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"War and Peace": characters. "War and Peace": characteristics of the main characters. Brief description of the main characters of the novel War and Peace of Leo Tolstoy War and Peace heroes characteristic

In the novel "War and Peace" Leo Tolstoy conveyed the author's vision of morals, state of mind and worldview of the advanced stratum of Russian society at the beginning of the 19th century. The problems of the state arise as a result of great world events and become the concern of every conscious citizen. The main characters of the novel "War Peace" are representatives of influential families at the court of the emperor.

Andrey Bolkonsky

The image of a Russian patriot who fell in the fight against the French invaders. Quiet family life, secular receptions and balls do not attract him. The officer takes part in every military campaign of Alexander I. The husband of Kutuzov's niece, he becomes the adjutant of the famous general.

In the battle of Schoenberg, he raises soldiers to attack, carrying a fallen banner, as real hero. In the battle of Austerlitz, Bolkonsky is wounded and captured, released by Napoleon. In the battle of Borodino, a shell fragment hits the stomach of a brave warrior. The ladle died in agony in the arms of his beloved girl.

Tolstoy showed a man whose life priorities are state debt, military prowess and honor of uniform. Representatives of the Russian aristocracy have always been the bearers of the moral values ​​of monarchical power.

Natasha Rostova

The young countess grew up in luxury, surrounded by parental care. Noble upbringing and excellent education could provide the girl with a profitable party, a cheerful life in the high society. The war changed the carefree Natasha, who suffered a loss dear people.

Having married Pierre Bezukhov, she became a mother of many children, who found peace in family worries. Leo Tolstoy created positive image Russian noblewoman, patriot and homemaker. The author is critical of the fact that after giving birth to four children, Natasha stopped taking care of herself. The author wants to see a woman unfading, fresh and well-groomed throughout her life.

Maria Bolkonskaya

The princess was raised by her father, a contemporary of Potemkin and a friend of Kutuzov, Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky. The old general attached importance to education, especially the study of technical sciences. The girl knew geometry and algebra, spent many hours reading books.

The father was strict and biased, he tormented his daughter with lessons, demonstrating his love and care in this way. Marya sacrificed her young years as a sacrifice to her parent's old age, she was by his side until his last days. She replaced the mother of her nephew Nikolenka, trying to surround him with parental tenderness.

Maria met her fate during the war in the person of the savior Nikolai Rostov. Their relationship developed for a long time, both did not dare to take the first step. The gentleman was younger than his lady, this embarrassed the girl. The princess had a large inheritance of the Bolkonskys, which stopped the guy. They made a good family.

Pierre Bezukhov

The young man was educated abroad, he was allowed to return to Russia at the age of twenty. Upper light accepted young man wary, because he was the illegitimate son of a nobleman. However, before his death, his father asked the king to recognize Pierre as the legitimate heir.

In an instant, Bezukhov became a count and the owner of a huge fortune. Inexperienced, slow and trusting Pierre was used in selfish intrigues, he was quickly married to his daughter by Prince Vasily Kuragin. The hero had to go through the pain of betrayal, the humiliation of his wife's lovers, a duel, Freemasonry and drunkenness.

The war cleansed the count's soul, saved him from empty mental ordeals, radically changed his worldview. Having gone through fire, captivity and the loss of dear people, Bezukhov found the meaning of life in family values, in the ideas of new post-war political reforms.

Illarion Mikhailovich Kutuzov

The personality of Kutuzov is a key figure in the events of 1812 because he commanded the army defending Moscow. Leo Tolstoy in the novel Vaughn and the World presented his vision of the character of the general, his assessment of his actions and decisions.

The commander looks like a kind, fat old man who, with his experience and knowledge of large battles, is trying to lead Russia out of a difficult retreat situation. The battle of Borodino and the surrender of Moscow was a cunning military combination that led to victory over the French army.

The author described the famous Kutuzov as ordinary person, a slave to his weaknesses, who has experience and wisdom accumulated over long years life. The general is an example of an army commander who takes care of the soldiers, worries about their uniforms, allowances and sleep.

Leo Tolstoy tried through the image of the main characters of the novel to convey the difficult fate of representatives of high society in Russia, who survived the European military storm early XIX century. Then a generation of Decembrists was formed, who would initiate new reforms, the result would be the abolition of serfdom.

The main feature that unites all the heroes is patriotism, love for the motherland, respect for parents.

Tolstoy's favorite characters in War and Peace are Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky. They are united by the quality that the writer himself most valued in people. In his opinion, to be a real person, you need to “torn, fight, get confused, make mistakes, start and quit” all your life, and “peace is spiritual meanness.” That is, a person should not calm down and stop, he should search for meaning all his life and strive to find an application for his strengths, talents, mind.

In this article we will consider what are the characteristics of the main characters of Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace". Pay attention to why Tolstoy endowed these characters with such features and what he wanted to say to his readers.

Pierre Bezukhov in the novel "War and Peace"

As we have already noted, speaking about the main characters of the novel "War and Peace" by Tolstoy, it is definitely worth discussing the image of Pierre Bezukhov. For the first time the reader sees Pierre in the aristocratic Petersburg salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer. The hostess treats him somewhat condescendingly, because he is just the illegitimate son of a rich nobleman of Catherine's times, who has just returned from abroad, where he received an education.

Pierre Bezukhov differs from other guests in his spontaneity and sincerity. Drawing a psychological portrait of his protagonist, Tolstoy points out that Pierre was a fat, absent-minded person, but all this was redeemed by "an expression of good nature, simplicity and modesty." The hostess of the salon was afraid that Pierre would say something wrong, and indeed, Bezukhov passionately expresses his opinion, argues with the viscount and does not know how to follow the rules of etiquette. At the same time, he is kind and smart. The qualities of Pierre, shown in the first chapters of the novel, will be inherent in him throughout the story, although the hero himself will pass hard way spiritual evolution. Why can Pierre Bezukhov be safely attributed to the main characters of Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"? Consideration of the image of Pierre Bezukhov helps to understand this.

Pierre Bezukhov is so loved by Tolstoy because this main character novel tirelessly searches for the meaning of life, asks himself painful questions: “What is wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live, and what am I? What is life, what is death? What power governs everything?

Pierre Bezukhov goes through a difficult path of spiritual quest. He is not satisfied with the St. Petersburg revelry of golden youth. Having received an inheritance and becoming one of the richest people in Russia, the hero marries Helen, but in failure family life and even the infidelity of his wife blames himself, because he made an offer without feeling love.

For a time he finds meaning in Freemasonry. He is close to the idea of ​​spiritual brothers about the need to live for the sake of others, to give to others as much as possible. Pierre Bezukhov is trying to change and improve the situation of his peasants. But disappointment soon sets in: the protagonist of Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" understands that most of the Masons are trying to make acquaintances with influential people. Further, the image and characteristics of Pierre Bezukhov are revealed in an interesting aspect.

The most important stage on the path of spiritual development of Pierre Bezukhov is the war of 1812 and captivity. On the Borodino field, he understands that the truth is in the universal unity of people. In captivity, the peasant philosopher Platon Karataev reveals to the main character the realization of how important it is to “live with people” and stoically accept everything that fate brings.

Pierre Bezukhov has an inquisitive mind, thoughtful and often ruthless introspection. He is a decent person, kind and a little naive. He asks himself and the world philosophical questions about the meaning of life, God, the purpose of existence, not finding an answer, he does not dismiss painful thoughts, but tries to find the right path.

In the epilogue, Pierre is happy with Natasha Rostova, but personal happiness is not enough for him. He becomes a member of a secret society preparing reforms in Russia. So, discussing who are the main characters of the novel "War and Peace" by Tolstoy, we focused on the image of Pierre Bezukhov and his characteristics. Let's move on to the next key character of the novel - Andrei Bolkonsky.

Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel "War and Peace"

The Bolkonsky family is united by common generic features: a sharp analytical mind, nobility, the highest sense of honor, an understanding of one's duty in serving the Fatherland. It is no coincidence that, seeing off his son to the war, the father, admonishing him, says: “Remember one thing, Prince Andrei: if they kill you, it will hurt me, an old man ... And if I find out that you behaved not like the son of Nikolai Bolkonsky, I will be ... ashamed!" Undoubtedly, Andrei Bolkonsky is a bright character and one of the main characters in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace.

During military service Bolkonsky is guided by considerations of common good, and not his own career. He heroically rushes forward with a banner in his hands, because it hurts him to see the flight of the Russian army on the Austerlitz field.

Andrey, like Pierre, is waiting for a difficult path of searching for the meaning of life and disappointments. At first, he dreams of the glory of Napoleon. But after the Austerlitz sky, in which the prince saw something infinitely high, beautiful and calm, the former idol seems to him small, insignificant with his vain aspirations.

Comprehends the protagonist of the novel "War and Peace" Tolstoy and disappointment in love (Natasha betrays him, deciding to run away with the fool Anatoly Kuragin), in life for the sake of the family (he understands that this is not enough), in public service (Speransky's activities turn out to be meaningless fuss, without real benefit).

All characters can be divided into the following groups:

  • the Bolkonsky family;
  • the Rostov family;
  • the Bezukhov family;
  • the Drubetsky family;
  • the Kuragin family;
  • Historical figures;
  • Heroes of the 2nd plan;
  • Other heroes.
Classification is convenient for analyzing entire families at once and comparing characters with each other. Detailed description major actors below.

Characteristics of the Bolkonsky

The Bolkonsky clan originates from princes who were related to Rurik. They are rich and well off. The authoritarian power of the father reigns in the family, because of this house there is a tense atmosphere. The Bolkonskys strictly follow family traditions and orders. Relations within the family are strained, and the house was divided into two "camps":
  • The first "camp" was headed by Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky. His opinion was shared by Mademoiselle Bourienne and Mikhail Ivanovich, the prince's architect.
  • The second group included: the daughter of Prince Marya, the son of Andrei Bolkonsky Nikolai and all the nannies and maids.
Andrei Bolkonsky was not included in any group, as he was often on the road.

Characteristics of Andrei Bolkonsky

Andrei Bolkonsky is a wealthy heir and son of Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky. His mother is no longer alive, among his relatives there is also a sister, Marya, whom he loves very much. Andrei is the best friend, another protagonist of the novel. Andrei is a short, handsome guy. He is described as a person with a constantly bored look, walks slowly and leisurely, in contrast to his wife Lisa, who was distinguished by a cheerful and easy-going character. Bolkonsky looked more like a teenager than a man - the author often mentions that Andrei has small hands, a child's neck. The hero was distinguished by an inquisitive mind, he was well-read and educated, he adopted some of the features of his father - rudeness and strictness towards relatives. Andrei Bolkonsky is a liberal landowner who loves his peasants and makes their lives easier. At the time of writing the novel, Andrei Bolkonsky was 27 years old.

Characteristics of Marya Bolkonskaya

Sister of the protagonist Andrei Bolkonsky. She is young and, according to many heroes, an ugly girl, but with sad and impressive eyes. Marya is rather clumsy and had a heavy gait. Her father taught her. Through homeschooling, she learned order and discipline. She knows how to play the clavichord, loves life in the countryside, unlike her brother. Princess Marya Bolkonskaya was distinguished by a kind and calm character, she believed in God. When communicating with people, she evaluated them for their spiritual qualities, and not for their status and position.

Nikolai Bolkonsky - prince, head of the family. He was distinguished by a bad temper and cruel actions towards the household. Prince Nicholas was an old man, with a thin face and body. Bolkonsky always dressed according to his status - he was a retired general-in-chief. The prince was more feared than respected. He was distinguished by waywardness and a rather imperious position. But at the same time, Nikolai Bolkonsky is distinguished by diligence - he is always busy with something: either writing memoirs, or teaching mathematics to the younger generation, or his favorite hobby - making snuff boxes.

Nikolai Andreevich was familiar with Catherine II and Prince Potemkin, which he is very proud of.The prince is very worried about the invasion of French troops into the territory of Russia, and dies of a heart attack.

Characteristics of Lisa Bolkonskaya

The wife of Andrei Bolkonsky is a cheerful and cheerful girl. She was not smart, but she compensated for everything with kindness and a good attitude. She was a short girl, her lips were with a mustache, she always went with a high haircut. Elizaveta Karlovna comes from the German Meinen family. The family received education and secular manners. Princess Bolkonskaya loved to gossip and chat, but at the same time she was observant. She loved her husband deeply, but was unhappy with him. She died after giving birth to her son Nicholas.

Characteristics of Nikolai Bolkonsky

Born in 1806. After the death of her mother, Liza Bolkonskaya, she is brought up by her aunt Marya. Marya Bolkonskaya gives him Russian and music lessons. At the age of 7, he sees the death of his father Andrei after being wounded. In the epilogue of the novel, Nikolai is a 15-year-old handsome young man with curly hair, very similar to his father.

Characteristics of the Rostov family

Noble noble family. The author describes the Rostov family as an ideal family - good-natured, with good relationships between relatives.

Characteristics of Count Ilya Rostov

Ilya Andreevich Rostov is the head of the family, a cheerful and good-natured count. He is rich and has several villages under his control. A full physique, a gray head with a receding hairline, always a smooth-shaven face and blue eyes - the appearance of Ilya Andreevich. Those around him consider him stupid and ridiculous, but the count was loved for his generosity and kindness. Sometimes this generosity turned into squandering. He loves his wife and children, pampers them and allows everything. Ilya Andreevich does not like to enter into disputes, it is better for him to eat and have fun. Because of this fun, he loses all the money and ruins the family. After a series of misfortunes in the Rostov family, he falls ill and dies.

Characteristics of Countess Natalia Rostova

Wife of Ilya Andreevich, 45 years old. Mother of 12 children, however, the story is about only four. Natalya Rostova had a beautiful oriental appearance, she was often tired, but at the same time she commanded respect from her relatives. She married a count when she was 16 years old. Like her husband, she is not distinguished by frugality, she likes to spend money. She tries to be strict with the children, but because of her kindness, she fails to do so. Countess Natalya helps others (for example, her friend Drubetskaya). By the end of the work, after the experienced deaths, it becomes like a ghost.

Characteristics of Natasha Rostova

Daughter of Count Nikolai Rostov and Natalia Rostova. She was brought up in affection and love, she was a little spoiled, but at the same time she remained a kind and sincere girl. L. Tolstoy describes little Natasha as follows: “with black eyes, a big mouth, a rather ugly, but charming and cheerful girl, with curly hair, thin legs and arms.” By the age of 16, Natasha had changed, began to wear long dresses, dance at balls. Even more prettier already at the age of 20. She put on beautiful lace dresses, braided her hair in a braid, with a smart look and a sensitive attitude towards others.
Important! Natasha is well versed in people, but if it concerns love relationships, she is lost (like falling in love with Kuragin).
After the death of Bolkonsky, she marries Pierre Bezukhov, becomes sloppy and no longer takes care of herself, gives birth to 3 children and lives only for them.

Characteristics of Sonya Rostova

Second cousin of Natasha and Nikolai Rostov. Brought up in the Rostov family from birth. A beautiful and sweet girl, smart and educated. He helps his friend Natasha in every possible way. Likes to recite poetry in front of an audience. She is secretly in love with Nikolai Rostov, this love is not accepted by Natalya Rostova. As a result, Sonya remains unmarried.

Characteristics of Pierre Bezukhov

Another main character in the novel. A large young man, wears glasses, strong but clumsy. The author often compares Pierre to a bear. He is the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov, but is his favorite. Pierre has lived and studied in Europe for more than 10 years. At the age of 20 he came back to Russia. Bezukhov has a beautiful childish smile, sees only good qualities in people, because of this he was often deceived. His wife Helen Kuragina did the same to him, deceived him and forcibly married him. He cannot find a job to his liking, he does not really take a great interest in anything, he often messes around. When Pierre becomes the heir to the Bezukhovs' fortune, he begins to take care of the household, but even there he often fails. Only after being captured by the French does he begin to behave differently, becomes more restrained and prudent. At the end of the novel, he marries Natasha Rostova, after which he is perceived not as a clumsy talker, but as a competent and respected person.

Characteristics of the Kuragin family

Another secular family in the novel. Unlike the Bolkonskys and Rostovs, they are not distinguished by nobility and kindness to people. Prince Vasily wants to profitably give away all his children, and does not skimp on deceit. There is complete harmony between parents and children in the family, both parties want to benefit.

Characteristics of Vasily Kuragin

Vasily Sergeevich Kuragin - Prince 50 years old. Married to an ugly and fat lady. Almost bald, likes to dress with a needle, courteous. He had a beautiful deep voice and always spoke slowly. Self-confident, indifferent, likes to laugh at other people.He communicates only for his own benefit.

Characteristics of Anatole Kuragin

The youngest son of Prince Vasily. Handsome, stately big eyes and beautiful hands. He was always well and neatly dressed. He was educated in Europe, upon arrival he becomes an officer. It has a cheerful character, likes to drink and gather companies. Because of revelry and drinking, he is constantly in debt. For the sake of money, he was ready to marry Princess Mary. Anatole is a vile person, he deceives Natasha Rostov, promising to marry her. Kuragin thinks only of himself. After the Battle of Borodino, he is wounded, and he changes.

Characteristics of Helen Kuragina

Elena Vasilievna Kuragina (became Bezukhova after her marriage to Pierre), Anatole Kuragin's older sister and daughter of Prince Vasily. A refined appearance, beautiful thin arms, a thin neck, marble-colored skin - her external characteristics noted by the author. Helen was tall and made an impression on all men. Her outfits were often too revealing, although she was a graduate of the Smolny Institute. Helen is stupid, according to Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky, but others consider her charming and smart. Helen Kuragina knows how to achieve her goal by any means, even if it is deceit and hypocrisy. For the sake of money, she is ready for anything. Thus, all the listed heroes are only part of the vast world of “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy. It should be understood that the secondary characters of the novel make up a more complete picture. Don't Forget the Description historical figures, such as Napoleon and Kutuzov, who also influenced the way the main characters thought. We also suggest that you watch a video in which, for a better understanding of the content, there is a clear systematization of all the heroes of the novel “War and Peace”.


Leo Tolstoy in his epic portrayed more than 500 characters typical of Russian society. In "War and Peace" the heroes of the novel are representatives of the upper class of Moscow and St. Petersburg, key state and military figures, soldiers, people from the common people, and peasants. The image of all strata of Russian society allowed Tolstoy to recreate a complete picture of Russian life in one of the turning points in the history of Russia - the era of wars with Napoleon in 1805-1812.

In "War and Peace" the characters are conditionally divided into the main characters - whose fates are woven by the author into the plot narration of all four volumes and the epilogue, and secondary - heroes who appear episodically in the novel. Among the main characters of the novel, one can single out the central characters - Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova and Pierre Bezukhov, around whose fates the events of the novel unfold.

Characteristics of the main characters of the novel

Andrey Bolkonsky- "a very handsome young man with definite and dry features", "small stature." The author introduces the reader to Bolkonsky at the beginning of the novel - the hero was one of the guests at the evening of Anna Scherer (where many of the main characters of Tolstoy's War and Peace were also present).

According to the plot of the work, Andrei was tired of high society, he dreamed of glory, no less than the glory of Napoleon, and therefore goes to war. The episode that turned Bolkonsky's worldview upside down is the meeting with Bonaparte - Andrei, wounded on the field of Austerlitz, realized how insignificant Bonaparte and all his glory really are. The second turning point in Bolkonsky's life is the love for Natasha Rostova. The new feeling helped the hero to return to a full life, to believe that after the death of his wife and everything he had endured, he could fully live on. However, their happiness with Natasha was not destined to come true - Andrei was mortally wounded during the Battle of Borodino and soon died.

Natasha Rostova- a cheerful, kind, very emotional and loving girl: "black-eyed, with a big mouth, ugly, but alive." An important feature of the image of the central heroine of "War and Peace" is her musical talent - a beautiful voice that fascinated even people inexperienced in music. The reader meets Natasha on the girl's name day, when she turns 12 years old. Tolstoy depicts the moral maturation of the heroine: love experiences, going out, Natasha's betrayal of Prince Andrei and her feelings because of this, the search for herself in religion and the turning point in the life of the heroine - the death of Bolkonsky. In the epilogue of the novel, Natasha appears to the reader in a completely different way - we are more likely to see the shadow of her husband, Pierre Bezukhov, and not the bright, active Rostova, who a few years ago danced Russian dances and “won back” carts for the wounded from her mother.

Pierre Bezukhov- "a massive, fat young man with a cropped head, wearing glasses." "Pierre was somewhat larger than the other men in the room", he had "an intelligent and at the same time timid, observant and natural look that distinguished him from everyone in this living room." Pierre is a hero who is in constant search for himself through the knowledge of the world around him. Every situation in his life, every stage of life became special for the hero. life lesson. Marriage to Helen, passion for Freemasonry, love for Natasha Rostova, presence on the field of the Battle of Borodino (which the hero sees precisely through the eyes of Pierre), French captivity and acquaintance with Karataev completely change Pierre's personality - a purposeful and self-confident man with own views and goals.

Other important characters

In War and Peace, Tolstoy conditionally identifies several blocks of characters - the families of the Rostovs, Bolkonskys, Kuragins, as well as the characters who are part of the social circle of one of these families. Rostovs and Bolkonskys goodies, carriers of truly Russian mentality, ideas and spirituality, are opposed negative characters Kuragin, who had little interest in the spiritual aspect of life, preferring to shine in society, weave intrigues and choose acquaintances according to their status and wealth. A brief description of the heroes of War and Peace will help you better understand the essence of each main character.

Graph Ilya Andreevich Rostov- a kind and generous man, for whom the most important thing in his life was his family. The count sincerely loved his wife and four children (Natasha, Vera, Nikolai and Petya), helped his wife in raising children and did his best to maintain a warm atmosphere in the Rostovs' house. Ilya Andreevich cannot live without luxury, he liked to arrange lavish balls, receptions and evenings, but his wastefulness and inability to manage household affairs eventually led to the critical financial situation of the Rostovs.
Countess Natalya Rostova is a 45-year-old woman with oriental features, who knows how to make an impression in high society, the wife of Count Rostov, and the mother of four children. The Countess, like her husband, loved her family very much, trying to support and educate her children. best qualities. Due to excessive love for children, after the death of Petya, the woman almost goes crazy. In the countess, kindness to relatives was combined with prudence: wanting to improve the financial situation of the family, the woman is trying with all her might to upset Nikolai's marriage to Sonya, "not a profitable bride."

Nikolay Rostov- "a short curly young man with an open expression." This is a simple-hearted, open, honest and benevolent young man, Natasha's brother, the eldest son of the Rostovs. At the beginning of the novel, Nikolai appears as an admiring young man who wants military glory and recognition, but after participating first in the Battle of Shengrabes, and then in the Battle of Austerlitz and Patriotic War, Nikolai's illusions are dispelled and the hero realizes how ridiculous and wrong the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwar is. Nikolai finds personal happiness in marriage with Marya Bolkonskaya, in whom he felt a congenial person even at their first meeting.

Sonya Rostova- "a thin, petite brunette with a soft, tinted long eyelashes look, a thick black scythe, twice wrapping around her head, and a yellowish tint of skin on her face, niece of Count Rostov. According to the plot of the novel, she is a quiet, reasonable, kind girl who knows how to love and is prone to self-sacrifice. Sonya refuses Dolokhov, because she wants to be faithful only to Nikolai, whom she sincerely loves. When the girl finds out that Nikolai is in love with Marya, she meekly lets him go, not wanting to interfere with the happiness of her beloved.

Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky- Prince, retired general-ashef. This is a proud, intelligent, strict to himself and others man of short stature "with small dry hands and gray hanging eyebrows, sometimes, as he frowned, obscured the shine of intelligent and as if young, shining eyes." In the depths of his soul, Bolkonsky loves his children very much, but does not dare to show this (only before his death he was able to show his daughter his love). Nikolai Andreevich died from the second blow while in Bogucharovo.

Marya Bolkonskaya- a quiet, kind, meek, prone to self-sacrifice and sincerely loving her family girl. Tolstoy describes her as a heroine with "an ugly, weak body and a thin face", but "the eyes of the princess, large, deep and radiant (as if rays of warm light sometimes came out of them in sheaves), were so good that very often, despite the ugliness of everything faces, these eyes became more attractive than beauty. The beauty of Marya's eyes after struck Nikolai Rostov. The girl was very pious, she devoted herself entirely to caring for her father and nephew, then redirecting her love to her own family and husband.

Helen Kuragina- a bright, brilliantly beautiful woman with a "unchanging smile" and full white shoulders, who liked male company, Pierre's first wife. Helen was not distinguished by a special mind, but thanks to her charm, her ability to keep herself in society and establish the necessary connections, she set up her own salon in St. Petersburg, and was personally acquainted with Napoleon. The woman died of a severe sore throat (although there were rumors in society that Helen had committed suicide).

Anatole Kuragin- Helen's brother, as handsome in appearance and noticeable in high society as his sister. Anatole lived the way he wanted, discarding all moral principles and foundations, arranged drunkenness and brawls. Kuragin wanted to steal Natasha Rostova and marry her, although he was already married.

Fedor Dolokhov- "a man of medium height, curly-haired and with bright eyes", an officer of the Semenov regiment, one of the leaders of the partisan movement. In Fedor's personality, selfishness, cynicism and adventurism were combined in an amazing way with the ability to love and care for their loved ones. (Nikolai Rostov is very surprised that at home, with his mother and sister, Dolokhov is completely different - a loving and gentle son and brother).


Even short description of the heroes of Tolstoy's "War and Peace" allows us to see the close and inextricable relationship between the fates of the characters. Like all events in the novel, the meetings and farewells of the characters take place according to the irrational, elusive law of historical mutual influences. It is these incomprehensible mutual influences that create the destinies of the heroes and form their views on the world.

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