
What is a tapestry definition. What is tapestries. Brief history of the emergence. Pros and cons of tapestry fabric

Tapestry is a fabric made by cross-missing threads with the simultaneous creation of a scene or ornamental composition. This is a pretty good material, which due to its two- or three-layer structure seems somewhat heavy. A large number of multi-colored threads twisted in a special way gives rise to amazing paintings, impressive with the finest color nuances.

The history of the appearance of this fabric goes its roots at the time of the Board of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. With the development of civilization, the art of creating elegant textile patterns with a manual way, and subsequently on the weaving machines it became more and more expand its horizons. Material known to our contemporaries was received in the 17th century, when the French brothers in the name of the Goblen opened the Royal Manufactory for the production of decorative woven cloths of a dense structure.

Since the occurrence of tapestry art, only the appearance and design of weaving machines changed, the material of the material was the same. With a modern process of manufacturing decorative fabric, technically more advanced equipment is used.

The production of tapestries, distinguished by a complex multicolor pattern, a jacquard weaving method is used. Optimal color Effect It is achieved by interlacing several basics of a variety of shades and a standard duck, where the first type of threads performs a decisive role in creating a storyline. Application of various yarn in thickness contributes to the structural structure.

For the manufacture of tapestries, both natural and synthetic fibers are used:

  • wool;
  • silk;
  • cotton;
  • acrylic
  • polyester;
  • viscose.

Properties of Gobel


This is a particularly important property of tapestries in many ways affects the indicators of the following characteristics:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • crossing.

The density of the tapestry is predetermined by the scope of its application. So, for curtains, upholstery of upholstered furniture, the coiled material is used with an indicator ranging from 250 to 350 g / sq.m. For tailoring, low density fabric is suitable - just up to 180 g / sq.m.


Tapestries has good folding resistance. The fact that the fabric practically does not occur, considerably contributes to the properties of the fibers, the weave method and the tissue density.

Flow resistance

This is a clear plus tapestry. An important role in its manifestation is played by the quality of painted in different colors Synthetic threads. However, when exposed to direct sunlight, fading fabric may occur.

Shrinkage and stretching

With proper care, the tapestry is not deformed - does not stretch and does not sit down.

Varieties of fabric

Depending on the structure, tapestry can be:

  • single layer;
  • two-layer.

The density determines the weight of the tissue, depending on which it is divided into the following varieties:

  • easy;
  • heavy;
  • medium-heavy.

By the way of the embodiment of designer and color solutions, tapestry happens:

  • with large ornaments;
  • with small pattern;
  • with resembling embroidery patterns;
  • melange;
  • smooth.

The method of weave the base and duck affects the fact that the tapestry is defined as:

  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.

Application area

Due to its decorativeness and sophistication, as well as the mass of other advantages, the tapestry cloth always inspires designers different areas For the embodiment of the most bold ideas. This material is used in the following areas:

  • production of armchairs, sofas and other types of soft furniture;
  • production of interior accessories (curtains, bedspreads, pillows, paintings, carpets, decorative panels);
  • tailoring.

Regarding the last of these ways to use the tapestry, the Fashion industry reliably stamped its right to use this fabric in creating stunning costumes, dresses, bags, cosmetic bags, belts and shoes.

Pros and cons of tapestry fabric

The versatility of the use of tapestries is due to a number of its advantages. In one of the favorite materials of decorators, the following qualities are conveniently combined:

  • varieties of shades and color resistance;
  • the beauty of patterns and durability;
  • unique texture and durability;
  • external attractiveness and practicality;
  • high tactile properties and functionality.

Not devoid of tapestry and some flaws. These include:

  • heavyweight of certain types of fabric;
  • stiffness, due to which the material is practically unable to drape.

In addition, tapestry is undesirable to wash at home, as well as iron or report other WTO methods. All this should not be done to prevent the appearance of folds or chances on the fabric.

As already mentioned above, it is better not to wash and not stroke. Despite the high degree of practical material, care is still needed. To clean it, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush. If stains appeared, which should be unremitted, should contact the services of specialists.

If it is supposed to place products from the tapestry for long-term storage, for this you should choose a well-ventilated place. In order for the material, the folds and chances did not happen on the material, it is necessary to wind it face, for example, on a drainage tube as much diameter as possible.

If there is a cat in the house - a big lover to accumulate claws about a dense surface, when placing products from tapestry in the interior, it is necessary to take into account this fact.

Customer Reviews

In general, tapestry causes products made from it, only positive emotions. They mark a special style and expressiveness of the external component of such products. The exquisite beauty of the fabric, which is distinguished by multiple weaves of folding in drawings of colored threads, does not expentently by connoisseurs of antique art.

With all the availability of advantages, buyers' reviews affect some tapestry disadvantages. Especially as for the rules of care of products from it. At the same time, they immediately come to mind thoughts about the possibility of resorting to dry cleaning services.

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One of the most luxurious, sophisticated and expensive fabrics is tapestry. He has a long history and unchanged love of designers and users.


The first samples of the material began to produce even before our era. Confirmation of this burial of the Egyptian kings, mythological scenes Ancient Greeks and Romans.

The tapestries were manufactured in China, India and America.

After hiking crusaders, exotic carpets with patterns appeared in Europe. Gradually, release was established in Germany, France and Flanders. The flourishing of tapestry favors fell for the period of rebirth, Baroque and Rococo.

Interesting fact!

In Russia, Manufactory, the shleker opened in the era of Peter I with the participation of French masters.

Initially, tapestries called carpets without a pile with bulk drawings or plot compositions on biblical and antique themes. Manual manufacturing technology meant the weave of silk and woolen threads. Festive products decorated with gold and silver sewage. The work was time consuming and demanded a lot of time. The tapestries were considered the work of art, art paintings, which accounted for entire series. They were valued expensive and manufactured for wealthy people.

Term gobelin. It has French roots, where the Manufactory of Tapestry brothers opened and only their products were considered tapestries. The rest of the textiles was called the trellis. Currently, such a term combines all types of woven, patterned material.


Tapestry in the interior

Tapestry is a dense jacquard fabric. Most often, the canvas are durable, natural base of flax, or cotton, in which woolen, silk, synthetic and mixed threads are woven. Mandatory condition - they have softness and elasticity. Dense and thick views give the figure expressiveness. A large amount of threads makes the material heavy. The structure of the sleeper is single, two- and three-layer. The image on the canvas is obtained by volume, which makes it realistic, or smooth.

The dignity of the tapestry is color resistance. If the sun's rays do not fall on it, then the paints are saved long years. The patterned canvas is endowed with unique properties - it does not think and does not form a fold, it does not sit down and is not stretched.

Classic design with an abundance of plant and flower ornaments remains the most popular. In second place, Eastern and oriental patterns, then there are modern motifs, landscapes and sketches from life, maps and geometric images.

With the help of computer technologies, modern tapestries become reproductions famous paintings and place to place photos.

Woven material has the following advantages:

  • strength due to complex weaving;
  • resistance to damage and crumination;
  • high density and lack of deformation;
  • variety of ornaments and bright colors;
  • pleasant tactile sensations;
  • does not accumulate dust;
  • does not learn and does not fade;
  • easy and simple care.

Of the disadvantages it is worth noting stiffness and coarseness, so tapestries did not find use in the sewing of clothing. They are contraindicated contact with water, washing and ironing.

Species difference

Separate noble material in several criteria.


The variety of patterns, color and designer solutions is classified into a number of categories:

  • smooth branded tapestries;
  • melange;
  • in embroidery style;
  • with a large ornament;
  • filled with small pattern.


For the manufacture of a choler applies a variety of threads and combinations of the composition of the initial raw materials.

  • Sheep wool - durable and easy painted.
  • Silk, which benefits the matte surface of cotton and wool, makes the material elegant.
  • Component synthetics (polyester, viscose and acrylic) for sufficient wear resistance.
  • Flax and cotton - vegetable fibers facilitate the canvas.
  • Gold, silver threads and sleekex for decor.


The indulgence, strength, durability and weight of the finished canvase depends on this indicator. Scope also determines the density. In the furniture production and for sewing the curtain uses a fabric with a value of 250-350 g / sq.m. For clothes and accessories sufficiently low density up to 180 g / sq.m.

Depending on the thickness of weaving, tapestries are released light, moderate and heavy.


The masters for manual weaving use the frame with the bases stretched on it. They are used by any shades, because they will remain invisible under the layer of color fibers of the pattern, which are crowded by the cross method. Basically applies from 3 to 6 threads.

The first mechanical machine appeared in the XIX century thanks to the Frenchman Joseph Jacquard.

He worked on the same principle as manual, but the performance increased. Balented steel cheaper and more affordable.

A complex embossed ornament is obtained using several technologies:

  • Stretch out color specular threads that increase the cloth and immediately form the pattern;
  • On the weaving machines cross overlapping;
  • In compliance with the technician of manual production.

How to choose tapestry

A few signs will help to distinguish a tapestone cloth from another type of textile. The determination of authenticity begins with feeling. This fabric is dense and heavy, because it has three layers. Slacher has a special interlacing of threads, not similar to the analogues. It is much more difficult to distinguish manual production from the machine. This can only be done by a specialist.

When choosing a tapestry comes from the destination and stylistics of the room where it will be located. Assortment Theme allows you to find the desired thing.

  • With african motifs;
  • with a children's story;
  • with animals and birds;
  • series of landscapes and still lifes;
  • with vesitis and fantasy patterns.

Original, woven canvas will decorate a residential building or cafe, give the atmosphere to the exhibition or foyer.


The tapestry is very popular, brings aristocraticity and luxury. It is most in demand in the furniture production for the upholstery of sofas, chairs, puffs and chairs. Fabric sew rich curtains, covers for pillows and interior items, bedspreads and blankets, decor elements and panels. Use for festive and lush clothes.

Tapestry perfectly fits into the interior and transforms the room. A rich material has not been ignored by designers. On fashion shows, you can see bags, clutches and accessories from this fabric, as well as the objects of the exquisite toilet, dresses and suits. Once the tapestry canvases were used to decorate the walls in the lush halls and palaces.


The material is unpretentious, and maintain the original condition is completely simple. This contributes to the impregnation with special solutions that repulse dirt.

  • It is recommended to use a dry brush or vacuum cleaner for care.
  • The tapestries can not be erased, because they are sitting on it, they are deformed and linen.
  • Pollution and stains to dry cleaning.
  • Vintage and delicate products purify with brush or cotton disks.

Tapestries are forbidden to iron. Under the influence of the yard, the threads are prone to the appearance of chances and bends.

  • Woven fabrics protect from moisture and exposure to ultraviolet.
  • Structural products are afraid of hooks, and cats in the house can damage it.
  • When wetting the fabric to dry the towel and leave away from solar exposure.

To storage, the tapestry canopy climb on the pipe of a large diameter of cardboard or plastic facial side inside.

Chairs from the palace of the work of Masters Gambas in the Roman I. Ilf and E. Petrova "12 chairs" were inhabited by furniture tapestry. And what else is famous tapestry? The name causes many in memory a picture or carpet on the wall with an incredibly beautiful pattern. It turns out that also the tissue has the same name. Where does it apply?

What it is

Answer to a question that is tapestry, maybe two. This is a decorative carpet or woven picture that adorns the interior. Also, tapestry is such a special fabric that it is impossible to confuse with others due to the special type of weave the threads. And it is applied not only for the manufacture of wall paintings. The area of \u200b\u200bits use is much wider.

Tapestry cloth

For your information! Clothes from this fabric wore egyptian pharaohs. The ancient Greeks and the Romans decorated the houses of the gobels with images of the feats of gods and heroes. The funeral Savans in Peru sewed from the tapestry. Japan and China did not remain aside, tapestries were created there from silk yarns. And for products that were intended by the emperors, gold and silver threads were used.

The creation of a tapestry is a time-consuming and painstaking process, an incredible patience was required from weaver. To create a carpet of 1.5 × 1.5 m in size for a whole year. Therefore, the products were piece, were made to order and cost an incredibly expensive.

In Europe, tapestry (fabric) hit the cross campaigns. Exotic patterns accounted for Europeans, and at 17 V. The French by the name of the tapestry set up the production of decorative material. Previously, carpets - woven paintings were called the tremers, but later the familiar definition was entrenched for them - tapestries.

At the beginning of the 19th century. Frenchman J. Jacquard invented the machine for the production of complex patched fabrics. Since then, the cost of the material is the tapestry decreased, and he himself became somewhat thinner. But also applied wider.

Jacquarda Weaving Machine

In Russia, the first pilot factory appeared in the epoch of the innovations of Emperor Peter I. It was he who discovered the best masters from France and founded a warm manuff, which for a long time exceptionally, French weales worked.

Modern manufacturing techniques:

  • the filaments of the base stretch on the frame (they can be of any color, since they will not be visible in the final product), and the tissue and pattern form simultaneously;
  • cross overweight of threads on machines;
  • machinery in compliance with the traditions of manual weaving.

It turns out a complex embossed pattern, called jacquard named the creator of the machine. A large number of threads forms a dense and durable woven tapestry. If you need to get a double-sided product, take two foundations. The filaments of the duck are binding among themselves, moving along the specified pattern.

Important!Rules of the Russian language say: Proper writing of the word denoting the woven carpet of handmade, it is "tapestry", and "Gobylene" or "Gablelen" are unacceptable forms. The word happened french surname Gobelin.

The composition of Gobel

The composition of the fabric is chosen in such a way that the basis is durable. Flax, cotton, wool. And the threads of the duck should be soft and elastic. This is necessary to create a unique pattern. Therefore, silk, viscose, acrylic, polyester are used. At the same time, the threads can be different in thickness, it gives a large texture of the tissue. In total, about 10 threads are used for weaving.

Tapestry with wool threads

Feature material

A complex structure and a large amount of threads give the material with the following characteristics:

  • the fabric has a three-layer structure, so it is much heavier than other types;
  • due to the complex weaving and large amounts of threads have a high density (up to 350 g / m²);
  • resistance to fermentation due to high density;
  • resistance colors due to high-quality painting of synthetic tissue;
  • not prone to deformation.

Varieties of fabric

Fabrics are distinguished by several signs.

By structure:

  • one-layer;
  • two-layer;
  • three-layer.

By density:

  • easy;
  • medium-heavy;
  • heavy.

According to the applied pattern, the types of tapestries are the following:

  • with a large drawing;
  • with a small intricate ornament;
  • with patterns imitating embroidery;
  • melange (mixed color);
  • monophonic tapestry.

By the number of used basics:

  • unilateral;
  • bilateral.

Tapestry Country Melange

Application area

A wide range of types of tapestry fabrics allows you to use it for various purposes.

Tapestry for upholstery of furniture - of course, first of all chairs, but also sofas, chairs, puffs.

Sofa, tapestry

Decorative pillows and pillowcases.




Curtains and curtains.


Amazing beauty wall panels.

Panel "Fruit nectar"

Fashion accessories - handbags, belt, cosmetics.

Handmade bag

Clothes - coats and jackets.

Gobel Jacket-Root

The upholstery of the walls to create the thematic interior.

Fabric Walls

To create a special atmosphere in the room there are several famous tapestry plots:

  • eastern - warm and soft colors, images of people, animals or small ornament;
  • country - for folk style lovers, clay products, woven rugs;
  • scandinavian - light pastel colors, naturalness and laconicity;
  • provence - sea landscapes, flowers, houses by the sea, a lot of sun.

Note!The tapestry can be embraced by their own hands. The technique is simple, similar to the embroidery method by the cross. Embroidery of paintings is performed by a seam, which is called tapestry. The facial part of the stitch resembles an incomplete cross, and the involving is passed. There are ready-made sets on sale that have everything you need for embroidery.

Embroidery tapestry seam

How to determine what it is tapestry

Tapestry from the usual (cotton, for example) is characterized by a thickness and weight due to multi-layered. In addition, the business card of the fabric is the special interlacing of the threads, which is impossible to confuse with the other.

What is the care

Tapestry is not the most capricious fabric, but the care of it is still needed. In leaving you need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations placed on the label, the product label.

The most important thing is that you need to remember when using products from this tissue, it is not allowed to wet the tapestry and avoid constant influence on it with sun rays.

For your information! On the rough surface of the fabric, dust quickly accumulates. If it is not possible to remove it regularly, the product will acquire a gray shade and will lose an elegant appearance.

Tapestry Care:

  • you can get rid of dust with a home vacuum cleaner or soft clothes;
  • pollution can be wiped with a soft sponge, moistened with a minimum addition of detergent. Then dry in a well ventilated place;
  • it is not recommended to iron products, in the most critical case - from the wrong side, the iron is not more than 150 ° C;
  • wash in the typewriter. Only manual washing;
  • woven pictures should not be placed in places of direct sunlight.

Pros and cons

The advantages of the fabric are as follows:

  • wide scope;
  • ease of care;
  • wear resistance and strength;
  • many textures, colors, textures on any, the most demanding taste;
  • special processing of products makes material resistant to pollution;
  • pleasant to the touch.

The disadvantages include the following characteristics:

  • stiffness and severity of fabric;
  • ban on washing and ironing products;
  • high price.

Vintage trellis

Over the centuries, the tapestry was an integral part of the decoration of royal castles and the imperial palaces. Why monarchs all over the world gave their preference to this particular genre applied art? Who brings tapestry to Russia? How is the fate of this time-consuming and elite craft today?

Tapestry (from French Gobelin) - manually cramped in a picturesque pattern-sample (cardboard) carpet-picture (tweer) from woolen, silk (sometimes with the inclusion of silver and golden) threads.

The art of manufacturing a steller (tapestries) has ancient history. The exact date and place of the occurrence of the tapestry are not known. But already mummies in the ancient Egypt tomb were wrapped in colorful clothes - prototypes of modern trellis.

The earliest European holders are German. Thes of them in monasteries or small workshops. In the cold stone buildings, the trellis not only decorated the premises, but also helped to keep warm in them. Middle Ages and the Renaissance Western Europe - Time of heyday of high weakness. Paris, Arras, a somewhat later - Brussels become the centers of production.

The manufacture of a choler was a matter of very expensive and painstaking (on the creation of one tall spelling sometimes several months), so only members of the royal families (Francis I, Heinrich II, Heinrich IV, Louis VIII) could afford to acquire paintings (Francis I, Henry II) and the most significant and wealthy feudals Which often with their castles organized special sleeve workshops. In these workshops, a famous series of tapestries "Lady with a unicorn" (XV century) was created, as well as the "Life and death of Christ", "The History of Scipion", "History of Constantinople", "History Diana". Most of these trellis can be seen in the expositions of the most famous museums of Europe.

Tillers fabrics from silver, woolen and even silver and gold threads on picturesque sketches, the dimensions of which corresponded to the size of the future carpet. Trelliers ordered the series in which there were sometimes up to 12 and more carpets combined with a common topic.

They were valued expensive throughout Europe. Behind the series, the choper was bought from the Turkish captivity French prince. But, despite the significant cost of the steller, their beauty attracted new and new fans among the nobles and nobility. The trellis came into fashion, they decorated with interiors and hang out on the stands for the audience during the knightly tournaments. Trelliers were the decoration of the temples during the liturgy, served as mobile walls in Knight's castles. From the steller made up mobile corridors on the streets during the Mysteries and Processions. Many great artists showed interest in high-alkaline weaving. Sketches for their creation wrote Raphael, Rubens, Wang Diq.

Gobeli Trelliers began to be called in the XVII century, when, on the basis of the dyeers created in the XV century, the royal teeth of the workshop was created in the suburb of Paris.

The tapestry fell to Russia in the XVIII century, when Peter the Great invited the masters on the masters of tapestry to St. Petersburg. They founded the first tapestry in Russia. Russian Trellier combined European traditions and identity of Russian art. The first masters reproduced from wool, silk and flax paintings of Russian and French artists.

The twentieth century became the epoch of the new heyday of this ancient type of decorative and applied art. In the 40s, the French architect, Jean Lursa created a tapestry manufactory, whose products were revived by the fame of the French tapestry and led to a real revolution in a warm case. Along with huge plot tapestries resembling ancient trellis and designed for exhibition halls, decorative wall panels have become increasingly to appear, using non-previously expected technological techniques, new figurative features.

Sketches for tapestries painted such outstanding artistsLike Pablo Picasso, Beauvais Matisse, Fernan Leo, Salvador Dali, Vasily Kandinsky. Artists-talesmen proved the legitimacy of the exit of the tapestry beyond the applied craft and the inclusion of it into the system of modern plastic arts.

Installation as high art, tapestry returned to the interior. IN last yearsAfter the decline stuck in the 90th decline, the interest of the decorators to this noble and labor-intensive genre of applied art increased again. It is not by chance that it happened in the era of large-scale construction, when fresh ideas and non-standard solutions in the design of the premises are needed as air. In the era of cold high-tech-style in architecture and design, warm and noble woolen patterns fell, oddly enough, quite by the way.

Review was: Olga Michurina

The encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron gives such a definition of the word "tapestry" - "Woven handmade carpet, on which a multi-colored wool and partly felt a picture and a particularly prepared cardboard is played more or less famous artist».

The word "tapestry" originated in the XII century in France. At that time, the Royal Manufactory of Tapestry Brothers opened there. It was very popular and the products of this manufactory began to call "tapestries". The founder of this family, a dye Zhulle Gobblelen came to Paris from Reims and founded in the suburb of Paris, a dyeing for wool. His children not only continued to contain a dyeing, but also added carpet weaving.

Louis XIV bought out dreamed and weav, endowed it with a statute, rich material means and a new building. So "Royal Tapestry Manufactory" appeared. And since the works of this manufactory were extremely expensive, they walked solely on the decoration of the royal palaces and for gifts. Only in very rare cases they went on sale. The royal tapestry manufactory existed to today's days and is now proud of France.

According to experts, the term "tapestry" should be denoted only the works of manufactory of tapestries, yet other - call the tremers. In Russian, two terms are used at the same time: "Slear" and "tapestry" who came in the XVIII century and then denoted any woven work, including the upholstery for furniture.

When the first sleeper appeared - it is not known. In ancient Egypt in the tomb of Tutmos IV, Linen Pelon was found (1400 BC), made in the technique of repless weave, with a drawing of scarabs and lotuses. From here we can conclude that the principle of tapestry weaving was known even then. The flourishing of tapestry in Egypt is considered to be the period from IV to the VII century.

The traditions of the ancient Egypt and the era of Hellenism were connected in the tissues of the Copts. These are commonly small two-sided panels, made of linen-based wool thread and characterized by an elegant thin pattern. Later, Christian plots appeared in the Coptic tissues. Coptic fabrics have become a link between antiquity and medium centuries. Coptic weaves developed tapestry techniques, introducing some techniques used and today.

The history of the European tapestry begins with the era of crusades when the works eastern Masters As trophies were brought by crusaders. At that time, tapestries were created on church orders. Its main differences were monumentality, plane image, limited and bright colors. The tapestries of the Romanesque period are associated with book miniature and wall paintings. The background was smooth, the image is simple: geometric patterns, heraldic signs, floral ornament. Biblical and historical plots were popular.

The tapestries became not only the decorations of the walls of majestic cathedrals, the castles and palaces were decorated, but also kept warm, helped defend against drafts. The first European tapestries of the fabric in Germany, a little later in Scandinavia, then production spread in Flanders and France.

The tapestries were produced in Europe for eight centuries. In the Middle Ages, tapestry weaving has become the most important industry in the industry, thousands of weales were involved in the work.

"Pentecost". 1484-1490. Piece of wool, silk and silver thread. Santa-Maria della Salute, Venice.

In the XV century, the production of French tapestries, due to the countercake war, moved from Paris to the cities located in the Loire pool. There was a special kind of chopler, called "Milleur" (Mille Fleur - Fr. "Thousand Colors"). On a dark green or red background, a set of small flowers, often depicted with botanical accuracy, were scattered on a decorative kime.

"The Lady With The Unicorn" (Paris, Klanie Museum)

By the end of the XV century, Flanders became the center of the artistic weaving and production of tapestries. Here, the production of tapestries was supported by non-individual private orders, but urban shops. Flanders began the beginning of the tradition of creating tapestries in the pictures of great artists. Local weathered people had a modest palette of just six colors, but using the methods of the drive and a special weathered technique - stretching (hatching), achieved amazing pictorial effects. The artist created a sketch performed on a "small pattern", which was close to the existing work of art.

Flemish tapestry 1450-1460

"Astronomia." Flemish tapestry (1500-1515) depicting the music of astronomy with astronomer (Claudius Ptolemy), scribe and shepherds wearing in fear of heaven (museum of applied art and design, gedeborg).

Slear "Medea, Helping Argonauts." Flanders. 1520s

France and Flanders become popular tapestries with realistic landscape, still lifes. For the first plan, brighter (greens) and dark (brown) tone, for the second - light green, for the far - pale blue are chosen. Carefully worked and noble balanced landscape was sometimes supplemented by images of real and fantastic animals.

In 1663, at the head of the "royal manuff of tapestries and furniture", the "first painter King" le Bran was put. At the same time, the first industrial production of tapestries. Since that time, the word "tapestry" was included in the designation of wall carpets. In essence, the tapestry is the same as the solar, but initially the tapestries called only those carpets that were created in France at the royal manuff of the Tapestry brothers. A distinctive sign of such carpets is the royal lily in the center of the upper edge of the Royal Lilia - a symbol of royal manufactory. Later, this name was fixed behind all lobby carpets.

Tapestry "Gallery." Antwerp 1640 year Jacob Verters. Located in the English Royal Collection.

Tapestry "Suleiman." Antwerp 17th century. It is part of a series of 8 tapestries about the history of Tamerlane and the defeated Bayazid Sultan. Museum of Art History Museum in Vienna.

Tapestry "Children in the Garden." Workshop le Bran.Parge 17th century.

Among the tapestry customers for their palaces there are also famous political figures: Francis I, Heinrich II, Heinrich IV, Louis XIII. Thanks to them, paintings were created: "Life and death of Christ", "The History of the Solution", "History of Constantinople", "Story Diana" and a number of others. Most of these paintings still can be seen in the expositions of the most famous European museums. A Catholic clergy played far in the development of the art of the tapestry.

Tapestry "Union of Principality of Urbino with the Church" 1669-70 Wool, Silk, 400 x 530 cm Musei Vaticani

Since the 1730s, in French tapestry, the desire to reproduce the picturesque original as possible to reproduce as accurately in the tapestry. It began to increase the density of the canvas, the yarn was now stained in thousands of various shades. Even the color scale was introduced, where each tint had its own number. Auxiliary patterns that should strictly adhere to weaves contained fragments circulated with contour and numbered in accordance with this scale. Thus, a creative weaving initiative was excluded from the process of creating a tape - now he copied the picturesque canvas, without having the right to change something.