
Syntactic norms. When does the choice arise between loyalty and betrayal? (Unified State Exam in Russian) The author loves and admires his heroine

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Lyrics N.A.Nekrasov was a completely new stage in Russian literature. He spent most of his life in close proximity to the common people, so he learned in every detail all the hardships of the life of a serf. "The spectacle of people's disasters" back in early years began to excite the future poet. "... My heart, bleeding, hurts someone else's grief ..." - he said in his poems and called his poetry "a sad companion of the sad poor, born for labor, suffering and bondage."

His poems are no longer just grief about the plight of the Russian people, they contain the voice of the people themselves, the embodiment of their thoughts and feelings. The poet merged so much with the people, with their ideas and ideals, that a man from the people himself - a poor man, a serf, a peasant woman - became his author's "I". We also feel their voices, their feelings and moods in the poem "Frost,

Red nose "; they themselves talk about their pain, suffering, dreams, love and hatred ... But in general, the work is full of light faith and hope for the best.

The central event of the poem is the death of a peasant, and the action in the poem does not go beyond the boundaries of one peasant family, but the meaning put into it by the author is nationwide. The peasant family in the poem is perceived as a particle of vast Russia: the thought of Daria, deepening, turns into the thought of a "stately Slav," and the deceased Proclus resembles the epic hero Mikul Selyaninovich. And Daria's grief itself is a reflection of the age-old troubles of a long-suffering Russian peasant woman, a woman-mother, "the great grief of a widow and mother of little orphans," as the author says. Reading the work, you constantly note that in the particular, the general appears, and through the life of one peasant family, the established way of Russian folk life shines through for centuries. Nekrasov in his work, as it were, poeticizes "family thought", but not only this attracts him.

The poet cannot speak without compassion about the fate of an ordinary Russian woman.

Centuries passed - everything strove for happiness,

Everything in the world has changed several times, -

God forgot to change one thing

The harsh lot of the peasant woman ...

These lines are also a reflection of the nationwide, nationwide life. In images and paintings, striking in their truthfulness and strength, Nekrasov portrayed thoughts and feelings, work and struggle, everyday suffering and rare joys of a Russian woman.

In the works of the poet, the image of a peasant woman often appears, with a pure heart, a bright mind, a strong spirit. Such is Daria, the heroine of the poem "Frost, Red Nose". The author's admiration is caused by the beauty of Daria, her dexterity and strength in work, her responsiveness, dedication, mental fortitude and ability to self-sacrifice.

Once in her youth she was astonished by her beauty, was both dexterous and strong, but she, like any peasant woman, had such a life, "which is hardly more difficult to find." The poet could not indifferently see how the disenfranchised Russian woman, crushed by slavery and overworked, suffers. And he says, addressing the peasant woman:

He did not carry a heart in his chest,

Who did not shed tears over you.

"A man is thrown into life by a mystery for himself, every day brings him closer to destruction - there is a lot of terrible and insulting in this! You can go crazy on this one," Nekrasov wrote to Leo Tolstoy. "But now you notice that another or others need you - and life suddenly gets meaning, and the person no longer feels that loneliness, offended by his uselessness ... "That is why the widowed Daria overcomes her grief, that, when meeting trouble, she does not care about herself in the first place. She "is full of thought about her husband, calls him, speaks to him." Dreaming about the wedding of her son, she thinks not about her own happiness, but about the happiness of her beloved Proclus, turns to her deceased husband, rejoices in his joy. The same warm, kindred love extends from her to other people. And Daria overcomes her own death with the power of love, spreading to children, to Proclus, to all nature, to the land-nurse.

Sometimes it seems to readers that Alexander Sergeevich incorrectly named his novel, such a vivid and memorable character is Tatyana Larina. Although the main character remains Eugene Onegin, they sympathize more with the heroine, since she amazes with her purity, modesty, honesty and openness. The image of Tatiana in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a woman as seen by the author. Pushkin admires his heroine and bows before her. Larina appears twice in the novel: in the family estate and at the St. Petersburg ball.

Modest teenage girl

The image of Tatiana in the novel "Eugene Onegin" immediately stands out for its romance and simplicity. When the younger sister Olga frolicked and ran with her friends, the older one sat by the window or read novels. Tatyana's common name made her closer to the people, the young lady loved to listen to the nanny's stories, believed in superstitions, wondered along with the courtyard girls, read the meaning of her dreams in a dream book. She read stories of love, secretly dreaming of her chosen one.

It so happened that Tatyana became the embodiment of all romantic heroes and changed a little after meeting a man. The girl initially fell in love with Eugene, she invented certain features herself and only then fell in love with him for real. The author says that Larina had long dreamed of someone, and in Onegin she just saw a book hero, because he had secular manners, was a traveler.

Broken dreams

To show the honesty and decency of a woman, Pushkin wrote the novel "Eugene Onegin". The image of Tatiana undergoes changes when her dreams of a joint future with her beloved collapse in an instant. Larina could not express her thoughts, so she copied a love letter from a French novel and sent it to Onegin.

As befits an adult man, Eugene reacted negatively to the feelings of a teenage girl, taking her falling in love as a nuisance. But still, he tried not to offend her, saying that he was not ready to marry. Whatever it was, but Larina felt abandoned and offended.

The transformation of the ugly duckling into a beautiful swan

The image of Tatiana in the novel "Eugene Onegin" changes dramatically, and at one of the balls the main character meets a charming socialite. Now this is not a wild country girl, but a luxurious hostess of the capital's events, talking on equal terms with the secular lionesses. Onegin is fascinated by Tatiana, after so many years he first truly falls in love, but this woman belongs to another man.

Larina's answer to Eugene looks like a bitter reproach. The woman reproaches him for the fact that he once pushed her away, because then she was a simple country girl. Now, when Tatyana has become a secular lady, Onegin drew attention to her, but she is not intended for such heroes-ladies' men. The woman still loves Eugene, but does not dare to commit a sin and betray her husband. The image of Tatiana in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is the embodiment of purity, modesty, beauty, femininity and honesty.

  1. The personification of femininity
  2. The first meeting with the heroine
  3. The first love
  4. Traits dear to the author
  5. The transformation of Natasha Rostova

The personification of femininity

Starting to read famous work, we understand that Natasha Rostova is Tolstoy's favorite heroine in the novel War and Peace. He distinguishes her among all the heroes, devotes whole chapters to the girl's life, describes with a particularly warm feeling her appearance, experiences, actions. Natasha Rostova for the writer is the personification of femininity. In her image, the author's ideas about the main purpose of a woman as a mother and wife are embodied.

The main character is not perfect. Natasha's character is complex, changeable and contradictory. Tolstoy's favorite, like every person, has its own advantages and disadvantages. But there is something so good and real in her that attracts the reader's attention, makes her empathize, and arouses sympathy.

The first meeting with the heroine

We begin our acquaintance with Tolstoy's favorite heroine in Natasha's novel from a young age. During this period, the child has not yet fully formed. The writer makes it possible to trace the entire path of development of his heroine. We see her as a fourteen-year-old girl "black-eyed, with a big mouth, ugly, but alive" surrounded by friends and relatives.
An atmosphere of sincerity, love and mutual respect reigns in the hospitable house of the Rostovs. Everything that happens in the soul of the child finds a response in the heart of the parents.

The first love

The first ball of Natasha Rostova is an important milestone on her life path... Preparing for the holiday, Natasha introduces herself as a secular lady. But having crossed the threshold of the hall, drowning in the glow of lights, dissolving in the sounds of a waltz, she forgets about her plans. A young girl does not know how to hide her emotions, this is what stands out against the background of those present and attracts the attention of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy connects characters dear to him. A deep, sincere feeling arises between such different Natasha and Andrey. A sudden outbreak of love makes the heroine more mature and serious. The presence of a loved one is vital for Natasha, so Bolkonsky's strange decision to postpone the wedding becomes a great test for her. The heroine's passion for the depraved Anatol Kuragin can be explained by her naive gullibility and inexperience in relations with a man. The first meeting with meanness inflicted a deep wound on Natasha and ruined love. It is difficult to condemn a girl for this frivolous act. After all, love is the basis of her being. She is constantly on the lookout, constantly in love with someone. As a child, he is fond of Boris Drubetskoy, then a singing teacher, heroic friend of his brother Vasily Denisov. She needs to constantly feel admiring glances on herself, to accept signs of attention. This is the female essence of romantic Natasha.
Smart and judicious Andrei Bolkonsky failed to fully understand the amorous and vulnerable nature of his bride. The heroine will find real loyal love much later. Her happy chosen one will be the kind Pierre Bezukhov.

Traits dear to the author

Natasha Rostova is Tolstoy's favorite heroine, deep nature and artistically gifted. The writer admires her during the ball, admires her singing. Music plays a big role in the girl's life, helps to survive the most difficult moments, saves from despair. Music in all its manifestations finds a response in the soul of the heroine. She performs superbly classical works and comes to a sincere delight from simple folk tunes. Learns diligently ballroom dancing and, without hesitation, starts dancing to the guitar of his uncle. Natasha "knew how to understand everything that was in Anisya, and in her aunt, and in her mother, and in every Russian person."

The author endows his heroine with features that are close and dear to him. Natasha loves nature and knows how to notice the beauty and uniqueness of the world around her. Moonlight night in Otradnoye is admirable. “Oh, how lovely! So I would have squatted, like this, I would have grabbed myself under my knees ... and would have flown. Like this!" Natasha exclaims.

She is close to the common people. He sincerely enjoys Christmastide and mummers, enjoys sleigh rides, takes part in Christmas divination. She is loved and obeyed by all, without exception, the servants living in the Rostovs' house.

Children's spontaneity and sincerity distinguish Natasha Rostova from others actors novel. She lives at the behest of her heart. Natasha, without hesitation, claps her hands and tugs at the honorable guests at the sight of her dancing father, squeals loudly while hunting, expressing her emotions from a successful race. There is no great intelligence, secular gloss and learned manners in her. “She doesn't deign to be smart. No, she is simply charming, and nothing else ... ”- Pierre Bezukhov characterizes Natasha. And the reader, together with the author, admires this heroine.

The eccentric and frivolous Natasha Rostova is capable of strong feelings and decisive actions. The patient spends several days near her suffering mother, selflessly cares for the dying Andrei Bolkonsky, rescues the wounded, sacrificing her dowry. She does not think, does not reason, but simply acts as prompted by an inner voice, a feeling of compassion or love for her family.

The transformation of Natasha Rostova

In the epilogue of the novel, we suddenly discover a completely new Natasha Rostova. The writer deliberately deprives his heroine of external charm. There was not even a shadow of her former coquetry, a desire to seduce and charm men in her. Before us is a plump woman who is little worried about taking care of her appearance. But she is surrounded by close people: her beloved husband, children, the elderly Countess of Rostov. She does not go to balls, does not visit secular salons. Natasha devotes all her time to her family. She is happy and calm. The former "enchantress" can be recognized by her eyes radiating light and love when she sees her beloved Pierre or adored children. “This spiritual strength, this sincerity, this openness of the soul, this soul, which seemed to be bound by the body, this soul I loved in her ...” - says Pierre Bezukhov about his wife.

In my essay on the theme “Tolstoy's Favorite Heroine in War and Peace,” I tried to characterize Natasha Rostova. It is she, according to the writer, who is the ideal of a woman whose happiness lies in family and children.

Favorite heroine of Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova - essay on the topic |

The reader has to deal with a huge number of characters while studying the novel "War and Peace". Here it is easy to determine the attitude of the author to the heroes, the creation of images of which he was engaged in. All of Tolstoy's characters are characterized by differences between them. At the same time, the author has a different attitude to each of them. Although the classic sympathizes most of all with not the beautiful Helene, and not the meek Sonya, and even the good-natured Pierre is not his favorite. The author's preferences are on the side of Natasha Rostova. Most likely, the character of this heroine is close to Tolstoy. She became the embodiment of many qualities, character traits inherent in Lev Nikolaevich. Although great writer endowed the girl, probably without even realizing it, with his characteristic character traits, and embodied in her image the best, in his opinion, human qualities.

Natasha Rostova appears before the reader when she is just a child - a spontaneous, full of vital energy, a girl who subtly senses beauty and truth. The author initially draws our attention to the fact that Natasha is not a beauty. On the contrary, her figure and facial features are irregular. Although the author lacks the desire to describe in detail the appearance of the heroine. He wants to reveal Natasha's spiritual world. Tolstoy believes that the most important thing is to convey the spiritual connection of his heroine with the people. We are given the opportunity to observe the organic connection with the people's life of Rostova, her desire to sacrifice everything for the good of her own people, when Natasha helps the wounded soldiers.

She spends her strength on helping. Tolstoy admires the heroine, admires her in moments of closeness with nature. Attitude towards nature is considered a vivid manifestation of Natasha's spiritual beauty. However, the author is admired not only for noble deeds. He tends to understand a girl in moments of making mistakes. Natasha decides to escape with Anatoly Kuragin not out of malice, but because of inexperience and credulity. After realizing her mistake, the heroine remains faithful to him until the end of Bolkonsky's life.

Updated: 2017-01-29

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Exercise 1.

What case form do the following derivative prepositions require after themselves? Give the contexts in which they would be used.

According to, due, in view, in spite of, due, due to, excluding, accordingly, due, in the area, due, at the end, at the expiration.

Exercise 2.

Analyze the sentences, formulate why such uses of prepositions are erroneous. To answer to this question read the corresponding section of the "Reference on spelling, pronunciation and literary editing" by D.E. Rosenthal.

1. At the end of the practice, students are gathered for a conference. 2. Contrary to the order of the dean's office, students continue to smoke under the stairs. 3. According to the order of the mayor of the city, the victims will be paid compensation. 4. All his relatives live in Ukraine, and this is a different country in our times. 5. I can't today: we will be at the concert. 6. After some time, it will be possible to return to this problem. 7. In the first year I really missed my parents. 8. In many countries of the world there is a rule according to which more or less significant volumes of external borrowings of individual market entities of a given country are guaranteed to one degree or another by the state. 9. Thanks to him, we did everything on time. 10. What time did you come home from school today?

Exercise 3.

Compare pairs of sentences. Using the "Guide to Spelling, Pronunciation and Literary Editing" by DE Rosenthal, formulate the possibility of using variant forms.

1.Most first-year students successfully passed the winter exam session. - Most of the first-year students who entered universities immediately after leaving school successfully passed the winter examination session. 2. Five soldiers went on reconnaissance. - Five soldiers went on reconnaissance. 3. Roast - canned meat - met with sour mines. - The grass St. John's wort grew throughout the clearing. 4. The children liked the toy car. - The library-museum acquired the unpublished manuscripts of the writer. 5. The mother and the child went to the outpatient clinic. - After lunch, Los and Rusakov went to look at warehouses and shops.

Exercise 4.

Indicate errors in management. Suggest all possible edits.

1. An exchange of opinions began. 2. We admired the beauty of the summer sunset. 3. I am very pleased with the court's decision: everything turned out the way I wanted. 4. Business people are required to guide and organize the business. 5. He was always amazed at his son's hard work. 6. It is not necessary to photograph people - houses, animals and flowers are also possible. 7. This text refers to the official business style: it regulates the rights of the reader. 8. Khrushchev needed to show Stalin that not everyone in Ukraine was a traitor. 9. Comrades, pay the fare. 10. We, of course, thought and hoped for such a victory. 11. The combine organized and runs subsidiaries. 12. Let's finish talking about June 8 and start talking about the cyclical nature of the economy. 13. Tolstoy describes about the war. 14. After the program "Circus with the Stars" Ksenia Sobchak is not afraid of anything, she is not afraid of even jumping from a parachute. 15. By the ninth of May, we planned to start the festival. 16. Admiring the work of Michelangelo ... 17. I have a suspicion that he is lying. 18. Questions to which people are still looking for answers. 19. The speaker operated with unverified data. 20. All efforts of teachers were directed to ensure high performance indicators.

Exercise 5.

Correct the errors associated with the use of the verbal adverb.

1. Having dug a hole to the bottom, blue stones shone in the sun. 2. Opening the window, the smell of pine trees. 3. Approaching the city, a strong wind began. 4. Having finished the excursion, lunch was waiting for us at the restaurant. 5. When he woke up, he was told that breakfast had already been served. 6. Born into such a cinematic family, Natasha's future was, in general, predetermined (O. Pushkin about the daughter of N. Belokhvostikova and V. Naumov - Natalia). 7. After watching this film, I felt very sad. 8. Arriving home, the radio played at full volume. 9. Leaving the apartment, he started to cry. 10. Muslims believe that, having visited this mountain, the Lord will forgive them all their sins. 11. Arriving in Paris, he was invited to the embassy. 12. After answering our questions within five days, the gift from Spectr will be yours. 13. Being a brilliant master in abdominal surgery, VA Ovchinnikov has done a lot in this section. 14. Arriving home, I felt much better. 15. I don't know how bad it is while coaching the national team. 16. By following our advice, your shoes will be durable. 17. By working with us, you are guaranteed success. 18. He was a simple teacher, afraid of society. 19. Having repaired the pencil, it broke again. 20. Having entered there, at first it was a little difficult for me.

Exercise 6.

Correct the errors related to the uniformity phenomenon. After analyzing the examples, answer the question what may be the cause of this error.

1. The author loves and admires his heroine. 2. The lamp is suspended above the sofa and is very beautiful. 3.… several stages of settlement and organization of economic activity are characteristic. 4. They are lazy, ugly, evil, mean, and when something is needed, polite, kind, courteous. 5. The girl is clever, without bad habits and exemplary behavior. 6. Be also gentle, beautiful and happy. 7. The main task of headlines is to attract and control attention. 8. Oriental girls dance amazingly: they love and have excellent control over their bodies. 9. The sacred books of this religion were classic and the main subject of study. 10. Each person faces the problem of choice in life: we choose work, clothes, food and where to invest money. 11. And on this, the author builds his influence on the reader in order to convey that information and to get the result that the author needs and will give great importance to the journal. 12. After reading this novel, I realized that people are different and that they do money with people. 13. The aim of the work is the author sets the concept of anomalies of modern speech and finding the nature of their origin, as well as to find out how colloquial speech differs from literary speech, and finally, why it has a strong influence on human speech, to consider the features of colloquial speech of the 21st group. 14. You will not find a clinic that, in varying degrees, would have to do with teaching solutions and an interest in scientific research. 15. To date, literary criticism is dominated by the concept, according to which there are two main types of the Gothic novel, and one of the founders of which is considered to be V. Dibelius.

Exercise 7.

1. The police often contemplated indifferently at the flaring up conflict. 2. The peasantry opposed the landlords. 3. Bazarov proudly declares that my grandfather plowed the land. 4. But in the evenings, after returning from work, I do not want to read anything serious. 5. This is the young generation that is growing up. 6. Found someone to consult. 7. The young were happy and excited. 8. The novel "Fathers and Sons" was written by Turgenev in 1862. 9. I. Eiges believed that music in general occupied a large place in Chekhov's work and romances in particular. 10. They were mainly interested in the opportunity to trade in the Irkutsk market and treatment in hospitals of regional subordination. 11. They have known each other since childhood. 12. Few of the designers of business-class cars offer such legroom. 13. Incentive slogans and fonts, allegedly written by hand, thereby give messages a bright emotional color. 14. The defendant in court will be, in addition to the singer, the record companies that released his album. 15. My father is a doctor, so my interest in medicine is quite understandable. 16. Leaving the car, my package tore. 17. Roma put on a short-sleeved shirt, which he tucked into his trousers. 18. Smoking and alcohol is bad for your health. 19. The boy threw a stone into the water. 20. A hundred years have passed. 21. And I, like many people who think the same, support my opinion. 22. In one of the military units, a child was born with a pathology. 23. Trying to answer this question, I have a number of comments. 24. Congratulations to the team of our faculty "Arzamas-2004" for winning the Cup of universities in Irkutsk. 25. The author in this text is explicit.

Exercise 8.

Correct syntax errors. Formulate the rules for choosing a normative option.

1. Reading an interview with you, looking through your biography, you get the impression that your life was going pretty smoothly. 2. Often, constructions of this kind provoke the addressee to build a false conclusion about the advertised product, which is beneficial to the advertiser. 3. Understanding borrowing as a process that renews and performs, along with phenomena of an intrastructural nature, the vocabulary of the borrowing language. 4. Socio-precedent phenomena are such phenomena that any average representative of a certain society knows, and are included in the collective cognitive space. 5. The central streets are swept, clean and tidy, and turning to the right as to the left, the pictures change. 6. Western European public opinion has a poor idea of ​​why we are against NATO enlargement. 7. All efforts of teachers were directed to ensure high performance indicators. Thus, memory can include all sorts of memories and interpret them in relation to the spiritual state of the individual, and is applicable to a significant life period, which reflects the spiritual and physical path of his development. 9. Colleagues expect that their love, united, will create that positive charge of energy that will help Nikolai return to duty. 10. We emphasize once again: the frequent use of such combinations in advertising texts, as well as the fact that these combinations, being a source of a false conclusion, can distort the real assessment of the product, suggest that this is a special manipulative technique. 11. The main thing in the drama is not the events, but the hero who is involved in any life situation and is faced with the problem of choice. 12. Paying attention to the names of these heroes, it is not difficult for us to understand why one of them is called dryly - by the last name Lapshin, and the other warmly and in a friendly way - Uncle Vasya. 13. At this time, Oleg is confused, shouts, rushes into the yard, and then runs in and, as the playwright notes, he became furious and crying. 14. Lyamin, on the contrary, feels his responsibility for the fate of other people. And he hurries to do them good. 15. Andrei Pavlovich Buzykin is also running his own marathon. 16. It is very important that advertising firms persistently study and implement the accumulated experience of various manufacturers. 17. Probably jumped out for ice cream for our secretary Zoya, his beloved passion, which I did not fail to notice to him. 18. In this chapter we will try to consider the "popular thought" in the novels of L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" and G.Vladimov "The General and His Army", in which G.Vladimov focuses on "War and Peace" when portraying the people, and in which he does not agree with Leo Tolstoy. 19. Based on this paragraph, we can conclude that the variety of linguistic paradoxes allows Schwartz to reveal the paradox of life in the most detail. 20. The wide range of applications, as well as the prevalence of this method of controlling people, has led to the emergence of many scientific studies on the phenomenon of manipulation. 21. The study of the concept of manipulation in the framework of psycholinguistics is dictated by the desire to explain at a theoretical level, based on the results of various experiments, the principles of organizing human behavior in various conditions of the social context that influence and dominate him. 22. Vitka's mother from the story "A Mother's Heart" begins to actively fuss about her son, who has ended up in the police. He bothers wherever he can. Mournfully, even humiliatingly, she asks for help from people who, as she believes, can free her son, return the guy home, remove, write off the guilt from him. As soon as he entered the police station, right from the threshold, he kneels in front of the “chiefs”. 23. I mean those tragic events that played out during your journey. 24. Dear teachers! Write your surname, disease, where you would like to receive medical treatment within the Irkutsk region. 25. Thus, proceeding from the formal point of view, the phenomena of linguistic absurdity have a syntactic nature and are realized within a complex syntactic whole or text.


Exercise 1.

Analyze examples in which speech accuracy is impaired. Determine what kind of accuracy is not observed by the authors of the statements, indicate the type of error, suggest your version of the edits.

1. In case of phosphorus poisoning, yellowing of the skin may occur. 2. Newspapers wrote enthusiastically about Zalmanov's baths. 3. Should a faculty director help students? 4. In the 19th century, all who lived in palaces were plebeians. 5. Wheat and rye are cereal plants. 6. It is more and more difficult to patch up worn-out agricultural machinery. 7. You need to complete the following task. 8. Raid revealed a whole galaxy of crooks. 9. To feel normal in the squad, you need to isolate yourself in the team. 10. Next comes the prairie parties. 11. Watch the evening report on the tragic death of the plane. 12. Pushkin at the ball, and there - Natalia Goncharova, thin, high, aspen waist ... 13. The duration of our territory is longer than the distance from Russia to America. 14. How ours took Berlin in 1943! 15. Elizaveta Vasilyevna was tired: first in the morning they defended a prayer service (it was she who insisted on a church funeral service), then - at the cemetery, then - long commemoration ...

Exercise 2.

Analyze examples in which speech accuracy is impaired. Classify the type of error, suggest your revision.

1. When a student reaches the 5th grade, he does not know how to accurately identify a complex sentence from a simple one. 2. I love her umbilical cord earring. 3. Before the birth of children, I absolutely did not know what to do on the weekend. 4. On the street over forty with the wind, looking for a car, but it is hot. 5. Your skin becomes tighter. 6. The last time Alexander wore a suit and tie was in the first grade. 7. Two priests in the taiga in church guise ... 8. The main characters in the film "Ivan Vasilievich Changes His Profession" ran into the royal chambers, immediately after them the shooters rushed in. 9. Many books have been written about the heroism of the Russian people. 10. The small ice arena "Ermak" was saddled by the wards of Vladimir Poroshin. 11. It was necessary to introduce smart censorship at that time. 12. I can't take a bus in the summer. These are smells! And I, you know, have such a subtle charm! 13. I'll tell you about this later, in a perverse conversation. 14. The general manager of Chrysler pulled the firm out of the break. 15. He explained that he committed the crime because of a misconception of the law.

Exercise 3.

Correct the sentences in which the confusion of words related to the same conceptual area is allowed as a result of incorrect actualization of the differentiating component of the meaning.

1. Take the dirty dish to the laundry. 2. Try cucumbers! Delicious, as if fresh! You can't even hear that salty! 3. I wanted to eat, I go into the refrigerator, and there - it's empty! 4. I bought myself a perfume with a watermelon flavor. 5. And then we all went for a walk in unison. 6. You are frighteningly beautiful today. 7. Urgently come to me tonight. 8. The result of using the cream is smoothed facial features. 9. Yesterday my friend got drunk to smithereens - he got into the police. 10. As you wish, but I do not like this perfume, and I think I have already heard this smell a hundred times. 11. Your apartment is in rose petals! This is terribly romantic! 12. Thank you, you're awfully kind. 13. Most of them (about male "adventurers") are deeply married, but they want extra adrenaline. 14. Bake 3-4 cakes, grease them sour cream or jam. Carrots are completely unrecognizable in the dough! 15. And you are curious and look into any medical brochure about allergies and there, for sure, you will find the name of Hippocrates, followed by the iconostasis of the most famous names.

Exercise 4.

Analyze the examples and answer the question from which lexical paradigm the inaccurate choice of option was made. Suggest an edit option.

1. The luminary that rose early woke me up long before my father's arrival. 2. Fleeing from midges, the cow hit itself on the back with its tail and growled pitifully. 3. In the opera Carmen, the title role is performed by Vladimir Atlantov. 4. There can be no friendship between a man and a woman. They are led by physics. 5. No, I'm already nourishing, don't even try to offer me pies, otherwise I won't refuse. 6. Give me a towel. It still needs to be washed. 7. You are bad at appealing concepts. 8. Effective measures have been taken to address this issue. 9. The young man sat down and committed an untimely car theft. 10. To increase profits, it is necessary to change the type of productivity. 11. Your danka is bad: still young! But if you train it, then it will turn out to be an excellent wrestling dog! 12. I quickly ran down the stairs from the first to the fifth floor! 13. And you turn out to be a complete ignoramus, and you boast of your knowledge of technology. 14. I don’t need your four hundred grams, I just take economical packages. 15. The whole problem is that Maxim is not used to work and likes to lead a festive lifestyle.


Exercise 1.

Correct sentences in which speech clarity is impaired, classify the type of error.

1. No barn, no shelter for him. 2. About three days before the test, I realized that there was no time for novels. 3. In the fairy tale "The Magic Bowler" the girl could not remember the spell, she did not cook the bowler hat. 4. We have overestimated many things this year. 5. We make only urgent fractures (notice on the door to the X-ray room). 6. Orbakaite invited Druzhinin to star in this film. 7. A conversation was held with a representative of the delegation that had recently arrived in Moscow. 8. We will save you from the future (insurance company advertisement). 9. Unfortunately, the forward's candle hit the crossbar (the ball sent by the attacker hit the corner of the goal). 10. Yesterday my windows fell (Windows program). 11. Hackers are actively producing zombies, which is a great danger to users (zombie is a computer infected with a virus). 12. The appointment of the rector was not unexpected. 13. These guys gave me a ride yesterday! 14. To avoid any problems at the entrance with the security, we recommend that you take with you a photo confirming your age of majority. 15. We have an old boss.

Exercise 2.

Analyze the statements in which dialectisms and professionalisms meet. Does this impair the clarity of speech? If necessary, suggest your own revision.

1. He drives a tablet (tablet is a UAZ car). 2. Tomorrow show the students the regime moments (regime moments - dressing, feeding, etc. in kindergarten). 3. Do not forget to take a photo of the working day tomorrow (recording the employee's actions during the working day). 4. We got exhaust from placement in specialized magazines (exhaust - a high degree of advertising efficiency). 5. There are three of us, children, in the family, I am the tip (the tip is the youngest). 6. I just got burned with a golokhai (golokhai - nettles). 7. Lisa, it's time for you to change the motherboard in your head and add two hundred gigs of memory that way (motherboard - motherboard; gig - gigabyte). 8. I'm going to go to kut (kut - kitchen). 9. And I have a misfortune: the mother passed out and the screw flew (mother - motherboard, screw - hard drive). 10. I will print you a revolving paper, check the balances by the material (revolving - a revolving material sheet). 11. My father went hunting last year, and he killed the pestle (pest is a bear). 12. Well, Tatyana, you need the treatment of the figure eight (figure eight is a wisdom tooth). 13. Lenya, why don't you say anything about tuning my car? (tuning is an additional technical and / or decorative improvement). 14. The ace, playing with the brakes, manages to keep the wheels just on the verge of skid, achieving the most effective sliding. 15. Yes, here's my daughter I have done, where can I get money for everyone to buy shoes? (surazyo - illegitimate children).

Exercise 3.

Analyze examples of ambiguity. Determine which language medium provokes the emergence of ambiguity. Classify the type of error. If necessary, suggest your own revision.

1. On this day, she did not have a pass. 2. Going through was not as difficult as I thought. 3. Alexandra invited her daughter. 4. Borrow a large amount of money, as you know, - The best way to lose a friend. 5. I poured sugar on you. 6. There were bones lying on the floor, have you seen them? 7. She looked at Harry disapprovingly and knocked over another glass of brandy. 8. - What will you do? - I don’t know yet, maybe the floor will have to be changed. 9. The store was, as always, empty. 10. - Yura, bring the key!

Exercise 4.

Analyze examples that impair clarity of speech. Use the list of word meanings below to edit.

1. I took an overdraft yesterday. 2. We release to the market, and then the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the Department of Employment of the Population say: and we have a blowout in the socialist market. 3. You call him and tell him not to suck me in, then I will stick out. 4. Yesterday, until 5 pm, the battens were laid. 5. At the weekend we decided to go fishing, but we can't find a normal slot. 6. We need to put up monuments and machines for the fact that we were in full swing. 7. Make you styling? 8. Vera presented several birds to the winterers of Dixon Island, which were well acclimatized. 9. - What cords did you take? - Tulips. 10. Yesterday I found fennec in lvadi

The values: ‘Social workers’, ‘lowland flooded in the rain’, ‘uneven bars’, ‘drive at the wrong time, accelerate’, ‘boat’, ‘payday loan’, ‘three-way cords’.

Exercise 5.

Analyze the examples and answer the question, do they interfere with the clarity of speech? Classify the type of error. If necessary, suggest your own revision.

1. Regular eye cream is not suitable. 2. I can't see anything because of my heads. 3. Observations on the language of young children. 4. It turned out that 200 items disappeared during the inspection. 5. Chairman of the Health Protection Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. 6. The minister's approval was premature. 7. It is necessary to make allowances for other food products and the lifestyle that a person leads. 8. Many creams claim to fight certain age-related skin changes. 9. You will go to this girl in red, she will be waiting for you. 10. I invite everyone to fold. 11. Good news about AIDS. 12. We could not start putting out the fire due to electricity. 13.May 27, 2005 kindergarten works until 15.00 in connection with the sanitation of cockroaches. 14. What a pity that the ability to share remained only an advantage of the protozoa. 15. I bought a doll, it remains to hang the floats.


Exercise 1.

What are the mistakes that violate the law of identity? Suggest your version of the proposal editing.

1. He had a strong will, which he developed, he also had a girlfriend. 2. The ears of philologists must be developed. 3. And now they will either put me in jail, or they will punish me. 4. Time hangs on the wall, look how much. 5. There are only Russians and Irkutsk residents on the plane. 6. In this section you can buy maternity and childhood products. 7. Didn't they tell you at work that you need to have fluorography and an ophthalmologist with you for a medical examination? 8. You are not human. You are an applicant. 9. Freshness Eclipse lasts longer than other gummies. 10. Cafe "Castle of Love" on the street. Sverdlova, 22 holds all types of celebrations: anniversaries, weddings, memorial services. 11. The root system of beans, in contrast to beans and peas, is poorly developed. 12. On sale there are various confectionery products, cakes. 13. Morphology studies verbs, subject and predicate. 14. The meeting was attended by scientific workers, as well as rectors and vice-rectors. 15. Dirty, easily soiled and children's footwear is not accepted for repairs.

Exercise 2.

What laws of logic are violated in these statements? Suggest your version of the proposal editing.

1. A language system is a language system that has its own laws and rules. 2. And we will soon go on a round-the-world trip throughout Europe. 3. Tatiana shares her sufferings and thoughts only with nature, walking in the garden. The person she trusts is her nanny. 4. The experience was like Professor Dowell's Head. 5. I have never seen an elephant, only at the zoo. 6. In our transport, pickpockets sneak bags and pockets, an apartment, if an alarm is not installed in it (and this, I will tell you, expensive pleasure) It's scary to leave for more than half an hour, at the dachas it's the same story ... 7. The entire race took 10 minutes and one more lap. 8. Global warming worries not only scientists, but also the conscious public. 9. The maximum mark is also good, although not high - 4 points. 10. - Dad, where does the wind blow from? - Wind because the trees sway. - Why do the trees sway? - Because the wind blows.

Exercise 3.

Find and classify logical errors, suggest your own version of sentence editing.

1. He is a very handsome guy because he plays the guitar. 2 I have not seen a single actor who starred in the film "Brigade" before, only Dyuzhev and Bezrukov. 3. "Panther" - a poem reminiscent of the Parnassians. 4. I have a great mood and good weather, which is what I wish everyone. 5. This is understandable, because Yudashkin is worth more than the outfits of novice fashion designers. 6. You can buy any literature from us: scientific, fiction, novels, fiction and much more. 7. In Russian, this verb is primarily used to name physical actions, since in its semantics a greater place is given to the meanings of physical actions. In turn, in the semantics of physical action, units of human physical impact prevail. 8. Babaytseva's textbook is very different from other syntactic theories. 9. Next year I have two coursework, three of which are in French. 10. We decided to leave on the sly, slamming the door. 11. Let's make a lock to the entrance according to your castle. 12. Extinguishing forest fires, which result in arson of grass and careless handling of fire. 13. In your term paper the practice does not correspond to the theory, but it deserves a good mark. 14. Academician Ivanov wrote about this in Moscow, Professor Petrov in Kiev and Academician Isaev in Belarus. 15. I have 100% vision, only a small cataract.

Exercise 4.

Read the text, write out all the clips.