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What is the history of the theater? The history of the emergence of the Russian theater In what year did the first real theater appear

The first European theatrical performances appeared in the 6th century BC. from religious festivals dedicated to the god of wine and fertility Dionysus. The actors used masks to show the emotions of the characters, as well as to make it clear to the audience of what gender and age the character entered the stage. The millennial tradition that forbade women to play on stage originated precisely in ancient Greek theater.
The first actor is considered the Greek Thesipus, who won the poetry competition in honor of Dionysus.

In the III century BC. the Romans, inspired by Greek theater, created their own versions of ancient Greek plays and began to stage them on improvised stages. Slaves acted as actors in such performances. Women were allowed to play only minor roles. As Roman theaters had to compete for the attention of audiences accustomed to gladiatorial combat, public executions and chariot races, plays increasingly featured violent and crude humor. With the spread of Christianity, such ideas came to an end.

The emergence of the theater of the Middle Ages

Although in medieval Europe theatrical performances were considered sinful, and theatrical traditions developed. Minstrels invented and performed ballads, puppeteers, acrobats and storytellers performed at fairs. During the Easter service, the priests acted out mysteries - theatrical stories that allowed illiterate people to understand the meaning of what was happening.
Later, the mysteries began to be played during other religious holidays, presenting various biblical stories.

Renaissance theater

During the Renaissance (XIV-XVII centuries), an interest arose in the revival of the classical Greek and Roman theater. At the junction of the traditions of ancient and medieval theater, secular theatrical performances arose, the Comedy del Arte appeared - an impromptu show created by several masked actors. In these plays, for the first time since ancient Roman times, women were allowed to return to the stage.

In 1576, the first theater building was built in London, before that all plays were played in hotels, on the fairgrounds or in the middle of halls in castles and noble houses. Queen Elizabeth I of England patronized the theater arts; in the era that bears her name, the first professional playwrights appeared, the most famous of which is great Shakespeare, actors, tradition to use props and change costumes during performance. The final classical theater was formed by the middle of the 18th century.

The history of the theater is rooted in Ancient Greece more than two millennia ago. The oldest art was born as a spectacular entertainment for the public ...

From Masterweb

08.05.2018 14:00

The history of the theater is rooted in Ancient Greece more than two millennia ago. The oldest art was born as a spectacular entertainment for the public, festive scenes of mummers. The performances were originally timed to coincide with the Great Dionysia - a great religious holiday.

Now the theater is undoubtedly more than a procession of singing men in goatskins through the city. It has become a high art, a means of recreation for high society, a place of cultural enlightenment. The history of the theater is a fascinating development process that continues to this day. We will tell the reader about it in our article. You will also find many interesting facts in the presented material. So, let's begin.


In Athens V century BC. e. theatrical performances were an integral part of religious festivals. Processions with the statue of Dionysus were accompanied by cheerful chants and dramatic games. It can be said that the history of the Athenian theater began as amateur performances for a small number of onlookers. Initially, only tragedies were staged, comedies were shown later. It is noteworthy that the plays, as a rule, were shown only once. This stimulated authors to create relevant, interesting works... The playwright not only wrote the play, he was a full-fledged participant in the performance, played the roles: director, composer, choreographer and even actor. Naturally, these were extremely talented people.

But to become a choir (choir leader), great talent was not required. All they needed was money and connections with government officials. The main duty of the choreographer was to pay bills, provide full material support and support the theater. It was at that time a place of competition, the horeg, poet and protagonist won in it. The winners were crowned with ivy and awarded with prizes. The victory was given to them by the decision of the jury.

An interesting fact is that the ancient Romans were real fans of realism. The production was considered ideal, in which the actor got used to the role 100% - if necessary, he had to be ready to even die.

The Greek theater did not have a roof; spectators and actors were, in fact, on the street. The dimensions of the ancient theaters were huge, they could accommodate from 17 to 44 thousand people. At first, wooden platforms were used to set the audience down, then natural stone slopes were adapted for the theater. And only then, in the IV century BC. e., a stone theater was built.

You will probably be interested to know that the government, starting with Pericles, made it possible to visit the theater and join the beautiful even financially disadvantaged citizens. To do this, everyone was given a subsidy for one visit to the theater, and then for three visits.

The history of the ancient theater has one characteristic feature: the actors played their roles without the help of their own facial expressions. She was replaced by all kinds of masks, often very grotesque. The actor paid much attention to body movements and clothing. The actors were men, even in female roles. They occupied a privileged position in society and were exempt from taxes.

An interesting fact is that Livy Andronicus, an ancient Roman playwright, became the father of the world's first "phonogram". He was left without a voice, but got out of the situation by finding a boy who spoke for him.

Some terms of the ancient theater

Many definitions used in ancient theaters have survived to this day. A small glossary of terms from ancient times is presented to your attention below:

  • Orchestra is a part of a round theater with two entrances, designed for performances of dramatic and lyric choirs. In the Athenian theater, its diameter was 24 meters.
  • Skena is a place to change. It was originally a simple tent, then connected to pieces of stage decoration such as the background.
  • Proskinius - colonnade in front of the skena.
  • Paraseniy - side stone outbuildings.
  • The stage is a hill above the orchestra, where actors began to play in late antiquity.
  • Ekkiklema is a movable wooden platform that allows you to transform the scene and move the actors around the stage.
  • Koturny - shoes with high soles resembling stilts. With the help of such shoes, the actors became taller, more imposing and similar to mythical creatures.

A remarkable fact is that it was in Rome that the phrase "Finita la comedia" was first pronounced.

Dolls in the theater world

The history of the puppet theater dates back to Egypt, where the priests used the puppet of the god Osiris to perform ritual actions. In the beginning, the puppet theater was just ceremonial and ritual, but now the religious connotation has faded away. Well-known ritual and ritual puppet theaters exist in many countries: Japan (Bunraku), Indonesia (Wayang), Catalonia (El Pastores), Belarus (Batleika) and others.

In the history of puppet theater in America, the theater created in 1962 under the name "Bread and Doll" stands out. It features giant papier-mâché dolls, an obvious political flavor, and delicious bread at the entrance. This interaction between actors and spectators is symbolic: theatrical art should be as close to the people as possible.

Dolls are different in size and appearance. There are finger and glove, cane and tablet, puppets and giant dolls. It is not so easy to be an actor in a puppet theater, because you need to be able to revive an inanimate object, to give it character and voice.

A characteristic feature of any puppet theater is ridicule of something, the presence of morality, an educational element in the scenes. No matter how old the viewer of the puppet theater may be, he will find there not only something to laugh at, but also something to think about. Often the heroes in puppet theater are unattractive, even ugly characters, for example, the French Punchinelle with a crocheted nose.

You will probably be interested to know that actors are not always rich people. In the history of American puppetry, there are facts that theatergoers could see a play in exchange for food.


The history of the drama theater dates back to ancient times. It is one of the art forms, together with puppet theater, pantomime, opera and ballet. The main distinguishing feature of the drama theater is that the actor's actions are combined with the words he uttered. Stage speech is given special attention in this kind of genre. The play is the basis of a dramatic performance. In the process of acting, improvisation is possible, the action may include dancing, singing. The performance is based on literary work... The director is the main interpreter of a play or script.

Quite remarkable is the fact that theater workers believe that dropping the script is not good. If this trouble happened, you must definitely sit on it.

The emergence of domestic theatrical traditions

The history of theater in Russia is divided into stages:

  • Initial ("playful").
  • Average.
  • Mature.

Playful stage

As in Ancient Rome, the history of theater in Russia began as a not entirely serious occupation. Theatrical performances were called "fun" and performances were called "merrymaking". The first mention of buffoons in chronicles dates back to 1068. In fact, any person could become such an actor entertaining the audience. From the point of view of religion, the activities of buffoons were shameful. In the annals they are called servants of the devil, and mockery, satire and dressing are called sins. Sharp satire was not welcomed by the church, however, this did not particularly stop anyone.

Art, pleasing to the authorities, buffoonery was also not considered, on the contrary, sharp social themes sketches, ridiculing modern flaws made the actors dangerous and harmful. But the people loved to watch and laugh at the performances of buffoons. However, it should be understood that the classical theater, as we know it now, did not grow out of these buffoonish scenes, but independently of them, even, rather, in spite of them.

Middle stage

The next stage in the history of Russian theater is intermediate between the merry and the mature. At this stage, the court and school theaters appear. At that time, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ruled, the actors of the court theater were foreigners, the school theater - students. After the death of Alexei Mikhailovich, the activities of the court theater stopped until Peter I came to power. He had a positive attitude to "spectacles", but, in addition to entertainment, he also became endowed with a propaganda function. In 1702, a public theater appeared for the broad masses. Its building was called the "Comedy Temple", where performances were given by a German troupe. This theater did not accept the people. Although Peter I did not achieve his goal, did not make the theater a favorite place of people, accessible and popular, he laid down all the necessary prerequisites for this.

A mature stage in the history of theatrical art

This period in the history of the creation of a theater in Russia is the most important. At this stage, the theater began to acquire those features that are familiar modern man, took shape in a serious professional community. On August 30, 1756, the start was given, namely, the Imperial Theater opened. The same date is the day of the founding of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. It happened under Elizaveta Petrovna.

A feature of the theater of that time was the simultaneous participation in productions of both Russian and foreign artists. It was at this stage that the performance of roles was first entrusted not only to men, but also to women. Catherine II attached great importance to the theater, under her in St. Petersburg there were three troupes, a fantastic amount of money was spent on the development of this industry.

In addition to the development of state ones, Catherine paid attention to the private theaters of the nobility, there was, for example, the theater of Sheremetyev, Volkonsky, Rumyantsev. Even in the provinces, their own landowner troupes were created. A Russian theater was being built, namely the performances themselves, on the models of their French colleagues. At the head of the French school acting I. A. Dmitrevsky was standing, who brought up more than one generation of wonderful actors.

Did you know?

We present to the reader's attention some more interesting facts from the history of theatrical art.

At the time when Pushkin was alive, theaters in Russia were not completely seated. The farthest rows were occupied by people standing on their feet throughout the show.

An iconic play in history russian theaterof linen art is "The Minor" by DI Fonvizin, which became the first attempt to ridicule officials, nobles, typical characters of the 18th century. Starodum ( positive character) the first to play was the aforementioned Dmitrevsky.

In 1803, the imperial theaters were divided. Drama and music troupes, opera and ballet troupes, appeared as part of the music. The dominance of the French school of playing on the Russian stage lasted until the 19th century. It was then that the Russian theater finally got on its feet and followed its own path. The experience gained has become a good basis, and the discovery of new talented Russian composers, actors, dancers raised the theater to a high level.

PN Arapov was the first to describe the entire history of Russian theater in one encyclopedia - "Chronicle of the Russian Theater". Theater magazines and professional critics emerge. Thus, the development of the theater gave an impetus, including, to Russian literature.

The most famous theater in Moscow

The history of the Bolshoi Theater begins on March 28, 1776. It was on this day in Moscow that Empress Catherine II signed a "privilege" for Prince Peter Urusov, allowing him to maintain the theater for ten years. At first it was called the Petrovsky Theater (in honor of the street on which the entrance went). In 1805, the building completely burned down, the architect Osip Bove created new project... In 1820, construction began, lasting 5 years.

The constructed theater became larger, which is why it got its name. This beautiful, harmonious, rich building pleased the residents of Moscow until 1853, when the second fire broke out. This time the reconstruction was entrusted to the architect Albert Cavos. The theater was restored already in 1856. The Imperial Bolshoi Theater became famous not only in Russia, but also in the world: it had excellent acoustics. In 1917 after the Revolution, the name was changed to the State Bolshoi Theater. The decoration was supplemented with Soviet symbols.

He was seriously injured during the Great Patriotic Wartaking over the bomb. The building was reconstructed again. Until 1987, the building underwent only minor cosmetic repairs. Now the Bolshoi Theater is a building with a new stage where modern effects can be used. At the same time, it has retained the spirit of classical architecture, its “signature” acoustics, which gives it the right to be considered one of the best theaters in the world. This is the story of the Bolshoi Theater.

And finally, one more, no less interesting fact... Films that take place in whole or in part in the theater: Birdman, Woe Creator, La La Land, Phantom of the Opera, Burlesque Tales, Knockout, Bumping Broadway, Black Swan "," Puppeteer "," Awfully Big Adventure "," Shakespeare in Love "," Murder in a Small Town "," Orfevre Quay ".

The history of theater (dramatic and other genres of this art) will continue to develop, since interest in it has remained unchanged for more than two thousand years.

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European theater emerged in Russia at the end of the 17th century. Before his appearance in drama, there was only the art of buffoons. It is very much like a European square theater. They share many of the same traits and traditions. Buffoons were organized in markets, squares and streets to entertain the crowd. This art form was a set of uncomplicated scenes, the task of which was to ridicule the authorities and church orders. It is not surprising that such a theater enjoyed tremendous success and popularity among the common people. Such street performances were a real outlet for people who were constantly under the pressure of lawlessness. And the upper strata of the public, for obvious reasons, treated the buffoons rather coldly.

Theatrical break

In the second half of the 17th century, a certain turning point took place in the development of Russian drama. In 1672, the first court theater was opened by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. He specialized in the production of plays with historical and religious content, and the actors were mainly of foreign origin. But, it should be noted that such stage performances were organized only for noble persons, the king and his retinue. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that after the death of Alexei Mikhailovich the theater also died. Based on the above, it can be argued that the professionalization of the Russian theater falls on the 18th century.

The 18th century in Russia is characterized by the transformation of medieval Muscovy into a real European country. These transformations are directly related to the era of the reign of Peter the Great, the main Russian innovator. During this period, many industries developed, including the theatrical art. Under Peter the Great, regular stage performances began to be organized. With the help of the emperor, the theater becomes an instrument for expressing ideas of state policy. It is worth emphasizing that such a close connection between theater and power was seen in all subsequent centuries and in modern drama as well. The main goal of the theater under Peter was to promote his policies. That is why all the performances were exclusively Russian-speaking.

After the death of Peter the Great, the development of drama in Russia slowed down significantly. The next "leap" of the theater fell during the reign of Tsarina Anna Ioannovna. In this era, theatrical art just flourished. Anna's theater was intended to entertain society, therefore, mainly comedies, which did not differ in deep meaning, dominated. Very often Anna herself made adjustments to the productions, for example, she wanted the heroes to beat each other with sticks. But during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, there was a real heyday of the classicist theater.

The first theater appeared in Athens, in 497 BC. In Rome, the first stone theater appeared only in 55 BC. ... Before that, actors and spectators were content with only temporary wooden buildings.
The performances of the past few years resembled what we mean by the performance today. There could be only one actor on the stage, changing masks and playing several roles at once. The need for masks was due to large size theaters that could accommodate ten or even seventeen thousand people. It was almost impossible to see the actor's facial features from a long distance, and masks easily solved this problem.



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Educator - S.A. Dementyeva MDOU d / s "Skazka" preparatory group

William Shakespeare is an outstanding English poet and playwright. Lived: 1564 - 1616. The great playwright William Shakespeare said: "The whole world is a theater, and people are actors in it."

The first theater appeared in Athens, in 497 BC

In Rome, the first stone theater appeared only in 55 BC. ... Before that, actors and spectators were content with only temporary wooden buildings. The performances of the past few years resembled what we mean by the performance today. There could be only one actor on the stage, changing masks and playing several roles at once. The need for masks was due to the large size of the theaters, which could accommodate ten or even seventeen thousand people. It was almost impossible to see the actor's facial features from a long distance, and masks easily solved this problem.

Theater is a union of all arts, it includes music, architecture, painting, cinema, photography, etc.

There was no theater in Russia until the 17th century. Over the centuries, this cultural niche has been filled with rituals and folk holidays, which included elements of theatrical action, and buffoons, musicians, dancers, puppeteers, bear guides.

Types of theater

The first performance took place on October 17, 1672. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was so delighted that for 10 hours in a row he did not get up while the performance was going on. The boyars stood: in the presence of the sovereign, they were not allowed to sit down. The day before, the monarch received the blessing of his spiritual father, Archpriest Andrei Savinov, who assured that the Byzantine emperors also staged theatrical performances. It took Alexei a long time to convince him to allow the use of music, without which it is impossible to arrange a choir. The king reluctantly agreed. The court theater had no permanent premises. The authorities did not skimp on the costs of costumes for actors and sets for theatrical performances, but saved on paying for Russian actors.

Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich

Portrait of the founder of the first court theater Artamon Sergeevich Matveev. 1801.

Countries and peoples. Questions and answers Kukanova Yu.V.

Where did the first theater appear?

Where did the first theater appear?

The first theater appeared in Ancient Greece... It was a rather large open-air structure, where the seats were located in a semicircle above the stage.

In those days, the theater staged plays of only two genres - tragedy and comedy, which were written in historical or mythological plots... Women were not always allowed to attend such performances, and they usually sat separately.

There were no decorations on the stage of the theater, and all the roles were played by men performing in huge masks and on catturns - high boots, which gave grandeur to the figures of the actors.

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