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Star Wars. Characters of "Star Wars Main Characters of Star Wars

10. Kaylo Ren.

It is still too early to set the final estimates of the heroes of "Star Wars" from the current cikes, but it is already obvious that Kylo Ren turned out to be a very interesting character. We first see on the big screen of a novice Sitha - a guy, which has not burned down those who have burned off his contradictory emotions. Passion is controlled by Kaylo, and they throw it from side to the side, making young people uncontrollable and unpredictable. At the same time, it is very strong in the Sith martial arts and, as it should be the warrior of the dark side, is inclined to deception and manipulation. So Kylos is extremely dangerous, which does not interfere with him sometimes be ridiculous and comical. Let's see where his fate will be headed.

9. Asoca Tano.

Asoka is strangers to those who know "Star Wars" only on game movies. However, she made his debut on the big screen, in the full-length cartoon "Star Wars: Clone Wars", and she fully deserved a place in the Pantheon of "big" cycle heroes. Tano begins his adventures as a complete naive enthusiastic girl-Padavan in learning from Anakin Skywalker, and it for five seasons of the animated series "Star Wars: Wars of Clone" grows in the willar-life of the warrior. Like Anakin, Asoku is disappointed in the Order of the Jedi and in the end leaves him. But she does not go to the dark side and continues the war, even when the emperor wins victory. Some of the further pretties of Tano can be seen in the series "Star Wars: Rebels", where it acts as an adult member of resistance and even gets the opportunity to explain and fight with Darth Vader.

8. R2-D2 and C-3PO

Honestly, the droid duet would have to divide and allocate each place in the list. But we will not breed at different points of those who usually together and who perfectly complement each other. While the C-3PO robot translator, coward and comic in each of his words and gesture, his dormitatory "bipos" partner-navigator R2-D2 is the most brave and reliable bucket with bolts throughout the galaxy. It would seem, it would be impossible to force the public to fall in love with a creature, which is most likely on the urn with a lid, but George Lucasa succeeded.

7. Luke Skywalker

Against the background of his colorful environment, the hatch seems to be a fresh and boring hero. But such is the karma of the central character - the rod, around which the plot of the first trilogy "Wars" rotates. The hatch does not stick to the legs, but it has something to admire. He takes a big way from a naive guy from the farm to Master-Jedi, and he adequately overcomes all the trials, hiding in the final of the first trilogy, not a fighting, and moral and psychological victory over evil, which can be easily seen in the movie genre. In addition, now we have not only a pressed hatch from the first trilogy, but also a colorful and fancy elderly hatch from "Star Wars: the last Jedi." This is an ambiguous addition, but it definitely made the hatch more interesting.

6. Chubacka

Is it possible to become a visual pet, without uttering a single state of understandable? Sure you may. Chubakki did it perfectly. George Lucas came up with Vuki, inspired by his dog named Indiana (thus gave the name of Indiana Jones). Hefty dog \u200b\u200boften traveled with the master in the front seat of the car, and Lucas imagined that sorrows space together with the shaggy first assistant. Love for the dog helped the director to make the Chubakka the charming alien and the faithful associate for the main characters of "Wars".

5. Leia organ

In adventure fiction a lot of stereotypes, and Princess Lei could well be one of them - a template sexual "Verine in trouble", which the main character saves. However, George Lucas and his team were able to rethink the pattern and make leu fresh and original heroine. Yes, it has sensuality and sequapil, but they do not define leu, but are only two of the many manifestations of this decisive and heroic woman. The aristocracy of the princess, the courage of the warrior, the shaver of the secular lady and the leadership of the general. She is ready to be at the time of the slave to save a friend and a loved one, "says many things in itself. True, in the end, Leia turns out to be a bad mother. But sometimes you have to make a choice between the son and the galaxy.

4. Emperor Palpatine

In the world of "Star Wars", the emperor embodies the absolute evil, and he looks horrible. Such a villain could easily be a caricature, but in the emperor there is its attractiveness. He is very hither and cunning, and he masterfully manipulates even those who opposes him. And how the emperor enjoys his evils and plays with a hatch like a cat with a mouse, just fascinates. This bastard is worthy that victory over him is one of the main events in the history of the Galaxy.

3. iodine

What does the Great Jedi teacher look like? How can a mighty warrior? As wise magician? How does the ruler? No, like a fun marsh animal, which at first looks more like a pet than a reasonable creature. As a result, Ioda turns out to be a delightful combination of hidden power, paradoxical wisdom and an explicit Commission. He simultaneously mix and causes deep respect - at least until we learn from the trilogy of the prequel, that he fights the emperor and could not win. But, as they say, it happens to the old woman, and the iodine does not claim the iodine.

2. Darth Vader.

One of the most charismatic villains in the history of genre cinema, Darth Vader cuts into the memory of the audience, as soon as first appears in the frame. His powerful figure hidden under black armor is terrified, and it seems that there is nothing human in this creature. However, in the course of the story, we learn that Vader is much more difficult than it seems at first glance, and that he can not only return to the bright side, but also to once again become the hero of Star Wars, which Anakin Skywalker was in his youth. When the first trilogy of the cycle comes to an end, we understand that Vader was her hero to the same extent as the formal protagonist of the hatch trilogy. After all, he also passed a long spiritual path and won the evil - not so much on the imperial throne as in his heart.

1. Khan Solo

"The most humane man" is not said about Kane Solo, but it is fully applied to him. Unlike the other main characters of "Wars", Solo is not a born savior or the conqueror of the Galaxy, and the ordinary smuggler, which at the beginning of the cycle only tries to earn money. And although in the future he becomes the general of the rebels and the military hero, the solo to the end remains a dubious type with a tendency to spruce and with love for adventure. For this we love him. Khan hesitates, Han brags, Khan is joking, Khan is mistaken, Khan does not always know how to do it. At the same time, he is charming, courageous and faithful to friends. His humanity looks in every word and act, and she contrasts with epic pathos "wars." Well, the game of Harrison Ford turns the Khan in one of the most attractive characters of all world film fantasics.

- a b c d e z z and y k l m n o p r s t u v w x y ... wikipedia

Cover DVD version of the original Trilogy Star Wars. Artists Tim and Greg Hildourdt Star Wars (English Star Wars) Fantastic Saga, conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s, and later expanded. First ... ... Wikipedia

The counts of time in the "Star Wars" universe is maintained regarding the victory of the insurgent alliance over the empire in the battle of the planet Yavin IV. Accordingly, the dates are indicated as "to me. b. " (BBY) to the Yavin Battle (English. Before Battle of Yavin), and "p. I. B ... Wikipedia

Cover DVD version of the original Trilogy Star Wars. Artists Tim and Greg Hildourdt Star Wars (English Star Wars) Fantastic Saga, conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s, and later expanded. First ... ... Wikipedia

Cover DVD version of the original Trilogy Star Wars. Artists Tim and Greg Hildourdt Star Wars (English Star Wars) Fantastic Saga, conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s, and later expanded. First ... ... Wikipedia

- a b c d e z z and y k l m n o p r s t u v w x y ... wikipedia

- a b c d e z z and y k l m n o p r s t u v w x y ... wikipedia


  • Star Wars. Characters, Wallace Daniel. For the first time in Russian, the most complete illustrated encyclopedia of the characters of the Galaxy "Star Wars". The book contains detailed literary and historical biographies of all your favorites, ...
  • Star Wars. Characters. New Encyclopedia, Daniel Wallace. For the first time in Russian, the most complete illustrated encyclopedia of the characters of the Galaxy of Star Wars. The book contains detailed literary and historical biographies of all your favorites, all ...

In a gifted unparally bright imagination of George Lucas, there was never problems with the inhabitants of the galaxy of the "Star Wars". It is populated tightly - do not push around: Gungans, Korelians, imperial thugs, the Jedi infantrymen, hunters for heads, droids, reports the site site. At the same time, everyone knows who of these creatures is his favorite.

Master Yoda

He is a knight, Jedi and is usually considered to embody the justice. In the field of wisdom, iodine was the strongest Jedi. His reputation of the strongest Master-Jedi deserves respect because of a large number of Jedi Knights, which he taught. Among others: Mace Windu, Count Duku and Luke Skywalker.

Anakin Skywalker He's Darth Vader

Man is the main character from the series "Star Wars". Anakin is the potential to the largest Jedi who ever lived. Anakin Skywalker - Father of another big Jedi Luca Skywalker. Among the Jedi, he was considered as "Favorites". Anakin becomes Darth Vader, when he goes to the dark side of power and joins the sits. He does not want to know anything about his real personality (Anakin Skywalker), when he became Darth Vader.

Obi-Van Kenobi (Ben)

Obi-Van Kenobi - Jedi, warrior in the service in the Old Republic. He is one of the main characters in Star Wars Saga. Obi-Wan - Padavan (Jedi's student) Qui-Gon Ginn. Being a Knight, Jedi (and later a Jedi Master), he trains Anakina Skywalker on the way of strength, and then His Son: Luke Skywalker. He is a great hero - Jedi in the wars of clones.

General Grievous

General Grivus - the leader of the army of droids and a good strategist. He leads the confederation and heads separatists. As half an extraterrestrial and half droid, he hunts the Jedies from a sporting interest. He collects light swords of his victims as trophies.

Amitel Senator (Padme)

Great politician and diplomat. Amidala knows when the heart should say, and when the weapon. Determining, tough and bright. Always ready for adventure. She will never leave his people and secretly becomes his wife Anakina Skywalker. She must make a heartbreaking choice between politics and an idyllic novel. Her biggest fear is the fall of the republic. She died after the birth of her twins: Luke Skywalker and lei organs.

Chancellor Palpatine (Darth Sidius)

One of the biggest fraudsters and villains who have ever knew the republic. He builds vile plans for years. Step by step, he gets rid of the Jedi and the Republic, for many years gradually seizes power. It turns out to be Lord Sith and trying to turn the once prosperous republic into the empire. His right hand is Darth Vader. Palpatine - tyrant and dictator.


Briefly called R2. RD-2D is a robot of the type of astromechanical droid. R2-D2 begins as a repairman on the ships of the republic. R2-D2 belongs to Anakin Skywalle in the second and third episodes, he is a witness to the marriage of Senator Amidala with Anakin Skywalker.

Luke Skywalker

Luke was born in Episode III, immediately after Cayser Palpatine captured power and founded the empire. His father, Anakin, just switched to the dark side, and his mother dies at birth.
To save the hatch from the emperor's hands, Luke is with his uncle and Aunt Owen and take Lars on the planet Tatuene. When his uncle and aunt perish, he leaves Tatooin with Ben (Obi-Van Kenobi) and joins the rebels. Later he learns to become a Jedi Master at iodine. At the end of the saga, he brings equilibrium in force. Because "chosen" he, not his father, as they had thought before. He is a twin brother lei organs. After the victory over the empire, Luke took over the obligation to restore the order of the Jedi.

  • Ajanta Poll is a man-sensitive man, a man, a fallen Jedi, the leader of the Dark Jedi group, who, at the end of the Tsvetny Darkness, as a result of the victims of the Jedi, were expelled from the territory of the republic. Fishing on the uncharted regions, this group eventually discovered the planet of the Corriban-Roda race of Sitchov, who considered the newly applied exiles of the gods. The cunning, and the intrigues they achieved a high position, and soon usurped the power, when the Ajanta himself personally killed the then king of Khakagram Greusus, and thus became the first ruler of Sith Sith, the first Dark Lord Sith, and one of the founding fathers of the newly agreed empire Sith. It is also known that he was a master of Sith alchemy. After the death of the Ajanta, his body was placed in the tomb concealed for him, and his unacceptable spirit remained there for a very long time, sorry about the deed during his lifetime. At least 2 and a half thousand years, Revan, wandering around the galaxy in search of knowledge necessary for victory over Sita visited Corriban, and examined the ancient Sit tomb. In one of them, he found the lights sword Ajanta Polla, but only touched him, as he was a long-repentable ghost Ajanta Polla, who Revan helped to return to the light, so that he finally gained the long-awaited peace. And the sword is polla, as a valuable artifact, Revan took with him.
  • Arden Lin is a sensitive woman, a man, dark Jedi, the Master of Martial Art of Teras Casi, a member of the Order of the Palava followers, located on the planet of the Bundok, and specializing in the study of force, and Midihyloian. Being a Jedi during the "first great split" supported his beloved, Fallen Jedi Xendor, after which, by her example, many of the followers joined his army, legions Letto, or Cendor's servants. After his death, he made a few unsuccessful attempts to resurrect to theandor, headed Legion Letto, until once was expelled by the Grand Master of the Order by Audrist Pina, who, despite his skills in battle with Lin, was fatal injured, but before you die had time to apply She was Morikro's technique that allowed to stop all the functions of the body, because of what Arden Lin had to die inevitably, but it was saved by the intervention of followers of the dark side, which, stabilizing its condition, immersed it in the Stasis for the next 24,000 years.
  • Isann Isard ( Ysanne Isard) - Agent, and later the director of the Imperial Security Service, a brutal and uncompromising, known as the "Ice Heart" and the "Snow Queen".
  • Jial Akbar ( Gial Ackbar.) - The former Slave of the Empire, later one of the best commanders of the rebel alliance, headed the attack of the alliance forces on the second "Stars of Death", then the Supreme Commander of the Defense Forces of the New Republic.
  • Alawar (nor) is a senator from the Kanz sector during the times of the clone wars, a supporter of Senator Amidala, executed by order of the emperor.
  • Stas Alley ( Stass Allie.) - a woman from the race Tolotian, a cousin of Adi Gaul, Master Jedi of the Galactic Republic at the time of the clone wars. During the action of the order, 66 was killed by clones on Salichema.
  • Mas Amede ( Mas Amedda.) - Vice-Speaker of the Senate of the Old Republic, participated in the vote of the mistrust of Chancellor Warborum, later a representative of Palpatine in the Senate.
  • Dart Andddu ( Darth Andeddu.) - Dark Lord Sith, the Immortal God-King of Prakita, allegedly owned by the secret immortality. The first to use the title "Dart".
  • Luminaru Anduuli (Luminara unduli, a transcription version - United) - In recent years, the Galactic Republic of Master Jedi and the General of the Republican Army. Assistant Jedi Council, adviser to the Supreme Chancellor of Palpatine and the Galactic Senate. Teacher Barriss Island.
  • Bale Antilles ( Bail Antilles.) - Member of the influential home Antilles, Prince, Senator from Alderaana before and during the events of the invasion of Nabu, the leader of one of the two largest fractions of the Senate - the core fraction, which supported the High Chancellor of Warbor. Also ranklotted to the post of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic after the shift of Warbor, but Palpatine won the victory in the election.
  • Magge Antilles ( Wedge Antilles.) - The legendary pilot of the fighter, colleague of Luke Skywalker. Participated in battles for Javin and Endor, as well as in the destruction of the second "Star of Death". Together with Skywalker created an elite robbery squadron.
  • Antilles, Iella Vesisiri - An Antilles Wife, officer of the correlasional security forces, later intelligence officer of the New Republic.
  • Ramus Antilles ( Raymus Antilles.) - Wars of the clones wars, the captain of the ship "broken heart", one of the best Flotoders of his time, was captain of Corvette "Tanning IV", captured together with the princess Lee Darth Vader ("Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope").
  • B.


    • Finiss Warlaim - was the Republic Chancellor with 40 to 32 DBI, accused of corruption and bureaucracy. During the conflict of the commercial federation and the planet Nabu Queen Amidala (with the filing of Senator Palpatine), Vomor's distortion of Warborum was carried out, and he was displaced with a common vote from the post of ruler of the republic. Soon Palpatine was elected in his place.
    • DART PRESIDES - was the director of the mining mine "Jonex 8 11" (Star System MZX32905), near the planet Bimmiel. Faced with the dark side of the force in the mine, it was engaged in its research, later became the dark Lord of Sith under the name Darth leather. Despite the commitment of the dark side, he retained his old principles and moral foundations, thanks to which remained fair and balanced, without leaving the temptation of power.
    • Assagge Ventress ( Asajj ventress) - Dark Jedi from Datomira, in the past - the assistant of the count of Duku and Sister of the night, in the present - the head hunter. According to the novel, the "Dark follower" died on the planet of Christofsis, which time trying to kill his sworn enemy-graph of the Duch.
    • Tone Taun We.) - The assistant of Prime Minister Camino, accompanied Obi-Vana Kenobi during his visit to the center of cloning and training of clone soldiers.
    • Mais Windows ( Mace Windu.) - The youngest head of the Supreme Council of the Jedi in the history of the Order.
    • Maximilian Virs ( Maximilian Veers.) - General of the armored troops of the Empire, one of the few imperial officers who won trust and respect Darth Vader.
    • Queenlan EAS ( Quinlan Vos.) - Master Jedi, General of the Republican Army during the clone wars.
    • Rek ( Vossk.) - One of the leaders of the guild guilds behind the heads.
    • Adi Galley - Master Jedi for a long time remained a member of the Supreme Council. After died from the hands of the Savaja Opric.
    • Galen Marek ( Galen Marek.Also known as Starkiller ( Starkiller.) and the "student" ( The Apprentice.)) - anti-hero of the "Star Wars" Universe. After Darth Vader killed his father Galen, the boy grew under the supervision of the Lord of Sitchov and became his secret student under the name "Starkiller".
    • Nut Ganrey ( NUTE GUNRAY., Transcription options - Nutu Ganrey, Nudewood) - Vice-King (governor) of the Trade Federation. I personally took part in the occupation of Nabu, was the initiator of numerous attempts at the Amidal Padme. Under his leadership, the trading federation has become one of the largest suppliers of combat droids in the army. Darth Vader was killed together with other members of the separatist board on Mustafar.
    • Hepta Rokar is the last of the Order of Wizards Tund.
    • General Grievous ( General Grievous., birth name - Kimen Gai Silal ( Qymaen Jai Sheelal)) - the Supreme Commander of the Army of Droids of the Confederation of Independent Systems.


    • Grausch datches - a power sensitive purebred man-Sitx, Dark Vladyka Sitchov, who lived about 7,000 years before the battle for Javin. He took an active part in one of the civil wars periodically brook in Corriban. To win the advantage in the war, he, being very sophisticated in Sith alchemy and magic, he eventually united these two sciences into one, in fact, becoming the founder of the traditions of the Sith Narromantia, and with its help created himself an army of the living dead, so-called "Corriban zombies", thanks to which he eventually won, and took control of two thirds of the planet. His reign of 50 years old was marked by unprecedented cruelty and terror, excessive even for sieves. During his lifetime, he replaced his heart on a filled crystal, called the "Heart of Grausha", but for about 6,950 years old, he died, almost at the very beginning of the Tsvetny Darkness, as considered as a result of the terrorist attack. It is possible that this is somehow the Jedi-Exiles led by the Ajanta Pollock, approximately at the same time arrived at Corriban. According to the Sitian traditions of the datch, together with his sword, Golokron, and the Sita amulet was buried in the tomb, in the valley of Golg, and his spirit, as it often happened in those days, remained in the tomb, where his body was resting. Many thousands of years later, about six months before the battle for Yavin on Corriban, a pirate ship "Bravery Bravery" under the command of Captain Naz Felod was cracked. Entries in the onboard magazine indicate that the ghost of grace of grace still did not calm down by that time.
    • Darth Desoulova ( Darth desolous.) - Jedi, who became a sieve.
    • Jabba Hatt ( Jabba The Hutt., the full name is Jabba Desilik Tiure) - criminal authority and gangster, the most influential leader of the criminal clans of Hattov.
    • Dexter "Dex" Jettster ( Dexter Jettster.) - In the past, the prospector on the santerrel, then the arms dealer, later a restaurant. It was known as a good and reliable informant of the Jedi, a participant in anti-imperial resistance.
    • Dodonna Vidda ( Vrad Dodonna.) - The son of General Yana Dodonna, the pilot of the starry fighter of the insurgent of the rebels. He died after the battle of Javin, destroying the Star Supervisor "Palace", with the help of which Darth Vader was going to destroy the rebels together with the planet Yavin IV.
    • Jan Dodonna ( Jan Dodonna.) - a brilliant tactic and strategist, the captain of one of the first "star destructors" the times of the Galactic Republic, then one of the first generals of the rebel alliance. Together with Adarr Tallon, he wrote a book about modern cosmic beagon.
    • Mara Jade Skywalker ( Mara Jade Skywalker) - I was alternately "the hand of the emperor", smuggling (Deputy Taylor Carrda), later - a Jedi Master and a member of the School of Supreme Council of Jedi, the wife of Skywalker, Jane Solo Teacher.
    • Admiral Jergershrod ( Jerjerrod.) - Admiral of the old Republic, was another and supporter of the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
    • Tiann Jergershrod ( Tiaan Jerjerrod.) - grandson Admiral Jergery, imperial general, then Muff (governor) Sector of the quantum, led the construction of the second "Star Death" above Endor
    • Durge is a representative of the race gene "Dai, one of the most famous head hunters in the last decades of the existence of the old Republic. It was hired by Jabboy Hattt and he had to cooperate with the ten-year walfo Fett. Related to those who died on Muuninist, nevertheless survived, and in 20 DBI was Anakin Skywalker killed, which during the battle on board the ship drove the mercenary into the rescue capsule, and after, using power, threw it in the central star of the Kartakk system.
    • Dio Lexi is the Senator from the planet Yuiter at the beginning of the clones wars, a member of the Loyalists committee who opposed the restriction of the authority of the Senate and expand the authorities of the Central Government. Killed.
    • Durga Hatt (the full name-Durga Besadia Tai, also known as his great Lady of Durga) -Hatt from Codzhidika (clan) Besadia, the successor of the former head of this clan Hatta Aruca, hermaphrodite with a male person, orange, eyes, and a big burning spot on Left eye, Gangster (like all Hutty), he already at the age of 100 (adolescent age for Hattov) began to comprehend the basics of doing business, and became the right hand of his parent of Aruca, and when he died, Durga suspected that the father was killed. In desperation, Durga turned to the head of the Criminal Syndicate of the "Black Sun" to the prince of Ksizor, and in exchange for a considerable percentage of Besadia Clania's business on the processing of Spice on the planet Ilezia, he agreed, and later I found out that the then the head of the Cadzhidik Deslimik was involved in the murder, Gilliac Desilik Tiron, Uncle Jabba Hatta, who ordered to poison Aruca with the help of one very rare and powerful drug, because of what the Aruk died in a painful break. Having learned about this Durga, hung, according to the old Hatt tradition, called Gilliac to a duel, and killed, and later for a while he became one of Vigo (members of the ruling council) in the Syndicate "Black Sun", but after the death of the head of the prince of Ksizor decided to act Alone. To begin with, he thus squeezed the Desillian clan, and made the Clania Clania dominant on the entire planet of Hutta, and then decided to destroy the new republic, creating a new super builder for this - the so-called "sword of darkness", built on the basis of the stars kidnapped from the archive Death ", whose design has abounded by various technical miscalculations, in particular because of the boring of Durga during the purchase of the necessary materials, and due to the construction of the station of the doubtful reasonable race of Taurylov, which was very easy to distract from the work performed. In addition, when the New Republic learned about what Durga started, the sabotage group was sent to the destruction of the ship, however, the victim failed (her two members were killed, and the group commander, the Republican intelligence general Cryx Madin was played by Durga), and when The Republican Fleet appeared to destroy the "sword of darkness", then Durga tried to flush from them on his ship through an asteroid field, which, however, was crushed by two massive asteroids, and did not have time to do a single shot, and Durga himself knead himself together with him . After the death of Durge, the new head of the clan Besadia became the cousin of Duri, Boroga Borkia Dior, who despite the huge difficulties still managed to preserve the control of Besadia clan over the planet of Hutta.
    • Count Duku, he is Darth Tiranus ( Count Dooku. / Darth Tyranus.) - Crown graph is Serious, one of the students of iodine and the teacher of Kwai-Gon. He was one of the greatest Jedies in the Galaxy, having a great gift to connect with force as a speaker, a philosopher and a fighter on light swords. Moving on the dark side of the force became the dark Lord of Sitchov, created and headed the confederation of independent systems. He killed Anakin Skywalker by order of Palpatine.
    • By Dameron ( Poe Dameron.) - Pilot resistance, commander squadron.
    • Kip Durron ( KYP Durron.) - the son of political prisoners, in his youth influenced by the spirit of the ancient Lord Sith Sith Kuna was on the dark side of the force, and, washed by the thirst for the death of his parents, with the help of a super-arrangement of the "Sunman's crusher", destroyed the Carrid system in which the largest center was held Preparation of imperial attack aircraft, but later returned to the light. One of the first students of Skywalker, Master Jedi, inclined to act aggressively, participated in the war against Yuuzhan Vong.


    • Tyber Zann ( Tyber Zann.) - a criminal leader, the creator of a criminal organization known as a consortium in Zanna
    • Darth Zanna - Sitx, student Darth Bane.
    • Xen Mith - Jedi, born after the Yavinsky battle. He was the only Jedi possessing a dark light sword.


    • IG-88 ( IG-88.) - A series of 4th grade combat droids, developed by the company "Lab Kolden". In total, 4 IG-88 were made, which included the most infamous "head hunters" in the galaxy. Consisted in the service of Jabb Hatta.


    • Iodine ( Yoda.) - Grand Master Jedi, one of the oldest members of the Jedi Council, one of the wisest and strongest members of the Order. Count Teacher Duku, Qina Dolliga, China Fisto, Ki-Adi-Mundi, OPPO Rancisis, Kwai-Gon Jeann, Luke Skywalker and many other Jedi.


    • KarRU, Taylon ( Talon Karrde., He "Claw") - a smuggler and a merchant information, forced to joke to the New Republic.
    • Kyle Qatar ( Kyle Katarn.) - He was an imperial attack aircraft, later learning that his father was not killed by the rebels, but on the contrary, for participating in the rebel alliance, he moved on his side. It was considered one of the strongest fighters in the expanded Universe of Star Wars.
    • Captain Rex - Commander of the 501th Legion of Clones, a participant in the battle of Jenozis, as well as many other battles in the history of the clone war.
    • Obi-Van "Ben" Kenobi ( OBI-WAN "BEN" Kenobi) - Master Jedi, Master of the Council of the Jedi, Supreme General of the Republic. The student of Qui-Gon Ginn and iodine, teacher Anakina and Luke Skywokes.
    • To "Krukhk ( K'Kruhk.) - a man-sensitive man from the race of the ViFids, the Jedi time of the Sunset of the Old Republic, the student Lilith Tusiz, safely survived the war of clones, order 66, the time of the rule of the empire, the war with Yuuzhan Vongami, and the time of the elevation of the uniform sieves of Darth Darta. Member of the new Jedi Order of 137 PBI, and a participant in the Supreme Council of the Jedi. Teacher Cade Skywalker, and by that time almost the oldest Jedi in all the Order.
    • Ki-Ady-Mundi ( Ki-adi-mundi) - Master Jedi, Jedi-Defender, member of the Supreme Council of the Jedi, General of the Republican Army. Killed with clones after the order 66.
    • Agen Kolav - Master-Jedi, who belonged to the races of inevit from Iridonia. Member of the Jedi Council, Military Leader, was known as a Master of Combat on light swords. Killed by Palpatin during the arrest of the latter.
    • Jayden Correspondent ( Jaden Corr.) - Jedi from Coruscant, a student Kyle Kailna. It is considered a clone of the Grand Admiral Toune.
    • Kradeosk ( Cradossk.) - Transdoshanin, one of the leaders of the guild of hunters for heads. Father Bossk. Killed his son, which led to the split guild.
    • Ksanatos - the second Padavan Kwai-Gon Jeann, who failed to overcome negative qualities and allowed the dark side of the force to captivate himself. Owner of the Corporation "Far Mira". He was killed on the duel of Qui-Gon, and his new Padavan Obian Kenobi.
    • Ksendor - a man-sensitive man, a man, a representative of the Kashi-Mer Dynasty, who became a Jedi, but later underwent a teaching about the dark side. He founded the movement of "Legion Letto", and together with his mistress Arden Lin untied the war with the Order of the Jedi, which became later known as the "first great split." However, in 24,500 DBY, in the decisive battle on the planet Columus, his army suffered a crushing defeat, he himself was killed, and most of his legions were destroyed.
    • Ksyzor ( Xizor.) - the owner of the travel company "Transport company Xizor", a member, and then leader of the criminal syndicate "Black Sun", Dark Prince. He was the third by the power of the face in the galaxy after the emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. He died aboard his personal orbital station, which was a subject to artillery shelling tools of Lincher "Palach", by order of Darth Vader.
    • Danny Kui ( Danni Quee.) - Biotik-Biotik of the New Republic, Specialist in Biotechnology, Southwer-Wong, an unofficial member of the new Jedi Order.
    • Pole Kun ( Plo Kuun.) - Master Jedi and member of the Jedi Council during the years of Sunset of the Galactic Republic, General of the Republican Army. Student of Tivocki, Teacher Bultar Swan and Lisrock. He was an excellent pilot and an experienced fencer.
    • Exar Kun ( Exar Kun.) - gifted Jedi and the best student of the Baas Water-Cyosk, later moved to the dark side of the force, becoming the greatest Lord Sith. Student of the Risen Fridon Nadda. One of the most dangerous enemies of the Republic and the Jedi Order, began the great war of Sitchov. He was the first to maintain his mind separately from the body, and is also considered the inventor of the first two-tier light sword, also known as "Light Staff." Four thousand years later, the ghost Kuna returned, and setting the goal of destroying all the Jedi, sowed chaos among the students of Luke Skywalker at the Academy in Yavin IV, aligning several of them on the dark side, as well as killing many, and was defeated only with great difficulty joint efforts of all Young Jedi.


    • Fligg Lars ( Cliegg Lars.) - Farmer from Tatina, bought Skyuoker, the mother of Anakina Skywalker, and made her his wife. Father Owen Lars.
    • Owen Lars ( Owen Lars.) - Farmer from Tatina, together with his wife I take Whitesan Lars ( Beru Lars.) At the request of Obi-Van Kenobi took on the upbringing of Skywalker's hatch. Killed by imperial attack aircraft by order of their pylon brother, Darth Vader.
    • Lana Amidala
    • Lumia ( Lumiya.) - The real name of Shira Elan Collars Bree, was the "hand of the emperor" who worked under the cover in the insane alliance, during the battle of her ship shot Skywalker's hatch, through force that recognized the enemy in it. He was saved by the emperor who turned her to Sitha-Cyborg, after which she took the name "Lyumiya". He founded his own sect of the Adepts of the Dark side, bowed by Jacein Solo on the dark side, and was executed by Lyuk Skywalker, who considered her the deathbed of his wife Mary Jade.
    • Lando Calrissian ( Lando Calrissian., Transcriptional option - Lando) - entrepreneur, friend Khan Solo, Baron administrator of a cloud city, Later General of the Rebel Alliance.


    • Maz rope ( Maz Kanata.) - Sensitive to the strength of a man-manoid, the queen of pirates on the planet tatthodan.
    • May Shu ( Shu Mai.) - President of the Commercial Guild before and during the wars of clones, a member of the separatist board.
    • Male-DiI - Senator from the Planet Yayter, successor Lexi Dio, a member of the so-called "delegation of 2000" - a group of senators who defended democracy and for the refusal of Palpatine from the emergency powers received during the separatist crisis.
    • Darth Mol ( Darth Maul.) - Dark Vladyka Sitchov, student Darth Sidius, teacher of his brother Savazhuza Opric.
    • Mo Motena - Senator.


    • Friedon Nadd ( Freedon Nadd.) - He was a Jedi, then moved to the dark side of the force, becoming Sith and the ruler of Onderon.
    • Ruor Nass ( Rugor Nass) - Gungan, a descendant of the legendary halo, was elected the boss of the underwater city from Gung, during the attack of the trading federation on the planet Nabu, a defensive union was concluded with the Queen of Amidala, during the board of Palputin, he had struggle with the imperial occupiers.
    • Lort Nida ( Lorth Needa.) - officer of the Republican Fleet during the clone wars, later served the empire. He was one of the advisers Admiral Kendal Ozzel. Darth Vader killed after Nida missed the "millennial falcon."
    • Calo Nord ( Calo Nord.) - A well-known hunter for heads of the era of the old Republic, who worked on the criminal syndicate "Exchange". He died when trying to kill Revan.
    • Nien Nunb ( Nien Nunb.) - a talented merchant, a successful smuggler and a skillful pilot of his own ship "Subsender Queen". Having lost the ship, joined the rebel alliance. He was the second pilot of the "Millennial Sokol" during the battle at Endor.


    • Kendal Ozzel - Admiral Imperial Fleet. He was strangled by Darth Vader for an error when performing an order.
    • Bale Poll Organ ( Bail Prestor Organa.) - Prince Consort and Vice-King of Alderaana, Father's Father Princess Lei Organs, Senator, One of the Creators of the Rebel Alliance
    • Brech Antilles organ ( Queen Breha Organa.) - Queen and Minister of Education Alderaana, the wife of Baila Organs and the receiving mother of lei organs.
    • Savazh Opress - Brother of the Dark Lord Sith Darth Mall, student of the count of Duku and the former servant Lady Sith Aszhzhzh Ventress.
    • Candar Ordo ( Canderous Ordo) - One of the best warriors of the Ordo Mandalian Clan. After the defeat of the Mandallarians helped Revan in his search for "Star forge". After the Civil War, Jedi became Mand'alor on Mando'a ("the only ruler") - the title is assigned to the leader of the Mandallarians.
    • Barriss offi ( Barriss Offee.) - Padavan Lumanra is infused and a talented healer. During the war, the clones prepor the Order of the Jedi, giving up an explosion in the Jedi Temple, using a suicide bomber, and substituting the ASOCA Tano. It was condemned for the treachery by the Senate of the Republic. One of the versions died during the execution of the order 66.


    • Admiral Firmus Piett ( Admiral Firmus Piett.) - Admiral of the Imperial Fleet, acting under the post of Darth Vader
    • Padme Amidal Prierri ( Padmé Amidala Naberrie) - Queen of the planet Nabu, later senator
    • Palpatine ( Palpatine.) - Chancellor of the Republic, in fact Dart Sidius ( Darth sidious), Dark Vladyka Sitchov, later - Emperor ( The Emperor.)
    • UNKAR Platt ( Unkar Plutt.) - Male-raw, alets, a barochol owner on the planet Jakku.
    • Poin Kun - Master of the Jedi Order.
    • Pooge pick ( Pudhie Naberrie) - Political figure, senator from the planet Nabu in the Imperial Senate, the niece of Padme Amidala Verber.
    • Darth Phagas Wise ( Darth Plagueis The Wise) - Male Mouong sensitive, born under the name of Hego Damascus, becoming the dark Lord Sith, received the title Darth Phagas Wise, is the heir to the teachings of Darth Bane and the master of Sith alchemy, and magic. Teacher Darth Sidius.


    • P2-D2 ( R2-D2 / Artoodeetoo) - Astromechanical droid.
    • Rancisis OPO-adepening to the power of man-teespispissets, member of the Jedi Supreme Council, Senior Jedi General During the wars of clones, in 19 Dbia was killed in Salukemaya by the Jedi-Magnifier by Tami Balka.
    • Revan ( Revan.) - Jedi, who became a Dark Lord Sith under the name Darth Revan. Defeated and captured by the Jedi, who made him the memory, turning into Jedi again.
    • Kylo Ren, he same Ben Solo ( KYLO REN / BEN SOLO) - Commander of the First Order, Master of Knight Ren, Son Khan Solo and
    • Naga Sadow (Naga Sadow) - Lord Sitchov, the time of the first empire of Sitchov, who became the death of Ragnos brand by the Dark Lord Sith. The inspiration of the Great Hyperospace War, which ended with the destruction of the empire.
    • Saifo-Diaz - a member of the Supreme Council of the Jedi, Providez, who had foreseen the coming events, it was he who made an order for the creation of the army of clones.
    • Rightt Seinar is a designer and designer of spacecraft, creator of Tie-fighters and "Stars of Death".
    • Eil Sever ( Aayla Secura., Transcription option - Ayla) - Knight-Jedi, student Quinlan East, General of the Republican Army.
    • Aurr Sing ( Aurra Sing.) - Also known as "our found", in the past, Padavan, later "the head hunter" of the Jedi.
    • Jane Solo Fel ( Jaina Solo Fel.) - Master Jedi and member of the Supreme Council of the Jedi New Order of the Jedi, Jagged Flat's wife. Daughter Lei Organs and Khan Solo, Sister-twin Sith Jaisen Solo, Enakina Solo's older sister.
    • Jasein Solo ( Jasen Solo.) - Jedi, student Luke Skywalker, Mentor Ben Skywalker, then moved to the dark side of the power, becoming the third and last student of Lumia. Killing Mar Jade Skywalker, declared himself Darth Cadus, Dark Lord Sith. Killed his sister jane solo. Son Khan and Lei Solo Organ, twin Jane and Senior Brother Anakina Solo.
    • Khan Solo ( Han Solo.) - Smuggler, Captain "Millennial Falcon", Later General Alliance Rebels. Spouse Princess Lei Authorities, Father Jedi Jane Solo Fel and Sitha Jacein Solo. In Kinoverexia, the father of the former Jedi Ben Solo, who fell on the dark side, taking the name "Kaylo Ren", and took direct participation in the extermination of the new Order of the Jedi. I tried to return my son to the side of the world, but I did not succeed, and I was killed.
    • George Lucas. In the animation series "Star Wars: Rebels" - saves the team.
    • Wilhoff Tarkin ( Wilhuff Tarkin.) - Military governor of a number of starry systems of the empire, the author of the doctrine of terror and the initiator of the construction of the Star Death.
    • Booster Terkk - smuggler, brought up an antillesm after the death of his parents.
    • Mirax Terkk - smuggler, the daughter of the booster Terrik, the girlfriend of the childhood booking of Antilles, the wife of Korran Horn
    • Shaak Ti - Master Jedi, a member of the Supreme Council of the Jedi and the Supreme General Jedi. Probably survived the wars of clones, and order 66, but approximately 4 DBI, on the planet, the Feluca was killed by the secret student of Darth Vader, Starkiller.
    • Tivocka - Vuki, Master-Jedi, Honorary Member of the Jedi Council, Jodis Student, Pie Coon Teacher.
    • Saissier Tiin (Sashi) - Master Jedi, member of the Jedi Council.
    • Tolm ( Tholme.) - Master-Jedi Time of Sunset of the Galactic Republic, Teacher Quinlan East and Eils Secura.
    • Traun (full name - mit t.rau.n.urodo, Mit. th'raw'N.uruodo.) - Grand Admiral, commander of the Empire's troops.
    • Tulak chord is a sensitive man-man, the Dark Vladyka Sitchov, who ruled the Sith Empire about the 6th 900s and 5 to the 100th to the Battle of Yavin, when light swords became much more common. About his life, and the rule is known very little. However, in the Sith chronicles, fragmentary information was preserved about his ability to manage the dark side, as well as his extraordinary skills in circulation with a light sword, which were highly different, even Jedi who lived in thousands of years after the death of chord, considering it the greatest Sit Master-Messenic Antiquity. Nothing is known about the circumstances of the death of Tulaca chord, but his power, and greatness were so significant that Sith, giving himself due to his skills, and merit, built for him the majestic tomb in the valley of the Dark Lords, where, according to the legend, except the body of the chord himself, His Sith Golokron was also laid, which contained his recommendations regarding training to the art of ownership by a light sword. It is known that at the life of Tulak chord, following the Sitian tradition, a heavy battle armor, and a Sit helmet with a mask, who inspired the horror of anyone who saw her. Many thousands of years later, revenge and subsequently turn him to the side of the world.


    • Eyhanna Alenaih (Aihanna Alenaih) - Jedi race Caitanien, who survived the order 66. Later, she entered into a new Order founded by Lyuk Skywalker.

    1. How to come up with a name for star wars?

    You probably saw how people come up with intricate names? But, you probably do not know how?

    With the help of the formula below, you can easily come up with yourself the name "Star Planovskoye".

    There are several such formulas, here is one of them:

    • Take the first 3 letters of your name.
    • Add 2 last letters of your last name.

    It turns out your "starryovskoy" name. Later:

    • Take the first 2 letters of the mother's virgin surname.
    • Adop the first 3 letters of the city in which you were born.

    This is your "starryovskaya" surname.

    Example: Let's say your name is Vladimir Putin. Mother's Mother's Mother's name - Turin (I do not know the name of Putin's Mother of Putin). You were born in St. Petersburg. So, the name is Vlad, the last name - Tusan. So, your name is Vlad Tusan. By the way, my name is Makov Sovor.

    Another variation of George Lucas formula to find out your name:

    • Take the first 3 letters of your last name.
    • Adop the first 2 letters of your name.

    Is this your name. The surname is defined in the same way as in the previous case. Then, if your name is Vladimir Putin, then you call in Starranovyovski - Tusan Puttv. And then call me - Basma Sovor.

    To change the name to a little more, add "Starnerynovskoye Appeal":

    Dart Vlad Tusan

    Grand Moff Vlad Tusan

    Obi-Wan Vlad Tusan (at least "Obi-Van" - noble appeal)

    2. Other names in Star Wars.

    The names of the characters "Star Wars" are by no means random. There is an explanation why Lucas came up with such names. That's what he says: "Simply, I came up with the names of phonetically. I wanted a part of the character in his behalf. The names were to sound unusual, but not trivially, as a science fiction" Zenon "and" Zorba "."

    Darth Vader was taken from the Danish language, and it can be rudely translated as a "dark father".

    The name of Anakina Skywoker was taken from the name of the race of giants from the book "Origin" (Anakin), and Skywalker - to show his character - in translating from English Skywalker means "walking across the sky."

    Heng Solo. Han is a derived from John - a very simple name. Solo means that the person adheres to the philosophy of loneliness.

    Chubakka. Some love to chew tobacco (Chewing Tobacco). Previously, the names were given by occupation. How do we know, can the ancestors of Chii loved to cheb tobacco?

    3. The unique structure of iodine proposals.

    Iodine, great sage Jedi, uniquely builds his suggestions when he says. Here are some comments to his manner talk:

    "If iodine, so in force is powerful why proposals can not build it right?"

    "When you are 900 years of age, and look as well, you will not." - iodine

    Personally, I like how he says :).