
When reason and senses are fighting a person. What literary works do you know where reason prevails over feelings? Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

To many fundamental questions that arise again and again in every generation, the majority of thinking people have no and cannot have a concrete answer, and all arguments and disputes on this matter are nothing more than empty polemics. What is the sense of life? What is more important: to love or to be loved? What are feelings, God and man on the scale of the universe? This kind of reasoning also includes the question of, in whose hands is the supremacy over the world - in the cold fingers of the mind or in the strong and passionate embrace of feelings?

It seems to me that in our world, a priori, everything is organic, and reason can have some meaning only in conjunction with feelings - and vice versa. A world in which everything is subject only to reason is utopian, and the complete dominance of human feelings and passions leads to excessive eccentricity, impulsiveness and tragedies, which are described in romantic works... However, if we approach the posed question directly, omitting all sorts of "buts", then we can come to the conclusion that, of course, in the world of people, vulnerable beings who need support and emotions, it is feelings that take on the managerial role. It is on love, on friendship, on a spiritual connection that the true happiness of a person is built, even if he himself actively denies it.

In Russian literature, there are many contradictory personalities who unsuccessfully deny the need for feelings and emotions in their lives and proclaim reason as the only true category of existence. Such, for example, is the hero of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time". Pechorin made his choice towards a cynical and cold attitude towards people in childhood, faced with misunderstanding and rejection from the people around him. It was after his feelings were rejected that the hero decided that the "salvation" from such emotional experiences would be a complete denial of love, tenderness, care and friendship. The only correct way out, a defensive reaction, Grigory Alexandrovich chose mental development: he read books, talked with interesting people, analyzed society and "played" with the feelings of people, thereby compensating for his own lack of emotions, but this still did not help him replace simple human happiness. In pursuit of mental activity, the hero completely forgot how to be friends, and the moment when his heart still sparks of warm and tender feeling love, he forcibly suppressed them, forbidding himself to be happy, tried to replace this with travel and beautiful landscapes, but in the end he lost all desire and desire to live. It turns out that without feelings and emotions, any activity of Pechorin reflected on his fate in black and white and did not bring him any satisfaction.

The hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The difference between Bazarov and Pechorin is that he defended his position in relation to feelings, creativity, faith in a dispute, formed his own philosophy based on denial and destruction, and even had a follower. Evgeniy worked hard and not without results scientific activities and devoted all his free time to self-development, however, the fanatical desire to destroy everything that is not subject to reason, in a toga turned against him. The entire nihilistic theory of the hero crashed against the unexpectedly felt feelings for the woman, and this love not only cast a shadow of doubt and confusion on all Eugene's activities, but also very strongly shook his ideological position. It turns out that any, even the most desperate, attempts to destroy feelings and emotions in oneself are nothing compared to a seemingly insignificant, but such a strong feeling of love. Probably, the resistance of reason and feelings has always been and will be in our life - this is the essence of man, a creature that is "amazingly vain, truly incomprehensible and eternally fluctuating." But it seems to me that in this totality, in this confrontation, in this uncertainty, all the charm consists of human life, all her passion and interest.

People are guided by different impulses. Sometimes they are ruled by sympathy, a warm attitude, and they forget about the voice of reason. You can divide humanity into two halves. Some constantly analyze their behavior, they are used to thinking over every step. Such individuals practically do not lend themselves to deception. However, it is extremely difficult for them to arrange their personal life. Because from the moment they meet a potential soul mate, they begin to look for benefits and try to derive a formula for ideal compatibility. Therefore, noticing such a mindset, others move away from them.

Others are completely subject to the call of the senses. When falling in love, it is difficult to notice even the most obvious realities. Therefore, they are often deceived and suffer greatly from it.

The complexity of relations between representatives of different sexes is that at different stages of the relationship, men and women use too much a reasonable approach, or, on the contrary, trust the choice of the line of behavior to the heart.

The presence of fiery feelings, of course, distinguishes humanity from the animal world, however, without iron logic and some calculation, it is impossible to build a cloudless future.

There are many examples when people suffered because of their feelings. They are vividly described in Russian and world literature. Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina can be taken as an example. If main character did not fall in love recklessly, but would trust the voice of reason, she would remain alive, and the children would not have to go through the death of their mother.

Both mind and feelings should be present in consciousness in approximately equal proportions, then there is a chance for absolute happiness. Therefore, one should not refuse in some situations the wise advice of older and smarter mentors and relatives. There is a popular wisdom: "The clever learns from the mistakes of others, and the fool - from his own." If you draw the correct conclusion from this expression, you can humble the impulses of your feelings in some cases, which can adversely affect your fate.

Although sometimes it is very difficult to make an effort on yourself. Especially if the sympathy for the person is overwhelming. Some deeds and self-sacrifice were accomplished out of great love for faith, country, and one's own duty. If the armies used only cold calculation, they would hardly raise their banners over the conquered heights. It is not known how the Great Patriotic War, if not for the love of the Russian people for their land, relatives and friends.

Composition 2 option

Reason or senses? Or maybe both? Can the mind be combined with the senses? Every person asks himself such a question. When you are faced with two opposites, one side screams, choose the mind, the other screams that there is nowhere without feelings. And you don't know where to go and what to choose.

Reason is a necessary thing in life, thanks to it we can think about the future, make our plans and achieve our goals. Our minds make us more successful, but it’s our feelings that make us human. Feelings are not inherent in everyone and they are different, both positive and negative, but it is they that make us do unimaginable acts.

Sometimes, thanks to feelings, people perform such unrealistic actions that with the help of the mind it was necessary to achieve this for years. So what should you choose? Everyone chooses for himself, having chosen the mind, a person will follow one path and, perhaps, will be happy, choosing feelings, a completely different path promises a person. No one can predict in advance whether he will be good from the chosen path or not, we can draw conclusions only at the end. As for the question of whether reason and senses can cooperate with each other, I think they can. People can love each other, but understand, in order to start a family, they need money, and for this they need to work or study. In this case, mind and senses work together.

It seems to me that these two concepts start working together only when you grow up. While a person is small, he has to choose between two roads, little man it is very difficult to find points of contact between reason and feeling. Thus, a person always faces a choice, every day he has to fight with it, because sometimes the mind is able to help in a difficult situation, and sometimes feelings are pulled out of a position where the mind would be powerless.

Short essay

Many people think that reason and feelings are two things that are not at all compatible with each other. But as for me, these are two parts of one whole. There are no feelings without reason and vice versa. Everything that we feel, we think, and sometimes when we think, feelings appear. These are two parts creating an idyll. If even one of the components is missing, then all actions will be in vain.

For example, when people fall in love, they must necessarily include their mind, since it is he who can assess the whole situation and tell the person whether he made the right choice.

Reason helps not to make mistakes in serious situations, and feelings are sometimes able to intuitively suggest the right path, even if it seems unreal. Mastering the two components of one whole is not as easy as it sounds. On the life path you will have to face considerable difficulties while you yourself learn to control and find the right facet of these components. Of course, life is not ideal and sometimes it is necessary to turn off one thing.

You can't keep a balance all the time. Sometimes you need to trust your feelings and make a leap forward, this will be an opportunity to feel life in all its colors, regardless of whether the choice is right or not.

An essay on the topic Sense and Sensibility with arguments.

Final essay on literature grade 11.

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Since ancient times, reason and feeling affect us in completely different ways. Reason relies on logic and cold calculation, forcing us to weigh the pros and cons, while feelings, on the contrary, lead us, relying only on the emotions that we experience. Such a contradiction, as it was, and will always be. What choice to make in a given situation: to submit to feelings or to listen to the voice of reason? How to avoid internal conflict and find harmony between these two "elements"? It is difficult to answer this question. Therefore, Russian literature will help us to understand it - a kind of textbook of life.

Many works have been written from which the reader will draw the correct conclusions. So, in the comedy by A. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", the author denounces the vices that still exist in each of us. Using the example of the main characters, Griboyedov makes us think: is it always worth doing according to the will of the heart, or is cold calculation still better? The personification of commercialism and sycophancy is Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin.

With his obsequiousness, the hero successfully makes his way into high society. Molchalin is a convinced conservative who depends on the opinions of others. Seriousness and servility to superior people - that's life principle Molchalin. In this hero, "reason" prevails in love affairs. Experiencing strong feelings for Lisa, he tried to buy her love, promising to give her a "toilet of clever work." But still he is forced to look after Sophia. In Molchalin's love desire for her, calculation clearly outweighs. It is beneficial for him to live in the Famusovs' house, next to his boss. Only one mind moves this hero.

The opposite example in this comedy is A.A. Chatsky. In it, Griboyedov embodied many of the qualities of an advanced man of his era. Chatsky proclaims humanity, respect for the common man, freedom of thought. He is driven only by feeling, he feels sincere and ardent love for Sophia. Neither departure to Moscow nor parting cooled his feelings. For him, love is a shrine. That is why Chatsky painfully endures the news that Sophia loves another. Fidelity in friendship and sincerity in love are what is important for our hero. He opposes the Moscow "aces", who live in reverence only for wealth and rank. But the result of all this is pretty sad. Chatsky is lonely. There is no one among people who would share his position. The whole society makes fun of him and recognizes him as crazy.

Another striking example is FM Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. Main character Rodion Raskolnikov is a man of remarkable mind, deeply and subtly feels, capable of constant analysis of his own and others' actions. He is a vivid example of the struggle between reason and feeling. Raskolnikov does not dare to commit a crime for a long time, plunging into his own reflections, he is sure that knowing all the subtleties of murder and, referring himself to "unusual" people who are allowed to cross any boundaries that distinguish crime from the norm, he will be able to step over himself and continue calm and a happy life. But the dream on the eve of the crime contradicted his mind, his atmosphere was heated with the strongest feelings - the unbearable despair of little Rodion, shaking his little heart with pity for the "poor horse." All this speaks of the unnaturalness of murder. However, this does not stop Raskolnikov. Having committed a crime, he begins to experience mental anguish. If he did not act at the behest of his mind, but listened to the voice of his heart, then the crime would not have been committed. Raskolnikov takes as a basis only the results of his reflections, completely forgetting about feelings.

Should the mind prevail over feelings? .. Definitely not. Sometimes feelings are so strong that a person simply does not notice how he is rolling into the abyss, succumbing to them. But still very important

learn to reconcile feeling with reason. Learning to live in harmony between these two forces is very important, it makes a person strong and self-confident.

Direction "Sense and Sensibility" of the final essay 2016-2017 on literature: examples, samples, analysis of works

Examples of writing essays on literature in the direction of "Sense and Sensibility". Statistics are provided for each essay. Some essays are for school, and it is not recommended to use them as ready-made samples in the final essay.

These works can be used to prepare for the final essay. They are designed in order to form the students' understanding of the full or partial disclosure of the topic of the final essay. We recommend using them as additional source ideas when forming your own idea of ​​the disclosure of the topic.

Reason and feeling: can they own a person at the same time, or are these concepts mutually exclusive of one another? Is it true that, in a fit of feelings, a person commits both base deeds and great discoveries that drive evolution and progress? What can an impassive mind, cold calculation be capable of? Finding answers to these questions has occupied the best minds of humanity since life began. And this dispute, which is more important - reason or feeling, has been waged since antiquity, and everyone has their own answer. “People live by feelings,” says Erich Maria Remarque, but then adds that in order to realize this, you need a mind.

On the pages of the world fiction the problem of the influence of the senses and the mind of a person is raised very often. So, for example, in the epic novel by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy "War and Peace" two types of heroes appear: on the one hand, it is impetuous Natasha Rostova, sensitive Pierre Bezukhov, fearless Nikolai Rostov, on the other - the arrogant and calculating Helen Kuragina and her brother, callous Anatole. Many conflicts in the novel arise precisely from the excess of feelings of the heroes, the vicissitudes of which are very interesting to observe. A vivid example of how an impulse of feelings, thoughtlessness, ardor of character, impatient youth, influenced the fate of the heroes, is the case of Natasha's betrayal, because for her, laughing and young, it was incredibly long to wait for the wedding with Andrei Bolkonsky, could she subdue her unexpected feelings for Anatol the voice of reason? Here we have a real drama of reason and feelings in the soul of the heroine, she faces a difficult choice: to leave the groom and leave with Anatole, or not to succumb to a momentary impulse and wait for Andrey. It was in favor of feelings that this difficult choice was made, only an accident prevented Natasha. We cannot condemn a girl, knowing her impatient nature and thirst for love. It was feelings that dictated Natasha's impulse, after which she regretted her act when she analyzed it.

It was the feeling of boundless, all-consuming love that helped Margarita to reunite with her lover in Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. The heroine, without hesitation for a second, gives her soul to the devil and goes with him to the ball, where murderers and gallows kiss her knee. Rejecting a wealthy, measured life in a luxurious mansion with a loving husband, she rushes into an adventurous adventure with evil spirits... Here is a vivid example of how a person, choosing a feeling, created his own happiness.

Thus, the statement of Erich Maria Remarque is completely true: guided only by reason, a person can live, but it will be a colorless, dull and joyless life, only feelings give life indescribable bright colors, leaving emotionally filled memories. As the great classic Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote: "If we assume that human life can be controlled by reason, then the very possibility of life will be destroyed."

(403 words)

Should the mind prevail over the senses? In my opinion, there is no definite answer to this question. In some situations, you should listen to the voice of reason, while in other situations, on the contrary, you need to act in harmony with feelings. Let's look at a few examples.

So, if a person is possessed by negative feelings, one should curb them, listen to the arguments of reason. For example, A. Mass "Difficult exam" refers to a girl named Anya Gorchakova, who managed to withstand a difficult test. The heroine dreamed of becoming an actress, she wanted her parents, having arrived at the play at the children's camp, to appreciate her play. She tried very hard, but she was disappointed: on the appointed day, her parents never arrived. Seized by a sense of despair, she decided not to go on stage. The educator's reasonable argument helped her cope with her feelings. Anya realized that she should not let her comrades down, she needs to learn to control herself and complete her task, no matter what. And so it happened, she played the best. The writer wants to teach us a lesson: no matter how strong negative feelings are, we must be able to cope with them, listen to the mind, which tells us the right decision.

However, the mind does not always give the right advice. Sometimes it happens that actions dictated by rational arguments lead to negative consequences. Let's turn to A. Likhanov's story "Labyrinth". The father of the protagonist Tolik was passionate about his work. He loved designing machine parts. When he talked about it, his eyes were shining. But at the same time, he earned little, but he could have gone to the shop and receive a higher salary, which his mother-in-law constantly reminded him of. It would seem that this is a more reasonable decision, because the hero has a family, has a son, and he should not depend on the pension of an elderly woman - mother-in-law. In the end, yielding to family pressure, the hero sacrificed his feelings to reason: he gave up what he loved in favor of earning money. What did this lead to? Tolik's father felt deeply unhappy: “The eyes are sick and they seem to be calling. They are calling for help, as if the person is scared, as if he is mortally wounded. " If earlier he possessed a bright feeling of joy, now - a dull melancholy. This was not the kind of life he dreamed of. The writer shows that at first glance, decisions that are not always reasonable are correct, sometimes, listening to the voice of reason, we doom ourselves to moral suffering.

Thus, we can conclude: when deciding whether to act in accordance with reason or feelings, a person must take into account the specifics of a particular situation.

(375 words)

Should a person live in obedience to feelings? In my opinion, there is no definite answer to this question. In some situations, you should listen to the voice of your heart, and in other situations, on the contrary, you should not give in to feelings, you need to listen to the arguments of reason. Let's look at a few examples.

Thus, V. Rasputin's story "French Lessons" tells about the teacher Lydia Mikhailovna, who could not remain indifferent to the plight of her student. The boy was starving and, in order to get money for a glass of milk, he played gambling... Lydia Mikhailovna tried to invite him to the table and even sent him a parcel with groceries, but the hero rejected her help. Then she decided on extreme measures: she began to play with him for money. Of course, the voice of reason could not but tell her that she violates the ethical norms of the relationship between teacher and student, transcends the boundaries of what is permissible, that for this she would be fired. But the feeling of compassion prevailed, and Lidia Mikhailovna violated the generally accepted rules of teacher behavior in order to help the child. The writer wants to convey to us the idea that "good feelings" are more important reasonable norms.

However, sometimes it happens that a person is possessed by negative feelings: anger, resentment. Seized by them, he commits bad deeds, although, of course, with his mind he realizes that he is doing evil. The consequences can be tragic. A.Mass's story "The Trap" describes the act of a girl named Valentina. The heroine dislikes her brother's wife Rita. This feeling is so strong that Valentina decides to set a trap for her daughter-in-law: to dig a hole and disguise it so that Rita, stepping on, falls. The girl cannot help but understand that she is doing a bad deed, but feelings take over her reason in her. She realizes her plan, and Rita falls into a prepared trap. Only suddenly it turns out that she was in her fifth month of pregnancy and as a result of the fall she could lose the baby. Valentina is horrified by what she had done. She didn't want to kill anyone, much less a child! "How can I live on?" she asks and does not find an answer. The author brings us to the idea that one should not succumb to the power of negative feelings, because they provoke cruel actions, which later will have to be bitterly regretted.
Thus, we can come to the conclusion: you can obey feelings if they are kind, bright; the negative ones should be curbed by listening to the voice of reason.

(344 words)

You can often hear from people that they doubt between some specific desires, choosing what to give preference to - mind or feelings. Most often, such a choice is faced by those who have problems on the personal front - their heart wants to be with someone, but the mind tells that, most likely, nothing good will come from such an alliance. Sometimes in such cases the third, least studied and understandable element of human consciousness comes to the aid of a person - intuition. So what prevails in a person when making decisions - mind, feelings or intuition? Which is stronger? Answering this question, one should first of all say that a person is a very individual creature. On the one hand, we all have two arms, two legs, a head and the rest of the set of organs, on the other hand, the differences in thoughts, psyche, mental and mental organization of some people are simply impressive. But in fact, there is nothing to be surprised at - it's just that people are different, this should be taken as a fact. It is for this reason that we can always find examples of those for whom the mind or feelings are more important, and even those who always rely on intuition. However, even admitting that people are different and each is something special, it is worth recognizing that it is sometimes possible to divide people into certain categories. For example, every day you can observe that women and men are completely different creatures that do not have much in common. With regard to the topic, we can say that often women are guided by feelings and intuition, but men in most cases prefer to use the mind. Although, of course, there are exceptions and they also need to be noticed. Perhaps there are other examples when certain categories of people prefer other means of perceiving reality - feelings, mind or intuition. I think that a person should be harmonious and perceive the world in different ways, depending on the situation. Of course, in most cases, you should use your mind - this way you will be more successful in serious business with serious people, get their respect and recognition. But one cannot refuse to use other means of perception. A person will quickly get tired if he uses only his mind, forgetting about feelings and intuition. It is important to give yourself free rein, the opportunity to experiment in life, sometimes even at the cost of mistakes. It is also sometimes very important to use intuition, especially in those cases when a person is not helped by reason and feelings, or when he cannot choose between them. In general, summing up the results, I want to say that, probably, the mind is usually the strongest. This is good and normal, thanks to this, the world around and develops. But it is not for nothing that feelings and intuition are given to a person, sometimes they can be given free rein and used to their fullest.

The dispute between reason and feeling ... This confrontation is eternal. Sometimes the voice of reason turns out to be stronger in us, and sometimes we follow the dictates of our feelings. In some situations, there is no right choice. By listening to feelings, a person will sin against moral norms; listening to reason, he will suffer. There may not be such a path that would lead to a successful resolution of the situation.

So, in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" the author tells about the fate of Tatiana. In her youth, having fallen in love with Onegin, she, unfortunately, does not find reciprocity. Tatiana carries her love through the years, and finally Onegin is at her feet, he is passionately in love with her. It would seem that she dreamed about it. But Tatiana is married, she is aware of her duty as a wife, she cannot tarnish her honor and the honor of her husband. Reason prevails in her over feelings, and she refuses Onegin. Above love, the heroine puts moral duty, marital fidelity, but dooms both herself and her beloved to suffering. Could the heroes find happiness if she had made a different decision? Hardly. A Russian proverb says: "You cannot build your own happiness on misfortune." The tragedy of the heroine's fate is that the choice between reason and feeling in her situation is a choice without choice, any decision will only lead to suffering.

Let us turn to the work of Nikolai Gogol "Taras Bulba". The writer shows the choice faced by one of the heroes, Andriy. On the one hand, he has a feeling of love for a beautiful Polish woman, on the other, he is a Cossack, one of those who laid siege to the city. The beloved understands that she and Andriy cannot be together: "And I know what your duty and covenant is: your name is father, comrades, motherland, and we are your enemies." But Andriy's feelings prevail over all the arguments of reason. He chooses love, in the name of her he is ready to betray his homeland and family: “And what about my father, comrades and homeland! .. The homeland is what our soul is looking for, which is dearer to her than anything. You are my fatherland! .. And I will sell everything that is, I will give it, I will ruin it for such a fatherland! " The writer shows that a wonderful feeling of love can push a person to terrible actions: we see that Andriy turns weapons against his former comrades, together with the Poles he is fighting against the Cossacks, including his brother and father. On the other hand, could he leave his beloved to starve to death in a besieged city, perhaps become a victim of the cruelty of the Cossacks if he was captured? We see that in this situation the right choice is hardly possible, any path leads to tragic consequences.

Summing up what has been said, we can conclude that, reflecting on the dispute between reason and feeling, it is impossible to say unequivocally what should win.

(399 words)

People often say, "I feel ...". For example, I feel love for my girlfriend, I feel angry with a boor, I feel sad when friends do not call and write for a long time. This is so, for example - usually friends always call me on time or I call them myself. There are just so many feelings, they are so diverse!

What are feelings? Feeling, as I read in the dictionary, is an emotional process, it is a subjective attitude of a person to another person, to an object, to an object. Feelings are not controlled by consciousness, mind. How often we are faced with the fact that the mind tells us one thing, and the feelings - quite another. For example, it can be seen that this girl is a narcissistic liar who is only interested in going to restaurants and discos, but the guy still loves her. People are often torn between logical reasoning and strong feelings. Until now, everyone chooses for himself what to listen to - to feelings or to logic. And there is no universal recipe for how to proceed. Feelings are strong and weak, they are positive, neutral and negative. Love and hate are the strongest feelings that a person has. A strong feeling that someone is experiencing affects even that person's body. From love and joy eyes shine, posture straightens, face shines. With anger and anger, facial features are curved. Despondency sinks his shoulders. Anxiety gathers wrinkles on the forehead. Fear makes your hands tremble, your cheeks burn. For a few days of joy and happiness, a person seems to be transformed. And if you look at a person who has experienced hatred, envy, jealousy for a long time - and what a terrible impression he will make. As if his soul was twisted. How to distinguish between feelings and emotions, because these two emotional processes are so closely related? Emotions, unlike feelings, have no object. For example, I am afraid of a dog - this is a feeling, but simply fear is an emotion. Probably, human behavior depends more on feelings than on his rational considerations. It is not for nothing that we are often advised not to give in to our feelings and emotions. We try to suppress them if they are negative, but they still break out into the light. Now they control us, then we control them, transforming anger into repentance, hatred into love, envy into admiration.

"A great person can be thanks to his feelings - not only to his mind." (Theodore Dreiser)

"One can be a great person also thanks to one's feelings - not only to the mind", - argued Theodore Dreiser. Indeed, not only a scientist or a military leader can be called great. The greatness of a person can be contained in bright thoughts, the desire to do good. Feelings such as mercy, compassion, can move us to noble deeds. By listening to the voice of feelings, a person helps the people around him, makes the world a better place and becomes cleaner himself. I will try to confirm my idea with literary examples.

In the story of B. Ekimov "The Night of Healing" the author tells about the boy Borka, who comes to his grandmother for the holidays. The old woman often dreams of wartime nightmares, and this makes her scream at night. The mother gives the hero sensible advice: "She will only start talking in the evening, and you shout:" Be quiet! " She stops. We tried". Borka is going to do just that, but the unexpected happens: "the boy's heart is poured with pity and pain," as soon as he heard the groans of his grandmother. He can no longer follow sound advice, he is ruled by a feeling of compassion. Borka calms her grandmother until she falls asleep calmly. He is willing to do this every night so that healing will come to her. The author wants to convey to us the idea of ​​the need to listen to the voice of the heart, to act in harmony with good feelings.

A. Aleksin tells about this in the story "And in the meantime, somewhere ..." The woman asks for help. It would seem that Sergei has nothing to do in her house, and reason tells him to simply return her letter to her and leave. But sympathy for the grief of this woman, once abandoned by her husband, and now by her adopted son, makes him neglect the arguments of reason. Serezha decides to constantly visit Nina Georgievna, to help her in everything, to save her from the most terrible disaster - loneliness. And when his father invites him to go on vacation to the sea, the hero refuses. Yes, of course, a trip to the sea promises to be exciting. Yes, you can write to Nina Georgievna and convince her that she should go to the camp with the guys, where she will be fine. Yes, you can promise to come to her during the winter holidays. But a sense of compassion and responsibility prevails over these considerations. After all, he promised Nina Georgievna to be by her side and cannot become her new loss. Sergei is going to return a ticket to the sea. The author shows that sometimes actions dictated by a sense of mercy can help a person.

Thus, we come to the conclusion: a big heart, just like a big mind, can lead a person to true greatness. Good deeds and pure thoughts testify to the greatness of the soul.

(390 words)

An example of an essay on the topic: "Our mind sometimes brings us no less grief than our passions." (Shamphor)

"Our reason sometimes brings us no less grief than our passions," - argued Chamfort. Indeed, grief from the mind happens. Making a decision that is reasonable at first glance, a person can be mistaken. This happens when the mind and heart are out of tune, when all its senses protest against the chosen path, when, having acted in accordance with the arguments of the mind, it feels unhappy.

Let's turn to literary examples... A. Aleksin in the story "In the meantime, somewhere ..." tells about a boy named Sergei Emelyanov. The main character accidentally learns about the existence of his father's ex-wife and about her trouble. Once her husband left her, and this was a heavy blow for the woman. But now a much more terrible test awaits her. The adopted son decided to leave her. He found his biological parents and chose them. Shurik does not even want to say goodbye to Nina Georgievna, although she raised him from childhood. When he leaves, he takes all his things. He is guided by seemingly reasonable considerations: he does not want to upset his adoptive mother with goodbye, he believes that his things will only remind her of her grief. He realizes that it is difficult for her, but considers it reasonable to live with her newly acquired parents. Aleksin emphasizes that with his actions, so deliberate and balanced, Shurik inflicts a cruel blow to the woman who loves him selflessly, inflicts unspeakable pain on her. The writer leads us to the idea that sometimes reasonable actions can cause grief.

A completely different situation is described in the story of A. Likhanov "Labyrinth". The father of the protagonist Tolik is passionate about his work. He likes to design machine parts. When he talks about it, his eyes shine. But at the same time, he earns little, and yet he can go to the shop and receive a higher salary, which his mother-in-law constantly reminds him of. It would seem that this is a more reasonable decision, because the hero has a family, has a son, and he should not depend on the pension of an elderly woman - mother-in-law. In the end, yielding to family pressure, the hero sacrifices feelings to reason: he gives up his favorite job in favor of earning money. What does this lead to? Tolik's father feels deeply unhappy: “The eyes are sick and seem to be calling. They are calling for help, as if the person is scared, as if he is mortally wounded. "

If earlier he possessed a bright feeling of joy, now - a dull melancholy. He does not dream of such a life. The writer shows that at first glance, decisions that are not always reasonable are correct, sometimes, listening to the voice of reason, we doom ourselves to moral suffering.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that a person, following the advice of reason, will not forget about the voice of feelings.

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Each person must necessarily have a sense of their own dignity - this is, first of all, a sense of self-esteem, an understanding of their role in life, the ability to remain in any situation a good man that follows its principles.

But this feeling does not appear from the very birth. It should be brought up in a child from childhood by his parents, educators in kindergarten, teachers at school. It is they who explain to the child how to behave in society, what can and cannot be done. They tell him what is good and what is bad.

They clearly explain what it means to be merciful, honest, courageous and to help those in trouble.

A person who has developed self-esteem will try to study well so that he has excellent grades, and along with the accumulation of knowledge, self-esteem constantly grows. Such a person will never laugh at a comrade who stumbled and fell, but calmly give his hand so that he gets up. A person full of self-esteem will never get into a quarrel and prove his innocence, choking with a cry, and all arguments will be calm and balanced. And if a person with this quality is wrong, he will definitely ask for forgiveness.

My parents raised my self-esteem, who from childhood told me that I was the best, kind and good. But because of this, I did not turn up my nose, but on the contrary, now I am trying to become even better, so that my parents would be proud of me. I try to study well, help classmates with their studies, help my parents around the house, read books to develop spiritually, be polite with everyone, and also carefully monitor my appearance and manners. But most importantly, in any even the most difficult situation, I try not to lose my composure and be the best in everything.

What rules the world - reason or feeling? At first glance, it seems that reason prevails. He invents, plans, controls. However, a person is not only a rational creature, but also endowed with feelings. He hates and loves, rejoices and suffers. And it is the feelings that make him feel happy or unhappy. Moreover, it is his feelings that make him create, invent, change the world. Without feelings, the mind would not have created its outstanding creations.

Let us recall the novel by J. London "Martin Eden". The main character studied a lot, became famous writer... But what prompted him to work on himself day and night, to create tirelessly? The answer is simple: it is a feeling of love. Martin's heart was won by a girl from high society, Ruth Morse. To win her favor, to win her heart, Martin tirelessly improves himself, overcomes obstacles, suffers need and hunger on the way to the writing vocation. It is love that inspires him, helps him find himself and reach the top. Without this feeling, he would have remained a simple semi-literate sailor, he would not have written his outstanding works.

Let's look at another example. V. Kaverin's novel "Two Captains" describes how the main character Sanya devoted himself to searching for the missing expedition of Captain Tatarinov. He managed to prove that it was Ivan Lvovich who had the honor of discovering the Northern Land. What prompted Sanya to pursue his goal for many years? Cold mind? Not at all. He was motivated by a sense of justice, because for many years it was believed that the captain died through his own fault: he "was careless with state property." In fact, the real culprit was Nikolai Antonovich, because of whom most of the equipment turned out to be unusable. He was in love with the wife of Captain Tatarinov and deliberately doomed him to death. Sanya accidentally found out about this and most of all wanted justice to prevail. It was the sense of justice and truthfulness that prompted the hero to a relentless search and ultimately led to a historical discovery.

Summing up everything that has been said, we can conclude: the world is ruled by feelings. Paraphrasing the well-known phrase of Turgenev, we can say that only they keep and move life. Feelings encourage our minds to create new things, to make discoveries.

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"Reason and feelings: harmony or confrontation?" (Shamphor)

Sense and Sensibility: Harmony or Confrontation? It seems that there is no single answer to this question. Of course, it happens that reason and feelings coexist in harmony. Moreover, while there is this harmony, we do not ask such questions. It is like air: while it is there, we do not notice it, but if it is not enough ... However, there are situations when the mind and feelings come into conflict. Probably, every person at least once in his life felt that his "mind and heart are out of tune." An internal struggle arises, and it is difficult to imagine which will prevail: reason or heart.

So, for example, in A. Aleksin's story "In the meantime, somewhere ..." we see a confrontation between reason and feelings. The main character Sergei Emelyanov, accidentally reading a letter addressed to his father, learns about the existence of that ex-wife. The woman asks for help. It would seem that Sergei has nothing to do in her house, and reason tells him to simply return her letter to her and leave. But sympathy for the grief of this woman, once abandoned by her husband, and now by her adopted son, makes him neglect the arguments of reason. Serezha decides to constantly visit Nina Georgievna, to help her in everything, to save her from the most terrible disaster - loneliness. And when his father invites him to go on vacation to the sea, the hero refuses. Yes, of course, a trip to the sea promises to be exciting. Yes, you can write to Nina Georgievna and convince her that she should go to the camp with the guys, where she will be fine. Yes, you can promise to come to her during the winter holidays. All of this is quite reasonable. But a sense of compassion and responsibility prevails over these considerations. After all, he promised Nina Georgievna to be by her side and cannot become her new loss. Sergei is going to return a ticket to the sea. The author shows that compassion wins.

Let us turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The author tells about the fate of Tatiana. In her youth, having fallen in love with Onegin, she, unfortunately, does not find reciprocity. Tatiana carries her love through the years, and finally Onegin is at her feet, he is passionately in love with her. It would seem that she dreamed about it. But Tatiana is married, she is aware of her duty as a wife, she cannot tarnish her honor and the honor of her husband. Reason prevails in her over feelings, and she refuses Onegin. Above love, the heroine puts moral duty, marital fidelity.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to add that reason and feelings are at the heart of our being. I would like them to balance each other, allow us to live in harmony with ourselves and with the world around us.

(388 words)


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MIND is the ability to comprehend and conclude correct consistent thoughts, to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
FEELINGS, on the other hand, are stable emotional experiences of a person, always subjective, sometimes contradictory; stable feelings determine the worldview and value system.
The behavior of an individual depends more on feelings than on his rational considerations. It is not for nothing that we are often advised not to give in to our feelings and emotions. We try to control them if they are negative, but they still break out into the light. Either they get the better of us, then we cope and pull ourselves together, transforming anger into repentance, hatred into love, envy into admiration.

IN FACT THEM OWNED A STRONG FEELING NOT TO SUBJECT THE ELEMENTS OF THE SEA, EVEN NOT LOOKING THAT THE FORCES WERE ALREADY WRONG, AND HOW HE PLAYED WITH HIS MIND, Tried to deceive him out of his participation, and the boy tried to deceive him. BUT WITH TIME THE OLD MAN BEGINS TO UNDERSTAND THAT HE IS ALREADY NOT THE SAME AS BEFORE, AND HUMILITY INCLUDES IN HIS SOUL IN THIS MANNER, SO THAT NOTHING TO Diminish HIS CREDIT OF LIFE: "Never give up and fight until the very end." Gradually, the old man begins to relate more calmly to his inevitable old age, and he still has dreams: to see his beloved coast; save your life and be glad that you did not die at sea; dream of meeting imaginary lions in a dream.

In the next story by K. PAUSTOVSKY "TELEGRAM" I want to analyze a topic where feelings still won out, and this turned into a tragedy or loss, when a person cannot recover from his experiences for a long time, as from such blows of fate. In his story "Telegram" K. Paustovsky describes how a girl has been living in Leningrad for several years, is spinning in the hustle and bustle of vanities, helping to organize exhibitions, but at this time the old mother is far from her daughter and is near death; and the daughter should be next to her, but she is late to arrive, and the mother is buried without her.
In the last letter, the mother writes, addressing her daughter: "My dear, my beloved," and asks to hurry up to her, ... it is evident how the old woman loves her daughter, no matter what. Arriving already belatedly, not finding her mother alive, the daughter, in pangs of conscience, cries all night in an empty house; burning with shame, sneaks through the evening village, imperceptibly leaves. And this heaviness on the heart remains with her for life.
Sometimes people cannot get up and move on, they cannot come to terms with some already irreparable situation that they could not overcome, and in their thoughts they return to it all the time. Such mental pain can endlessly take away from a person the strength and energy to live on, rejoice in what is and calm down at the expense of what is already impossible to change.
And here we can bring to consolation the prayer of the Optina elders:
"Lord! Give me the strength to change what I can change in my life, give me courage and peace of mind to accept what is not in my power to change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other."
“Reason and feeling are two forces, equally needing each other, one dead and insignificant without the other,” said V. G. Belinsky, and I completely agree with him. I also came to the conclusion that it is good when the mind follows the feelings, and the heart responds in time to the call to be near those who need you. It is equally important to overcome your feelings in time with the help of reason and stop vain attempts to fight where you are powerless to change something, but it is better to learn to live in harmony with the world around you.

Let us turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The author tells about the fate of Tatiana. In her youth, having fallen in love with Onegin, she, unfortunately, does not find reciprocity. Tatyana carries her love through the years, and, finally, Onegin is at her feet - he is passionately in love with her. It would seem that she dreamed about it. But Tatyana is already married, she is aware of her duty as a wife, she cannot tarnish her honor and the honor of her husband. Reason prevails in her over feelings, and she refuses Onegin.

But sometimes feelings are not controlled by consciousness and reason. How often we are faced with the fact that the mind tells us one thing, and the feelings - quite another.

What will the feelings-passions submit to, and how will the prince's mind be cleared? After all, the incessant dispute between heart and mind inevitably leads to trouble. In connection with the creation of the family, the prince experienced both a bright feeling of joy and a dull melancholy, but nevertheless, from time to time, a ray of hope shone that the presence of his wife Katerina in the future would save him. An internal struggle arises, and the reader at the beginning of the work is difficult to assume that the mind or the feelings of the protagonist will prevail, and only an accidental meeting with a young nun saves the prince's life from complete corruption and final death: the nuns call on the dying person to change their way of life.
"Morality is the mind of the heart" - the words of Heinrich Heine. It is not for nothing that it is customary to remain faithful to marital duty, not succumbing to a sense of temptation. "The main reason for human error lies in the constant struggle of feelings with reason," - said Blaise Pascal, and I completely agree with him.
In some situations, you should listen to the voice of your heart, and in other situations, on the contrary, you should not give in to feelings, you need to listen to the arguments of reason. Let's look at a few more examples.
Thus, V. Rasputin's story "French Lessons" tells about the teacher Lydia Mikhailovna, who could not remain indifferent to the plight of her student. The boy was starving and gambled to get money for a glass of milk. Lydia Mikhailovna
tried to invite him to the table and even sent him a parcel with groceries, but the hero rejected her help. Then she decided to take extreme measures: she began to gamble with him for money. Of course, the voice of reason could not but tell her that she violates the ethical norms of relations between teacher and student, transcends the boundaries of what is permissible, that she would be fired for this. But the feeling of compassion prevailed, and Lidia Mikhailovna violated the generally accepted rules of teacher behavior in order to help the child. The writer wants to convey to us the idea that "good feelings" are more important than reasonable norms. However, sometimes it happens that a person is possessed by negative feelings: anger, resentment. Seized by them, he commits bad deeds, although, of course, with his mind he realizes that he is doing evil. The consequences can be tragic.
A.Mass's story "The Trap" describes the act of a girl named Valentina. The heroine dislikes her brother's wife Rita. This feeling is so strong that Valentina decides to set a trap for her daughter-in-law: to dig a hole and disguise it so that Rita, stepping on, falls. The girl cannot help but understand that she is doing a bad deed, but feelings take over her reason in her. She realizes her plan, and Rita falls into a prepared trap. Only suddenly it turns out that she was in her fifth month of pregnancy and as a result of the fall she could lose the baby. Valentina is horrified by what she had done. She didn't want to kill anyone, much less a child! "How can I live on?" she asks and does not find an answer. The author brings us to the idea that one should not succumb to the power of negative feelings, because they provoke cruel actions, which later will have to be bitterly regretted.
Thus, we can come to the conclusion: you can obey feelings if they are kind, bright; but the negative ones and those that interfere with living in harmony should be restrained by listening to the voice of reason. But it is impossible to be guided only by reason, living among people. In human society, human feelings are necessary, to give warmth, love, and reason is given to us in order to educate and develop these feelings, direct them in the right direction. It is the intellect, warmed by good feelings, that makes a person a Human.
In conclusion, I would like to add that human coexistence is constantly in the unity and struggle of opposites, according to the idea from Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit that sometimes there can be a reconciliation of feelings with reason, or, on the contrary, there is an eternal struggle and contradictions of which; but it is only true that feelings and reason in human relations cannot exist without each other.

Registration number 0365314 issued for the work: TOPIC - WHAT WILL CONQUER MIND OR FEELINGS?
Sense and Sensibility: Harmony or Confrontation?
It seems that there is no single answer to this question. Of course, it happens that reason and feelings coexist in harmony. However, there are situations when reason and feelings come into conflict. Probably, every person at least once in his life felt that his "mind and heart are out of tune." An internal struggle arises, and it is difficult to imagine which will prevail: reason or heart.
MIND is a spiritual force that can comprehend and conclude correct consistent thoughts, establish cause-and-effect relationships.
Feeling, on the other hand, is a person's stable emotional experiences, always subjective, sometimes contradictory; stable feelings determine the worldview and value system.
"Our reason sometimes brings us no less grief than our passions," - argued Chamfort. Indeed, grief from the mind happens. Making a decision that is reasonable at first glance, a person can be mistaken. This happens when all the senses of a person protest against the chosen path, when, having acted in accordance with the arguments of reason, he feels unhappy.
The behavior of an individual depends more on feelings than on his rational considerations. It is not for nothing that we are often advised not to give in to our feelings and emotions. We try to suppress them if they are negative, but they still break out into the light. Now they control us, then we control them, transforming anger into repentance, hatred into love, envy into admiration.
Let's turn to literary examples. In his story "The Old Man and the Sea" E. Hemingway mentally described the case of the old man's unwillingness to come to terms with his old age, which led him into a state of constant struggle with the element, symbolizing his feelings, not subject to reason.
The OLD MAN WANTED to go far out to the sea and catch a lot of fish, although he was old and worn out, but did not give up for a long time, he still believed in his strength. WHAT IS HERE?
IN FACT THEM OWNED A STRONG FEELING NOT TO SUBJECT THE ELEMENTS OF THE SEA, EVEN NOT LOOKING THAT THE FORCES WERE ALREADY WRONG, AND HOW HE PLAYED WITH HIS MIND, Tried to deceive him out of his participation, and the boy tried to deceive him. BUT WITH TIME THE OLD MAN BEGINS TO UNDERSTAND THAT HE IS ALREADY NOT THE SAME AS BEFORE, AND HUMILITY INCLUDES IN HIS SOUL IN THIS MANNER, SO THAT NOTHING TO Diminish HIS CREDIT OF LIFE: "Never give up and fight until the very end." Gradually, the old man begins to relate more calmly to his inevitable old age, and he still has dreams: to see his beloved coast; save your life to be glad that you did not die at sea; dream of meeting imaginary lions in a dream.

In the next story by K. PAUSTOVSKY "TELEGRAM" I want to analyze a topic where feelings still won out, and this turned into a tragedy or loss, when a person cannot recover from his experiences for a long time, as from such blows of fate. Sometimes people cannot get up and move on, they cannot come to terms with some situation that they could not foresee in time and then overcome, and even in their thoughts all the time then returning to it.
In his story "Telegram" K. Paustovsky describes how a girl has been living in Leningrad for several years, is spinning in the hustle and bustle of vanities, helping to organize exhibitions, but at this time the old mother is far from her daughter and is near death; and the daughter should be next to her, but she is late to arrive, and the mother is buried without her.
In the last letter, the mother writes to her daughter, addressing her: "My dear, my beloved," and asks to hurry up to her, ... it is evident how the old woman loves her daughter, no matter what. Arriving already late, but not finding him alive, the daughter, in pangs of conscience, cries all night in an empty house, burning with shame, sneaks through the evening village, quietly leaves. And this heaviness on the heart remains with her for life.
Sometimes people cannot get up and move on, they cannot come to terms with some situation that they could not overcome, and even in their thoughts all the time returning to it, such mental pain can endlessly take away from a person the strength and energy to live on, enjoy that what is and calm down at the expense of what is already in the power to change is impossible.
And here we can cite as an example the prayer of the Optina elders:
"Lord! Give me the strength to change what I can change in my life, give me courage and peace of mind to accept what is not in my power to change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other."
“Reason and feeling are two forces, equally needing each other, one dead and insignificant without the other,” said V. G. Belinsky, and I completely agree with him. I also came to the conclusion that it is good when the mind follows the feelings, the heart responds in time to the call to be near those who need you. It is equally important to overcome your feelings in time with the help of reason and stop vain attempts to fight where you are powerless to change something, but it is better to learn to live in harmony with the world around you.
I consider it important to emphasize that the mind allows us not to make irreparable mistakes and makes it possible to control our feelings in order to preserve energy and fortitude.

The dispute between reason and feeling ... This confrontation is eternal. Sometimes the voice of reason turns out to be stronger in us, and sometimes we follow the dictates of our feelings. In some situations, there is no right choice. By listening to feelings, a person will sin against moral norms; listening to reason, he will suffer. There may not be such a path that would lead to a successful resolution of the situation.
Let us turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The author tells about the fate of Tatiana. In her youth, having fallen in love with Onegin, she, unfortunately, does not find reciprocity. Tatiana carries her love through the years, and finally Onegin is at her feet, he is passionately in love with her. It would seem that she dreamed about it. But Tatyana is already married, she is aware of her duty as a wife, she cannot tarnish her honor and the honor of her husband. Reason prevails in her over feelings, and she refuses Onegin.
A Russian proverb says: "You cannot build your own happiness on misfortune." Above love, the heroine puts moral duty, marital fidelity.
Summing up what has been said, we can conclude that, reflecting on the dispute between reason and feeling, it is impossible to say unequivocally what should win - reason or feelings. Tatiana's tragedy is that, neglecting her feelings, she deliberately abandoned her desires.

But sometimes feelings are not controlled by consciousness and reason. How often we are faced with the fact that the mind tells us one thing, and the feelings - quite another.
AN Tolstoy also sensitively writes about the inner struggle of a person with his passions in his novel "The Lame Master". The author skillfully lets the reader down that it is possible to change your sinful way of life, and there are all the conditions for this, but it is not so easy to do this without the outside help of neighbors. Contrasted in the novel are the young, pure-hearted wife Katya and her husband, Prince Alexei Petrovich, who has already seen life and is mired in his passions; his soul is in a painful struggle in its impulses to return to old ties, in spite of marriage; the prince suffers from this and goes into a heavy binge. In this case, the author describes all the torments that occur at the will of the senses, with which a person is unable to cope on his own, and even the mind is not an assistant here.
What will the feelings-passions submit to, and how will the prince's mind be cleared? After all, the incessant dispute between heart and mind inevitably leads to trouble. In connection with the creation of the family, the prince experienced both a bright feeling of joy and a dull melancholy, but nevertheless, from time to time, a ray of hope shone that the presence of his wife Katerina in the future would save him. An internal struggle arises, and the reader at the beginning of the work is difficult to assume that the mind or heart of the protagonist will prevail, and only a chance meeting with a young nun saves the prince's life from complete corruption and final death: the nuns call on the dying person to change their way of life.
"Morality is the mind of the heart" - the words of Heinrich Heine. It is not for nothing that it is customary to remain faithful to marital duty, not succumbing to a sense of temptation. "The main reason for human error lies in the constant struggle of feelings with reason," - said Blaise Pascal, and I completely agree with him.
In conclusion, I would like to add that human coexistence is constantly in the unity and struggle of opposites, according to the idea from Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit that sometimes there can be a reconciliation of feelings with reason, or, on the contrary, there is an eternal struggle and contradictions of which; but it is only true that feelings and reason in human relations cannot exist without each other.