
Methods and techniques for enriching the vocabulary of primary schoolchildren. Enriching the vocabulary of students in elementary school Game “In the Animal World”

Sections: Primary School

Relevance of experience

In the process of modernizing the content of education, the main goal and results of the learning process are mastering various types of competencies. The use of a competency-based model in education implies fundamental changes in the organization educational process, in the activities of the teacher, in the ways of assessing the educational results of students in comparison with the educational process, based on the concept of “knowledge acquisition”. The main value becomes not the assimilation of a sum of information, but the development by students of skills that would allow them to determine their goals, make decisions and act in typical and non-standard situations.

The key educational competence of junior schoolchildren is speech competence. It is especially important for learning and social life, since people who do not master it are at risk of social isolation.

Unfortunately, in classroom lessons and in communication we encounter answers that are lexically poor. And poor vocabulary goes hand in hand with poor syntax. The meager vocabulary of a junior schoolchild often interferes with successful work in the field of spelling. All this is made even worse by the fact that students primary classes They think concretely: they use many abstract words and concepts, often without understanding their meaning. Our students' speech is often incoherent, logically inconsistent, and contains many stylistic errors. Incorrect speech is either difficult to understand or can be misunderstood. If you misunderstand, you will do the wrong thing. Many misunderstandings arise due to a careless attitude towards our speech. . It is precisely these mistakes that should be eradicated from the speech of our children.

Problems solved in experiment

  • Study linguistic, psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodological literature on this issue.
  • Develop and describe a technology for enriching students’ active vocabulary
  • Identify the effectiveness of enrichment work vocabulary schoolchildren in lessons and during extracurricular activities.

The idea of ​​the experiment is to change the organization of the educational process through the use of additional material, a clear selection of language means and the use of active techniques of domestic methods based on the activity approach within the framework of competency-based technology. The activity mode of organizing educational work orients students toward creative work and educational projects.

The method of organizing the student is subjectivization, since it is in activity that the formation of the subject occurs. The formation of his personality and the realization of its potential. The subjectivization of the learning process is understood as the conscious and active inclusion of schoolchildren in the planning, organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities.

The methodology of teaching the Russian language is based on subjectivization. The traditional education system is in place. But to ensure the nature of educational work, in which the level of consciousness and activity of the student significantly increases. I have made certain adjustments to its content and organization. They are designed to speed up the development of children's natural cognitive needs.

Enrichment of the vocabulary of younger schoolchildren can be called a change in the content of educational material provided for by existing teaching materials. It covers several areas. The first of them is working with dictionary words as concepts, which ensures a new quality, greater depth of comprehension and increased strength in mastering the language material being studied. To do this, the process of becoming familiar with the lexical meaning of a word is divided into two stages. Each of them is associated with the level of children’s knowledge about a specific object or phenomenon, designated by the word being studied. At the first stage (level of ideas), students formulate the meaning of the word. Based on the knowledge they currently have. At the second stage (conceptual level), schoolchildren receive deeper, systematized knowledge, formalized in the form of a definition of a concept. In the lesson, this work takes place as a conversation-reasoning between the teacher and students and children with each other. The second direction is the introduction of a new type of lexical exercises, which, in their content and functional purpose, act as complex intellectual-speech exercises. They are characterized by a specific selection, an unusual arrangement of language material and an unconventional approach to setting tasks. The third direction is to increase the scale of use of proverbs, sayings, phraseological units at different stages of the lesson. The fourth direction is the widespread involvement of educational and cognitive texts in the content of learning.

The most important component of the work on developing the speech competence of primary schoolchildren is vocabulary work. Aimed at expanding the active vocabulary of children and developing their ability to use lexical resources available according to their age and development in their speech practice native language, work on the word at the initial stage schooling should be the fundamental basis on which Russian language classes are built. In my work, I propose a system for enriching the speech of primary schoolchildren with lexical means.

The basis of the system is the level structure of the language. The methodology of lexical work in Russian language lessons, in my opinion, should include five main areas:

  • interpretation of a specific lexeme;
  • etymological analysis of the word;
  • synonymous connections;
  • antonymic connections;
  • phraseological relations.

Interpretation of the lexeme

In explaining the meanings of words, it is important to be guided by the general didactic task of increasing the degree of independence of students’ cognitive activity, to ensure that schoolchildren themselves try to explain the meanings of words. In this regard, three main ways of interpreting the lexical meaning of a word can be distinguished: visual, semantic, and contextual. An effective method of revealing the meaning of a word is to use an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. It is necessary, first of all, to teach schoolchildren to use a dictionary, to consider the principles on the basis of which the definition of a word is built. After students learn to find explanations for the meanings of words with the help of a teacher, it is necessary to send them to the dictionary more often to find the necessary information on their own.

Etymological analysis

By turning to the past of a word, children discover its place in modern language; better feel its artistic and expressive capabilities. Stories about the history and origin of words are one of the effective means of making teaching the Russian language at school not only truly educational, developing and educative, but also interesting and entertaining.

Working with synonyms

Among the various exercises aimed at expanding children's vocabulary, I give a special place to working with synonyms. In elementary grades, theoretical information about synonyms is not provided, however practical work with them, observations of language presuppose the formation in students of the concept of synonyms. There is an insufficient number of exercises aimed at children’s active assimilation of the synonymous riches of the Russian language in educational books. The range of synonyms is not defined by the school curriculum. Therefore, I believe that every teacher should plan and carry out work with synonyms himself.

At the early stages, synonyms must be selected from among conceptual ones, and those that are often used in speech. In addition to taking into account the frequency of use of words included in the synonymous series, in my opinion, other signs should be taken into account:

– the degree of difficulty of synonymous words in a particular class;
– the degree of their novelty;
– the ability to activate students’ vocabulary.

Learning new words based on sensory images is impossible if you use only Russian language lessons. Lessons in fine arts, the environment, technology, and even physical education and mathematics provide great opportunities in observing phenomena, labeling them with “your” words, comparing these phenomena, highlighting what is common and what is distinctive. In turn, the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading allow for observation and analysis of the use of synonyms in texts.

In the third grade, during the analysis of language material when studying parts of speech, students realize that there are many words in the language that denote the same concept, but differ in different shades of meaning, emotional and expressive coloring, and compatibility with other words. Therefore, you need to be careful about the choice of words in order to say accurately and expressively.

The topic “Adjectives” is very interesting and beneficial in terms of the development of students’ speech. Adjectives represent extensive material that can be used to observe synonyms, antonyms, and the use of adjectives in a figurative sense. I work on synonymous adjectives systematically and systematically through various exercises.

I offer many tasks related to the lexical compatibility of an adjective with a noun. This kind of work is useful for choosing words with the most appropriate meaning. Exercises of this nature lead to the fact that the selection of synonyms when presenting does not cause serious difficulties for students.

Significantly promotes speech development students learning the verb. The technique of synonymization helps me explain the meaning of verb words and reveal their polysemy. Work on verbal synonymy, as well as on lexical synonymy in general, should be built in the direction of expanding the child’s passive vocabulary in the classroom through new words previously unknown to students and an increasingly wider translation of them from passive to active vocabulary. Synonymous verbs in the child’s mind must be clearly distinguished from words with the same root that belong to different parts of speech. I reinforce the concept of synonymous verbs with a number of exercises that are located in the system.

After these exercises, work begins on the use of synonyms in speech. To prevent errors in the inappropriate use of words, exercises are devoted to showing the possibilities of lexical compatibility of synonymous words with a particular word in phrases and sentences.

Synonyms are also needed in order to avoid repetition of the same word in a sentence and text. Students complete the task of editing sentences and eliminating repeated words. This type of work is a good preparation for writing statements, essays and other coherent statements.

Next, the synonymy of polysemantic words is considered. It is very important to show that different meanings of one polysemantic word form their own synonymous series. By completing tasks on this topic, children will see that synonyms are needed to more accurately express thoughts.

In the fourth grade, it is important to focus children’s attention on the use of synonyms in their own speech activity, as well as on correcting mistakes.

Working on antonymy

The main didactic material for various work with antonyms is “School Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language” by M. R. Lvov.

I start working on antonyms in the first grade and, making them more complicated, I constantly carry out, mainly in connection with readable texts and with some grammatical topics. At the initial stage, I do not provide theoretical information to students. At this time, I replace the term “antonyms” with the term “opponent words” or “enemy words”, which means “words that are opposite in meaning”: day - night, long - short, enter - exit.

In second grade, I introduce students to the term antonyms. When inserted this concept It is appropriate to compare it with the word “synonyms” with the children. This can be done as follows: The word itself antonym, probably reminds you of another term we're already familiar with, doesn't it? Who will say about this? (Word antonym looks like a word synonym. They have the same second part.) Do you know why? (No.) The second part of these words-terms onima– in Greek means “name”, “word”. And if we add the first part to this anti, what does “against”, “opposite” mean, you get the word antonym

At this stage, it is important to draw students’ attention to the fact that not all words in the Russian language have correlative words with the opposite meaning. At the same time, some words, if they are polysemantic, may have several antonyms, for example: light (burden) - heavy; easy (task) – difficult; light (gait) – heavy; light (frost) – strong; light (music) – serious; light (sleep) – deep. I offer students tasks on dividing words into anatomical pairs, then on finding antonyms in the texts of proverbs and poems. In the third grade, when studying the topics “Noun”, “Adjective” and “Verb”, students are offered tasks to select antonyms for different parts of speech.

Working on phraseology

Together with vocabulary work in Russian language lessons, I work on phraseology. Moreover, this work is not carried out sporadically, but in the system already at an early stage of training. In the first grade, I replace the term “phraseologism” with the term “winged words,” which means words that “seem to fly from sentence to sentence without changing their composition.” In the second grade, when the essence of such combinations is more clear to children, I introduce them to a “serious” linguistic term, giving it an interpretation close to younger students.

It is very important that children not only write down and remember this or that phraseological combination, but also learn its meaning and can use it correctly in their speech. To do this, I invite students to independently compose sentences with phraseological combinations. On the one hand, this technique helps students to better understand the figurative meaning of these combinations, and on the other hand, it stimulates verbal creativity. Most effective technique familiarization with a phraseological unit is an awareness of its meaning in context. In third grade, students continue to observe the meaning catchphrases. They come to the conclusion that stable phrases, like words, can have synonyms, and practice selecting synonymous phraseological units. At the same time, students become familiar with antonymic phraseological units.

IN school programs In the Russian language for primary grades, great importance is attached to lexical work. But, basically, the work is not aimed at communicating theoretical foundations, but at practical exercises in connection with the study of grammar and spelling. The strict framework of the lesson and the richness of the Russian language program do not always allow answering many questions that interest children. To fill this deficiency, I developed and tested a circle program for second-grade students “To the Secrets of the Word” and for third-grade students “Journey to the Past.” Classes are based on fun. Practical material for observing the word and various exercises for consolidation contain a problem task. Difficult tasks attract students with their novelty, unusualness, and originality. This helps to create a positive emotional environment, without which it is impossible for students to actively absorb the material. What is common to all types of classes is that in each of them students have the opportunity to solve feasible problems, perform basic stylistic exercises, and conduct systematic observations of linguistic facts. An elective course “Native Word” has been developed for fourth grade students.

This system of work will help the teacher determine the content and methodology of lexical organization in elementary school, helping not only to enrich the student’s vocabulary, but also to improve reading skills and speech development, will create the basis for subsequent language practice, will help not only to firmly master the material, but also to interest children, increase attention to the word. The initial familiarization of primary schoolchildren with the elements of lexicology will help the middle-level teacher to carry out in-depth and systematic work on the word as a lexical unit and will provide a system of continuity between the two levels of education.

The issue of enriching the vocabulary of schoolchildren with disabilities is relevant today. With scientific progress, more and more new words are coming into use, many of which are difficult and incomprehensible. Therefore, the primary task of the teacher is to work on enriching and clarifying the vocabulary of schoolchildren. The key educational competence of primary schoolchildren with disabilities is speech competence. It is especially important for learning and social life, since people who do not master it are at risk of social isolation.

In classroom lessons, in extracurricular activities, and in communication, we encounter answers that are lexically poor. And poor vocabulary goes hand in hand with poor syntax. The meager vocabulary of a junior schoolchild often interferes with successful work in the field of spelling. All this is aggravated by the fact that students with disabilities in primary school think concretely: they use many abstract words and concepts, often without understanding their meaning. The speech of students with disabilities is often incoherent, logically inconsistent, and contains many stylistic errors. Incorrect speech is either difficult to understand or can be misunderstood. Many misunderstandings arise due to a careless attitude towards our speech. . It is precisely these mistakes that should be eradicated from the speech of our children.



Toroshchina Svetlana Anatolyevna, teacher

Kirov regional state

General education budgetary institution

"Boarding school for students

with disabilities





The issue of enriching the vocabulary of schoolchildren with disabilities is relevant today. With scientific progress, more and more new words are coming into use, many of which are difficult and incomprehensible. Therefore, the primary task of the teacher is to work on enriching and clarifying the vocabulary of schoolchildren. The key educational competence of primary schoolchildren with disabilities is speech competence. It is especially important for learning and social life, since people who do not master it are at risk of social isolation.

In classroom lessons, in extracurricular activities, and in communication, we encounter answers that are lexically poor. And poor vocabulary goes hand in hand with poor syntax. The meager vocabulary of a junior schoolchild often interferes with successful work in the field of spelling. All this is aggravated by the fact that students with disabilities in primary school think concretely: they use many abstract words and concepts, often without understanding their meaning. The speech of students with disabilities is often incoherent, logically inconsistent, and contains many stylistic errors. Incorrect speech is either difficult to understand or can be misunderstood. Many misunderstandings arise due to a careless attitude towards our speech.. It is precisely these mistakes that should be eradicated from the speech of our children.

The novelty of my experience lies in changing the organization of the educational process through the use of additional material, a clear selection of language tools and the use of active techniques of domestic methods based on the activity approach within the framework of competency-based technology. The activity mode of organizing educational work orients students toward creative work.

The basis for enriching vocabulary is the traditional system of working with a dictionary, but I have made certain adjustments to its content and organization. They are designed to speed up the development of children's natural cognitive needs.

Both in reading lessons and in Russian language lessons, vocabulary work is a mandatory component.

General requirements for conducting dictionary work:

  1. The dosage of words per unit of teaching time must be maintained. Here, just as in the assimilation of any verbal material, it is necessary to observe the principle of small steps, or segmented presentation of the material. As studies by V.A. have shown. Sumarokova, for students junior classes average optimal number words within one stage - 2-3, for high school students - 3-5.
  2. It is necessary to strive for a specific explanation of new words. According to psychologists, the process of accurately memorizing words is noticeably more effective if they are combined into thematic groups or included in a sentence.

I suggest the following topics: “Apartment”, “Clothes”, “Shop”, etc. (Annex 1). Then we compose stories using the words we have learned. Options are possible here: the children make up stories themselves, or the teacher reads the story, and the children must write down the words they learned.

  1. The process of presenting words must rely on the work of all possible analyzers. A new word must be written down and read by the teacher and perceived by schoolchildren by ear, so we simultaneously realize the sound and visual nature of the word. With this approach, we “work” at once on two types of children: visual (that is, those who perceive information primarily visually) and auditory (those who better perceive information by ear). Next, its meaning is analyzed using visual or verbal means when active participation children; then the word is read again by the students, included in the sentence and written down, if this happens in a Russian language lesson or in some cases in oral speech development lessons.

When working with a new word, I use techniques such as: writing it in the air with a finger, an imaginary pencil that is located on the tip of the nose, and the word must be written on the ceiling or the opposite wall.

Figurative representation of a vocabulary word: a picture in the graphic design of the word, a semantic map.

Of course, not all words can always be drawn; in this case, I use an auditory “hint”, i.e. associate a word with a so-called mnemonic representation. For the unit being studied, you need to choose a word that is always familiar, easy to remember, and most importantly, has a similar sound to the dictionary one. For example, Cost I'm in Cost Huma. White birch, etc.

If the word is Russian in origin, then it is possible to turn to its etymology. The origin of the word explains its spelling. For example:dress, scarf. What do these words have in common and why do they stand next to us? The fact is that these two words are based on the old Russian word PLAT, which means “piece of matter”.

  1. Explaining the meaning of a word is only the initial stage of working on vocabulary. To introduce a word into speech, a system of exercises, constant repetition of the word, and its inclusion in various contexts are necessary.

In my work I use the following methods of explaining words:

  • showing an object or action (a mouse lives in a hole), showing an image of an object (pin);
  • full logical definition (working with an explanatory dictionary);
  • a story about an object or phenomenon (thunderstorm);
  • explanation of a new word with the help of examples, comparison (strong will and stubbornness);
  • selection of synonyms;
  • introducing an incomprehensible word into an understandable phrase (barrier - a horse jumped over a barrier);
  • appeal to the composition of the word;
  • subsuming the particular under the general (the elephant is a herbivore);
  • division of the general into private ones (city transport - bus, taxi...);
  • use of facial expressions;
  • disclosure of the concept during the excursion (cumulus clouds).

Exercises using logical techniques that reveal the content of words and concepts:

  • make a sentence with words (grass, firewood, bird...);
  • form other parts of speech from words (venerable, marvel...);
  • choose words with the same root (shuddered, rushed, ...);
  • replace these words with similar ones in meaning;
  • replace these words with opposite meanings.
  1. When activating vocabulary, it is important to maintain natural conditions. The sentences made by students should reflect either the content of the text read, or the situation that is set by the teacher and discussed in class, taking into account what the children learned on excursions, from television programs, and in other lessons. Any techniques that take children away from primitive standard phrases are significant for Russian language lessons.
  2. Work on vocabulary should be closely related to work on grammatical, phonetic and other aspects of the language. It is impossible to learn a new word without using its different grammatical forms and without practicing the correct pronunciation. Without comprehensive work on all aspects of the language, without constant application of the studied grammatical material in relation to specific words, new information becomes a dead weight in children’s memory or is quickly forgotten.

Thus, work to enrich the vocabulary of primary schoolchildren with disabilities is of great importance for the development of the psyche, successful inclusion in the sphere of communication with others, and the formation of speech competence.


  1. Aksenova, A.K. Methods of teaching the Russian language in a special correctional school [Text]/ A.K. Aksenova - VLADOS Center, 2000. – 320 p.
  2. Teaching and raising children in a auxiliary school [Text]/ Ed. V.V. Voronkova - M.: Shkola-Press, 1994. - 416 p.
  3. Ilyina, S. Yu. Methodological guide to the textbook “Book for reading” for 2nd grade special (correctional) education. establishment VIII type [Text] / S. Yu Ilyina - St. Petersburg: branch of the publishing house "Prosveshcheniye", 2004. - 2 p.
  4. Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type preparatory, grades 1-4 [Text]/ A.A. Aidarbekova, V.M. Belov, V.V. Voronkova. Edited by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.V. Voronkova - M.: “ENLIGHTENMENT”,

2013. – 200 p.

5. Soboleva, A.E., Kondratyeva, N.N. Russian language with a smile [Text]/ A.E. Soboleva, N.N. Kondratieva. – M.: V. Sekachev, Sphere shopping center, 2007 – 64 p.



street, alley, fountain, building, factory, pharmacy, library, metro, monument, ditch, sand, ravine.


Apartment, address, staircase, corridor, room, bed, sofa, armchair, stool, furniture, object, order, wardrobe, shelving, painting, portrait, collection.


clothes, coat, mittens, sweater, pocket, shoes, boots, felt boots, scarf, overalls, suit.

Shop :

shop, showcase, cash register, suitcase; drawing, felt-tip pen, pencil, album, pencil case.


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In the primary education system, the subject “Russian language” occupies a central place. As a means of understanding reality, the Russian language ensures the intellectual development of the child, forms his conceptual and categorical apparatus, develops abstract thinking, memory and imagination. It allows the student to get to know himself, master the means of introspection and self-expression.

Behind last years Unfortunately, students are experiencing a sharp decline in interest in Russian language lessons, children’s reluctance to broaden their horizons, improve their literacy and speech culture.

“The native language is the language of words: large and small, simple and complex, understandable and incomprehensible. The very nature of the word, its connection with the outside world requires a thoughtful and meaningful approach to working on the vocabulary of the Russian language. Through native word, as noted by K.D. Ushinsky, reflects the entire history of the spiritual life of the people. Ushinsky K.D. Selected pedagogical works. M.: Uchpedgiz, 1945. Therefore, in our opinion, it is so important from the very beginning of a child’s education at school to reveal the “mysteries” and possibilities of the native language, to instill interest in it, to form and develop a sense of words.”

During Russian language lessons, the teacher pays sufficient attention to grammar, spelling and structural analysis words, while working much less on their semantics.

Often in the texts of exercises in the Russian language and in texts literary works There are words that have fallen out of everyday use - these are obsolete words. They are part of outdated vocabulary. And it is very important to introduce children to such vocabulary: to explain the meaning of outdated words, to teach them to use dictionaries in order to find out the interpretation of the word, how to use these words in speech.

Language acquisition is a creative process. A person spends his whole life improving his speech, mastering the riches of his native language. Each age stage brings something new to its speech development. The most important stages in speech acquisition occur in childhood—the preschool and school periods.

In preschool, and sometimes in school age language is acquired spontaneously, in speech activity. Spontaneously acquired speech is primitive and not always correct. Consequently, the school faces a number of challenges. The tasks for the development of children's speech were formulated by M.R. Lvov Lvov M. R. Methods of speech development for junior schoolchildren. - M., 1985.. Firstly, at school the literary language norm is mastered. Secondly, at school, students master reading and writing skills and, along with them, the features of oral and writing. And finally, the third direction of the school’s work on speech development is improving the culture of speech.

The modern primary school curriculum places high demands on the speech development of younger schoolchildren. Along with such qualities as correctness, logic, accuracy, developed speech is characterized by imagery, expressiveness, and emotionality. However, speech development cannot be reduced to learning the skillful use of language. What then is the work of a teacher to improve children's speech? In order for the improvement of the actual speech activity of primary schoolchildren to be successful, parallel, targeted work is needed in a number of areas: a) on expanding the horizons of students, on their ability to observe, emotionally perceive, compare, evaluate, generalize: the thoughts and feelings that arise in children are potential subjects of their speech activity; b) over the student’s awareness of the language system, the purpose of various language units, the rules of their functioning, enriching the arsenal of tools used by children; c) on the ability to choose language means taking into account the communication situation and correctly formulate thoughts; d) the ability to select the content of a statement and organize it in accordance with the plan.

The enrichment of children's vocabulary occurs in inextricable interaction with the development of speech. Speech activity is an active, purposeful process of perceiving statements, carried out using linguistic means during the interaction of people in various communication situations. When characterizing speech activity, one cannot help but say about its types.

In the 70-80s, under the influence of linguistics and psycholinguistics, new approaches to work on the development of speech in schoolchildren began to be defined in the methodology. A deep conviction has emerged that for the successful speech development of children, simply performing exercises in selecting synonyms, composing sentences, telling and retelling is not enough - such a system does not equip students with an understanding of existing speech patterns, knowledge of a set of actions and ways of performing them when thinking about statements. Interesting books that reflect the modern approach to working on the speech of younger schoolchildren are “Speech. Speech. Speech" Speech. Speech. Speech. /Ed. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya. - M., 1990. and “Speech Secrets”. Speech secrets /Ed. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya. - M., 1992. They present in a bright, exciting form a wealth of theoretical and practical material that a teacher can successfully use.

The specific content of work in a particular class is definitely new program course “Speech and culture of communication”. Speech and culture of communication / Primary school, 1990. No. 8. The development of the problem continues. On the research agenda is the question of revising the entire Russian course, giving it a more pronounced speech or communicative focus. Recognition by psychologists of the fact that speech is now a unique human activity, speech activity, marked the beginning of a new approach to work on speech development - from the position of the theory of speech activity. First, this approach was defined in relation to Russian as a foreign language (A.A. Leontyev, I.A. Zimnyaya, etc.), and relatively recently, it began to be developed in the methodology of teaching Russian as a native language (V.I. Kapinos, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.R. Lvov, A.Yu Kupalov). The implementation of this approach should ensure more successful work on speech development.

Modern primary schools see one of the main tasks of education as the development of speech and thinking of younger schoolchildren. One of the indicators of the mental and speech development of schoolchildren is the richness of their vocabulary. Vocabulary is necessary for a language as a building material. With the help of the word, human thinking is connected with objective reality, since the word denotes the object of reality and expresses the concept of it. A word, according to the definition of Mikhail Rostislavovich Lvov, “is a particle of knowledge, a particle of generalization of experience, which is stored in memory and used by a person in the process of thinking and speech” Lvov M. R. Methods of developing the speech of younger schoolchildren. - M., 1985. The organization contributes to the enrichment of vocabulary, and, consequently, speech development educational activities aimed at:

Perception and awareness of the semantic content of the studied words and words with the same root, shades of meaning of these words, antonymic and synonymous relationships, compatibility of words and stable phrases;

Development of the ability to explain the meaning of words and features of their use in speech;

Formation of the ability to use words in speech when constructing one’s own speech utterance.

The poverty of students' vocabulary inhibits their mastery of spelling. The issues of developing competent writing skills in elementary school are resolved in terms of teaching schoolchildren spelling based on the use of certain rules and memorizing a number of so-called “dictionary” words, i.e. words with unverifiable spellings. It is very difficult for younger schoolchildren to master these words. Observations show that students leaving primary school make spelling errors. large quantity words with unverifiable spellings.

On average, an adult uses about 3 thousand words for daily communication. However, its vocabulary consists of approximately 20 thousand words. The larger a person's vocabulary, the more likely he is to succeed in life.

American pediatrician Susan Canizares, who has published a number of books on how to teach a child to read, believes that the more words a child knows, the higher the likelihood that he will begin to read and write faster, it will be easier for him to study at school and, as a result, He will grow up to be a person of high intelligence.

According to Canizares' calculations, at the age of 2-3 years a child knows 50-300 words. At the age of 3-4 years, the vocabulary increases to 500 - 1.2 thousand words. From 4 to 5 years old it increases to 1.5 -2 thousand words. After reaching the age of six, the average child knows more than 6 thousand words.

By the time a child enters school, his vocabulary has increased so much that he can freely communicate with another person about everyday life and things within his area of ​​interest (from 3,000 to 7,000 words). The need for communication determines the development of speech.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Mari El

Municipal educational institution

"Yulyal Primary School"

Enriching the vocabulary of younger schoolchildren

primary school teachers

Sevodnyaeva Elvira Nikolaevna

With. Yulyaly

Approved by the methodological association

primary school teachers

Date ______________________

Chairman _____________ (___________________________)

full name

Head teacher __________(____________________)

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1. Enrichment of students' vocabulary.

2. Organization of the process of enriching students' vocabulary.

1) Principles of methods for enriching students’ vocabulary.

2) Techniques for semantizing words.

3) Vocabulary and semantic exercises.

3. The place of vocabulary and semantic work in Russian language lessons.

4. Organization of work to enrich students' vocabulary.

1) Working with dictionaries.

2) Study of synonyms.

3) Studying antonyms.

4) Work on phraseological units.

5) Work with proverbs and sayings.

6) Execution various types creative works.




Everything has a name -

Both the beast and the object.

There are a lot of things around,

And there are no nameless ones!

And all that the eye can see is

Above us and below us, -

And everything that is in our memory

Signified by words. (A. Shibaev.)

There is nothing in the life around us and in our consciousness that could not be conveyed in Russian words: the sound of music, the sparkle of colors, the noise of gardens, the fabulousness of dreams, the heavy rumble of a thunderstorm, the babble of children, and the mournful roar of the surf, and anger, and great joy, and the sorrow of loss, and the exultation of victory. (K. Paustovsky.)

Mastering a word means mastering its meaning and norms of use in speech. Well-organized vocabulary work ensures timely mental and speech development of children, promotes deep assimilation of program material, and serves as a means of ideological and moral education of students. The word in the primary school curriculum is considered in lexical and grammatical terms.

Throughout all four years teaching should attach great importance to vocabulary work. These exercises are practical in nature, they are performed in connection with the study of grammar, word composition and spelling. Primary school students are not provided with theoretical information on vocabulary. Based on the lessons of reading, grammar, spelling and speech development, observations are made during which students realize that words designate objects, phenomena of reality, are close and opposite in meaning, and can also be used in a sentence or text in one or more meanings. Children learn to choose the words that are most appropriate in meaning to accurately express thoughts. Their vocabulary gradually expands, enriches and activates. In second grade, children are given an idea of ​​the composition of a word. In the third grade, the composition of a word is studied in full and practical acquaintance with the simplest cases of word formation, with the meanings of the most common suffixes and prefixes, is carried out. Based on the study of the composition of the word, the spelling of voiced and voiceless, unpronounceable consonants, and unstressed vowels of the root is learned. In the third grade, children master checking methods: changing the form of a word, selecting words with the same root. From class to class, the language material also becomes more complex - words with a more complex morphological structure related to different parts of speech are given.

In the course of studying the composition of words and parts of speech, lexical exercises are carried out to master the various meanings of words belonging to different parts of speech, and their correct, precise, appropriate use in sentences and phrases; as well as vocabulary and spelling exercises, during which words with unchecked spelling are learned, given in special lists for each class. When selecting words, the following criteria should be taken into account:

1) the practical significance of the word, i.e. the role of the word in the cognitive and speech activity of students in the process of mastering a literary course;

2) frequency of use of the word, i.e. its regular use in the speech practice of schoolchildren in connection with the study of program material;

3) semantic accessibility of a word - a criterion that requires taking into account the ability to comprehend the essence of the phenomenon that is denoted by the word;

4) the qualitative usefulness of the word from the semantic, emotional-expressive, stylistic, grammatical and spelling sides.

Class-specific alphabetical dictionaries will help organize spelling work with words. They contain information about correct pronunciation and word stress, information is included about the formation of some grammatical forms that cause difficulties for students.

Dictionary system language differs from other systems (phonetic and grammatical), firstly, by the innumerability of its units, and secondly, by their constant variability due to the semantic, word-formation and stylistic mobility of the vocabulary.

The vocabulary of the language is huge, but it is practically not used by speakers in its entirety. Speakers use only part vocabulary language depending on the degree of education and the degree of mastery of culture. In everyday speech, speakers typically use about 3,000 words.

It is impossible to master all lexical wealth even during a person’s entire life. Moreover, this task is unattainable at school. At the same time, it is obvious: the larger the student’s vocabulary, the richer his speech, the better the language serves communication, and the better the student’s understanding of works of different functional styles.

In connection with the need to enrich students' vocabulary, the task of creating a lexical minimum of commonly used words arises, which is advisable to work on in Russian language lessons. The implementation of this idea encounters a number of difficulties: the vocabulary of students with which they come to school has not been sufficiently studied; there is a significant variation in the vocabulary of students of the same age; In the speech of students there are dialect and colloquial words.

The content of the work to enrich students' vocabulary was mainly determined by: the vocabulary of textbook exercises, the texts of presentations, and the topics of essays. In relation to them, methods of working on the semantics of words and their use in speech were developed. This work helps to enrich the vocabulary of students, but its improvement in this case is unfocused and completely depends on the subjectivity in the selection of texts by the authors of textbooks and collections of expositions.

Russian language methodologists were aware of this shortcoming and were looking for ways to overcome it. Considering the need to select words for vocabulary work, some scientists took the grammatical and spelling difficulties of words as a basis, others the semantic value of words to enrich the vocabulary of students. We call the first way of selecting words the grammatical-spelling direction in dictionary work, and the second - semantic.

Much attention was paid to grammatical and spelling work in the 50s, when schools were primarily tasked with improving spelling literacy. Lists of words were compiled, distributed according to grammatical and spelling topics. These words were recommended to be used when preparing for essays. Due to the one-sided grammatical and spelling orientation in the selection of words, lexical preparation for essays turned out to be inadequate either to the topic, or to the genre, or to the style of a coherent statement.

The semantic direction reflects the thematic approach to word selection. This direction strengthened its influence in the years when the task was set to develop not only spelling, but also speech skills. In the Soviet methodology, the origins of this direction were M. A. Rybnikova, K. B. Barkhin, V. A. Dobromyslov, P. M. Petrova, M. P. Kanonykin. Words selected according to semantic themes and lexical-semantic groups were intended for lexical preparation for essays and solved this problem better, since they were deprived of the grammatical and spelling one-sidedness characteristic of the first direction.

The discovery of the systematic nature of vocabulary substantiates the prospects of the semantic direction in the selection of words to enrich the vocabulary of students. Back in the 19th century, linguists N.V. Krushevsky and M.M. Pokrovsky drew attention to the associative semantic connections of words. Further research into the systemic nature of vocabulary led to the discovery of semantic connections between words - semantic fields of words. Analysis of vocabulary by semantic fields revealed semantic groups of words in a circle different parts speech and lexical-semantic groups of words around the same part of speech.

Further research into the systematic nature of vocabulary led to the creation of the theory of the lexical paradigm, according to which a particular word groups around itself semantic (thematic) words, related words, words that are in lexical-semantic connections - synonyms and antonyms. Of these parts of the lexical paradigm, semantic (thematic), lexical-semantic groups of words and synonymous words are of greatest importance for enriching students’ vocabulary, therefore the selection of words should be carried out according to these three groups.

I think that most teachers believe that the ability to speak clearly, correctly, clearly express one’s thoughts, and use vivid figurative expressions in speech is a necessary skill that children must master in school. It is precisely the formation and improvement of the skill of correct speech that the work of teachers in lessons of rhetoric, Russian language, literary reading. One of the main places in this work is the work on enriching the vocabulary schoolchildren.

What is meant by the development of speech of primary schoolchildren? This is systematic work on clarifying children’s ideas about words, their origin, introducing new words and actively including these words in students’ vocabulary, improving word-formation skills. It is necessary to teach children to thoughtfully use words and their forms, to develop the ability to correctly formulate their thoughts in sentences.

This article and presentation describe techniques for working with enriching and activating the vocabulary of junior schoolchildren, used by me on speech therapy classes. Conventionally, it can be represented in several blocks.

1. Clarification of the meaning of the word, its semantics;

2. Using a new word in your own speech;

3. Conscious choice of the appropriate form of the word.

Techniques for enriching and activating vocabulary

Working on increasing vocabulary for students, the teacher simultaneously solves two problems: quantitative and qualitative enrichment. The growth of vocabulary in quantitative volume is unthinkable without its qualitative improvement. Increase schoolchildren's dictionary in quantitative terms, it is possible when reading texts, drawing the attention of students to those words that are unknown to them. For example: when reading the poem “Spring has come” by E. Stewart, you need to draw the students’ attention to the words cornices, unwell. Explain the etymology of these words.

It is worth drawing the children’s attention to words that have several meanings, especially with figurative meanings of words. This work is aimed at enriching the quantitative composition of the vocabulary and helping children to better understand the meaning of the word and the mechanism of its figurative meaning.

Using the technique of attracting students' attention to rarely used words, the teacher changes lexicon children not only in quantity, but also in quality. However, children's knowledge certain words is not always expressed in their use in the independent speech of a primary school student. And teachers understand that if a child cannot use a word that he has recently become acquainted with, then this indicates that he has not mastered it. Mastering a word comes with experience in composing sentences, with the development of the ability to use a word depending on its proximity to other words and the purpose of the utterance. Exercises aimed at using new words in different contexts will help rid your child of a large number of mistakes in speech.

Thus, the ultimate goal of work to enrich the vocabulary of primary schoolchildren is the children’s use of words in their own statements. The active and passive parts of the dictionary are distinguished in the speech of every native speaker in terms of the use of words in speech. The main difference between an active vocabulary and a passive one is manifested, first of all, in the level of word proficiency. Mastery of a word implies knowledge of its semantics, compatibility and scope of use. If a student understands the meaning of a word, knows how to correctly combine it with other words and use it appropriately in his speech, then this word is included in his active vocabulary. If the word in the student’s mind correlates with reality or a concept, and he understands it at least in its very general view(knows the generic characteristic of a reality or concept), but does not know how to use it correctly or does not use it in speech, then such a word is included in the student’s passive vocabulary.

IN childhood boundaries between active and passive vocabulary in vocabulary quite mobile: the active vocabulary increases not only due to new words, but also due to the transition of passive words into the active vocabulary.

The teacher’s task is to help students master the compatibility and scope of passive words, thereby transferring them into active vocabulary.