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Creepy Soviet cartoons from the worst nightmares. Creepy Soviet cartoons from the worst nightmares of the Moomin troll and the comet. Way back home

When I was preparing the material for this publication, I realized a few things.

Firstly, in childhood, all these cartoons do not seem so strange, do not raise questions, do not surprise to shake as well as now. That is, they surprise, of course, but are perceived as part of a huge and wonderful world full of inexplicable and strange things. I'm a little jealous of children. They have so many treasures - mobile fantasy, the ability to believe in miracles, not a blinkered mind that easily perceives all the twists and turns of the director's imagination. I can't believe that I was once a little girl too, who was surprised and laughed when she watched these cartoons.

Secondly, directors of children's cartoons are very serious people with a great sense of humor, who, while working on cartoons, got off as best they could - they experimented with images and music, took ambiguous plots, invented strange characters and tried something new all the time. And they even drew parallels with what was happening in world culture at that time.

And what unusual, strange, absurd and out-of-bounds Soviet-era cartoons do you remember?

11 weirdest cartoons of our childhood:

Big Uh(Yuri Butyrin, 1989)

A very kind and in its own way crazy cartoon with electronic music about a fantastic character named Big Ukh, who flew into the forest on a fallen star and met the local Wolf Cub. Big Ukh can hear at cosmic distances. It unfolds its huge ears in all directions and tells the Little Wolf what is happening there on other planets and under water. There are cans fighting, jellyfish singing and scissors flying a hundred thousand years in advance ... The wolf cub also has a good ear - he hears when someone in the forest needs his help. Do you think they will be friends?

Big secret for a small company (Julian Kalischer, 1979)

I remember very well from childhood the song of Yunna Moritz about the secret, which is sung by the puppet Dog, Horse and Cat in the voices of the Nikitins. But I completely forgot the cartoon itself. And there three animals look through a magic telescope and see secrets, fly to the planet of huge black cats, lazy dogs and at the end meet a caravan winged horses... All this in order to understand: a big secret- this is their friendship, which they cherish with all their hearts.

Great Nekhochukha (Yuri Butyrin, 1986)

An eerie story about how one lazy boy, who answered “I don’t want” to all his grandmother’s requests to help around the house and do homework, ends up in the country “Nehochukhiya”. There he is served by a robot, but endless sweets, ten-screen TV installations with cartoons, rides and other entertainments soon get bored. The boy is held captive by the Great Naughty. And this fat, lazy, spoiled giant reminds him of someone very much ...

Contact(Vladimir Tarasov, 1978)

A completely surreal cartoon with music from The Godfather - about how a simple earthling artist and a rainbow-colored alien in every sense with triangular eyes, who is able to take any form, became friends. A nice alien who scared the artist to death in the open air, in fact, is full of desire to help him and make friends. The guys eventually find mutual language- in music.

Wow talking fish or eeh (Robert Sahakyants, 1983)

The most, in my humble opinion, absurd and insane cartoon produced by "Armenfilm" studio based on the fairy tale "Goldfish". Old man on request talking fish releases her into the sea and sighs "uh-hh" that now he has nothing to eat. A fantastic creature named Eeh appears from under the ground, changing its appearance every second and capable of any miracles. It gives the old man a magic table, which is always full of food, but warns that he and his wife will have to answer all of Eeh's questions at midnight. A kind young man comes to the rescue of the old man, who outwitted the monster and turned out to be the very released fish. The description can be boring, but you must look at it - completely surrealistic shots and ideas.

Absent-minded Giovanni (Anatoly Petrov, 1969)

A very strange cartoon in the style of Picasso of the cubist period, based on the fairy tale "How one absent-mindedly walked" by Gianni Rodari. Going for a walk, the wooden boy Giovanni literally falls apart. To return it to his mother, passers-by collect the absent-minded boy piece by piece.

Wings, legs and tails (Alexander Tatarsky, 1986)

The cartoon, beloved by many, long ago taken away for quotes, tells the story of an ostrich that could not fly and contacted an annoying vulture. Full of irony and with an unusual manner of drawing, this short cartoon one of my favorite - and weirdest - of my childhood.

Miracle woman(Alexander Ivanov, 1957)

Musical cartoon praising the virtues of corn in agriculture. Absolutely freaky vegetables and fruits that sing songs. By the way, in the famous choir of robber weeds, one of the voices belongs to Vladimir Vysotsky.

Box with a secret (Valery Ugarov, 1976)

Musical fantasy based on the fairy tale by Vladimir Odoevsky "Town in the Snuffbox". It turns out that this is one of the first Soviet cartoons in the style of the Yellow Submarine (a hand-drawn clip of The Beatles on famous song Yellow submarine). No wonder it's so buggy. Unusual, avant-garde analog synthesized music and fantasy images.

Fantik(Efim Hamburg, 1975)

A ghostly and in an amicable way crazy cartoon about primitive times, when the little elephant Fantik was born. A kind-hearted animal, he took pity on the fading thorn and managed to grow from it a magnificent magic tree, in spite of the bogeyman Stushe-Kutusha, who hunted for an elephant calf. The artist Daniil Mendelevich depicted all the characters with thin colored lines on a black background, which made the ancient forest and its inhabitants even more fabulous and mysterious.

Stork caliph(Valery Ugarov, 1981)

Based on the mysterious tale of Wilhelm Hauff, this is the most serious and creepy cartoon of the entire collection. The bored caliph dreams of a carefree life in the form of a stork. Having met the sorcerer, he learns the secret of the magic powder, which allows you to become any animal, inhaling it and uttering the magic word "mutabor". But there is one condition - in no case should one laugh in the form of an animal, otherwise the magic word will be forgotten forever and it will be impossible to return to the human form.

Soviet animation holds a special place in the hearts of people born in the last century. Remembering old cartoons, one can immediately name such kind and instructive fairy tales as "12 months", "Well, wait!" , which inspired fear and horror, forcing the children of that time to close their eyes and wake up at night in a cold sweat. Modern children are unlikely to understand the specificity and not conveyed flavor of these cartoons, but adults will surely remember and shudder again.

"Not at all scary" (1981)

Let's start with the lightest and most harmless dose, for prevention. Despite the theme of scary ghosts, a very cute and kind cartoon. For the smallest ones who have on their agenda the question “how not to be afraid of the dark”. Cute ghosts, with their cute songs, are really not so much scary as they are encouraging. Well, except that on the way, where the wind howls and the clouds thicken, you will shudder a couple of times.

"The Scarlet Flower" (1952)

The old, old, familiar Soviet cartoon, in which the monster hero was also scary, I just feel sorry for tears. And this dying monster did not come to you at night with a groan: “You deceived me, Nastenka!”?

"Black Chicken" (1975)

The film adaptation of Pogorelsky's fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground People" by genre is more likely not a horror film, but a suspense. A seemingly harmless pet bird leads the romantic boy Alyosha into the underworld ... From this flickering of candles, disturbing violin solos and fragile secrets, a child's heart awaits a trick at every step. And not without reason, of course. There won't even be a happy ending.

Anansi Spider and the Magic Wand (1973)

The cruel Tiger takes the trunk from the elephant and the tail from the crocodile ... to become famous in the musical field. One hope is the little spider, the leader of the animal orchestra. In this cartoon, the unusual pictorial line was frightening (especially the toothy underwater monsters), it was a pity for the baby spider, and Rybnikov's beautiful, but clearly not childish music only added fuel to the fire.

"Wingless Gosling" (1987)

We increase the degree. “I’ll tell you a chuko-ot fairy tale…” - says an insinuating voice, and we understand that we should not expect sweetness here. Cold northern gloom, insane avant-garde graphics plus branchy shamanism. With tearing off the head, burying alive, descending into hell and other entertainments in the same spirit. Poor gosling, poor little spectators.

Kele (1988)

Another Chukchi-related and psychedelic-content thing. An evil multi-armed spirit kidnaps two little girls. And tell then, parents, that in the dark room there is no black monster with teeth, which is just waiting to drag us to hell on the middle of nowhere! Particular darkness when it begins to dance.

"Contact" (1978)

According to the plot, it is not horror-horror at all, but even the friendship of peoples ... that is, civilizations. However, the multicolored psychedelic alien scared many impressionable kids in earnest. Especially when rotating his triangular eyes, he began to turn into whatever he hit.

"Bear" (1988)

One bear constantly has nightmares. And cartoonists generously share them with the kids. Aaaaaaaa !!!

"Ferocious Bambra", "In the Footsteps of Bambra" and "Trap for Bambra" (1988-1991)

At first, the tail prevented a monstrous creature named Bambra from doing evil. Then it was reforged, but the danger began to threaten him.

"Northern Tale" (1979)

Cartoon without monsters, but psychological. The plot of “how the children offended their mother and what came of it” can cause no less tears than all the ghouls put together.

“Fru-89. Left to Right "(1989)

And here for a variety of nightmarish creatures. Somewhere they write that the patients of the psychiatric clinic drew these cuties. We are ready to believe it.

"Two Maples" (1977)

A screen version of Schwartz's fairy tale about Baba Yaga, which turned two restless boys into trees. That the witch herself, that her faithful guard the Bear, are painted so ugly, so ugly ... As they said in our childhood, you can't wave off cowards.

The Canterville Ghost (1970)

The directors claim that they planned to make the famous ghost of Oscar Wilde not frightening, but funny. Well, well, we would have looked at them when they would have met this on the way to the toilet, glowing in the dark and clattering with shackles! ..

"Big Tull" (1980)

The fairy giant protects the weak and fights evil enemies. But, to be honest, he himself looks no less dumb. Don't expect a good fairy tale: red tones, crazy characters, rivers of blood. Dark music instead of dialogues. Thanks to the Estonian animators for our nervous childhood.

"Krabat, apprentice of the sorcerer" (1977)

Czech animators knew how to create not only cute moles. Atmospheric to draw a hellish mill and a black sorcerer who regularly kills his students - they also did it for the top five. Sleep after this piece turned out at best on the C grade.

"Caliph Stork" (1981)

The very plot of Gauff's fairy tale about the transformation of those in power into animals is not so frightening ... But from the cartoon Ugarov first-class nightmares are guaranteed. Absolutely all children were afraid of this scary surreal graphics and the word "mutabor" to hiccups and enuresis.

"White Heron" (1987)

Puppet cartoon with cold paints. main character- the princess orders to kill the bird in order to make herself a decoration, and after her the whole people begins to engage in the aesthetic killing of white herons. The sentimental plot is supported by sad music.

"Tale of Fairy Tales" (1979)

Not that about horrors, but there was some kind of disturbing and exciting atmosphere in this fairy tale ... I must say, the great Norstein frightened some kids even with the kind “Hedgehog in the Fog”.

"Remembrance" (1986)

A heartbreaking cartoon about the military childhood of our grandmothers. Cheerful sunny scenes with first-graders running to school - and then gloomy shots of a destroyed village with the ruins of a school ... This contrast simply perforated the soul through and through. We were very much afraid of the war then. Highly.

"Pass" (1988)

Sci-fi cartoon based on Bulychev. Earthlings shipwrecked on a hostile planet are trying to survive and remain human. The atmosphere, already gloomy thanks to the graphics, is intensified by the singing of Gradsky. At the same time, the children were voiced by real children, and not by artists, as usual.

"Vampires of Geona" (1991)

People arrive on a distant planet, and terrible vampires already live there. And there would be no sniffle in a rag - they attack the researchers. One consolation: two characters (not bloodsuckers, of course) are clearly copied from Schwarzenegger and Stallone.

Potts (1992)

Although it is no longer Soviet, everything is exactly the most dumb arthouse horror on the theme of death based on a poem by Alexander Vvedensky. Obviously not intended for children under seventy. For whom it is intended is more difficult to say. Perhaps for the most lead-minded fans of Schopenhauer, Munch, Lynch and ambient. In general, a complete pot. We warned you, who did not obey - we are not to blame.

"It will rain gently" (1984)

Catastrophic post-apocalyptic chernukha from the first seconds to the last - from the studio "Uzbekfilm". A gloomy robot with a grave voice continues to serve the family, of which only a couple of handfuls of ashes have survived after the disaster. Only a small bird remained alive in this world, which the iron monster is trying to soak, perceiving as a "threat" to an already dead house ...

Rex the dog's genetically transformed brain controls an Automorphic Bioarchitectural Ensemble grown from biomass. And there is also a lot of things in the cartoon about radiation, self-sacrifice, cloning and hopelessness.

The cartoon is two-part, but the second part is much more memorable.

2. Scarlet flower

Perhaps many will be offended to the core when they see this completely harmless cartoon in the collection. But you just remember the nightmarish monster groaning in its death throes! After this, the hand does not rise to remove the cartoon from the collection.

3. Egret

Not a cartoon, but a taxidermist's dream: for the sake of a whim of a capricious fashionista, people are starting to completely exterminate rare white herons and unrestrainedly make headdresses out of them.

4. Wingless gosling

Already from the name it becomes clear that one cannot count on a happy ending here. Abductions of other people's children, burial alive, a fascinating excursion into the dungeon - all this fits into ten suffering minutes.

5. Big Tõll

A heartbreaking drama about the power of love, terrible metamorphoses and terrible military battles. All they do is die and lose limbs. Now this cartoon would definitely have been tagged 18+.

6. Remembrance

The drama of war in all its frightening guise. No kidding, this is really one of the most terrible and difficult cartoons about the war and the ruined childhood.

7. Glasha and kikimora

The plot of this cartoon can be retelled as: on a dark, dark night, an evil, pretentious kikimora dragged a small child into the darkness, and a black-black cat saved everyone. True, not for nothing.

8. Two maples

A terrible story about a feisty and envious Baba Yaga, who hated everyone around and did not want to pay for the services of a maid.

9. His wife is a chicken

David Lynch with his "Eraser Head" can nervously smoke on the sidelines. After all, this is all that remains to be done when we are shown how in an ordinary Soviet apartment a woman nurses an utterly disgusting caterpillar with a human head.

10. Kele

A fabulous Chukchi fairy tale with monsters, abductions and wild dances. Add a couple of liters of blood and Tarantino's new film is ready.

11. The Canterville Ghost

So, so, what do we have here? A fearsome ghost, twin children, an abandoned mansion - a whole breeding ground in one cartoon.

12. Bear - lime leg

A greedy bear with a sweet tooth cannot get out of the sweet captivity of the hive in which his leg is stuck. Therefore, he jumps around the forest, suffers and looks so-so.

13. Glamor

Crypot cartoon about creepy plasticine people, with creepy voice acting, creepy offscreen voice and a creepy ending. It would seem that there is nowhere worse, but no.

14. Not at all scary

Compared to the others, this cartoon is really quite harmless. But only if suddenly you are not afraid of any swarming evil spirits, darkness and suspicious sounds.

15. Anansi the spider and the magic wand

Arachnophobes, step away from the screens! We have a cartoon here about a brave spider, ultraviolence and bullying in the animal world.

16. Pass

Earthlings from a crashed spaceship are trying with all their might to adapt to life on an unknown planet. But it turns out they are so-so.

17. Potts

This is not a cartoon, but a complete sweat. For almost twenty agonizing minutes, incredibly persistent children have been trying to find out from their dying father the meaning of the word "potts".

18. Wise minnow

Full of longing and hopelessness, the story of the Wise Gudgeon, who decided to heed the advice never to leave the room (hole) and not make a mistake.

19. Fairy tale of fairy tales

It turns out that lullabies were also sung to the gray top as a child. But only when he remembers this, something sad and completely hopeless begins to happen.

20. Scary story

The gopher and the hamster tell scary stories to each other, trying to maintain a calm air. All this time the feeling of the invisible presence of someone else does not leave them.

21. Caliph Stork

The caliph, despondent from idleness, finds a box with unknown contents. On the advice of the evil sorcerer, he inhales some of the powder, and this is where the mysterious metamorphosis begins. Wow, mutabor!

22. Black chicken

A black hen named Chernushka is rubbed into the trust of the simple-minded boy Alyosha and, as if by chance (in fact, not), lures him into the underworld.

We are sure you know how else to supplement this collection. Share in the comments which chilling cartoons scared you as a child.

3 minutes 54 seconds of total psychedelic. Although, it would seem, nothing bodes well: the birds just find a certain amount of tasty food and make an informed decision to get to it.


Every Soviet child is simply obliged to know what frustration is. Because there is no other word to explain what is happening on the screen.

the contract

A space saga about the confrontation between a man and his contract with absolutely irresistible jazz compositions. There is an advertising stoned robot, punishing spheres, Mr. brutality and incorruptibility flying Rubik's Cube. It all looks so stylish that it is better for modern hipsters not to look in order to avoid an aesthetic shock.

Spoiler alert: In the end, it turns out that everything happened in a giant flower.

Last year's snow fell

Yes, it's trite, but without it, nowhere. To begin with, the narration is conducted from the perspective of a person with an advanced stage of the scattered attention syndrome - the narrator constantly jumps from one storyline to another and forgets where he left off. What does not spoil the overall picture- rather, it even helps to completely immerse oneself in the atmosphere of surrealism that reigns in the minds of the creators.
It will not be enough!


It was easier with frustration - they immediately made it clear that it was not worth striving to understand what was happening. Here you are trying to grasp the plot to the last, and sometimes it even seems to you that you begin to understand. But this is not for long.

You can calm yourself down by the fact that these are just dreams that the bear sees in its warm, cozy bed.

Wow talking fish

Each creation of "Armenfilm" studio - cultural monument absurdity, done so well that you completely do not notice your own spiritual growth.


"Solaris" for children in summary: alien intelligence tries to interact with terrestrial organisms, taking the form of objects they understand. Drawing in the style of The Beatles fully complements the picture.

Blue puppy

We do not know if there is a subtext here that the cartoon acquired 40 years after its creation. But now it touches on the deepest issues of discrimination and oppression.

Blue, blue, we don't want to play with you!

Ferocious Bambra

A film about anger management and the complexities of social adaptation of an aggressive introvert in the world of ordinary people.

Rubik's Cube

A collection of absolutely insane short films, as beautiful in content as in art. A hare with a navel tail looking for itself and two virtuoso friends giving unforgettable performances. We bet you remember them, even if you saw them only once, and you were then very few years old.

Icarus and the wise men

A magical and cute cartoon about a dream. About the fact that no matter what anyone says, everything is achievable, you just have to not give up. And cool sayings in Latin that you can learn with his characters.


The one-eyed monster lives in a communal apartment with all sorts of different neighbors and litters with its scales all the time. A terribly touching and sad cartoon about tolerance and tolerance, and in childhood it was just sad, which we then understood, fish are stupid.


Chukchi fairy tale with Chukchi music about how a mythical creature kidnapped two girls. Scary and weird.

Bang bang, oh-oh-oh

What will happen if "Bunny went out for a walk" is staged at the opera? This cartoon.


The parable about the war, which was shown on fingers (crossed out) matches. Naturally, with all the horror of the war, whichever side turns out to be cooler.

Direct hit

About slot machines, virtual reality (what it was) and the fact that real reality is better. Bright, dynamic, musical, psychedelic to the brim.


After watching this cartoon, not everyone dared to read the original story of Kir Bulychev. And she is gorgeous, one of best works the author.

There will be gentle rain

A dark and impressive film adaptation of Ray Bradbury. Showing the decay of life "in the west", the director turned around in a very high quality.

Caliph Stork

Scary, scary tale. We are still afraid of her!


"Now in a hole, then in a crack, then in a strange hole for small bugs!" Freaky funny cartoon with a song. Our sincere recommendations.

December 32

This cartoon was somehow played on the central channel on December 31. And now this extravaganza that the products sang is in our heads forever. Thank you, comrades animators.

Box with a secret

A bright and colorful cartoon, which was drawn in the style of the famous "Yellow Submarine", but about a mechanical music box, it was scary and frightening to this day. Unbeknownst to extreme elegance. Especially frightening are the texts that are sung even where God forbid them to sing.

Hedgehog in the fog

This list is unthinkable without Yuri Norstein's amazing "Hedgehog in the Fog". A short film with an almost monochrome picture conquers with a unique, mysterious atmosphere. Each viewer interprets the images of the heroes and the plot in his own way, but everyone adores him. "The Hedgehog in the Fog" has collected more than 35 international and all-Union awards, and in 2003 it was named the best cartoon of all time according to the results of a survey of 140 film critics and animators from different countries.

In Soviet cartoons, you can find a lot of strange and incomprehensible things that will cause a lot of questions from the viewer. To understand the meaning that the authors of these cartoons tried to convey to us, sometimes even adults cannot. "Hedgehog in the Fog" is far from the only such cartoon, and this post will introduce us to similar works of Soviet animators.

Wings, legs and tails

3 minutes 54 seconds of total psychedelic. Although, it would seem, nothing bodes well: the birds just find a certain amount of tasty food and make an informed decision to get to it.

Every Soviet child is simply obliged to know what frustration is. Because there is no other word to explain what is happening on the screen.

the contract

A space saga about the confrontation between a man and his contract with absolutely irresistible jazz compositions. There is an advertising stoned robot, punishing spheres, Mr. brutality and incorruptibility flying Rubik's Cube. It all looks so stylish that it is better for modern hipsters not to look in order to avoid an aesthetic shock.

Last year's snow fell

Yes, it's trite, but without it, nowhere. To begin with, the narration is conducted from the perspective of a person with an advanced stage of the scattered attention syndrome - the narrator constantly jumps from one storyline to another and forgets where he left off. That does not spoil the overall picture - rather, it even helps to completely immerse oneself in the atmosphere of surrealism that reigns in the minds of the creators.


It was easier with frustration - they immediately made it clear that it was not worth striving to understand what was happening. Here you are trying to grasp the plot to the last, and sometimes it even seems to you that you begin to understand. But this is not for long.
You can calm yourself down by the fact that these are just dreams that the bear sees in its warm, cozy bed.

Wow talking fish

Each creation of the "Armenfilm" studio is a cultural monument to the absurd, made with such high quality that you do not notice your own spiritual growth at all.

"Solaris" for children in a nutshell: the alien mind tries to interact with terrestrial organisms, taking the form of objects they understand. Drawing in the style of The Beatles fully complements the picture.

Blue puppy

We do not know if there is a subtext here that the cartoon acquired 40 years after its creation. But now it touches on the deepest issues of discrimination and oppression.

Ferocious Bambra

A film about anger management and the complexities of social adaptation of an aggressive introvert in the world of ordinary people.

Rubik's Cube

A collection of absolutely insane short films, as beautiful in content as in art. A hare with a navel tail looking for itself and two virtuoso friends giving unforgettable performances. We bet you remember them, even if you saw them only once, and you were then very few years old.

Icarus and the wise men

A magical and cute cartoon about a dream. About the fact that no matter what anyone says, everything is achievable, you just have to not give up. And cool sayings in Latin that you can learn with his characters.


The one-eyed monster lives in a communal apartment with all sorts of different neighbors and litters with its scales all the time. A terribly touching and sad cartoon about tolerance and tolerance, and in childhood it was just sad, which we then understood, fish are stupid.

Chukchi fairy tale with Chukchi music about how a mythical creature kidnapped two girls. Scary and weird.

Bang bang, oh-oh-oh

What will happen if "Bunny went out for a walk" is staged at the opera? This cartoon.


The parable about the war, which was shown on fingers (crossed out) matches. Naturally, with all the horror of the war, whichever side turns out to be cooler.

Direct hit

About slot machines, virtual reality (what it was) and the fact that real reality is better. Bright, dynamic, musical, psychedelic to the brim.

After watching this cartoon, not everyone dared to read the original story of Kir Bulychev. And she is gorgeous, one of the best works of the author.

There will be gentle rain

A dark and impressive film adaptation of Ray Bradbury. Showing the decay of life "in the west", the director turned around in a very high quality.

Caliph Stork

Scary, scary tale. We are still afraid of her!

"Now in a hole, then in a crack, then in a strange hole for small bugs!" Freaky funny cartoon with a song. Our sincere recommendations.

This cartoon was somehow played on the central channel on December 31. And now this extravaganza that the products sang is in our heads forever. Thank you, comrades animators.

Box with a secret

A bright and colorful cartoon, which was drawn in the style of the famous "Yellow Submarine", but about a mechanical music box, it was scary and frightening to this day. Unbeknownst to extreme elegance. Especially frightening are the texts that are sung even where God forbid them to sing.

Hedgehog in the fog

This list is unthinkable without Yuri Norstein's amazing "Hedgehog in the Fog". A short film with an almost monochrome picture conquers with a unique, mysterious atmosphere. Each viewer interprets the images of the heroes and the plot in his own way, but everyone adores him. "The Hedgehog in the Fog" has collected more than 35 international and all-Union awards, and in 2003 it was named the best cartoon of all time according to the results of a survey of 140 film critics and animators from different countries.

In the blue sea, in white foam

One of the best cartoons by Robert Sahakyants. The boy and grandfather caught a jug in fishnets, and when they opened it, it turned out that they had freed the Lord of the Sea.

Shrovetide, Shrovetide!

A hand-drawn cartoon based on Hovhannes Tumanyan's fairy tale "Barekendan" - about a poor man who punished a rich man for his greed.

Plasticine crow

The creation of the cartoon took about 800 kg of Soviet plasticine, which, due to the faded colors, had to be painted with paints. It is impossible to watch and not jump on the spot to the rhythm of an incendiary song about a crow.

"Make it public to us, father, what is a pot?" - this is how Alexander Vvedensky's absurdist poem Potts begins. According to the plot of the poem, the three sons ask their father what a "potat" is, and he, striking allegories, for a long time and confusingly tries to convey to them enough simple thing: "Potts is a cold sweat protruding on the forehead of the deceased." The poem, to the creation of which Vvedensky was prompted by the death of his father, has absorbed many political, historical, psychological overtones that make it impossible to read it directly.

Film, film, film

And for dessert. It's not scary and funny, but it's about our favorite movie. The whole process, from script to premiere. And how was your uncle dumped there? Poor uncle!