
The main features of a romantic hero. What is a romantic hero? What are the traits of a romantic hero

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ROMANCE IN RUSSIAN LITERATURE. Three types of romantic hero.

Romanticism is a trend in literature, an artistic type of creativity, a characteristic feature of which is the display and reproduction of life outside the real-concrete connections of a person with the surrounding reality.

The emergence of romanticism. Romanticism emerged in the late 18th century. The birthplace of romanticism is Germany, the emerging aesthetics gave the world a number of philosophers: F. Schelling, Fichte, Kant. German romanticism had a decisive influence on all types of art: ballet, painting, literature, gardening art. Many romantics were linguists, they were interested in language as an expression of the spirit of a nation, an expression of thoughts and feelings. Romanticism describes a vivid, exceptional plot, sublime passions, feelings, love affair.

Romanticism has its own way of typing. These are exceptional characters in exceptional circumstances. Romantics portray human qualities on departure from the ordinary. With the inception of romanticism, there is a resurrection of telepathy, parapsychology. The birth of romanticism is a crisis of rational aesthetics. A new typology of the hero appears. These types have become eternal. ...

The first type of hero. 1 . The hero is a wanderer, a fugitive, a wanderer (he was created by Byron, he was with Pushkin (Aleko), .. Wandering is not geographical, but spiritual, internal migration, the search for the unknown. The search for the highest truth. Wandering is a metaphor for striving into the unknown, eternal search, yearning for the infinite, this yearning leads to alienation from society, opposing oneself to those around him, to the world, to God.

This type of hero spawned eternal images... The image of the sea ... (restlessness, throwing ...)

The image of the road ...

Don Quixote is a wanderer who always seeks and cannot find.

The image of the disappearing horizon.

The second type of hero A strange eccentric, a dreamer, out of this world. He is characterized by childish naivety, everyday inability, on earth he is not at home, but at a party. (Odoevsky "Town in a Snuffbox", Pogorelsky, Dostoevsky).

The third type of hero The hero is an artist, a poet with a capital letter. An artist is not only a profession, but a state of mind. Creativity among romantics, who is the main creator? - The God. Romantics call him a space artist, for them poetry is a revelation. They decided that the creation of the world was not complete, and the work of the Creator should be continued by the poet. They raised the poet to such a height ... And gave rise to symbolism.

Visions, hallucinations, dreams gave rise to creativity. Romantics created a biography of Raphael. Zhukovsky's article about how he painted the picture of Madonna. “He languished in this image for a long time, but it did not work out on the canvas. Raphael fell asleep and there was a vision. He saw this image, woke up and wrote. The poet is a spiritual ascetic.

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Romanticism (1790-1830)- This is a trend in world culture, which appeared as a result of the crisis of the Age of Enlightenment and its philosophical concept "Tabula rasa", which means "blank slate". According to this teaching, a person is born neutral, pure and empty, like a white sheet of paper. This means that if you take up his education, you can bring up an ideal member of society. But the flimsy logical structure collapsed, coming into contact with the realities of life: the bloody Napoleonic Wars, the French Revolution of 1789 and other social upheavals destroyed people's faith in the healing properties of the Enlightenment. During the war, education and culture did not play a role: bullets and sabers still did not spare anyone. Strong of the world they studied hard and had access to all famous works art, but this did not stop them from sending their subjects to death, it didn’t stop them from cheating and cunning, it didn’t stop them from indulging in those sweet vices that have corrupted humanity from time immemorial, regardless of who and how educated. No one stopped the bloodshed, no one was helped by preachers, teachers and Robinson Crusoe with his blessed work and "God's help."

People are disappointed, tired of social instability. The next generation was "born old." "Young people have found use of their idle powers in despair"- as wrote Alfred de Musset, the author who wrote the brightest romantic novel "Confessions of the Son of the Century." State young man of his time, he described as follows: "Denial of everything heavenly and everything earthly, if you will, hopelessness"... Society was imbued with world grief, and the main postulates of romanticism are a consequence of this mood.

The word "romanticism" comes from the Spanish musical term "romance" (piece of music).

The main signs of romanticism

Romanticism is usually characterized by listing its main characteristics:

Romantic duality Is a sharp opposition between ideal and reality. The real world is cruel and boring, and the ideal is a refuge from the hardships and abominations of life. A textbook example of romanticism in painting: Friedrich's painting "Two contemplating the moon." The eyes of the heroes are directed to the ideal, but the black hooked roots of life seem to not let go of them.

Idealism- This is the presentation of the maximum spiritual requirements for yourself and for reality. Example: Shelley's poetry, where the grotesque pathos of youth is the main message.

Infantilism- this is the inability to bear responsibility, frivolity. Example: the image of Pechorin: the hero does not know how to calculate the consequences of his actions, he easily injures himself and others.

Fatalism (evil fate)- this is the tragic nature of the relationship between man and evil fate. Example: " Bronze Horseman"Pushkin, where the hero is pursued by an evil fate, taking away from him his beloved, and with her all hopes for the future.

Many borrowings from the Baroque era: irrationality (tales of the Brothers Grimm, stories by Hoffmann), fatalism, gloomy aesthetics (mystical stories by Edgar Allan Poe), theomachy (Lermontov, the poem "Mtsyri").

The cult of individualism- the clash of the individual and society - the main conflict in romantic works(Byron, Childe Harold: the hero opposes his individuality to an inert and boring society, going on a journey without end).

Characteristics of a romantic hero

  • Disappointment (Pushkin "Onegin")
  • Nonconformism (rejected existing value systems, did not accept hierarchies and canons, protested against the rules) -
  • Shocking behavior (Lermontov "Mtsyri")
  • Intuition (Bitter "Old woman Izergil" (the legend of Danko))
  • Denial of free will (it all depends on fate) - Walter Scott "Ivanhoe"
  • Themes, ideas, philosophy of romanticism

    The main theme in romanticism is the exceptional hero in exceptional circumstances. For example, a highlander captured from childhood, miraculously saved and ended up in a monastery. Usually children are taken captive not in order to transport them to monasteries and replenish the staff of monks, the case of Mtsyri is a unique precedent.

    The philosophical basis of romanticism and the ideological and thematic core is subjective idealism, according to which the world is a product of the subject's personal sensations. Examples of subjective idealists - Fichte, Kant. A good example of subjective idealism in literature is The Confessions of the Son of the Century by Alfred de Musset. Throughout the story, the hero immerses the reader in subjective reality, as if reading a personal diary. Describing his love conflicts and complex feelings, he does not show the surrounding reality, but inner world, which, as it were, replaces the external one.

    Romanticism dispelled boredom and melancholy - typical feelings in the society of that period. The secular game of disappointment is brilliantly played by Pushkin in the poem "Eugene Onegin". The main character plays in public when he thinks himself out of reach of ordinary mortals. A fashion arose among young people to imitate the proud loner Childe Harold, the famous romantic hero from Byron's poem. Pushkin laughs at this tendency, portraying Onegin as a victim of yet another cult.

    By the way, Byron became an idol and an icon of romanticism. Distinguished by eccentric behavior, the poet attracted the attention of society, and won recognition for his ostentatious eccentricities and indisputable talent. He even died in the spirit of romanticism: in the internecine war in Greece. An exceptional hero in exceptional circumstances ...

    Active romanticism and passive romanticism: what's the difference?

    Romanticism is inherently heterogeneous. Active romanticism- this is a protest, a rebellion against that philistine, vile world, which has such a detrimental effect on the individual. Representatives of active romanticism: the poets Byron and Shelley. An example of active romanticism: Byron's poem Childe Harold's Journey.

    Passive romanticism- this is reconciliation with reality: embellishment of reality, withdrawal into oneself, etc. Representatives of passive romanticism: writers Hoffman, Gogol, Scott, etc. An example of passive romanticism is Hoffmann's Golden Pot.

    Features of romanticism

    Ideal Is a mystical, irrational, unacceptable expression of the world spirit, something perfect, to which one must strive. The melancholy of romanticism can be called "yearning for the ideal." People crave it, but cannot receive it, otherwise the received will cease to be ideal, since from an abstract idea of ​​the beautiful it will turn into a real thing or a real phenomenon with errors and shortcomings.

    The peculiarities of romanticism are ...

    • creation comes first
    • psychologism: the main thing is not events, but people's feelings.
    • irony: rising above reality, making fun of it.
    • self-irony: this perception of the world reduces tension

    Escapism is an escape from reality. Types of escapism in literature:

    • fiction (going into fictional worlds) - Edgar Allan Poe ("The Red Mask of Death")
    • exotic (departure to an unusual locality, to the culture of little-known ethnic groups) - Mikhail Lermontov (Caucasian cycle)
    • history (idealization of the past) - Walter Scott (Ivanhoe)
    • folklore (folk fiction) - Nikolai Gogol ("Evenings on a farm near Dikanka")

    Rational romanticism originated in England, which is probably due to the originality of the mentality of the British. Mystical romanticism appeared precisely in Germany (brothers Grimm, Hoffmann, etc.), where the fantastic element is also due to the specifics of the mentality of the Germans.

    Historicism- this is the principle of considering the world, social and cultural phenomena in a natural historical development.

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ROMAN is a love relationship between a man and a woman.

A ROMANTIC is one who sublimely, emotionally relates to something.

ROMANCE - a small piece of music for voice accompanied by an instrument,

written in poems of lyrical content.

During the conversation, the teacher asks the question: "How are the meanings of these three words similar?" The term ROMANCE, the meaning of which you will learn in the lesson today, is also directly related to the concept of feeling.

Different eras - different criteria for assessing a person.

The criterion by which a person could be evaluated has always been important to society. Each era put forward different criteria for evaluation. So, for example, the ancient era considered a person from the point of view of his appearance, physical beauty: it is enough to remember that the sculptures of that time depict naked, physically developed people. Spiritual beauty replaced external beauty

Society of the 18th century was convinced that the strength of a person was in his mind. The world was created by God, and the task of man is to intelligently improve this world. This is how humanity entered the Age of Enlightenment. However, fanatical admiration for the power of reason, of course, could not exist for long: convictions by convictions, and in better side practically nothing changes. On the contrary: such ideas led to revolutionary upheavals and bloodshed (for example, under the slogan "In the name of reason!" There was a revolution in France), and by the end of the 18th century. a wave of frustration swept through the power of reason. The need for an alternative to it became obvious. This alternative has been found. What is opposed to reason in a person? The senses.

As we have already said, it is with the concept of feeling that the term ROMANCE is associated. ROMANCE is a trend in culture that affirms the intrinsic value of a spiritual and creative personality, the cult of nature, feelings and the natural in man.

Now the artist, addressing the connoisseur of beauty, appealed, first of all, to his feelings, and not to reason, guided not by sober mental reflections, but by the dictates of his heart.

Duality (antithesis)

First, let's remember the concept of ANTYTHESIS. Find the antithesis in the following passages:

1. I am a king, I am a slave, I am a worm, I am a god.

2. They converged. Water and stone, Poems and prose, ice and fire Not so different among themselves ...

3. Bright thoughts rise In my torn heart, And bright thoughts fall, Burned by a dark fire.

4. Today I am soberly triumphant, tomorrow I cry and sing.

5. You are a prose writer - I am a poet

you are rich - I am very poor.

Antithesis (from the Greek antithesis - opposition) is a comparison of sharply contrasting or opposite concepts and images to enhance the impression.

Estimated Answers:

1.the king - slave worm - god

2.water - stone verses - prose ice - flame

3.light - dark

4.Today - tomorrow I celebrate - I cry and sing

5.the prose writer - the poet is rich - the poor

What antithesis caused the transition from the previous era to the era of romanticism? MIND - FEELINGS. For understanding ROMANCE, the key is the concept of FEELING, which is opposed to MIND. An antithesis arises, which is reflected in the artist's attitude to the world around him. Reasonable reality does not find a response in the soul of a romantic: the real world is unfair, cruel, terrible. In search of the best, the artist dreams of going beyond reality: it is there, outside of existing life, that he is presented with the opportunity to acquire perfection, dreams, and ideal.

This is how the DUO WORLD, characteristic of romanticism, arises: "here" and "there". The despised "here" is a reality of modern romance, where evil and injustice prevail. “There” is a kind of poetic reality, which the romanticist opposes to reality.

The question arises: where to find this "there", this ideal world? Romantics find it both in their own souls and in the other world, and in the life of uncivilized peoples, and in history. The reader is given this “there” through the prism of the artist's view. Can the romance passed through the soul be mundane, prosaic? In no case! It, emphasizing the break with the prose of life, will necessarily be very unusual, sometimes even unexpected for the reader.

The main traits of a romantic hero

Rejection, denial of reality determined the specifics of the romantic hero. It is fundamentally new hero, the former did not know anything like him

literature. He is in a hostile relationship with the surrounding society, opposed to him. This person is extraordinary, restless, most often lonely and with tragic fate. Romantic hero- the embodiment of a romantic rebellion against reality. The romantic hero in the flesh is the English poet George Noel Gordon Byron (1788-1824).

Answer the questions yourself:

1. How does a romantic relate to reality?

Supposed answer: the romantic does not accept reality, he runs it.

2. Where is the romantic heading?

Supposed answer: the romantic strives for the dream, for the ideal, for perfection.

3. How are events, landscape, people depicted?

Supposed answer: events, landscape, people are portrayed in an unusual, unexpected way.

4. Where can a romantic find an ideal?

Supposed answer: the romantic finds his ideal in his own soul, in the other world, in the life of uncivilized peoples.

5. What becomes a cult for a romantic? Supposed answer: the romantic strives for freedom.

6. What is the meaning of the life of a romantic?

Supposed answer: the meaning of a romantic's life is in rebellion against reality, in heroism, in gaining freedom.

7. How does fate test romance?

Supposed answer: fate offers romance exceptional, tragic circumstances.

Romantic hero- one of artistic images literature of romanticism. The romantic is an exceptional and often mysterious person who usually lives in exceptional circumstances. The collision of external events is transferred to the inner world of the hero, in whose soul there is a struggle of contradictions. As a result of such a reproduction of character, romanticism extremely highly raised the value of the personality, inexhaustible in its spiritual depths, opening its unique inner world. A person in romantic works is also embodied with the help of contrast, antithesis: on the one hand, he is understood as the crown of creation, and on the other, as a weak-willed toy in the hands of fate, forces unknown and beyond his control, playing with his feelings. Therefore, he often turns into a victim of his own passions. Also usually the hero of a small lyric-epic work. The romantic hero is lonely. He or he himself is fleeing the familiar, convenient world for others, which seems to him to be a prison. Or he is an exile, a criminal. On a dangerous path, he is driven by an unwillingness to be like everyone else, a thirst for a storm, a desire to measure strength. For the Romantic hero, freedom dearer than life... To do this, he is capable of anything if he feels inner righteousness.

The romantic hero is an integral personality, it is always possible to single out a leading character trait in him.

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Excerpt from the Romantic Hero

- Please, you are welcome, brother of the deceased, - the kingdom of heaven! “Makar Alekseevich stayed, yes, as you please, they are in weakness,” said the old servant.
Makar Alekseevich was, as Pierre knew, a half-mad, drunken brother of Joseph Alekseevich.
- Yes, yes, I know. Let's go, let's go ... - said Pierre and entered the house. A tall, bald old man in a dressing gown, with a red nose, in galoshes on his bare feet, stood in the hall; seeing Pierre, he muttered something angrily and went into the corridor.
“We had a great mind, and now, as you will see, we have grown weaker,” said Gerasim. - Would you like to go to the office? - Pierre nodded his head. - The cabinet was sealed and remained. Sofya Danilovna ordered, if they come from you, then release the books.
Pierre entered the very gloomy study, into which he had entered with such trepidation during the life of the benefactor. This office, now dusty and untouched since the death of Joseph Alekseevich, was even gloomier.
Gerasim opened one shutter and tiptoed out of the room. Pierre walked around the office, went to the cabinet in which the manuscripts were lying, and took out one of the most important relics of the order. These were genuine Scottish acts, with notes and explanations from the benefactor. He sat down at a dusty writing table and laid the manuscripts in front of him, opened them, closed them, and finally, pushing them away from him, leaning his head on his hands, he thought.