
The best classic symphonies. Masterpieces of classical music. "Afternoon rest of Favna"

1. "Symphony number 5", Ludwig Van Beethoven

According to legend, Beethoven (1770-1827) could not come up with joining Symphony number 5 for a long time. But when it was arrogant to take a break, he heard a knock at the door, and the rhythm of this knock was the entry into this work. Interestingly, the first symphony notes correspond to the figure 5, or v in the Morse code.

2. o Fortuna, Karl ORF

Composer Karl ORF (1895-1982) is most famous thanks to this Cantate with dramatic vocals. It is based on the poem of the XIII century "Carmina Burana". This is one of the most frequently executed classic works worldwide.

3. Heal of "Alliluya", Georg Friedrich Handel

Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759) wrote the oratorile "Messiah" for 24 days. Many melodies, including "Alliluya", were later borrowed from this work and began to be executed as independent works. According to the legend, the Handel in the head sounded the music played by angels. The text of the oratorio is based on biblical plotsGendel reflected the life, death and resurrection of Christ.

4. "Flight Walkiry", Richard Wagner

This composition is taken from the Opera "Valkyrie", which is included in the operas of the "Ring Nibelung" Richard Wagner (1813-1883). Opera "Valkyrie" is devoted to the daughter of God Odin. The writing of this opera Wagner spent 26 years, and this is just the second part of the grand masterpiece of four operas.

5. "Toccata and Fuga Re Minor", Johann Sebastian Bach

This is probably the most famous work of Baha (1685-1750), it is often used in films during dramatic scenes.

6. "Little Night Serenade", Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

(1756-1791) wrote this legendary 15-minute composition in just a week. She was officially published in 1827.

7. "Ode of Joy", Ludwig Van Beethoven

The other Masterpiece Beethoven was completed in 1824. This is the most famous fragment of Symphony No. 9. The most amazing thing that Beethoven has already become deaf and. Nevertheless, he managed to compose such an outstanding work.

8. Spring, Antonio Vivaldi

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) - the composer of the Baroque era, in 1723 he wrote four works, each of which personified one time of year. "Seasons" still enjoy great popularity, especially "Spring" and "Summer".

9. "Canon Pakhelbel" (Canon in D Major), Johann Palaelbell

Johann Pakhelbel (1653-1706) is a composer of the Baroque era, it is considered the most influential composer of this period. He struck the world with his sophisticated and technical music.

10. Overture from the opera "Wilhelm Tel", Joakkino Rossini

This 12-minute composition of Joakkino Rossini (1792-1868) is the last part of the samples of four parts. Other parts are less well today, but this composition has become famous thanks to the use of Warner Brother's Looney Tunes in Disney cartoons.

Version in english

This is not a list of 10 the greatest works, Such a list is simply impossible to make up. However, each work on this list is great different reasons And each of them is a sign or for the history of music, or for society, or for a particular composer.

1.Lide van Beethoven Symphony number 5

Perhaps the most famous of all the symphonies is the classic Beethoven. If you enjoy this symphony, try listening to the remaining 8 symphony created by Beethoven.

2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "Wedding Figaro" (Marriage of Figaro)

Perhaps the top of Mozart's creativity in the Opera, by Comedy Bomumasche "crazy day or marriage of Figaro", a magnificent cocktail of excellent music and comic situations.

3. Johann Strauss (Jr.) "On Beautiful Blue Danube" (The Blue Danube)

This elegant waltz became an unofficial anthem of Austria (where Mozart is "our everything"), elegantly covering all the beauty of the big city - Vienna.

4. Joakkino Rossini "Seville Barber of Seville"

Another interesting comic opera, now from the Great italian composer. The famous overture from this opera Rossini used in two other operas.

5. Richard Wagner "Siegfried Idyll" (Siegfried Idyll)

Symphonic play, created as a birthday present wife and called in honor of the newborn son, who was named after the Hero of the Opera "Siegfried". The main topic of this play is taken from the Opera "Siegfried" from the "Ring Nibelung" cycle.

6. Hector Berlioz "Fantastic Symphony" (Symphonie Fantastique)

The greatest contribution of the French composer of Hector Berlioz to orchestral music, "fantastic symphony" is amazingly colorful and expressive work.

7. Robert Schuman "Love Poet" (Dichterliebe)

One of the greatest song cycles for piano and voices. A set of 16 Henrich Heine's poems, laid on the music of Shuman, revives in the heart of hope and pride in the wonderful ability and purpose of man - to love!

8. Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich Symphony No. 10

After Stalin's death in 1953, Shostakovich, after a forced long creative restriction, was finally able to freely create an orphanage. As a result, it turned out one of the great symphonies of the 20th century, in which the composer summed up the era of Stalinism and, as it is believed, created a peculiar musical portrait of Stalin.

9. Petr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Symphony number 6

Tchaikovsky's last work is a masterpiece of emotional longing. It seems that never in music has not been expressed with such in-depth talent and beauty such deep scenes mental life, despair and hopelessness.

10. Gustav Canvas Suite "Planets" (The Planets)

Monumental musical work dedicated to the planets of the solar system and the same gods. Suite describes seven planets, the composer missed the earth, and Pluto was not yet discovered, and now it's not a planet.

So, at the center of our attention today is the most famous classic musical works. Classical music For several centuries for several centuries, I excite your listeners, causing them the storms of feelings and emotions. It has long become part of the history and subtle threads intertwined with the present.

Undoubtedly, in the distant future, classical music will be no less in demand, since such a phenomenon in the musical world cannot lose its relevance and significance.

Name any classic work - it will be worthy of the first place in any musical hit parade. But since the most famous classic musical works are not compared with each other, due to their artistic uniqueness, then the opts named here are represented only as works for familiarization.

"Moonlight Sonata"

Ludwig van Beethoven

In the summer of 1801, a brilliant work of LB was seen. Beethoven, who was destined to become famous worldwide. The name of this work, " Moonlight Sonata", I know absolutely everyone, from Stara to Mlada.

But initially, the work was the name "almost fantasy", which the author dedicated to his young student, beloved Juliet Gwitchchadi. And the name under which it is known to this day, came up with a musical critic and poet Ludwig Robelsts after the death of L.V. Beethoven. This work refers to one of the most famous musical works composer.

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"Turkish march"

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

This work is the third part of Sonata No. 11, it appeared on the light in 1783. Initially, it was called the "Turkish Rondo" and was very popular among the Austrian musicians, who later and renamed it. The name "Turkish march" has been fixed for the work also because it is consonant with Turkish Yanycharian orchestras, for which the drums are very characteristic, which can be traced in the Turkish Marsh, V.A. Mozart.

"Ave Maria"

Franz Schubert.

The composer himself wrote this work to the poem "Deva Lake" V. Scott, or rather to her passage and was not going to write such a deeply religious composition for the church. Some time after the appearance of the work, no one famous musician, inspired by the prayer "Ave Maria", put her text on the music of the genius F. Schubert.


Frederic Chopin

This is the work of F. Chopin, the genius of the period of romanticism, devoted to his friend. And it was he, Julian Fontana, disobeying the instructions of the author, published it in 1855, six years later from the death of the composer. F. Shopin believed that his work is similar to the expression of I. Mosselles-Freedom of Beethoven, a famous composer and a pianist, which was the reason for refusing to issue a "fantasy expression". However, this is a brilliant work no one and never considered the plagiarism except the author himself.

"Flight of the Bumblebee"

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov

The composer of this work was a fan of Russian folklore - he was interested in fairy tales. This led to the creation of the Opera "Tale of Tsar Saltan" at the plot of A.S. Pushkin. Part of this opera and is the intermedy of the "Bumblebee flight". Virtuoso, incredibly alone and brilliantly simulated in the work of the sounds of the flight of this insect N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

"Caprice №24"

Niccolo Paganini

Initially, all his capsies wrote the author solely for improving and exhausting the skill of the violin. Ultimately, they brought a lot of new and unknown to the violin music. And the 24th Caprice is the last of the writings of N. Paganini compounds, carries a rapid tarantel with folk intonations, and also recognized as one of the works ever created for a violin that are equal in difficulty.

"Vocaliz, Opus 34, №14"

Sergei Vasilyevich Rahmaninov

This product completes the 34th Opus of the composer, in which fourteen songs written to vote with piano accompaniment are combined. Vocalize, as it should be, does not contain words, but is executed on one vowel sound. S.V. Rachmaninov dedicated her Antonine Nezhdanova - Opera singer. Very often, this work is performed on a violin or cello accompanied by piano accompaniment.


Claude Debussy

This work was written by the composer under the impression of strings of the poem of the French poet of the Field of Vellen. The name very clearly transmits the softness and tartness of the melody that affects the listener's soul. In 120 films of different generations, this is the popular product of the brilliant composer K. Debussy.

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Among these melodies there will be a motive for any mood: romantic, positive or dreary to relax and do not think about or, on the contrary, to get together with thoughts.

The Italian composer and pianist runs in the direction of minimalism, often refers to the ambient and skillfully combines the classics with other musical styles. With a wide range, it is known for atmospheric compositions, which have become soundtracks for films. For example, you will probably learn music from the French tape "1 + 1", written by Eineta.

Glass is one of the most controversial personalities in the world of modern classics, which is being attracted to heaven, then in the fluff and dust. He is half a century playing in his own group Philip Glass Ensemble and wrote music more than 50 filmmakers, including "Truca Show", "Illusionist", "Taste of Life" and "Fantastic Fourth". The melodies of the American composer-minimalist erase the line between classical and popular music.

The author of the set of soundtracks, the best film composite of 2008 according to the European Film Academy and the postmimist. Conquered critics from the first Memoryhouse album, in which the music of Richter was imposed on the reading of poetry, and in subsequent albums used artistic prose. In addition to writing their own ambient compositions, Max arranges the works of classics: "Seasons" Vivaldi in his processing was headed by the ITunes charts.

This creator tool music Italy is not related to the sensational cinema, but already known as the composer, a virtuoso and an experienced guideline of the piano. If you describe the work of Marrei in two words, it will be the words "sensually" and "magnificent." His essays and cavities will like those who love Retroklassiki: the motives are subject to the last century notes.

The famous film composite created musical accompaniment for a variety of cash films and cartoons, including "Gladiator", Pearl-Harbor, Beginning, Sherlock Holmes, InterStellar, Madagascar, King Lion. His star is banging on the Hollywood "Alley of Glory", and on his shelf there are "Oscar", "Grammy" and "Golden Globe". Tsimmer's music is as different as listed films, but regardless of the tonality it takes for living.

Hisaisi is one of the most famous Japanese composers, which received four awards of the Japanese Film Academy for the best music for the film. Joe was famous thanks to the writing of the soundtrack to the anime "Navigar from the Valley of the Winds". If you are a fan of Creators of Studio Ghibli or Takeshi Kitano Takeshi, then you probably admire the music of Hisaisi. It is mostly easy and light.

This Icelandic multi-instrumentist is just a boy compared to the listed masters, but he managed to become a recognized neoclassic. Recorded accompaniment to the ballet, received the BAFTA premium for the soundtrack to the British TV series "Murder on the beach" and released 10 studio albums. Arnald's music resembles a harsh wind on the deserted sea shore.

Self famous works Lee Rooma - Kiss The Rain and River Flows in You. Korean New Age-composer and pianist writes a popular classic, who understands the listener on any continent, with any musical taste and education. His lungs and sensual melodies for many have become the beginning of love for piano music.

The American composer is interesting because, but at the same time he writes a pleasant and fairly popular music. O'Helloran melodies were used in Top Gear and several films. Perhaps the most successful album of the soundtracks turned out to be a melodraman "like crazy."

This composer and pianist knows the lot and in the art of conducting, and in how to create electronic music. But his main field is a modern classic. Kacchaplya recorded many albums, three of them with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. His music is pouring like water, it will be great to relax.

"From the pleasures of the life of one love, music is inferior; But love - melody". A.S. Pushkin "Stone Guest"

Classical music

Classical music - this is....? No, you do not read the music textbook. Everyone here knows what it is, otherwise you would not have visited this section with the ability to download classical music to your computer or directly on the site to listen to classical music online for free.

Stereotypes about classical music

When mentioning words " classic works"Each of us will present their images. For some, beautiful classical music will certainly be associated with the" time of the year "Vivaldi and the introductory chords of the first piano concert of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. For others - these are Paganini Caprises or" Wedding Marsh "Mendelssohn. Aria and Romances, Operas and operetta, symphonies, quartets, and this is not a complete list of those genres that come to mind when we are talking about classics.

Nevertheless, most listeners participating in surveys to identify a favorite type of music prefer other directions. Only a small percentage of respondents will give an answer in favor of classical music. Based on this, there was a comma role that this music "Elitarna" is high music that it is available to a little or even so - this is music for high-blade intellectuals and snobs.

What is this opinion based on? On what facts? Or is it rather a consequence of the emotional reaction of people who did not delve into the essence of the case, and only those who took the opinion of others as a given? The adoption of stereotypes leads to rejection and the reluctance is closer to get acquainted with this wide and important, perhaps the most important of all musical directions. All this resembles the episode that occurred in the restaurant, when the guest, did not have time to try to spread the ordered dish to the end, he already calls the chef to express his claims to him.

Before the moment of this recognition, the essence of things, we have already developed our opinion on it or we borrowed it. Why people enjoy stereotypes leading to such common beliefs that classical music is impossible to understand without having a special education, or that it is boring and what would be better to listen to something easy and not to waste time, trying to understand the real possibilities of musical classics, what richest Could it offer to everyone and everyone for any taste for any mood?

Classical music as a basis for other styles and directions

In order to understand the essence, you just need to open up music, throwing the preliminary conclusions made about it, to clear the mind from the ideas perceived earlier, the roots of which are no longer ourselves and hear what is. Classical music can offer a lot, because over the centuries, its richest repertoire was formed, consisting of instrumental and vocal works, solo and ensemble music, from the variety of styles and genres, supplemented by the technical and stylistic personality of various composers.

It laid the foundation for the development of modern music, such directions as minimalism increased from it, popular music And even electronic and many others. Yes, how else? Differently and could not be. We just have to trace the historical chain of the development of music, and then all of the above becomes apparent.

All the time, as long as there is classical music, she honed its means and stylistic techniques. It would be surprising if other musical trends, newer, who appeared much later, did not take advantage of the arsenal of funds to which the classic had. She as a good parent gives everything that the younger generation will take advantage of the fruits and created something new and unique of them.

Classical music listen online

Listen to classical music for the soul

Why think that for listening to classics you need to try to understand something, make any effort? They are not needed at all! Music itself through sounds, images and status will open you. She just waits for it, wants to be heard. The site section lays out a collection of classical music with its best samples, starting with Baroque compositions of Vivaldi and Bach to concerts of Beethoven, as well as works of composers-romantics and impressionists.

In this selection, quiet classical music is represented by compositions written in different epochs and marked with a stylistic manifold: the philosophicity of Brahms and Beethoven's music are adjacent to the pure serenity of Mozartovsky piano concerts or a pleasant relaxing melancholence of Nokturnov Chopin, nostalgic-spatial Rakhmaninovsky opuses will remind those who live in distant areas about their native expanses , and Impressionist dusty game of paints in Debussy's music will open in the "Moonlight" and the piano foreplay "girl with hair lines".

The miniature, 3-minute masterpiece "Träumerei" will open the door to the universe dreams and classical music, listening to which you can again and again, giving up dreams and allowing music gently, like a fluffy cloud, envelop your consciousness. Fairy Charovnitsa, Never More Classical Music Online was represented by the selected delicate taste of the banner with the best examples of the writings of various historical eras, helping to create a mood and thus beneficially affect your psyche.