
Pentagon: the most mysterious building on earth. What is the Pentagon? Detailed analysis of Triple H - what is it

The article tells about what the Pentagon is, when this building was created, what roles it performs and who is its head.


With the development of human society, the need for various kinds of public services and organizations gradually arose. And probably, the greatest attention has always been paid to those services that are engaged in ensuring the security of the country and its citizens, for example, the army, law enforcement agencies, etc. And the Ministry of Defense usually deals with the organization of their work, control and everything else. In the US, this is the Pentagon.

This building of a peculiar form became very recognizable over time, and its name became firmly established in the everyday speech of military personnel as the designation of the Ministry of Defense. But what is the Pentagon, when was it built? We will talk about this.


As already mentioned, the Pentagon is the headquarters. The name comes from a peculiar form. And metonymically, it has long been used to designate the Department of Defense both among the US military and among foreign journalists, observers, military specialists and others. So now we know what the Pentagon is.

This building is also the largest office in the world and was completed in 1943. If we talk about dimensions, then the length of each side is 281 meters, the total perimeter is 1405 meters, and the total length of the corridors is 28 kilometers.

It was designed by the architect Bergstrom, and the plan for the new, very spacious and carefully thought-out building was commissioned directly by the US Department of Defense. So we sorted out the question, what is the Pentagon.

Construction features and interesting facts

Despite the general conviction, the pentagonal shape of the building does not have any sacred meaning, it’s just that in the place where it was originally going to be erected, there were specific features of the terrain, topography, road layout and everything else, which led the architects to create a building of this shape. However, before the actual start of construction, it was decided to change the location of the future building of the Ministry of Defense. And although there were no restrictions in the form of third-party objects in the new place, they still decided to leave the pentagonal shape the same, and this is how the modern Pentagon turned out. This building is recognizable, probably, all over the world.

The central lawn of the courtyard is unofficially called "Ground Zero". This name was given to him by employees of the Ministry during the Cold War, and it is somewhat ironic, denoting a target for nuclear missiles of the Soviet Union.

It is also often possible to meet the question of where the Pentagon is located. And it is located in the USA, next to Washington.

And by the way, the layout of the building was created during the time of racial segregation, and the final stages of construction - after the abolition of this law. And because the number of toilet rooms in the end turned out to be doubled, since some of them were intended exclusively for the use of blacks. And this fact is probably the most frequent, which is mentioned in the stories about the Pentagon. This building is also famous for its history.

September 11, 2001 attack

Almost everyone knows about the tragic events of this date. However, in the first place, it is associated precisely with the way the planes crashed into skyscraper buildings. But few people remember that another of the planes hijacked by terrorists rammed the Pentagon.

On September 11, the plane crashed into the left outer wing of the building, where at that time the headquarters of the Navy command was located. Part of the wall collapsed, and severe damage was also caused by fire. As a result of all this, the number of victims was 125 people, 64 of them were passengers of the hijacked aircraft.

Approximately 20 minutes after the direct collision, another part of the wall collapsed, which greatly slowed down fire and rescue efforts. But still, with all the tragedy of the victims, there could have been much more. The thing is that shortly before the attack, repairs were barely completed in that section of the building, and there were few workers there.

Later, after all the restoration work, a memorial was erected in the newly rebuilt wing in memory of those who died on that fateful day.

Head of the Pentagon

Ashton Baldwin Carter is the head of the Pentagon. He took up this post on February 17, 2015. Carter is the 25th Secretary of Defense of the United States, having been nominated for this position by Barack Obama himself.

Carter has a bachelor's degree in theoretical physics, and many of his rivals said he would make a better scientist than a politician.

After the outbreak of the military conflict in eastern Ukraine, Carter repeatedly stated that various kinds of pressure should be exerted on Russia, since, in his opinion, it is she who is the cause of the war and the unstable situation in Kyiv.

The US Department of Defense, located in the state of Virginia in a building called the Pentagon, coordinates all the country's facilities related to defense against external threats and national security. The annual official budget that the US government spends on combat operations, maintenance of the army and other expenses associated with this department exceeds $650 million. The unofficial budget of the Pentagon is over one trillion US dollars.

This is a complex system that regulates military subordination, the relationship of various branches of the armed forces, and has a large number of units.

The Pentagon is the headquarters of the US Department of Defense

The famous Pentagon is the largest office building in the world, which simultaneously employs more than 25 thousand people. It has the form regular pentagon, and the word "pentagon" itself is translated from Greek as "pentagon". The length of each side of this structure is more than 280 meters.

Construction of the building that later housed the Ministry began in 1941 under the direction of architect George Bergstrom. The unusual shape of the Pentagon was dictated by the scheme of transport arteries in this area. The fact is that at the site of the future construction five roads converged into a large intersection, forming an almost perfect pentagon. In order not to change urban transport communications, this form was chosen for a large-scale architectural structure. True, some time later, the President personally decided to move the construction a little lower along the Potomac, so as not to spoil the view of the American capital, but the architectural design remained unchanged.

The total area of ​​the interior of the building is more than 600,000 square meters, and the total length of the corridors of the building is almost 30 kilometers. The Pentagon is equipped with a heliport, a hall for ceremonies, and a metro station opens to it. According to official figures, the US Department of Defense has 7 floors, 2 of which are underground.

Interesting fact about the Pentagon: the number of toilets with which the Pentagon is equipped is twice the required sanitary standards. In 1943, when construction was completed, it turned out that the architects had taken care to separate the toilets for white employees and African Americans. But by order of Franklin Roosevelt, the “for whites” and “for coloreds” signs on the Pentagon were abolished.

The history of the creation of the US Department of Defense

The need to create a single department that would take over the management of the army, navy, defense and national security became obvious to the American government after the end of World War II, in 1945. It was then that Harry Truman first submitted to Congress a proposal to create such a ministry. This proposal, however, did not receive unequivocal support, since the army and navy did not see any prospects in the idea of ​​concentrating the leadership of all the armed forces in one department. It was only in 1947 that a law establishing the Ministry of Defense was passed.

The ministry united several departments created in the 18th century and obsolete. The first secretary of defense was James Forrestal, former head of the naval department.

An interesting fact: the US Department of Defense was originally called the National Military Establishment, but was soon renamed due to the fact that the abbreviation NME, pronounced aloud, sounds exactly like English word"enemy", which means "enemy, enemy."

Structure and divisions of the US Department of Defense

This one of the largest government institutions in the country today combines the following units:

  • Ground Forces (US Army);
  • Naval Forces;
  • Aviation and landing troops;
  • Intelligence structures and special forces (SOF);
  • The Coast Guard also falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry.

Structure of the US Department of Defense

The current structure of the Department of Defense was determined in 1986 by a special law on the highest ranks of the American army. According to this law, the supreme command belongs to the President of the United States, a step below is the Secretary of Defense. This is followed by the commanders of military units in different regions of the country. At the same time, the Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff has the status of an adviser to the President on military issues.

The Office of the Minister of Defense includes 4 divisions: the Defense Advisory Committee, the Military Evaluation Directorate, the Control Directorate, and the Investigative Committee.

The directorates of the three branches of the military make up the Main Directorate of the branches of the armed forces.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff includes the directorates of transport troops, as well as strategic and special forces. The Joint Operational Headquarters of the Armed Forces consists of the heads of US military headquarters in different regions of the world. Also, the divisions of the Ministry of Defense include the Intelligence Directorate, functional and technical services, including the Pentagon Security Service.

The press service, the personnel department, the prisoner of war commission, the medical institutions department are among the Auxiliary Services.

The development of Internet technologies and mass communications also influenced the structure of the Ministry of Defense. In 2003, the national communications system was taken over by him. In 2009, an agency known as the US Cyber ​​Command appeared at the Pentagon. This relatively new unit serves on the fronts of the information war, repels hacker attacks, and is responsible for the safety of military networks and Internet resources. The creation of this military unit provoked the active introduction of similar units in other countries of the world. Cybertroops have already been created in South Korea, China and Russia.

The Department of Defense's highest award (which can be earned in peacetime) is the Distinguished Service Medal. It, as a rule, is awarded only to representatives of the highest military ranks, it is handed over personally by the US Secretary of Defense. In the compositional center of the award is a blue pentagon, symbolizing simultaneously five branches of the US Army, and the Pentagon building. On top of it is an eagle holding three arrows in its paws, and crowning the composition with an arc of 13 stars, symbolizing the 13 first American states that defended American independence.

Interesting fact: The first US Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, was a man of infinite loyalty. military service, but suffering from unhealthy workaholism, from which members of his family often suffered. When he entered the most responsible position of his career, his two sons were once forced to make a flight from England to America on their own, without adult accompaniment. The boys missed their connecting flight in Paris, and when they called their father, they were severely reprimanded for disturbing him during business hours and ordered to handle the situation themselves. The boys were 6 and 8 years old.

The headquarters of the US Department of Defense, known as the Pentagon, was built in less than a year and a half. For American society, this complex is one of the symbols of the country's military might. Construction of a reinforced concrete building with an area of ​​600 thousand square meters. m began on September 11, 1941 and was completed on January 15, 1943. The Pentagon is located in a wasteland in the suburbs of Washington (Arlington) on the Potomac River.

In the shape of a regular pentagon

Until 1941, the United States Department of Defense did not exist as a single agency. The idea to place separate headquarters of each type of troops and the bureaucracy in one building belonged to the 32nd US President Franklin Roosevelt.

The Pentagon was conceived as a grandiose complex capable of accommodating 26,000 employees with the prospect of expanding to 40,000. Department of Defense land was allocated for construction, once owned by the commander of the Confederate army, Robert E. Lee, one of the central historical figures of the Civil War (1861-1865) .

The road junction in the selected section formed several faces of a regular pentagon - a pentagon. Architect George Bergstrom came up with the idea to fit the building into the landscape.

  • Construction work, 1 July 1942
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Later, it was decided to deploy the construction elsewhere. At the same time, the shape and size of the building did not change.

The work was carried out around the clock and lasted 491 days. An astronomical amount for the 1940s was spent on the Pentagon project - $ 83 million. Inexpensive reinforced concrete was chosen as the main material for construction.

Concentric rings and ergonomics

The Pentagon building turned out to be relatively low (five floors, 23 m high), but extremely wide. The length of each side (face) is 281 m, and the perimeter of the building is over 1.4 km.

The US Department of Defense building consists of five concentric rings divided into sections (the underground tier has seven rings). Between themselves, the rings are radially connected by ten corridors. The total length of the corridors is about 28 km. Inside the building there are 13 elevators, 19 escalators and 131 stairs, two-wheeled electric scooters are provided for ease of movement.

Despite its grandiose size, the Pentagon is considered one of the most ergonomic office buildings in the world - within seven minutes you can walk to any end of the complex (if you go straight through the courtyard). However, sometimes the corridors of the ministry look like a real labyrinth.

There is a known case when the 34th American President Dwight Eisenhower got lost in the Pentagon: returning from a meeting in one of the buildings, the head of the White House could not find his way to his office.

At the time of the construction of the Pentagon, laws related to racial segregation were still in force in the United States. In this regard, the building of the Ministry of Defense was designed taking into account the zoning of the interior into sectors for "white" and "colored" (it was about cafeterias, latrines, conference rooms). Therefore, now there are twice as many toilets in the Pentagon than it should be according to sanitary standards.

“For some time, the building of the Ministry of Defense was considered the world's largest office center. Sometimes there is talk about the need to increase the area of ​​​​the Pentagon, because today far from all the personnel of the Ministry of Defense work there, ”said Valery Garbuzov, director of the Institute for the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in an interview with RT.

According to the expert, the Pentagon no longer impresses with its architectural grandeur. However, he retains the role of one of the symbols of American military power.

“Partly this is the merit of Hollywood, representing the Pentagon not just as the headquarters of American armed forces, but as a kind of place where key decisions about the fate of the world are allegedly made, ”Garbuzov noted.

Death Lunch

The US Department of Defense building is open to tour groups. There are many interesting exhibits in the Pentagon premises (there is even an Oscar from the National Film Academy for the documentary series Why We Fight).

In the center of the courtyard is the Ground Zero cafeteria. According to the legend of the Cold War, in the event of a nuclear strike on the Pentagon from the USSR, the epicenter of the explosion would have fallen directly on this diner, since Soviet intelligence allegedly mistook Ground Zero for a bunker for secret documents - satellite images at certain hours were recorded at the building of a crowd of people. Therefore, lunch at Ground Zero was called the most dangerous in the world.

  • Ground Zero cafeteria in the courtyard of the Pentagon
  • U.S. Department of Defense

In addition to Ground Zero, there are many other cafes, canteens and buffets inside the Pentagon, including well-known brands such as Subway and McDonald's.

"Underground Pentagon"

As Garbuzov noted, the Pentagon struck the imagination of contemporaries and inspired cinematographers to create all sorts of legends that were partially intertwined with reality.

One of the most common myths is the existence of a developed system of "catacombs" in the Pentagon. In reality, the US Department of Defense building has only two underground tiers.

In Stanley Kubrick's film Dr. Strangelove, or How I Stopped Being Afraid and Loved the Bomb (1964), American politicians, scientists, and a Soviet diplomat, gathered in a Pentagon conference room, tried to prevent a nuclear war between the two superpowers. And when it became clear that the end of the world could not be avoided, the characters of the film decided to take refuge in special underground bunkers.

The US Department of Defense infrastructure does include shelters, but they are all located far from the Pentagon.

terrorist attack

The only documented attack on the Pentagon was the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. Then a Boeing 757-200 hijacked by terrorists (American Airlines Flight 77) with 58 passengers (including five terrorists) and six crew members on board crashed into the left outer wing of the building occupied by the US Navy.

The victims of the attack were 184 people, including 125 who were at that moment in the building of the Ministry of Defense. It is noteworthy that on this tragic day 60 years have passed since the start of construction of the Pentagon.

In 2001, the Pentagon was in the process of reconstruction, which started back in 1998. And on September 11, the plane crashed into just that part of the building where construction work was underway.

  • Aftermath of the attack on the Pentagon, September 11, 2001
  • U.S. Department of Defense

After the plane crashed into the Pentagon, its body was completely destroyed by fire, only the steering wheel and flight recorder survived. In footage released by the FBI a few years after the attack, you can see only a few small fragments of the liner.

In an interview with RT, military expert Yuri Knutov noted that the ramming of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 became complete surprise for US military personnel. The terrorists used a new method of mass murder, which was impossible to prevent by means of air defense.

  • Memorial to those killed in the attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001
  • Reuters

On September 11, 2002, the left wing of the Pentagon was restored. In 2008, a memorial was erected in front of the building in memory of the victims of the attack.

Korean musical performers confidently gaining leading positions in the song charts not only in their homeland, but also far beyond its borders: in Europe, America, the CIS countries - all over the world. For example, South Korean boy band BTS recently scored a record number of views in the first 24 hours after the release of their IDOL video on YouTube video hosting. The view rate has crossed the 45 million mark! However, the Korean pop industry is rich in other, less popular, but no less talented performers. So let's get acquainted with a group called PENTAGON. Who are these guys? What kind of music can they offer their listener? Find out in the article!

Who are Pentagon?

Pentagon is a Korean boy band made up of 10 trainees under Cube Entertainment. The group consists of 8 Korean guys, 1 Chinese and 1 Japanese. They debuted their title track Gorilla on October 10. So, a detailed biography Korean group Pentagon in the article below!

Initially, they were supposed to debut in early 2016, however, before that, 10 participants had to pass the TV selection test. Pentagon Maker was the name of the show, in which the trainees tried to prove their right to be a member of the group. They had to finish "Pentagraph" to secure their place in the group during the non-debut. Fortunately, in the end, all the members debuted together. A more detailed biography of Pentagon, the history of the formation of the group and its development - further.

Pre-Debut: Pentagon Maker

On April 26, 2016, music agency Cube Entertainment released the trailer for Come into the World, the first trailer since the company hinted at a new boy band back in December 2015.

What is interesting in the biography of the Pentagon group? The final line-up was determined during the reality show Pentagon Maker by the South Korean television channel Mne, which was also broadcast over the Internet. Jinho, Hui, Hongseok, Yenan, Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok made it to the end of the show; they were confirmed the status of official members of the group. In addition, the group also includes E'Dawn and Yewon.

The biographies of the members of the Pentagon group are interesting and special in their own way, because each of them has come a long way on the way to success and debut.

So, the official start of the band's career came on July 9, when Pentagon released the songs Young and Find Me. In support of the first composition was released music video.

Pentagon's biography reveals that the band originally planned to hold their debut concert on July 23, 2016. It was supposed to be a performance at the Jamsil Indoor stadium. However, Cube Entertainment had to postpone the date of the concert and debut of the group - they explained this by the presence of problems within the company.

Biography Pentagon: 2017 and Japanese debut

As early as January 22, 2017, the guys from the group released a special music video for Pretty Pretty, a track from their second Korean EP called Five Senses.

The first Japanese EP was the mini-LP Gorilla: shortly after the release, on March 29, the track debuted at number three on the Oricon charts. The album consists of six tracks, including Japanese versions of the previously released tracks Gorilla, Can You Feel It, Pretty Pretty and You Are, the album also includes two new Japanese tracks.

On May 18, the group released a new single: the ballad Beautiful. From June 8 to 10, the group's concert was held at the Shinhan Card Fan Hall. It was called Tentastic Vol. 2 and was divided into three days P, T and G, symbolizing the abbreviated name of the group - PTG. During the concert, the boy band showcased various concepts and wowed the audience with their performances.

On June 12, the group released their third Korean EP, which included the title track Critical Beauty (예뻐 죽겠네). It was it that became their first EP, which hit the Billboard World Music Chart at number 14. An interesting fact from the biography of Pentagon members: Yan An was unable to take part in promotions and events dedicated to promoting the album due to a hand injury. On July 24, Pentagon released a surprise music video for their Precious Promise fans.

On September 6, the group released their fourth Korean EP, which included the title track Like This. They held their third solo concert Pentagon Mini Concert Tentastic Vol. 3, Promise at Yes24 in Seoul.

On November 23, the group released their fifth Korean EP. Its title track was the song Runaway. The group subsequently held their fourth solo concert Pentagon Mini Concert Tentastic Vol. 4, Dream at the Blue Square IMarket Music Hall in Seoul.

Changes in the composition of the group

Biography Pentagon: 2018

On January 17, 2018, Pentagon released their second Japanese EP, Violet, which included the title track of the same name. They held their last solo concert Pentagon Mini Concert Tentastic Vol. 5, Miracle on April 1 at the Blue Square I-Market Hall in Seoul.

On April 2, Pentagon released their sixth Korean EP, Positive, with six tracks including the single 빛나리 (Shine).

The start of sales of the Japanese version of the song SHINE fell on August 29. The song was the opening theme for the August episodes of the late-night music program Break Out.

On September 10, Pentagon released their seventh Korean EP Thumbs Up, which has five tracks including the single 청개구리 (Naughty boy).

Triple H - what is it

Triple H (트리플 H in Korean) is a South Korean group formed by music agency Cube Entertainment. The group consists of Korean singer HyunA and Pentagon members Hui and E'Dong. They released two EPs as a group, 199X (2017) and Retro Futurism (2018).

The trio Triple H got this name because Hyuna (HyunA) and Pentagon members - Hui (Hui) and E'Dawn (E "Dawn) - in the names English letter H (Eadong's real name is Hyojong). However, the members of the trio admitted that the choice of the group's name was also influenced by an American professional wrestler and champion named Triple H - his personality seems to reflect the mood of the Korean group.

Interesting facts about the biography of EDawn (Pentagon): after E "Dawn and Hyuna announced their relationship in August, on September 13, Cube Entertainment announced the termination of contracts with these two performers, citing the fact that the company could no longer trust them. However After the company's share price plummeted and the fans rioted, the company's management decided to postpone the dismissal of Hyuna and E'Dawn, but Cube Entertainment said they will have to think things through before making a final decision on the matter.

The life of Korean stars is very interesting. Fans are most attracted to the pre-debut part of celebrity life. So, what interesting things do we know about the guys from the Pentagon group?

Hong Seok is a former member of a group formed by television audit organization MIX & MATCH (2014). At the time of participation in Pentagon Maker, the guy already had a lot of fans.

Jinho used to be a trainee from SM Entertainment, however, after turning down his debut under SM Entertainment, he transferred to Cube Entertainment to audition for Pentagon Maker.

Hui is the leader of the group. Interestingly, during the first mission in the Pentagon Maker program, he received the highest score among all participants.

In the Pentagon Maker program, Kino showed the least stability in positions. Before becoming an official member of Pentagon, Kino was in the lead, and then lost ground, showing average results.

Yuuto is Japanese. He is incredibly good at rap, which is why he is in the rap line of the group. Pentagon members refer to him as "Prince Takoyaki".

Yenan was born and raised in China. He is considered a lady's heartbreaker: all thanks to his good figure and radiant white skin!

Wooseok is the youngest member of the group (in Korean show business, they are called maknaes).

E'Dawn has tattoos and considers himself the most adorable member of the group.

At the end of the 20th century (1943), the most important US building, the Pentagon, was built near Washington. The main base of the Ministry of Defense of the country is located within its walls. This building is the epitome of American strength and power. Translated from the Greek language "Pentagon" - "pentagon". This name is quite consistent with the shape of the building. A few years ago, the doors of this grandiose building were opened to everyone. After the tragic events of September 2001 (terrorist attack), tours of the Pentagon are limited.

History of creation

The Pentagon is a huge office building, one of the largest in the world. The total area is about 600,000 square meters. m. The structure was built on the initiative of General Sommervell. The US military headquarters was supposed to be located within its walls. The building was designed by the famous American architect George Bergstrom. The result was an oblong, squat structure in the shape of a pentagon. Due to financial difficulties, the cheapest materials were used for construction - reinforced concrete and sand. The Pentagon was built in a short period of time, with several thousand workers working on it. The architects did their best, turning the building into a real labyrinth with dozens of long winding corridors and sectors. While the second part of the building was still being erected, the work of the Ministry of Defense of the country was already in full swing in the completed offices. Later, the Pentagon had water supply, sewerage, and even its own helipad. There is a bus stop nearby. A few years later, modern elevators were launched. On September 11, 2001, the country was subjected to a terrorist attack. Al-Qaeda militants hijacked a plane with passengers. The terrorists sent him straight to the Pentagon. Part of the building was destroyed, several dozen people died, including passengers. Today, this part of the building houses a museum of memory. There is a small chapel nearby. There is a memorial park around.

Tour of the Pentagon

The Pentagon is an elongated five-story building. Inside there are about seven thousand windows, 130 stairs, 20 escalators and 15 elevators. About 30 thousand people work in the building. The layout was created in the form of concentric rings, from which direct rays extend in all directions. It facilitates movement, getting to the desired office or sector is not difficult, it is enough to overcome several winding corridors. There are countless toilets within the walls of the building. Previously, they were built with special priority - there were separate booths for blacks. The Hall of Heroes has opened at the Pentagon. Every year, in a solemn atmosphere, medals and awards are presented here to the best US servicemen. The walls of the hall are covered with the names of the heroes. There is a small grocery store in the courtyard of the building. It was opened specifically for employees of the department. There is a theory that during the Cold War there was a secret bunker under the store. Allegedly, Russian satellites detected movement in the area huge amount of people. Around the courtyard there is a wonderful park of oaks and maples. Among them - green lawns, well-kept lawn, flower beds. Upon entering the building, visitors find themselves in a spacious, bright lobby. Countless shops, banks, offices, restaurants, cafes and other service companies are concentrated here. You can look into a flower shop, a candy store or a jewelry store. The walls of the lobby are covered with photographs of the American military. Tours are conducted by young cadets dressed in full dress uniforms. The final destination of the excursion is the memorial park and the chapel built on the site of the destroyed building. In the middle of the park there is a large death slab made of black marble. The names of all those who died in this terrible tragedy are engraved on it.

  • Americans to this day believe the absurd version that during the Cold War Soviet Union intended to launch a nuclear strike at a point located in the center of the Pentagon courtyard. To this day, this place is jokingly called the “epicenter”.
  • The Pentagon building is completely equilateral. All its sides are equal.
  • Foreign analysts are confident that such a powerful structure can withstand any explosion.

Information for tourists

In the city of Arlington, in the state of Virginia, one of the most grandiose architectural creations, the Pentagon, is located. To get to it, you can use the Pentagon metro station. You can take buses under the numbers - 7A, 9A, 22A, 7B, 18H, 10E, etc. Interesting excursions are held within the walls of the building, from which you can learn a lot about the history of the creation of this building, about the years of the Cold War, the events of World War II and much more. Many come here to pay tribute to the memory of all those who died in the tragedy of 2001.

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