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Idiot Dostoevsky analysis of the work. Problems and ideological meaning of Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "Idiot". The problem of the positive hero. Chapters II - III

When creating the images of "Idiot" on Dostoevsky, the work of Cervantes, Hugo, Dickens was influenced. Especially noticeable trail of "Egyptian nights" Pushkin, who became the cultural and spiritual model of the novel; The Pushkin poem "lived in the world a poor knight ..." was quoted in it. Separate motifs of work go to the Russian fairy tale and epic. In the "Idiot", the apocrypha is resistant, primarily the legend of Christ Bratz. Concluded with the new covenant is essential.

The prudent manner of the youngest, who questioned the transformation and, therefore, the God of Christ, who approved death as the essence of the Earth Being, Dostoevsky was inspired by the thought of art, which should serve as a great goal of confirmation of the good and the redemptive gift of light to man, insight and salvation. The creative opening of the writer is a person to which all the meanings of the work, Prince Myshkin, are tightened. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe sacrifice of the Godheads, born from Dostoevsky on the eve of Easter, becomes a super novel. The redemant suffering of the Son of God, experienced as a modern event, is the rationale for the aid of "Idiot". In the drafts recorded: "The compassion is all Christianity." Rubbing is the question of the prince of Lyon and Eshaphot. Tempered by Myshkina Stories about the senses sentenced to the death penalty, there are apotheosis of life pierced by miracle. The hero brings to the St. Petersburg world and announces the Epang Testament about the price of cosmic and personal being, the value of which becomes so obvious in mortal break. Prince, remembering the political offense, calls and the vector of the transformation of a person: to see the light of truth on earth with their own eyes, touch the heavenly beauty, merge with the energy of God in the union of church burning. The current time combines two views: from the scaffold down and from it up. Only one is associated with death and fall, on the other - a new life.

Roman "Idiot" Dostoevsky - Creation of death and to overcome her; About death, through which the chastity of existence, about life, what is this chascura. "Idiot" - a project of general and individual salvation. Life appears when the flour has become involved in a torment when the prayer gesture was pretended by the real selection of the redemputor. Myshkin's own destiny repeats the mission of the Gods. And if at the level of psychological, scene, it can be considered as an "wilderness", "righteous", then the mystical stage of the image of Prince Myshkin levels such likes, putting forward the attitude towards Christ. Myshkin has the ability to know the purity and innocence of the human soul, to see the sin-off layers. For the novel, the spiritual visionary attitude is generally important, when the problem of the struggle for the fate of a person is visible through art Fabul. Prince leaves the case on the very first day: find the beauty of the Redeemer and Our Lady and follow it. One of the sisters of Epancini is voiced by the illness of the world: the inability to "take a look".

The dogma of the condescension of God to people and the climbing of the creature ("Ebys") receives an artistic embodiment in the images and ideas of the novel. Comprehending the relationship between time and eternity, Dostoevsky seeks to clarify the art calendar. The central day in the first part of the "idiot" becomes Wednesday November 27, correlated with the celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "Znoman". It is in the appearance of a strange prince, it feels Lizaveta Prokofievna Epanchin, the unusual importance of the day. The image of "signs" suggests the further history of the adoption and rejection by the world of Christ's Baby. Apotheosis of the identification of Myshkina and "Baby", "Lamb" - in the episode of the birthday of Nastasya Filippovna. At the same time, the sample of the heroine is also found: she is given the opportunity to become a Mother of God. The expected marriage of Prince and Nastasya Filippovna - the engagement of Christ and the Church. But the heroine is not solved to choose between two drastically discharged symbols: the holiness of Mary and Hellious cramps Cleopatra. She did not keep faith in the eternal source of life, it is characterized by spiritual homelessness, the world appeals for her underworld.

In the novel, the tragic principle increases, since there is no approval of the church. Dostoevsky creates plot situations so that heroes face showed them, a new life revealed. New city - "Novgorod", "Naples" - a symbol of the author's concept. However, the addition of earthly and heavenly Jerusalem does not occur. Writer as if and does not know the Terrible Christ, the apocalyptic judgment. His Godheads - Always Crucified, on the Cross, always the Redeemer. In this regard, the most controversial is the interpretation of the image of Prince Myshkin. Along with the ideas of the God's appearance, it is an idea of \u200b\u200b"Christ's" character and even its principled incorrect to Christ.

The idea of \u200b\u200bmixing good and evil, soul pain is based on Rogozhin's image. And if Nastasya Filippovna is a spiritual symbol of confusion, then Parfen Rogozhin is a darkness, irrational capture of darkness. The inconsistency of the reality of behavior and the specified scale of being is emphasized by the non-effectiveness of personal names: Parfen - "Virgin", Anastasia - "Resurrection". At the same time, as the name of the prince "lion" - an indication of the image of the Child Christ. With the secret transformation, the light is connected, which is illuminated by Myshkin during an epileptic seal. He is clearly correlated with an icon-painted assist, who declare the Divine of the Messiah. The symbolism of "nozzles" of the main character is also supported by the analogies allocated in the retrospects of the second part of the novel: the correspondence of the scene line of Myshchina Christmas, the Epiphany (stay of the hero in Moscow) and the resurrection (note "on passionate" to Agela).

The last three parts of the novel - the outcome of the greatest Christian events demonstrating their apocalyptic pointedness. The apocalyptic entrance of the Lord, the apocalyptic passionate Thursday and Friday, finally, the resurrection from the dead, expected by the writer, is a break of time that exceeds the earthly history and gives eternity. Such is a mystical foundation of the novel. This peculiar interpretation of the Dostoevsky Comvention of Christ allows the writer to hope for the rebirth of man and humanity, to achieve a spiritual paradise with a cleansing soul. Numerous parallels with the Gospel from John are exposed to the metasical image of the chief hero. For example, the words of Myshkina about the faith are close to the twelfth chapter of the Gospel - the prayers of Christ, and also inscribe on the "Sporching sinning" icon and the image is "worthy." The leitmotif is repeated for the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to restore the personality, the resumption of the Union with the Creator on the basis of limitless love, thanks to the Christ beauty that the world will be saved. This is paradise; Its a complete gain of it is possible when there is no more time.

At the minute of the highest tomression, similar to the mission of the Redeemer on the Eleon Mountain, Myshkin faces the madness of Nastasya Philippovna, incessantly appearing in the form of a pagan goddess, and with the demonic obsession of rogozhin, rejecting the Cross Brotherhood. Three parts of the novel pass under the sign of the catastrophe for the world deprived of salvation. The creature of the cross lift is revealed on the birthday of Myshkin, built on the frames of passionate Thursday. The symbolism of the secret evening is contrasting the depressure of Lebedev and Rogozhin gestures and Terentyev's Ippolita. It is characteristic that it is in this part of "idiot" the appearance of the Bogochlorian appearance. Theological raising of the question stems from the perception of the painting of Hans Golbien. As opposed to the image, from whom, "another faith can have a gulf," Myshkin speaks heartlessness about the infirmity of faith, even in the criminal heart itself. The essence of Christianity is heard in the words of "simple youth" - about the spiritual joy of repentance, the joy of being sons of God. A copy of Rogozhina's house clearly replaces the cross, attached at the site of the crucifixion. In height instead of light, a manifold mystery, darkness of destruction, instead of paradise offered by the prince, - grave. The silhouette of Basel horror blesses the confidence that God is dead forever. Its status in St. Petersburg space is expressed iconoclastic. From the type of this picture loses faith and Rogozhin himself, and the rigging in it is Nastasya Filippovna. To eyewitnesses of the undoubted defeat of the anointed, the witnesses of the Divine Failure refers themselves to Hippolyte, whose "explanation" is a philosophical substantiation of personal disbelief. Gnostic Ippolit calls the earthly corpse assembly, the excavation creation. It seems to him that the coarse and evil power of materiality destroys the Savior. This actually leads a teenager child dying from consumers to a reasonable goggle care, but at the same time his heart keeps the memory of the Messiah.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Ippolitis was formed on the day of the Ascension of the Lord, being an antithesisque meaning of the Christian holiday. Attempted suicide he throws a bold challenge the universe and the Creator. Failed shot - the sign of the commercial participation of God in human destiny, the malfunction of the providence, the key to a different life. This refutes the hopelessness of the picture, granting the expanse of being outside the time. The world fell into a trap of casuisics (including catholic and socialist) and bezes, to get out of which it is possible after the final defeat of evil, only in the apocalyptic transformation.

Myshkin applies an example of life, to make it aware of it - the task of mankind. Chance, common to everyone, - to purchase "idiocy" inherent in the prince, i.e. Wisdom of vision. Sofiological hope of the author complements the ideological building of the novel, it opposes positivistic knowledge. The seizures of Myshkina detect the urgency of the earth, which is in the circumstances of the sin of nature, but there is no pain or horror in the spiritual focus, there is no disgrace and rests beauty. So in the "Dead Christ" the son of God is alive. The idea of \u200b\u200bnew light, about the population of society as churches is also associated with the image of Aglai Epancin. But she is not able to take the feat of the Miron's wife, why Myskin calls. Pushkin's ballad, the Aglaya outlines his own ideal, which appears in the form of idol, the idol, the same it requires from the prince. The value of the life submission of Paladin is interpreted by it as a blind offer, the fury of the pagan blindness, such a degree of Cleopatra's slave. Says about the dark passion of that, whose name is "brilliant." The episode of Aglai's meeting and Nastasya Filippovna identifies the inability to realize in them Christian love, which is circumscribed by the prince for loneliness of Calvary. The final chapters of the novel are the coincidence of the numerical symbolism of the resurrection and the eighth (apocalyptic) day. The arrival of Prince Myshkin to the house of Rogozhina, when Nastasya Filippovna was already killed, the Icons "Desices of hell" icons are restored, Easter icons. The second coming and climbing saved life. In response, humanity gathering around the sufferer: Kolya Ivolgin, Evgeny Pavlovich Radomsky, Vera Lebedev, Lizaveta Prokofievna, who clarified the covenant of the Russian Christ. Epilogue narrows the scale of the work, serving the purpose of the warning, disclosing the reality outlined by the novel. The icon and the temple should be given a person, this should be humanity. Representing Prince "Sphinx", Dostoevsky maximally frees the voices of heroes and evaluating readers from the dictate of their own position.

The end of the 1860s is the beginning of the 1870s. - the manifestation and registration of the new aesthetic system of Dostoevsky, which is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe correlation of aesthetic ideal with a award, transformation and resurrection. Dostoevsky consistently walked along the path of mystical realism, whose symbolic abilities made it possible to remove the suspicious to the level of being, thereby eliminating the moment of decay between the creativeness of the literary and creating Christian.

The first drawing of the novel was carried out in 1899 in Maloma and Alexandrinsky theaters. The most significant was the formulation of G. Tovstonogov in 1958 on the stage of BDT them. M. Gorky. In the performance of BDT, the role of Myshkina performed by I.M. Smoktunovsky, and Rogozhina - E.A. Lebedev. Another novel interpretation - in the play-triptyth of the Moscow Dramatic Theater on the Small Bronnaya, supplied by S. Woman.

Following the "crime and punishment", F.M.Dostoevsky writes the novel "Idiot" (1868). If in the first work the hero is shown as a negative character, then in the "Idiot" the author set himself the opposite task - "depict a completely beautiful person." This idea was "ancient and beloved" from Dostoevsky. His desire to create a "positive hero" the author embodied in the image of Prince Myshkin. Prince Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin differs at first glance from all those who act novel by the fact that he gladly perceives the world. He knows how to be happy. He declares this on the first day of arrival in St. Petersburg. In a conversation with the family of Epang, when the story about his life in Switzerland, the prince admits: "I, however, was happy almost all the time." Creating the image of the prince, Dostoevsky in notebooks with plans and sketches to the novel gives the following characteristic: "His look at the world: He all forgives, everywhere sees the causes, does not see the sin of unforgivable and excuses everything."

Dostoevsky deprives Myshkin all external qualities that can attract others. Ugly, awkward, and sometimes even ridiculous in society, the prince is sick with severe illness. At most of the people with whom he faces, he gives the impression of "Idiot" at the first moment. But then all the heroes of the novel are perfectly aware of the superiority of the prince on themselves, his spiritual beauty. And all this is because the prince is a happy man. "Love is the ability to be happy. Love man is looking for, because joy is looking for. Happy heart - loving heart. Love in itself is the highest good. And in the people of Myshkin, it opens this always alive and enhanced, but a timid and fair flow of love, love to love and be loved. " (A.Captites).

The reasons that prevent people love, Dostoevsky reveals in the images of the rest of the novels. Nastasya Filippovna, Rogozhin, Aglaya, Lizaveta Prokofievna, Ippolit, Ghania Ivolgin and General Ivolgin - to all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, prevents being happy, understand and forgive the feeling of pride, pride. All the wonderful beginners of human feelings they hide, do not give them to go out. The desire to approve himself over all turns to them in the loss of their own person. A great desire to love, to reveal yourself in front of another person is suppressed in them by virtue of the great pride and brings them only pain and suffering.

The person who is opposed to all of them is the prince of Myshkin, a person who is completely deprived of proud. Prince is the only person who knows how to recognize in people those of their beautiful mental qualities that they are so diligently hiding from prying eyes. No wonder the prince easily and is good only with children. The children have not yet learned to hide their feelings, deceive, inhabit the sincere impulses. And Myshkin himself - "Big Child". The Dostoevsky feeling of "Childhood" in his heroes is always a sign that in their soul they still did not quite disappear by "live heart sources", they are still alive, they did not stop them the finally "assurances and temptations of denying reason and pride."

But the prince is always difficult with his open soul and simply in the society of "big people", because the naive-open shower for others, unloved eyes, wormful and envious hearts is ridiculous and does not fit into the framework of society, where all the feelings are tightly closed and where are observed Your own laws of decency. In such a society, sincerity is even indecent and can only humiliate a person. For those who love the prince more, and appreciates, and respects, such behavior causes shame for him, embarrassment and indignation on the prince itself for reveals the soul to unworthy people.

But the prince of Myshkin feels the distance among themselves and the inner ideal. And knows how to appreciate the attitude towards yourself. He suffers a lot from what he understands the difference between what he says, as he says, and himself "I know that I ... offended by nature ... in society I am superfluous ... I'm not from vigorous ... I know very well that talking about my feelings to all shame. " The prince feels not because he is proud, unlike all other actors of the novel, but because it is afraid that the expression of these thoughts may not be understood by others that "the main idea" can distort and because he will suffer even more. And the prince also dreams of a man who would understand him, loved this as it is.

This "light" of understanding and the practice of his soul he felt in Agela. Therefore, the novel sounds the motive of Double Love Prince. On the one hand, love for Nastasya Filippovna, love compassionate, love-forgiveness, love "for her." On the other hand, the love of Agela, thirst for forgiveness for himself, love "for yourself." The prince always believed that the Aglaya would understand it. Prince understands that it is difficult to love, but he seeks love. In his heart, one love displaces another, they both live in his soul and if by the will of the author, the prince would not be drawn into a conflict situation, he would stay with Agela. But he stayed with Nastasya Filippovna, and this did not happen by his will, because he knew what was necessary for her.

"Idiot" is one of the most difficult works of Dostoevsky. Saltykov-Shchedrin called the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "radiant" and stressed that Dostoevsky joined the field of "anticipation and premonitions", where the "remote search" was directed. The image of Prince Myshkin, conceived as a type of "positively beautiful man," turned into an image of a patient, a weak person with a seal of deep internal suffering.

The prince is not able to resolve a single life contradiction, he is aware of the tragic, hopeless hapacter of the occurrence of phenomena, but it still cannot change this life. Despite the fact that the prince deeply understands life and people, he cannot have any influence on them. He can't prevent the torment of Nastasya Filippovna, to warn her murder of Rogozym, to help Agela find a way out of a dead end and he himself cums life madness. Dostoevsky brings together Myshkin with Don Quixote and Pushkin's "poor knights". On the one hand, he emphasizes the moral height of the prince, and on the other hand, his impotence, generated by the inconsistency of his ideals and life. This is the result of the meeting of the perfect hero with the people of the confused, decaying society. "He," Dostoevsky noticed, "just touched their lives. But what he could do and take, then everything died with him ... But where only he touched - everywhere he left an insecrated trait. "


The novel in which the creative principles of Dostoevsky are fully implemented, and the surprising possession of the plot reaches a genuine heyday. The bright and almost painful talented story of the Unfortunate Prince Myshkina, a fierce Parfen Rogozhin and desperate Nastasya Filippovna, a lot of times, filled and put on stage, and now fascinates the reader ...

By publication: "Idiot. Roman in four parts of Fedor Dostoevsky. St. Petersburg. 1874 ", with corrections on the magazine" Russian Bulletin "of 1868, with the preservation of the orphography of the publication. Editorial B. Tomashevsky and K. Khalabayev.

The 26-year-old Prince Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin (Idiot) returns from the sanatorium in Switzerland, where he spent several years, hesitated from epilepsy. The prince did not fully cured from mental illness, but appears before the reader as a man sincere and innocent, although it is decently distinguished in relations between people. He goes to Russia to the only relatives who remained his relatives - the dumpan family. On the train, he meets the young merchant by Parfyan Rogoheus and the retired official Lebedev who is inesently telling his story. In response, he learns the details of Rogozhin's life, which is in love with the former content of the rich nobleman Afanasiya Ivanovich Totsky, Nastasya Philippovna. In the house of Epang, it turns out that Nastasya Filippovna is also known in this house. There is a plan to issue it for the protege of General Epanchin, Gavril Ardalionich Ivigin, an ambitious person, but mediocre. Prince Myshkin meets all the main characters of the narration in the first part of the novel. This is the daughters of the daughters of Alexander, Adelaide and Aglaya, on which he produces a favorable impression, remaining the object of their little mocking attention. Further, this is the Lisaeth of Prokofyevna Epanchin, which is in constant excitement due to the fact that her husband is in some communication with Nastasya Filippovna, which has a reputation as false. Then, this is Ghana Ivolgin, who is very suffering from the upcoming role of her husband's role to Nastasya Filippovna, although the sake of money is ready for everything, and can not decide on the development of its own very weak relations with Agela. Prince Myshkin is pretty inaccessively telling the general and sisters of Epang about what he learned about Nastasya Filippovna from Rogozhina, and also strikes the public with his story about the memories and feelings of his friend, who was sentenced to death, but at the last moment he was pardoned. General Epankin offers a prince, for lack of expression, renting a room in the house of Ivigin. There the prince meets the family of Ghani, and also first meets Nastasya Filippovna, who suddenly comes to this house. After the ugly scene with the alcoholic father of Ivigin, retired by General Ardalion Alexandrovich, whom the son is infinitely ashamed, in the house of Ivolgin comes to Nastasya Filippovna and Rogozhin. He comes with a noisy company, which gathered around him completely by chance, as around any person who can sow money. As a result of the scandalous explanation, Rogozhin swars out Nastasya Philippovna, which in the evening will suggest her hundred thousand rubles in cash ...

The end of 1867. Prince Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin comes to Petersburg from Switzerland. He is twenty-six years old, he is the last of the notable noble child, early orphaned, in childhood he fell ill nervous nervous disease and was placed his guardian and benefactor Paclischev in the Swiss sanatorium. There he lived four years and now returns to Russia with obscure, but big plans to serve her. In the train, Prince meets Parfen Rogozhina, the son of a rich merchant, who inherited a huge state after his death. From him the prince for the first time hears the name of Nastasya Filippovna Barashkova, the mistress of a certain rich Aristocrat Totsky, who is passionate about rogozhin.

Upon arrival, the prince with his modest nodule goes to the house of General Eadanchin, the distant relative of whose wife, Elizabeth Prokofievna, is. In the dumpan family, three daughters are older Alexander, the middle Adelaide and the youngest, the common favorite and beauty Aglaia. The prince is striking all the immediacy, gullibility, frankness and naivety, so extraordinary that he initially take it very wary, however, with all great curiosity and sympathy. It is found that the prince, which seemed by the simplest, and someone and the sliced, very short, and in some things really deep, for example, when he tells about the death penalty for them abroad. Here the prince meets with the extremely proud secretaries of General Gani Ivolgin, who sees the portrait of Nastasya Filippovna. Her face of dazzling beauty, proud, full of contempt and a cured suffering, striking him to the depths of the soul.

Learn the prince and some details: the seducer Nastasya Filippovna Totsky, seeking to get rid of her and hatching plans to marry one of the daughters of the Epang, wipes her for Ganu Ivigin, giving seventy-five thousand as a dowry. Gani mounted money. With their help, he dreams of embarking into people and in the future significantly increase capital, but at the same time he does not give rest to the humility of the situation. He would prefer the marriage with Ageli Epancin, in which, maybe even a little in love (although it is also awaited by the possibility of enrichment). He is waiting for a decisive word from her, making further actions on dependence. The prince becomes an involuntary mediator between Agela, who suddenly makes him his confidant, and Gani, causing irritation and malice.

Meanwhile, the princess is offered to settle, not somewhere, but in the apartment of Ivolgins. Does not have time to take a room granted to him and come back with all the inhabitants of the apartment, starting with his native Ghani and ending with the fiancian of his sisters with a young dewriter of Poultry and Mr. Fadishchenko's incomprehensible classes, how two unexpected events occur. No one else appears in the house, as Nastasya Filippovna, who came to invite Ganu and his close to himself. She amuses, listening to the fantasy of General Ivigin, who only glow the atmosphere. Soon there is a noisy company with Rogover at the chapter, which is laying out before Nastasya Philippovna eighteen thousand. There is something like bargaining, as if with her mockery-contemptive participation: this is her, Nastasya Filippovna, for eighteen thousand? Rogozhin is not going to retreat: no, not eighteen - forty. No, no forty - one hundred thousand! ..

For sister and mother Ghani, what is happening unbearable insulting: Nastasya Filippovna is a selling woman who can not be in a decent house. For Ghania, she is hope for enrichment. Scandal broke out: the outraged sister of Gani Varvara Ardalionna spits him in his face, he is going to hit her, but the prince unexpectedly takes place for her and gets silent from the rippled Ghania. "Oh, how you will be ashamed of your act!" - In this phrase, the entire prince of Myshkin, all his unmatched meekness. Even at that moment he condenses the other, even if the offender. His next word, facing Nastasya Filippovna: "Do you have such a thing now," will become the key to the soul of a proud woman, deeply suffering from his shame and who loved the prince for recognizing her purity.

Conquered by the beauty of Nastasya Filippovna, the prince comes to her in the evening. Here gathered a variety of society, starting with General Eponchin, also passionate heroine, to the faddishchenko fir. For a sudden question of Nastasya Filippovna, whether she is for Ganu, he responds negatively and thus destroys the plans of the same Totsky here. In half the twelfth, the bell strike is heard and the previous company appears led by Rogoheus, who posts before his chosen one hundred thousand walked in the newspaper.

And again in the center turns out to be the prince, which it hurts what is happening, he admits in love for Nastasya Philippovna and expresses readiness to take it, "honest", and not "Rogozhin", in his wife. Immediately it turns out that the prince received a rather solidistic inheritance from the dead aunt. However, the decision is made - Nastasya Filippovna rides with rage, and the fatal cooler with a hundred thousand throws into a burning fireplace and offers Ghana to get them from there. Ghania from the last forces is held to not rush behind the letters that broke out, he wants to leave, but falls without feelings. Nastasya Filippovna herself snaps up the manproof tuples and leaves the money Ghana as a reward for his flour (then they will proudly returned to them).

It takes six months. Prince, trading in Russia, in particular, inheritance cases, and simply from interest in the country, comes from Moscow to St. Petersburg. During this time, by rumors, Nastasya Filippovna fled several times, almost from under the crown, from Rogozhina to the prince, remained with him for some time, but then fled and from Prince.

At the train station, the prince feels someone's fiery look at himself, which Tomit his vague foreboding. The prince makes a visit to Rogozhina in his dirty green gloomy, as a prison, a house on a pea street, during their conversation, the prince does not give rest of the garden knife, lying on the table, he also takes him in his hands while Rogozhin finally does not pick it up in irritation He has him (then the Nastasya Filippovna will be killed by this knife). In the House of Rogozhina, the prince sees a copy of the picture of Hans Golbien on the wall, on which the Savior is depicted, just shot from the cross. Rogozhin says that he likes to look at her, the prince cries in amazement that "... From this picture, another faith can have gone," and Rogozhin suddenly confirms this. They exchange crosses, Parfen leads the prince to the mother for blessings, as they are now like their siblings.

Returning to her hotel, the prince at the gate suddenly notices a familiar figure and rushes after her on a dark narrow staircase. Here he sees the same as at the station, sparkling Rogozhina's eyes, a knocked knife. At the same moment, the seizure of epilepsy happens to the prince. Rogozhin runs away.

Three days after the seizure, the Prince moves to the Dacha Lebedev to Pavlovsk, where the family of the Epang and, by rumors, Nastasya Filippovna is also located. In the same evening, he is going to have a large society of acquaintances, including the eadan, who decided to visit the Patient of the Prince. Kolya Ivolgin, Brother Gani, teases Agela "Knights Poor", clearly hinting at her sympathy for the prince and causing the painful interest of Mother Aglai Elizabeth Prokofievna, so the daughter is forced to explain that in verses is a person who is able to have an ideal and, believing in him, Life for this ideal, and then the poem of Pushkin itself also reads.

A little later, a company of young people led by a certain young man Burdovsky, allegedly "Son Pavlischev" appears. They seem like nihilists, but only, according to Lebedev, "went further, because, first of all, business-s." Paskville from the newspaper about Prince is read, and then it requires him as a noble and honest person to reward the son of his benefactor. However, Ghania Ivolgin, who Prince instructed to engage in this case, proves that Burdovsky is not at all the son of Pavlischev. The company in embarrassment retreats, only one of them remains the focus of attention - a CHAKHOTHING IPPOLITE TERTEV, which, self-affirming, begins to "act." He wants him to be pressed and praised, but him and ashamed of his openness, inspiration to be replaced by rage, especially against the prince. Myshkin herself carefully to everyone, he regrets all and feels in front of everyone to blame.

After a few days, the prince visits the Epang, then the entire family of Epang, together with the prince, Evgeny Pavlovich Radomsky, caring for Agela, and Prince Sh., The bride of Adelaides, go for a walk. At the station near them, another company appears, among which Nastasya Filippovna. She familiarly appeals to Radomsky, informing that the suicide of his uncle, who cleaned a major treason amount. All are outraged by provocation. The officer, the friend of Radomsky, notes in indignation that "here you just need a whip, otherwise I will not take anything with this creature!" In response to his insult, Nastasya Filippovna snatched from someone from the hands of a cane to the blood cuts his face. The officer is going to hit Nastasya Filippovna, but the prince of Myshkin holds him.

At the celebration of the birthday of Prince, Ippolit Terentyev reads the "my necessary explanation" written by him - the confession of almost no lived in depth, but a lot of changeless young man who was doomed to premature death. After reading, he performs suicide attempt, but the pistol does not turn out to be a capsule. Prince protects the Hippolitis, painfully afraid to seem funny, from attacks and ridicule.

In the morning on a date in the park, Aglaya offers the prince to become her friend. The prince feels that he truly loves her. A little later, in the same park there is a meeting of the prince and Nastasya Filippovna, who rises to his knees and asks him, whether he was happy with Agela, and then disappears with Rogohe. It is known that she writes Letters Agela, where it persuades her to go out for the prince of marry.

A week later, the prince was formally declared by the Bridegroom Aglai. High-ranking guests on a kind of "looting" of the prince are invited to Epang. Although Aglaya believes that the prince is incomparably higher than all of them, the hero is because of her bias and intolerance is afraid to make an incidental gesture, silent, but then painfully inspires, much speaks of Catholicism as antichrist, explains to everyone in love, breaks the precious Chinese vase and falls In the next seizure, producing a painful and awkward impression on those present.

Aglaya appoints a meeting of Nastasya Philippovna in Pavlovsk, which comes with the prince. In addition to them there is only rogozhin. "Proud young lady" is strictly and disliked, what the right of Nastasya Filippovna writing to her letters and generally interfere with her and prince personal life. The rivals offended by the tone and attitude, Nastasya Filippovna in the rustling of MS schazh calls the prince to stay with her and driven rogozhin. The prince breaks between two women. He loves Agela, but he loves and Nastasya Filippovna - love-pity. He calls it an obsessed, but can not throw it. Prince's status is increasingly worse, he is more and more immersed in spiritual confusion.

The wedding of the prince and Nastasya Filippovna. The event is becoming different by rumors, but Nastasya Filippovna seems to be happily preparing for him, prescribing outages and staying in the inspiration, then in unfortunate sadness. On the day of the wedding, along the way to the church, she suddenly rushes to standing in the crowd Rogozhina, who picks it up on his hands, sits in the crew and takes her.

The next morning, after her escape, the prince comes to St. Petersburg and immediately goes to Rogozhina. Togo is not at home, but the prince is fading that it seems that Rogozhin looks at him from behind the curtains. The prince walks on the familiar Nastasya Filippovna, trying to find out something about her, he returns to the house of Rogozhina several times, but no effect: there is no one, no one knows anything. All day, the prince wanders around the sultry city, believing that Parfen still will certainly appear. So it happens: on the street it meets Rogozhin and the whisper asks to follow him. In the house, he leads the prince into the room, where in Alcove on the bed under the white sheet, furnished with flasks with Zhdanovsk liquid, so that the smell of heaven was felt, lies the dead Nastasya Filippovna.

Prince and Rogozhin together spend a sleepless night over the corpse, and when the door open the door the next day, the door open, they find the Rogozhin-sasonment and soothing his prince, who does not understand anything and does not recognize anyone. Events completely destroy the Myshkin's psyche and finally turn it into an idiot.


Roman "Idiot", over which the writer worked in Switzerland and Italy, was published in 1868. Two years have passed after writing "crime and punishment", but the writer still tried to portray his contemporary in its extreme, unusual life situations and states. Only the image of the criminal who came, in the end, to God. A man is inferior to a person who is already carrying God, but a dying (at least as a full-fledged person) in the world of greed and disbelief. If the splitters think of themselves with "man and god", then the main character of the new novel Lev Myshkin, according to the writer's plan, is. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel - to portray a positively beautiful person. Hardly it is nothing in the world, and especially now. All writers, not only ours, but even all European who took the image of an excellent person, always gone.

Because the task is immeasurable ... There is only one positive face in the world - Christ. At first glance, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel seems paradoxical: in the "idiot", "fool", "yurody" to portray "quite a wonderful person."

But we should not forget that in the Russian religious tradition, weakly, as well as the hazardous, voluntarily acting madness, see how the gods are blessed, it was believed that their mouths are told by the highest strength. In the drafts to the novel, the author called his hero, "Prince Christ", and in the text itself, the motives of the second coming are persistent. The first pages of the work prepare the unusual Lion Nikolayevich Myshkin. Oxymorone (combination of incompatible) sounds the name and surname; The author's characteristic of appearance is rather similar to the icon-painted portrait than on the appearance of a person in the flesh.

He is from the Swiss "far away" to Russia, from his own illness in the patient, obsessed with social illnesses of St. Petersburg society. Petersburg of the new novel of Dostoevsky other than Petersburg, because the author realisticly recreates a specific social environment - the capital "half-floor". This is the world of cynical deltsov, the world adapted to the requirements of the bourgeois era of the aristocrats-landlords, such as the owner of the places and factories, General Eadanchin or a member of trading companies and joint-stock companies. This is the world of career officers, such as "impatient beggar" Ivigin, the world of millionaire merchants, which is Parfen Rogozhin. These are their families: wives, mothers, children; These are their contents and servants. Their mansions, apartments and cottages ...

In this Wednesday, the Rules of the Rodannik, and is Lion Nikolayevich Myshkin, the descendant of the impoverished prince (however, during the action, the author endows the hero with an unexpected state - solid inheritance). He early orphaned, was extremely weak health, tested abandonment, loneliness.

Grew in Switzerland, in the near neighborhood with peasants and children. There is a lot of childhood in him: meekness, sincerity, innovation, even childish awkwardness (remember at least an episode with a broken "Chinese vase"); And this is obvious to the conscious ideological installation of a Christian writer, because in the Gospel there is a special intimacy of children to the kingdom of heaven.

Myshkin was brought up, apparently, a follower of the French philosopher and writer Rousseau, who created the theory of the formation of a "natural", the close nature of a person and writing a number of novels on the theme of education.

Myshkin is close to the heroes of Rousseau to their immediacy and spiritual harmony. It is obvious in the character of the hero, another literary parallel - with the image of Don Quixote, the most revered by Dostoevsky in the world's world literature. Like Don, Qiheot, Myskin is striking everyone with his naive faith in good, justice and beauty.

He passionately opposes the death penalty, assuring that "the murder by the sentence is disproportionately awful than the murder of a robbery." He is a bit for anyone else's grief and actors in his sympathy. So, in Switzerland managed to combine children with compassion to the seriously ill, despised by all the girl - "fallen" Marie and make the rest of the life of a doomed to death almost happy. The peace is trying to enter another deadly patient - the observed, the mischievous and desperate Ippolit Terentyev: "Go past us and forgive us our happiness."

But first of all, according to the writer's plan, to experience the tangible positive influence of Myshkina, the main characters of the novel were: Nastasya Filippovna, Parfen Rogozhin and Aglaya Epanchin. The relations of Myshkina and Nastasya Filippovna are covered with a legendary-mythological plot (deliverance to Christ the sinners Mary Magdalene from obsession). The full name of the heroine - Anastasia - in Greek means "Resurrection"; Surname Barashkovaya causes associations with an innocent atoning victim. Special artistic techniques use the author, emphasizing the significance of the image, preparing the perception of the heroine of Myshkina: this is a conversation on the train Lebedev and Rogozhin about the brilliant Petersburg "Camellia" (from the namesman of A. Duma-son "Lada with Camellias", where in a melodramatic, "romanticized" key The fate of Paris Curtisani is depicted); This is a striking prince portrait image of a woman abundant, in his perception, direct psychological details: the eyes of deep, the forehead is thoughtful, the expression of the face is passionate and as if arrogant. Special artistic techniques use the author, emphasizing the significance of the image, preparing the perception of the heroine of Myshkina: this is a conversation on the train Lebedev and Rogozhin about the brilliant Petersburg "Camellia" (from the namesman of A. Duma-son "Lada with Camellias", where in a melodramatic, "romanticized" key The fate of Paris Curtisani is depicted); This is a striking prince portrait image of a woman abundant, in his perception, direct psychological details: the eyes of deep, the forehead is thoughtful, the expression of the face is passionate and as if arrogant.

The dedicated honor, the sense of own viciousness and guilt are combined in this woman with the consciousness of inner purity and superiority, exorbitant pride - with deep suffering. Not in his will, she became the content of Attsky's Athanasius, which cynically considered himself "benefactor" in the past lonely helpless girl.

Deciding to marry one of the daughters of Epanchin, he "adds" Nastasya Philippovna, issuing married to the Gali Ivigin with a good dowry. At your own birthday, the eccentric scene is played by Nastasya Filippovna.

Offers Ghana and to all the gathered "gentlemen", pull out a stack of a burning fireplace from the flaming fireplace - Rogozhina's redemption for her favor. This episode is one of the strongest in the novel. It also shows the characters of the basic "applicants" on Nastasya Filippovna: not withstanding a split (it is struggling in greed and dignity residues), fainting. Obsessed with passion, the owner by nature, Rogozhin takes himself a heroine. Her "benefactors" is perplexed about ridiculous, from their point of view, claims of a woman for genuine happiness, clean love. Essentially, only Myshkin deeply understands her centered dream of moral update. He "believed at first glance" in her innocence, they say compassion and pity in it: "I can not endure the face of Nastasya Filippovna." Founding the fiance of the eadant and experiencing a sense of love towards her, he still at the time of a decisive date with both women arranged to her unconsciously choose Nastasya Philippovna.

Inequal, impulsive porus of Myshkina confirms the being of the deep bases of his personality, is implementing a meaningful life credo of the hero. Throwing the hero between the two women, since the time of "humiliated and offended" became a stable feature of the artistic method of the writer, in "Idiot" testify not about the double nature of Myshkina, but rather about its immense responsiveness. The most important issues of human life in the "idiot" there is no unambiguous answer, but there is a light of hope. In addition to the "positively beautiful man," in the novels live and in their own way, as they can, serve the Verra Lebedev, Kolya Ivolgin. Kolya is the first representative of Russian boys. So in the world of Dostoevsky's novels, young people seeking ideal, justice and world harmony are called. This is Arkady Dolgoruky - Hero. So in the world of Dostoevsky's novels, young people seeking ideal, justice and world harmony are called. This is Arkady Dolgoruky - Hero.

Vera in Russia is filled with a preaching of the social and historical views of the writer, invested in the mouth of the inspired by Myshkin. "Whoever does not have the soil under them, he does not have anything."

And let him turn to the hypocritical, concerned only by his own predatory interests of the highest nobility at one of the evenings in the Epang, let him be deceived in it! Dostoevsky is an artist and thinker - draws pathetic words. It seems not only in social, moral, but also in metaphysical (that is, the social philosophical) the sphere tolerate the fiasco ideas preached by the central character.

Prisoner with the foundations of being, the Ippolit Terentyev dies - the ideological opponent of Myshkin in the novel. Like an underground person, thirsty of faith, he does not accept her due to the destructive power of nature. There is no definite answer to the most important questions of human life in the novel, but there is a light of hope. In addition to a positively beautiful person, in the novel live and in their own way, as they can, serve the good Vera Lebedev, Kolya Ivolgin.

Kolya is the first representative of Russian boys. So in the world of Dostoevsky's novels, young people seeking ideal, justice and world harmony are Arkady.

Also, of course, Alyosha Karamazov about the fateful relations for human relationship between Russia and Europe not only to the heroes of the novel, but also to the modern reader, to the descendant. I preach the idea, he believes that the godless, or Catholic, West, generated by socialism or bourgeoisity should be defeated "only the thought, Russian God and Christ." Publicistic start, ideological tendentiousness - distinctive

signs of the method of all "Late" Romanov Dostoevsky. The "demons" (1870-1871) mostly embodied these qualities and received a cavering genre definition - Roman - Pamflet.

The name of the novel is inspired by the same name of Pushkin's poem and biblical parable about the united in pig beams. The name of the novel is inspired by the same name of Pushkin's poem and biblical parable about the united in pig beams.