and then we will give Frica to see. And what else could I write? Nauseous time was, not before the scriptures it was. Yes, and I myself, and I myself did not play the hunter on the monster strings and I could not endure the same slumbging, which every day, to business and not to business, wives and Milaham wrote, snot on paper smeared. It is difficult, they say, he is hard, that and looked will kill. And here he, bitch in his pants, complains, is looking for sympathy, whirling, and he does not want to understand that this dissipassed babovenki and kids are not sorry for our rear in the rear. The whole power on them came up! What are these shoulders to our women and the kids, it was necessary to have to not bend under such weight? But not bent, surrender! And such a hlust, wet dyumka, will write a lighter letter - and a worker woman as Ryha's feet. She after this letter, a hornbeam, and his hands will lower, and her work is not to work. Not! You and the man, on the way you and the soldiers, to fullete everything, demolish everything if the need called. And if in you the Babiy Exquisies more than a man's, then wear the skirt with the assemblies, so that your skinny ass is constant, so that at least the back on the woman it looks like, and step by the beets, and you don't need a cow, and on the front you are not needed, there and there Without you, there are a lot of!

Only I did not have to manage the year ... two times during this time was injured, but both times easily: once - in the flesh, the other - in the foot; The first time - the bullet from the aircraft, the other - the fragment of the shell. I breathed a car to me from above and from the sides, but I, my brother, was lucky at first. I was lucky-lucky, and I took it to the handle itself ... I got in captivity under the slogans in May forty-second year with such an awkward case: the German was still great, and there was one of our stenguadyidvummillimeter welded battery almost without shells; They loaded my car with the shells on the very risk, and I myself worked on the loading so that the gymnaster accumulates to the shoulder blades. It was necessary to hurry a lot because the fight was approaching us: the left of someone's tanks will rattling, to the right shooting goes, ahead of shooting, and already started to smash fried ...

The commander of our authors asks: "Surfate, falcons?" And then there was nothing to ask. There, my comrades may die, and I will hurt here? "What a conversation! - I answer him. - I have to slip, and Basta! " - "Well, - says, - Du! Jim on all iron! "

I bang. In life, did not go like this time! He knew that it was not a potato that with this cargo caution in a ride is needed, but what can be caution here, when there the guys are fighting with empty hands when the road is simultaneous. I ran six kilometers, soon I am already folding to the village to get to get to the beam, where the battery stood, and then I look - the mother is honest - the infantry of our and on the right and to the left of the grader on the pure field runs, and the mines are already rushing. What should I do? Do not turn back? I press in full swing! And before the battery, some kilometer remained, I already turned on the village, and I did not have to get to my brother, my brother, I didn't have to ... Seen, he put it from the long-haul, he put it near the car. I did not hear neither gap, nothing, only in my head asleep something burst, and I don't remember anything else. As I stayed alive then - I do not understand, and how much time I lay down meters in eight from Kuvet - I do not figure out. I woke up, but I can't stand on my feet: my head twitches, everything shakes, as if in a fever, in the eyes of the dark, in the left shoulder squeaks and hurts, and pain in the whole body is like, tell me, for me two days in a row Bey than the ink. For a long time I chopped on the ground on the ground, but I got something like. However, again, I will not understand anything, where I am and what I caught up with me. My memory comes to me. And I'm afraid to lie back. I'm afraid I'm lying and no longer stand up, dirge. I stand and swing from side aside, as a poplar in a storm.

When I came to my senses, came to myself and looked around as it should, - the heart is like someone pliers squeezed: the circle of shells are lying on, what I am driving, not far away, my car, all the shreds, lies up the wheels, and the battle, battle Behind me goes ... is it like?

There is nothing to hide sin, here I have sink my legs themselves, and I fell, as cut, because I realized that I was already surrounded, but rather say - in captivity of the fascists. This is how it happens in war ...

Oh, my brother, it is not easy to understand this thing that you are not in your will in captivity. Who did not feel this in his skull, this is not immediately in the soul eating, so that it happened to him, thus

Well, here, I began to be lying and hear: the tanks thunder. Four German medium tanks in full gas passed by me there, where I went from the shells ... What was it to worry about? Then the tractor with the guns stretched, the field kitchen drove, then the infantry went, not thick, so, not more than one bat. I will see, I will see against them the edge of my eyes and again plucked with a cheek to the ground, I'll close my eyes: I'm sick on them, and my heart is sick ...

I thought, everyone went, lifted her head, and their six car gunners - here they are, walking meters in a stah from me. I look, turn off the road and straight to me. Go silently. "Here," I think, "my death is on the way." I sat down, reluctant to die, then got up. One of them, not reaching the steps of several, shuffered, the machine removed. And this is how funny man works: no panic, nor heart movies at that moment I did not have. Just look at him and I think: "Now he will give a short queue for me, and where will he beat? In the head or across the chest? " As if this is not one feature, what a place he will shoot in my body.

A young guy, sobody hurt such, black, and lips are thin, in a thread, and eyes with squared. "This will kill and does not think," I think about myself. So it is: he threw the automatic - I look at him right in my eyes, I'm silent, - and the other, the Efreitor, who, older than his age, can be said, elderly, something shouted, pushed him aside, came up to me, burst In his own way, my right hand is bent, muscles, it means that it fades. I tried and says: "Oh-oh!" - And shows on the road, at sunset. Top, they say, working cattle, work on our replica. The owner was Sukin Son!

But Mica looked at my boots, and they had good eyes with her eyes, she shows hand: "Sumy". I sat on the ground, took off my boots, I fed to him. He from my hands I snatched me. I understood the ports, I stretch him, and I myself look at him from below. But he shouted, he cooked in his own way and again for the machine grabbed. The rest are rzut. So in peace and moved away. Only this black, while it reached the road, three times looked at me, the eyes sparkle like a magician, angry, and what? As if I took the boots from him, and not he with me.

Well, my brother, there was nowhere to go. I went out on the road, I cursed a terrible coacher, Voronezh Mat and walked to the West, captive! .. And then the walker then was a nickdy, per hour along a kilometer, no more. You want to step forward, and you from the side aside shakes, takes on the road, like drunk. He passed a bit, and catching up of my column of our prisoners, from the same division, in which I was. They chase their man ten German car gunners. The one in front of the column was wagged with me and, not to mention a thin word, nice whipped me the handle of the machine on the head. I will fall, - and he would take me to the land of the queue, but our picked me on the fly, shook in the middle and from half an hour he was led by hand. And when I woken, one of them whispers: "God you fall to fall! Go out of the last strength, and they will be killed. " And I am from the last strength, but I went.

As soon as the sun village, the Germans have strengthened the convoy, another twenty machine gunners were thrown into the cargo, drove us with an accelerated march. Our wounded people could not sleep for the rest, and they were shot directly on the road. Two tried to escape, and he did not take into account that in the lunar night you were in a pure field, however it seems, well, of course, they are upgraded. At midnight, we came to some semissed village. Nightly drove us into the church with a broken dome. On the stone floor - neither a bar of straw, and we all without stakes, in some gymnasters and pants, so that there is nothing to bed. Some on whom even gymnasters did not have, alone blindly shirts. Most of these were younger commander. The gymnasters they prompted that they could not be distinguished from the ordinary. And the artillery servant was without gymnaster. As the weeds were worked near the guns and captured.

At night, there was such a heavy rain that we all wet through. Then the dome demolished with a heavy shell or a bomb from the plane, and then the roof is completely bold with fragments, they will not even find dry space in the altar. So all night and we leaseed in this church, like sheep in a dark katuch. Among the night I hear someone touches my hand, asks: "Comrade, you are not injured?" I answer him: "What do you need, my brother?" He says: "I am a militaryormality, maybe I can help you with something?" I complained to him that my left shoulder creaks and flops and terrible as hurts. He firmly says so: "Soma Gymnaster and Bald Shirt." I took off all this with myself, he started his hand in his shoulder with his thin fingers, so that I did not reveal the light. I creak my teeth and tell him: "You can see the veterinarian, and not a human doctor. What are you in a sick place you give, the heartless man? " And he all tales and the viciously answers that: "Your business is to pose! Also me, the conversations started. Hold on, now it will be more painful. " Yes, as it is drinned by my hand, I have red sparks from my eyes.

I came to my senses and ask: "What do you do, the fascist unhappy? I have a hand to smitherent, and you rushed it so much. " I hear, he laughed slowly and says: "I thought you would hit me with the right, but you turn out to be a hummier guy. And your hand is not broken, but it was knocked out, so I put it in place. Well, as it is easy to you? " And in fact, I feel on my own that the pain goes somewhere. I thanked him sincerely, and he went further in the dark, slowly asks: "Wounded is?" That's what a real doctor mean! He and in captivity and in the darkness did his great business.

Restless it was the night. Before the wind did not allow, the senior convoy warned about this, even when it was poured into the church in pairwise. And, as in sin, I was impatient to one manty of ours from our need. I was attached, he was attached, and then I was crying. "I can not," says, "desecrate the holy temple! I'm a believer, I am a Christian! What should I do, brothers? " And ours, you know what kind of people? Some laugh, others swear, the third all sorts of comic advice give him. He cheered all of us, and this canber ended very badly: he began to knock on the door and ask him to be released. Well, and interrogated: he gave a fascist through the door, in his entire width, a long queue, and the Bogomol was killed this, and another three more people, and one hardly wounded, he died.

We murdered in one place, sat all, sat down and sat down: the beginning is not very funny ... And some weather spoke in a low voice, whispering: who from where, what area, how to captivate; In the dark, comrades from one platoon or acquaintances from one company were struck, began one one slowly around. And I hear such a quiet conversation next to him. One says: "If tomorrow, before you drive us further, we will be built and will be launched by commissars, communists and the Jews, then you, pleasant, do not hide! From this business will not come from anything. Do you think if the gymnaster shot, so for the ordinary one? Will not work! I do not intend to answer you. I first indicate you! I know that you are a communist and agitated me to join the party, so responsible for your business. " It says to me, what is sitting next to me, to the left, and on the other hand, someone's a young voice answers: "I always suspected that you, a roof, a bad man. Especially when you refused to join the party, referring to your illiteracy. But I never thought you could become a traitor. After all, did you graduate from the seventeller? " That lazily so corresponds to his rotor: "Well, graduated, and what of this?" For a long time they were silent, then, by voting, Voice quietly says so: "Do not give me me, Comrade Kryzhnev." And he laughed quietly. "Comrades," says, they stayed behind the line of the front, and I do not comrade you, and you do not ask me, I'll still point to you. Its shirt to the body closer. "

They silenced, and I chills rushes from such a prison. "No," I think, "I will not give you a fucking son, to give my commander!" You will not leave this church from this church, and stretch you like Padlu, behind your feet! " A little bit later - I see: next to me is a face on his back, the hands threw his hands, and about him sits in one Hoody shirt, the knees hugged the knees, a slightly sniffing boy, and very pale. "Well," I think, "this guy will not cope with so thick Merin. I'll have to finish it. "

I touched his hand, I ask in a whisper: "Are you a pleasant one?" He did not answer anything, only nodded his head. "This wants to give you?" - I show on a lying guy. He nodded his head back. "Well," I say, "keep him legs, so as not to ball! Yes, eat! " - And himself fell on this guy, and my fingers froze on his throat. He did not have time to shout. He held him a few minutes, raised. Readyer is ready, and a language on the side!

Before that, I was not good after that, and it wanted to wash my hands scary, as if I was not a man, and some kind of reptile smoked ... I killed myself for the first time in my life, and then my own ... so what is his own? He is worse than someone else's traitor. I got up and I speak Voice: "Let's go from here, Comrade, the church is great."

As this roof said, in the morning all we were built near the church, they hooked up with automatic workers and three SESS officers began to take the people harmful to him. They asked who the Communists, Commanders, Commissioners, but did not turn out. There was no bastard, which could have issued, because the communists were almost half among us, and the commanders were, and, by themselves, and the commissars were. Only four and took from two hundred and excess person. One Jew and three Russian ordinary. The Russians fell into trouble because all three were black and with Kuchevinka in her hair. Here are suitable for this, ask: "Sude?" He says that Russian, but he does not want to listen. "Come out" - and that's it.

You see, what's the matter, my brother, and since the first day I decided to go to my. But I wanted to leave for sure. Before the Poznan itself, where they posted us in the present camp, never gave me a suitable case. And in the Posnan camp, it seems such a case found: at the end of May, they sent us to the fishing rabbits near the camp to dig graves for our deceased prisoners of war, there are many of our brother from dysentery; I am a Poznansky clay, and I myself look around and noticed that two of our guards sat down to eat, and the third came with the sun. I threw the shovel and went quietly for the bush ... And then - run, I hold right on the sunrise ...

Look, they did not soon have been spun, my guards. But where from me, in such a skinny, the forces took up to go through the day almost forty kilometers, - I myself do not know. Only I didn't get anything from my dream: on the fourth day, when I was already far from the damned camp, caught me. The dogs were walked in my footprint, they found me in clear oats.

At the dawn, I was afraid to go a clean field, and there was no less than three kilometers to the forest, I would charge in OVE on my day. Hung in the palms of the grains, refined a little and put on the pockets about the reserve and I hear the dog brex, and the motorcycle cracks ... I cut my heart, because the dogs are getting closer. I lay down the plafhmy and closed with my hands so that they don't ride me. Well, they succeeded and in one minute I went down with me all my ribbon. It remained what mother gave birth. They rolled me on oats, as they wanted, and at the end, one dog began to me on the chest with the front paws and aim in the throat, but it still does not touch.

On two motorcycles, Germans arrived. At first they themselves beat in the full will, and then there were dogs on me, and with me only the skin with meat flew by flocks. Naked, all in blood and brought to the camp. The month served in Karzer for escape, but still lively ... I stayed alive! ..

It is hard to me, my brother, remember, and even harder to talk about what happened to go in captivity. How to remember the nonhuman flour, which I had to bear there, in Germany, how to remember all friends-comrades, which died tortured there, in camps, - the heart is no longer in the chest, and in the throat beats, and it becomes difficult to breathe ...

Bey for the fact that you are Russian, for the fact that you still look at the White Light, for the fact that they are bastards, you work. They beat and for the fact that you don't look so much, not so much, you will not turn. Beyo easily, so that someday can be killed to dress to choose its last blood and the dies from beatings. The stoves are probably not enough for all of us in Germany.

And fed everywhere, as it is, the same: one and a half grams of erzatz bread in half with sawdust and liquid balancing from the trousers. Boiling water - where they gave, and where not. Yes, what is there to talk, judge himself: I weighed the war eighty-six kilograms before the war, and by autumn it was already pulling no more than fifty. One skin remained on the bones, and there was no dice to wear their own. And let's do the work, and I don't tell the words, yes such work that the breakdown horse and then not at the time.

In early September, one hundred forty-two people of Soviet prisoners of war were transferred from the camp under the city of Kustein, near the B-14 camp, near Dresden. By that time, there were about two thousand of ours in this camp. Everyone worked on a stone career, manually looked, cut, crumbled German stone. The rate is four cubic meters per day per soul, notice, for such a soul, what a little bit of it, on one thread kept in the body. It started here: two months later from one hundred and forty-two people of our echelon left us fifty-seven. Is it like a marriage? Famously? Here you do not have time to bury myself, and then there is a rumor around the camp, as if the Germans had already taken to Stalingrad and rods further, to Siberia. One grief to another, but it is so bent that you don't raise the eye from the ground, it seems to be there, in someone else's, German land, ask. And the camp guard is drinking every day, the songs of Gorlanyat, rejoice, eat.

And somehow we returned to Barack from work. The rain was all day, rags on us at least lumps; All of us in the cold wind produced as dogs, the tooth tooth falls. And there is no place to be expelled, to warm up - the same thing, and besides hungry not what to doze, but even worse. But in the evening we had no food.

I removed the wet ribbon with myself, I threw on Nara and I say: "They need four cubic meters to develop them, and on the grave of each of us and one cubic meter is enough." Only said, but after all, I was found from my own scoundrel, conveyed the commandant of the camp about these my bitter words.

The commandant of the camp, or, in their world, Lagerfür, was our German Muller. A low growth, dense, whiteobry and all the whole white: and the hair on the head is white, and eyebrows, and eyelashes, even his eyes were whiten, hang. In Russian, he said how we were with you, and even on "O", it was laughing, as if indigenous Volzhanin. And the Mother was a terrible master. And where is he, damned, just studied this craft? It happened, builds us in front of the block - they were so called the Barack, "goes before we rank with their own sophilate sieves, holding my right hand on the delet. She is in his leather glove, and in the glove, the lead gasket so that the fingers do not damage. It goes and beats every second in the nose, it gives blood. It was called "flu prophylaxis." And so every day. There was only four blocks in the camp, and now it is now the first block "prevention" suits, tomorrow the second and so on. Neat was reptile, worked without days off. Only one he, a fool, could not figure out: Before going his hand to apply, he, to break himself, ten minutes before the ranks swear. He makes me so much in vain, and it becomes easier from this: it seems to be our words, natural, like a breeze from the native side ... I would know that he would tell us one pleasure, - he would not fight in Russian, but Only in your own language. Only one of my friend-Moskvich was angry with him scary. "When he swears," says, "I'll close my eyes and like in Moscow, on the hook, in the beer, I sit, and before that, the beer would like that even the head will be spinning."

So this very commandant is the other day after I said about the cubic meters, causes me. In the evening, the translator came to the Barack and with him two guards. "Who is Sokolov Andrei?" I responded. "Marsh for us, you Herr Herrfuer himself demands." It is clear why it requires. On spray. I said goodbye to comrades, they all knew that I went to death, sighed and went. I am going along the camper, I look at the stars, I say goodbye to them, I think: "So you died, Andrei Sokolov, and in the camp - number three hundred thirty first." Something sorry was the iringe and the kids, and then this sorry for this subsided and I began to gather with the Spirit, to look in the hole of the gun fearlessly, as she likes the soldier, so that the enemies did not see in my last minute, that I am still with life to part after all difficult…

In the Commandant - flowers on the windows, clean, as we have in a good club. At the table - all the camp authorities. Five people are sitting, the schnapps are jammed and lard. On the table they have a companion of a hefty bottle with a schnapps, bread, fat, uroin apples, open cans with different canned food. I looked around MiG all this burning, and - you won't believe it - I mad me that I didn't break out. I am hungry, like a wolf, the clef from human food, and here so much good before you ... Some asked nausea, but the eyes tear off the table through great power.

Right in front of me sits a semi-man Muller, the pistol is played, throwing him out of his hand in his hand, and he looks at me and does not blink as a snake. Well, I click on the seams, stopped with heels, loudly I repeat: "Andrei Sokolov's prisoners of war on your order, Herr Commander, appeared." He asks me: "So, Russ Ivan, four cubic meters of development - is it a lot?" "So exactly," I say, "Herr Commandant, a lot." - "And one of the grave for you?" "So exactly, Herr Commandant, quite enough and even remain."

He got up and says: "I will have a great honor for you, now I personally shoot you for these words. It is uncomfortable here, let's go to the courtyard, there you are cutting out. " - "Will Your", - I tell him. He stood, thought, and then threw a gun on the table and pours a full glass of the Schnaps, a piece of bread took, put a slice of Sala and all this gives me and says me: "Before the death of a drink, Russ Ivan, for the victory of German weapons."

I was from his hands and a glass took a snack, but as soon as these words heard, "I've burned like fire! I think about myself: "In order for me, the Russian soldier, but began to drink a German weapon for the victory?! And something you do not want, Herr Commandant? One damn to me to die, so you got the propagation with your vodka! "

I put the glass on the table, put a snack and say: "Thanks for the treat, but I'm not drinking." He smiles: "Do you want to drink for our victory? In this case, I drink for your death. " And what was to lose? "I will drink for your destruction and get rid of flour," I tell him. With that, I took a glass and in two chips poured him into my senses, and snack did not touch, politely wiped his lips with his palm and say: "Thanks for the treat. I am ready, Herr Commander, let's go, will sing me. "

But he looks carefully and says: "You even snack before death." I answer him for it: "I'm not snack after the first glass." He pours the second, gives me. I drank the second and again a snack did not touch, on the courage BUN, I think: "At least getting to go before going to the courtyard, to part with life." High raised the commandant his white eyebrows, asks: "What don't you eat, Rust Ivan? Do not be shy!" And I myself: "Sorry, Herr Commandant, I am not used to bite after the second glan." He pissed the cheeks, snorted, and then how she wanted and through laughter something quickly speaks German: it can be seen, translates my words to friends. Those also laughed, the chairs were joined, turn to me with the faces and already, notice, somehow differently I look at me, like softer.

The commandant pours to me the third cup, and the very hand shakes from laughter. I drank this glass, I bit off a small piece of bread, the remainder put on the table. I wanted to me, damned, show that although I disappear with my hunger, but I'm not going to give up my hand, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride and that they did not turn me into the cattle, no matter how hard they tried.

After that, the commandant became serious with the appearance, the two iron crosses corrected on his chest, it came out of the table unarmed and says: "That's what the falcons, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier, and respected worthy opponents. I will not shoot you. In addition, today our valve troops came to the Volga and the entirely mastered by Stalingrad. It is a big joy for us, and therefore I gnolly give you life. Go to your block, and this is your courage, "and gives me a small loaf of bread and a piece of sala.

I pressed the bread to myself out of all the strength, I hold the fat in my left hand and was confused from such an unexpected turn, which thanks did not say, I did the left around, I go to the exit, and I myself think: "He will light up nowar, and Do not convey the guys of these harms. " No, it cost. And this time, death passed by me, only coldly pulled it ...

I came out of the Commandant on solid legs, and in the yard I was removed. Barrak fell into the Barack and fell to the cement floor without memory. Ours woke me back in dotmakes: "Tell me!" Well, I remembered what was in Commandant, told them. "How will Harci share?" - asks my neighbor in Naram, and the voice trembles. "All robust," tell him. Waited for dawn. Bread and fat cut the harsh thread. It got to each bread on a piece with a match box, each crumb was taken to record, well, and Sala, you understand, - only lips to anoint. However, divided without resentment.

Spearly transferred us, a man of three hundreds of the strongest, on the drying of the swamps, then in the Ruhr region on the mines. I stayed to forty-four years. By this time, our Germany's scarf and fascists stopped to dismiss our Germany. Somehow built us, all day shift, and some visits, the Ober Lieutenant speaks through a translator: "Who served in the army or before the war worked as a driver, - a step forward." Stepped us seven people of the former driver. They gave us a worn specialist, sent under the convoy to the city of Potsdam. We arrived there, and crushed us all apart. I was determined to work in Todte - the Germans had such Sharacken office on the construction of roads and defensive structures.

I drove on the "Opel Admiral" of the German engineer in the rank of major army. Oh, and the fascist was fat! Small, pushed, that in width that is the same in the length of the same and in the snowpad, like a direct woman. In front of him over the collar of Unidir, three chin hangs and behind the neck three thick folds. On him, I was so determined, at least three pounds of pure fat was. It walks, puffed like a locomotive, and it will eat - just hold on! The whole day, it happened, chews and cognac squeezes from the flask. Someone and I got out of it: it will stop on the road, sausages will approve, cheese, bounce and drinks; When in good spirit, - and I'll throw a piece like a dog. I never gave the hands, no, it considered it for myself as low. But be that as it may, but do not compare with the camp, and I gradually began to drag onto a person, I got intoxicated, but I began to get better.

Two weeks, I drove my major from Potsdam to Berlin and back, and then sent him to the front-line strip on the construction of defensive frontes against ours. And then I finally learned to sleep: nights thought, as if I had to escape to my homeland.

We arrived in the city of Polotsk. I sat down at the dawn for the first time in two years, how our artillery flies loses, and, you know, my brother, how did the heart beat? The idle still went to Irina on Svidanya, and it was not so stuffed! Fights went east of Polotsk already kilometers in eighteen. The Germans in the city are angry steel, nervous, and my fat man became more likely to get drunk. In the afternoon, go to the city with him, and it disposes to build strengthening, and drinks one night. The whole, under the eyes, the bags hung ...

"Well," I think, there is nothing more to wait, my hour came! And it is not necessary to escape to me, but grab with myself and my fat man, he will fit our! "

I found a two-kilogram girly in the ruins, wrapped it with a closer clog, in case you have to hit that there is no blood, a piece of telephone wire raised on the road, all that I needed hard to prepare, schoronil under the front seat. Two days before spreading with the Germans, in the evening I'm going with refueling, I see, go drunk, like dirt, German Untera, keeps behind the wall with hands. I stopped the car, started it in ruins and looked out out of the uniform, the pilot from my head took off. All this property, too, under the seat and was such.

In the morning of the twenty-ninth of June, orders my major to carry it out of town, in the direction of the cane. There he led the construction of fortifications. We left. Major in the back seat calmly dorms, and I almost jump out my chest heart. I was driving quickly, but he shung gas outside the city, then stopped the car, got out, looked around: Far behind two freights stretch. I pulled the girlet, opened the door to the sewer. The fat man leaned back on the back of the seat, screens up, as if his wife was under the side. Well, I joined it with a girlet in the left temple. He dropped his head. For loyalty, I turned it again, but I didn't want to kill dress. I had to deliver his living, he should have had a lot of something to paint. I took out from him from the holster "Parabelloum", put himself in his pocket, the mount was driven for the back of the rear seat, the telephone wire threw the Major on the neck and tied a deaf node on the mount. This is that he does not fall on the side, did not fall at quick ride. Against the German uniform and a pilot, well, and drove the car straight to where the earth buzzles where the battle goes.

The German front edge slipped between two dumps. From the dugout car guns jumped up, and I deliberately slow down to see that Major rides. But they scream raised, waving their hands, they say, it is impossible to go there, but I don't understand, I threw the best of the Gat and went to all eighty. As long as they came to the senses and began to beat from machine guns by car, and I already loops in a draw between funnels I looked worse than a hare.

Here the Germans are beaten back, and then their investigates, from the guns to meet me to meet. In four places, the windshield struck, the radiator abol the bullets ... But now the fishing lars over the lake, our run to the car, and I jumped into this fishing line, opened the door, fell to the ground and kiss it, and I have nothing to breathe ...

A young boy, on the gymnaster he has a protective shoulder straps, what I still did not see the eyes, the first runs to me, the teeth of the scalit: "Yeah, the damns of Fritz, got lost?" I rushed with myself the German uniform, the pilot threw a feet and I say to him: "You are my lingerie! Son dear! What am I Fritz you when I natural Voronezh? In captivity, I was understandable? And now untie the borov, which in the car is sitting, take his briefcase and lead me to your commander. " I handed over the gun and went out of hand to hand, and by the evening I was already already at the Colonel - the division commander. By this time they fed me up, and they were reduced to the bath, and interrogated, and the outfit was issued, so I came to the blocking to the Colonel, as it should be, the soul and body is clean and in full. Colonel got up from the table, went to meet me. With all officers hugged and says: "Thank you, the soldiers, for the road, the hotel, which brought from the Germans. Your major with his briefcase is more expensive to twenty "languages." I will apply before the command of the presentation of you to the Government Award. " And I am from these words, from her caress, very worried, the lips tremble, do not obey, just could squeeze out: "I ask, Comrade Colonel, crediting me in the rifle."

But the colonel laughed, patted me on the shoulder: "What kind of warrior, if you barely stay on your feet? Today I will send you to the hospital. Will be treated there, will feed, then go home to the family for a month on vacation will go, and when you return to us, we'll see where to determine you. "

And the colonel and all officers, which in the dugout he had, mentally said goodbye to my hand, and I went out completely promoted, because in two years the scan from human circulation. And notice, the brother, which is still long, as soon as he had to say, in a habit, he was involuntarily headed into his shoulders, it seemed to be afraid that if they didn't hit me. This is how they formed us in fascist camps ...

From the hospital immediately wrote Irina letter. I described everything briefly, as I was in captivity, as I ran along with the German Major. And, tell me for mercy, where did this children's praise come from me? I didn't lose it, I said that the colonel promised me to imagine ...

Two weeks slept and ate. They fed me with a little, but often, otherwise, if they gave meals to volatile, I could come up, so the doctor said. She got silent completely. And in two weeks the piece in the mouth could not take. There is no answer from the house, and I, admit, squeezed. Food and does not go to mind, sleeping from me runs, all sorts of bad thinkers climb into the head ... In the third week I receive a letter from Voronezh. But not Irina writes, and my neighbor, Stolyar Ivan Timofeevich. God forbid anyone to receive such letters! .. He reports that in June of the forty-second second year, the Germans bombed the air facility and one heavy bomb hit my hintka. Irina and daughters were just at home ... well, he writes that they did not find a trace and a trace from them, but at the site of the hutniki - a deep pit ... I did not read the letter this time to the end. In the eyes darkened, the heart sank into the lump and not squeezed. I am faced with a bed, a little cleaned, read. He writes a neighbor that Anatoly during the bombing was in the city. In the evening, returned to the village, looked at the pit and again went to the city again. Before leaving, he told her neighbor, which would be asked by a volunteer to the front. That's all.

When the heart was drunk and in the ears she was keen, I remembered how hard it was painted with my Irina at the station. So, then the heart suggested her the heart, which will no longer see us in this world. And then I pushed it ... There was a family, my home, it was all threatened for years, and everything collapsed into a single moment, I stayed alone. I think: "Yes, I haven't dreamed of my awkward life?" But in captivity I almost every night, about myself, of course, and with Irina and with the kids talked, he pushed them, they say, I'll be back, my relatives, do not feel about me, I am strong, I will survive, and again we will be all Together ... So, I talked for two years with the dead?!

The narrator for a minute silent, and then said already with another, intermittent and quiet voice:

Come on, my brittle, smoke, and then something suffocate me.

We littered. In the flooded hollow water, the woodpecker told the woodpecker. All the same lazily moved dry earrings on Alder Warm Wind; Everything likes, as if under the tight white sails, flooded the clouds in the highest blue, but it was already different to me in these moments of a sorrowful silence of a vague world preparing to the great silence of spring, to the eternal statement of living in life.

It was hard to be silent, and I asked:

Next? - Nausey, the narrator responded. "I received a monthly vacation from Colonel further, a week later I was already in Voronezh. On foot, Dotopal to the place where once a family living. A deep funnel, poured by rusty water, a circular burden on the belt ... Wilderness, silence Cemetery. Oh, and it was hard for me, my brother! Storing, bored with soul and again went to the station. And I could not stay there, I couldn't stay back to the division on the same day.

But three months later, and I shone joy like Sunny because of the clouds: I found anatoly. I sent a letter to me on the front, see, from another front. My address learned from the neighbor, Ivan Timofeevich. It turns out, he initially got into the artillery school; There was his talents to mathematics there. A year later, the school graduated with honors, went to the front and now he writes that he received the title of captain, commands the battery "Sorokatok", has six orders and medals. In a word, she turned his parent from all over. And again I started it terribly! No matter how cool, and my native son is the captain and battery commander, this is not a joke! Yes, with such orders. It is nothing that his father on the "studebecker" of shells and other military property. Food is an exhausted case, and in his captain, everything is ahead.

And I started at the night of Starikovsky dreams: how the war will end, as I am a son of Zhenya and I myself will live with young people, to buy and grandchildren to nurse. In a word, any such old old thing. But here it turned out my full mischief. In winter, we fell without a breather, and we had no time to write to each other very often, and by the end of the war, already near Berlin, I sent Anatoly Intoliya in the morning, and I received an answer on the other day. And then I realized that we came up with my son to the German capital with different ways, but we are alone from one nearby. I can't wait, I don't wait for tea, when I dwell with him. Well, and sweet ... Akurat of the nineteenth-May, in the morning, on the day of Victory, killed my Anatoly German Sniper ...

In the afternoon, the company commander causes me. I look, the artillery lieutenant colonel is sitting at him. I entered the room, and he got up, as before the older in the rank. The commander of my company says: "To you, falcons," and he turned away to the window. Penetrated me, as if electric shock, because I worked out unkind. Lieutenant Colonel approached me and says quietly: "True, father! Your son, Captain Sokolov, killed today on the battery. Come with me!"

I swung, but I stood on my feet. Now, and then, I remember through the sleep, as I was driving along with the lieutenant colonel on a large car, how made my way on the streets of the streets were made, I remember the soldier's system and the coffin abundant with a red velvet. And Anatolia see like you, my brother. I approached the coffin. My son lies in it and not mine. My is always a smiling, a narrow-hearty boy, with a sharp kadyk on a thin neck, and here is a young, shoulder, handsome man, the eyes are semi-shot, as if he watches me somewhere past me, in an unknown far distance. Only in the corners of the lips so forever and there was a mix of former son, only I once knew ... I kissed him and went to the sideline. Lieutenant Colonel speech said. Comrades-friends of my Anatoly Tears wipe, and my non-chosen tears, we can see, dried on the heart. Maybe therefore it hurts? ..

I buried in someone else's German land the last joy and hope, hit my son's battery, accomplishing my commander in the distant path, and as if something broke in me ... I arrived in my part myself not my own. But here the shortness demobilized me. Where to go? Surely in Voronezh? Never! I remembered that my boyfriend lives in Uryupinsk, demobilized in winter earlier, "he once invited me to him," I remembered and went to Uryupinsk.

My friend and his wife was childless, lived in their own house on the edge of the city. He although he had disability, but worked as a driver in the vehicles, and I got there. Settled by the buddy, she sheltered me. Different loads were moved into areas, in the fall switched to the removal of bread. At this time, I met my new son, that's what the sand is played.

From the flight, it happened, you will return to the city - it is clear that the first thing in the teahouse: to intercept something, well, of course, and a hundred grams to drink from the settier. To this harmful case, I must say, I have already been addicted as follows ... And now I see this guy, next day, I see again. Summary Little Wheel: Lichyo all in watermelon juice covered with dust, dirty, like dust, across, and the go-free - like asterisks at night after the rain! And before that, he loved me that I was already, a wonderful thing, I began to miss him, I had a hurry from the flight to see it. About the teahouse he fed, - who will give.

On the fourth day, right from the state farm, loaded with bread, weaving to a tea. My boyfriend sits on the porch, swells and, and, hungry. I leaned out in the window, shouting him: "Hey, Vanya! Rather on the car, rolling on the elevator, and back from there, let's go here, let's have lunch. " He shuddered from my round, jumped off the porch, scrupped himself and quietly says: "How do you know, uncle, what is my name?" And the glaze has revealed widely, waiting for him to answer him. Well, I say he that I, they say, the man is haphast and I know everything.

He went on the right side, I opened the door, put it next to him, went. Shouter such a guy, and suddenly something sat, thought and no, no, and I will look at me from under the long curved elasticles, sigh. Such a petty ptah, and already learned to sig. Is it a thing? I ask: "Where is your father, Vanya?" Whispering: "Died at the front." - "And mom?" "Mother Bomb killed in a train when we were driving." - "How did you go from?" "I don't know if I don't remember ..." - "And you have no native here?" - "No one." - "Where do you spend the night?" - "And where to have".

I boiled here in me a combustible tear, and immediately I decided: "I will not bring to us to disappear! I will take it to your children. " And immediately my soul was easily and somehow light. I leaned over to him, I quietly ask: "Vanya, and you know who I am?" He asked how he exhaled: "Who?" I also say to him as quiet. "I'm your father".

My God, what happened here! He rushed to me on the neck, kisses in the cheek, on his lips, in his forehead, and himself, like a wax, so begging and thinningly shouting that even in the booth was jerking: "The folder is relative! I knew! I knew you would find me! All the same you find! I waited so long when you find me! " He pressed toward me and the whole tremble, as if a blade was under the wind. And in my eyes in my eyes, and too, the trembling beats everything, and the hands are shaking ... how I did not miss the steering wheel, the diva can be reached! But in Kyuvet, he was still inadvertently shot, muted the engine. While the fog in the eyes did not pass, - I was afraid to go: no matter how to scorch. It stood so five minutes, and my son all picks me to me from all the silenks, silent, shudders. I hugged his right hand, slowly pressed toward myself, and Left unfolded the car, went back, on my apartment. What is the elevator there, then I was not to the elevator.

Threw the car near the gate, he took his new son in his arms, carried into the house. And how he wrapped my neck with her handms, and did not break away until the place. He pressed his cheek to my unshaven cheek, like adhesive. So I made it. The owner and the mistress in Akurat houses were. I entered, I blink with both eyes, cheerfully so I say: "So I found my Vanya! Take us, kind people! " They, both of my childless, immediately realized what was the matter, they drove out, ran. And I will not calm my son from myself. But somehow persuaded. He washed his hands with soap, planted at the table. His mistress he poured into a plate, yes, as she looked, with he eats greeding, and he flooded with tears. It is at the stove, crying into the apron. My Vanya saw that she cries, ran to her, pulls her for the hem and says: "Aunt, why do you cry? Dad found me near the tea shop, you need to rejoice here, and you cry. " And that - give God, she is still poured, it splamen all!

After lunch, I led him to the hairdresser, tonsured, and I spun at home in a spike, wrapped in a clean sheet. He hugged me and so on my hands and fell asleep. Carefully put it on the bed, drove to the elevator, bruised bread, the car drove into the parking lot - and running shopping. I bought him the pants of the cloud, shirt, sandals and the map of the washcloth. Of course, all this turned out and not for growth and the quality is not good. For pants, my hostess even scared. "You," says, slept crazy, wear a child to the cloth pants in such a heat! " And instantly - the sewing machine on the table, rummaged in the chest, and in an hour my Vanyushka had already satin panties were ready and a white shirt with short sleeves. Sleep, I lay down with him and for the first time in a long time I calmly fell asleep. However, four times got up. I wake up, and he will athlete under my arm, as a sparrow under the clash, snaps softly, and before that I get joyfully in my soul, what's not say words! Storing not to dry up, so as not to wake it up, but still you will not lose, slowly get up, you will chant the match and admire it ...

Before dawn I woke up, I do not understand why I was so stuffy? And this son, my got out of the sheet and the across it was hammered, I stretched my throat with a sniffer. And he is restless to sleep with him, but I'm used to, I'm bored without him. At night, you stroke his sleepy, then you smell the hair on the whirlpool, and the heart moves, it becomes softer, and then I have it ordered from burning ...

At first, he was with me by car in flights traveled, then I understood that I was not so good. To one me what you need? The scratch of bread and a bulb with salt, so the soldiers are fed for a whole day. And with him - the matter is another: he needs to get milk, then the egg is cooking, again, without a hot, it is impossible for him. But it does not wait. Gathered with the Spirit, left him for the care of the hostess, so he sharpened the tears to the evening, and he drew me to the elevator in the evening. Until late night I expected there.

It's hard for me to be with him at first. Once we went to bed again climbed, I walked very much, and he was always twitched, like a sparrow, and something was painted something. I ask: "What are you thinking about, son?" And he asks me, he looks at the ceiling: "Folder, where are you your leather coat?" In my life I have never had a leather coat! I had to feather: "There is left in Voronezh," I tell him. "Why did you search for me for so long?" I answer him: "I was looking for you, son, and in Germany, and in Poland, and the whole Belarus passed and drove, and you turned out to be in Uryupin." - "And Uryupinsk is closer to Germany? And to Poland far from our house? " So chat with him before bedtime.

Do you think my brother, he asked for nothing about the leather coat? No, all this is not good. So, when his father, his real wore such a coat, so he was remembered. After all, child memory, like a summer zarry: flashes, spinning will light everything and get out. So he has a memory, like a zarry, works glimpses.

Maybe we would live with him with a year in Uryupinsk, but in November there was a sin in November: I drove my mud, my car was brought by my car, and then the cow turned up, I knocked her down from my feet. Well, a well-known thing, women scream raised, the people fled, and the autoin aspor here is like here. I took away the driver's book, as I asked him to sleep. The cow rose, the tail pulled out and went to jump on the alleys, and I lost the books. Winter worked as a carpentry, and then he wrote off with one friend, too, a colleague, - he in your area, in Kashhar district, works by the driver, - and he invited me to himself. It writes that, they say, we will work for half a year in the carpentry part, and there in our area will give you a new book. Here we are with a son and be sent to the cashary of the campaign order.

Yes, it, how to tell you, and do not happen from me this accident with a cow, I would still leaned from Uryupinsk. I will not give me a long time to stay in one place. This is already when Vanyushka will grow up and will have to determine him to school, then maybe I will hurt, in one place. And now while you walk with him in Russian land.

It's hard for him to go, "I said.

So he is not at all on his feet goes, more and more goes on me. I will put it on the shoulders and carry, but wants to rummage, it gets out of me and runs on the side of the road, jumps like a goat. All this, his marriage, nothing would somehow live with him, but I had a heart, the piston should be changed ... Sometimes it grabbing and appreciating that the white light in the eyes is fading. I am afraid that someday in a dream dirge and scare your son. And then another trouble: almost every night of their dead dear in a dream I see. And more and more so that I am for barbed wire, and they are on the will, on the other side ... I talk about everything with Irina and with kids, but only I want to push the wire with my hands, - they leave me, as if they are melting ... and Here is an amazing thing: in the afternoon I always keep myself firmly, I don't burn out of my breath from me, I woke up at night, and I woke up at night, and the whole pillow is wet from tears ...

Alien, but a close man who became close to me rose, stretched a big, hard, like a tree, hand:

Goodbye, brother, happily you!

And you happily get to Kashar.

Thanks. Hey, son, let's go to the boat.

The boy ran up to his father, attached to the right and, holding the semi of the father's charter, seated next to the widespread man.

Two orphaned man, two sand grains, abandoned in other people's edges by a military hurricane of an unprecedented force ... Something is waiting for them ahead? And I would like to think that this Russian man, a person of an inflexible will, exhausted and near the father's shoulder will grow by the one who, wondering, will be able to fullete everything, to overcome in its path, if his homeland calls it.

I watched them with severe sadness ... Maybe everything would have walked well with our parting, but Vanya, walking out a few steps and brazed with sauce legs, turned on the way to me, waved with a pink handberry. And suddenly, as soft, but the clawed paw squeezed me the heart, and I hung up. No, not only in a dream, the elderly, those who have seen during the war men. They cry and reveal. The main thing is to be able to turn away in time. Here the most important thing is not to wander the heart of the child so that he does not see how badly burning and buying men's tear ...