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"Reason and love on the example of N.M. Karamzin's story" Poor Liza. The theme of love in the story is poor Liza Karamzin The main characters and their characteristics

Qualitative arguments are especially important for essay-reasoning 15.3. It is best to find examples from literature that is familiar to all students in grade 9. The story of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa", which reveals many topics on.

  1. Inner world. In a conversation with her beloved, Lisa reminded him that they could not get married: a peasant woman is not a couple for a master. But Erast objected to her, because the most important thing for him was the pure and innocent soul of the girl, and not her social status. It was the naturalness and richness of the heroine's inner world that Erast liked so much. For their sake, he was ready to go against the laws of the world and marry a peasant woman. But as soon as Lisa fell in his eyes, he ceased to feel attraction to her. Thus, many people value the inner wealth of a person more than his material values.
  2. Conscience. When Erast announced Lisa's engagement and gave her money, she went home and stopped by a deep pond. The heroine could no longer live after the betrayal of her beloved and took her own life. They couldn't save her. The mother also died as a result of the news. Upon learning of this drama, Erast began to blame himself for everything and lived all his life under the pressure of conscience. This means that conscience is an internal judge that punishes us for bad deeds.
  3. Love. The heroine fell in love with Erast and sacrificed everything she had for him. She refused marriage to a wealthy peasant and dedicated her virginal purity to the chosen one before the wedding. The girl trusted him beyond measure, therefore, having lost her beloved, she also lost the meaning of life. In this way, true love always becomes a guiding star for a person, without which he does not see his own path.
  4. Repentance. The suicide of the main character is a direct consequence of her remorse. In the old days, a relationship with a man before marriage was considered shameful for a girl. In a peasant environment, this sin was especially shameful and shameful, so Lisa, realizing the depravity of her act, could not live. Erast could not become her husband, being the groom of another girl, and this fact crossed out the future of the heroine. From now on, she was a fallen woman who did not have the moral right to bear an honest name. Her repentance was sincere, because, atoning for sin, she sacrificed the most precious thing - her life.
  5. Kindness. The main character was distinguished by kindness, which found expression in real deeds, and not high-flown words. So, Lisa worked alone for the whole family to provide her sick mother with everything she needed. Even before her suicide, she thought of her and sent money so that her mother would not need anything. The care and kindness of a daughter towards her mother is the best proof of her disinterested kindness.
  6. Mother's love. Lisa's mother, an old and sick peasant woman, loved her daughter very much and lived thinking only of her happiness. It was the meaning of her life. Therefore, after the news of the death of her daughter, she died from a stroke. The mother's heart could not bear this grief. It survived the death of her husband, but did not survive the death of the child. This fact speaks of the phenomenal power of love that connects a woman and her fetus.
  7. Happiness. Each of us sees happiness differently. Lisa saw him in love and joy of life with a loved one. Her mother lived in hope for the well-being and happiness of her daughter. But Erast saw him in luxury and idleness and was deceived: his fate was tragic, because the guilt for the death of Liza pursued him on his heels even in a richly decorated living room. Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine what will become an inexhaustible source of joy and inspiration.
  8. Life values. The real value of a person is love. That is why main character story "Poor Lisa" could not live without her. But money and position in society, which people often consider their most important asset, did not help her chosen one find his place in the world and feel the joy of life. Without love and with a feeling of repentance, he vegetated, and did not live, although he had everything that was needed for comfort and idleness. This means that real life values ​​are spiritual and moral riches, and not material excesses.
  9. Moral Choice. Not everyone can adequately pass the test, which is due to the need moral choice. So, Erast could not refuse wealth and choose not him, but a moral duty to the girl whom he seduced. Therefore, he tried to bribe her and his conscience with generous gifts, but still did not drown out the voice of conscience, announcing the wrong choice.

Vera Yakovlevna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Targets and goals:

    Summarize the signs of sentimentalism as a literary method on the example of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza".

    Develop the ability to reason on the problem posed, based on the story, your personal examples.

    To instill in students an attentive attitude to the feelings of people, their soul.

    To acquaint students with the concept of "early marriage", the reasons for entering into such a marriage, and the possible reasons for divorce.

    To acquaint with the representative body of the registry office; give an idea of ​​the meaning of the Family Code.

    Build respect for family traditions sense of personal responsibility for family relationships.

    To develop the creative activity of the student.

    Promote team building through collaborative activities.

    Uncover the problem of teen suicide, influence the reduction of teen suicide

Forms and methods of work: conversation, reading by heart.

During the classes:


Only the lover has
the right to be human.

Alexander Blok.

I. A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Reason and Love” (reading by heart).

Young Daphnis, chasing Dorida,
"Wait," he shouted, "pretty! wait,
Say: "I love" - ​​and run after you
I won't - I swear it is Cyprian!"
"Shut up, shut up!" - Reason said
And the rogue Eros: "Say: you are dear to the heart!"

"You are dear to my heart!" - the shepherdess repeated,
And their hearts lit up with the fire of love,
And fell at the feet of the beautiful Daphnis,
And Dorida lowered her passionate gaze.
"Run Run!" - Reason told her,
And the rogue Eros: "Stay!" - said.

Remained - and a trembling hand
The happy shepherd took her hand.
"Look," he said, "with a friend of a dove
There they embraced under the shade of thick lindens!
"Run Run!" - Reason repeated,
"Learn from them!" - Eros told her.

And a gentle smile ran
Beauties on fiery lips,
And here she is with languor in her eyes
I fell into the arms of the beloved ...
"Be happy!" - Eros whispered to her,
Mind what? Reason was silent.

Why do you think we started the lesson on N.M. Karamzin’s story “Poor Lisa” with this poem?
- How does Pushkin's poem resonate with Karamzin's story? (the themes of “hard mind” and “ tender feeling”)

The story is about love, about the eternal that excites the heart. What literary direction focuses on inner world lyrical hero, his feelings? (sentimentalism)

2.Examination homework.

What are the signs of this literary method on the example of the story "Poor Liza". (checking homework making a table)

sign of sentimentalism

Thesis, quotes from the text

2. Heroes - ordinary people, there is no emphasis on their origin.

3. Deification of nature.

3. Working with text.

Let's see how the theme of "reason and love" is traced in the story.

Find episodes that talk about Lisa's dreams and desires, about her happiness.

What are the characteristics of such love? (she's platonic)

What definition does the author himself give to this love, highlighting it in italics? (Love)
- Lisa surrenders to feelings, not thinking about where it will lead. This is the almighty power of love.

But the hero has a different idea of ​​love. Which? (He thought with disgust of contemptuous voluptuousness. This is love-passion.)

How does the theme of passion appear in the story? (Episodes: They want to marry Lisa - meeting with Erast - hugs - kiss - loss of innocence. “The darkness of the evening nourished desires.” Nature does not interfere, she is silent, giving Liza the right to choose.)

What are the thoughts of Erast? (with memories)

Thus, on the pages of the story, the author speaks of different loves: on the one hand, love-friendship, on the other, love-passion, thereby showing the many faces of this feeling and, as it were, making it clear that it can burn to be both beautiful and dangerous.

Find Karamzin's warning to young people. (The story is written for them, that is, for you, young readers.)

How does the theme of reason develop in the story? (The scene of Liza parting with Erast, when Liza says the phrase “I have a mother!”)
- Why is Lisa's mind not given the upper hand over feelings? (Feelings are uncontrollable. They are stronger than the mind, which is typical of sentimentalism.)
- What is the reason for this? (a sentimental story)

Could events develop in a similar way, for example, in the works of M.V. Lomonosov? Why? (Lomonosov represents classicism, the subordination of the personal to the public, feelings to reason; Karamzin is a sentimentalist: attention to the individual, his inner world, that is, the mind is subordinate to feelings.)

About whom does Karamzin speak of a “reckless young man” and why? (About Erast, since he allowed himself everything, did not know his heart)

Did he think about the consequences of loving a peasant woman? What choice did he make? (The hero does not think about the consequences, since 1 - asks Lisa not to talk about their secret meetings with her mother, 2 - wants more, more - and does not want anything, 3 - having achieved what he wants, he does not feel the novelty.)

The author himself does not condemn, he is not a judge. In his opinion, there is a force that passes judgment. What is this power? (nature)
- What is the peculiarity of the image of nature? (Karamzin does not say “nature”, but “nature”. He makes her a full-fledged hero of the story.)

What images, taken from nature, characterize the characters of the story? (Lisa is compared with the dawn, with a May morning. You can draw a parallel with Lisa - lilies of the valley. They are white, Lisa is just as fragile and immaculate. She throws them into the water, saying: “No one owns you!” This is symbolic. In the finale of the story, she herself jump into the water.)

What other characters are in the story? (Lisa is light, light is good, joy, life. Erast is always in the shade, even during the day. The moon does not want to notice him. Erast is darkness, darkness is sadness, disappointment, death.)

Nature warns of a possible tragedy. Remember how the morning meets Lisa? (Meets with a fog - a foggy future)
- What other warnings does nature give? (dew drops - tears, thunder, rain)
- Erast leaves Lisa. The warning of nature was realized in life. But Lisa is not alone. Why? (since nature is on her side, she sympathizes with her)
- How does the author feel about Erast? After all, the attitude of nature to him is already clear. (“I am ready to curse the man in Erast.”)

What position of Karamzin can be seen in this phrase? (The position is not a writer, but a person.

On the one hand, anger, on the other, pity for Erast. Why? (Because Erast was unhappy all his life.)

Does Lisa's love change anything? (Yes. Of course, he does. Erast's soul awakens, but he is cleansed through suffering - catharsis.)
- So what wins in the story: reason or love?
- The author, reviving Erast to life, proclaims the victory of love and remains in our reader's memory.

4. Bottom line.

Let's remember Pushkin again. Reason or love? What wins the poet in the poem? (love wins)

What is guided in life: reason or love?
- How do the poet and writer answer this question?

The poet ends the poem with the line: “Reason what? The mind was already silent.” For Karamzin, as a sentimentalist writer, feelings are more important and stronger than reason. It is they who make a man a man if they are pure and noble.

Conclusion: Maybe you have to make a choice in life between reason and feelings. In our pragmatic age, reason (and even calculation) often wins. Classical literature reminds us that without real feelings a person loses his soul and is unlikely to be happy (which happened to Erast).

Although Karamzin warns: "The fulfillment of all desires is the most dangerous temptation of love."

Writers often touch upon the problem of the struggle between feelings and reason, but do not give an answer, because "this mystery is great."

The tragic end of the story is predetermined by the class inequality of the characters. Erast is a nobleman, and Liza is a peasant woman. Their marriage is impossible “And peasant women know how to love,” says the writer. But the ability to love and be happy do not always coincide.

Let's talk about early marriages and their consequences. Our guest is ____________________ of the registry office, which will help answer some questions.

5. Speech by a specialist of the registry office.

An early marriage is a marriage where the spouses are between 18 and 23 years old.

Young people decide to get married for the following reasons that encourage them to take this step:

unwanted pregnancy;


The desire to escape from parental care;

Wrong belief.

In all developed countries of the world, the minimum age of marriage is determined by law. Such restrictions are related to the fact that young people must be ready to create a family both physiologically and morally and psychologically in order to be conscious of the duties of a spouse and be responsible for the consequences of sexual relations.

In France, a woman can marry at the age of 15, and a man - only at the age of 18.

In Italy, the Constitution is more loyal to young lovers and allows women to marry from 14, and men from 16.
In Germany, the age of marriage for women starts at 16 and for men at 21.

In the United States, each state has its own laws, respectively, and the age of marriage is different. Girls can get married at 14-15 years old, and boys - from 18 to 21 years old.

In England, the marriage age is the same - 16 years.

And in our country? (student answers)

V Russian Federation marriageable age for men and women is 18 years. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to reduce the age of marriage by 1 or 2 years, but in any case, the age of marriage cannot be lower than 16 years.

The problem of early marriages is not new, it was relevant several centuries ago and was reflected in some literary works. The nanny of Tatyana Larina from the novel by A.S. Pushkin got married at the age of 13. W. Shakespeare's heroes Romeo and Juliet also got married at a young age.

What is the reason for the breakup of early marriages?

1. Early marriages break up due to partners not being ready for family life. The success of a happy marriage is in good preparation for it, reaching maturity before marriage. Not only physical, but also psychological.

2. Wrong idea about the family.

3. Or, having entered into official relations, the spouses forget about the development of relations in marriage, leaving everything in the phase of falling in love. One enthusiasm, a feeling of love is not enough, knowledge is needed.

4. There is another problem: the partner is chosen incorrectly.

5. Lack of friendship experience. Marriage requires friendship, because it is one of the components of marriage.

Unfortunately, not all married couples keep their family.

Here are the statistics for the city of Blagoveshchensk..

In January-October 2013, _____ marriages and _____ divorces were registered.

Number of men and women who registered marriage


Under 18



Number of men and women who filed for divorce


Under 18



Conclusion: The problem of early marriages, divorce in our time is very relevant.

Marriage is influenced by age, as well as qualities that determine "readiness for marriage." Those entering into marriage should be aware of the responsibility for each other, be ready to understand the spouse, respect the rights and dignity of other family members, be able to empathize and sympathize with each other. After all, when you get married, a new family is created, and this is the most important thing in a person’s life.

Everything starts with the family.

The calling cry of a child in the cradle

And wise old age pesky arrows ...

Everything starts with the family.

The ability to forgive, love and hate,

The ability to sympathize and the complexity of life to see -

Everything starts with the family.

To bear the sorrow and pain of loss,

Get up again, go and make mistakes.

And so all my life!

And just don't give up!

Everything starts with the family.

The end of the story "Poor Lisa" is striking in its tragedy. Erast marries a rich widow, and Liza throws herself into a pond near the Simonov Monastery. Erast does not find peace. Considering himself guilty of the death of an unfortunate peasant woman. The writer warns of such an attitude to life.

Why did Lisa take such a step? (Answer: She protests against soullessness).

Could she have avoided the tragedy? (Answer: Yes, if I felt support from my mother).

“Suicide is a plea for help that no one has heard” (R. Alev).

How do you understand this statement? (If a friend has conversations about suicide, then the main thing is to come to his aid in time. It is better to make a mistake than to be late.)

6. Presentation by trained students on the issue of suicide.

1st: If your friend throws such hints, argue with him. Talk to him. Listen to him. Let him feel that he is needed, that he is wanted, try to assure him that any wounds will heal in time, except for bullet wounds to the head. If you sense imminent danger, stay with your friend until his mood wears off…"

2nd: Suicides are selfish. They only think about themselves. Any person lives in society and has relationships with other people, even if he is a hermit. Therefore, by performing some act, he offends other people - directly or indirectly. When committing an act and actions, it is necessary to correctly assess the degree of "influence" and "impact" on other people. Egoists do not appreciate this. Moreover, in an effort to "save themselves" from torment and pain, they hypocritically declare that "everyone will be easier without me." Let's get a look.

Relatives (after suicide):
- a sense of guilt (did not notice, did not love ...),
- grief, pain of loss,
- confusion and shock.

Look, they feel guilt and at the same time grief from the loss of a loved one. It is much harder for them than for a suicide.

Now about "revenge". "Then you'll understand who you've lost." It's selfish, cruel and immoral. Is this love: to wish bad for your loved one? Selfishness of pure water. You have to be able to let go if you ask for freedom. And not to toughen the conditions of "bondage".

Therefore, let's not be selfish and start thinking about others, and not just about how bad it is for my beloved.
3rd: Mayakovsky "Listen".

After all, if the stars are lit, -
So does anyone need it?
So someone wants them to be?
Someone calls these spitting pearls?
And torn in the midday dust,
Rushing to God
Afraid of being late
Cries, kisses his sinewy hand,
He asks that there must be a star,
He swears that he will not endure this starless torment.
And after, walking anxious
And calm on the outside
And says to someone:
“Are you scared now? Yes?"
After all, if the stars are lit, -
So does anyone need it?
So it is necessary that
Every evening over the rooftops
At least one star lights up!

Reflection Teacher: What did you take from the lesson? What have you learned?

1. It was difficult for me to hold back my tears during the lesson;
· I didn't want my tears to be seen;
It was hard not to cry
You can't understand Lisa.

2. The lesson helped to think:
about how terrible it is to lose a life;
about loneliness, kindness and mercy;
about humanity, about the attitude towards the girl;
about my relatives;
about the price Liza paid for her frivolity;

3. I understood:
You can't be as inhuman as Erast. You need to take care of relatives and friends;

I will never do the same as Lisa and Erast;
I love my loved ones very much and am afraid of losing them;
You cannot make such mistakes.

Performance of the song___________________


1. Karamzin N.M. Poor Liza. 1792

3. Commentary on the Family Code of the Russian Federation. M., 1997.

4. Family Code of the Russian Federation // Collection of Codes of the Russian Federation. Book 1 M., 1999. From 647-709.

Unhappy love

Many works have been written on the theme of unhappy love, but the story of a young peasant woman, Lisa, who is in love with a young nobleman, Erast, seems to me the most tragic. The author of the story, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, as a follower of sentimentalism, was able to perfectly describe the sincere feelings of the girl. Lisa grew up in the outback and was far from the greed of the inhabitants of the capital.

Perhaps that is why her love with a Moscow nobleman turned out to be unhappy.

He and Erast were people of different circles and different minds. He is accustomed to a wild life, to

Luxury and lies. And she was an honest, sensitive and sincere girl.

It was these qualities, coupled with the betrayal of Erast, that ruined her. Lisa grew up in a decent family and hoped one day to build the same. Alas, fate decreed otherwise. Acquaintance with Erast brought into her life the light that she was looking for.

She was truly happy and in love. He, in turn, gave her attention, gifts and his time. It seemed that the couple had a great future, despite the difference in class.

He assured her that he would never leave her and would always take care of her. However, Erast could not keep his word. But as

It is known that a man is worth exactly as much as his word is worth. Through his fault, Liza became so unhappy that she did not want to live.

At first, he did her good, prevented her union with the son of a wealthy fellow villager, took responsibility for her life, and then betrayed her. Is this unrequited love? On the one hand, the plot of the story is simple: love between a nobleman and a peasant woman had no chance, especially during the period of serfdom.

On the other hand, if you dig deeper, you can notice the changes in human feelings, subject to the influence of time.

For Erast, love for Lisa was just a new, unexplored feeling. He is accustomed to increased attention from women, to permissiveness and fleeting passions. And Lisa for him was a pure angel, a person of immaculate beauty.

When they became really close, that sense of purity faded away. For him, everything became again boring, monotonous and uninteresting. He began to gradually move away from Lisa.

For her, it was the first, most sincere and pure feeling. The selfless girl naively believed that this fairy tale would last forever, but she was mistaken.

Her love is really unhappy in terms of humanity. Deceived in the best hopes and feelings, she throws herself into a deep pond and dies. Lisa's mother, unable to survive such grief, also dies.

Erast remains unhappy until the end of his life. This is how the law works: having made a person unhappy, you yourself become unhappy. The author hopes that only after the death of Erast will he be able to console himself and make peace with Liza.

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  23. Tatyana Alekseevna IGNATENKO (1983) - teacher of Russian language and literature. Lives in the village of Novominskaya, Kanevsky District, Krasnodar Territory. Work with the story "Poor Lisa" is designed for two lessons. It begins with the words of Karamzin: “They say that the author needs talent and knowledge: a sharp penetrating mind, a vivid imagination, and so on. Fair enough, but not enough. He needs to have […]
  24. Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" is one of the first sentimental works in Russian literature. In the novel, the main role is occupied by the feelings and experiences of the characters. The plot is based on the love story of a poor peasant woman Liza and a rich aristocrat Erast. The theme of love in Karamzin's sentimental work is the main one, although others are revealed in the course of the plot, albeit more briefly. […]...
  25. The story "Poor Lisa" is a recognized masterpiece of Russian sentimental literature. In this work, the feelings and experiences of the characters are put in the foreground. The main characters of the story are the peasant woman Lisa and the nobleman Erast. Lisa is young beautiful girl with a pure soul and a good heart. After her father's death, she works hard to support her sick mother. Having met Erast, [...] ...
  26. The story "Poor Lisa" is the best work of N. M. Karamzin and one of the most perfect examples of Russian sentimental literature. It has many beautiful episodes that describe subtle emotional experiences. In the work there are pictures of nature, beautiful in their picturesqueness, which harmoniously complement the narrative. At first glance, they can be considered random episodes that are just a beautiful backdrop for [...] ...
  27. N. M. Karamzin Poor Liza gothic towers From here you can see all of Moscow with an abundance of houses and churches, many groves and pastures on the other side, “further, in the dense greenery of ancient elms, the golden-domed Danilov Monastery shines,” and even further, Sparrow Hills rise on the horizon. Wandering among […]
  28. The story "Poor Lisa" is one of the masterpieces of Russian sentimental literature. Sentimentalism in literary work was characterized by a special emphasis on sensuality. Therefore, the author gives the dominant place in his story to the feelings and experiences of the characters. The problematic of the work is based on opposition. The author raises several questions for the reader at once. The problem of social inequality comes to the fore. Heroes cannot […]
  29. The story begins with a description of Moscow: “the gloomy Gothic towers of the Si…new monastery”, fishing boats and “heavy plows that sail from the most fruitful countries of the Russian Empire and endow greedy Moscow with bread”. On the other side of the river, herds graze, and further on – “the golden-domed Danilov Monastery shines; even further, almost at the edge of the horizon, the Sparrow Hills are blue”, and “in the distance is the village of Kolomenskoye with a high palace [...] ...
  30. The author argues how good the surroundings of Moscow are, but best of all is near the Gothic towers of the Sl ... new monastery, from here you can see all of Moscow with an abundance of houses and churches, many groves and pastures on the other side, “further, in the dense greenery of ancient elms, the golden-domed Danilov Monastery shines ”, and even further, Sparrow Hills rise on the horizon. Wandering among the ruins of the monastery, the author imagines [...] ...
  31. Liza's mother In N. M. Karamzin's story "Poor Liza", Liza's old mother deserves special attention. She is a kind, caring and sensitive woman who lives in a village near Moscow. After the death of her husband, who was the main breadwinner of the family, she and her daughter quickly became impoverished. Her health did not allow her to work hard, and she saw badly already. In order to earn […]
  32. The literary direction of sentimentalism came to Russia from France at the end of the 18th century, and addressed mainly to the problems of the human soul. Karamzin's story "Poor Liza" tells about the love of the young nobleman Erast and the peasant woman Liza. Lisa lives with her mother in the suburbs of Moscow. The girl sells flowers and here she meets Erast. Erast is a man “with a fair mind […]...
  33. What phrase, in your opinion, defines the idea of ​​the story "Poor Lisa"? Justify the answer. The phrase - "and peasant women know how to love." Sentimentalists, unlike the classicists, preferred the cult of feeling over the cult of reason. At the same time, they affirmed the extra-class value of a person, his high moral qualities. This key phrase in Karamzin gives a new look at the problem of social inequality. Differences in social and [...] ...
  34. Liza (poor Liza) is the main character of the story, which made a complete revolution in the public consciousness of the 18th century. Karamzin, for the first time in the history of Russian prose, turned to a heroine endowed with emphatically mundane features. His words “and peasant women know how to love” became winged. The poor peasant girl Liza is left an orphan early. She lives in one of the villages near Moscow with her mother - “sensitive, [...] ...
  35. Such a trend in Russian literature as sentimentalism came from France. It is mainly aimed at describing the problems human souls. In his story "Poor Lisa" Karamzin talks about love between representatives of different classes. Lisa is a peasant woman, Erast is a nobleman. The girl lives with her mother near Moscow, earns money by selling flowers, where she met a representative of the nobility. […]...
  36. Analysis of the work This story is one of the first sentimental works in Russian literature XVIII century. Its plot was not new, as it was encountered more than once by domestic and foreign novelists. But feelings play a decisive role in Karamzin's story. One of the main characters of the work becomes the narrator, who tells with immense sadness and. sympathy for the fate of the girl. Introduction […]...
  37. (According to N.M. Karamzin's story "Poor Liza") Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin's story "Poor Liza" has become a typical example of sentimentalism. Karamzin was the founder of this new literary direction domestic literature. In the center of the story is the fate of the poor peasant girl Lisa. After the death of her father, her mother and she were forced to rent out their land for pennies. “Besides, the poor widow, almost [...] ...
  38. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, talking about the fate of his compatriots, achieved great success in the genre of the story. It was here that his talent as a sentimentalist writer was fully revealed. Karamzin's stories differ from each other in their artistic features and structure. However, all of them are united by one circumstance - they are all images of psychological prose. Often the protagonists of his stories were women. […]...
  39. In the outskirts of Moscow, not far from the Simonov Monastery, once a young girl Liza lived with her old mother. After the death of Lisa's father, a rather prosperous peasant, his wife and daughter became impoverished. The widow grew weaker day by day and could not work. Only Liza, not sparing her tender youth and rare beauty, worked day and night - weaving canvases, knitting stockings, [...] ...
  40. Erast is one of the main characters in Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa". This is a pleasant young man, able to win over. He is handsome, rich and sophisticated in social life. The author himself describes him as follows: “This Erast was a rather rich nobleman, with a fair mind and a kind heart, kind by nature, but weak and windy. He led a dissipated life […]
Composition on the topic: Unhappy love in the story Poor Lisa, Karamzin

>Compositions based on the work of Poor Lisa

Unhappy love

Many works have been written on the theme of unhappy love, but the story of a young peasant woman Lisa, who is in love with a young nobleman Erast, seems to me the most tragic. The author of the story, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, as a follower of sentimentalism, was able to perfectly describe the sincere feelings of the girl. Lisa grew up in the outback and was far from the greed of the inhabitants of the capital. Perhaps that is why her love with a Moscow nobleman turned out to be unhappy.

He and Erast were people of different circles and different minds. He is accustomed to a wild life, to luxury and lies. And she was an honest, sensitive and sincere girl. It was these qualities, coupled with the betrayal of Erast, that ruined her. Lisa grew up in a decent family and hoped one day to build the same. Alas, fate decreed otherwise. Acquaintance with Erast brought into her life the light that she was looking for. She was truly happy and in love. He, in turn, gave her attention, gifts and his time. It seemed that the couple had a great future, despite the difference in class.

He assured her that he would never leave her and would always take care of her. However, Erast could not keep his word. And, as you know, a man is worth exactly as much as his word is worth. Through his fault, Liza became so unhappy that she did not want to live. At first, he did her good, prevented her union with the son of a wealthy fellow villager, took responsibility for her life, and then betrayed her. Is this unrequited love? On the one hand, the plot of the story is simple: love between a nobleman and a peasant woman had no chance, especially during the period of serfdom. On the other hand, if you dig deeper, you can notice the changes in human feelings, subject to the influence of time.

For Erast, love for Lisa was just a new, unexplored feeling. He is accustomed to increased attention from women, to permissiveness and fleeting passions. And Lisa for him was a pure angel, a person of immaculate beauty. When they became really close, that sense of purity faded away. For him, everything became again boring, monotonous and uninteresting. He began to gradually move away from Lisa. For her, it was the first, most sincere and pure feeling. The selfless girl naively believed that this fairy tale would last forever, but she was mistaken.

Her love is really unhappy in terms of humanity. Deceived in the best hopes and feelings, she throws herself into a deep pond and dies.

The main problems of love in Karamzin's story 8220 Poor Liza 8221

Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" enjoyed considerable success with readers at the beginning of the last century, which had a significant impact on the formation and development of new Russian literature. The plot of this story is very simple: it boils down to a sad love story between a poor peasant girl Lisa and a wealthy young nobleman Erast. The central interest of the narrative lies in the kind-hearted life of Lisa, in the story of the heyday and tragic withering of love.

Psychologically, the state of a young, chaste and naive girlhood is shown for certain with a joyful trust in life, merged with the bright colors of a sunny day, blooming nature. Then an anxious period of bewilderment is intertwined before a new, unfamiliar feeling to her after meeting with Erast. It is replaced by a touching picture of pure first love, heavenly and spiritually inspired. But when poor Lisa surrenders to Erast, the pure admiration of the girl is overshadowed by the consciousness of something lawless that interfered with her love. And nature responds to this new state of mind in its own way: “Meanwhile, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. Lisa trembled all over: “Erast, Erast! - she said. - I'm scared! I am afraid that the thunder will kill me as a criminal!”

The anxiety turns out to be not in vain: the satiated young nobleman begins to cool in his feelings for Lisa. And in her soul, the fear of losing a loved one is replaced by hope for the opportunity to return the lost happiness. Here Erast leaves Lisa for a long time, setting off on a military campaign, where he loses all his fortune at cards, and upon his return decides to fix things by marrying a rich widow. Having learned about this from the lips of Erast himself, Lisa falls into despair. Deceived in the best hopes and feelings, the girl rushes into the pond near the Simonov Monastery - the place of her happy rendezvous with Erast.

In the character of Erast, Karamzin anticipates the type of disappointed person common in new Russian literature. By nature, Erast is kind, but weak and windy. He is tired of public life and secular pleasures, he is bored and complains about his fate. Under the influence of sentimental novels, which Erast had read a lot, he dreams of happy times when people, not burdened by the conventions and rules of civilization, lived carelessly and amicably in the bosom of nature. Disappointed in the world, in the people of his circle, Erast is looking for new experiences. The meeting with Liza satisfies his dreams of a harmonious life away from society, in the natural simplicity of manners and customs. But he soon gets tired of the shepherd's idyll.

The motives of the story associated with Erast will sound in different variations in our literature - in Pushkin's "Gypsies", in L. N. Tolstoy's late drama "The Living Corpse" and the novel "Resurrection". And the fate of Lisa will respond in “ stationmaster” Pushkin, in “Poor People” by Dostoevsky. Essentially, "Poor Lisa" opens a key domestic literature the theme of the "little man".

True, the social aspect in the relationship between Lisa and Erast is muffled: Karamzin is most of all concerned in the story with the proof that "peasant women know how to love." But precisely because of this, Karamzin lacks social flavor in the depiction of Liza's character. This is, perhaps, the weakest point of the story, because Lisa is least of all like a peasant woman, and more like a sweet socialite of the Karamzin era, brought up on sensitive sentimental novels. Nowadays, such a writer's approach to depicting people from the people seems naive and unartistic. But Karamzin's contemporaries, who had not yet read either Krylov, or Pushkin, or Gogol, not only did not feel this falsehood, but admired the artistic truth of the story to tears. The pond near the Simonov Monastery became a place of pilgrimage for admirers of Karamzin's talent and was named "Lizin's pond". Sentimental couples met here on a date, people with sensitive and broken hearts came here to yearn and indulge in “melancholy”. So, one of the secular wits wrote the following announcement on this occasion:

“Here, Erast's bride threw herself into the water, - drown yourself, girls, there is enough space in the pond!” And the monks simply stopped these pilgrimages: they surrounded the pond with a fence and hung out an inscription that this pond was not called Lizin at all.

Even now all this cannot but evoke smiles, naivete and innocence of people of an era far from us. But upon mature reflection, one cannot but agree that Karamzin conveyed the story of girlish love from its inception to the catastrophe, “tied” to a peasant woman with outdated literary language, with psychological certainty, and the future Turgenev, the singer of “first love” and a subtle connoisseur of girlish hearts, and Leo Tolstoy with penetration into the spiritual flow with its forms and laws. Recognizable all over the world, the sophisticated psychologism of Russian artistic prose is foreseen, appears in the now-seemingly naive and even inept story of this writer.