
Rituals and customs in folklore. Presentation on the topic "customs and ceremonies in folklore and in the work of composers". National wedding traditions of the peoples of the world

What is ritual folklore? First of all, it is folk art, collective or individual, oral, less often written. The folk style of communication between people usually did not involve emotions. It expressed thoughts and desires associated with certain events and timed to them. Therefore, the ceremonies mainly consist of songs, laments, family stories, lullabies, wedding praises. Occasional conspiracies, spells and chants, rhymes and slander are considered a separate category.

What is ritual folklore in a broader sense

These are works of art of a small form associated with traditions, customs, religious and ethnographic genres. It should be noted that in all cases the rituals bear signs folk character... At the same time, modernity is blurred. Ancient traditions with customs best fit into the past tense.

The spectrum of folklore rituals is wide enough. It's a country choreography choral singing outdoors, during field work, haymaking or grazing. Since traditional customs were constantly present in the life of ordinary people, the ritual folklore of the Russian people was and remains an integral part of their existence. The emergence of customs is always associated with long-term circumstances. An ongoing drought that threatens the harvest can be a reason for people to turn to God for help. Any natural phenomena that are dangerous for a person also make him look for a way out of this situation. And most often these are prayers and requests, candles and notes in churches.

Many rituals and ceremonial folklore in general have ritual and magical significance. They form the basis of behavioral norms in society, and sometimes even acquire traits national character... This fact testifies to the depth of folklore values, which means that

Folklore rituals are divided into labor, holiday, family and love spells. Russians are closely intertwined with the folklore of other Slavic peoples. And in addition, they are often associated typologically with the population of some countries located on the other side of the world. The interconnection of cultures that seem different at first glance is often due to a historically established analogy.

Ivan Kupala holiday

Ritual folklore in Russia has always been self-sufficient and did not need to be fed from outside. The originality of Russian traditions and customs not only passed from generation to generation, but also grew with new rituals, often exotic. The most notable folklore rite is This rite has pagan roots. On the night of Ivan Kupala, high fires were kindled, and each of those present had to jump over the fire. This was not always possible, there was a danger of falling and getting burned.

At night on Ivan Kupala, it was customary to commit ritual atrocities, steal livestock from neighbors, ravage hives, trample gardens and firmly prop up the doors in the huts with sticks so that residents could not leave. The motives of all these actions are still unclear. The next day, the outrageous fellow villagers again became level-headed citizens.

Song rite

Poetry occupies a significant place in Russian ritual folklore, which can be conditionally divided into song (incantations, cory, magnificant songs) and magic (love spells, sentences, lamentations).

Spell songs appealed to nature, asked for well-being in the household and family affairs. Cheering sang at Maslenitsa, kolyada and other celebrations. Corral chants were of a mocking character.

Rites and calendar

Along with others, ritual folklore of the calendar type existed in Russia, which was directly related to agricultural work in the broadest sense. Calendar-ritual songs are the oldest folk art, historically formed over the long years of peasant labor in the field and at haymaking.

The agricultural calendar, the order of field work by the seasons - this is a kind of program of the song genre. All folk melodies, born behind the plow, harrow and weeding. The words are simple, but this song poetry contained the whole gamut of human experiences, hope for good luck, anxious expectations, uncertainty, replaced by glee. Nothing unites people like a single goal for all, be it harvesting or choral singing. Social values \u200b\u200binevitably take some form. In this case, it is folklore and with it Russians and customs.

Folklore by seasons

The songs of the spring ritual repertoire sounded cheerful. They look like jokes, reckless and cocky. The chants of the summer months seemed deeper, they were sung with a sense of accomplishment, but as if with a hidden expectation of a miracle - a good harvest. In autumn, during the harvest time, ritual songs rang like a stretched string. People did not relax for a minute, otherwise you will not have time to collect everything before the rains.

Reason for fun

And when the bins were full, it was then that folk fun began, ditties, round dances, dances and weddings. Ritual folklore of the calendar phase of intense labor smoothly turned into festivities and free life with feasts. The youth looked closely at each other, made new acquaintances. And here the traditional customs were not forgotten, the ritual folklore of the Russian people "stood up at full height." In the huts, fortune-telling began on the betrothed-mummers, the girls burned candles for hours and swayed rings on thin threads. Cherevichki and felt boots threw themselves over their shoulders, a whisper was heard in the upper room.

Christmas carols

What is ritual folklore in terms of religion? The Feast of the Nativity of Christ is considered one of the most traditional in Russia. It follows immediately after the New Year. It is generally accepted that how you spend this holiday will be the same throughout the year. Others consider Christmas to be the beginning of the new year. This is the main Russian religious event. On January 6, on Christmas Eve, the caroling began. These are festive rounds of houses and apartments with songs and sacks full of grain. Children usually go caroling. Everyone wants to receive a pie or a handful of sweets from the owners of the house in response to congratulations on the holiday.

The eldest in the caroling procession usually carries on a pole the "Star of Bethlehem", which appeared in heaven when Jesus Christ was born. The owners, whom they came to with Christmas carols, should not skimp on gifts for the children, otherwise they will have to listen to comic reproaches from children.

The main night of the year

A few days after Christmas came New Year (today we call it the Old New Year), which was also accompanied by folklore rituals. People wished each other happiness for long years life and every success in business. Congratulations were presented in the form of short carols. Folk rituals were also "sub-dish" songs that accompanied fortune-telling after midnight. This is what ritual folklore is on New Year's Eve!

And when winter is coming to an end, it is time to see it off - and people go out to the streets to meet Maslenitsa. This is the time of cheerful winter folklore rituals with riding on troika, with races on squeaky sleighs, with ice skating games with clubs. The fun continues until dark, and in the late evening the whole family sits down by the stove and remembers the past holiday. During such gatherings, they sang songs, sang ditties, played games. This is also the ritual family folklore of the Russian people. It includes family stories, wedding songs, lullabies, lamentations, and much more.

Composers through their musical works try to contribute to the formation of a person as a highly spiritual person. Particular attention is paid to raising children.

The composer's tasks in raising children

  • Educational: through the rituals and customs of Russian folklore, to acquaint children-lovers of music with the history of the emergence of customs and traditions in Russia.
  • Educational. Development of interest in folklore and music of Russian composers
  • Developing. Education and development of skills for listening to music, ear for music, the ability to analyze musical works.

New lesson - new knowledge

In the initial lesson, organizational activities take place. Then the topic of the lesson is announced, for example, "Rites and customs in the work of composers." In subsequent classes, the theme of folklore is a common thread. The listeners are told that folklore is a form of oral folk art. Musical folklore is vocal, instrumental and dance creativity.


To understand the culture of your people, you need to get acquainted with old folk songs, traditions, tales and legends. The theme of all folk art is lighting major events in a person's life: baptism, wedding, funeral.

F.S. Dargomyzhsky

Opera "Mermaid"

A striking example of wedding ceremony is the opera "Mermaid" by composer A. Dragomyzhsky, who was fond of studying Russian musical folklore. He invited peasants and peasants to his estate and listened to folk songs performed by them.

Working on the opera Mermaid, the composer studied the literature of that time about customs and rituals that reflected the folk way of life and especially the song traditions of the Russian people. The opera used scenes with folk song folklore. Some of the songs were composed by A.S.Dragomyzhsky himself, and some were old ritual wedding songs in the composer's arrangement. Throughout the entire action of the opera, Dragomyzhsky used choral singing. The well-known aria from the opera "As in the Upper Room, Svetlitsa" is an excellent example of a Russian ritual song performed by a female trio. In the opera, the composer also used comic Russian song traditions. The song "Svatushka" performed by female voices is an example of a comic-everyday Russian song. The musical accompaniment only emphasizes the beauty of the choral or solo performance of the opera songs.

Opera "Mermaid" - a work by Dargomyzhsky

The wedding choirs from the opera "Rusalka" are an excellent example of how folk customs and rituals of Russian folklore were restored. The opera developed scenes of a princely wedding, where all the customs and rites of the Russian wedding were shown. Against the background of the princely wedding, it is shown everyday life villagers who also took part in the princely wedding.

What did the musician want to show with his opera?

The composer in his opera "Mermaid" wanted to show that all significant events in a person's life take place according to the traditional canons of customs and rituals. Therefore, the wedding ritual songs reflected the bright sadness of the bride, who said goodbye to her home, mother and father.

Creativity of Rimsky-Korsakov

Excerpt from the opera "The Golden Cockerel"

Another striking example of the use of folk folklore in his work was the opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov's "The Golden Cockerel", the libretto of which is based on the fairy tale of the same name by A.S. Pushkin

Modern collectors of folklore

Folklore modern

A new wave of folklore, which manifested itself in the works of Russian writers V. Rasputin, V. Belov, also appeared in music. Famous composers G. Sviridov R. Shchedrin widely used forms of folk music in his works. The creative personalities of writers, composers and filmmakers learned to look into the depths of the centuries, discovering new sources of creativity of the Russian people, and raised the strength of the spirit of the Russian people with their works.


In order to feel all the charm of ritual songs, one must go to the performance of folk music ensembles.


Such ensembles as the M. Pyatnitsky Choir, the Pokrovsky Ensemble, the Cossack Choir Ensembles are excellent representatives of Russian folklore. But there are also pioneers. With his work, A. Dragomyzhsky showed that Russian composers directed their work to uncovering the creative potential of the Russian people, studying the origins of folk songs, which composers musically processed and gave songs new life... The folklore movement began in the 60s of the last century and does not fade away today.

Folk art in the modern world

Goal: to promote the formation of a highly spiritual personality through the creative union of a teacher and a student in musical and aesthetic education.

educational:acquaintance with folklore through the works of composers whose work is directed to folk music, acquaintance with the history of the wedding ceremony in Russia;
developing:development of listening, vocal and choral skills, ear for music, memory, thinking, ability to listen and analyze musical works;
educational: fostering in schoolchildren respect and interest in the native folklore and music of Russian composers.

Equipment:presentation for the lesson, multimedia projector, screen, laptop, button accordion, text of the song "Mother, mother, it's dusty in the field ...".

During the classes

I... Organizing time
(Appendix 1.slide1)
Hello guys. The topic of today's lesson is "Rites and customs in folklore and in the work of composers", write it down.
(Appendix 1, slide 2)
And the epigraph to the lesson will be the words of our great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin:

Deeds of days gone by
Legends of deep antiquity ...

II... Repetition of the passed material.
(Appendix 1, slide 3)
So, back to the topic of today's lesson. Let's remember what folklore means?
-Folklore - folk art, most often oral.
(Appendix 1, slide 4)
Musical folklore?
- folk music - vocal, instrumental, vocal-instrumental and dance creativity of the people.
(Appendix 1, slide 5)
So what helps us to penetrate the culture of the past, to understand the soul of the people?
- Acquaintance with folk songs, epics, old legends.
-What are they telling us about?
- About important moments in a person's life, about folk traditions captured in various rituals.
Yes, all significant events in human life - be it the birth of a child, the change of seasons, the beginning and end of agricultural work, marriage, were accompanied by rituals.

III... Learning new material
(Appendix 1, slide 6)
Today we are going to talk about one of the most beautiful rituals - an old Russian wedding (including one included in the opera genre).
A bit from the history of wedding ceremonies in Russia.
In Russian villages, the wedding was the main solemn ceremony. The decision to marry was not made by the young people themselves, but by their parents. The opinions of children were almost never taken into account. Hence the saying "Suffer, fall in love."
(Appendix 1, slide 7)
So, the old Russian wedding was a complex chain of solemn ceremonies.
The "Wedding Game" was a theatrical performance that lasted several days, and sometimes several weeks. The protagonists of the wedding game were the matchmaker, matchmaker, the groom's boyfriend, the bride's girlfriend. The bride was the central character. The wedding game was divided into two parts.
The first part was dedicated to the girl's farewell to own family and was played in the bride's house. In the old days, marriage meant the end of the girl's free life and her transfer to someone else's family. Therefore, the bride's songs were dramatic and were called laments, laments, lamentations. From the moment of her marriage until her departure to the crown, the bride had to cry and lament. And the bride cried and lamented in order to show love and respect for her parents, gratitude for the fact that they “gave drink, nourished.” Otherwise, they could have complained about the daughter's ingratitude, leaving her father's house without regret. So she said goodbye with her will my own family.
(Appendix 1, slide 8)
Guys, you watched and listened to the lamenting song from the "peasant" melodrama - "Tula wedding", performed by our Tula folklore ensemble "Uslada" - a unique ensemble whose members not only sing and dance, but also play as dramatic artists such there are no more collectives.
(Appendix 1, slide 9)
The repertoire of "Delights" is based on the musical folklore of the Tula region. The ensemble learns the secrets of Russian song during trips to the villages, collects objects of peasant antiquity, historically accurately approaches the musical structure of the song. As the band members themselves say: "putting on bast shoes, we feel a cut above ourselves, because being modern young people, we do not forget about the traditions of our native culture."
(Appendix 1, slide 10)
Comparisons addressed to nature give special beauty to folk wedding songs: a girl is compared to a river, a swan, a duckling, a berry; guy, good fellow - with a clear falcon. Listening to the Russian folk song "The Utushka Bathed at the Sea".
As the river flows - it does not wobble, so the bride-girl sits - does not smile; as the duckling grieves, parting with the onset of a cold winter with the blue sea, on which she freely swam, so the girl on the morning of the wedding day cries bitterly at the thought of the upcoming separation from her parents.
The confusion and anxiety experienced by the bride-girl while waiting for the wedding train, sound in different versions of the song "Mother, mother, it's dusty in the field ..." listen performed by Zh.Bichevskaya, and the works of great Russian artists will help you create a more complete image of the song and everything that happens in it.
(Appendix 1, slide 11)
- What impression did the song make on you?
-In the song, mother and daughter seem to be talking
-Those. the song is built in the form of a dialogue
- What can we say about the melodic drawing?
- In the theme of the mother, one can hear an emotion, a call for submission, resignation with a hopeless situation
- The daughter's theme sounds anxiety, drama
-What did you see in the pictures?
-What emotions do the heroines of these pictures experience?
- Are these emotions similar to those of the heroine of the song "Mother ..."?
Each of you has lyrics on your desk. Let's learn it (song performance ).
Well done! We continue to work on the topic.
(Appendix 1, slide 12)
The second part of the wedding is a traditional feast that began in the house of the groom's parents after the wedding ceremony. The wedding celebration was accompanied by the singing of magnificent songs glorifying the bride and groom, comic and dance songs, as well as dancing, horseback riding.
Composers often turned to the songs of the colorful wedding ceremony in their operas.
(Appendix 1, slide 13)
The wedding game and her characters are vividly represented in the opera of the Russian composer, our fellow countryman A.S.Dargomyzhsky "Mermaid".
-What do we know about the composer?
- A.S. Dargomyzhsky was born in the village of Troitskoye, Belevsky district, Tula province.
- I was very fond of studying Russian musical folklore.
- A.S. Dargomyzhsky invited peasants to his estate and loved to listen and watch their songs, dances, games, round dances.
While nurturing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe opera "Mermaid", the composer carefully studied everything significant that was in the literature of that time - examples of oral folk poetry, descriptions of folk life, rituals. And especially - Russian folk songs. No wonder the Russian folk song occupies a large place in all of his work.
In the center of the opera there are two peasant images: Melnik and his daughter Natasha. This prompted the composer to fill all the scenes with folk song elements. Some songs are truly folk songs, some were written by Dargomyzhsky himself.
The second act of the opera shows a picture of a princely wedding. There is a large place for choirs.
(Appendix 1, slide 14)
The action begins with the chorus "As in the upper room, in the light room." Its content is the glorification of the Prince and Princess. The choir is based on an original theme in the style of Russian folk ritual and majestic songs. The wedding choir is a wonderful example of festive and solemn Russian music. Hearing.
(Appendix 1, slide 15)
The three-part female choir "Svatushka" stands out especially. In it, the composer very colorfully conveyed the comic and everyday scene of the wedding ceremony. By folk custom the girls surround the matchmaker and demand gifts from him. The girls sing a song in which they make fun of the unlucky matchmaker. The Svatushka choir is humorous.
Svatushka, svatushka, stupid svatushka;
They drove around the bride, drove into the garden,
They spilled a barrel of beer, watered all the cabbage. Hearing. Analysis.
-Genre of the work?
-Comic wedding song. The Svatushka choir is close to folk songs, because chants are encountered here.
Musical form?
-The form of the piece is a two-part verse, the 2nd part is two verses, between which there is a gap.
Does the accompaniment play a major or minor role?
-Auxiliary. He emphasizes the liveliness of the stage, the girls' joke and the clumsiness of the matchmaker.
A pictorial moment is included in the accompaniment. In the loss between the verses, the accompaniment resembles the playing of the flute that accompanies the festivities.
What can we say about diction?
-The choir "Svatushka" is light, playful in nature, to emphasize this, a clear diction is needed.
Tell me, do the wedding choirs from the opera recreate the folk rite?

IV... Summing up the lesson.
(Appendix 1, slide 16)
What did we talk about today?
What does folklore mean?
Musical folklore?
The most beautiful old Russian rite?
What is the name of the Tula folklore ensemble?
What can you say about the repertoire of this ensemble?
Name the composer and his opera, which vividly presents the wedding play.
What is the big place in the opera "Mermaid"?
What do choirs recreate in opera?
What is important to us? We are Russian people!
(Appendix 1, slide 17)

It is very important that the folk song is accessible to everyone and everyone. We must remember that we are Russians, that we have a Russian word, we have fairy tales, we have traditions.

State budgetary educational institution

Comprehensive school No. 660 of Moscow

Music lesson summary for grade 6

"Rituals and customs in folklore and in creativity

Composers "


music teacher

Knyazheva Anastasia Vladimirovna

moscow city


Rituals and customs in folklore and creativity


Goal:to continue acquaintance of students with the emotional-figurative structure of the Russian song.


- acquaintance with musical images of folk songs and works visual artsrelated to rituals and customs in folklore and in the work of composers;

    develop the ability to characterize music themes, draw analogies with the passed works;

    develop musical thinking, skills creative analysis piece of music.

Musical material:

folk song “Mother, mother, it's dusty in the field”;

the chorus "The Swan Is Swimming, Swimming" from the opera "Khovanshchina" by M. Musorgsky;

· Chorus "We took a walk, the spring waters fell apart in the meadows" from the opera "Ivan Susanin" by M. Glinka.

Equipment: tape recorder, CD disc, portraits of M. Musorgsky, M. Glinka, handouts: the text of the folk song "Mother, mother, it's dusty in the field."


1: organizational moment

Hello guys. Pay attention not to the topic of the lesson: "Rites and customs in folklore and in the works of composers" (written on the board).

- How do you understand the word FOLKLORE?

Folklore (eng. folklore - "folk wisdom") - folk art, most often oral; artistic collective creative activity people, reflecting his life, views, ideals; poetry (legend, songs, ditties, anecdotes, fairy tales, epics) created by the people and prevalent among the masses, folk music (songs, instrumental tunes and plays), theater (dramas, satirical plays, puppet theater), dance, architecture, pictorial and arts and crafts.

2: reviewing the material covered

FOLKLORE is divided into two groups - ritual and non-ritual ... Ritual folklore includes:

Calendar folklore (carols , Shrovetide songs, vesnianki),

Family folklore (family stories,lullabies , wedding songs,lamentations ),

· Occasional folklore (songs, conspiracies, performed on an occasion important for the life and well-being of the community - for example, drought, cattle pestilence).

Rituals in the Russian countryside were considered as essential a component of life as holidays. All more or less significant events in people's lives - be it the birth of a child, marriage, death, the change of seasons, the beginning and end of agricultural work - were accompanied by the performance of special ritual actions timed to this occasion. Moreover, the religious consciousness of the peasant people, traditional society the rite was conceived as an action that actually creates an event.

The rituals, familiar to us from the materials of the 18th-20th centuries, originated in ancient times and embodied ancient beliefs.

Today we will talk about the poeticization of the way of life and the way of life of the Russian people based on one of the rituals - an old Russian wedding (including one included in the opera genre)

Step 3: learning new material

From the HISTORY of wedding ceremonies in Russia

Since the emergence of Russian villages, the wedding has been the main, the main solemn ceremony. Any girl or guy was in awe of the day they got married. Although the decision was made not by the young people themselves, but by their parents, brides still spent whole nights wondering about their fiancé.

In Russia, young people got married at the age of 13-15. Anyone who sat in brides or grooms under the age of 20 aroused fears among neighbors and acquaintances. Parents tried to find the right match for their child when he was just starting to walk and talk. The opinion of the children themselves was almost never taken into account, since the older generation was more experienced and knowledgeable. This is where the sayings came from: "Tolerate - fall in love", "Do not drink water from your face" and many others.

This state of affairs could not but be reflected in the Russian song.

Hearing: Russian folk song "Mother, mother, it's dusty in the field" performed by Zh. Bichevskaya.

- What mood does this song create?

- Is this song built in the form of a bride's monologue? (no, there is a dialogue between a girl and a mother)

Let's consider a melodic drawing in notes. (musical notation of the melody on the board) What do you see?

Daughter theme

Mother theme

the daughter's agitated address is built on repetitive downward and upward intonations that never get completed

Confusion, anxiety, emotion, dramatic intensity of feelings

The mother's soothing responses are built on a leisurely, gradually descending melody that leads to a steady (steady tone in the tonic)

Submission, resignation to a hopeless situation

The song sounds tense, in a minor key

- Why do you think the heroine of the song is so alarmed?

The works of artists will help you create a more complete image of the song and everything that happens in it.

Let's consider some of them (demonstration of pictures or slides on an interactive whiteboard).

- What do you see in these pictures?

- What emotions do the heroines of these pictures experience? (confusion and dismay or submission)

- Are these experiences similar to the mood of the heroine of the song "Mother ..."?

Let's write the lyrics of the song in a notebook and try to perform it in faces.

Singing: folk song "Mother, mother, it's dusty in the field"

Mother, what's dusty in the field?

Russian folk song

- Mother, mother, what's dusty in the field?

Madam mother, what's dusty in the field?

- My dear child, the horses are playing.

- Mother, mother, guests are going to the yard,

Madam mother, guests are coming to the yard! ..

- Mother, mother, they are going to the porch,

Madam mother, they are coming to the porch! ..

- Dear child, do not be afraid, do not be afraid ...

- Mother, mother, they are going to the new room,

Madam mother, they are going to the new room! ..

- My dear child, I will not betray you!

- Mother, mother, they sit down at the tables,

Madam mother, they sit down at the tables!

- Dear child, do not be afraid, do not be afraid!

- Mother, mother, the image is being removed,

Madam mother ... I am blessed ...

- My dear child, God be with you!

Wedding scenes in operas by Russian composers.

Wedding choirs from operas, recreate the folk rite. Today we will get acquainted with the lyrical image and the image of the great, healthy song.

Hearing: chorus "The swan is floating," from the opera "Khovanshchina" by M. Mussorgsky;

Hearing: chorus "We took a walk, the spring waters fell apart in the meadows" from the opera "Ivan Susanin" by M. Glinka.

Comparative analysis we will write these musical fragments into the table.

Bottom line: turning to folk art helps the listener to feel the national identity of the music.

4: homework

Write down the text of a Russian folk song in a notebook, draw an illustration for it.

5: wrap up the lesson

Bright wedding episodes, reproduced in many Russian operas, are dramatically significant moments in the development of the opera. Opera is not separate numbers, not a concert in costumes, but an artistically recreated drama of life.

In today's lesson we got acquainted with the folk song "Mother ..." in the processing of Mikhail Matveyev, the folk song "The swan is floating, is floating", included in the opera "Khovanshchina" by Modest Mussorgsky and the folk-style melody "Walked, the spring waters fell apart in the meadows" by Mikhail Glinka ...

- Is there a common intonation of these works?

The CONCLUSION should be formulated by the students: there is a kindred attention to the world, the assessment of everything that happens and the expression of an attitude towards life.

List of references:

    Sergeeva G.P., Kritskaya E.D. Music lessons: 5-6 grade: a manual for the teacher.-M.: Education, 2007.

Internet resources:

    I.I. Shangina "Russian traditional holidays"http://sueverija.narod.ru/Obrjadi/Obrjadi.htm

    Sheet music for the song "Mother ..." http://www.a-pesni.golosa.info/rus/matuchka.htm

"Rituals and customs in folklore and in the work of composers"

Goal: to promote the formation of a highly spiritual personality through the creative union of a teacher and a student in musical and aesthetic education.

educational:acquaintance with folklore through the works of composers whose work is directed to folk music, acquaintance with the history of the wedding ceremony in Russia;
developing:development of listening, vocal and choral skills, ear for music, memory, thinking, ability to listen and analyze musical works;
educational: fostering in schoolchildren respect and interest in the native folklore and music of Russian composers.

Equipment:presentation for the lesson, multimedia projector, screen, laptop, button accordion, text of the song "Mother, mother, it's dusty in the field ...".

During the classes

I. Organizational moment
Hello guys. The topic of today's lesson is "Rites and customs in folklore and in the work of composers", write it down.
(slide 3)
And the epigraph to the lesson will be the words of our great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin:

Deeds of days gone by
Legends of deep antiquity ...

II. Repetition of the passed material.
(slide 4)
So, back to the topic of today's lesson. Let's remember what folklore means?
-Folklore - folk art, most often oral.
(slide 5)
Musical folklore?
- Folk music - vocal, instrumental, vocal-instrumental and dance creativity of the people.
(slide 6)
So what helps us to penetrate the culture of the past, to understand the soul of the people?
- Acquaintance with folk songs, epics, old legends.
-What are they telling us about?
- About important moments in a person's life, about folk traditions captured in various rituals.
Yes, all significant events in human life - be it the birth of a child, the change of seasons, the beginning and end of agricultural work, marriage, were accompanied by rituals.

III. Learning new material
(slide 7)
Today we are going to talk about one of the most beautiful ceremonies - an old Russian wedding (including one included in the opera genre).
A little from the history of wedding ceremonies in Russia.
In Russian villages, the wedding was the main solemn ceremony. The decision to marry was not made by the young people themselves, but by their parents. The opinions of children were almost never taken into account. Hence the saying "Suffer, fall in love."
(slide 8.9)
So, the old Russian wedding was a complex chain of solemn ceremonies.
The "Wedding Game" was a theatrical performance that lasted several days, and sometimes several weeks. The protagonists of the wedding game were the matchmaker, matchmaker, the groom's boyfriend, the bride's girlfriend. The central character was the bride. The wedding game was divided into two parts.
The first part was devoted to the girl's farewell to her family and was played out in the bride's house. In the old days, marriage meant the end of the girl's free life and her transfer to someone else's family. Therefore, the bride's songs were dramatic and were called laments, laments, lamentations. From the moment of marriage and until the very departure to the crown, the bride had to cry and lament. And the bride cried and lamented in order to show love and respect for her parents, gratitude for the fact that they “gave drink, nursed.” Otherwise, they could have complained about the daughter's ingratitude, leaving her father's house without regret. So she said goodbye with her will, native family
(slide 10.11)
Comparisons directed to nature give special beauty to folk wedding songs: a girl is compared to a river, a swan, a duckling, a berry; guy, good fellow - with a clear falcon. Listening to the Russian folk song "The Utushka Bathed at the Sea".
As the river flows - it does not wobble, so the girl-bride sits - does not smile; as the duckling grieves, parting with the onset of a cold winter from the blue sea, on which she freely swam, so the girl on the morning of the wedding day cries bitterly at the thought of the upcoming separation from her parents.
The confusion and anxiety experienced by the bride-girl while waiting for the wedding train are heard in different versions of the song "Mother, mother, it's dusty in the field ..." listen performed by L. Zykina, and the works of great Russian artists will help you create a more complete image of the song and everything that happens in it.
(slide 12)
- What impression did the song make on you?
-In the song, mother and daughter seem to be talking
-Those. the song is built in the form of a dialogue
- What can we say about the melodic drawing?
- In the theme of the mother, one can hear an experience, a call for submission, resignation with a hopeless situation
- The daughter's theme sounds anxiety, drama
-What did you see in the pictures?
-What emotions do the heroines of these pictures experience?
- Are these emotions similar to those of the heroine of the song "Mother ..."?
Each of you has lyrics on your desk. Let's learn it (song performance ).
Well done! We continue to work on the topic.
(slide 13)
The second part of the wedding is a traditional feast that began in the house of the groom's parents after the wedding ceremony. The wedding celebration was accompanied by the singing of magnificent songs glorifying the bride and groom, comic and dance songs, as well as dancing, horseback riding.
Composers often turned to the songs of the colorful wedding ceremony in their operas.
(slide 14)
The wedding game and its characters are vividly presented in the opera of the Russian composer, our fellow countryman A.S.Dargomyzhsky "Mermaid".
-What do we know about the composer?
- A.S. Dargomyzhsky was born in the village of Troitskoye, Belevsky district, Tula province.
- I was very fond of studying Russian musical folklore.
- A.S. Dargomyzhsky invited peasants to his estate and loved to listen and watch their songs, dances, games, round dances.
While nurturing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe opera "Mermaid", the composer carefully studied everything significant that was in the literature of that time - samples of oral folk poetry, descriptions of folk life, rituals. And especially - Russian folk songs. It is not surprising that Russian folk song occupies a large place in all of his work.
In the center of the opera there are two peasant images: Melnik and his daughter Natasha. This prompted the composer to fill all the scenes with folk song elements. Some songs are truly folk songs, some were written by Dargomyzhsky himself.
The second act of the opera shows a picture of a princely wedding. There is a large place for choirs.
(slide 15)
The action begins with the chorus "As in the upper room, in the light room." Its content is the glorification of the Prince and Princess. The choir is based on an original theme in the style of Russian folk ritual and majestic songs. The wedding choir is a wonderful example of festive and solemn Russian music. Hearing.
(slide 16)
The three-part female choir "Svatushka" stands out especially. In it, the composer very colorfully conveyed the comic and everyday scene of the wedding ceremony. According to folk custom, the girls surround the matchmaker and demand gifts from him. The girls sing a song in which they make fun of the unlucky matchmaker. The Svatushka choir is humorous.
Svatushka, svatushka, stupid svatushka;
They drove around the bride, drove into the garden,
They spilled a barrel of beer, watered all the cabbage. Hearing. Analysis.
-Genre of the work?
-Comic wedding song. The Svatushka choir is close to folk songs, because chants are encountered here.
Musical form?
-The form of the piece is a two-part verse, the 2nd part is two verses, between which there is a gap.
Does the accompaniment play a major or minor role?
-Auxiliary. He emphasizes the liveliness of the stage, the girls' joke and the clumsiness of the matchmaker.
A pictorial moment is included in the accompaniment. In the loss between the verses, the accompaniment resembles the playing of the flute that accompanies the festivities.
What can we say about diction?
-The choir "Svatushka" is light, playful, to emphasize this, a clear diction is needed.
Tell me, do the wedding choirs from the opera recreate the folk rite?

IV. Summing up the lesson.
(slide 17)
What did we talk about today?
What does folklore mean?
Musical folklore?
The most beautiful old Russian rite?
Name the composer and his opera, which vividly presents the wedding play.
What is the big place in the opera "Mermaid"?
What do choirs recreate in opera?
What is important to us? We are Russian people!
(slide 18)

It is very important that the folk song is accessible to everyone and everyone. We must remember that we are Russians, that we have a Russian word, we have fairy tales, we have traditions.