
Why I like the picture of Savrasov Grachics flew. The Rooks Have Arrived. Description of the painting of Savrasova A.K. New Milestone in Fine Arts, creating a painting "Caps"

Zulfia Valentinova
Drawing up a story on the picture Savrasova A. K. "Graci flew" in preparatory group kindergarten

Integration of educational regions: Artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, socio-communicative development


Development of art perception of works of art ( pictures, development of aesthetic feelings, emotions viewing picture


Artistic and aesthetic development:

Development of aesthetic attitude to picture in question, ability to see the nature of the artist's eyes, the ability to realize your feelings, emotions that cause considered picture

Cognitive development:

ability to notice changes in nature

Socially communicative development:

Enrichment of the dictionary, the ability to use distributed offers. Sequential description pictures according to plan

1. Orgmoment: All migratory birds of blacks,

Cleans a lot of worms,

Back and forth for a lot of scroll,

And the bird is called .... (rook)

What birds fly in the spring are first? (grachics)

What he says arrival of Graca? (Spring has come)

2. Announcement theme: Today we will to consider and describe the landscape picture« The Rooks Have Arrived» which I wrote about 150 years ago Russian artist Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov. Landscape is picturePicture of nature. About artists say "Posted picture» (but not "Drawn")

Exhibited picture.

3. Picture viewing, answers to questions:

What time of year is depicted on picture? (Spring)

Is it the beginning of spring, middle or end? (Start)

What snow in the foreground on the left? (Potamy, loose, wet)

What do you see on the right? (Snow melted and trees stand in cold water)

What can we say about the trees? (Thin birchings still stand naked)

What birds chose birch? (grachics)

What do grachics? (Blacks are repaired, repairing old nests, build, screw new, shout. GalDyat, fuss, hurry, hurry, worried)

What he says arrival of Graca? (spring has come)

What buildings are visible in the middle plan? (Church, roofs of old houses, fence)

What kind of fence? (field)

Is there snow in the field? (There is still snow in the field, but it has already appeared in places)

What kind of sky in the background? (gray, gloomy, cloudy, but through the clouds sometimes looks bright, blue, spring sky)

What paints are dominated in picture, bright or, on the contrary, neuropric? (non-labor, but despite this it felt that nature awakens after the cold winter and spring has already come - he says about it arrival of Graca)

Tell me briefly what this picture? (on the occurrence of spring, about accommodation Gray, about the awakening of nature).

4. What feelings (emotions) It causes this picture: sadness, longing, sadness. joy? Why?

(the joy of the fact that the cold passed, frosts; what grachics With revival prepare housing for future chicks; That the sky is bright, spring and to replace cloudy days will necessarily come warm, sunny).

Do you like this picture? Why? (because it is painted very much; everything is as present - and snow, and water, and trees; as if I hear a cry gray; I feel cool air; We have a high poplar at home and there gracchi also crowned nests; I feel like rejoices grachicsthat came back after a long road home, in the native edges; And I want to learn as to draw).

5. Fizminutka: In the spring, the long-awaited warmth came to us (get on socks, "Pull up" to the sun)

Trees swing from wind (hands stretched up, swing)

On nest trees (folded palms)

In nests - chicks (combine thumbs alternately with the rest - chicks of chicks).

6. Lexico-grammatical exercises:

1. Tell me about a few:

Tree - (trees, nest - (nests, cloud - (clouds, bitches - (bitch, feather - (feathers, wing - (wings)

2. Selection of definitions:

What kind of snow? (dark, loose, wet, dirty, wet, cold, heavy, tel)

What land? (wet, wet, black, cold)

What sky? (gray, cloudy, faded, dark, bright, blue, clear)

Graci what? (black, joyful, caring, shrimp, fussy)

3. Say anyway:

Snow became dark - darkened,

Build nests - Weubgetize the nests

Awakened - wakes up

Buildings - Builders

4. Explain the value words:

They loved-liked

Shutd up - prove order

Dominate - the most

7. Approximate sample status

This picture is called« The Rooks Have Arrived» . She wrote the artist Savrasov.

In the foreground on the left we see the snow. It is already darkened, loose, wet (wet, and on the right snow already melted and trees stand in cold water. High birks were chosen grachics. They set up old nests and carefully build new ones. The arrival of rurses says about. Which spring has come.

On the average we see buildings: Church, roofs of old houses, fence.

Behind the fence- field. The field still lies snow, but the places have already appeared. When all the snow melts and the earth will dry, spring work will begin in the field.

In the background we see the sky. It is gray, gloomy, cloudy, but through the clouds already breaks out sometimes a bright spring blue sky. The artist showed in his picture How the nature awakens.

8. Plan status

What is the name of picture?

Who wrote picture?

Describe snow, trees, gray

List buildings, describe the field

Describe the sky

What feelings cause this picture? Why?

Why liked this picture?

9. Stories of children

Material can be divided into 2 classes.

Publications on the topic:

A summary of speech development in the second youngest group "Drawing up a story on the picture" Kura "using ICT" The goal is to create conditions for the development of speech communication skills. Tasks: Educational: - Learn to make a short story together with the educator.

"Drawing up a story on the painting" Horse with a foal. " Node B. senior group View Node: Communication Theme: Talking in the picture "Horse.

Abstract Node for design in the preparatory group "Gracchi flew" (origami) Action Algorithm Definition and Formulation Node Conduct Content - Continue to learn how to create compositions with products made from.

Node abstract in the educational area "Communication" in the middle group of kindergarten "Drawing up a story story" Abstract Node in the educational area "Communication" in medium group kindergarten. Topic: "Drawing up a plot story on a set of toys.

On average and senior link in school one of the options creative work is a description of the picture. Students of the sixth or seventh classes necessarily write an essay by Alexey Savrasova's painting.

Objectives and objectives in the picture

Despite the plot clear at first glance, it's not so simple to describe this picture. The student should see a deep meaning that hides behind the simplicity of the plot. What are these creative tasks? The writing helps to form a written speech, learn how to properly state thoughts on a certain topic, to see and understand the content of the plot, describe what they saw. When describing the landscape, logic develops, as it is necessary to learn to allocate the main and secondary, see the items and describe the plan.

A little about the artist

Alexey Savrasov - a Russian artist, famous for his landscapes. One of the most famous works is the picture "Graci flew". Savrasov worked on it in 1871. Sketches were written by him when he traveled to the village of Prayer Kostroma region. The place of his work the artist pointed out the picture in the lower corner to the left. Perhaps the first ideas were conceived in the vicinity of Yaroslavl, shortly before the trip to Prayer. He ended up the picture Alexey Savrasov in Yaroslavl, the last strokes added in Moscow.

Exhibitions and Reviews

In the same year, Pavel Tretyakov bought a picture - founder Tretyakov Gallery. and collector. Soon was exhibited in Moscow society, and then at the exhibition of mobile partnership art exhibitions in St. Petersburg. The landscape received many delighted reviews. Artists and critics said it is one of the beautiful landscapes and best picture Savrasov. Despite the simplicity of the plot, the artist's soul, which roads of Russian nature felt in the picture. But not only critics and artists appreciated the picture. Empress Maria Alexandrovna wished to have a repetition in her collection, and the artist wrote another one for her. And in 1872 it was she exhibited at the World Exhibition in Austria.

Time of year in the picture

Before starting work on an essay by the picture of Savrasov, "Graci flew", consider the landscape itself. The picture shows a very early spring, when the sun is only beginning to harvest, the snow is to fasten and bare black, tired for the winter bushes and trees trunks. The puddles began to gather under the sun, and the first symbol of spring and the emerging life were made here, which cannot be immediately seen in the picture.

Picture composition

So, let's start working on an essay. Description of the painting "Graci flew" to begin with the composition. Consider it carefully. The backyard of the church is taken for the image. Immediately rushes a large curved tree, on the branches of which the nests of the rods and the birds themselves are located. A few more birds around Berez. It is possible to understand that spring came, it is possible on the bottoms in the snow. We can notice that the rags are somewhat larger in size than in reality. But it seems to be a grotesque exaggeration at all spoil the picture, but on the contrary, the landscape, thanks to them, as if breathing in the spring. The center of the composition is somewhat birch in the foreground. At the edges of the picture on the right and on the left of the branches of trees, which were not included in the landscape, but, thanks to them, the central part is equalized. Sunlight falls on the left side, and the shadow of Bereza gently falls on the lowered snow. Behind the trees is visible fence and the wooden church with the bell tower, and then the endless fields with the already flooded river, and they stretch until the horizon. This plain gives the picture the feeling of infinity and spatiality. To strengthen the feeling of space, the artist slightly changed the prospect. The foreground looks like the artist wrote a picture while close to Earth. But then the horizon would be lower, although the landscape is located in the center of the canvas. The intention of the artist was as follows: he wanted to pay attention to the distant plan, on the plain, which plays in the landscape, is importantly a semantic role, so it must be described in the composition in the picture "Graci flew". A. K. Savrasov used this technique not only in this landscape, but also in other works.

Colors and tones

The essay in the picture "Graci flew" is impossible without describing colors, tones and light. The landscape seems to be divided into three horizontal parts. Each of the parts is drawn in its light and tone. The upper part that occupies half, depicts a light sky with predominantly cold blue tones. Below, occupying about thirty percent, the snow is painted in gray and white.

And in the middle the brown tones prevail. It turns out that the buildings are like hanging in the air among bright shades, and this gives a feeling of lightness and airiness. In order for the elements of the picture to merge into a single whole, the artist uses the right angle and composition, as well as the game of light and shadows. In general, the whole composition seeks to swell, which is achieved by the image of young birch trees drawn to the sky. Savrasova managed to convey sadness from the outgoing winter and happiness from the upcoming spring. It is through the protane, glimpses of the sky and light tones of snow managed to achieve this effect. In the background - illuminated by the sun, pinkish and golden, and ahead - already loose, lifted and grayish snow.

Birds - Spring symbol in writing in the picture "Gracchi flew"

Pay attention to the birds that served as the basis of the plot. The picture is called "Graci flew", and it gives us the key to understanding the picture. Let's try to imagine a landscape without rosters. How will it change? Then the picture will not be the dynamics that is now. Birds symbolize life. They fly around Berez, around their nests in which the chicks will hatch. One of the birds on Earth holds a twig in the beak and is going to build a nest. It is the birds that give us the arrival of spring, because with their appearance movement begins and life is reborn. So you can finish the writing-reasoning in the picture "Graci flew".

The history of Artist Alexei Savrasova is one of many confirming the idea that a person should find his true vocation. As a teenager, he sold his watercolors to merchants from Moscow, and after, he entered the School of Painting, Scary and Architecture. The work of Venetianova was a strong influence on the worldview of the painter - Himonia His Poons touched Savrasov's soul.

The Moscow society of art lovers has provided talented young man Funds for training in Europe. Upon returning home, he turned to the reasons of rustic life. Until Savrasova, the poor beauty of nature was considered unworthy attention - the society of that time was the Italian species, ruins Ancient Rome, overseas sunsets and sunrises, full romance. So the picture "Graci flew" produced a real revolution in the art of that time.

Interesting the history of the appearance of this canvase. The village of Milvitino near Kostroma was a big living center with a beautiful church, built at the beginning of the 18th century. Her bell tower with Kokoshniki, adorning the pointed tent, the small domes of the White Temple were one of the thousands on the expanses of Tsarist Russia. The legends of the village were told that it was from here that Ivan Susanin.

Savrasov was in the spring of 1871 in the spring of 1871 and almost immediately began to work on Etudes of the depth. The artist loved the spring, and on his pencil sketches came to the birch, illuminated by the Sun, and the music of drops from the roofs of houses, the murmur of the first spring streams were heard.

The church of the painter wanted to portray for a long time. He was looking for a point with which she would be best viewed and once stayed there until evening. It happened that it was necessary to occur sooner or later - the nature of the oceans, the drunk aroma of Martov Aerus gave him inspiration. Etude a future picture was surprisingly rapidly.

"The Rooks Have Arrived". The very name itself gives each of us a sense of spring, pores of dawn of nature, vital energy and a whole range of incomprehensible, but beautiful and exciting feelings. The picture does not represent symbolic images to the essence of the viewer, it is simple and understandable, and therefore, close to every person.

Ordinary spring little grayish day. Corywood curved birchings on a hill simply sealed the ruchies. They are halted and busily screw new nests or updates old. Spring freshness hovers in the air, and protanes on the snow reflect the blue sky, hidden behind the sizy clouds. Household fences Houses cannot hide a small church with irradiated walls. The dome only emphasizes the typical of the Russian village and the latitude of the Russian soul. A little further, the fields are visible on which there will be a plowing, but so far snow still lies on them. Gentle-lilac armories complement the horizon. Somewhere there, in the distance flowing the daily course of life, and only a light breeze unites him and nature into a single whole.

In the foreground of the canvas - snow. He is dirty and dull, without glare, on it - only the gray shadows of Berez, sad and broken. Clouds float on a turbid ash sky. Because of the abundance of gray paints, a rustic landscape at first glance is pretty chaledden. However, it is just at first. Bright living paints in it makes a light church, Protina with water and a miracle a breakdown of light. In addition, Savrasov is one of the few artists who knew how to portray air. The canvas breathes, it fastened with freshness of spring and its warm breath, it emphasizes the unusual lighting. The foreground of the picture is written in such a way that the birch trees, snow and halby graphchi are depicted against the light. Thus, the picture seems to be filled with muted paints, which only emphasizes the inevitability of future spring.

Morning of the year here is the main actor, it is harmonious in the whole picture. The painter managed to portray not just a static landscape, but to embrace the elusive phenomena of nature, creating a striking sense of life. Energity of all - birds, linen snow, cheeks from pipes on the outstands, their invisible inhabitants, the dome of the church. In the picture there is a movement, which is already manifested in its name - "Graci flew", birds fly over the nests, birch seems alive, they reach the sky. Sound effects The author achieves incredible - you already hear how the Galdown of Restless Spring Bulletins, as the water rumbles and falls from the roofs of the lips, that is, feel this beauty of the spring mood.

Now the paintings on the spring theme are so converted that they are ripples in their eyes. Some artists earn bread by the fact that once a year they write a series of spring cycle-cycles. However, in 1871, when this picture appeared before the eyes of the public at the exhibition in St. Petersburg, she was not found equal. It was a revolution, a new vision of the world, which could fit on a small canvas (catalogs call it "oil, canvas, 62 cm in height and 48, 5 width"). The magnificent landscapes of Shishkin, Queenji, Kramsky and Perov were no longer relevant. The modest rustic species surpassed the classics, and today this picture is more popular. Peter Tretyakov immediately acquired a canvas, and a year later, Savrasov received an order for repetition of work. Since then, the artist made more than 10 painting replicas - everyone wanted to have a piece of spring in his house.

Interestingly, in 1997, the Central Bank of Russia launched a two-over coin, which depicts a portrait of an artist and a fragment from his "rods". This dennaure was timed to the 100th anniversary of the author's death of this picture. Another equally striking fact - in the very Museum of the Savrasov of the Savrasov, the Museum of Ivan Susanin is now located.

Repeat this success and style of the painting "Graci flew" did not manage to anyone, even the artist himself. The canvas - the product of his minute impulse, inspiration, supported by true talent, and inspiration, as you know, a special feeling.

In Russian folklore there is a saying that Grache can overcome winter - this starts the meeting of spring. Savrasovsky canvas and amazes that the author transferred not only the transformation of all the living, as well as the update inner world A man who lives in unity with nature.

Picture written: 1871
Canvas, oil.
Size: 62 × 48.5 cm

Description of the painting "Gracchi flew" by A.Savrasova

Artist: Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov
Picture Title: "Graci flew"
Picture written: 1871
Canvas, oil.
Size: 62 × 48.5 cm

The history of the artist A. Savrasova is one of many confirming the idea that a person should find his true vocation. As a teenager, he sold his watercolors to merchants from Moscow, and after, he entered the School of Painting, Scary and Architecture. The work of Venetianova was a strong influence on the worldview of the painter - Himonia His Poons touched Savrasov's soul.

The Moscow Society of Fans of Arts provided a talented young man for training in Europe. Upon returning home, he turned to the reasons of rustic life. Before Savrasova, the low-spirited beauty of nature was considered unworthy attention - the society of that time was the Italian species, the ruins of ancient Rome, foreign sunsets and sunrises, full romance. So the picture "Graci flew" produced a real revolution in the art of that time.

Interesting the history of the appearance of this canvase. The village of Milvitino near Kostroma was a big living center with a beautiful church, built at the beginning of the 18th century. Her bell tower with Kokoshniki, adorning the pointed tent, the small domes of the White Temple were one of the thousands on the expanses of Tsarist Russia. The legends of the village were told that it was from here that Ivan Susanin.

Savrasov was in the spring of 1871 in the spring of 1871 and almost immediately began to work on Etudes of the depth. The artist loved the spring, and on his pencil sketches came to the birch, illuminated by the Sun, and the music of drops from the roofs of houses, the murmur of the first spring streams were heard.

The church of the painter wanted to portray for a long time. He was looking for a point with which she would be best viewed and once stayed there until evening. It happened that it was necessary to occur sooner or later - the nature of the oceans, the drunk aroma of Martov Aerus gave him inspiration. Etude a future picture was surprisingly rapidly.

"The Rooks Have Arrived". The very name itself gives each of us a sense of spring, pores of dawn of nature, vital energy and a whole range of incomprehensible, but beautiful and exciting feelings. The picture does not represent symbolic images to the essence of the viewer, it is simple and understandable, and therefore, close to every person.

Ordinary spring little grayish day. Corywood curved birchings on a hill simply sealed the ruchies. They are halted and busily screw new nests or updates old. Spring freshness hovers in the air, and protanes on the snow reflect the blue sky, hidden behind the sizy clouds. Household fences Houses cannot hide a small church with irradiated walls. The dome only emphasizes the typical of the Russian village and the latitude of the Russian soul. A little further, the fields are visible on which there will be a plowing, but so far snow still lies on them. Gentle-lilac armories complement the horizon. Somewhere there, in the distance flowing the daily course of life, and only a light breeze unites him and nature into a single whole.

In the foreground of the canvas - snow. He is dirty and dull, without glare, on it - only the gray shadows of Berez, sad and broken. Clouds float on a turbid ash sky. Because of the abundance of gray paints, a rustic landscape at first glance is pretty chaledden. However, it is just at first. Bright living paints in it makes a light church, Protina with water and a miracle a breakdown of light. In addition, Savrasov is one of the few artists who knew how to portray air. The canvas breathes, it fastened with freshness of spring and its warm breath, it emphasizes the unusual lighting. The foreground of the picture is written in such a way that the birch trees, snow and halby graphchi are depicted against the light. Thus, the picture seems to be filled with muted paints, which only emphasizes the inevitability of future spring.

The morning of the year here is a basic acting person, it is harmonious in the whole picture. The painter managed to portray not just a static landscape, but to embrace the elusive phenomena of nature, creating a striking sense of life. Energity of all - birds, linen snow, cheeks from pipes on the outstands, their invisible inhabitants, the dome of the church. In the picture there is a movement, which is already manifested in its name - "Graci flew", birds fly over the nests, birch seems alive, they reach the sky. Sound Effects The author reaches incredible - you already hear how Galdim Restless Spring Bulletins, as the water murmurs and falls from the roofs of the lips, that is, feel this beauty of the spring mood.

Now the paintings on the spring theme are so converted that they are ripples in their eyes. Some artists earn bread by the fact that once a year they write a series of spring cycle-cycles. However, in 1871, when this picture appeared before the eyes of the public at the exhibition in St. Petersburg, she was not found equal. It was a revolution, a new vision of the world, which could fit on a small canvas (catalogs call it "oil, canvas, 62 cm in height and 48, 5 width"). The magnificent landscapes of Shishkin, Queenji, Kramsky and Perov were no longer relevant. The modest rustic species surpassed the classics, and today this picture is more popular. Peter Tretyakov immediately acquired a canvas, and a year later, Savrasov received an order for repetition of work. Since then, the artist made more than 10 painting replicas - everyone wanted to have a piece of spring in his house.

Interestingly, in 1997, the Central Bank of Russia launched a two-over coin, which depicts a portrait of an artist and a fragment from his "rods". This dennaure was timed to the 100th anniversary of the author's death of this picture. Another equally striking fact - in the very Museum of the Savrasov of the Savrasov, the Museum of Ivan Susanin is now located.

Repeat this success and style of the painting "Graci flew" did not manage to anyone, even the artist himself. The canvas - the product of his minute impulse, inspiration, supported by true talent, and inspiration, as you know, a special feeling.

In Russian folklore there is a saying that Grache can overcome winter - this starts the meeting of spring. Savrasovsky canvas and striking the fact that the author transferred not only the transformation of all the lives, and the update of the inner world of a person who lives in unity with nature.

On the painting "The Rooks Have Arrived" Depicted early spring time. Nature awakens from sleep, everything comes to life, everything is filled with life, sound and soul. Birds are returned to their native edges, trees bloom, comes to life all around. The snow has not yet melted, and the sun is already given his warmth, the arrival of the finest pore of the year is felt - spring. Air overflows new notes. He became warmer, fresh, easier, relative. All flams around. The head is spinning from sensations and expectations of light and native.

No wonder portrayed a picture in such tones. It was shown exactly the time when winter is still dominant throughout the earth, and spring will approach. At the same time, we feel that the grits are the main spring messengers. And brings work in the spring season. They have already begun their work. And from this you feel how they are hoarse on the branches, shut apart with each other, make the wings .... And the soul becomes somehow more fun and warmer.

We see that the ruchies have already managed to reject nests, preparing for the spring, to the offspring, to life. It is the birds who know how to listen to nature, are an integral part of it, they symbolize ease, flight and freedom.

The second main smear is Taja Water, it is she shouting us about the occurrence of spring. It is depicted in the picture in a small lowline, which gives an accurate feeling - the snow melts slowly, gradually. At the same time, the most of the painting takes exactly the snow, rather than melting spring water. Accordingly, it feels that winter does not want to leave his temporary possessions. You can guess that the weather is sunny, but we do not see the sun. This can be determined by the shadow in the picture under the trees. But here we conclude that spring is about to knock on the door, the light is still faded, the sun is neuropric. But already plays on the imagination and makes smiling.

In the background of this picture, the old chapel of small sizes, which reminds the feeling of calm, spirituality.

To the right of the chapel is a small rural house. Only the upper part is visible - the roof of white, a little faded color and attic. Not far from the house there are still naked shrubs. Between the chapel and the house, there is a temple, threecapular. It is yellowish and white. And the dome of the dark color, but it is not necessary to recognize.

It can be noted that the artist is most accurate and plausible portrayed the Russian landscape, a Russian soul, our nature. At the same time, he gave us the opportunity to think about the high and spiritual. With the help of paints, we feel frost, smells of the upcoming spring, a cry of birds ... It is impossible to convey words. It is impossible to say exactly what area is the city is or a village, this is a terrain or invented. But you can definitely say that this is Russia. Nature just fascinates.

Savrasov gave us the most subtle in his soul of the artist, exactly what I saw and felt, loved. So, with the help of simple paints and a piece of canvas, you can create a spring arrival, pass the smell, spring mood and simple, human life. True wonderful?!