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Analysis of the work "Captain's daughter" (A. S. Pushkin). The history of the creation of "Captain's daughter than the captain's daughter

For a long time, a long time ago (so I started my grandmother's story), while I had no more than sixteen years old, we lived - I and the deceased my father - in the fortress of the lower-lake, on the Orenburg line. It is necessary to tell you that this fortress did not like anything on the local city of Simbirsk, nor on that county town, in which you, my child, went last year: she was so small that a five-year-old child would not be tired of having fallen around; The houses in it were all small, low, for the most part woven from the rods, coated with clay, coated with straw and fenced pits. But Nizhne-lake It also did not resemble the village of your father, because this fortress had in itself, except the hut on the bitter legs, "the old wooden church, a rather large and as old house of the serf chief, the guard and long log cabinets. In addition, our fortress from three sides was acquired by a log tight, with two gates and with the incense turrets in the corners, and the fourth side tightly adjacent to the Ural shore, steep, like a wall, and high like a local cathedral. Not only was the Lower-member was so good roaring: there were two or three old cast iron guns in it, and about fifty the same old and smoky soldiers who, although there were a little straws, but still kept on their feet, had long rifles and Tesaki, and after any evening dawn cheerfully shouted: god begins with God. Although our disabled was rarely managed to show their bravery, but it was impossible to do without them; Because the local side was in the old days very restless: in it, Bashkirts rebuilded, then Kyrgyz robbed - all the wrong besurmans, lighten as wolves and scary as unclean spirits. They did not just captured in their faded captivity of Christian people and distilled off Christian herds; But even approached sometimes to the very ton of our fortress, threatening to commit us to all and wish. In such cases, our soldiers were pretty work: for all days later they were shot from the sacraments with small turrets and through the gaps of the old tint. The deceased my father (received by the Captain Chin, with the Blessed Memory of Empress Elisabeth Petrovna) commanded both these well-deserved old men and other residents of the Lower Orthodox - retired soldiers, Cossacks and allocates; In short, he was the current commandant, and in an old commander fortress. My father's father (Lord soul's soul in the kingdom of heaven) was the man of the old century: Fair, cheerful, conversating, called the mother's service, and sestroy's sword - and in every matter loved to insist on his. Mother meals no longer had. God took her to himself, before I learned to dissuade her name. So, in the big commander house, which I told you, only the father lived, and I, and a few old twins and maids. You may think that in such a outstand was very boring. Nothing happened! Time and for us just soon crushed, as for all Christians of Orthodox. Habit, my child, decorates all sorts of a share, unless the everful thought is not taken in mind that there is good where we are notAs the proverb says. In addition, boredom is tied for mostly to people idle; And my father and I rarely sat down by prying hands. He or taught his kind soldiers (it can be seen that the soldier's science is needed to learn the whole of his own century!), Or read the sacred books, although, the truth to say, it happened quite rarely, because the deceased light (give him God the kingdom of heaven) was scholars An old one, and himself used to say in a joke, that a graveyard was not given to him like Turku infantry service. But he was the great owner - and at work in the field I looked after everything with my eye, so I spent the wholes of God on the meadows and arable land. It is necessary to tell you, my child is that both we and other residents of the fortress sowed bread and mowed the hay - a little, not as the peasants of your father, but as much as we needed for home use. On the danger, in which we then lived, you can judge the fact that our farmers worked in the field not otherwise, as under the cover of a significant convoy, which was supposed to protect them from the attacks of Kyrgyz, indiscriminately growing around the line, like wolves hungry. Therefore, the presence of My father's presence under field work was needed not only for one success, but also for the safety of working. You see, the child is mine that my father had rather practices. As for me, I did not kill time in vain. Without an advocacy, I will say that, despite my youth, I was a real master in the house, disposed of in the kitchen and in the cellar, and sometimes beyond the lack of father, and in the yard itself. Dress for myself (we didn't hear about fashionable stores) I myself; Over the time I found the time to repair Batyushkina Kaftana, because the rotary tailor trophimi began to see from the old age, so once (ridiculous, right, it was) put a patch, past the cuts, to an integer place. Those how to send my home dividers in this way, I never missed the case to visit God's temple, if only our Father of Mistors (forgive him, Lord) will not be lazy to send Divine Liturgy. However, my child, you are mistaken if you think that I and the father lived in the four walls alone, without knowing anyone and not taking people to good. True, we rarely managed to make a room; But Batyushka was a big boss, and the boss had no guests? Each almost the evening was going to our receptionist: the old man is a lieutenant, the Cossack Starin, the father of the commus and some more residents of the fortress - not remember everyone. They all loved to pull the cherry and homemade beer, loved to swim and argue. The talk of them, of course, were not located on the book written, and so Naobum: it happened to whom that it would come to mind, that mello, because the people were all so simple ... But about the dead to speak one thing only good, but our Old interlocutors for a long time, have long been resting on the cemetery.

The most famous brainchild of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, " Captain's daughter"It was completed in 1836. At the same time, he was assigned the genre of the historic novel. But few people know that before writing such a great work, there was a long preparation that demanded patience and multiple efforts.

In connection with the work on the story, Pushkin has a very bold thought. He assumes the mission to write a historical study on the topic of Pugachev's uprising. I barely obtained the long-awaited resolution, the writer deeply and is engaged in the study of archival materials for a long time, trying not to miss any sight. To secure the started, it is also sent to the place where the uprising was once. Long-term conversations with eyewitnesses and walks around the surroundings give their fruits. Already in 1834, he finally managed to put the point and show his wonderful result to the world. It is this long and painstaking work She became one of the main factors writing "Captain's daughter".

But as you know, the initial ideas of the plot arises from Alexander Sergeevich before he began to study the "Pugachev history". This happens during the period when he worked on Dubrovsky. Work on the story continues for several years. In the course of the process, the names of the heroes are changing, and the idea as a whole. If the writer represented a business officer in the role of the main character, then after a while the vision of such a turn of events seemed not the most successful to Pushkin.

To give the effect of realism with their characters, the author carefully studied the numerous historically established materials about the accomplices of Pugachev. It is not surprising that the heroes have prototypes that have previously existed. How rapidly changing the course of the thoughts of the author, indicates to us for a difficult period in his life. The confrontation of the two classes in the political sphere very negatively affects the mental state of a person. At such moments, it is very difficult for inspiration, but also to find it. But even a hectic situation in the country did not embarrass the great writer. Skillful techniques with the help of opposing one character to another, help the work successfully complete all stages of testing censorship. Talent and efforts that the writer so diligently invested in the process itself were appreciated.

Option 2.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis work appeared at Alexander Sergeevich in early 1833. At that time, he still worked on the "Dubrovsky" and the historical essay "History Pugacheva". To better understand what is happening during the uprising, Pushkin journey through the Urals and Volga. There he spends a lot of time in conversations with eyewitnesses of those events. And thanks to these testimonies, he was able to reproduce this historical event in his works in more detail.

Nowadays, there are 5 editions of the "Captain's Daughter". From this we can conclude that the writer worked very carefully over the novel and tried to make his work consistent with the stringent requirements that presented censorship of those times.

Unfortunately, the first version of the novel, written allegedly at the end of the summer of 1833, was not preserved. The following three years have not stopped over it. It is believed that the work was completely completed on October 19, 1836.

A little about characters. There is an opinion that several actually existing personalities could be the prototype of the main character. Among them is Shvanvich and Washarin. After all, the author wondered him as young man The nobled kind, which under pressure the circumstances would stand on the side of the rebels. And the first really happened to the riskers. While Vasharin, after the escape from captivity Pugachev, joined General Michelson, a fighter with a Pugachevshchina. The main character first got the name Bulanin, and then was renamed Greeneva. The choice of the surname also carries a semantic load. It is known that such a person really consisted in a gang. After the rebellion, he was justified.

Pushkin came up with a very interesting literary move - to divide the originally conceived image between the two characters. As a result, one hero (Grinev) is one hundred percent positive, and the second (Schvabrin) is full of its opposite - petty and angry. Despite the fact that both young people belong to one social class, the author opposes their friend. It was this that gave the work of some political acute and helped to overcome the censorship restrictions of those years.

An interesting fact that Alexander Sergeevich had to cut a whole chapter from the last editorial office of the novel. Most likely that he went to this step to please censorship. After all, in that chapter, it was about the uprising in the settlement of Greeneva. Fortunately, this part of the "captain's daughter" was not lost, the poet carefully put pages into a separate cover, wrote on it "missed chapter" and retained them in this form. She was published after the death of the writer on the pages of the Russian archive magazine in 1880.

The work itself first published on the pages of the magazine "Contemporary" in 1836 in the fourth book. This issue of the publication became the last, which came out during the life of Pushkin. According to the requirements of censorship, the work had to publish lowering some places and without signature a writer.

Option 3.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin became known in Russian culture not only as a poet, but also as a magnificent prose, known for his prosaic works. One of them is the work of "Captain's daughter", which also contains a detailed historical aspect.

As soon as Pushkin is taken over the pen, it is primarily exploring the available historical sources and archives, he carefully collects different information, and also visits the two provinces from which the Pugachev's uprising began, which after it became a real peasant or even civil war. The author personally visits all the places, fields of battles to accurately and reliably describe what is happening. He inspects the fortress, makes sketches and saves them in a single archive to use them when writing their own work.

He also communicates with the elderly people who were eyewitnesses of the events. He carefully collects all the information collected, which then uses in the story, it makes it professional enough and scrupulously. The assembled material was quite multifaceted and made it possible to display different aspects of personalities that develop against the background of what is happening.

The events of the work begin in 1770, namely when a cruel confrontation broke out under the leadership of Pugachev, who decided to take power into his own hands and reversal the course of historical events. The author accurately describes the externally and internally steppe fortresses that are built in order to protect the edge of the attacks of enemies. He clearly describes the position of the Cossacks, which are constantly dissatisfied with the authorities, which leads to the renumber of the rebellious spirit. One day he boils. And the real uprising begins.

The author with historical accuracy describes how the fortresses will be taken as they will give up during a cruel battle. A part of the story becomes the narration of real people. He reveals their personality, shows what motives did them during the struggle with the existing public system, why did they go to the side of Pugachev? What did they move? They wanted best Life For yourself and loved ones, so they fought with all the might for the happiness and the opportunity to live fully.

Pushkin special attention draws to the appearance and portrait of Pugachev, who is a runaway Cossack. He is ready to collect around himself a large number of rebels. The author shows that the man is willing to fascinate people with his external charisma and fight for the attention of people, in order for them to go after him. His authoritarian character and the desire to promote his own idea makes its business.

Thanks to the brilliant approach of the author, he was able to finely overwhelm the real historical narration with a fictional history. Not every author with such accuracy and clarity approached the writing of works, which became the cultural property of a whole country, as well as world culture. "Captain's daughter" - historical work Decent attention.

Prototypes of the heroes of the captain's daughter:

Peter Grinev. He constantly strives for self-improvement and tries to improve himself with any ways. Despite the lack of a systematic approach to education, the parents gave him excellent moral upbringing. As soon as he breaks free, he cannot control himself, rude a servant, but then the conscience makes him apologize. He was taught to be friends, show the best feelings and qualities, but at the same time the father's systematism makes it constantly work and think only about his own interests.

Alexey Shvabrin.The main character is the direct opposite of Peter. He cannot manifest any courage or nobility. Even in the service for Pugachev, he goes, because in this way can satisfy its low-lying motifs. The author himself feels some contempt for him, which the reader sees between the lines.

Masha Mironova.Maria Mironova is the only girl and a character who exactly follows the phrase "take care of the honor of the Smoloda." She is the daughter of the boss belgorod Fortress. Her courage and courage helps her be a brave girl, ready to fight for their own feelings, to go if necessary for the Empress. She is ready to give even life to achieve the goal or save its best qualities for further struggle.

One amazing feature of the prototypes of heroes is that Peter's personality and Alexey are taken from the personality of one person. Shvanvich - became a prototype for both. But at the same time, they are completely different heroes. Initially, the author conceived him as a hero, which for the sake of the title of the nobleman became the minion of Pugachev on a voluntary basis.

But after a number of studies, Pushkin stops his view on another historical personality - Basharine. Basharin was captured to Pugachev. He became the main prototype of the main character, bold and brave, able to fight for his own worldview and promote them into the masses. The surname of the most important character periodically changed, and the final version was Grinev.

Schvabrin becomes simply antipode of the main character. The author opposes his positive quality Each negative quality of Swabrin. Thus, he is in and yang, against the background of this readers were able to assess and generally compare. Thus, the reader understands who is a real good, and who the embodiment of evil. But is it always evil, is it? Or is it so only on the background of good? And what can be considered good? And whether the actions of Schvabrina and Shrinyev can always be divided into black and white, or a deed can never be attributed to a category or another, and they can only be estimated in comparison with the morality and morality of another person located nearby.

Masha Mironova is a mystery to the reader. Pushkin does not fully reveal what he took an image of a pleasant girl's appearance, but at the same time strong and courageous, ready to fight for his principles. On the one hand, some say that the prototype of her character is the Georgian guy who was captured.

He showed all the courage of character and dedication to get out of the situation in which he fell. On the other hand, he talks about the girl with whom he met on the ball. She was a rather modest and pleasant special, her appearance captured the surrounding people, as well as her charm.

Prototypes of heroes, interesting Facts (writing history)

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Pushkin was an unsurpassed master of a laconic, capacious word. Its meaningful phrases carry sometimes more information than entire newspaper articles. Until now, literary critches argue and reason what "Captain's daughter" is: a story, or a novel.

In Russian literature, it is customary to call the romance of large multi-faceted works, which depict significant historical events are covered by the epochs. With the main storyline, additional are intertwined.

Test to the genre is a prosaic work with the main main character, limited by the number of scene lines by the temporary framework, the volume of the work.

The captain's daughter is a small middle thick book. Pushkin himself determined the genre of this work as a story. But modern literary critches are inclined more to the genre of historical novel. True, against the background of the Tolstov Romanov "War and Peace" Anna Karenina or "Idiot" of Dostoevsky, Roman Pushkin looks more than modest.

In this work, quite significant events are described in compressed form, the fiction is intertwined with the historical truth, real historical heroes. Although, if you remember that Pushkin went to the Orenburg province to collect material about Pugachev Bunte, it is possible that the story about the events that occurred in the Belogorsk fortress, he brought from there.

In one chapter, growing up and training - noble inexpensive, which was brought up at the beginning, and then he was discharged from Moscow of the French governor, who did not attend himself upbringing a young nobleman.

In 17 years, Peter Greeneva, father sent to the service. But not in St. Petersburg, which, according to his father, will corrupt a young man, and away, to Orenburg, under the beginning of the former colleague.

The following chapters describes the acquaintance, Pugachevsky riot and death of Captain Mironov, his wife, capture their daughter. The image of Swabrin, its actions is a separate storyline in the work of Pushkin.

Several plot lines are traced. Some of them are mentioned here. It is worth adding the siege of Orenburg, the participation of Greennev in hostilities against Pugachevshchina under the command of Zurin, Arrest Greenieva and the meeting of Masha with the Empress. All this allows you to count the "Captain Daughter" to the genre of the novel.

All the work is written in a brief, theses of memoirs. This brevity allows the reader to sensitize the plots, reflect on the actions and characters of the heroes, draw disconnect images.

Is it possible to calculate the "Captain daughter" to the genre of the novel? Literary critics respond to this question affirmatively. We can agree with them or take the opinion of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself.

"Captain's daughter" is a historic novel (in some sources - a story), written by A.S. Pushkin. The author tells us about the emergence and development of a large and strong feeling between the young noble officer and the daughter of the Komentant of the fortress. All this happens against the background of Emelyan Pugacheva's uprising and creates additional obstacles for lovers and threats to life. The novel is written in the form of memoirs. Such an interweaving of the historic and family chronicle gives him an additional charm and charm, and also makes believe in the reality of all that is happening.

History of creation

In the middle of the 1830s, translation novels were gained popularity in Russia. Secular ladies were read by Walter Scott. Domestic writers, and among them Alexander Sergeevich, could not stay aside and responded with their own works, among whom were "Captain's daughter".

Pushkin's creativity researchers argue that at first he worked on the historical chronicle, wanting to tell readers about Pugachevsky Bunt. Following the matter responsibly and wanting to be truthful, the author met with the immediate participants of those events, especially for this, having left for the South Urals.

Pushkin doubted for a long time, whom to make the main character of his work. At first he stopped at Mikhail Shvanvice - an officer, who during the uprising moved to the side of Pugachev. What forced Alexander Sergeevich to abandon such a plan, it is not known, however, as a result, he turned to the format of memoirs, and an officer-nobleman was put in the center of Roman. Wherein the main character I had all the chances to go to the side of Pugachev, but the debt to Fatherland was higher. Schwwich is positive character turned into a negative Swabrin.

For the first time, Roman appeared in front of the audience in the magazine "Contemporary" in the last issue of 1836, and the authorship of Pushkin was not mentioned there. It was said that these notes belong to Peru the late Peter Greeneva. However, in this novel for reasons of censorship, an article was not published about the peasant rebellion in the estate of Grnev himself. The lack of authorship led to the absence of any printed reviews, but many noted the "universal effect", which produced the "Captain's daughter" on those who familiarized themselves with the novel. A month after the publication, the real author of the novel died for a duel.


Description of the work

The work is written in the form of memoirs - the landowner Peter Grinevu tells about the times of his youth, when his father ordered to send him to serve in the army (though, under the supervision of Uncle Savelich). On the road with them, there is one meeting, which has fundamentally influenced their further fate and the fate of Russia, - Peter Grinev meets with Emelyan Pugachev.

I drove to the destination (and they turned out to be a Belogorsk fortress), Grinevo immediately falls in love with the daughter of Commandant. However, he has a rival - officer Shvabrin. There is a duel between young people, as a result of which the Grinev is injured. His father, having learned about it, does not give his consent to marriage with a girl.

All this is happening against the background of the developing Pugachev rebellion. When it comes to the fortress, Pugachev's accomplices first deprive the lives of Masher's parents, after which they offer Swabron and Ginner to swear to the loyalty to Emelyan. Schvabrin agrees, but the Grinev is due to considerations of honor - no. His life saved Savelich, who reminds Pugachev about their accident.

The Grineal fights against Pugachev, but this does not prevent him from calling the latter to the allies to save Masha, which turned out to be the hostage of Schwabrin. According to the conveyor, the rival is in prison, and now Masha does everything for his salvation. A random meeting with the empress helps the girl to achieve the liberation of the lover. On the joy of all the ladies, the case ends with the wedding of the young in parental House Greeneva.

As already mentioned, the background for love history served as a great historical event - the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev.

main characters

In the novel, you can allocate several main characters. Among them:

Emelyan Pugachev

Pugachev - according to many critics, the brightest due to its color home Figure In the work. Marina Tsvetaeva claimed that Pugachev flashes a colorless and faded Greeneva. Pushkin Pugachev looks like a charming villain.

Peter Grinev, who at the time of the story was only 17 years old. According to literary critics Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky, this character was needed for an impartial assessment of the behavior of another character - Emelyan Pugacheva.

Alexey Shvabrin is a young officer who serves in the fortress. Freemets, smart and educated (in the story it is mentioned that he knows French and understands the literature). Literary critic Dmitry Marsky called Schvabrin "Pure Romantic Scoundrel" because of its treason on the oath and the transition to the side of the rebels. However, since the image is prescribed shallow, say about the reasons that prompted him to such an act, difficult. Obviously, Pushkin's sympathies were not on the side of Schvabrin.

At the time of the story, Mary was only 18 years old. True Russian beauty, while simple and sweet. Caught to act - to save your beloved, goes to the capital to meet with the Empress. According to Vyazemsky, she decorates the novel as Tatyana Larina decorated Evgenia Onegin. But Tchaikovsky, who at one time wanted to put the opera on this work, complained that it was not enough of it, but there is only kindness and honesty. The same opinion was adhered to Marina Tsvetaeva.

From five years to the Grinevo as uncle, the Russian counterpart of the governer. The only one who communicates with a 17-year-old officer as a small child. Pushkin calls him a "faithful holop", but Savelich allows himself to express uncomfortable thoughts as Barina and its ward.

Analysis of the work

Colleagues Alexander Sergeevich, who he has read the novel self-recognition, did small comments on non-compliance historical factsAt the same time, in general, opposing the novel positively. Prince V.F. Odoevsky, for example, noted that the images of Savelich and Pugachev were discharged carefully and thought out to the smallest detail, but the image of Swabrin was not finalized, and therefore readers would be difficult to understand the motives of its transition.

The literary critic Nikolai Strahov noted that a combination of family (partially love) and historical chronicles are typical for the works of Walter Scott, the answer to the popularity of which among Russian nobility, in fact, was the work of Pushkin.

Another Russian literary critic Dmitry Mirsky highly appreciated the "Captain Daughter", emphasizing the tag maneer - compressed, accurate, economical, while spacious and leisurely. His opinion was that in the formation of the genre of realism in Russian literature, this work played one of the main roles.

Russian writer and publisher Nikolai Greek a few years after the publication, the work admired how the author managed to express the character and the tone of the time he tells about. The story turned out so realistic that it was possible to think that the author was an eyewitness of these events. Fyodor Dostoevsky and Nikolay Gogol also periodically left enthusiastic reviews about this work.


According to Dmitry Mirsky, "Captain's daughter" can be considered the only full-fledged novel written by Alexander Sergeevich and published during his life. Let us agree with criticism - everything is present in the novel in order to be successful: the romantic line ended with marriage is provided for wonderful ladies; The historical line tells about such a complex and controversial historical eventlike the uprising of Pugachev, - more will be interesting to men; Clearly discharged main characters and placed landmarks regarding the place of honor and dignity in the life of the officer. All this explains the popularity of the novel in the past and forces our contemporaries to read it today.

- Would be the guard tomorrow W Captain.

- not needless; Let in the army serve.

- It is pretty said! Let him hide it ...


Who is his father?

My father, Andrei Petrovich Grinev, served his youth in his youth at the column of miniha and resigned by the Premier Major in 17th ... year. Since then, he lived in his Symbirian village, where he married the Device Avdotie Vasilyevna Yu., Daughters of the poor local nobleman. We were nine people of children. All my brothers and sisters died in infancy.

Mother was still me by the Blukhata, as I was already recorded in the Semenov Regiment by Sergeant, by the grace of Major Guard Prince B., close to our relative. If the mother gave birth to a daughter who would give birth to every aspiration, then the father would declare where the death of the innocence of Sergeant was about the death of the deceased. I was considered on vacation until the end of science. At that time we were brought up with no longer. From the five-year-old age, I was given to the hands of a sterefish Savelich, for sober behavior of a complachated uncle. Under his supervision, on the twelfth year, I learned Russian diploma and could very well judge the properties of a greyhound dog. At this time, the father hired a Frenchman for me, Monsieur Bopre, who was discharged from Moscow along with the annual margin of wine and olive oil. His arrival did not like Savelich much. "Thank God," he grumbled to herself, - it seems, the child was washed, combed, fed. Where how to spend extra money and hire Musie, as if it was not my own people! "

Bopre in the fatherland was a hairdresser, then in Prussia soldier, then came to Russia Pour être Outchitel, not very understanding the meaning of this word. He was kind small, but windy and careless to extremes. I mainly, his weakness was a passion for the beautiful floor; Often, he received his impetus for his tenderness, from which Ohll on the whole day. In addition, he was not (according to his expression) and the enemy of the bottle That is (speaking in Russian) loved to bump too much. But as wine was served only at dinner, and then on a glass, and the teachers were usually applied, then my Bopry was very soon accustomed to the Russian tincture and even began to prefer her to the wines of his fatherland, as not an example more useful for the stomach. We immediately found, and although under the contract he was obliged to teach me in French, German and all sciences, But he preferred to learn from me to chat in Russian, - and then each of us was already engaged in his business. We lived in the soul. I did not want another mentor. But soon fate separated us, and here on what occasion.

Strochka Palash, fat and ripple girl, and the curve Korovnitsa Akulka somehow agreed at one time to rush to her legs, wanted in criminal weakness and with a crying complaining about the Musoe, who seduced inexperienced. Mother did not like to joke with this and complained to Pathushka. He had a shortwind. He immediately demanded the Frenchman's channel. Reported that Musoe gave me his lesson. Batyushka went to my room. At that time, Bopre slept on the bed of innocence. I was busy business. It is necessary to know that for me was discharged from Moscow a geographic map. She hung on the wall without any use and has long seduced me with the width and kindness of paper. I decided to make a snake from her and, using a sleeping Bopre, began to work. The father entered at that time, as I adjusted the urinary tail to the caution of good hope. Seeing my exercises in geography, the father pulled me at his ear, then ran to Bopre, woke him very carelessly and began to sink with ukrods. Bopre in confusion wanted to build and could not: the unfortunate Frenchman was dead drunk. Seven troubles, one answer. Batyushka raised him from the bed, pushed out of the door and on the same day he drove from the courtyard, to the undelated joy of Savelich. Those ended my upbringing.

I lived bastard, chasing the pigeons and playing a leaf with yard boys. Meanwhile, I have passed sixteen years old. Here, my fate changed.

One morning, Matushka cooked in the living room honey jam, and I, licking, looked at kipheny foam. The window at the window read the court calendar, each year they received. This book had always a strong influence on him: he never reread it without special participation, and reading it produced in it always an amazing excitement of bile. Mother who knew all his shorts and customs, always tried to shove the unfortunate book as small as possible, and thus the court calendar did not come across his eyes sometimes for the whole months. But when he accidentally found him, then it happened, for the whole clock did not let out of his hands. So, the father read the court calendar, occasionally shrugging and repeating in a low voice: "Lieutenar-General! .. He was a sergeant in my company! .. Both of the Russian orders of the cavalier! .. And long ago, you finally threw the calendar on the sofa And plunged into thought, not foreshadowed anything good.

Suddenly he turned to Mother: "Avdota Vasilyevna, and how old is Petrush?"

"Yes, I went the seventeenth nodok," Mother answered. - Petrusha was born at that very year, as the aunt of Nastasya Gerasimovna saws, and when else ...

"Good," Batyushka interrupted, "he's time to serve. Fully to run on the girl and climb on the pigeon. "

The thought of the ambulance with me so struck the mother, that she dropped a spoon in a saucepan and tears flowed down her face. On the contrary, it is difficult to describe my admiration. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe service merged in me with thoughts about freedom, about the pleasures of the St. Petersburg life. I imagined myself an officer of the guard, which, according to my opinion, was the riding the well-being of the human.

Batyushka did not like to change his intentions, nor postpone their execution. My day departure was appointed. On the eve, the Batyushka announced that he intends to write with me to the future to my boss, and demanded a pen and paper.

- Do not forget, Andrei Petrovich, - said Mother, - to bow and prince b.; I, they say, I hope that he will not leave parsois with his Milosts.

- What kind of nonsense! - I answered the father frowning. - What is the start I will write to the prince B.?

- Yes, because you said you would like to write to the chief of Petrushi.

- Well, what?

- Yes, because the head of Petrushin - Prince B. After all, Petrusha is recorded in the Semenov Regiment.

- Recorded by! And what is the case, what is he recorded? Petrusha will not go to Petersburg. What will he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? Motion and hang? No, let him serve in the army, and it pulls the strap, yes, I'm powder, and there will be a soldier, and not Shamaton. Recorded in Guard! Where is his pashport? Feed it here.

Mother found my passport, stored in her box with the sorochkoy, in which they were baptized, and handed his hand to his father. The father read it with attention, put it in front of him on the table and began his letter.

Curiosity tormented me: where do you send me if not in St. Petersburg? I did not give my eyes off the pen Batyushkin, which was moving quite slowly. Finally, he cumshot, sealed a letter in one pack with a passport, took off his glasses and, suspected me, said: "Here is a letter to Andrei Karlovich R., my old comrade and a friend. You go to Orenburg to serve under his boss. "

So all my brilliant hopes collapsed! Instead of a funny Petersburg life, I was waiting for me to bored in the side of the deaf and remote. The service, which I thought for a minute with such a delight, seemed to me a serious misfortune. But there was nothing to argue! The other day the in the morning was gone to the porch of the road cystic; They laid a suitcase in it, a cellar with a tea device and knots with buns and cakes, the latest signs of homemade downturn. My parents blessed me. Batyushka told me: "Goodbye, Peter. Serve right to whom they swear; Listen to chiefs; for their caress do not chase; do not ask for service; from service do not discharge; And remember the proverb: Take care of the dream dress, and the honor of the Smalod. " Mother in tears punished me to take care of my health, and Savelich look at the diet. They put on me a hare Tulup, and on top of the foxes a fur coat. I took a kibitu with Savelich and went on the road, pouring into tears.