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To g paustovsky stories. Konstantin Paustovsky, classic of Russian literature: biography, creativity. Reviews about the writer

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Konstantin Georgyevich Paustovsky(May 19 (31), Moscow - July 14, Moscow) - Russian Soviet writer, classic of Russian literature. Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. K. Paustovsky's books have been repeatedly translated into many languages ​​of the world. In the second half of the 20th century, his stories and stories entered Russian schools in the Russian literature curriculum for the middle classes as one of the plot and stylistic examples of landscape and lyric prose.

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    ✪ Lermontov 1943

    ✪ Film Kara Bugaz

    ✪ Wick "Talents and admirers" (1974) watch online

    ✪ Telegram, 1971, watch online, Soviet cinema, Russian film, USSR

    ✪ A day without lies



To help understand the origins and formation of creativity KG Paustovsky can his autobiographical "Tale of Life" in two volumes, a total of 6 books. The first book "Distant Years" is devoted to the writer's childhood there.

All my life with early childhood until 1921 is described in three books - "Distant Years", "Restless Youth" and "The Beginning of an Unknown Age". All these books form parts of my autobiographical Story of Life ...

Origin and education

Konstantin Paustovsky was born in the family of the railway statistician Georgy Maksimovich Paustovsky, who had Ukrainian-Polish-Turkish roots and lived in Granatny Lane in Moscow. He was baptized in the Church of St. George on Vspolye. An entry in the church register contains information about his parents: "... the father is a retired non-commissioned officer of the II category of volunteers, from the bourgeoisie of the Kiev province, Vasilkovsky district, Georgy Maksimovich Paustovsky and his legal wife Maria Grigorievna, both Orthodox people".

The writer's pedigree on the father's side is associated with the name of Hetman P.K.Sagaidachny, although he did not attach much importance to this: "My father laughed at his" hetman origin "and liked to say that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers plowed the land and were the most ordinary patient grain growers ..." The writer's grandfather was a Cossack, had the experience of a Chumak, who transported goods from Crimea to the depths of Ukrainian territory with his comrades, and introduced young Kostya to Ukrainian folklore, Chumak, Cossack songs and stories, of which the romantic and tragic story of a former rural blacksmith that touched him was the most memorable, and then the blind lyre player Ostap, who lost his sight from the blow of a cruel nobleman, a rival who stood in the way of his love for a beautiful noble lady, who then died, unable to bear the separation from Ostap and his torment.

Before becoming a Chumak, the writer's paternal grandfather served in the army under Nicholas I, was taken prisoner during one of the Russian-Turkish wars and brought from there a stern Turkish wife Fatma, who was baptized in Russia with the name Honorata, so that the writer's father Ukrainian-Cossack blood is mixed with Turkish. The father is portrayed in the story "Distant Years" as a not very practical person of a freedom-loving revolutionary-romantic nature and an atheist, which annoyed his mother-in-law, another grandmother of the future writer.

The writer's maternal grandmother, Vikentiya Ivanovna, who lived in Cherkassy, ​​was a Polish woman, a zealous Catholic who took her preschooler grandson, with his father's disapproval, to worship Catholic shrines in the then Russian part of Poland, and the impressions of their visit and the people they met there also sank deeply into the soul of the writer. My grandmother always wore mourning after the defeat of the Polish uprising of 1863, as she sympathized with the idea of ​​freedom for Poland: “We were sure that during the uprising at my grandmother’s they killed the groom — some proud Polish rebel who didn’t at all look like my grandmother’s sullen husband, and my grandfather — a former notary in the city of Cherkassy”... After the defeat of the Poles by the government troops of the Russian Empire, active supporters of Polish liberation disliked the oppressors, and at the Catholic pilgrimage, the grandmother forbade the boy to speak Russian, while he spoke Polish only to a minimal degree. The boy was frightened by the religious frenzy of other Catholic pilgrims, and he alone did not perform the required rituals, which his grandmother explained by the bad influence of his father, an atheist. The Polish grandmother is portrayed as strict, but kind and considerate. Her husband, the second grandfather of the writer, was a taciturn person who lived in his room on the mezzanine secluded and the communication with him among the grandchildren was not noted by the author of the story as a factor that significantly influenced him, in contrast to communication with two other members of that family - a young, beautiful , the cheerful, impetuous and musically gifted aunt Nadia, who died early, and her older brother, the adventurer uncle Yuzey - Joseph Grigorievich. This uncle received a military education and, having the character of a tireless traveler, not despairing of an unsuccessful entrepreneur, fidget and adventurer, disappeared from his parental home for a long time and unexpectedly returned to it from the farthest corners of the Russian Empire and the rest of the world, for example, from the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway or by participating in South Africa in the Anglo-Boer War on the side of the small Boers who staunchly resisted the British conquerors, as the liberal Russian public at the time believed, and sympathized with these descendants of the Dutch settlers. On his last visit to Kiev, at the time of the armed uprising that took place there during the First Russian Revolution of 1905-07. , he unexpectedly got involved in the events, setting up the unsuccessful shooting of the insurgent artillerymen at government buildings before, and after the defeat of the uprising was forced to emigrate to the Far East for the rest of his life. All these people and events influenced the personality and work of the writer.

The writer's parental family had four children. Konstantin Paustovsky had two older brothers (Boris and Vadim) and a sister, Galina.

After the collapse of the family (autumn 1908), he lived for several months with his uncle, Nikolai Grigorievich Vysochansky, in Bryansk and studied at the Bryansk gymnasium.

In the fall of 1909 he returned to Kiev and, having recovered in the Alexander Gymnasium (with the assistance of its teachers), began an independent life, earning money by tutoring. After some time, the future writer settled with his grandmother, Vikentia Ivanovna Vysochanskaya, who moved to Kiev from Cherkassy. Here, in a small outbuilding on Lukyanovka, the gymnasium student Paustovsky wrote his first stories, which were published in Kiev magazines. After graduating from high school in 1912, he entered the Imperial University of St. Vladimir in Kiev at the Faculty of History and Philology, where he studied for two years.

In total, for more than twenty years, Konstantin Paustovsky, "a Muscovite by birth and a Kievite by heart", has lived in Ukraine. It was here that he took place as a journalist and writer, as he repeatedly admitted in his autobiographical prose. In the preface to the Ukrainian edition of "The Gold of Trojand" (Russian "Golden Rose") 1957, he wrote:

In the books of almost every writer, the image native land, with its endless sky and the silence of the fields, with its brooding forests and the language of the people. In general, I was lucky. I grew up in Ukraine. I am grateful to her lyricism for many aspects of my prose. I have carried the image of Ukraine in my heart for many years.

World War I and Civil War

After the death of both of his brothers on the same day on different fronts, Paustovsky returned to Moscow to his mother and sister, but after a while he left there. During this period, he worked at the Bryansk Metallurgical Plant in Yekaterinoslav, at the Novorossiysk Metallurgical Plant in Yuzovka, at the boiler plant in Taganrog, from the fall of 1916 in a fishing artel on the Sea of ​​Azov. After the start of the February Revolution, he left for Moscow, where he worked as a reporter for newspapers. In Moscow, he witnessed the events of 1917-1919 associated with the October Revolution.

In 1932, Konstantin Paustovsky visited Petrozavodsk, working on the history of the Onega plant (the theme was suggested by A.M. Gorky). The result of the trip was the stories “The Fate of Charles Lonseville” and “The Lake Front” and a large essay “The Onega Plant”. The impressions of the trip to the north of the country also formed the basis of the essays "Country beyond Onega" and "Murmansk".

Having made a trip to the north-west of the country, having visited Novgorod, Staraya Russa, Pskov, Mikhailovskoye, Paustovsky wrote the essay "Mikhailovskie groves", published in the journal "Krasnaya Nov" (No. 7, 1938).

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On rewarding Soviet writers" dated January 31, 1939, KG Paustovsky was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor ("For outstanding successes and achievements in the development of Soviet fiction").

The period of the Great Patriotic War

In mid-August, Konstantin Paustovsky returned to Moscow and was left to work in the TASS apparatus. Soon, at the request of the Committee for Arts, he was released from service to work on a new play for the Moscow Art Theater and was evacuated with his family to Alma-Ata, where he worked on the play Until the Heart Stops, the Smoke of the Fatherland novel, wrote a number of stories. The production of the play was prepared by the Moscow Chamber Theater under the direction of A. Ya. Tairov, evacuated to Barnaul. While working with the collective of the theater, Paustovsky spent some time (winter 1942 and early spring 1943) in Barnaul and Belokurikha. He called this period of his life the "Barnaul months". The premiere of the play "Until the Heart Stops", dedicated to the fight against fascism, took place in Barnaul on April 4, 1943.

Worldwide recognition

In the 1950s, Paustovsky lived in Moscow and in Tarusa on the Oka. He became one of the compilers of the most important collective collections of the democratic trend during the Thaw "Literary Moscow" (1956) and "Tarusa Pages" (1961). For more than ten years he led a prose seminar in, was the head of the department of literary skills. Among the students at the Paustovsky seminar were: Inna Goff, Vladimir Tendryakov, Grigory Baklanov, Yuri Bondarev, Yuri Trifonov, Boris Balter, Ivan Panteleev. In her book "Transformations" Inna Goff wrote about K. G. Paustovsky:

I think about him often. Yes, he possessed the rare talent of a Teacher. It is no coincidence that there are many teachers among his passionate admirers. He knew how to create a special, mysteriously beautiful atmosphere of creativity - it is this high word that I want to use here.

In the mid-1950s, Paustovsky gained worldwide recognition. Having got the opportunity to travel around Europe, he visited Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Turkey, Greece, Sweden, Italy and other countries. Having gone on a cruise around Europe in 1956, he visited Istanbul, Athens, Naples, Rome, Paris, Rotterdam, Stockholm. At the invitation of Bulgarian writers K. Paustovsky visited Bulgaria in 1959. In 1965 he lived for some time on about. Capri. In the same 1965, he was one of the likely candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature, which was eventually awarded to Mikhail Sholokhov. In the book "Lexicon of Russian Literature of the 20th Century", written by the famous German Slavic scholar Wolfgang Kazak, it is said about this: "Scheduled delivery Nobel Prize K. Paustovsky in 1965 did not take place, as the Soviet authorities began to threaten Sweden with economic sanctions. And thus, instead of him, a prominent Soviet literary functionary M. Sholokhov was awarded. " .

KG Paustovsky was among the favorite writers of Marlene Dietrich. In her book "Reflections" (chapter "Paustovsky"), she described their meeting, which took place in 1964 during her speech at the Central House of Writers:

  • “… Once I read the story“ Telegram ”by Paustovsky. (It was a book where next to the Russian text it was English translation.) He made such an impression on me that neither the story nor the name of the writer, whom I had never heard of, I could no longer forget. I have not been able to find other books by this amazing writer. When I arrived on tour in Russia, I asked about Paustovsky at the Moscow airport. Hundreds of journalists gathered here, they did not ask the stupid questions with which I was usually annoyed in other countries. Their questions were very interesting. Our conversation lasted more than an hour. When we drove up to my hotel, I already knew everything about Paustovsky. He was ill at that time, was in the hospital. Later I read both volumes of The Story of Life and was intoxicated by his prose. We performed for writers, painters, artists, often there were even four performances a day. And on one of these days, preparing for the performance, Bert Bakarak and I were behind the scenes. My charming translator Nora came to us and said that Paustovsky was in the hall. But this could not be, because I know that he is in the hospital with a heart attack, as I was told at the airport on the day I arrived. I objected: "It's impossible!" Nora assured: "Yes, he is here with his wife." The show went well. But you can never foresee this - when you try especially hard, most often you do not achieve what you want. At the end of the show, I was asked to stay on stage. And suddenly Paustovsky went up the steps. I was so shocked by his presence that, being unable to utter a word in Russian, I could not find any other way to express my admiration for him, except to kneel down in front of him. Concerned about his health, I wanted him to return to the hospital at once. But his wife reassured me: "It will be better for him." It took a lot of effort for him to come to see me. He died soon after. I still have his books and memories of him. He wrote romantically, but simply, without embellishment. I'm not sure if he is famous in America, but one day he will be "discovered". In his descriptions, he resembles Hamsun. He is the best Russian writer I know. I met him too late. "

In memory of this meeting, Marlene Dietrich presented Konstantin Georgievich with several photographs. One of them captured Konstantin Paustovsky and the actress kneeling before her beloved writer on the stage of the Central House of Writers.

Last years

In 1966, Konstantin Paustovsky signed a letter from twenty-five cultural and scientific workers to Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, against the rehabilitation of I. Stalin. During this period (1965-1968) his literary secretary was journalist Valery Druzhbinsky.

For a long time, Konstantin Paustovsky suffered from asthma, suffered several heart attacks. He died on July 14, 1968 in Moscow. According to his will, he was buried at the local cemetery of Tarusa, the title of "Honorary Citizen" of which he was awarded on May 30, 1967.

In 1965, he signed a letter with a petition to provide A.I. Solzhenitsyn with an apartment in Moscow, and in 1967 he supported Solzhenitsyn, who wrote a letter to the IV Congress of Soviet Writers demanding to abolish censorship literary works.

Already shortly before his death, the seriously ill Paustovsky sent a letter to A. N. Kosygin with a request not to fire the chief director of the Taganka Theater, Y. P. Lyubimov. The letter was followed by a telephone conversation with Kosygin, in which Konstantin Georgievich said:


  • Father, Georgy Maksimovich Paustovsky (1852-1912), was a railway statistician, came from the Zaporozhye Cossacks. He died and was buried in 1912 in the village. Settlement near Bila Tserkva.
  • Mother, Maria Grigorievna, nee Vysochanskaya(1858 - June 20, 1934) - she was buried at the Baikovo cemetery in Kiev.
  • Sister, Paustovskaya Galina Georgievna(1886 - January 8, 1936) - was buried at the Baikovo cemetery in Kiev (next to her mother).
  • The brothers of K.G. Paustovsky were killed on the same day in 1915 on the fronts of the First World War: Boris Georgievich Paustovsky(1888-1915) - lieutenant of a sapper battalion, killed on the Galician front; Vadim Georgievich Paustovsky(1890-1915) - warrant officer of the Navaginsky infantry regiment, killed in battle in the Riga direction.
  • Grandfather (from the father's side), Maxim G. Paustovsky- a former soldier, participant in the Russian-Turkish war, one-man palace; grandmother, Honorata Vikentievna- Turkish woman (Fatma) baptized into Orthodoxy. Paustovsky's grandfather brought her from Kazanlak, where he was in captivity.
  • Grandfather (from the mother's side), Grigory Moiseevich Vysochansky(d. 1901), notary in Cherkassy; grandmother Vincentia Ivanovna(d. 1914) - Polish gentry.
  • First wife - Ekaterina Stepanovna Zagorskaya(2.10.1889-1969), (father - Stepan Alexandrovich, priest, died before the birth of Catherine; mother - Maria Yakovlevna Gorodtsova, a village teacher, died a few years after her husband's death). On the maternal side, Ekaterina Zagorskaya is a relative of the famous archaeologist Vasily Alekseevich Gorodtsov, the discoverer of the unique antiquities of Old Ryazan. About her (with a portrait) and her sister, buried in Efremov, see Shadows of an ancient cemetery - a former necropolis in Efremov and rural graveyards / Author: M. V. Mayorov, Mikhail Vladimirovich, G. N. Polshakov, O. V. Myasoedova, T. V. Mayorova. - Tula: Borus-Print LLC, 2015. - 148 p .; ill. ISBN 978-5-905154-20-1.

Paustovsky met his future wife when he went as an orderly to the front (World War I), where Ekaterina Zagorskaya was a nurse.

Name Hatice (Russian "Ekaterina") E. Zagorskaya was given to Tatar women from a Crimean village where she spent the summer of 1914.

Paustovsky and Zagorskaya got married in the summer of 1916, in the native for Catherine Podlesnaya Sloboda in the Ryazan province (now the Lukhovitsky district of the Moscow region). It was in this church that her father served as a priest. In August 1925, a son was born to the Paustovskys in Ryazan Vadim(08/02/1925 - 04/10/2000). Until the end of his life, Vadim Paustovsky collected letters from his parents, documents, and transferred a lot to the Paustovsky Museum-Center in Moscow.

In 1936, Ekaterina Zagorskaya and Konstantin Paustovsky broke up. Catherine confessed to her relatives that she had given her husband a divorce herself. I could not bear that he “got involved with a Polish woman” (meaning Paustovsky's second wife). Konstantin Georgievich, however, continued to take care of his son Vadim after the divorce.

  • Second wife - Valeria Vladimirovna Valishevskaya-Navashina.

Valeria Valishevskaya (Waleria Waliszewska)- sister of the famous in the 20s Polish artist Zygmunt (Sigismund) Walishevsky (Zygmunt Waliszewski)... Valeria becomes the inspiration for many works - for example, "Meshcherskaya Side", "Throw to the South" (here Valishevskaya was the prototype of Mary).

  • Third wife - Tatiana Alekseevna Evteeva-Arbuzova (1903-1978).

Tatiana was an actress of the theater. Meyerhold. They met when Tatyana Evteeva was the wife of the fashionable playwright Alexei Arbuzov (Arbuzov's play Tanya is dedicated to her). She married K.G. Paustovsky in 1950. Paustovsky wrote about her:

Alexey Konstantinovich(1950-1976), the son of Tatyana's third wife, was born in the village of Solotcha, Ryazan region. He died at the age of 26 from a drug overdose. The drama of the situation is that he was not alone in committing suicide or poisoning - there was a girl with him. But her doctors resuscitated, and he was not saved.


My writing life began with a desire to know everything, see everything and travel. And, obviously, this is where it ends.
The poetry of wanderings, merging with unadorned reality, formed the best alloy for creating books.

The first works, "On the Water" and "Four" (in the notes to the first volume of the six-volume collected works of K. Paustovsky, published in 1958, the story is called "Three"), were written by Paustovsky while still in the last grade of the Kiev gymnasium. The story "On the Water" was published in the Kiev almanac "Lights", No. 32 and was signed with the pseudonym "K. Balagin ”(the only story published by Paustovsky under a pseudonym). The story "Four" was published in the youth magazine "Knight" (No. 10-12, October-December, 1913).

In 1916, while working at the Nev Wilde boiler plant in Taganrog, K. Paustovsky began writing his first novel, Romantics, which lasted seven years and was completed in 1923 in Odessa.

It seems to me that one of characteristic features my prose is its romantic mood ...

... The romantic mood does not contradict the interest in the "rough" life and love for it. In all areas of reality, with rare exceptions, the seeds of romance are laid.
They can be overlooked and trampled or, conversely, given the opportunity to grow, decorate and ennoble with their flowering inner world person.

In 1928, the first collection of Paustovsky's stories "Oncoming Ships" was published ("My first" real book was a collection of stories "Oncoming Ships"), although separate essays and stories were published before that. In a short time (winter 1928), the novel "Shining Clouds" was written, in which a detective and adventurous intrigue, conveyed in a magnificent figurative language, was combined with autobiographical episodes associated with Paustovsky's trips across the Black Sea and the Caucasus in 1925-1927. The novel was published by the Kharkov publishing house "Proletary" in 1929.

The story "Kara-Bugaz" brought fame. Written on the basis of true facts and published in 1932 by the Moscow publishing house Molodaya Gvardiya, the story immediately put Paustovsky (according to critics) to the forefront of Soviet writers of that time. The story has been published many times in different languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR and abroad. The film "Kara-Bugaz", filmed in 1935 by the director Alexander Razumny, was not allowed for distribution for political reasons.

In 1935, in Moscow, the publishing house " Fiction"The novel" Romantics "was first published, included in the collection of the same name.

Regardless of the length of the work, Paustovsky's narrative structure is additive, “in selection”, when an episode follows an episode; the predominant form of narration is from the first person, from the point of view of the observer narrator. More complex structures with subordination of several lines of action are alien to Paustovsky's prose.

In 1958, the State Publishing House of Fiction published a six-volume collection of the writer's works with a circulation of 225 thousand copies.


  • Collected Works in 6 volumes. - M .: Goslitizdat, 1957-1958
  • Collected works in 8 volumes + extra. volume. - M .: Fiction, 1967-1972
  • Collected works in 9 volumes. - M .: Fiction, 1981-1986
  • Selected works in 3 volumes. - M .: Russian book, 1995

Awards and prizes

Screen adaptations


The first monument to K.G. Paustovsky was opened on April 1, 2010 also in Odessa, on the territory of the Garden of Sculptures of the Odessa Literary Museum. Kiev sculptor Oleg Chernoivanov immortalized the great writer in the form of a mysterious sphinx.

On August 24, 2012, a monument to Konstantin Paustovsky was inaugurated on the banks of the Oka in Tarusa, created by the sculptor Vadim Tserkovnikov from photographs of Konstantin Georgievich, in which the writer is depicted with his dog the Terrible.

The minor planet, discovered by N. S. Chernykh on September 8, 1978 at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and registered under number 5269, is named after K. G. Paustovsky - (5269) Paustovskij = 1978 SL6 .

May 31, 2017 marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of the classic of Russian literature Konstantin Paustovsky. The order on the creation of an organizing committee for the preparation and holding of events in honor of the significant date, chaired by Mikhail Seslavinsky, was approved by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications on November 11, 2016.

The organizing committee for the preparation and holding of events in honor of the 125th anniversary of the birth of K.G. Paustovsky, by agreement, the director of the State Literary Museum Dmitry Bak, director Vsevolod Bagno, director of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art Tatyana Goryaeva, director of the Moscow Literary Museum Center K.G. Paustovsky Angelica Dormidontova, curator of the House-Museum of K.G. Paustovsky in Tarusa Galina Arbuzova, head of the House-Museum of K.G. Paustovsky in the Old Crimea Irina Kotyuk and others.

On Paustovsky's birthday in 2017, the main celebrations were held at the Writer's House-Museum in Tarusa. In total, about 100 festive events took place throughout Russia in the anniversary year. Among them is "A Night in the Archives" at the Russian State Archives of Literature and Art (RGALI), where the guests were presented with the author's original manuscripts. An international conference dedicated to literary heritage Konstantin Paustovsky.

In the House-Museum of the writer in Tarusa there was an exhibition "Unknown Paustovsky". In the national park "Meshchersky" a route "Paustovsky's Trail" has opened (it is also planned to create a museum based on his work "Cordon 273"). The All-Russian Youth Literary and Music Festival "Tarusa Thunderstorms" brought together venerable and novice poets from many regions of Russia in Tarusa. On the occasion of the anniversary of the writer, postal workers issued an envelope with an original stamp.


Notes (edit)

  1. Nikolay Golovkin. The testament of Dr. Paust. To the 115th anniversary of the birth of Konstantin Paustovsky (unspecified) ... Internet newspaper "Century" (May 30, 2007). Date of treatment August 6, 2014.

KG Paustovsky, a writer and classic of Soviet and Russian literature, was born on May 19, 1892. And before getting acquainted with his biography, it should be noted that he was a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR, and his books have been translated into different languages ​​of the world. From the middle of the 20th century, his works began to be studied in Russian literature in secondary schools. Konstantin Paustovsky (photos of the writer are presented below) had many awards - prizes, orders and medals.

Reviews about the writer

Secretary Valery Druzhbinsky, who worked for the writer Paustovsky in 1965-1968, wrote about him in his memoirs. What surprised him most was that this famous writer contrived to live through the time constantly praising Stalin, without writing a word about the leader. Paustovsky also managed not to join the party and not sign a single letter or denunciation stigmatizing anyone with whom he communicated. And even on the contrary, when the writers A.D.Sinyavsky and Yu.M. Daniel were tried, Paustovsky openly supported them and spoke positively about their work. Moreover, in 1967, Konstantin Paustovsky supported Solzhenitsyn's letter, which was addressed to the IV Congress, where he demanded the abolition of censorship in literature. And only then the terminally ill Paustovsky sent a letter to the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers A. N. Kosygin in defense of the Taganka director Yu. P. Lyubimov with a plea not to fire him, and this order was not signed.

Konstantin Paustovsky: biography

To understand the whole life story of this amazing writer, you can familiarize yourself with his autobiographical trilogy "A Story of Life". Konstantin Paustovsky was the son of an extra of the railway, Georgy Maksimovich and Maria Grigorievna Paustovsky, who lived in Moscow in Granatny Lane.

His paternal lineage goes back to the family of the Cossack hetman P.K.Sagaidachny. After all, his grandfather was also a Chumak Cossack, it was he who introduced the grandson of Kostya to Ukrainian folklore, Cossack stories and songs. Grandfather served under Nicholas I and was taken prisoner in the Russian-Turkish war, from where he brought himself a wife, a Turkish woman Fatma, who was baptized in Russia with the name Honorata. Thus, the Ukrainian-Cossack blood of the writer was mixed with Turkish from his grandmother.

Returning to the biography of the famous writer, it should be noted that he had two older brothers - Boris, Vadim - and a sister, Galina.

Love for Ukraine

Born in Moscow, Paustovsky lived in Ukraine for more than 20 years, here he became a writer and journalist, which he often mentioned in his autobiographical prose. He thanked fate for growing up in Ukraine, which was like a lyre to him, the image of which he wore for many years in his heart.

In 1898, his family moved from Moscow to Kiev, where Konstantin Paustovsky begins his studies at the First Classical Gymnasium. In 1912 he entered the Kiev University at the Faculty of History and Philology, where he studied for only two years.

World War I

With the outbreak of the war, Paustovsky moved back to Moscow to his mother and relatives, then moved to Moscow University. But soon he interrupted his studies and got a job as a tram conductor, then he served as an orderly in hospital trains. After the death of his brothers in the war, Paustovsky returned to his mother and sister. But again after a while he left and worked, then at the metallurgical plants of Yekaterinoslav and Yuzovsk, then at the boiler plant in Taganrog or in a fishing artel in Azov.

Revolution, civil war

After that, the country plunged into a civil war, and Paustovsky was forced to return to Ukraine to Kiev, where his mother and sister had already moved from the capital. In December, he was drafted into the hetman's army, but after a change of power - to serve in the Red Army in a guard regiment, created from the former Makhnovists. This regiment was soon disbanded.

The path to creativity

The life of Konstantin Paustovsky was changing, and after that he traveled a lot in the south of Russia, then lived in Odessa, worked in the publishing house "Moryak". During this period he met I. Babel, I. Ilf, L. Slavin. But after Odessa, he went to the Caucasus and lived in Batumi, Sukhumi, Yerevan, Tbilisi, Baku.

In 1923, Konstantin Paustovsky was again in Moscow and worked for several years in the editorial office of ROSTA. Its printing begins. In the 1930s, he traveled again and worked as a journalist for the publishing houses 30 Days, Our Achievements, and the newspaper Pravda. The magazine "30 Days" published his essays "A Talk About Fish", "Zone of Blue Fire".

At the beginning of 1931, on the instructions of ROSTA, he went to Perm Territory, in Berezniki, for the construction of a chemical plant. His essays on this topic were included in the book "The Giant on the Kama". At the same time, he completed the story "Kara-Bugaz", which he had begun in Moscow, which became a key one for him. He soon left the service and became a professional writer.

Konstantin Paustovsky: artworks

In 1932, the writer visited Petrozavodsk and began working on the history of the plant. As a result, the novels "The Fate of Charles Lonseville", "Lake Front" and "Onega Plant" were written. Then there were trips to northern Russia, the result was the essays "Country beyond Onega" and "Murmansk". After a while - the essay "Underwater Winds" in 1932. And in 1937 the essay "New Tropics" was published in the newspaper "Pravda" after a trip to Mingrelia.

After his trips to Novgorod, Pskov and Mikhailovskoye, the writer wrote the essay "Mikhailovsky Groves", which was published in the magazine "Red Night" in 1938.

In 1939, the government awarded Paustovsky Trudov for literary achievements. It is not known exactly how many stories Konstantin Paustovsky wrote, but there were plenty of them. In them, he was able to professionally convey to the readers all his life experience- everything that he saw, heard and experienced.

The Great Patriotic War

During the war with the Nazis, Paustovsky served on the line of the Southern Front. Then he returned to Moscow and worked in the TASS apparatus. But he was released to work on the play at the Moscow Art Theater. And at the same time he and his family were evacuated to Alma-Ata. There he worked on the play Until the Heart Stops and the epic novel Smoke of the Fatherland. The production was prepared by the Moscow Chamber Theater of A. Ya. Tairov, evacuated to Barnaul.

For almost a year, from 1942 to 1943, he spent time in Barnaul, then in Belokurikha. The premiere of the play, dedicated to the struggle against the German conquerors, took place in Barnaul in the spring of April 4, 1943.


In the 1950s, the world recognition came to the writer. He immediately had the opportunity to visit Europe. In 1956, he was nominated as a candidate for the Nobel Prize, but Sholokhov received it. Paustovsky was a favorite writer. He had three wives, one adopted son, Alexei, and his own children, Alexei and Vadim.

At the end of his life, the writer suffered from asthma for a long time and suffered a heart attack. He died in Moscow on July 14, 1968 and was buried in the cemetery of the city of Tarusa, Kaluga region.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky; USSR, Moscow; 05/19/1892 - 07/14/1968

Konstantin Paustovsky is one of the most famous Soviet writers. His work, even during the years of the life of the writer, was appreciated all over the world. Paustovsky's stories and stories have been filmed more than once, and the writer himself was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. And now Paustovsky's books are so popular to read that this allowed him to take a high place among. And such works of the writer as "The Story of Life", "Telegram" and many others are included in the classics of world literature.

Konstantin Paustovsky biography

Konstantin Paustovsky was born in Moscow in the family of a railway statistician. He was the third child in the family, and there were four children in total. Paustovsky's father's roots go back to the name of the Zaporozhye hetman Pavel Skoropadsky, and therefore it is not surprising that in 1898 the family moved to Kiev. Here Konstantin entered the gymnasium. In 1908, their family broke up as a result of which he lived for one year in Bryansk, but soon returned to Kiev.

In 1912, Konstantin Paustovsky entered the Kiev University at the Faculty of History and Philology. Already at this stage of his life, the love of the future writer for literature poured into Paustovsky's first stories "Four" and "On the Water". In 1914, the writer was forced to move to Moscow, where his mother and brothers lived. Here he entered Moscow University, but already in 1915 he went to the front as a field orderly.

The reasons for the return of Konstantin Paustovsky from the front line were tragic. Both of his brothers died on the same day on different sectors of the front. In order to support his mother and sister, Konstantin first returns to Moscow. But the financial situation requires him to get a job and until the October Revolution, the writer is forced to work in Yekaterinoslavl, Yuzovka, Taganrog and in a fishing artel on the coast of the Azov Sea. By the way, it is in Taganrog that the first lines of Paustovsky's novel "Romance" appear.

With the beginning of the October Revolution, the writer got a job as a journalist in one of the Moscow newspapers. But in 1919 he decides to leave Moscow and return to Kiev. Here he finds himself first in the ranks of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, and then in the ranks of the Red Army. After that, he goes to his homeland - Odessa. And from here on a trip to the south of Russia. Only in 1923 did he return to Moscow. Here he gets a job as an editor at a telegraph agency and is actively working on his new works. Some of them are starting to be published.

Paustovsky earned the greatest popularity in the 30s. His works such as "Kara-Bugaz", "The Giant on the Kama", "Lake Front" and many others are published. Paustovsky makes friends with, and also receives the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

With the outbreak of World War II, he went to the front and how, with whom he corresponded and to whom he dedicated one of his stories, he worked as a war correspondent. But around the middle of the war, Paustovsky and his family were evacuated to Alma-Ata. After the end of the war, the popularity of Paustovsky's reading extended to Europe. After all, thanks to permission from the authorities, he drove around almost all of it. By the way, it was after the end of the war and almost until his death that Paustovsky wrote his autobiographical work The Story of Life.

An interesting fact is the acquaintance of the writer with Marlene Dietrich. During her tour in the USSR, she was asked about her cherished desire. Imagine the surprise of the journalists when she expressed a desire to get acquainted with Konstantin Paustovsky. After all, Paustovsky's story "Telegram" made an indelible impression on her. Therefore, the already sick Paustovsky was very much asked to come to her concert. And after the performance, when Paustovsky took the stage, Marlene Dietrich fell on her knees in front of him. But, unfortunately, asthma and several heart attacks completely crippled the writer's health and in 1968 he died.

Books by Konstantin Paustovsky on the site Top books

It is so popular to read Paustovsky's works that several of his books at once could get on the pages of our rating, but unfortunately Paustovsky's small stories cannot participate in the ratings of our site. So Paustovsky's story "Telegram" is so popular to read that he probably would have taken a high place in the ratings best works... In the meantime, the rating presents the main work of Paustovsky "The Story of Life", which, given the consistently high interest, will be presented on the pages of our site more than once.

Konstantin Paustovsky list of books

  1. Distant years
  2. Troubled youth
  3. The beginning of an unknown century
  4. A time of great expectations
  5. Throw South

We come across the work of Paustovsky while still studying at school. I would like now to plunge at least a little into the biography of this amazing and talented person... Parts of it are described by him in the autobiographical trilogy "The Tale of Life". In general, all of Paustovsky's works are based on his personal observation and experience, and therefore, reading them, you get to know many interesting facts... His fate was not easy, like every citizen of that complex and contradictory era. Most revered as the author of numerous children's stories and fiction.


Paustovsky's biography began on May 31, 1892, when the future writer was born. He was born in Moscow, in the family of Georgy Maksimovich Paustovsky, an extra of the railway. Mom's name was Maria Grigorievna Paustovskaya. According to his father, his pedigree leads to the ancient family of the Cossack hetman P.K.Sagaidachny. His grandfather was a Cossack Chumak, who instilled in his grandson a love for his national folklore and nature. Grandfather fought in the Russian-Turkish war, was in captivity, from where he returned with his wife, a Turkish woman Fatima, who was baptized in Russia under the name Honorata. Therefore, both Ukrainian-Cossack and Turkish blood flows in the writer's veins.

Life and art

He spent almost all his childhood in Ukraine, and in 1898 his whole family moved there. Paustovsky always thanked fate for growing up in Ukraine, and it became for him that bright lyre, with which the writer never parted.

The Paustovsky family had four children. When his father left his family, Konstantin was forced to leave school because he needed to help his mother.

Further biography of Paustovsky shows that he still received his education, having studied at the classical gymnasium in Kiev. Later, in the same city, he entered the university at the Faculty of History and Philology. After some time, he transferred to Moscow University and studied there at the Faculty of Law, in order to thereby supplement his education. But then the First World War began.

Paustovsky: stories

The writer begins his work with the story "On the Water", later it will be published in the Kiev magazine "Lights". During the war, Paustovsky had the right not to take part in it, since the two older brothers had already fought. Therefore, he remained to work in the rear and became a tram leader, then an orderly on a military train, on which he traveled in 1915 across Belarus and Poland.

After the revolution of 1917, he began his career.In the same period, a civil war began, and the writer first found himself in the ranks of the Petliurists, but then went over to the side of the Red Army.

After the war, Konstantin Paustovsky travels in the south of Russia. For some time he lives in Odessa, working in the newspaper "Moryak". There he meets such famous writers as I. Babel, S. Slavin, I. Ilf. Works at factories in Taganrog, Yekaterinoslavl, Yuzovsk. And at the same time he wrote his first voluminous story "Romance", which, however, will be published only in 1930.

And then he moves to the Caucasus and lives in Sukhumi, Batumi, Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan. In 1923 he was already in Moscow, where he got a job as the editor of ROSTA. Here Paustovsky's works began to be widely published.

In 1928, a collection of his works "Oncoming Ships" was published. In the 30s Paustovsky was actively published in the Pravda newspaper and in other magazines.

Paustovsky: stories

But he will continue his travels and travel around the country to reflect her life in his works, which will bring him fame as a writer.

In 1931, the famous story "Kara-Bugaz", written by Paustovsky, was published. Stories one after another begin to come out from under his pen. This is "The Fate of Charles Lonseville", and "Colchis", and "Black Sea", and "Northern Tale", etc. "," Taras Shevchenko "," Isaac Levitan "and others.

During the Second World War, he works as a military commander. After graduation, he travels between Moscow and Tarusa (Kaluga region). He is awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of Lenin. In the 50s, he went on a tour of Europe.

Paustovsky died in Moscow in 1968, on July 14. However, he was buried in the cemetery in Tarusa.

Personal life of the writer

Konstantin Paustovsky met his first wife in the Crimea, and her name was Ekaterina Stepanovna Gorodtsova. They were married in 1916. They had a son, Vadim, but twenty years later the couple broke up.

His second wife, Valishevskaya-Navashina Valeria Vladimirovna, was the sister of a famous Polish artist. They got married in the late 30s, but after quite a long time there was a divorce again.

Paustovsky's biography indicates that he also had a third wife - a very young and beautiful actress Tatyana Alekseevna Evteeva-Arbuzova, who gave him a son, Alexei.

Writer statements

Any statement about the language of the writer Paustovsky suggests that he was a great master of the Russian word, with the help of which he could “sketch” magnificent landscapes. Thus, he instilled in children and taught them to see the beauty that surrounds them. Konstantin Paustovsky also strongly influenced the development of Soviet prose.

For the story "Telegram" the movie star herself publicly knelt down in front of him and kissed his hand. He was even nominated for the Nobel Prize, which Sholokhov eventually received.

They are very curious where, for example, he said that in relation to a person native language you can accurately judge not only about his cultural level but also clearly present his civic position. It is impossible to disagree with his dictum, in which he said that there is nothing in our life that could not be conveyed by the Russian word. And here he is right: in reality, Russian is the richest language in the world.

Memory of descendants

Paustovsky's biography is such that in relation to the authorities he had a fairly principled position, but he did not have to serve time in camps and prisons, on the contrary, the authorities presented him with state awards.

In honor of the memory of the writer, library No. 2 in Odessa was named after him, and in the same city in 2010 the first monument was opened to him. In 2012, on August 24, another monument was unveiled in Tarusa, on the banks of the Oka River, where he is depicted together with his beloved dog named Grozny. The streets of such cities as Moscow, Odessa, Kiev, Tarus, Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, Dnepropetrovsk are named after the writer.

In 1958, his six-volume edition of the complete collected works was published with a circulation of 225 thousand copies.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky- Russian Soviet writer; modern readers in to a greater extent know such a facet of his work as stories and stories about nature for a children's audience.

Paustovsky was born on May 31 (May 19, O.S.) 1892 in Moscow, his father was a descendant of a Cossack family, worked as a railway statistician. Their family was quite creative, they played the piano here, sang often, loved theatrical performances... As Paustovsky himself said, his father was an incorrigible dreamer, so his places of work and, accordingly, residence changed all the time.

In 1898 the Paustovsky family settled in Kiev. The writer called himself "a Kievite to his liking", many years of his biography were associated with this city, it was in Kiev that he took place as a writer. The place of study of Constantine was the 1st Kiev classical gymnasium. As a student in the last grade, he wrote his first story, which was published. Even then, the decision came to him to be a writer, but he could not imagine himself in this profession without accumulating life experience, “going into life”. He had to do this also because his father left his family, when Konstantin was in the sixth grade, the teenager was forced to take care of supporting his relatives.

In 1911 Paustovsky was a student of the Faculty of History and Philology of Kiev University, where he studied until 1913. Then he transferred to Moscow, to the university, but to the Faculty of Law, although he did not finish his studies until the end: his studies were interrupted by the First World War. He, as the youngest son in the family, was not drafted into the army, but he worked as a tram driver on a tram, on an ambulance train. One day, being on different fronts, two of his brothers were killed, and because of this, Paustovsky came to his mother in Moscow, but stayed there only for a while. During that period, he had a variety of jobs: Novorossiysk and Bryansk metallurgical plants, a boiler plant in Taganrog, a fishing artel in Azov, etc. During his leisure hours Paustovsky worked on his first story, Romantics, during 1916-1923. (it will be published in Moscow only in 1935).

When the February Revolution began, Paustovsky returned to Moscow, collaborated with newspapers as a reporter. I met here October revolution... In the post-revolutionary years, he made a large number of trips around the country. During the civil war, the writer ended up in Ukraine, where he was called up to serve in the Petliura army, and then in the Red Army. Then for two years Paustovsky lived in Odessa, working in the editorial office of the newspaper "Moryak". From there, carried away by the thirst for distant wanderings, he went to the Caucasus, lived in Batumi, Sukhumi, Yerevan, Baku.

Returning to Moscow took place in 1923. Here he worked as editor of ROSTA, and in 1928 his first collection of stories was published, although earlier some stories and essays were published separately. In the same year he wrote his first novel - "Shining Clouds". In the 30s. Paustovsky is a journalist for several publications at once, in particular, the newspaper Pravda, magazines Our achievement, etc. These years are also filled with numerous travels around the country, which provided material for many works of art.

In 1932, his story "Kara-Bugaz" was published, which became a turning point. She makes the writer famous, in addition, from that moment Paustovsky decides to become a professional writer and leaves his job. As before, the writer travels a lot, during his life he has traveled almost the entire USSR. Meschera became his favorite corner, to which he dedicated many inspired lines.

When the Great began Patriotic War, Konstantin Georgievich also had a chance to visit many places. On the Southern Front, he worked as a war correspondent, without leaving literature. In the 50s. Paustovsky's place of residence was Moscow and Tarus on the Oka. The post-war years of his creative path marked by an appeal to the topic of writing. During 1945-1963. Paustovsky worked on his autobiographical Story of Life, and these 6 books were the main work of his entire life.

In the mid 50s. Konstantin Georgievich becomes a world-famous writer, the recognition of his talent goes beyond the borders of his native country. The writer gets the opportunity to travel across the continent, and he takes advantage of it, having traveled to Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Greece, etc. In 1965, he lived for a rather long time on the island of Capri. In the same year he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature, but in the end it was awarded to M. Sholokhov. Paustovsky, holder of the Lenin and the Red Banner of Labor orders, was awarded a large number of medals.