
The story of Santa Claus. Who is Santa Claus where Santa Claus does not live

Who is Santa Claus? Santa and Leegenda, but now more about everything:
Santa Claus. - the legendary christmas chest, a dressed old man who comes to gifts to children and New Year. As Pravilo, it is depicted by a funny chubby grandfather with a beard, dressed in a white red caftan. It flies on a sledge on a sleigh full of gamecraft and eight-fledged deer. Well say that the Christmas Eve (as well as the Holy Nick or the Holy Nick) begins in the house through the pipe and the gifts for the birth of the Christmas tree and in stockings of all children, which for the year they behave well. Although the example of Santa Clause is the seeding invention of the XIX century for us, and the ancient European shorts are still well influenced to the celebration of the church around the world.

Proceed legend

In the Holy Nikola, the Nicholas first appear in the Christian worlds, in which he is gicked up for salvation chuckled during the storms of the pits, the patronage of children and the prevention of generous gifts. Despite the fact that the intelligence of many stories about Saint Nichoke is discernitive (tell, for example, as he once brought a poor neck a bag of gold, throwing his chronicle window), the legend of him was spoken throughout Europe, heading the image of a hero who had a hero's image that had a hero. The Christian Holy Nichal changed or failed in a variety of pagan obras, such as the Italian Bephan, or German Bertht.

Saint called Sankt Nikolaus in Hermann and Sanct Herr Nicholaas or Sinter Klaas in Gaulland. In these countries, Saint Nikola sometimes portrayed in the sky on her. He was presented in the statement of the bishop and time was accompanied by a black defense - an elf, which was ladied to span a disobedient detection. The celebration of the Day of the Constitue Nikola is the day when people were received with each other, it was usually 6 stem. After the Reformation, the NEET Protestants proved to be honored by the son of Christ and sought her own day for him - December 25th. When the tag is widely distributed, it began to closely tie with Merry Christmas.

American occupation

The American Santa Claus received a short inspiring idea and the name from the Data Legend of Sinter Klaas, which was brought with them the basis of New York in the XVII century. First, the name of Sante Claus appeared in the Amlegicant press in the form of St. A Claus, and Washington Washington Washington has become a peer who told the detailed status of the Danish Saint Nichole. In the Book "The History of New York", headed in 1809 under the psendonym of Didrich Knikerbocker, Irving received the appearance of Holy on a nickname, accompanied by Chery Peter every year in the celebration of the holiday of St. Nicholas.

This Danish-American image of History is completely national for American Nairod in 1823, after the poem of Clarker's poem Clark Clarker "A Visit From Saint Nicholas" more than the "The Night Before Christmas" ("Night Figure"). HRP added details like a deer, emerge, nodes and winks of Santa, and also described the disposal, with the peel of Santa, like an elf, spoiled back from the Tyba (the interpretation of Moore took not from her dick, but referring to the work of Irving 1809).

And a little funny pictures with Santa:

Santa Claus - Saint Nicholas.

Santa Claus translates from Dutch as St. Nicholas (Sinterklaas). Saint Nikolai - Nikolai Wonderworker - Saint Nikolai Mirliysky Wonderworker - Nikolay Ratio - Real historical person. He became famous as a great waters - an assistant of God. He helps everyone who asks him help and intercession.

To understand why it is St. Nicholas who became a prototype of Santa, let's go to the past ...
St. Nicholas was born back in the IV century, in Lycia (Lycia), located in South-West Asia (territory of modern Turkey) and the province of the Great Roman Empire, in the seaport of Patara (Patara) in the rich parents. In his youth, he traveled as a pilgrim in Egypt and Palestine, and on his return to Liku became a bishop in the city of the world (MYRA). Dose the poor, he visited Palestine, bowed to the holy places and returned to the Patar, where his uncle was a bishop. On the advice of his uncle St. Nicholas and became a priest. Later he became a bishop of the city of the world in Lycia, from where his name Nikolai Mirlijsky.

Nikolay was imprisoned during the persecution of Christians in the Roman Emperor Diocletian, but was released during the Board of Constantine Great.

Nicholas pleased with his patron saint fishermen and sailors, lay the candle before swimming, pray to him in a storm and storm. There are legends, where Nicholas wonderworker prayer to God climbed a storm and saved a sinking ship, he returned the sailor who fell from the mast of the ship and crashed to death, to life.

Nicholas, pleased to heal from various ailments, about the patronage of the family hearth, about helping in different troubles, from sadness and despondency, for children to attach daughters to marriage, about helping in poverty and needs, about intercession for widows and orphans, compassion for defenseless, in captivity of enemies.

In Russia, the glory about the miracouts of St. Nicholas was afraid, starting with the adoption of Christianity. In his honor, numerous temples and monasteries were erected. In the peasant environment, Nikolai, the Wonderworker enjoyed great respect and was considered the most eldest and most closest to God with a holy ashist. The day of memory of St. Nicholas is celebrated twice a year: in the spring of May 22 and in the winter on December 19.

Russian warriors since ancient times considered the saint Nicholas with its special heavenly intercession along with other saints of the Russian Earth. This is evidenced by the crosses that have been preserved before this time, which carried our antician warriors under the shell, on which there was an image of SVT. Nicholas. Streletskaya Guardian in ancient Moscow during roll call proclaimed in the third voice: "Saint Nicholas Wonderworker, the moths of God about us!"

Nikolai The Wonderworker became famous for the fact that she worked real wonders while life.
IN hometown Nicholas of the waters lived a certain rich, who had three handsome daughters. This rich was broken and fell into such a poverty that he decided to offer his daughters so that the family would not die from hunger, earn money for food to be pretty. To save beauties from dishonor, Nikolai burst at night to the house of an unfortunate father and quietly threw the bags with gold into the window. Father of three girls perceived it as a miracle and the money sent successfully gave her daughters to marry. So the saint Nicholas in the people's presentation became an organizer of all happiness. The blessing of St. Three poor girls became the basis of the appeal to the wonderworker with a prayer before the conclusion of the marriage union. Thanks to this story there was also a custom imperceptibly making Christmas gifts. Saint Nikolai must, while nobody sees him, penetrate the house and leave a bag of gifts under the Christmas tree.

From a long time, Nikolay Radio is considered the patron saint of children. In the Netherlands there is a belief that on the night of Christmas St. Nicholas travels on a white horse and distributes gifts to good children.

Such belief exists in other European countries. All children in the Christmas evening are full of impatient waiting, something will give them "Good grandfather Saint Nikolai"?

How did Nikolai Wonderworker become Santa Claus?

The cult of St. Nicholas was very common in Holland. From the seventeenth century, the Dutch celebrated the sixth day of St. Nicholas (in the Orthodox Church - December 19) of the famous patron of seafarers and children.

Since Saint Nikolai is a patron of children, in the evening children handed out gifts: the wooden shoe was filled with fruit and sweets (now the shoe was replaced with a socks suspended above the fireplace).

At the time of the Reformation of the Church, the cult of St. Nicholas weakens and almost disappears from Europe. Only in Holland is still celebrating St. Nicholas Day or Sinterklaas, as it is called it. This custom with traditional gifts for children, Dutch settlers bring in New Amsterdam - so once called New York. In America, Dutch Sinterklaas becomes Santa Claus (Santa Claus). Under this name, the American Holy American and is now known to the whole world.

In 1823, the seminary teacher Clement Clark Moore came up with the image of Santa Claus. Under Christmas Clark read his wife and children the poem the poem "Christmas on the threshold, or a visit to Santa Claus." He portrayed Santa Claus a good elf, which arrives at eight deer and penetrates the house through the chimney. Moore was not going to publish his essay, but one of his friends without the author's knowledge took the Moore Opus in the Sentinel newspaper.

The first image of Santa Claus painted in 1862, the caricaturist Thomas. Within 24 years, he painted it for the cover of the popular magazine "Harper" S Weekly. "The artist settled Claus on the North Pole (and not to Lapland). The covers used incredible popularity.

During the civil war, Lincoln asked for Nasta to draw Santo together with Northerners. Historians argue that the army of confederates demoralized the appearance of Claus on the opponent's side.

At Santa Thomas Nasta was one drawback - he was black and white. The red fur coat fabulous grandfather presented in 1885. Luis Prang publisher. He moved to America Victorian tradition of christmas greeting cardperformed in the technique of color lithography. So Santa Claus replaced the fur in which he dressed in the nasty, on a good bright red outfit.

Finally, in 1930, Coca-Cola came up with a tricky advertising trick, so that they did not forget about their products in the summer, neither in winter - the artist from Chicago Haddon Sandbl depicted Santa Claus in the Red and White Colors of Coca-Cola.

So born modern image Santa Claus, where he was depicted no longer with an elf of a Moore Clement, but a giant. Sandbl has introduced a ninth deer named Rudolph. Santa's prototype for Sandblomas served as his friend and neighbor Lu Prentice.

Thus, Santa Claus is a thick cheerful old man who spreads gifts, has become an integral part of the Christmas celebration worldwide. He has a white beard, a red jacket, pants and a hat with a white fur neck. He travels on the sled's harnessed reindeers filled with home gifts. He penetrates the house through the chimney and leaves gifts under the Christmas tree or in a special sock, but only obedient children.

America is a huge country with various climatic belts, so not everywhere Santa Claus may appear on the sleigh. In Hawaii, he arrives at the Christmas ship, and in California - on the chalkboard for surfing.

And where does Santa Claus live?

Santa lives far in the north, but in America he has 2 at home.
In Torrington (Torrington), Connecticut is a Christmas village, where Santa with his elves distributes gifts. In Wilmington (Wilmington), New York, in Whiteface Mountain, a house in which Santa Claus lives constantly. He has a blacksmith to pick up a deer, a chapel and mail. More than 100,000 people attend every year Santa's house. In America, there is a city of Santa Claus. More than three million letters addressed to Santa come annually in this city. There you will find both the multicolored statue of the American Santa Claus height almost eight meters.

Well, of course, if you want Santa Claus to look into your home and left you gifts, do not forget to leave for him milk and cookies - millions of children do it before going to bed on the night of Christmas.

Santa Claus origin

The prototype of Santa Claus is the general Christian St. Nicholas Mirlijsky (Santa - "Saint", Klaus - Nikolai), famous for their charity (help by poor people in the form of secret gifts). Initially, it was from his behalf in Europe for children to children on the day of honor of Holy Calendar - December 6. However, during the reformation, opposed to the worship of the saints, in Germany and the neighboring countries of St. Nicholas was replaced as a character, handing gifts, on the baby of Christ, and the day of gift gifts was postponed from December 6 for the period of Christmas fairs, that is, on December 24th. During the counterfoot in Europe, the character of St. Nicholas again began to give gifts to children, but it began to occur at the end of December for Christmas. But, for example, in the Netherlands, where the name of St. Nicholas is pronounced as Sinterklaas; From his behalf, children give gifts either on December 5, or for Christmas, or on both holidays.

It is thanks to the Dutch colonists who founded the settlement in the 1650s a new Amsterdam, now known as the city of New York, the image of St. Nicholas fell to the North American continent. It should be noted that the English Puritans, also mastered North America, did not celebrate Christmas.

In 1809, the "History of New York" of the American writer Washington Washington Irving, in which he told about the Dutch times of the city, mentioning and the custom of honoring St. Nicholas in New Amsterdam.

In the development of Irving history in 1823, Clelent Clark Moore released the poem "Night before Merry Christmas, or the visit of St. Nicholas", which spoke about a certain character, giving gifts to children - Santa Claus. This, which became very popular, the poem was reprinted in 1844. According to the American TV channel on the history of History Channel in the 2000s, the documentary program "Legends of Santa": "Thanks to Peru Clement Moore, Saint Nikolai turned into Santa Claus" and "By 1840, almost all Americans knew who Santa is -Klaus. This funny old man gave us Clement Moore. " In the same poem, for the first time, eight of the classical nine deer of Santa Claus are mentioned.

1881 An illustration of Thomas Nasta, who with Clemen Clark helped creating a modern image of Santa Claus.

In 1863, the famous American artist Thomas is a challenge who worked in the journal Harper's Weekly, I used based on the book of Clarker Mura Character Santa Claus in the series of his political cartoons, in the form of a hero, giving gifts. The character became popular, and it was later released, including for Harper Wickley, a lot of funny drawings, but already for children, with fun scenes from Santa Claus. In his drawings, the santa santa was painted in detail in detail.

The artist first mentioned that Santa lives on the North Pole, that Santa leads a special book, where he writes actions of good and bad children by I.T.D. In the figures, NAST occurred gradual transformation of the appearance of Santa from the character in the form of a thick elderly elf in a fur suit to a more realistic and fun character in a sermon. As the History Channel TV channel indicates, "Santa Claus sized the Santa Claus." The index was a touch of a small growth, with a big mustache and a wide beard.

It should be noted that the original Santa serrated coat in the figures of NAST was brown, but almost immediately during the release of new drawings, began to acquire a reddish tint. The red-coat of Santa does not bear any semantic load, "notes History Channel in his study" Santa's legend. "

  • Daesher ("rapid"),
  • Dancer (Dancer),
  • PRANSER ("Garding"),
  • Vixen ("evil"),
  • Comet ("comet")
  • Kupid ("Cupid")
  • Donner (Dander) (from him. And Dutch. "Thunder") and
  • Blitzen (blissem) (from the Gall. "Lightning").

These names were first sounded in 1823 in the poem "Night before Merry Christmas". Later in American folklore, another deer was included - Rudolph, who stands at the head of the harness and has a glowing red nose. He appeared as a result of the Chicago advertising campaign of 1939.

Santa Claus satellites

In various traditions, Santa Claus appears accompanied by other characters, kind or evil. So, in the folklore of the Alpine region, the satellite and at the same time antipode of St. Nicholas is the Cosmatic and horned Krampus, who punishes naughty children and scares them.

see also



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Do you know where Santa lives? The fact that the residence of Santa Claus is in Veliky Ustyug, has long been known in Russia, but not every Russian knows where to look for his foreign "brother." Many, of course, heard that the Santa Claus house is located in Lapland, but the question is: where is it, this same Lapland and have such a country really?

Where is the village of Santa Claus?

In fact, Lapland really exists, but this is not a separate country, but only the territory located behind the polar circle and includes parts of Russia, Finland, Norway and Sweden. This northern land is famous for the fact that in addition to the usual times of the year there is a period called "midnight twilight". The sun, not rising above the horizon creates incredible world rest and unusual paints.

Lapland is the Motherland of Santa Claus, it is there, in the Finnish part there is Mount Korvatunturi, hidden from human eyes and ears with deserted snowy expanses. The form of the mountain is similar to the ear, there is a legend that that is why Santa can hear the desires of all children in the world.

Given that only his gnome and deer assistants know the road to Santa's dwelling, people find it. Therefore, the village of Santa Claus is located not far from the hard-to-reach mountain, where it can be found almost any day. The village of Santa Claus in the kitchen is a kind of office of the main New Year Hero. In addition to the opportunity to see Santo and whisper into his ear in his ear, you will be able to visit the amusement park, the masterpiece, where letters come with desires from all over the world, see how the gnomes work and see many others interesting places. For example, from the central mail of the village, you can send letters and parcels to relatives and friends, it is noteworthy that on your departures will stand a special seal of the polar circle post office.

Just two kilometers from the village there is a huge Santa Amusement Park, which is a cave in a mountain, which demonstrates visitors what the Santa Claus house looks like from the inside. In addition, on the territory of the village you can get acquainted with Dwarves, learn about their work and look at it from the side.

Santa village is a great place to purchase New Year's or Christmas gifts, here you will find an incredible set of small bench, in which you can find a variety of handmade souvenirs, beautiful baubles that match the total topics of the village.

New Year's vacation

Now that you know where Santa Claus lives in Finland, for sure for the winter holidays will become an urgent idea to visit this particular country. Highlighting the Spirit of magic, snow-covered landscapes of incredible beauty, many entertainment and events will make the new year celebration with bright and memorable. Children will be able to not only learn how Santa lives, but also to get acquainted with his assistants: elves, dwarves and deer harvested in the magical Sanya of the New Year's grandfather.

Travel agencies offering winter tours to Finland, not only offer comfortable travel conditions and stay in another country, but also introduce you to the program of events, the benefit of the village offers a wide range of entertainment for every taste. From the village of Santa, transport companies are collaborating, facilitating moving around the surroundings, television and broadcasting, a large number of hotels with different prices and services, and in addition, the nearest airport is even named after Santa, because it is in it in winter a huge plenty of airplanes with tourists seeking Meet Santo, on board.

Waking up by the New Year or Christmas in the morning, the kids of the whole world are first of all rush to the decorated Christmas tree or festive socks, woven by the fireplace, to find gifts with joyful screams ...

What does Santa Claus look like, in which country lives, does he have a family? These questions are worried not only by children, but also adults, with all the souls of those who want to continue to believe in a beautiful New Year's fairy tale.

Who was actually Saint Nicholas

It is interesting to know that the prototype of the current Santa Claus was a really existing historical character. Nicknamed Mirlykih, in fact, was a Christian bishop of the city of Worlds in Likia (modern Turkey). He lived in the IV century and became famous for charity and good deeds.

There are many legends about it. So, having learned that one of the residents of the city was so impacted that she was going to sell three daughters in the public house, Saint Nikolai secretly threw the three bags, full gold at the window of this person at night. According to another belief, he miraculously revived three children killed and sharpened in a barrel. Therefore, he is considered a defender of the kids, the patron saint of lost and innocent, and also protects in travels of travelers and sailors.

In Russia, this saint is also very honored. It is called the ashist, or the Wonderworker.

Appearance of St. Nicholas

After studying the relics of Saint Nicholas with the permission of the Vatican, scientists of Britain with the help of computer technologies recreated the appearance of this saint. Thanks to them, it became more reliably known how "Santa Claus" looks like, which really existed.

Saint Nicholas was low growth - 168 centimeters, had olive skin, short gray beard, dark-brown eyes and not so much common features with modern fabulous heroChristmas gifts bringing ...

Why does Santa Claus bring gifts to Christmas?

Santa Claus became a Christmas character far from immediately. Initially, in Europe, gifts for children were given on December 6 - on the day of reverending St. Nicholas. However, during the Reformation period, this tradition has undergone change. The character of the children began to be considered a babe of Christ, and the holiday, when it happened, was transferred to the eve of Catholic Christmas.

After the victory of counter-processing gifts, children again began to bring Saint Nicholas, but still for Christmas, at the end of December. Although, for example, in the Netherlands this saint (here is the name of Sinterklaas), sometimes it pleases the surprises of babies on both holidays.

History of Santa Claus in America

The English Puritans, the first to develop the North American continent, did not celebrate Christmas holidays at all. The history of Santa Claus on these lands begins from the middle of the 17th century, when the Dutch colonists were founded by the settlement of the new Amsterdam (subsequently became New York).

At the beginning of the 19th century, Washington Irving was written "History of New York", in which he mentioned the custom of honoring in the new Amsterdam of St. Nicholas. In the development of this topic, after 14 years, the book "Night before Christmas, or the visit of St. Nicholas" came out from under the pen of Clement Moore. In it, he first described as Santa Claus looks like, how he travels around the sky on and what happens when he on Christmas Eve visits at home with gifts.

This poem significantly affected the idea of \u200b\u200bSanta Claus in the entire English-speaking world. And today she is one of the most beloved American fairy tales.

It was from this time that the image of a character, distributing gifts, finally ceased to be associated with the saints.

What does santa claus look like

In the composition of Clement Moore Santa Claus appears in the image of a cheerful elf with a thick belt, smoking the phone and loving tasty food. The artist-cartoonist Thomas Nastu was the first to fulfill the desire of adults and children to learn how this twenty-four years it looks like, he portrayed Santa Claus on the christmas cover of the weekly edition of Harpers Wickley, which was very popular. However, Santa Claus performed by Nasta was black and white, albeit a fur coat, and a wide belt, and a headdress, and sparkling boots were almost the same as we used to see them now.

I painted the folly grandfather's fur coat in the late 19th century Publisher Louis Prang, who was first in America began to produce colored lithographic greeting cards for Christmas.

In 1930, the American company "Coca-Cola", wanting their drinks to enjoy the same popularity and winter, and in the summer, included Santa Claus to his advertising campaign. The work was commissioned by the Chicago artist Haddon Sandcloma. For thirty years, he created images of the "Christmas Grandfather", which brings gifts to children. The prototype of Santa Claus, today the world famous for the whole world, served as a friend and neighbor of the artist, Lou Prentice.

The images where Santa Claus looked no longer an elf, but a kind smiling giant, had to like people. The Rudolph and Rudolph were well perceived - invented by the artist of the new, ninth deer in Santa's harness.

Does Santa Claus have a family?

Often you can hear a question that does not give rest to many: "Santa Claus family exists, or does the" Christmas grandfather "live alone?"

The answer to it is covered with a curtain of secrecy. According to the classic Catholic tradition, the "historical" Santa Claus, that is, Saint Nicholas, was a clergyman, that is, a definitely family did not have. But as for the current fabulous character, they do not even exclude the fact that he may well be in a happy marriage.

According to the same way, for the first time, the information about Mrs. Claus appeared on the pages of the American Magazine "Arfrist" in 1881. According to another version, for eight years later, this lady was invented by the writer Catherine Lee Bates, who devoted to her a funny song.

Anyway, but, according to the most common version, the wife of Santa Claus is an ordinary human woman. Her "fabulous age" is about sixty years. Mrs. Claus's real name is not known - some sources name is Her Goodie, others - Wilhelmina, Third - Jessica ... She is a chubby, merry and very sociable, almost all the time wears a red dress, because it loves this color, puts on glasses, and also Spins gray hair into a beam on the back of the head. She often bakes delicious buns and likes to watch the elves - the faithful assistants of Santa Claus - make toys for children's gifts. It is said that one day, when Santa Claus became very sick just on the eve of the Christmas holidays, Mrs. Claus put on his fur coat, pressed the artificial beard and went to deliver gifts for kids herself.

Where does Santa Claus live?

Cold "Santa Claus Country" - Lapland, the kingdom of eternal snow and ice - in fact the northern province of Finland. However, the residence of the "Christmas grandfather" there really exists! She is in the capital of the province - Rovaniemi.

A kind gray-breeding gentleman in red takes guests here all year round. From Central Mail Santa Claus, you can send a postcard to any corner of the world. And the dreams of adults and children about the holiday come to life in a fabulous Santa Park and a Christmas tree.

Santa Claus and Santa Claus

The image of Santa Claus, so popular in telecasts and advertising, does not come down from our screens and shop windows in the December-January days. Often, children simply identify Santa Claus with the original Slavic Grandfather Frost. However, besides the fact that in winter holidays both of these fabulous character Gifts bring gifts, they don't have much in common, as it may seem at first glance.

So what is the difference between Santa Claus from Santa Claus? First of all, the fact that the latter does not have nothing to do with the Saint Nicholas. The history of our Santa Claus is rooted by the folklore of the eastern Slavs. There it is represented in the image of a fabulous heter, a giant, a molding river and lake by frost and ice.

Over time, the image of Claus has changed. From a terrible harsh character, he gradually turned into a good and fair grandfather, who gave birth to children. The company traditionally constitutes granddaughter, cute and beloved by all the Snow Maiden.

The image of Santa Claus

Externally, Santa Claus also looks differently - not exactly what Santa Claus looks like. The photo below allows you to fully submit these differences.

Grandfather Frost Mulch and strong, impressive growth, wears a salad white beard. He dressed in a long fur coat until the earth itself, wearing a boyars hat on his head, on the legs - the felt boots. He does not wear glasses. Unlike Santa Claus, a means of movement of Santa Claus - not fabulous deer, but the Russian equestrian troika. In the house, it penetrates at all through the fireplace, but an inexplicable magical way inherent magic creature. And he never puts gifts in the sock, preferring them to hide them under the branches of the tree.

The fact that these different, in no way means that one of them is better, but someone worse. It's just not necessary to forget that in winter holidays on a par with the famous for the whole world of Santa Claus, the magnifier marchs in its possessions and our grandfather Frost, with the ease carrying a huge bag with gifts ...