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What does literature teach? Composition “What do Bulgakov’s books teach us? Several interesting essays


The writers of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century lived in an environment of all kinds of crises and wars. And it is quite natural that these events influenced (not to say that they were reflected) in their work. The writers and poets that we will talk about sought to understand the meaning of life and explain the upheavals that befell Russia. And it is not surprising that these searches acquired hitherto unprecedented intensity, because events swept by with fantastic speed and fatal consequences: millions of people died, empires collapsed, new states were formed ... Against the backdrop of these terrible and incredible events, the theme of an individual seems to be at least petty. Or abusive-idealistic, aimed at debunking the image of the role of the individual in history, created by Tolstoy. But no! There was no such thing. Writers-poets-philosophers just tried to understand how a person perceives these shocks, how he reacts, etc. After all, a person is a person, but the “mirror of life” shows us collective images. In this way, they tried to understand - by the reaction of the images how events would develop.

We all know that as many people as there are so many opinions. Therefore, just as the three main rivers of Russia have many tributaries, so the three main creative currents: symbolism, acmeism, futurism have many followers with different aspirations and points of view. Here, for example, in symbolism; the current was observed in 1870-1910. Artistic expression took place through the symbol. A symbol is a polysemantic, allegorical, logically impenetrable image. Symbolism expressed the rejection of the bourgeois way of life, the longing for spiritual freedom, the tragic foreboding of world social changes. The goal of literary symbolism was, with the help of philosophy and the sciences applied to it, to reach, and I quote, the “hidden reality”, “the ideal essence of the world”, “ideal beauty”. In general, and as a whole to the eternal ideal. Adherents of the current were A. Blok, A. Bely, V. Ivanov, F. Sologub.

Next, consider acmeism, in the sense of how it affected literature. The course of the 1910s. Its adherents did not set themselves any global goal, it was mainly aimed at purifying poetry from symbolist impulses, from the ambiguity, fluidity and complexity of the metaphorical syllable, that is, in contrast to all this, acmeism cultivated the exact meaning of the word, its naturalness. This trend was once followed by A. Akhmatova, A. Gumilyov, O. Mandelstam, S. Gorodetsky, M. Kuzmin.

Futurism is the last trend that I will tell you about. Adherents of the current created in the 1910-1920s. They tried to create "the art of the future" with their art. To achieve this good goal, they denied traditional culture, cultivated urbanization (the aesthetics of the machine industry and the big city). It is characterized by the interweaving of documentary material with science fiction. Futurism allowed, in order to achieve a good goal, even the destruction of the essence of language. V. Mayakovsky, maybe V. Khlebnikov, less known to you, and many others worked in it, as you probably already guessed.

Literature is one of the most important school subjects. Reading fiction Generally very useful for both children and adults. When reading, imagination, memory develop, vocabulary is replenished, horizons expand and literacy improves. Reading books, a person develops his emotional sphere: learn to love and forgive, empathize and analyze. In literature lessons, children study the history of the development of literature. Students will learn a variety of literary forms and styles, learn to evaluate the actions of literary heroes.On our learning portal, you can watch literature lessons, complete assignments for lessons, or ask a teacher a question. Even if your child is homeschooled, he will be able to learn from the best teachers.

Development of literature

In literature lessons, children get acquainted with many works of art, various forms and styles of writing. The study of literature is gradual. First, children study myths and fairy tales, then they get acquainted with the concept of ancient Russian literature and gradually move from it to Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries.

Old Russian literature arose along with the advent of Christianity and the church in Russia. The first books were brought to Russia from outside. These were mostly church texts translated into Russian. The main theme of literature at that time was the history of Russia and the meaning human life. Old Russian literature describes life historical figures. There is almost no place for fiction in it. The authors are faceless and write about what is happening around. All this leads to the fact that ancient Russian literature is of great importance for history, because it carries a lot of historical data. For example, "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is one of famous monuments ancient Russian literature that have come down to us. This work tells about the unsuccessful campaign of the Russian prince Igor Svyatoslavovich against the Polovtsians. " A word about Igor's regiment' although it refers to ancient Russian literature, but contains folklore and pagan motifs, which are intertwined in this work with Christian ones.

On the portal, you can also find out the point of view, according to which - "The Tale of Irogev's Campaign" is nothing more than a falsification of the end of the 18th century. And also why this work contains traces of different eras from the 12th to the 18th century. Another rather difficult work of Russian literature to study is the poem of the great Russian writer XIX century Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol " Dead Souls ". This work was conceived in three volumes, but only the first volume was printed.

In the poem "Dead Souls" there are many digressions that create a special mood. In them, Gogol expressed his thoughts and deep feelings. In the literature course, you will learn about the meaning of the title of the poem "Dead Souls", the history of writing the work, as well as the historical context that Nikolai Vasilievich put into the poem. Separately, one of the lyrical digressions is analyzed - the short story "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin", which is part of "Dead Souls", but was banned by censorship for a long time. In the course of literature there are still many wonderful works of both Russian and foreign writers and poets who allow you to appreciate the diversity and richness literary genres and ideas. This is A.S. Pushkin, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, A.A. Block and many others. And each of them in the literature course is given enough time so that students can get acquainted with their work.

Where can I find literature lessons?

To study literature, one must first of all read a lot. But you can’t do without a teacher who will pay attention to important points, explain what is not clear or makes you doubt. And for this it is not at all necessary to look for a tutor. If your child is studying at home, you can always turn to the learning portal site, where school teachers have presented all the material in video lessons, and if something remains unclear, you can always ask a question directly on the site.If you are a teacher yourself, you can also refer to video tutorials to compare how you present information to students with other teachers.

Between the centuries, it is customary to consider it the "silver age" (in continuation of Pushkin's "golden age"). The reforms of the early 20th century, the clash of different cultures and lifestyles could not but affect the mood of the creative intelligentsia. Many authors are no longer satisfied with the description and analysis of social problems, most writers begin to think about the eternal questions of life and death, the existence of good and evil. Religion had a significant impact on the culture of these times, the religious theme becomes one of the fundamental themes of the works of many writers. Russian literature of the 20th century is developing in new historical conditions, which cannot but have an impact on it. The creative intelligentsia of this time understands that the coming changes in the life of the country, and therefore in their lives, are inevitable. Some are waiting for them with joy and hope, others - with awe and horror, which is transmitted to the reader at the moment of reading their works.

The revolution of 1917 divides all the literature of Russia of those years into two camps: "proletarian" literature and the work of Russian emigrants. A prominent representative of the latter is Vladimir Nabokov, in most of whose works homesickness is clearly traced.

Russian literature of the 20th century gave our country and the world as a whole a large number of geniuses of the word. This applies primarily to poetry. To the poets silver age"include: Nikolai Gumilyov, Anna Akhmatova, Sergei Yesenin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Alexander Blok, etc. to the first representatives Soviet literature include Yesenin and Mayakovsky. The founder of the so-called anti-Soviet literature is Alexander Blok, who wrote the poem "The Twelve" in those years.

Russian literature of the 20th century is represented by three main areas: realism, literary avant-garde and modernism, each of which is subdivided into several more areas. Thus, modernism laid the foundation for the development of acmeism and symbolism. The prominent representatives of the latter were: Valery Bryusov, Konstantin Balmont, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Andrei Bely, Alexander Blok. The founders of Russian literary acmeism are Anna Akhmatova, Osip Mandelstam, Nikolai Gumilyov.

One of the most interesting areas of literary art in the first decades of the 20th century is the revival of forgotten romantic forms. Creativity strikes the imagination with an endless flight of fantasy and dreaminess. The works of revolutionary workers' poets are written in the key of a special, new romanticism of the proletariat. The poets Nechaev, Privalov, Tarasov in their fables, appeals and marches poeticize the heroic feat, adding bright colors to them with a description of the glow, fires, sunset, crimson dawn.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War many were on the battlefield. The works of this period of time were written in sparkling language, their main idea was the fight against fascism. It is certainly worth noting the patriotic poems of Akhmatova, Tvardovsky, Tikhonov. During the war, writers increasingly turn to the most operational genre of literature: essays, short stories, reports and pamphlets.

Russian literature of the second half of the 20th century is represented by several genres at once, the formation of which was greatly influenced by: Stalinism, the “thaw”, stagnation, perestroika. Literature of Russia survived on its way great amount difficulties, sometimes experiencing the guardianship of the state, sometimes being almost completely under its ban. Today, Russian literature of the 20th century is recognized throughout the world, the works of Soviet authors are read far abroad, they are filmed movies put on plays in theaters. A person who has never read Sholokhov or Bulgakov in his life has truly lost a lot...

"Of all the writers of the 20s-30s of the 20th century, Mikhail Bulgakov is probably the most preserved in the Russian public consciousness. He is preserved not so much by his biography, from which his letters to Stalin and the only telephone conversation with the tyrant are usually remembered, but with his brilliant works, the main of which is "The Master and Margarita". Each next generation of readers opens the novel with new facets. Let us recall at least the "sturgeon of the second freshness", and the sad thought will come to mind that forever in Russia everything is second freshness, everything except literature. Bulgakov brilliantly proved this, "- this is how, in a few words, Boris Sokolov, a well-known researcher of Bulgakov's work, was able to show what contribution the writer made to Russian and world literature. Outstanding creative minds recognize the novel "The Master and Margarita" as one of the greatest creations of the twentieth century.

Not everyone is able to comprehend The Master and Margarita in the ideological and philosophical vein that the author suggests. Of course, in order to penetrate, to understand all the details of the novel, a person must have a high cultural preparedness and historical awareness on many issues, but the phenomenon of perception of the work is that the “Master and Margarita” is also reread by the young. The fact is, probably, that young people are attracted by the fantastic nature of a work with an element of a fairy tale, and even if a teenager is not able to understand the complex truths and deep meaning of a work, he perceives what can make imagination and fantasy work. Bulgakov, anticipating his death, realized "The Master and Margarita" as "the last sunset novel", as a testament, as his message to humanity (what is most surprising, he wrote this work "on the table", for himself, not at all confident in the prospect of publishing a masterpiece ). In this work, the author reflects on such global topics as good and evil, life and death, God and the Devil, love and friendship, what is the truth, who is a Man, how does power act on him and over many others. The main idea of ​​the novel is the struggle between good and evil, the concepts of inseparable and eternal. The composition of the novel is as original as the genre - a novel within a novel.

One - about the fate of the Master, the other about Pontius Pilate. On the one hand, they are opposed to each other, on the other hand, they seem to form a single whole. This novel in the novel collects global problems and contradictions. The masters are concerned with the same problems as Pontius Pilate.

At the end of the novel, you can see how Moscow connects with Yershalaim, that is, one novel is combined with another and goes into one storyline. Reading the work, we are in two dimensions at once: the 30s of the 20th century and the 30s of the 1st century AD. We see that the events took place in the same month and a few days before Easter, only with an interval of 1900 years, which proves a deep connection between the Moscow and Yershalaim chapters. The action of the novel, which is separated by almost two thousand years, harmonizes with each other, and their fight against evil, the search for truth and creativity connect them. And yet the main character of the novel is love. Love is what captivates the reader.

In general, the theme of love is the most beloved for the writer. According to the author, all the happiness that has fallen in a person's life comes from their love. Love elevates a person above the world, comprehends the spiritual. It seems to me that such concepts as "God" and "Love" are closely connected in life, since God begins with Love, and Love is a divine power. In Bulgakov's work, the theme of love is revealed from a new angle.

It is inseparable from suffering. The writer fully shows us that there are no barriers to selfless, faithful, holy love. Any intrigues will be overcome. Margarita, being in the grip of a strong feeling, sells her soul to the Devil in the name of saving her loved one.

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“I believe that literature “teaches life”, since every literary work has a moral meaning. Literature helps me develop spiritually. In literary classical works good always wins, and lies and meanness are always revealed. Largely thanks to literature, I learned to do moral deeds. Literature always teaches nobility and spirituality. My favorite writer is Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. I recently read his book Heart of a Dog. Most of all in this work I liked the humor and satire of the writer. At the moment I am reading his work "The Master and Margarita". When I read it, I can't put it down. I really like the way Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov wrote his works” (Anastasia P.).

“It seems to me that in our time it is impossible to live without literature. After all, we learn from books. It's boring without them. We subtract from them a lot of fascinating, interesting, informative and useful for us. Each book is its own life. Books help us live. There is even such a poem by D. Kugultinov, which shows the significance of literature in the life of the author. The meaning of the poem is close and understandable to me:

In my closet is crowded to the one

And each volume on the shelf is like a house...

And you entered, and you are already a guest.

Like an alley - every book row.

And my whole closet is a wonderful bookstore.

When you enter this city -

From the Past to the Future you will pass...

V.G. Belinsky wrote: “To study a poet means not only to get acquainted, through intensified and repeated reading, with his works, but also to feel, to experience them ... To experience the poet’s creations means to endure, to feel in one’s soul the richness, the full depth of their content, to get over their illnesses, to suffer their sorrows, re-blessed with their joy, their triumph, their hopes. It is impossible to understand a poet without being under his exclusive influence for some time, without loving to look with his eyes, hear with his ears, speak with his language. This is how the critic spoke of Pushkin. A.S. Pushkin is a great poet. He has wonderful poems, I really like them, in them, "he managed to touch on so many things, to hint about so many things that he belongs exclusively to the world of Russian nature, to the world of Russian society." Pushkin is my favorite poet" (Daria T.)

“Most of all I like Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Dostoyevsky's works are of great interest to me. Most of all I am attracted by the novel "Crime and Punishment", I have seen many performances and films based on his works. Each piece of art is valuable primarily for its relevance, the way it answers the most important questions of our time. Dostoevsky plays a very important role in understanding man. speech characteristics characters. Dostoevsky - subtle psychologist, researcher human soul, the discoverer of new ways of the human spirit. These are the concepts with which the name of the great writer in my mind is most and most often identified ”(Liliya I.).

Thus, in their statements, students discover quite mature ideas about the meaning of art in human life, realize the moral significance literary works. It is gratifying that the guys love and appreciate the classics, understand its enduring significance and relevance for today's readers. The data of the survey make it possible to judge the level of reading interests of children, the peculiarities of their perception of literary works. Conducting such questionnaires is a technique that allows you to activate self-analysis, self-esteem of students, gives children the opportunity to reflect on the role of literature in their lives. And, as you know, the activation of forms of self-esteem, self-analysis, self-education is the most important component of the mechanism for the formation of value orientations of students in a literature lesson.

The process of forming the value orientations of high school students can be successful when the teacher creates a system of purposeful influences. And the first step is, in our opinion, the development of interest in the book, the knowledge of its ideological and artistic meaning. Experimentally, the study confirms that the process of formation of value orientations of high school students structurally consists of such components as: motivational, content and activity. The inclusion of high school students in creative activities, stimulating and exercising them in moral deeds, also contributes to a deep comprehension of the artistic and figurative system of works, the evaluation of their ethical and aesthetic content.

The meaning of studying literature in extracurricular work is to deepen the vision of the world, expand the range of problems that concern a person, bring up personal involvement in everything, teach how to include a work, image, detail in a wide context of literature, culture, history and do it through dialogue. Teachers can use such a form of work as lectures and seminars, especially when summarizing the studied material.

For example, when studying the work of V. Rasputin “Live and Remember”, a dialogue arises, students comprehend the moral values ​​of Russian humanitarian culture. High school students draw a parallel between Nastena, a woman of the 20th century, and Dostoevsky's heroine Sonya Marmeladova. Students remember the heroines of Nekrasov from his poem "Russian Women", Yaroslavna's lament from "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", K. Simonov's poems "Wait for me ...". This is how the comprehension of the Russian female national character in the interrelations of time and the development of the literary process. High school students develop an idea of ​​ethical and aesthetic unity domestic literature, about the ideal characters created by the classics. In the course of such lessons, students form an idea of ​​art as a force that transforms the world, capable of morally changing a person in the direction of good.

The organization of literary circles, clubs and other forms of work with the aim of educating schoolchildren, developing their moral qualities, and forming value orientations is necessary in a modern school. An important place is held in the school events dedicated to literary and historical dates and anniversaries (for example, the anniversary of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, F.I. Tyutchev, A.P. Chekhov, M.A. Sholokhov and etc.).

Literary compositions dedicated to the anniversaries of writers - Nobel laureates(I.A. Bunina, M.A. Sholokhov, B.L. Pasternak, A.I. Solzhenitsyn, I.A. Brodsky) also have great educational value.

The organization of extracurricular work of students to study the work of fellow writers is an important form of literary education and upbringing of students. The maximum use by the teacher of forms, methods and techniques that would contribute to the formation of value orientations, stable worldview positions of high school students in literature lessons, opens up opportunities for enhancing the educational functions of the school as a whole.

The teacher is unlikely to be able to take into account all the changes in the real reading situation with long-term planning, so the system of lessons extracurricular reading should be open to everything new and interesting that appears in literature. In the lessons of extracurricular reading, you can implement the methods of reading or studying the work adopted at simple lessons study of the work.