
Scenario for the anniversary of 60 years of marriage. Diamond wedding is the right scenario. Traditional features of the holiday

60 years life together– one of the most significant and record-breaking wedding anniversaries. And if the spouses lived to see such a rare event, then they must certainly celebrate it, taking into account the symbolism of the holiday and the customs of its implementation. Let's figure out how to do this correctly, in accordance with established customs and traditions, and how to congratulate the heroes of the day on this date.

Holiday psychology

60 years is a serious date for spouses. Very few couples live to see such an anniversary, if only for the reason that the minimum age of spouses is 80 years. Having lived together for more than fifty years, people know everything about each other. They went through many trials, difficulties, problems. During this time they raised not only children, but grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This time-tested marriage is named after the most durable mineral - diamond.

Symbolism of the holiday

The symbol of the 60th anniversary of family life is:

Diamond or Diamond

This stone was not chosen as a symbol by chance: the hardest and most durable, beautiful and valuable - it is like the life of spouses who were able to save their family, despite life’s obstacles. That is why the wedding is called a diamond wedding. It is noteworthy that in esotericism, a diamond is considered a mineral that was formed from the mixed energy of earth and air, and therefore will become an excellent talisman for spouses for their future lives.

Number 60

The number 60 is considered “sacred” and the most significant: after all, there are 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 6 times 60 degrees in a circle, and so on. Therefore, a marriage that has survived for so many years can truly be called sacred. In terms of time, this date comes after a significant wedding – golden. Therefore, it absorbs the characteristics of both elements - the invaluable value of gold and the strength of a diamond. Therefore, sometimes such a wedding is called a platinum wedding.

Diamond Jubilee: Customs and Traditions

Since a diamond wedding is a rare and not common anniversary, it has no traditions deeply rooted in antiquity. It was first celebrated at the end of the 19th century by rich and noble people who wanted to introduce new family traditions.

But very quickly people of all classes began to celebrate such a holiday. Therefore, today there are several traditions associated with this date:

  • On your wedding day spouses must present each other with diamond jewelry. Alternatively, these could be new wedding rings with this stone.
  • Traditionally on the 60th anniversary The local registry office honors the anniversaries, if the spouses live in the same place where they got married. They usually present a Diamond Certificate, flowers and memorial gifts. In addition, they are asked to sign the book of honorary anniversaries in a solemn atmosphere.
  • On this day, the spouses draw up a kind of “instruction” for their descendants. The letter reveals the secret of their long-lasting family happiness. However, it is not customary to read it out. Moreover, the “order” must be hidden in a hidden place (for example, in a box) so that only those descendants who will also live until the Diamond Jubilee can read it. In some European countries, this order is taken with great seriousness: it is given to a notary's office and there it awaits its recipient. Usually it is additionally accompanied by a deed of gift for a family heirloom (for example, a piece of jewelry or any other significant thing).

Briefly about the script

When organizing a diamond wedding, you need to take into account some nuances:

  • In this case, an overly lavish celebration (with a toastmaster, actors, musicians or entertainment shows) is unacceptable. This is due to the fact that the heroes of the day and their friends are already in old age, and will quickly get tired of too noisy and active actions.
  • An ideal holiday is something between a formal ceremony and home gatherings.
  • It is necessary to completely free the celebrants from organizing the event: their children, grandchildren or friends can do this.
  • The holiday should be elegant festive table no frills or exotic: simple dishes and snacks are welcome.

After all the features are taken into account, you can choose the scenario for the upcoming holiday:

Home concert

Celebrating with a small family circle is the best alternative to chic restaurants and cozy cafes on this day. Gather all your relatives together: children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - the anniversaries will be happy only because everyone will come to congratulate them. We need to organize a small concert for them: let everyone recite a poem or sing a song dedicated to the heroes of the occasion.

Retro style

Organize a retro celebration of the times when the couple first visited the Wedding Palace. An appropriate design would be appropriate - any suitable vintage items (antique paintings, old-fashioned tablecloths and curtains, furniture, and so on). The main highlight of the design should be black and white photographs of the spouses from the time of their youth: print them out and hang them like posters throughout the house. In addition, you can arrange a viewing in advance filmed about the life of the heroes of the day (it’s better if you find a projector and set up an impromptu cinema hall). And, of course, an old gramophone with your favorite melodies will create the right atmosphere. If you don’t have a gramophone, you can look for digitized recordings of songs from those times.

At the family hearth

You can arrange a small theatrical performance. To do this, you will need an improvised hearth - a fireplace, a fire lit in the yard, or an imitation of it (for example, special lamps). Guests sit around the hearth, and the celebrants of the day are in the most comfortable and honorable place. They, as the keepers of the family fire, will accept your gifts and talk about the life they lived together: some stories - funny and not so much.

Such a holiday will be useful and enjoyable for everyone: the elderly will make up for the lack of communication, and the grandchildren will have the opportunity to learn more about them.

Makeshift kingdom

Arrange honoring the founders of your family dynasty. To do this, you need to make two improvised thrones and two crowns: for decoration you can use foil, beads and rhinestones similar to diamonds. When you seat the heroes of the day in the royal seat, let them be entertained and honored. The heroes of the occasion can issue laws and decrees, give parting words and reward their descendants. Prepare in advance small cardboard medals on ribbons that the celebrants of the day will give to their grandchildren and children. And of course, don’t forget that such an event must be captured in photographs.

What to give to spouses

Like any other holiday, it is customary to give gifts for a diamond wedding:

How to congratulate the “diamond” heroes of the occasion

On this day, it is necessary to congratulate the old-timers of family life. There is no need to invent idle speeches and toasts - just put words of gratitude, respect and love into them. You can write your speech based on the following examples:

Take such a date as a diamond wedding with all responsibility. After all, there are so few married couples in the world who live to see such an anniversary. Therefore, arrange a real holiday for the soul and pamper the old-timers with your attention.

In conclusion, watch an educational video and learn a lot interesting facts about diamonds:

After 60 years of marriage, we can say with confidence that the marriage was a success and the union was strong. Which stone is the most striking representative of strength and durability? Diamond, of course! Rare and very popular, this one gem symbolizes perfection, purity and eternity.

Thus, the 60th anniversary is rightfully called a diamond wedding. A diamond usually has many facets, which symbolizes all aspects of family life lived in love and understanding. Diamond is also the strongest material in the world - a wonderful analogy for the strength of a relationship that endures over the years. A couple who have come such a long way together is worthy of admiration.

A diamond wedding is a very rare anniversary. The married couple by this time is usually over eighty.

Over the past years, they have experienced many difficult moments, but this united them even more firmly, the spouses trusted each other, loved each other and will always support each other. That's why the 60th wedding day is a special day, as valuable as the gemstone to which it owes its name.

Celebrating such an exceptional anniversary requires special preparations. It should be a beautiful and unique celebration. It is not necessary that organizing a holiday should be associated with huge expenses; it could be a day spent with close people, the main thing is to create a family atmosphere of mutual love and care.

In essence, this anniversary reflects the history of the entire family. Among the invitees should be everyone who has been around for 60 years of happiness: friends, relatives, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

If both spouses have brothers and sisters, who, in turn, of course, started families, then, of course, they should be invited with their families.

You should clarify in advance how many guests there will be and take care of an appropriate place for the celebration. When organizing a celebration of an anniversary, you should take into account the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion.

Even if the “newlyweds” are still full of energy, organizing the wedding is usually entrusted to younger family members (children, grandchildren). Of course, this does not mean ignoring the wishes of the spouses. They must be discussed before planning the entire anniversary scenario and its individual stages.

When organizing your parents' diamond wedding, you should focus on what they like best.

Some people like a chic, grand celebration in a restaurant, while others, on the contrary, are more comfortable at a barbecue in the garden of a family dacha with family. After all, this special day should be celebrated in a style that most appeals to the main characters of the “wedding”.

  • For example, you can arrange:
  • festive evening in a rented restaurant;
  • celebration in an informal setting, at home, indoors or outdoors;

rest with the whole “wedding” in a country boarding house, rented for a couple of days. It will be easier to determine the location of the holiday once its style has been chosen

. Preparations should begin several weeks (or even months) in advance if you plan to book a separate room in a restaurant or cafe, tourist center or boarding house. To fully meet its purpose, the wedding anniversary celebration should take place on a day as close as possible to the “real” date, but this is not always possible for all invitees. The optimal time would be the end of the week after the wedding day. In order for each of the invitees to book a day on their calendar, you should notify guests by e-mail , by phone by at least

in 4 weeks.

To make the party truly successful, it is advisable to decorate the place where the diamond wedding anniversary celebration will take place. If time and budget allow, you can order a beautiful themed decoration for the room.

  • On the other hand, a few simple touches will create a festive atmosphere anywhere. For example, you can use:
  • bouquets of flowers on tables;
  • garlands of flowers or electric;
  • candles in candlesticks;
  • photographs of the couple, which depict the years spent together;

reproductions of places they visited during their lives (cities, resorts, etc.).

Of course, the heroes of the occasion must be smart, in festive clothes, similar in style to the wedding.

Even for a very informal party, organizing special moments is important.

  • When congratulating you on the 60th anniversary, you can add a few touches that emphasize the importance of the heroes of the day for the people around them:
  • a short story about the life of a couple, the trials that befell the spouses, joys, successes;
  • a slideshow reminiscent of the years spent together from the wedding day to the present time;
  • a short film – touching and/or humorous;
  • songs that were played at their wedding 60 years ago;
  • a small performance (song, choreography) staged by the great-grandchildren;
  • wishes of happiness and health to the “bride and groom” throughout the evening.

If the newlyweds have jewelry set with diamonds, there is no need to be embarrassed to wear it during the day.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

A married couple celebrating a diamond wedding, as a rule, already has everything they need, and it is difficult to find a remarkable gift for them. The main idea is gifts that have symbolic meaning.

For him:

  • diamond ring, tie pin/clip;
  • several bottles of excellent vintage wine;
  • a beautiful carved goblet decorated with rock crystal.

  • pendant with diamonds, on a beautiful chain, ring, earrings;
  • beautiful original vase;
  • expensive collectible interior item.

By giving a large bouquet of roses, the husband will remind his beloved of the romance and love that has pleased them throughout their lives.

The heroes of the occasion can treat themselves with tickets to best places to the theater, where they can sit side by side - among people and at the same time alone.

How to congratulate spouses for children, friends, relatives - tips

What can loved ones give for a diamond wedding? 60 years of marriage is truly a special occasion that requires unique gift ideas for the newlyweds.

For 60 years, the couple was together, as they once promised each other - in sorrow and in joy. These years have not always been easy. However, all major and minor difficulties were overcome, and trust and love were further strengthened.

This tenacity and admirable strength have earned great respect, which can be expressed with a lovingly chosen gift and warm words.


The gift ideas that immediately come to mind in connection with a diamond wedding are the diamonds themselves. But this beautiful gemstone is not available for every budget. Of course, children can please their parents by giving them matching diamond rings - it will be symbolic.

It is not necessary to give diamonds to friends and relatives. There are charming jewelry with diamond-like stones and artificial diamonds. Gifts of this kind will fully convey the theme of the wedding.

You can give a beautiful crystal chandelier, a painting depicting “young people,” a beautiful vase. The youngest members of the family can make cool personalized cards decorated with rhinestones. As an option, you can give custom-made paired hearts (silver, cupronickel, etc.) with engraving or a porcelain dish, hand-painted with congratulations or cool, humorous maxims on the theme of a diamond wedding.

A wonderful gift would be a bottle of wine from the vintage of the year in which the celebrants officially became husband and wife.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

On this day one cannot remain silent - people who have lived together for such a long time are happy for everyone’s attention, gifts, a cheerful feast, but nothing will please them as much as warm words of love spoken by the closest people.

You can say a few simple words: “Our dear mom and dad! Sixty years have passed since you decided to go through life together.

And today, looking back, you can be proud of the path you have traveled, your accomplishments, your friends and children. And we are filled with pride, looking at you, our relatives. Happy diamond wedding to you!”

Or read a simple poem: “Diamond Jubilee - you are exactly sixty years together!

We congratulate you on your wonderful anniversary!

We wish you health and an easy journey with all our hearts!

Let your age not be for crazy passion,

But together you have come a long way.

The most important thing now is peace, participation,

And understanding each other – that’s the point!

In a happy family all years are good

And those that made me happy in my youth, and these.

On this wonderful day, we wish you from the bottom of our hearts,

Live as long as possible in this world!”

Original and practical gifts

Useful gifts will be various household appliances and devices that make life easier for the “young people”.

You can also give a trip to a sanatorium, where the spouses will relax and improve their health. If a married couple still has enough vitality and they can’t sit still, then perhaps they will enjoy a weekend in Paris, the city of love.

Of course, in the company of, for example, grandchildren. Alternatively, you can give the gift of a trip on a small boat on a local river. And a joint visit to the zoo with your beloved great-grandchildren will bring a lot of spiritual joy to the heroes of the occasion.

An album with photographs of the family, where all its generations are represented, will touch not only the celebrants, but also everyone present.

Or you can make this video with congratulations from family and friends:

It is advisable to remember that a diamond wedding is an important milestone not only in the lives of the spouses. This is an important event for the whole family. For the celebrants themselves, this may be the last round date of the wedding anniversary, so you should pay all possible attention to the holiday, try to get together with the whole family, which will most please the heroes of the occasion. After all, it is difficult to find greater happiness than a large, friendly family. Is not it so?

A diamond wedding is celebrated by spouses after 60 years of family life. Very few married couples live to see this anniversary, much less retain their love. Even fewer spouses decide to celebrate a diamond wedding.

However, it is necessary to celebrate such dates, because it is no coincidence that this wedding anniversary is called the most precious stone in the world.

The relationship between a husband and wife, which has lasted more than half a century, having lived both joyful and sad moments together, is like a diamond, more valuable than anything else in the world.

Organization of a diamond wedding

The relationship between a man and a woman who have lived together for sixty years has become as strong as a diamond.

Diamonds have rounded edges and are made up of many curved edges that intersect beautifully. There are pits, mounds, and patterns on the edges.

If we compare family life with a diamond, then we can say that the family life of the heroes of the day was not straight and easy. Failures and disagreements left their mark, but love also polished the edges, making them shimmer.

Ancient esotericists believed that diamonds were formed from the original elements: sky, air, water, earth, energy; they have magical properties.

Diamonds drive away enemies, protect from dangers, from complications during pregnancy, and bring all kinds of good luck.

Spouses who have maintained their union for more than half a century, thanks to their experience and wisdom, become excellent advisers in all life situations, teachers for their descendants, the spiritual force that unites the entire family.

Example Scenario

Rhinestones will symbolize the stone after which the wedding is named, so you need to include them in the decor of the wedding table, as well as flower arrangements.

The main shades in the wedding decoration should be warm pastel colors - they are the ones that are successfully combined with the shine of rhinestone “diamonds”.

Family photographs in interesting photo frames, photo collages, slides and videos of family events on the big screen must be provided by the designers. There are no wedding anniversaries without such “decorations” of the hall.

Include a diamond wedding in the evening scenario musical accompaniment It’s also not easy: in 60 years, the musical preferences of two generations have changed!

The right decision would be to focus on the musical taste of the married couple. Bright modern compositions will come in handy at the end of the evening, during a festive disco.

All the closest relatives of the celebrants should be present at the 60th diamond wedding: daughters and sons, their children and their children’s children and, of course, the great-grandchildren of the celebrants.

Diamonds are, of course, given as gifts for a diamond wedding. Gold rings with diamonds should adorn the hands of the diamond “bride and groom” after their 60th wedding anniversary.

The 60th anniversary diamond wedding scenario assumes that the anniversary will be celebrated in the spirit of the times of the “main” - the “first” wedding 60 years ago.

There's a name for this throwback look: a retro wedding. It involves special decoration, a dress code for guests, cuisine, and entertainment. which were typical precisely for the time when the respectable “groom” and “bride” got married.

It is this idea - retro wedding— will allow the diamond “bride and groom” to remember their main celebration and feel at ease. It is this scenario of a diamond wedding - reminiscent of their real wedding - that will be the best gift from children and grandchildren.

However, if the family is very rich in children and there will be a lot of young guests at the diamond wedding, then the celebration scenario will have to include entertainment for them.

To deviate at this point from the given line of sight 60 years ago is not at all scary: clowning, fire shows, fireworks, and other modern entertainments will very successfully fit into the scenario of a diamond wedding evening, if there is a reasonable number of them.

Unfortunately, diamond wedding anniversaries are celebrated infrequently. Therefore, such events often attract the attention of people who are far from the life of a particular family - journalists.

The reports about family unions celebrating their sixtieth birthday.

A diamond wedding is a family anniversary celebrated by spouses after 60 years of marriage. Such a long-term marriage is a rare occurrence; only a few couples manage to live to such an old age, maintaining love. By this anniversary, the anniversaries are already 80-90 years old; advanced age is not a reason to refuse to celebrate a diamond wedding.

Preparing for the celebration

It is customary to celebrate a diamond celebration with family, in the presence of several generations of numerous relatives of the celebrants, or in a close circle of loved ones. Due to the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion, the organization of the wedding anniversary is taken over by the children of the heroes of the occasion, due to the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion. When preparing to celebrate a diamond wedding, it is necessary to select a venue for the celebration, traditionally decorate the hall, write a script for the holiday, and select musical accompaniment.

The main tradition of a diamond wedding is for the celebrants to pass on family farewell messages to the next generations near the hearth, so a suitable place for the celebration is banqueting hall restaurant with a fireplace. When drawing up a scenario for a 60th wedding anniversary, take into account the presence of guests at the celebration different ages: celebrants need to be provided with comfort, children - active activity, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - children's entertainment, so that everyone feels comfortable at the wedding.

Decoration of the celebration venue

Decorating the hall for a diamond celebration will create the mood appropriate for the celebration. An excellent decoration option is garlands of balloons, beautiful flower arrangements. Decorate the table using accessories with rhinestones, symbolizing the wedding gem - the diamond. To decorate the hall for a diamond celebration, choose calm, warm colors so that the excess of colors does not tire the guests in advance.

Musical accompaniment for the anniversary

Choose music for a diamond wedding in accordance with the taste of the couple. Open the holiday with melodies from the youth of the heroes of the day, which will touch the spouses and evoke pleasant memories of youth. During the feast, use background music to allow those present to communicate without interference and congratulate the celebrants on their anniversary. For the more active part of the evening (competitions, dances), cheerful, active dance songs are suitable.

Diamond wedding scenario

We present to your attention ready script celebrating a 60th wedding anniversary.

The presenter opens the diamond celebration with the words:

- Dear friends! We have gathered for a great occasion - to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the wedding celebration (Names of the spouses), which is called a diamond wedding. Thanks to the joint efforts of the spouses, on the 60th wedding anniversary, all the beauty of the relationship is revealed, like the brilliance of a diamond obtained when cutting a diamond. Let's greet our heroes of the day!

The wedding guests applaud.

The presenter continues:

– Today there are four generations in our hall: spouses and their friends, children of the heroes of the day, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. We will give them the opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds and present gifts!

Congratulations from the spouses' friends:

– You carried love through time, living together for many years soul to soul. We are incredibly happy because we managed to live to see this significant day and testify that your feelings remained as solid as a diamond. Happiness to you, love each other!

Congratulations to the children of the couple:

- Dear mom, dad! Love, friendship, mutual assistance, harmony between you have always served as an example for us of a strong family. We have preserved and passed on the family wisdom we received from you to our children, raising them to be people worthy of respect. We sincerely congratulate you on your diamond anniversary!

As a congratulation to the younger generation (grandchildren, great-grandchildren), children can play any small play, sing a song, dance a group dance, for example, the dance of little ducklings. If there is only one child at the party, ask him to read a poem for his grandparents. For an example of congratulations from children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, see the video:

Diversify the wedding feast with competitions that allow the active part of the guests to warm up and have fun for the couple. The traditional end of the Diamond Anniversary celebration is the passing of the family order to the older generation. The address is prepared by the celebrants in advance, read out solemnly at the celebration and passed on to the younger generation. This ends the official part of the diamond wedding, and the evening continues with dancing.

Competitions for 60 years of married life

  1. Competition "Artist". Married couples are invited to participate. Participants need to draw a portrait of their spouse, reflecting his main character traits in the drawing. Then the contestants exchange portraits and try to guess what qualities the spouse portrayed. The winners are determined by the audience.
  2. Diamond Competition. Married couples participate. The husband and wife must, within 5-10 minutes, come up with compliments for each other using the word “diamond.” Then the spouses take turns reading them out. The one with the longest list wins.
  3. Competition "Family". Everyone is welcome. The participants’ task is to take turns naming their associations with the word “family”, for example, strong, friendly, etc. Those who hesitate to answer are eliminated. The last contestant remaining receives the prize.

A diamond wedding anniversary is a wonderful holiday that allows you to gather all your family and friends. A wedding celebration will strengthen family ties, improve relationships, and give unforgettable impressions to each participant in the celebration, which will remain in the memory of children and adults for a long time. Celebrating your 60th wedding anniversary will be wonderful family tradition passed down from generation to generation.

Traditionally, the sixtieth anniversary of marriage is called a diamond wedding. Just as a diamond is considered a very rare stone, not all couples get to celebrate sixty years of living together. Those who managed to withstand all life's trials and live to see this anniversary are the real lucky ones. The rarity of such a holiday has turned into its value.

Diamond is also the hardest of stones. As well as the feelings between the heroes of the day, which have only grown stronger over the years, turning into the strongest of all unions.

Celebration traditions

A diamond wedding is a good reason to organize a big family celebration. As a rule, all children and grandchildren, relatives and closest friends are invited to the celebration. Very often, such a number of people simply cannot fit in one apartment. Therefore, in most cases, on the occasion of a holiday, they book a room in a restaurant so that guests can dance and just relax. Sixty years of marriage deserve special respect, and therefore such a holiday turns into a celebration of love and understanding, which strengthens any relationship.

Since the number of guests present at the holiday is always quite large, the process of organizing the feast requires special seriousness and responsibility. Therefore, as practice shows, for such a holiday a special script is drawn up according to which the feast is held.

Such a script can be written for a specific audience or borrowed from professionals who organize such holidays every day. Everyone who takes on the hassle of preparation tries to make the holiday as appropriate as possible to the venerable age of those responsible for the solemn event.

What to gift?

A diamond wedding is a serious date in the life of a married couple who was able to withstand many trials. Therefore, they deserve special gifts and congratulations on their diamond wedding.

When celebrating sixty years of marriage, there must be a lot of flowers. Therefore, it is better to buy a bouquet or a flower in a pot for the main gift, which will become a wonderful reminder of the holiday. If the financial side of the issue allows you, you can present symbolic diamond rings, which over time can turn into a real family heirloom. Household appliances and kitchen gadgets that can make life easier for celebrants are also welcome.


A necessary addition to every gift is a wish. When choosing congratulations on a diamond wedding, you must first take into account the age of the couple. But this can be a wish both in poetry and in prose. In most cases, humorous wishes are quite inappropriate, since not everyone can understand subtle humor. A diamond wedding is a serious date for the life of two people together, which requires those present to be especially careful in their choice of congratulations and gifts.

Congratulations on the diamond wedding, like the script, should not be too huge. Sometimes it is quite difficult for those celebrating the holiday to concentrate on a wish and listen carefully to it to the end. Brevity and conciseness, restraint and words filled with love - these are what should dominate the chosen congratulation.

The diamond wedding script, as a rule, regulates the time of speeches at the festive table.

Where to find ideas?

Having received an invitation to celebrate sixty years of marriage, everyone begins to think about choosing a gift and congratulations that would help to express wishes and talk about feelings as accurately as possible. There are many different gifts, so you should carefully choose the one that suits you. the best way Suitable for celebrating a diamond wedding.

Today, quite a lot of people turn to the Internet for help. Various specialized sites have great amount information for such cases. Here everyone can find practical advice on any issue. , congratulations in prose or in verse, short and long, funny and more discreet, different gift options - from homemade to expensive - all this can be found here.

Diamond wedding is a rare event

A diamond wedding is a celebration of love and understanding. People who managed to reach this anniversary lived a long life, there were ups and downs, they quarreled thousands of times, but still they found a way to understanding. Their mutual support and respect is what has kept them together for so many years. This day is very significant - the couple can take stock of their life together. Happy children, adult grandchildren, pleasant and smiling faces of friends and relatives can brighten up any holiday.

Sixty years of marriage is a beautiful and rare holiday. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a couple who would be able to reach this milestone. This is why a diamond wedding is so highly valued. Each guest who is lucky enough to be on the guest list tries to find the most sincere words to congratulate the couple. This day is celebrated especially luxuriously and on an appropriate scale.

Correct scenario

As a rule, children and grandchildren are responsible for all action and organization, who are sincerely happy for their parents that they have lived such a long life together. A holiday script drawn up in advance will help with the correct distribution of time and organization of leisure time.

This anniversary is a rare event, just like genuine diamonds large sizes, which are not so often found in nature. The couple who celebrates this date is an example of composure and patience, love and care, affection and tenderness. They supported each other all their lives and managed to create a wonderful family, raise children and grandchildren. These are people who deserve the highest praise and the loudest applause from all guests present at the holiday.


Diamond of the purest water -
A gift to you from fate.

And it doesn’t matter how many carats it has,
It is important that the eyes are still burning.

The one who cherishes his love this way,
Neither soul nor body is decrepit.

Both words and congratulations fade,
In front of the couple - a treat for everyone!

May your health be as strong as a diamond,
Celebrate your wedding many more times!

Diamond wedding - sixty!
Magic erases the boundaries of time,
Young people sitting side by side
And love still sparkles in the eyes.

But the soul does not see gray hair, wrinkles,
And hearts beat with one sound,
Your union is strong and indestructible,
You hold hands all the time.

Only a few people celebrate this wedding,
Both troubles and adversity have passed you by.
May it remain so forever,
All the good things that have been created over the years!

Today is a rare day for you,
A diamond wedding is a miracle!
Diamond is a great reward of fate,
For everything that has happened in life and everything that will happen!

And there will be many more - life is long,
And all the sharp turns are behind us.
I raise my glass of wine
Here's to the happiness that lies ahead!
May your life be long and pleasant!
Let illnesses forget you!
Let there be immense joy!
And great-grandchildren will arrive!

Two people met once
And together we walked through an entire era,
Not everyone is capable of this:
Share joys, sorrows, and sorrows.

But we won’t remember the sad things,
Today is a holiday - the best of dates!
We celebrate the merger of your destinies,
Your anniversary is wonderful - sixty!

This date exudes magic and fairy tales,
She sparkles with diamond edges,
After all, to live so many years in love and affection,
Fate blesses only the chosen ones!

Let the diamond be a magic stone,
Fate sends you grace!
And you stay with us longer,
To convey the wisdom of life!

Today is an anniversary, like a cut diamond,
After all, exactly six decades ago,
Two hearts of lovers united,
And they performed a miracle without any obstacles!

After all, your marriage is a miracle of miracles!
It’s not just the children who are adults, but the grandchildren!
Heaven's blessing is upon you,
What is beyond science.

After all, many roads have been traveled together,
Winding and smooth and steep,
For this, fate gives you a gift
A priceless diamond for two!

Among stones, it is the hardest stone!
And how it sparkles - you can’t take your eyes off it!
It's like there's both ice and fire in it,
Just like on your life's journey.

Your relationship is as strong as a rock,
Purer is the grace of love than conjugal grace!
Please accept our congratulations now!
To live, love and win!

Half a century is a lot
What if there are still ten years left?
It will turn out to be a life-long road,
And you walked her shoulder to shoulder.

Today is your wedding again,
And we have both victories and losses behind us.
I know that eternal love exists!
I feel sorry for those who don't believe this.

Today is a rare, valuable anniversary!
He's like a cut diamond!
Gathered children and grandchildren and friends
For the holiday of two lovers!

How to adopt your wisdom of life?
How to understand your secret of love?
After so many years you can’t get tired of life!
You should erect a monument to you!

May it be preserved for many years,
Love in hearts!
May your life together last,
Like a fairy tale without end!

You are the best mom and dad!
You are the wisest grandparents!
How lucky we are that once
A young man met a girl!

How lucky they got married
You have found your soul mate!
Lived, raised children and worked
Happiness, adversity - all gone together!

How we love you and how we respect you -
Simple words cannot express it!
Today we only wish you:
May heaven send grace!

Over six decades of joint
We will tell you: “Thank you, dears!”
From us, children, from grandchildren, wonderful great-grandchildren:
“Thank you for existing, dear ones!”

Diamond wedding is an incomparable date!
Years passed, the world around changed,
And only love remained unchanged,
And the strong interweaving of your hands!

Walk like this, holding hands
We will have years and years of joy!
Meet sunsets and sunrises together!
And may adversity pass you by!

Your bright anniversary inspires us,
Makes it cleaner, better and more beautiful!
May fate protect you,
Live many years, our dear ones!

In prose

Sixty years is more than half a century. Sixty is an entire era that is both frightening and exciting. Over these many years, you have become wonderful spouses, ideal parents: father and mother, grandparents, great-grandmother and great-grandfather... – may this list continue ad infinitum for many, many years to come. You are an example of love that does not fade and tenderness that does not die. You are infinitely dear to everyone who loves you and came to congratulate you on this day. Happy holiday, our dear heroes of the day! Let your life be filled with only positive emotions! May fate bring only good news and surprises! Health to you and boundless love!

In my mind you two are associated with a beautiful necklace - a beautiful wife representing a diamond clean water and the flawless frame is her husband. It was he who was not only able to win the heart of a young beauty 60 years ago, but also complemented her beauty with his strength and masculinity. Such a tandem is very rare. And if fate gave it to you, it means you are wise and worthy. I would like everyone who is present here to touch the magic of your relationship and become the same wonderful spouses and friends! I wish you happiness and good health! Happy holiday again!

Dear anniversaries! Your diamond hour has come! Nowadays, it is so rare to see a couple celebrating their diamond wedding. And you have proven that living a happy life together is not only possible, but also necessary! You lived with love and faith in each other and created a wonderful family with your own traditions. People admire you and want to be like you. I sincerely wish you for long years life, inspiration and joy! More happy smiles and wonderful events! Congratulations on your diamond wedding, dears!

Today is not just a day when we celebrate another wedding anniversary. Today is a celebration of love and understanding. After all, it was these qualities that were able to keep you together for so many years, they helped you create a wonderful family and raise good children. You have supported each other all your lives, such understanding as yours is very rare, and that is why it is so highly valued - like a diamond of rare beauty. Diamond wedding is a magical fairy tale! May it never end! We would like to wish you many years to come happy life, smiles and bright moments! Happy holiday, our beloved ones!

Dear Mom and Dad! I am sincerely pleased to congratulate you on your diamond wedding today. Thank you, dear ones, for your warmth and care, for the fact that you managed to create a wonderful family with many traditions and small family holidays. For me, you are the personification of the best parents in the world. For my children, you are the wisest grandparents. For my children's children - the most gentle great-grandmother and great-grandfather! Thank you for your constant tireless work - creating and taking care of our large family! May your life be filled with only bright moments! Let it be light and carefree! Happy holiday, our beloved ones!

Today we are all gathered here to celebrate your diamond wedding anniversary. Diamond is the strongest stone of all the stones in the world, may your health be just as strong! A diamond is also the most valuable stone - let mutual love and tenderness be just as valuable to you! May your home be filled with joy, and may illnesses forget the way to it! Let your faces glow with happiness, just like on your wedding day! You are beautiful and deserve admiration and applause! Happy holiday, our dears!

Diamond wedding - 60th wedding anniversary. This is truly one of the most record-breaking wedding anniversaries of married life, and accordingly, the symbol of this wedding anniversary should be the most beautiful gemstone.

The sixtieth anniversary is celebrated between golden wedding - 50 years of marriage- And crown wedding - 75 years of marriage, therefore, in the celebration, the features of both anniversaries are discernible. Occasionally, this wedding anniversary is also called the first diamond wedding.

Besides that the diamond is valuable, expensive and very beautiful, it is impossible not to take into account the strength and durability of this stone. Such is the life of the spouses who managed to maintain their relationship until this wedding anniversary, despite all the problems and difficulties that are inevitable in any family.

When holding a diamond and gold wedding, organizers should try to combine intimacy and solemnity. This can be a purely family holiday, when children and grandchildren present gifts to their parents. The form of celebrating the sixtieth wedding anniversary is something between a solemn celebration of the anniversaries and a fun concert for them. The celebrants themselves do not take part in organizing this wedding anniversary; everything is done by younger relatives, in particular, children and grandchildren.

It will be very nice if the holiday is decorated in the style of the time in which it took place first wedding of the anniversaries. Their favorite dishes must be on the table. You can also perform a theatrical act especially for the spouses or show them an edited film about their lives.

Gifts for a diamond wedding - 60th wedding anniversary.

The biggest gift for the elderly will be the very holding of their diamond and gold wedding: since relatives remember the day of their anniversary, it means they are loved and respected. Old people will be very pleased with this. If your parents or grandparents live in another area, then bring them to your place, and if they don’t want or can’t, then have a party with them. Guests should give their spouses beautiful rings with diamonds. With such gifts they show that they do not regret anything for their parents, that they love them madly and are endlessly grateful to them.

Congratulations on the diamond wedding - 60th wedding anniversary.

The years have flown by like a snowstorm,
And I won’t get them back to you now,
Not very sweet life was,
How the boat sailed on the sea!

You are together for exactly sixty years,
You have great-great-grandchildren!
And your marriage is brilliant,
Let it be as bright as a poppy!

May God extend your years,
Let them not step on the threshold
Trouble, misfortune or grief,
There will simply be a sea of ​​happiness!

Our loved ones, relatives,
You can’t hide the gray hair at your temples,
For us you are always young,
For us you are always alone,
Let the date of the diamond wedding be
This will only be the beginning for you,
May our dad be healthy
And happy glorious mother,
So that your dear eyes
We didn’t know treacherous tears,
And your great-grandchildren are getting older,
They bring you bouquets of roses,
May you be with us forever,
They gave us warmth and affection,
After all, we value you very much,
You made a fairy tale come true for us!

Sixty years - yes!
Super friendly family!
We lived together for so many years -
He is the groom, she is the bride,
Today again at the table,
And we drink champagne
For love and goodness,
And family warmth
What warms their souls
And he helps everyone’s relatives
In life is complicated, difficult
Let everyone be a friendly family!

We're celebrating our diamond wedding today
Now we wish you health for centuries!
Believe in your strength and sing forward,
Let love grow stronger every year!

Let the children be strong and the grandchildren grow up!
May your beloved great-grandchildren bring happiness!
Let the sun shine on your hearts
And may loyalty increase in the coming years!

You have confirmed: there is
A huge light of goodness -
Happy anniversary to you, mother-in-law, father-in-law,
Happy wedding! Hooray!

Sixty have passed since then
Happiest day -
Before the diamond wedding
You've had enough fire!
Cheerful, warm, smart meetings!
Let's sing and circle:
You should take care of your fire of love,
And live just as long!

Dear father! Congratulations on your 60th birthday. Your life with your mother is a wonderful example of love and mutual assistance. The bonds of marriage did not become chains for you, but turned into thin golden threads of spiritual kinship. Thanks to your help, life’s hardships did not bend my mother’s back, thanks to your love and tenderness, my mother’s eyes still sparkle with diamonds, thanks to your example and your advice, I learned to overcome any difficulties. Thank you for everything! And I wish you all the best! Sunshine and joy to you!

Dear (names of celebrants)! You are God's chosen ones, since the Lord does not grant everyone such a long and happy married life. Your path was not strewn with flowers, you shared all the difficulties with the country, but at the same time retained the love of your children and grandchildren. This means that you truly have a heart of gold, a golden mind and golden hands. I congratulate you on your diamond jubilee and wish you that your future life will be as bright as today's holiday!

Diamond wedding is important date, because it is celebrated after 60 years from the date of marriage. This is a record length of married life, especially by modern standards. Diamond symbolizes durability: this gemstone undergoes numerous treatments before becoming beautiful. Draw a parallel between the diamond and the 60th anniversary - they are almost identical, because in both cases efforts were made to obtain the final result. How to celebrate this wedding?

Ancient traditions and customs for 60th wedding anniversary

According to legend, 60th wedding anniversary was always celebrated in a magnificent and rich way. All familiar couples were invited to the anniversary. It is interesting that Europeans began to celebrate the diamond anniversary, and also wonder how many years they have been together, only recently. Therefore, there are relatively few traditions associated with this anniversary. But still, there is an ancient ritual that should be performed by a couple celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.

In Rus', on the eve of the holiday, spouses wrote a so-called joint letter to their offspring, which outlined the secret of family happiness and harmony. The couple mentioned how they managed to maintain love, respect, and devotion to each other over so many years of marriage, because how much they had to endure together! This order was hidden in a beautiful box. In the future, the order could become a family heirloom, passed on from father to son or from mother to daughter.

Diamond wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary?

A traditional diamond wedding is a real holiday, because the spouses have experienced a lot of events, and now they can relax a little and have fun. Over the course of their sixty years of marriage, they have repeatedly encountered problems, as well as real grief, and there may even have been separations and heated reconciliations. This wedding anniversary deserves a magnificent decoration, expensive gifts, close guests.

To celebrate your sixtieth wedding anniversary successfully, watch this good video example that will help you organize the event with a bang:

Choosing a venue for the celebration

As a rule, a diamond significant wedding is held at home, in a close circle of family and close people, because due to their age, the couple is unlikely to want to celebrate their anniversary outside the home. But if the heroes of the occasion can be persuaded to celebrate the event in some cozy cafe or restaurant, it will be great.

After choosing a location, it is important to take care of the correct design of the room. It is advisable to place on the walls photographs of diamonds in company with photographs of spouses in different years life, decorate the hall with shiny decorative items. The color scheme should be in golden-white tones.

What to wear to a wedding?

Spouses are advised to wear loose, comfortable clothes for their wedding anniversary. So, a dress of an interesting, loose-fitting style in white or black, decorated with embroidery or lace, would suit a wife. And the husband should choose a neat light suit, combining it with a bright tie. People who are going to visit the couple should wear clothes decorated with shiny stones and embroidered with gold threads.

Whom to invite?

It is customary to invite only the closest people of the couple to such a wedding: children, grandchildren, relatives, friends. If a young married couple you know has a child, it is also worth bringing him to this wedding, because children are a symbol of longevity. In a narrow circle of relatives, it will be easier for spouses to relax and truly rest their souls. Having created a pleasant family atmosphere of the celebration, guests will be able to hear a lot interesting stories, because over 60 years of living together, the spouses have accumulated a decent number of interesting stories.

What should be on the table?

Since the wedding is called a diamond wedding, the table should be set accordingly. Original, unusual dishes made from fish, meat, poultry, seasoned with a hearty side dish, are perfect for an event. Cold appetizers, sandwiches, canapés, and rolls will be appreciated by guests. A traditional diamond wedding would not be complete without pies and other baked goods baked by the hostess herself. A wife with such experience in family life, by definition, must prepare delicious dishes with which to surprise guests.

Choose hot drinks for the diamond anniversary; they will serve as a kind of fuel for the future relationship of the spouses. These include teas of unusual varieties (black, red, green), natural coffe and vodka. It’s better not to overdo it with the latter, otherwise the holiday will end unpredictably. Cover the table with a yellow or white tablecloth, because these colors are symbols of the Diamond Jubilee.

Celebration scenario

There are many options for the development of events during a significant wedding. You can create a diamond wedding script yourself, but it is not forbidden to use a ready-made sketch. Let's look at some ideas on how to celebrate your diamond anniversary.

The children and grandchildren of the spouses may well organize a small concert for the elderly, consisting of songs, poems, and funny skits. The mini-concert performances should be interrupted for snacks, during which it is necessary to honor the couple. It is also worth arranging several interesting games. A well-rehearsed concert will attract the attention of husband and wife, giving them joy and new impressions.

It would also be a good idea to organize a beautiful theatrical production, where the spouses’ close people will act out the couple’s love story. Include in it the main moments of the couple's married life, such as dating, wedding, birth of children, travel, etc. In an improvised play, you need to take into account the place where the husband and wife met, be it school or college. The performance should end with congratulations from the outside characters plays.

What to give for a diamond wedding?

The 60th wedding anniversary involves presenting the spouses with items made from the appropriate material. But the whole point is that a diamond is an expensive stone that the average person can hardly afford. However, there is an artificial diamond called cubic zirconia. It is as durable and of high quality as a diamond, and in appearance it is not much different from it. Therefore, we will look at examples of gifts made from cubic zirconia:

  • Ceramic vase decorated with rhinestones and cubic zirconia.
  • Cubic zirconia jewelry chains, bracelets, earrings, etc.
  • Wedding rings for both spouses with the names of the other half carved on back side products.
  • Chandelier decorated with cubic zirconia.
  • Cufflinks with cubic zirconia inserts.

The main thing is that your gift is sincere. Therefore, be responsible when choosing a gift for your spouses for their diamond anniversary.

Congratulations on your diamond wedding

The sixtieth anniversary is worthy of respect from society. Anniversary greetings should highlight devotion and love for your spouse. Elderly people will be happy to hear pleasant, nice words. If you don't know how to express your love to a couple, check out more congratulations here:

The Diamond Anniversary will be held at the highest level if you carefully think through the scenario and organize the event yourself. The reward for your efforts will be immense gratitude and smiles from your elderly spouses!

Have you organized such a wedding, have you ever attended a diamond celebration? Leave a few words about your experience in the comments to the article!

60 years of marriage is one of the most significant and record-breaking wedding anniversaries. And if the spouses lived to see such a rare event, then they must certainly celebrate it, taking into account the symbolism of the holiday and the customs of its implementation. Let's figure out how to do this correctly, in accordance with established customs and traditions, and how to congratulate the heroes of the day on this date.

Holiday psychology

60 years is a serious date for spouses. Very few couples live to see such an anniversary, if only for the reason that the minimum age of spouses is 80 years. Having lived together for more than fifty years, people know everything about each other. They went through many trials, difficulties, problems. During this time they raised not only children, but grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This time-tested marriage is named after the most durable mineral - diamond.

Symbolism of the holiday

The symbol of the 60th anniversary of family life is:

Diamond or Diamond

This stone was not chosen as a symbol by chance: the hardest and most durable, beautiful and valuable - it is like the life of spouses who were able to save their family, despite life’s obstacles. That is why the wedding is called a diamond wedding. It is noteworthy that in esotericism, a diamond is considered a mineral that was formed from the mixed energy of earth and air, and therefore will become an excellent talisman for spouses for their future lives.

Number 60

The number 60 is considered “sacred” and the most significant: after all, there are 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 6 times 60 degrees in a circle, and so on. Therefore, a marriage that has survived for so many years can truly be called sacred. In terms of time, this date comes after a significant wedding – golden. Therefore, it absorbs the characteristics of both elements - the invaluable value of gold and the strength of a diamond. Therefore, sometimes such a wedding is called a platinum wedding.

Diamond Jubilee: Customs and Traditions

Since a diamond wedding is a rare and not common anniversary, it has no traditions deeply rooted in antiquity. It was first celebrated at the end of the 19th century by rich and noble people who wanted to introduce new family traditions.

But very quickly people of all classes began to celebrate such a holiday. Therefore, today there are several traditions associated with this date:

  • On your wedding day spouses must present each other with diamond jewelry. Alternatively, these could be new wedding rings with this stone.
  • Traditionally on the 60th anniversary The local registry office honors the anniversaries, if the spouses live in the same place where they got married. They usually present a Diamond Certificate, flowers and memorial gifts. In addition, they are asked to sign the book of honorary anniversaries in a solemn atmosphere.
  • On this day, the spouses draw up a kind of “instruction” for their descendants. The letter reveals the secret of their long-lasting family happiness. However, it is not customary to read it out. Moreover, the “order” must be hidden in a hidden place (for example, in a box) so that only those descendants who will also live until the Diamond Jubilee can read it. In some European countries, this order is taken with great seriousness: it is given to a notary's office and there it awaits its recipient. Usually it is additionally accompanied by a deed of gift for a family heirloom (for example, a piece of jewelry or any other significant thing).

Briefly about the script

When organizing a diamond wedding, you need to take into account some nuances:

  • In this case, an overly lavish celebration (with a toastmaster, actors, musicians or entertainment shows) is unacceptable. This is due to the fact that the heroes of the day and their friends are already in old age, and will quickly get tired of too noisy and active actions.
  • An ideal holiday is something between a formal ceremony and home gatherings.
  • It is necessary to completely free the celebrants from organizing the event: their children, grandchildren or friends can do this.
  • The holiday should have an exquisite festive table without frills and exotics: simple dishes and snacks are welcome.

After all the features are taken into account, you can choose the scenario for the upcoming holiday:

Home concert

Celebrating with a small family circle is the best alternative to chic restaurants and cozy cafes on this day. Gather all your relatives together: children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - the anniversaries will be happy only because everyone will come to congratulate them. We need to organize a small concert for them: let everyone recite a poem or sing a song dedicated to the heroes of the occasion.

Retro style

Organize a retro celebration of the times when the couple first visited the Wedding Palace. An appropriate design would be appropriate - any suitable vintage items (antique paintings, old-fashioned tablecloths and curtains, furniture, and so on). The main highlight of the design should be black and white photographs of the spouses from the time of their youth: print them out and hang them like posters throughout the house. In addition, you can arrange a screening of a film made in advance about the life of the heroes of the day (it’s better if you find a projector and set up an impromptu cinema hall). And, of course, an old gramophone with your favorite melodies will create the right atmosphere. If you don’t have a gramophone, you can look for digitized recordings of songs from those times.

At the family hearth

You can arrange a small theatrical performance. To do this, you will need an improvised hearth - a fireplace, a fire lit in the yard, or an imitation of it (for example, special lamps). Guests sit around the hearth, and the celebrants of the day are in the most comfortable and honorable place. They, as the keepers of the family fire, will accept your gifts and talk about the life they lived together: some stories - funny and not so much.

Such a holiday will be useful and enjoyable for everyone: the elderly will make up for the lack of communication, and the grandchildren will have the opportunity to learn more about them.

Makeshift kingdom

Arrange honoring the founders of your family dynasty. To do this, you need to make two improvised thrones and two crowns: for decoration you can use foil, beads and rhinestones similar to diamonds. When you seat the heroes of the day in the royal seat, let them be entertained and honored. The heroes of the occasion can issue laws and decrees, give parting words and reward their descendants. Prepare in advance small cardboard medals on ribbons that the celebrants of the day will give to their grandchildren and children. And of course, don’t forget that such an event must be captured in photographs.

What to give to spouses

Like any other holiday, it is customary to give gifts for a diamond wedding:

How to congratulate the “diamond” heroes of the occasion

On this day, it is necessary to congratulate the old-timers of family life. There is no need to invent idle speeches and toasts - it is enough to put words of gratitude, respect and love into them. You can write your speech based on the following examples:

Take such a date as a diamond wedding with all responsibility. After all, there are so few married couples in the world who live to see such an anniversary. Therefore, arrange a real holiday for the soul and pamper the old-timers with your attention.

In conclusion, watch an educational video and learn many interesting facts about diamonds:

Diamond wedding.
You've been together for 60 years.
Today we will shout again: “Bitter!”
“Love,” we tell you, “is advice!”
They proved by their example
You say there are no obstacles to feelings.
I wish with admiration
Long and happy years to you!

I wish you health
Only understanding.
Live in harmony with yourself,
Tender attention.

A wonderful holiday, a significant date in honor of the 60 years we have lived together. Congratulations on your diamond wedding. I wish you to remain for each other the most precious and beloved diamond for many years to come, I wish you health and prosperity, great luck, family understanding, care and respect for loved ones, prosperity and spiritual joy.

Diamond wedding, six decades.
Congratulations today. May your century be
Long, joyful, pleasant and rich to everyone,
Whatever a person needs. Let it be no problem
Then you will live together until the end of your days.
Let life be kinder and fate more tender.

Diamond wedding - 60 years!
Only a few people note this.
Diamond strength love in your hearts
Even erases the boundaries of time.

We wish you to live like this again
Side by side together for twenty or thirty years.
Leave warmth in the memory of your love

Let it be preserved
All that has been dear to you for so many years.
Everything that was created by labor with the soul,
Let it stick.

Love and live for many years,
Happy days are coming
Just let it last.

Glorious anniversary of our life together,
And it’s also called very beautifully -
Diamond wedding
In sixty years it’s counting!

This is a very rare and beautiful stone
And not everyone can afford it.
Only selected before this date
We can survive together!

There was nothing in life,
And happiness and adversity,
And there was no noise in your house
What kind of weather?

But everything was accomplished with perseverance,
And counted as experience
Reliable support for each other
You've been around for a long time now.

Diamond wedding -
Incredible day!
So let it disappear in the future
Even a shadow of sadness.

Happy diamond wedding!
You are heroes, no doubt!
We lived in marriage without difficulty
Sixty happy years.

Who knows how to have fun
He cannot live otherwise
Will never get angry
And in misfortune he will not cry.

Forget all your illnesses and troubles,
If your circle of friends is large.
We are all grandparents
Only the young at heart!

Weddings, like people, fade away over the years,
There in the loneliness of our land,
What will remain with us forever,
The native shore and its ships.

Time knows how to celebrate anniversaries,
Buoys flash across the vital river.
She will carry us away, and will always be with her,
Your warm gentle hands.

There will be a hearth, the one we created,
Warm us with your stepfather's warmth,
To icicles and quarrels and sorrows.
They were melting somewhere outside the warm window.

There are many flowers and smiles today,
To match our diamond wedding,
Let the years of mistakes be forgotten,
Let's remember our victories.

Let's love, hold on more cheerfully,
Let's warm the earth with family warmth,
We need to hold each other tighter,
And there is nothing to be sad about, about the past.

The path is strewn with diamonds,
Your life is goodness and grace,
Love is alive in her, and that's the point,
Destined to meet each other.

God-bound destinies
Two dear and loving hearts,
Sixty years inseparable
Union of two gold rings.

Adversity and bad weather have passed,
May you never return
And so that there is happiness in life,
And may we always bake together!

All the guests together will not stop clapping,
Everyone is surprised at the strength of the family.
Even though the years that have passed cannot be darned,
And there’s no need, it’s all for love!

And six dozen is a huge time,
This is a big part of life.
Let it be with bottomless tenderness
Destiny for you to spin smiles!