
Management in preschool education. Round table on the topic "organization of management in a preschool educational institution." Features of managing a preschool educational institution based on results

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1 MANAGEMENT IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to introduce the master's student to the problems of management, considered in a broad historical and social context, and to give him guidelines in solving the problems of managing a preschool educational institution in new socio-economic conditions. Objectives of the discipline: to reveal the problems modern management in education; to acquaint students with the changes taking place in connection with the modernization of domestic education in theoretical ideas about management activities in the field of preschool education; contribute to scientific and practical preparation for performing management activities in preschool educational institutions. 2 The place of the discipline in the structure of the educational program The academic discipline “Management in Preschool Education” is intended for master’s students studying in the direction of “ Teacher Education" It forms generalized theoretical and philosophical views on the theory of management and on trends in the development of modern technologies for managing a preschool educational institution. “Management in preschool education” is an academic discipline that studies the philosophical and theoretical aspects of the management processes of a preschool educational institution, both in historical and current aspects. The subject of study is the features and patterns of management of a modern preschool educational institution. 3 Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline The graduate must have the following competencies: - the ability to carry out professional and personal self-education, design a further educational route and professional career (OPK-2); - the ability to apply modern methods and technologies for organizing and implementing the educational process at various educational levels in various educational institutions (PC-1); - willingness to research, design, organize and evaluate the implementation of the management process using innovative management technologies that correspond to the general and specific patterns of development of the managed system (PC-11); - willingness to organize teamwork to solve problems of development of an educational institution, implementation of experimental work (PK-12); - willingness to use individual and group decision-making technologies in the management of an educational institution, relying on domestic and foreign experience (PC-13); As a result of studying the discipline, a master's student must: know: the essence of management in a preschool educational institution; history of development of control systems; composition and relationship of management functions; planning issues in the management system; ways to increase motivation and control functions; socio-psychological aspects of management; types and methods of decision making;

2 types of conflicts, their techniques and methods of resolution; information support for preschool educational institutions management; features of quality management; issues of innovation management; be able to: use your knowledge in the practice of preschool educational institutions; organize the activities of preschool educational institutions; determine the strategy of the preschool educational institution; use information technology in management; develop proposals for improving the management of preschool educational institutions; possess: knowledge about the subject and object of management, features of preschool educational institution management in modern conditions. 4 Scope of discipline and types of academic work Type of educational work Total hours Classroom classes (total) 24 Semesters B Including: interactive lectures - practical classes 12 seminars 12 laboratory works Independent work (total), including: mastering recommended literature, studying, 57 preparation of creative work, preparation for classes Type of intermediate certification 27 exam Total labor intensity hours 108 disciplines credit units 3 5 Contents of the discipline 5.1 Contents of the sections of the discipline Name of the subsection of the discipline 1 Fundamentals of management in an educational institution. Educational management: history and modernity Contents of the section Management in an educational institution as the science and practice of modern management The concept of “management”. General characteristics of management. Manager in education. Specific features of managerial work. Diversity of management roles. Development of management thought. Approaches and schools of management. Contents and main provisions of the school scientific management(F. Taylor, F. and L. Gilbreath). Formation of the classical (administrative) school in management (A. Fayol, M. Weber). The emergence and development of the school of psychology and human relations (E. Mayo, C. Barnard).

3 p/p Name of the discipline section 2 Organizational processes in an educational institution 3 Promising directions of preschool educational institution management Contents of the section The evolution of management thought in Russia. The problem of managing an educational institution Development of management theory and practice in Russia. The formation of internal school management as a scientific discipline. Educational management: concept and basic theoretical and methodological approaches. Features of management of preschool institutions at the present stage. Modern approaches to organizing the management of additional education for preschool children. Modern educational institution: external environment and internal management position. Management of an educational institution: key functions Organization as an open system. Preschool environment: external and internal environment of the organization. Main factors of the internal environment of an educational institution. The external environment of the organization and its role in the management of a modern preschool educational institution. Environment of direct and indirect influence. Organization structure. Basic management functions. Organizational processes in an educational institution: management of information flows The concept of management information. Concept of communication. Process interpersonal communication. Communication networks. Communication styles. Nonverbal communication. Organization and management of information flows. Organizational processes in an educational institution: management decision making Management decision making. Main types of management decisions. The main stages of the management decision-making process. Classification of management problems. Mechanism for making management decisions. Models and methods of making managerial decisions. Organizational processes in an educational institution: conflict management in preschool educational institutions Conflictology as an educational and scientific discipline. Features and types of pedagogical conflicts. Causes of pedagogical conflicts. Dynamics of conflict. The human factor in conflict. Types of conflicting personalities. Basic conflict resolution styles. Strategic management of a preschool educational institution Essence strategic management. Strategic management system. Stages of the strategic planning process. Requirements for strategic plans. Mission and goals of the organization. Organization strategy. Institution development program. Innovations in preschool educational institutions

4 paragraphs Name of the discipline section Contents of the section The concept of pedagogical innovations. Organization of innovative activities in preschool educational institutions. Introduction of pedagogical innovations in the preschool education system. The mechanism for stimulating innovation and the organizational readiness of the team for innovation. Technology of innovative design in preschool educational institutions as the basis for managing the development of preschool education. Quality management in preschool educational institutions Quality management of education as a subject of scientific research in the theory of pedagogical management. Education quality assurance systems: experience and prospects. Introduction of QMS in educational institutions of the Russian Federation principles of construction. Modern trends in quality management of preschool education. Content and organization of monitoring the quality of preschool education in conditions of its variability 5.2 Sections of the discipline and interdisciplinary connections with subsequent disciplines Name of subsequent disciplines Information technologies in professional activities Modern educational programs for children preschool age Modern problems of child psychology sections of this discipline necessary for the study of subsequent disciplines Child psychology Modern technologies family education+ 6 Fine creativity of children Current problems of the theory and methodology of preschool education Sections of disciplines and types of classes + p/p Name of the discipline section interactive lectures Classroom classes practical seminar classes laboratory classes Independent work Total

5 1 2 3 Fundamentals of management in an educational institution. Educational management: history and modernity Organizational processes in an educational institution Prospective directions of management of preschool educational institutions TOTAL = Laboratory workshop - not provided. 7 Sample checklist for independent work 1. Explain the essence of the concept of “management”. 2. Reveal the essence of the concept of “management”. 3. What are the origins of management? 4. What are the main reasons for the increased attention to management issues at the beginning of the twentieth century? 5. Analyze the views on management of A. Fayol, a representative of the “administrative school”. 6. What views did the researchers of the “school of human relations” come to? 7. What are the main views of representatives of the school of “behavioral sciences”? 8. Reveal the main provisions of the systems approach to management? 9. What is the situational approach to management activities? 10. How have the views on determining the essence of management changed? 11. What are the value foundations of modern management? 12. What are the differences between an organization as an open and a closed system? 13. Describe the specifics of research into organizational problems at the beginning of our century. 14. How do the formal and informal structures of an organization relate? 15. What is the “philosophy of the organization”? By whom and how is it determined? 16. Describe the mission of the organization. How is it produced? 17. Describe the structure of the goal and the requirements for setting it. 18. What are the features of the goals of an educational institution? 19. Why should the management of an organization analyze its environment? 20. Describe the macro- and microenvironment of the educational organization. 21. Classification of management information. 22. Expand the role of communications in an organization. 23. Describe the main types of communications. 24. Describe the elements of the communication process. 25. Name the main stages of the communication process. 26. List the types of communication networks in an organization. 27. What is communication style? 28. Reveal the need for information support for management. 29. Expand the role of decisions in management.

6 30. Name the features of management decisions. 31. Classification of management decisions. 32. Describe the stages of the decision-making process. 33. Name the main methods of decision making. 34. What constitutes the general theory of pedagogical conflictology? 35. Describe the structure of the conflict and its components. 36. What is the significance of highlighting the structure of a conflict for understanding it as a phenomenon? 37. Name the criteria for classifying conflicts. Determine the importance of identifying types of conflicts for their study. 38. Determine the relationship between a conflict situation and conflict behavior. 39. Describe the full cycle of conflict. 40. Describe the structural and procedural factors of conflict. 41. Expand the concepts of “strategy” and “tactics” in management. 42. Name the distinctive features of long-term planning and strategic planning. 43. Describe the strategic planning process. 44. Goal as the most important characteristic in management. 45. By what criteria can the goals of an organization be classified? 46. ​​Expand the concept of the organization's mission. 47. What is the “goal tree” of an organization? 48. Expand the importance of studying the innovative potential of preschool educational institutions. 49. Features of innovative design in preschool educational institutions. 50. Characterize the stages of development of the innovation process in preschool educational institutions. 51. Reveal the main tasks of quality management of educational services. 52. Certification of preschool educational institutions as a factor influencing the quality of educational services. 8 Approximate list of topics for abstracts, reports and essays 1. Management of preschool educational institutions: status and development prospects. 2. The uniqueness of management in the social sphere. 3. Specifics of educational management. 4. Management as a system and process. 5. Humanistic foundations of modern management. 6. Development of management in world practice: historical aspect. 7. Formation of scientific organization of labor and management in Russia. 8. Modern social organization: state and development prospects. 9. Systematic approach to the management of preschool educational institutions. 10. Situational approach to the management of preschool educational institutions. 11. Organizational structure and functioning of the organization. 12. Implementation of delegation of powers to preschool educational institutions. 13. Ways to optimize delegation in managing an organization. 14. Implementation of control in a modern educational institution. 15. The role of communication in the management of an organization. 16. The influence of the organization of the communication process on management efficiency. 17. Effective management: indicators, determination mechanisms. 18. The essence of pedagogical management. 19. New approaches to management activities in preschool educational institutions. 20. Approaches to determining the mission and goals of a modern educational organization. 21. Goal setting in the management of an educational institution. 22. Value-based approach in management.

7 23. Macroenvironment of the preschool education system: analysis of the state and prospects for its development. 24. Organization interaction between preschool educational institutions with microenvironment. 25. Monitoring system for environmental changes in preschool educational institutions. 26. Professional characteristics of a modern education manager. 27. Formation of a concept for the development of preschool educational institutions. 28. Difficulties in implementing organizational communication and ways to eliminate them. 29. Information support for the management process in preschool educational institutions. 30. Decision functions in the implementation of management activities. 31. Factors of quality of management decisions. 32. The use of individual and collective decision-making methods in the management of preschool educational institutions. 33. Effectiveness of organization management: criteria and approaches to study. 34. Social and psychological aspects of conflicts. 35. Contradictions and conflicts like driving force development of the organization. 36. Methods of preventing and resolving conflicts. 37. Interrelation of management functions. 38. Planning function: retrospective analysis. 39. Scientific basis for organizing the managerial work of the head of a preschool institution. 40. Scientific foundations for planning the work of a preschool educational institution and ways of their implementation. 41. Experience in creating a planning system in a preschool educational institution, prospects for its improvement. 42. Organization as a function of preschool educational institution management. 43. Organization of personal work of a preschool educational institution manager. 44. Modern manager of a preschool educational institution. 45. The essence of strategic planning. Conditions for its successful implementation. 46. ​​Innovative management as the science and art of management. 47. Social and psychological factors for the success of innovation implementation. 48. Innovation management as an object of management. 49. Innovation process and its main directions. 50. Innovative project: the main stages of its functioning and implementation. 51. Programs for targeted planning and management of innovation processes. 52. Psychological problems of organizing the innovation process. 53. Innovation activities and forms of government support. 54. Selection of alternatives to innovative projects and assessment of their effectiveness. 55. Innovation climate and potential of preschool educational institutions. 56. Development of an innovation strategy. 57. Development of an innovative project. 58. Innovation project management. 59. Innovations and innovative activities in Russian Federation. 9 Sample list of questions for the exam for the entire discipline 1. The essence of the concept of “management”. 2. The essence of the concept of “management”. 3. Views on the management of A. Fayol, a representative of the “administrative school”. 4. The main views of representatives of the school of “behavioral sciences”. 5. Basic provisions of the systems approach to management. 6. Situational approach to management activities. 7. Value bases of modern management. 8. Formal and informal structures of the organization. 9. Describe the structure of the goal and the requirements for setting it.

8 10. Features of the goals of the educational institution. 11. Macro- and microenvironment of an educational organization. 12. Classification of management information. 13. The role of communications in the organization. 14. Main types of communications. 15. Elements of the communication process. 16. Main stages of the communication process. 17. Types of communication networks in an organization. 18. The need for information support for management. 19. The role of decisions in management. 20. Features of management decisions. 21. Classification of management decisions. 22. Stages of the decision-making process. 23. Basic methods of decision making. 24. Criteria for the classification of conflicts, the importance of identifying types of conflicts for their study. 25. The relationship between a conflict situation and conflict behavior. 26. Full cycle of conflict. 27. The concepts of “strategy” and “tactics” in management. 28. Distinctive features of long-term planning and strategic planning. 29. Strategic planning process. 30. Goal as the most important characteristic in management. 31. The importance of studying the innovative potential of preschool educational institutions. 32. Features of innovative design in preschool educational institutions. 33. Main tasks of quality management of educational services. 34. Certification of preschool educational institutions as a factor influencing the quality of educational services. 35. Management of preschool educational institutions: status and development prospects. 36. The originality of management in the social sphere. 37. Specifics of educational management. 38. Management as a system and process. 39. Humanistic foundations of modern management. 40. Development of management in world practice: historical aspect. 41. The formation of the scientific organization of labor and management in Russia. 42. Modern social organization: state and development prospects. 43. Systematic approach to the management of preschool educational institutions. 44. Situational approach to managing preschool educational institutions. 45. Organizational structure and functioning of the organization. 46. ​​Implementation of delegation of powers to preschool educational institutions. 47. Ways to optimize delegation in managing an organization. 48. Implementation of control in a modern educational institution. 49. The role of communication in managing an organization. 50. The influence of the organization of the communication process on management efficiency. 51. Effective management: indicators, determination mechanisms. 52. The essence of pedagogical management. 53. New approaches to management activities in preschool educational institutions. 54. Approaches to determining the mission and goals of a modern educational organization. 55. Goal setting in the management of an educational institution. 56. Value-based approach in management. 57. Macroenvironment of the preschool education system: analysis of the state and prospects for development. 58. Organization of interaction between preschool educational institutions and the microenvironment.

9 59. Monitoring system for environmental changes at preschool educational institutions. 60. Professional characteristics of a modern education manager 10 Educational, methodological, material, technical and information support of the discipline a) Literature Main 1. Vasilenko, N. O. Kotova Forms of organizing methodological work in a preschool education institution [Text] / N. O. Vasilenko. - M.: White Wind, Volkova, L.P. Personnel Management [Electronic resource]: textbook / L.P. Volkova. - M.: Infra-M, Skorlupova O. A. FGT in preschool education [Text]: collection of normative acts / O. A. Skorlupova. M.: Scriptorium 2003, Turchenko, V. I. Preschool pedagogy [Text] / V. I. Turchenko. - M.: Flinta, 2012 Additional 1. Lapygin, Yu. N. Strategic management [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / Yu. N. Lapygin. - M.: Infra-M, Mukhamedyarov, A. M. Innovative management [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance. - 2nd ed. / A. M. Mukhamedyarov. - M.: Infra-M, 2008 b) Logistics for a server based on MS SQL Server, a file server with an electronic educational resource, databases; computers with Internet access; “Personal Studio” website with the ability to work with an electronic educational resource; electronic library resources located in the telecommunication two-level library (TKDB). c) Information support Software of NACHO HPE SGA, which is part of the electronic information and educational environment and is based on telecommunication technologies: computer training programs. training and testing programs. intelligent robotic systems for assessing the quality of work performed. Robotic systems for access to computer teaching, training and testing programs: IS “Kombat”; IS "LiK"; IR "KOP"; IIS "Cascade". Databases, information, reference and search systems: Federal portal “Russian Education”; and “Education on the Runet”;

10 - regulatory materials of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the Informatics server; - legal and regulatory framework for education on the server of the Federal educational portal ; - Scientific Pedagogical Library named after. K.D. Ushinsky. 11 Types of educational work and teaching technology At NACHO HPE SGA, the development of educational programs is carried out using e-learning and distance educational technologies. For this purpose, an electronic information and educational environment has been created and operates, which includes electronic information resources, electronic educational resources, information Roweb technology, telecommunication technologies, appropriate technological means, and also ensures that students master educational programs in full, regardless of the location of the students. Information Roweb technology and telecommunication technology of education provide access to electronic educational resources (educational content and educational products), as well as to electronic information resources for the student in full, on the “Personal Studio” website ( on the Internet. In accordance with the educational and methodological complex for the academic discipline, the following types of training sessions can be used. Classroom classes All types of classroom classes combine educational, educational, practical and methodological functions. Interactive modular lecture is a lecture session using modern information tools, designed for students to acquire theoretical knowledge within the framework of the material of the module of the academic discipline. Studying is educational work on structuring and analyzing the content of educational information resources in an academic discipline, the result of which is the preparation of notes, theses, drawing up logical diagrams or classifications on the topic being studied, as well as a glossary of basic terms and concepts, facts, personalities and dates. Test-training is a training session designed to consolidate the basic theoretical knowledge of a master's student within the framework of the module material, which is carried out using training software based on an electronic database of tasks. Work in the information knowledge base and IP-helping, the student’s work with the resources of the integral library and receiving consultations from teaching staff, leading researchers and practitioners using a special electronic system in asynchronous mode. Unit testing is a control event based on the material of each module of the discipline, which implements knowledge control for the module using funds of assessment tools. Pre-examination testing is a control event, the purpose of which is to identify unmastered and poorly mastered issues of the discipline before conducting the exam and preparing the student for the electronic exam procedure. Seminar (master's degree) is a collective lesson under the guidance of a teacher using the results of master's students' work with educational and scientific literature. The seminar is conducted in an interactive form (in dialogue mode, group discussions, discussion of results research work). Research work of master's students (NIRM) - work of a scientific nature related to scientific research, conducting research in order to expand

11 existing and obtaining new knowledge, testing scientific hypotheses, establishing patterns manifested in nature and society, scientific generalizations and scientific justification of projects. Students' research work is a mandatory section of the master's program and is aimed at developing universal and professional competencies. A creative essay is an independent educational scientific and methodological work, the main goal of which is to develop in undergraduates, first of all, research skills and abilities - such as: the correctness of setting the goal of the problem, identifying the object and subject of research, formulating tasks and hypotheses of the work; logic of presentation of the work, correlation and interrelation of theoretical and empirical material; competent presentation of the work, compliance not only with the rules of grammar and spelling, but also with the canons of stylistics of a scientific text; justification for the choice of methodological support, its compliance with the objectives of the study; usage modern methods processing empirical research data; correctness of statistical and qualitative analysis of the obtained data; mastery of basic methods and means of obtaining, storing, and processing information; correctness of the author's generalizations, content and validity of conclusions. Independent work (work in the information knowledge base) Independent work of undergraduates is an important component of the professional training of specialists and includes the following. Studying educational material, preparing notes, a logical diagram of the material being studied, learning a glossary (dictionary of terms), studying algorithms for solving typical module problems. The lesson is conducted as part of the student’s independent work. Working with an electronic educational resource, re-reinforcing module material using educational software products, slide lectures, slide tutoring. The lesson takes place during hours free from the main class schedule, on the student’s personal computer. Interim certification To monitor current performance and intermediate certification, rating and information-measuring knowledge assessment systems are used. Tests, examinations and control activities that are carried out in disciplines, in the form provided for by the curriculum, upon completion of their study. The lesson is classroom, conducted in the form written work or using collections of assessment tools and information test systems. Methodological materials for teachers and students are designed in the form of separate methodological recommendations and instructions regulating the conduct of training sessions, as well as the content and procedure for certification. The listed teaching materials are presented as an appendix to the main educational program. Developer: Kolesnik N.P. (Full name) Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor (academic rank)

ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to develop master's students' knowledge on issues of economics and its place in the national economy

TECHNOLOGIES OF MANAGEMENT OF PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Technologies of management of personnel development” is the formation of comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical

MODERN PROBLEMS OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Modern problems of the theory and practice of management in education” is to form among students

ORGANIZATION OF RESEARCH AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITIES IN THE FIELD OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 1. The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Organization of research and teaching activities

SYSTEMS OF MOTIVATION AND STIMULATION OF LABOR ACTIVITY 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The goal of the discipline “Systems of motivation and stimulation of labor activity” is the formation of comprehensive theoretical

MANAGEMENT IN THE SOCIAL SPHERE 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to form among undergraduates a sustainable system of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for management in the social sphere. Tasks

EDUCATION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Education Quality Management” is to contribute to the formation of a system of knowledge about education quality management among students

MODERN PROBLEMS OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Modern problems of child psychology” is to familiarize undergraduates with current state most current issues

MANAGEMENT OF AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR ADDITIONAL EDUCATION OF CHILDREN 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Management of an educational institution for additional education of children” formation

CONFLICTS IN ORGANIZATIONS: DIAGNOSTICS, PREVENTION AND RESOLUTION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to develop master's students' competence in the field of management and conflict resolution in modern times.

PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOGY IN HIGHER SCHOOL 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is for undergraduates to master the knowledge of key problems of psychology and pedagogy of higher education, to develop in them modern

REGIONAL ECONOMY 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Regional Economics” is to develop master’s students’ comprehensive theoretical knowledge of regional economics and practical skills

PSYCHOLOGY OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to train masters in psychological technologies of analysis, assessment and forecasting of making effective management

LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Leadership in Education” is to develop in master’s students a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of theory and practice of leadership

HR CONSULTING AND AUDIT 1 Goals and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline “HR Consulting and Audit” is to develop comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills in consulting among undergraduates

METHODOLOGY, METHODS AND ORGANIZATION OF SOCIAL PROTECTION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to develop knowledge about the methodology of social work, its essence, content, the main stages of its formation

GOALS SETTING AND PLANNING IN EDUCATION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Goal Setting and Planning” is to develop in students a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of theory and methodology

ORGANIZATION THEORY AND ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN 1. The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline: to form a system of scientific knowledge in the field of fundamental principles of organization, order, to study patterns

PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND CULTURE OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERS 1. Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Professional ethics and culture of educational leaders” is the formation of future managers

MODERN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Modern educational technology"is to develop in students a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field

CONTROL SYSTEMS 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Control Systems” is to ensure the master’s student’s knowledge and understanding of the essence, role, function, method of control and audit as a control tool in

INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES OF STATE AND MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT 1. Purpose and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline is to give undergraduates knowledge in the field of development, operation and use

MANAGEMENT CONSULTING 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize undergraduates with the principles of management consulting in an enterprise, prepare for independent decisions

MATHEMATICAL MODELS IN CONTROL THEORY AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH 1 Goal and objectives of the discipline: The goals of the discipline are to form scientific ideas about methods for studying systems. Objectives of the discipline: study

COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to master the fundamental concepts of information, methods of obtaining it, storing it, processing and transmitting it, constructing

MARKETING IN EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline “Marketing in Education” with a system of knowledge about the basics of marketing and the features of its application in modern conditions in the field of education

DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Design and management of educational information systems” is to contribute to the formation

PEDAGOGY OF HIGHER SCHOOL 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is for undergraduates to master the theoretical and practical foundations of higher education pedagogy, in preparation for research,

ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline “Organization of Production” is theoretical knowledge on the organization of production of all organizational and legal forms, their structural and functional

MODERN TECHNOLOGIES OF FAMILY EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Modern technologies of family education” is the formation of ideas about the specifics of family education. Tasks

INNOVATION PROCESSES IN EDUCATION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Innovative processes in education” is to contribute to the improvement of pedagogical and managerial

METHODS OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to give undergraduates the theoretical foundations of business communication, the basics of mastering the communicative categorical apparatus, general

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline “Strategic Management” is to generate knowledge and ensure that students in the direction of “Sociology of Management” master practical

ECONOMICS AND LAW 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Economics and Law” is to provide modern knowledge in the field legal regulation economic relations in Russia and the interaction of its economic

INVESTMENT ACTIVITY AND INNOVATION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Investment activity and innovation” is to master the main directions of the investment policy of commercial organizations

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT, JUSTIFICATION AND MAKING PERSONNEL DECISIONS 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is the study of decision-making methods in conditions of incomplete information and risk. Tasks

SPECIFICS OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION MANAGEMENT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to equip undergraduates with knowledge, skills in the field of organizing work in preschool

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to promote the formation of an information culture of students, readiness to use information

GENERAL PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “General Pedagogy and Psychology” is to promote the improvement of the psychological and pedagogical culture of students, the formation of a holistic

INFORMATION RESOURCES OF ORGANIZATIONS AND ENTERPRISES 1 Goals and objectives of the discipline Goals of the discipline Students obtain knowledge about the information resources of organizations and enterprises, conditions of access to information

PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1 Goals and objectives of the discipline: Goal The program of the academic discipline “Psychological organizational development” sets out applied problems in a concise form

PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY 1. The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is the formation and systematization of students' knowledge of the theory and practice of using information technologies

METHODOLOGY FOR TEACHING ECONOMICS IN HIGHER SCHOOL 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Methodology for teaching economics in higher education” is to acquire knowledge about the patterns, ways and means of didactic

INFORMATION SYSTEMS OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to form among undergraduates comprehensive ideas about the basics of the organization and functioning of modern

PSYCHOLOGY OF WILL 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to improve the understanding of undergraduates in the field of volitional prerequisites for personal development with the subsequent specialization of this knowledge

INFORMATION SYSTEMS OF ECONOMIC MONITORING AT THE MACRO LEVEL 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Information systems of economic monitoring at the macro level” is the study of problems of increasing

SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is the acquisition of knowledge, development of professional skills necessary in the field of development (software), familiarization

MODERN STRATEGIC ANALYSIS 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The objectives of the discipline are to form among undergraduates basic ideas about modern concepts of strategic analysis, to obtain in-depth knowledge,

METHODOLOGY AND METHODS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Methodology and methods of scientific research” is to develop methodological competence among future managers in education,

MANAGEMENT DECISION MAKING 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to develop in the master’s student the ability to use modern techniques and methods for developing and making management decisions in conditions

MODERN PROBLEMS OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to provide the foundations of knowledge and skills for the formation and development of personnel management systems in organizations, planning

FUNDAMENTALS OF THE WORLD ECONOMY 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to ensure that the master’s student knows and understands the main stages of the formation of the world economy and the trends of its development in the modern

SOCIOLOGY OF POLITICAL PROCESSES 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to consider the phenomenon of the political process in its connection with the social evolution of industrial society and the reflection of this evolution

PROJECT ANALYSIS 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Project Analysis” is to give undergraduates the necessary amount of knowledge and skills in the field of project management, about the basics of project management, about

ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to consider economic problems and tasks facing the head of the company, in developing an understanding

RESEARCH METHODS IN MANAGEMENT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Research Methods in Management” is the formation of comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge among undergraduates, practical

FORECASTING IN EDUCATION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Forecasting in Education” is to develop in students a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of theory and technology of scientific

ETHNOGRAPHY OF CHILDHOOD 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to enrich, deepen and expand knowledge on diverse, vibrant material of ethnographic phenomena on such fundamental issues of pedagogical

DESIGN OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS 1 Goals and objectives of the discipline: The goal is to form in students a system of knowledge about the patterns of creation and implementation of didactic projects in various educational

MANAGEMENT IN SOCIAL WORK 1 Goals and objectives of the discipline: Goal: Formation in students of a sustainable system of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for management in social work. Objectives: to familiarize students

ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY “PUBLIC RELATIONS” 1. Purpose and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline “Engineering and technology of public relations” is the formation of professional competence in the field of engineering and communication technology

FEATURES OF MANAGEMENT OF AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF GENERAL EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to form a management culture, the concept of management among undergraduates, and acquire the ability

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline strategic management is to reveal the main provisions of the theory and practice of strategic management, familiarize with modern

LEGAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to give undergraduates a complex of fundamental knowledge in the field of legal regulation of educational relations and to form

FEATURES OF PROCEEDINGS IN A JURY COURT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to provide masters with knowledge about the theoretical and practical aspects of proceedings in court with participation Objectives of the discipline

INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to become familiar with the basic concepts, methods and practical examples of building intelligent systems based on the study of basic

FEDERALISM: PROBLEMS AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to form among undergraduates of the modern humanitarian academy a clear understanding of the federation as a form of state-territorial




Approved by the Educational Methodological Association in the areas

pedagogical education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a teaching aid

for higher education students educational institutions

ÓÄÊ 371.1(075.8) ÁÁÊ 74.104ÿ73 Å432

Ð å ö å í ç å í ò û:

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor V. G. Kamenskaya; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor A. I. Burenika

Ezopova S.A.

E432 Management in preschool education: Proc. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2003. - 320 p.

ISBN 5-7695-1360-8

The textbook examines issues of theory and practice of management in the preschool education system as part of the study of the discipline “Management”. There are a wide range of tasks of various types that allow taking into account the capabilities and interests of participants in the educational process, questions for repetition, test and final tasks that make it possible to monitor the personal and educational achievements of students in the learning process.

It may be useful for students of the advanced training system, as well as for heads of preschool educational institutions.

ÓÄÊ 371.1(075.8) ÁÁÊ 74.104ÿ73

Preface........................................................ ...................................................

Sample program of the academic discipline “Management” ....................

Section 1. Management and organization: past, present,

future................................................. ...................................

Topic 1. Management as a science and practice of management.

Management as a type of human activity.................

Development of management thought. Basic scientific

School of Management........................................................ ..............

Topic 3. Modern organization and its environment.................................

Section 2. People in an organization: basics of personnel management....

Company manager................................................ .........

Management of the organization's team...................................................

Conflict management in an organization........................

Section 3. Organizational management: main functions....................................

Topic 7. Planning as a management function....................................

Organization as a management function.........................

Control as a management function...................................................

Section 4. Organizational processes: communication

and decision making......................................................... ...............

Communications in organization management......................

Decision making in the management process...................................

Section 5. Marketing of educational services....................................................

Topic 12. Marketing as a direction of management

activities........................................................ ........................

Marketing information system and implementation

marketing research at the preschool educational institution...................................

Marketing environment of preschool educational institutions.................................................... ...

Parents' purchasing behavior in progress

purchasing preschool educational services ................................................................... .....

Market segmentation, selection of target segments

and positioning of educational services...................................

Formation of a marketing complex in the field

educational services........................................................ .........

Management of marketing activities in preschool educational institutions..........

Certification tasks................................................................ ....................

Criteria for assessing personal and educational achievements of students

com as a result of mastering the academic discipline “Management” ....

Sample exam questions for an academic discipline

"Management" .................................................... ......................................

Topics of essays on management and marketing....................................

Answers to verification tests of the textbook....................................................


The difference between this textbook and many other books with the title “Management” is that the area of ​​management here is a preschool educational institution (PED).

The textbook combines the theory of management and the practice of managing a kindergarten, since only as a result of such a combination can a preschool educational institution consider itself modern, keeping up with the times and developing in interaction with the environment.

Despite the fact that the word “management” is quite popular, the content of this concept is not yet clear enough for many current preschool educational institutions heads and teachers and raises a number of questions:

What is management?

Who are managers and what is their professional activity?

Why does a modern head of an educational institution need to understand areas so far from kindergarten, such as management and marketing?

Why do students of not only economics, but also pedagogical universities need this academic discipline?

How should this discipline be taught in preschool education departments?

You will find answers to these and many other questions while working with this tutorial.

Today's student is a future teacher and head of a preschool educational institution, so next we personally address the student, teacher and head of a preschool educational institution, who will also benefit from this book.


This tutorial will help you master the basics of management. But before you start working with it, pay attention -

sample program for the academic discipline “Management”. It indicates the purpose and objectives of studying this academic discipline, reveals the main topics, and defines a mechanism for recording your achievements in the process of mastering.

After studying this program, choose the main textbook for mastering management. How to choose it? Seek advice from a teacher or use the following conditional distribution of basic teaching aids by level, proposed by the author.

For beginning managers. If this is your first time encountering management issues, then refer to textbooks of less complexity.

Armstrong G., Kotler F. Introduction to marketing. - M., 2000. Boddy D. Fundamentals of Management. - St. Petersburg, 2000.

Vesnin V.R. Fundamentals of management. - M., 2002.

Golubkov E.P. Marketing: Dictionary-reference book. - M., 2000.

Zaitseva O.A., Radugin A.A., Radugin K.A., Rogacheva N.I. Fundamentals of management. - M., 2000.

Kabushkin N.I. Fundamentals of management. - M., 1999. Kotler F. Fundamentals of Marketing. - M., 1996.

Meskon M.H., Albert M., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of Management. - M., 2002.

Pesotskaya E. V. Marketing of services: Textbook. - St. Petersburg, 2000.

For trained managers. If you have already studied the basics of management (marketing) in school (college) or, having decided to become a manager, have already turned to textbooks that are recommended for beginners, then these books are suitable for you.

Basovsky L. E. Marketing. - M., 2001. Daft R.L. Management. - St. Petersburg, 2002.

Krylova G.Yu., Sokolova M.Yu. Marketing. - M., 2000.

Organization Management: Textbook / Ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Somakhina. - M., 2003.

Fundamentals of Management: Textbook / Ed. D.D. Vachugova. - M., 2002.

Pereverzev M.P., Shaidenko N.A., Basovsky L.E. Management. - M., 2002.

Fedko V.P., Fedko N.G. Marketing Basics. - Rostov n/d, 2002.

For “advanced” managers. If you are interested, passionate about management problems, want to understand all the intricacies of this science and art, if the scope of your scientific interests, and, possibly, further professional activity will be related to management, then these textbooks are for you.

Abchuk V.A. Management. - St. Petersburg, 2002.

Bagiev G.L., Tarasevich O.A. Marketing. - M., 1999.

Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: Textbook. - M., 2002. Gibson D. Organizations: Behavior, structure, processes. - M., 2000. Golubkov E.P. Fundamentals of Marketing: Textbook. - M., 1999.

Pankrukhin A.P. Marketing. - M., 2002.

Khrutsky V.E. Modern marketing. - M., 1999.

Mastering management involves organizing your activities through lectures, practical sessions and seminars.

tii, as well as independent work.

Preparing for a lecture. Try to study the material on the proposed topic in advance, before discussing it in a lecture in the classroom. After reading, formulate your own conclusions and questions about its content.

Having a preliminary knowledge of the material will allow you to prepare to participate in the discussion during the lecture. You will be able to exchange opinions with your fellow students, clarify those points that remained unclear during independent work, and ask these questions to the teacher.

Work at the lecture organized in this way will contribute to the development of those skills that are necessary for a modern manager: to lead a discussion, to argue one’s point

vision, express your thoughts concisely and beautifully, etc.

Working with the manual in practical and seminar classes.

To prepare for practical and seminar classes on each topic, various tasks are offered: complex and simple, interesting and not so interesting, requiring imagination, creativity and hard work. They are different, like you and me, and multifaceted, like the activities of a modern leader.

Therefore, choose, complete various tasks, complicate the tasks you set for yourself, work individually and join groups. The result of your actions will be the accumulation of invaluable experience.

The tasks offered to you are combined into three conventionally designated groups:

1) theory-oriented assignments aimed at enriching knowledge in the field of management and marketing. Their implementation requires active work with various sources recommended for each topic, analysis and comparison of the views of various scientists on the implementation of management activities. Completing these tasks will provide a high level of professional competence and will allow you to determine effective ways to solve practical problems that are offered

â within the next group of tasks;

2) practice-oriented tasks involving the analysis of specific situations from the practice of managing preschool educational institutions.

Today, this teaching method is used in many universities as a leading method in training managers. Solving the proposed situations will contribute to the development of management skills: analyze the current situation in the organization and make decisions based on the information received; interact, establish contact, discuss (during the discussion of the situation

in the audience); take responsibility for decisions made, etc.;

3) personally oriented tasks involve the implementation of self-knowledge, determination of one’s abilities and aptitudes for management activities. As part of these tasks, you will: work with diagnostic techniques aimed at studying the personal potential of the future leader; performing exercises that promote the development of professionally important personality traits of a manager. Completing tasks in this group is not mandatory. No one can oblige you to engage in self-knowledge and development of personal potential. However, these tasks, like no other, will ensure your personal readiness for the work of a manager and will help you competently

manage your own activities.

Independent work. After studying the topic, check how much you have mastered its content, is everything clear, what is the result of your efforts? To do this, refer to the discussion and review questions and review tests. Try to find the answers to the questions and proposed tests on your own first. Then check your answers to the test questions (keys are provided at the end of the manual). Remember that including tests in the textbook is not intended to convict you of ignorance of the intricacies of management. They are offered for self-testing of mastery of the material. If more than a third of your answers to the test questions are incorrect, you should repeat the material covered, work with additional sources, seek the help of a teacher or colleagues.

The final part of the textbook offers sample exam questions for the “Management” course to prepare for certification (exam or test), criteria for assessing your educational achievements as a result of mastering the academic discipline, as well as topics for essays on management problems.


This textbook can be used by you in the process of teaching the academic discipline “Management and Marketing” to students studying in preschool departments at pedagogical colleges and universities.

It includes an approximate program of the academic discipline “Management” for students mastering the profile “Management of Preschool Education” as part of preparation in the direction 540600 - “Pedagogy” and “Management and Marketing” for students studying in the specialty 031100 - “Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education " The curriculum was developed

in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard in the specified direction and specialty.

Further, in the sections revealing the main content of the textbook, key issues of management and marketing are highlighted. The presented materials reflect the general principles of management and marketing, and also reveal their features in the field of preschool education.

When determining the content of the textbook, it was taken into account that this discipline is basic in the training of future managers and after it they still have to master such disciplines as “Psychology and sociology of management”1, “Psychological foundations of managing a preschool educational institution”2 and “Managing a preschool education."

 In connection with this, the section “Management” highlights the general patterns of management activities. For example, general approaches to planning are revealed, the conditions for its successful implementation are analyzed, and its types and forms are determined. Planning issues directly in a preschool educational institution (development of a preschool development program, annual work plan) will be considered in the course “Management of Preschool Education”.

 In the “Marketing” section, in addition to general organizational issues, the features of its implementation in a preschool educational institution are discussed in detail. This is due to the fact that the presented material is studied only within the framework of this academic discipline.

Sections of the manual include topics, the information in which is structured as follows. First, an abstract is provided, which reflects the logic of the presentation of the material and establishes a relationship with the material already studied. This will allow students to concentrate their attention on the issues under consideration and will ensure the establishment of intra-subject and inter-subject connections in the course of studying the discipline. Then the content of the topic is revealed, basic concepts and approaches to the implementation of management activities are considered.

The next component of the topic is a block of practical tasks. They are conditionally divided into:

1) theoretically-oriented tasks aimed at students acquiring knowledge as a result of literature analysis;

1 This discipline is included in the standard of higher professional education in specialty 031100 - Pedagogy and methods of preschool education.

2 This discipline is included in the standard of higher professional education in the direction 540600 - Pedagogy (profile “Management of preschool education”).

EXAMPLE TASK: “Consider different approaches to defining the concept of “marketing” based on an analysis of the proposed literature.”

2) practice-oriented tasks (specific situations).

 They present materials from the practice of managing modern preschool educational institutions. The use of such specific situations in the training of managers will ensure that future managers develop management skills to analyze the situation, identify an existing problem, determine alternative ways to resolve it, and most importantly, make decisions and take responsibility. Carrying out practical tic-oriented tasks will allow the student, by analyzing other people's managerial experience, to enrich his own, which is especially important in modern training of managers. If you decide to use these tasks in the classroom, then get acquainted with the features of using the method of specific situations in management teaching set out in the book: Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Workshop on the course “Management” / Ed. A.I. Naumova. - M., 1998. - P. 38-71;

3) Personally-oriented tasks that involve the student using the knowledge gained as part of studying the topic in the process of solving his own life problems. This will significantly increase the personal significance of the subject being studied in the student’s eyes.

EXAMPLE TASK: “Define your own life strategy for the next three years, based on an analysis of the environment and your own characteristics.”

Questions for discussion and repetition and a test placed at the end of each topic will allow students to determine the degree of mastery of the material studied, identify problems that cause difficulties and require additional attention.

The last component of the topic is a list of additional literature. Studying the literary sources indicated in it will allow students to complete practical assignments and actively participate in the work at seminar classes.

As the main textbook, it is advisable to recommend to students one of the manuals proposed in the introduction (address to the student) or determined by the course teacher. This is due to the fact that students often find it difficult to determine the main textbook (especially at the beginning of the course) and need advice from a teacher.

After the thematic sections, the textbook presents sample exam questions for the “Management” course, criteria for assessing educational achievements as a result of mastering the academic discipline. The last part of the manual defines the topics of essays on management and marketing.

How can students' work with the textbook be organized?

This is determined primarily by the student’s attitude towards this academic discipline. It is also important to take into account the number of hours allocated for its development, the form of training and other factors. The student can refer to the materials of the manual in preparation for lectures, practical classes, as well as during self-study.

hard work.

Organizing the preparation of students for lectures.

Before a particular topic is discussed in the classroom (in lectures and practical classes), you can recommend that students independently study the relevant topic, formulate conclusions and questions about the material studied. Students can also be asked to complete a number of theoretically oriented tasks based on literature analysis.

The indicated way of organizing students’ work allows, even before meeting in the classroom, to transform a traditional lecture into a discussion, discussion of the most controversial issues that arose among students during independent work, which helps to intensify the interest of future managers in professional

activities, self-development.

Organization of preparation of students for practical and seminar classes. To prepare for practical exercises, you can

You can ask students to complete a series of tasks. When determining the number of tasks, it is necessary to take into account the volume of hours allocated by the curriculum for classroom and independent study of the discipline. Due to limited time, the student most likely will not be able to complete all the tasks presented in the study guide. Therefore, it is advisable to give the student the opportunity to independently choose tasks from among those proposed for each topic. This will allow him to design an individual educational route, based on personal and professional values ​​and capabilities, and will contribute to the development of professionally important qualities: autonomy as the degree of expression of the ability to make independent decisions; selectivity - the ability to make a choice and bear responsibility for it; reflexivity (self-assessment, self-analysis).

Students can complete tasks individually or in subgroups, at home, in the classroom, in preschool educational institutions.


Organization of students' work during practical classes1.

 At the beginning of the course, students are invited to take part in

1 As an example, the technology of carrying out practical classes, implemented in the process of teaching the academic discipline “Management” at the Faculty of Preschool Education of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen.

To successfully implement the process of modernization of the entire education system, Russia needs specialists who are proficient in modern methods of managing teaching staff, research and development, and who are able to work effectively in the innovation market. Introducing innovation is a difficult and painful process for any organization. But without innovation it is impossible to function and develop in modern society, which is characterized by competition among organizations, institutions, and firms.

Modern innovation processes are quite complex and inevitable. They take place in any area of ​​management (improving planning, structure and functions of management bodies, personnel management systems, etc.).

Innovation management is a set of principles, methods and forms of management of innovation processes, innovation activities, organizational structures and their personnel engaged in these activities. Like any other area of ​​management, it is characterized by the following: setting goals and choosing a strategy; planning, setting conditions and organizing, execution, management.

Organization of comprehensive support individual development children in a preschool educational institution requires different approaches to the educational process, its planning and the development of software and methodological support for the activities of the kindergarten, and to the organization of the work of the labor protection service.

The changing demands of Russian society for the quality of preschool education should motivate preschool institutions to use modern educational comprehensive programs, technologies, and methods.

Innovative management in a modern preschool educational institution involves:

  • development of plans and programs for innovation activities;
  • monitoring the development of an innovative product and its implementation;
  • consideration of projects to create new products;
  • carrying out a unified innovation policy - coordinating the activities of all structural divisions;
  • financial and material support for innovation processes;
  • management of personnel implementing innovations;
  • creation of task groups for comprehensive solutions to innovative problems.

Examples of innovation management in preschool educational institutions can be:

1. Development of software and methodological support for innovative processes: Preschool development program, business plan, educational program, annual plan.

2. Development and implementation of innovative collective and individual pedagogical projects.

3. Introduction of new forms of differentiation of special education: temporary speech therapy group, logopunkt.

4. Creation of a network of additional free educational and health services for preschool children: clubs, studios, sections, etc.

5. Expanding the range of educational services for children who do not attend preschool educational institutions: paid educational services, short-term groups for young children (adaptation, correctional and developmental), pre-school preparation group for older preschoolers.

6. Creation of an advisory center for parents (legal representatives) and children with disabilities brought up in a family environment to ensure the unity and continuity of family and public education, providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives), supporting the comprehensive development of the personality of children, not visiting preschool educational institutions.

7. Introduction of innovative approaches to the physical culture and health work of preschool educational institutions (health-improving and gaming, dynamic “hour”, “hour” of motor creativity).

8. Social technologies for harmonizing parent-child relationships.

9. Scientific and methodological products of innovative activities - publication of teaching aids and developments, posting materials from teachers on Internet sites; participation in virtual problem seminars, scientific and practical conferences, Internet communities, forums, teacher councils.

10.Work of creative and problem groups, conducting master classes.

11. Informatization of the educational process: organizing the work of the preschool educational institution website, using the potential of media educational tools for presenting the products of design and research activities, compiling databases, working with Internet resources, developing diagnostic tools, etc.

12. Transition to financial independence of the institution, attraction of extra-budgetary funds, organization of paid educational services.

Thus, for effective and rational management of a modern preschool educational institution, an education manager - head, director, leader must master the basics of management, understand modern effective strategies and methods of managing a preschool educational institution, technologies for working with a team based on a positive constructive approach and the leadership functions of a manager.


1. Belaya K.Yu. Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions. - M.: TC Sfera, 2004.

2. Kuznetsova E.B. Innovations in the management activities of the head of a preschool educational institution // Preschool Educational Institution Management, No. 4, 2009.

4. Pozdnyak L.V. Theoretical foundations of managing a modern preschool educational institution // Preschool Education Management, No. 3, 2006.

5. Urmina I.A. Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions. - M.: Linka-Press, 2009.

6. Yakovleva G.V. Management of innovations in preschool educational institutions // Management of preschool educational institutions, No. 2, 2008.

Chapter I. Scientific and theoretical foundations of management organization.

1.1. Objective prerequisites for the formation of management as a science and practice of management.

1.2. Management in a preschool educational institution.

1.3. A model for managing the preschool education system in the context of the transition to local self-government.

Chapter II. Experimental work on organizing management in a preschool educational institution.

2.1. General characteristics of experimental work.

2.2. Experimental testing of management organization at the Alyonushka Child Development Center.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Comprehensive educational and methodological support for preparing students of a pedagogical college for management activities in preschool educational institutions 2003, candidate of pedagogical sciences Gerasimova, Marina Petrovna

  • Conditions for introducing innovations into the management activities of the head of a preschool educational institution 2009, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kuznetsova, Elena Bilusovna

  • Pedagogical conditions for the improvement of tuberculosis-infected children in preschool educational institutions 2009, candidate of pedagogical sciences Pyshnenko, Marina Aleksandrovna

  • Research approach in the management activities of the head of a preschool educational institution 2003, candidate of pedagogical sciences Davytkina, Elena Valerievna

  • Managing the development of education in a rural ulus: Based on the material of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 1999, candidate of pedagogical sciences Popova, Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Organization of management in a preschool educational institution in a market economy”

The relevance of research. In recent decades, fundamental changes have occurred in the preschool education system, which have seriously affected the problems of training, education and management at this stage of development of an educational institution. Literally 5-6 years ago, preschool institutions were on the verge of survival, however, last years There have been major changes in regulatory, administrative, and economic conditions, which have made it possible to modernize all levels of preschool education. There is an obvious tendency to search for meaningful guidelines and specific educational forms that allow preschool institutions to find their own identity and find zest in their work.

The education system responded flexibly to the tasks posed by the new stage of Russia's historical development. The unification of preschool educational institutions, which was usual until recently, has been replaced by a variety of their types, variability of curricula and programs, and the introduction of new technologies. The current guidelines for modernizing the Russian education system - accessibility, quality, efficiency - place increased demands on preschool institutions. Organizing the development of the preschool education system is possible only with the development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool educational institutions and are expressed in their transition to a qualitatively new stage - the development regime.

The system-forming factor of the pedagogical system is management, and the art of managing the learning process is pedagogical management, i.e. a set of principles, methods, organizational forms, and technological techniques for managing the educational process that help improve its efficiency and quality. Management in market conditions is called management. Distinctive features management lies in the fact that it focuses the manager on meeting the needs of the market, constantly increasing production efficiency, freedom of decision-making, developing strategic goals and programs and adjusting them depending on consumer requests. New socio-economic conditions pose educational institutions with many problems, which many managers are not sufficiently prepared to solve. In modern conditions in the field of education, it has become the norm to receive a second education in the specialty “Organization Manager”. Preschool educational institutions have joined this process; today there are already heads of a new generation, for whom it is the norm to manage in a new way, using acquired knowledge. And it is natural that the educational institutions they manage receive the status highly qualified. It is imperative to provide the education sector with trained personnel in the field of innovation management, i.e. managers who are able to respond to market demands, effectively and quickly go from putting forward a scientific idea to its practical implementation.

The problem of managing an educational institution is one of the oldest and most complex in the theory and practice of education. With the approval of the “National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation” and a new generation of state educational standards, an urgent need arose to create effective tools for managing an innovative educational institution as a developing environment at all levels.

The consolidation in pedagogical science of the concept of “management”, and at this stage of development of education and the concept of “pedagogical management”, is associated, first of all, with the emergence of management as an independent field of knowledge. The need to study management theory in pedagogy and practice is dictated by life, the growing demands of society for the quality of educational services, the commercialization of education, and the establishment of a system of paid services.

The works of domestic and foreign scientists V.G. Afanasyev, D.M. Gviashiani, I.N. Grechnikova, V.S. Lazarev, M.M. Pogashnik, P. Drucker, A. Maslow, D. Carnegie are devoted to the problems of management. K. Rogers and others. Management technologies were developed in the works of V. Komarov, G. I. Kuznetsov, M. V. Clarin and others. Significant contributions to the development of the problem of managing the quality of education were made by the works of B. S. Gershunsky, V. N. Tarasyuk , A.V. Belyaeva, V.P. Bespalko, M.M. Potashnik, etc. At the regional level, issues of managing pedagogical processes are considered in the works of D.A. Danilov, F.V. Gabysheva, E.I. Mikhailova, P P. Borisova, E. N. Kolosova and others.

A large number of scientific works, in which certain aspects of the problem of managing a preschool educational institution at the present stage have been disclosed, do not provide the manager with a clear, holistic understanding of the essence and ways of implementing management activities in the context of the transition to self-financing. The solution to this problem is hampered by a number of objective and subjective reasons and contradictions: insufficient development of the problem of management in a preschool educational institution, both in theory and in practice; lack of management culture in the new conditions of self-financing; between the theoretical approaches developed in the humanistic management model and the insufficient development of modern technologies and their implementation; between the existing traditional subject-object management system and the need to change the relationships between participants in pedagogical management at the level of subject-subject relations, ensuring a new nature of management: cooperation, partnership; between the growing requirements for the professional activities of teachers working in development mode in conditions market economy and insufficient level of their qualifications corresponding to the developmental education of the child’s personality.

Overcoming the above difficulties and contradictions allows the head of a preschool educational institution to move from an episodic, insufficiently managed educational institution in the context of the transition to independent financial activities to the effective implementation of a managed institution in each specific preschool educational institution.

Lack of development theoretical foundations the problem posed, as well as the practical needs for organizing the activities of preschool educational institutions in conditions of independent financial activity, determined the choice of the research topic “Organization of management in a preschool educational institution in a market economy.”

The object of research is the process of managing an educational institution.

The subject of the study is the organization of management in a preschool educational institution.

The purpose of the study is to determine rational ways of organizing management in the activities of preschool educational institutions, taking into account the regional conditions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that the effectiveness of management organization in a preschool educational institution will be most successful if:

To develop a structural and functional model of management organization and scientifically substantiate the integration of all areas of management activity in a preschool educational institution;

Organizational and pedagogical conditions for organizing management should be oriented towards the implementation of innovative activities that contribute to optimizing the quality of education; to modernize the strategy of innovative forms of economic mechanism in a market economy, ensuring the optimal functioning and development of a preschool institution.

In accordance with the object and subject of the study and the need to determine effective ways to introduce management into the practice of preschool educational institutions, the following research tasks were solved:

1. Develop and justify a structural and functional model of management organization in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the regional characteristics of the Republic of Sakha/Yakutia.

2. To experimentally determine rational ways and organizational and non-teaching conditions for organizing management in a preschool educational institution as a means of optimizing management activities.

3. Determine a strategy for the financial recovery of a preschool educational institution in connection with the transition to local government.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were: fundamental developments of domestic and foreign scientists devoted to management theory (K.Ya. Vazina, V.P. Bespalko, M. Meskon, F. Khelouri); about the basics of intra-school management (Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, M.M. Potashnik, T.I. Shamova, etc.); about the application social theory management in education (V.S. Lazarev, M.M. Potashnik, A.M. Moiseev, etc.); on the management of a modern preschool educational institution (T.P. Kolodyazhnaya, A.A. Mayer, A.D. Shatova, S.A. Ezopova, etc.).

The study was based on the concept of personality-oriented education (N.A. Alekseev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.), which took into account the pedagogical foundations of the doctrine of the team

A.S. Makarenko, A.V. Petrovsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, etc.).

The following research methods were used in the dissertation: theoretical analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature on the research problem; survey and diagnostic (questionnaires, conversations); observational (observations: direct and indirect); study of documentation of educational institutions and ulus education management; experimental work.

The basis of the study was: the Alyonushka Child Development Center in the village of Mokhsogolloh, Khangalassky ulus of the Republic of Sakha (republican experimental site); municipal preschool educational institutions of Pokrovsk Khangalassky. The study was carried out in three stages.

The first stage is analytical and diagnostic (1995-1998). During this stage, the state of preschool education in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was studied in the light of the Law “On Education” (1996, additions, amendments), according to which educational institutions must switch to independent financial and economic activities. This made it possible to define the research problem, formulate a goal, task, hypothesis, and methodological basis. This stage included a scientific, theoretical and practical substantiation of the problem, an analysis of the level of its scientific development, and opportunities for improving management in the context of the transition to self-financing.

The second stage is constructive and implementing (1999-2004). At this stage, experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Alyonushka Child Development Center of the Khangalassky ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), as well as municipal preschool educational institutions in the city of Pokrovsk. At this stage, technologies for organizing management and management modules in a preschool educational institution were tested, criteria and assessments of their effectiveness were determined in preschool institutions operating in self-financing conditions.

The third stage is analytical and generalizing (2004-2005). At this stage, analysis, generalization, and summing up of the results of experimental work were carried out, and methodological recommendations were developed for their implementation in the practice of preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The results of the research work were presented in the form of a dissertation manuscript.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that: a structural and functional model of organizing management in a preschool educational institution has been developed, revealing innovative approaches to management activities in new socio-economic conditions; the organizational and pedagogical conditions for effective management of the development of a preschool educational institution are substantiated: innovations in the educational process, increasing the professional level of teachers and orientation in the values ​​of management activities, social partnership, new forms of financial and economic activity; effective technologies for managing a preschool educational institution have been identified, based on a modular system in development mode and on the principles of self-government and co-government, in conditions of independent financial activity; a strategy for the financial recovery of a preschool educational institution in modern conditions has been determined in connection with the transition to municipal self-government.

The theoretical significance of the study is to develop a concept for organizing management in a preschool educational institution in new socio-economic conditions, revealing the principles, ways, technologies of management in a preschool educational institution, the interaction of all areas of which ensures the effectiveness of management activities in a market economy.

The practical significance of the study lies in the development of methodological manuals on management and marketing, which reveals the system of multifunctional management of a preschool educational institution (components, functions of managing the teaching staff, financial and economic activities), and identifies ways to develop independent financial activities in the context of the transition to self-government. The developed and tested structural-functional management model can be used as the basis for management activities of a preschool educational institution.

The reliability and validity of the research results is ensured by a comprehensive analysis of the problem in determining the initial theoretical and methodological positions, a rational combination of theoretical and experimental material, the use of methods and techniques adequate to the subject and objectives of the study, the author’s many years of personal experience in managing a preschool educational institution in a market economy, practical confirmation of the main provisions of the study in the course of experimental work, compliance of the criteria for the effectiveness of management activities with the set goals and objectives, successful implementation of the research results into the practice of preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Approbation of the study. Ideas, main provisions and conclusions were presented at scientific and practical conferences (2002-2005), at a creative seminar for teachers in Adler (2002), at the board of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (1997), at August meetings educators (1997-2004), at the republican exhibition-fair (2002), as well as in the author’s publications.

The following are submitted for defense:

A structural and functional model of management in a preschool educational institution, which defines the conceptual foundations and rational ways of its organization in new socio-economic conditions;

Optimal organizational and pedagogical conditions for organizing management in a preschool educational institution;

A strategy for the financial recovery of a preschool educational institution in a market economy, which provides for the creation of a “Business Center” in a preschool educational institution to provide additional psychological, pedagogical, health-preserving services to children in the children's community.

The structure and content of the dissertation were determined by the logic of the research and the assigned tasks. It consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and appendices.

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education”, Ksendzova, Galina Fedorovna

The results of the study confirm our hypothesis that the quality of the educational process depends on the effectiveness of pedagogical management as a means of optimizing the educational process.

The practical significance of the experience revealed during the study can be recommended for use by educational institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and beyond.

The new management mechanism in a preschool educational institution in a market economy directly depends on the head of the preschool institution, who must find new ways and means to increase the economic efficiency of the institution at its own expense.

A business effectively organized in a preschool educational institution can teach education to survive in difficult socio-economic conditions and should stimulate the modernization of the education system.


The conducted research in the theory and practice of management in education and the understanding of the new philosophy of social management is due to the ongoing changes in the country in the conditions of a market economy, the state-political structure, directions public policy in the system of modernization of education at the present stage.

The search for new forms of improving the quality of education led us to consider and substantiate the problem of pedagogical management in management activities.

Only a competent modern leader purposefully carries out his managerial functions, makes effective decisions in real life, and provides direct support to the teaching staff in improving pedagogical skills and professional training.

Such a leader creates optimal conditions for each participant in the educational process in the system: teacher - child - parents.

Peculiarities transition economy, which consist in increasing the instability of the choice of the old and the emerging economic system, reinforce the need to develop a strategy for the development of preschool education as an effective tool for making management decisions.

When systematically reorganizing municipal government, it is necessary to proceed from the forecast of the sociocultural and economic interests and capabilities of the ulus, preschool institutions of all types, parents, taking into account the trends in the situation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). We believe that for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) the most effective model from an economic point of view is one that takes into account the socio-economic conditions of the region’s development.

The success of a preschool institution depends to a large extent on the introduction into practice of the ideas of pedagogical, personnel, and financial management, which includes a set of principles, means, forms and methods of managing the pedagogical process in order to satisfy the needs of children and their parents. The successful solution of the problems of a preschool educational institution is facilitated by the solution of the basic principles of managing a preschool educational institution:

Optimal balance between centralization and decentralization in management;

Unity of unity of command and collegiality in management;

A rational combination of rights and responsibilities, responsibility in management and self-control;

Implementation of a scientific approach in management, overcoming formalism;

A combination of state and public principles, expansion of self-government.

New socio-economic situation in Russia, expansion of economic independence municipalities set the task of developing a new approach to the formation of an organizational and financial mechanism for the functioning of the system of preschool institutions. New mechanism for financial economic activity assumes:

The combination of budget financing with the development of various types of economic activities of a preschool educational institution, the provision of paid services to the population;

Reforming the economic activities of preschool educational institutions;

Development of independence of work collectives in solving issues of social development.

Based on the above, the following conclusions were made:

The success of a preschool institution depends to a large extent on the implementation of management organization ideas (pedagogical, personnel, financial, etc.), which includes a set of principles, means, forms and methods of managing a preschool educational institution in order to satisfy the needs of children and their parents;

Transition to new models of management of a preschool educational institution;

Creating conditions for the formation of an organizational and financial mechanism for the functioning of the preschool education system;

Modernizing the management system of a preschool educational institution is not only a pedagogical and managerial task, but also a social one, since the quality of the educational system as a whole depends on its solution.

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