
Report: Scarlet sails. Essay on the topic "Scarlet sails Green" Write a letter to the hero of the works of scarlet sails

Romantic story " Scarlet Sails" - one of the best works Alexander Green. The path to creating this story was long. The author has repeatedly changed and rewritten the text while achieved the desired one. He sought to create the perfect world where they live beautiful heroes And where love, dream, fairy tale can defeat rudeness and worn. And reached its goal. The writer portrayed "the extraordinary circumstances in which something decisive should have happened." "Scarlet sails" is a fairy tale of poetic love, about the all-standing elevated dream.

The life of the heroine of the story, the young Assol, is pretty unhappy: she had no girlfriends, the children avoided her, and adults endured dislike for her father. Above the girl laughed and insulted her. But good Longren encouraged her daughter: "E, Assol," he said, "do they know how to love?" We must be able to love, and that they cannot do that. " And he took a girl in his arms and kissed firmly. Under the influence of his father, who adored her, Assol created a certain world of dream, in which everything was fine, all people were kind and loved each other. And one day in the forest, enthusiastically with a playful ship and invented her story, the girl met with a stranger, who introduced himself to the "most important wizard" and told her an incredible story that she was waiting for her in the future. "Once in the morning, a scarlet sail will sparkle in the sea in the sun. The shining grudge of scarlet sails of a white ship will move, cutting waves, right to you. Then you will see a brave beautiful prince. "Hello, Assol! - he will say. "Far and far from here I saw you in a dream and arrived to take you forever into my kingdom." And you will go away forever in the brilliant country, where the sun rides and where the stars come down from the sky to congratulate you with the arrival. " And the girl believed a mysterious wizard. And all subsequent years continued

live with this faith and wait for her prince for her. She waited, not paying attention to laughter, reloading and mockery

And at this time somewhere far smarked the boy who dreamed of becoming a captain and had not yet known that he was destined to fulfill the dream of one beautiful girl's life. Gray also lived in his beautiful world. He dreamed of the sea, lived this dream, which for him was the only possible happiness, uniting "danger, risk, the power of nature, the light of a distant country, a wonderful unknown, flashing love, blooming and separation; fascinating boiling meetings, persons, events; immense variety of life. "

So they lived for a long seven years, they lived every dream, not knowing that they would gradually go towards each other. And, of course, one day came the day when they met. Gray saw the girl sleeping in the shadow the branches, and "everything was stronged, everything grinned in it." She immediately captured the heart of the young man, and, yielding to her feeling, he took the ring from his finger and carefully put him on the Mysiper Assol. The girl did not feel anything. But, waking up and finding a ring on the finger, she no longer doubted that it belongs to her prince. Meanwhile, Gray accidentally learned about the girl's dream, and it pushed him to action.

With unprecedented inspiration he took over the realization of his ideas - and a few days later a fine ship with scarlet sails were ready to take on board your most important treasure.

Gray embodied the dream associate and achieved his own happiness. He knew that his happiness was this beautiful girl who helped him understand the truth. And this truth is that "to make the so-called miracles with their own hands." Thanks to the power of love, sincere faith in his dream, connected to one destiny of two people who will now continue for them "in Aloma Declab Sails, created by the depth of the heart, who knows what love is."

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The history of the people and the laws of development of the language. Questions of the method in linguistics. How to write school essay. Book Preface - Collection of Works and Essays on Literature

The main character of Alexander Green's story is the dreamy and sincere Assol girl. This girl is one of the most romantic characters of Russian literature of the XX century.

Mother Assol died early, and her father was raised - a sailor and an artisan Longren. Residents of the village did not love them. Girl S. early years I got used to loneliness. The surrounding rejected it, she had to endure ridicule and insults. Assol even believed crazy. She told one-way story about a meeting with a sorcerer, which sustained that a noble prince was saved on the appointed hour on the ship with a scarlet sail. After that, it was nicknamed by a ship Assol.

In his warehouse, the heroine is distinguished by a bright fantasy and sincere heart. Assol looks at the world wide open eyes, she believes in his ideal and never gives up a dream. She has rich inner world And she knows how to see a deep meaning in simple things.

Assol formed and likes to read. It is inherent in hard work and love for nature. She communicates with the plants, as with living beings, takes care of them. When the associate is growing up, it becomes truly beautiful. To her face any outfits. She is a pretty and charming girl. Her face is clean and bright, like a child.

In the soul, Assol always cherished her secret dream of a ship with Alay Sails. Even the girl's father hoped that through time she would throw out the prediction of the wizard of the eagle. But the ability to selflessly dream and ignore the evil attacks of the fellow villagers strengthened the spirit of the girl. In her life came an hour for a miracle. She met someone who understood her sensitive young soul and carried out a hidden dream. The shores of her native village appeared a ship with Alay Sails. He was built for Assol Captain Gray - a noble sailor who learned the story of Assol and embodied her in reality.

The peeing heroine is a real symbol of such an eternal and decent feeling as faith. Her soul overflow emotions and experiences, it is sensual and open, but at the same time he has a strong and imbibeable spirit. Assol did not let his feces. And so they came true.

Option 2.

So you want to believe in miracles. The world of fairy tales and dreams is close to every person. While man lives, he dreams. The theme of love and dreams more than once became the main in the work of writers of different times and epoch. It is enough to remember V. Kespir "Romeo and Juliet", L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", A.Grina "Scarlet Sails".

Assol U A.Grina is a symbol of faith, purity and devotion to his dream. The author embodies the ideal of naivety and romanticism in the image of the heroine. He loves his heroin very much, and whatever her reader would love her, the narrative writer begins with infancy.

When the baby did not turn to the year, her mother died, the father disappeared into the sea, the old man helped with herringing girl. In order for how to feed the family, the father began to make toys and sell them, the man he was not sociable and sullen. The girl could not afford the sophisticated outfits, enough money only needed, but she does not complain because they love each other with her father. Green throughout the work traces the transformation of a little girl into a charming girl.

At the age of five, the Assol raises a smile with his kind peer, a teenager in twelve years as if "swallow in flight" - expressive and clean, she fascinates the views of passersby: Growth is low, long eyelashes, dark blond tone of the hair.

Meeting with a storyteller and a collector of songs Eglem has become a fateful for the girl. With his prediction of a beautiful prince, who will definitely come for her under Alaymi sails, settled in the girl's dream forever. The surrounding did not understand the heroine, considering it "strange."

The establishment of the character of the heroine was influenced by the environment and a rustic society. To the Assoli family, the villagers treated wary, tried not to communicate with them. The girl did not have friends, nature asked her loneliness.

Seeing the sleeping Assol and learning her secret from people, Gray could not not make a fabulous dream. He sails behind the girl under Alaya sail and takes her. Both romantic nature they should be together. A happy end of a beautiful fairy tale, Assol found her prince.

A. Green - the writer - a romantic, his work has shown that if you believe and hope for a miracle, it is sure to come, do not despair and we must strive to fulfill their desires.

Essay the image of Assol

In the "Scarlet Sails" readers are very fond of the image of Assol, which embodies a belief in the goodness and fulfillment of dreams, fairy tale will come true and everything will come to pass.

Assol had a difficult childhood. Mother died when Assol was not and year. The master of the mother was the owner of the tavern guilty. Therefore, the girl remained to live together with his father. Father, Sailor Longren, raised himself and took care of her daughter, and she helped him and heard him. In Kapern, where they lived, dirt and poverty reigned, people were evil. Many considered her father a killer and were not allowed to play with her children. Assol felt lonely, she had no girlfriends, but she did not harde her from this soul, she was very kind. The girl grew in his, closed world, known only to her alone. He herself, living in his mysterious world.

It turned out a good mistress: she and the floor will wash, and he wondered, and the clothes he spent, from the old one.

I drove to the bazaar to sell toys to keep out at least some money. When I went home along the path, I often spoke with trees, stroking every leaf.

And in Kapern, she laughed at her and considered it a half, but she silently transferred these insults. No one in the village believed her story about a meeting in the forest with a wizard, considered it in fiction. Once the girl returned from the city and went through the forest. In the forest, Assol met a good eagle, collector legends. He said to her that one day the ship was sailing with Alay sails and a beautiful prince will be released to her. The prince pulls his hands to the Assol and takes it forever with him. The wizard presented her with a dream, so that she could rise to the sun. The name of the associate is also sunny! The girl believed Egle and told his father about it. Longren did not disappoint the associate, deciding that everything would be forgotten with time.

When Assol grown, became a real beauty and all envied her. All clothes on it seemed like a new and the girl was just charming. For her, a gloomy day turned into a solar shower. The face, as before, glowed a children's smile. A young man appeared in her life, who in a dream dressed her finger ring. After that, the Assol was even more confident that her dreams would soon come true.

Assol never kept angrily on his offenders. Always treated with caress and caressing for animals, only apart from her father, she had another coal coil Philip.

Assol is completely unlike the townships of the town, they are from another world and they are not there. The girl did not lose the ability to rejoice and love the world around.

Essay 4.

Alexander Green Famous Romantic Writer, who became famous for the work of scarlet sails. Here are dreams on the verge of reality, so this work has become a symbol of love and believing for many generations of women. The beauty of the soul and body makes us believe in the associate and make it your ideal for imitation.

The main heroine of this novel is the Assol girl, which is in his dreams. It is a symbol of purity and innocence. But her life was not so glad, as it seems at first glance. The girl was early lost his mother, and her father was trees. An artisan and a sailor along with an old man next door. He found in reading and in education. She loves nature and feels all the notes of the soul. All living beings, it helps in one situation or another. If birds are hungry, then she feeds them with bread crumbs if someone damaged the paw, then it will definitely cure. All this is superimposed on her not only the inner world, but also on the external beauty.

Assol truly beautiful, so any outfits to her face. Green is very soulful about the girl, showing her with a bright and clean face and with a clean good soul like a child so he traces his novel all her life from infancy before transformation in a beautiful and charming swan. All his life followed her loneliness, since the inhabitants of her village for some reason did not love them. Regardless of the state of the surrounding society, Assol remained with good hearts and sparkling eyes. The main thing in her life to believe the dream and wait for the fulfillment of his desires.

Throughout her life, she had a dream to meet her prince on a ship with scarlet sails. But the desire to be happy does not make it possible to stop dreaming about this moment, so when the village of the village stops the village of the village, then the associate cannot believe his happiness. Fate in this beautiful girl The captain of Gray becomes, who understood it and carried out hidden desires and dreams. In fact, such noble men at that time were little, since not everyone could put their desires to their beloved above.

Sample 5.

The story - the Emirates "Scarlet Sails" was written by Alexander Green at the beginning of the 19th century. She tells about the good dream, which was destined to become a reality, and that everyone is able to make a miracle for a loved one.

The main character of the story is Assol. When Assol was barely 5 months old, her mother died. Father's daughter's education was engaged in Longren's former sailor. To make money on life, he mastered children's toys that Assol helped to do and sell. In Kapern, many considered Longren a murderer, the former sailor was struck by the former sailor, and the children were forbidden to play with his daughter. Evil ridicule of neighbors did not affect kind heart Young Assol. She grew up in his mysterious world, filled with dreams and hopes.

Assol has had a recent live imagination. Once she met the old storytellor of the eigh, who gave the girl a wonderful dream. The storyteller said that when Assol would grow up, the prince was sailing on the ship with Alay sails. The words of the eagle liked the young Assol that long years Steel her dream that helps experience the difficulties of life. Returning home after meeting with Eglem, the girl told Longren on the prediction of the wizard. Returning sailor did not disappoint her daughter, he thought that with time everything would be forgotten.

Father taught Asol to read and write, and she gladly spent time for the book. It is very noteworthy that the books of Assol read between the lines, "how and lived" - the writer reports. Also, Assol loved nature, with tenderness and kindness referred to everything alive.

Years passed, Assol became an excellent girl who retained a good sensitive heart. Every day she met with a smile, found joy in trifles. Having prevailing and sensitivity, she cared for our smaller brothers, spoke with trees. Assol looked at the world, as a mystery, was looking for a deep meaning in everyday things. She did not pay attention to the mockery of the fellow villagers who believed a girl in a polulmy. Assol silently demolished their caustic comments and never kept evil on them. The girl believed in her dream and, of course, it helped her to come true. After someone put on the finger of the sleeping Assol Ring, faith in the words of the storyboard with a new force broke out in her soul.

Assol's dream was carried out by a young captain Gray. Hearing the history of the girl, Gray embodied in the reality of the word of the storyboard. Thus, Assol really met his prince.

Alexander Green teaches not only to dream, but also to embody the dreams of loved ones. She also teaches to always believe in the best.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - the Great Poet of Russia, who became a benchmark for all writers who were created after his birth. He is the creator of a particularly artistic language, and his works entered the greatest classical literature.

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    Writing on the topic: Review of the story A. S.Grina "Scarlet Sails"

    I understood one unaccompaning truth. She is to make the so-called miracles with her own hands. A. Green Tale Alexander Stepanovich Green "Scarlet Sails" personifies an excellent youthful dream, which will certainly come true if you believe and wait. The writer himself has lived heavy Life. Almost incomprehensible how the surly man, not tainted, carried through the painful existence of the mighty gift of imagination, purity of feelings and a shy smile. The experienced difficulties taken away from the writer love for reality: she was too scary and hopeless. He always tried to get away from her, believing that it was better to live elusive dreams than "rubbish and garbage" of every day. Having started writing, Green created heroes in his work with strong and independent characters, merry and bold, who inhabited the beautiful land, full of flowering gardens, lush meadows and the endless sea. This fictional "Happy Earth", not applied to any geographical map, should be the "paradise", where everyone is happy, there is no hunger and diseases, wars and misfortunes, and the inhabitants are engaged in creative labor and creativity. In the story "The Scarlet Sails" Green is developing its long-held idea that people need to have faith in a fairy tale, it stirs the heart, it does not calm down, makes a hankering romantic life. But wonders do not come by themselves, each person must educate a sense of excellent ability to understand the surrounding beauty, actively interfere with life. The writer was convinced that if you take away a person's ability to dream, then disappear the most important need, giving birth to the culture, art and the desire to fight in the name of a wonderful future. Green dreamed of a "dazzling case" and joy filled with these fantasies their works, but they were especially brightly manifested themselves in the "Scarlet Sails" extravagania, written in 1920-1921. Everything is unusual in this, it would seem like a simple narrative. The story is built on the internal comparison of two heroes: Assol and Gray. Assol's little dream teacher lives in a simple world among toys created by her father Longren, and later he herself begins to create small wonders: Assol dreams of "catching up, so that (at her) on the board herself saved the boat, and rowing rowing would truly; Then they stick to the shore, give the berth and honor honor, exactly living, sit down on the shore of the bite. " Any artist seeks to do anything to it, so that the hearts of people would be pleased to be "like living." Gray also falls into the unknown world, because he is stuffy and closely in the family castle, where it oppresses the conventions of the world. The young man seeks a stormy element marine life And achieves his: ". The rresses went to the goal with the sacred teeth and the pale face. He endured a restless work with a decisive voltage of the will, feeling that he was becoming easier for him and easier as a harsh ship was watched in his body, and the inability was replaced by the habit. " Create the magic of the narrative, to reach the consciousness of the reader helps the author of the artwork. Unexpected and fresh metaphors and green epithets fascinate the reader, introduce it to fantasy worldcreated by a writer. "There was a full night; Beyond the black water, the stars and lights of the mast lanterns dreamed. Warm like a cheek, the air smelled the sea. Gray, raising his head, squinted on the gold coal of the stars; Instantly, through miles's breathtaking, penetrated his pupils a fiery needle of a distant planet. " It would seem that a simple story takes the readers in a beautiful fairy tale, but everyone understands - it is necessary only to be very much desired so that it fell, strive for the target target, to work for its incarnation. Reading the story "Scarlet Sails" - always meeting with beautiful, cultivation of spirituality, opening amazing world, which is so easy and organically introduces readers Alexander Green. His work gradually reveals the soul of young heroes. Not therefore, modern youth loves this romantic facing. "Scarlet sails" is a beautiful fairy tale, but also the real path in the magical country that is necessary to every person.

    Longren, a man is closed and noticeable, lived by the manufacture and sale of models of sailboats and steamers. Countrymen did not very much complained of the former sailor, especially after one case.

    Somehow, during the cruel storm, the shopkeeper and the Tavernaster Menners was carried out in his boat far into the sea. The only witness of what was happening was Longren. He calmly smoked the phone, watching how Menners calls him in vain. Only when it became apparent that what can not be saved, Longren shouted to him that here as well, and his countryman asked Mary for help, but did not receive it.

    The benchmark for the sixth day picked up the steamer among the waves, and he told him about the culprit of his death before his death.

    He did not tell only about how five years ago, Longren's wife turned to him with a request to give a little loan. She just gave birth to a baby Assol, the birth was not easy, and almost all of her money went to treatment, and her husband had not returned from the swim. Menners advised not to be a laptop, then he is ready to help. The unfortunate woman in bad weather went to the city lay the ring, caught up and died of inflammation of the lungs. So Longren remained a widower with his daughter in his arms and could not go to the sea more.

    Whatever it was, and the message about such a demonstrative inaction of Longren struck the inhabitants of the village is stronger than if he drowned his own hands. Incompleteness passed almost in hatred and also appealed to anything not the obey associate, which grew alone with his fantasies and dreams and as if he did not need any peers or friends. Father replaced her and her friends, and fellow countrymen.

    One day, when Assol was eight years old, he sent it to the city with new toys, among which was a miniature yacht with almy silk sails. The girl lowered the boat in the stream. The stream carried him and fascinated to the mouth, where she saw a stranger who kept her boat in her hands. It was an old egl, a collector legend and fairy tales. He gave gonna toy and told that it will take years and is followed on the same ship under crimson sails sail Prince and it will take away to a distant country.

    The girl spoke about this Father. On trouble, a beggar, by chance heard her story, raised the rumor about the ship and the Zamorsk Prince across the caper. Now the children shouted to her following: "Hey, Holder! Red sails float! " So she walked in a polulmy.

    Arthur Gray, the only offense of the notable and rich surname, grew not in the hut, and in the generic castle, in the atmosphere of the predetermination of each current and future step. This, however, was a boy with a very living soul, ready to fulfill his own life destination. He was decisive and fearless.

    The keeper of their wine cellar of the Faldishke told him that in one place there were two barrels of Alicante the times of Cromwell and his color is darker cherries, and it's thick, like good cream. The barrels are made of black wood, and on them double copper hoops, on which it is written: "I will drink Gray, when it will be in paradise." Nobody tried this wine and does not try. "I will drink it," said Gray, stuck with his foot, and squeezed her palm in a fist: - Paradise? He's here!.."

    With all that he was extremely responsive to someone else's misfortune, and his sympathy was always poured into real help.

    In the library of the castle he was struck by a picture of some famous marinist. She helped him understand himself. Gray secretly left the house and entered the Schoone Anselm. Captain GOP was good manbut a harsh sailor. Assessing the mind, perseverance and love of the sea of \u200b\u200ba young sailor, GOP decided to "make a captain's puppy": to acquaint with navigation, sea law, location and accounting. At the age of twenty, Gray bought a three-saying Galiot "Secret" and floated four years on it. Fate brought him to Liss, a half hours walking from which Kaperna was located.

    With the onset of darkness, together with the sailor, Gray, taking fishing rods, sailed by the boat in search of a suitable place for fishing. Under the cliff behind the kapper, they left the boat and divorced the fire. Fercia went to catch fish, and Gray was hammered by the fire. In the morning he went to wander, as suddenly he saw a sleeping associate in the thickets. He looked at his girlfriend for a long time, and leaving, removed the ancient ring from his finger and put on her little finger.

    Then they got to the tavern of Menners, where the young Hin Menners now hung. He said that Assol is a polulmant who dreams of a prince and a ship with Alami sails that her father is the perpetrator of the death of the senior mennel and a terrible person. Doubts about the truthfulness of these information increased when a drunk coal assured that the innkeeper is lying. Gray and without any assistance managed to understand something in this extraordinary girl. She knew life within his experience, but above seen in phenomena the meaning of a different order, making many subtle discoveries, incomprehensible and unnecessary capernis residents.

    The captain was largely the same, a little not of this world. He went to Lissa and found in one of the laers of scarlet silk. In the city, he met an old acquaintance - a stray musician of Tsimmer - and asked for an evening to arrive at the "secret" with his orchestra.

    Scarlet sails led to a bewilderment team, as well as the order to move towards Capern. Nevertheless, in the morning, "secret" came out under the alay sails and by noon was already in mind Kaperna.

    The Assol was shocked by the spectacle of a white ship with almy sails, with a deck of which was poured music. She rushed to the sea, where the inhabitants of Kaperna were already gathered. When an associate appeared, all smalcles and parted. The boat was separated from the ship, in which Gray stood, and headed for the shore. After some time, the Assol was already in the cabin. Everything was accomplished as the old man predicted.

    On the same day, a barrel of centenary wine was opened, which no one had ever drank, and the next morning the ship was already far from Kaperna, having taken the crew defeated by unusual wine. Only a zimmer slept. He played quietly on his cello and thought about happiness.

    According to Alexander Green Scarlet Sails. Green's story is a visual proof that all dreams come true, the main thing to believe in it. Believe in the dream, go to her and not to change how the associate did.

    Heroes and brief content of scarlet sails Green

    In the tale of Green Scarlet Sails Assol - main characterwhose faith helped her cherished wishes.

    Assol is a girl who was brought up by her father, because her mother in the will of a terrible occasion, died. She had to live with her father in the village by the sea, and since all residents were configured against her father, then Assol grew among the evil people. One day she met a man that he furified her meeting with a prince who sail on the ship with Alay Sails. This dream has become for the girl the meaning of life, therefore, despite the knights and insults, fellow villagers, did not doubt anything and waited for her destiny from the sea. And this sincere expectation of a miracle caused its fruits. Her dream embodied in reality, but carried out her Gray.

    The second hero of Gray Scarlet Green Green. He grew up in a rich family, but did not want himself the same existence as his parents. He wanted an adventure, so ran away from the house at the age of twelve. He became a sailor and learned all the charming of the sailor of life, studied navigation, acquired skills. And then he became the captain of his own ship. Here we see, on the example of heating that everyone is in our hands, and we are the creators of our own happiness. At the same time, we can carry out the dreams of other people. "When the soul is tatting a grain of a fiery plant - a miracle, make it a miracle, if you are able to. The new soul will be with him new. " So Gray, who once moored to the village, where the Assol lived, he met the girl who slept on the forest glade. He really liked it and, when he wanted to learn more about the girl, he told the story about the prediction, and that Assol still believes that the prince is sailing.

    And he sailed. Gray, ordered to sew scarlet sails for his ship, seemed to the horizon. Assol met his Prince. The all-standing power of the dream brought happiness to two people who fell in love with each other. The author showed us on the example of the heroes of the "Scarlet sails" of Green, that dreams come true if they really believe in them and strive for them. In this we are convinced after reading the wonderful work that the author called the female, the story of the Green "Scarlet Sails" in the summary.

    Scarlet Sails Overall, 2 Option

    So I turned the last page to the story of Green Scarlet Sails, and now I will share my thoughts in my essay. I read the book Scarlet Sails in one breath, because this beautiful story is simply impossible to break away. Green work is surprisingly fabulous, magical, poetic. She gives a romantic mood, and makes believing that dreams come true. This is an instructive story that will show the reader with the power of love, will teach good, faith, and will become a stimulus to give the joy to others, carrying out their little dreams. Just about this in more detail we will talk in writing on the work of scarlet sails. Below, thoughts and reasoning can be used in the composition of scarlet sails of grades of grade 6.

    Alexander Green wrote Scarlet Sails in the period from 1916 to 1922. As a result, it turned out a wonderful fairy tale, which shows how important it is to have a dream, it is important to strive for it, and believe in its execution. And also, the story shows how evil there can be some people, and how good and responsive are others.

    Scarlet sails narrate about the girl Assol, who had to withstand the surrounding evil people. About the girl who collector Tales Egle gave a dream. He predicted her beloved on the ship with Alami sails, and since then Assol lived and believed that her happiness was not far off. And waited. Fate gave her a meeting with Gray, who carried out her dream, becoming a stranger on the ship with Alami sails. Gray is a noble man who embodies the dreams of a girl in reality.

    Someone believes that this is a fairy tale, but it is quite real, and there is no magical here. Such miracles can occur in the life of each of us, because we are the creators of our fate. The main thing is not to be afraid of your dreams, and go to her, overcoming any obstacles. It must be remembered that each of us is set to fulfill the cherished dream of relatives and people close to us. You just do not need to be worn. It is necessary to take care and learn about these dreams, which can be so easy to implement in reality, giving a small fairy tale to their native person.