
The problem of betrayal of friends arguments. Seed of Judas. Betrayal in Literature: From Shakespeare to Borges. Essay on the topic of betrayal

The work contains references to the story of M. Khudyakov et al.

Option 1

Betrayal is the abuse of someone's trust for your own benefit. It is not necessary to break some vow to be a traitor, it is enough to let a person down, simply by sharing his secret with someone.

This is exactly what Seryozhka Leontyev did from M. Khudyakov's story. Because of his talkativeness, the narrator became the laughingstock of the entire school. Did Sergei have the right to betray someone else's secret even as a joke? I think no.

And in A. Likhanov's story "The Broken Doll" the heroine Masya is betrayed by the closest people - mother and grandmother, and the girl leaves Life, in which, as it seems to her, no one needs her.

Betrayal is the killing of trust, the worst offense that cannot be forgiven.

Option 2

Betrayal is dastardly behavior, no matter what is behind it - stupidity or really malicious intent. Betrayal is a blow that you don't expect and that is hard to forgive.

The narrator in M. Khudyakov's text also suffered from the betrayal of a friend. It doesn't matter for what reason Seryozhka betrayed his secret, in any case he acted meanly.

I understand the feelings of the narrator, because betrayal hurts a lot, even when it is petty.

So, one day for my birthday I gave my friend Viktor my binoculars. Vitya, it seemed to me, gladly accepted him, and the next day I heard how he spoke pre-visually about my gift. It was very unpleasant and painful for me, because I considered Victor my friend and besides, the binoculars were very good.

I will not wish anyone to face betrayal. This is one of the most unpleasant tests in a person's life.

Option 3

I understand betrayal as an offense that overshadows trust, friendship, a sense of duty, all warm relationships. Betrayal has only destructive power.

Let's turn for an example to the text of M. Khudyakov. Seryozhka Leontyev betrays his friend, telling everyone about his feelings for Pebble Korshunova. He had no right to reveal someone else's secret!

Andrii from Nikolai Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" was also a traitor. His father killed him, not forgiving betrayal to his homeland and comrades.

Indeed, betrayal is worthy of condemnation and severe punishment.

Option 4

Betrayal is such a person's behavior, after which there is a complete loss of trust in him. Typically, a traitor brings pain and devastation.

In M. Khudyakov's text, the boy recalls how once, having got into trouble and thinking that he would die, he confided in his friend Sergei about his love for the girl. But the next day, the narrator became the laughing stock of the entire school, because everyone knew about it: Sergei shyly shared someone else's secret with those around him.

This betrayal of a friend changed the boy, and the scar from him remained in his soul for life.

Anyone who has thought about such a phenomenon as betrayal will definitely conclude that it burns both relationships and feelings. Material from the site

Option 5

Betrayal is a violation of loyalty to those who trust you. The betrayer is faint-hearted, deceives the hopes and expectations of the person who has trusted him, that is, he commits meanness.

This is exactly what Seryozhka does in M. Khudyakov's story. At first, he carries a wounded friend on his back for seven kilometers, but then he tells everyone what no one should have known. This was betrayal. It brought Seryozha's friend suffering, which changed him forever. Even time could not smooth over the consequences of this offense.

To avoid this, you need to be honest with other people and not betray them.

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Andriy, the youngest son of Taras Bulba, betrayed his native land and went over to the side of the enemy. Having fallen in love with a Polish girl, he was ready to fight against those whom he recently considered literally his family. Taras Bulba did not forgive his traitorous son. Andriy's act was shameful for him, not worthy of justification. Betrayal overshadowed the love for his own son. Taras Bulba killed Andriy.

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man"

Kryzhnev at the morning roll call was going to hand over to the Germans the platoon-communist. He said that "his shirt is closer to the body", intending to save his own skin at the cost of another person's life. Andrei Sokolov strangled the traitor, while experiencing only disgust. He felt that he had not taken the life of a real person, but "some creeping reptile." The act of Andrei Sokolov is cruel, but fair: betrayal is unacceptable, especially in a war.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

We know that Pyotr Grinev is a man of honor. This cannot be said about Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin. This man betrayed his homeland. By the time of capture Belogorsk fortress he was already one of the foremen of the impostor Pugachev. Saving his life by any means and groveling in front of Pugachev, he forgets about the duty and honor of the Russian soldier. This does not indicate his baseness, meanness and immorality.

A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

The quarrel between Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and Kirilla Petrovich Troyekurov showed that the latter is a traitor, capable of disgusting deeds. Wanting to harm Dubrovsky, Troekurov bribed the officials, arranging everything in such a way that he former friend lost his legal possession - the village of Kistenevka. As a result, Andrei Gavrilovich went crazy and died.

N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza"

Erast betrayed Lisa. At first he was truly in love, but feelings began to cool down after the girl gave herself to him. The young man, having lost money, was forced to marry a rich widow. He lied to Lisa that he was leaving for the war. Lisa's fate turned out to be tragic: upon learning about deception and betrayal, the girl decided that she was better off dead and threw herself into the pond.

Betrayal is the worst crime against another person. Even the death of a person is not as terrible as his betrayal. It is important to be able to distinguish between betrayal and deception. Deception is not so bad. We all cheat other people. It is impossible to remain crystal-clear in our world. Sometimes we are afraid to hurt someone close to us, so we do not tell him the whole truth. Cheating is an innocent little lie for good, and betrayal is a deliberate negative action against another person.

When cheating is revealed, relationships between people deteriorate, there is a strong emotional stress that can lead to physical death. A person who betrays other people or his homeland betrays himself first of all. This is what the famous ancient Greek philosopher said. IN classical literature many examples of betrayal are shown. And this topic worries readers to this day.

L.N. Tolstoy in his novel Anna Karenina reveals the theme of adultery. Anna, meeting Vronsky, succumbed to temptation and betrayed her unloved husband. Karenin did not let his wife go to the last, closed his eyes to what was happening. A marriage of convenience became the cause of infidelity when real feelings came. You cannot build happiness on reason, just as you cannot build it on raging passionate feelings. Anna was deeply unhappy with Vronsky, too, because her conscience was not at ease. Mental anguish tormented her for a long time, so she decided to throw herself under the train, since she did not see any other reasonable way out of this situation.

From the drama "The Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky also cheated on her husband and paid for it with spiritual and physical death. Even remorse did not bring relief to her. Although the girl realized all her mistakes, she could not cope with her conscience.

Writers in their works show that betrayal destroys the body and soul of a person. In most cases, betrayal eats away at the traitor.

The most terrible betrayal is betrayal of oneself. There are cases when close people forget cheating, give a second chance. Forgiving is a great gift from man. And a traitor can never forgive betrayal of himself. This feeling will gnaw at him for the rest of his life, existence will become painful. Always and in everything one must remain faithful. "Loyalty is a currency that never depreciates." This was precisely noted by Vysotsky.

Composition: Betrayal of a friend

Argument on the topic of betrayal of a friend.

V. Rasputin "Live and Remember".
The desertion of Andrei Guskov, his selfishness and cowardice caused the death of his mother and the suicide of his pregnant wife Nastya.
L. Andreev "Judas Iscariot".
Judas Iscariot, betraying Christ, wants to test the devotion of his disciples and the correctness of the humanistic teaching of Jesus. However, they all turned out to be cowardly philistines, like the people, who also did not stand up to defend their Teacher.
NS. Leskov "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District".
Sergei, the lover, and then the husband of the merchant Katerina Izmailova, committed the murders of her relatives with her, wishing to become the sole heir of a wealthy fortune, and later betrayed his beloved woman, calling her an accomplice in all crimes. At the convict stage, he cheated on her, mocked her as best he could.

The writing:

Is this an act of forgiveness?
And in general, what is it?

Vasily Mikhailovich Nadyrshin - modern writer publicist, author of the text "about the new boy", which tells about negative actions. One of which is betrayal by a classmate. The text depicts two main problems: Betrayal and self-affirmation of the individual in the team. They can be combined into one, because often betrayal occurs for self-affirmation. A typical situation: a new boy appears in a school unfamiliar to him, and in order for a group of classmates to accept him, he must go through a "registration" - "they are not being beaten seriously ... this is a tradition." Miraculously dodging the fight, the hero leaves.

All hope remains on our newcomer's deskmate, who must take him out of the house. Inviting him to visit him, under the pretext that his brother is ill, the hero agrees.

But going out into the street, he sees a group of classmates who were in cahoots with his "friend" ... According to the author, it is impossible to justify a person's betrayal. With the help of betrayal, you cannot gain respect in good company, in the end it will lead to self-destruction of the individual. real respect is caused by an independent act of a person, and not by the fulfillment of the demand of the majority. With V.M. I absolutely agree with Nadyrshin.

Betrayal cannot be forgiven.
Before doing anything, you need to think about the consequences.

And betrayal is an act that has no justification.
The problem of personality self-affirmation and betrayal is presented in many Russian works.

The famous story of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter".
Shvabrin is one of negative heroes, officer, appears before us as a traitor.
In order to save himself from death, he violates his allegiance to the oath and goes over to the side of the enemy.
This is a deliberate act.
Also the work of Nikolai Gogol "Taras Bulba".
Betrayal by the youngest son of Taras - Andrey.
He falls in love with the daughter of a Polish military leader.
The father cannot stand the fact that his son betrays the Motherland, and kills him with the words: "I gave birth to you, and I will kill you!"

Composition: Betrayal of a friend.

Perhaps the most terrible thing that can happen in a person's life.
Betrayal is almost like death. Death of trust and intimacy.
Betrayal is like deliberate humiliation of a loved one.

What exactly is betrayal? After all, we all sometimes deceive loved ones, but usually this is not a betrayal, but just an attempt not to offend or an unwillingness to quarrel. In my opinion, betrayal is a deliberate deception of a person's expectations about you. For example, you convince someone who considers you a friend that you will definitely go to the hospital with him, because he is very worried, but already at that moment you know that you will not go anywhere and will not even warn you. That is, betrayal is a deliberate lie that a person can count on you.

So in everything - in friendship, love, at work - in any relationship between people. Sooner or later, it becomes known about the betrayal, and the person will be very painful, because he will know that for a long time he was treated insincerely.

Why do people betray? There are apparently two main reasons for this. First, a person does not care that another will hurt. And the second - he does not have the courage to say directly that he no longer loves or does not want to communicate precisely because he is afraid of hurting an indifferent person with whom he does not want to continue the relationship.

They say the worst is when a person betrays himself, his views and desires. By this, he puts his true needs below those that are imposed on him from the outside. By giving up on yourself, you can get money, fame or something else, but if this is not really what you want, what is the point in them?

Traitors have lived at all times. Often there were people who, for their own benefit, opened the gates. hometown enemies. However, I am sure that happiness cannot be built on someone else's misfortune, and everything bad comes back to the person who did the evil. Yes, I believe that betrayal is the evil that goes weak person, who does not know how to achieve his worthy way.

I do not believe that you can betray "by accident" just by doing something without thinking about the consequences. If it happened that way, then it can be called stupidity, mistake, frivolity and, most likely, forgiven.

It is always difficult to judge such a concept as betrayal. Perhaps people have excuses, but the spiritual pain of the one who was betrayed will always live in his heart. And nobody says that life is a simple thing. I hope that honesty and sincerity in relationships between people, morality and just compassion for each other are a sure way to avoid betrayal.

Topic"What is treason?"
Literary works used in the argumentation:
- the story of I. A. Bunin " Caucasus";
- the story of V. Rasputin " Live and remember".


What does the word "treason" mean in the modern sense? For me, its concept is equivalent to the word "betrayal" and the expression "stab in the back." This is a violation of loyalty and a despicable act that a person commits against another person. Sometimes treason can also be regarded as a betrayal of the state, one's homeland. However, the worst thing, in my opinion, is betrayal of one's own views. A person can get entangled in himself, in others, and now for the sake of imaginary values ​​he deceives his family, he is condemned, but is this correct? Of course, situations are different, and none of us is immune from them, but how, in this case, to be with traitors? Really forgive?

In order to forgive, you must first understand the situation. After all, everyone knows the phrase that those who betrayed once, will betray the second. Therefore, first of all, you need to think about whether you trust the person who cheated on you so much to give him a second and even a third chance. In fact, to forgive or not is a matter for each person personally, and it depends only on his moral foundations. Even if a person is forgiven, then the one who forgave him will think about it from time to time, remember and remember. To forgive once and for all, I think, many would not succeed, they simply would not have enough strength.


To illustrate the situation in which betrayal played a cruel joke on a person, let us consider the story of IA Bunin "Caucasus". A married woman leaves with her lover to the south. Her husband, after a long search, commits suicide. The reason for this act remains unsolved. Did he kill himself because of the loss of a loved one or because of honor, nobility? And yet, analyzing the situation from the side of his wife who cheated on him, the reader can conclude that she acted meanly and inappropriately, in the end, she did not think about the feelings that would torment her husband and, most importantly, about the consequences. Treason in this work played a key role in the death of the protagonist. He could not forgive such a betrayal.

But here is an example of impossible loyalty to a loved one. In the story "Live and Remember" by V. Rasputin, Nastena, the wife of the deserted Andrei, helped her husband to survive in completely wild conditions for many months. During all this time, she could have betrayed him, because he committed a terrible act - betrayed his homeland. However, this did not prevent Nastya from showing compassion and humanity to him. Here we find an example of the very forgiveness of betrayal, when the situation depends on the circumstances. It is hard for us to condemn Andrei, because his passion for life prompted him to desertion, and also, probably, we do not understand all that the main characters experienced during the terrible years of the war.


In conclusion of my thoughts, I want to add that treason, whatever it may be, is an act of a terrible nature. It can easily ruin people's lives, lead to irreversible consequences. But also, one should look for reasons in treason. Sometimes what seems to us to be a betrayal is not at all. You should never judge people in vain, but you don't need to be too trusting either. Everything should have its own edge, but only attentiveness is required from us.