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Love horoscope for the year according to signs

The words “relationships” or “meetings” sound different for those who have already found their match and those who are still looking. The expanded love horoscope for 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac will place the necessary accents.


Common topic: anticipation of joy.

A hot wind is blowing into the sails of your feelings throughout 2017. You move forward, you like to feel yourself in the center of attention... There is only one “but”: you, as always, want everything at once, and therefore sometimes you have to restrain your impatience.

The patron of your sign, Mars, charges internal energy and encourages you to strive for your goal - which means that the year as a whole promises to be joyful and dynamic. Although in terms of feelings, events at the very beginning can develop surprisingly slowly. What's happening? Perhaps you are hesitant to end some previous relationship, secretly hoping to somehow reconcile the changes taking place in your life and the old affection. It seems that this romance is no longer lacking fire: you want more and move forward, but the relationship remains stagnant. Closer to mid-summer, the situation will clearly change for the better: you will feel real passion, and the long-awaited anticipation of a happy future together will appear. It may well turn out that we will be talking about the same novel, in which you will be able to reconsider everything that no longer satisfied you. But it may very well be that you will meet a new love. Be that as it may, until November, what is happening will only inspire and delight you, and further prospects will not disappoint you.

PAIRED WITH: starting from the very first meeting, your relationship as a whole has only strengthened - and 2017 will be no exception in this regard. Even a few mild doubts or periods of confusion that you have had or will have to endure will only benefit the development of common projects as a result. Do not be shy to show your loved one how attached you are to him, and do not hide manifestations of sensuality.

IN SEARCH OF: No matter what doubts you may sometimes have, you cannot help but constantly think about who makes your heart beat faster. This year, the stars encourage you to gather your courage and tell everything honestly. There is no need to worry: your determination will be rewarded, and your dreams will finally come true. At the end of this year, you definitely won't find yourself alone.


In 2017, if you have to complain about something, it’s definitely not about your monotonous personal life. The theme of love and relationships comes to the fore and will develop so much that the matter may well lead to a wedding.

Looks like the 2017 love horoscope has a theme for you to choose from. Perhaps you just want to make sure you find the best option before you make a serious commitment to a relationship. Already in January, you may feel that your passion is forcing you to go further than you planned, but you are so captivated by what is happening that you do not even think about quitting the game. The smartest thing to do would be to take a break to re-evaluate your romance and feel more confident. They say that the most valuable thing in life is experience, and this time you will be able to take full advantage of it. At the beginning of July, get ready to make a number of important decisions for yourself - not only about what is happening with your novel now, but also regarding the future. Already in October you will be able to make sure that you were right and are completely in control of the course of events. Your feelings will remain bright and exciting, but you are no longer afraid of losing control over them. You will like the new rules of the game so much that you will not mind thinking about joint plans for the next year.

PAIRED WITH: you like it when everything in your relationship is easy and simple. You understand each other, know how to communicate, and most importantly, you always have something to talk about. In moments when doubts arise, remember: the main thing in this union is confidence in your partner and the feeling of security that it gives you. This is worth appreciating - and you will sort out all the other details.

IN SEARCH OF: no matter how events develop on the personal front, you will under no circumstances spend this year alone. A meeting that at first seemed just an exciting adventure can become decisive and important. You will understand this when you notice how your new status influences the behavior of friends and loved ones: for them you will become a real center of attraction. That's right: love attracts everyone who falls into its orbit.


Common topic: development potential.

In 2017, your personal life cannot be compared to a wide, calm river. It is possible that you will be visited by doubts, hesitations and even a desire to reverse the move... but joys and the most vivid emotions will not be uncommon! Like on a river, get ready to go through a section with rapids and waterfalls - these tests are necessary so that at the end of the year you feel like a winner.

Are you ready to make clear commitments in your personal life right now? It looks like not much. Two major events will occur in the sky towards the end of 2017: Jupiter and Saturn will change signs - and you will feel the consequences. And at the moment, Saturn is hinting that you are taking your novel too seriously. You may have planned to lay the foundation for the future, but you still feel like you lack freedom. It may take the better part of a year to convey this message to your partner, but you will succeed and feel relieved. In fact, this will only benefit your relationship: by weakening the emotional pressure, you will more likely achieve what you want. The end of the year looks promising. By this point, you will have reconsidered the rules of the game, and will be able to turn to the future with new optimism. Mercury, your patron, will be in the sector of the sky, which is responsible for love, and will meet there with Venus herself. Can you dream of a more pleasant date?

PAIRED WITH: The first months of the year may not be ones that you will want to think about often in the future. However, don’t worry: everything will start to improve as soon as summer days, and by autumn your view of what is happening will become much more defined. In addition, there will be more sensuality in the relationship, and you will feel much happier.

IN SEARCH OF: If it seemed to you that the year was starting without any special events, then the stars are preparing a surprise for you: what you thought was just friendship can suddenly develop into a romantic adventure. Your self-esteem grows, and along with it, your attractiveness to the opposite sex and your popularity grow. Try to take advantage of this without limiting yourself in anything.


Common topic: Renaissance.

Just as nature invariably awakens after hibernation, so in human feelings after a lull there always comes a period of renewal. Even if it seems that your life is filled with completely different interests and activities, in 2017 love remains a priority for you.

The events taking place in your personal life at the beginning of the year do not promise serious changes, and only with the arrival of autumn the landscape will change radically. In October, Jupiter moves into the love sector of your horoscope, and will soon be joined by celestial lovers Mars and Venus. Even if until then your dates looked like infrequent meetings in a cafe, now a stormy and passionate feeling can arise between you almost instantly, truly important for both. Well, if your romance is already in full swing, get ready for the fact that love will flare up with renewed vigor, and the relationship - whether you are ready for it or not - can rise to a completely different level. Powerful Jupiter knows no limits - except for those set by Saturn: at the end of the year, he may slightly cool passions and invite you to think about what you want your romance to look like in the future.

PAIRED WITH: You are greeting the coming year with a feeling of calm and harmony - in general, you are happy with what is happening in your relationship. A little later, some moments of misunderstanding may arise - but rest assured, you will be able to resolve them quite quickly thanks to common sense. In general, the year will be prosperous and quite positive for your relationship.

IN SEARCH OF: this year is unlikely to leave you alone. Friendships can very unexpectedly change sign and develop into something more and exciting. The only thing that can distract you from their further development is your professional ambitions. The stars give clear advice: when achieving success in your career, do not forget how subtly and skillfully you know how to please and seduce.

a lion

Common topic: solar Activity.

You are convinced that your place is always in the center of attention, at the forefront, and in your personal life you also invariably strive to come forward to a leadership position. It is from this perspective that the stars advise you to evaluate what is happening over the coming months.

In the cycle of solar and lunar eclipses passing through the signs of the Zodiac, it is Leo’s turn again: in the next two years, events that bring changes await you - including in your personal life. The first of these will occur in February and may not seem too significant. However, it gives you reason to think: is it worth continuing on the same path? At the end of August, you may feel that it is better to stop or even turn back. This situation will almost certainly make you angry: how can you retreat after all that you have already achieved! And yet, when eclipses occur, there is no point in arguing with the stars: you feel that you are literally being pushed to a decision, leaving no alternative. After doubts that have lasted for several days, you decide to do what you should have done months ago. And this is the right choice: changes, even if forced, contain new perspectives and in the end will definitely benefit you. At the end of December, Saturn the limiter, having spent a whole year in the love sector of your horoscope, will finally leave it. Perhaps his mission was only to give more stability to your relationship - and now it has been completed. You will immediately feel a surge of lightness and a sense of freedom that you could only dream of in the summer. And instead of regretting the imposed choice, be filled with optimism.

PAIRED WITH: at the very beginning of the year, you can feel your lion nature awakening inside: your libido is growing, and you are not shy about your own bold desires. You are independent in everything - but you feel that you are now largely dependent on your partner... and surprisingly you like it. When you understand that strength can also lie in weakness, you are guaranteed reciprocity under any circumstances.

IN SEARCH OF: a meeting that is promised at the very beginning of the year can turn into a crazy romance in a few weeks. You are seduced, you also do not lag behind - and as a result, events can begin to develop at such a speed that it can frighten even the most desperate. You will need to make an effort to gather yourself, figure out where you want to go, and adjust course. When you dot your i's, you will feel more confident and happier.


Common topic: well-deserved reward.

If a flower needs only the warm rays of the sun to bloom, then a person sometimes needs not only favorable circumstances, but also personal efforts to open up, show others his true desires and a new image.

The love horoscope for 2017 has prepared important events for you. Although in January you are unlikely to imagine exactly what to do with your current romance. Maybe it's better to leave everything as it is and see what happens? You can follow the path of least resistance until February, when you notice that the relationship is moving into a new phase. Perhaps you will have a new adviser who can look at what is happening from the outside and encourage you to address problems to which you have until now turned a blind eye. The pressing questions are not ones that can be answered immediately. It will take a long discussion: this difficult process should teach you to look at the situation more broadly, to calculate the consequences for the long term, and not try to get rid of just the current problem. By the end of April, you will have done some serious work, the reward for which will be stronger relationships. From now on, things will get better and better, and the end of summer will be simply delightful and will be remembered for a long time. At the end of the year, Saturn will move into the love sector of your horoscope and will powerfully wish to bring even more certainty to the situation. Well, over the previous ten months you have managed to overcome a considerable distance, and now you are ready to bind yourself to more serious obligations.

PAIRED WITH: perhaps at the beginning of the year the best way to find mutual language you will find a classic scene of reconciliation in bed. This can actually work well for a while, but you shouldn’t use the same technique indefinitely. Use logic, use the experience of those you trust - harmony in your personal life depends on many factors, and it is better to try to take them all into account.

IN SEARCH OF: Friendly meetings, parties and other social outings are a constant succession, but all this social activity should not obscure the main issue for you - your relationship. In the coming months, you should not hope that it will resolve itself: you will need to show your intuition, sensitivity and logic. However, the efforts will be rewarded: if you work hard on this novel, it is quite capable of leading you to marriage.


Common topic: dynamic balance.

They say that everything comes on time to those who know how to wait. Your love horoscope for 2017 clarifies: the ability to wait does not at all mean the need to sit back. And even if the first months may be a little daunting, further development events largely depend on you.

The first half of the year promises to be marked by a novel, the disadvantages of which seem to outweigh its advantages. You take care of your partner, and out of habit, you put your own needs in the background. The problem is that you invest everything in the relationship, but get much less in return. In April you realize that you have done everything possible, and by the beginning of June you decide to finally take care of yourself. If this relationship is in your best interests, so much the better, but you are no longer going to waste time and energy on it alone. Summer promises to be a little calmer: you will have time for other things. But suddenly, completely unexpectedly, you meet a person you knew before - and a spark immediately jumps between you. Did you just not see this novel then? And will anything come of the second try? Or maybe you are just looking for consolation after all the difficulties that you were so tired of in the first half of the year? One way or another, now you feel much happier, although you are in no hurry to show off your new novel to your acquaintances and friends. By the end of October, the first impulse of passion may cool down, and you will not insist on continuing. Yet the most important thing is that this story allowed you to feel loving and loved again.

PAIRED WITH: From the moment you make a deliberate decision to continue or end your relationship, you will feel incomparably more at ease. You will clearly see that another life is beginning - still your own, but much better! In any case, these changes will be included in the horoscope and will remain with you for a long time.

IN SEARCH OF: at the beginning of the year, you are unlikely to be able to say exactly what you want - and such a position usually blocks the possibility of developing new relationships. Or rather, you yourself close yourself off from them, not daring to let another person into your life. But starting in April, the stars will set your feelings in motion, you will gradually open up to change, and by the end of the year you will even clearly get a taste for it!


Common topic: Lucky case.

Overall, 2017 promises to be a very pleasant year: you feel so confident in many areas of your own life that this feeling is transmitted to everyone around you, and they cannot refuse you anything. Even some problems or unexpected events will only serve as an impetus for you, which will ultimately help you soar to new heights.

On a personal level, the beginning of the year will give you a big surprise, fulfilling one of your cherished desires. It already seemed to you that this dream was not destined to come true, but now that it has become a reality, you are a little confused. You may not even be ready to admit to yourself that you really wanted something like this. Was the dream really brighter than reality? Be that as it may, it is obvious to you that now your life can be radically transformed. Now it seems to you that the future in no way depends on you, and this is both attractive and frightening. The stars give advice: do not try to calculate everything in advance, choose not with your mind, but with your heart. Any path will be right if it leads to happiness! Starting in May, and throughout all other months of the year, Venus and Mars will more than once hint to you about the possibility of exciting romantic adventures. Each of these episodes promises interesting encounters and gives certain chances - although which ones specifically are not completely clear, and this only spurs your excitement. Only once can something potentially serious appear on the horizon, but you will most likely prefer to let the situation go by remaining friends.

PAIRED WITH: a romantic spirit will accompany your relationship, even if you are overloaded with work, and you do not have enough patience or strength for long-term communication. Of course, we can only say thank you to fate that everything is going so well now. However, do not forget to express gratitude to your loved one: you cannot do without his understanding, support and tenderness. Appreciate it and notice it more often.

IN SEARCH OF: in general, you like the state of being in love - but in certain circumstances you are quite capable of doing without it; friendly connections will be quite enough. That's what you tell yourself at the beginning of the year, but summer will warm your senses and you'll be filled with a desire for newness. Without regret, you will spend the entire holiday on flirting and romance - and by the end of the year you will definitely have something to decorate your Instagram.


Common topic: turbulence zone.

2017 has planned to do a lot in terms of your development - and this means that you won’t have to sit still. At some moments, it may even seem to you that there are too many challenges, and you have to act simultaneously on all fronts – including on your personal one.

At the beginning of the year, you are passionate about renewal: your current romance seems to have lost its charm of freshness for you. It seems to you that you need to decide in which direction to direct it next - or think about replacing it. The reason for your impatience is the tension between Jupiter and Uranus. The conflict of the planets encourages you to look for a way out of the current situation - no matter whether it is good or bad in reality. It is in your nature to act as soon as you have an idea before you discover that you have gone too far. In March and April, you can try to bring everything back, to smooth out excessive harshness - however, here too there is a risk of overdoing it with emotions. Only by May will everything finally calm down - and the lesson learned will benefit you. If you decide to sort things out again in September, the conversation will be much more productive.

PAIRED WITH: this year you will have to make more than one choice – including doing “spring cleaning” in your own environment. Having changed something in the relationship and revised your own views in some ways, you will feel that you have become much closer to each other.

IN SEARCH OF: you want to receive in a relationship as much as you give - and no less. It will take some time to level this balance, but in the end everything should work out for you. Just don’t let jealousy outweigh everything else: right now it is the most unwanted adviser for you.


Common topic: formula for the future.

Those born under the sign of Capricorn know how to keep a clear head even in difficult circumstances. However, the coming year does not promise you any serious challenges - which means you will be able to devote your energies to arranging the kind of future that you want for yourself.

Compare the two scenarios. First: when starting to build a new life, you want to make your current romance the basis of its foundation, its supporting support. The second option: having already built your future, you want to decorate it with this novel, like a diamond that fits into a proper setting. What will you choose? Despite the apparent similarity, we are talking about completely different concepts. In one case, you strive for complete unity with your loved one, in the other, you see only a union of people pursuing common interests and goals. This coming spring you will have to endure a lot of controversy on this topic. By the beginning of summer, perhaps a whole series of unexpected solutions will emerge from them. Give yourself time to think, look for answers without rushing: this is better than agreeing to a quick option that ultimately turns out to be wrong.

PAIRED WITH: from the very beginning of the year, some contradictions add hot emotions to your life, but this does not frighten you, but rather motivates you. You know perfectly well how to solve problems in relationships, and which option is better to choose - all you have to do is convince your partner of this. The stars give wise advice: try not to bring matters to a conflict, but instead use your feminine charm at the right moment.

IN SEARCH OF: sometimes fate gives us a chance to meet great love literally on the corner of a familiar street. But in order to spot her in the crowd, most of us carry her ideal image within ourselves and unconsciously compare the faces of strangers with it. It seems that such a sudden meeting is already awaiting you: think about whether your dreams are too divorced from reality.


Common topic: my own game.

Does 2017 promise you significant events? Yes, and with a very high degree of probability. The stars will set in motion several areas of your life at once, from professional to the sphere of hobbies and pure creativity. Sometimes it will be difficult to navigate, but changes in general lead to positive things.

In terms of love, the year can also be quite stormy: solar and lunar eclipses are coming both in your own sign and in the one that symbolizes your partner. Eclipses often indicate a break with the past, the sudden entry of new factors into play, and forced changes. In some cases, they may close the way back, hinting that your connection is not as strong as it might seem at first glance. One of these signals will sound in February - but so quietly and unobtrusively that you will hardly hear it unless you specifically listen. However, his message will be quite clear: you have to act, and as soon as possible. It is not at all necessary that you will have to put an end to the relationship, but some aspects of it will certainly need to be changed. Maybe your partner is not eager to take the next step with you? This position makes you wonder: are you still on the same path together? And if so, is the chosen pace comfortable for both? One of you may be pushing the relationship toward a certain goal while the other is hoping to avoid that goal. Try to have a good discussion about these issues among yourselves.

PAIRED WITH: As an inventive guide, this year has prepared many pleasant points along the route for the two of you. However, to get to them, you have to walk through rough terrain. The stars advise you to remember where you ultimately want to go and check the map often.

IN SEARCH OF: At the beginning of the year, it is still difficult for you to discern further personal prospects. And because you don't know where you're going, you spend a lot of time hanging out with friends, having fun, and going out. The hot summer months will warm up your desires, and in such an atmosphere it is easy to start an affair - and even more than one. It’s not a fact that this particular love game will be continued, but you will meet the end of the year with a whole bunch of new plans - and the determination to share them with a loved one.


Common topic: the power of creativity.

2017 will provide you with more than one opportunity to show yourself and clearly state your convictions. This will be especially relevant for the topic of relationships - love, family or friendship.

The first of the upcoming eclipses in 2017 will occur in the sign of Pisces in February - and will have a great impact on your personal life. However, for your sign it will be the last of a whole series of eclipses in Pisces - it can be perceived as the final chord of the past year. It is this powerful event that will help you express - directly if necessary - what you really want from love. Until now, it has been easier for you to adapt to other people's desires, adapt to the preferences of others and find ways around obstacles. But the one who builds relationships in this way chooses an extremely passive position, giving the leading role to the partner and the circumstances that brought you together. Now you need to seize the initiative, you can demand and set your own conditions. This is quite unusual for you - but you feel that you have been given a rare chance to find your happiness, and you simply cannot miss it. The result will exceed all expectations - perhaps because you approach the task like a theater artist, creating not only a love story, but also the scenery against which it plays out. The final result will be beautiful both externally and emotionally. If you still have any doubts about success, then October will completely dispel them: your “play” will already be realized in real life.

PAIRED WITH: It seems that the beginning of the year is not very conducive to a business mood - you would prefer to exist in a kind of love symbiosis, be lazy and enjoy peace in the arms of your man. This picture seems fantastic, but in reality your partner is ready to hear your wishes. If you find the opportunity to make some organizational adjustments to your life together, by the end of the year your dreams may well come true.

IN SEARCH OF: No matter how much effort you put into a relationship, you can only earn the gratitude of your partner - but not love. This simple truth literally lies on the surface and will very soon become obvious to you. When this happens, you will feel much freer - and ready for the meeting that could become your destiny.

Love horoscope for 2017: Aries.

Venus will be in the same Sign for a long time, promising those born under it that even the most incredible wishes in love will come true throughout the next year. Quite a few Aries will find themselves in a situation, perhaps unusual, when intimate life takes on a primary function, which, in addition to pleasure, causes many additional costs and worries. You will need to draw a number of conclusions, change your mind about your relationships with other individuals who previously seemed reliable and trustworthy. In the coming year, new crises cannot be ruled out in those ongoing relations that were difficult before. There may be significant disputes over property and problems with shared housing. The arrival of Mars in the Sign will make Aries the most attractive to representatives of the opposite sex from the beginning of this year. During 2017, strong Aries will experience several violent hobbies. Some in March will be able to determine for themselves what is more important – sexuality or a strong long-term relationship.

What may happen in the middle of summer will take away from Aries their usual cynicism about love, and will also add romance. By the central part of autumn they will be able to find a partner with whom they will live a long period of their own existence. For those who are disappointed in their personal lives and are single, the year will bring the start of a new romance, which can very likely develop into a full-fledged marriage. Many Aries may have problems with their old parents, they may be sick or going through difficulties, so you should be tactful and attentive.

Love horoscope for 2017: Taurus.

Life on a personal level promises to be difficult. Many Taurus will find themselves in situations where all the circumstances that have been annoying for a long time come together and deliberately cause trouble. The second half of 2017 will lead to a violent explosion of the emotional plane, when neither Taurus nor the one who acts as his partner will make concessions. It is difficult to predict the end of this process, so it is better to do everything possible in the first half of the year to resolve relationships on the personal front. This topic concerns, first of all, spouses. Taurus will also encounter a difficult situation that has taken shape among their relatives. The gradual alienation that began earlier will continue now, so it is recommended to make concessions so as not to quarrel with everyone at all. It may be necessary to help one of your relatives, and then Taurus will take on many worries.

Romantic adventures are also expected; it will be possible to find exactly the person who will appreciate him. At the beginning of 2017, Mars patronizes all kinds of renewed relationships, and in order to lure someone in, a gallant performance will be enough. Such forces should be used carefully, because relationships that have begun briskly may not easily end. In September you can expect the period of the most violent passions of the year, but deep love is formed only towards the very end of the year.

Love horoscope for 2017: Gemini.

Personal life also takes priority over career and work. Once started, an affair in love turns out to be strong, the relationship is serious, and it cannot be ignored. And it will require numerous changes, both internally and externally in behavior. Overcoming all this will be possible only for those who are faithful and loving. You will have to give up selfish desires. The stars suggest that all actions in this direction will be supported, and all sincere associations of people will benefit from help from above. Many will have issues with their children, and this may also require financial as well as moral costs. Geminis who are still single will be able to have a great time and meet someone very interesting who will brighten up their existence. Relationships will not seem so smooth; in March, and even in April, you can expect a real stream of different troubles. Spring in general promises to be difficult, both in already established alliances and within new relationships. We should expect a transformation in relationships with relatives, and initial uncertainty will be felt even in the first month of summer, but in the fall the troubles will become even greater. The end of the year may bring condemnation from others, and something that has been hidden for a long time will appear. It is necessary to show firmness and show courage, and then gradually the difficulties will recede. The year will be filled with love, it will be possible to receive many even crazy desires, and purely friendly relationships may give way to passion. In this regard, the most the most important event April seems to be the year.

Love horoscope for 2017: Cancer.

There will be noticeable transformations both at the place of duty and in the love sphere. Most people of this Sign will have the chance to both build their own nest and make it larger or more comfortable. In those couples that have been unstable for a long time, they will continue to quarrel, this can lead to separation of property or divorce and related real estate matters. The second half of the year can bring many children's problems that last for a long time - perhaps with both material and moral help. This half of the year will be difficult for lovers, and in December and November the whole situation threatens to lose control, which will lead to the most severe conflicts. After such a scale of quarrels, it will not be possible to do without further claims against each other, which must be taken into account if there is a desire to preserve the relationship.

For Cancer, 2017 will bring many surprises of the sexual type, so there is no talk of boredom. January will provide an opportunity to attract those who are not indifferent to him, and at the start of summer he will need to make difficult choices, because the person who cares will gain freedom. There is no need to rush, because for August the stars have planned something that will lead to a rethinking of the understanding of love in general. A great way to test a relationship is to spend a vacation together and see how complimentary people are to each other.

Love horoscope for 2017: Leo.

The initial half of the year will expand the scope of Leo’s acquaintances; those who remain single and want adventures of a romantic kind can expect to receive interesting meetings, flirt and find themselves in a very attractive society. There may be an affair with a newcomer or there will be a chance to make acquaintances on the train. A truly important meeting for fate will occur at the very beginning of the year, either in February, or later, at the end of June or in August. The first half of 2017 may be marked by the fact that Leo will ruin the expectations of his loved ones and will not be able to deliver on what he promised, which will lead to disagreements. The problem in relations between those working with their relatives in the same company may also worsen - here complaints will be inevitable, no matter how things go. In the second half of the year, married couples are expected to find themselves in a particularly difficult situation. All problems will come to the surface at the same time, a huge amount of disagreement and conflicts will become relevant. Redistribution of available property, divorces and division of housing are possible. A big move may also take place between spouses, and not only with a change of city, but also a change of country.

However, Leo has the opportunity to make acquaintance with someone whom he can trust, and the whole year will be filled with love, which means a chance to meet someone completely extraordinary. The experience in this person’s life will be different from yours; you will have the opportunity to speak with him in many languages ​​at once. At the end of summer, friendly relations can easily turn into a passionate, rapidly flowing romance, and by December, Leo will have the question of changing their place of residence.

Love horoscope for 2017: Virgo.

Personal relationships are developing unevenly and unstable next year; many problems can be expected at the beginning of the year, in the first month, and then in April, this is the time when relations will become cooler. These months will be the most painful for those whose intimate relationships are mixed with business ones, with issues of earnings and business. A number of married couples may decide to purchase real estate, however, all these issues will be resolved in the summer. From the middle to the end of the year, something will push many Virgos into related conflicts, and troubles will take on the most varied forms. For relatives, the situation may be contrary to all the interests of Virgo, and in another place these same people will need help, and this will be a heavy burden on Virgo. Next year there will be more than enough adventures of the order of flirting or love, as well as various luck. One can assume the need to often make an unexpected and difficult act of choice. From the start of the year, Virgos will have to prepare for a real bacchanalia of love, Mars will attract an unusual person, it may be that someone from the past years will appear, however, this possible romance will need to be carefully considered. April will provide new knowledge about yourself, maybe you will be able to find a path to your happiness. September will easily bring the most new relationships that will allow many wounds to be healed, although friends may be surprised by Virgo's choice. In general, the year provides many opportunities, but also puts a significant burden on you; however, it should be noted that in general everything should turn out quite successfully and with a good outlook for the future.

Love horoscope for 2017: Libra.

Many Libras will spend 2017 searching for a way out of their situation, which in many cases can be considered a dead end. They will become much more decisive, more independent and gain courage. This will affect relationships in marriage and with passions of previous years. The most difficult time period is the end of March and subsequent April. At this time, those born under this Sign will be forced to deal with their own choices; if love can cope with obstacles, one can expect a happy continuation of the relationship. When not, there is no point in being upset in vain, because many different roads will lead to the future. It is quite possible that a completely new love will appear, but it will deal a good blow to the old relationship. The break will be natural, or even completely necessary. Enmity is possible over the fate of the children and the division of property by the beginning of the second half of the year, and this may drag on for a long time. April or August will give those who are single a chance to find their match. In the coming year, Libra is very likely to experience true great love and a great wedding, and to find love, you need to go on a trip. By summer you can understand that you should trust the chosen person, and in October you will need to make a decision that changes everything in your life. Of course, we can find a couple not only while traveling, because it is unlikely that we will be able to somehow hide or escape from our own Frtuna, so we need to be ready to meet the one who comes in full readiness.

Love horoscope for 2017: Scorpio.

For most Scorpios, 2017 will be uneven, and those couple relationships that have had difficulties in recent years will suffer the most. It is easy to predict a further deepening of the conflict followed by separation. And the second half of the year will be especially difficult in this regard, because no one in the couple will be inclined to make concessions. Disagreements with relatives can provoke confrontation as early as January, as well as in March, and then towards the end of April. The danger for Scorpio is that a group of his secrets will be revealed, and this will do something terrible to his reputation, which can take away the sympathy of even sincerely close ones, so you need to stay in relationships especially with patience and wisdom. Families that have remained friendly will begin to actively improve their landscaping; positive transactions with the purchase of real estate are not excluded, or they will thoroughly renovate their own homes. In the personal sphere it will be exciting and will bring a lot of intrigue. In winter you will be able to see your “soul mate”, and in the spring happiness will reach its real peak. However, one must refrain from making decisions at the very moment of intense passion. It is advisable to wait until summer, then it will be possible to evaluate the whole situation adequately and accept right decisions. Mid-autumn can be marked by a proposal of the heart, and a gift that ends the year can completely turn the whole subsequent life upside down.

Love horoscope for 2017: Sagittarius.

The whole year will pass under the rule of love energies. The first half of the year will attract a lot of new faces to Sagittarius, and interesting partners will appear among them who can change his life irreversibly. Lonely people have a chance to diversify their existence and discover an interesting connection. Pleasant hobbies will obviously be in other cities, or perhaps even in other countries, and this will only raise the degree of love and bring the charm of romance to new relationships. Those who have a married partner or just a regular couple may be going through difficult times, a breakup in the relationship may occur, or they may change noticeably. The second half of the year will show how the situation can reach an even greater impasse, since ill-wishers will constantly force their way into the relationship between the two. Slanders and numerous intrigues can destroy personal affairs, as well as professional ones. Sagittarius, who have a family and a calm environment, will spend a lot of effort and finances on helping their offspring, however, these efforts will be pleasant and will affect changes in the fate of the younger generation for the better. But in the spring, true love may appear from one meeting, however, in the spring there will be stabilization and reciprocity, and by the summer Sagittarius will finally understand what he needs from a partner. And these relationships will open up as seemingly friendly ones.

Love horoscope for 2017: Capricorn.

On the part of Capricorns, the year does not promise either smoothness or calm. On the personal front, changes that have already happened before will continue, and many Capricorns will face problems in their own home. When there is instability in relationships with family, there is a danger of divorce or some drastic steps. And from the middle of the year to the end, numerous children's difficulties will arise. Difficulties can also bring multiple financial costs. Since the beginning of 2017, it has not been very favorable for families, and in the second half of the year it gives troubles to lovers. The successful outcome for all situations lies in the area of ​​sincerity of feelings and mutual intention to go together in one direction. You cannot rely on advice or listen to the “opinion of well-wishers”; you must listen to your own heart, it must show you the way. Both December and November will bring the sphere of your personal life to the point where it hangs almost by a thread, and you need to make multiple efforts in order not to break it. The consequences of the breakup will not be at all comforting. And the intimate life of Capricorns in the future, 2017, will mainly be tied to work and business. Thoroughly familiar faces will require the main attention. And this may turn out to be a connection. Which does not oblige you to anything, and which can develop into something more serious. But these same relationships can be so important that September will already be a honeymoon. Naturally, there is no need to rush, and Capricorns are not known for their hasty decisions or lack of common sense, so in the end everything will be very good.

Love horoscope for 2017: Aquarius.

For this Sign, 2017 will bring fundamental sensory transformations and changes in the field of relationships. Those who are lonely can get a chance to meet new acquaintances, which can become the basis for true love. A meeting with Destiny should be expected in the middle of winter, or later, at the beginning of summer or in October. You can meet people among visitors or while driving. For those Aquarians who have a strong family, many challenges are prepared from the second half of 2017. Saturn enters the area of ​​the horoscope responsible for the relationships of partners, which will change all family relationships for the worse. In the sphere of reciprocity between lovers, cooling may fall; communication will require tact and considerable delicacy. Manifestations of selfishness should not be allowed. Only sincere feelings will help maintain relationships. If the course of events is different, a loved one may have bad times in life, and help will be absolutely necessary, which will affect what is happening within the family in a complex way. Therefore, it is necessary to agree to a compromise. For calm Aquarius families, the second half of the year may bring renovations or the purchase of their own home. We must not forget about the possibility of migration to another city, as well as changing the country of residence. 2017 will give Aquarius an extremely exciting sex partner. At the beginning of the year, his communication abilities will improve, he will shine in his environment and gain general sympathy, and this will give him the opportunity to win many hearts and concentrate attention on himself. In April, a powerful attraction will arise on a physical level, and autumn is guaranteed to demonstrate where happiness is located, which cannot be missed.

Love horoscope for 2017: Pisces.

At this time, an unpredictable and very diverse year awaits. A sign that constantly lives in the world of feelings will not experience the easiest period in its existence. With the person closest to you, the relationship will change far from the most good side. Attempts to rekindle the fire cannot lead to anything good, so there is no point in grasping at the passing past; it is better to strive for the future and not tie yourself down with unnecessary worries about the impossible. Everything that has been said concerns couples and unions whose mutual sympathies and affairs have already exhausted themselves. Those Pisces who are more stable, with good mutual relationships in the family, are expected to carry out repairs at home or will decide to purchase a home. Children may experience difficulties that can result in significant costs. Separating couples will vigorously sort out the origins and division of property, and by the end of the year they will finally separate completely. Women of the Sign may encounter much more complicated relationships with relatives. Such difficulties will turn out to be more protracted and problematic and can ruin any family relationships for a long time. Actually love relationship They promise to be strong and reliable, because the Sign is not ready for really strong changes. If you still have such a readiness, then you can find love that will decorate life with a variety of colors. There is no point in rushing events; it will be much better when relationships begin to build slowly and harmoniously. In the fall, during family celebrations, some Pisces will be able to announce their engagement. You can try to find your love by going to a casino or at places where they sell lottery tickets. Fateful meetings can take place in the most unexpected places and under the most unusual circumstances.

What will 2017 greet us with, beckoning us into its mysterious and exciting distances? What gifts did he prepare for each of us, what tests did he place on the path to happiness? The love horoscope for 2017 can tell you about the ups and downs of your personal life, give advice to those who are at a crossroads, or entangled in the complex intricacies of relationships. The love horoscope for 2017 will help you find your happiness and avoid loneliness.

The astrological forecast for 2017 is an excellent adviser in complex matters of personal relationships. Taking into account the peculiarity of the arrangement of planets in the sky at different periods of time, it accurately describes all the events and opportunities that will occur on the path of each of the signs of the Zodiac. Our dear reader, by devoting attention to this section, will be able to better understand himself and his feelings, understand his partner, and find a way out of the current difficult situation. The love horoscope for 2017 pays attention to all categories of people who want to know about their future. Lonely representatives of the zodiac circle will be able to learn about a significant meeting with fate in advance, preparing for it. Spouses whose relationship has not been going well recently will be able to find compromises to resolve conflicts peacefully. Couples in love will be able to significantly strengthen their feelings by avoiding dangerous periods in their personal lives.

Love horoscope for 2017 from VIP Horoscope@RU will tell you how to achieve perfection and harmony in your personal life, how your intimate life and relationships in a love couple will turn out. Each representative of the zodiac circle will be able to find out when to expect changes on the love front, and what nature these changes will be.

Taking advantage wise advice our horoscope, you can easily control your destiny and make the coming 2017 happy and prosperous for yourself and your loved ones. We wish you love and understanding, may negative emotions will remain in the past year!

To find out your love horoscope for 2017, select your Zodiac sign:
(you can determine your zodiac sign by date of birth

For a strong and happy relationship, you need to take care of each other, and also take into account the position of the stars and their influence on our energy. A love horoscope will help you achieve harmony and happiness in your relationship with your significant other in 2017.

When we start a relationship, we don’t know what the future holds for us and this person. Yes, accurately predict the future before the smallest details It’s impossible, but it’s quite possible to understand whether you’re right for each other. To ensure that only pleasant surprises await you in your relationship, use the calculation of love astro compatibility according to the Zodiac Signs.


For Aries, 2017 of the Fire Rooster promises to be filled with romantic ups and downs. Powerful emotions may blind you and make you believe in a beautiful deception, but your intuition and caution will help prevent the situation from becoming irreparable.

In the second half of the year, all sorrows will be forgotten, and you will be able to achieve balance in a relationship built on mutual respect and care.


For Taurus, 2017 is preparing a relationship full of calm confidence: if you have not yet met your destiny, then take a closer look at those closest to you: it is quite possible that one of your close friends is seriously in love with you.

Taurus who are already in a relationship should prepare to get to know their partner from the best side. Harmony and a subtle understanding of each other's needs are achievable with effort on both sides.


In 2017, it will be quite easy for easy-going Geminis to achieve what they want in a relationship: just show your imagination and be bolder, and everything will work out. Spending time together will help you better feel and understand your loved one, and a sense of humor and a simple attitude towards life will help you overcome everyday difficulties.

Geminis who have not yet met their love should be more active during the New Year holidays: according to the horoscope, you may well meet your love at a party with friends.


The coming 2017 is preparing a beautiful romantic story for dreamy Cancers. You will be faced with a choice: throw yourself into the pool headlong or listen to the arguments of reason. Remember that there is no right or wrong decision: you know best what kind of relationship is right for you.

Cancers who have not yet entered into a relationship should not lock themselves at home, but spend more time with friends. Your love may be waiting for you at a party or on a walk.

a lion

Leos, like no one else, should believe in the saying “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it”. By believing the New Year's signs and going on a visit, you may well meet your love on New Year's Eve.

For Leos who are already married, the Stars advise them to learn to listen and hear their soulmate. The ability to support your spouse and not once again express your dissatisfaction, even if you turned out to be right, will have the best impact on your family life.


For Virgos, the love horoscope for 2017 contains recommendations that can affect your entire life. In 2017, Virgos who have not yet met their other half will be able to find love if they reconsider their attitude towards the importance of the first impression. Remember that people are not always what they seemed at first.

Married Virgos will have to learn to trust their other half and not torment either themselves or their partner with jealousy.


For Libra, 2017 promises to be interesting and exciting in all areas, including love. Free Libras will have a choice between several admirers of the opposite sex, each of whom will have their own advantages and disadvantages. Try to weigh the pros and cons of an affair with each of them, and only then make your choice.

For married Libras, the year may seem somewhat tense: your partner’s increased nervousness will worry you and cause misunderstandings and conflicts. However, if you are more attentive to the requests of your significant other, you will soon notice that family life became simply beautiful.


Astrologers recommend that Scorpios learn to cope with negative thoughts and trust their feelings. Remember that for a happy relationship it is necessary that both respect and effort be mutual. If your relationship brings you nothing but suffering, then don't be afraid to break it off and start new life.

The Stars advise Scorpios who have not yet met their love to listen to the advice of their relatives: it is quite possible that it will be your relatives who will introduce you to your other half.


For impulsive Sagittarius, 2017 can bring both losses and new acquaintances. Don’t be afraid to let go and don’t hold on with all your might to a person who wants to leave: this will still lead to nothing but suffering and weakening energy. In the second half of the year, your personal life will improve, and you can be happy by trusting your heart.

For family Sagittarius, joint creativity and travel will help strengthen relationships. Spend as much time as possible with your family, and happiness will not take long to arrive.


In 2017, Capricorns should not miss the chance to further strengthen their relationships. If you try to devote as much time and attention to your significant other as possible, delve into your partner’s problems and not reproach him for trifles, then in the middle of the year you will suddenly realize that you have got the most wonderful person in the world.

For Capricorns who have not yet met their love, the Stars advise you to listen to your intuition and choose a person who will evoke bright emotions and inspiration in you.


For Aquarius, 2017 promises to be easy and inspiring: your relationships will support you and guide you in the right direction. A union with your loved one will bring even more joy and warmth if you stop internally comparing your soulmate with other people. Comparisons, even in favor of your partner, can ultimately create many problems and complexes.

Free Aquarians will be able to improve their personal lives if they stop constantly searching and worrying about every date. Calm self-confidence will bear fruit as soon as you gain it and love yourself.


In 2017, Pisces will be able to meet their happiness with the Fire Rooster if they gain confidence in themselves and their charm. Remember that you are beautiful and don’t let envious people ruin your opinion of yourself. In the second half of the year, it is possible to meet a person from the past who may turn out to be your destiny.

The love horoscope advises married Pisces not to argue over trifles and to learn to give in to their significant other, trusting their opinion. This behavior will very soon bear fruit, and you will see how your relationship has improved in a very short time.

Everyone is familiar with the saying: “If I knew where you would fall, I would spread some straw.” Usually it is applied to difficult life vicissitudes, from which it was not possible to emerge victorious. And it doesn’t matter at all where you failed, the meaning will remain the same. However, astrologers assure that in most cases we ourselves ignore warnings from the universe. And in order not to get into an awkward situation every time, it is better to use a hint - a horoscope.

There are several types of astrological predictions and the love horoscope for 2017 is only one of them. In life, a person is concerned not only with the material component, and one of the most important questions that he usually asks is: “Will I be happy with my loved one?” or “Will I find my soulmate?”

The next year - 2017 - will be entirely subordinate to the influence of the Fire Rooster. They say that the totem of the year is an extraordinary and hot-tempered creature, but at the same time very loving. This is why many signs are expecting serious changes in their personal lives: a change in status and family life is a minimum requirement. However, the stars also warn against excessive compliance in amorous matters: your flirting may cost you too much (family comfort or position, for example). In an effort to solve your problems in love or find the answer to the question “What should I do?”, refer to the love horoscope for 2017 by sign.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Fire signs

In the year of the Fire Rooster, you will burn. Your hot and ardent essence will find a way out in a constant change of partners or in simultaneous romances with several people. Never before have you been so popular with the opposite sex and you will definitely want to take advantage of it. The stars warn you against such actions, because you risk being left with nothing. This advice especially applies to married people; their casual flirting or holiday romance threatens to end in divorce.

  • will enjoy the attention of others. Everyone will be delighted with your courage and sincerity. You have no equal in your ability to tell people the truth to their face, and this will become the main feature that attracts admiring glances to you. Be careful: this way you will attract not only long-awaited men and women, but also a crowd of envious people who will definitely discuss and condemn you. Your behavior will be considered especially vicious if you do not stop at one affair, but dive from one pool of feelings to another. The stars, of course, predict a lot of new useful acquaintances and flirting for you, but you shouldn’t lose your head. Astrologers warn married Aries: your moves “to the left” will become known to your spouse very quickly, so either don’t do this, or still give in to your feelings, but be prepared for negative consequences. If you are not ready to risk your marriage or strong bonds, spend some free time, relaxation, or even just an evening with your significant other. To strengthen your relationship, too much will not be required from you - your attention and warmth will be enough. For those who are just looking for their person, the stars recommend paying attention to your surroundings: new acquaintances are very cool, but your happiness is hidden somewhere among people you know well.
  • , already confident in their irresistibility, will find even greater confirmation of this this year. Possessing natural charm and charisma, Leos will charm anyone and will be able to achieve reciprocity even from the Snow Queen. And if there are no problems with conquest, then there will certainly be problems with keeping your chosen one or chosen one near you. You need to learn to listen and hear your partner, to devote not five minutes to him during a telephone conversation, but at least a couple of evenings a week and all weekends. Otherwise, all your achievements will disappear into oblivion and you will have to start over. Because of your natural insensitivity and selfishness, you risk losing someone very close to you. For those who already have a long-term relationship, the Rooster promises certainty: you will be able to put an end to the love affair that is bothering you, and, on the contrary, reach a new level with the partner who makes you happy. But married Leos are in the high-risk category. Your love and constant desire to please everyone are already quite boring to your soulmate, so if you don’t change your behavior within a year, expect scandals, quarrels and breakups. Divorce awaits those who decide to have an affair on the side. Be careful even in casual one-night stands. It could cost you your family comfort.
  • he will surprise himself and surprise his partner with the depth of feelings and empathy. Windy, fickle and partly even frivolous, this sign will be a stronghold of stability and responsibility almost from the very beginning of the year. Your couple will be very happy about these changes, and so will you. Tired of the hesitations and doubts of previous years, you will be happy to finally find peace and home comfort. But in addition to a changed attitude towards family and love in general, you will also need to make efforts to maintain this very comfort. Spend more time at home with your partner, have romantic dinners and get-togethers in nature, and visit places that are memorable for both of you. This will not only strengthen your connection, but also warn against adultery. Your detachment made your significant other think that you no longer need her and could well push you into someone else’s arms. Take care of your happiness and do not allow yourself to make harsh statements about your spouse. This will be one of the reasons for possible betrayal. For free Sagittarius, the stars promise many new acquaintances and a whole string of novels. Be careful: behind all those bright and smiling faces, you risk missing the true love you are so desperate to find. Don't be afraid to show your feelings and show affection. This will be your trump card this year.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Earth signs

The totem of the year favors representatives of the earth signs of the zodiac. This is exactly what the love horoscope for 2017 says. You will be overwhelmed with feelings both for your partner and for close relatives and children. Some will think that in this way you are trying to gain favor with yourself and will doubt the sincerity of your feelings. Don't be upset, time will convince your opponent that he is mistaken. Just follow your feelings.

  • will perk up and, on the wave of emotional revival, will bring a lot of romance and pleasant impressions into his life. Inspired by feelings and emotions, they will spread vibes in all directions. And here the stars advise you to be careful: what you consider innocent flirting can serve as a signal and invitation to active action for another person. Unless that's your goal, don't give false hope. Also, your significant other may not like this behavior, which will lead to a showdown and a protracted scandal. The period that is especially dangerous for you is the second and third quarters of the year. Astrologers recommend that married Taurus spend more time with their spouse: you, more than anyone, need romance and tenderness in a relationship. Learn to compromise, your categoricalness and conservatism have tired your partner out, so you need to somehow try to compensate for your severity. But Taurus in search will be puzzled by the breadth of choice: the year promises many new meetings and amorous romances. The stars advise you not to jump at any opportunity for flirtation or overnight sex, but to choose your partner more carefully. Perhaps your betrothed is among them.
  • will be able to finally understand what they want from the relationship and whether it is worth continuing. The decisive and purposeful Rooster will give them courage for radical decisions and measures. A surprise will be either a sudden break in a long-term relationship or a new acquaintance or an appointment with the object of a long-standing passion. Try not to scare him with your pressure. Of course, it will be very difficult to resist you, but you definitely won’t like it if your crush is afraid of you. Conduct a thorough audit of your connections and social circle: among them there is an envious person who will give you “harmful” advice and in every possible way interfere with the arrangement of your personal life. Major changes will come to your life in the spring; try to resolve the issue with your ill-wisher by then. Stormy romances await free Virgos. You will be happy to plunge into the whirlpool of love, relationships and romance. How will you unspeakably surprise your loved ones? The main advice from the stars is don’t overdo it. After all, everything is good if you know when to stop. For married Virgos, the astrological forecast promises complications in marital relationships, provided that you are indifferent to your partner’s needs. You need to be more attentive to the requests and wishes of your significant other, otherwise you risk ruining family relationships for a long time.
  • will become exemplary family men. Everything in your home will talk about what a wonderful hostess (or owner) lives here. Your desire to create comfort and protect your family from external interference can lead to your social circle becoming very narrow, so be careful and don’t go too far. Your partner will certainly appreciate your efforts and will respond in kind, but not right away. At first, he may make the mistaken conclusion that such strong changes in behavior are caused by your desire to hide deception or betrayal. But over time, he will realize the absurdity of such an assumption and peace will return to your home, and the tension in the relationship will subside. But you also need to give up being excessively picky and suspicious. Give your partner more freedom, and he won’t want to go anywhere; be understanding of his desire to be with friends, and he will return home early. In short, you need to achieve your goal through diplomacy, not ultimatums. Free Capricorns will be able to find their soulmate and keep her close. The Rooster favors active ones, therefore, make up your mind as soon as you feel that this is the same person, otherwise you will miss your chance and you will have to wait a very long time for a new one. And remember that relationships established this year will be strong and long-lasting.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Air signs

For representatives of the air element signs, the love horoscope according to the zodiac signs for 2017 prophesies a lot of good things. Your significant other will understand your total busyness, but this does not mean that you can devote yourself entirely to anything except your partner. Beware of office romances and affairs on business trips; you will pay with your reputation if you do not stop in time. However, if you are sure that this is your destiny, learn to combine relationships and work, the stars see no other way out.

  • will be completely absorbed in their relationship. No, of course, you have a life outside of the couple, but most of your thoughts will be occupied by issues of improving the relationship. You will be very caring and diligent. In an effort to protect your partner from troubles related to you to one degree or another, you can go too far and do the opposite - remove a loved one from you. This will be the biggest mistake you can ever make. The stars advise you to listen to your intuition and share both your own and your partner’s hardships - common troubles will bring you closer than any joy can, you will open up and show yourself from a completely different side, and people will fall in love with you again. Perhaps in this way you will take the relationship to a new level - for example, you will begin to live together. Married Geminis need to be wary of intrigues on the side. Moreover, not only you, but also your spouse can go left. Adultery will become known instantly, it will shake the faith between you and lead to divorce. Keep yourself in control and don't let go of your soulmate if you are sure that this is the person you need. If your marriage has outlived its usefulness and you do not dare to put an end to it, the Year of the Rooster is the best time for this. In addition, Geminis need to be wary of romances at work: your colleagues will discuss your relationship for days, which will affect the reputation of both. Not every couple can withstand such tests.
  • They will begin the year with a conflict, the cause of which they themselves will be. Your partner (spouse) is already quite tired of your unbalanced behavior. Constant doubts and suspicions about him have done their job, undermining trust in you too. You will have to spend almost the entire first half of the year building relationships with your partner. Be careful in your statements, even one accidentally dropped word during a quarrel can forever ruin a long-term love relationship. Remember that it was this person who was with you in the most difficult times and remains to this day, despite all the quirks of your character. The spring period will be especially difficult, when you are sure that someone else understands you more. Don’t be fooled by this, most likely this person is in your life temporarily, and you risk destroying with your own hands what you have been creating for so long. Although, for example, for free Libra, the horoscope says exactly the opposite. Take a close look at your surroundings; the girl or young man you have been looking for for so long is already nearby. Perhaps it was he who invited you for a cup of coffee yesterday. But exercise caution and your usual suspicion: not every new acquaintance of yours came to you with good intentions. A healthy dose of doubt will separate some from the other.
  • the stars advise you to finally decide on your priorities and make your choice in favor of love, not career and money. This year you will not expect a sharp jump in this area, but your relationship with your partner may worsen once or twice. Your constant business trips and weekend absences from work negatively affect your connection, making it thin and fragile. Try to spend more time outside the office and in the company of your spouse and family. Astrologers say that the year of the Rooster will help you decide on something that you previously dismissed as impossible: living together or having a child. The main thing is that it is your mutual choice. However, everything will be in vain if you succumb to temptation and have an affair. Free Aquarians, prone to polygamy, will spend this year idly and without any special changes in life, although futurologists recommend that they choose one person and try to build a life with this person, because in the year of the Fire Rooster, the craving for close relationships and family intensifies a hundredfold, which makes everyone look for their mate in the crowd. Yours is already nearby, but in a string of random and non-random connections, you risk missing the one and only one. Intuition and the answer to the question “How much do you want to give in to this person” will help you decide. If you want to compromise, grab this person and run to the registry office.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Water signs

Fluid as water itself, representatives of these signs will constantly change their status from married to single throughout the year. This can happen several times, because it will constantly seem to you that “the one” has actually just appeared, and that the person next to you is a fake. In general, you will suspect everyone and everyone of deception, flattery and excessive interest in you. Stop and analyze, first of all, your behavior, and then those around you. Your task for this year is to decide what you want from a relationship and whether you want it at all.

  • will be stifled by unreasonable jealousy. At times, you yourself will realize that the reason for a quarrel is not worth even an egg shell, but you will still stand your ground, tormenting your partner with empty suspicions. This can spoil and lead to a break, even if your relationship has already been tested by more serious tests and time. You need to stop in time and trust your partner more. However, there is no smoke without fire, everyone knows this. But instead of accusing your spouse of cheating, spend more time with him. Your inability to listen and disregard for the interests of another can lead your partner into someone else's arms. Find a compromise, go to the cinema together, cook dinner and do homework with the children - any, even everyday little things, can breathe new life into your relationship and rekindle a sensual fire. Free Cancers will bask in love and attention, but this will lead nowhere if they themselves do not take active action. Flirting will never end until you take the first step. The Rooster patronizes the brave and gives courage to take reckless actions. In your case, this could be an invitation to dinner. Beware only of romances started in the spring - by autumn they will fade away, and you will already have time to invest a lot of effort into them. There is a high risk that you will close yourself off and miss your soulmate, immersing yourself in internal experiences. Look around carefully.
  • , being already the darlings of fate, in the year of the Rooster they will confirm their status. They will have all the best: partner, family, children, relationships. But even with their luck, they risk losing it all if they don't put in enough effort to maintain and strengthen the connection. If you have a long-standing relationship, the strength of which you are absolutely sure of, do not be skeptical about the prediction, but on the contrary, renew your feelings. The fantasies and desires voiced by you and your partner can significantly shake up both of them and give your relationship some spice and a hitch. But remember that in such matters moderation and a high degree of trust are good. Try not to overdo it. If you haven't made any commitments yet, think about it in the Year of the Rooster. The totem of the year promises that marriages concluded during this period will be very successful and lasting. If you fear for your freedom, don't. Your partner will understand any of your fears and dispel them, the main thing is to honestly admit them. Free Scorpios will not be deprived of attention, but this will not please them much, since most connections will be fleeting and one-time. In the carousel of faces, it will be quite difficult to single out the look of what will make you truly happy, but there is no need to despair. Perhaps towards the end of the year you will meet the right person. In any case, flirting will also be very pleasant.
  • They will strive to go deeper, that is, to devote themselves entirely to their family. This will not always be successful, since work and obligations will pull Pisces out of the comfort of family and into the cycle of documents and meetings. Your spouse will be jealous and repeatedly show dissatisfaction with this state of affairs. And although Pisces are not characterized by authoritarianism and strict views, they can inadvertently worsen relationships with their harsh statements and categorical judgments on this issue. Choose your expressions and carefully think through your answers when communicating with your partner, you can give rise to a more serious scandal that will lead to a break in the relationship. If you want to save what you have and not start from scratch, learn to separate the work and leave it outside the door. Even to the point of turning off your phone during weekends and holidays, which are best spent outside the city, so that you can’t be rushed to work. Also, hold your tongue and do not throw accusations of imperfection, you are also far from ideal, and a carelessly dropped word can forever drive a wedge between you. Free Pisces will be very attractive to the opposite sex. Your charm and sense of humor will charm anyone, but since you have not yet decided who exactly you need, the relationship will not progress beyond flirting. The situation may move from a dead point in late autumn, when you truly fall in love and plunge headlong into this feeling. Don't miss your chance and try to quickly establish relationships or continue acquaintances, otherwise you will miss your chance to improve your personal life for a long time.