
Silver pendant with stones meaning of sleep. Gold pendant - interpretation of sleep according to dream books. Choose your dream

Seeing a gold pendant with a chain in a dream means meeting a rich man, happiness in family life. Jewelry means frank conversations, declarations of love and a lot of positive emotions. All expectations will be justified if you dreamed of jewelry with amber. To figure out why you dream of expensive things and what jewelry is for, just look at a couple of dream books and compare the meanings.

Interpretations of psychologists in Miller's dream book

A bracelet with a gold or silver pendant is given in a dream to people who are ready for a new relationship. A dream means a fateful meeting. Miller’s dream book promises an unforgettable romance to everyone who dreams of such a gift. But a gold pendant complete with a chain suggests that they want to control you.

So, let's take a closer look at what some actions with a gold pendant mean in dreams:

  • buy - to a long-awaited surprise;
  • find - to creative upsurge;
  • receive as a gift - to meet fate;
  • to lose - to betrayal of a loved one.

Feel free to build a relationship with your loved one

If you dreamed that you were given a gold pendant, be prepared to meet the person you have been dreaming about for a long time. Jewelry is usually given in a dream to people who yearn for affection and tenderness from the opposite sex. However, be careful if you give fake or obvious jewelry. Miller's dream book warns that you will meet a womanizer or a very frivolous person.

Be carefull

If you were given a gold bracelet with a pendant in a dream, get ready to fall in love with a powerful person who will demand your complete submission to his person. Tsvetkov’s interpretation of a dream comes down to a meeting with a strong personality. Explaining why such a generous gift is dreamed of, the psychologist points out certain risks.

Get creative

Finding a gold pendant on the ground, seeing it in your hands - the beginning of a major creative project. Most likely, you will be invited to play the main role in the theater, or you will be offered to perform your own work in front of a huge audience. The dream book of Nostradamus also promises inspiration to all lovers.

Try not to take unnecessary risks

Why you dream of finding a gold pendant or other thing with a chain is not always interpreted favorably by modern dream books. You may be drawn into a risky business that will end in failure. In addition, if you dreamed that an expensive item accidentally fell out of your hands or slipped off your neck, consider that you have received a sign and you may soon miss your only chance.

A pendant with amber in a dream speaks of numerous confessions from a loved one. However, to see it in the wrong hands, to lose it, to become a victim of robbery - to repeated betrayals of your partner. Try to talk to your loved one and sort things out until the end, otherwise separation will be inevitable.

Why does a woman dream about a pendant:

Finding a pendant means a constant lover.

1 Pendant by Dream Interpretation for Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Seeing a pendant in a dream means:

Wearing a gold pendant around your neck means a rich groom.

1 Pendant according to the Online Dream Book

A dream with a pendant in the dream book is interpreted as:

If you dreamed of an outlandish ornate pendant, your chosen one will give you a luxurious present.

You have lost it - you will be upset by the actions of a person close to you.

In a dream, you accidentally found him - you will have a faithful life partner.

If you were given a pendant, it is a sign that you should dot all the i's in your relationship with your chosen one.

You purchased it, but for some reason it does not fit the chain - change it incorrectly better side opinion about who was valued, and this will greatly upset you.

If you dream of a gold pendant - figure out what worries you in your relationship with your lover, otherwise understatement will aggravate your situation.

The stranger the dream seems to us, the more deep meaning he has.

Sigmund Freud

1 Pendant by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Dreaming with a pendant means:

A loved one is deceiving.

1 Pendant by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream meaning of pendant:

You dream of a pendant - a loved one will give you a gift that cannot be called anything other than exquisite; Excited, you will think and talk about the gift for a long time. You see in a dream a pendant with precious stone- It’s unlikely that your suspicions regarding adultery are justified. It’s as if you’ve lost a pendant - one of your friends will behave in such a way that you will be disappointed in him.

1 Pendant by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a pendant:

Wearing a gold pendant around your neck in a dream means that someone will hang on your neck.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Pendant by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

What a pendant might mean in a dream:

Gold pendant - to temptation.

1 Pendant by Esoteric dream book

Pendant in a dream means:

To see and receive a pendant is a sign of fidelity to your life partner.

Lose - you will find a loved one.

1 Pendant by Modern dream book

If a girl dreams of a pendant, it means:

Seeing an unusually shaped pendant in a dream means that an exquisite gift from a loved one awaits you. If you dreamed that you lost a pendant, then you will be disappointed by the behavior of one of your friends.

If your beloved man hangs a pendant on a chain around your neck in a dream, this portends a frank heart-to-heart conversation with your spouse.

If you dreamed of a pendant with a precious stone, this indicates that your assumptions regarding your husband’s infidelity are unfounded.

1 Pendant by Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why does a woman dream of a pendant:

Only for women - A pendant given in a dream warns you of the need to fully clarify the relationship with your lover or spouse. Otherwise you will face separation.

Pendant - If you dreamed that you bought a pendant, but you cannot hang it on a chain that is too thick, it means that you will be upset with your loved one. This will unsettle you for a long time.

If you lost a pendant in a dream, then soon expect big troubles in your personal life.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Pendant according to the Small Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about a pendant:

If in a dream you received a pendant as a gift, then your relationship with your lover or spouse needs clarity. If you dreamed that you bought a pendant, but cannot hang it on a chain that is too thick for it, then real life You will be deceived by a loved one. This disappointment will hurt your soul for a long time. Losing a pendant means trouble in your personal life.

1 Pendant by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing a pendant in a dream means:

An exquisite gift.

Remember the shape and color of the pendant. Draw it. Carry the drawing with you.

The dream “Pendant” is for the most part a positive dream and brings joy, wealth and prosperity to its dreamer. However, pendants can be made from different materials and this makes the interpretation of the dream “Pendant” vary greatly, for example, a simple pendant, gold, silver, with a chain, without a chain, with a precious stone, in the shape of a cherry or a heart. All this significantly affects the interpretation of the dream. Below are collected all the famous dream books that in one way or another interpreted the dream about the pendant. Answers are also given to questions that may arise after you have seen the “Pendant” dream.

Actions carried out with the pendant

Eastern women's dream book

  • I dreamed of “given a pendant in a dream” - it’s time to sort out the relationship with your soulmate.
  • If you dreamed of “buying a pendant, but it won’t fit on the chain” - in reality you will be deceived by a loved one whom you trusted. This disappointment deeply hurts your soul.
  • If you dreamed of losing a pendant in a dream, troubles will begin in your personal life.
  • I dreamed “I found a chain with a pendant in a dream” - you will find a groom or lover who will be by your side for a long time.

Maly Velesov dream book

The dream of “finding a pendant” will make a woman happy - she will find a permanent lover.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's dream book: a pendant on a gold chain in a dream says that you live as if in shackles, in someone's dependence.
  • If you dream of a pendant in the shape of a heart, it means in reality you love a person who has only mercantile interests for you.
  • The dream “pendant with a stone” speaks of your voluntary help to another person.
  • The dream of “finding a gold chain with a pendant” prophesies material or spiritual enrichment.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Freud's dream book: to see a pendant on a silver chain on a person's neck in a dream means you are too keen on someone else's life, you want to know all the intimate and piquant details. This unhealthy interest in the lives of strangers is manifested due to your long-term sexual abstinence. Find yourself a loved one and take care of him, rather than lose your life completely by spying on other people’s relationships.
  • I dreamed of a pendant on a silver chain - according to Freud, this means this: if the chain was put on your neck, and you walked with it in a dream, but in real life you do not have such jewelry at all, then you are too strongly attached to one person, you you can't even breathe without it. This is fraught with severe stress, including loss of interest in life, if he refuses you.
  • Freud's dream book: a gold pendant on the neck is a symbol of the desire to change sexual relations with a partner for the better.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • I dreamed of a gold chain with a pendant - you will spend your free time profitably. (Cm. )
  • Losing a silver pendant in a dream means that in reality money will leave the family very soon. (Cm. )

Dream Interpretation Maya

For a sick person to see silver jewelry in a dream (silver chains, pendants, earrings, etc.) is a favorable sign - he will soon recover. (See) To make this happen as soon as possible, the dream book recommends placing as many silver items as possible under the patient’s bed for three days. (Cm. )

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: gift pendant in a dream - in reality you will have to sort things out with your loved one or spouse.
  • Dream interpretation: buy a pendant, but the hole in it is too small for a chain - in reality you will be deceived by a person very close to you, this heart wound will be with you for life.
  • Dream Interpretation: losing a pendant in a dream - expect troubles in reality that will concern your personal life.

Generalized dream book

To see a pendant in a dream - you need to remember the details of the dream and find a suitable interpretation:

  • The dream “pendant with a stone” symbolizes changes in life and prospects at work. The more beautiful the pendant, the higher the chances of changing your life for the better. (Cm. )
  • I dreamed of a gold pendant in a dream - which means excellent prospects on the love front, as well as on the professional one.
  • I dreamed of a chain with a pendant - to see in a dream a chain with a pendant that is simple and inexpensive, then such a dream says that you are being used for their own purposes because you are open and sincere.
  • The dream “gold chain with pendant” is a positive sign, foreshadowing success, material well-being and health.
  • The dream “silver chain with a pendant” says that you will take on a heavy burden, and you will do it voluntarily. You will finish the job you started, spending a lot on it vitality and energy. To dream of a silver chain with a pendant that broke because the pendant was too heavy means that in reality you will not be able to cope with what you have taken on.
  • The dream of “giving a gold pendant” says that you will be able to untangle a difficult relationship with your husband or loved one and you will begin to experience a new surge of love.

Esoteric dream book

  • Seeing a gold chain with a pendant in a dream means that in reality your loved one will be faithful and devoted to you.
  • Losing a pendant in a dream means you will find someone close to your liking.
  • The dream of a “gold pendant” symbolizes a temptation that you cannot resist.

Ivanov’s newest dream book

What do pendants mean in a dream - lies, betrayal, betrayal of a loved one.

Dream book of love

  • In a dream, you were given a pendant with a chain - which means in reality you must sort out your relationship with your loved one.
  • In a dream, you bought a pendant, but it does not fit the chain - a loved one will deceive you, his betrayal will cause a serious long-lasting wound in your soul.
  • Losing a pendant in a dream means in reality accepting troubles regarding your personal life.

Autumn dream book

Why does a girl dream of a pendant on her neck - to the groom. If the pendant was gold or with a precious stone, then for a rich groom.

Summer dream book

The dream “a chain with a pendant on the neck” warns: soon they will “hang” on your neck.

Adaskin's Dream Book

  • If you dreamed about “giving a pendant” to a woman, you need to sort out your relationship with your significant other, be it a loved one or a spouse. Otherwise, you risk separation.
  • If in a dream you bought a pendant, but could not hang it on your chain, it means that in reality you will be deceived by a person from whom you did not expect this. There will be a long-lasting wound in your soul.
  • If you lost a pendant in a dream, it means in reality there will be troubles in your personal life.


In conclusion, I would like to note once again that the interpretation of “Pendant” dreams depends primarily on what material the pendant was made of, whether it was alone or not in a chain, whether it was given to you or whether you wore it around your neck, and much more. The overwhelming majority of interpretations about the pendant are positive and relate to the relationship between loved ones.

Find out from the online dream book what the Pendant dreams about by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

What does a pendant mean in a dream?

Love dream book

What does the pendant mean to the dreamer?

A pendant given in a dream warns you of the need to fully clarify the relationship with your lover or spouse. Otherwise, you will face separation. If you dreamed that you bought a pendant, but you cannot hang it on a chain that is too thick, it means that you will be upset with your loved one. If you lost a pendant in a dream, then soon expect big troubles in your personal life.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

Pendant – Seeing - receiving a sign of fidelity to your life partner. You will find a loved one to lose.

Gold pendant - To temptation.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams

Why do you dream about Pendant according to the dream book?

You dream of a pendant - a loved one will give you a gift that cannot be called anything other than exquisite; Excited, you will think and talk about the gift for a long time. You see a pendant with a precious stone - it is unlikely that your suspicions about adultery are justified. It’s as if you’ve lost a pendant - one of your friends will behave in such a way that you will be disappointed in him.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about the Pendant?

Pendant – Exquisite gift. Remember the shape and color of the pendant. Draw it. Carry the drawing with you.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Buy a pendant - something will unsettle you for a long time.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Wearing a gold pendant around your neck in a dream means that someone will hang around your neck.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Wearing a gold pendant around your neck means a rich groom.


Did you dream about Pendant, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about the Pendant in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    What could my dream mean? It’s as if I’m sitting in a car, and jewelry is scattered in the dust along the road. Which ones I don’t remember. Among them I saw a ring that looked like a wedding ring, but in the dream I was sure that it was not gold. My mother was standing on the street and I asked her to give me this ring, which she did. Then I got out of the car and picked up another gold pendant in the shape of an eye (I actually have this pendant, but I don’t wear it). At the same time, in a dream, I was sure that I had previously lost this pendant, but now I found it. What is it for? Maybe someone can tell me?

    • Elena, probably a dream in which you see scattered jewelry, including a pendant, symbolizes people of the opposite sex, between whom you may make some choice.

      • Anna, most likely such a dream warns that in reality you should not take anything or receive any advice from strangers.

        I tear off the pendant from my boyfriend’s neck, because I’m sure that he got it from someone else, and he reacts calmly to this (we are now in a quarrel) a pendant made of yellow metal, I don’t remember exactly, in the shape of a sword or a ship... why? ..

        • hope, most likely, this dream in which you tear off the pendant speaks of your subconscious jealousy.

          I dreamed that I bought a pendant with stones of an unusual shape (large blue stones and small transparent stones). I accidentally broke this pendant. The stones scattered. I tried to make this pendant but it didn't work. the stones crumbled again...

          • Marina, the fact that the pendant broke in your dream most likely promises you the infidelity of a loved one.

            I dreamed that a guy was angry with me because I didn’t want to meet him and, as he was leaving, he pulled my chain with a heart-shaped pendant from behind and wanted to break it, but I fell to the floor and thus he didn’t break it .

            I dreamed that I (and several other friends of mine) could not get to one important concert for me. I was very upset. And then one of the workers gave us each a pendant on long gold chains. These pendants allowed us to go to the desired performance.
            In a dream, I noticed that these pendants with chains were simply beautiful, so sowed! And they gave a feeling of cohesion and friendship to those who wore them.

            (the pendant itself was in the shape of a leaf)

            Maybe someone knows what this means? And does it even mean that?
            The dream was very vivid!

            • That. that you received such a pendant in this dream most likely means that at least your plans will be disrupted. but in the end you will win.

              I dreamed that my boyfriend came to me in the morning drunk and cheerful, and gave me two gifts, the first was a brooch made of transparent and dull stones, but it didn’t seem to be gold, but the second was a pendant on a colored string and it seems the pendant was made of large red rubies, in the shape of a heart or even more like a convex round shape. Before this dream and to this day we are in a quarrel.

              I had a dream that I found a lot of gold pendants. I collect them and put them in my pocket. They are all in the form of icons, crosses. I collected everything and suddenly I again see a beautiful pendant made of gold, it depicts the Most Holy Mother of God. I rejoice and at the same time understand that this is a sign, but what?

              Today I had a very impressive dream and I ask for your help. It all started with the fact that I was in a river and next to me there was a woman and a man who I liked. We get out of the river and the man begins to sort things out with the woman and leaves her and this woman puts my gold pendants on the stump, one with the beech tree A (symbol of my name) the second is the Most Holy Mother of God. After this, the man who gave preference to me dies and I feel pain. Please help me, he’s been tormenting me all day and I can’t come to my senses.

              • Most likely, your dream in which the pendant was present indicates that you may encounter deception on the part of a loved one.

                (we broke up with the guy, didn’t communicate for a while, after 1 week I had a dream: I was sitting with 2 friends on a bench, one of them said something to me, I started crying, then calmed down .. suddenly they come up to me from behind, put something on me neck... and they tighten it very tightly, then they release it and say “sorry, I can’t put it into words”... when I turn around I see my ex-boyfriend...I lower my eyes to my neck..there is a pendant...after that I cried a lot in my sleep..and then the dream ended

                • Your dream in which he presented you with such a pendant most likely warns that his words of apology may turn out to be hypocrisy.

                  I dreamed that I received a box from the sender, I don’t know, I open the box and there is a small silver pendant in the shape of a heart without a chain. As if in a dream I knew the guy’s name, but I don’t know anyone with that name in real life. It’s very interesting to know, I’ve had the same dream several times already)

                  I dreamed that I was sailing on a ship to another country, and my mother was running after me and bringing me a pendant in the form of two hearts and a silver cross on a string, and said that I forgot all this at home. And I say that I don’t need all this, that it would be better if she brought me some kind of talisman. And what would that mean?

                  I dreamed of jewelry: earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants in the form of crosses and balls, made of various metals. I held them in my hands and talked to the man (he was wearing clothes like a Roman legionnaire). All the jewelry was very beautiful, but I chose for myself a pendant in the shape of a crescent on a blue round chain made of an unknown metal, the crescent itself was gold, but the gold was light. I didn’t put it around my neck, I just threw the rest of the jewelry on the ground, and held the pendant in my hand and began to tell the man about where I came from. Thank you in advance.

                  • A dream in which there were such decorations most likely indicates that you can receive many successful offers.

                    I dreamed beautiful womantall, with a slender figure and green eyes. She gave my close friend and lover a beautiful gold chain. And I also have a gold decoration, but I didn’t see it and only in my hand, by touch, I determined that it was a small pendant in the shape of a crescent, and it was grooved. I held it in my hand and thought: so small and heavy for its size.

                    • Your dream most likely indicates that a friend can find a patron in this woman.

                      • I'm interested in my half of sleep. What does the gift intended for me promise?

                    • grow up! I dreamed that on my uncle’s neck there were several silver chains with different pendants (PENDANTS) - and he himself told me which one meant what, there were those that protect, angels, black and white something and a square one! what could this mean!?

                      I dreamed that I was walking through the bazaar and I met a woman who was selling gold, and I chose it, I liked the pendant with a chain, and when I chose it they told me 3500 rubles, and I only had 1000 in my pocket, and she sold me only gold pendant with diamonds, but he was like that

                      Hello, I dreamed that I bought a pendant of an unusual shape (I didn’t see how I bought it, it was just as if I was showing it to a friend), I don’t even remember which one, but inside it was a key, and inside the key was a small gold coin for good luck.
                      what does it mean?

                      I dreamed that my beloved gave me a chain with a pendant. The pendant was round and had a Swarovski type stone. There was a label on the chain with the number 5 on it. I wondered if I really bought it for just 5 rubles and didn’t even hesitate to remove the price tag! The chain, like the pendant itself, was made of cheap metal, and the pendant had glass instead of stone. What could such a dream mean? Thank you in advance!

                      Hello! I saw in a dream that I found an old chain with a pendant in the shape of a heart and it had strength..... when I put it on I had physical strength... and then I found one chain with a pendant... I don’t remember what shape... but he had it too there was some kind of power... when I put it on, my neck felt heavy... but I walked normally... and two of my friends found such different pendants with powers... what could this dream mean? Thank you!!!

                      My dear one has a pendant with an image of the Mother of God. And I dreamed that she was hanging on my neck. without any changes!!! The image is good, but the pendant is bad. I don’t understand, I didn’t steal or give or buy…. Help me figure it out, I’ve never dreamed of anything like this before. Thank you.

                      Hello, I dreamed that I went into a man’s house, there were about 5-6 girls there, they were preparing for his birthday, instead of money he would give me a gold elephant pendant as a pendant, he said you can sell it,

                      Hello. I dreamed that a silver pendant with a large transparent stone was presented. The gift was very beautiful and I was surprised by the gift. although I didn’t see who gave it, I have a feeling that I know who it was and that he knew what kind of metal I like

                      A guy I know who likes me insisted that he wants to be with me. We kissed, then he took me to his place, I remember the road. his mother. Then we are at my house and he gives me a chain with a pendant. I also noticed that it was silver. And the chain and pendant are similar to the chain and pendant that a friend gave me with whom we are not in contact now. But she knows this guy

                      I dreamed in a dream of gold chains with a cross and the mother of God, but they were tangled, I tried to untangle them, but I don’t remember whether it worked or not, but these things really belong to me.

                      I was relaxing with a friend on the seashore and a tsunami began, to take shelter we went up the slope, everything happened without panic and in the dream I clearly understood that I needed to climb as high as possible because I don’t know how to swim, just like in reality. We came to a house, went up to the top floor, and an unknown grandmother opened the door to the room. I called the guy and told him not to worry about me, that everything was fine, but he only asked if I had lost a gold chain with a heart-shaped pendant, I said no, it’s on my neck. Then the water began to rise and it was already up to the bones in the room, but it immediately left, then my friend and I saw through the window that trucks were driving along the road and picking up people, and we went to the truck and went with them too, I still thought, that when my parents see the news they will start to worry. I woke up

                      Hello, please help. I had a very strange dream and vivid dream: I’m standing on the street and taking my keys out of my purse. A stud earring falls from a pocket in a bag onto the asphalt. I bend down to pick it up and see something else incomprehensible lying there. I took this thing and thought I’d look at it later. Then I look and it’s a very beautiful pendant - silver, and inside there are two scarlet hearts flickering. The pendant is unusually beautiful, it seems to be oval, and at the bottom there are three more beads, also scarlet. Even in my sleep, such beauty took my breath away. Explain this dream to me, please.

                      what does it mean, in a dream I was driving a car and on the way I found a bracelet with two pendants in the shape of a heart, one large and the other small, and even in the dream I collected small things, especially a lot of ten? (

                      I dreamed that I took a pendant with a silver chain from my table. I rejoice and go to the mirror to put it on. I put it on a blouse, then looked at it in the mirror for a while and was happy. then I went to school. and at school she was walking up the stairs and my ex-boyfriend was standing next to her. he stood and did not notice me and then I walked past him, stepping over his legs, which were slightly exposed when he leaned his back against the wall.

                      I had a dream that my ex-boyfriend gave me a pendant, it was in the form of a cloak, it shimmered strongly with a purple-violet color, it really happened that’s how I entered the room, my sister is sitting on the floor and she tells him it’s yours, yes, I wanted to give it to you, well, that is, to me

                      I go into the entrance to go home, and there are two robbers there, one standing with a stick. One of them grabs me from behind and demands to take off the gold, I take off the gold chain with a pendant and give it to me. I immediately went out into the street, and an acquaintance of mine was sitting on a bench, but I don’t remember who. I tell him this, and he says to me: Why didn’t you scream, I would have helped.

                      I dreamed of a guy (I like him), we kissed, and then he put it on my neck chain, I I looked, and there were 2 pendants on it: both rectangular in shape, one with eyes and a smile, and the other sad. I said thank you and hugged him tightly and I almost burst out: I love you. it was a very unexpected dream with such events.

                      I dreamed that my boyfriend gave me a silver chain with a pendant in the shape of a heart. I seem to know him, but I don’t remember exactly his face. And I’m already wearing almost the same one that my ex-boyfriend gave me. And I’m wearing two of them.

                      I dreamed about mine deceased mother and her sister. And my aunt gives me a pendant in the shape of a boat, and at the end of the boat is an image of a saint. And she also threw away her wallet with change. I asked where such a pendant came from, she said that it was her son, he died a long time ago. She gives it to me because she didn’t give me anything after herself, the aunt said.

                      I dreamed that I was relaxing on the beach at some resort, at first I was uninhabited in the water with some guy, and coming out of the water on the shore on the rocks I found a gold chain with a pendant in the shape of a gold fish. I asked the guy if it was him, but he replied no. And I decided to take it to the nearest administrator.... and woke up.

                      The ex-boyfriend tries to be cold and indifferent in front of everyone, but when left alone he very clumsily gives me a pendant (either pure silver or simple metal) on a leather cord and puts it around my neck.

                      I dreamed that I was standing near the door and talking with a woman, and at that moment I noticed a pendant with a chain near the stairs, but when I took it, I realized that the pendant was broken. In the dream, this pendant turned out to be my mother’s.

                      I dreamed that my friends were talking about this horseshoe that the young man gave you, but I said no, I haven’t changed it yet, I took off the old horseshoe and put on this one, which was essentially a gift from the young man

                      In a dream I saw my ex-husband, we were in a gold shop. But we don’t buy gold, when I came home I found a gold pendant in my hand, it was square, apparently I stole it and was worried that they would find me and figure me out through the camera and that’s when I woke up

                      Good afternoon, Tatyana. The dream had the following content. I dreamed about it Small child, I rocked him in my arms and sang a song, rocked him and went to the crib to put him to bed, and in the crib on the diaper there were two ropes or chains, I don’t remember, and on one there was a cross and on the other there was a bright golden frog, just a big one, I remember it well. And I woke up. Thanks in advance for your interpretation!!!

                      I dreamed that a random man of non-Russian nationality, as a sign of his marriage proposal, gave a gold chain on which there was a pendant in the form of a gold pendant, but it turned out that if I accepted this gift, then I agreed to become his wife, which I did! And then I didn’t know how to return this gift back because I didn’t want to marry him

                      I had this dream before, but the last time (today) I dreamed of it as a bit of a continuation.
                      I'm in some store and standing next to the counter where the jewelry is. I don’t remember what all the other decorations looked like, only one caught my eye right away. It was a chain with a pendant (the size of a ruble coin, maybe a little smaller). The pendant looked like a ring and there was an image of a bird cut out of metal spinning in it. In the first dream, I hesitated whether to buy it or not, but I saw the price only in the second dream (it didn’t cost that much, a little more than 1000 rubles). I stood and looked at this pendant, spellbound, and could not tear myself away. This is how the dream ends with my hesitations.
                      I’m just wondering why I’ve been having this dream twice already, with an interval of a couple of months.

                      I dreamed that I received some kind of pendant as a gift, and after that something strange began to happen to me, and then a demon possessed me and some person tried to drive him out. He succeeded, but it was very scary. There were terrible emotions in the dream and after.

                      I found a gold chain and a pendant with an icon, but when I started to unfold the chain in length, I also discovered a wide men’s ring with the inscription “save and preserve” and it seemed to be not gold, but silver. what is it for?

                      one man brought to our house a lot of good things for sale when he left, he thought that he had taken all the things but left a lot of things among them there were gold chains with different pendants in the dream he did not return for them and all this was left for me then I walked along the road and I I also found gold jewelry

                      Well, I dreamed that my friend and I were walking in the evening and there was some garbage in front of me, then I looked and found a pendant in the shape of a silver elephant, I took it for myself, then I looked again and found a ring with stones, they were small... then I told my friend that the ring We don’t take it because we can’t wear other people’s rings. Then I see where my 3rd cousin came from and took this ring for herself.. I tell her to give it to her, but she never gave it to me.. and then I woke up.. what does that mean? Tell me please*

                      It was an expensive gift from my husband (ring), but in the dream this ring looked like a pendant (pendant), I was still thinking about how I was going to wear it on my finger. And my husband gave it to me not himself, but through my friend. Allegedly, a friend bought it with his own money, and the husband had to give it to him. and the gift was given by a friend, not a spouse

                      I dreamed that I was choosing a piece of jewelry... and I found a pendant among the bracelets, on the pendant there was an image of an Indian... under the Indian, below, there were several signs. Then I asked the seller, “how is what is written there translated?”...he replied, “The world is not for sale!”

                      My beloved man bought and gave me a large blue topaz pendant with a gold rim. Perhaps it was on a gold chain, I don’t remember exactly. Then he left somewhere, and she was worried that she could not thank him.

                      I dreamed that I was walking naked among my classmates and my friend and I were trying to hide me from others. We arrive in some room, like a museum. There are a lot of strange things and instruments of torture that I have not seen before. I changed my clothes behind some curtain and saw a sparkling blue small pendant. I went up to him to look at him, but some guy grabbed him and said, I’ll take him for myself, and the pendant suddenly became transparent. I leave the building in slippers, and I understand that the street is dirty and I need to put on shoes, my classmate has them. I go down the stairs, and at the end there are more and more steps, and when there is only one step left, I jump off it and fall and realize that I am all dirty and a friend and classmate are running up to me with shoes. And I say, now I'm all dirty.

                      I’m in a shop or a store, I’m not particularly involved in the dream, a tall brunette stranger in discreet clothes wants to buy his girlfriend a pendant, saying “I’m tired of this bullshit hanging on her neck in the photos, gold is good, but she wants a calf in fire (or cancer) ... the girl takes out a lot of pendants, they depict symbols of the zodiac signs and she gives a pendant and on it is an image of a Taurus or cancer on a red background

                      I had a dream that I was at the wedding of my ex-boyfriend, when he saw me (at that time he was dancing with his bride), he came up to me and we started dancing, during the dance I hugged him as tightly as possible and cried , he took off some kind of pendant from himself, and hung it around my neck, (something was written there about love), and said “this is a keepsake for you.”, then I ran out of the room and started crying very hard...

                      my ex-boyfriend, with whom I currently do not maintain a relationship, allegedly came to me (he is a citizen of another state) and is going to propose to me (I guess about this in a dream), but in his absence I find photographs where he gives a chain (not a clear outline) with a pendant in the form of a slightly curved gold (or white gold) key, and in a dream I seem to be wondering why he is now going to propose to me.

                      in a dream they handed me a pendant of a form book, I dug it out, there was a raspberry key, below the key there was a raspberry like a box, I opened the tambila, it was written in honor of this gold note, there were many numbers, I only remembered three 285 or 283, I remember exactly, I remember this, this was given to me by my twin brother isho perit this we collected he found a lot of potatoes and gave them to me

                      I dreamed that I ordered a pendant from an online store, but it was a long time ago and I forgot about it. But then I finally receive my long-awaited purchase, I put the pendant on myself, but unfortunately, it critically does not suit me, and I do not feel comfortable with it.

                      I dreamed of a gold pendant, heart-shaped. It was even better and I was in possession of a gift. I tried on my mirrors. And then I dressed up the earrings in gold (I don’t have any of those, rather they were someone else’s earrings).

                      I went into a strange barn-type room, I saw only a chest, everything else was hidden, I knew that I had to find something in this chest, when I looked through everything, some things remained, and then a pendant glittered, and then I felt that it was for I kept looking through it. I wanted to pick it up, but I was afraid of who was wearing it, whose it was, what kind of energy it had. In the end, I left it in place, and when I left the barn I felt complete calm and 0 regrets

                      Good afternoon!) Today I dreamed that I was sitting in an English lesson, the lesson itself was held in an informal atmosphere, the place was very similar to a cozy room with several beds and mattresses. It happened in the evening. The linoleum was a very pleasant cream color and shone strongly with some kind of sparkle, this really attracted my attention. I began to walk around the room and look at the floor, when I reached one of the mattresses I saw a golden sparkling pendant, of medium size (relative to pendants), it was marked with the letter “A” and there were 2 pheonites on it, the pendant itself hung on a chain of interesting weaving, I I took it and then moved on. After a while I saw another column, he was without a chain. The pendant was small in size, there was some kind of animal on it, either a bear, or a fly, or a rat (I couldn’t see it), but the animal had wings.. I approached the teacher with the things I found to report the find, she said so that I would give the second pendant I found to my friend, and just throw the second one back on the mattress. I was very surprised by her answer, because I figured that since I found this gold, then let it be a gift for me. I was very upset. Then this teacher walked around and talked about some scripture from ancient times, you need to unravel it.. Tell me, what could this mean?

                      I remember the dream clearly! I was digging through old things, and suddenly I found a gold-colored chick with a pendant in the shape of a heart, there were holes on both sides of the heart) so beautiful! I started trying it on and thinking about what I would wear it with!
                      help me understand)

                      I dreamed of an ash pendant with a large green oval-shaped stone, I knew that there must be a magnetic talisman inside, I was able to open it only after I was convinced that it was really there and closed it again. This is the only thing I remember very clearly.

                      Good time ducks.
                      I dreamed that I was standing in my room by the window, and holding a heart-shaped pendant made of moonstone, I asked the lunar goddess for help and a helmet, a very beautiful moon was shining in the sky, but it was high and to the right, and when I finished my request and thanked her for the fact that she was listening to me, I looked at her silently for a while and then she swam in reverse side, returning to the left and becoming closer and larger, and as it approached, it brightly illuminated me with a bright white light, which made me feel warm and calm, and then it began to move away and I noticed on its surface a reflection similar to a shadow of May, as I hold on to the pendant while standing sideways, the moon Moving to the left, it stopped for a second and then smoothly returned to the right and stopped as it was. And I went to bed.

                      I don’t remember exactly how I found, as if in some race, gold in the grass on the road in parts, and then in some race there was a lot of money and gold, too, on the way home, I ran away from everyone, wanted to hide it from everyone and lost it while I was running, in the end only small ones remained spare parts from gold jewelry and a lot of money and I saw that I still had a pendant with Holy Mother of God

                      I saw my ex-boyfriend, he gave me a gold heart pendant with a snake design. and I cried a lot in my sleep, and the pendant doesn’t fit on the chain because where the pendant should be worn it’s in the form of a handle and not round as usual

                      I dreamed that I found a gold pendant in the shape of a heart. Openwork, opens in halves. I opened these halves, admired the pendant and went to the store to buy a chain for it. But it turned out that the store had already closed, so I went for a walk in the city at night. My address:
                      Thank you.

                      At first they gave me a gold ring, but it turned out to be small for me
                      then another ring, which also turned out to be not enough for me
                      then instead I was offered to choose a gift from pendants
                      they were either made of silver or ordinary jewelry
                      I think I chose a chain with a heart pendant

                      I ask you to decipher the Dream from Wednesday to Thursday: I dream of a former common-law husband wearing a black rubber rope tightly around his neck, and on it a large pendant that looks like a silver one with the first letter of my name, (we lived wonderfully for 8 years, at the moment he is married, he says that he is unhappy, We haven’t lived together for 10 years but maintain close relationships)

                      I lost one earring in reality, but in a dream I dreamed that I was wearing the second one as a pendant with a chain... but it also seemed to be broken... I go to a restaurant and look for the second earring. And on the edges of the table where we were sitting with friends there were coins and I stole them and put them in my bag. Can you tell me what this means? Thank you in advance!

                      I lost one earring in reality, but in a dream I dreamed that I was wearing the second one as a pendant with a chain... but it also seemed to be broken... I go to a restaurant and look for the second earring. And on the edges of the table where we were sitting with friends there were coins and I stole them and put them in my bag. Can you tell me what this means? Thank you in advance!

                      I dreamed that I met a young man and I understand that he is two years older than me, I see his face, hair color, figure.. and he tells me they told me you.. you will be my wife.. he is wealthy and has a car blue color.. and then I’m already outside with snow all around.. and immediately at home.. I see my walls, even the color of the wallpaper.. and then a lot of people come into my house and they propose to me and the guy gives me a gift.. I open it and there gold pendant with diamonds. I woke up, why the dream?? or is he prophetic??

                      Hello. I dreamed of a lot of rings on my hands and there were gold and silver rings, and these were not my rings, in a dream I saw them for the first time, in reality I don’t have such ones. I also dreamed of gold ring earrings with three stones in the ears and a large silver pendant with 10 rubles written on it, a very large pendant. Thank you.

                      I dreamed that I was buying a pendant in the shape of a rib, but I was a twin. I told the seller that I was a twin and there were no rib in my family, but since I had already broken the seal, I had to buy two pendants. Why is this?

                      I dreamed of a silver chain with an elephant pendant on it suddenly appeared on my neck and there was a second gold chain of mine with a pendant that I recently broke, it also suddenly appeared on me and on it were two wedding rings with stones. very strange dream, I will be very grateful if you help me understand it.

                      I dreamed that a young man was giving me a gold pendant. big and beautiful. But I don’t want to take it. I say, I’m not ready to accept more such gifts. and some stranger next to him says: but this is not a proposal. It’s just that such pendants can be worn by those over 18 years old. I took that pendant.

                      I dreamed that a small ash-colored kitten came up to me, I sat him on my lap. And I read the note that said I want to be with you and even took my gold pendant with me, I found a pendant on the cat’s neck, inside of which I checked the sample, there were numbers 685

                      Hello, I dreamed that I was walking along the beach with some girl, and I saw a fence on the left, and under it lay a gold-platinum chain with a pendant of the Virgin Mary. I took it, and the girl said that she had lost it, I gave it to her, but I understand that she he was deceiving me and she realized it and returned it to me. And even before that, I was catching fish with a rather small fishing rod, and I saw a very big fish just huge. I also dreamed that I was swimming underwater in a diver’s suit.

                      I took it from the shelf and I know that it should be round, but it’s square, and at the same time it looks like it’s round, and at the same time there are expensive stones there and they look like jewelry, I think I have to give it to someone (I don’t understand for some reason) the color of the pendant is soft lilac and the stones are cold tones

                      I dreamed that from somewhere in my folder a gold ring and three chains appeared, on each there was a pendant in the shape of a heart, gold, silver and metal - black and red, I spent a long time choosing and wearing the gold one. At the same time, the gold one was smaller, the silver one was medium, and the metal one was the largest. In a few days I will take off these three pendants again, but I put all three on one chain. What would that mean? Before I had pendants in the shape of a heart in my first dream, a priest, unknown to me, gave me a pendant in the form of an image of a saint, but I don’t remember which one... also on a chain.

                      I saw a young gypsy woman telling fortunes to a friend and taking more than 2 thousand rubles from the cash register. I made him return the money back. then I vaguely remember, but I was afraid of her curse. The gypsy woman said that she was pregnant and gave me a gold amulet, round in the middle there was a cross and in the center a ruby. The amulet was on a black cord and it seemed to have grown into me. she said that this was protection and that he would protect me and that I should take care of him. She was in a friendly mood, I wished her well and I hugged her. but I was surprised

                      Hello TATYANA MILLER! Tell me what the dream means. I found something like a box with crosses and rosary beads with crosses inside. I stuck my hand in there and pulled out a chain with a pendant of the Virgin Mary (red and with a baby). It seemed like a nice icon. But it didn’t evoke any feelings. I put it on my neck. After some time time again he took the “box” and carried it and left it in some room, or rather forgot it.

                      I dreamed of a large gold pendant with a huge amber stone. It seems to be mine, but I forgot about it. And then I found it and thought: “Here! It will suit me just right.” And I hang it from a longer chain to a shorter one, which is on my neck.

                      Hello! In a dream I found a gold chain, rather thick, with a large pendant (golden pendant, with some kind of gray raid), square with the Virgin (not exactly), then the brother came and said that only the pendant costs 150 dollars. HAPPY. NEXT I DREAMED THAT MY MOTHER HAS MAN FANS (SHE IS 65). TELL ME WHAT IS WHAT?

                      I dreamed that I was washing some kind of old wall and I saw in it as if there was a chain rolled into cement, I began to pull it, pulled it out, and there was a square pendant with some kind of patterns. the chain and pendant were made of gold and still glittered strongly

                      The action took place at sea. My divorced husband and I were supposed to sail away together, but I noticed that I had lost my cross and pendant. There were some guys standing closer to the shore. I asked to find them, and if they found them, then let them take the cross and leave the pendant to me. They didn't find it. I had to get up and search. I found my gold cross and gold pendant at the bottom of the sea, those guys stood waiting for me to give them my cross. I somehow felt sorry for giving it to them, even though I promised. But at the bottom I noticed more gold, it was also a gold cross, but smaller than mine. I gave it to them, but didn’t tell them it was different. Then at the bottom I saw the cross again, picked it up, another cross, another gold pendant... in general, I began to collect this gold jewelry in my hand. Several crosses and pendants, but only one of them was broken. And in the end I collected them so that they fit into my hand. At the end, the gold pendants were not even worn, but with tags. When I was collecting, I thought about my ex-husband, who remained on the raft or boat, that I shouldn’t tell him for the gold I found. the sea was calm, you could see the sand at the bottom

                      I’m sitting with a guy in the company and we’re just friends, but you can’t be surprised at me, I show Yosu a chain with a pendant and there’s a blue one, I wanted to wear a cross and an icon. The very unknown stars of the wines are in me. It seems like the look says it all and it doesn’t end with sex. It’s more and more spiritual. Until what?

                      Good afternoon. I dreamed that my mother gave me her gold pendant and transferred the power./I hung it around my neck with my pendant and my daughter’s (that is, I have three pendants on). The day before this, my mother actually gave it to me and there were indeed 3 pendants on a chain - Scorpio, a Sagittarius mother and a daughter's heart (on one chain). The dream was colorful and joyfully warm...

                      In the dream, I was going to see my grandmother (she died in September 2014). On my neck I saw a gold pendant with a shiny stone (I don’t know what kind of stone). I wanted to wear a cross, but I couldn’t find it, and on my neck I already saw a large gold pendant in the shape of a butterfly. She hurried to take it off; she already had a cross in her hand. I got distracted and saw my daughter (she is 5 years old). It’s like being in the forest with my parents (they are alive), winter. My parents were distracted by me, I was standing on the mountain, a man ran up, grabbed his daughter and disappeared. We rushed to look for her and catch up with the man. I don’t remember how, but my daughter returned. The man in the dream had a red beard and was healthy.

                      In a dream, I was given a pendant with an image of the Virgin Mary in a gold frame; a diamond sparkled in the middle of the pendant. I put this pendant on my chain and was happy to show everyone what kind of pendant I had.

                      I’m walking in a new dress and new boots, all so smart and worried that my legs are thin and I don’t look beautiful in boots. Then I looked at my feet, the boots fit like a glove, I liked the outfit. I go further and somehow end up in the bathroom and there on the floor I find a large gold pendant, in the shape of a pyramid, only smooth. I picked it up and looked closely to see if it was really gold. And there was a date engraved on it. I took it for myself.

                      I dreamed that I sold my gold chain with a pendant. Received a large sum of money. After which she returned the gold back, but the money remained with me.
                      Thank you for your reply!

                      Hello! I had a strange dream, I dreamed about my late grandmother, the meaning is that she slept next to my son and husband on a single bed, now I’m worried while my baby was crying that he was bad is that? Tell me please …

                      A young man completely unknown to me, but for some reason in a dream I had strong feelings for him, gave me a dark-colored chain with a round pendant and a blue stone. And also wrist watch beautiful with stones.

                      I was at the resort and was about to leave. I seemed to be packing things with someone (either my ex-husband or a friend was rushing me... I bought an apartment at the resort and decided to stay there, but the apartment didn’t really belong to me, some other guys lived there. My ex-husband wanted to give me the keys to the apartment just anyone or throw it away, but I didn’t let it. I saw the sea, I was getting ready to go to the beach... At one point I dreamed of a friend (with whom I hardly communicate) she poured out a lot of gold jewelry in front of me, I held it in my hands and looked at it, especially an oblong pendant with dark green stones such as emeralds or green cubic zirconia

                      I dreamed that in my purse I found 2 gold chains of original weaving, “thick” chains and a gold pendant of my zodiac sign - Taurus, also large in size, I wanted to wear all this, but did not have time, and hid everything back in my purse, because someone came in.

                      i dreamed that in a dream I seemed to be buying three gold chains, and two of them had pendants, the first pendant was round and inside it was a golden lion standing on its hind legs, and the second I don’t remember what it was... I was the one wearing the one with the lion I looked at myself and walked around the city and saw two strangers’ weddings and felt very lonely..
                      some kind of nonsense, or maybe I know something

                      I dreamed of a gold pendant in the shape of a heart on a chain. It’s as if I saw it in a store and noticed the cost...7000 rubles. I liked the pendant, but didn’t buy it because I didn’t have that much money with me, but even if I had, I didn’t buy it because I wouldn’t wear it)

                      I was given a set of chain and pendant with a round shape like a small egg, and then another woman gives me a set of bracelet and ring which I really admire and try on. The woman is familiar to me. It seems like it’s not a holiday, they make gifts and give them to me.

                      Hello Tatiana!

                      Let me introduce myself:

                      Petrovsky Viktor Viktorovich, born 10/06/1987 I have a small request for you - (I described everything as it is and I think everything is important) - please read to the end. Fine?)

                      Today (11/09/2015, Mon), a couple of hours before bed, I started writing a poem dedicated to meeting a girl I met last year. I finished it around six in the morning. (I have a long history with poetry!) Just a few months ago I knew that a poem would be born that I would call...

                      Three O'Clock Friday

                      And the day lasts forever!
                      I count every second!
                      The arrow casts a shadow
                      Three hours ago. How difficult

                      Free yourself from the clock!
                      How endlessly I wait for a miracle!
                      I'm looking for sweet dreams at noon,
                      In which I will forget my shadow.

                      And time is in no hurry to fly,
                      It seemed to have forgotten itself.
                      The clock keeps trying to fall behind,
                      At least for one minute!

                      And the day is big, and the shadow is with me.
                      But time acts wisely
                      Today is Friday. Wait!
                      Remember this morning.

                      ... And went to bed. Why did I send you this verse? I feel connected to my dream. It seems to me that it is definitely there.

                      Now I describe the dream:

                      Old apartment (my family and I moved out of it 11 years ago). All the items are the same as they were when I lived in this apartment. Even the pattern on the wallpaper is the same! Natalia and I stand alone in the hall and hug each other. Both are dressed (she is in a light blue sweater with a low neckline and blue jeans, I am in blue jeans and a red T-shirt). hugged, as if after a long parting. Then, I noticed a transparent cylindrical pendant on her neck. There is something shiny inside it (silver in color, like a shining star). For some reason I placed this pendant in my mouth. It was a thread similar to the one they give in church (for wearing crosses or something else). It feels like organic glass on the tongue, warm. Natalia told me about completing something. I don’t remember what I answered her. Throughout this short dream, and especially vividly, hugging her, I felt a feeling of gratitude. All.

                      So bright, completely distinct, alive! I had no dreams.

                      Tatyana, I thank you for reading my message!

                      Best regards, Victor Petrovsky

                      I dreamed of a golden pendant of the Mother of God, I picked it up from the dust, then I wanted to give it to a pawnshop, it made sense why I needed someone else’s pendant, but I never gave it away, then I chased away some cats, it was an alarming dream

                      I had a meeting with a man who was once very dear to me. He was traveling somewhere on a locomotive (for some reason, among those who control the traffic). We met for a moment on the platform and he handed me a thin, middle length a chain and a round pendant on it (not flat, voluminous), decorated with transparent sparkling stones.

                      I found on the beach in the sand near the water and huge stones, a massive gold chain with a massive pendant depicting the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary. After looking around, I quickly hid my find in my pocket.

                      I am pregnant. I once had a dream where my husband’s sister threw me a silver pendant and said that she replaced this pendant with my pendant. And my pendant had pearls in the middle. And this pendant is without.
                      And yesterday I had a dream that we were moving to new house. And in the house I wipe a blue or light blue tablecloth with some large patterns. And in our house we don’t have such a tablecloth at all.

                      My father (deceased) and I were driving a Kamaz and along the way we picked up 2 fellow travelers, we were driving through the forest, apparently the fall was very slushy, when we got to some checkpoint for some reason I was sure that it was Chernobyl, one got out and paid with gold coins, I looked at them and among them I saw the pendant on the back depicting the Virgin Mary, the second partner didn’t want to come out and for some reason he started kissing me, I hit him in the face and woke up

                      In a dream, a good friend of mine gave me a wooden antique square pendant or maybe an amulet, it seems to have mythical signs on it on a chain, but the chain is not gold, as well as earrings with a dark red stone and metal that looks like dark silver and a silver chain made of white metal.

                      It was early morning, the movement was just beginning. I was walking with a briefcase and met a cool teacher from grades 5-6, we talked about something (as far as I remember, she praised me), she needed somewhere and I took her. When we arrived, she took a gilded wing pendant out of her bag, I see it close-up, the dream ends

                      I dreamed that I found an abandoned, idle shop that belonged to the son of a former friend. (That’s what they told me in a dream). There I found a gold pendant with lapis lazuli and gold earrings with ruby-colored stones.. I put 2 pairs of earrings in my pocket and that pendant.. I stole it.

                      The guy was unfamiliar to me in reality (very nice-looking), but he was very familiar to me in a dream (I had the feeling that I knew him very well), and he was holding a box with a watch in front of me. There were many watches in this box, they were all small, like pendants around the neck. All the watches that were there were very beautiful, but with cloudy glass covering the dial, except for one. They were new, shiny, silver in color. He said that all the watches here are mine, except for one, the most beautiful, they are yours. He took them out of this box and handed them to me. It felt like he was making me an offer.

                      Hello. Help me understand the dream, please. It was as if it was winter, I was in a foreign city. I can’t say exactly what was happening, but I had some kind of fuss. I was running towards the bus station, learning something .Suddenly, I began to meet people with whom I communicate in life only at work. And then one of my colleagues meets me on the street, reminds me in the bustle that it’s my birthday and gives me a music box with Mozart’s music and jewelry, it’s clear that it’s cheap, but very pretty. A gold-plated chain with a pendant in the shape of a secret heart. In a dream, 7-8 people gave me gifts. But I remember this one most of all. What is it for?

                      in a car with my sons we went to a high mountain, on this mountain stood table, on the table there was a pile of gold and in this pile - I chose all my gold jewelry and also took a chain with a pendant from the man

                      I dreamed that an unknown girl lost a pendant on a chain, and I vaguely remember that someone caught it in the water... and then put it on me... But I gave the girl back this pendant with a chain (I also re-criticized it) and said that you should never take someone else’s. And she gave me a dress and a T-shirt as a token of gratitude...

                      Hello, in a dream I was in church and was choosing either a cross or a pendant for my husband, what was this dream for, and I clearly remember that I was going through the crosses and settled on a pendant with a green stone.

                      Hello Tatyana, I dreamed that I was painting a bridge, but before painting I walked along the bridge and after I passed, the bridge collapsed and then I lost the pendant, but soon I found it where I lost it

                      Good afternoon)) I am in the early stages of pregnancy, last night I had a dream about how I found gold jewelry on the ground. It was a set: a ring, earrings and a chain with a pendant. What I remember best is the chain with the pendant, it was thick, the pendant was large and consisted entirely of blue stone. What do you think this could mean?

                      Today is my birthday. In a dream, I dreamed that my best friend (formerly beloved) sent me SMS congratulations, from which tears flowed from me (that year he sent me an SMS for my birthday, when he still loved me... after reading it, tears flowed from happiness) Then they brought me a box in which there was a pendant for my neck, I remember that it It was completely gray in color, that is, silver, the pendant itself looked like a long ring on which a bird was visible in my opinion... very similar to a dove. And when my sister asked me what was there... I rudely answered her, “What difference does it make to you.” That's all.

                      I saw a lot of beads, bracelets, tried on a lot of amber pendants, and I liked the product, a pendant like a wallet, many compartments, comfortable, made of leather. At this time, in my dream, a dwarf appeared who decided to cut off his head and commit suicide. Relatives must fly to China, we need to go out to see him off. At this moment, I see a severed woman. head, but it’s alive, not any blood, the face is ordinary, but sad, it makes sounds as if choked and they don’t stop, the head really wants to die, but not like In my dream, there are many people, we are walking along an angularly winding road going up to the airport, and on the way back around the next turn An old woman asks me to help, her drainage structure in the form of a pipe was clogged when I opened the lid I saw my head and decided to help wash it off with a feeling of compassion, and then it became creepy and I woke up.

                      A silver pendant without a chain in the shape of a drop with white small feanites all over the surface of the drop and a silver ring in the shape of a rhombus with interspersed feanites all over the surface and I am selling these things at the request of one woman, she really liked them

                      Hello. I had a dream in which there was a heart pendant. 1 half was white, 2 black. He healed a dumb man. This is the second night I have had this dream. Please help me explain.

                      Hello, my name is Maya! I had a dream that I bought two pendants, the first one I don’t remember what it is, the second one in my horoscope is a fish and there are flowers on the sides, but I didn’t buy a chain and I was thinking why I bought a pendant if I don’t have a chain, there’s nothing to talk about! Why this dream?

                      Hello, I had a dream that I bought two pendants, the first one I don’t remember what it is, the second pendant is in the form of my Pisces horoscope and there are flowers on the sides of the fish. I was also thinking why I bought the pendant if I don’t have a chain, I’ll hang it around my neck! Why is this dream?

                      I came to the boiler room of our organization to take a shower while one of our stokers was shifting, and my colleague was guarding me outside the door. When I came out, my former director offered me to pick up some jewelry from someone unknown, but they all had images of some saints, I couldn’t choose.

                      I dreamed that a guy I knew gave me a pendant with an oval-shaped stone. I don’t remember what metal, but I know that I didn’t know how I would wear it, because I have a gold chain with a cross

                      Good afternoon
                      In a dream, my ex-husband gave me a gold pendant with a huge bright yellow stone. He was waiting for me before giving it to me. until I'm free. I can’t remember what I was doing. I accepted the gift and even cried. I really liked the pendant.
                      Why did I have this dream?
                      After all, even with our life together my ex-husband did not please me with gifts. I had a dream from October 9 to October 10. October 10th is my birthday.

                      Hello, I had a dream where a man gave a silver pendant in the shape of, believe it or not... a cockroach. The pendant was in a box, the gift was given from the heart, it seemed like she was very upset and surprised, but didn’t show that she didn’t like it, her mother was nearby and that’s all too I looked and put the pendant on myself

                      Hello! My distant aunt gave me a pendant. I only saw the pendant on my neck because everyone said how beautiful it was. It was either red or blue, I can’t remember exactly. Now remembering it as if it was gold

                      Hello, what could a dream mean? I walk around the territory of cemeteries, the graves are different, old and new and people there are a lot of people walking around waiting for the resurrection of the dead, I go up to the grave where my friend stands and he tells me that you know what pendant they gave you, very strong all evil spirits will be afraid of you, and I nod that I know, and I look at it, it’s on my neck There’s a silver cross hanging on a black carriage, I don’t remember who gave it to me. And then the graves open and the dead come out, but I’m not afraid, I’m looking for my husband and my dad is gone Godu died and I can’t find it, I just found my husband’s brother, he died when he was little, I took him home for dinner. He and I swung on a swing and ate grapes, and then he left

                      I walked along the seashore, looked down and saw a large oval gold pendant, I looked at the sample and joyfully went home with the thought that I was finally lucky. I decided to try it on and from somewhere also came a very beautiful gold chain, much larger than mine. Then I got on the train and went with the news to my husband, who at that moment was preparing dinner for my arrival.

                      in a dream, my beloved gives me my pendant and says that I forgot it at his house (I have one). The pendant on a brown rope looks like a ceramic vessel in the form of an amphora, but the bottom of the amphora without a stand looks like it has a sharp end.

                      I see in a dream that my round pendant with stones fell and was so badly wrinkled, and I’m trying to straighten it and it doesn’t work, but it was purchased by my ex-husband, I left him but there’s no divorce yet, I’m going to get it, but right now I’m building another relationship !

                      Good afternoon, my name is Zhulduz, I had a dream last night, in this dream, an unfamiliar guy selling jewelry came up to me and offered to buy silver items, but I didn’t have money, to which he replied that the set of gold that I was wearing could be pawn it in a pawnshop and pay for the silver set he offered. I refused and he gave me a silver pendant watch and when he left he shouted, look at the time. Please give me an answer to my sonic. I can't find a place for myself because of this dream. Thank you in advance.

                      I found an old pendant. With the image of a figure of some famous person at that time. And there was a hunt for the pendant; they wanted to take it away from me, but I didn’t give it up. I took it to a specialist, where it was valued at a huge amount.

                      In the building of some station the holy father stood and held in his hands either a pendant or a coin the size of a small saucer. I approached him, he said that he didn’t know what to do with it. I offered to give it to me. He gave it. After a while he found me and said that it costs about 50 dollars.

                      In the spring I look for the lost gold pendant, then I find my mother’s pendant with the Mother of God, gold. Then I found a silver pendant and the pendants were as real (dimensions, etc.) and I found even a great pendant of gold there were images of their men 12 as apostles, and also in Yes, there were apostles because in them other names were the first Solomon and I don’t remember others 'I think that's where I found my pendant

                      Good afternoon. The dream is like this:
                      I'm with best friend I go into a store that looks more like night club. The light is appropriate. Quite dark. People are dancing in the center. Along the walls there are illuminated stands with cosmetics. We move from one to the other. I'm planning what I'll buy if we come back here. We go out into the next room. There is a rack with newspapers and jewelry on a chain. I choose from 2 strange jewelry (small hair crab on a chain). Having put on the chosen one, it became in the shape of a carved gilded heart. Go ahead. We find ourselves at the top of the hill. There is a beautiful view all around. Sun. Green hills, trees. On the right are those left by tourists men's suits, several pieces (about 6) We approach the edge. We look around. We want to approach each other to take a photo. I go down a little lower. I can't go to my friend's. There's the edge of a pond. I'm wearing suede ballet shoes. I rise a little higher. It's flowing there clear water on the sand. It's quite wide, you can't step over it. I step slightly into the water and extend my hand to my friend. She boldly walks on the sand and water in her sandals. All.
                      Tell me what such a dream could mean

                      hello, I dreamed of a gold Capricorn pendant, it had a pebble I don’t know what kind, but it looked like a diamond, there was a silver chain hanging on my chain, and according to my horoscope I am a Capricorn. It was as if they gave it to me, but I didn’t understand who it was

                      Hello. What’s interesting is that it happened in the dining room, I don’t remember exactly, I don’t know him as a young man, we sat down for delivery and liked each other…..then we got out and went to eat….afterwards I don’t remember exactly, he gave me a silver chain with a pendant to be more precise put it around his neck...on the pendant there were either angels or another figure...well, something closer to that...the guy was light and sociable...and a joker...after he changed the pendant to something simple and made a joke....