
Presentation on the topic “V. Dragunsky “What Mishka loves”.” V. Yu. Dragunsky. presentation for a reading lesson (grade 4) on the topic Presentation of the Dragoon, the main rivers, what the bear likes

"Dragunsky" - I took a book from the library. Here is Serezhin's answer: Dragunsky often received letters and always tried to answer. Deniska's stories. “Hello, dear and funny writer Viktor Dragunsky! -Twenty years under... Finish the title of V. Dragunsky’s story. -Tell me about... My father died of typhus, my stepfather, a red commander, died in the civil war.

“Dragoon Lesson” - Was an actor, worked in a circus. “I can’t see the semolina porridge!” The idea of ​​V. Dragunsky's works is mutual understanding between parents and children. "The secret becomes clear." I started working at the age of 16. The game is no good. Victor Dragunsky. 13. Known to all accessible obvious unconcealed open visible. A short word anger wins.

"Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky" - Living star. Can Deniska and Mishka be called friends? Draw an illustration for the story. Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky (1913-1972). Firefly. Golden... He got a job as a saddler's apprentice at the Sport Tourism factory (1930). Dictionary of feelings: Dragunsky had a special flair for the little things in life. DRAGUNSKY, VIKTOR YUZEFOVICH (1913–1972), Russian writer.

“Stories of Dragunsky” - What did Deniska exchange the firefly for? In total, Dragunsky has about ninety very funny stories. What Deniska likes: I like a lot of things! When we live more spaciously, we will buy a baby elephant. Mississippi. "Main rivers". Mishka's last name? "Goose throat." Quiz. Viktor Dragunsky especially loved performing in front of children.

“Dragoon Childhood Friend” - Pure Talk: Children's writer. Deniska remembered his childhood. Toy. Yuzefovich. Scrap -. Classmates. Deniska decided to become a boxer. Boo - ba - ba - there's a pipe sticking out of the window. Old toys. A leather punching bag is a training device for practicing a boxer's punch. Stories. "Childhood friend." Fairy tale. Friends from our yard.

“Writer Dragunsky” - The plant was located on the outskirts, we had to get up very early. At the age of seventeen, Victor passes the exam in acting school. I have two older brothers - Lenya and Denis. Viktor Dragunsky published his first book at the age of 48. Vitamins of kindness, nobility, honesty, decency, courage. In 1913.

Lesson topic: V. Dragunsky “What I Love”, S. Makhotin “Sunday”

Goals: show how to analyze work of art and navigate the text; learn to compare heroes of works; learn to use an explanatory dictionary.

Equipment: portrait and books of V. Dragunsky; explanatory dictionary; presentation.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

We were in the Tea House,
We learned about hockey.
Badger invites us to visit,
So that we read books.

2. Checking homework.

3. Updating knowledge. Setting lesson goals.

Reading the text on p. 122

Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky (1913-1972) wrote many humorous stories, but the main book of his life is Deniska’s Stories. This is a series of funny and cheerful stories about city boys: Denis and his friends. The prototype of the main character of these stories was Dragunsky's son Denisk, and in the image of the father it is easy to recognize the writer himself.

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Open the textbook on p.123.
-Can you guess from the title what the work will be about?
-Let’s read the work “What I Love” in a chain and find out what the hero loves most.
-Did you like the work? How? Share your impressions.
-Who is the hero?
-What did Deniska dream about? ( Live more spaciously so you can keep animals at home)
-How is this shown in the text? ( Highlighted in color.)
-Reread these passages.
-What does Deniska love most?( Loves animals)
- Find and read what animals he wanted to have.( Dog, doe Kanchil, baby elephant)
-Does Deniska like to spend time with dad? Re-read the text and find passages where this is said.
-Who else does he love? ( Mom, grandma)
-What were Deniska’s two great loves?( Love for parents and animals)
-Read the last sentence.
-How can you determine everything else that Deniska loves?( This is his entire childhood life, consisting of entertainment and pleasure)
-What love did he talk about last? Read it.
-Why did the hero love horses? ( They have such beautiful and kind faces)
-Do you recognize yourself in the hero of V. Dragunsky? Find and read Deniska’s words that you can say about yourself.
-What do you love that Deniska didn’t tell you? 5. Physical education minute

6.Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

Read S. Makhotin’s poem “Sunday” on p. 126 for yourself
-Which words require explanation? Find their meaning in explanatory dictionary.
-Who is the hero of the work?
-What does he like? List.
-Does the hero of S. Makhotin’s poem look like Deniska? How ( Boys love animals and love ice cream and soda. And both are very attached to their fathers).

7. Summing up the lesson.

Did you like the characters?
-Is it possible to meet such guys in life or are they fairy-tale characters?
-Which genre of literature can the work of V. Dragunsky be classified as? ( To the genre of the story)
-Prove it. ( Distinctive Features stories are the presence of a narrative; a small volume of work and a small number of heroes. And also, as a rule, only one episode is described in the story.)
-Did you know that the prototype of Deniska Korablev is the author’s son Denis? V. Dragunsky wrote many stories, taking scenes from the life of Deniska and his friends.

8. Homework.

1. Write your own story on the topic “What do I love?
2.Optional: learn the poem by heart.

Lesson topic: V. Dragunsky "What Mishka loves"
Target: bring students to the realization that the spiritual world of man is higher than banal, everyday material values ​​using the example literary work V. Dragunsky “What Mishka Loves”, develop fluent reading skills, develop speech and thinking.
developing in students the ability to compare their vision of a problem with the author’s intention.

    developing in students the ability to think critically, reason, speculate, and justify their point of view on a given issue.

    enrich the spiritual world of children.

Equipment: book - textbook, portrait of the writer V. Dragunsky.

Strategies used in the lesson:
"Brainstorming", "Associations", "Stopped Reading"

Lesson progress
I. Organizational moment.
- Today we will talk about spiritual world person. Let's see how people who have life experience and you, who are just beginning to live and explore the world.
^ Call stage.
1) strategy "Brainstorm"
- How do you understand what the “spiritual world” is?

- We have recorded versions of your and my understanding of what the human spiritual world is.
- Today we will talk about this problem using the example of the work of Viktor Dragunsky.
^ 2. “Association” strategy.
- What associations do you have with the name of Victor Dragunsky? (children's, writer, humor, friend, education, etc.
- Remember the works of this author that we read.
(Englishman Pavel", ":Be", "Watermelon Lane", "You Must Have a Sense of Humor", "Independent Little Humpback", "Enchanted Letter", "Childhood Friend", "The Secret Becomes Revealed", "Puss in Boots".)
- To which literary genre shall we include these works? (story)
- Can Viktor Dragunsky be called a humorist writer?
(no, in his stories the fun, the funny is only part of the story, they are filled deep meaning, he talks about serious issues, including humorous situations, to make it easier for young readers to understand.)
^ II. Comprehension
/design of the “table of meanings”/

"What Mishka loves"

Part 1

part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Today we will get acquainted with another work by this wonderful author, “What Mishka Loves.”
1. Forecasting.
- Guys, pay attention to the picture and again to the title of the story.
- What can the story be about?
- Where does the author begin his story?
^ 2. “Reading with stops” technique
- We will read the story with stops, in semantic parts
Reading part 1 (up to the words “More than anything else?”
- How will events develop further?
Reading part 2 (up to the words “What do you love?”)
What happens next?
Reading part 3 (until the words “: they were waiting for something and were silent.”)
- Think about how this story could end?
Reading part 4 (:to the end)
^ III. Reflection
1.Let's turn to your versions.
- Were there any coincidences with the author’s intention?
- Which?
- Why did it coincide with the author’s intention?
(because we know that Dragunsky wrote about the problems of children, about serious things, using humor so that these problems were understandable to children.
Why didn’t our versions coincide with the author’s thoughts?
(because we are all different and think and think differently. You can all be writers, and all of you would write your own wonderful story)
2. Problematic issues.
- Let's return to the author's intention and think about what Dragunsky wanted to tell young readers with his work.
(the spiritual world of a person is not limited to the love of products, it should be much richer, wider, more diverse)
- Why did Mishka blush and feel embarrassed?
(because I realized what a deep, poor inner world he has)
- Whose spiritual world in Dragunsky’s story is deeper, richer, more versatile)
- Why?
3. Let's return to our versions about the spiritual world and maybe you can add more.
4.Result. Colorogram.
- What feelings did you experience while reading and discussing the story?
/mark on the board/ - cheerful, carefree. - serious and you have something to think about.
Dz by role

Literary reading

4th grade (school 2100)

V. Dragunsky

“What Mishka loves.”

Teacher primary classes GBOU

Gymnasium No. 205 of St. Petersburg

Fedorova Irina Arkadyevna

Subject: V. Dragunsky “What Mishka loves.”


Deepening students' knowledge on the topic;

– Introduce the work of V. Dragunsky “What Mishka Loves”;

– Show the differences between the concepts of “humor” and “satire”.



– Teach students to formulate the theme and idea of ​​the work;

– Improve various types analysis of a prose work;

– Practice the ability to characterize a literary hero;


– Develop oral monologue speech;

– Improve the skill of correct fluency expressive reading whole words;


– Cultivate love for your loved ones, animals, and nature;

– Cultivate an interest in reading and music.


Presentation for the lesson:

Literary reading grade 4 V.Yu. Dragunsky What Mishka loves.ppt

Individual tables for students. (Appendix 1)

Lesson progress

  1. Organizational moment.
– Check your readiness for the lesson.

2. Updating knowledge.

– Which section did we start studying? (Journey 13) [Slide 2]

– What is the name of this journey? (Funny books. Secrets of humor and satire.)

– What work of this section did we get acquainted with? (N. Nosov “Fedya’s task”).

– Why is this work included in this section? (It is cheerful, funny, humorous.)

– Today in class we will get acquainted with the story of another writer.

– And with which one, we will find out by watching the scene. (Pre-prepared students - dramatization of an excerpt from V. Dragunsky’s story “You Must Have a Sense of Humor.”

– Did you write it?

– You check my notebook, and I’ll check yours.

- Why are you rolling around, Mishka?

- I'm rolling that you wrote it off incorrectly!

- What are you doing?

- And I say the same thing, only about you. Look, you wrote: “The moses have arrived.” Who are these “Mozes”?

- Moses are probably frosts. And you wrote: “It’s winter in Natala.” What is it?

- Yes, it’s not “natal”, but it has arrived. There's nothing you can do, you have to rewrite it.

– Did you recognize the work? (Yes.)

- Which? (“You have to have a sense of humor.”)

– Who are the heroes? (Boys, schoolchildren, Mishka and Deniska.)

– How did the scene make you feel? (Cheerful, joyful, funny.)

-What story is this? (Humorous.)

– Were the guys offended by each other? (No.)

- Why? (Everything that happened was kind and “from the heart.”)

- So what is humor? (This is when it’s fun, funny, joyful.) [Slide 4]

^ 3. Acquaintance with the work of V. Dragunsky

(Differentiated task for strong students).

The student tells.

Viktor Yuzefovich began working in the theater early as an actor. But I started writing for children late, at the age of 32. And this is connected with the appearance of his son Deniska. In the evenings, Viktor Yuzefovich told Deniska and his friends funny stories which the children really liked. This is how humorous stories for children appeared, the prototype of which is his son.

– What was the name of the main character of these stories? (Denis Korablev.)

- Under what common name were these stories published? (Deniska's stories.)

– Remember what stories by V. Dragunsky you read? (“Girl on the Ball”, “Dog Thief”, “By”, “The Secret Becomes Revealed”, “Independent Gorbushka”). [books on display]

– What mood do these stories evoke? (Cheerful, joyful)

– Look, V.Yu. Dragunsky died in the 70s of the last century, a very long time ago, and his books are read by children and adults to this day. And these works bring us a lot of joy and fun. What unites all these works? (They are humorous)

^ 4. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

– Try to formulate the topic of our lesson. (Funny in the literary works of V. Dragunsky)

– And V. Yu. Dragunsky and his story will help us approach the solution to the mystery of the funny...

– Find the clue and you will find out what it is called. (“What Mishka loves.”) [Slide 5]

^ 5. Working with text before reading.

– Looking at the title, guess what the story will be about? (About love.)

– Who will be the main character? (Bear.)

– Look at the illustration, and in your textbooks on page 157. [Slide 6]

-Who did you recognize? (Mishka, Denis.)

– What will this work be about? (About what Mishka and Denis love.)

– Read the key words to the story. [Slide 7]

– What other hero appears in the story? (Singing teacher.)

– What will our heroes love? (Ancient warriors, different varieties, I love buns, pies, cheese...)

– What will the story be about?

– How can we be sure whether our assumptions are correct or not? (You need to read the text.)

^ 6. Reading a story. Vocabulary work.

– Read the story yourself and use a ruler and pencil to underline the words whose meaning you do not understand.

Students read the text and make up questions for the characters from the author.

– Are your assumptions correct (Yes)

1) – You chose words whose meaning is unclear to you. Now find sentences with these words in the text. Perhaps, in the context of the sentence, you can determine the meaning of these words? (Students' assumptions.)

– Are there still any words you don’t understand? (Yes) [Slides 8-14]

– Where can we find the exact correct lexical meaning of words? (Parental help, explanatory dictionary, Internet...)

– What words made you smile? Why? (Speaks incorrectly.)

2) – Did you like the story (Yes)

– What mood did you create? (Joyful, funny, cheerful)

– What exactly caused this mood? (Mishka's answer)

- Why?

– Who else do we meet in the story? (Boris Sergeevich)

- Who is this? (Music teacher.)

-What kind of teacher is this? (Creative, talented)

- Prove with words from the text.

– What does the singing teacher like? (Music by Frederic Chopin.)

– Listen to a fragment of Frederic Chopin’s “Waltz of a Minute.”

[Slide 15].

Phys. Just a minute.

– What do you imagine with this music?

Sounds piece of music.

– Who liked this piece of music?

-What did you see?

– What did you hear?

– What feelings did you have?

– During your music lesson, you and your music teacher will listen to other works by this composer.

– What other hero do we meet in the story? (Deniska.)

– What is the name of the story? (“What Mishka loves.”)

- What does Mishka like?

Students list.

– What does Deniska like? Find and read. But first, let's look at our algorithm. What do we pay attention to when reading? (On intonation (lists slowly), on tempo)

- Read it.

Students read.

– Using an algorithm, evaluate how you read?

– What can we say about Denis? (He is a dreamer. He has different interests.)

– What can we say about Mishka? (He's carefree and frivolous)

– How did Boris Sergeevich listen to Deniska?

- Read it.

- Why? (He was interested.)

– What kind of Deniska? (He is a dreamer, versatile, inquisitive)

– How do you feel about Deniska? (Students' assumptions.)

- Read by role how Mishka intervened in the conversation between the teacher and Deniska.

Students read. Reading is assessed.

- Show me how to pout.

Dramatization of students.

– How do you understand “Tell the secret of your soul”? (Tell your most secret things.)

– What are “miscellaneous differences”? (All sorts of differences.)

– Is it possible to say that? Is this correct? (No.)

- What does Mishka like? Read along the chain.

Students read.

– What do these words say? (Mishka behaved carefree, waiting for praise.)

– Read how Boris Sergeevich listened to Mishka.

Students read.

- Why? (I was dissatisfied, upset, outraged.)

- Read it.

- Why the pause? (To comprehend, to think.)

- When did Mishka remember about loving people? (After Boris Sergeevich’s remarks.)

– Read how he reacted. (Blush.)

- Compare what boys like.

Students guess.

- Look how many words Mishka used to describe his love for food, and how many to describe his love for people.

– What feeling did you have at that moment? (Sadness.)

- Why?

– Read it again last words Bears. Can we say that he realized his mistake? Prove it.

– Let’s think about whether this work can be classified as humorous? (No.)

- Why? (Laughter through tears.)

– What genre is the story written in? (Satire.) [Slide 16]

– Why do you think so? (Defects are ridiculed. Helps to improve.)

– What is satire?

– What should we think about while reading this story? (About love for one's neighbor, for animals.)

– We have two examples. So what? (About love for family, for various hobbies)

^ 7. Lesson summary

– Place the tables in front of you.

– Fill them out.

Independent work of students.



“What Mishka loves”


V. Dragunsky


Mild satire

^ The main characters of the work

Boris Sergeevich


The character of the heroes of the work

Boris Sergeevich - mocking

Bear - carefree

Deniska is a dreamer, inquisitive


Boris Sergeevich - with respect, example

Bear - ironically, with regret

Deniska - kindly


- Let's check.

One student speaks, and the second (his opponent) checks and adds or corrects if necessary. (items 3-6 of the table are checked)

– Who can express their attitude towards the heroes? (item 7 of the table)

^ 8. Homework.

1) – I am sure that you will want to meet with the works of V. Dragunsky many more times. How to find the work you are interested in in the library? Let's remember the lessons of bibliography. At home, if you wish, using our table, fill out this card.

2) – Homework for everyone. Draw an illustration for the work and caption it with a quote from the text. And for this you will need to read the work of V. Yu. Dragunsky “What Mishka Loves” again at home.

– And to record a quote from a story, you will need to remember how direct speech is formatted in writing.

9. Reflection.

- Sentences are written on the board. Think and complete them.

  • The work of V. Dragunsky “What Mishka Loves” made me think...

  • While reading the works, I felt...

  • I was especially touched...

^ 10. Organizational moment.

- The lesson is over. [Slide 17]

11. Literature used:

  1. Buneev R.N. ,Buneeva E.V. Literary reading. Textbook, 4th grade. (“In the ocean of light”). 2 hours

  2. Buneeva E.V., Chindilova O.V.
    Methodological recommendations for teachers. Literary reading lessons in 4th grade. Educational system “School 2100. Series “Free Mind”.
Appendix 1




The main characters of the work

The character of the heroes of the work

The author's attitude towards the characters of the work

Your attitude towards the characters of the work

Lesson topic: A humorous story on a serious topic.

Lesson type: mastering new material.

Target: acquaintance with the work of V. Yu. Dragunsky “What Mishka Loves”.

Planned results:

Cognitive UUD:

To introduce the life and work of V.Yu. Dragunsky;

Show the differences between the concepts of “humor” and “satire”;
- practice expressive reading skills;
- compare the motives of the actions of heroes from one literary work, identify the features of their behavior depending on the motive.
- process and transform information from one form to another.

Regulatory UUD:

Draw up a plan for solving an educational problem together with the teacher;
- work according to the plan, checking your actions with the goal, adjusting your activities.

Personal UUD:

To navigate the moral content and meaning of actions - your own and those around you.

Communicative UUD:

Express and justify your point of view;
- listen and hear others, try to accept a different point of view, be ready to adjust your point of view.

Equipment: presentation, computer, interactive whiteboard, audio recording of a fragment of the work “Waltz of a Minute” by Frederic Chopin, literary reading textbook, grade 4 R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva “In the ocean of light”

Lesson progress

Introductory talk

What is the name of the section that we started studying in the last lesson? (Funny books. Secrets of humor and satire.)
- How do you understand the meaning of the words satire and humor?
- How is the meaning of these words explained in our textbook? Read it. P.150
- In the explanatory dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov these words are explained as follows:

Satire- a work of art that sharply and mercilessly exposes the negative phenomena of reality
Humor- the ability to see and show a funny, condescending - mocking attitude towards something

What work of this section did we meet? (N. Nosov “Fedya’s task”).
- Why is this work included in this section “Funny Books”? (It is cheerful, funny, humorous.)
- Today in class we will get acquainted with the story of another writer. The album of illustrations (slides) will tell you his name. If you recognize the story, raise your hand.

Updating knowledge

Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born on November 30, 1913 in New York, where his parents left Russia in search of better life. However, a year later they returned back and settled in Gomel (this is in Belarus), where Dragunsky spent his childhood.
In 1925, when Victor was 12 years old, the family moved to Moscow.

Dragunsky's childhood and youth were difficult years. At the age of sixteen, the young man, who dreamed of theater, had to go to work. He worked at a factory as a turner's apprentice, sewed horse harnesses in a saddlery workshop, and transported passengers by boat across the Moscow River. But he nevertheless became an actor and played on stage with some success. First at the Moscow Theater of Transport (now the Gogol Theater), then at the Theater of Satire, circus, theater - film actor's studio.

Young readers first met his Deniska Korablev in 1959. (56 years ago) And since then, Viktor Dragunsky has been assigned the title of children's writer.

A variety of incidents happened to the main character of Dragunsky: he jumped from a tower into the water, performed on stage and got into an accident with his dad. Some of these cases actually happened - but not with Deniska Korablev - literary hero. And with Denis Dragunsky, the writer’s son. True, Denis Dragunsky has grown up, now he is an adult and writes books himself, but Deniska Korablev remains a boy.

Name the main characters of Dragunsky's stories. (Mishka and Deniska, Alenka)
- Under what general title were these stories published? (Deniska's stories)
- What mood do these stories evoke? (Cheerful, joyful)
- What unites all these works? (They are humorous)
- Today we will read a humorous story on a serious topic. Read the title of the story

Working with text before reading

Looking at the title, guess what the story will be about? (About love)
-Who will be the main character? (Bear)
- Look at the illustration, and in your textbooks on page 157
-Who did you recognize? (Mishka, Denis)
- What will this work be about? (About what Mishka and Denis love)
- How can we be sure whether our assumptions are correct or not? (You need to read the text)

Reading a story

Read the story yourself and use a ruler and pencil to underline the words whose meaning you do not understand.

Vocabulary work

What words do you not understand? Find and read sentences with these words in the text.
Cavalryman is a warrior on horseback.
The fallow deer is a fast animal of the deer family.
Seltz is a type of sausage.
Borjom - mineral water.
Piece - fish.
Glazed gingerbread - covered with glaze and sugar.
Brynza - sheep's milk cheese

Analysis of the work

On whose behalf is the story being told?
-Where did the guys go and who did they meet?
- What did the singing teacher like?
- Find in the text and read how the teacher himself talks about it
- Listen to a fragment of Frederic Chopin’s “Waltz of a Minute.”
- What do you imagine with this music?

How does the author feel about Boris Sergeevich? (Sincerely)
- What does Deniska like? Find and read
- How did Boris Sergeevich listen to Deniska? Read it.
- Why? (He was interested)
- What can we say about Denis? (He is a dreamer. He has different interests)
- How does the author feel about Deniska? (With approval)

How do you feel about Deniska? (Students' assumptions)
- Why did Mishka interfere in the conversation? (Felt offended)
- How do you understand “Tell the secret of your soul”? (Tell your deepest secrets)
- What does Mishka like? Read it.
- What was Mishka waiting for? (Praise)
- Find and read how the teacher reacted to Mishka’s words? (Looked displeased and sternly)
- What did the teacher pay attention to? (For love of people and animals) Why? (This is the main thing - for what a person lives on earth)

Choose verbs that show how Mishka reacted to the teacher’s words. (Started and blushed)
- And when do people blush? (When they're ashamed)
- Why did Mishka feel ashamed? (I didn’t say the most important thing)
- It turns out that he loves kittens, and his grandmother, and his parents, probably. It just doesn’t highlight this as the main thing yet.
- How are the heroes different?
- Was it just us who was funny? Why is it sad?

How does the author himself feel about the characters? (To Deniska with respect, to Mishka with humor, but teaches)
- What do you think is the idea of ​​the work?
- Let's think about whether this work can be classified as humorous? (No. Humor is fun, joyful, funny)
- What genre is the story written in? (Satire. Makes fun of shortcomings)
- Why do you think so? (Defects are ridiculed. Helps to improve)
- What should we think about while reading this story? (About love for one's neighbor, for animals)
- What do you like?

Working with proverbs

Choose a proverb that suits its meaning:

There is no friend for the taste and color
Man does not live by bread alone

Game: “Find the mistake”

Now we will check how carefully you read and listened to the story. Sentences (quotes) from the story are written on the board; you need to find if there are mistakes in them.
Mishka and I entered the classroom where we have singing lessons.
Chopin is a great writer.

He listened to me carefully, he had a surprised face as he listened, and then he said...
I absolutely love boiled sausage; if it’s a doctor’s sausage, I’ll eat a hundred kilos on a bet.
It was clear from his eyes that he was waiting for Boris Petrovich to praise him.
... you love a lot, no doubt, but everything you love turns out somehow the same, too tasty, or something.

Group work

Fill out the table

Title of the work
The main characters of the work
The character of the heroes of the work Boris Sergeevich -
Bear -
Deniska -
The author’s attitude towards the heroes of the work Boris Sergeevich -
Bear -
Deniska -

Your attitude towards the characters of the work


At the beginning of the lesson, you said that you had read many of Victor Dragunsky’s stories. Now we will check how you remember their contents.

1. State Denis’s last name.
2. What did Deniska throw out of the window and hit a passerby’s hat?
(The secret always becomes clear)
3. Where did Denis and his friends stage a real battle?
(Battle near a clear river)
4. What was the name of the girl that Deniska and Mishka painted?
(Up, down, diagonally)

5. What did Deniska and his dad cook, but never cooked?
(Chicken broth)
6. What toy did Denis’s mother offer instead of a punching bag?
(Childhood friend)
7. What subject is Vasin’s dad good at?
(Where has this been seen, where has this been heard)
8. The name of which river did Deniska mix up, thereby making the whole class laugh?
(The main rivers of America)

Lesson summary

What work did we meet today?
- What does the story teach? (Love loved ones)
- How will you answer the main question of the story?

Chernikova Nadezhda Alekseevna, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4 of the city. Syzran Samara region, primary school teacher

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