
When will the Third World War begin and what will happen to Belarus then. Where will the third world war begin? Who will fight in World War 3

No one can yet name the exact date of this event. Different predictors give completely different forecasts about when the Third World War will begin. world war, date and what will cause it. And in general, many clairvoyants are concerned with a completely different question: will there be a Third World War at all? Here are just a few that are being discussed on the Internet today.


The seer did not give specific predictions about what the war would be like or whether there would be one at all. She only mentioned in her predictions that this would be a war for spiritual values ​​and Russia would survive it. Moreover, this country will become the savior of the world, salvation for many people and souls, it will become the spiritual center of the world.

However, Vanga's predictions can also be falsified. The fact is that after the death of the prophetess, many tried to write predictions themselves, hiding behind her name, in order to earn money or gain their own benefit. Therefore, even when reading predictions on the Internet, you should be skeptical about them. Since her famous name is often used by charlatans to attract attention or cause some kind of scandal on the Internet. That is why you should not thoroughly believe Vanga’s words: whether there will be a Third World War or not. After all, it is difficult to trace the original source of information on the Internet.

Nostradamus and others

His predictions say that there will be a Third World War. However, some sources say that some countries will take part in it, while others – others. There is no exact translation of this prediction yet, since all the author’s prophecies are encrypted. Therefore, no one can call his predictions accurate either. And there are many different sources on the Internet that, on behalf of Nostradamus, indicate various of these events, as well as the onset of war. Therefore, you should not trust such unoriginal sources either. It is best to turn to modern clairvoyants who have the gift of prophecy and can tell truthful information.

For example, the Orthodox clairvoyant Matrona of Moscow had such a gift. Not only was she able to survive in an atheistic time, when a person could easily be sent to prison for going to church and praying, but she also predicted many things for people in their lives. They turned to her and, if a girl wanted to know whether she should marry some person or not, how her life would turn out. Matrona also made predictions about Russia. Many asked after the war, will there be another military invasion? The seer said: “even without war, people will die.” However, what exactly she meant is completely unclear. It is likely that it will be a virus, bacteria or something else that is unknown to science today or does not yet pose a danger to humanity.

Modern clairvoyants also share a similar opinion. Many of them are in live they said that the point of no return had already been passed in 2014. War does not yet threaten the world, but a different kind of danger is brewing in America. There will be a volcanic eruption, from which many people will die, as it will release poisonous gases and dangerous substances into the air. This will be the punishment of the United States for all the atrocities that this power has sown among different countries. A similar opinion was expressed by other psychics.

Therefore, since it is not known exactly when the Third World War will begin, the date, and whether it will happen at all, then both the time and place of military operations are also hidden from humanity. You should not attach much importance to dates on the Internet, since many people who pretend to be prophets are not them. Therefore, you should not guess when thunder will strike, but you need to live for today and enjoy the simple joys of life.

Recently, the previously forgotten threat of a third world war is again a topic of general discussion. A week ago, US and Russian military vehicles almost collided in Syria. NATO is increasing its military potential on the border with our country and is not going to give up hostile rhetoric. What are the scenarios for a possible military conflict? We need to think about this in order to prevent the not entirely adequate actions of our “Western partners,” who have long since turned back into “probable opponents.”

Military analyst Valentin Vasilescu from Romania, a country at the forefront of NATO's anti-Russian front, is trying to answer this question based on the tactics and characteristics of the weapons used in recent US military operations. On the pages of the English-language analytical center "Katekhon" he argues that aggression by the United States and its allies against Russia is not an excluded scenario. The United States is obliged to stop Russia at any cost, which, through its actions in Syria, and before that in Crimea and Ukraine, is changing the American-centric status quo. In order to maintain hegemony, the Americans are heading towards a big war.

Main direction of impact

According to Vasilescu, the main direction where we can expect a US strike is the west. "The US is not planning a landing on Russian Far East, instead, like Napoleon and Hitler, the United States will strive to occupy the strategically important capital of the country - Moscow," he summarizes. According to him, the goal of Euromaidan was initially to create a convenient springboard for aggression against Russia. Lugansk, the analyst notes, is located only 600 kilometers from Moscow. However, the plan of American aggression was thwarted after the reunification of Russia with Crimea and the creation of people's republics in the East of Ukraine.

After this, the plan of American aggression was revised, and the Baltic direction was chosen as the new zone of aggression. From the Latvian border to Moscow is the same 600 kilometers, and to St. Petersburg it’s even closer. To ensure that the local population did not resent the fact that their countries would soon be turned into a springboard for aggression, the American and local media and generals began to talk in unison about the fact that the Baltic and Northern European countries were in danger of attack from Russia. Norway even launched a series about the future Russian occupation.

In addition, the United States increased pressure on Sweden and Finland. They are not joining NATO yet, but they have already deployed American troops. Moreover, in May 2016, the northern quintet - a meeting of the foreign ministers of Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland - announced that it was urgent to neutralize the Russian threat. Defense cooperation between Swedish-Finnish neutrals and NATO members was proposed as a way out.

According to Valentin Vasilescu, NATO's main task is to inflict a quick defeat on Russia, which will force the country's political system to collapse. Pro-American agents of influence will overthrow Vladimir Putin, and the war can be considered won. Therefore, the United States will act according to Hitler’s logic, relying on blitzkrieg tactics. In the event of Russia's defeat, NATO will occupy territories up to the line St. Petersburg - Veliky Novgorod - Kaluga - Tver and Volgograd.

At the same time, as the expert notes, due to the rapid modernization of the Chinese army, which will pose a serious danger to the United States in the Pacific theater of operations, the Pentagon will not be able to throw all the necessary forces and means against Russia. At least a third of all US armed forces will have to be concentrated in the Pacific region, anticipating a possible attack from China, now allied with Russia.

Probable time of impact

According to a military analyst, the US only has a chance of success if it invades before 2018. After 2018, the chances of success will decrease significantly, since after the completion of the rearmament begun under Sergei Shoigu Russian army, The Pentagon will lose its technological advantage in conventional weapons. And in order to win the war, you will have to resort to nuclear weapons - and this is a step towards mutual nuclear destruction.

War in the air - colossal losses

The main targets of the first wave of air raids will be Russian airfields and air defense systems. Russia is armed with high-quality fighters and mobile anti-aircraft systems capable of detecting and destroying even a fifth-generation American aircraft. Therefore, even with the support of NATO allies, the US military will not be able to achieve air superiority. With great effort, they can achieve temporary air superiority in some areas along the Russian border, 300 kilometers deep. In order to secure flights in those areas where Russian air defense systems are actively operating, the Americans will be forced to throw at least 220 aircraft into the first wave of attack (including 15 B-2 bombers, 160 F-22A and 45 F-35). The B-2 can carry 16 GBU-31 laser-guided bombs (900 kg), 36 GBU-87 cluster bombs (430 kg), or 80 GBU-38 bombs (200 kg). The F-22A can carry 2 JDAM bombs (450 kg) or 8 bombs of 110 kg each.

A serious obstacle for the Americans will be the fact that the AGM-88E missiles, designed to combat air defense systems with a range of 160 kilometers, are too large to be loaded inside the F-22A and F-35s (4.1 m long and 1 m high). If they are installed on pylons, the vaunted “invisibility” of these aircraft will suffer. Previously, this problem did not arise, since in the last 20 years the United States has waged wars exclusively against opponents with outdated air defense systems.

As for the F-22A, they will mostly be shot down. As the expert notes, Pentagon reports indicate that the US military was satisfied with the results of using the F-117 (the first fifth-generation aircraft in the US Air Force) in Kuwait and Yugoslavia and intended to replace outdated models with new aircraft. The Pentagon planned to order 750 F-22As to replace the F-16 aircraft. However, Russia has developed the 96L6E radar capable of detecting American stealth systems. As a result, the Pentagon reduced the order to 339 F-22A aircraft. While the Americans were developing and testing these aircraft, Russia acquired S-400 systems capable of detecting these aircraft. As a result, only 187 F-22A aircraft entered the US Air Force.

In order to complicate the task of Russian air defense systems, the United States will fire more than 500-800 cruise missiles from ships and submarines in the Baltic Sea. Russian aircraft, primarily MiG-31 fighters, and air defense systems will be able to neutralize most of these missiles, the expert is sure, but that is not all that the Americans can use.

At the same time, F-18, F-15E, B-52 and B-1B aircraft, being at a safe distance from the Russian border and not entering the range of the S-400 systems, will strike with AGM-154 mini-cruise missiles or AGM-158, whose range is up to 1000 kilometers. They can hit ships of the Russian Baltic Fleet and missile batteries of the Iskander and Tochka complexes. If successful, the Americans will be able to neutralize 30 percent of the Russian radar network, 30 percent of the S-300 and S-400 battalions stationed between Moscow and the Baltic countries, and 40 percent of the components automated system reconnaissance, control, communications and target designation; in addition, airfields will be damaged, and the departure of more than 200 aircraft and helicopters will be blocked.

However, the expected losses of the Americans and their allies will be 60-70 percent of the aircraft and cruise missiles that will enter Russian airspace during the first wave of air raids and strikes.

But what will be the most important obstacle to NATO forces gaining air supremacy? According to the expert, these are effective means of electronic warfare.

We are talking about the Krasukha-4 complexes of the SIGINT and COMINT types. These systems can effectively conduct electronic warfare against US Lacrosse and Onyx tracking satellites, ground-based and air-based radars (AWACS), including those located on RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft and Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk drones.

According to the expert, the electronic warfare systems in service with the Russian troops can effectively interfere with American bombs and missiles with laser, infrared and GPS guidance.

Russia can also create two zones on the border with the Baltic countries in the areas of St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad that are impenetrable to enemy aircraft, combining air defense systems (S-400, Tor-M2 and Pantsir-2M) and electronic warfare.

Currently, 8 S-400 battalions protect the skies around the Russian capital, one is in Syria. In total, the Russian armed forces have 20-25 S-400 battalions. Some of them could be redeployed to the western border along with 130 S-300 battalions, which could be upgraded and equipped with the 96L6E radar, which effectively detects NATO stealth systems. Currently, an even more advanced air defense system, the S-500, is being tested, which is expected to enter service with the troops in 2017.

The author is confident that due to Russia's advantage in electronic warfare, NATO will not be able to achieve an advantage in electronic warfare. As a result, in the first wave of attacks against Russia, NATO forces will strike decoy targets in 60-70 percent of cases. Due to the high losses in the first wave of air strikes and the inability to achieve air superiority, NATO air forces will suffer high losses. The American force of 5,000 aircraft will be joined by their allies. But they will not be able to provide more than 1,500 aircraft.

War at sea

At sea, the Pentagon can deploy up to 8 aircraft carriers, 8 helicopter carriers, several dozen landing craft, missile carriers, destroyers and submarines. These forces could be joined by two Italian aircraft carriers and one each from Spain and France. Russian anti-ship defense systems - cruise missiles Kh-101 and NK Kalibr - move at subsonic speed and can be neutralized at the initial stage of approach. It will be more difficult for NATO to cope with the P-800 Onyx and P-500 Basalt missiles. And finally, in 2018, into service Russian fleet the “aircraft carrier killer” will arrive - the 3M22 Zircon missile, capable of traveling at hypersonic speeds at low altitudes. “The United States will not be able to oppose anything to this means,” the expert concludes.

Superiority in armored vehicles

The armored vehicles currently in service with the Russian army - the T-90 and T-80 tanks and modernized versions of the T-72 tanks, Vasilescu notes, correspond to their NATO counterparts. According to the expert, only the BMP-2 and BMP-3 are inferior to the American M-2 Bradley.

However, the new T-14 Armata Tank has no analogues in the world. In all respects, it surpasses the German Leopard 2, the American M1A2 Abrams, the French AMX 56 Leclerc, and the British Challenger 2. The same can be said about the T-15 and Kurganets-25 infantry fighting vehicles and the new VPK-7829 Boomerang amphibious armored personnel carrier. After 2018, Russia will have the most modern armored vehicles, which will radically change the balance of forces on the battlefield.

During the Gulf War and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the United States used mobile teams of tanks, vehicles, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles to breach enemy defenses. The actions of these groups in Russia will need to be supported by massive airborne operations. And here an unpleasant surprise awaits them. If against Russian systems The Pantsir and Tunguska air defense systems, as well as against the Igla and Strela MANPADS, American combat helicopters and aircraft can use the AN/ALQ-144/147/157 electronic warfare system, or against the 9K333 Verba MANPADS, entering service with Russian troops in 2016, this equipment is powerless.

Verba's homing sensors are capable of operating simultaneously at three frequencies in the visible and infrared spectra. "Verba" can work in conjunction with the "Barnaul-T" system, responsible for electronic reconnaissance, electronic warfare and automatic control of landing forces. "Barnaul-T" neutralizes the radar of enemy aircraft and interferes with the operation of laser guidance systems for enemy missiles and bombs.

As can be seen from the above analysis, even now a war using conventional weapons can be costly to our Western adversaries. The rearmament of the Russian army, which will take place by 2018, will completely eliminate the technological advantage of the West in the military sphere. The more ready, powerful and equipped our Armed Forces are, the less likely it will be that the West will decide on open war against Russia.

Will there be a third world war? Famous prophets from all over the world answer this question with frightening unanimity...

According to Google search engine data, the search query "World War 3" has become one of the most popular search queries over the past few days. Indeed, the current political situation in the world is alarming. And if you read the prophecies of predictors on this topic, then the possibility of a third world war breaking out in 2017 no longer seems so ephemeral.

All the predictions of the medieval seer are very vague, but modern interpreters believe that he predicted the Third World War in the following prophecy:

"Blood, human bodies, reddened water, hail falling on the ground... I feel the approach of a great famine, it will often subside, but then it will become worldwide.”

According to Nostradamus, this war will come from the territory of modern Iraq and will last 27 years.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant has never directly spoken about World War III, but she has a prophecy about the serious consequences of military action in Syria. This prediction was made in 1978, when nothing foreshadowed the horrors that are now happening in this Arab country.

“Humanity is destined for many more cataclysms and turbulent events... Difficult times are coming, people will be divided by their faith... The most ancient teaching will come to the world... They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet..."

Interpreters of Vanga's predictions believe that this prophecy speaks of an upcoming war between East and West, which will arise on the basis of religious contradictions. After Syria falls, a bloody war will unfold in Europe.

Archpriest of the Lugansk diocese Maxim Volynets spoke about the prediction of Jonah of Odessa. When asked whether there will be a Third World War, the elder replied:

"Will. A year after my death everything will begin. In one country smaller than Russia, very serious sentiments will arise. This will last two years and end in a big war. And then there will be a Russian Tsar"

The elder died in December 2012.

Rasputin has a prophecy about three snakes. Interpreters of his predictions believe that we are talking about three world wars.

“Three hungry snakes will crawl along the roads of Europe, leaving behind ashes and smoke, they have one home - and this is the sword, and they have one law - violence, but, having dragged humanity through dust and blood, they themselves will die from the sword.”
Sarah Hoffman

Sarah Hoffman is a famous American soothsayer who predicted the events of September 11 in New York. She also predicted catastrophic natural disasters, terrible epidemics and nuclear wars.

“I looked at the Middle East and saw a missile come out of Libya and hit Israel, and there was a big mushroom cloud. I knew that the missile was actually from Iran, but the Iranians were hiding it in Libya. I knew it was a nuclear bomb. Almost immediately, missiles began to fly from one country to another, and this quickly spread throughout the world. I also saw that many of the explosions were not from missiles, but from ground bombs."

Sarah also claimed that Russia and China would attack the United States:

“I saw Russian troops invade the United States of America. I saw them... mostly on the East Coast... I also saw Chinese troops invade the West Coast... It was a nuclear war. I knew this was happening all over the world. I didn’t see most of this war, but it wasn’t very long...”

Hoffman said the Russians and Chinese would probably lose this war.

The seer and elder Seraphim Vyritsky undoubtedly possessed the gift of foresight. Back in 1927, he predicted World War II. According to eyewitnesses, already in the post-war period, one of the singers turned to him with the words:

“Dear father! How good it is now – the war is over, the bells are ringing in all the churches!”

To this the elder replied:

“No, that's not all. There will still be more fear than there was. You will meet her again..."

According to the elder, troubles should be expected from China, which, with the support of the West, will seize Russia.

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher, a Tula elder, believed that the Third World War would be very terrible and destructive, Russia would be drawn into it entirely, and China would be the initiator:

“There will be a Third World War for extermination, there will be very few people left on earth. Russia will become the center of the war, a very fast war, a missile war, after which everything will be poisoned several meters into the ground. And it will be very difficult for those who remain alive, because the earth will no longer be able to give birth...As China goes, that’s how it all will begin.”

Elena Aiello (1895 - 1961) - Italian nun to whom Our Lady herself allegedly appeared. In his predictions, Aiello assigns the role of global invader to Russia. According to her, Russia with its secret weapon will fight America and conquer Europe. In another prophecy, the nun said that Russia would be almost completely burned.

Veronica Luken

American Veronica Luken (1923 - 1995) is the most beautiful soothsayer of all time, but this does not make her predictions any less terrible... Veronica claimed that for 25 years Jesus and the Virgin Mary appeared to her and told her about the destinies of humanity.

“Our Lady points to the map... Oh, my God!... I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa... My God! These countries are very dark. Our Lady says: “The beginning of the Third World War, my child”
“The war will intensify, the massacre will become more intense. The living will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of humanity."
“Syria has the key to peace, or to World War III. Three quarters of the world will be destroyed..."

1981 prediction

“I see Egypt, I see Asia. I see a lot of people, all of them marching. They look like the Chinese. Ah, they are preparing for war. They sit on tanks... All these tanks are coming, a whole army of people, there are many of them. So many! Many of them look like little children..."
“I see Russia. They (Russians) are sitting at a big table... I think they are going to go to war... I think they are going to go to war in Egypt and Africa. And then the Mother of God said: “Gathering in Palestine. Gathering in Palestine"
Joanna Southcott The mysterious clairvoyant from England who predicted French revolution, in 1815 prophesied:
“When war breaks out in the east, know that the end is near!”

Finally, a little optimism from Juna. When asked about World War III, the famous healer replied:

“My intuition never fails me... There will be no Third World War. Categorically!"

In connection with the terrible events that are happening in the world, most people have increasingly begun to ask the question: “Will there be a Third World War?” Famous prophets and soothsayers have long had their answers to this question. Unfortunately, in most cases, their dire predictions are in favor of war. And the reality of the outbreak of a third world war in the coming years no longer seems so ephemeral.

World War III prophecies

1: Michel Nostradamus

All the predictions of the medieval seer are very vague, but modern interpreters believe that he predicted the Third World War in the following prophecy:

“Blood, human bodies, reddened water, hail falling on the ground... I feel the approach of a great famine, it will often subside, but then it will become worldwide”

According to Nostradamus, this war will come from the territory of modern Iraq and will last 27 years.

2: Vanga

The Bulgarian clairvoyant has never directly spoken about World War III, but she has a prophecy about the serious consequences of military action in Syria. This prediction was made in 1978, when nothing foreshadowed the horrors that are now happening in this Arab country.

“Many more cataclysms and turbulent events are destined for humanity... Difficult times are coming, people will be divided by their faith... The most ancient teaching will come to the world... They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet..."

Interpreters of Vanga's predictions believe that this prophecy speaks of an upcoming war between East and West, which will arise on the basis of religious contradictions. After Syria falls, a bloody war will unfold in Europe.

3: Jonah of Odessa

Archpriest of the Lugansk diocese Maxim Volynets spoke about the prediction of Jonah of Odessa. When asked whether there will be a Third World War, the elder replied:

"Will. A year after my death everything will begin. In one country smaller than Russia, very serious sentiments will arise. This will last two years and end in a big war. And then there will be a Russian Tsar"

The elder died in December 2012.

4: Grigory Rasputin

Rasputin has a prophecy about three snakes. Interpreters of his predictions believe that we are talking about three world wars.

“Three hungry snakes will crawl along the roads of Europe, leaving behind ashes and smoke, they have one home - and this is the sword, and they have one law - violence, but, having dragged humanity through dust and blood, they themselves will die from the sword.”

5: Sarah Hoffman

Sarah Hoffman is a famous American soothsayer who predicted the events of September 11 in New York. She also predicted catastrophic natural disasters, terrible epidemics and nuclear wars.

“I looked at the Middle East and saw a missile come out of Libya and hit Israel, and there was a big mushroom cloud. I knew that the missile was actually from Iran, but the Iranians were hiding it in Libya. I knew it was a nuclear bomb. Almost immediately, missiles began to fly from one country to another, and this quickly spread throughout the world. I also saw that many of the explosions were not from missiles, but from ground bombs.”

Sarah also claimed that Russia and China would attack the United States:

“I saw Russian troops invade the United States of America. I saw them... mostly on the East Coast... I also saw Chinese troops invade the West Coast... It was a nuclear war. I knew this was happening all over the world. I didn’t see most of this war, but it wasn’t very long...”

Hoffman said the Russians and Chinese would probably lose this war.

6: Seraphim Vyritsky

The seer and elder Seraphim Vyritsky undoubtedly possessed the gift of foresight. Back in 1927, he predicted World War II. According to eyewitnesses, already in the post-war period, one of the singers turned to him with the words:

“Dear father! How good it is now – the war is over, the bells are ringing in all the churches!”

To this the elder replied:

“No, that's not all. There will still be more fear than there was. You will meet her again..."

According to the elder, troubles should be expected from China, which, with the support of the West, will seize Russia.

7: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher, a Tula elder, believed that the Third World War would be very terrible and destructive, Russia would be drawn into it entirely, and China would be the initiator:

“There will be a Third World War for extermination, there will be very few people left on earth. Russia will become the center of the war, a very fast war, a missile war, after which everything will be poisoned several meters into the ground. And it will be very difficult for those who remain alive, because the earth will no longer be able to give birth...As China goes, that’s how it all will begin.”

8: Elena Aiello

Elena Aiello (1895 - 1961) - Italian nun to whom Our Lady herself allegedly appeared. In his predictions, Aiello assigns the role of global invader to Russia. According to her, Russia with its secret weapon will fight America and conquer Europe. In another prophecy, the nun said that Russia would be almost completely burned.

9: Veronica Luken

American Veronica Luken (1923 - 1995) is the most beautiful soothsayer of all time, but this does not make her predictions any less terrible... Veronica claimed that for 25 years Jesus and the Virgin Mary appeared to her and told her about the destinies of humanity.

“Our Lady points to the map... Oh, my God!... I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa... My God! These countries are very dark. Our Lady says: “The beginning of the Third World War, my child”
“The war will intensify, the massacre will become more intense. The living will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of humanity."

“Syria has the key to peace, or to World War III. Three quarters of the world will be destroyed..."

1981 Prediction

“I see Egypt, I see Asia. I see a lot of people, all of them marching. They look like the Chinese. Ah, they are preparing for war. They sit on tanks... All these tanks are coming, a whole army of people, there are many of them. So many! Many of them look like little children..."

“I see Russia. They (Russians) are sitting at a big table... I think they are going to go to war... I think they are going to go to war in Egypt and Africa. And then the Mother of God said: “Gathering in Palestine. Gathering in Palestine"

10: Joanna Southcott

A mysterious clairvoyant from England who predicted the French Revolution prophesied in 1815:

“When war breaks out in the east, know that the end is near!”

11: Gene Dixon

Prophecies of Jean Dixon, a famous fortuneteller from America, who said that in the next century there will be global disasters, after which the Third World War will begin:

“A strong earthquake in the East will serve as a sign for an Arab attack on Israel. This fight will continue for 8 years.”

12: Juna

Finally, a little optimism from Juna. When asked about World War III, the famous healer replied:

“My intuition never fails me... There will be no Third World War. Categorically!"

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The media are increasingly talking about unrest in one corner of the world or another. Conflicts occur both at the level of gangster groups and between heads of countries, and this is fraught with global military clashes. At the level of modern weapons, any war will be bloody and destructive, comparing cities to the ground, leaving wives widows and children orphans.

Some believe that World War 3 has been going on for a long time and it is informational, when facts are distorted, half-truths are presented as truth, and lies are presented as an alternative point of view. Slander is not as harmless as it seems at first glance; in any country there are people illegally convicted on the basis of false testimony.

If a global intergovernmental conflict ripens, everything could end in military action. So, will World War 3 start in 2020? What do famous clairvoyants, psychics, monastics, astrologers of the present and past think about this?

In the 20th century Vanga was the most famous clairvoyant. Both ordinary people and government officials came to her for advice. After her death, years later, scientists analyzed how accurately her predictions came true and it turned out that over 80% of what she predicted came true. According to researchers, this is a very high percentage, which indicates Vanga’s undoubted prophetic gift.

Clairvoyant predictions for 2020:

  1. Vanga said that from 2020 China will become a world superpower. Those countries that were previously leaders will fall into various economic dependencies, the standard of living of citizens in them will fall.
  2. From 2020, trains on wires will rapidly rush towards the sun. Interpreters think that she meant the invention of some new engines powered by solar energy.
  3. The clairvoyant warned about Syria, where there would be a war. She will fall and this will be the beginning of World War 3.
  4. Vanga said that from 2020 there will be no more oil production all over the world and the earth will rest.

The monk argued that in 2020 the people of the Russian Federation will unite. He foreshadowed the beginning of war this year. Abel believed that the dark time would last not much, not a lot - 9 years.

Even today experts argue about how to decipher this or that quatrain of Nostradamus? The prophet looked 5 centuries into the future. Reality has changed so much that it’s no wonder Nostradamus might not understand something, describe it incorrectly, or make a mistake somewhere.

The quatrains do not indicate specific dates, the names of the states they are talking about, and there are many allegories in the quatrains, but researchers manage to guess what the prophet was talking about. This is especially true for key and significant events that have already occurred. Here's what you'll experience in the near and distant future:

  • Experts have deciphered that the prophet predicted floods across Europe in 2020. Why will they happen? Due to the rains that will continue to pour for 2 months. From one quatrain, where the enemy in red is mentioned, experts concluded that countries located near the seas of the oceans and whose flag has the color red will suffer more than others. This is Italy, with the Czech Republic, Hungary, with Montenegro, England.
  • At the beginning of June 2020, severe fires will break out across Russia. Before they are eliminated, the center will be burned out. Why will this happen? Due to the abnormal heat both in the Russian Federation and around the world. To escape the stuffiness and heat, people will begin to move for permanent residence to the northern regions. There is another interpretation of incinerating rays. Researchers claim that one of the gangster groups from the Middle East will use chemical weapons.
  • It will flare up again in the East armed conflict as a result of which many military and civilians will die. The leaders of European countries will act rashly and war will break out in a number of other countries. The conflict between those who profess Christianity and different denominations will intensify.

World War 3 will cover the entire planet. Nostradamus believed that at that time Siberia would become the center of civilization. People from all over the globe will come to live in Russia and the country, along with China, will be the strongest in the world.

How did Wolf Messing see the future?

Many people regret that no one wrote down Messing’s predictions. Because of this, prophecies have been lost, and others have an unclear chronology, but researchers say there are some for 2020.

Will World War 3 happen? Messing believed not, but he predicted various achievements and changes for humanity.

According to the prophet, America will begin military operations in the East in 2020. This will be a mistake by those in power. There will be a decline in the economy, and tension among the people will increase. In addition, America will suffer from various natural disasters.

Taiwan and Japan will suffer a natural disaster, but Messing did not specify what exactly will happen. Due to instability in the EU countries, the euro exchange rate will fall.

Predictions of Matrona of Moscow

Many Orthodox believers revere Matrona of Moscow. Much was spiritually revealed to her. She knew that the House of Romanov would fall and a revolution would occur in 1917.

Mother also discovered the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War. Researchers claim that her ominous prediction will affect our days and people will begin to die when there is officially no war, in the evening they will be alive, and in the morning they will all be dead. Some researchers think that Matrona meant some kind of spiritual death of the people, others are inclined that such a number of sudden deaths indicates an earthquake or atomic explosion.

Foresight of the future by Jonah of Odessa

The monastic elder said that in the future no one would attack Russia. There is no need to fear aggression from the United States.

Father argued that World War 3 would begin to emerge in a country smaller in size than the Russian Federation. There, there will be internal unrest and a civil war will break out. The Russian Federation, the USA and other countries will take part in it - this will be the beginning of World War 3.

By the way, Archimandrite Jonah from Odessa claimed that he would die, 1 year would pass and those sad events would begin. Indeed, he died in December 2012. 1 passed, unrest began in Ukraine, “Euro Maidan” occurred...

Prediction of astrologer Pavel Globa

He believes that in 2020 Russia will not face anything more than sanctions. There is a “cold” war going on in the world.

The United States and Europe are expected to see an increase in unemployment, and their currencies will fall in value. In the world, the EU will no longer be such an influential union as before.

Globa in 2020-2021 does not foresee World War 3. Military clashes will continue to occur in certain countries.

There is a decline in the West, and during this period the Russian Federation will attract, unite and influence countries that in the past were part of the USSR. More and more natural disasters will occur in the world due to the riots of nature and countries will support each other as best they can.