
Development of housing and communal infrastructure. Housing and communal complex: management and development. Strategic management of the development of the housing and communal services complex

The convenience of living in a city depends on the quality of the urban environment and the comfort it provides. The updated infrastructure of the capital's housing and communal services is an important component of the city's comfortable urban environment.

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Despite the elections, the city continues to live its own life, develop, and settle down. This year, big plans are planned for the improvement of the city and the improvement of public space. In particular, this year it is planned to improve 4 thousand Moscow courtyards. I often get asked how long this program will last. It will continue until all Moscow courtyards are put in order. Repair work will be carried out on 5 thousand internal driveways...

S. Sobyanin, at a meeting with journalists (source -

Updating and development of housing and communal services infrastructure

Housing and communal services are a huge industry that costs the city budget very much. But modern technologies that will improve the efficiency of the industry come at a cost.

Since 2011, large-scale work has been underway to accelerate the modernization and development of the capital’s housing and communal infrastructure. As a result of the work carried out to modernize the housing and communal infrastructure during the most difficult winter period for the energy sector, the number of emergency outages from electrical energy, heating systems and cold water supply has sharply decreased.

The state program “Development of Municipal Engineering Infrastructure” for 2012-2016, in accordance with which work is currently underway, provides for the development and modernization of housing and communal services structures. The fact that the city's public utilities require a serious system update was recognized by the capital's mayor a year ago, then the head of the city noted, as the portal reported, that this is a basic condition for the further development of the capital.

In 2012, almost all houses were transferred to backup power supply and heating connections. It is worth noting that, according to officials, in 2011-2013 there were no emergency shutdowns of heating and cold water supply systems. In order to ensure uninterrupted supply, the city has created a backup system that allows the entire communal structure to operate efficiently and reliably.

51.7 billion rubles were allocated for infrastructure development in 2012, 45.1 billion in 2013. In 2014-2016. More than 130 billion rubles are allocated for infrastructure renewal and development.

Expected results from modernization of the housing and communal services system - reduction of wear and tear of system objects:

  • electrical networks by 22.9%;
  • heating networks by 12%;
  • underground gas pipelines by 24%;
  • collector systems by 3%;
  • water supply networks by 3.8%;
  • sewer networks by 5%.

The given data indicates the minimum percentage, i.e. These numbers are not the limit.

On July 29, 2013, at a meeting on the modernization of housing and communal services, D. Medvedev expressed the idea that the housing and communal services infrastructure itself and its condition are of fundamental importance.

In order to increase the profitability of the industry, social norms (i.e. the average norm per person) for energy consumption will begin to be introduced in 2014: electricity - from 2014, water - from 2015. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak announced this at a meeting with the head of government.

Interactive portals to help utility workers and Muscovites

Important! At the end of August, the authorities launched a single city portal - “Our City” ( - combining the functions of all previous ones, which had already closed. The portal gives Moscow residents the opportunity to directly communicate with authorities without queuing and filing papers and complaints. The resource also invites users to familiarize themselves with the “Problem Map” section, which visualizes existing and already resolved issues from various spheres of urban life by city district.

City portals: “Moscow Roads”, “Our City”, “Moscow Houses” - were created and exist so that every resident of the capital can take part in managing and maintaining a decent state of the urban environment, be it streets, roads, courtyards or any other for other municipal facilities. These portals provide a unique, qualitatively new level of information disclosure and interaction between the authorities and citizens.

  • “Our City” ( is a portal about the improvement of Moscow. The service is designed to control the quality of work on landscaping and maintaining courtyards, repairing residential buildings and trading in retail outlets within walking distance.
  • “Roads of Moscow” ( - a portal about Moscow roads and their maintenance. Aimed at assessing the quality of street cleaning and road repair.
  • “Moscow Houses” ( is a portal dedicated to housing and communal services. This service is designed to strengthen civil control over management companies and homeowners associations responsible for the maintenance and servicing of Moscow houses. Here you can find out who is involved in the modernization of housing and communal services facilities, how allocated funds are spent on the maintenance of these facilities, and also influence the choice of contractors. Organizations, customers and contractors, in turn, are obliged to report to citizens on the work done.

City Internet resources give Muscovites the opportunity, along with inspectors monitoring the quality of work, to participate in the process. To this end, on the portals, every Muscovite is given the opportunity to write a message about a specific problem of urban infrastructure.

The demands of Muscovites in relation to maintenance services and urban management are becoming higher and higher every day. And then the participation of Muscovites themselves through deputies of all levels, interaction with deputies. For example, when we started landscaping courtyard areas in 2011, programs were developed at the level of administrative offices and only agreed upon with the population at certain points. 2012, not to mention 2013, was completely in the power of the population, when the population participated in the formation of programs and said what to do, how to do it and in what direction to move.

- P. Biryukov, at a meeting with journalists (source -

By using city portals and reporting a problem, a Muscovite is guaranteed to receive a response from the authorities and can personally track the deadlines and quality of work.

With the entry into force of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Federal Housing Policy” and the adoption of a number of regulatory legal acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, the main conceptual approaches to reforming the housing and communal services emerged, which have remained virtually unchanged to this day.

In the field of payment for housing and utilities, a strategy for its gradual increase was adopted. It was planned to increase the level of coverage of housing and communal services costs to 100% at the expense of residents, while simultaneously developing a system of social support for low-income segments of the population by providing them with targeted budget subsidies based on a voluntary application mechanism for their assignment. The criterion was to use the normatively established share of expenses for housing and communal services in the family budget and the social norm for housing area established for each region.

In the field of institutional reforms, the reform concept assumed decentralization and simplification of the housing and communal services management structure, mainly through the separation of the functions of the customer and the contractor. In conditions of slow transformation of real property relations in this area, customer services had to represent the interests of residents of municipal housing stock in relations with contractors. The main goal of such transformations was to reduce costs while simultaneously improving the quality of provision of housing and communal services, which should have been facilitated by the principle of competitive selection of contractors in those areas where demonopolization is objectively possible (primarily in the maintenance of housing stock). The issues of regulating the activities of local natural monopolies were not received at the first stage of development, including due to the lack of the necessary regulatory framework for solving this problem.

The experience of transforming the housing and communal services sector allowed analysts to assess the starting positions from which the movement began at the second stage of the reform, as well as to identify the range of problems at the federal, regional and municipal levels that complicate the solution to the problem of increasing the efficiency of the housing and communal services sector.

In assessing the results of the first stage of the reform, the working group of the Commission on Socio-Economic Problems of Municipal Entities came to the following fundamental conclusions.

Among Russian cities, there is currently significant differentiation in the pace, directions and scale of housing and communal reform. Different cities have developed completely different principles and structures for managing housing and communal services.

A significant role in this process was played by the subjective factor - the level of understanding of the importance of the problem by the heads of municipalities, as well as the presence on their part of “good will” or certain political interests.

Experience recent years the implementation of housing and communal services reform at the regional and municipal levels indicates that, despite certain successes of the “leading cities”, in Russia as a whole the implementation of the reform has not yet brought the expected effect. The implementation of previously planned measures to implement the reform, which were reduced mainly to institutional changes, did not produce the expected financial effect. The budgetary burden on the maintenance of housing and communal services is still high, the efficiency of management mechanisms remains at a low level, pricing practices are still based on the cost principle of forming the cost of products and services, the quality of services provided leaves much to be desired, and the condition of the housing stock and utilities is deteriorating from year to year. year.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that currently, due to the development of the budget crisis, there is an acute shortage of funds necessary to maintain housing and communal services financing at the same level. Thus, the resource of relative stability of the system, which made it possible to implement the strategy of its gradual transformation, is steadily declining. The task of intensifying the progress of the reform and increasing its effectiveness is becoming extremely urgent.

From the question " local significance» housing and communal services reform has become a key issue of state socio-economic policy, requiring an integrated systematic approach to its implementation and management of the reform process, both at the federal level and at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The boundaries of housing and communal services are very vague - even if we narrow the definition of housing and communal services to maintaining comfort in residential premises, it remains unclear how this comfort, from the substantive point of view of its provision in non-residential premises, differs from comfort in residential premises.

In fact, this is not one industry, but many unrelated industries, many of which have residential premises or premises as such only as one of their consumers (construction and repair of premises, electricity and heat, water treatment and plumbing, collection, waste removal and disposal), and all the differences are associated only with the methods of contracting (parties to the contract and restrictions on freedom of contract) and financing of such contracts for housing maintenance, distorted by the “social significance” of housing issues in comparison with issues of maintenance of industrial premises.

Therefore, housing and communal services reform usually means reform of housing ownership, which in turn affects contracting (institutional aspects of permissible parties to a contract and its freedom) and ensuring the completeness of financing of free contracts:

Securing housing in the ownership of citizens, which leads to the guarantee of all transactions (including payment of utilities) of a citizen for an amount no less than the cost of their own housing. This creates a responsible party to the contract;
- institutionalization of market (rather than municipal) structures for the provision of public services.

At the beginning of the period of economic reforms, most of the state property in the housing sector (housing stock and communal infrastructure) was transferred to municipal ownership. The municipalization of the housing and communal services sector occurred at a time when this sector was increasingly becoming subsidized, since tariffs for housing and communal services were not affected in the process of price liberalization. It was assumed that within a fairly short period the transition to the subsidy-free functioning of the housing and communal services sector would be completed, as a result of which mechanisms were not created to guarantee the sufficiency of municipal budget resources to fulfill their obligations to subsidize housing and communal services enterprises in the part not covered by consumer payments. However, the socio-economic situation did not allow us to complete the transition to covering the cost of housing and communal services at the expense of consumers, including the population.

The needs of regional and municipal budgets were partially taken into account within the framework of interbudgetary relations (equalization of budgetary security through the mechanism of transfers from the regional financial support fund), but in conditions of an acute budget crisis this could not significantly affect the adequacy and sustainability of budget financing. If in a few donor regions a relatively favorable situation with financing the industry remains, in the regions that are indicators of financial assistance, the volume of budget subsidies has decreased, in some cases, to one third of the estimated need for budget subsidies.

Attempts to achieve deficit-free budgets at the local level have led to a decrease in funding for housing and communal services, non-recognition and non-financing of necessary costs. As a result, there was a sharp increase in the level of depreciation of fixed assets.

Acting as a shock absorber at the initial stage of economic reforms social consequences, the housing and communal services sector of the Russian Federation is now itself turning into a source of threats to social and economic development countries.

The depreciation of communal infrastructure is more than 60%; about a quarter of fixed assets have fully served their useful life. The number of accidents has increased approximately 5 times over 10 years. Dilapidated and dilapidated housing stock makes up 49.6 million m of total area, or 1.8% (in urban settlements 38.9 million m or 1.9%); it is home to 2.3 million people (1.8 million people in urban settlements). The share of dilapidated and dilapidated housing is about 2% of the total housing stock; more than 2 million people live in it.

Physical disposal of the fund, according to statistics, ranges from 15 to 20% of the volume of new housing construction.

With an annual regulatory need for capital repairs of the housing stock of 4-5%, 0.3% is actually repaired.

Heat losses during the operation of existing heating networks significantly exceed the standards. Losses associated with leaks due to internal and external corrosion of pipes also amount to 10-15%, and the service life of heating mains for this reason is currently 4-6 times lower than the standard. Total losses in heating networks reach 30% of the produced thermal energy, which is equivalent to 65-80 million tons of standard fuel per year.

Excessive fuel consumption in low-power boiler houses due to poor water treatment and unregulated combustion process is 12.5% ​​and higher. The efficiency of such boiler houses ranges from 20-40%.

Planned preventative repairs of networks and equipment of water supply systems and municipal energy systems have completely given way to emergency restoration work, the unit costs of which are 2.5-3 times higher than the costs of planned repairs of the same facilities. This further aggravates the lack of resources, leading to an avalanche-like accumulation of items that cannot be repaired and a drop in reliability. One of the consequences of this situation was the aggravation of the problem of providing the population of Russia drinking water of standard quality and in sufficient quantity. Without its fundamental solution, it is impossible to preserve the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and solve many social problems associated with improving people’s living standards.

Due to increased pollution of water sources, traditionally used water treatment technologies have become insufficiently effective in most cases and do not always provide the population with drinking water that meets sanitary standards in quality. More than 40% of the water supplied to the network does not meet SanPiN requirements.

About 30% of water supply capacity - 27.0 million m and 16% of water supply networks - 73.6 thousand km require urgent modernization.

The capacity of sewerage treatment facilities is 56.1 million m3 per day. The length of sewer networks in settlements has reached 1 15.9 thousand km, of which 19 thousand km (17%) need urgent replacement.

Of the operating sewage treatment plants, 60% are overloaded, 38% of the structures have been in operation for 25-30 years or more and require urgent reconstruction. The capacity deficit of sewerage facilities currently reaches about 9 million m3 per day.

Leakage and unaccounted water consumption in water supply systems amount to an average of 15% in Russia (3339.2 million m of water) of the total water supply per year, and in a number of cities leakage reaches 30%.

More than 50 million m of housing are in dilapidated housing stock, which is about 2% of housing in the country; about 2 million people live in this stock. The number of dilapidated housing stock has almost doubled over the past 10 years. In the structure of expenses for housing and communal services, the share of capital repairs is 0.4%, while the standard requirement is 4-5%. As a result, the annual volume of capital repairs has decreased from 20-25 million m in the early 1990s. up to less than 5 million m.

Under these conditions, housing and communal enterprises do not have serious economic incentives to optimize the tariff structure or reduce irrational costs of material and technical resources. As a result, the costs of, for example, electricity for the production and sale of 1 m of water are 30% higher than the European average. The number of personnel per 1000 residents served is 1.5-2 times higher than at similar European enterprises. Specific water consumption per inhabitant is 1.5-2 times higher than in Western European countries.

Audit data show, on the one hand, an underestimation of tariffs from an economically justified level (most often due to failure to comply with the necessary work regulations), and on the other hand, the presence of unused reserves (15-20%) even at the lowest tariffs.

The depreciation deductions and deductions for major repairs included in the tariffs, although not at a sufficient level, are in fact spent to cover the current needs of enterprises. This leads to “eating” limited financial resources.

An analysis of most investment projects for the development of public utility systems shows that most of them are aimed at extensive capacity expansion and to a much lesser extent involve measures to reduce costs, losses and leaks.

In the housing sector, it was not possible to take full advantage of the development of competitive markets for the management and operation of housing, since in conditions of unstable and insufficient financing it turned out to be impossible to achieve full-fledged contractual relations. Organ failure local government to fulfill their contractual obligations has led to a widespread relapse of administrative coercion against contractors.

The budget's failure to fulfill its obligations and the lack of effective and transparent procedures for setting and changing tariffs make the industry unattractive for private investment. Meanwhile, most projects for modernizing the housing stock and utility infrastructure are potentially commercially attractive and have relatively short durations.

Creating conditions for the influx of private investment could radically change the financial position of the industry in the long term.

All this indicates the presence of a systemic crisis in the industry and the intersectoral nature of the problems that have arisen, to overcome which a program of action interconnected in areas and levels is required.

The need for an accelerated transition to a sustainable model of functioning of the housing and communal services complex determines the feasibility of using a program-targeted method to solve the problems listed above, since these problems:

They are among the priorities for the formation of federal target programs, and their solution makes it possible to provide opportunities to improve the quality of life of the population, prevent emergency situations related to the functioning of life support systems, and create conditions for the sustainable development of the housing and communal services complex;
- fully comply with the strategy of state policy for the development of housing and communal services;
- have an intersectoral and interdepartmental nature and cannot be resolved without the participation of the federal center;
- cannot be resolved within one financial year and require budgetary expenditures for R&D and capital expenditures.

The main goal of the Program “Reform and Modernization of the Housing and Communal Sector of the Russian Federation” as part of the Federal Target Program “Housing” is to increase the sustainability and reliability of the functioning of housing and communal life support systems for the population, attract investment in the housing and communal services complex, improve the quality of housing and communal services with simultaneous reduction of irrational costs, targeted social protection of the population in payment for housing and communal services.

The main objectives of the program are:

Financial recovery of housing and communal enterprises by restructuring their debt and bringing tariffs to an economically justified level, strictly adhering to established standards for payment of services by the population, moving from subsidizing enterprises and providing categorical benefits to subsidizing low-income families, eliminating cross-subsidization of tariffs;
- formation of urban municipal infrastructure by creating effective and transparent procedures for tariff regulation of utility companies - natural local monopolists, economically interested in reducing costs and resources; development of activities for the management of municipal utility infrastructure facilities with the involvement of private business on the terms of concession agreements;
- ensuring state support for the process of modernization of the housing and communal services complex, both by providing budget funds, mainly on a repayable basis, and by creating financial instruments for the provision of state and municipal guarantees on attracted investments.

The problem of eliminating dilapidated and dilapidated housing stock is being solved within the framework of the subprogram “Resettlement of citizens of the Russian Federation from dilapidated and dilapidated housing stock” of the Federal Target Program “Housing”.

The most important areas of activity of the authorities in reforming the housing and communal services are as follows:

The final delimitation of the functions of the owner-homeowner, the management organization (customer service) and the service organization in the state and municipal housing stock;
- denationalization of operating organizations and the formation of an independent financial base for the owner-homeowner and contractual relations in the provision of housing and communal services;
- demonopolization of the activities of housing and communal services organizations and strengthening of local self-government, which will make it possible to more effectively form market relations at this level (prices, competition, supply, demand). In turn, this should lead to lower costs and improved quality of services provided to the population;
- increasing the responsibility of managers and specialists of housing and communal services and the professionalism of all workers in this industry.

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General problems of management and reform of housing and communal services

The level of provision of housing and communal services to the population is one of the most important indicators of the quality of life in the territory municipality. Management of the housing and communal services complex, according to the Federal Law of 2003, falls mainly within the competence of settlements. Enterprises included in the housing and communal services complex - resource suppliers, management and contracting organizations, regional and local government bodies - must coordinate their actions in order to improve the quality of housing and communal services.

The most important aspect is the principle of competitiveness, determined by the presence of competitive advantages in enterprises and organizations providing services, which should be ensured by resource-saving and innovative approaches, the development of competition and the formation of socially oriented policies, as well as the conditions that determine the quality of the management system of housing and communal services facilities.

Management of the municipal housing and communal services complex falls mainly within the competence of settlements. Municipal districts are entrusted with inter-settlement functions: organizing electricity and gas supply within the boundaries of the municipal district, maintaining and constructing public roads between settlements of the municipal district with the corresponding engineering structures, organizing the disposal and processing of household and industrial waste, maintaining inter-settlement burial sites and providing ritual services. services.

At the present stage of development, taking into account the potential of individual sub-sectors of the housing and communal services, the typology of private and public services provided, the degree of competitive relations, the presence of various forms of ownership of property, the peculiarities of the economic mechanisms of the functioning of enterprises, housing and public utilities, having different systems, should be considered as separate spheres management and principles of their reform.

The housing sector includes residential and non-residential buildings with a network of enterprises and organizations operating and servicing them. The communal complex includes engineering systems for settlements (electricity, heat, gas, water supply and sewerage) and citywide utilities (roads, landscaping and landscaping, removal and recycling of household waste and a number of other facilities).

Reform and technological modernization of housing and communal services, increasing the competitiveness of the services provided and enterprises require the use of new, more advanced organizational, economic and information management methods, which are fundamentally different from those used until recently in the housing and communal services sector.

However, the introduction of effective forms and methods of management is complicated by the specific features of the transformation of property, economic relations and the economic mechanism of functioning of housing and communal services enterprises, aggravated by the socio-economic situation in different regions.

The crisis state of the housing and communal services complex in most municipalities of Russia has become a problem of national importance. The causes of the crisis were many years of underfunding and ineffective tariff policy, which predetermine the subsidization of the industry, high costs of providing services, the lack of economic incentives for service enterprises to reduce costs, and for recipients of housing and utility services - the ability to influence their quantity and quality, an ineffective management system, an underdeveloped competitive environment, high degree of wear and tear of fixed assets, large losses of heat energy, water and other resources.

The emergence and growth of technological and financial problems of housing and communal services was also due to the fact that before the start of mass privatization in Russia, the bulk of housing and communal services facilities were on the balance sheet of industrial and other enterprises and were financed under the titles of the relevant line ministries and departments. During privatization, these objects were transferred to municipal ownership, usually in extremely poor technical condition and without proper financial compensation for the costs of their maintenance and repair. In order to avoid a complete collapse of the life support systems of settlements, municipalities were forced to take into account dilapidated and emergency housing stock, worn-out pipelines, outdated boiler houses and pumping stations, etc. without conducting a complete technical inventory of fixed assets of housing and communal services, as a result of which municipal authorities do not have reliable information about the actual level of their wear and tear. The insufficiency of state centralized financial resources for the modernization and repair of worn-out fixed assets transferred to municipalities did not allow eliminating accidents in life support systems, especially in heat and water supply. The financial crisis and bankruptcy of city-forming enterprises have placed many cities and settlements with a monostructural economy in difficult socio-economic conditions. As a result, the amount of debt of local budgets and municipal housing and communal enterprises to resource supply organizations began to increase.

The presence in the housing and communal services complex of complex relationships between economic entities and consumers of services, determined both by the scheme of technological interaction and the contradictions that arise between the economic nature of the production of services and the social nature of their consumption, emphasizes the specifics of housing and communal services management. From the point of view of social significance, housing and communal services are designed to create the necessary conditions for comfortable and safe living of citizens, and from an economic point of view, being an area of ​​activity with constant consumer demand in the housing and communal services market, it has significant potential for the development of private business.

At the same time, it is important to highlight three interrelated aspects of management in the housing and communal services sector, including the availability of acquisition and operation of housing, improving the quality of housing and communal services, as well as the transformation of the housing and communal complex of municipalities on the principles of self-sufficiency of services and attracting private business, which operate in conditions regulated by authorities management of the housing and communal services market, taking into account socio-economic conditions and regulations that ensure standards of living conditions for the population, as well as the social responsibility of business.

The organizational and economic mechanism for reforming the housing and communal services provides for a set of interrelated components that ensure the achievement of final management goals, the transition from normative tariff regulation of utility services to payment for actually consumed ones, the development of schemes for interaction between authorities, business entities and consumers in the provision of services, changes in the financing system with a focus on payment by consumers of services at their real cost, rational combination of sources of financing, creation of conditions for the activities of private management organizations.

State policy for housing and communal services reform

The most important trend of the current stage has been the growing role of the state in the formation of housing and communal services policy and the adoption of a package of laws on affordable housing and modernization of communal infrastructure. The problem of providing the population with affordable housing has acquired federal significance and led to the creation of the national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens.”

The entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Laws “On Concession Agreements” and “On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” opens up prospects for the development of competitive relations and attracting business structures to the industry on the basis of public-private partnerships; large management companies are moving from short-term contracts to long-term investments and expanding the scale of their activities, covering an increasing number of regions and municipalities. The involvement of private business in managing and investing in the communal complex should be ensured while predominantly maintaining regional (municipal) ownership of the communal infrastructure. This is especially true for heat and water supply systems, where a serious economic effect can be achieved through resource-saving measures. Attracting investment mainly involves a transition from a budgetary to a loan and concession basis for investment in housing and communal services sectors with partial budgetary co-financing. The set of main tasks for reforming the housing and communal services sector includes:

Improving the quality and accessibility of housing and communal services based on institutional reforms and the development of market relations, including the restructuring of government bodies in the field of housing and communal services; systematically building contractual relations and increasing the effectiveness of competitive principles, attracting private business, corporatizing housing and communal services enterprises, developing the institute of professional housing managers, forming a mechanism for their selection on a competitive basis, assisting in the implementation of resident self-government schemes in the housing sector;

Ensuring the financial recovery of housing and communal services based on increasing the efficiency of using budget expenditures and targeted support for citizens in real need in providing a certain standard of housing and communal services, optimizing the ratio of tariff and budget financing, as well as increasing the investment component in tariffs for housing and communal services;

Regulation of the activities of the utility complex with the aim of consolidating heat and power assets in the municipality and implementing a unified policy by municipal authorities to ensure its sustainable operation, reliability and safety of the services provided, modernization of networks, structures and equipment and, on this basis, increasing the resource efficiency of production and quality of services. The main directions of housing and communal services reform are shown in Fig. 4.

┌─────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────────────────┐

│ Financial │ │Transfer of budget funds to │

│ recovery │ │subsidization of housing and communal services from enterprises │

│ housing and communal services enterprises │ │to residents by providing │

│ │ │subsidies for low-income families│

└─────────┬───────┘ └────────────────────┬───────────┘


┌───────────────────────┐ │ ┌────────────────────┐

│Division of functions │ │ │Involvement of private │

│owner, manage-│ │ │investment, development│

│general and housing and communal services contractor ├┐ │ ┌┤ municipal- │

│based on contractual ││ ┌──────┴─────────┐ ││private partnership│

│relationships between them ││ │ Directions │ ││ │

└───────────────────────┘├─┤ reforming ├─┤└─────── ────────── ───┘

│ │┌───────│ ─────────── ─┐

│ Social support ││ └──────┬─────────┘ ││ Initiation │

│ low-income citizens ├┤ │ ├┤ small development │

│ when paying for housing and communal services ││ │ ││ business │

└───────────────────────┘│ │ │└────────────────────┘

┌───────────────────────┐│ ┌──────┴─────────┐ │┌────────────────────┐

│ change in tariff ││ │ Development │ ││Transfer of multi-unit │

│ politics, the transition ││ │ of competitive │ ││tirehouses into government-│

│ on the economic ├┘ │ environment │ └┤on the owners│

│ reasonable tariffs │ └────────────────┘ │ premises │

└───────────────────────┘ └────────────────────┘

Rice. 4. Main directions of reform

housing and communal complex

The financial recovery of housing and communal services enterprises is based on inventory, restructuring and liquidation of accumulated long-term debt. Without solving this primary task, other activities will not have a positive effect.

A transition to full payment by all categories of consumers of the costs of maintaining and repairing housing and the provision of utility services is envisaged. Instead of subsidizing housing and communal services enterprises, a system of targeted housing subsidies has been introduced, credited to citizens’ personalized accounts. At the same time, a single indicator is established for receiving housing subsidies - the share of expenses for paying for housing and communal services in the total family income. Federal standard this share is set at 22%, however, constituent entities of the Russian Federation can reduce it for certain categories of households through the use of local budget funds.

The separation of the functions of the owner, the manager of the housing stock and service organizations on the basis of contractual relations between them will make it possible to demonopolize the system of management of apartment buildings, their maintenance and repair, to ensure the replacement of administrative relations in this area with market ones, to create a competitive environment in the field of management and maintenance of the housing stock and the prerequisites for improving the quality of housing and communal services.

The change in tariff policy includes the introduction government regulation tariffs for services of natural monopolies (electricity and natural gas) and the annual establishment by federal law of the maximum cost of housing and communal services for square meter living space differentiated by constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For all types of housing and communal services, economically justified tariffs must be established to ensure coverage of the current costs of operating organizations and the inclusion of an investment component for the purpose of modernization and reconstruction of facilities. At the same time, effective mechanisms must be created intended use own funds of enterprises, and primarily depreciation charges for the purposes of modernization and repair.

Subject to the establishment of economically justified tariffs for paying for housing and communal services, the maintenance of the housing stock and utility systems of settlements becomes potentially attractive to private investors.

A particularly important and serious step in reforming the housing and communal services complex is the transfer of management of apartment buildings with different sets of owners from municipal authorities to the owners of the premises. At the same time, the owners at the general meeting are obliged to independently choose the method of managing the apartment building and the management organization and bear full responsibility for the current maintenance and repair of the property.

In these conditions, it is necessary to ensure transparency of management, which implies transparency and openness of the processes of functioning and development of housing and communal services, including tariff policy, structure and volumes of work (services) included in tariffs and prices, as well as the participation of public organizations and other associations of owners and tenants of housing in the adoption decisions and monitoring their implementation in the management of multi-apartment residential buildings based on object-by-object planning of income and expenses, as well as resource saving on the scale of a specific building.

In the process of reforming the housing and communal services, the requirements for understanding the goals and objectives of competition policy by the public, market actors and local governments are increasing. At the same time, competition protection must be ensured, based on convincing and informing the population as a consumer of services.

The most important element in increasing the efficiency of municipal housing and communal services management is to ensure public supervision not only from home owners and regulatory organizations, but also with the participation of self-regulatory organizations in the housing and communal services sector, which will allow business to develop and accept the criteria that an economic entity must meet to participate in housing and communal services activities (customer, investor, management organization, contractor, etc.), develop and adopt rules and standards for such activities, increase the responsibility of subjects of the housing and communal services market to consumers by developing mechanisms for collective responsibility for the operation of the housing stock and the provision of utility services.

Tasks of local governments

on housing and communal services reform

The implementation of the provisions of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation will significantly affect the activities of local governments in the housing and communal services sector, will relieve them from directly performing economic functions of managing and maintaining the housing stock, and will significantly reduce local budget expenses for subsidizing enterprises. At the same time, in the conditions of reforming the housing and communal services, local governments are faced with a number of new tasks, a list of which is presented in Fig. 5.


│Tasks of local governments│

│ on reforming the housing and communal services │


├─┤Improving the local regulatory framework │

│ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐

│ │Establishment of economically justified tariffs │

│ │water disposal, heat energy, etc. │

│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

│ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐

├─┤Development and implementation of resource saving programs │

│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

│ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐

│ │Encouraging the creation of a homeowner class by │

├─┤support for homeowners associations and transfer of management of apartment buildings │

│ │houses from municipal authorities to management companies│

│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

│ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐

│ │Implementation of concession agreements during modernization │

├─┤municipal infrastructure │

│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

│ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐

│ │Reform of municipal housing and communal services │

├─┤enterprises │

│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

│ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐

│ │Promoting the creation of a competitive environment in management and │

├─┤operation of housing stock │

│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

│ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐

├─┤Organization of housing subsidies service │

│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

│ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐

│ │Establishment of municipal social standards and │

├─┤quality standards individual species Housing and communal services, control over │

│ │by their observance │

│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

│ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐

At the moment, housing and communal services in Russia are a promising area. Until recently, this niche was not used for commercial investment. If appropriate regulatory support is developed, the housing and communal services industry can become one of the developed ones, with a minimal level of risk and a fairly high return on investment. What awaits the UO until 2020? What problems hinder the development of housing and communal services and interfere with the work of the management authority? Read in the article.

The main stages of development of housing and communal services in Russia: from 1991 to the present

The pre-reform housing and communal services had the following features:

  • all benefits were distributed centrally. For example, the distribution of new housing stock was carried out according to the degree of people's need for housing, in order of priority; the financial and credit system almost did not work;
  • utilities were provided to the population by state-owned enterprises, which at that time were monopolists in this industry; their activities were unprofitable and operated at the expense of state subsidies;
  • apartment owners had practically the same rights to residential premises as tenants;
  • government organizations owned housing stock and could provide housing for their employees.

The housing and communal services reform, which began in 1991, was carried out over five stages.

Stage 1. 1991-1998

The priority directions of housing policy in Russia at a turning point in the economy were adopted on December 24, 1992 by the Law “On the Fundamentals of Federal Housing Policy.”

The Law established that federal housing policy has the following goals:

  • development of socio-economic and legal guarantees within the framework of housing rights of Russians;
  • support for private property, entrepreneurs and residential owners;
  • creating competition in the field of construction of buildings, maintenance and repair of residential premises, production of building materials, household items and landscaping.

The requirements for subsidizing housing and communal services in Russia for citizens have changed, subsidies have gradually been reduced, which has provoked a transition to a market economy in the housing sector. In addition, the stages of development and modernization of the system of payment for housing and consumer services, benefits for low-income families on utility bills were outlined.

At this stage, the following goals for changes in the housing sector in Russia were identified:

1. Solution to the notorious “housing issue”. To begin with, it was necessary to change the method of distribution of residential premises, that is, move from the basic principle of distribution of housing created with the help of capital public investments, to the principle of construction and purchase of it at the expense of the personal funds of the population, while maintaining benefits for vulnerable segments of the population

2. Changes in the procedure and circumstances of payment for housing and utilities. The basic principle is that the amount of payment for housing and communal services should cover the costs of maintaining and repairing the house, as well as utilities with the support of low-income families.

3. Development of competition to raise the maintenance and safety of the housing stock to a higher level.

Several more federal documents can be noted that regulate the goals of the reform process and the main stages of development of the housing and communal services sector in Russia:

  • the housing and communal services reform program in Russia, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on April 28, 1997;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1613 of December 20, 1997 “On the program of demonopolization and development of competition in the housing and communal services market for 1998-1999”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 797 of November 17, 2001 “On the subprogram “Reform and modernization of the housing and communal services complex of the Russian Federation” of the federal target program “Housing” for 2002-2010.”

Stage 2. 1998-2004

The goal of the Program for demonopolization and development of competition in the market of housing and communal services for 1998-1999 was to create a competitive environment in the housing and communal services sector of Russia, successfully influencing the reduction of losses, and, accordingly, tariffs for utility services, without deteriorating the quality of services provided. The development of liquid management in Russia at this stage involved the implementation of the goals and objectives of this document, which should be focused on:

  • abolition of the separation of functions of the owner, management and service organizations in the municipal and state housing stock;
  • carrying out a set of procedures for the creation and further development of contractual relations between the supplier and consumer of housing and communal services;
  • attracting organizations of different forms of ownership to the housing and communal services sector.

However, the financial crisis that occurred in Russia in 1998, and the associated redistribution of political forces in the state, slowed down the process of reform and development in the housing sector, which nullified the implementation of the Government program and changed the planned deadlines for the implementation of the Concept of Housing and Communal Sector Reform. During this period, the housing and communal services sector in Russia played the role of a public buffer, which took the blow caused by a sharp decline in the level of income of the population. This greatly affected the economy and the development of the housing and communal services sector. Organizations in the industry stopped receiving full income and actually became bankrupt.

The growing financial and technological crisis in the housing and communal services sector against the backdrop of overall economic growth in Russia prompted the development of a solution to overcome this situation. As a result, the subprogram “Reform and modernization of the housing and communal services complex of the Russian Federation” was created, which is part of the federal target program “Housing” and includes goals and objectives state level to implement housing and communal services reform.

The subprogram highlighted the main goals of the development prospects of housing and communal services in Russia:

  • increasing the effectiveness, stability and quality of functioning of life support systems for citizens;
  • attracting investment in the housing and communal services sector;
  • increasing the quality of services provided while reducing costs;
  • targeted support for socially vulnerable groups of the population when paying utility bills.

And the tasks that had to be solved to achieve development goals:

  • financially improve housing and communal organizations;
  • create conditions for reducing costs and increasing the quality of housing and communal services;
  • attract investment in the housing and communal services sector of Russia;
  • provide state support for reforms and development of housing and communal services.

Stage 3. 2004-2010

At this stage of development, it was planned to carry out a set of measures aimed at stabilizing the housing and communal services sector in Russia and reducing costs:

  • change in the structure of accounts payable;
  • accounting of housing stock and related infrastructure;
  • providing favorable conditions to increase investor interest;
  • focus on energy saving;
  • payment of housing and communal services by citizens of Russia in full.

In 2004, the Russian State Committee for Construction and Housing and Communal Services became the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Gosstroy). The powers of the committee to adopt normative legal acts in this area were transferred to the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation, responsibilities for supervision and control were transferred to the Federal Service for Technological Supervision. From December 1, 2004, Gosstroy becomes subordinate to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia. Then the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services is abolished by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2008 No. 724, and its functions are transferred to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

Federal law No. 185-FZ “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services” (FSR Housing and Communal Services), adopted on July 21, 2007, was aimed at:

  • providing comfortable and safe living conditions for the population;
  • education effective methods management of residential premises;
  • formation of legal, organizational and economic criteria for the allocation of targeted funds to the constituent entities of Russia for the overhaul of apartment buildings, as well as for activating the process of creating and developing market infrastructure.
  • encouraging regional and municipal authorities to develop and implement capital repair programs.

Stage 4. 2010-2013

At this stage, based on the principles of the “Comprehensive program for the modernization and reform of housing and communal services for 2010 - 2020,” the Government indicated the following goal - to ensure the implementation of major repairs that meet current requirements, such as energy efficiency, reducing the level of wear and tear of utility facilities, establishing economic sustainability of housing and communal services organizations.

In 2012, to carry out the planned tasks, the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services was created, which was subordinate to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia and was responsible for providing public services, administration of state property in the construction sector, urban planning and housing and communal services.

On December 25, 2012, deputies of the State Duma adopted Federal Law No. 271-FZ “On amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” according to which the Housing Code was introduced section on organizing and carrying out major repairs of common property in apartment buildings. The law outlined general provisions for repairs of this type, and, most importantly, approved the regulations for its financing. The gradual introduction of a capital repair system with partial co-financing of the population has begun.

On November 1, 2013, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 819, the “Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation” was founded.

Stage 5. Late 2013 - present

At this stage, the obligation to finance capital repairs of apartment buildings passes to the owners of residential premises. The state and local governments provide assistance in the form of subsidies.

When distributing budget funds for major repairs after the founding of the Housing and Communal Services Reform Fund, preference is given to those houses in respect of which the obligations to carry out major repairs have not been fulfilled in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of July 4, 1991 N 1541-1 “On the privatization of housing stock in the Russian Federation.” Federation".

Based on the results of the research, it was revealed that at the fifth stage of development of the housing and communal services sector, the most important tool for restoring apartment buildings is major repairs. This concept includes a set of organizational, economic and engineering works, organizational and technological actions and financial and credit systems to reduce (eliminate) the physical deterioration of a building, increase energy efficiency and the quality of services provided.

According to the provisions of Section IX of the Housing Code of Russia “Organization of major repairs of common property in apartment buildings“, owners of premises in apartment buildings must pay for the service under the heading “major repairs” every month.

Subjects of Russia, relying on regulations approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of Russia, determine the minimum monthly contribution for major repairs.

It should be noted that the main objective of changing the Code of Apartment Buildings is to transfer the obligation to pay contributions to the owners of residential premises. At the same time, government bodies at the federal and regional levels have coordinating functions.

The Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services is the main organization through which budget financing occurs, regional programs of the Kyrgyz Republic of apartment buildings are coordinated and the resettlement of owners of housing recognized as unsafe is carried out.

FSR Housing and Communal Services makes financial investments if a subject of the federation or a municipal entity finances programs for carrying out major repairs of apartment buildings and relocating citizens from dilapidated housing.

However, no matter what, the problem of repair and reconstruction of housing in Russia is very acute. Since 1991, repair work has been carried out in extremely small quantities, which has resulted in the dilapidation of a significant part of residential buildings in the country.

The development of housing and communal services in Russia in 2017 is at such a level that almost 85% of the housing stock in Russia has the status of “private property”, but at the same time, major repairs and reconstruction of the housing stock are almost entirely paid for from the state budget. The explanation for the paradox of this situation is that there are no correct mechanisms for mass attraction of funds from citizens to carry out repair work and increase the interest of the population in improving the condition of their homes.

What problems are hindering the development of housing and communal services in Russia today?

Housing and communal services is a complex, multi-stage urban management system that provides the population of various areas with a range of services in the field of technical and sanitary services, organizes and carries out repair and maintenance work, and provides resources such as heat and water supply, gas, electricity .

Despite the fact that housing and communal services are commercial organizations seeking to make a profit, tariffs for services, rent and fees for current repairs cannot be higher than fixed standards.

In this system, several participants interact at once - this is the management company, apartment owners, and companies providing services for heat, water, electricity, and gasification of houses.

That is, housing and communal services enterprises, on the one hand, carry out commercial activities with the aim of making a profit, and on the other hand, take on the responsibility of supplying citizens with appropriate resources and maintaining residential buildings in proper condition.

Often, due to the disrepair of the housing stock, housing and communal services organizations suffer losses and pay legal costs for property damage caused.

Housing and communal services enterprises are one of those urban structures, disruption of the functioning of which can undermine the activities of not only the microdistrict, but also the entire city.

We can say that housing and communal services are the main direction for the development of infrastructure in cities and Russia as a whole.

However, the state, represented by the authorities and local self-government, do not want to accept this fact and are trying to reduce the importance of housing and communal services exclusively to the repair and control area. Why is this happening?

It can be assumed that after confirming the importance of housing and communal services for infrastructure development, the authorities will have to include a certain amount in the budget for this area of ​​activity.

But the problem of housing and communal services is not only lack of funding from the state.

Management companies commit many violations.

For example, often during an audit it became clear that the company was illegally servicing apartment buildings, because no meetings of homeowners were held, and the signatures on the voting ballots were provided by third parties.

As a result, due to the lack of control on the part of state and municipal bodies, as well as the inaction of law enforcement agencies, management companies have complete freedom in forming and carrying out their activities. As a result, services in the housing and communal services sector are provided to the population at an insufficiently high level, and material resources and funds received from citizens are spent inappropriately.

Among the common offenses The activities of management companies include:

  • concluding contracts for repair work with obviously inflated estimates, while the planned work is often not carried out, and fictitious acts of completed work are signed.
  • the procedure for calculating payment for major repairs is violated; The lack of regulations on payment for maintenance and repair of residential premises and failure to communicate them to residents does not allow monitoring and assessing their objectivity.

Homeowners' associations (HOAs) also commit similar violations.

HOAs are convenient because local officials abdicate all responsibility for possible problems and malfunctions in residential premises.

It should be noted that emergency situations occur not only from enterprises in the housing and communal services industry.

Almost all management companies in the course of their activities are faced with the following problems:

  • regular insufficient budget funding when it is necessary to increase the level of improvement, improve the sanitary condition of territories and maintain the functioning of engineering and economic equipment of residential and non-residential buildings;
  • increase in accounts receivable. Due to the lack of payment for utilities by unscrupulous residents, debt repayment obligations are transferred to law-abiding citizens. This is due to the length of litigation to collect debts, but affects the interests of responsible and punctual payers;
  • dilapidated and dilapidated housing, worn-out fixed assets in the absence of government financial investments;
  • poor coordination of actions by housing and communal services elements: operation of residential premises, water supply and sewerage facilities, collection and disposal of solid household waste, sanitary condition of housing, heat and energy supply, etc.

The goal of developing and improving housing and communal services is to create comfortable conditions for bringing residential premises and urban infrastructure to those quality standards that will provide favorable living conditions for the population. Monetary support for housing and communal services will make it possible to provide the housing stock with communal infrastructure and improve the quality of public services.

Expert opinion

What are the causes of problems in the housing and communal services sector in Russia?

Astafiev S.A.,

Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Economics and Investment and Real Estate Management, Baikal State University

Why does the activity of the housing and communal services sector in Russia remain too noticeable? This is largely due to corruption and low professionalism of specialists working in this area. The predominant number of management companies have farmed out all the work related to the maintenance of apartment buildings to contractors, and they hire janitors and cleaners from neighboring countries. Electrical and plumbing work is performed by low-skilled employees, since salaries in the housing and communal services sector are lower than for similar positions in medium and large organizations. Therefore, it is quite predictable that work and services for maintaining residential premises are not performed well enough, and residents leave complaints against management companies.

Until the management system for apartment buildings and the entire housing industry changes, the housing and communal services sector will never become “invisible” for residents. This will also not happen because during the reform period of the 1990s, during the privatization of housing in Russia, many owners appeared who do not know how and do not want to manage their property rationally. This is the reason for the extremely low attendance at general meetings, the inability to assemble a quorum, etc. As a result, fake minutes of meetings are created, and management companies and HOA management perform their duties poorly and in bad faith.

The dilapidated and dilapidated housing that we inherited from Soviet times, which needed to be demolished and the residents resettled several decades ago, is still standing in place. Already at the time of privatization, many buildings were in a pre-emergency condition, and the state had to bring them into proper condition at its own expense. This was not done. Almost all (80-90%) heating and water supply networks are also in disrepair, which is why leaks and other situations regularly occur, and therefore complaints arise.

Development of housing and communal services in Russia in 2017: plans of the Government of the Russian Federation

The Government of Russia approved the passport of the priority project “Housing and Public Utilities and Urban Environment”. At first it was planned to allocate 5 billion rubles. in this area, but then it was decided that costs from the federal budget in 2017 would amount to 20 billion rubles.

The project highlights two main directions: creating a comfortable urban environment and ensuring the quality of housing and communal services. In addition, it is planned to reform the management principles of the ICW and create a unified standard for the service of this management.

It is planned that it will include a minimum list of works and the time for their completion, the speed of response to citizens’ requests, the principles of cleaning in entrances, control over the condition of general building equipment, and more. It is expected that the standard will become mandatory and will include licensing requirements for management organizations.

In the area related to the urban environment, it is planned to finance the improvement of the territories of all settlements with a population of more than 1 thousand people. According to the Russian Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services, there are approximately 15,000 such settlements. Particular attention will be paid to increasing the accessibility of the environment for people with limited mobility. The development of housing and communal services in Russia in 2017 involves the improvement of courtyard areas, squares, park areas, as well as the implementation of at least one project in a municipality, for example, for the comprehensive improvement of a street or square with planting, repairing sidewalks and installing lighting fixtures.

As part of the implementation of this same direction, the Government considers it necessary to organize training for up to 500 regional and municipal specialists per year on the creation of an urban environment. It is also planned to organize a bank of the best completed improvement projects.

Prospects for the development of housing and communal services in Russia - measures planned until 2020

1. In the field of management of apartment buildings

The main direction of state policy in the field of management of apartment buildings is to increase the population's satisfaction with the quality and cost of activities for the maintenance and routine repairs of common property and utilities.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • ensuring the administration of apartment buildings by companies licensed to carry out business activities in the management of apartment buildings;
  • creating conditions for increasing the responsibility and activity of homeowners in apartment buildings through the development of forms of self-government of the population in the housing and communal services sector, for example, councils of apartment buildings, homeowners' associations;
  • creating incentives for homeowners in apartment buildings to preserve and increase the value of their property in the respective building, such as ensuring that the home is maintained in appropriate condition, as well as timely major repairs and restoration.

As part of the implementation of the Strategy, modernization initiatives have been prepared legal regulation activity of homeowners' associations in apartment buildings (HOA, housing cooperative, etc.).

Particular emphasis will be placed on improving public policy on modern issues and fundamental changes in legal acts regulating technical requirements for common property in apartment buildings and its maintenance, as well as on the issues of drawing up current rules and regulations for the technical operation of residential premises.

At the same time, in the process of implementing the Strategy, initiatives to improve the procedure for payment for utility services will be worked out in more detail, including the introduction of discounts on payments, establishing the circumstances of prepayment (the procedure and methods of implementation will be determined by Russian legislation), determining the payment period under contracts resource supply and management.

2. In the field of major repairs of common property in apartment buildings

The goal of state policy in the field of overhaul of common property of apartment buildings is to create and maintain stable operation of regional systems of overhaul in apartment buildings, ensuring its timely implementation, proper quality and justified cost of work (services).

At the moment, the regions of Russia have formed mechanisms that guarantee long-term planning of capital repairs of apartment buildings and are based on its financing by home owners in the form of payment of a monthly minimum payment for the capital repairs of apartment buildings included in regional capital repair programs.

The main task of state and local government organizations is to improve regional capital improvement programs and outreach activities.

To implement special procedures during repairs aimed at increasing energy efficiency, financial instruments will be used that are capable of financing work according to the rules of energy service

To ensure timely completion of repairs, it is necessary to constantly monitor the operation of residential premises and its safety through observation, collection, classification and review of information according to certain indicators.

To increase the efficiency of the existing capital repair system, additional sources of financial resources will be attracted to carry out major repairs of apartment buildings, for example, lending for capital repairs of apartment buildings.

3. In the field of liquidation of emergency housing stock

In the area of ​​eliminating emergency and dilapidated housing stock, the state plans to create a permanently functioning housing renovation system, based on methods of state support for socially vulnerable segments of the population and the implementation of the rights of owners when moving from dilapidated apartments.

In order to make this a reality, it is necessary to first complete the resettlement of residents from houses recognized as unsafe before January 1, 2012, and also develop new principles for relocating people from unsafe housing recognized as such after January 1, 2012.

The primary principle for accomplishing the task of resettling citizens from emergency housing stock is the principle of regional programs for relocating people from such premises.

To create a city non-profit housing rental fund that meets modern requirements, it is proposed to allocate financial resources to the municipal administration for the construction of buildings for the purpose of relocating people from dilapidated housing on the terms of return, payment, a term limit of 15 to 30 years and an interest rate of no more than 3% per annum.

The developed procedures for relocating residents from emergency premises in the near future (until 2020) should maintain the volume of emergency housing stock at the current level, preventing its growth.

4. In the field of heat supply

The goal of state policy in the field of heat supply is to ensure high-quality and reliable functioning of heat supply organizations through the efficiency of production, transmission and distribution (consumption) of heat.

The development of housing and communal services in Russia in relation to the heat supply system is based on productivity standards for capacity utilization based on heat supply schemes, which must comply with the territorial planning documents of municipalities.

In order to develop incentives for high-quality work and the development of centralized heat supply systems, tasks focused on:

  • increasing the degree of satisfaction of thermal energy consumers with the quality and price of goods and services in this area, for example, by changing the cost formation system and increasing the responsibility of heat supply enterprises for the high-quality and reliable supply of heat to residents while simultaneously increasing the responsibility of consumers for fulfilling the obligations specified in the contract;
  • avoiding increasing moral and physical wear and tear of fixed production assets in the field of heat supply;
  • promoting energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in this area;
  • promoting productive strategic development and technical management of heat supply systems, stimulating the development of efficient sources of heat networks and energy;
  • increasing the maneuverability of heat supply systems.

Regulations will gradually be lifted between heat supply organizations and industrial consumers and a transition will be made to heat energy supplies at unregulated prices. It is planned to eliminate cross-subsidies in the supply of thermal energy to the population and industrial consumers.

5. In the field of hot water supply

The goal of state policy in the field of hot water supply is to provide the population with hot water temperature provided for by sanitary and epidemiological standards, at the lowest cost and loss of cold water and thermal energy.

To do this, you should stop using open hot water supply and centralized heating systems, reduce the waste of water and heat energy in apartment buildings when supplying hot water.

Until the end of 2021, the prospects for the development of housing and communal services in Russia are as follows: a multi-stage transition from the operation of open hot water supply and heat supply systems to the operation of closed hot water supply and heat supply systems is planned.

Reducing losses of thermal energy and water in apartment buildings will occur, among other things, through changes and reconstruction of intra-building utilities (ensuring the movement of hot water, insulating sewer risers, eliminating unauthorized connections, etc.).

6. In the field of cold (drinking) water supply

The goal of state policy in the field of cold (drinking) water supply is to provide the entire population of Russia, regardless of their social status and level of income, with high-quality drinking water in the quantity necessary for human needs.

In the field of wastewater disposal, the goal of state policy is to reduce the impact of anthropogenic factors on the environment by purifying wastewater from settlements and eliminating sewage sludge.

The development and operation of centralized cold water supply and (or) wastewater disposal systems occurs in accordance with water supply and disposal schemes in populated areas.

7. In the field of municipal solid waste management

The goal of state policy in the field of municipal solid waste management is to reduce the impact of anthropogenic factors on the environment by increasing the volume of recycling (processing) and disposal of waste, its neutralization and distribution at landfills that comply with the requirements of Russian legislation, and the elimination of illegal dumps of municipal solid waste.

Fulfillment of these conditions will make it possible by 2020 to organize the disposal of solid household waste and the distribution of waste remaining after disposal in areas that meet the requirements of Russian legislation

8. In the field of modernization of public utility facilities

To improve and increase the energy efficiency of housing and communal services facilities, it is planned to solve the following tasks:

  • creating a favorable environment for attracting private investment in the field of housing and communal services;
  • eradication of ineffective administration of elements of public utilities carried out by unitary organizations;
  • inclusion of new ways of government support for the development and modernization of utility infrastructure.

In order to organize a favorable environment for attracting private investment in the housing and communal services sector, the Government of the Russian Federation has ensured the creation of an appropriate legislative framework based on the transition to long-term investment planning and tariff regulation.

9. Social policy

State regulation in the field of housing and communal services cannot fully function without analysis and development of a forecast of the social consequences of approved decisions.

When creating a full-fledged set of works for the housing and communal services complex, great importance is attached to protecting the population from increases in utility tariffs

The greatest effect from state support is obtained due to its specific focus and targeting, that is, the provision of benefits to the least protected category of the population.

Low-income people, according to Article 159 of the Housing Code of Russia, have the right to subsidies to pay for housing and utilities. In addition, certain categories of people may be provided with compensation for the costs of rent and utility bills.

10. In the sphere of public control

To improve the quality of housing and communal services and strengthen the protection of consumer rights, it is necessary to create and improve public control in the housing and communal services sector.

In Russia, special centers for social regulation are being formed to assist authorized bodies in monitoring the performance of their functions by organizations working in the housing and communal services sector.

Public control centers work in response to requests from the population, provide qualified answers on the merits of the application and provide the necessary assistance.

Based on the results of the complaints reviewed, a rating of the most popular problems in the housing and communal services sector is formed every quarter, which is published in the media, and regional ratings of management companies are compiled.

Expert opinion

To increase the efficiency of the housing and communal services sector, it is necessary to reduce administrative procedures

Gordeev D.P.,

Leading Legal Adviser in the Urban Economy Department of the Institute of Urban Economics Foundation

To reduce the number of administrative procedures, you first need to stop creating them regularly. Unfortunately, this phenomenon has become more frequent in Russia recently. This is expressed in the implementation:

  • a template for a regional operator of capital repairs, which covers approximately 90% of houses in the regions;
  • the state information system for housing and communal services and other reporting systems, as a rule, overflowing with information and too expensive;
  • licensing, which, according to the authorities, displaces unscrupulous management companies and replaces them with affiliates that operate within the limits of the law.

Due to too large fines, practically unlimited powers in establishing punishment, licensing procedures and state housing control, corruption crimes have become more frequent.

Along with the proposal to increase efficiency and reduce management procedures, there are initiatives to supplement the list of requirements for authorized capital, material and technical base, financial condition of management organizations and to include them in the licensing requirements. All this tightening of rules and government intervention in the activities of entrepreneurs leads to restriction of competition, consolidation of management companies, and the gradual ridding of the management of small and medium-sized businesses from small and medium-sized businesses and individual entrepreneurs. This leads the development of housing and communal services in Russia to monopolization of the sphere, a return to administration and bureaucracy.

The term housing and communal complex (HCK) means an element of territorial infrastructure owned by the municipality. How comfortable the citizens will be living in apartments, as well as in the locality as a whole, depends on how the housing and communal services complex functions.

What is a housing and communal complex

The basis of the housing and communal services complex is the utilities industry. It is part of the non-productive sphere, and its purpose is to take care of the safety of the housing stock, ensure its proper operation and maintenance, provide residents with housing and communal services on time and in full, and carry out measures to improve the sanitary condition of municipal facilities.

The housing and communal complex consists of the following farms:

  • housing;
  • water supply and sewerage;
  • heat and power (includes heating networks and communal boiler houses);
  • electricity supply (includes municipal power plants and electrical networks);
  • gas (gas networks and structures);
  • sanitary cleaning and landscaping;
  • road bridge, etc.

Housing and communal services are classified as services of a material nature that do not have a production purpose. It is customary to distinguish two groups of such services: individual consumption and public.

Individual services are provided directly to each consumer. These include the supply of cold and hot water, heat, sanitation services, etc.

Consumer services are intended for servicing the common property of apartment buildings, elevators, courtyards (cleaning, removal of solid waste), territories owned by the municipality (improvement and cleaning of streets, sidewalks, road surface repair, street lighting, landscaping activities, garbage removal, etc. .).

Depending on how significant certain services are for the population, there are 3 levels:

  1. Most utility companies provide services that meet the most vital needs of citizens. The first level includes services that provide the population with water, heat, electricity, gas, and sanitation services. Urban electric transport is also socially significant. If at least one of these enterprises ceases to function (or there is a disruption in their activities), then an emergency may occur.
  2. The second and third levels were identified based on the time factor. The main criterion is the frequency with which citizens need to use services. At the second level were life support systems, the services of which the population uses every day or once every few days (for example, solid waste removal).
  3. The third level includes services that are provided when necessary. First of all, these are activities aimed at maintaining and repairing housing stock.

Housing and communal services are characterized by isolation, limitation and dependence on certain factors. Isolation is manifested in the satisfaction of needs that are formed in a specific territory. Limitation lies in the presence of a limit, which is determined by the scale of existing needs for housing and communal services in a certain territory. In addition, housing and communal services depend on the size and structure of these needs in each period of time.

Utility industry enterprises are not independent. Determining the forms, volumes and scale of their activities is not their right. They operate based on infrastructure settlement, its spatial and functional organization.

Main objects of the housing and communal complex

The following sectors of the housing and communal services complex are distinguished:

1. Housing

It includes residential and non-residential buildings, as well as organizations servicing them (operating, carrying out construction and repair work, etc.).

The housing sector includes housing, non-residential buildings, buildings of public organizations and social offices, and companies that service and operate them.

All residential premises constitute the urban housing stock. In this case, the form of ownership of them does not matter. These can be apartment buildings, private houses, special-purpose buildings (dormitories, shelter hotels, boarding houses for different categories of citizens), apartments and other premises intended for human habitation. As the well-being of citizens improves, they become more demanding of their living conditions and general condition Houses. This determines the change in the structure of the urban housing stock.

2. Engineering support for settlements

The engineering infrastructure of the housing and communal services complex includes the supply of utilities to citizens (hot and cold water, heat, gas, electricity).

This component of the housing and communal services complex is the most complex. Engineering must be organized at a very high level in order to be able to uninterruptedly supply the population with water, heat, electricity and gas. This requires timely repair of utilities (including preventive), cleaning work, and ensuring the effective functioning of emergency services. In many regions of our country, it is a problem to prepare utility networks for the cold season.

  • Water supply and sanitation. Water (drinking water, intended for use for household purposes and production) must meet certain requirements. If there is only one water supply system in a settlement, it must meet drinking water in all respects. Depending on the activity profile and capacity of enterprises, their water needs are calculated. Water supply can be provided from open or underground sources. Water intake facilities include: structures that collect water, systems for its purification and preparation, pumping stations and pipelines through which water is delivered to the population.
  • Heat supply. The purpose of the system is to provide citizens with hot water and heat rooms in the winter. Hot water consumption is characterized by greater uniformity than heat consumption, since in summer there is no need for heating. How long the heating season lasts depends on the climate zone in which the locality is located.

Elements of the heat supply system: forward and reverse heating networks, pumping stations (necessary for pumping), heat distributors.

  • Gas supply. Domestic gas supply systems are available almost everywhere. Gas can be supplied through pipes from the main pipelines. In addition, liquefied gas can be supplied to gas distribution stations located in neighborhoods. Residents of private houses use gas in cylinders.
  • Electricity supply. Centralized regional and interregional power systems are used to supply cities with electricity. Electrical energy is generated at thermal, hydraulic and nuclear power plants, which can be located anywhere. The electricity supply system consists of electrical networks (main and intra-block), transformers, distribution points and other structures.

3. City-wide utilities

This includes systems for the improvement and maintenance of urban areas (road construction management, street lighting, sanitary measures, collection, removal and processing of solid waste, city greening), as well as baths, laundries, hotels, funeral companies, etc.

Let's take a closer look at each of the subsystems of the city's public utilities:

  • Road maintenance. Streets and roads are quite complex structures from an engineering point of view. Road infrastructure includes bridges, overpasses, viaducts, pedestrian tunnels and drainage ditches. In large cities, embankments are being developed. To build roads and maintain them in good condition, we need asphalt plants, as well as companies that produce gravel and other types of road surfaces. In winter, there is a need to clear roadways and sidewalks from snow cover, and in summer - to water and repair them.
  • Sanitary cleaning of the city territory. Requires the presence of services that maintain cleanliness on the streets, remove snow in winter, collect, remove and dispose of solid waste. To solve the latter problem, it is necessary to build waste disposal sites and waste processing plants.
  • Storm drain needed to collect and remove rain and melt water runoff. It consists of a system of collectors, pumping stations and treatment facilities. Currently, mixing storm water with domestic waste is unacceptable. However, in many cities all types of wastewater are discharged using one system, called a general alloy system.
  • Engineering protection of the territory. Its goal is to prevent the destruction of underground structures in settlements located in wetlands. Such protection is also necessary if the groundwater is too high. Fencing along river banks (dams) will help protect the city in a flood situation. Engineering protection of settlements located in seismic zones is very problematic.
  • Street lighting and small architectural forms(monuments, fences, stops, kiosks, etc.) are necessary for the formation of urban architecture; with their presence, citizens’ living becomes more comfortable. It is very important to preserve historical and cultural monuments.
  • Green farming. It also depends on how comfortable the city will be and what its appearance will be. Plants planted in home areas and streets help purify and humidify the air. With them, the wind and noise are not so strong. In addition, green spaces create favorable conditions for recreation, make traffic safer and protect homes from harmful vehicle emissions. The task of gardening and park management is to organize large-scale recreation areas within the city. Planting in sanitary protection zones of large industrial production is necessary to minimize the impact of harmful substances emitted into the air on residential areas. Greening a city and properly maintaining a green economy is quite difficult. It is necessary to take into account climatic conditions and make the right choice of plant species for planting.
  • Hotel management. In our country, most hotels are privately owned. Local governments must ensure the availability of a sufficient number of hotels.
  • Bath and laundry facilities. Currently, his services are not in demand. Their main consumers are kindergartens, healthcare institutions, dormitories, hotels, canteens, cafes, etc.
  • Ritual economy. Its task is to maintain the city's cemeteries and provide ritual services to the population. In the vast majority of cases, funeral companies are private, less often they belong to the municipality.

What are the features of housing and communal services management?

The housing and communal services complex of Russia is characterized by the fact that its organizations are subordinate to various authorities depending on the location of the settlement. If the city is large and divided into districts, then some of the housing and communal services enterprises are divided into them according to subordination. In this way, housing management, repair and construction production, and part of the road department and park management. Management of utility networks (water supply, water drainage and sewerage systems, gas facilities and heating networks) is not zoned in accordance with the administrative division of cities. City-wide industries (that is, managed without zoning) include part of the road infrastructure and targeted improvement.

The peculiarity of the housing and communal complex as an object of management is that its main task is to satisfy the basic needs of citizens. To solve this problem, organizations of the housing and communal services complex must create all conditions for normal human life. They help develop the economic potential and shape the image of the city’s territories. In this regard, government authorities of municipalities strive to primarily solve the problems of housing and communal services.

The following features of the organization of the urban housing and communal services complex can be identified:

  • citizens cannot choose who will provide them with services and refuse to purchase them;
  • the quality of services provided, as a rule, is not assessed in quantitative terms;
  • citizens do not understand the mechanism for assessing the quality of many housing and communal services;
  • during the technological process, complex engineering services are provided that relate to a specific area (water supply, sewerage, heat and electrical networks); at the same time, high demands are placed on the reliability of these communications;
  • All stages of production must be interconnected in a certain way.

In connection with the above, the city’s housing and communal services complex must be organized taking into account the specifics of local conditions. It is also necessary to focus on it when developing regulatory documentation that establishes requirements for the quality of services provided to the population and determines mechanisms for protecting the rights of citizens.

State management of housing and communal services

The material and technical base of the housing and communal services complex is characterized by a strict connection to the conditions of a particular locality and the need to meet the needs of citizens. In this regard, the management of housing and communal services is carried out at the local level, that is, communal resources (including money) are managed by local authorities. The main part of the costs of providing housing and communal services is covered from the budget funds of municipalities and from the funds of local economic entities.

Housing construction operates according to laws market economy and is only to a small extent financed from the budget. The need for housing will also develop in the same direction, access to which can only be achieved by overcoming market barriers.

The formation of organizational management structures is carried out by the owners of residential premises and companies supplying energy resources and servicing the housing stock.

The state participates in the management of the housing and communal services complex, regulating at the legislative level relations in the housing sector and rights to real estate and urban planning activities, developing technical regulations, providing social guarantees, approving financial standards, etc.

The task of local governments is to create conditions for the construction of housing and the development of the housing and communal services sector in general, and to maintain the housing stock for social purposes.

The extent to which state authorities of the Russian Federation, regions of the Russian Federation and its municipalities should be competent in resolving housing issues is determined in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

1. Local government

Its owners are responsible for the condition of the housing stock. They are entrusted with the formation of a procedure for managing it, concluding rental and rental agreements, financing the maintenance and servicing of housing.

The participation of the municipality in the management of housing and communal services is reduced to the following:

  • performing administrative and economic functions;
  • fulfillment of contractual obligations;
  • management and disposal of housing and utilities of the municipality;
  • ensuring the effective operation of economic mechanisms in the housing and communal services sector and the validity of contractual relations.

Local governments must organize:

  • management of residential buildings owned by the municipality (take into account residential premises, transfer them to non-residential (or vice versa), coordinate redevelopment of apartments, recognize housing as unsuitable for habitation, control the operating conditions of the housing stock and strive to preserve it);
  • management of special-purpose housing (service housing, dormitories, flexible housing, social service housing, and also intended for refugees and displaced persons);
  • management of the common property of apartment buildings as the owner of residential premises. Common property includes: local area, basements and ground floors, electrical equipment, plumbing, elevator equipment and shafts, staircases and landings, attic spaces. Registration of the local area as property takes place on the basis of land surveying. The law allows it to be used only for its intended purpose (for example, the construction of garages on local land is prohibited).
  • competitive selection of management companies.

It is the responsibility of local governments to create conditions that allow them to effectively manage apartment buildings. These include:

  • ensuring equal working conditions for management companies of any organizational and legal form;
  • allocation of funds from the budget to management organizations for major repairs (if possible);
  • training of employees involved in housing management.

The management company begins to manage the apartment building after the owners enter into an agreement with it. The company is selected through an open competition, and if it does not take place, then without it.

Municipal management organizations act as a customer service, another organization owned by the municipality, a diversified or specialized enterprise. The municipal unitary enterprise begins to carry out activities for managing the housing stock on the basis of economic management, and municipal institutions - on the basis of operational management. It is not necessary to conclude a management agreement in these cases. Housing and communal services engineering networks are transferred to a municipal organization with the right of operational management. The responsibilities of the customer services include performing administrative and business functions. The customer's city services are managed by the head of the administration or the region's customer service.

Local governments, being the only customer, form contracts for housing maintenance. At the same time, contractors receive a certain amount for carrying out their activities. Their struggle for contracts causes tariff reductions.


Every year, municipal authorities are required to hold a general meeting of apartment owners, the purpose of which is to choose a method for managing apartment buildings or to confirm the powers of the management authority appointed by local governments.

When registering property rights to a home, a certificate is issued. Until it is issued to at least half of the residents, the regulation of house management is carried out by the municipality. After a general meeting is held, at which the owners choose a method of management, local authorities cease to regulate the management of apartment buildings. Nevertheless, the management company, on behalf of the owners, can interact with local authorities by concluding an agreement with it.

If the owners of residential premises do not make their choice, then the appointment of a management company is carried out by the municipal authority.

MKDs are usually not owned by one person, but under the economic management of housing organizations. The municipality also has a share in them, which is accounted for on the balance sheet of the city treasury and management of the public utility industry. Local governments can entrust the management of housing stock owned by the municipality to a management company by concluding an agreement with it, like other home owners.

Municipal authorities must provide housing to citizens in need: to do this, they need to determine the criteria for classifying people as low-income, find and provide them with housing. For these purposes you need:

  • establish the amount of total income of family members to recognize citizens as low-income;
  • take into account citizens who need housing on social rental terms;
  • determine the order in which specialized housing owned by the municipality should be provided;
  • provide low-income citizens with housing owned by the municipality by concluding a social rental agreement with them.

2. Management of the housing and communal services complex at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation

The infrastructure of the housing and communal complex and the housing stock are under the control of government authorities. In the regions of the Russian Federation, departments, committees and ministries of housing and communal services are created, which are included in the management structure of housing and communal services. They draw up their own regulatory documents regulating the transformations being carried out, while the regulatory framework developed at the federal level is taken as a basis. Decisions made at the regional level on the management of public utilities are advisory in nature for municipal authorities. At the same time, state-owned enterprises operating in the regions serve the housing and communal services of municipalities.

3. Federal Administration of Housing and Communal Complex

The Soviet Union was characterized by centralized management of the housing and communal services sector, since financing of the housing and communal services complex was carried out from the budget.

The Ministry of Housing and Communal Services was formed, which existed for half a century. Not so long ago, the division managing the housing sector was part of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Energy. Currently, the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy), which is part of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, operates.

This Ministry is not authorized to organize housing and communal services. An executive body such as Rosstroy is obliged to manage state property in the field of construction, urban planning, the building materials industry and housing and communal services. The Agency for Mortgage and Housing Lending is involved in resolving financial issues.

Control in the utility industry is exercised by the Main State Housing Inspectorate of Russia and its regional divisions.

Many people understand that the quality of construction of residential buildings is not always high, that the owners are irresponsible when it comes to maintaining the common property of apartment buildings (they don’t care about cleanliness in the entrances and sections, draw on the walls, damage property, etc.). At the same time, there is no provision for collecting fines from either owners or management organizations that cause damage to housing.

The task of the State Housing Inspectorate is to monitor the condition of the housing stock and ongoing improvement measures. It should also initiate the elimination of detected violations and shortcomings.

Reform and development of the housing and communal services complex

Currently, the state is increasingly involved in shaping policy in the field of housing and communal services, supporting the development of regulations on affordable housing and modernizing the infrastructure of the public utilities sector.

Carrying out reform of the housing and communal services complex involves solving the following tasks:

  • It is necessary to improve the quality of housing and communal services and make them more accessible. To do this, it is necessary to transform housing and communal services institutions, develop market relations and restructure the bodies managing housing and communal services facilities. It is also required to develop contractual relations, increase the efficiency of competitive principles, attract private companies, corporatize enterprises of the housing and communal services complex, prepare companies that manage the housing stock, formulate a mechanism for their competitive selection and assistance in implementing a scheme for self-government of owners in the public utilities industry;
  • It is imperative to improve the housing and communal services complex financially. To do this, the efficiency of spending budget funds must be increased and targeted support for citizens who need certain housing and communal services must be organized. The ratio of tariff and budget financing should be optimized, and the investment component in tariffs for housing and communal services should be increased;
  • the activities of the housing and communal complex must be regulated in order to consolidate the heat and power assets of the municipality and ensure that local authorities can pursue a unified policy to ensure the sustainable functioning of the complex. This will make the services provided reliable and safe, modernize networks, facilities and equipment and, as a result, increase the resource efficiency of production and the quality of services.

It is possible to financially improve the services of the public utility complex by conducting an inventory, restructuring and eliminating debts that have accumulated over many years. If this task is not solved, the effectiveness of other measures may be zero.

Reforming the housing and communal services sector implies that management of apartment buildings will be transferred from municipal authorities to apartment owners. This is a very important step. At the general meeting of owners, the method of managing the apartment building and the management company must be chosen. At the same time, it is the owners who are responsible for the ongoing maintenance, maintenance and repair of the house.

In this regard, management should be as transparent as possible, the processes of functioning and development of the housing and communal services complex should be transparent and open (including the mechanism for setting tariffs; the list and scope of work included in tariffs and prices; participation of public organizations and other associations of homeowners in developing decisions and monitoring their implementation when managing apartment buildings based on income planning for objects, as well as saving resources on the scale of a specific building).

This is interesting!

For successful reform of the housing and communal services complex, it is necessary that the public, subjects of market relations and municipal authorities understand the goals and objectives of competition policy. At the same time, competition must be protected, which requires convincing and informing citizens as consumers of housing and communal services.

The management of municipal housing and communal services will be more effective if public oversight is provided not only from the owners of residential premises and regulatory authorities, but also from self-regulatory companies. In this case, it will be possible for businesses to develop criteria by which the possibility of participation of an economic entity (customer, investor, management company, contractor) in the activities of housing and communal services will be determined; approval of rules and standards for such activities; increasing the responsibility of companies providing housing and communal services to citizens by developing mechanisms for collective responsibility for the operation of the housing stock and the provision of utility services.

Expert opinion

Strategic management of the development of the housing and communal services complex

A. N. Kirillova,

Professor, Department of Construction Organization and Real Estate Management, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Strategic management of the development of the housing and communal services complex is aimed at ensuring comfortable living and high quality of provided housing and communal services and social standards of life support for the population, identifying territories for rapid development of communal infrastructure, switching to the use of innovative methods of modernization and replacement of utility networks and facilities, while using resource-saving technologies, creating attractive conditions for investment.

After analyzing the functioning of housing and communal complexes of municipalities, key internal and external problems can be identified.

Most of the housing and communal complexes of municipalities are characterized by a high level of prices for residential real estate, and therefore it is inaccessible to many citizens. In addition, the communal infrastructure of the complexes is largely worn out, both physically and morally, the owners are not ready to maintain the common property of apartment complexes themselves, the housing stock is often not completely repaired, in cities there is a lot of housing that is in disrepair or is considered dilapidated, tariffs for housing and communal services are constantly grow. These problems are system-wide.

Intra-system problems include inconsistency in actions when taking into account public infrastructure facilities and decision-making at all levels of management. Modernization of the utility industry in most municipalities is proceeding slowly. This problem can be solved by implementing a public-private partnership mechanism. The system for collecting and recycling solid waste is outdated. Preparations for the implementation of programs for the overhaul of common property of apartment buildings at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation are poorly carried out; the activities of operators in the regions and the opening of sub-accounts for the overhaul of common property in credit institutions do not have a methodological basis.

Quality control of housing and communal services provided to citizens is carried out insufficiently in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.” The effectiveness of explanatory work with debtors regarding payment of housing and communal services is low; the presence of an article “general household needs” in the rent receipt indicates that it is not possible to save resources, and there are no sustainable economic results. All this is the reason that citizens are socially dissatisfied.

It is worth remembering that the possibilities for development of the housing sector are limited, since housing is expensive, citizens’ incomes are low, and municipal budgets are experiencing deficits. In addition, the utility industry is not attractive for investment. All this affects the level of differentiation of indicators of the functioning of the housing and communal services complex. Market relations in the housing and communal services sector are poorly developed, so financial institutions are almost not involved in it.

A housing and communal complex must have at least a housing stock and communal infrastructure that allows maintaining living conditions at the proper level and guaranteeing safety.

The development of the housing and communal services sector depends on the state of the municipal economy, whether business entities are ready to invest in the industry, what regulatory documents are adopted, whether PPP mechanisms are being implemented, and whether non-profit rental housing is being built.

The policy objectives in the housing and communal services sector are as follows: to make housing services accessible, to ensure standards of maintenance, maintenance and repair of residential buildings, to make housing management models equal. The housing policy is based on self-government, budget support, PPP mechanisms, and long-term tariff regulation of the activities of companies supplying utilities.

Currently, they are practicing redevelopment of existing buildings - they are building new apartment buildings to replace the dilapidated and dilapidated housing demolished in this area.

The task of the housing and communal services complex is to function effectively in the city economy. This can be achieved if the financial position of housing and communal services enterprises is stable, utility resources are produced without accidents and using energy-saving technologies, and housing and communal services provided to citizens are of high quality. It is necessary to draw up a plan and, according to it, gradually update and carry out major repairs of housing, modernize engineering communications using innovative technologies, and develop information and communication management.

How to automate the housing and communal complex

Management of the housing sector is not effective, and the implementation in practice of a program-targeted approach to management is impossible, since there is no reliable data. Housing and communal services management is not fully provided with information, which hinders the implementation of reforms in this industry and its transition to another level.

Today, the housing and communal services complex is a complex enterprise from a technical point of view. It is necessary to introduce new developments and technologies that would allow public utilities not only to provide high-quality services to the population, but also to reduce their costs. For this we need modern solutions. Innovation and Internet technologies will help achieve convenience, high efficiency and transparency.

The housing and communal services sector is becoming more and more profitable as it becomes involved in market relations. Therefore, the housing and communal services complex must keep up with the times, introducing the necessary innovations.

Not so long ago, the processing of all documents in the management of housing and communal complexes was carried out mostly manually. Homeowners' association accountants used paper, pen and a calculator to do their work. However, effective management of the housing sector requires rapid preparation and processing of documents.

In addition, if the housing and communal services enterprise is small, then it has only one accountant on its staff, who is responsible for all accounting. In this regard, he has to do a very large amount of work. Hence the need to develop software to automate the work of an accountant in the utility industry.

The purpose of the programs is to make the accountant’s work easier and minimize the risk of errors. Homeowners' associations are automated on the following points: recording information and the status of accounts of each residential premises, recording accrued payments and their repayment, creating documents for payment and filling them out for each personal account. The last point requires performing routine work for a long time. It's not hard, but it's very tiring. You can make this kind of work easier by automating the HOA.

Reforming the housing and communal services sector involves solving many problems. Among them, it is worth highlighting the reliability and accessibility of information created, used and disseminated in the housing and communal services sector. Such information includes data on the housing stock and its owners, on the consumption of utility resources, as well as on the current state of utility industry facilities and utility networks.

To successfully solve this problem, it is necessary to introduce the latest information technologies. As part of the housing reform, informatization of housing and communal services is mandatory.

An automated management system for a housing and communal complex requires the presence of:

  • departmental transport network for transmitting information and collecting statistics from various systems of the utility industry, as well as transmitting commands to actuators;
  • hardware and software complex, whose task is to create a unified information space for municipal and regional housing and communal services enterprises and consumers of housing and communal services. It is also necessary to automate the technological processes of companies providing these services to the population;
  • computerized system for commercial accounting of volumes of consumed energy resources and services, which automatically collects and transmits meter readings and allows you to record data for any period of time;
  • systems that allow you to analyze information, process it and generate statistics and reports on the provision of housing and communal services, monitor and predict the balance of utility resources, analyze how effectively investment and production programs are implemented by housing and communal services;
  • consumer information center and Internet portal, whose task is to provide citizens with the necessary information, increase the transparency of tariffs for housing and communal services, publicly monitor compliance with the requirements of current legislation and study public opinion.

An automated housing and communal services management system is a set of hardware and software (computers, communications, information display devices, data transmission, etc.) and organizational complexes aimed at ensuring rational management of complex systems in the public utilities industry.

If you organize a unified information space, the quality of housing and communal services management will increase, which will allow:

  • reduce tariff increases;
  • quickly respond to requests from the population;
  • arrange local areas and public places due to the availability of additional funds;
  • achieve transparency of business processes(for example, savings for major repairs), etc.

In addition, efforts aimed at improving living conditions for citizens will be optimized and saved.