
What is the assessment of the image of the pimen given by Pushkinist Gorodetsky. Chronicler Pimen in the tragedy Boris Godunov Pushkin essay about a monk. The image in the work

In the scene you read "Night. A cell in the Miracle Monastery" the chronicler-monk Pimen is depicted. Describe him as a man and a chronicler. How does he feel about the historical events he describes and the duties of a chronicler? Give examples from the text.

Pushkin wrote that in the character of the chronicler Pimen he collected the features that ancient chronicles breathe: innocence, touching meekness, something infantile and at the same time wise, zeal, lack of vanity, passion.

The chronicler Pimen deliberately limited his life to a cell: turning off from worldly fuss, he sees what is unknown to the majority, for he judges, in accordance with his conscience, with moral laws. His goal as a chronicler is to tell posterity the truth about the events that took place in his native land.

Someday the industrious monk Will find my diligent, nameless work... He will rewrite the true stories, - Yes, the descendants of the Orthodox of the native land know the past fate, They commemorate their great kings For their labors, for glory, for good... How does Gregory perceive his mentor, his spiritual appearance and chronicle work? Is he right that Pimen calmly looks at the right and the guilty, Listening to good and evil indifferently, Knowing neither pity nor anger?

Gregory respects Pimen for diligence, calmness, humility and majesty. He says that not a single thought is reflected on his forehead, and draws the erroneous conclusion that the elder is indifferent to what he describes in his writings. After all, Pimen will be the first to speak about the grave sin of the Russian people, who contributed to the accession of Boris. In his image, conscientiousness is manifested, a heightened sense of personal responsibility for what is happening.

In what does Pimen see the dignity of power and ruler? What, from his point of view, is the famous historical fact that "Tsar John sought solace in the likeness of monastic labors"?

The rulers should be remembered for their labors, for glory, for goodness, Pimen believes. The desire of Tsar John (Ivan IV the Terrible) to seek solace in faith, monastic labors, his appeal to the Lord testifies to his repentance, awareness of his sins, that the burden of power was becoming too heavy for him.

How does Pimen tell about the murder of Tsarevich Dimitri? Compare this story, its stylistic features, with the monologue "One more, last tale ..." with the story about the kings. What characteristics does the chronicler give actors this scene? How does this characterize Pimen himself as a historian-chronicler who is going to conclude his chronicle with "this deplorable story"?

Dispassion leaves Pimen, who tells about a bloody crime, his story is emotional, full of evaluative comments: an evil deed, in despair, unconsciousness, ferocious, pale with anger, a villain; figurative verbs - dragged, trembled, yelled. His style of narration becomes colloquial.

The "evil deed" he saw shocked the chronicler so much that since then he has little delved into worldly affairs and wants to move away from labors, transferring to others the right to describe human sins. Pimen's attitude to what was told characterizes him as a citizen.

In the dialogue between Pimen and Gregory, the vain, the mundane (feasts, battles, ambitious plans, etc.) are contrasted with the divine, the spiritual. What is the meaning of this opposition? Why does Pimen give priority to monastic life over fame, luxury, and "women's crafty love"?

Worldly life contains many temptations for man. They excite the blood and make them commit sinful acts. Monastic life humbles the spirit and the flesh, bestows inner harmony and tranquility. A person who is firm in faith comprehends the eternal, does not hold on to the momentary. Having experienced a lot in his life, Pimen retired from worldly fuss to a monastery, where he found bliss and spends his days in labor and piety.

Reread the final remark of Gregory. What is the meaning of his prophecy? Who do you think it belongs to more- Gregory or the author of the tragedy?

Gregory says:

And you will not escape from the court of the world, Just as you will not escape from God's judgment.

Power given at the cost of crime will lead the ruler to death - such is Pushkin's thought, expressed in the words of Grigory.

What problems - historical and moral - are considered by Pushkin in the scene you read from the tragedy "Boris Godunov"? What significance do they have for our modernity?

When creating Boris Godunov, Pushkin relied on the book The History of the Russian State by N. M. Karamzin. The poet highly appreciated the work of the historian, but he was protested by the convinced monarchism of the author of "History ...", who proclaimed that "the history of the people belongs to the sovereign." This formulation reflected the historical and philosophical concept

Karamzin: power, stability - in a strong state; statehood is the driving force of history. "The history of the people belongs to the people," said the Decembrist Nikita Muravyov. The dispute that arose was historical and philosophical, and not just political, and Pushkin entered into it. The tragedy "Boris Godunov" is about the role of the people in history and the nature of tyrannical power. Power given at the cost of crime cannot be used for good; it will not bring happiness to either the ruler or the people, and such a ruler will inevitably become a tyrant. Revealing the historical doom of the anti-people power, Pushkin simultaneously showed the deep contradictory position of the people, combining strength and weakness. The people who chose the child-killer are also doomed.

Literature lesson

Topic: Analysis of the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov".

The role of linguistic means in the depiction of the chronicler Pimen.

Lesson Objectives:

educational : deepening and practical application of knowledge of artistic means of language expressiveness. The ability to determine main idea text.

Educational : to cultivate a patriotic attitude towards their homeland.

Educational : to introduce seventh graders to one of the musical genres of opera

Equipment: application of ICT. (View and evaluate student projects)

During the classes.

"One last word..."

In a narrow monastery cell,

In four blank walls

About the land of ancient Russian

The story was written by a monk.

N.P. Konchalovskaya.

I,Preparation for the perception of new material.

With these words, I want to begin work on the greatest artistic creation of A.S. Pushkin - the historical folk drama-tragedy "Boris Godunov". It was created about the period of Russian history called the Time of Troubles.

The message of "historians" showing the presentation. Application No. 1

So we see that for 14 years Russia was ruled by 4 kings, several uprisings broke out, a civil war broke out, intervention from Poland and Sweden began. Russia could lose its independence, cease to exist as an independent state.

And only thanks to the heroic efforts of the Russian people, the patriotic activities of Minin and Pozharsky, Russia managed to maintain statehood.

This topic is of interest Russian society until now, starting with N.M. Karamzin, A.S. Pushkin, Favorsky, M. Mussorgsky, F. Chaliapin and other artists.

The report of "literary critics" about N.M. Karamzin and his work "History of the Russian State" with a presentation. Application №2

The History of the Russian State (first volumes) was published in 1818. At this time, A.S. Pushkin graduated from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Within a month, all volumes were sold out in bookstores.

“Ancient Russia seemed to have been found by Karamzin, just as America was found by Columbus. For some time they did not talk about anything else, ”wrote A.S. Pushkin.

Karamzin the historiographer dwelled on the events of the Time of Troubles, the beginning of the 17th century, writing X, XI volumes, dedicating them to the reign of Boris Godunov

Continuation of the work of "literary critics" with a presentation of "Mikhailovskoe". Application number 3.

Why did Pushkin need w y s e l, it was necessary to create piece of art about the Time of Troubles?

In resolving this issue, the lines from the poem by A.S. will again help us. Pushkin "Elegy" (1830):

... But I do not want, oh others, to die;

I want to live in order to think and suffer.

And I know I will enjoy.

Between sorrows, worries and anxiety:

Sometimes I'll get drunk again with harmony,

Above fiction I'm shedding tears...

Which word of interest to us in the lesson today met in a poem? (Fiction)

Tell me, have you ever cried over a history book?

What about works of literature?


Why didn't Pushkin write down moral lessons drama-tragedies in the form of a memo - briefly, clearly, read, remember?

II. Work on the scene “Night. Cell in the Miracle Monastery.

Expressive reading-staging. (Monologue of Pimen and Gregory.)

What style is the text? Why? What is characteristic of the artistic style? (images)

What images did you see in the first monologues of Pimen and Gregory? (filling in the left side of the table "Images")

Idea-figurative level

What kind artistic means expressiveness uses A.S. Pushkin to create the image of the chronicler Pimen?

Filling in the table "Stylistic level".

stylistic level.

Art style. The image of the chronicler Pimen.


1. Outdated vocabulary:

lampada, charters, commemorate, veche, gaze, sees, listening, knowing, on the forehead, eyes, dominion, hidden, humble, majestic, clerk, past.

2. Epithets:

diligent work, nameless, true stories, a humble, majestic, calm look.

3. Comparisons:

definitely a bastard.

1. Reverse word order:

He enlightened the book art.


The monk is industrious; hard work, nameless.

3. Antithesis:

Events are full - silently calm;

The memory is preserved - the rest is lost.

4. Anaphora:

Few faces...

Few words...


And the rest perished irrevocably...

6. Non-union:

a) In my old age I live again,

The past passes before me

How long has it been full of events ...

b) But the day is near, the lamp is burning down -

One more last word.

In what period of life is Pimen depicted?

What do we learn about Pimen from his first monologue? (Pimen writes a chronicle. And he defines this work as the fulfillment of a duty bequeathed by God.

The work bequeathed by God is done

Me, a sinner.

How does Grigory see Pimen?

Pimen - monk, chronicler. He surveys the rest of the characters, their actions, deeds, motives of behavior from a moral, righteous height. Pay attention to the assessment given by the chronicler (in dialogue with Gregory) to the three kings whom he knew personally. What? To whom?

(Ivan the Terrible

About Fedor Ivanovich

About Boris Godunov

What, according to the chronicler Pimen, should be the attitude of the people towards the kings

What does Pimen teach the young monk, realizing that his “candle is burning out”?

Do you agree with Gregory's assessment of the chronicler monk?

And the final question:

We fill in the left part of the table "Ideological-figurative level".

To the epigraph of the lesson: The great deed of the chroniclers is to leave to the Orthodox descendants the annals of the Orthodox people.

III.Summing up the lesson.

No matter how cruel Russian history appears in the works of A. Pushkin. we must not forget the poet's confession: “Although I am personally cordially attached to the sovereign, I am far from delighted with everything that I see around me; as a writer, they annoy me, as a person with prejudices, I am offended, but I swear on my honor that for nothing in the world I would not want to change my fatherland or have a different history than the history of our ancestors, such as God gave it to us.

There are eternal concepts in life: duty, honor, conscience, love for the Motherland - patriotism. The literature has eternal images, among them the chronicler Pimen. There are eternal works. Among them is the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov". This is a classic. They will live forever.

V Bolshoi Theater in December Modest Mussorgsky's opera "Boris Godunov" is performed in four acts.

A message showing the presentation of "art critics". Presentation “Opera “Boris Godunov”. Annex No. 4.

Listening to Pimen's aria in MP3 "Scene in the cell of the Chudov Monastery".

IV.Homework: write an essay about the chronicler Pimen on the topic “One more, last story ...”



Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 8

Cities of Konakovo


Open Literature Lesson in Grade 7

On the topic "The role of linguistic means in the image of the chronicler Pimen" (based on the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov")

MBOU secondary school №8 Konakovo

Kovalenko Inna Gennadievna


City of Konakovo, Tver region, st. Energetikov, 38

Literature lesson

Topic: Analysis of the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov".

The role of linguistic means in the depiction of the chronicler Pimen.

Lesson Objectives:

educational: deepening and practical application of knowledge of artistic means of language expressiveness. The ability to determine the main idea of ​​the text.

Educational : to cultivate a patriotic attitude towards their homeland.

Educational : to introduce seventh graders to one of the musical genres of opera

Equipment : application of ICT. (View and evaluate student projects)

During the classes.

"One last word..."

In a narrow monastery cell,

In four blank walls

About the land of ancient Russian

The story was written by a monk.

N.P. Konchalovskaya.

I, Preparation for the perception of new material.


With these words, I want to begin work on the greatest artistic creation of A.S. Pushkin - the historical folk drama-tragedy "Boris Godunov". It was created about the period of Russian history called the Time of Troubles.

The message of "historians" showing the presentation. Application No. 1


So we see that for 14 years Russia was ruled by 4 kings, several uprisings broke out, a civil war broke out, intervention from Poland and Sweden began. Russia could lose its independence, cease to exist as an independent state.

And only thanks to the heroic efforts of the Russian people, the patriotic activities of Minin and Pozharsky, Russia managed to maintain statehood.

This topic has been and is still interested in Russian society, starting with N.M. Karamzin, A.S. Pushkin, Favorsky, M. Mussorgsky, F. Chaliapin and other artists.

The report of "literary critics" about N.M. Karamzin and his work "History of the Russian State" with a presentation. Application №2


The History of the Russian State (first volumes) was published in 1818. At this time, A.S. Pushkin graduated from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Within a month, all volumes were sold out in bookstores.

“Ancient Russia seemed to have been found by Karamzin, just as America was found by Columbus. For some time they did not talk about anything else, ”wrote A.S. Pushkin.

Karamzin the historiographer dwelled on the events of the Time of Troubles, the beginning of the 17th century, writing X, XI volumes, dedicating them to the reign of Boris Godunov

Continuation of the work of "literary critics" with a presentation of "Mikhailovskoe". Application number 3.


Why, then, studying the "History of the Russian State", working in the book depositories of the Svyatogorsk monastery, knowingh i s t o r i c eabout the events and persons of the Time of Troubles, Pushkin needed w y s e l , it was necessary to create a work of art about the Time of Troubles?

In resolving this issue, the lines from the poem by A.S. will again help us. Pushkin "Elegy" (1830):

... But I do not want, oh others, to die;

I want to live in order to think and suffer.

And I know I will enjoy.

Between sorrows, worries and anxiety:

Sometimes I'll get drunk again with harmony,

Above fiction I'm shedding tears...

Which word of interest to us in the lesson today met in a poem?(Fiction)

Tell me, have you ever cried over a history book?

What about works of literature?(Yes, Mumu, Marusya from "Children of the Underground")

Why? (because works of literature affect not only our mind, but also feelings, make us experience what is happening to them together with the characters, learn something.)

But why should we learn from participants in the events of the 16th century? What do we, the people of the 21st century, care about them?Each person is connected with history, lives in it, which means that the experience of another person who had to be in the thick of things is also interesting to us).

Why didn't Pushkin write down the moral lessons of the drama-tragedy in the form of a memo - briefly, clearly, read it, memorized it?(Only having experienced their misadventures and joys together with the heroes, we can feel the need to learn these lessons.)

II. Work on the scene “Night. Cell in the Miracle Monastery.

Expressive reading-staging. (Monologue of Pimen and Gregory.)


What style is the text? Why? What is characteristic of the artistic style?(images)

What images did you see in the first monologues of Pimen and Gregory? (filling in the left side of the table "Images")

Idea-figurative level

What artistic means of expression does A.S. Pushkin to create the image of the chronicler Pimen?

Filling in the table "Stylistic level".

stylistic level.

Art style. The image of the chronicler Pimen.



1. Outdated vocabulary:

lampada, charters, commemorate, veche, gaze, sees, listening, knowing, on the forehead, eyes, dominion, hidden, humble, majestic, clerk, past.

2. Epithets:

diligent work, nameless, true stories, a humble, majestic, calm look.

3.Comparison :

definitely a bastard.

1. Reverse word order:

He enlightened the book art.


The monk is industrious; hard work, nameless.

3. Antithesis:

Events are full - silently calm;

The memory is preserved - the rest is lost.

4. Anaphora:

Few faces...

Few words...

5.Default :

And the rest perished irrevocably...

6.Non-Union :

A) In my old age I live again,

The past passes before me

How long has it been full of events ...

b) But the day is near, the lamp is burning down -

One more last word.

In what period of life is Pimen depicted?(During the period when it is time for him to “rest”, “extinguish the candle”, he feels the proximity of his own death, i.e. he realizes that he will soon stand before the Almighty. This gives the extremities a special persuasiveness.)

What did Pimen go through before he found the true values? (Having known the insane fun of youth, fighting battles, noisy feasts, luxury and sly love of a woman, Pimen finds true values ​​in serving God.)

What do we learn about Pimen from his first monologue? (Pimen writes a chronicle. And he defines this work as the fulfillment of a duty bequeathed by God.

The work bequeathed by God is done

Me, a sinner.

How does Grigory see Pimen?(“How I love his calm look, / / ​​When, immersed in the past with his soul, / / ​​He keeps his chronicle.” On his high forehead ... you can’t read hidden thoughts, he looks humble, majestic; he calmly sees. These definitions expressed Pushkin’s desire to reflect the typical traits of Russian poets-chroniclers he loves. The humble, majestic appearance of a righteous man, a monk is also depicted on icons, in the appearance of saints there is strictness, concentration, spiritual enlightenment. "He calmly looks at the right and the guilty").

Pimen - monk, chronicler. He surveys the rest of the characters, their actions, deeds, motives of behavior from a moral, righteous height. Pay attention to the assessment given by the chronicler (in dialogue with Gregory) to the three kings whom he knew personally. What? To whom?

(To Ivan the Terrible . Despite the fact that Ivan the Terrible has many cruel crimes on his account, Pimen appreciates in him the desire for church repentance for his deeds and with obvious sympathy and compassion perceives the mood of the “terrible king”, tired of angry thoughts and executions, dreaming of accepting the schema and humble prayers in the monastery.

“And sweetly his speech flowed from his lips ...”

About Fedor Ivanovich. Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, the eldest son of Ivan the Terrible, evokes a special warm feeling in Pimen with his humility (one of the main Christian virtues), spiritual holiness, and passion for prayers. For this, the Lord, according to the chronicler, loved both the humble autocrat and Holy Russia. “And Russia with him in serene glory / / Consoled ...” The death of Fyodor Ivanovich is depicted as the death of a saint.

About Boris Godunov. Suddenly, the intonation of the monk-chronicler changes sharply when he speaks of the current king. His speech becomes both mournful and accusatory. The verdict of the earthly court is united with the heavenly one. This is a sentence to the villain - the regicide and the people responsible for the accession of the criminal: "Oh terrible, unprecedented grief!// We have angered God, we have sinned // We have called the regicide our Lord // We called it.")

What, according to the chronicler Pimen, should be the attitude of the people towards the kings? (For labors, for glory, for goodness - remembrance; for sins, for dark deeds - a prayer to the Savior for admonishing the king.

What does Pimen teach the young monk, realizing that his “candle is burning out”?(Symbol: a burned-out candle is the end of life. " Without further ado - do not be self-willed, do not bring your personal will into what is being described. "All that you will witness in life // War and peace, the rule of sovereigns, / / ​​Holy miracles of saints ... "")

Do you agree with Gregory's assessment of the chronicler monk?(Grigory Otrepiev was mistaken that Pimen, while working on the chronicle, “calmly looks at the right and the guilty, Listening to good and evil indifferently, Knowing neither pity nor anger.” The chronicler, as a citizen of his fatherland, a true patriot is not indifferent to the fate of the country.

And the final question:

What is the purpose of the Pimen Chronicle? What does the chronicler see as his destiny?

(To tell posterity the truth of history.

Yes (let) the descendants of the Orthodox know

Native land past fate).

We fill in the left part of the table "Ideological-figurative level".

To the epigraph of the lesson:The great deed of the chroniclers is to leave to the Orthodox descendants the annals of the Orthodox people.

III. Summing up the lesson.

No matter how cruel Russian history appears in the works of A. Pushkin. we must not forget the poet's confession: “Although I am personally cordially attached to the sovereign, I am far from delighted with everything that I see around me; as a writer, they annoy me, as a person with prejudices, I am offended, but I swear on my honor that for nothing in the world I would not want to change my fatherland or have a different history than the history of our ancestors, such as God gave it to us.

There are eternal concepts in life: duty, honor, conscience, love for the Motherland - patriotism. There are eternal images in literature, among them the chronicler Pimen. There are eternal works. Among them is the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov". This is a classic. They will live forever.

In December, the Bolshoi Theater will host Modest Mussorgsky's opera Boris Godunov in four acts.

A message showing the presentation of "art critics". Presentation “Opera “Boris Godunov”. Annex No. 4.

Listening to Pimen's aria in MP3 "Scene in the cell of the Chudov Monastery".

IV. Homework: write an essay about the chronicler Pimen on the topic “One more, last story ...”

Slides captions:

Boris Godunov. Boris Fedorovich Godunov (1551 - 1605) - Tsar of Russia from 1598 to 1605, boyar. Boris Godunov was born in Moscow in 1551. He married, in 1580 became a boyar, gradually took an important position among the nobility. After the death of Ivan the Terrible in 1584, together with Belsky, he announced the death of the sovereign to the people. When Fyodor Ivanovich became the new tsar, an important role in the council was occupied in the biography of Boris Godunov. Since 1587, he was the actual ruler, since Tsar Fedor himself could not rule the country. Thanks to the activities of Godunov, the first patriarch was elected, a water supply system was built in Moscow, active construction began, and serfdom was established. After the death of the heir Dmitry and Tsar Fyodor, the dynasty of the Rurik rulers broke off. And on February 17, 1598, a very important event took place in the biography of Boris Godunov. At the Zemsky Sobor he was elected king. However, the terrible famine and crisis in the country in 1601-1602 shook the king's popularity. Soon riots began among the people. Then, if we consider short biography Godunov, followed by the defeat of a small army of False Dmitry. Godunov's health gradually deteriorated, and on April 13, 1605, the tsar died.

Ivan the Terrible Ivan the Terrible (1530 -1584) - Grand Duke, Tsar of All Russia. In January 1547, a wedding ceremony took place in the biography of Ivan the Terrible, in which he took the royal title. Ivan the Terrible was a cruel ruler. After the Moscow uprising of 1547, the internal policy of Grozny, the country was run with the help of the Chosen Rada. In 1549, together with the Boyar Duma, he introduced a new collection of laws - the Sudebnik. In it, Grozny's policy regarding the peasants consisted in the fact that the communities were given the right to self-government, to restore order, to distribute taxes .. As for Grozny's foreign policy, he had to fight with the new Kazan Khan Safa-Girey, 3 campaigns were undertaken .. For obedience Astrakhan kingdom, 2 campaigns were made. In addition, the foreign policy of Ivan the Terrible was based on wars with the Crimean Khanate, Sweden, and Livonia.

False Dmitry I. False Dmitry I - Tsar of Moscow in 1605 - 1606. In June 1605, the motley army of the impostor entered Moscow without hindrance. But the townspeople wished to make sure that the real Tsarevich Dmitry was in front of them, and demanded that Maria Nagoya meet > her son. False Dmitry, deftly played out the scene of a meeting > with his mother in front of a crowd of thousands. The frightened widow of Ivan the Terrible was confused - this was enough for those present to believe in the truth > . False Dmitry was proclaimed king. At first, the new tsar tried to flirt with the people, personally listened to all complaints and requests, canceled executions, and began to fight with extortions and bribes. But he forgot his main promise - to give complete freedom to the peasants. The young tsar did not consider Russian customs and traditions: he wore a Polish dress, walked the streets of Moscow without a retinue, did not pray before dinner, and did not wash his hands and did not sleep after dinner. The cup of patience was filled with the wedding of False Dmitry with the daughter of the Polish governor Marina Mniszek. The Poles invited to the wedding behaved defiantly: they entered the church without taking off their hats, laughed and talked loudly; beaten and robbed the inhabitants.

"The role of linguistic means in the depiction of the chronicler Pimen"

(based on the tragedy by A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov")

Tragedy drama by A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov is not studied in school curriculum deep. I believe that it contains the richest material for the implementation of many tasks facing the teacher of literature. This is work on the concepts of "historical truth" and "fiction", work on the language of the work, and most importantly - on the means of creating images.

Analyzing the “Scene in the Miracle Monastery”, working on the image of Pimen, one can very well show the role of lexical and syntactic means in depicting the main characters of this passage. Pupils of the 7th grade are already familiar with the methodology of working on the images of heroes and at the stylistic level they cope with this work on their own. And this point in this lesson was done well.

I consider the decision to include Pimen's aria from M. Mussorgsky's opera "Boris Godunov" in the final part of the lesson a good moment. It was the final chord in understanding the role and significance of the image of the chronicler Pimen in the tragedy.

The work of the “art critics” group and their presentation “Opera “Boris Godunov” was also successful in this lesson. The connection between the lesson of literature and the lessons of the World artistic culture just needed.

I consider the work of the “historians” group to be the weak link in the lesson. Although the historical digression was quite on topic (the merit of the students), but the form of its presentation could be different (omission of the teacher). Here it would be possible and more justified comparative analysis images of historical figures taken from history textbooks and artistic images works by A.S. Pushkin.

In preparing for this lesson, she placed great emphasis on the educational moment associated with a sense of patriotism. Therefore, the emphasis of the entire lesson was on the activities of Pimen: “Yes (let) the descendants of the Orthodox native land know the past fate.” And also on the attitude of A.S. Pushkin to the history of his country. I think the guys will always remember the words of the writer that one can disagree with the policy of the autocrat, but the attitude towards the Motherland must be holy.

The students were given a homework assignment to write an essay about the chronicler Pimen. Checking the work, I realized that I achieved the goal set before the lesson. The works expressed thoughts about the need for a deeper study of Russian history, about the desire to re-read the entire tragedy of A.S. Pushkin to the end independently. The children were also fascinated by their independence in choosing a topic for speaking at the lesson.

Teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school №8 Konakovo Kovalenko I.G.

Pimen(writes in front of the lamp)

    One more last word -
    And my chronicle is over,
    Fulfilled the duty bequeathed by God
    Me, a sinner. Not without reason for many years
    The Lord made me a witness
    And enlightened book art;
    Someday a monk industrious
    Will find my hard work, nameless,

      He will light, like me, his lamp -
      And, brushing off the dust of centuries from the charters,
      Will rewrite true stories,
      Yes, the descendants of the Orthodox know
      Native land past fate,
      They remember their great kings
      For their labors, for glory, for good -
      And for sins, for dark deeds
      The Savior is humbly begged.
      In my old age I live again,
      The past passes before me
      How long has it been full of events,
      Worrying like a sea-okiyan?
      Now it's silent and calm
      A few faces my memory has preserved,
      Few words reach me
      And the rest perished irrevocably...
      But the day is near, the lamp is burning down -
      One more last word. (Writes.)

"Boris Godunov". Engraving by S. Galaktionov

    Gregory(waking up)

      All the same dream! is it possible? the third time!
      Damned dream! .. And all in front of the lamp
      The old man sits and writes - and drowsiness
      He did not close his eyes all night long.

      When, soul immersed in the past
      He keeps his chronicle; and often
      I wanted to guess what he writes about?
      Is it about the dark dominion of the Tatars?
      Is it about the executions of the fierce John?
      Is it about the stormy Novogorodsky veche 2?
      About the glory of the fatherland? in vain.
      Neither on the high forehead, nor in the eyes
      It is impossible to read his hidden thoughts;
      All the same kind of humble, majestic.
      So exactly the clerk 3, gray-haired in orders 4,
      Calmly looks at the right and the guilty,
      Listening indifferently to good and evil,
      Knowing neither pity nor anger.


      Wake up brother?


      bless me
      Honest father.


      God bless
      You, today, and forever, and forever.


      You wrote everything and did not forget the dream,
      And my peace is a demonic dream
      I was worried, and the enemy troubled me.
      I dreamed that the stairs were steep
      She led me to the tower; from high
      I saw Moscow as an anthill;
      Below the people in the square were seething
      And pointed at me with a laugh,
      And I felt ashamed and scared -
      And, falling headlong, I woke up ...
      And three times I had the same dream.
      Isn't it wonderful?


      Young blood plays;
      Humble yourself with prayer and fasting,
      And your dreams of light visions will be
      Fulfilled. Until now - if I,
      Weakened by involuntary drowsiness,
      I will not make a long prayer for the night -
      My old dream is not quiet and sinless,
      I fancy those noisy feasts,
      Now a military camp, then fighting battles,
      Crazy fun of young years!


      How merrily you spent your youth!
      You fought under the towers of Kazan,
      You reflected the army of Lithuania under Shuisky,
      You saw the court and the luxury of John!
      Happy! and I am from adolescence
      I wander through the cells, poor monk!
      Why should I not amuse myself in battles,
      Not to feast at the royal meal?
      I would have had time, like you, in my old age
      Stay away from the hustle and bustle,
      Take the monastic vow
      And shut up in a quiet abode.


      Do not complain, brother, that early sinful light
      You left that few temptations
      God sent you. Believe me:
      We are captivated from afar by glory, luxury
      And female sly love.
      I have lived long and enjoyed much;
      But since then I only know bliss,
      How the Lord brought me to the monastery.
      Think, son, about the great kings.
      Who is above them? One God. Who dares
      Against them? No one. But what? Often
      The golden crown became heavy for him:
      They changed it to a hood.
      King John sought solace
      In the likeness of monastic labors.
      His palace, full of proud favorites,
      The monastery took on a new look:
      Kromeshniks in tafyas and hair shirts 6
      The blacks were obedient,
      And the formidable tsar is a humble abbot.
      I saw here - in this very cell
      (The long-suffering Cyril lived in it then,
      Righteous husband. Then me too
      God made me understand the insignificance
      Worldly vanities), here I saw the king,
      Tired of angry thoughts and executions.
      Thoughtful, quietly sat between us Grozny,
      We stood motionless in front of him,
      And quietly he talked to us.
      He spoke to the abbot 7 and the brothers:
      "My fathers, the desired day will come,
      I will stand here hungry for salvation.
      You, Nicodemus, you, Sergius, you, Cyril,
      All of you - vow 9, accept my spiritual:
      I will come to you, damned criminal,
      And here I will accept the schema 10 honestly,
      At your feet, holy father, fall down.
      Thus spoke the sovereign sovereign,
      And sweet speech flowed from his mouth,
      And he cried. And we prayed in tears
      May the Lord send love and peace
      His soul is suffering and stormy.
      And his son Theodore? on the throne
      He sighed for a peaceful life
      Silent. He is the king's palace
      Transformed into a prayer cell;
      There are heavy, sovereign sorrows
      The holy souls did not revolt him.
      God loved the king's humility,
      And Russia with him in serene glory
      Consoled - and at the hour of his death
      Make the moose an unheard-of miracle:
      To his bed, the only visible king,
      The husband appeared unusually bright,
      And Theodore began to talk to him
      And call the great patriarch.
      And all around were seized with fear,
      Understanding the heavenly vision,
      Zane 11 the holy lord before the king
      He was not in the temple then.
      When he passed away, the chambers
      Filled with holy fragrance
      And his face shone like the sun -
      We will never see such a king.
      Oh terrible, unprecedented grief!
      We have angered God, we have sinned:
      Lord yourself a regicide
      We named.


      For a long time, honest father,
      I wanted to ask you about death
      Demetrius Tsarevich; while
      You, they say, were in Uglich.


      Oh, I remember!
      God led me to see an evil deed,
      Blood sin. Then I'm off to distant Uglich
      On some obedience was sent;
      I came at night. Morning at lunch hour
      Suddenly I hear a ringing, they sounded the alarm,
      Scream, noise. They run to the court of the queen.
      I'm in a hurry to go there - and there is already the whole city.
      I look: the slaughtered prince lies;
      The queen mother is unconscious over him,
      The nurse weeps in despair,
      And then the people, frenzied, drag
      Godless traitor mother...
      Suddenly between them, ferocious, pale with anger
      Is Judas Bityagovsky.
      "Here, here is the villain!" - there was a general cry.
      And suddenly he was gone. There are people
      He rushed after the fleeing three murderers;
      The hiding villains were captured
      And they brought before the warm corpse of a baby,
      And a miracle - suddenly the dead man trembled.
      "Repent!" - the people yelled at them:
      And in horror under the ax villains
      They repented and named Boris.


      How old was the prince who was killed?


      Yes, seven years; he would now be -
      (Ten years have already passed ... no, more:
      Twelve years old) - he would be your age
      And reigned; but God judged otherwise.
      I will conclude this deplorable tale
      I am my chronicle; since then I have little
      I delved into the affairs of the world. Brother Gregory,
      You enlightened your mind with a letter,
      I give you my work. At the clock
      Free from spiritual exploits,
      Describe, without further ado,
      All that you will witness in life:
      War and peace, government of sovereigns,
      Saints holy miracles,
      Prophecies and signs of heaven -
      And it's time for me, it's time to rest
      And turn off the lamp... But they call
      By morning ... bless, Lord,
      Your slaves... give me a crutch, Gregory.


      Boris, Boris! Everything trembles before you
      No one dares to remind you
      About the lot of the unfortunate baby, -
      Meanwhile, a hermit in a dark cell
      Here a terrible denunciation against you writes:
      And you will not leave the court of the world,
      How not to escape God's judgment.

Questions and tasks

  1. Pushkin emphasizes: “The character of Pimen is not my invention. In it I collected the features that captivated me in our old chronicles: simplicity, touching meekness, something childlike and at the same time wise, zeal, one might say pious for the power of the king given to him by God, a complete absence of vanity, passion - breathe in these precious monuments times long past ... It seemed to me that this character all together was new and familiar to the Russian heart. How did the characters of Pimen and Gregory (the Pretender) manifest themselves in the scene “The Cell in the Miracle Monastery”?
  2. What does Pimen remember about Grozny? What does the king call himself? Whom does the narrator oppose to Grozny?
  3. Compare:

      Initial version of the text

      How I love his humble face,
      And a quiet look and important humility
      (And an important look and quiet humility,
      And a clear look and cold patience).

      final version of the text

      How I love his calm look,
      When, immersed in the past,
      He keeps his chronicle...

    Think about what the poet wanted to strengthen, clarify in the final version.

    Why did the author prefer the words “calm look” to the epithets “humble”, “quiet”, “clear”?

  4. Why does Pushkin turn to folklore and Russian history?

Enrich your speech

  1. Prepare for a dramatized reading of this short passage. Think about what intonations are required for each of the characters. Find at the end of the textbook a story about how Pushkin read Boris Godunov.
  2. Make up a small dictionary of words and phrases typical of Pimen’s speech, for example: “sighed for a peaceful life”, “God loved humility”, “vow”, etc.
  3. Many illustrations were created for the drama "Boris Godunov". Among the authors are famous Russian artists V. I. Surikov, V. A. Favorsky, V. G. Perov and others. Consider the drawings for the scene you read in class. Is this how you imagined the heroes and the cell?

    The scene "In Pimen's cell" is especially interestingly presented by the artist S. Galaktionov. This illustration appeared in 1827, with the first publication of Boris Godunov. According to art historians, it conveys the greatness of the spirit of the chronicler, the significance of what he does under the vaults of the cell. Do you agree with this judgment? Justify your answer.

    Prepare a short essay in the school newspaper "The works of A. S. Pushkin and illustrations for them in a textbook for grade 7."

1 Charter - old manuscript, document.
2 Veche - in Ancient Russia meeting of the townspeople.
3 Dyak - in ancient Russia, an official in charge of the affairs of an institution.
4 Order - an institution in the Muscovite state of the XVI-XVII centuries.
5 Fasting - according to church custom, prescription, refusal of meat and dairy food.
6 Kromshniks in tafyas and hair shirts - guardsmen (according to ancient concepts, sinners whose souls will be placed in hell after death) in yarmulkes (skullcaps) and coarse woolen clothes worn on a naked body.
7 Hegumen - the abbot of the monastery.
8 Hungry, hungry - strong desire.
9 A vow is a solemn promise, an obligation.
10 Schema - a monastic rank that imposes the most stringent rules.
11 Zane - because, since.

Pimen is a monk of the Chudov Monastery in Moscow, a meek and humble elder. It must be assumed that only a noble origin gave him the opportunity in his youth to see "the court and the luxury of John", and "feast at the royal meal." His past life in the tragedy is barely outlined, but it can be assumed that this is one of those associates of the first half of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, when the best sons of Russia with their sword helped the tsar expand the boundaries of their homeland. Grigory, obviously familiar with Pimen's biography, envies him:

You fought under the towers of Kazan,

You saw the court and the luxury of John!

You reflected the army of Lithuania under Shuisky!

But Pimen was not an ordinary warrior, of which the army of governors was composed; by his education he is strongly advanced even among the boyars. So, the Abbot notices that he is very literate, read the monastery chronicles, composed canons for the saints, and this proves his education, a certain intelligence and even some poetic gift. Pimen looks at writing his chronicle as a feat, which God has assigned him to perform:

Not without reason for many years

The Lord made me a witness

And enlightened book art.

He ends his chronicle with a story about the death of Tsarevich Dimitri; further, his conscience does not allow him to narrate, since since then he has little "deep into worldly affairs", and he does not dare to describe anything only from dark rumors. In his opinion, the chronicler should describe, "without further ado," only what he witnessed in life:

War and peace, government of sovereigns,

Saints holy miracles,

Prophecies and signs from heaven...

Pimen writes his chronicle, but by appearance it is impossible to know what he is talking about. Passions have long subsided in him, and he can write about the dark dominion of the Tatars, or about the ferocious executions of John, or about the stormy Novgorod veche, or about the glory of the fatherland calmly, like an outsider: the chronicler must tell about outstanding events so that posterity can know the truth about the political the lives of their ancestors, so that they can remember with tenderness their great kings for their goodness, and pray for their sins and mistakes.

Pimen loves his work, because thanks to it he lives in his old age, as it were, “again”. He is worried about the further fate of the chronicle: he would like to transfer it to skillful, capable hands that could continue his work:

Brother Gregory,

You enlightened your mind with a letter,

I give you my work...

He gives Gregory instructions on how to continue the work, believing that he will spend his entire life in a monastery. When Gregory complains to Pimen about his unfortunate fate, which brought him to the monastery from an early age, Pimen reassures the novice, assuring that people can only be captivated from afar by "glory, luxury and female crafty love." There is no peace to be found in the "peace":

I lived a long time and enjoyed a lot,

But since then I only know bliss,

How the Lord brought me to the monastery.

Pimen tells Grigory that even the kings, for whom, it would seem, life develops the most in the best way, only in the schema they hoped to find peace. Tsar John, falling at the feet of the "holy father", told the hegumen "and all the brothers" that he would accept an honest schema. Tsar Theodore, on the throne, dreamed of a quiet life of a silent man. He was not attracted by either power or wealth; he even turned the royal chambers into a cell, where hard times government of the state did not revolt his holy soul; The ascetic life of the tsar, according to Pimen, was the reason that at the hour of his death, "Axis performed an unprecedented miracle." Mere mortals, and even more so, should not feel sorry for the sinful world, where there are so many all kinds of temptations. Nowhere is it possible to pray with such zeal and humble the flesh with fasting as in a monastery, and only in this way can one get rid of crafty thoughts and heavy dreams.

Pimen is imbued with a religious feeling, which so corresponds to his natural meekness. He does not condemn anyone, is not indignant at anything, he sees the finger of God in everything. In his gentle soul, Pimen does not condemn the kings for sins, for dark deeds, but rather is ready to beg the Savior: "May the Lord send love and peace to his suffering and stormy soul." In the disasters that occurred during the reign of Boris Godunov, Pimen sees God's punishment for the fact that the Cathedral elected a regicide as king: We angered God, we sinned: O terrible, unprecedented grief! We have named the regicide Lord for ourselves. Meanwhile, the king, in Pimen's view, is God's anointed one, above whom, apart from God, there is no one; and if so, then the king has the right to do whatever he pleases. We find the same idea in the correspondence of Ivan the Terrible with Prince Kurbsky. The injustices that come from the ruler should be endured with humility and seen in them only as a test; that is why Pimen remarks: “Who dares against them? No one". He remembers John with true reverence, although, of course, as a contemporary, he knew all the atrocities of the king, which remained forever in the memory of the people. Pushkin took little space in the tragedy for the image of Pimen, but the image of the chronicler stands before the reader as if alive. They say that when the historian Pogodin heard the scene in the Miracle Monastery from the lips of the author himself, he, struck by its vitality and historical authenticity, exclaimed: “It seemed to me that my dear and dear Nestor rose from the grave and speaks through Pimen. I heard the lively voice of an ancient Russian chronicler.”

One of secondary characters works is an elderly monk Pimen, who lives in the cell of the Chudovo Monastery, located in Moscow.

Pimen is presented as a poet in the form of a chronicler describing major events that took place in the country. The monk is depicted as a gray-haired old man in a strict cassock with a high forehead of a humble, majestic appearance, reminiscent of a deacon, distinguished by a humble, meek disposition. In the image of Pimen, the features of infancy and wisdom combined with each other, endowed with a certain creative talent, are noted.

The turbulent youth of Pimen passes in noisy fun and joy at the royal court, where the young man manages to enjoy the delights of life, even participating in military battles. However, Pimen feels the long-awaited bliss only after taking a monastic vow, understanding all the pettiness of worldly vain life.

During his long life, Pimen is a direct participant in many historical events in Russia, during the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, becoming an unwitting witness to the murder of the young Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich and the accusation of Boris Godunov of an attempt on the life of the Tsarevich, participating in the battles under the Kazan towers and repelling the attack of the Lithuanians during the battle of Shuya.

The poet characterizes Pimen as a caring person who understands well the consequences of evil insidious deeds and considers good as the greatest human happiness. He has a negative attitude towards Boris Godunov, arguing that his ascension to the royal throne is an act committed against God's and the people's will by a man who stepped over the murder. Displaying the tragic events in the annals, Pimen tries to describe them as truthfully and restrainedly as possible.

The basis of bliss for Pimen lies in faithful service divine principle, reflecting on the eternal world and concentrating on the work of writing a chronicle, in the creation of which he sees his true human destiny, since Orthodox descendants must know the fate of their native land. Pimen creates his chronicle with special inspiration, experiencing extraordinary creative joy.

In the image of Pimen, the poet reveals the collective features of Russian chroniclers, characterized by simplicity, touching meekness, touching good nature, piety, creating breathing precious monuments of past times for grateful descendants.

Option 2

Pimen - important character works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Boris Godunov". This is a humble old man, a monk with noble origin. In his youth, Pimen probably served in the army of Ivan the Terrible, since in the drama one can notice the words that Pimen at one time had a chance to see "the courtyard and luxury of John."

Pimen, in all likelihood, was not a simple warrior. Education markedly distinguished him from others. The abbot says that Pimen is a literate man, who read the monastery chronicles and wrote canons to the saints. All this directly tells the reader that in front of him is a difficult, educated, intelligent person with a talent for writing.

Pimen is busy writing a chronicle, the writing of which he considers his duty to the Lord. However, the chronicle remains unfinished, ending with a legend about the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. Conscience and good-heartedness do not allow the monk to write further, since he little, in his own words, "delved into the affairs of the world." But Pimen does not agree to trust the rumors.

Pimen is filled with love for his work, thanks to it he seemed to come to life again, he felt some new meaning of life in his advanced years. And, of course, he is worried about the further fate of the chronicle, he would like to put it in capable hands for continuation. And the choice falls on Gregory. Pimen gives him instructions, advice on how to continue his chronicle, but Gregory is not happy with his position. Pimen paternally reassures the novice, saying that luxury and wealth can captivate people only from afar, true peace cannot be found in the world.

Pimen is a deeply religious person, and this feeling goes well with his inner meekness. He doesn't get angry at anyone, he doesn't judge anyone. He sees the will of God in everything. Pimen does not condemn sinful kings with their cruel deeds; on the contrary, he prays to the Lord for indulgence towards them. The cause of the disasters that occurred during the reign of Boris Godunov, Pimen sees in the punishment of the Almighty, they say, it was not worth choosing a regicide as ruler. But, at the same time, according to Pimen, the king is the anointed of God, then a man, above whom only God. And if so, then who dares to tell the Tsar? The king can do anything.

Pushkin assigned Pimen not the biggest role. But the author hit the target - the image of the monk remains in the reader's memory for a long time.

Composition The image of the monk Pimen

From the most ancient times, there were people on our land who recorded all the events that happened to the country, and these people were called chroniclers. Pushkin, according to him, was very worried about the nature of these people: a humble, simple-hearted, sincere character. So he tried to realize such a person in his tragedy Boris Godunov.

Our chronicler's name is Pimen. Pimen is an old monk who has long abandoned his former life and humbly, as Pushkin spoke of the character of all chroniclers, writes his works. Pimen lives in the Chudov monastery in Moscow. Pimen considers it his duty to write a chronicle, he writes it even at night, without falling asleep at all.

It is noteworthy that in the appearance of Pimen lies the characteristic of Pushkin that he wanted to give: Pimen is humble, it is not clear in his face what he thinks about, what his views are and in what state. The old monk is so neutral to everything, as if indifferent, that impulses of emotions are not visible in him at all, he is on his own mind.

As I said earlier, Pimen came to the monastery not from a young age, but already at a mature age, when he had lived out a large part of his life in the “world”. In his youth, he was by no means a novice or a theologian. His youth was, on the contrary, turbulent and trembling. The chronicler monk served in the tsarist army and was even close to the tsar's court. He went through the war and the military regime in his life, which often appears to him in a dream, as a reminder of his past adventures. Pimen himself believes that in his past life he saw many blessings and pleasures, but he truly found happiness when he came to the monastery, when God brought him to the monastery of his future and gave him a vector in life, gave a new meaning to this life, allowed to touch the great - to faith and religion.

Pimen really had a stormy youth, because he caught both the reign of Ivan the Terrible, which he passionately talks about, and the murder of Tsarevich Dmitry, which is an integral part of the main plot, because it is Pimen who is appointed mentor to Grigory Otrepyev. Pimen and tells his student that Boris Godunov killed Tsarevich Dmitry with his accomplices. And Gregory decides to take advantage of this and, due to the fact that he was the same age as Dmitry, declares himself the surviving prince.

Chronicler monk.

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