
What flowers are depicted in the picture of Plastov in the summer. Description of the painting by Plastov “Summer. Military and post-war period of creativity

In summer

The seams are incredible talented artist, most of his paintings are masterpieces. One of these is the painting "Summer".

The picture shows a woman and a girl, for sure, this is a mother and daughter. They spent the whole day looking for mushrooms and were very tired.

barefoot girl

Sitting down to rest, my mother decided to take a nap and fell asleep, following her example, their dog also went to bed. But the girl does not give in to fatigue - she patiently sits and picks delicious berries. Yes, today they worked hard and collected two full baskets of mushrooms, for sure, there are aspen mushrooms, and honey mushrooms, and butterflies, and many other species.

Collecting mushrooms is not an easy task, because they mostly hide under stumps, under leaves and under bushes. To collect so many mushrooms, you need to get up early and go into the forest.

At first glance, you can see that the season is summer. After all, the girl and her mother are wearing a light cotton dress. The mother has a sky-blue color, and the girl has snow-white. On heads and both headscarves. After all, in the summer the sun bakes and in order not to get sunstroke you need a headdress.

The girl is sitting with bare feet, oh, how nice it is to run barefoot on the warm grass!The artist paid special attention to nature, he depicted it in all its glory.

Fluffy green carpet of grass, spread wide, wide. Also, incredible fragrant flowers of blue and purple grow everywhere, for sure, these are cornflowers. There are a lot of them in the picture, apparently the artist wanted to say by this that it is not necessary to tear them so that everyone can admire these wonderful wild flowers.
In the foreground, two thin birch trees are depicted, after their branches-spits to the ground, they are basking under the summer sun. There is a lone stump next to the birches, most likely there was another birch, but it was cut down and now tired people can rest on the stump.

Trees and flowers in the picture

The artist depicted the summer nature so accurately that it seems as if the picture is alive. Looking at it, you can directly feel this heady smell of flowers and greenery, the incredible aroma of grass and trees, as well as the gently sweet taste of the summer forest.

The forest is beautiful in all seasons, and especially in summer. After all, everywhere you can hear the singing of birds, the chirping sounds of grasshoppers and the rustling of ants. In summer, all nature comes to life. All living creatures crawl out of their holes to bask in the rays of the summer sun.

And if you wander deep into the forest, you can meet a variety of animals, including wild ones.
Oh, what a beautiful summer time! And this is especially evident in incredible picture Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov "In the Summer".

Essay No. 2

In the foreground we see a girl of 8 years old in a white dress and a red scarf. There are no shoes on the girl - most likely she is used to flaunting barefoot and is not at all afraid of thorns. Even in moments of rest, the girl's hands are busy with work - she sorts through a sprig of strawberries. Not far from the child lies her devoted friend - an old dog. The dog was tired and put his muzzle on his paws.

In the background we see a resting grandmother. The woman is dressed in an emerald sundress and a scarf. Granny taught her granddaughter to pick mushrooms and berries. After a long walk through the forest, the woman and the girl got tired and decided to lie down to rest. The artist focuses on the woman's raised hand - she is powerful and tanned, that is, this is the hand of a real hardworking peasant woman.

And all around are the unique expanses of our Motherland. The canvas shimmers with bright sunlight. The greenery sparkles from the bright rays of the sun. We seem to hear all sorts of trills of summer birds and the chirping of grasshoppers.

The artist used great amount shades of green - this helped to naturally convey the summer greens.

Look at the full baskets with the gifts of nature! What a generous country we have! I really like Plastov's painting - it is filled with love for their land!

Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov is a talented Soviet painter "singer of the Soviet peasantry." The artist's favorite season was summer, which is why a huge number of paintings are devoted to this moment of the year. This cycle also includes the painting “In Summer”, painted in 1954.

The author was able to see the beauty in such a seemingly simple moment as relaxing in the forest. From under his brush, even hard work looks joyful. The canvas conveys the uniqueness of Russian landscapes and the beauty of ordinary people.

Composition based on the painting “In the Summer” by Plastov for grade 5

Plastov is a famous Soviet artist. At first he studied at the theological seminary, then moved to the art school. He painted landscapes of the middle lane and everyday scenes of rural residents. Himself from the village and a family of hereditary icon painters. As he learned to be an artist in Moscow, he returned to his village, where he lived until the end of his life, drawing his fellow villagers and the surrounding nature of central Russia.

The painting “In Summer” depicts one of the genre scenes of rural life. Perhaps his acquaintances from the village are drawn. There is both a landscape and a domestic scene. Under the shade of a tree, a girl, a sleeping woman and a dog are located. It seems that this is a family that went mushroom picking from the very dawn, but now the sun has risen high, the mushrooms are harvested, and they still have to go and go to their native village ... Therefore, they decided to rest in the shade of a tree and gain strength for the way back.

The girl's mother, or grandmother, overcame, and she fell asleep. The age of the woman is not entirely clear from the picture, so we can only speculate. On the side is a dog. She, too, was tired, lay down and dozed off. Although the pose is a little tense. And it is felt that he does not forget about his duties as a watchman. At any rustle, she is ready to jump up and protect her people from any danger. One girl sits and does not sleep. In her hands is a branch with a raspberry, which she touches with concentration and then throws the berries into a mug. They got a good harvest. Two full baskets of mushrooms and a whole jug of raspberries. At home, mushrooms will be boiled or dried, and jam will most likely be made from raspberries, so that in winter they can enjoy tea and remember summer days.

And in the background of the picture is a forest clearing, immersed in greenery and flowers. Sunlight spreads throughout the picture and conveys a feeling of intensifying heat. It's probably around noon now. And the second half of summer, judging by the rich collection of berries and mushrooms.

Peace and even joy emanates from the picture ... Warm summer days, juicy green grass, on which one would like to run barefoot, relaxed people resting after the work done ... The combination of bright colors and shades soothes and conveys a joyful mood to the viewer. And so the artist conveyed the summer motives so well that I want to take a step and find myself in this forest idyll.

Description of the painting by Plastov in the Summer for grade 5

Plastov Arkady Alexandrovich is one of the most famous Russian artists. A man with a capital letter, who managed to give his contemporaries more than one wonderful and exciting work of art.

Summer, perhaps for many poets and people is the most favorite time of the year. It was about him that stories, novels, poems were formed, and now they are taking shape, paintings are being written, and so on.

This writer was no exception, therefore, in his piggy bank works of art there are those that are dedicated specifically to the summer.

It is impossible to argue that the painting "In Summer" also refers to this wonderful period. Although it becomes clear even from the title, you do not need to see the picture to understand what it is about.

The picture depicts one of the most ordinary summer days, when the hot sun warms everything around. Also, in addition to the summer nature, you can see two mushroom pickers in the picture. These are representatives of the fair sex, perhaps, according to the artist's intention, this is a mother and daughter. It can be seen that these two have already gone through the forest in search of the desired mushrooms and sat down to rest in the shade created by the chic, branched birch trees that stretch out in the summer meadow.

The first plan of the picture was given to the girl, who was dressed in a white sundress and a scarf to match, he was sitting reclining, stretching his legs. Apparently very tired from the journey.

It is worth noting that the artist also wanted to show the industriousness of this one, because even in the shade at a halt, she is engaged in sorting out berries and mushrooms picked not so long ago.

Next to the women, closer to the girl, lies a dog, which is apparently just as tired of the hot day and the scorching sun as its owners.

In the background was a sleeping woman, apparently the mother of that girl. One hand was raised up. It is worth noting that the artist paid special attention to this hand, trying to show that these are the hands of a hard worker who does not know laziness.

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Warm sunny summer. White birches, dressed in bright greenery, thick juicy grass and a lot of light. That's what first of all draws attention to itself in the painting "Summer". This picture was painted by the artist Plastov. It is immediately evident that he truly knew and loved nature. Everything is so beautiful and real. The viewer seems to be blown by the delicious smell of herbs and berries and the sleepy calm of a hot day.

What else is shown on the canvas? The description of the painting “In Summer” by Plastov can take a long time. It has three characters on it. This is a girl with her grandmother and a dog. They probably went to the forest for mushrooms and berries. And on the way back they got tired and sat down to rest right on the grass. Grandma is fast asleep. She is wearing a blue dress and a matching scarf. Her most striking element is the hand with which the grandmother closed herself from the sun. You can see how big, swarthy and overworked she is. Looking at such a hand, one can understand that a person has worked all his life.

Granddaughter, I think, will grow up to be the same hard worker. And now, while the grandmother is sleeping, the girl is concentratedly plucking berries from a twig into a large blue mug. The serious face of the little helper shows that she likes this job. The girl is dressed in a light white dress and adorned with beads. She has a red scarf tied around her head. White, red and blue colors they look very nice together. Therefore, the girl immediately draws the attention of the viewer.

A small dog lies next to the grandmother and granddaughter. She ran through the forest and now sleeps sweetly, snuggling up to her mistresses. She has a very funny face, which she turned directly towards the audience. I think she is the favorite of her little mistress.

And the picture also shows baskets with mushrooms and a jug of berries. They occupy almost half of the canvas. What a rich harvest the girl and her grandmother bring from the forest! Mushrooms are large, bright, and berries are juicy and ripe. You immediately understand what wealth nature can give.

While I was writing an essay based on the painting “In Summer” by Plastov, I thought about how peaceful and happy peasant life can be. We often do not notice the beauty of the world around us. But a happy life can be made up of little things. For example, a hike with loved ones in the forest, picking delicious berries with your own hands, relaxing in the shade. I think this is what the artist wanted to show with his painting.

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Description of the painting by Plastov “Summer”

Summer is a favorite time of the year for many of us.
This is the time of rest, new impressions, new discoveries.
In the painting "Summer" the artist showed a sultry summer day.
Two people are resting under the birch trees.
Apparently, this is a mother and daughter.
They gathered full baskets of mushrooms and sat down in the shade to rest.
The girl is wearing a white dress and a red scarf.
The girl is sitting on the grass, next to the basket.
She was very tired from the long walk.
But even during the rest, she does not waste time, but tears off the branches from the berries and throws them into a mug that is on her knees.

There is a dog next to the girl.
The day turned out to be hot, and the dog was also tired, lowered his head on his paws.
On the other side of the girl, her mother is sleeping.
She is wearing a blue dress and a scarf, she uses it to protect herself from insects.
The woman's hand is raised up and we see that she is tanned, strong.
The hand of a woman who works very hard, works either in the field or in the garden.

Behind the weary travelers is a clearing.
It is all lit by the bright sun.
The artist used the brightest, most saturated colors to show the audience the beauty of Russian nature, the magnificent forest.
The birch leaves, near which mother and daughter are sitting, rustle in the wind, they become even more beautiful from the sun.
The grass seems literally silky.

The artist also painted yellow and cornflower blue flowers that perfectly complement the landscape.
Summer nature is generous with gifts.
One has only to bow to her and you can pick up a lot of mushrooms and berries.
Next to the heroes of the picture is a jug of water or milk, which mother and daughter drink when it gets really hot.
When I look at this picture, I involuntarily recall hot summer days, vacations in the village with my grandmother, I feel the smell of grass heated by the sun, the smell of freshly picked berries and the gentle breeze of the wind.
I really want to immediately be in such a picturesque clearing, enjoy all the delights of a hot summer. It is especially lacking when you return to the city after the holidays.

In the painting “In Summer”, the artist depicted a sunny summer day, a hardworking Russian woman with her daughter.

A woman and her daughter walked through the forest early in the morning and picked up a full basket and a bucket of mushrooms, a large jug of berries. After a long gathering, they got tired and sat down to rest in a clearing, in the shade of birches. The woman lay down and fell fast asleep. Her clothes are simple, peasant: a dark blue dress tied with an apron. On her head is a blue scarf, which she pulled over her eyes so that the sun's rays would not fall into her eyes, so that the sun's rays would not fall into her eyes during rest. The girl is sitting with her bare feet outstretched, sorting red strawberries into a blue mug. A blush plays on the cheeks of the girl's tanned face. She is wearing a white dress. Pink berry beads are visible on the neck. A scarlet scarf is tied on the head. To the left, next to the girl, lies a dozing red-and-black dog.

To the right of the girl are a bucket with a basket, buried in dark green grass. A wicker basket with handles is full of porcini mushrooms. The black bucket is filled to the top with red mushrooms. The red-brown earthenware jug is filled with fragrant berries.

In the foreground of the picture we see a clearing flooded with sun. Sun-bleached grass has an amber hue. In the clearing, on the sidelines, there are two slender white birch trees. Birch branches down to the ground long braids. Golden-green leaves lit by the bright sun. Birches cast a light shadow, which creates a little coolness and hides from the scorching rays of the sun. In the shade under the birches, the grass is emerald. Blue bells, white daisies and unknown yellow flowers peep out of it.

In the second background of the picture is a dark green forest. Sunlight illuminates the trees in the front row, but does not penetrate into the forest.

In order to naturally convey greenery, the artist executed the picture in green tones and its shades. Against the background of greenery, with a festive combination of colors, he conveys: a scarlet scarf and a white dress of a girl, blue clothes of a woman, flashes of white, blue and yellow flowers in lush green grass.

The picture is filled with joy, beauty and generosity of summer nature. The combination of bright colors is uplifting. There is a desire to visit this clearing, lie down in the soft fragrant grass under the shade of birches, breathe in the aromas of summer with a full breast, feast on fragrant strawberries.

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Plastova. In summer, especially in the second half, there are a lot of mushrooms and berries. These gifts of the forest, but not only them, were displayed by the artist on his canvas. Art lovers will be able to learn more about the painting "In the Summer", about the author's work, his biography right now.


Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov was born in 1893, on January 19, in the village of Prislonikha. Now it is the territory of the Ulyanovsk region. His ancestors were peasants. The artistic gift went to the boy from his grandfather, he was an icon painter.

Arkady received an initial three-year education in a rural school, and then continued his studies at the Simbirsk Theological School and the Theological Seminary. The young man received art education from 1912 to 1914 at the Imperial Stroganov Central School of Industrial Art. Then Plastov, the artist, also became a sculptor, graduating from the corresponding department.

In 1917 he returned to Prislonikha, where he painted mainly from life.

Creativity: the beginning of the journey

Plastov is an artist who depicted on his canvases the life and life of the post-revolutionary inhabitants of the countryside. No wonder he is called "the singer of the Soviet peasantry."

One of the first significant paintings of Arkady Alexandrovich are: "Bathing of horses", "Collective farm holiday". Their artist painted in 1937. The first - especially for the exhibition, which was dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the Red Army (Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army). The second canvas was created for the exhibition, which was called "Industry of Socialism". Further - short description Plastov's paintings.

In the summer, in the fresh air, in the open, with a large team, celebrating holidays is a pleasure. This picture shows tables on which samovars stand, treats, grown, produced by one's own hands, livestock products.

Above, above the podium, is a portrait of the head of state of that time - I. V. Stalin. People are festively dressed, there are children, and adults, and the elderly. This work of the artist can be found by looking at the photo. It is warm in summer, so such holidays were held right under the open sky.

In 1938, Plastov painted the painting "Collective Farm Herd". On it, an elderly shepherd grazes cows.

Military and post-war period of creativity

Times of the Great Patriotic War the artist also reflected in his work, writing in 1942 the painting “The Fascist Has Arrived”. In 1945 he created the works "Haymaking", "Harvest". They reflect the heroic work of the elderly, children and women who worked on the collective farm fields. The young woman from the painting "Spring" was nicknamed "Northern Venus", so beautifully the artist conveyed the beauty of the female body on the canvas.

In 1952, Plastov created a canvas called "Spring". Look at the picturesque creation, which is presented in the photo. In summer, you can walk in the village in a light dress, barefoot, like the heroine in the picture. The artist was able to convey the movement of water, the concentration of a girl filling buckets. In the background, a light breeze barely sways the leaves of the bush. All this is clearly visible on the canvas.

Arkady Alexandrovich also acted as an illustrator for the works of A. S. Pushkin, N. A. Nekrasov, A. P. Chekhov, L. N. Tolstoy.

Description of the painting by Plastov “Summer”

This picture belongs to the post-war works of the artist. He painted the picture in 1952. It depicts a woman and a girl who were collecting forest gifts, tired and now resting.

The action takes place in the summer, the picture clearly conveys this. On the birches, the leaves are green, the grass is the same color. Bluebells and other flowers decorate the grassy carpet, adding bright colors.

The woman and the girl left the house early in the morning, since at this time there is still no heat and it is more likely to find forest gifts by coming to them first. Until noon they wandered through the forest, and their efforts were rewarded. Mother and daughter collected a whole basket of snow-white mushrooms and a second, slightly smaller, strong mushrooms.

Mushrooms and berries

In those days, mushrooms were a great help for the family. Therefore, when there was time, the peasants did not miss the opportunity to go into the forest for prey. Milk mushrooms were soaked and then salted in large wooden barrels. With whites (boletus mushrooms) they did the same or dried them, and in winter they cooked fragrant soup.

But not only mushrooms were collected by the locals in the summer, the picture shows that the berries were also the desired prey of the “silent hunt”. Previously, raspberries were not grown in vegetable gardens and orchards, but they went to the forest for them. They made jam from it, dried it, ate it in winter or gave it to the sick to cure a cold. The miners have collected a whole jar of red berries, and the girl, even at a halt, plucks the fragrant gifts of the forest from the branches.

Description of the main characters of the picture

During these years, the peasants had almost no cash, so there was often nothing to buy shoes with. In the winter, people saved up or felted shoes themselves from sheep's wool. In the summer, they mostly went barefoot, only they put on shoes to church.

Here is the girl sitting barefoot. They didn’t go with their heads uncovered either, it was indecent. In addition, scarves in the summer well saved from the heat. Therefore, both the woman and the girl have handkerchiefs on their heads.

The woman, tired from the long walk, fell asleep with her hand under her head. The artist caught the girl at work - she picks berries from a twig. The description of Plastov’s painting “In Summer” proceeds to a story about the place of rest.

Mother and daughter came out of the forest, found a comfortable clearing and made a halt under two birch trees. Trees save well from the heat, covering travelers with their branches, which give coolness. Right there in the shade, people put baskets with mushrooms, an earthenware jug with berries, otherwise the heat could spoil the forest gifts.

A dog rests next to the girl. It serves as protection for travelers. If they had gone astray, the faithful dog would have found her without difficulty. That he is faithful to his masters is evident. After all, the dog lay down at the feet of the young mistress and does not leave her anywhere. So painted by A. A. Plastov. Summer is good not only for people, but also for pets and dogs. There is an opportunity to run freely in the open, to catch small prey in the form of an animal or a bird. There is still a way back, so the animal and people are resting for now.

Here is a picture painted by A. A. Plastov. In summer, the gentle sun pleases, there are berries, mushrooms, the artist reflected all this in his work.